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ALL Planets

The Sanskrit word for planet is graha, which means seizing, laying hold of, holding,
obtaining, perceiving, apprehending, or grasping. The English word to grab comes from
the same root word. While the word planet does not include the Sun and the Moon, the
word graha includes the luminaries. There are nine basic grahas in Jyotia. They are
called grahas as they are that which is controlling the effect of elements in the material,
pranic and mental plane. They are the instruments, through which the law of karma is
Each planet has so many indications that it is impossible to list them all. Everything in
the entire encyclopedia can be gone through and divided into one of the nine planets. Yet,
lists are given to help get an understanding of a planets energies and actions. Various
authors will disagree on certain significations, so the important point is to not become
attached to a particular form but understand how a planet significates an object/subject.
Significations will also go into infinite subgroups.
Forests are ruled by Leo, but the trees are ruled by Mercury. The wood to be used for
carpentry is ruled by Jupiter. The act of building is ruled by Saturn. The architectural
structure is ruled by Sun. The architect/engineer is ruled by Mars. The finished house is
ruled by Ketu. While the land a home is build on is ruled by Mars. The Feng Shui (vastu)
of the property is ruled by Saturn. The herbs in the garden are ruled by the Moon, while
the gems buried beneath the ground are ruled by Saturn.
In the forest there are many trees. Fruiting trees are ruled by Jupiter, while fruitless trees
are ruled by Mercury. Thorny trees are ruled by Mars. Decorative trees are ruled by
Venus. Barren trees are ruled by Saturn. Strong trees with thick trunks are ruled by the
Sun. In the same way the natural significator of houses is Ketu, yet with in that
signification Moon and Venus give a luxurious house. Mars gives a house made of
bricks, Jupiter gives a house made of wood, Sun gives a straw bail house, and Saturn
gives a house made of stones. If you didnt know what type of house Jupiter gave you
could surmise that since he rules wood, that he would give a house with abundant wood
work. In this way, the natural significations of the planets should be understood in a
useable and applicable way.
The significations of the navagraha (nine planets) listed below come from BPHS, Uttar
Kalmta, Prana Marga and other classic texts. There is brief mention of other planets
for one's holistic understanding based on various sources and general beliefs.
Srya (Sun)
Paraara describes the Sun as having sweet brown colored eyes (madhupigala) and a
square figure, his constitution is pitta, he is intelligent (dhman), masculine, and tends
towards baldness (alpakacha).
-BPHS, Graha Guasvarpa Adhyya, verse 23

Significations of the Sun are: The soul (atman), power (shakta), roughness/sharpness
(tka), difficult to approach/fortress (durga), strength (bala), heat, splendour, excelling,
distinguished (prabhava), fire (agni), worship of iva, firmness/constancy/courage
(dhairya), protector against wickedness (dauatha), having royal favor (rjarayatva),
fierce/ pungent/sharp (kau), aged/full grown (vddhatva), Cattle (pau), Land (bhu),
Father (pit); splendour/light/lustre (ruchi), knowledge (jana), rising/coming forth /
appearance (udaya), skyward glance (vyomadk), fear creator (bhirutpanna), land of
mankind (manuya loka), square shape (chatura), Bone (skeletal system); Valour; Grass;
The Belly; Strenuous Effort; Forest; Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Eye
(right); Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Quadruped (also the birds); King;
Travelling; Dealing; Bite; Scorch; Circular Shape; Eye Disease; Body (vitality in the
body); Timber (wood); Mental Purity; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign);
Freedom Form Disease; Lord Of Saurashtra State; Ornaments; Disease In The Head;
Precious stones (gems); Lord Of Sky; Short Like A Dwarf; Lord Of The Eastern
Direction; Copper; Blood; Kingdom; Red Cloth; Stone; Public Life; River Bank; Ruby;
Strong At Mid-Day (Noon); Eastern Direction; Mouth; Long Standing Anger; Capture Of
The Enemy; Sattvik (Pure); Red Chandan Or Saffron; Hostility; Thick Cord
Medical Significations: Asthi dhatu. Head, right eye, circulation, heart, general vitality,
skeleton, spine.
Diseases: Pitta disorders, constitutional strengths and weaknesses, vitality, heart and
circulation, bones, teeth, eyes, skin, headaches, baldness, stomach, inflammations, fevers,
head injuries, injuries from quadrupeds.

