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Autobiography of Austin Neal Abbott



Written by

Austin N. Abbott

I write a few of the events of my family. I wish to single out the mercies of
the Lord unto me and my posterity. This is June 27, 1974.

I was born August 5, 1896, at St. Thomas, Nevada. I married Ruth Naylor,
born October 4, 1904, June 25, 1924. She died July 15, 1957. I married Elva May
Stokes Cook December 6, 1949, born in Ottawa, Ohio, May 11, 1894

Lou was born April 25, 1925 at Nampa, Idaho. Fay was born February 6,
1927 in Salt Lake City. Venetta was born March 5, 1930, Nampa, Idaho. Austin
Neal, Jr. was born August 3, 1932, Nampa, Idaho. Janet was born March 18, 1937,
Nampa, Idaho. John was born June 18, 1939, Nampa, Idaho. Chrissie was born
September 9, 1942, Nampa, Idaho. Stephen Edward was born September 3, 1944,
Glenn Eden Beach, Oregon.

March 10, 1963 I wrote Lou and her family came up to Bishop to visit us.
We were spending the simmer in our small trailer house. One of the trips we made
was up to the ancient Bristle cone forest. These trees are the oldest trees in the
world. It is well worth the trip.

It was take nothing out and leave only your tracks. On our way back we
could take anything when we came to the West Guard Pass, Lou, Scotty and I
filled boxes of everything Lou needed in teaching her Art class.

I told them I felt to write up a few of the events of my life. That I felt to
write two accounts one of my Father and Mother but a much larger account of my
own family. Lou said, "Right Dad".

The first I remember was the terrible nightmares. I could see Evil spirits and
feel their evil influence trying to get at me to destroy my life. However they only
had the power to come just so close pointing their fingers at me and pulling faces.

I still remember the house where I was born. I remember one day of Mother
taking out of the oven a big beef roast. I asked Mother what it was, "Meat," she
answered. It smelt and tasted so good.

I don't remember Father until he came off his mission. I was then four years
old. I was one year old when he left on his mission.

One day Mother dressed me up in little knee pants. She told me we were
going to meeting. I was glad to eat again that nice roast meat. On our way home, I
asked, "Where was the meat?" She asked, "What meat?" "You said we were going
to the meeting.' "Oh," she said, and then explained it all to me.

The big red ants were everywhere. When I would be out playing these ants
would bite me and send a cold chill all over me.

Mother has often told me of when I was sick unto death I was only about
eight months old. Fatter she said, was at the Key West Mine earning money to go
on his mission. The town Doctor at Overton told mother only the power of the
Lord could save me. To send for his father and have the Elders come in and pray
for him. The Key West Mine was sixty miles all uphill on the mountain. Mother
sent an Indian to get him. When he found him he said, "You John," "Yes," "Squaw
say papoose him sick, him die. No great spirit heal him. Father informed the boss,
Mr. Minner, and he and the Indian ran all the way down. He got another Brother
and they administered to me. Mother told me that I fell asleep. When I awoke the
fever had left.

When father came off his mission he went to work at the Key West Mine, to
earn money to move to Oregon. They had two tents for George and me to sleep in.
They later put in another bed for Grandma Abbott when she came to take care of
mother as another baby was expected.

All of us would walk up to the mine with father. Mother telling father she
hoped he would get a job not so dangerous. "Oh, Chrissie dear, I must work here to

get money to move to Oregon." She would say "John, I pray for you all the time
you are in the mine."

Bunkerville was sixteen miles from the mountain on the river. Grandfather
Abbott lived there on his large farm. He built a large house for himself and had at
one time six wives and twenty-six children. Our grandmother's children had all
married off. She was his first wife and bore him eight. Our father was the youngest
of the family. The folks would borrow the boss's two horses and buggy and drive
down often on Sundays to visit grandfather. In many ways I came to know
grandfather and his large family. Grandmother came a few weeks before Stowell
was born. She was tall, but not fat. She was still a beautiful woman, very quiet.
When she talked everybody listened. She was so patient with George and me,
always explaining our questions in a clear voice.

One night George and I woke up hearing a baby crying. We jumped out of
bed slipping on our pants and went into the other teat. There was grandmother
wiping off a tiny baby. We yelled "Is it a boy?" "Yes, answered grandma and a
good strong one too." "Goodie, we did not want an old girl”. "Why don't you stop
it from crying?" Crying is good for his lungs," answered grandma.

When Stowell was a year old past for it was October, 1903 and I was past
seven, father left for Oregon. He soon sent for us. He had bought a place up Mill
Creek out of Cove, Oregon. We were just moving in when a neighbor lady came
over and told us all the scandals of the neighbors. When she left mother remarked,
"He who brings a bone will also take one away."

One day I rigged up a pole and string tied to a bent pin, I dug some worms
and went fishing in Mill Creek. The bigger fish came off as the pin would
straighten out. However, I managed to catch four small trout.

