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Have also added "My Page"
This is in Beta stage so if you have any questions or
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Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

Enchanted Forest Magazines

These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.
These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have
over 70 in our Scribd Library.
On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..
Just click on those and they will take you to the magazine.. no sign up required and
Free download.
If you would like to submit an article please check out our magazine group tab on
site menu. There will have the instructions on how to send in your article and want
to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read
with allot of helpful information.
Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats
given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of
Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge
and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!
To come along to these chats join
Times of classes below
Central - 6 pm
Eastern - 7 pm
Western 4 pm
Mountain Time 5 pm
Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am
UK - Midnight

Posted by Charmedeclectic

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. the people who treat you right.
Forget about the one's that don't.
Believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Posted by Charmedeclectic

"The feel of his spirit was too old for most people to understand &
when he walked by they would look up & say O, the sun went
behind a cloud, or, the moon must be full & so he walked for a long
time by himself, with no one to talk to." --Brian Andreas

Samhain saftey Tips

Posted by SapphireMoonRaven
For those of you who have children or grand-kids this time of year can be very fun an
very dangerous at the same time. I looked this up to help everyone out, it can be hard
sometimes remembering to check the wee ones candy when you come home, after all
the walking around your most likely sleepy. But Remember no matter what check there
candy never let them eat it without checking there is no telling what can be hidden in
the chocolate or anything for that matter. Please have a safe Samhain everyone.
Yankee Halloween Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips
for Children and Adults
It's that time again when children enjoy dressing up and roaming the neighborhoods,
trick-or-treating in search of some of their favorite candy. To keep your little goblins
safe, just take a minute and read Yankee Halloween's Safety Tips for Halloween...!
Have a great and safe time this Halloween season. Booooo.....!!!
* Carry a bright flashlight to illuminate sidewalks, steps and paths.
* Use fresh flashlight batteries. Check it BEFORE you leave the house.
* Chemical GLOW in the DARK LIGHT STICKS can be used along with flashlights.
* Go to the bathroom just before going trick and treating.
* Always WALK, do not run. You can slip and fall down... OUCH...!!!
* Stay on the Sidewalks.
* (If their is no sidewalk) walk on the left side of the road.
* Walk SINGLE file, facing the traffic.
* Obey ALL local traffic signals.
* Cross only at corners, with adults.
* DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT wear and use rollerblades to go out trick-or-treating.
* You can trip on your costume, fall because of uneven sidewalks, and crash into other
Halloween trick-or-treaters using the crowded sidewalks. You will have problems with
yard decorations and climbing porch stairs. Its very dark outside, and you cannot see or
react fast enough to a sudden problem. You will become the problem in an ambulance
going to the hospital with broken bones. OUCH and DOUBLE OUCH...!!!
* DO NOT assume you have the right of way.
* Because one car stops, doesn't mean others will...!

* Yankee Halloween Safety TipsTrick-or-Treat only in familiar neighborhoods.

* DO NOT cut across strangers yards or driveways. Trip on hoses, rakes...!
* Wear a watch you can read in the dark.
* Set the watch alarm if you have time limit for Trick-or-Treating.
* Make sure your costumes don't drag on the ground.
* You could trip and hurt yourself. OUCH Again...!!!
* Wear comfortable walking shoes, and they should fit properly.
* Make sure your shoe laces are tighted tight. You can trip...!!!
* Avoid wearing your mask while walking from house to house.
* Carry only flexible knives, swords or other props.
* Avoid pointed props such as spears, or wands that endanger other children's eyes.
* Wear clothing and costumes with reflective tape or "Glow in the Dark" markings.
* A flashing In Sight At Night Safety Strobe Light can also be attached to children
AND adult costumes. Proper SAFETY knows no age barrier...!
* Visit houses that have lights on, especially houses with Halloween decorations.
* Always use the front door, NEVER go to the back of a house.
* Stay away from any animals that you don't know.
* Please don't pet animals you know or don't know you.
* Always carry a spare Halloween bag just in case yours breaks.
* It would be very upsetting for you to lose all those delicious collected treats.
* Always be polite. And don't forget to say "Thank You".
* Make sure your child eats a good dinner before going out Trick-or-Treating. They
need proper energy tonight...!!!
* If you buy a costume, look for one made of flame-retardant material.
* Make sure you work into your child's OR adult Halloween costume, reflector strips, a
FLASHING safety light or the very popular GLOW LIGHT STICKS to make everyone
more visible and much safer at night. SAFETY FIRST tonight of all nights...!
* Teach your child how call 9-1-1 (or your local emergency number) if they have an
emergency or become lost. Remind them that 9-1-1 can be dialed free at any payphone.
* Bring your child for a visit to your local police or fire department.
* Children should carry several quarters so they can call home.
* Let them borrow the FULLY CHARGED family cell phone, with home number ready.
* Yankee Halloween Safety Tips Ideally, young children of any age should be
accompanied by an adult.
* If your children go on their own, be sure they wear a watch, preferably one that can be
read in the dark.
* Set their watch alarm if you have time limit for Trick-or-Treating.

* DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT allow your children to wear and use rollerblades to go out
* They can trip on the costume, fall because of uneven sidewalks, and crash into other
Halloween trick-or-treaters using the crowded sidewalks. They will have problems
with yard decorations, and climbing porch stairs. Its very dark outside, and they cannot
see or react fast enough to a sudden problem. They will become the problem in an
ambulance going to the hospital with broken bones. OUCH and DOUBLE OUCH...!!!
* Avoid streets under construction. There are holes and pits. Use common sense.
* Older children should know where to reach you and when to be home.
* Older children should trick-or-treat in groups.
* You should know WHERE they're going and with WHO they are going with.
* Although product tampering is rare, tell the children to bring ALL the candy home to
be inspected BEFORE consuming anything.
* Look at the wrapping carefully and toss out anything that looks like tampering.
* If you child has an ALLERGY, VERY IMPORTANT to look at the ingredients of the
treats they bring home.
* Limit the amount of treats they consume on Halloween to avoid any sickness.
* Make sure your yard is clear of such things as ladders, garden hoses, dog leashes and
low flower pots. These objects can trip the young trick-or-treater.
* Be sure the path and stairs to your front door are well illuminated and clear of
obstacles. Double check ALL the outside lights...!!!
* Pets get frightened on Halloween. Put them in a kennel tonight, to protect them from
cars or inadvertently biting a trick-or-treater. OUCH...!!!
* Yankee Halloween Safety Tips GLOW LIGHT STICKS or battery powered jack-olantern light are preferable to real flame candles.
* If you do use candles, place the carved jack-o-lantern well away from where trick-ortreaters will be walking or standing.
* Make sure that paper or cloth decorations won't be blown into a flaming candle.
* NEVER leave any flaming candle unattended.
* BE PREPARED. Have a FULLY CHARGED fire extinguisher handy, just in case...! BE
* Pass out healthy food alternatives for visiting trick-or-treaters. Include packages of
low-fat crackers with cheese or peanut butter filling, single-serve boxes of cereal,
packaged fruit rolls, mini boxes of raisins and single-serve packets of low-fat popcorn
that can be microwaved later.
* Non-food treats: PEZ candy dispensers, small note pads, pencils, pens, stickers,
erasers, coins.

Halloween Party
* Yankee Halloween Safety Tips Coordinate a neighborhood costume or pumpkin
carving party. Have each parent bring a pumpkin, small grab bag present and a small
snack such as cookies or brownies. You can set up various games such as:
o Bobbing for apples.
o Guess who carved the jack-o-lantern.
o Guess the number of jellybeans in a canning jar.
o Guess who is dressed under the costume.
o Halloween Charades Party Game. Lots of party tips and suggestions...!!!
* Have a ghost story telling sessions with the lights down low and playing Halloween
spooky music in the background...!!! Of course the person telling the story should be
wearing a "spirited ghost" costume...! Have a great HALLOWEEN.
Pet and Animal Owners
* Halloween can be a very traumatic and even dangerous time for your pet.
* Yankee Halloween Safety TipsDon't leave your pet out in the yard on Halloween.
* Many strangers visiting in strange costumes can be scary for a dog.
* Be careful your cat or dog doesn't dart outside when you open the door.
* DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT dress the dog or cat in a Halloween costume.
* This action puts a lot of STRESS on the animal...!!!
* Trick-or-treat candies OF ANY TYPE are not for pets.
* Chocolate is poisonous to a lot of animals.
* Consult your veterinarian for further advice.
* Please visit the ASPCA's Web site at
* Pranksters have teased, injured, and even stolen pets.
* Make sure that they know that harming animals is not only morally wrong but
punishable by law and will not be tolerated.
Halloween Drivers
* Drive and go slow, slow, slow all evening.
* NO ONE should drive a vehicle while wearing a Halloween mask of any type.
* CAUTION: Young trick-or-treaters may dart out in front of you.
* Obey ALL traffic signals, both as a driver and a pedestrian.
* Adult Halloween parties should have a designated driver.
* If you drive a long distance, make arrangements to stay over.
* DO NOT follow the example of the CRASHING WITCH...!!! Ouch. Ouch.. OUCH...!!!

To ALL Halloween Trick-or-Treaters and Parents

* Have lots of Halloween fun, take care of yourself, get more candy than your friends
(or much as possible) and share with your parents and other members of your family.
"This holiday is a favorite for children who love to use their imagination and
creativity," said CPSC Chairman Ann Brown. "By using CPSC's safety suggestions,
consumers can help ensure that their little Halloween ghosts and goblins will have a
bag of goodies to show for their fun and will not be haunted by unnecessary injuries."
Halloween-related injuries may involve (1) eye abrasions from sharp objects attached to
masks or costumes, (2) skin irritations or rashes from decorative face paints or creams,
and (3) burns from flammable costumes ignited by open flames from items such as
candles andjack-o'-lanterns. CPSC is releasing safety suggestions for consumers to
ward off injury-demons by making this ghoulish holiday a safe and happy one.
* Treats: Warn children not to eat any treats before an adult has examined them
carefully for evidence of tampering.
* Flame Resistant Costumes: When purchasing costumes, masks, beards and wigs, look
for the label "Flame Resistant." Although this label does not mean these items won't
catch fire, it does indicate the items will resist burning and should extinguish quickly.
To minimize the risk of contact with candles and other fire sources, avoid costumes
made with flimsy materials and outfits with big, baggy sleeves or billowing skirts.
* Costume Designs: Purchase or make costumes that are light, bright and clearly visible
to motorists.
* For greater visibility during dusk and darkness, decorate or trim costumes with
reflective tape that will glow in the beam of a car's headlights. Bags or sacks also
should be light colored or decorated with reflective tape. Reflective tape is usually
available in hardware, bicycle and sporting goods stores.
* Children should carry flashlights to see easily and aid in being seen.
* Costumes should be short enough so that children won't trip and fall.
* Children should wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes. Mother's high heels are not a good
idea for safe walking.
* Tie hats and scarfs securely to prevent them from slipping over children's eyes.
* If your child wears a mask, make sure it fits securely and has eyeholes large enough
to allow full vision.
* Swords, knives and similar costume accessories should be made of soft, flexible
CPSC encourages parents to follow these safety tips to ensure a happy and safe
Halloween. Consumers can access CPSC's "Halloween Safety Alert" through the
Internet at


