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Emergency Alarms:

Tujuh pendek dan satu panjang pada bunyi

Seven short and one long sounding of the

Bunyi alarm terus-menerus.

A continuous sounding of the alarm bells.

Luangkan waktu membaca petunjuk ini untuk
memastikan kunjungan anda aman
Please take a few moments to read this guide
to ensure that your visit is a safe one.
Beritahu penjaga gangway akan kedatangan
anda dan isilah buku tamu
Please notify the gangway watch upon arrival
and remember to sign the visitor book.
Jika anda berkunjung sebagai kontraktor,
lapor pada pengawas pada departemen
If you are visiting the vessel as a contractor
please report to the supervisor in the
department where the work shall be executed

PT. Hacienda Offshore
Jl. Veteran No. 235 Gresik
Jawa Timur Indonesia
: (031)3974362
: (031)3971358

Semua alarm selalu diikuti dengan pengumuman dari

anjungan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan inggris
All alarms are always followed by a public
announcement in Bahasa and simple english from the
Ketika alarm berbunyi, segera menuju pintu keluar
terdekat dan berkumpul di muster point dengan
When an alarm is sounded please proceed calmly to
the nearest exit and down to the muster point on the
Alat Pelindung Diri :
Personal Protective Equipment :
PPE harus dikenakan pada area wajib PPE.
Mohon patuhi safety sign yang ada di kapal Personal
Protective Equipment must be worn when you enter a
designated PPE area.
Please follow the Safety Signs posted on the vessel.
Hard hat dan safety shoes adalah syarat PPE
minimum. Pengunjung menyediakan safety shoes
bagi dirinya sendiri.
A Hard hat and Safety Shoes are the minimum PPE
required. Visitors are expected to provide their own
safety footwear.
Ketika pekerjaan dilakukan di ketinggian, safety
harness wajib dikenakan
When work is performed aloft a safety harness is

Pekerjaan di dekat tepi kapal wajib mengenakan work

vest (dan Life line pada buritan kapal)
Working near the side of the vessel requires a life
vest (and lifeline at the stern of vessel).
Pelindung telinga wajib digunakan di area yang
terpapar kebisingan mesin.
Ear protection is also recommended and is
mandatory in areas where loud machinery is running.
Semua pengunjung diharapkan mematuhi kebijakan
PPE kapal
All VISITORS are EXPECTED to follow the PPE
policies of the vessel.
Permit to Work ijin kerja :
Jika pekerjaan anda meliputi bekerja di ketinggian,
kerja panas, kerja di tepian kapal atau memasuki
ruangan terbatas, anda membutuhkan ijin kerja dari
perwira jaga
If your work involves working aloft, hot work, working
over the side of the vessel or entering a confined
space YOU are required to get a Permit to Work from
the Officer of the Watch.
Smoking merokok :
Merokok tidak diizinkan di mana saja di kapal, dan di
daerah tertentu yang ditunjuk, kecuali di area
merokok. Ketika kegiatan bunker sedang berjalan,
merokok sangat dilarang diseluruh bagian kapal.
Smoking is not allowed anywhere at the vessel, and in
certain designated areas, except at the smoking area.
When bunkering operations are in progress smoking
is strictly prohibited throughout the vessel.

Incidents insiden :
Jika anda terlibat dalam keadaan bahaya atau terjadi
insiden pada saat anda dikapal, laporkan dengan
segera kepada Divisi HSE
If you are involved in a dangerous occurrence or an
incident occurs whilst you are onboard the vessel,
please report this as soon as possible to the HSE
Jika anda ragu akan sesuatu, mohon tanyakan
kepada crew dan meraka akan membantu anda.
If you are in doubt about anything, please ask any
crew member and they will assist you.

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