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Rainfall Runoff Modeling for Myanmar using only Satellite data

(As part of a preliminary study for an Integrated Water Resources Management master plan Myanmar )
Additional Thesis Research
Pradeep Rathore(4240987)
Supervision by:
- Prof. dr. ir. Nick van de Giesen
- Ir. Martine Rutten


Grad. Professor
Daily Supervisor

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ 3


Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 4


Study Area ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Wflow Model ................................................................................................................................ 9


Model Set-up......................................................................................................................... 9


Model Theory ...................................................................................................................... 10


Limitations........................................................................................................................... 13


Data ............................................................................................................................................. 14


Results ................................................................................................................................................. 15


Discussions .......................................................................................................................................... 17


Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 18


Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 18

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Appendix B .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Matlab code to save daily rainfall grid data for a particular year for EU-WATCH Forcing data ......... 22
Matlab code to save daily rainfall grid data for a particular year for TRMM3B42 ............................. 22
Command line code for clipping the rainfall maps (PCRaster map format) with layer of Myanmar . 25
Header file for EU-WATCH forcing data .............................................................................................. 25
Header file for TRMM3B42 exctracted data ....................................................................................... 25

I would like to thank Prof. Nick van de Giesen for his guidance. I would also like to thank Mr. Jaap
Schellekens without whose guidance, this research would not have been possible. Special thanks to Ms.
Martine for being patient with me and guiding me whenever needed and helping me to keep focus on
limiting the scope of work. Last but not the least, I would like to thank Rens Hasman, Mr. Thiha Aung,
Alwin Commandeur and the complete staff of ITC for the help and support, making the Myanmar trip a
pleasant experience.

1. Introduction
This project is a part of the Dutch mission to Myanmar for capacity building with regards to Water
Resources Management in Myanmar. This research aims at formulating a rainfall-runoff model for
Myanmar with the use of spatial and temporal satellite data since the in-situ data is not very easily
available. Determining rainfall-runoff relation is an elementary part of hydrology. Unfortunately, it is not
always easy to determine the basic flow properties in data-poor areas (Hrachowitz 2011). For a data
poor country like Myanmar, use of spatial datasets from satellites becomes extremely important.
Myanmar has an estimated total surface water production (internally) of 992.1 km3/year. Groundwater
resources have been estimated as 453.7 km3/year; but a large part of this water (about 443 km3/year)
comprises the base flow of the rivers and is also accounted for as surface runoff. This gives a total
internal renewable water resource (IRWR) of 1002.8 km3/year (992.1+453.7-443) (FAO n.d.). It has a
total cultivable area of 18.3 million ha; an increase of almost 50% since 2009. For a country with such
huge water potential and the dependence of economy on agriculture, having knowledge of the runoff is
a big advantage.
In this research, Wflow is used for rainfall runoff routing since it is easy to handle and is very effective
for use with GIS data. This research has 3 parts- Using satellite data to model rainfall-runoff for
Myanmar, collect in-situ data for validation of the model and estimating errors in the data and in the
model. The errors are expected to be large because of the lack of data for calibration, but an estimation
of the errors is necessary.
The subsequent sections discuss the objective, study area, model, results, discussion, conclusions and



The objective of this research is to learn more about the rainfall runoff processes in Myanmar and come
up with a reliable rainfall runoff model. The model will be used to generate runoff from spatio-temporal
precipitation data which will be used as input for the Water Allocation modeling and the Hydraulic
modeling of different rivers and river basins in Myanmar. The aim is to optimize the use of satellite data
for such a model by using it in conjunction with the in-situ data available. To summarize, the three
objectives for this research are:
1. Understand the rainfall runoff processes and make a first set-up rainfall runoff model for
Myanmar using GIS data
2. Do a rough validation of the results
The model set up in this research will be used in the next phase. In the next phase, more spatial data will
be incorporated to improve the model performance. The goal of this extended research is to find the
best possible model we can get without relying too much on land based measurements. To put it
differently, it tries to explore the minimum ground based data requirements to make a reasonable good
model for a data poor catchment that can be used to make policy/scientific decision regarding Water

Resources Management problems. Since we already have a model set-up owing to this research, we can
start exploring the sensitivity of the model to different parameters and datasets. Also we can try and see
if it is possible to predict rather than calibrate the model parameters using topography and
geomorphological data. All these steps add up to make predictions in ungauged basins more reliable.