I cleaned them at the pump and threw them into a tub of water. I never
thought about the four ducks of ours standing by, but the four ducks stretched their
heads into the tub, fished out each a fish, raised their heads and swallowed them.
This was my first fishing trip.

That first summer, August 5, I turned eight, 1904. George and I started to
school in September. All my school years I was in classes with kids two years
younger than I.

One evening we were sitting out in the yard when from the mountain nearby
came a screaming noise. We asked father if it were a woman perhaps lost in the
mountains. Father told us "no, it is a cougar." That went on for a few nights. One
morning father went out to milk and found the cow with her bag eaten off.

An old couple who lived on the Creek heard of it. One morning he came
leading a heifer which had just gave birth to her first calf. He told father he had a
family of little children. They wanted us to have the cow. Her name was Jenet. He
told us her mother was the best cow they had ever owned. Jenet became the best
milk cow we ever owned. We kept her until she died at Mt. Glenn, Oregon of old

Father sent a man to town to buy supplies to feed his crew of men. The cook
asked what kind of meat he brought her as she said it did not look like any roast
meat she ever saw. He told her to roast it the men would like it. As the men ate it
they asked, "What kind of meat is this?" He would only reply "it's damn good. I
will tell you after supper." After supper he told us it was cougar. "O.K.," they
replied, "it was good, but if you do it again we will shoot you."

A cougar hunter with dogs from Pendleton, Oregon just over the blue
mountains west of Cove heard of the cougar and killing our cow so he brought his
dogs and treed two and shot them for the bounty and the hides and gave the meat to
the local butcher to give it to anyone who wanted some. So this roast never cost
father anything.

Father bought us a twenty-two it held twenty - one long shells. The long
shells were twice as powerful as the shorts. Father said, "All boys should learn to
handle a gun early in life." He taught us how to shoot and oil and take care of it,
how to keep it on safety lock, while hunting, we learned to knock the pine squirrels
out of the pine trees. To shoot rattle snakes, as there were a big den of them close
by. We were always running onto one in the timber where we hunted. What a
happy time we had with our gun. When we first brought squirrels home, mother
said, "She would not cook them." I told her, "I would." "Oh, no," she answered,

"not in my frying pan." When we cleaned them, the meat looked as clean that she
fried them and even ate a hind leg. After that we had it made for squirrels.

One Sunday after church all of us went to the Pixtons to visit. Ross Pixton, a boy
two years older than I had a Shetlon pony. He would ride him about, and then I
would ride. He never had a saddle to hold by, just his long mane. He was galloping
along with me. He made a sharp turn and I slid off. I landed on my right hand and
arm; it broke my arm, also the two wrist bones.

The folks took me to Doctor Carp. He told us there was no way he could set
the two wrist bones. My right wrist would always be stiff. I could never again twist
my wrist back and forth. That was bad news for me as we played with flapping
bones of a steer, the rib bones we used for clappers to make a big noise, I. When
the cast came off, mother said, "Austin, twist your wrist." I did as good as ever.
Mother said, "I prayed all the time your arm was in the cast for the Lord to heal
your arm wrist so you could twist it. Dr. Carp declared it was a miracle.

Another boy soon after broke his arm and the two wrist bones. He could
never again twist his hand back and forth. The Lord did many miracles for us,
because of our mother's faith.

One day I went to see Rass Pixton. He was skinning two ground squirrels he
had caught in traps to feed to his talking magpie bird; he had taken from a nest and
taught it to talk. He told me that he split its tongue or they could not learn to talk. I
wanted a magpie. I begged mother, "No, Austin that is cruel to split their tongues
and keep them in a cage."

We visited friends who had moved to Union twelve miles from Cove. They
had a talking magpie. I asked them if they split its tongue. "No, that is a mistake;
they learn to talk better and sooner if their tongues are not split." I began again
begging mother. I told her I had found a nest. In a few days the young magpies
would be leaving the nest. She consented if I would promise to take them back or
turn them loose when I tired of them. So in a few days I went after those two birds.
The pitiful cries of the old birds softened my heart some. But I wanted them so
badly I took them anyway in a box.

Mother began on me. She said, "Their parents cried when you took them?"
"Yes," I replied. She did not need to say more. I took those birds right back to their
nest. I remember that on my way home I had a good feeling. I made myself forget
it all.

I well remember Ora. What a pretty little only girl of the family and long
curls. The people would say to Father, "Bishop, your little girl looks like you. She
is such a pretty little girl with her long curls." Father would be so proud and
pleased. Mother often said to him, "John, you are spoiling that child." But George
and I knew that she only smelt that way at times.

I remember the long trips to LeGrande. In the rainy season how muddy and
deep some of the mud holes became. Old Carbert, mother's driving horse, would
not pull the hat off our heads when hitched up with another horse to a logging
wagon. But hitched to our single buggy he would lay right down on his belly
pulling with all his might to pull us out of those mud holes in the roads in those
days. Oh give me these days of good paved roads.