Posted by Harobed
So its the time of year that all of us put that extra witchy energy into our efforts. As I
have said in the past everything a witch makes should be infused with their magical
purpose.Every wreath a witch makes should be prepared with a wise eye towards the
materials she uses ,and the intent she pours into it.Each ingredient will be another
layer that brings complexity and depth to her spell.Every knot she ties,each blossom,
herb or stone she adds will strengthen her spell. The end result should honor her deity
and reflect the purpose of the wreath ,ie protection ,fertility,abundance. Only when you
have achieved this will her intent radiate outward to the universe and grow. There are
few rules when it comes to making a spell wreath ,other than know the properties of all
that you use and focus your intent during the creation .
With that in mind here's a peek at some of my new works .First up is "A WITCH"S
DOZEN" This one is both groovy and functional.It's like having a small decorative
apothecary on your wall.There are 13 Spells tied on a pentacle base that can be taken
off and used.At the end there is still the lovely copper tipped pentacle wreath left.

The Next one " The Rivah Witch" was the culmination of a wonderful day. On a warm
Autumn afternoon this Witch went to the river seeking treasures and this is what came
back with me:)
Worm riddled driftwood ,Oyster Shell polished by the waves ,Bayberry ,Yarrow
,Pods,Milo,Golden Rod ,Osprey feathers,Barnacles and Chestnuts.So I tucked in and
made a wreath that would invoke the energy of a day at the shore.

So some times I'm a bit witchier than others .The Witching Hour was one of those
times.It has Toad Stools ,Snake Skin , Elm Bark ,Grave Yard Oak Bark, carved Mullein
,Hawk feather , Skulls and a lovely Agate at the center of the pentacle.All combined to
make a powerful talisman of protection ,healing and transformation.

Last but far from least is "The Witch's Meadow".This one is filled with hedge witchy
meadow magic.There are Hydrangeas of all sorts for invocation of magic and meadow
Sweet Grass to sweeten your spells.The wasp nest puts the sting of protection into the
mix to keep your home safe from harm and communication flowing.

So there you have it , I hope you find some inspiration for your next project .

We Are More Than

Our Physical Bodies
Posted by Hedral

What keeps us from our highest state of "Being"? The common verb which becomes the
ultimate noun
I believe, from my own contemplation and studies over the years, it is the portion of our
psyche shaped by and focused on the illusions of the physical world. These illusions
are passed to us from a collective preconditioned mode of thought that we acquire in
infancy. The search for "The Self" is manifold and reaches past the physical brain. A
magnificent organ, wired to respond and process stimuli.
The Self or "Being" is not the human body. Humans are not just a physical body wired
wondrously to the organs and systems within.
The physical body is a finely constructed vehicle to aid The Self while navigating
through the physical world. The Self is both connected to the physical body and it is
Idealized restrictions of thought shaped by our preconditioning have confined the
totality of humans to a physical body. We are more than that.
Humankind has manifested all manner of things, even with these self imposed
Developing systems of reaching past the confines of precondtioned and reflexive
thought patterns.
Through religion and systems of ritualized seeking into the unknown and unseen.
Delving into the mysteries of life through seemingly hidden compartments of the
human body and modes of stylized thought patterns.
These are not hidden compartments. In truth, they are but obscured and forgotten
pathways. Once found they become more accessible and far reaching.
And then we discover, we are more than our physical bodies. The common verb
becomes the Ultimate Noun.

Posted by Bea

Healing Attributes:
German chamomile is most often used in healing in the US, but Roman chamomile
works as well.
It relaxes the body and mind and promotes a good night's sleep. It's safe enough to use
for children. Also for teething stress and colic. For nerves and insomnia, drink warm at
It is also a gentle muscle relaxant, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. It can be
used, especially in combination with similar herbs, to sooth problems associated with
muscle cramps and spasms. Especially useful for menstrual cramps. Drink two or three
cups of tea per day.
It aids in digestion and soothes gastric complaints and colitis including irritable bowel
problems. It also safely relieves morning sickness and restlessness that comes with
pregnancy. For stomach problems, including gastritis, colitis and morning sickness,
drink a cup of tea an empty stomach first thing in the morning hot or cold.
Emotional healing:
Chamomile calms anxiety, eases stress and may have a positive effect on attention
deficit disorder (ADD). Chamomile tea and chamomile oil are safe for children and
babies who have trouble sleeping or are under stress.
Preparation Methods & Dosage:
Steep chamomile tea gently for relaxation, longer for digestive upsets. Chamomile tea
is yellow, slightly bitter, with a light apple aroma. Dried chamomile flowers are used
to make herbal baths, sleep pillows and poultices. Steeped chamomile flowers in a
muslin bag makes an effective hot poultice to reduce swelling, and ease pain for
toothaches and earaches. Relax in a bath of chamomile flowers and sooth your mind
while you renew your skin.

