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1) What are the phases in SDLC

A1: Analysis; design; coding; Testing

A2as: Feasibility Study, Analysis; design; coding; Testing, Implementation &
2) What is the Input and Output of analysis phase in SDLC
A: Input: B.R.S (Business Requirement Specification)
Output: S.R.S. (Software requirement Specifications)
3) What is the Input and Output of design phase in SDLC?
A: Input: S.R.S. (Software requirement Specifications)
Output: Design doc
4) What is the Input & Output of coding phase in SDLC?
A: Input: - Design doc
Output: Application (program/WebPages/coding doc)
5) What is the Input & Output of testing phase in SDLC?
A: Input: - BRS, SRS, Design docs,
Application program/WebPages/coding doc)
Output: Test Deliverables
6) What are the different models in SDLC?
A: Waterfall model, Pro-type model, spiral model, iterative model, V &V model, XP
model, RAD Model, Ajile model, Ajix model, Fish model.
7) Explain about waterfall model?
A1: When the client has clear requirements then only we follow this model.
A2: It is a Traditional Model, in this Requirements are Freezed in Each and every
phase of SDLC
A3: This is the simplest of all the models in SDLC.In this process the phases are
organized in a linear and sequential order
8) What are the advantages & disadvantages of waterfall model?
A: Advantages: Easy to Understand and Coding, identifies deliverables and
milestones, works well on mature products and weak teams.
1. Requirements are completely specified before the rest of the development.
2. Since the requirements are changing day to day, this model is not suitable.
3. This model is suitable for short-term projects and with clear requirements.
9) What is Pro-type model?
A: The basic idea behind this model is that instead of freezing the requirements
before any design or coding, a prototype is built to understand the requirements

10) What are the advantages & disadvantages of Pro-type model?

A: Development and testing efforts are reduced, reduces risk of incorrect user
Development costs may become large
Difficult to estimate the deliverables
11) What is spiral model?
A: The key idea behind this model is to identify and solve the sub-program with the
highest risk on each iteration and develop the software in an experimental way.
Each cycle follows a waterfall model by determining objectives, defining constraints;
Generating alternatives, identifying and resolving risks, developing next level product
and planning next cycle
12) What are the advantages & disadvantages of spiral model?
Adv: it incorporates the advantages of the waterfall and prototype models, it reflects
the iterative nature of software development on projects with unclear requirements
13) What is iterative model?
A: It combines the advantages of both waterfall model and Prototype model. In this
product should be developed in increments, each increment adding some functional
capability to the system until the full system is implemented
14) What are the advantages & disadvantages of iterative model?
Adv: Specifications are handy for the developers and therefore have control of the
This model is most suitable for the product development
15) Explain RAD model?
A: It is an incremental software development process that emphasizes a very short
development cycle; it is a high-speed adoption of the waterfall model, where the
result of each cycle is fully functional
16) Which model you are using in your current project?
Waterfall model
Prototype model
Spiral model
Iterative model
Fish model
V&V model
Extreme Programming
XP model
Ajile model,Ajax model & Fish model.


1. What is your testing process?
Ans: First we will get the BRS, FSD documents. Then we will get the knowledge
transfer from Functional Consultant. Then test manager/test lead shall prepare the test
plan document. After that we will start Design the Test Cases then we review the Test
Cases that review may be peer-to-peer, team lead, team manager. Then we will
execute the test cases, if we find any bugs we post the bugs into Defect Tracking
After fixing the bug we do re-test if it fixed, we will close the bug other wise we will
keep the status as re-open.
2. Have you conducted system study; what kind of data do you collect during
system study?
Ans: This document describes step-by-step guidelines to understand and collect
critical data about the client system
Finding out the domain:
Banking, finance, Insurance, ERP, CRM, Biotechnology, Pharmacy,
Application details:
Database Servers:
Selecting the environment:
Client / Server
Collect the information about modules:

Total no.of.modules / Use Cases:

No. Of. Critical modules / Use Cases:
No. Of. Associated modules / Use Cases:
No. Of. Maintenance modules / Use Cases:


Functional points:
Lines of code:
No. Of. People involved in development:
No.of.Months / years taken for development:

Collect the following:

Try to understand the system as a whole and try to trace down the logical architecture.
Try to understand the system from the end-user point of view.
3. What do you mean by scope?
Ans: what to be tested and what not to be tested
4. Why should we need an approach for testing?
Ans: Yes, We definitely need a formal approach for testing. To over come the
following problems,

Incomplete functional coverage:

No risk management
Too little emphasis on user tasks
Inefficient over the long term

5. Have you ever involved in preparing the project estimation?

Ans: No, I did not involve in preparing the project estimation
Yes, I involved in preparing the project estimation
LOC (lines of code) / F.P (functional point) / Resource.
1 P.F =10 lines of code.
Input =1000 LOC
For this 1000 LOC we can estimate the time to complete the whole TLC
System study
-No division
Scope/approach/Estimation -2days
-No division
Test plan
-No division
Test case design
-yes to divide
Here we have 1000 LOC = 300 Test cases = 10 days
Test case review (= (Test case design))
-yes to divide
Test case Execution
Defect handling

-yes to divide
-yes to divide

30TC=1Defect=5 Hours
(for tracking)
For 300
TC= 10 Defects=50 Hours=6days
Gap analysis
-No division
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total No of days required = 45 man days
(For one time Manual testing)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 time Manual testing

=45 man days

Project management =
20/100(45 days)
=9 days
Content management (data storage, Management of project & tools)
=10/100(45days) =4.5days
For buffer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is for one resource=
=68 days
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If we have 4 resources=

=68/4 =17 days

6.How do you describe for test case?

Ans: Test case is a description of what to be tested, what data to be given and what
actions to be done to check the actual result against the expected result.

7.What is the format/fields for writing the test case?

Test case format is:
Tst Case







Columns of Test case format

Test case Id:
Expected Results:
Actual Results:
Status (Pass/fail):
8. Can we re-use the test cases? if so, how do you re-use those test cases for the current
Ans: Yes, Test cases can be reusable.
Test cases developed for functionality testing can be used for
Integration/System/Regression Testing and performance testing with few modifications.
9. Can you say the characteristics of test case?
Ans: A good test case should have the following:
TC should start with what you are testing.
TC should be independent.

TC should not contain If statements.

TC should be uniform.

10. What are your roles and Responsibilities?

What are the deliverables of testing?
Ans: For Manual:
Understanding Requirements
Preparing Test Scenarios
Preparation of test data.
Designing Test Cases.
Test case Review
Execution of Test Cases.
Preparing Defect Report.
Functional Testing of Application.
Defect Tracking & Reporting.
For Automation:
Identify Regression test scenarios.
Identifies Object Repository.
Responsibility in module level Object Repository
Design Test Data.
Identify and Design generic and business functions.
Responsible for data interaction with database and application functionality.
Design module level scripts.
Involved in review of Business functions and generic functions.
Involved in review of end-to-end script.
Responsible for execution of scripts.
Involved in understanding and preparing and analyzing QTP reports.
Well versed with expert view, keyword view and active screen.
Managing checkpoint from active screens.
Well versed with parameterization.
11.How many test cases have you written for the current project?
Ans: 200 to 300
12. Have you ever involved in execution of test cases? If so, where do you get the test
Ans: yes, I involved in execution of test cases. For my current project we had
prepared the test data according to the business req..
13. What do you mean by review and how many types of reviews are there?
Ans: Review means re-verification

Types of review are:

Peer to peer review
Team lead review
Team manager review
14. What do you mean deliverables? To whom do u deliver the deliverables?
Ans: Deliverables means assigned work in a documented format
Deliverables are:
BRS, SRS, Test Plan, Test case, Defect Reporting, functionality Coverage,
Traceability Matrix, Test Metric

I deliver the deliverables to my Test Lead.

V&V Model
1) What is Verification
A1: The comparison between the actual characteristics of something and the
specified characteristics. Verification is checking that we have built the system
This verification is also called as static testing. Verification done with the help of
Inspection, Walkthroughs , reviews and meetings
2) What is validation
A: The comparison between the actual characteristics of something (e.g. a product of
a software project and expected characteristics) Validation is checking that you have
built the system right system.
This validation is also called as dynamic testing.
3) What is review
A: Reviews are conducted during and at the end of each phase of
The life cycle to determine whether established
Requirements, design concepts, and specifications have been
Met. Reviews consist of the presentation of material to a
Review board or panel. Reviews are most effective when
Conducted by personnel who have not been directly involved
In the development of the software being reviewed.
4) What is Walkthrough
A: In the most usual form of term, a walkthrough is step by step simulation of the
execution of a procedure, as when walking through code line by line, with an imagined
set of inputs. The term has been extended to the review of material that is not procedural,
such as data descriptions, reference manuals, specifications, etc.
5) What is V&V Model?
A: Software Verification and Validation (V&V) is the process of ensuring that software
being developed or changed will satisfy functional and other requirements (validation)