Father gave old Carbert as we called him, but young Carbert then, to mother
saying, "Chrissie dear, this is your horse to go and use anytime you wish. For the
son-of-a-gun baulks every time I hitch him to my logging wagon. But hitched to
the buggy he is a true blue. Take: him, you need a buggy horse."

Mother and father sat in the only seat. Mother, after Rulon was born held
him on her lap. Ora, the only place for her was to stand between mother and father
all the way. Father was talking Maori to her, and then telling her in English what
he said. George and I and Stowell were crowded in the back on the hard floor with
quilts to keep us warm. We would nearly wet our pants.

Mother would say to me, "Austin hitch up old Carbert I want to go to Relief
Society," I feel to relate of a great blessing. Why the Lord so loved such an onery
and rebellious son of the Cove Ward's Bishop as to give it to me. I don't understand
his mercies, for I was the wildest kid in Cove.

The folks had an old oaken table. For breakfast we always had a good one.
Mother used to say, "A good breakfast would hold us up for the day." We always
had old fashioned oatmeal mush. You can't buy those oats now too coarse. Yes,

they were coarse, but all the nourishment was in them. Then it was eggs, bacon or
ham and mashed potatoes fried. However, the best of all was mother's hot soda
biscuits with butter and strawberry cold jam. My, I do love those hot biscuits.

We never failed to all kneal around this big round oak table for prayers. All
of us took turns leading in the prayers.

Then mother would begin dipping up our bowls of mush. Father would start
by pushing them around. Then around came the milk pitcher and then the sugar
bowl. When it came to me I had just got a spoon full and was ready to put it on my
mush, when came a voice saying, "eat your mush without sugar." I froze with the
spoon held in my hand. I thought, "I can't." Then I thought, "That must have been
my guarding angel that told me that.” I always gritted my teeth when I became
determined. So I gritted my teeth and firmly said to myself, "but I will," and
dropped the spoonful of sugar back into the bowl pushing it on to George. He
asked, "Aren’t you going to eat your mush?" "Yes," I answered, "but I think I will
eat it without sugar." "Ugh" he said with a look of disgust on his face. The first
spoon of mush I ate tasted flat and terrible. I again, thought I said to myself, "Oh, I
can't." Then I thought of the words I knew came from my guardian angel. So I
gritted my teeth again and told myself, "but I will." The second spoonful I ate
tasted much better to me. I thought, "Oh, good." The third spoonful tasted like
nectar I never before tasted anything so good. So I turned to George and said,
"George, eat your mush without sugar, it tastes better." He only gave me a
disgusted look and never answered.

Many years later I received a letter from Ora. I was living at Tecopa. Elva
was my wife then. Ruth had died in 1957. George had been to see Ora. She wrote
that the poor fellow was suffering with sugar diabetes. As I read her letter I
remembered this morning when I received the message that sugar was not a food
but a killer as I now came to believe this of sugar.

I remembered how many times I had pleaded with George not to pile so
much sugar on everything. As I read on as she wrote of his suffering with his
sickness of how George suffered when he lost his leg. Why oh why, I keep asking
did this terrible suffering come to him and now this sickness?

Soon after Ora’s letter George died. Ora sent a phone call. Ora and Lovina
and Lovina’s Pam would be driving through Reno. I told Ora I could catch the bus
by having a neighbor drive me fifty-five miles to Lathworth Wells, Nevada in my
car. I could catch the bus to Reno if they arrived before I did to please wait.
However, I got there first.

I was alone with George. I went to see George as he lay in his coffin. He had
aged I had not seen him for a number of year. His long sickness had told on him.
Came the voice of the Lord saying, “I will help him." So I spoke to him and said,
"George the Lord will help you." I again thought of his suffering all his life upon
this earth. I spoke again, "Oh, my brother how you have suffered. Come not back
again to suffer."

Sixteen years after mother died, father died. Ora picked me up at Paso
Robles while on the way to Las Vegas to see father. When Ora and Halley stepped
out for a cup of coffee, I still sat near father's casket. Came the voice of the Lord
saying, "I will help him." So I spoke to father, "the Lord will help you."

I could not go to Cletuse's funeral as Elva had fallen and broke her back.

At Mt. Glenn five miles north of LaGrande, there was only a school house
and a Mormon Church used as a dance hall too. A group of five men who had
bought small saw mill. They needed a man that understood saw milling and to run
their big saw. They heard of father and sent for him. They asked him to buy in. He
said he would if they moved the mill a mile up the canyon to a spot where a good
log roll way was; also it was closer to the timber. There was a big spring they
piped the water to the house they built. For us, they also built a big water tank to
supply the water for the steam engine that ran the mill.

What a good time George and I had swimming in that big tank of water. We
got a telephone. They asked father to rent the mill as they were ranchers, not saw
Will men. It was a perfect set up for us so father rented it taking it all over. We did
much better than at Cove. When winter came the snow in those wet cycle years
would get nine feet deep. To go to school we would jump on our sled and ride like
a streak of lightening within a few yards of the schoolhouse, 2 1/2 miles of joy

Ora was given a coal black puppy she named him Lion. Years passed he
became old lion and we considered him one of the family. Finally he grew old and
feeble he wobbled when he walked. We could not shoot a member of the family, so
we were relieved when the poor old fellow died in his sleep one night.