Moon chant
Posted by sunflowerhawkspirit
See the moon tonight
Smiling down on me
As I cast my circle of infinity
When the moon shines bright
Goddess calls to me
And I dance in the circle of her love
And I dance in the circle of her love
As a lady she tempt us shy with her light
She is modest and pure as she grazes the night
With all her translucence the mother smiles
The bright of her radiance and chants and regards
Shouting loud the crone slowly waits
She fairest of souls as the darkness gains
As I dance in the circle I offer my love
For I bathed in the night for the lady above
Eternal immortal the goddess remains
And the cycle of moonlight begins once again
To the moon tonight
Shining down on me
As I chant in the circle of infinity
Now the moon beams bright
Shining down on me
As I dance with her shadow in the dark
As I sing to the goddess of my heart
Look to the moon tonight
Shining down on me
As I chant in the circle of infinity
As the moon beams bright
Shining down on me
As I dance with the shadow of her love
As I sing to the goddess of my heart
As I sing to the goddess of my heart


Posted by Whispr

By: Michelle Chihacou White Puma Klein-Hass

I came across a very interesting article from "Shaman's Drum" which was reprinted for
Vision Quest Bookstore. I will attempt to convey the gist of it, along with my views, as
a student of the Ways of the Teneh, about it. Smudging is a way of using the smoke
from burning herbs as a way to cleanse the body, an object, or a given area of negative
influences. I myself use smudging to "cleanse" crystals before using them in jewelry
projects I may do, and for protecting my home from some recent "bad vibe"-producing
events. (landlord troubles!) I imagine that the skillful use of the proper herbs could
help in warding and banishing ceremonies as well, if used properly and with reverence.
The three most used plant material for smudging are sage of all types, cedar, and
There are two major genii and several varieties of each genus of Sage that are used for
smudging. Salvia, or the herb sage used for cooking, comes in two major varieties: S.
Officinalis, commonly known as Garden Sage, and S. Apiana, commonly known as
White Sage. Salvia varieties have long been acknowledged as healing herbs, reflected
in the fact that its genus name comes from the Latin root word *salvare*, which is the
verb "to heal" or "to save." Artemisia is the genus commonly considered "Sagebrush",
and is more common in the wilds out here in California. There are two major varieties
to the Artemisia genus: A. Californica, or Common Sagebrush, and A. Vulgaris, or
Mugwort. There are many other varieties of both Salvia and Artemisia, and all are
effective in smudging. Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out evil spirits,
negative thoughts and feelings, and to keep Gan'n (negative entities) away from areas
where ceremonials take place. In the Plains Sweatlodge, the floor of the structure is
strewn with sage leaves for the participants to rub on their bodies during the sweat.
Sage is also used in keeping sacred objects like pipes or Peyote wands safe from
negative influence. In the Sioux nation, the Sacred Pipe is kept in a bundle with sage
boughs. I would think special crystals could be so protected this way as well.

True cedar is of the Thuja and Libocedrus genii. Some Junipers (Juniperus genus) are
also called "cedar", thus complicating things some. Some Juniper varieties ARE
cleansing herbs, especially J. Monosperma, or Desert White Cedar. But for smudging,
the best is Western Red Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) and California Incense Cedar
(Libocedrus descurrens). Cedar is burnt while praying to the Great Spirit (Usen', the
Source--also known to Plains nations as Wakan Tanka) in meditation, and also to bless
a house before moving in as is the tradition in the Northwest and Western Canada. It
works both as a purifier and as a way to attract GOOD energy in your direction. It is
usually available in herb stores in chipped form, which must be sprinkled over a
charcoal in a brazier. I like a piece of charcoaled mesquite for this purpose, rather than
the commercial charcoal cake.
Very important to the Sioux and Cherokee nations, its botanical name is Hierochloe
Oderata. In these tribes, the sweetgrass is braided like hair braids. It could be burnt by
lighting the end of it, or (more economically) by shaving little bits of it onto charcoal in
a brazier. Again, use charcoaled Mesquite (I believe it comes packaged for barbecue use
under the brand name "Red Arrow") to burn it, not pressed charcoal tablets. Sweetgrass
is burnt after smudging with sage, to welcome in good influences after the bad had
been driven out. Sweetgrass is very rare today, and traditional Plains people have been
attempting to protect the last of it. Myself, I believe that Cedar, which is not
endangered, can safely be used this way. Also Pinon pine needles (used more
frequently by the Southwest Teneh, like the Navajo and Apache as well as the Pueblo
people and the Zuni) and Copal (used by the Yaqui and in ancient times by the Azteca
and the Maya) have similar effect. The three mentioned here are redily available either
through gathering yourself or, in the case of copal resin, from any good herb shop.
Using Smudging
Burn clippings of the herb in a brazier...not a shell as some "new age" shamanic circles is an insult to White Painted Woman (The Goddess) to do this, especially with
the abalone shell which is especially sacred to Her. If the herb is bundled in a "wand",
you can also light the end of the wand that isn't woody and use that. I like the latter
way. Direct the smoke with your hands or with a Peyote (feather) wand over the person
or thing you wish to smudge. If you can see auras, look for discolored places in the aura
and direct the healing smoke towards those places on the patient's body. For cleansing
a house, first offer cedar smoke to the four directions outside the house. Then, take a
sage bough and go throughout the inside of the house, making sure the smoke
penetrates every nook and cranny of the house. It might help also, if you have a power
animal, to visualize your animal doing these things,

