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Supervisor, Sevim SARAL


1 Behaviour...................................................................................................................4
1.1 Types of behaviour........................................................................................5
1.1.1 Innate Behaviour............................................................................6
1.1.2 Learned Behaviour.........................................................................9 Conditioning....................................................................10 Imprinting.......................................................................11 Insight Learning..............................................................12
2 Auxilary Sciences......................................................................................................13
2.1 Behavioral Ecology.....................................................................................13
2.2 Evolutionary psychology.............................................................................14
2.3 Comparative psychology.............................................................................14
3 From The Origins Of Animals To Sources Of Behaviours.................................15
3.1 Phylogeny and Behaviour..........................................................................15
3.2 Phylogeny and Courtship Displays............................................................16
4 Mammalian Social Learning.................................................................................17
4.1 Socially Mediated Learning Among Primates..........................................19
4.2 Social Learning In Marsupials..................................................................20
4.3 Social Learning In Elephants....................................................................22
4.4 Mother-Young Transmission in the Rabbit...............................................24
4.5 Social Transfer of Information Among Domestic Animals......................28
4.6 Examining more complex types of behaviours on Some Vertebrates.......31

4.6.1 Chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes)..................................................31

4.6.2 Dolphins (Delphinidae)..............................................................32


Many years passed since humans started to tame animals and some animals have

became so important in human life. Once wild human colonies had discovered dogs ( only an

example, especially the Canis lupus breed ), they have started to use them in hunting. Two

sides benefitted so the life of humanity with dogs started. Although, many other organisms

came into the life of humanity like cows, hens, cats, birds,… Dozens of years passed, the

fragments of behaviour are built after Darwin’s “ Origin of the Species” and there are many

species and many of them have their own behaviours and this knowledge came after the

theory of evolution. In 19th and 20th century people started to research about Animal behaviour

such as Jacob Von Uexkull, Nikolaas Tinbergen, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, B.F Skinner, Konrad

Lorenz, Jane Goodall, Marian Stamp Dawkins, Richard Dawkins and so on. What they do,

requires dozens of knowledge about all of the zoology and this means studying and

researching more. With very exciting facts Animal behaviour has been one of the fastest

growing diciplines of recent years. Furthermore, Animal behaviour is a subject rich in debate

and much of it fundemental to our understanding of biology as a whole.


What do we mean by behaviour, and what are the apparent aims of organisms

performing them? What do they think? Do they make plans? What emotions do they feel?

How do they communicate each other?

Behaviour is the product of animal’s sense organs, nervous system and muscles and it

is triggered by a stimulus, also an observable activity that an animal performs, ranging from a

simple movement to solving a complex problem. For example, daphnias move towards a light

source and usage of a tool in primates, a cheetah driving down its prey, the dazzling light

shows of cuttlefish, a parasitic spider stealthily snipping its booty from the web of

unsuspecting host, using complex tactics for hunting in African wild dog, courtship

behaviour in bird of paradise, altruism in honeybees, etc. Questions come to our minds easily;

how does cheetah choose its victim from the panicking throng around it? Do cuttlefish really

talk to each other? How do African wild dogs hunt in that coordinated way? Is the thieving

spider aware of its hazardous lifestyle? Do organisms know they exist at all? Do they make

future plans?

To conclude behaviour is;

“all observable processes by which an animal responds to perceived changes in the

internal state of its body or in the external world.” ( B.F Skinner, D.C Hebb)

Two ways of asking sensible questions about behaviour are composed of Repeatable

measurements and The function of behaviour patterns.

Repeatable Measurement is the measurements of behaviour in controlled

experiments in order into repeatedly recognisable and therefore measurable units. Despite the

level of complexity and persistence, every time individuals of same species give the same

responce, more or less. For example, moving a limb or batting an eyelid. They involve a

simple set of motor responces resulting a clear cut and seemingly isolated action.

The fuction of behaviour patterns looks like the complex version of repeatable

measurement. For example the display of bird of paradise and the helpful chimpanzee are

complex set of actions and because of a desired outcome like attracting a female, comforting

an infant. We can expand these behaviors such as searching for food, hiding from predators,

migrating home, exploring a cave,etc. As we observe each involves a diversity of actions.

1.1 Types of Behaviours

Basically there are two types of behaviours and they are called innate and learned

behaviours. I put these behaviours in the following figure.

Types of

Innate Learned
Behaviours Behaviours

Taxis – Non
Reflexes – Associative
Instincts Learning

Operant Classical Insight

Habituation Sensitisation Imprinting
Conditioning Conditioning Learning

As you see in the figure there are two types of behaviours; innate behaviours and

learned behaviours. Innate behaviour is any form of behaviour that has not been learned. Most

of innate behaviours serve for survival and reproduction. It results from impulse pathways

built into the nervous system. Instructions for the built-in impulse pathways are carried in

DNA of the individual. These instructions are common to a given species and are passed from

parent to offspring as an inherited trait. To conclude an organism can not choose to perform

an innate behaviour, it occurs automatically.

