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Every parent wants the children who are born normal and reasonable nature.
However, no one can stop the provisions of God. Special children's births or children
with special needs is to be a blow and challenge for parents. As a human being, a
child with special needs also have to get proper treatment and education of
families, communities and schools.
Children with special needs are groups of children who suffer from the
disorder, whether physical, mental, emotional or behavioral. They are groups of
children who have been identified and confirmed by experts as a clinical
professional experience of disability that interferes with the learning process.
Suffered disability can be categorized according to the level of functionality of the
child as cognitive behavioral (social development), mastery of the spoken language
(speaking) and reading skills development and math skills.
Children with special needs often associated with behavioral problems. The
low level of their functionality always encourage behavioral problems among them.
Various problems caused either while in the classroom, outside of the classroom or
at home.
Today, behavioral problems of children with special needs has also been a
main topic of discussion. Therefore, I have made reference and study related
behavior problems among pupils with special needs. It aims to get the complete
information regarding the behavior problems that often occur among pupils with
special needs.
Indeed, children with special needs often lead to unintended behavior.
Therefore management behavior is crucial in overcoming the problems posed by the
behavior of them. Teachers embrace smart handle behavior problems by using
methods and techniques that are appropriate.
Understanding the behavior actually has a very broad meaning. Behavior can
be summarized as behavior, body language, behavior, all acts involving motor



activities such as walking, running, move, interact, and provide response or reaction
to something, whether conscious or not. Even accounting for the behavior of the
actual picture of the emotional and mental one.
1.0 Definition of Behavioral Problems
According to Mohd. Mohamad Nazar (1990) quoted in the Classroom
Management and Behaviour by Mok, Soon Sang, the behavior of an individual
troubled known as behaviors that interfere with the course of his life. When viewed
from the context of education, delinquent behavior refers to any behavior that may
affect the smoothness of students and the effectiveness of teaching and learning,
particularly in the classroom.
Delinquent behavior is a normal behavior that is beyond the values and
norms of society, including schools. The concept is at odds with normal behavior
that is often perceived, felt, done and experienced by most people in the
community. Problematic behavior of pupils can also be defined as any action by
teachers of students who are considered as disturbing as it prevents the process of
teaching and learning.
According to Robert H. Woody in his book entitled 'The School and the
Behavior Problem Child' states all behavior at school can be shown in many forms
and varieties. Children can not adapt themselves to the situation and the learning
environment. Such conditions always affect their studies and their ability to learn
and communicate with others.
We can devide the delinquent behavior into two categories. The categories
are Positive Behavioral Problems and Negative Behavioral Problems
Positive behavior is problematic behaviors situation where it is seen as a good
development, but actually interfere with the conduct of other individuals. During the
process of teaching and learning, positive behavior seen in the problematic situation
of pupils who seem outrageous curiosity, too quick to learn, smart, intelligent and
proactive. This condition is sometimes called positive hyperactivity. Although this



condition is very good and positive but the fact that it interferes with the smooth
running of the teaching-learning process is underway. The situation in the real
disruptive pupils who study in normal conditions. Additionally it will lead to an
imbalance in the process of being carried out leraning. This condition will also cause
discomfort among the other pupils and even the teachers themselves.
Negatives beharioral problems includes negative, destructive, self isolation,
excessive dependence, aggressiveness and anxiety. In the aspect of teaching and
learning, negative behavior is problematic situations where pupils interfere with
teaching and learning in various ways through actions or treatments that interfere
with your friends and teachers or damaging equipment in the classroom.
The examples of negative behaviors that interfere with teaching and learning
process is making noise, disturbing friends, fight, against the teachers talk,
vandalism, frequent crying, lying, stealing, ridicule and showed no interest and
attention in their studies. There are also student behavior that is less noticed by the
teacher but can actually effect the learning and normal social relationships. The
examples of this behaviors are often isolate themselves, always sad, too timid, often
fear and fantasy.

2.0 Causes Of Behavioral Problem

Generally delinquent behavior among special education students is caused by
several factors. Among those factors is the factor of

genes and environmental

factors. But social learning theory applied by Bandura (1973) also concluded that
the main thing that is often learned by children and adolescents is by observation of
the behavior of others, especially those who are significant to them.

a. Genes Factors
Genes are the traits of inheritance were carried by parents to children. Genes
passed down through the genes of parents to children. Genes can control the



physical and mental enrichment. Psychologists agree that the breed is one of the
causes of delinquent behavior among children with special needs. A child is born it
will surely inherit the properties of their parents. According to Norman L. Munn,
genes characteristics are inherited through parents to their children through
Among these, properties are affected by the genetic nature of introverts and
extroverts. These properties can be inherited by children through their parents.
Emotionally unstable situation among parents can lead their children also suffer
from the same condition. For example, if a person has a temper, temper tantrum
and difficult to control emotions, his chances would be so maintained. This will
cause some problems such as a tantrum, and allusions likely to injure themselves or
Genes also affects one's physical development. Studies have shown that
external physical characteristics, especially the physical form, hair color and
sensory organs are genes inherited from the parents. For example, if a parent has a
large body size and fat, this can also lead to the possibility of their children will
suffer the same problem of the body. The size of the body is too fat, too skinny or
too low and small will cause feelings of inferiority and shame in an individual pupil.
This in turn may contribute to the onset of behavioral problems such as do not want
to get along with others, isolating themselves, and do not want to get involved in
teaching and learning because of shame and fear of being ridiculed by friends.
Mental development of a person can also be influenced by genes. If the
parents have a low level of mental ability, the possibility of their children will also
face the same problem. This in turn will cause the child to fall behind in their studies
and eventually became a passion for learning. This will cause unwanted behavior
such as depression, like isolating themselves and have a high level of dependence.
This situation could eventually lead to other problematic behavior that would
interfere with the process of teaching and learning that takes place

