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Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University

Chemical, Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering

Time: 2 hours October 2008
Textbooks, notes, and dictionaries are allowed.

Write directly on these pages. Do not use any other blank pages or
answer booklets
1. Extract the thesis statement. Show in your answer the topic and the comment parts of the
Risk management is an important skill that can be applied to a wide variety of projects.
In an era of downsizing, consolidation, shrinking budgets, increasing technological
sophistication, and shorter development times, risk management can provide valuable
insights to help key project personnel plan for risks, alert them of potential risk issues,
analyze these issues, and develop, implement, and monitor plans to address the issues
long before the issues surface as problems and adversely project cost, performance,
and schedule. The manager should know the steps to effective risk management, and
create a viable risk management process and implement it on their specific project. As a
risk manager, you need to better evaluate an existing risk management process, find
some of the shortfalls, and develop and implement needed enhancements. Effective
risk management skills are not superfluous; they can lead to quality performance; in the
same way as total quality and continuous improvement do.
2. The thesis statement of the paragraph is:

3 points


3. The topic part of the thesis is:

2 points

4. The comment part of the thesis is:

2 points

5. Which part of the thesis (shown in 3 or 4) is developed?

5 points


Define the way to develop (WTD) of the part selected in your answer in 5.

5 points



Technical Writing B.Sc. Chem. Mining, Petroleum & Metallurgy May 2008

Page 1 of 3

7. Is the way-to-develop compatible with the developed part of the thesis (the part selected in
5)? Develop your answer .
5 points



8. The underlined sentence is dangling? ( ) yes ( ) no. Justify your answer.

8 points



BB Use the back of Page 2 for rough drafts.

Limit the writing to page 3 only.

Choose only ONE topic of the following to write an essay.

1. India will start very soon prohibiting smoking in public areas. The
legislators think that this measure will have many advantages. Other
think that this will restricts personal freedom. Do you agree or disagree
with this measure? Why? Why not? Give reasons and arguments to
support your answer
2. Some teachers encourage competition among students. Others help
students learn how to collaborate and study in groups. Which approach
do you think is better for postgraduate environment? Why do you think
so? Be sure to give specific reasons and examples to support your points
of view.
Your essay should consist of a minimum of three paragraphs: an introduction, body
paragraphs, and a conclusion
Make an outline for your essay. Make sure you use correct numbering in your outline.
Remember to save the last 5-10 minutes to proofread and edit your work.
You can use the back of the paper for brainstorming and planning.
Marks will be based on the following items of writing as specified hereunder
Topic Outline
Contents of the Essay
Grammar & sentence structure
Other Mechanics: Punctuation


Technical Writing B.Sc. Chem. Mining, Petroleum & Metallurgy May 2008

Page 2 of 3

For BB

(limit your essay to this page only)


Technical Writing B.Sc. Chem. Mining, Petroleum & Metallurgy May 2008

Page 3 of 3

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