1.1.1 Innate Behaviour

Most organisms perform innate behaviour. For example, in simple organisms such as

the paramecium, sea anemone , and flatworm behaviour is almost entirely innate. However, in

more complex animals, only part of the behaviour is innate. The rest consists of learned


Also cells have a response to a stimuli. The ameba and the paramecium do not have a

nervous system but they are able to respond environmental changes. When a paramecium

bumps into an obstacle, it stops. Then it reverses its ciliary beating and backs away. Then it

turns and goes forward again. If the paramecium hits the same obstacle, it repeats the back-up

and turn. Eventually, it avoids the obstacle.

Similarly, the ameba avoids intense light by turning away. But it pursues a food

particle until it has enfulged the food. If the ameba loses actual contact with the food, it can

stil sense the location of the food by chemical stimuli.

As I have given the examples any movement by a simple animal or a protist toward or

away from a stimulus is called taxis. The movement of an ameba away from strong light is a

negative taxis. The euglena( a protist containing chloroplasts) moves toward light and it is

called a positive taxis.

Neurons develop connections that form a systerm as an animal develops. For the most

part, neurons do not change their connections with other nerves once the system is formed.

These fixed pathways in the nervous system are basis for a type of innate behaviour called

reflex. A reflex involves a receptor(sense organ) that detects stimuli and an effector( muscle

or gland) that produces a reaction. Nevre cells connecting the receptor and effector complete

the nerve pathway called the reflex arc. A given reflex arc always produces the same

responce. Reflex actions are simple, quick, and automatic.

In all animals with a nervous system we can observe reflexes. If you touch a hot

object, a reflex response causes quick withdrawal of your hand. A flatworm subjected to

electric shock automatically contracts. If a frog’s toe is pinched, the leg is always drawn

away. In all organisms reflexes protect by helping to prevent injury and by helping an

organism react to environmental changes. Reflexes also aid in the general functioning of an

organism. In complex animals reflexes account for only a small portion of overall behaviour.

In simple animals, reflexes account for a great part of the total behaviour.

Sometimes reflex arcs are linked to produce a complicated series of reflex actions. For

example the behaviour of the praying mantis(peygamberdevesi) in catching food is an

example. When a fly or other insect appears in the mantis’s field of vision, it turns its head to

face the insect. This is the first reflex. Then the mantis orients its body in the same direction

as the head which is the second reflex. If thw fly is close enough, the mantis instantly strikes,

grasping the fly with its front legs. The strike is the third reflex and takes only a franction of a

second. In this case, the stimulus triggering the turning of the mantis’s head is the sight of the

fly. The subsequent stimulation of receptors in the neck of the mantis results in the orientation

of the body to the position of the head. The strike follows the stimulus of alignment of the

head and the body. Thus, this series of reflex actions depends on a succession of particular


Certain behaviour patterns in animals involve a complicated set of unlearned activities

that occur in response to a stimulus or series of stimuli. Although these these behaviour

sequences are innate and are performed automatically. One example of this kind of behaviour

is nest building in birds. Such a comlex and inherited behaviour is called an instinct. To

conclude a taxis or a reflex are simple forms of behaviour that usually are limited to single


Instinct are associated with either individual or species survival. They often involve

activities related to feeding, defence or reproduction. The chief advantage of instincts is that

they provide an animal with ready answers to its problems of survival. This is important for

an animal with a short life span, because no time is required to learn vital responces.

Instincts are found primarily in vertebrates and complex invertebrates. Each species

displays its own characteristic instinctive behaviours, which are performed similarly by all

members. The migration of salmon up the same river in which they were hatched, the

communication dances of bees, the migration patterns of geese and the construction of a

hanging nest by the baltimore oriole are instincts unique to those organisms. Insects and

spiders are examples of animals whose behaviour is almost entirely instinctive. Spider’s

construction of its intricate web is an instinct. A type of can be identified as easily by its web

as by its anatomy.

Some spiders perform courtship rituals before mating. A male jumping spider may

perform a certain sidestep dance in front of his mate. An orb weaving male spider may strum

on the strands of a female’s web before approaching her. These ritualistic acts are instinctive

and appear to communicate the male’s intent to mate. Usually such behaviour prevents his

being eaten by the female.

In ınsects and spiders, certain complex acts are performed only once without

experience but it is correct. The caterpillar of the gypsy moth climbs upward when hungry.

Just before enterring pupa stage, it spins a particular type of cocoon in a series of steps

performed only once in its life.

In an instinct, often one activity triggers the next. Then we can say that each activity in

a behaviour sequence may depend on the previous activity, as in a chain reaction. For

example the reproductive behaviour of the three spined stickleback(fish) is composed of a

sequence of ordered stimuli and responces. After establishing a territory, the male builds a

nest. If an egg-laden female enters his territory, the male performs a zigzag courtship dance.

The female responds by swimming toward the male. The male then swims toward the nest

and the female follows him. The male then points to the entrance to the nest with his head.

This act stimulates the female to enter the nest. Her presence in the nest stimulates the male to

tremble and nudge her at the base of the tail. His trembling and nudging stimulate her to lay

eggs. The female leaves the nest, and the male enters and fertilizes the eggs.

