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You are hereby commanded to arrest the above named individual and bring that
person without unnecessary delay before the County Court in and for the County of
Jefferson, Colorado, it appearing from an affidavit sworn to before me relating
facts sufficient to establish probable cause that the offense(es) of:

Human Trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude

Pimping of a Child
Sexual assault of a child ~pattern



Bond Fixed

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County Court Judge






CASE # 15-003748
NAME OF SUSPECT: Greiner, Julie
DATE OF BIRTH: 08/19/1972
COURT: Jefferson County
1. 18-3-504(2)- Human Trafficking of a Minor for sexual servitude (F2)
2. 18-7-405- Pimping of a Child (F3)
arrest of the above named defendant for the charge(s) stated above, and that the following facts are true and correct to the
best of his/her knowledge and belief and support the arrest of the defendant.
Your Affiant is a police agent for the City of Lakewood, Colorado whose responsibilities include the investigation of
crimes committed in that city. Your Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts contained within this affidavit through
personal involvement, interviews with witnesses and other police officers, and through reviewing official police reports.
On 01/25115 Lakewood Police Agents responded to 820 Depew Street in the City of Lakewood, County of Jefferson and
State of Colorado in reference to Julie Greiner (08/19/72) fearing for her safety when she returned home due to her son
Alexander "Alex" Greiner (03/25/93) being upset. After responding to the home agents learned that Julie and her
were returning home from a trip to Hawaii with
adult boyfriend known to
the family as "Thomas Keski". Agents leamed that
had formed an online relationship with Thomas where
Thomas provided money to the family for various things and that Thomas and his mother had met
and Julie in
Hawaii for a vacation.
During interviews with Alex he reported this all started approximately six months ago, when
met a boy named
"Thomas Keski" who claimed to be 15 years old. Thomas started sending
little gifts like a necklace or money
that he wired to Julie's account.
continued to talk to Thomas and they were told he was 17. Alex thought they
had met on an app where the both lied about their age.

One day in November Alex saw

on video chat with Thomas. Alex saw that Thomas was older and told Julie
because Thomas looked much older. Alex told Julie he thought they should stop talking. Alex stated it seemed like his
mom knew and wasn't surprised. Alex kept asking Julie if she knew how old he is and she said yeah. Julie eventually
told Alex "He's your age." Alex told Julie she has to put her foot down and say no. Julie didn't agree with Alex and
said that she talked to Thomas and they were just friends helping each other out with a situation.
Alex told Julie that if
and Thomas are just friends they should get their texts and see what they are talking about.
They were going to go get the texts but before that happened Alex broke his phone and ended up with
There were not dirty photos on the phone. When Alex was searching for apps different sex chat apps came up in the
search history. Alex woke Julie up and showed her and then she went back to sleep. Alex thought that Julie must have
talked to
because he didn't really see
on her phone much more after that.
Alex said that one night he walked into
room and she was undressed and she went for the blanket to cover
herself. She then slammed the door in his face. In the process Alex saw a phone with the man's face on the phone. Alex
guessed that this was Thomas but he couldn't confirm this. Alex told his mom about this and she just went back to sleep.
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Alex contacted Thomas through Facebook and asked him if he knows how old she is. Thomas ultimately told Alex
age. Thomas would not tell Alex how old he was. He only said "old enough" and to relax that he is not a child
Thomas agreed at the end of the conversation to cut ties and cut contact off or Alex would contact the
police. After that time in November Alex thought everything was on a better path until the day before his mom left for
Alex reported that his mom is bribed with money. According to Alex a few weeks before Julie left his younger brother
was watching the checking account money he was expecting to arrive. $750.00 showed up. He asked Julie if it was his
Julie admitted that she actually contacted Thomas asking him for
money or if it was Thomas sending money to
was not aware of this.
money for the cable bill.
Alex knows Thomas is paying for things because they are not financially stable. Alex was told that Thomas asked
to marry him with a $4000.00 ring. Alex said at first he saw $500.00 to $600.00. Then later on there was a time
where they couldn't pay their rent or electricity and Thomas wired over about $2500.00. Thomas also gave
iPhone 6 at Christmas, a ring, a diamond necklace, and multiple book collections that she gets in the mail.
Julie was interviewed multiple times and during the course of those interviews Julie's story changed when questioned or
was sexually abused by her dad. While coping
confronted with evidence in the case. Julie reported that last year
named "Thomas Keski" who had also been
with that
due to the abuse.
abused. Julie was initially told that
There was one month in October or November where Julie had significant financial issues and she couldn't get any help.
talked to Thomas about the bills and what was happening and he asked her how much they needed. Thomas said
that he would lend them some money and wired over some money. At first it was $20.00 to see if it would work. Then
he wired over $2500.00. Later Julie admitted that Thomas had also sent over $730.00 for an outstanding bill. As
interviews continued she admitted he also sent over money for a ring for
told Julie that Thomas and his mom might come and visit and asked if it was okay. Julie said she didn't sec why
and Thomas had been talking and he had helped them out. At this point Julie still thought Thomas
not because
asked Julie if there is a problem with an age difference. Julie told
and Julie talked and
was 15.
she didn't see a problem with it and she told her a story about the female teacher who ended up in jail but who is still
they can't have a
told Julie that Thomas was 2 I. Julie told
married to the student. At that point
with Thomas
relationship like that; that they have to be friends and that
Thomas was originally going to come to Colorado to meet them. Julie told him that he needed to cancel the ticket
because Alex was upset over learning that Thomas was coming to Colorado. When the trip to Hawaii was planned Julie
thought they would meet in Hawaii, but with the ticket Thomas already had it may have been cheaper to come to
Prior to meeting in Denver Julie
Colorado first. Thomas and his mom came to Colorado and met Julie and
became angry.
acting suic;idal again
didn't want anything to happen. J uI ie was concerned she may take off and runaway .
Julie met Thomas and his mom in Denver at the Hyatt in the Cherry Creek area. After meeting, Julie looked at Thomas's
mom's ID, her name is Metja Keski. When at the hotel they started talking. Julie stated they had talked to Thomas
would take Thomas everywhere they went on Face Time. When asked how much she has talked
before because