At the church we often had a big feast everybody came with cooked food a
whole sheep was cooked in a big pit, Brother John Hendricks and his oldest
daughter Anna played for the dances. Things really livened up when the Fred
Zaugg's big family moved in from Canada. He led the singing. His three big pretty
girls were sweet I'll say and sang sweet songs together. All the people were the
most peaceful folks. I always had a good feeling among them. Our father lived at
peace with all mankind everywhere he lived.

After we cut out all the close timber the mill had began to wear out. We felt
it was a blessing it burnt down one night for we saw we could not have made it pay
any longer. We went to work for the Grand Round Lumber Company. Down the
Grand Round River a hundred and fifty miles we did much better.

World War I was on, we had all moved down the river below Elgin near the
Looking Glass Creek. Timber was on both sides and on the mountains for
hundreds of miles. How I long to live there again.

I would be twenty-one the next August. The draft had come for all over
twenty-one in June, so I missed the draft by two months.

I told the folks now we had bought a power gas saw so we had the contract
of cutting the wood for the steam donkey as it was called. It pulled the longs in
with long cables and they used it to load the logs out the log cars to make up a train
of logs to haul two hundred and fifty miles to Perry, Oregon, where the saw mill
was I told the folks they could easily do without me. That I would go into the north
end corner of Utah on the Dushane River to look over some land that was being
opened up near the towns of Dushane and Roosevelt, Utah, A dam was being put
in and thousands of acres would come under water for farming.

After my birthday I bid them good-by and took the train. When I got to Salt
Lake City, I must take the stage. When I got to Dushane and investigated the

country, I did not like it. I heard of the Burns family who once lived at Cove,
Oregon neighbors to us.

They settled on land out of Roosevelt, I stayed a few days with them. My
first questions were "could fruit and melons be raised there." I was told the frost in
this high Rocky Mountain country came later in the spring and too early in the fall
that neither could be raised here mostly wheat and hay only. They had long cold
winters. I thought not to look further in this country.

I got a job in a coal mine near Vernal, Utah. I found I liked coal mining
down in the warm earth when it was so cold outside. I made fair wages. I went to
church and the dances at Vernal and was very happy that winter.

I would be called to the Army next draft. I wanted the Navy so I joined it. I
was never sorry.

I soon got leave from the Navy I was stationed at Bremerton, Washington. I
took the train for LaGrande out of Seattle and then to. Palmer Junction. I spent a

very happy two weeks with the folks. The Looking Glass was a pretty creek. The
salmon came, up from the river from the Ocean and they spawned in Looking
Glass. There were millions of acres of timber land to be harvested. I enjoyed
catching the wild trout in the creek and salmon in season. The folks no longer felt
they needed the big home in LaGrande, Oregon. They at last sold it to Sister Ricks
and her big family. She had been after it for a long time.

In the spring of 1919 we heard about the Arrow Rock Dam on the Boise
River. We heard about Nampa and the thousands of acres going under the water for
farming. That fruit and melons did well there.

We sent father down to look at it. When he returned he had bought a forty. It
had a house and a barn on it. They sent me down to run the farm that spring while
father and Stowell finished the contract of logging.

After the folks came down in the fall, I got jobs anywhere I could find them.
George got a job with the Idaho Statesman out of Boise. After awhile he wanted to
quit for some reason. He asked me to go with him to see J.C. Adams, the business
manager. He hired me. I worked there for eighteen years. Then Ruth and the girls
went with me into the produce business. We made more money. We had more of

Now I go back to how I met Ruth. About June of 1923 I came home to the
folks one Saturday evening. Mother began teasing George about his Naylor girl. I
asked George where she lived. "Oh, just up from our corner one mile. She has a
sister Lois. You ought to have her. We will see them at church tomorrow."

At church George introduced me to them. After church I asked George to

have the girls join us if they would, I went out to the car and sat in the back seat, as
George liked to drive my car, when he could. As I sat there I was thinking I liked
Ruth better than I did Lois.

When George and the girls came out they paused on the church steps. The
sun cast a light upon Ruth lighting her up. I thought it's a special sign to me. If so I
thought the Lord will work it out. I was in a trance.

When they got close, Ruth stepped aside and came and sat by me. From then
on I had a date with Ruth when I came home every Saturday evening. After she

consented that we get married, I one day followed Brother Naylor out to turn the
water. I said, "I want to marry Ruth. I am asking you for her." He stuck the shovel
in the ground and asked,” where are you going to live?" I answered, "Now I travel
all over southern Idaho and eastern Oregon, she wants to go with me. We will rent
furnished rooms. We plan on saving and buying a home in Nampa or Boise."