Chandra (Moon)
Paraara describes the Moons as being very vata-kapha constitution with a large/wide
body, she is wise (prja), has good intuition (d), sweet speech, is changeable/
ficklminded, and is a hopeless romantic (madantura).
Significations of the Moon are: Mind; Imagination; Flower; Good Perfume (incence);
Going to a Fortress; Brahmin by caste; Idleness; Phlegmatic (kapha) Humour; Epilepsy
(diseases of mind, if afflicted); Enlargement of the Spleen (spleed creates bile which help
in fat metabolism); Mental Disposition (state of mind); Heart (feelings); Woman
(motherly); Virtue Or Vice (attributes of mind); Saltish taste/ Sleep (peace); Happiness;
Anything like Water (any fluid); Bell-Metal; Silver (metal); Sugarcane; Typhoid
(infection of intestine); Travel/ Going To Far Off Countries; Well; Pond; Tank (any water
body); Mother (relations); Pearls; Consumption (infection of lungs/ TB); Whiteness
(colour); Waistband; Short Stature; Ability; Winter Season; White Colour; Belly;
Worshipping Goddess Gauri; Joking; Nourishment; Wheat; Pleasure; Splendour; Face;
Sharp in Thought (in good association such as Jupiter); Love for Curd; Mendicant
(sanyasa yoga); Fame (popularity among masses); Learned; Beauty; Strength at Night;
Facing Westward; Learned; Getting A Job; Love For West; The Middle World; Nine
Gems (navaratna); Middle Age; Life; Eating (food); Ailment of the Shoulders; Umbrella

or any Other Royal Insignia; Good Fruits; Blood Purity and Vitality; Fish and Other
Water Creatures; Serpent; Brilliant Things (sparkling); Clean Crystal; Soft And Velvety
Clothes; Silk Garments
Medical Significations: Rakta dhatu. Face, Blood, lymph, stomach, lungs, left eye,
breasts, uterus, ovaries, fertility, nutrition, mucous membranes.
Diseases: Vata disorders for a waning Moon and kapha disorders (for a waxing Moon),
mental emotional disorders, epilepsy, dullness, laziness, moodiness, blood and lymphatic
system, edema, menstrual and hormonal disorders, sleep disorders, TB, fear of watery
Mangala ( Mars)
Paraara describes Mars as being being cruel, inconsiderate, and tending to have blood
shot eyes, enjoys meat (pala) and his wife (dra), has pitta constitution, is easily
angered/passionate (khrodha), and has a thin waiste.
Significations of Mars are: Prowess; Land (any immovable property); Strength; Kingship;
Loss Of Virility; Thief; Battle; Hostility; Enemy; Generosity; Deep red colour; Owning A
Garden; Sound Of A Trumpet; Affection; Quadruped; Fool; Anger; Going to a Foreign
Country; Firmness; Supporter; Fire; Controversy; Bile; Heat; Wound; Commander in
chief; Day; Seeing; Shortness; Disease; Fame; Tin; Sword; Lance Or Spear; Minister;
Fracture Of A Limb; Jewel; Praying To God Subrahmanya; Youth; Pungent; Dubar Hall;
Earthen Pots; Obstacles; Flesh eater; Victory Over Enemy; Bitter; Strong At The End Of
The Night; Gold; Summer Season; Valour; Enemy's Strength; Profundity Of Character;
Male; Axe; Forester; Village Headman; State Inspection; Pain while Passing Urine;
Triangle; Goldsmith; Rogue; Burnt Place; Good Dinner; Leanness; Adept In Archery;
Blood, Copper; A Beautiful Cloth; Facing South; Desire; Anger; Scandal; House;
Sataghni, A Weapon; A Tree; Sama Veda; Brother; Spade Or Hatchet; Looking After
The Wild Animals; Independence; Persistency; Judge; Serpent; World; Speech; Fickle
Mindedness; Mounting A Vehicle; Sight Of Blood; Coagulation Of Blood
Medical Significations: Mamsa dhatu. Chest, muscles, blood, stamina, strength, liver,
spleen, gall-bladder, bone-marrow, hemoglobin, sex organs, endometrium, uterus,
Diseases: Pitta disorders, acne, ulcers, boils, accidents, injuries, cuts, bleeding, surgeries,
burns, miscarriage, abortions, endometriosis, head injuries, liver, gallbladder, bile, blood
disorders, sexual diseases, menstrual disorders, dysuria, weapons, hemorrhoids,
hemorrhages, smoking and diseases caused by it.

