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A select bibliography






Amelang, James
Microhistory and its Discontents: The View from Spain, in Carlos Barros, ed., Historia a Debate (Historia a Debate,
Santiago de Compostela, 1995), vol. II, pp. 30712.
Amelang, James
The Myth of the Mediterranean City: Perceptions of Sociability, in Alexander Cowan, ed., Mediterranean Urban
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Amelang, James
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assaigs sobre la Barcelona moderna, trans. Jess. Villanueva (EUMO, Vic, 2008), pp. 243259.
Amelang, James
Looking Back: Books and Their Impact. Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms, in Sixteenth Century Journal
(special issue), 40 (1), 2009, pp. 3134.
Amelang, James
Tracing Lives: The Spanish Inquisition and the Act of Autobiography, in Arianne Baggerman, Rudolf Dekker, Michael
Mascuch, eds., Controlling Time and Shaping the Self: Developments in Auto Biographical Writing since 1750 (Brill,
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Appuhn, Karl
"Microhistory. The Encyclopaedia of European Social History, vol. 1. Ed.: Paul Stearns, New York: Scribner's, 2001.
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Appuhn, Karl
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Firewood Supplies. In Inventing Medieval Landscapes: Senses of Place in Western Europe. Ed.: John Howe and
Michael Wolfe, Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2002. pp. 7088.
Astarita, Tommaso
Village Justice. Community, Family, and Popular Culture in Early Modern Italy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1990.
Astarita, Tommaso
The Continuity of Feudal Power. The Caracciolo di Brienza in Spanish Naples. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Press, 1992.

Bcskai, Vera
A vllalkozk elfutrai. Nagykereskedk a reformkori Pesten. Budapest, Magvet Knyvkiad, 1989.
Behringer, Wolfgang
Chonrad Stoeckhlin und die Nachtschar. Eine Geschichte aus der frhen Neuzeit. Mnchen and Zrich: PiperVerlag,
Behringer, Wolfgang
Shaman of Oberstdorf. Chonrad Stoeckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night. Charlottesville: Virginia University Press,
Bell, David A.
Total History and Microhistory: The French and Italian Paradigms. In: Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza (eds.):
A Companion to Western Historical Thought (Chapter Thirteen). Blackwell, 2002. 262276.
Bell, Rudolph M.
The Voices of Gemma Galgani: The Life and Afterlife of a Modern Saint. (Coauthor: Christina Mazzoni.) Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Bennett, Henry Stanley
The Pastons and their England. Studies in an age of transition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Bensa, Alain
De la microhistoire vers une anthropologie critique. Jeux d'chelles. La microanalyse l'exprience. Ed. J. Revel pp.
3770. Paris: Gallimard, 1996.
Berenson, Edward

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A select bibliography

The Trial of Madame Caillaux. California: University of California Press, 1992.