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Julie stated "not at all." Julie reported it was always all of them together. While at
to him on her own outside of
the hotel they talked and Thomas and Me1ja said they could stay. Julie didn't want to stay because she was going to go
ended up staying there and Julie went to go see her friend. In the morning they picked Julie up
meet someone.
and they went to the airpm1. Thomas and Me1ja spent one night in Colorado.
flight was with Thomas on United Airlines. Merja
When they flew to Hawaii Thomas had booked the flights.
passport so ultimately Thomas and
and Julie were
Julie's flight was rescheduled for three or four
missed their flight and had to re-schedule.
alone with Thomas, Julie stated she was more
hours later. When asked if she had any concerns
just worried they were going to get
scared of if something happened. She didn't have concerns
separated and be unable to find one another.
ended up flying back by
When asked about flights coming back, Julie ended up flying back by herself and
was on United Airlines. Julie also stated at one point when there
herself. Julie was on American Airlines and
was an issue with her missing a flight she ended up on a Delta flight.
When Julie got to Hawaii Merja was the only one who was already there. Julie arrived at the hotel between midnight and
and Thomas got into the airport later that afternoon. While in Hawaii Thomas paid for the hotel
and most expenses. Julie brought some money with her. There was one hotel room for the four of them. There.was a
king size bed and there were two couches. Julie and Merja took the bedroom and they left the door to the adjoining room
and Thomas slept on the couches but later admitted they both slept together on
open. Julie initially stated that
the pullout bed.

0200 hours.

and Thomas. At the end of the trip they

Merja and Julie were "pretty much" against anything occurring between
interactions she saw between
and Thomas they couldn't
hands in Hawaii. She saw
and Thomas, Julie stated they had their arms around
when they were there.
them hugging once or twice. She has never seen them kiss. Julie
She did not see them cuddle.
When asked if they had the opportunity to be together in Hawaii, Julie said she didn't think so but when they were eating
at a restaurant and Julie and Merja were shopping. Julie reported she doesn't know of them having sexual intercourse.
When asked about sexual contact, Julie said no. Julie stated she doesn't know anything about that. Julie stated as far as
she knows them wrestling was the closest to anything like that. When they were wrestling Julie was "a little bit''
uncomfortable with it. Julie stated they were messing around.
was sending naked pictures ofherselfto Thomas, Julie said no. When told that
When asked if she knows that
Alex said he told her, Julie stated that she asked Alex about that again . She stated that she told Alex he never showed her
was sending pictures to him. When clarified that Alex said he saw
any pictures aJJd she didn't know
naked face timing with Thomas and he told Julie that, Julie stated that he did tell her that. Julie stated she went right in
there and there was nothing. Julie thought that Alex was lying to her.
and Thomas being engaged and about Thomas giving her an engagement ring, Julie stated yes
When asked about
with money from
at some point. Julie admitted that she purchased the ring for
presents, Julie stated
Thomas. Julie provided
books, and a
that Thomas had sent
she would
phone. When told that it looks like she pimped
and said
never do that. When asked if he dido 't have any money if she
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she probably would have because she wants