Budha ( Mercury)

Paraara describes Mercury as being the handsome (having a beautiful form),

distinguished (reha), uses words with double meanings (puns), has a sense of humor/
makes jokes, is charming (ruchira), and is tri-doshic (has a mix of all three

Significations of Mercury are: Formal education (schooling); Horses; Treasury;

Mathematics; Speech/ Courteous Speech; Infantry; Writing; New Garment, Palatial
Building; Green Colour; Sculpture; Astrology; Pilgrimage To Holy Places; Wise
Lectures; Temple; Trading; Best Ornaments;Vedanta Philosophy; Maternal Grandfather;
Bad Dreams; Eunuch; Facing North; Skin; Wet; Bell metal; Renunciation;Ritu (Season);
A Beautiful House; Doctor; Neck; Recitation Of Mantras/ Sattvik Mantras; Childhood;
Crooked Look; Heaven; Modesty; Paternal Relation; Fear; Dancing; Devotion;
Humorous Temperament; Powerful In The Morning; Hemanta Ritu; Stone To Sharpen
Knives; Tranquillity; Navel; Family Prosperity; Mixed Items; Proficient In Telugu
Language; Worship Of Lord Vishnu; Sudra; Bird; After Born; Depth Of A Language;
The Directions; Atharva Veda; Religious Action; Tower; Dust; Garden; Pudendum
Virile; Even; Benefic; Moving In Villages; Impartial Nature; Fond Of Northwest Quarter;
Well Versed In The Legends Of The Past; Specialist In Grammar; Expert In Testing Of
The Precious Stones; A Scholar; Maternal Uncle; Sacred Prayer; An Amulet
Medical Significations: Rasa dhatu. Hips, skin, forehead, nervous system, lungs, throat,
neck, mouth, tongue, forebrain, speech.
Diseases: Tridoshic imbalances, vata, intelligence, discrimination, reason deficiencies,
mental aberrations, skin problems, nervous system, nervous breakdowns, vertigo, speech
disorders, tremors, ticks, ears, nose, throat and lung problems, impotence.

Guru (Jupiter)
Paraara describes Jupiter as having a large body, is heavy (guru), has yellow/tawny hair
and eyes, kapha constitution, intelligence (dhman) and is skilled in all the scriptures.