Study Area

The study area for this research work are the river basins in Myanmar namely Irrawaddy, Chindwin,
Salween and Sittaung basins (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Basins in Myanmar

The Irrawaddy and Chindwin are often mentioned together as Irrawaddy-Chindwin basin or simply
Irrawaddy basin. These 4 basins cover nearly all of Myanmar. Except Salween which originates in China,
all other rivers start within Myanmar and flow towards south to the sea. Due to favourable climatic
condition, the total surface water potential of Myanmar is about 1000 km3 /year from eight major river
basins (Thein n.d.).
Table 1

Table 1: Information on Major basins

Basin Number

Basin Name


Upper Irrawaddy
Lower Irrawaddy
Rakhine State
Taninthari Division

Drainage Area
(1000 x km2)

Surface Water


Myanmar is a country with 2/3rd of its population engaged in Agriculture. The most important and
common crop cultivated here is rice. Because of the high water demand of paddy and the countrys
dependence on it, irrigation is very important in Myanmar which has resulted in the development of a
complex canal network in the country.
Myanmar has 3 distinct seasons- The winter from November to January, then the dry season from
February to April which is followed by the wet season/monsoons. Myanmar receives its annual rains
mainly from the southwest monsoons from mid-May to mid-October. 90% of the annual rainfall in
different regions of Myanmar is monsoonal. (Thein n.d.)
Topographically, the country can be divided into five regions. They are the northern and western
mountains, the eastern plateau (Shan plateau), the central basin and coastal strip. The country has
varied features ranging from mountains at an elevation of more than 5800m in the north to delta in the
south. In between, there are plateaus with heights of around 2000m and the fertile floodplains of
Irrawaddy River. The variation in topography can be observed from the Digital Elevation map of
Myanmar (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Dem of Myanmar

Due to different soil types (Figure 4) and elevations, the land-use in Myanmar is also varied (Figure 3).
Due to economic restrictions, the percentage of paved area is very less and forests and woodlands
account for 49% of the of the total land area. Also the net sown area is also significant (Table 2 ).
Table 2: Land-use Myanmar

Type of Land
Reserved Forests
Current Fallow
Net Sown Area
Occupied Area
Culturable Waste
Other woodland

(1000 Acres)


Figure 3: Land-use Map Myanmar

Figure 4: Soil Map Myanmar

2. Methods

Wflow Model

Wflow is an open-source PCRaster/python based model which is capable of rainfall runoff routing using
geo-spatial datasets. The model is easy to set-up and use once all the required input is available. The
model is executed in 3 steps. The working of the model can be explained with a flow chart (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Flow Diagram for Wflow

2.1.1 Model Set-up

The first module called Wflow_Prepare_step1 takes a digital elevation model, land-use map and Stream
network (optional) for the study area and creates a network delineation, Streamorder, sampled DEMs
and Local drainage direction file to be used as input for module 2 named Wflow_Prepare_step2. Step2
resamples all the maps to the specified resolution. Since higher resolution map result into slower run of
the model, it is required to change the resolutions to reasonable values so that the simulations can be
faster. Once these resampled maps are generated, a time series or gridded maps of the dynamic data
such as precipitation, evaporation etc. needs to be provided for the final module, Wflow_sbm.exe. If any
of the data is missing, the model automatically assumes some default values that are preset for the
Other than the input maps and time series, the model needs some look-up tables. A look-up table is a
text document which assigns parameter values to different cells based on the Land-use, Soil types, DEM
etc. Hence based on a combination of raster data for a particular cell, the parameters such as mannings
coefficient, soil conductivity etc. are assigned.
The model uses Kinematic wave routing for runoff calculations. Kinematic wave routing is a type of
hydrologic routing. It is assumed that inertial and pressure forces are not important and only gravity and

frictional terms are balanced. Hence only the continuity equations drive the routing and dynamic
equations are ignored. The continuity equations simply assume that the change in storage for a time
step is equal to the difference of inflow and outflow.
In the model, water in the saturated store is transferred laterally along the DEM. For this transfer, the
model can use the slope of the DEM or the actual slope of the water table. Though using actual water
table slope in the model slows it down considerably. A kinematic wave reservoir is defined in the model
and the surplus water at each step from a cell is added to the kinematic wave reservoir and is used for
the next time step.

2.1.2 Model Theory

The theory behind some key functions used by Wflow will be explained in this section.

