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Biography of Steve Jobs - Apple founder, Ter-Innovative IT Company in the World

Steve Jobs Biography

Steve Jobs or Steven Paul Jobs was born with the name Abdul Latif Jandali. He was born of a
father whose nationality Syrian named Abdulfattah Jandali and an American mother Joanne
Simpson (ne Schieble). Biological father is a professor of political science and her mother a
speech-language pathologist. Steven Jobs was adopted by Paul and Clara married couple from
California who later changed the name of Abdul Latif Jandali be Steven Paul were then known as
the famous Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, USA. It has a biological
sister named Mona Simpson is famous as a novelist.

As a child, Steve Jobs did not show remarkable thing alias like most other children. He school in
Junior High School and Homestead High School in California. 1972 Steven Jobs managed to
graduate from high school and then forward it to Reed College in Portland, Oregon.

That's when a student began menyakan critical thinking such things, is it really what I want,
whether this course gives the answer would be what I am tomorrow. Six months he survived as a
student screwy he finally made a great decision, a decision that greatly affect his future career.
He chose DO. But he still follows the lecture that he liked and he thought needed at a later date.
She take a calligraphy class.

Founded Apple

In 1974 Steve Jobs hired as a technician in the company that designed the circuit board, Atari.
From this honed his skills on the computer, he decided that the world was looking for had he
found that the world of computers.

In 1976 Steve Jobs invited his old friend Steve Wozniak to set up an IT company with a famous
logo white ie a bitten apple. Yes the company is Apple. With Vision Want to change the world,
Steve Jobs began his adventures.

Ten years he and temanny abekerja hard to build Apple. Apple eventually grew into a large
profitable company with a number of employees reached 4,000 people. In 1986 Apple launched
its flagship product in the form of the first computer is a Macintosh.

But at that time there was a difference of directors level vision finally decided Steve had to be
dismissed. Yes he was fired from the company that bore and dibesarkannya. One thing which is
very painful and betrayal. For the board, this is the best decision for Apple because they think
Steve Jobs is too stubborn and temperamental.

Despite being fired, Steve does not necessarily say anything accept fate. He later founded the
Next which is a computer company like Apple. The Next these ideas poured kreativnya and
realized. The idea that he should have realized together with Apple, but what dikata he was fired
from Apple.

Because the product price is too expensive Next, even though the product is very nice but not
salable. But Jobs is not broke, it via the Next and then create an operating system that is required
by the current Apple products and Steve Jobs urged Apple to buy Next. Apple also bought Next
dengna price of 429 million dollars. Jobs returned to Apple and reappointed as CEO.

Besides Next, Jobs also acquired Pixar, a company that almost went bankrupt as a computer
animation with basicnya. Pixar then produced the first computer-based animated film titled Toy
Story. Even this movie a success in the market even now frequently played on Indonesian

When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he immediately made a major breakthrough with the
launch of a phenomenal product that makes Apple debuted on the stock market is the iPod, iMac,
iPhone, iPad, and iCloud.

Possible dismissal Jobs of Apple was finally made her have a lot of time and thought to be
experimenting to create a product that was launched when he served as CEO of Apple anymore.
He also had the opportunity to have two more companies besides Apple that Next and Pixar.

If at that time he was not fired perhaps he remains busy with Apple and may not have the two
companies more than Apple.

Steve Jobs is a type of stubborn, unyielding and very idealistic. Jobs always create a product that
fits his vision is to change the world. We see now, all Apple products is something new and not
imitate and add to features of competitors' products. The idea of Steve Jobs always original and
always be a market leader. Although the price of its products are always expensive but Apple
products have always loved and eagerly awaited by the presence of many people. That makes
Apple always prevail and rake in huge profits.

Steve Jobs Sick

In the month of August 2004, it happened that made Steve Jobs must leave from Apple. He was
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that possibility can not be cured. Actually, when it is the golden
age of Jobs and Apple, he also recently been named as the best CEO of American se, but that's
life no one is perfect. Steve Jobs experiencing its heyday with haunted by the pancreas cancer.

Since the cancer was diagnosed, she had to undergo various medical treatments. Here is the
narrative of Steve Jobs when he knows that there is cancer in the pancreas, "I had a scan at 7:30
in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I do not even know what a
pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type is untreatable. My life
expectancy is no more than 3-6 months.