Significations of Jupiter are: Brahmin; Guru; One's Duty; Chariot; Cow; Infantry;
Savings; Mimamsa philosophy; Treasure; Horse; Honey; Large Body; Valour;
Reputation; Logic;Astrology; Children; Grandson; Dropsy; Philosophy; Grand father;
Great grand-father; Palatial House; Gems; Eldest Brother; Lord Indra; Automn Season;
Wrath of Priest; Jewel; Merchant; Physical Health; A Beautiful Mansion; Royal Honour;
Thighs; God (divine blessings); Penance; Charity; Religious Duty; Helping Others;
Impartiality; Facing North; Circular; Yellow Colour; Moving In Villages; Close Friend;
Swinging; Orator; Fat; Old Garment; A New House; Happiness; Mantras; Twice Born
(Brahmins- Dvija); Holy Water; Knee; Movement In Heaven; A House Granting All

Comforts; Intellect; Proficiency In Learning; Literature; Tower; Charming an Audience;

Throne; Strong at All Times; a month; Vessels; Yellow Sapphire; Sweet Juice; Being
Good; Happiness; Misery; Length; Gentleness; Reading Other's Mind; Ornamentation;
Ether; Phlegm; Topaz; Vedic Text; Brilliancy; Softness; Worship Of Lord Shiva;
Performing One's Religious Duties; Travelling In A Well-Decorated Carriage
Medical Significations: Meda dhatu. Belly, fat, circulation, allergies, brain, liver, spleen,
gallbladder, pancreas, ear, nose,
Diseases: Kapha disorders, obesity, liver, gall bladder, spleen, jaundice, diabetes, ear
trouble, weight problems, laziness, chronic diseases, nutrition, tumors, swellings.

Shukra ( Venus)
Paraara describes Venus as one who is happy, has a pleasing/desirable body, is of
superior quality (reha), with beautiful eyes, is a poet, has a kapha-vata constitution,
and has curly hair.

Significations of Venus are: White Umbrella; Garment; Marriage; Income; A Biped

(Human); Woman; Brahmin; Auspiciousness; Whiteness; Wife; Sexual Happiness; Short;
Sour; Flower; Command; Fame; Youthful Vigour; Vehicle; Silver; South-East; Ogling;
Scratching;Half A Month; The Quality Of Passion; Strong; Pearl; Yajur Veda; Vaisya;
Beauty; Trading; Love-Making; Watery Resort; Elephant; Horse; Variegated Colour;
Poetry; Dancing; Middle Age; Singing; Enjoyment; Happiness From The Wife; Gems;
Fond Of Humour; Swimmer; Servant; Luck; Variegated Lustre; A Handsome Youth;
Kingdom; Scents; Garland; Veena (a string instrument); Flute; Amusement; Lovely Gait;
Eight Kinds Of Wealth; All Sorts Of Pleasures; Well Formed Limbs; Sparing In Meals;
Spring Season; Ornaments; Eye; Truth Speaking; Proficiency In Art; Semen; Water
Sports; Profundity Of Character; Pre-Eminence; Sharp-Witted; Decoration for The Stage;
Fond Of Amorous Sports; Broken Health; Love, Greatly Respected And Highly
Esteemed; Fondness For White Garments; Bharat Natyama (a form of dance in India);
Government Seal; Worshipping Goddess Parvati and Lakshmi; Gentleness; Much
Emaciated; Day Sitting Mothers; Literary Composition, Adept at Writing Poetry; Black
Hair; Auspicious; Genital Organs; Urine; Afternoon; Diamond
Medical Significations: Shukra dhatu. Pelvis, face, cheeks, kidneys, reproductive system,
hormones, semen, ovum, ovaries, uterus, urinary system
Diseases: Vata and kapha disorders, sexual diseases, kidney and urinary tract problems,
hormonal and endocrine disorders, diseases of face, eyes, tear duct, diabetes,