The Rainfall Interception model

The Analytical (Gash) Model

The analytical model of rainfall interception is based on Rutters numerical model. The simplications
introduced allow the model to be applied on a daily basis, although a storm-based approach will yield
better results in situations with more than one storm per day. The saturation water demand for the canopy
is dened as:

ln[1 (1

)1 ]


R = average precipitation intensity on a saturated canopy
E = average evaporation from the wet canopy
p = canopy gap fraction
pt = 0.1*p

The model uses a series of expressions to calculate the interception loss during different phases of a
storm. An analytical integration of the total evaporation and rainfall under saturated canopy conditions
is then done for each storm to determine average values of E and R.
The total evaporation from the canopy (the total interception loss) is calculated as the sum of the
components listed.
For m small storms (Pg < Pg) (1 )
=1 ,

Wetting up the canopy in n large storms ( ) (1 )

Evaporation from saturated canopy during rainfall

( )
=1 ,

Evaporation after rainfall ceases for n large storms nS

Evaporation from trunks in q storms that fill the trunk storage qSt

Evaporation from trunks in (m + n - q) storms that do not fill the trunk storage =1
Interception losses from the stems are calculated for days with



St and pt are small and neglected in the wow_sbm model.

Saturated conditions are assumed to occur when the hourly rainfall exceeds a certain threshold. Often a
threshold of 0.5 mm/hr is used. For all the hours when the rainfall exceeds the threshold R is calculated
to give an estimate of the mean rainfall rate onto a saturated canopy.
(Gash 1979) showed that in a regression of interception loss on rainfall (on a storm basis) the regression
coefficient should equal to . Assuming both to be non-varying in time, Ew can be estimated in this

way from R in the absence of climatic observations. Values derived in this way generally tend to be
(much) higher than those calculated with the penman-montieth equation.

Soil Model

First of all, for saturated surface, the precipitation that falls is added to the surface runoff component. If
the surface is not saturated, infiltration of remaining water is determined as follows:
1. Soil infiltration capacity is adjusted for frozen soil(if temp data is available)
2. Remaining storage capacity of unsaturated store is determined
3. The water available for infiltration is divided into two parts depending on whether is falls on
compacted or non-compacted area.
4. Infiltration in non-compacted areas is calculated as the minimum of the remaining storage
capacity, the maximum soil infiltration rate and available infiltrating water.
5. The same is done for compacted zone after updating the unsaturated store.
Water Accounting Scheme
The model considers soil as a bucket with a certain depth (zt), divided into a saturated store (S) and an
unsaturated store (U). The unit for these stores is of depth. The top of the saturated store forms a
pseudo-water table at depth zi such that the value of S at any time is given by:
= ( )( )


Where, r and s are residual and saturated water stores respectively.

Similarly, unsaturated store (U) is divided into storage (Us) and deficit (Us)
= ( )



= ( )


Combining both, the saturation deficit as a whole for the soil profile (SD) is:

The infiltrating water reached the unsaturated store first and the transfer from U store to S store (st)
depends on saturated hydraulic conductivity which changes with depth and ration between U and Sd.


So, the smaller the saturation deficit, the higher is the rate of transfer between saturated and
unsaturated store. The saturated conductivity Ksat decreases with depth. The decrease is given by
parameters Ko (saturated soil conductivity at the surface) and f (Scaling parameter m-1) defined as:

( )


M is a model parameter (expressed in meters). The relation between Ksat and zt for various values of M is
given by the Figure 6

Figure 6: Variation of K with depth for different M

The sub surface flow from S is determined as


= 0 tan()


= element slope angle (deg.)

sf = Subsurface flow calculated by the model (m2d-1)
The schematization of soil in wflow_sbm is also presented in a flow-chart Figure 7

Figure 7: Soil Schematization for Wflow_sbm

Transpiration is modeled in wflow_sbm by first extracting water from the S store if the roots reach
water table and then from U store if S store is empty. Number of wet roots is determined (between 0
&1) using a sigmoid function:
Wetroots =

1.0+ ( )

Here the sharpness parameter (by default a large negative value, -80000.0) determines if the output is
stepwise or a more gradual one (default is stepwise). For all values of Watertable smaller that Rooting
Depth a value of 1 is returned if they are equal a value of 0.5 is returned if the Watertable is larger than
the Rooting Depth a value of 0 is returned. The returned Wetroots fraction is multiplied by the potential
evaporation (and limited by the available water in saturated zone) to get the transpiration from the
saturated part of the soil. Next the remaining potential evaporation is used to extract water from the
unsaturated store:
2.1.3 Limitations
Wflow is very specific with regards to the format of input data. All the maps should be in PC-Raster
*.map format and the time series should also conform to the same. Though to take care of this
limitation, the model has been made to work well with other GIS software and can be linked to them
using python modules.
The network delineation routine in Wflow does not work too well if the topography is flat. In such a
case, it becomes necessary to provide a stream network file for proper delineation. For a country like
Myanmar with a variable terrain, the model works well and gives good delineation for the network. But
even then, the model requires some tinkering with the outlet points/gauges to get proper subcatchment boundaries. Also providing a proper Strahler order for river cells is very important as giving a