"Yes," he answered, "I believe you will take care of her." He talked of her
childhood sickness, how they nearly lost her a time or so. It was on account of her
and Lois’s health they had moved to Nampa, a low and warmer climate.

I was glad I found a beautiful diamond ring for seventy-five dollars.

I was also glad that Ruth got her mother to go down to Salt Lake with us for
a marriage in the temple. Sister Naylor was permitted to witness our marriage. As
the temple was for the endowments, the marriage room was outside of the temple,
so all mothers could attend the marriages of their daughters.

We planned a honeymoon in the Yellowstone Park. Sister Naylor stopped

off at her sister's, Kathy Ford. However, we soon tired of the park. We picked up
Sister Naylor and came on home to spend the rest of our vacation.

Lou was over a year old we were living in Boise. The Naylor’s had sold out
at Nampa and moved to Salt Lake. We were expecting another baby. We planned
to quit the Statesman as soon as we earned more savings. I desired to find work in
the city.

Sister Naylor asked Ruth to bring little Lou, and come down to be under the
care of Doctor Beasley, a Mormon doctor. I could stay and come down before the
baby was due. However the baby came before her time one month. I had not yet
come down. However, I soon came down and Ruth told me the doctor wanted to
see me. “The baby was so long coming I lost my strength.” Doctor Beasley told the
folks that I had died, but believed he could save the baby. I did leave and joined a
group of people. It was so peaceful there I wanted to stay. When a man told me I
must go back as my work on earth was not finished. The first thing I knew I was
gasping for breath. Soon after the baby was born." She added, "I have hips like a
man's. They are not made to give. That is what the doctor wants to see you about."
I answered, "I guess the two girls are all of our family." "Yes," she answered.

When I called the doctor told me it was too dangerous as my wife was not
like other women, her hips were like a man's. They were not made so they would
give. He told me he could fix me by cutting a tube, to think it over. And indeed I
did think it over. I felt depressed. I did not feel it was the will of the Lord. I told
Ruth that I felt we should take it to the Lord for he is all powerful. So we both
exercised faith. In a few days of humbly praying came the voice of the Lord to me
saying, "I will always deliver her, and give you enough to care for them." We both
agreed. Six of you are miracle children, indeed you are.

It was hard times. I only got a job now and then. I received a letter from
George, the Statesman wanted me back. We both said we were going back. We
came back and it was good getting a check again each week. We bought a home in

We were going to have another baby. I tried to humble myself before the
Lord as I felt I must be worthy to have the Lord to deliver my wife with the birth of
this baby. When she came, Venetta birth was an easy one.

The time came when we were going to have Neal. The little rascal was a
month late. He only grew bigger and fatter. Never the less, big-or small the babies
were, the Lord did deliver your mother at your births as he had promised us he

When Janet was started your mother said, "You having me read up on our
religion I felt to have another baby. It’s another girl. She shall be a joy of our lives.
She will be an easy birth. There will be very little pain.”

Ruth was teaching a Primary class of boys. They asked to name the baby.
They voted on names. The name Janet came out on top.

We felt we needed an acre or so of land. We asked father if he felt to sell us

three acres of his ten acres. "Yes," he answered, "and I will help you build a

I knew of a saw mill that would sell us the lumber wholesale and deliver it
but it must be cash. Father also asked me to have Brother Murphy who had been a
carpenter to work about a week with him to lay it out. I went to the bank and had

no trouble borrowing the money for the lumber and to pay Brother Murphy. Your
mother and my father built most of the house. I helped all I had time.

It put us in debt quite a bit. I have forgotten how much. For the Lord did
bless us that we easily and quickly paid it all off including a small wage for my
father. As he said he could not charge us the going wages.

About this time my wisdom tooth began bothering. I was working Melba
territory and down Snake River to Gibbons Spring over to Murphy and Renald's
Creek. Before I got home Saturday evening it was sure hurting me badly but it was
too late to see a dentist until Monday morning. However, during the night it
became so painful I could not sleep. So I got dressed and began walking up and
down the road in front of our place. The pain became so bad I felt I could not stand
it. I kept praying as I paced up and down the road. All at once a bolt of light that
was much brighter than the sun struck my jaw. It came right out of heaven.
Instantly there was no pain. I went home and slept like a log as I was tired out with
it. I went in Monday and had it pulled, it did not even hurt to pull it.

Janet could not walk too well yet but learning, When Ruth was struck down
with Pneumatic Fever. She was down in bed and could not move without help. She
told me that unless the Lord healed her she would die, "my heart will not hold out,"
she said.

One morning I saw her working her way out of bed. I rushed in and said
"you are not well enough to get up." She answered, "I must do it all by myself so
don't try to help me." I knew then she was being led by the spirit of the Lord. After
she got up, she said, "I am going down to the drain ditch and from those springs
down there pick a pan of watercress from the clear warm water. I will eat what I
can and cut a pan full to feed the family. I am going to get well again." I answered,
"I believe you Ruth. You shall be well again."