1.1.2 Learned Behaviour

Learned behaviour is behaviour that changes as a result of experience. Experiences are

stored in the brain as memory and can be recalled. In learning, a recalled experience is used to

help modify behaviour in a new situation. Unlike innate behaviour, learning may permit the

animal to choose responces that are appropriate to the stimuli in any new situation. As a result

of learning, an animal can adapt to change.

We know that innate behaviour is controlled by genes however learned behaviour is

not controlled by genes. Heredity determines the type and complexity of the nervous system,

which controlls ability to learn. Animals with the most complex nervous systems exhibit the

greatest capacity to learn. Animals with relatively long life spans and long periods of parental

care show mostly learned behaviour as adults. In some animals, parents actually teach their

offspring for certain behaviours such as hunting in lions.

Learning has several forms. The first form I will mention is called habituation. In this

type of learning, an animal learns not to respond to repeated, unimportant, stimuli. Like

majority of animals in national parks and zoos eventually do not respond to humans.

With little or no thought humans and other animals learn to perform many complex

activities. Such an act is first learned and then repeated becomes automatic and is called a

habit. Writing, dressing, talking, cycling, swimming are all habits. Conditioning

Conditioning is a simple type of learning that changes behaviour through forming new

associations. One type called classical conditioning was first studied by the Russian

physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. For this type of conditioning, a new stimulus is paired

with the stimulus and response of a simple reflex action.The new stimulus, which does not

normally cause the reflex response becomes associated with the response by a process of

reinforcement or reward. This process results in the substition of thw new stimulus for the

original one.

We know that dogs normally salivate when they smell or see food. I don't know how

many people needed to wash their faces after caressing a dog. Secretion of saliva is a reflex

response. In studies carried out by Ivan Pavlov, a bell was rung every time dogs were given

food. The association of the bell with reflex response was reinforced by presenting food

immediately after ringing the bell. After a while, dogs would salivate upon hearing the bell

without the presence of food.

In Pavlov’s experiment, the food as the unconditioned stimulus. The ringing bell was

the conditioned stimulus. Salivation became a conditioned response. House pets ofter become

conditioned in a similar manner.

We call the type of conditioning in which animals learn to poerate or do someting by

associating the action with a reward, operant conditioning. Animals may learn to push a

lever, open a door, respond to a command, or perform other kinds of actions. In this case, the

conditioned response is a behaviour that produces the reward. At first an animal must be

motivated to seek the reward by performing the activity. The motivation is usually hunger.

B.F. Skinner, a psychologist, constructed a special cage with a food release

mechanism to study operant conditioning. A rat placed in a cage eventually learns that

pressing a bar releases a pellet of food. At first the rat explored its cage. This leaded to a

period of trial and error before the rat accidentaly performs the correct act which is pressing

the bar. By rewarding the rat for pressing the bar, the rat is more likely to repeat the act. The

rat learns to associate the action of pressing the bar with the reward of food. Because of the

initial period of exploration, operant conditioning is also called trial and error learning.

I train my dogs to perform some actions like sit, follow me, stop, lie down by

rewarding them for desired behaviour and punishing them for undesired behaviour. To the

animal, the absence of an expected reward is same as punishment. Their motivation comes

when I caress or feed them after doing the right action. I give their favourite food sausage

when they do a hard thing if they don’t do what I say I don’t motivate them with food. Imprinting

One simple type of learning that occurs in youngsters of certain species was

discovered by Konrad Lorenz in 1935. He found that newly hatched ducks, geese and

chickens follow and form a strong attachment to the first moving object they see. If the

moving object makes sound it is more likely to be followed. Forming an attachment to an

object or environment soon after hatching or birth is called imprinting. This form of learning

is rapid an cannot be reversed.

Imprinting in birds occur several hours after hatching. The young bird will follow the

object even over obstacles. Ordinarily, the first object that a young bir see is its mother.

Imprinting on the mother bird helps the young bird survive. This behaviour quickly

establishes a bond between the mother bird and her young and helps the young birds

recognise others of their kind.

The studies of Konrad Lorenz shown that ıf eggs are hatched under experimental

conditions, the young birds may imprint on a foreign object, such as a human, a mechanical

object or a dog. The young birds wll follow the object when it moves around. Also 36 hours

after hatching the period of imprinting passes and then the youngster cannot imprint on

another object.

Although imprinting was first described in birds, it is now known that it occurs in

other animals. Animals whose youngs are able to stand and walk shortly after birth, such as

buffalo, deer, sheep and goats; are capable of imprinting. Puppies that have human contact

during the sixth and seventh weeks after birth are easily trained and become good pets. That is

how humans tame wild animals such as dingos, wolves and etc. Insight Learning

Insight learning is the ability to create a solution to an unfamiliar problem without a

period of trial and error. The animal come across a new situation and uses memory of past

experiences to plan a response. Insight involves the application of past learning to a new

experience. Through reasoning, the animal is able to solve a problem different from any

previously encountered. Insight is found only in complex vertebrates.