Shani (Saturn)
Paraara describes Saturn as long and thin bodied, yellow/reddish brown eyes, vata
constitution, having large teeth, lazy/tired (alasa), crippled in the legs (pagu), is harsh
(khara) and has bristly/course hair.
The significations of Saturn are: Laziness, Obstruction; Horse; Elephant; Skin (nerves,
tendons and ligaments); Gain; Witness; Distress; Sickness; Misunderstanding; Misery;
Death; Happiness Through A Woman; Maid Servant; Asses And Mules; Outcast; One
With Disfigured Limbs; Haunting Woods; Handsome Look; Gift; A Lord; A Portion Of
Life; Eunuch; One Born Of The Lowest Caste; Birds; A Servile Duty; Unrighteous
Conduct; One Without Manliness; Telling Lies; Long Lasting; Wind; Old Age; Tendons
And Muscles; Strong At The End Of The Day; Sisira Ritu (Winter); Great Anger;
Exertion; Born Of A Very Low Mother; Bastard; Golaka (abode of lord Krsna); Dirty
Clothes And House; Wicked Mind; Friendship With The Wicket; Black Colour; Evil;
Cruelty; Ashes; Black Grains; Gems; Iron; Nobility; A Year; Sudra; One Representing
The Father; Learning The Trade Of Another Class; Crippled; Sharp; A Blanket; Facing
West; Life Saving Drugs; Downward Look; Agriculture; Life Saving Drugs; Arsenal; A
Student Belonging To Another Caste; External Position; North-Eastern; Serpent World;
Downfall; Lost in Battle; Wandering; A Spear; Lead; Misdirected Strength; A Turk;
Worn Out; Oil; Tamas Guna; Travelling Through Forests and Over Mountains; HardHeartedness; Fear; Long Standing Distress; Hunter; Ugly Hair; Entire Sovereignty;
Alarm; Goats And The Like; Buffalos And The Like; Indulging In Sex Pleasure;
Dressing Oneself For Amorous Appeals; Worshipping God Yama; Dog; Theft And;
Medical Significations: Majja dhatu. Thighs, nerves, teeth, chin, colon, rectum, knees,
legs, lymphatic system, joints, white blood cells, bones-osteoporosis
Diseases: Vata disturbances, chronic illnesses, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, paralysis,
spasms, idiocy, fear, phobia, melancholia, depression, tumors, cancer, diseases to legs,
exhaustion, aging, toxemia, constipation, lameness, amputation, deafness, deformity
Chaya Grahas: Shadow Planets
Rahu (North Node)
Paraara describes Rahu as blue bodied, making smoke or obscuration (dhmrkra),
living in the forests (tribal), invoking fear, intelligent (dhman), and having a vata

Significations of Rahu are : Umbrella; Kingdom; Gathering; Fallacious Argument;

Hurting By Speech; Downcast; Wicked Woman; An Irreligious Man; Decorated Vehicle;
Gambling; Strong At Twilight; Intriguing With A Wicked Woman; Going Abroad;
Impurity; Bone; Enlargement Of Spleen; Falsehood; Downward Look; Perplexity;
Emerald; Facing The Southern Quarter; Shelter Of Outcast Or Low People; Painful