to also dance your animal, and if you have a power song, to sing that too. Then finally,
run through the house with a white candle that is well protected, to "light up" the
house. Careful not to burn it down when you do it!!!
Final Thoughts
Smudging should be done with care, with reverence, and in an attitude of LOVE. Show
your respect and honor to the plants that Usen' has given us for our healing, and they
will return the favor by keeping us well and free from disease and negative energy.
Aloe Vera plants, though not to be burnt, are good for the cleansing angle as well. Keep
one or more potted Aloe Veras in the house (modern varieties are too tender to plant in
anything but full shade outside) in organic (wood or ceramic, never plastic or metal)
pots. To honor the plant when you transplant it, sprinkle the roots with corn meal and
smudge it with cedar once it is transplanted. The spirit of Aloe Vera is a good protective
spirit, and if you burn yourself, can also be used to heal your skin. BE SURE TO ASK
THE PLANT'S PERMISSION before cutting part of the leaf off for the healing juice. If
you don't, the protective power of the plant will cease, and you will be left with but an
inert houseplant...and perhaps some bad karma to boot. Hi-dicho, it is finished....ENJU!
[Note: The above article was taken originally from A Pagan Files Archive with the
understanding that "There are no blanket copyrights on this web site because [the
webmaster believes] the information on A Pagan Files Archive can, and should, be
spread freely, by any who wish to do so" (as quoted from the website).]

Creamy Strawberry-Mint Pie

choco crust
Posted by haw

1/2 (18-oz.) package reduced-fat cream-filled chocolate sandwich cookies (about 22
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 qt. fat-free or low-fat strawberry frozen yogurt
1 (16-oz.) package fresh strawberries, hulled
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
Garnishes: fresh strawberry slices, edible flowers, Strawberry Sauce
1. Preheat oven to 350. Process cookies and butter in a food processor until finely
chopped. Firmly press mixture on bottom and up sides of a lightly greased 9-inch
springform pan. Bake 10 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack (about 30 minutes).
2. Let frozen yogurt stand at room temperature 20 minutes or until slightly softened.
3. Process strawberries, powdered sugar, and mint in food processor until strawberries
are pureed, stopping to scrape down sides as needed.
4. Place frozen yogurt in a large bowl; cut into large (3-inch) pieces. Fold strawberry
mixture into yogurt until smooth. Spoon mixture into prepared crust. Freeze 3 hours or
until firm. Let stand at room temperature 15 minutes before serving. Garnish, if desired.

something about Empaths

Posted by sunflowerhawkspirit

Empaths are unique personality types, their sensory levels are always on high alert, they
are incredibly intuitive and their awareness and sensitivity to the energy levels that
vibrate around them are extremely high.
If an empath senses something, they are not often wrong. If they think someones lying
or that something is just not right you can bet your last dollar that they are not wrong.
Therefore, a basic understanding of this mystical and quite magical creature is highly
Empaths have quite a few little quirks, traits and characteristics that are worth knowing
about, and gaining a better understanding of, so that any relationship that is formed has
a strong survival chance and also so that it thrives.
Empaths can be deeply misunderstood. It can take a little time to get to know them
before they fully unravel and until their true magnificent spirit receives the opportunity
to shine.
Love with an empath will be intense as they are energetically sensitive, therefore they
will pick up on everything and anything that is happening around them. Regardless of
whether emotions have been outwardly expressed, empaths will experience their
partners emotions as deeply as they feel their own.
It is impossible to try to hide true feelings when romantically involved with an empath
as they will likely have figured them out long before the person feeling them has.
Empaths are highly intuitive yet sometimes fail to trust their inner voice as too many
people have previously tried to wrongly convince them that their gut feelings were
Being a little nave and trusting at times, the empath has doubted themselves and
pushed aside their intuition, causing them to lose faith in the power they hold within
that alerts them to any perceived signs of danger. That being said, the little nagging
voice in the empaths head will not subside until the reality and truth has been fully