One of the best known studies of insight learning involves chimps. A hungry chimp is

released in a room with boxes scattered around the floor and a bunch of bananas hanging from

the ceiling out of reach. The chimp finds that it cannot reach the bananas by jumping.

Eventually, it piles the boxes on top of each other under the bananas and then climbs the

boxes to reach them. Reasoning has resulted in the correct response to a new situation.

Chimps and monkeys are often succesful at solving problems on the first exposure to a new

situation. Most other animals, including dogs, fail at first.

The ability to reason is most highly developed in humans. Insight is involved in much

human behaviour. At first, young children solve problems by trial and error and by imitation.

This helps them in the mastery of many motor skills, such as tying shoes and putting on and

buttoning clothes. As children mature and learn, they begin to use insight learning to solve

problems. Insight learning in people is enhanced by the ability to Exchange ideas through

speech and written symbols. These skills give each person the ability to exchange ideas

through speech and written symbols. These skills give each person the ability to use someone

else’s experiences to solve problems which is an ability that is unique in the animal kingdom.


2.1 Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral ecology is the study of the ecological and evolutionary basis for animal

behavior, and the roles of behavior in enabling an animal to adapt to its environment (both

intrinsic and extrinsic). Behavioral ecology emerged from ethology after Niko Tinbergen (a

seminal figure in the study of animal behavior), outlined the four causes of behavior.

As Tinbergen (1963) pointed out, there are four different ways of answering the

question “Why do they do this?”.

• Function ( What is the behaviour for?): answers at this level are concerned with

what the system is designed to do. For example, its role in the life of an


• Mechanism ( How is the behaviour achieved?): answers here are concerned

with how the system operates in terms of underlying mechanism and


• Development( How does the behaviour develop?): these kinds of answer are

concerned with the way system reflects its embriological, cultural or other

developmental influences.

• Evolution ( Where has the behaviour come from?): here we are concerned with

the ancestral selection pressures and phylogenetic pathways that have shaped

and consteained the system.

2.2 Evolutionary psychology

Psychology is an older science than animal behaviour and it attempts to explain

psychological traits; such as memory, perception, or language; as adaptations, that is, as the

functional products of natural selection or sexual selection. Adaptationist thinking about

physiological mechanisms, such as the heart, lungs, and immune system, is common in

evolutionary biology. Evolutionary psychology applies the same thinking to psychology.

2.3 Comparative psychology

Comparative psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of

animal behavior. Modern research on animal behavior began with the work of Charles Darwin

and Georges Romanes and has continued to grow into a multidisciplinary subject. Today,

biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, ecologists, geneticists and many others contribute

to the study of animal behavior.

Comparative psychology often utilizes the comparative method to study animal

behavior. The comparative method involves comparing the similarities and differences among

species to gain and understanding of evolutionary relationships. The comparative method can

also be used to compare modern species of animals to ancient species.



3.1 Phylogeny and Behaviour

We have little trouble convincing ourselves that organisms have evolved along various

lines of descent from a common ancestor. Species share too many features of their

biochemistry, anatomy and other characteristics for this not to have been the case.

There is a problem with behaviour that we are largely stuck in present. It seems highly

unlikely that behaviour has not evolved along with the features preserved in the fossil record.

Unlike anatomy and morphology, however, behaviour leaves little or nothing behind in the

way of fossil evidence. We are left having to infer evolutionary history from the behaviour of

modern organisms. How can we do it?

We can compare behaviours across groups of related species. For example, extreme

courtship displays in peacocks and male pheasants were seen as elaborations of an ancestral

food pecking response, still shown in a basic form by present-day jungle fowl and domestic

chickens. We can compare them but, sometimes, it lack a crucial ingredient which is an

independent phylogeny. In principle, and with imagination, we could posit any number of

evolutionary routes through such a set of behaviours. To make a convincing case, we must

show that any proposed sequence squares with other, independent, evidence of evolutionary

change. A phylogenetic tree based on morphological or molecular evidence provides an

effective comparator.

Once we have a phylogeny, we are in a good position to look at evolutionary

relationships between behaviours. Behaviours shared by species close together in the tree are

likely to be shared through recent common ancestry. Those shared by widely seperated

species, where species in between show very different behaviours are likely to be shared by


3.2 Phylogeny and Courtship Displays

G.W. van Tets, was interested in the evolution of social displays in pelecaniforms, a

taxonimically complex group in which comparative studies of behaviour have been used to try

to unravel the evolutionary relationships between different species. He looked at courtship

displays, such as wing-fluttering and sky pointing and throwing the head back, that seemed

have their roots in flight intention movements.

Videos about the courtship behaviour of some animals are given in the CD that is

given with the homework.

4 Mammalian Social Learning

We are animals and to describe

deeper we are social animals and have

innate behaviours than other animals. Then,

what is mammalian social learning?

Mammals live in a wide diversity of

habitats, have much diversity in their social

systems, and eat a wide range of food. The

behaviour and products of experienced individuals may develop and modify their behaviour.

The acquisition and integration of such information, and the biobehavioral propensities that

faciliate it, are part of the biological complex of individual development, in many cases

throughout life. They are part of the adaptive complex of responsiveness to the environment

that has consequences for survival and fitness.