Swelling; A Big Forest; Wandering In Rugged Places; Mountain; Pain; Staying Outside;
Tending Towards Southwest; Wind; Phlegm; Sorrow; Serpent; Night Breeze; Sharp;
Long; Reptile; Reading Of Dreams; Travel; A Muhurata; Old Age; A Vehicle; World Of
Serpents; Mother; Father Or Maternal Grandfather; Air; An Acute Or Sharp Pain;
Catarrh; Breathing; Great Prowess; Forest; Worshipper Of Goddess Durga; Wickedness;
Cohabitation With Quadrupeds; Urdu Script; Harsh Words
Medical Significations: Hands, nervous system, mouth, lips, ears, extrasensory functions
Diseases: Vata disorders, chronic illness, mental illness, phobias, hysteria, insanity,
incurable possession, addiction, obsessive/compulsive and bipolar disorders, poisoning,
toxemia, parasites, cancer, psychic disturbances, leprosy, bad dreams, insomnia
Ketu (South Node)
Paraara says that the serpants from Svarbhnu are similar. Ketu is like Rahu.
Significations of Keu are: Worship Of God Chandeeka, God Ganesha And Many Other
Gods; Doctor; Dog; Cock; Vulture; Salvation; All Kinds Of Wealth; Consumption; Pain;
Fever; Bathing In The Holy Ganges; Great Penance; Wind; A Hunter; Friendship;
Conferring Of Prosperity; Stone; Wound; Witchcraft; Inconstancy; Knowledge Of
Brahma; Belly; Eye Sore; Stupidity; Thorn; Deer; Knowledge; Observing Silence As A
Fast; Philosophy; All Sorts Of Luxuries; Luck; Trouble Form Enemies; Loss Of Appetite;
Indifference To The World; Paternal Grandfather; Hunger; Severe Stomach ache; Boils
And The Like Skin Troubles; Revolving The Orders Of Arrest; Association Of Sudra.
Medical Significations: Legs, hair, extrasensory functions
Diseases: Pitta disorders, mental confusion, accidents, epidemics, eruptive fevers, viral
and infectious diseases, catastrophies, parasites, viruses, psychic disturbance, diagnostic
confusion, wrong surgery, speech disorders, TB, non-healing wounds, radiation problems
Western Planets
The new planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were all discovered after the 1700s.
Some argue that because they cannot be seen with the unaided eye that they do not affect
us. This comes from the Mmsa concept of pratyaka which means visible before the
eyes, or direct perception and apprehension. I personally where eye glasses. To say that if
I can only see the street signs while I am driving with my classes that I shouldnt believe
they have any affect on me would not be true. The eye classes help me to see what is
already there, it is just a help to focus my vision. This is the same as a telescope helping
the human eye to see what is actually in the sky. In the same way the new planets are
there in the sky and attention to them will show an effect on the horoscope.
The important thing to note is that they are outside the system of one to nine. They are
not primal archetypes but evolve from that which is already present. The root of astrology
exists in the Soul, the mind and the five elements. These must be understood fully before

mixing in new planets of which little mention is made in the classic texts. In Jyotia these
type of extra planets and points are called upagrahas, where upa means secondary. There
are many secondary grahas used in Jyotia, which should be understood first.

Chiron was discovered in 1977. It is associated with the new age movement. It is located
between Saturn and Uranus and is considered a bridge to the new outer planets. Western
astrologers associate it with Virgo, while some Vedic astrologers connect it with Hasta
nakatra. The symbol for Hasta is a hand and Chiron is connected to healing, divination,
tarot and astrology just as the palm of Hasta represents.

Uranus was discovered in 1781. The major world events at that time were the Industrial
revolution, electricity, and machines. Western astrologers associated Uranus with
Aquarius. Some Vedic astrologers associate it with the Nakatra atabia, which is ruled
by Varua, a devatta with similarity to Uranus.

Neptune was discovered in 1846. The major world events at that time were the invention
of photography, film, and collective trends. It relates to ecstasy- spiritual or intoxicated,
art, music, dancing, illusions of world, psychic powers. Western astrologers associated it
with Pisces, while some Vedic astrologers connect it to Revati nakatra.

Pluto was discovered in 1930. The major events in the world were the Atom bomb, the
great depression, dictators of underworld quality (Hitler, Stalin), gangsters, and mafia.
Western astrologers associate Pluto with Scorpio, while some Vedic astrologers connect
it to Jye nakatra. Pluto himself relates to the vedic deity Yama, the god of death.
Important secondary planets in the traditional system are Gulika and Mandi. They are
mathematical points based of the time of Saturn. Gulika shows the poison one takes on to
themselves while Mandi will show the poison (negativity) one gives to others. These are
important planets relative to diseases like cancer.

Vedic Shadowy Planet Mandi Observed at Lucerne (excerpt)

In addition to the seven major planets, Vedic astrology recognises a set of non-luminous,
shadowy planets, the two most famous being Rahu and Ketu, the Northern and Southern
nodes of the Moon. Two others which are often referred to in the Vedic astrological
literature are Gulika and Mandi. These-non luminous planets have never been considered
to have have physical shape or form, although there are descriptions of them in the
Puranas and calculations are given to find their coordinates.