She took a knife and a pan and struggled out the door only able to move her
feet about two inches at a step. Your mother would say, "Oh, you sweet little baby
girl trying so hard to help me by pulling my dress.

It took her over two hours the first morning. When she returned she said, "I
will do it in less time each morning. The Lord will heal me and I shall be strong
like a man."

I said, "Dear, I believe you for I know by the spirit that the Lord has
revealed this to you. You shall be healed and become strong like a man." It did
come to pass just as she said.

We needed a cow for there were seven of us five children and Ruth and me.
We had a big pasture of alfalfa and Kentucky blue grass growing. Cows were high
then and we owed sums of money for our place. We felt we could not buy one yet.

One morning Ruth came bounding into my bedroom and sat on the edge of
the bed and said, "You are going to find a cow. She is a real good cow and you are
going to get her cheap." In a few days on the Emmet mail routes, I came to a ranch
that I knew the people. I asked if they had a cow to sell. "Yes, I have one. She is
the best cow I have. But I must sell her to someone who does not have other cattle.
The cattle are pushing one another from the feed racks. Her hip was thrown out.
She is not in pain, and gets around dragging her hind leg. She no longer can hold
her own with the other cattle. She is young, only had one calf. She is due for
another calf in a month. I will let have her for thirty five dollars. I said, "As I
walked in I see you have a cow trailer. What will you charge me to bring her
over?" "Oh, nothing, next Sunday I am going over to Nampa to visit my son,
Glenn. I will bring her over then." It all worked out as your mother told it would
that early morning.

She said to me one day, “Now I am going to have another baby. It is a boy. I
will have it easy with him."

We were expecting John anytime. I received a letter from the Statesman to

work the Payette River towns up into the Payette Mountains. I asked your mother
if I should get so far away at this time. "Yes," she answered "for I will have it easy
with this baby."

I asked Lou to write me at Cambridge if the baby came. At Cambridge I

received a letter from Lou that the baby, a boy, was born. Mother and baby were
fine. I need not come home until I finished up there.

When I came home I felt the spirit of the Lord filling the room. The voice of
the Lord came to me, "Go and lay your hands upon her head. I will give you what
to say," I obeyed at once.

Ed Naylor came up. He built on a back porch. Moved the front part of the
front room out four more feet and also made your mother's bedroom four feet
wider. Ed is a genius to do that make a four foot foundation, to saw the front
partition loose at the floor walls and ceiling move it outdoor windows and all and
fill in and join the floor walls ceiling and roof. I thought it was some doing but he
did it with your mother's help. These Naylors can really do things.

A change had come for the better for me. Everybody only worked five days
a week. Now, after Friday evening to Monday morning I was free. What I could do
in these two days out of the week was as wonderful as I shall tell you. Ed would
have everything ready to go fishing up by Bliss and Hagerman on the Snake River.
Clear water poured out of the rocky cliffs in great rivers. For about two hundred
miles up in the mountains, lost river sank into a big sandy valley called the "sinks".
They figured it came underground out into Snake River there at Bliss and
Hagerman. It made the Snake River clear and warm for many miles, ideal for big
rainbow trout. The state fish and game planted millions of young rainbow trout in
it. The warm water caused the moss and water grass to grow giving a home for
bugs to grow and feed the fish. My how big and fat they were too and full of fight.

I never since have had such a good fishing ever since I left that country I
came to love so much. The water in places was rough with rapids and white boiling
rushing water as Snake River plunged through the mountain gorges, many
fishermen had drowned. There were big fish that when hooked in these Gorges of
swift roaring water generally got away as they had the swift water to help them.

We had a place where we camped and cooked on a wood fire between two
rocks. How happy we both were and excited beyond telling about.

One evening about three hours before dark we crossed the river on an old
bridge and I told Ed that I would fish around this bridge and I said I know you
want to fish that rough gorge above the bridge, so do be careful as many fishermen
have drowned up there. To be back at this bridge by dark as we need now start
back home it being Sunday evening and a hundred and twenty-five miles back

home. Dark came I stood in the middle of the bridge looking down into the water. I
was worried did that boy get drowned? I kept asking myself. What was the best for
me to do? Came the voice of the Lord saying, "wait." So I waited. Soon above the
roar of the rapids I heard Ed whistling as happy as a king as he came along the path
through the thick brush. That was the sweetest whistling I ever heard. He said,
"Judas priest I lost most of the big fish I hooked broke my line. But I managed to
get five nice big ones." I never had such a time in my life.

He got a shot gun for the pheasants and ducks he brought home. My girls
loved their Uncle Ed dearly.

One summer in August, Ruth wrote her father to come up and visit, when he
came we all went out to the garden. He said, "I wonder if I have forgotten how to
pick a ripe watermelon." He chose one then picked it. I handed him my pocket
knife and said, "Stick the point of the blade into it and hear it pop open." He did
and said "that is a fine melon." Ruth added, "These melons were developed by the
Burpee Seed Company and it is called the sugar sweet." He also enjoyed our
Rocky. Ford cantaloupes, our sweet corn and string beans.