Empaths like truth. However hard it is to handle, they would rather be told things
straight than told a lie, even if it is a white one. Although the truth isnt always pretty, it
is much nicer than spending days and nights trying to make sense of all the complicated
energies and subliminal messaging systems that are going on.
If its one thing that empaths are amazing at it is dealing with a brutally raw and honest
relationship. Although they can be rather delicate creatures on some levels, their
strength in relationships is found where honesty, trust and loyalty come before
anything else.
Empaths can be perceived as having hearts that are caged in. Although, this is only true
when they have been deceived so many times they feel that their only option is
protection. The true spirit of an empath wants to give and receive love in abundance,
though they are only able to do this when they feel safe and secure that they are in a safe
place to open the door and allow the love to flow.
One of the most tragic parts about the empaths character is that all too often the love is
cast out in all the wrong places. Empaths feel the pain and sorrow of the whole world
and feel that they want to heal and fix the world up and make things better for all
concerned. This can be an amazingly powerful thing and this energy is exactly what the
world needs. However, this can also be a deeply painful way to exist.
Not everyone sees the world the way an empath views it and because of this, an
empaths heart will be broken constantly and they will bleed endlessly for cruelty,
injustice and inequalities. There will be many who will want to take the love, affection
and the empaths good nature with no care for giving any return.
Whilst this can teach an empath a lot about unconditional love and also an immense
amount about self-preservation, it is also a deeply painful learning process.
An empath will fail to understand why others do not give out care, consideration and
affection freely and why other people can so easily turn a blind eye to heartbreak and
suffering when healing is what is required. Others may ridicule and belittle the
empaths desire to reach out and make a difference, and this serves to add salt to their
When an empath feels hurt, what they need most is loving support and understanding
so that they know they are not alone in wanting to use some of their powerful energy to
heal and make changes in the world; if they receive this from a partner, a bond for life
will very likely form.

Empaths will fall into the hands of those who want to take advantage of their somewhat
nave and caring nature. Again, this is another sharp lesson and one that can cause an
empath to develop a sense of mistrust and what leads to protecting their emotions with
barriers and brick walls.
It can also lead to an empath to feelings of unworthiness and also low-self esteem, as
once they have depleted their energy reserves to such a low level by giving and not
understanding how to protect themselves in the process, they can end up with a broken
heart and with very little faith in mankind.
It is not in an empaths nature to take, they only know how to give, so to ensure the
relationship is one of balance and is also harmonious, ensure the empath is shown love
in the form of actions, so that the circle of love flows freely. Words will mean little to an
empath, unless they are followed through. Their intuition will quickly pick up on
something done with poor intent, or if a persons words are inauthentic.
To love someone who is an empath means to recognise that they thrive when the flames
are turned up, not down. An empath gives off a powerful and energetic fuel of love,
light and radiance, though the fire only fully rages when an empath exists in a sacred
place within which they feel secure enough to glow.
Empaths are soft, delicate and immensely vulnerable creatures on the inside, although,
once burnt, on the outside they can appear incredibly strong. Once bitten, twice shy
where an empath is concerned, they find it very difficult to forget deep wounds and to
continue a relationship once foundations are rocked.
The best way to fully connect with an empath is by creating a safe and solid platform to
build a future upon. If cracks appear through mistrust and deceit, it can become
immensely difficult to repair them. Empaths thrive on trust, loyalty and dependability.
Show them these things and the relationship will be very difficult to break.
As empaths are highly passionate people, they will often find a strong connection to a
hobby or interest that others will find impossible to penetrate. Due to their creative
side, they may find a resonance with music, dance, writing, art, activism, reading, Yoga,
meditation, humanitarian causes or other similar interests. Whatever it is that has
captured the mind of an empath will be become sacred in their hearts.
Empaths will immerse themselves in their hobbies and lose themselves completely and
sometimes this can feel as though their interests are the only things that matter to them.
Although they will have a deep attachment to their passions, it is far easier to
understand that an empath loves all things at great levels of intensity and they need
outside interests to survive and feel alive, this can sometimes be difficult for others to

Space, plenty of space, and freedom to explore and submerge in their chosen activity is
the easiest way to deal with this. Asking an empath to choose may not give the desired
outcome that would be hoped for. The heart quickly gets connected to passionate
interests, and once that connection has been made, the heart will be break if it has to be
Respect and understanding for anothers alone time can make or break a relationship
with an empath. An empath will not want or expect anyone else to dive as deeply into
their interests as they do, however, an understanding that their interests are
significantly important can really make life a whole lot easier.
There is no need to feel ostracised or unwelcome, while theres a little chance an empath
will let you fully in to their special interest, it is far more likely they will gain more
pleasure when they are wrapped up in it by themselves. This is not selfish or
inconsiderate, it is just simply how the empaths heart and spirit operate.
If they have a connection to something, it is intense and they will very likely wish to
delve as deeply into it as is possible. Passions are a great energy release and empaths
will possibly feel as though they zone-out while immersed, and they will very likely
lose all track of time. Allow them to take pleasure in it, and with the free time this has
created, take up interests separately rather than allowing resentment or frustration to
It possibly wont last for too long, as empaths are known to move quickly from one
interest to another once the initial burning desire of connection eventually simmers
As empaths are sensitive to energy, their worst-case scenarios are confrontations and
aggressive situations. Although under normal circumstances they are one of the least
violent and aggressive characters, they can very easily lose their self-control if they
become absorbed in the negative and toxic energy that surrounds them. Empaths are
fight or flight characters who more often than not, will prefer to take flight and remove
themselves from the weight that the energy is bearing down on them.
If situations like this occur regularly, it can eventually lead empaths to become
introverted and homebodies as they prefer the safety of their own environment where
they are not subjected to the rise and fall of other peoples energies. After attending any
kind of social situation, they will need downtime to recharge and to balance out their
own energy fields.