Generally, social learning has been used to refer to the social transfer of information

and skill among individuals; mostly the same species. It includes a wide range of functional

behaviour that includes learning to identify and respond appropriately to predators, learning

what to eat, where to find food, and how to process it, and learning how to interact with other

members of one’s social group and how to choose mates. Social influences, learning

mechanisms and the biobehavioural responsiveness that faciliate them vary with refrence to

the phylogenetic, ecological, sensorimotor and cognitive adaptations of different taxa. For

example, social influences involve the transfer of information, as from parents to their

offsprings (vertical transmission), as from adults to young animals older than their offsprings

(oblique transmission), and among age-mates (horizantal transmission). You can watch the

video of a chimpanzee calf, in the given CD attached to the homework. ( Chimpanzee;

Learning Tool Use)

Mechanisms of social learning vary extensively. These include oldfactory information

that is acquired in utero, during nursing and from faecal pellets. They also involve cognitive

mechanisms that include imitation and language. Individuals of different species may also

vary significantly in their opportunities for, and use of, socially mediated skills and

information; this has much to do with their biobehavioral propensities to respond to their


We clearly understand that socially mediated behaviour is ecologically relevant in a

very wide diversity of animal taxa, and that such behaviour is not necessarily more important

to groups such as the simian primates, which have long regarded as having a special position

in terms of mental abilities, than to many other animal groups. An important perspective is

that, we no longer consider simplistic phylogenetic associations about mechanisms and

fuctions of social learning. This perspective emphasises the importance of a functional

approach to consider to study comparatively in what taxa and under what conditions social

learning occurs and is relevant to the life strategies of individuals of different groups. Then, it

is important to study the occurance and fuction of social learning based upon specific

knowledge of biology of different species.

4.1 Socially Mediated Learning Among Primates

The fuctions of socially mediated learning concern the acquisition of skills and

information that enable individuals to adjust competently to the demands of their


Young primates of the two hundred and fifty or so species of living primates are born

into a wide diversity of habitats in predominantly tropical and subtropical regions. As a group,

they eat many different foods, and although there are species that primarily select insects,

fruits and flowers or foliage, and are thus relatively specialised in their diets, many species are

rather loosely described as generalist omnivores; they forage opportunistically on leaves,

fruits, flowers, seeds, grass corms, bulbs, gums, insects, eggs and a variety of vertebrates.

Primates are also born into a wide diversity of social organisational systems; they may

live predominantly with their mothers, in family groups or in units that are made up of many

individuals. Primate social systems include some of the most complex among mammals.

Further, compared with most other mammals of similar body size, simian primates have large

brains, long lifespans, long interbirth intervals, complex modes of parental care, and long

prereproductive phases of development, as in periods of adolescent sterility. The comparative

relevance of these characteristics raises a variety of issues. For instance, the fact that a notably

high proportion of the lifespan involves development after weaning and before reproduction

in the vast majority of species, leads to interesting questions as to why individuals should

delay reproduction for so long. Although there are other hypotheses, many people emphasise

this as a time in which individuals learn about the complexities of their habitats and their

social organisational contigencies before they invest in the demands of reproduction.

However, behavioral development also continues over the lifespan, and involves the continual

adjustment of individuals to the diversity of social and ecological features of their

environments. Competence in dealing succesfully with these demands involves acquiring

knowledge that includes that of other group members. There is so much to learn about the

social complexities of the species, sex and age, about cooperative and competitive behaviour,

mating and rearing offspring, about avoiding potential hazards such as predators and

inclement weather, and about obtaining food and other maintenance behaviours.

4.2 Social Learning In Marsupials

The social behavior of marsupials is

generally less complex than that of the placental

mammals. Marsupials do not vocalize to the same

extent as other mammals, and in most instances

they exhibit limited levels of social organization.

Many are solitary animals during their adult lives,

their social interactions confined to temporary

pair bonds.

Marsupials have a rich repertoire of communicatory acts involving all sensory

modalities, and elicited in a wide range of contexts commensurate with placentals. Oldfactory

communication is probably of greatest importance in most species, as expected in animals that

are predominantly nocturnal and solitary. This includes marking of individuals and objects in

the environment, often using specialised glandular secretions, which function in social

behaviour. Nasal touching is one of the most common forms of interaction in a range of

marsupial taxa. Odours facilitate individual recognition, denote group membership and allow

detection of female sexual condition by males. The use of visual signals is most marked in the

more diurnal species such as kangaroos and wallabies, which use various stereotyped

displays, particularly in agonistic encounters. Auditory signals are more widespread and

include use of the vocal apparatus and making sounds on the subsrate. The arboreal gliders

have particularly rich vocal repertoires. Contact and distress calls between mother and young

marsupials are common, probably more so than reported, since they are difficult to hear

unless observed at close quarters. Tactile communication, such as allogrooming, is most

conspicious between mothers and their young and during courtship behaviour, but is relatively

rare between adult conspecifics.

Most marsupials forage solitarily and do not display territoriality. A few species

typically aggregate in open groups, and only the gliding possums form closed membership

groups with defended ranges.

