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Ron Ewart – Every American is A Criminal, or Soon Will Be

Every American is A Criminal, Or Soon Will Be

The time to defend our rights is long past due

By Ron Ewart, Thursday, March 11, 2010

“The more laws government passes, the more law breakers government makes.” Ron Ewart

We have repeated the following phrase several times in our articles, since repetition seems to
be the only way to get a message across. “YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT’S MAJOR
POWER OVER YOU” The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception
that YOUR money is their money.

The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by
force, against you.

But, the third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey their laws,
no matter how many they pass, or how unconstitutional those laws may be.”

From another article we wrote: “The consequence of too many laws is that huge segments of
the public are totally unaware of their existence. And yet, under the law, ignorance of the law
is not a defense.”

And speaking of too many laws, don’t you just love going to the airport and being treated like
a criminal ..... or a terrorist? Instead of taking care of the problem as the most powerful
nation on Earth, we turn little old ladies into criminals, as they are forced to take their shoes
off and are wanded all over their entire bodies. Then there are the poor souls who have the
misfortune of having had hip or knee replacements. They are required to almost undress,
while some gaping TSA agent scans every inch of their body and clothing and the immediate
crowd gathers ‘round to watch the virtual undressing, all the while muttering to themselves,
“thank God it wasn’t me.”

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Ron Ewart – Every American is A Criminal, or Soon Will Be

Why in the Hell don’t we use our unequaled American Military power to once and for all,
silence the terrorists by issuing a Presidential proclamation to all other countries and ratified
by the U. S. Congress, instead of enduring this senseless death by a thousand cuts. That
proclamation would simply state, “if a terrorist being harbored by a third-world or rogue
country, perpetrates a terrorist act against the United States, or its interests, the seat of
power of that country will be wiped off the face of the Earth, along with anyone in those
seats of power.” We damn near got Khadafi’s son in one of our raids. Too bad we missed him
.... and his father.

Sure it’s harsh, but just watch other countries clean up their act and take care of the terrorists
and terrorists cells in their own country, so that we don’t have to go to war to do it. Just
think, we could disband the useless Homeland Security. We could focus on protecting our
borders with our military, instead of sending our men and women off to war.

But enough of this saber rattling. Let’s get back to America and too many laws. Take the IRS
code, for example. The code contains thousands of pages of rules, instructions and forms,
many of which are in direct conflict with each other, or take a covey of high-paid lawyers to
interpret them. The IRS can’t even interpret them and if you ask 10 IRS agents the same
question, you will get 10 different answers. The insanity of such a system only serves to drive
up anger and frustration and drive down compliance. Thus, almost every law-abiding income
tax filer has broken one or more rules in the code and is subject to fines and penalties, if
caught. Cheating isn’t just an isolated instance, it is probably wholesale, as the anger and
frustration levels rise.

Environmental laws, traffic laws, behavior laws and millions upon millions of other local,
state and federal laws, virtually makes every single American a law breaker, subjecting them
to the potential for fines, penalties and even jail time. Environmental code violations have
become sacrosanct in the law and receive more attention than some violent criminal
violations. People have gone to jail for just putting some dirt or digging in a wetland and we
know of two such people who served time for this so-called “crime”.

But now, along comes Obama Care, Cap and Trade, and the new and improved Smart Grid.
Each one of these new laws will restrict American human behavior way beyond what our
Founding Fathers envisioned in their concept of individual life, liberty, dignity, equal justice
under the law and the pursuit of happiness, as codified in the Declaration of Independence
and the U. S. Constitution.

Obama care is the complete take over of the American Health Care System and thus control of
every aspect of human behavior, because every aspect of human behavior affects the cost of
health care, one way or another.

Cap and Trade legislation, or the Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations, will
take over the American energy industry through the control of greenhouse gas emissions and
drive the cost of energy through the roof, thus driving the cost of everything else through the
roof that is connected to energy. That’s virtually everything.