Places such as supermarkets, nightclubs, the cinema or anywhere where there is a large
crowd of people, will be very draining for an empath. They are very sensitive to light
and sound, so these things can also have a detrimental and draining effect on an
empaths psyche. An empath will likely need to hold on to their partners hand or arm
during such occasions, finding that their partners energy forms a soothing welcome
block and temporary release from the energies that surround.
After attending any social function an empath may feel completely drained and the
effects can be temporarily debilitating, meaning that all an empath will want to do is
sleep or rest, possibly alone, until the absorbing effects of the occasion have worn off.
All in all, it will take a very secure, confident and balanced person to form a solid
mutually beneficial and rewarding relationship with an empath. The empath
personality type is a unique and extremely enchanting gift to the world. As long as their
wings are not clipped, and they have the freedom and space to fly, it has the opportunity
to be a deeply rewarding, incredibly loving and spiritually awakening relationship for
both involved. A connection with an empath can be a blessing and one of the greatest
gifts from the universe as it offers the opportunity to look at the world through the lens
of a kaleidoscope. Everything that may have once seemed normal for a relationship will
be turned upside down as a new understanding and perspective is learned and the
unconscious mind is preened open.
At times it may feel like being in the company of a magically gifted being who has
special powers that we have been led to believe do not exist within humans. This can be
both a blessing and a curse. Nothing will get past an empath as they see, feel and
connect with everything at all times.
The one thing I would strongly recommend is to peel back all the layers that society
labels as norms, standards and expectations. We are then free to discover a brand
new way of existing; giving and receiving unconditional love, being fully alive in the
moment, connecting deep within the core of our primal being and reigniting all the
superpowers that are inherent within man. A relationship with an empath can lead to
uncovering special gifts such as intuition, energy awareness, deep connection and a
brand new level of understanding the fellow man without the need for speech. All the
things the modern world has tried, for far too long, to convince us we should deny.
True love can be a very difficult thing for an empath to achieve, although with the right
person, with someone understanding, grounded, free spirited and trustworthy, love can
be an intimate, deeply bonding, healing, fulfilling, empowering and healthy addiction
that neither will want to break.
Author: Alexsandra Myles

Eight simple steps for recording

and exploring a dream
Posted by Sunshine-Chayenna
1. Give your dream a title, who reflects the essence of the dream. Like this when you
reread the dreams after weeks, months or years later, it brings direct the story of your
dream back in your mind
2. Describe the main actions as run, write a letter, making a call, or driving. Are these
ordinary or special activities in your daily life and why
3. Notice the feelings in the dream and when you wake up, your waking feelings about
the dream. Are they related to your daily life? Do you have the same feelings when
you're awake and when you sleep?
4. Describe the dream environment. Is the environment natural or man made? A
natural area contains forests, mountains, lakes, beaches, parks and gardens. A manmade environment contains subjects as cars trains, buses, city streets, airports,
buildings, computers, etc. Changes the environment of one species to the other?
5. Describe the people and their properties. On which part of yourself or any person in
your life are similar to the dream people?
6. Note the symbols and the objects who are striking
7. Summarize in a few words together what the dream seems to say. Do this
spontaneously, intuitively and without reference to an official book about dream
8. Make your dreams come true by in your waking life to give action the message
When you write down your dream on this way, it gives you some key points. You dont
need to write then the entire story down. When you dont have time to write the key
points, write then later what every aspect of the dream mans for you. Together with the
message of the dream

The environment in the dream

Many people ignore the environment where the dream takes place because they think
that this is unimportant for the story of the dream. The environment is similar to the
background of a theater stage it describes the place of action and gives guidance on
what is happening then. According to Jung: the description of the location is very
important, the place where the dream takes place makes huge difference for the
Your feelings in the dream
Emotions are the most important element of every dream. In our dream analysis we
must not only describe the feelings in our dream, but also the feelings when we are
awake and look back to the dream. What do you feel, and think about the
environment, the people, the symbols, the actions,
That pops up in your dream?
Dreams picking up our deepest inner feelings, which most of us have learned to hide
so deeply that we often do not even know what our real feelings are. Dreams offer us
again our feelings disguised as images, symbols and metaphors. If we translate the
images back into feelings we can face and identify our true emotions, and that can lead
to poignant healing of the Spirit.
What happens in a dream?
Dream Actions and especially how we feel when we see it happing or do it by our
selves, are also an indication of what the theme of the dream try to tell you. If a dream
is full of action so that you cant describe them all, write then only two actions how are
the most strangest or most notable and leave the rest. . Look how dream are related
with your awaken life. Are they into contradiction with each other? Look at every
aspect of your dream through the eyes of someone who has just arrived from another
Dream Acts
Some of the most common operations from the endless series of acts that we perform
in our dreams which may include everything that we awake in our lives have seen,
heard or done.