very low value may result in gauges being snapped to a local stream which in turn gives smaller subcatchment than expected.
Secondly Wflow is a command-line model and as such has no GUI. The modeler must have some basic
knowledge of command line instructions.
For the physical processes, presently the model can only use DEM for routing as other methods are too
slow or not working.



The main reason to choose Wflow for this research is the data scarcity in Myanmar. Wflow can do runoff
routing solely on the basis of satellite data. The in-situ data is needed for calibration and validation of
the model. For a data-intensive model, a lot of land based data is needed while for Wflow, very sparse
land based data can also be used to calibrate and validate the model.
Having mentioned that, the data requirements (satellite data) for Wflow are not trivial. The following
data products have been used for modeling the Rainfall-runoff relationship for catchments in Myanmar
(Table 3).
Table 3: Sources of Data for Model

Data Type

Data Product

Digital Elevation Map


TRMM3B42/Watch Forcing

Soil Type

Resolution (Arcsec if nothing is

3 Hourly/Daily

The data preparation for Wflow is quite intensive. Most of the satellite data is available in the raw form
and has to be converted into formats usable by the software. The model can only work well on a daily or
sub-daily time scale. Hence WFD and TRMM precipitation products are suitable.
The EU-WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) is a reanalysis product which provides spatio temporal global
precipitation maps at a daily resolution. The Spatial resolution for these maps is 30 minutes. The dataset
is available for the whole 20th century making it really valuable for time series analysis of long durations
return periods. The WFD used monthly bias-correction of monthly number of wet days (CRU) and
precipitation totals (GPCCv4) plus precipitation gauge catch corrections (Weedon 2011) . It is the first
reanalysis product to use GPCCv4 precipitation totals (instead of CRU precipitation totals).


3. Results
The model was run for 2 catchments in Myanmar (Figure 8) with outlets at
Kyaukse and Pyawbwe with Pyawbwe being the larger of the two. Since the insitu data was not available, the model results could not be validated. A rough
comparison of the simulated results has been done for the nearest location,
Pathi dam (Figure 8), where the monthly discharge data was available. The
model was run for EU-WATCH forcing data for the year 1998 and 1999 and for
TRMM data for 2008; Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, respectively. Also, for all
the 3 figures, the highest discharge is Pyawbwe and the lower is Kyaukse. For
Figure 11, the discharge in yellow is the measured discharge at Pathi dam. The
data has been made available by the Hydrology Branch of department of
Irrigation and Agriculture, Republic of Union of Myanmar.

Figure 8: Simulated

Figure 9: Runoff 1998(m3/s)


Figure 10: Runoff 1999(m3/s)



Discharge at pyawbwe and kyaukse(2008)

x 10












Figure 11: Runoff-2008 (m3/s)

Since the input for the model was at a daily time step, the discharge simulated is also on a daily time
scale. For every year, day 1 is 1st of January and day 365 is 31st of December. is It can be clearly seen that
all 3 plots show a distinct wet season, i.e. monsoons between May and September and receding wet
season in October. Figure 11 shows the measured runoff for Pathi dam along with the simulated runoff

for 2008.The runoff is monthly but has been resampled to 15 days to have more data points. The graph
for simulated runoff 2008 and measured data for 2008 are quite similar. The peak runoff is in beginning
of May in the simulated data but in June for the recorded data. This can be because the data is recorded
monthly. It should be noted that the values for simulated data should not be compared to the observed
data here as the data point is different from the outlet. The data has been plotted to show the
similarities in the trends of runoff and hence only relative runoff is important. Also for the year 1999 and
1998 the peak runoff comes later than 2008. The usual peak runoff is after the onset of monsoon in
June/July but 2008 was an exception because of the storm Nargis that hit Myanmar on 2nd May. The
timing of TRMM data is good in that regard as can be seen from the plots for recorded and simulated
Another important thing to be observed is the recurring peaks and not a regular high discharge value. So
even during the monsoons there are period when the discharge is much higher compared to other days
and these peaks are pretty sharp. These can be caused by local storms when there are recurrent rains
for continuous days. A detailed analysis of these peaks can give insights into the frequency and types of
local monsoon storms in Myanmar. It can be an important insight into the return period of big storms
and their intensities.