Bergier, Jean Francois
Compter les hommes? [Counting people?]. Schweitzeriche Zeitschrift fr Geschichte [Switzerland] 23/2 (1973), pp.
Berry, Charles
The Reform in Oaxaca 185676. A Microhistory of the Liberal Revolution. Lincoln and London: University of
Nebraska Press, 1982.
Biersack, Aletta
Local Knowledge, Local History. Geertz and Beyond. The New Cultural History. Ed.: Lynn Hunt, Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1989. pp. 7296.
Blok, Anton
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Blok, Anton
Honour and Violence. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2001.
Boyer, Paul
Salem Possessed. The Social Origins of Witchcraft. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Boyle, Kevin
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Boytsov, Mihail (, )
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Brakensiek, Stefan
Frstendiener Staatsbeamte Brger. Amtsfhrung und Lebenswelt der Ortsbeamten in niederhessischen
Kleinstdten. Gttingen, 1999.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Drehbuch und Kommentar zu: Leben in einer kleinen Stadt. Enger 19381948. Produktion der Landesbildstelle
Westfalen. Mnster, 1997.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Imaginationen eines Mythos: Widukindbilder des Mittelalters und der Frhen Neuzeit, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt / Verlag fr Regionalgeschichte. Bielefeld, 2002.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Widukind Forschungen zu einem Mythos, hrsg. v. Stefan Brakensiek. Bielefeld, 1997.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Rekrutierung lokaler Herrschaftsvermittler unter wechselnden Vorzeichen: Die bhmische Herrschaft Neuhaus, das
ungarische Komitat Szatmr und die Landgrafschaft HessenKassel im Vergleich. In: Ergebene Diener ihrer Herren?
Herrschaftschaftsvermittlung im alten Europa, hrsg. v. Stefan Brakensiek u. Heide Wunder, KlnWeimarWien
2005, S. 97122. 2005.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Local officeholders in the Landgraviate of HesseKassel, 17501830. The significance of social networks for their
careers and daily life, In: Mlanges de lcole franaise de Rome 116/2 (2004), S. 577591.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Lokale Amtstrger in deutschen Territorien der Frhen Neuzeit. Institutionelle Grundlagen, akzeptanzorientierte
Herrschaftspraxis und obrigkeitliche Identitt. In: Staatsbildung als kultureller Prozess. Strukturwandel und
Legitimation von Herrschaft in der Frhen Neuzeit, hrsg. v. Ronald G. Asch u. Dagmar Freist, KlnWeimarWien
2005, S. 4967.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Stagnation? Die kleinstdtische Gesellschaft im frhen 19. Jahrhundert. Kurhessische und westflische Beispiele. In:
Kleinstadt in der Moderne, hrsg. v. Clemens Zimmermann (Stadt in der Geschichte. Verffentlichungen des
Sdwestdeutschen Arbeitskreises fr Stadtgeschichtsforschung 31), Ostfildern, 2003, S. 5370.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Frhneuzeitliche Institutionen in ihrem sozialen Kontext. Praktiken lokaler Politik, Justiz und Verwaltung im
internationalen Vergleich. Projektvorstellung, gemeinsam mit Josef Hrdlika u. Andrs Vri. In: Frhneuzeit-Info
14/1 (2003), S. 90102.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Grund und Boden eine Ware? Ein Markt zwischen familialen Strategien und herrschaftlichen Kontrollen. In:
Lndliche Gesellschaften in Deutschland und Frankreich, 18.19. Jahrhundert, hrsg. v. Reiner Prass, Jrgen
Schlumbohm u.a. (Verffentlichungen des MaxPlanckInstituts fr Geschichte 187), Gttingen 2003, S. 269290.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Juristen in frhneuzeitlichen Territorialstaaten. Familiale Strategien sozialen Aufstiegs und Statuserhalts. In: Sozialer
Aufstieg. Funktionseliten im Sptmittelalter und in der frhen Neuzeit, hrsg. v. Gnther Schulz (Deutsche
Fhrungsschichten in der Neuzeit, Band 25), S. 269289. Mnchen, 2002.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Marken und Gemeinheiten in Westfalen und Niedersachen. Verwaltung Bewirtschaftung Nachhaltigkeit, in:
Kloster Stadt Region. Festschrift fr Heinrich Rthing, hrsg. v. Johannes Altenberend u. Reinhard Vogelsang,
Bliefeld, 2002. S. 291314.
Brakensiek, Stefan

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Erfahrungen mit der hessischen Policey und Niedergerichtsbarkeit des 18. Jahrhunderts. Zugleich ein Pldoyer fr
eine Geschichte des Gerichtspersonals. In: Erfahrung als Kategorie der Frhneuzeitgeschichte, hrsg. v. Paul Mnch
(Beiheft der Historischen Zeitschrift 31), Mnchen 2001, S. 349368.
Brakensiek, Stefan
Kommentar zu Robert von Friedeburg, Lndliche Gewerbe, Landgemeinde und Unterschichten in Deutschland vom
spten 17. bis zum spten 19. Jahrhundert. In: Dorf und Stadt. Ihre Beziehungen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart,
hrsg. v. Clemens Zimmermann, Frankfurt am Main 2001, S. 173175.
Brewer, John
Sentimental Murderer. Love and Madness in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.
Brown, Richard D.
Microhistory and the PostModern Challenge. Journal of the Early Republic 23/1 (2003), pp. 120.
Brown, Judith C.
Immodest Acts. The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Brown, Irene Quenzler
The Hanging of Ephraim Wheeler. A Story of Rape, Incest, and Justice in Early America. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard
University Press, 2003.
Brown, Richard D.
The Hanging of Ephraim Wheeler. A Story of Rape, Incest, and Justice in Early America. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard
University Press, 2003.
Bucker, Gene
Giovanni and Lusanna. Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Burke, Peter
History of Events and the Revival of Narrative. New Perspectives on Historical Writing. Ed.: Peter Burke. University
Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.
Burke, Peter
Overture. The New History: Its Past and its Future. In New Perspectives on Historical Writing. Ed.: Peter Burke,
University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. pp. 124.
Burke, Peter
Talking Out the Cosmos [Review of Ginzburgs The Cheese and the Worms and Falassis, Folklore by the Fireside].
History Today 31 (1981), 5455.
Burke, Peter
The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy. Essays on Perception and Communication. Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Burnard, Trevor
Mastery, Tyranny, and Desire: Thomas Thistlewood and His Slaves in the AngloJamaican World. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina, 2004.


