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Saga Dawa

Saga Dawa Festival--the Birth of the Buddha

The Colorful Lingka Festival
The Dharma Festival
Saga Dawa Festival--the Birth of the Buddha ( 15th day of the 4th lunar month)
God in haven is believed to descend to the mortal world on this day.
Incense is burnt in large scales and picnicking is enjoyed in the
public parks.
The 15th day of the fourth month on the Tibetan calendar is said to
be the birthday of Sakyamuni, and the day when he died and
attained Nirvana. During this period, hundreds of thousands of
people turn their prayer wheels on the street in Lhasa, and then
paddle boats in the Dragon King Pool, and sing and dance in the
Saga Dawa Festival on April 15 marks the birth, transcendence and
death of Sakyamuni. Pilgrims and secular folks will visit Lhasa and
the festival is observed by turning prayer wheels, having vegetarian
lunch and a picnic by the Dragon King Pond. Folk entertainers will
perform Tibetan tradition; they will pay their homage to Buddha,
observe a vegetarian rule, refrain from killing domestic animals and
give out alms during the month.
The most important festival for Tibetan Buddhism, the 'Saka Dawa
Festival' commemorates Shakyamuni's Buddhahood and the death
of his mortal body. At every monastery sutras are recited and 'Cham' dances are performed. It is said that
good deeds in the month of this festival deserve 300 fold in return and this leads many people to donate
large sums to the religious orders, monasteries and to the beggars that gather at this time of year.
As the holiest in Tibet, there memorable occasions coincide on this day, Buddha's birth and Buddha's
enlightenment. Almost every person within Lhasa join in circumambulations round the city and spend their
late afternoon on picnic at " Dzongyab Lukhang" park at the foot of Potala.

Saga Dawa
Saga[1] Dawa (Wyl. sa ga zla ba) is the fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar. It is
considered to be the most important month of the year for practice since Buddha's
birth, enlightenment and parinirvana all fall within this period (according to Tibetan tradition).
The first fifteen days of the month are considered especially important.
En la Luna Llena del lunes 04 de junio se celebra el Saga Dawa.
En su iluminacin a la edad de treinta y cinco aos, en Bodhgaya, El Budha
proclam: "profunda paz, simpleza natural, no-compuesta luminosidad , he
encontrado un nctar como el Dharma".
Este da tambin marca el aniversario del parinirvana del Buda, Cuando Buda se
estaba muriendo en un bosquecillo en Kushinagara, rodeado por 500 de sus
discpulos, les dijo con su ltimo aliento: "Est en la naturaleza de todas las cosas
que tienen forma, disolverse de nuevo. Lucha con todo tu ser, para alcanzar la
En este da los efectos de las acciones positivas o negativas se multiplican diez
millones de veces.

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