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Sophie Sheen

The Hunger Games Teenager Representation

Teenagers are represented in many ways during the clip. Firstly, teenagers are
represented as brave and loyal. This is portrayed throughout the role of the
heroine/protagonist Katniss Everdeen. For example, Katniss volunteers for
tribute instead of her younger sister, who was chosen. Moreover, being tribute
is life-threatening and dangerous. This portrays Katniss as brave due to the fact
that she is putting her life at risk and sacrifices herself in order to protect her
younger sister. Furthermore, it also presents Katniss as loyal because it
emphasises how far she would go to save her loved ones, she would go to the
extent of putting her life at danger in order to do this. The fact that she is
wearing a blue dress during this emphasises her nurturing nature because the
colour blue is associated with loyalty, wisdom and faith. This is an antistereotype because a teenage girl is stereotypically pusillanimous and selfish,
resulting in them not to go to such extreme and colossal extents for another
However, the whole protecting a younger sister aspect is stereotypical because
normally an older sibling would protect a younger one or at least attempt to
prevent any dangerous occurrence. By volunteering for tribute and hunting
this also represents teenagers as rebellious and reckless. This is because
Katniss goes against the traditions of the games because an individual
(Primrose) was already chosen to participate and the fact that she hunts when
it is forbidden. This is stereotypical of a teenager because teenagers
stereotypically break the rules and do as they desire. Moreover, the fact that it
is going against what the adults have already announced, furtherly connotes
the superiority that adolescents feel compared to adults and how much they
disobey rules. The fact that she hunts also shows that she does not care about
rules and does what she desires. Moreover, she continues to hunt despite the
fact that she could get caught and get into serious trouble, this portrays the
rebellious aspect. However, the factor that bases this concept of rebelling is
due to protection and well-being of her family. For example, she rebels to
prevent her sister getting hurt and she hunts to provide food for her family.
This is anti-stereotypical because of the fact that teenagers do not rebel for
serious and aiding factors, they stereotypically rebel to be considered as cool
and trendy. This is also anti-stereotypical because teenagers usually rely on

Sophie Sheen

adults to do things for them, such as making food. However, Katniss

independently does this herself.
This representation of recklessness is also shown throughout the protagonists
second love interest Peeta Mellark. This is portrayed from his dialogue: They
dont own me. This is a stereotypical teenager thing to say because it implies
that they believe that they can do as they wish despite them being younger.
Furthermore, it shows that teenagers believe that that they are superior to
adults, and because of this they disobey their rules, which is stereotypical. This
again portrays teenagers as rebellious due to the fact that Peeta chooses to do
what he desires and not conform as required.
By volunteering, Katniss goes against her peers. This represents teenagers as
being their own individual. This is an anti-stereotype because stereotypically
adolescents attempt to fit in by copying others and following the crowd.
Moreover, this creates similarities within individuals, therefore increasing the
ease to fit in. The fact that Katniss does not possess similar behavioural
attitudes as the other teenagers emphasises how much she does not care of
what they think of her. A big role in a teenagers life is to be socially accepted
and many do this by being what they call in informal language a sheep. An
individual is called this when they follow the crowd and do as others do even if
they disagree with it. However, as we can see this does not apply for Katniss as
she goes against her peers. However, the group of teenagers present in the
tableau do not snigger or laugh at Katniss different behaviour. This is an antistereotype. This is because normally teenagers are judgemental and critical
towards one another if one possesses different views/behaviours. The
teenagers did not react much to Katniss outburst, and most certainly did not
have a negative view on it if they even had a view.
Teenagers are represented as determined through Katniss appearance.
Katniss is seen wearing brown boots and dull masculine clothing. Moreover,
she always has her hair tied back out of her face. This shows that she
prioritises work/hunting rather than appearance. This is an anti-stereotype for
teenage girls because stereotypically teenage girls like dressing up with
revealing flattering clothes, having their hair down (as it emphasises
femininity) and wearing makeup all to get male attention. However, we can
see that Katniss is more devoted into helping her family due to this lack of care