- Be chased
- Run
- Fall from windows, mountains, stairs or falling into dark holes or dark pools of
- Clamp sit in uncomfortable close tunnels or caves
- Search to toilets, urinate or defecate in public places
- Driving a car or any other form of transport, running to get a planes, trains or buses
- Dancing on stage or reading in public and you suddenly realize that you are half or
completely naked
- Searching for handbags, wallets, money, tickets and passports
- Searching a way out or searching for people in endless corridors
- sex with somebody else then your own partner, sex with more then one, sex with
somebody of your own gender
See how you feel during and after the dream. Are you in panic or hilarious when you
are running, falling or flying. If you have a vehicle do it feels confident or do you feel
nervous behind the wheel, or are you walk and push behind? What feelings does it
give when you become aware that you are standing naked before a crowd? If you walk
and find a passport, money or hidden jewels, are you excited and expectantly, or
afraid not to find what you are looking for? What are your feelings and thoughts
about sex dreams
What our dream acts are, they reflect what we are doing in our wakeful life. If you
running away in your dream, there may be in your waking life you avoiding
something - something that your eyes can not or dare to see. If you're looking for lost
passports, keys, treasures, licenses, hidden diaries, you are maybe looking for lost "
parts of yourself, old identities which must be replaced
Acts in nightmares
All fears and concerns that we have in our wakeful life, be in a nightmare
exaggerated. So we rush to the train, plane, bus, or to that very important
appointment, and come too late. We try to run, but we can not because our feet are
glued to the ground - or our legs would not move because they are stuck in mud,
cement or water.

We can be paralyzed. Our hair and teeth fall out; our face breaks in half as a broken
mask. We forget where we live or where we have parked the car. We drive in cars
whose brakes refuse; we fly or climb a mountain and collapse suddenly down. We are
chased, caught put choked, or in any way threatened by a monstrous figure of evil that
we wake up with crashing heart and fear This type of dream recall uncertainty about
what we do, and can also encourage us to better prepare for a certain task The best
way to deal with the nightmare or dream threat is to return there as soon as possible
Imagine that you are back in the room. Brace yourself for the confrontation with the
cause of fear or threat and assign it with your finger or a jet color, light or love for that
to shrink to marketable size. Remember that you are dealing with emotional energy in
dreams is often exaggerated. If the threat once small enough to tackle, hold you down
and asks: "Who are you?" What are you? Which part of me did you? How can I heal
you or help? How can you help me? See the threat face and overcome that, instead of
make to run away.
Dream People
The players in our dreams - from the ordinary to the great - to highlight good and bad
and indifferent parts of ourselves. What they also have secondary meaning. They draw
our attention to properties that we find objectionable, we are not aware or that we
should recognize and respect. Through a dialogue with whether or not our waking life
dreams famous people can we learn the dynamics of our relationships better. People
in dreams give us a chance to practice and rehearse for situations in our wakeful life.
Dreams in which appearances of someone drastically changing - different failure
modes or shrink face - may indicate fear of old age. For loss of sexuality or
attractiveness, it may mean that we handle a situation likely to lose, or the need to
maintain the facade that we show to others to let go, or even that we might have nar
dentist. When we are witnesses of an attack or murder, or within the dream scenario
that we like to do, it usually means that an aspect of ourselves we should abandon that
struggle, or that we no longer need to grow and our to develop or that we should
remove such a parent or teacher who exercises an influence which we should block
Dream symbols
Dream Symbols, alive or dead, we can study in much the same way as other parts of
the dream. If there is a hat, a metal clothes hanger and a pair of scissors as objects
appear in your dream, remember or even in the general theme of the dream modify or
not to appear to hear. Why? What associations do you have in waking life to these
objects? Are you using them, always or only occasionally? A "hat" would be frivolous
if you think of a day at the horse, or a picnic with champagne. If you have a hat in
context, with skiing or religious marriages and funerals, it means something very
different. A metal hanger for you might be insufficient or inferior if you prefer to hold
hangers have, or perhaps has to do with dry cleaners or hotel rooms.

Scissors may indicate operations, sewing, cutting, hairdresser, toe nails and so on. In
general pay living symbols such as animals, flowers and plants refer to innocent,
naive, natural childlike parts of ourselves and connect us deeper with our emotional
side. Flowers symbolize purity, beauty, truth and perfection, and ensure that we feel
happy. Animals symbolize the animal, instinctive, wild game or domestic side of our
nature, look at what the animal, means for you..
Dream Dictionary
Many people prefer to use a dictionary of dream interpretations instead of taking the
time to work out their own symbolism. It is not logical to think that dream symbols
precise and unvarying meanings. The meaning that we give now to a word, can be
very different next year. People who interpretation dreams in this way will therefore
get a superficial meaning of the dream, and do not that the personal material from
their waking life is the basis of the actual message of the dream The importance of
personal interpretation
Freud once said:
The dreamer knows what his dream means, but he knows not that he knows, and
why does he think he does not know.
Many people will recognize the description. To understand our dreams, we prefer to
listen to a dream specialist, the local psychic, a friend or a book - everything and
everyone except ourselves. However, only a dreamer can translate and understand the
message of his own dream Because a dream is an intimate message of the soul to the
personality. Understanding gives a new and deeper understanding of our self, The
translation of others are always colored through own experiences, observations and
prejudices A dream is a coded message that belongs to only one dreamer, we should
never rely exclusively on interpretations of another. How universal dream symbols
appear to be, they are exclusive expressions of the person that dreams them, and must
be interpreted as so. Black and white dreams are mostly sober - intellectual - and
colorful dreams suggest emotions and creativity. Notice always numbers, style
figures, colors, strange words and names in a dream
Remember that every dream can have 2-3 or more interpretations or messages.
When you look with different views to a dream you can enhance their
understanding.. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in the exercises. Say to you: On
this way I understand my dream at the moment. Maybe I understand it tomorrow,
next month or next year otherwise.
Copyright @2005 , Chayenna


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