to tell her and not to run away. When asked if
came to her
and told her she wanted to have sex with him that would have made her happy, if she would have allowed it Julie said
no. Julie said because of the age she doesn't want them to have sex.
When asked if she and
have had conversation specifically about Thomas regarding sex, she said yeah. Julie
stated she told
that she didn't want them to do anything like that because Thomas could get in trouble. She
didn't want him to get in trouble because she thought he was a nice guy. Julie stated they have talked about stuff before .
that previously but not about him. I asked Julie if she suspects that they were involved sexually, Julie says she doesn't
and she thinks
would have told her because they are pretty close.
has talked to Julie about people in the
past that she has had involvement with, this is normal for them to talk about.
was interviewed by FBI Forensic Interviewer Knapp.
repmied that in September she was feeling
depressed and had an account on an app where you can talk to peopl~ about your issues and can't be judged.
was not feeling well and Thomas was the only one available for her to talk to.
went on the app and talked to
Thomas. He invited her to Face Time with him.
told Julie that Thomas was 23 in September. Julie didn't have a problem with this.
told Thomas that
she was l2 years old. Alex was asking about Thomas's age.
asked Julie about this and she said that Alex was
going to get mad and may hurt
physically if she told the truth about Thomas's age. Alex believed that Thomas
was giving
things in order for her to show her body parts.
said she was not doing this. At some point
Alex saw Thomas's face and didn't think he was 15 years old. Julie told Alex the truth and Alex ran up the stairs and
tried to rip the door off.
hid in the bathroom and then had to leave because she didn't feel safe there anymore,
returned home she didn't talk to Thomas. Alex stayed downstairs and if
went down there Alex
would yell at her so she stayed in her room.
started talking to Thomas again and in January Thomas asked her if
she wanted to go on this trip.
reported she and Thomas were communicating via iMessage, Face Time, and Facebook. Thomas had to
deactivate his Facebook account.
identified her email account as and Thomas's email
account as tom.keski@gmai
shifted from the app they used to communicate to Face Time. They would
Face Time once a day. The conversations they had were around helping support her. The idea of meeting with
happened within month or two of them using Face Time. This idea came up because both
and Julie were going
through stressful times. Thomas asked her if she would ever want to meet someday. There was some discussion of
coming to Colorado they decided not to do this due to Alex.
When asked about something happening that Alex saw with Face Time and her.and Thomas,
said she doesn't
know and that if he needs anything he will knock and she will come to the door. When asked about a time Alex saw her
Face Timing with Thomas and there was something different about her clothes.
saJd maybe she was wearing a
sports bra because she sometimes wears this around the house.
said there was never a time when there were no
When asked about the nature of their relationship and when it changed and about gifts and money,
stated they
had problems with their bills. They were about to get kicked out and their water and electricity were about to get cut off.
He offered to help them this one time if they would pay him back.
stated her mom agreed to this and it was kind
of their discussion and not hers.
thinks that he wired the money to Julie and they spent it for the bills.
stated he gave her a phone because they talked about if her mom was ever gone if Alex would ever do something to her
and if she needed a phone to call someone. Alex wanted her to have a phone to be able to contact her mom so he got her
the phone.

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For her birthday she got a necklace. He got her an iPad, a Nintendo DS, and a ring for $200.00 for her birthday or
was also given clothes. In early November Thomas sent the money for all of the bills.
stated she thinks it was $1600.00. After that they had problems with their electricity. He sent $600.00 to $700.00 for
stated there was money for the stuff he bought her like clothes. Julie had told Thomas he couldn't use her
account so
said he could use her account. Julie had planned to pay Thomas back by getting a job and getting the
money to pay him back.
When the relationship changed and the gifts and money started,
would call more often and he started helping her
in more ways than money. He would make sure she ate evety day. That she took care of herself. That she showered and
brushed her teeth every day. He would tell her if she did these things it would help her get back on track.
doesn't know why Thomas does all this. She doesn't know what he is getting out of this except talking.
In regards to what occurred in Colorado,
reported she met Thomas at the Hyatt in Cherry Creek for the first time.
Julie drove her over there on January 1611 '.
went to the hotel and met them and she stayed there for the night.
Julie left because there were two beds. There was no room for her to stay.
stayed in one bed while Thomas and
Merja stayed in the other.
The first trip they discussed was Thomas coming to Colorado for the holidays. This changed because Alex was freaking
out He thought she was prostituting herself to others. The prostitution concerns were coming up because Alex thought
reported that Alex believed that she and
she was being given gifts and for those she was giving her body away.
her mom were involved in sex trafficking and prostitution. He was saying that Julie was prostituting
and herself.
stated this is not what she was doing and she doesn't know why Alex would think those things.
When in Hawaii
stated she was never alone with Thomas. Thomas purchased the tickets and hotel. Merja paid
for most of the food and other stuff in Hawaii. They went on a car trip. They went on the beach, the pool, the shopping
areas, and dinner. Thomas bought her a hat, some glasses, and sandals. When asked who bought her mom stuff,
said she bought her own stuff except for food. When asked if there was ever a discussion about payment,
most of the discussion they had were how they would make sure her mom pays him back when her mom gets a job.
While at the res01t in Hawaii their room was one bedroom and there was a pull out mattress. Julie and Merja stayed in
the bedroom and
and Thomas stayed on the pull out couch in the living room. They kept the door open so Merja
and Julie could keep an eye on them. When
stayed with Thomas in the bed she wore boy shotis and a tank top.
slept on one side and Thomas slept on the other.