Castrn, AnnaMaija (ed.)

Between sociology and history. Essays on microhistory, collective action, and nationbuilding. Studia Historica,
number 70 (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2004)
Certeau, Michel de
La Possession du Loudun. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.
Chicago: University of Chicago, 20002.
Cerutti, Simona
La Ville et les mtiers. Naissance d'un langage corporatif (Turin, XVIIeXVIIIe sicle). Editions de l'E.H.E.S.S., Paris,
Cerutti, Simona
Microhistory: Social Relations versus Cultural Models? In: A. M. Castrn, M. Lonkila et M. Peltonen (dir.), Between
Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and NationBuilding, S.K.S., Helsinki, 2004,
Cerutti, Simona
Mestieri e privilegi. Nascita delle corporazioni a Torino, secoli XVIIXVIII. Einaudi, Torino, 1992.
Charle, Christophe
Microhistoire sociale et macrohistoire sociale: Quelques rflxions sur les effets des changements de mthode
depuis quinze ans en histoire sociale. Histoire sociale histoire globale? Paris, 1993, pp. 4557.
Chartier, Roger
Text, Symbols, and Frenchness. Journal of Modern History 57 (1985), pp. 682695.
Chiappelli, F.
Review [of Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms]. Renaissance Quarterly 34 (1981), pp. 397400.
Chin, Chuenfei
Margins and Monsters: How Some Micro Cases Lead To Macro Claims. History and Theory 50 (October 2011),
Cippola, Carlo M.
Faith, Reason, and the Plague in SeventeenthCentury Tuscany. New York: Norton & Company, 1979.
Clark, Anna

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A select bibliography

Queen Caroline and the Sexual Politics of Popular Culture in London, 1820. Representations 31 (Summer 1990), pp.
Cohen, Patricia Cline
Ministerial Misdeeds: The Onderdonk Trial and Sexual Harassment in the 1840s. Journal of Women's History 7 (Fall
1995), pp. 3457.
Cohen, Patricia Cline
The Helen Jewett Murder. Violence, Gender, and Sexual Licentiousness in Antebellum America. National Women's
Studies Association Journal 2 (Summer 1990), pp. 374389.
Cohen, Patricia Cline
The Mystery of Helen Jewett: Romantic Fiction and the Eroticization of Violence. Legal Studies Forum 17 (1993), pp.
Cohen, Patricia Cline
Unregulated Youth: Masculinity and Murder in the 1830s City. Radical History Review 52 (Winter 1992), pp. 3352.
Cohen, Patricia Cline
The Murder of Helen Jewett: The Life and Death of a Prostitute in Nineteenth Century NewYork. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1998.
Cohen, Thomas V.
Communal thought, communal words, and communal rites in a sixteenth-century village rebellion. In: Sociability and
its Discontents: Civil Society, Social Capital, and their Alternatives in late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Edited
by Nicholas Epstein and Nicholas Terpstra, Leiden: Brill, 2009, pp. 2350.
Cohen, Thomas V.
The Death of Abramo of Montecosaro. Jewish History (2005) 19: 24585 .
Cohen, Thomas V.
Love and Death in Renaissance Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, ix, 306 pp.
Cohen, Thomas V.
Reflections on Retelling a Renaissance Murder. History and Theory. December, 2002: vol. 41, no. 4: 616 .
Cohen, Thomas V. Cohen, Elizabeth S.
Open and Shut: The Social Meanings of the Renaissance Italian House. Bard. Graduate School of Design Journal. vol.
ix, no. 1 (fall-winter, 20012002): 6184.
Cohen, Thomas V.
Three Forms of Jeopardy: Honor, Pain and Truth-telling in a Sixteenth-Century Italian Courtroom. Sixteenth Century
Journal, XXIX/4 (1998): 975998.
Cohen, Thomas V. Cohen, Elizabeth S.
Words and Deeds in Renaissance Rome. Trials before the Papal Magistrates. University of Toronto Press: Toronto
BuffaloLondon, 1993.
Cohn, S.
Review [of Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms]. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 12 (1982), pp. 523525.
Cook, Harold J.
The Trials of An Ordinary Doctor: Joannes Croenevelt in SeventeenthCentury London. Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Corbin, Alain
The Village of Cannibals: Rage and Murder in France, 1870. Transl. Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge MA: Harvard
University Press, 1992.
Crane, Elaine Forman
Killed Strangely. The Death of Rebecca Cornell. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.
Cressy, David
Agnes Bowker's Cat: Travesties and Transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England. Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.


