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The trailer signifies that

Amanda Seyfrieds
character is the protagonist
as she is the first character
we see on screen in a close
up shot. There is then
another girl who appears
behind her but Seyfrieds
character is still clearly
dominant. Also, she appears
in most of the shots
throughout the trailer,
connoting she has the
biggest influence on the
narrative. There is also a lot
of zoom shots that go into
close ups of Seyfrieds
characters face and this
denotes her facial
expressions which therefore
signifies her determination
to drive the narrative, this
conflicts Laura Mulveys
theory of the mens gaze.
She states that men drive
the narrative and women
slow it down where in this
case it is clear the
protagonist is the female
character due to the camera
work. The camera clearly
tracks the protagonists
movement as she walks
across set to control where
the audience looks. Low
angle shots are used to
show her power and
dominance. There is also
a shaking
are used
of the trailer that fit with the
conventions of a thriller genre. For example, there is a gun
which signifies challenging
death and danger. There is also police
shown who has the classic iconography of trouble and
the protagonist
of the setting is also is in the woods which
which every
give the connotations
of mystery and secrets staying
hidden. protagonist
This will make
the audience intrigued into

There are a lot of jump
cuts used, even more
so towards the end of
the trailer. This
signifies the fast pace
of the action, it also
makes it clear to the
audience that there is
heightened action.
There is also a
flashback used and it
has a shaky frame.
This is in the middle of
the present narrative it
signifies what
happened in the past
is severe enough to
affect the present
narrative. It also
connotes there is
another story to be
told. It is clear the
trailer conforms with
Todorovs theory. At
the beginning of the
trailer there is the
equilibrium, a girl
making dinner plans
with her sister then the
disruption is that her
sister is kidnapped and
she believes it to be
the same man who
kidnapped her. Due to
this being in the thriller
genre the resolution
and new equilibrium
are unknown as the
producers need to
leave the ideology of
mystery in it to keep
the tension built and
audience hooked. A
montage sequence is
used to condense the
unveiling the potential secrets in the narrative. Majority
narrative without
of the trailer is set at night which typically signifies the
leaving any important
darkness overcoming the narrative. It could also connote
plot lines out. This
strange happenings as there is a full moon and in
makes it clear to the
audience what is in
There is a non diegetic piece of music used throughout the trailer; it is a dramatic piece
which is parallel to the images on screen. The music is also asynchronous and has an effect
on the audience by getting louder with heavier beats whenever something with heightened
action occurs. This also helps the audience distinguish between the equilibrium and
disruption (Todorovs ideology). The diegetic sound also links in with the iconography of the
police, I can denote there is a well spoken woman giving the description of a girl. The
description fits the one we can denote of the protagonist, this leads us to connote she is in

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