In speaking of her interactions with Thomas while in Hawaii,

said they held hands as they walked around in the
said this is not a sexual thing.
gave him hugs and she kissed him on the cheek. When asked
about wrestling,
said that maybe if they were sitting on the bed watching TV they would mess with each other's
hair and she would do that to
hair or try to get away from each other or poke them. Thomas would mess with
him. He would put his arm around
shoulder when they went out to restaurants. They would mess with each
other's feet under the table at lunch. If
was tired Thomas would cany her from the restaurant back to the hotel.
When asked what the hotel video would show both in Colorado and in Hawaii,
said it will show them holding
hands, hugging, him carrying her around,
kissing him on the cheek. She doesn't think it will show anything
Whe~ talki:ng abou~ all of the information in this case and what we will find that is different, specifically pictures,
sa1d occastonally Thomas asked to see her face and she would take the pictures and sent them to his Gmail

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account. When asked about someone walking in on her without clothes on while on Face Time with Thomas,
said if Alex would walk in she was in sweat pants, a sports bra, and she doesn't know why Alex would think that because
he's not ever really in her room.
When asked about the ring and what it represents,
said she thought it was pretty and she liked it. Thomas said it
can count as a promise ring for them to be able to see each other again if things go like this. When it comes to Thomas,
mom has told her that she suppotts whatever decision she makes and that she hopes the best and that if they
really have such a deep connection with each other than waiting is probably the best thing to do. She said if they wait
they will be able to do the things they want to do. When asked if she thinks her mom would have approved of the
relationship ifthere wasn't money and gifts coming,
said yes.
and her mom agreed that he cared a lot.
mom didn't want that money she wanted to figure it out her own way.
Forensic Interviewer Knapp told
we have all of her devices and that they will be processed by the lab. When
asked what we may find on them that is different from what they talked about, when speaking specifically about anything
having to do with her and Thomas,
said nothing she can remember. Thomas sent pictures of his face to her.
has a folder of screen shots for Thomas . .This is in her photo gallery on her iPhone.
During the course of the investigation Julie consented to searches of electronic devices, she provided receipts for the ring,
the packaging for a vibrator that she found in
room, two condoms that were out of their packages located in
room, lubricant found in
room, financial records, and a receipt from Atlantic Innovations, LLC for
"Free Dual-Action G-Spot & Clit Vibe", "Fifty Shades At Ease Anal f.,ube", and "Climax Bursts Anal Lubricant". The
receipt shows that the items were shipped to
The order date was 12/28/14 and the account user was
Your affiant reviewed the financial records for Julie's Pay Pal account, Julie's Wells Fargo account, and for
Wells Fargo account. Within Julie's Pay Pal there are two transfers from the account of"Thomas Keski-Nummi
Wilson". The transfers were for $730.00 on 12/20/14, $3,255.00 on 12/23/14. Julie transferred that money to her Wells
Fargo account. When looking at Julie's Wells Fargo Statements it shows on 12/24/14 that she received $730.00 and
$3,255,00 from Pay Pal.
On 12/30/14 a purchase was made by Julie's Wells Fargo account at "Jared Gal" for $1569.14. There is a second entry at
"Jared Gal" on 12/31114 for $335.00. On 01/05/15 there are two payments to "Jared Gal" one for $456.30 and one for
$1490.83. There is also an entry on 1/6/15 for overdraft at "Jared Gal". This overdraft fee was $35.00.
In looking at the statements from
bank account your affiant observed the following transactions from
"COMMONWEALTH BANK /ORG==THOMAS WILSON": On 09/29/14 she received a deposit or transfer for $20.00.
On l 0/03/14 she received a deposit or transfer for $1645.00. On I 0/06/14 she received a deposit or transfer for $837.00.
On 10/07/14 she received a deposit or transfer for $175.00. On 10/27114 she received a deposit or transfer for $505.00.
On 11/18/14 she received a deposit or transfer for $129.00. On 11/24/14 she received a deposit or transferfor $745.00.
During the investigation evidence was recovered from
iPod. Your affiant looked at the images stored on this
device. Among those images your affiant observed a photograph of an lD from the University of Canberra with the name
Thomas Keski-Nummi- Wilson 'on it. There is a photograph of a male who appears to be in his early to mid-twenties. He
has short blond hair and is wearing glasses. Your affiant also observed a photograph of an ID that is a driver's license
from the Australian Capital Territory. It has the name Thomas Bryant Keski-Nummi-Wilson on it. It shows a date of
birth ofNovember 27, 1991. The photograph on the lD appears to be the same person who is ou the ID from the
University of Canberra, except in this photo he appears to be slightly younger. He is not wearing glasses and appears to
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be slightly heavier.
On the iPod there is evidence that
was video chatting and texting with Thomas. One of the ways they were
iPod your
communicating appears to be through an app call ooVoo. In reviewing the images available on
affiant observed what appeared to be screen shots of text messages within the ooVoo app in a conversation with user
"TomwWilson". Your affiant is currently unable to determine the date of the texts, however, your affiant is able to see
that "TomwWilson" was texting with
expressing that he loved her. In one of the texts he talks about not
believing in love at first sight until he saw the first picture she sent him. l-Ie stated he was completely in love with her
and knew he had to be with her. He states "At that time there was really no other option in my head. r briefly considered
just friends when you were '13' because of the age difference, but I knew I couldn't do it, I would have hated and loved
every second of it and it would have driven me crazy." In looking at the screen shots of the text messages it appears to be
parts of different conversations due to the time stamps on the messages as well as the time on the clock in the photo.
iPod there are also numerous screen shots containing images of video chats occurring between
the ID on the oo Voo app. Within these
and a male who appears to be Thomas based on comparison to the photos
images your affiant observed one screenshot where the large picture appears to be Thomas. It shows his face and the area
just below his collar bone. It does not appear he has a shirt on. It appears he is in a bathtub based on it looking as ifthere
is.tile and a sub just behind him. The smaller image on this chat is located in the top right hand corner. This image is of
She appears to be in a seated position.
appears to be topless and her right breast is exposed. In another
screen shot located on the phone the large image appears to be Thomas. He is wearing a dark color jacket or shirt of
some type. The smaller image on the chat is located in the top right hand corner and is of a female's unclothed body.
The female appears to be lying down. The photo shows the area just under the breasts down to the area near the top of
the thighs. The front portion of the female's vagina is visible in the photograph.