Darnton, Robert
The Symbolic Element in History. Journal of Modern History 58 (1986), pp. 218234.
Darnton, Robert
The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York: Random House, 1984.
Davidoff, Leonore
Kinship as a Categorical Concept: A Case Study of Nineteenth Century English Siblings. Journal of Social History,
Volume 39 (Winter 20052006)
Davis, Natalie Zemon
Fame and Secrecy: Leon Modena's Life as an Early Modern Autobiography. In: History and Theory, 27/4 (1988), pp
Davis, Natalie Zemon
On the Lame. American Historical Review 93 (1988), pp. 572603.
Davis, Natalie Zemon
Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales and their Tellers in Sixteenth Century France. Stanford, California: Stanford
University Press, 1987.
Davis, Natalie Zemon

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A select bibliography

Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenthcentury Lives. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Demos, John
The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story from Early America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
Duby, George
Guillaume le Maarchal ou Le meilleur chevalier du monde. Libbraire Artheme Fayard, 1984.
Duby, George
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Duden, Barbara
The Woman Beneath the Skin. A Doctors Patients in Eighteenth Century Germany. Translated by Thomas Dunlap.
Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.
Duggan, Lisa
The Trials of Alice Mitchell: Sensationalism, Sexology and the Lesbian Subject in TurnoftheCentury America.
Signs 18/4 (Summer 1993), pp. 791814.


Egholm, Liv
Mikrohistorie. Den Jyske Historiker Nr. 85 (august 1999) p. 2046
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Mdet i spil og til brug. Ludovico de Varthemas Itinerario mellem kategoriseringer, legitimeringer og
selviscenesttelse. I Kultur uden Centre Red. Anne Scott Srensen og Martin Zerlang, 2006.
Egholm, Liv
Peasant Diaries and Microhistorical Investigation. Writing peasants. In: Studies on Peasant Literacy in early Modern
Northern Europe. Ed. KlausJoachim LorenzenSmith and Bjrn Poulsen. (2003) p. 271284.
Egholm, Liv
Rejseberetninger som kulturelle tegn, en mikrohistorisk undersgelse af mdets betydning i teori og praksis. [Travel
Accounts as Cultural Signs. A microhistorian analysis about the meaning of the meeting in theory and praxis.]
Ph.d. afhandling. 2004.
Egholm, Liv
The microhistorical landscape. In: Microhistory Towards a New Theory of History. Red. Lene Wul og Liv Egholm
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Egholm, Liv
Liv Egholm & Lene Wul: A.D. Jrgensens Fdrelandsfortllinger en mikrohistorisk analyse. Claus Mller
Jrgensen og Carsten Tage Nielsen red. Historisk analyse nye teorier og metoder. In RUC (2001). p. 1957.
Egmond, Florike
The Mammoth and the Mouse: Microhistory and Morphology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Elliott, J. H.
Rats or cheese? New York Review of Books 27/11 (26 June 1980).
Endrei, Walter
Patyolat s poszt. Ruhzati alapanyagok a rgi Magyarorszgon. Budapest, Magvet Knyvkiad, 1989.
Englund, Peter
The Battle that Shook Europe. Poltava and the Birth of the Russian Empire. I. B. Tauris, London New York, 2003.
Erdlyi, Gabriella
Egy kolostorper trtnete. Hatalom, valls s mindennapok a kzpkor s az jkor hatrn. Budapest, MTA
Trtnettudomnyi Intzete, 2005.