My doctor advised me to go home and clean up everything, which is doctor's code for me to
prepare to die. That is, you should convey to your child in a few minutes everything you want in
the next ten years. That is, to make sure that everything is arranged to make it easier for your
family. That is, you have to say goodbye.
All that day I lived with that diagnosis.

The next night, they insert an endoscope down my throat, stomach and into my intestines, put a
needle into my pancreas and got a few tumor cells. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there,

told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying knowing
that its type of pancreatic cancer that is very rare, but can be treated with surgery.

I had the surgery and healthy until now. It is my nearest record with death and I hope its a few
more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say with confidence to you that according to
the concept of mind, death is a useful thing:
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die to get there.

However, the death must have approached us. No one has ever escaped. And, as it should be,
because Death is very likely the single best out of life. Life's change agent. Her old then step
aside to make way for the young ".

To focus on the treatment of cancer, Jobs chose leave of absence from Apple.

Jobs then choose Tim Cook as Apple's next CEO, Jobs resigned from Apple. By reason of health
conditions continue to decline, Jobs officially resigned on August 24, 2011.

Public doubted legacy Jobs, Apple, which is considered less influential in the absence of Steve
Jobs. Although the stock market had shown the rate of decline, the stock eventually recovered
and even rose.

Interrupted his busy lead Apple and battling cancer, he is often invited a guest lecture or a talk
about his life story. One of them is a speech during a graduation ceremony Stanford student.

Here is Steve Jobs speech at Stanford University student graduation ceremony which was
rewritten by the author.

In this event, Steve Jobs revealed that he was very grateful given the opportunity to convey a bit
of the story of his life at Stanford graduates at the first time where it felt the graduation ceremony
because he did not pass his studies at Reed College Portland, Oregon.

Steve Jobs divides his story into three parts:

First: Connecting the dots.

As noted above that Steve Jobs dropped out of the lecture, this is because when he was not yet
born, the birth mother who was still a student can not go to college because Steve Jobs had
conceived. Finally biological mother was determined that Steve Jobs must be adopted by a
family who minial undergraduate education so not as experienced birth mother.

But apparently Steve Jobs foster parents who adopt it instead of the scholar. Adoptive mother
also dropped out and adoptive father did not graduate from high school. The biological mother of
Steve Jobs initially disagree if newborn child cared for by the foster parents. But after Steve Jobs'
adoptive parents convince her biological mother that they would pay for college Steve Jobs, his
biological mother finally melted.

Finally as promised adoptive parents, Steve Jobs received in college Reed College University,
but to finance college they spend all of their savings should be used for old age. After the lecture
runs six months, Steve Jobs puzzled by the purpose of his life and did not know what the lecture
would be it, "I do not know what I should do in my life and how college was going to help me
find it," as the reason Steve Jobs.

Besides, he also felt guilty because he chose a college that expensive, he instead spends money
adoptive parents.

Once he decides DO, she immediately stopped attending compulsory. He did not immediately
leave the classroom lectures, but he just chose to follow his favorite subjects one of which is a
calligraphy class. "Those days are not always pleasant. I did not have a dorm room, so I slept on
the floor of my friends.

I return the bottle Coca-Cola to be the return of 5 cents to buy food. I would walk the 7 miles
across town every Sunday night to get a good meal at the Hare Krishna temple. I enjoyed it. And
much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless
later on. "He disclosed.

Please note that the Reed College has the best calligraphy classes throughout the USA campus
that time. Steve Jobs really liked learning the types of serif and san serif create variations of
space between the word combination and tips makes great typography great. For Steve it is a

combination of taste of the beauty, history and art that can not be captured by science. Very

Actually Steve also do not know whether this calligraphy science useful for him later. But it
missed the next ten years in which time he designed the Macintosh PC or Mac, the science of
calligraphy is very useful. Mac is designed to have a beautiful typography where it is the first
history of computers have beautiful typography.

Had that moment he did not take a calligraphy class and immediately leave the campus when
deciding DO Mac may not have letters with beautiful forms. And it also has plagiarized by
Windows. "If I had never dropped out, I was not on this calligraphy class, and the PC does not
have the wonderful typography," says Steve.

"You will not be able to assemble a point to look ahead; You can only connect them looking
backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to
trust your gut, destiny, life, karma, or whatever other term. "He added.