While reviewing the contents of the iPod your affiant also observed some messages exchanged between the account
and tom.keski@hotmai l.corn. In the messages
sent multiple photographs of herself.
There are also two photos sent that are of a female wearing lingerie. In these photos your affiant is unable to determine
that they are of
as her face is not shown in the photos.

On 06/23/15 your affiant obtained search warrants for Thomas's ooVoo account,
Hotmail account.

gmail account and Thomas's

Your affiant reviewed the content of the ooVoo chats between Thomas and
This contact occurred from
approximately September 2014 through approximately December 2014. There was consistent contact between
and Thomas during this time. Based on the chats it appears that
and Thomas were not initially honest about their
ages but it appears that in September Thomas admitted he was 22 years old and acknowledged that he knew
12 years old.
On 09/15/14 Thomas apologized and said, "Ummm oh yes I'm sotTy for asking you for do that thing I asked you to do".
told him that she was
tells him that ifs fine and he says "Really?" and "You're not like go away perv?"
fine with it. He then also apologized for the "colour" thing and tells her "I want thinking with my head brain when I saw
that bra Iol".
On 09/20/15 Thomas thanked
for "doing that" and told her that he loves her but "not just because you did that
iol". He also said, "Andddd the thing you did with your finger omg thank you soooo much".

On 09/27/15

sent Thomas some type of file and said that her mom told her to give it to him. Thomas then said
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" ... Hmmm it's probably on there but but I need the bank code could you google like what the numbers mean for your
bank lol''.
On I 0/05/14 there is a discussion between Thomas and
around Christmas gifts. Thomas talked about giving
talked about not normally having Christmas gifts and he told her that this year she will. She asked him
how and he told her that he is giving her Christmas n10ney.
told him "Don't. You've already gave me money for
all the bills and stuff that's enough." Thomas told her they are two differentthings.
told him that she doesn't
want him giving her all that money and Thomas told
that she and her mom deserve something nice for
then told Thomas "But I feel bad We're like taking a bunch of your money .. " Thomas replied telling
her not to feel bad that it is his decision to give it to her that she didn't ask for it and it is his choice.
Thomas why she deserved it and Thomas said "Because you're a great person, I love you and you have had a really bad
year." The conversation continued and
told Thomas that it is too much money and he should spend it on himself.
Thomas replied that he wanted to spend it on her.
tells Thomas that she will let him give her the money even
though it is a stupid choice it is his choice. Thomas replied "omg it's not a stupid choice stop it, you are so worth it".
On 10/8/14 they had a discussion where Thomas said "please tell me you are ok with what just happened".
him that she was okay with it. Thomas then said "Lol I was kinda worried in the shower when I calmed down. I didn't
force you right?"
told him "Of course you didn't force me." Thomas then told her "But you said you weren't
sure you know, and I just... did it anyway". Then
said "Thomas. Listen I wasn't 100 percent sure yeah but we
tried it out and I'm really fine with it. Trying it out made me I00 percent sure. So relax". They continued to talk about
how he was more freaked out then she was after. Thomas asked
"Lol good. Ummm question, I know I asked
while it was happening but now you have had a little time to process and stuff, did that do anything for you? if you know
what I mean".
told him she knows what he means that that it did. He asked her to describe it.
eventually said that she will tell him tomorrow when she calls him.
On 10/11/14 Thomas asked
she's paid some but not all".

to ask her mom about the money.