But Smart Grid, when fully implemented, will take away your control of all the machines in
your business and in your home. One of the provisions of Smart Grid will be a small
electronic circuit board placed in the appliances in your home that can turn the appliance on

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Ron Ewart – Every American is A Criminal, or Soon Will Be

or off, or adjust it one way or another, to compensate for loads on the power grid. You are
sitting there in your living room and suddenly you notice it is getting colder. That is because
the smart grid card in your furnace control unit has sensed an increasing load on the grid and
has re-adjusted your furnace from a comfortable 72 degrees to a most uncomfortable 60
degrees and you won’t be able to do one damn thing about it .... legally that is. Or you are in
Arizona and the outside temperature is 110 degrees, but the smart card, hidden in your
thermostat, turns off your air conditioner.

So much for free choice in America

And that’s not all. Sensing circuits will be placed in the power lines coming to your home and
business. If the sensors detect that you are taking more than your “fair” share, or exceeding
an arbitrary average, some arrogant bureaucrat from the newly formed energy agency will
come knocking on your door to investigate. Could this new agency be the energy Gestapo of
America? Will they wear brown shirts, we wonder?

But never underestimate the American ingenuity and their uncanny ability to flaunt a stupid
law. When automobile catalytic converters (CC’s) came on the scene around 1975, some
Americans removed them, or circumvented them in some way. It was illegal to “monkey”
with the CC’s but tens of thousands of Americans “monkeyed” with them anyway. Oh, and by
the way, the product of a CC is carbon dioxide (CO2) that now the government, in its infinite
wisdom, has declared a pollutant and will regulate its emissions no matter what it costs you.
Will the government then scrap the offending CC in its attempt to regulate CO2? Not likely.

Hey, it even gets “better” than that. Under Cap and Trade you will not be able to sell your
home until you get an energy audit from the government. If you don’t pass the audit, you will
have to make expensive repairs to bring your home up to the new “energy” code, in order to
sell it. Those repairs will cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars. Most people won’t
have those thousands and will give up trying to sell, or they will have to sell to the black
market at a much reduced price, who will then bring your home up to code and turn around
and sell it for a huge profit.

You ask, what is driving this insanity. We’ll tell you. The government, driven by national and
international radical environmentalists and a social justice mindset from the corrupt United
Nations and socialist Europe, is mandating efficiency and conservation of the American
energy supply system, instead of increasing our energy supply by allowing recovery of our
own oil, our own natural gas, our own coal and building nuclear power plants. Instead of
doing what made this country the most wealthy, the most powerful and the most generous
nation on Earth, government is going to deprive us of the life-blood of our commerce and our
economy ..... energy. In short, they are going to tighten efficiency and limit access to energy
for the purpose of conserving it instead of creating more. That, folks, is the policy of losers
and it is losers who are running our country. Some might say it is the policy of traitors. They
need to be replaced, and soon.

Let’s examine the unintended consequences of Obama Care, Cap and Trade and the Smart
Grid. A massive breaking of the laws will occur as people circumvent, cheat, and enter the
black markets. This author has the capability of removing the offending circuit cards from
the appliances and from the furnace control unit and would do so in a second. Giving up the
right of free choice is not an option.

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Ron Ewart – Every American is A Criminal, or Soon Will Be

I purposely don’t wear a seat belt in my car, not because it isn’t the smart thing to do. I don’t
wear one because the damn government told me I had to. It is my form of Gandhi’s passive

You see, I’m a free, independent and self-reliant American, not a government serf and I don’t
consider myself a criminal for going around, or circumventing, stupid, unconstitutional laws,
even if there is a price to pay if I get caught. The more Americans that resist this government
for exceeding its constitutional powers, the greater the chance we can relieve them of those

Remember; “The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey
their laws, no matter how many they pass, or how unconstitutional those laws may be.”

So we ask, will Americans bow down and capitulate to government’s laws or will they resist?
That is the question for all Americans who still consider themselves free men and women.
That is the question for those who still believe in our God-given natural rights of individual
freedom. Are they willing to defend those rights no matter what the cost? We will soon see,
as the time to defend our rights is long past due.


organization dedicated to re-establish, preserve, protect and defend property rights.

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Ron can be reached at:


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