At this moment we shall consider a sighting of what is apparently Mandi, one of the
principal non-luminous planets. In the Vedic astronomical literature, all non-luminous
planets are deemed to have an eclipsing function, in other words, the Puranas describe
that these planets cover or swallow the luminaries.
But the lack of any kind of evidence whatsoever of the existence of the non-luminous
planets has always grouped in their belief with the stuff of fairy tales or
imagination.However, the following article from the August, 1999, edition of the British
magazine Astronomy Now seems to provide documented evidence which supports the
existence of the non-luminous planet Mandi. Such proof seems to be unwittingly
provided by the Western astronomical community itself, which is very ironic as Western
astronomers usually discount the Puranic astronomical descriptions as being poppycock.
At any rate, in the " Key Moments in Astronomy " column, by Ian Seymour, the article
entitled " A Very Singular Phenomenon " appeared:
"Historical sources record many astonishing astronomical events, but few remain as
bewildering as' a very singular phenomenon seen in the disk of the Sun,' reported by the
Annual Register for 1766. The journal's account warrants full repetition, for events of
August 9, 1762, seem both well-attested and unique.
On that day ' M. de Rostan, of the economic society at Berne, and of the medicophysical
society a Basle, whilst he was taking the Sun's altitude with a quadrant at Lucerne ...
observed that the Sun gave but a faint pale light, which he attributed to the vapors of the
Leman lake; however, happening to direct a 14 foot telesope armed with a micrometer, to
the Sun, he he was surprised to see the Eastern side of the Sun, as it were eclipsed about
three digits, taking in a kind of nebulousity, which environed the opaque body, by which
the Sun was eclipsed. In the space of about two hours and a half, the South side of the
said body, whatever it was, appeared detached from the limb of the Sun; but the limb, or
more properly, the northern extremity of this body, which had the shape of a spindle, in
breadth about three of the Sun's digits, and nine in length, did not quit the Sun's northern
limb. This spindle kept continually advancing on the Sun's body, from East towards
West, with no more than about half the velocity with which the ordinary spots move; for
it did not disappear till the 7th of September ... M. Rostan, during that time observed it
almost every day: that is to say for near a month: and, by means of a camera obscura, he
delineated the figure of it, which he sent to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris.' The
next paragraph raises this observation far above the usual run of fantastic anecdotes, for '
the same phaenomenon was observed at Sole, in the bishopric of Basle, situated about 5
and 40 German leagues Northward of Lausanne. M. Coste ... observed it there, with a
telescope of 11 feet, , and found it of the same spindle-like form ... only it was not quite
so broad [ for ] the body began to turn about, and present its edge. A more remarkable
circumstance is, that at Sole it did not answer to the same point of the Sun as it did at
Lausanne: it therefore had a considerable parallax: but what so very extraordinary a body,
placed between the Sun and us, should be, is not easy to divine. It was no spot, since its
motion was greatly too slow, nor was it a planet or comet, its figure seemingly proving
the contrary. In a word, we know of nothing to have recourse to in the heavens whereby
to explain this phaenomenon; and, what adds to the oddness of it, M. Messier, who
constantly observed the Sun at Paris during the same time, saw nothing of such an