said okay and then responds "She said

On 10/12/l4 Thomas wanted to see what

outfit looked like. She said no and that she is changing. He wanted
to call and she says "But I'm naked". Thomas said "It's all good, can I call?"
then says "Sure". They then text
. back and forth about calling as if there were difficulties getting the call to work.
On 10/13/14 Thomas asked
to call him and she said that she could not because sh~ was in her mom's room.
stated she would call tomorrow. Thomas told her not to be like that and he apologized saying that he is "such a
selfish ass hole" and told her not to be ang1y. He went on to convince her to call him. They then had issues with the
phone connection.
On 10/q/14 Thomas and
discussed when she would be getting underwear and her not wearing any for a while.
then dared Thomas to go without underwear for a week. He questioned "But what if you're texting me and I get
like a massive hard on". Thomas questioned why she wanted him to do this so much and she told him he is the reason
she has not been wearing underwear so she is returning the favqr. Thomas .asked if he will get anything in return for this
and as they go back and forth on what she might like. Thomas asked if she would think of relaxing some of the rules she
made yesterday. She then told him she will do two of them and she wanted him to select which two. Thomas told her
that he doesn't want her to think he is just looking at her for her body. He, told her "Ok well being naked in front of me if
your 100% comfmtable" and the other one he said is "masturbating together".
said that she will consider it. He
then said he will go without underpants for a week.

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On 10/14/14
told Thomas she talked to her mom about telling her family how old he is.
told him that her
mom thinks they should wait to tell them until
is 18.
told Thomas she is okay with that but it is
extremely disappointing.
On 10/15/14
told Thomas she asked her mom all the things he wanted her to ask.
tell him what her mom said when they called.

told him she would

On 10/16114 Thomas asked

to think of a fantasy. She says she can't. They talk about this and he asked her to
look for some inspiration online. She said that she can't that it's really weird. He asked if he can help her and he told her
he will look up a website and she can say what she thinks would be fun to try. Thomas sent
the link:
http://www ips/20 12/04/8-lhings-ever,y-woman-shou ld-tly-in-bed 73
said she read it and they discuss what she would pick. She told him she is not good at thinking about this stuff.
He wanted her to pick one thing and she said that she can't. He told her that is okay and questioned if there was anything
there she wouldn't try. She says "Idk". They agree to talk about it later.
On 10/16/14 Thomas asked for a picture from her to prove she is not wearing underwear.
would not agree to
send the picture.
talked about being sexually frustrated . He wanted to know what she was wearing and she told
him "the robe". Thomas then started sending texts abo~t what he would do to her such as opening her robe, licking "your
wann, wet pussy. You would moan softly and J would lick a little harder, gathering all yoqr glistening wetness on my
tongue". The conversation went on and continued to be sexual in nature. As they had this conversation he talked about
wanting her to try saying things like this to him so he can see her style.
On 10/18/14 Thomas wanted to call and
that she can't talk in her mom's room.

said that she can't call that she is in her mom's room.

told him

On 10/23/14
and Thomas discussed visas. In the conversation they say that Julie said it was a yes if they figured
everything out. They are both happy and
says that if they get everything figured out then in three months they
will be living together. During the conversation Thomas asked
what her mom says
stated that she was
talking about planning and questioned what is the youngest they can get married over there.
told Thomas "She's
all think bout marriage". Thomas told
to tell her thank you and that he appreciates how much she trusts him and
that she's awesome.
told Thomas, "She says you're welcome and that you're awesome too and thanks for all the
love and you're a good guy".
On 10/26/14
and Thomas texted about what she was doing. She said she was out eating and that they are talking
about her new iPhone. As they discussed this Thomas wanted to know what
said and
told him "1 said
my 23 year old boyfriends buying me stuff ands gonna pimp me out in Australia ' " (The box in the quote represents an
emoji of a face with a flat line for a mouth.) They discussed that she was asked where she got the money and she said
that her boyfriend gave it to her. She told him that she said her boyfriend was Thomas and is from Australia.
On 10/26/14
and Thomas talked about if her mom would have another kid and how she would have another baby
to play with. As they talked about this Thomas said "Haha wow you're totally gonna poke holes in all my condoms oe".
said "Haha nahhh" and he replied "Lol sureee".
then said "You won't be wearing condoms". Thomas
told her that he thinks he has changed his mind on that.
asked why and he said "unless you don't want me to"
and he said that he is happy to. He then says "first time I wont, and we get the morning after pill but from then on I'm
happy to" . .
told him that unless he really wants to wear one she is good. He told her that she really needs to talk
to the "Dr". Thomas then sent
links for the morning after pill and links for information on the pill, what to do,
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and how to get it.