and each step in the process of building the software yields the right products
V&V is intended to be a systematic and technical evaluation of software and associated
products of the development and maintenance processes. Reviews and tests are done at
the end of each phase of the development process to ensure software requirements are
complete and testable and that design, code, documentation, and data satisfy those
6. What is Inspection?
A: A formal evaluation technique in which soft ware requirements, design, or code are
examined in detail by person or group other then the author to detect faults, violations of
development standards, and other problems.
A quality improvement process for written material that consists of two dominant
components: product improvement and process improvement

#2: Test Plan

1) What is a test plan?
Test plan is a document used to schedule the testing process in a systematic way.
The main purpose is to organize and manage the Test Efforts and maximize the resource
utilization to carry out testing tasks.
2) Why do we need a test plan?
1) A good test plan will help us to understand the scope, entry criteria and exit criteria
with a start and end dates.
2) For a short-term project (0 to 3 months) designing and following a test plan may not be
3) To complete the project on time.
4) To execute the project in a systematic way
3) What are the different test plans you have been involved in?
Automation Test Plan, System Test Plan, Unit Test Plan, Regression Test Plan,
Performance Test Plan, Acceptance Test Plan
4) What are the contents of test plan?
A) About the clients & their details
Reference Documents
Like BRS, SRS, & DFD etc.
Scope of the Project
Project Architecture & Data Flow diagrams.
Test Strategy
Testing Requirements

Test Environment/ Project
Escalation process
5) Who will prepare the test plan?
A) Test lead / Test manager
6) Is test plan a static or dynamic document? Why?
A) Dynamic, because of the complexity involved and for the continuous changes in it
7) Why a test plan can be called as a controlled document?
Because a test plan controls the entire testing process. Testers follow the test plan during
the entire testing process.
8) Can we start testing without a test plan? How?
Yes, but it is not advisable
We can follow Exploratory and Adhoc Testing.
9) How many types of reviews are applicable to the test plan?
Self review, Peer review and Manager review.
10) What are the reference documents for a test plan?
BRS, SRS, Design documents, Screen Prototype Document, Phase 1 deliverables
11) What is the importance of the scope in a test plan?
Scope defines tests to be conducted and tests not to be conducted.
12) How do you define the scope of testing in a test plan?
Based on the requirements / based on the release / based on business need.
13) What approach did u follow to prepare a test plan?
With the help of System Study, Scope, Approach and Estimation documents, following
data about the project is collected.
Domain, Software, Hardware, Functional Points, Lines of Code, Number of Modules,
Scope of project, Approach to the Project, Estimation Calculations for completing
Every company has a standard template document and using this template, procedure and
checklist, I prepared the test plan
14) How do you estimate for the tasks defined in the scope?
We use standard test metrics such as function points / loc / test point analysis.
For given Functional points or Lines of Code, standard equations are

1 FP = 10 Lines of Code
For 1 FP, minimum of 3 Test Cases can be designed
Test Case Review = (Test Case Design)
Test Case Execution = 3/2 (Test Case Design)
Defect handling = 1 (Test Case Design)
Project handling = (TCD + TCR + TCE + DH)
Configuration Management and Misc. = (TCD + TCR + TCE + DH)
Total Number of Days required by 1 Resource = TCD + TCR + TCE + DH + PH + CM
15) What is Risk?
A) Any Unexpected Event that could affect the project
16) What is Contingency?
Its a plan to minimize the risk with pre alternative works / work around
17) What is Mitigation?
Mitigation specifies that how much you can recover from the risk.
18) What is Test Strategy?
Strategy means definition of planned task and criterias. Test strategy depicts the
definition of test, entry criteria, exit criteria, stop and suspend criteria.
19) What is the difference between test strategy and test plan?
Test strategy is a part of a test plan. There can be many test strategies from which we
select one
20) How will you analyze the risk of a project?
By experience, Using some artifacts and Sr.manager reviews.
21) What are the deliverables of your testing project?
System study document
Test plan
Test cases
Test case review comments
Defect reports
Traceability Matrix
Functional coverage
Test Metrics
22) What are the typical risks of a testing project?
Broke links, Server problems, weak bandwidth, wrong builds,
Database down, wrong data, application server down, Integration failures, Resource
problems, unexpected events etc
23) What is schedule variance?
The difference between the planned Start date and Actual Start date.

