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72 The Law of the Rhythmic Breath

the Tattvas, chapter II), combines with the other

Tattvas in the proportions of 4 to i, and in the
mingling is modified by their qualities. Thus,
every molecule of Fdyu consists of four parts of
Fdyu and one each of the four other Tattvas,
forming a five- fold division; together with two
phases, negative and positive, which make up the
mystic seven-fold. This number is now recognized
in science as establishing the Periodic Law
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The Law of the Rhythmic Breath - E. A. Fletcher.txt
or system, which, grouping elements according to
their atomic weight, shows that elements of similar
chemical behavior occur once in seven; that is, in
octaves as do the tones of the musical scale.
Bearing in mind the process of their evolution
one after another from ethereal space to the cohesive
resistance of Prithivi, the earth vibration, it
should be understood that every successive Tattva,
even in its primary and most subtle form, becomes
more complex, for it contains the impress of those
preceding it. Thus, Prithivi partakes of the qualities
of the four preceding Tattvas, and adds its
own specific property. Two adjacent Tattvas
mingle more freely with each other than with the
more remote ones. For example, Prithivi and
Apas are more sympathetic and congenial than
Tejas and Prithivi; and Apas yields to Tejas before
it does to Fdyu. We see this process exactly
illustrated in the change of ice (Prithivic state of
matter) through water to vapor. Akdsha interThe
Universality of the Tattvas 73
venes between every two states, receiving the cancelled
vibrations of the element passing into a latent
condition and yielding the potentiality of the
supervening element; continuing, you see, to serve
as the bowl in which Nature does her mixing.
In physics, an important law of motion known
as " Newton's third law " is this : " For every
action there is a reaction, equal in amount and opposite
in direction." This principle governs all
Tattvic vibrations. In the separate Tattvas,
every atom is reacted upon by an opposite
force, the negative atom by a positive atom,
and when the equal and opposite vibrations of the
same Tattva meet they cancel each other, and together
pass into the Akdshic state. An illustration
of this law can be seen when two waves of
equal size come together so that the crest of one
falls into the trough of the other. Thus meeting,
the waves are cancelled and smooth water results.
This conjunction, or rest point, is Akdshic; for
Akdsha precedes and follows every change on
every plane of motion and life.
In the action of light-waves the same phenomenon
has been observed whenever a difference of
path brings passing waves so that the crest of one
set of rays falls over the trough of the other set.

The conjunction (Akashic) of the two beams of

light produces darkness. The interference of
sound, as when the condensed part of one sound
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The Law of the Rh

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