On 10/30/14 Thomas told
the thing while she was gone.

e that the reason he didn't get all hot and bothered when she was changing is that he did

On 11106/14 Thomas confhmed that

was naked and he asked her to message him she statied rubbing and
fingering so he doesn 't bother her.
asked him when he wanted her to do it and he said every I 0 minutes for 3
confirmed that he wants her to start in l 0 minutes and he said yeah.
On 11/12/14 Thomas sent

the following links: orgasm a day keeps the doctor away/4261 , htt :// -anorgasm-a-day-keeps-the-doctor-away/, http://www.pornhu .v ideo.php?vicwkey=643270988, iew video.php?viewkey= l3430865 I. After sending the links to
and then told her to
call when she is done with both and to read the articles.
said "Ok". A shoti time later Thomas told
"omg fuck you ". Thomas told her "I just looked, the end of the cucumber has blood on it".
said that sh~ is
sorry. Then Thomas said "and my ass hurtsssssss".
told him to put some lotion on it.
On 11/16/14
told Thomas that her mom said he could stay upstairs with her.
said Alex is the only
person who has a problem with it. During this conversation Thomas told
to "Tell her from me we're not just
going to be having a bunch of sexy sex, I just want you with me".
On 11/18/14 a discussion started between
and Thomas about not worrying so much and about
lost and Thomas said he is freaked out and shocked.
apologized and he said he is dealing with it but she needed
to talk to her mom about her options. Thomas talked about needing to delete his Face book because Alex was messaging
him on it. Thomas talked about not being worried about Alex but that he didn't want to be arrested.
talked about
it not being a big issue that they ware worlds away. They continue talking and Thomas asked what she and her mom
were talking about. She said that she was at her aunts.
stated that her aunt was barely okay with them. Thomas
talked about paying for a hotel for her for a month.
ine told Thomas that ''Janette says we shouldn't go to Hawaii".
went on to say that she didn't want them to unless they are chaperoned. Thomas asked what happened to moving
responded that she was still moving that it was advice she was not going to take.
On 11/19/14
told Thomas that "he came back" and that she can't talk to him anymore. Thomas apologized and
said that he loves her and cares about her and that they will be able to text. The conversation between them continued
said "He' s feeling a lot better about it but thinks we should just stay friends and that you shouldn't come to
America". They continued to talk about what was happening.
commented that her mom and Alex were fighting.
Thomas asked
what happened if she said they can't talk anymore and
stated she would never say that.
commented that she wanted them to be together as much as they do. They talked about needing a few days to
settle down and about how as soon as the "cps" thing is over there would be no more problems. Thomas commented that
"it will, when they realize nothing is wrong and stop.the investigation it'll be fine, even if Alex calls again they won't
take it seriously".
As the conversation about what happened and their relationship continued, Thomas asked
to tell her mom "Tell
her I'm so sorry I put her in this situation and that I feel terrible about everything that has happened, and rm like
ridiculously, ridiculously grateful that she is still willing to let us talk, and that she's an amazing person and that I'm
sorry again. Just when you get the chance please".
told Thomas that she told her mom. Thomas asked
her mom thought he is a pedophile and
said no.
told Thomas her mom was wondering if she could look

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him up to show others that he hadn't done anything wrong.

Thomas said that is fine.

told him she wanted to look up his criminal record.

Thomas asked
if her mom decided on Hawaii and
stated that her mom said it's a possibility. They talked
more about the background check and then talked about going to Hawaii.
asked Thomas "Do you think we'll
even be able to kiss in Hawaii?" Thomas responded "of cause, we can do anything, your mumjuat has to say we
asked if he is sure and he comments that it is not like people there will have any idea and they won't
then said "Just no sex yeah?" Thomas replied "unfortunately Hahaha kidding kidding but yeah no sex".
On 11123/14 Thomas questioned "Do you think I'm buying you this stuff because 'money equals love' or something?"
said "of course not". Thomas then questioned, "Do you think I'm like a paedophile bribing kids with candy?"
asked why he would say that. Thomas told her that he has been hearing a lot about pedophiles the last few days
and it freaked him out. He also said that he was frustrated because for some reason best buy wouldn't accept his credit
card or PayPal and that he would send the money and she would have to buy it with her card.
On 11/24/14
and Thomas discuss that her mom made the appointment for the birth control a while ago and the
appointment is today so she said she was just going to take
to it to get it over with so I don't have to worry about
it in the future.
told Thomas that she has to shave so if he wants to shave his beard he can. Thomas told
"Can't wait to see all nice and smooth". They continue to talk about shaving and Thomas said "You always look
awesome, oh wait is the doctor going to inspect you down there? is that why you had to shave?" Thomas told her she
always looks awesome but.that now she probably feels awesome too. Thomas and
continued to message during
the time she is at the doctor's office. At one point Thomas asked
"Lol okie does your mum have a reason if cps
asks?" As they texted
told Thomas that the second package came.
told him she saw everything he
bought and that it was funny because of what he bought. Thomas told her there was a mystery gift, the stuff he bought
was the stuff that was already there and that he had added condoms.
told Thomas the mystery gift is a fake
vagina. After
saw the doctor she told Thomas that sh~ got a Nuva Ring. They went on to talk about it.
On 11/25/14
and Thomas are talking about her mom wanting Thomas's mom to know about
said that her mom refuses to talk about any future plans until the cps thing is over.