Ruth was his favorite child and Ruth and the girls sure loved him dearly.

The next day we told him that we knew of a registered herd of Jersey Cattle
three miles west of Nampa on Orchard Ave. He wanted to visit this ranch so we
drove out. He did admire those cattle and before he left in a few more days he
wanted to see them again so we took him out there.

One morning we were all in our car we came to a hatchery. Ruth said, "We
can make extra money by raising fry chicks. We can put a sign out by our gate. I
told the family that I knew how to build an underground brooder that burned
scrapped wood that warmed sand above it would not cost us anything. Also we
could get a mixing of chick food directions from the government that one man got
he told me he saved a dollar a hundred by mixing his own feed.

We went in and talked with the man. He told us he had a thousand White
Rocks hatching out in a few days. They were big breasted with no black pin feather
to contend with. We ordered four hundred.

With the brooder I built, we only lost four but then they gave us ten extras.
We saved a dollar a hundred on our feed. How fast they grew we could hardly
believe it. We gave them a little green feed also.

When the roosters were big enough for Frys we put a sign out front. The
buyers began to come it.

We learned to hang them up by the legs on a wire and to cut under the
tongue with a sharp knife. When they bled out, we would stick the point of the
blade into the brain through the mouth. This caused the body of the chicken to
release the feathers. So we jerked them off in seconds. We sold them by the pound
dressed. When the roosters were gone then the hens were ready. However we kept
enough for eggs for our own use. We made a big profit.

The wiener pigs turned out to make us more clear money than the chickens
had. The truth was when I saw them at the sale and learned that the bidder must
take them all I felt or reasoned I could not bid on this batch as I thought I only
wanted two pigs to raise for our own meat. I really felt I could not afford to feed
them out on grain and corn the large amount I must buy to fatten them out to sell
on the market. I did not have the money I felt.

However, when the bidding began, came the voice of the Lord saying, "bid."
I answered, "I can't afford to." Came the voice of the Lord to me saying as a
command, "bid, I will help you." So I began bidding. They fell to me and I got
them cheap.

I went over to where Ruth and the girls had our set up of fruit and vegetables
selling. I told them what I had done. Ruth answered "Yes, I slipped over and saw
you bidding on those pigs. I knew it was right you get them. I also knew you

Through my father, the Lord did truly help me with those pigs. My father
lived in that house just south of us. He said to me, "Now, Austin, you need to haul
loads of straw for those pigs. We can buy it for only twenty-five cents a load. I will
loan you my team and hay rack. You can if you need pay me wages to help you.
We will fill up that shed you have built in the center of the big pen you have built.
We will cover over the top and all around, that shed except the front end. Your

pigs when cold weather comes will burrow into the pile of straw and keep warm as
toast. And by being warm will grow fast." I hired him and we hauled straw until he
said it was enough.

Then he said, "Austin you can buy potatoes at the packing houses in Nampa
for as little as ten cents a hundred.

I will help you build a cooking vat." Our vat we built held a thousand
pounds of potatoes at a cooking of scrapped wood. Father said when we had put in
the potatoes. "Now, Austin fill water around these potatoes and pour on top the
potatoes two sacks of wheat put the lid on, set fire to the wood under it and forget
it until morning." The next morning the potatoes were cooked the wheat had
swollen to more than double raising the lid up high.

Then he said, "Austin, from the creamers buy buttermilk for as little as two
cents a gallon and whey which is-full of minerals for as butter milk with a little hay
now and then little as one half cent a gallon. These minerals from the whey and
Pigs love sour milk. They need nothing more. You will have bigger and better pigs
and on the market sooner than grain and corn fed pigs with little money.

Then I had the good fortune to sell them when the market was high.

When Ruth knew she was going to have Chrissie she said, "It's another girl.
People will not notice. I will lay off work only a short time. I will hardly know her
birth. When people see the baby buggy and look in they will ask, "Whose baby is
it?" When I tell it is mine they will hardly believe it. She will be so quiet. She shall
never cry. She will sleep most of the time. When awakes she will goo and smile. I
am going to dress her up. People will stop to see the baby and buy fruit. She shall
be a blessing to us."

In a few more years we were expecting Stephen in August, but the rascal
never came until September. Your mother almost died of the heat during the hot
months of summer in Nampa when barring her babies.

After taking the matter to the Lord I felt to tell the family we should go to
the ocean to have our eighth baby. I labored hard in faith for his will. Came the
voice of the Lord to me saying, "Go to your wife ask her to pray unto me if you

should sell out and move to Missouri." The next morning I asked her what her
answer was, "Missouri will be my next home," she answered.

A buyer soon came. We knew we were to go to the ocean before we went to


On the way we drove by way of Union, Oregon and stopped and visited my
father. After this happy visit we drove on. When we reached the range of
mountains near the coast, I said, "When we get to the top of one of these hills who
will be the first to spot the ocean. We all remember it was Fay who did it.