4.3 Social Learning In Elephants

Elephants are

among some

of the most



mammals as

well as being

the largest extant land mammal. The Asian elephant (Elephus maximus ) is currently thought

to contain three subspecies, one in dense forest patches of India and Southeast Asia, one on

Sri Lanka and one on Sumatra. The African elephant (Loxodanta africana) is on Africa.

African forest elephants tend to live in small family groups but they can gather into

larger groups in clearings where they come to obtain minerals. The family units of savannah

elephants are larger, and they frequently aggregate in larger groups. Asian elephants also live

in stable families, and these families may congregate in open areas of grassland or near water.

This family structure, with the potential to associate with other families in large aggregation,

is the basis for the fission-fusion society of elephant, which has implications for learning in

the social context.

Elephants have been tamed and

used by humans for at least the last 4000

years, and feature in art, mythology,

religion, logging and transport. One

striking feature of the process of elephant

taming is the use of already tamed

elephants as monitors and facilitators, and young captive-born animals are preferred for

taming. It can be suggested that the calm response of the monitor elephants initiates the

process of learning that the human handler is to be obeyed and respected. Other evidence for

the importance of the social contex in learning comes from orphaned Tsavo elephants, where

contacts with both humans and other older elephants provided information to translocated

orphans about the new foods in the area, where and when to forage, and how to avoid

dangers. Although anecdotal, in the absence of recent experimentation in elephant learning

abilities these examples suggest that it is the social context of development that should enable

us to understand, or at least speculate on, the conditions for the acquisition of knowledge;

about the physical, social and emotional world.

In the wild, African elephants face complex problems during their developmental

period. They have a period of nutritional dependence of 2-4 years, a period of social

dependence of about 10-16 years, and a lifespan of over 60 years. Elephant brains are large

and complex, with marked development of cerebrum, cerebellum and temporal lobes. The

size of a female elephant’s brain relative to body weight is over twice that expected for a

typical mammal and their neuroanatomy suggests that memory, communication and

coordination are all highly developed in elephants. Thus, learning and social communication

are likely to form the basis for their behaviour. The large body size of adult elephants,

combined with the specialised foraging organs of trunks and tusks, allows for the exploitation

of a wide range of foods, as well as the capacity for considerable selectivity. The complex

coordination of the trunk must be practised by infants, and how to apply that organ to

procuring appropriate foods from a specific environment must be learned. These are

challenges faced by young elephants where the required skills for foraging are probably far

greater than for most grazing ungulates. One interesting issue is whether the social context

contributes to the efficiency of food learning and in particular selectivity.

Elephant learning can be seen as the outcaome of an interaction between the intrinsic

behaviour of an individual, its social experience, and the accumulated social experiences of its

mother and family, in addition to the physical and biotic environment in which it must forage

and survive. The fission-fusion nature of savannah elephant socially provides a heterogeneous

social context within an ecologically variable environment. Calves mature in this rich and

varied social world and although males and females share the same family environment, they

differ markedly in their behavior and make different decision as they develop.

4.4 Mother-Young Transmission in the Rabbit

European rabbit

belong to the order

Lagomorpha, and is the

only Lagomorph known

to burrow and form stable

social groups.Two to 20

animals may share a

common underground

burrow system which

provides protection from

harsh environments and from predators. Although the rabbit’s lifestyle of communual

grazing suggests opportunities for social learning of strategies optimising feeding, this may be

restricted to transmission from mother to young, since adults of both sexes demontrate high

levels of intrasexual aggression.

Maternal behaviour in the rabbit represents a well organised series of events under

tight circadian and hormonal control. Towards the end of the approximately 31 day

pregnancy, the doe normally digs a short nursery burrow which she lines with dried grass and

fur pulled from her ventrum. Parturition is extremely rapid, usually lasting not more than 10

to 15 minutes for the birth of 10 or more pups, closes the burrow entrance, and only returns to

reopen it and nurse once approximately every 24 hours.

The nursing visit is extremely short, lasting only about 3 to 4 minutes. On entering the

nest the doe simply positions herself over the litter without giving the pups any direct

behavioral assistance to suckle. Towards the end of nursing she deposits a few hard faecal

pellets in the nest then jumps abruptly away from the pups, leaving them alone until the

following day. Mother does not brood them, cleans them little and does not even retrieve pups

which stray from the nest.

Female rabbits typically enter postpartum oestrus and can be mated again almost

immediately after giving birth. This means, at least in the wild, that they are often both

pregnant and lactating. While this enables does to raise several litters in a season, the sudden

weaning of the young at about day 26 associated with preparation for the arrival of the next

litter 4 to 5 days later means that pups have to make the transition to independent life with

little or no direct assistance from their mother.

This extreme pattern of maternal care may be explained by the fact that rabbits are

fugitive animals. Their main protection is to flee into the communal warren which , with its

many openings, offers some chance of escaping even predators able to pursue them

underground. In such a situation the new born young would be unable to escape, and it is

probably for this reason, as well as to protect the pups from attack by other females, that the

doe constructs a seperate and well disguished nursery burrow, the single opening of which she

closes after each visit. Most probably to reduce the risk of predators locating the nest and

trapping her and the pups there, the time spent with the young is kept to a minimum.