Steve Jobs Second Life Story: Love and Loss

Steve Jobs was relying on intuition or impulsive in their stride. He will do what is said by him to
do and would not do if his heart did not want him to do it even though it is contrary to most
people's thinking. One of them DO decision of Universitanya.

Another thing he did because he wanted to melakukakannya is tinkering with the computer.
When he was 20 years, Steve and his old friend Woz started Apple from Steve Jobs's garage.
They are both very serious about his dream and worked hard to make it happen. Ten years later,
Apple is growing rapidly, from just two people, Steve and Woz into a company that employs
4,000 employees and has a value of 2 billion dollars.

At that time Apple has just launched a new product that is a very revolutionary Macintosh or
Mac. Steve Jobs's just turned 30. And a very surprising thing happened, he was fired. Yes, Steve
Jobs is the man who founded and developed the Apple has been fired from Apple by the board of
directors because it is not the same vision with them. He was fired from the company that was
born and dibesarkannya.

Whose hearts are not sick. All media melipunya massive. Steve Jobs when it actually came back
to the lowest point in his life. I do not know, he did not tahui whether he will rise or permanently
dropped. "In a few months later, I do not know what I should do. I felt I had let the previous
generation of entrepreneurs-I failed to take the chance. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce
and apologized for my slump. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away
from Silicon Valley ".

Jobs eventually revive the spirit of him even though he was kicked out of Apple, but he still
loves her. Then he set up a new computer company called Next, and he also founded Pixar. "It
freed me to the most creative periods of my life. In the next five years, I started a company
named NeXT, Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. "

With creativitas Jobs, Pixar grew into the first computer-based animation company successful.
The film, titled Toy Story was made very successful movies.

Somehow later, Apple became interested in Comp Next, the company Steve Jobs founded after
being fired from Apple and because the owner is Steve Jobs; and he returned to Apple. Next into
the heart of the revival of Apple, which had slumped image and stock price because of poor
performance and turbulence left by Steve Jobs. He was selected the CEO of Apple.

Perhaps Steve Jobs will not have the two companies are worth more like Next and Pixar if he had
not been fired from Apple.

"I'm sure none of this would have happened if I had not been fired from Apple. It was awful
tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life attributing to rock your head.
Do not lose confidence. I am convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved
what I did. You have to find what you love. Your job will spend most of your life, and true
satisfaction can only be achieved by doing something great. And you can only be great if doing
what you love.

If you have not found it, keep looking. Do not give up. Your heart will say when you find it. As
with any great relationship, the longer-more intimate you are with him. So keep looking until you
find it. Do not stop. "

That's what Steve Jobs disclosed about the lessons that can be drawn from her kicked out of
Apple at the time.

Life Story Three: Death

When Steve Jobs was still a teenager, he was very fond of a book entitled "The Whole Earth
Catalog" where the content is partial and very remembered by Steve Jobs is as follows:

"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll be right." It made an impression on
her, and since then, for the past 33 years, he always looked in the mirror every morning and
asked myself himself, if this is my last day, if I keep doing what I'm going to do today?

If the answer is always "no" then that means there must be a change in you. Almost everythingall external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure-is no longer the face of
death. Only the essentials are still there. There is absolutely no reason not to follow your heart.
Do not let the noise of others' opinions drown you so that your inner voice. And most important,
have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition, then you will arrive at what you want.
Everything else is secondary. "

Disampul back of the book was written "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "(Never Satisfied. Always
Feel Stupid). Steve Jo bs that very memory of those words and make it into fuel so that he is
advancing. He also advised the new Stanford graduate students in order to also apply the
principle of "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "

Steve Jobs Dies

October 5, 2011, Jobs had to leave the world he loved, who loved her public, the company he
loves and dreams that may still not be achieved. Jobs lost to pancreatic cancer and other diseases
that continue to bother him during this time. Public or maybe I could call the world, mourned the
departure of Steve Jobs.

Steve who was once famous grumpy, now even regarded as a visionary. In the family, he is
considered the father warm. In fact, many are publicly expressing his gratitude for the
contributions of Steve Jobs in the world of technology, not least Mark Zuckerberg the founder of
Facebook. Jobs seems to be a different person. Yes, she changed into a better person.

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