b. Peers Factors



When a person is outside the home, he would get along with peers. The peer group
consists of students or young people who have lived a nearly identical with each
other. Sociologist termed as peer groups of children or teenagers who have the
same age range (Hazil Abdul Hamid: 1990; 89). This peer group has a strong
influence in determining the behavior of a child. Sociologist termed as peer groups
of children or youth groups that have the same age range (Hazil Abdul Hamid: 1990;
89). Peer group has a role in social activities. It is no formal agency that provides
experience that can not be obtained from the family and in school.
Mustafa Fahmi (1971) suggest that children or adolescents tend to follow the
behavior of the group to which it is attached. They will earnestly try to behave like
behavior groups. They will also do or make what is done or made by the group. This
includes the treatment or behavioral problems who are in their group.
According Klausmerier et. al (1975) in such things as moral responsibility,
courage, vocational, hospitality and other "young people are influenced by the
opinions and views of their peers higher than parental influence. This means that
peers play an important role and become one the cause of the problem behaviors
among children.
So is the case that occurred among children with special needs. Where they
are lacking either physically, level of thinking ability and level of mental ability,
children with special needs often become friends and join them as a model
especially if the family is not receiving and paying attention to them. Peer
acceptance is regarded as an honor and ultimately make peer as an idol and role
model. Finally, they are more likely to perform activities or undesirable behaviors
and problematic. Due to the low level thinking skills among children with special
needs, they sometimes easier to use and are influenced by their peers to do
activities or negative behavior such as stealing, extortion and was involved in a
The development of negative behavior and involvement with negative peer
group can be understood through the framework introduced by Bronfenbrenner
(1979). According to the theory, introduced by him, an individual along with a



variety of systems in daily life. Microsystems such as home and school, is a matter
that the child will be involved directly. Learned behavior from one of microsystems
will be carried away to other microsystems. In this situation, learned behavior from
the outside, in the context of peer relationships, will be carried away to the house
and used in the conduct of relations with family members. Similarly, in which the
learned behavior of their peers to be used in conducting relations with teachers and
school environments that can interfere with teaching and learning process.

c. School Factors
According to the Dictionary of Three Hall Edition (1994) of the school is "a place to
learn and teach '. Now a day, almost half of the students time are spent in school.
Schools also play a role in contributing to the occurrence of behavioral problems in
children with special needs. Type of leadership and school environment influence
children's behavior. For example, the principal of the firm carrying out the discipline
is essential to ensure the successful implementation of a project. If on the other
hand, cause the child passive, withdrawn, afraid to participate, and many others.
Apart from that the school environment is quiet and comfortable will help
promote the desired behavior. School size also affects student behavior. Large
school or crowded conditions have a significant relationship with the problem of not
berdispilin (Balley, 1971 and Reynolds, 1977). Climate class neat, comfortable and
conducive to causing the child can learn in peace. If the situation is not conducive
classes, this can cause behavioral problems in children. By Dunhill (1965) found that
the situation in the class who are not managed properly will result in discipline
because such a situation would lead to a bad character among students. In other
words, students will be calmer emotionally and readiness to learn when the class
they always, well organized.
According to Social Learning Theory pioneered by Albert Bandura people
behave based on their experience with the others to be considered a model.
Teachers need to be the best model for students (Bandura 1977). Students need to
contact their teachers to be better than the existing ones. If all teachers highlighting
the best model to pupils, it is impossible not to be affected students to become



good student behavior. This means that teachers need to be a model and example
to their students.
Apart from the attitude and behavior of teachers also needs to be preserved
because of the unpleasant attitude will affect the behavior of children. Many things
are done by teachers without realizing it can change the behavior of surprises. They
will start to get bored, lazy and naughty when faced with a situation that boring.
Especially if the child is a special needs children. Any problems that arise should be
addressed with prudence and justice. If the conditions are not given attention,
behavioral problems may be occurring among children with special needs.
A state in which teachers give less attention and often are busy with it will
cause students feel themselves ignored and cause them to act in accordance with
their wishes. Teachers need to be smarter deal and give proper attention to
children's needs do not feel isolated and neglected. Teachers should treat children
with special needs are different because of the diversity of the problems of children
with special needs. They should be treated as separate individuals and not in bulk.
While it is difficult to do so because the number of teachers that many students, but
the fact that should be accepted by the teacher is an educator and they are able to
change the problem that arises in the event of a problem it is wise to address.

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