Fernandez, James
Historians Tell Tales. Of Cartesian Cats and Gallic Cockfights. Journal of Modern History 60 (1988), pp. 113127.
Ferrone, Vincenzo
From Inquisitors to Microhistorians. A Critique of Pietro Redondis Galileo eretico. Journal of Modern History 58
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Findlay, Robert
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Firpo, Massimo
From Inquisitors to Microhistorians. A Critique of Pietro Redondis Galileo eretico. Journal of Modern History 58
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Foa, Vittorio
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Formes, Malia
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of Social History, 39 (Winter 20052006), pp. 467482.
Foscari, Antonio
L'armonia e i conflitti. La chiesa di San Francesco della Vigna nella Venezia del '500. Torino: Einaudi (Microstorie no.
6), 1983.
Fgedi, Erik
Az Elefnthyak. A kzpkori magyar nemes s klnja. Budapest, Magvet Knyvkiad, 1992.

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Fr, Lajos
A berceli zenebona, 1784. Budapest, Osiris Kiad, 2000.


Gandolfo, Romulo
Carlo Ginzburg: An Interview. Radical History Review 35 (1986), 89111.
Garbarini, Alexandra
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19391945: New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival. United Stales Holocaust Museum,
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Ginzburg, Carlo
Checking the Evidence. The Judge and the Historian. Critical Inquiry 18 (autumn 1991), pp. 7992.
Ginzburg, Carlo
with Poni, Carlo: Il nome e il come. Scambio ineguale e mercato storiografico. Quaderni storici 40 (1979), pp.
The Name and the Game. Unequal Exchange and the Historical Marketplace. In: Microhistory and the Lost People of
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
Proofs and Possibilities. In the Margins of Natalie Zemon Davis The Return of Martin Guerre. Yearbook of
Comparative and General Literature 37 (1988), pp. 114127.
Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
The Philosopher and the Witches. An Experiment in Cultural History. ActaEthnographicaAcademiaeScientarum
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
Das Schwert und die Glhbirne. Eine neue Lektre von Picassos Guernica. Frankfurt am Main, 1999.
Ginzburg, Carlo
History, Rhetoric, and Proof. The Menachem Stern Jerusalem Lectures. London and Hanover, 1999.
Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Ginzburg, Carlo
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Gonzlez, Luis
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Goodman, D.
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Gray, Marion
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Gregory, B. S.
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Grendi, Eduardo
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Grendi, Eduardo
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Gribaudi, Maurizio
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Gribaudi, Maurizio
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Gross, Robert A.
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Gundersen, Trygve Riiser
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Gyni, Gbor
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Hagen, William
The Moral Economy of Popular Violence: The Pogrom in Lww, November 1918. In: Antisemitism and Its Opponents
in Modern Poland. Ed.: Robert Blobaum, Cornell UP, 2005.
Halldrsdttir, Erla Hulda (ed.)
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Harbsmeier, Michael
Mikrohistorie et plaidoyer. Den Jyske Historiker nr. 85, 1999. s. 719.
Harbsmeier, Michael
Sygehistorier. Et stykke italienskamerikansk mikrohistorie. Rubicon 7. rg., nr. 2: 58. 1999.
Harline, Craig
The Burdens of Sister Margaret. Inside a Seventeenth Century Convent. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
Herrup, Cynthia
New Shoes and Mutton Pies. Investigative Responses to Theft in SeventeenthCentury East Sussex. The Historical
Journal 27 (1984), pp. 811830.
Herrup, Cynthia
A House in Gross Disorder. Sex, Law, and the Second Earl of Castlehaven. Oxford and New York: Oxford University
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Hindle, Steve
The Shaming of Margaret Knowsley. Gossip, Gender and the Experience of Authority in Early Modern England.
Continuity and Change 9/3 (December 1994), pp. 391419.
Ho Tai, Hue-Tam
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California Press. 2010.
Holt, James Clarke
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Hudson, P.
Industrialization in Britain. The challenge of microhistory. Family and Community History 2 (2001) pp. 516.


Jager, Eric
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Johanssen, Jens Christian V.
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K. Horvth, Zsolt
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