The difference between the planned End date and Actual End date.

24) What are the identified sources to prepare schedules of a testing project?
Defined task, Test Estimations and Number of testing resources available.
25) What is an entry & exit criterion?
It is used to specify the precondition for starting the test and the conditions for stopping
the test.
26) What is the entry & exit criterion for Regression Testing?
Entry Criteria: Testing of Change Requirements are signed off
Exit Criteria: All Regression Test Cases are executed
27) What is the entry & exit criterion for Reliability Testing?
Entry Criteria: Functionality Testing is signed off
Exit Criteria: Testing baselines. Schedules are planned and test plan document is frozen
Business critical test cases are signed off
85% stability of the application
28) What is the entry & exit criterion for Performance Testing?
Entry Criteria: Stable architecture, system testing is completed.
Exit Criteria: Performance baselines identified
Architecture critical scenarios are identified
29) What is the entry & exit criterion for Scalability Testing?
Entry Criteria: After successful completion of functional testing and all required non
functional testing
Exit Criteria: Test Plan document signoff
All Test Scenarios are executed
Status Report Document
30) What is the entry & exit criterion for Compatibility Testing?
Entry Criteria: After successful completion of functionality testing and all required non
functional testing
Exit Criteria: Test Plan Document signoff
All Test Cases are executed
Status Report Document
31) What is the entry & exit criterion for Usability Testing?

Entry Criteria: Client shall make the application available

Exit Criteria: Test Case document
Product should be user friendly

#3: Test Types

1.What is Functionality Testing ?
Def 1:Functionality Testing is to Test the Correctness of an Applicaion with the help of
inputs and outputs.
Def 2: Functionality testing is employed to verify whether your product meets the
intended specifications and functional requirements laid out in your development
Def 3: Functionality testing is to, Test against system requirements and To confirm all the
requirements are covered..
Def 4: Functionality testing examines the extent to which your hardware, software, Web
site, or internal application meets expected functional requirements
2.What is Usability Testing?
Def1: Usability Testing is to Test the Ease and User Friendliness of the System. It may be
Acessibility, Consistency, Navigation, Design&Maintainance, and Visual Representation.
Def 2: Usability Testing is a scientific approach to measuring a user's experience when
interacting with a product- whether it is an electronic toy, a software application, or any
interactive device.
Def 3: Usability Testing is a User friendliness of Screens of Application.
Def 4: Usability Testing is to determine whether the system/software meets the specified
usability requirements.
3.What is Reliability Testing?
Def 1:Reliability Testing is to test how well the Software/Application meets its
Def 2: Reliability Testing is to check the Mean time of Availability and Mean Time Of
The system from Abnormal state to normal state
Def 3: Reliability Testing is to determine whether the system/software meets the specified
reliability requirements.
Def 4: Reliability Testing is the characteristic expressed by the probability that the part
will perform its intended function for a specific period of time under defined usage
Def 5: Reliability testing helps ensure that an application is stable -- that it won't crash
now because of a general handling exception or over time due to a memory leak. Put
simply, we hope it will validate structure.
4.What is Regression Testing?