For the pup, however, such limited care

poses a range of problems, particularly as they are

rather immature at birth. They are born naked,

with eyes and outer ears sealed, amd with poor

motor coordination. By day 7 they are capable of

limited orienting responces to audotory stimuli,

and may also perceive light changes, although they only begin to open their eyes on day 9 or

10. They start to leave the nest when 13 to 18 days old, by which time they are able to

maintain a stable body temperature and have much improved motor coordination.

During the first and for most of the second week they start eating the faecal pellets

deposited by mother in the nest and also start nibbling the nest material. At first they simply

bite through the long stalks, reducing the hay to a kind of rough chaff but by the middle of the

third week clearly measurable amounts are consumed, and by the end of the fourth week

complete independence is possible.

Survival of the young under conditions in which they receive such limited care as

nestlings and little direct assistance in making the transition to independent life at weaning is

facilitated by what recent studies are showing to be an extensive range of oldfactory cues

provided by the mother. Also anatomically and physiologically new born rabbits are well

equipped to perceive and process oldfactory information.

Rabbit pups are able to drink up to 25% of their body weight in a short time and once

doe settle to nurse it takes only a few seconds for the pups to attach to the nipples. Their

search behaviour is highly stereotyped and is shown in response to any lactating doe at any

time of the day. While making rapid probing movements with the muzzle deep into the fur,

pups move across the doe’s belly with a sewingmachine like action until a nipple is reached.

By investigating the cues governing this effective orienting behaviour it has been

shown that an odour on the doe’s belly, the nipple search pheromone, is essential for the

release and maintenance of searching, for rapidly guiding pups to nipples and for nipple

attachment. Production of the pheromone is under hormonal controll, with the sequential

administration of estradiol, progestorone and prolactin to non-pheromone producing does

stimulating emission within a few days. The pups are very sensitive to these cues, which are

present not only on the doe’s ventrum but also in the milk. Testing the reaction of pups to

fresh milk presented on a glass rod, it was found that even milk diluted 10000 fold elicits

significantly more searching and grasping responses than cow’s milk or other odorants. This

dependence on maternal oldfactory cues explains why new born rabbits are so difficult to

raise by hand.

Although the pups do not need to learn postnatally the cues governing nipple-search

behaviour, they rapidly learn to associate other odours present on mother with suckling. Pups

nursed by doe whose ventrum has been scented with an artificial odorant quickly learn to

respond to this scent as to the pheromone itself. After only one such three minute pairing,

pups show the full search and suckling sequence when placed on the belly of a non-

pheromone producing doe or even a female cat scented with the experimental odour. In

contrast, control pups with no experience of the scent respond by crawling around or resting,

and cannot be induced to grasp nipples. Perception of both the pheromone and the learned

odour cues is mediated by the main rather than by the accessory oldfactory system.

This learning represents a form of oldfactory imprinting which is suggested by the

finding that responsiveness to learned suckling odours is retained for some time without

further experience.

Rabbit pups also learn odour arising from their mother’s diet. During pregnancy and

lactation the lab chow diet of doe’s was supplemented with either juniper beirries or thyme in

an experiment and in the end it is observed that it effected the diet of the pups.

4.5 Social Transfer of Information Among Domestic Animals

Most domestic animals are especially social species such as dogs, cats and

sometimes sheeps.There are several questions concerning the fundemental likelihood

that there is social transfer of information within groups of domestic animals. Firstly,

is information about the knowledge or actions of group members of value to an

individual in the group? Secondly, have individuals the ability to detect and respond to

actions or other cues from others, some of which may be very subtle? Thirdly, do

individuals respond to group members and to what information? In some

circumstances, in order to use information effectively it is necessary to recognise

individuals and respond to them differentially so a fourth question is whether or not

this is possible. Since it will often be difficult to evaluate potentially availible

information and to act on it appropriately, a fifth question is whether or not the

animals have cognitive ability to do so.

Information which might be obtained from conspecifics, which would normally

be other members of the social group in domestic animals, can be of value in defence

against predators, finding appropriate food, finding suitable places to nest, modifying

the physical environment effectively, and selecting an appropriate mate or social

companions. Some of these biologically important functions are often overlooked by

the owners of domestic animals but they are no less important to the animal because of


In most of the studies, individual recognition is evident because a behavioral

response is shown, but there are also some physiological studies which provide

information about the sensory and analytical basis for recognition. Unit recording

studies by Kendrick and Balwin (1987) show that sheeps have cells in their temporal

cortex whose response is specialised for the detection of sheep in general, sheep with

horns, individual sheep, humans or dogs. The cell which responds to a familiar,

individual sheep but not to unknown sheep could be responding to the set of familiar

visual cues.

Studies of social interactions in other farm animal species also provide

avidence for individual recognition. Subordinate sows in a group, fed with an

electronic feeder which recognises the transponders worn by individual sows, will

look out from a place where they are inconspicious and approach the feeder only if

certain potentially aggressive individuals are not in the vicinity of the feeder. The

subordinate sows may adopt either a fight back or a submission and avoidence strategy

but diffrential responses to individuals occur, probably according to the possibility of

an attack and often before that individual has indicated that it recognises the presence

of the subordinate.