The reader may note that the phenomenon was not preceived by Messier observing in
Paris. A modern parallel, which has been narrated by Jan Lamprecht in his book " Hollow
Planets," may offer an explanation for this. In the 1950s, strange situation arose whereby
one noted astronomer, Richard Baum of the British Astronomical Association, and
Patrick Moore, perhaps Britain's most noted astronomer, disagreed on their observations
of the planet Venus. Richard Baum reported seeing radial spokes emanate from a point
on or near the Southern pole of Venus while Patrick Moore never preceived them. They
both had a sensitivity check done on their eyes, and it was determined that Richard Baum
had quite a bit of sensitivity in the ultra violet band while Patrick Moore did not. Visual
sensitivity could also account for the fact that Messier did not perceive what the other
two did.
Ian Seymour concludes his article by commenting What could this object have been?
...Natural explanations do not readily come to mind ....
At this point, I would like to offer an explanation for that which was witnessed by the two
astronomers. It was the shadowy planet Mandi of Vedic astronomy. The celestial
coordinates of the Sun and Mandi were synonomous, I repeat synonomous, during the
time period under consideration. For example, on August 9, 1762, on the first day of M.
Rostans observations, according to the Vedic Jyotish program Visual Jyotish, the Sun
was in sidereal Cancer at 26*26', while Mandi was at 25* 45'of sidereal Cancer. On
September 7th, the Sun was at sidereal Leo at 24*27' and Mandi was at 23*46'. The half a
degree of divergence is negligible as the above-mentioned software program is not
exactly research grade. The reader may not have much experience with commercial
astronomy or astrology programs, but anytime one takes such a program back several
hundred years, errors of a few minutes start cropping up. For our purposes right now,
however, the information at hand more than serves the purpose- this scribe will leave it to
somebody else to come along and do any double checking.
Not only do we have a match in terms of coordinates, but we also have a match in terms
of a description of the nature and activity of the graha Mandi- it was performing its role
as per the Puranas of engulfing the Sun with its shadow.
Now, such an explanation will not probably sit well with the modern, Western scientific
temperament which tends to strongly discount Vedic astronomical descriptions, maybe
because such descriptions aren't understood, and maybe because they seem to be too
fantastic. But this explanation must be dealt with nevertheless because such a close
astronomical correspondence in terms of celestial coordinance cannot be chalked up to
merely chance; nor may a simultaneous correspondence between the observed effect of
the phenomenon and the Puranic descriptions of the way in which Mandi is supposed to
cover or swallow the Sun be chalked up to chance. The correspondences pointed out
justify and even demand investigation by modern astronomers, in the same way that they
justify and demand that the Puranic astronomical descriptions be revisited with new
respect, even though such descriptions may not tabulate with currently accepted
Perhaps the following observations by Joseph H. Cater will shine some light on the
nature of the phenomenon observed and on the nature of the Vedic shadowy planets:
" One of the phenomena concerning the Sun which completely baffles all of the scientists
is that it seems to rotate faster at the equator than it does in the higher latitudes. The
sunspots in the vicinity of the equator make a revolution about the sun in less time than

those in the higher latitudes. This is an annoying paradox which can't be pushed aside by
these scientists because it is out there for all to observe.
The part of the Sun that we see is a highly fluidic blanket. The portion around the equator
could rotate faster if, and only if, a steady external pull is exerted on this region of the
Sun. Otherwise, internal friction would eventually produce a uniform motion. This means
that bodies in orbit near the equator and close to the surface are generating a high
concentration of gravity-inducing radiations [ Note: Gravity effects ]. It becomes evident
that such bodies could not consist of normal matter. If they are not a group or UFOs, or
special satellites comprised of unique materials, then they must be composed of atoms
and molecules made up of softer particles [ Note: lower frequency photon aggragates ]
which are affected very little by the Sun's radiation. Such bodies could generate a
concentration of gravity radiations considerably out of proportion to their masses. Being
constructed of this kind of material, they would be practically invisible.
For those who choose to remain within the parameters of generally-accepted modern
physics, without an explanation for this observed phenomenon, then maybe the timeless
wisdom of Hamlet is very apropriate as he instructs his friend:" There are more things in
Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." ( Hamlet, I, v, 166 )
By Dean De Lucia/Dharmapada Dasa

There are various un-scientific planets mentioned in the west, I think some more of the
hypothetical planets can be related in a similar way to traditional upagrahas, for more
information on hypothetical panets:
Hari Au

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