age and

On 11130/15 a series of messages were sent by Thomas. It appears that

is responding to him based on what he is
saying but there are no visible responses from
In the messages Thomas said that he is pooping and that this is
what happens after anal. Thomas said "Yeah once" and that they would see how it goes and that if she doesn't like it
they don't have to do it again. He said they have to do it once so she can feel what it's like. He stated he would start
with fingers and stuff for a while before they go to the "d". He talked about her making him put stuff up there and it's
not made for it. Thomas said that it is not that different that she just doesn't want to do it anymore and he said that they
agreed to try it ages ago. He then said he is not going to force her. During the messages be also said "not in Hawaii".
On 12/1/14 Thomas asked
about asked her mom about the 16 111
told him that he said they were staying
at the house while he is here. They discuss meeting his mom at the hotel to have coffee when !hey have checked in.
On 12/2/14
and Thomas discussed that he is not comfortable with Sir/mistress stuff while they were in Hawaii.
asks "Bdsm?" and he said yes.
On 12/8/t 4 Thomas asked
if she could se11d a pic so he would have good dreams.
told him she is
already in her mom's bed. Here 'ponded,' So you can't take a pic?"
then sent a picture of her face.

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Based on the information available in the case the FBI and Australian Federal Police and were contacted regarding this
investigation. On 10/8115 a search warrant was executed in Australia and Thomas was anested by the Australian Federal
Police. The Australian Federal Police reported that they had evidence
was still in contact with Thomas and that
she was calling him and texting him frantically. On the morning of I 0/8/15 your affiant contacted the Jefferson County
Department of Human Services and learned that
was returned to her mother's care approximately three weeks
ago and that she is living with her mom at 820 Depew Street in Lakewood. On 10/8/15 your affiant obtained and
executed a search warrant at Julie and
home. During the search of the home numerous electronic devices were
seized these devices have not been fully processed at this point. Other items such as what appears to be letters written by
and what appears to be
journal were seized.
The handwritten letters appear to have been written by
to Thomas. There are also two notes that
to her mom with them. In regards to the letters written to Thomas it appears that the infonnation in the letters was being
passed on to Thomas by Julie. In the letters
talks about what is occurring in her life. She talks about being
pregnant and refers to the baby as "Klara Primrose Keski-Nummi-Wilson". Later
tells Thomas that she lost the
baby. In the letters
talked about investigators wanting her DNA due to DNA on her clothing.
said she
is not going to give it to us and that she is giving him time to run. She stated she doesn't want to risk it being his DNA.
talks about him creating additional accounts so they could continue communicating.
In the handwritten notes written to Julie,
provided Julie with new information files fonn Merja. In the second
note she asks her mom if she can buy her some chili beans and a pregnancy test. She tells her mom to leave it in the
bathroom for her. She says that if it is stili a yes then she should get ready to stati buying her some newborn outfits.
In the journal found during the search warrant a large amount of the information appears to be research on Finland and
why she wants to move to Finland. In the journal there is a page where
documents that "we" stopped talking on
April 22, 2015 at 7:05am. She then wrote on the page what date it was and how long it had been since they talked. In
one entry
says" ... I expected this He didn't ever do anything. I never talked to him naked, nor did I sleep with
him. He was just being generous. Never even asked for a kiss. Which is why it's unfair for them to pursue him in a
investigation ... " She goes 'on to say she should have killed Alex. Also located in the joumal is a page that says "a Fbi
phycologist tell them I say hi, here's a finger print, Love,
During the execution of the search warrant Julie stated she was not aware that
and Thomas were still in contact.
She also stated she was never told that
was pregnant or that she had a miscarriage.
During the investigation occurring Australia investigators interviewed both Merja and Thomas. Your affiant was told
that in her interview Merja insisted that
is 18 years old and she acted surprised when told she is underage. She
was the best thing that happened to Thomas. When lhe interview turned to sexual contact she requested
an attorney and told Thomas to do the same. In the interview with Thomas he insisted thal he and
were simply
friends. He-stated he believed she was 18, but later admitted he was told by
that she was 16 prior to the trip to
Hawaii. When they began to discuss sexual contact and confronting him about the ooVoo chats Merja told him to request
an attorney.

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Based on the aforementioned information, your Affiant contends that probable cause exists and respectfully requests that
a warrant be issued for Julie Greiner, charging her with Human Trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude and Pimping
of a child.

Julie Anne Greiner, DOB 08/19/1972, White, Female, brown hair, brown eyes, approximately 5'0 1" and approximately
120 pounds, who current resides at 820 Depew Street, in the City of Lakewood, County of Jefferson, and State of


Subscribed and sworn to before me in the county of Jefferson, State of Colorado, this

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r'"b day of

(?eX- ,20 \S.

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