Def 1: Regression Testing is to Test the New Functionalities and Verify Old
Functionalities are Stable.
Def 2: If a piece of Software is modified for any reason testing needs to be done to ensure
that it works as specified and that it has not negatively impacted any functionality that it
offered previously. This is known as Regression Testing.
Def 3: Regression Testing is to Test That the application works as specified even after the
changes/additions/modification were made to it
Def 4:Regression Testing is to Test the original functionality continues to work as
specified even after changes/additions/modification to the software application
5.What is Performance Testing?
Def 1:Performance Testing is to Demonstrate System Functions to Specifications, With
Acceptable Response Time, and While Processing required Transaction volumes on
production size database.
Def 2: Performance Testing is to Demonstrate system performs Correctness of
Functionality, with in a given response time, on production size database.
Def 3: Performance Testing is testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system
or component with specified performance requirements
Def 4: performance testing is testing that is performed to determine how fast some aspect
of a system performs under a particular workload.
6.What is Scalability Testing?
Def 1:Scalability Testing is to Test the Maximum Number of users a System can handle.
Def 2: Scalability Testing is to test the Execution of the application under Client expected
configuration and Load.
Def 3: Scalability testing to test Number of users As per The Client Requirement.
Def 4: Scalability Testing is testing an application under heavy loads, such as testing of a
web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the system's response time
degrades or fails.
7.What is Compatibility Testing?
Def 1:Compatibility Testing is to test how well an Application will Perform over a wide
range of Hardware, Software & Network Configuration.
Def 2: Compatibility testing is used to determine if your software application has issues
related to how it functions in concert with the operating system and different types of
system hardware and software.
Def 3: Compatibility testing is to test the application will run on Client expected
platforms or not
1) What is difference between integration & User Acceptance testing?
Integration System Testing
Base line Docs Functional Specification

User Acceptance Test
Business Requirements


Off site
Validation & Verification

On site
Live data
User needs.

2) What is the difference between retesting and regression testing?

a) Testing the Bug fixes is called Retesting Or In a Same phase if we are conducting
different rounds of testing, can be called Retesting
b) Regression Testing is to check the New Functionalities and Verify Old Functionalities
are Stable
common functionality should be stable in the latest and the previous versions.
3) What is difference between functionality and Regression testing?
a) Functional Testing is to Test the Correctness of an Application with the help of
inputs and outputs.
b) Regression Testing is to Test the New Functionalities and Verify Old
Functionalities are Stable.
4) What is difference between Structural and functional testing?
Structural testing is a white-box testing and functional testing is a black box testing. We
need programming knowledge or skills to do structural testing where as in functional we
don't need internal knowledge, because we r going to test only the functionality of the
5) What is the difference between system testing and functional testing?
System Testing is testing an application as a whole i.e.. From login to logout.
Whereas functional testing is testing each and every micro function of an application.
6) What is the definition of Non-functional Testing and what types of testing we have
to do in non-functional testing?
a) Non-functional testing involves Basic GUI testing, System Integration testing, volume
testing and all other tests wherein we not going to verify and validate the functionality of
an application like for example:
A basic Windows login test would involve just testing the quality of interface and proper
placing of controls but we wont be verifying whether its properly authenticating users.
b) Functional Testing - behavior of the application according to the customer
requirements or not.

Non-Functional testing includes Response Time, Security, and User Interactive ness

#4: Test Cases

1) What is a Test Case?
A test case is a document that describes an input action or event and an expected
response, to determine if a feature of an application is working correctly.
2) How many test cases a testing engineer prepares in a day?
10-15 test cases
Note: covering of functionality and minimizing writing test case is very important
for a test engineer.
3) What is difference between test case and suite?
Suite is the set of related test cases written for testing an application.
Test case: A set of inputs, execution preconditions, and expected outcomes developed for
a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify
compliance with a specific requirement.
Suite: A set of matching documents, especially one test case consisting of applications.
4) How to test the password field in security point of view?
No specific answer; need to understand the user approach.
(Security is more towards Encryption and Decryption that is taken care by security
testing team.)
5) Suppose a simple application is there to print a Prime Number. Input box takes
any Integer and print only Prime number. If the input number is not prime number
then the message will be displayed "Not a Prime number".
Please suggest test cases for this application. Number range - 1 to infinity.
Write a test case to check it (test box) accepts only numbers. - Valid test case.
3. Test case to check alpha, special chars - test box should not accept.
4. Not prime number (boundary values min to Max) - message should be displayed.
5. Prime number - correct output.