Some examples of recognition with associated appropriate responses indicate

impressive sensory ability. For example, dog distiguishing individual humans, even

identical twins, by odour after exposure to an item of clothing . The dog is able to

retain information about odour characteristics availible on the item of clothing and to

distinguish these same characteristics in one person out of a series of people sniffed.

Hence this is recognition of an individual scent pattern with no necessity for any wider

concept of that individual, but the recognition of cohabiting humans by pet dogs is

likely to involve elaborate concepts of those individual humans. The recognition and

responces reported for a dog in a recent study are particularly remarkable. A pet dog at

home and its owner at work were video recorded smiltaneously. The owner worked at

various distances from home and might return at any time during a three hour period

but when the owner’s behaviour indicated the intention of returning, the dog stood up

and walked to the door. Since the frequency with which the dog showed this behaviour

at other times was low, some form of communication between owner and dog is


4.6 Examining more complex types of behaviours on Some

4.6.1 Chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes)

Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of the humans and they share 98 percent

same genes with humans. They are highly intelligent, social animals with a startlingly

complex culture. They live in stable communities which range in size from 15 to 150

members, although individuals tend to travel and forage in much smaller groups. Males stay

in their natal community for life and male relationships are ordered in a strict linear hierarchy,

which allows many disputes to be settled without the need for violence; males are also

dominant over all of the females in the group. Chimps are long-lived and do not reach sexual

maturity until they are around 10 to 11 years old, with inter-birth intervals of around five

years. Young chimps develop slowly and are weaned at around four years old, although they

retain strong ties with their mother after this.

They feed mainly on fruit and mostly active in the day. Meat is a favourite food for

chimps and groups will cooperate together to hunt and kill monkeys. They are in a minor

group that use tools and also they exhibit complex communication in the form of expressions,

postures and calls, social grooming is vital for maintaining bonds between individuals.

For more video format behaviours, please look at the CD attached to the homework.

4.6.2 Dolphins (Delphinidae)

Social Behaviour:

Dolphins live in groups called pods. A pod is a cohesive long-term social unit. The

size of a pod varies significantly with its composition.

In the wild, pod composition and structure are based largely on age, sex, and

reproductive condition.

Dolphins in a pod appear to establish strong social bonds. Behavioral studies suggest

that certain animals prefer association with each other and recognize each other after periods

of separation. Mother-calf bonds are long-lasting; a calf typically stays with its mother three

to six years or more. Adult male pair bonds are strong and long-lasting. Male pairs often

engage in a number of cooperative behaviors.

Dolphins have been seen jumping as high as 4.9 m from the surface of the water and

landing on their backs or sides, in a behavior called a breach. Both young and old dolphins

chase one another, carry objects around, toss seaweed to one another, and use objects to

solicit interaction. Such activity may be practice for catching food.

Bottlenose dolphins have been seen in groups of toothed whales such as pilot whales,
spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, and rough-toothed dolphins.

They also ride the pressure waves of gray whales, humpback whales, and right whales.

Dolphins respond to sharks with tolerance, avoidance, and aggression. Tiger sharks

elicit the strongest responses from dolphins. Researchers have observed dolphins attacking,

and sometimes killing, sharks in the wild.

Sound production: Dolphins rely heavily on sound production and reception to navigate,

communicate, and hunt in dark or murky waters, all these functions can be done at the same

time. The larynx does not possess vocal cords, it is theorized that at least some sound

production originates there. Early studies suggested that whistles were generated in the larynx

while clicks were produced in the nasal sac region. The frequency of the sounds produced by

a bottlenose dolphin ranges from 0.25 to 150 kHz.

Intelligence: Bottlenose dolphins possess one of the highest ratios of brain size to body mass

in the animal world. Dolphin intelligence still requires further research, but so far studies have

shown that dolphins are smart, highly social animals. Dolphins have shown that they are self-

aware. This means that they are able to recognize themselves in a mirror. whereas other

species would think they are looking at another animal. Bottlenose dolphins also have shown

language comprehension abilities. They identify themselves with a signature whistle.


1. BARNARD, Chris “ Animal Behaviour/ Mechanism,

Development, Function and evolution”

2. Bernstein “Biology”

3. Box and Gibson “ Mammalian Social Learning/ Comparative

and Ecological Perspectives”

4. Dawkins, Richard “ The Selfish Gene”

5. Dawkins, Marian Stamp “ For your eyes only”

6. CD/Geo, Dijital Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi

7. Krogh “ Biology/A guide to the Natural World”

8. Lorenz, Konrad “ Ve insan köpekle tanıştı”

9. National Geographic Türkiye, No: 84, page number: 180-200

10. National Geographic Türkiye, No: 75, page number: 112-131,


11.DVD/Planet Earth, Mammals Disc 1-2-3-4

12.CD/ National Geographic “Yunusların Vahşi Yüzü”



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