4. Discussions
The model even though being a basic set-up shows satisfactory results as far as seasonal trends and
peaks are concerned. The dry season flow and timing of the peaks can only be confirmed when
measured data is available. The results for 2008 are of significance as it was the year of Nargis. As
expected, the simulated peak runoff is much higher (30-40%) than the peak runoff for 1998 and 1999.
The measured data is in close correspondence with the simulated runoff in terms of the trends and
timing. The delay in the peaks for measured data can be attributed to the fact that data is recorded
monthly. Same goes for the flat peaks and a more regular plot for measured data.
Also, for all 3 maps, the runoff for catchment 1 is higher than that of Catchment 2. This is because of the
size of the two catchments. Catchment 1 is larger than catchment 2. Also the peaks are sharper for
catchment 1 than 2. This can be because of the more mountainous (higher altitude and hillslopes)
terrain in the upstream part of catchment 1.
There is a lot of scope for improvement in the model. The TRMM and EU-Watch forcing data need to be
compared to know which dataset is more accurate for Myanmar. The comparison needs to be done on
the input (precipitation) as well as the accuracy of the output of the model. As and when the runoff data
from DMH is available, Simulations can be run for the available period and outlets and results can be
calibrated and validated. Temperature data can be incorporated to include snowpack modeling since
there is some snow in the northern parts of the catchment.
Another mistake in this study is the selection of the catchments. The catchments were selected based
on the Myanmar boundary. Hence some of the runoff from the upstream in rivers like Salween and
Mekong could not be included. Hence model is bound to underestimate the runoff. Another problem

that can be avoided by choosing catchments based on rivers rather than country is the low stream order
for big rivers. This leads to difficulties in the delineation of the sub-catchment. The outlets are snapped
to smaller rivers resulting into smaller sub-catchments.

5. Conclusions
With the limited measured datasets available, no conclusive or quantitative remark can be made about
how well Wflow can simulate the hydrology in Myanmar. Though, from the results that we have, it can
be concluded that the model is able to capture seasonal flow variations and some intra season flow
peaks. Also, without any data for calibration, it is difficult to say whether the parameter set used is the
correct one. This is very important since Wflow is a parameter based model. Similarly, data is required
for validation of calibrated model over different seasons and years to check how easily it can be used for
different periods and catchments. Care must be taken to know the topography and geomorphology of
the region. This helps in providing realistic values to the parameters which is essential for the model to
produce good results.
The results need to be calibrated and validated before using them for any further research unless there
is no other source of data. There is a need to have a good network of weather stations in Myanmar. The
spatial and temporal resolution of ground based observations should be improved so that the models
results can be accessed quantitatively.
There is also a lot of scope for the use of satellite data for understanding the hydrological processes and
simulating them in data poor regions. The parameters need to be linked to some physical processes so
that in absence of any data, they can still be estimated realistically rather than calibrating them to mimic
the observed results.

6. Recommendations
Future research on the use of wflow model in Myanmar should include the following key aspects:
1. Model should simulate hydrology in catchments and not within the country boundaries.
2. More on site observations should be available since any other conclusions/recommendations
are difficult without data to validate the model.
3. Different reanalysis products like TRMM, Aphrodite and EU-Watch Forcing Data should be cross
validated to see which works better in Myanmar. It is also possible that different models work
better in different locations as there is lot of diversity in Precipitation intensities and
4. Soil types should be incorporated in the model.
5. Different DEM, land-use and soil classification datasets should be compared to see how the
model performance is affected.
6. Land-use must be studied in greater detail as it has a huge impact on the model. This is because
all the parameters are distributed over different land-use types. Hence any error in land use
classification translates directly into an error in the parameter value for that cell.