6) Text box can allow integers between 10 to 1000,how many test case do u write for
this and what is the technique used.
Test Data using Boundary Value analysis: 9.10,11,999,1000,1001
1. System should not allow user to enter non-integers
- Chars char, alphanumeric
2.System should throw message if user not entered any value if the specified text box is
mandatory field
7) What kind of test cases do you choose and execute for Regression Testing?
Old test cases are executed to check the stability and new functionality test cases are
executed to find the bugs.
In case we have a limited time then we could be executing only high priority test cases
from the old set.
9) Write a test case for Date field and time field?
For date should be vary between 1 to 31
Month should be vary between 1 to 12 year should be greater than 1900
Leap year checking
For Time Format 12 hours or 24 hours Length = 8 if format is 12 hours
Hours vary between >=1 to =<12 min vary between >=0 to =<60 sec vary between >=0
to =<60
If format AM Display value hrs: min: sec AM
If format PM Display value hrs: min: sec PM
If Format is 24 hours
Hours vary between >=1 to =<24
Min vary between >=0 to =<60
Sec vary between >=0 to =<60
10) What methodologies used to develop test Cases?
a) Boundary value analysis & Equivalence partitioning
b) Business logic based test case design, Input Domain based Test case design & User
Interface test case design Functional Test Cases
c) Equivalence Partition, Boundary Value Analysis & Error Guessing
11) How do we write test cases without knowing the Proper requirement and
According to James Bach has defined exploratory testing as "an interactive process of
concurrent product exploration, test design, and test execution."
12) How will you review test cases?

a) Using Test Case Review checklist

b) Test Case review against functionalities
c) Peer Review/Lead Review/BA Review.

13) What are Test cases for date field validation?

1. Ensure that calendar window is displayed and active, when the calendar is invoked by
pressing the calendar icon. (Once we faced an issue, the calendar window is in
minimized state when we invoked the calendar.)
2. Ensure that calendar date is defaulted to system date.
3. Ensure that when a date is selected in the calendar (double click, or some other
method), the selected date is displayed in the text box.
It has calendar provided beside textbox (we need to select date from text box)
14) What is the difference between positive and negative test cases?
Positive test case: - Perception to validate the functionality of the application.
Negative Test Case: - Perception to break the functionality of the application.
15) Write test cases on Yahoo front Page after login
a) To verify that when we click mail button whether it list all the compose and check mail
etc options or not
b) To verify that when we click check mail option in the mail list whether it takes u to
inbox page or not
c) To verify that when u click the inbox whether it displays u r received mails or not
d) To verify when u click the compose option in the mail button whether it takes u to
compose page where u can compose and send mails
e) To verify that after writing message when u click send whether it sending the file to
address where u wants.
f) To verify if u give wrong id whether it gives failure notice or not
16) What are the contents in a Test Case?
Test case number (unique number)
Pre-condition (The assertion (declaration) about the I/p condition is called the precondition.
Description (what data to be used, what data to be provided & what data to be inserted)
Expected output (The assertion about the expected final state of a program is (called postcondition))
Actual output (what ever system displays)
Status (pass/fail)

Defect Id

17) Can a Test Case be reused?

Yes, test cases can be reused.
Test cases developed for functionality testing can be used for
integration/system/regression testing and performance testing with few modifications.
18) What are the characteristics of a good test case?
A good test case should have the following:
TC should start with what you are testing
TC should be independent
TC should not contain if statements.
TC should be uniform
Egg: <Action Buttons>, Links .
19) What is a GUI test case?
GUI test cases is to check the given application in all aspects like, look & feel, spelling
mistakes, the alignment & availability of all the objects, Consistency of the objects etc.
20) How to write Integration Test cases?
In integration testing you need to write test cases for the Interface between the modules,
for egg: if you are writing test cases for the integration of 3 modules M1, M2 and M3.
You need to write the test cases for the individual behavior of M1, M2 and M3.After that
we have to write test cases to test the functional dependency and/or data reflections
between the integrated modules.
21) How will you check that your test cases covered all the requirements?
Using Trace ability Matrix
22) Write the Test Cases for Time of Departure
1. Time of departure is in format.
2. 2. If time is valid i.e. hours is in 00 to 24 and min is in 00-60 format
3. 3. No of displays in board.
24) Write Test cases for ATM with giving high priority?


Successful insertion of card

Unsuccessful operation due to insertion of wrong angle
Unsuccessful operation due to insertion of wrong card (invalid card)
Successful entry of PIN number
Unsuccessful operation due to of wrong PIN enter 3times
Successful selection of languages
Successful selection of Acc Type
Unsuccessful operation due to of wrong Acc Type
Successful Selection of withdraw option
Successful entry of amount

25) What is test suite?