Sophie Sheen

about appearance. Furthermore, the fact that when she is about to get made
up she says so youre here to make me look pretty with a serious
countenance also represents teenagers as uncaring about their appearance.
This is an anti-stereotype on teenagers because stereotypically they do care
about their appearance and attempt to improve it by trying to get rid of
imperfections such as spots and by wearing makeup. However, Katniss is
portrayed as sarcastic when saying this and her serious countenance also
expresses this. Teenager girls stereotypically would love the idea of having a
makeover and getting brand new clothing. So the fact that Katniss does not
care about appearance is an anti-stereotype of teenagers.
When made up, Katniss is made to wear a red revealing dress. This is to gain
popularity from the male audience to support her in the hunger games. The
colour red is associated with danger and foreshadowing. This resembles
Katniss and portrays her as superior to the others competing within the games.
The colour red is also associated with seduction and in fact it is the colour of
prostitution. This emphasises how much Katniss is being sexualised in order to
gain male support. Furthermore, it shows that she is giving her innocence away
and selling herself in a certain perspective in order to gain support. This is
stereotypical for the portrayal of teenage girls in social media because of the
fact that they are sexualised in order to gain this attraction to the male
audience despite the youth element. This shows that social medias
representation of teenage girls is similar to real life representation of
Teenage girls are represented as weak and needy. This is portrayed throughout
the character of Katniss younger sister Primrose Everdeen. Primrose is
worried about getting chose for tribute and seeks comfort from Katniss, also
when Katniss volunteers for tribute Primrose screams. This shows that
Primrose is dependent on other individuals and is easily frightened. The fact
that she screams suggests that she does not want to lose Katniss because she
is worried about isolation. This is stereotypical for teenage girls because of the
fact that they tend to depend on other people for comfort and they tend to be
weak and scared frequently. The fact that her hair is styled in two plait tails
shows this inferiority and weakness of a teenage girl. Which is again

Sophie Sheen

stereotypical due to the innocence and vulnerability that teenage girls are said
to of possessed.
Teenage boys are represented as romantic and optimistic through the love
interest of the protagonist - Gale Hawthorne. Gale says to Katniss We can run
away. This shows the romance element due to the fact that he is implying that
all he wants is to be with her. Moreover, this also shows optimism because
when he says it they are talking about a negative occurrence. This optimism is
also shown when Gale reassures Katniss that it will be okay. It shows that he
finds way to make it into a positive situation. This is an anti-stereotype for a
teenage boy because of the fact that stereotypically boys do not really
understand girls and do not enjoy showing a soft side. In reply to this romantic
gesture Katniss simply says Theyd catch us. This represents teenage girls as
realistic and unromantic. This is an anti-stereotype for a girl because normally
they enjoy romantic things being said, however Katniss dismisses the romance.
Also, stereotypically girls are the individuals to dream about such things as
running away with one of the opposite sex. This part of dialogue is antistereotypes for both genders.
Teenage boys are also represented as protecting and brave. This is portrayed
when a drone comes close to Katniss and Gale, and he puts his arm around her
and gets her out of the way. This is stereotypical because normally the male
gender is classed as the brave ones because they are physically stronger. To
support this, Katniss cowers under his arms and allows this protection given to
her. This represents teenage girls as weak as she does not protect herself and
is frightened by the drone. This is stereotypical because teenage girls are
classed as weak and need protected by male individuals. Also, teenage girls
stereotypically care a lot about having a relationship with a boy for this sense
of security. It shows that girls are stereotypically weak and boys are
stereotypically strong.
Teenager boys are also represented as scrawny and weedy. This is throughout
the character of Peeta. For a boy that is chosen for the games and is classed as
strong, Peeta does not look it, for example he is skinny and lanky. Peeta is also
blonde which stereotypically emphasises this femininity, lack of intelligence
and bravery. This is an anti-stereotype for a teenager active boy/hero because

Sophie Sheen

they are normally dark and strong. It shows that Peeta is not a typical hero due
to this lack of manly appearance.
Teenagers are also represented as competitive. This is shown throughout the
teenagers all together. For example, many teenage individuals, when training,
are particularly focused on getting precise aims with their bow and arrows.
This emphasises how serious they are taken the games and how much they
desire to win. Also, when the games actually start, it shows all of the
competitors rapidly running to beat the others surrounding them. This is
stereotypical for teenagers because they stereotypically compete with each
other in real life to be the best, for example to have the trendiest clothing or
new gadgets. The use of dangerous items like bows and arrows and the fact
that these teenagers fight psychically each other represents teenagers as
violent. This is because of them hurting one another in order to be the best
and win. This is stereotypical to teenagers because they are classed as violent
people due to the fact that news stories presented by social media contain
violence acts of teenagers.
Adults are represented as controlling and important. This is shown because
they are the ones in charge of the whole games and inform everybody else
where and when to meet. Moreover, they seem to dress in fancy clothing
which gives the impression of superiority. This is stereotypical because
normally adults are the ones in charge despite the fact that teenagers may
disobey what they say. Moreover, they enjoy inferior people knowing that they
are in charge and do this by dressing up in formal and aristocratic clothing.
However, adults do show some respect for teenagers when they emulate the
action of Katniss and show their support. This shows that for a short period of
time the teenager is represented as respected and superior from this
emulation. This is an anti-stereotype because teenagers are stereotypically
inferior to adults. Moreover, adults are stereotypically the respected
individuals, not teenagers.

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