7. Temperature data should be included as it affects the snowpack modeling as well as saturation
capacity of the soil.

Future Scope of Work

This research work is still being continued. In the next phase of the work includes:
1. Validating model results for one of the outlet points where data is available.
2. Comparing performance of TRMM, Aphrodite and EU-Watch re-analysis products for simulating
runoff in Myanmar
3. Change the study area to catchment scale from country scale
4. Delineating sub-catchments and generating run-off time series for the inflow nodes of the
Water Allocation Model(RIBASIM)
5. Error and sensitivity analysis of the model to various parameters
6. Constrain the model inputs to identify the minimum land based measurements required to
make reasonably good runoff predictions


FAO. n.d.
(accessed 10 18, 2013).
Gash, J.H.C. "An analytical model of rainfall interception by forests." Quart. J. R. Met. SOC, 1979: 43-55.
Hrachowitz, et al. "On the value of combined event runoff and tracer analysis to improve understanding
of catchment functioning in a data-scarce semi-arid area." 2011.
Thein, Myint. "Myanmar_water_resources_potential.pdf." n.d. (accessed 10 18,
Weedon, Graham. 4 6, 2011.
al%20hydrological%20modelling,%20by%20Graham%20Weedon.pdf (accessed 12 12, 2013).



Appendix A
Data Sources:
EU-Watch Forcing Data (WFD) -

Appendix B
Matlab code to save daily rainfall grid data for a particular year for EU-WATCH Forcing data
%Loop to read day 1 to 365(change to 366 if a leap year)
for i = 1:365
% Generate filename of type 2001_001.asc, 2001_002.asc etc (for year 2001)
filename = ['2001_' sprintf('%03.f',i) '.asc' ];
a=ncread('','pr',[1 1 i],[720 360 i]);
% Change NaN values to -9999 for no data points(PCRaster map does not accept NaN)
% Write the data to an ASCII delimited text file
dlmwrite(filename,a,'precision',4,'delimiter',' ');
Matlab code to save daily rainfall grid data for a particular year for TRMM3B42
for year=05:05
for month = 1:12
if(ismember(month,[1 3 5 7 8 10 12]))
for i=1:31
filename = ['TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.nc'];
if exist(filename, 'file')
for time =1:8

a=ncread(filename,'Rain',[1 1 time],[1440 400 1]);

sumday = sumday+a;
sumday(isnan(sumday))= [0];
filenameday = ['E:\Pradeep Data\TRMM\daily_data\2005\TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.asc'];
fileA = fopen('headertrmm.txt','r');
fileB = fopen(filenameday, 'w');
while (line ~= -1)
fprintf(fileB, line);
r',' ', '-append');
if(ismember(month,[4 6 9 11]))
for i=1:30
filename = ['TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.nc'];
if exist(filename, 'file')
for time =1:8
a=ncread(filename,'Rain',[1 1 time],[1440 400 1]);
sumday = sumday+a;
sumday(isnan(sumday))= [0];
filenameday = ['E:\Pradeep Data\TRMM\daily_data\2005\TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.asc'];
fileA = fopen('headertrmm.txt','r');
fileB = fopen(filenameday, 'w');
while (line ~= -1)
fprintf(fileB, line);
r',' ', '-append');

if (isinteger(year/4))
for i =1:29
filename = ['TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.nc'];
if exist(filename, 'file')
for time =1:8
a=ncread(filename,'Rain',[1 1 time],[1440 400
sumday = sumday+a;
sumday(isnan(sumday))= [0];
filenameday = ['E:\Pradeep Data\TRMM\daily_data\2005\TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.asc'];
fileA = fopen('headertrmm.txt','r');
fileB = fopen(filenameday, 'w');
while (line ~= -1)
fprintf(fileB, line);
r',' ', '-append');
for i =1:28
filename = ['TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.nc'];
if exist(filename, 'file')
for time =1:8
a=ncread(filename,'Rain',[1 1 time],[1440 400
sumday = sumday+a;
sumday(isnan(sumday))= [0];
filenameday = ['E:\Pradeep Data\TRMM\daily_data\2005\TRMM3B42_20'
sprintf('%02.f%02.f%02.f',year, month, i) '.asc'];
fileA = fopen('headertrmm.txt','r');
fileB = fopen(filenameday, 'w');
while (line ~= -1)
fprintf(fileB, line);

r',' ', '-append');
filename1 =['E:\Pradeep Data\TRMM\Annual_Cum\TRMM_20'
sprintf('%02.f',year) '.asc'];
r',' ', '-append');
Command line code for clipping the rainfall maps (PCRaster map format) with layer of
for %f in (*.map)do gdalwarp -q -cutline "E:/Additional Thesis/MODSIM Project/Shape
files/Myanmar/MMR_adm0.shp" -crop_to_cutline -of VRT "%f" "E:\clipped\%f"
Header file for EU-WATCH forcing data
xllcorner -180
yllcorner -90
cellsize 0.5
NODATA_value -9999
Header file for TRMM3B42 exctracted data
xllcorner -180
yllcorner -50
cellsize 0.25
NODATA_value -1e04


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