A collection of tests used to validate the behavior of a product. The scope of a Test Suite
varies from organization to organization. There may be several Test Suites for a particular
product for example. In most cases however a Test Suite is a high level concept, grouping
together hundreds or thousands of tests related by what they are intended to test.
26) What is a successful test case?
A successful Test case is one that uncovers the defect or that yields a defect.

#5: Defect Management

1. What is Defect Tracking?
Monitoring defects from the time of logging until it has been resolved.

What is a defect?
Variance between expected and actual output.

3. What are the different kinds of status u assign.

Open, Close, Deferred, Fixed, Reopen, Accept, Assign,
4. What are the different kinds of severity and priority?
Severity: Showstopper, Critical, Major, and Medium, Low
Priority: High, medium, low
5. Who decided the severity?
Test Engineer (testing team)/ Project Manager
6. Who assigns the priority?
Project Lead/ Manager
7. Define and Difference between Severity and Priority.
Severity: Criticality of the business requirement of the application
Priority: Criticality of the business release of the application
Priority depends on the Release, whereas severity depends on the criticality.

However critical it is, if it not going into current releaseit is ignored

8. How many high severity defects did u find in your project and how do u
10 15 it is effecting on the functionality of the application
(It could be any where between 2 to 15. depending on the project )
9. How many high priority bugs did u find in your current project and how do
u decide?
5. Decided by the development team.
(It could be any where between 2 to 15...depending on the project)
10. Can u name a defect with high priority and low severity in your current
Ex: In job seeker registration, filling in the details and clicking on Save button,
the page is not getting navigated to the next page.
(Depends on the project)
11. Can u name a defect with high severity and low priority in your current
After a job seeker is registered, he has to get e-mail with subject he is registered.
But he is not getting the mail to the e-mail ID that he has provided at the time of
(Depends on the project)
12. Tell me the defect report life cycle followed in your project.
Raise the defect with reproducible steps.
Review it internally (Peer- Peer, Peer- Lead, Peer- Manger)
Submit the defect to the development team (severity of the defect should be
mentioned)-open state
Developer may accept/Reject/Postpone
Developer Fix the Defect
Developer will resolve the Defect and sends to the testing team with status fixed.
Retesting is done and status is assigned as Close/Reopen.
13. How r u reporting the defects in your company? Using any tools.
Defect Sheet Template/ Bug tracking tools/ Test management tools.
Ex: Bugzilla, Test director, Rational clear quest,
14. How do you react, incase, the bug raised by you is not resolved.
Escalation Process and meeting with the development Team.

15. Format of the defect report sheet in case if they are using Excel sheet.
Defect No./Id.
Origin TC id
a. Critical
b. Major
c. Medium
d. Minor
e. Cosmetic
f. High
g. Medium
h. Low
4. What is the average age of a Bug? (Age = Defect Resolved date - Defect Open
date) Where it will be mentioned?
Depends on the Nature of the bug, Functional flow and dependencies.
(Defect rose on 20th Jan and closed on Feb 14th Therefore age = Feb 14th Jan
20th = 24 days). It is mentioned in the project management review report.
5. What is the naming convention for a defect followed in your project?
Example: DF_TC_001
6. Once the bug status is deferred, what is the further process to resolve this
Call for a team meeting, share the bug reports and compare with requirement.
This will help us in understanding the fault. It might be true that updated
requirement documents are not given to either testing or development team.
7. Where do you mention the defect metrics in case you want to go ahead
with the next cycle?
Defect Summary reports and Test plan
8. On an average, how many defects do you find in a day?
Ex: 2-3 defects. It varies on the functionality and project.
9. What do you mean by defect density?

Defect density = (Defects found / Size) * 100

10. What is review efficiency?
Defects found per hour is termed as review efficiency.
(No of defects / Review Time)
11. What is defect Removal Efficiency?
Defect Removal Efficiency is the measure of the defects removed prior to delver
of the software to the customer, expressed as a percentage of the sum of all
defects detected to date.
(Defects detected during development of application)/ (Defects detected during
production) * 100
12. Define Defect Correction Efficiency ?
Defect correction efficiency is a measure of the quality of corrective work.
DCE = (B/A) * 100 where,
B = Total number of defects introduced due to the above A defect fixes.
A = Total number of defects corrected.
13. What is severity Index?
Severity Index is computed based on the severity of the found defects. The Index
is determined by weighted numbers of defects per Severity level.

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