After a week at Glenn Eden Beach, Oregon about the first of February 1944,
I called the family together and told them. I feel to drive down south along the
ocean; it's beautiful all the way. We could stop below LA and let your Aunt Ora
and your. Uncle Cletus know. After a few weeks stay we could drive back here to
have our baby where it is cool all summer.

At Agate Beach near Portland your Uncle Garth Naylor was there on a
mission. You girls went to Portland and looked him up. He came to visit us and
stayed all, night one time.

On down on the101 highway we were driving late. When we came to Paso

Robles to the only stop light in town it just turned red as I pulled up. As we sat
there waiting, Fay said, "It's ten minutes to ten, I did not think it was that late." We
asked, "Where did you see that?" 'There is a clock on that hotel." She pointed it
out. Then she said, "this town is (she spelled it out Paso Robles)." We asked where
she seen that, she pointed it out. Then she said, "There is a pretty park on the left."
We all looked. "Yes," we answered. The thought came to me, will I ever live here
or near here. Came the voice of the Lord saying, "Yes, I will work it out." I never
felt to say anything to the family. It did work out. Elva and I lived eleven years
near that town,

At south Laguna Beach we sent word to Ora and Cletus. The fun we had
when Ora and Cletus came. Ora invited us up to her place several times.

Lou worked but I forgot where. Fay worked at an ice cream parlor. We
swam in the surf with Cletus while Neal and I fished.

The first part of June I called the family together. I said, "Your mother and I
spent our honeymoon in Yellowstone Park, She grew up near Rexburg, Idaho. Let
us make the trip and show you these places. We can go by way of Salt Lake City
and visit the Naylors.

We drove right through Nampa. I said, "We can stop in the towns on our
way back. When we arrived in Salt Lake City it was late and the Naylors were in
bed. They then lived on Scott Ave. I never shall forget the warm welcome smile of
Sister Naylor as she stretched out her arm in welcome to us when she came to the
door. Then Brother Naylor appeared as we entered. Then Ed came and then Garth.
He had just returned from his mission.

We visited for three days. We were all so happy we then drove on up

through Rexburg to the park. I think you will all agree that the best at the park was
the fishing. I had my ocean pole and could cast the spinner over half way across
the Yellowstone River at the bridge. I would hook a big one from four to six pound
trout. Then hand the pole to one of you children to reel in. I would have to help the
smaller children. Every now and then we would lose one. At each cast I made and
hook one you would say "my turn daddy." We were only allowed five big fish.
When we got them we began giving away the fish. The people were lined up for a
fish, I was careful not to give the same person two fish "one each" I said. In pulling
them in with the reel on the pole you would sometime lose one they were so big
and if you give it slack it sometimes got away but not often.

On the way back we stopped at Hibbard and Rexburg to show you where
your mother grew up. Then we drove on down to Nampa and rented a cabin. A
friend offered to stake us with a big truck and we could stay there and go back into
business. Cherries and early cots and peaches seasons were just beginning and we
could with a big truck easily clear up three or four thousand dollars clear profit. I
remembered how your mother while carrying a baby how terrible she felt in the hot
months there. So after my talk with your mother we both took the matter to the
Lord. Came the voice of the Lord saying, "Take your wife and children to the
ocean. I will always give you enough."

We took another road on the way to the ocean, by crossing Snake River at
Payette, Idaho and over the hills by way of the John Day Valley and river Oregon
and to Gleam Eden Beach, Oregon and rented two cabins.

A Mormon doctor at Taft, Oregon cared for your mother. When the pains
came in September instead of August. The Lord kept his promise and delivered her
with our eighth and last and biggest baby.

Lou had got work a mile down the highway to a home cooked meals. She
made more on tips than her wages. Fay found work at Taft. Neal and I got a
contract sawing up logs. You bigger girls were roller skating at Taft. Neal and I
fished when-off work.

When your mother was strong enough she held Stephen on her lap for the
long trip to Independence, Missouri. When we got to Independence, there was not
a house in town to rent,

I called the family together to tell them I felt to drive east to St. Louis and
cross the big mighty Mississippi on the Long Bridge into Illinois and turn north up
to Nauvoo where the early saints were driven out. That we also could visit Mark
Twain's story places. I said we can make a circle back to Independence.

Your mother and I were both glad we had shown our children these places.

When we returned we rented a cabin just south of Independence. We hunted

up a real estate man, old Brother Siegfried of the Reorganized Mormon Church. He
told us he only had a very few houses for sale and none to rent.

We had enough money for a down payment so he took us house hunting.

One day we came upon the Sugar Bowl. Fay as always was the first to see the sign.
She read, "Sugar Bowl." She then asked Brother Siegfried, "is that a candy shop."
"No it's a restaurant." Then he added, "I don't know how I forgot but this woman,
Mrs. Skinner, wants to sell the equipment if she can find a place to buy for herself
and husband."

Your mother asked, "What are the living quarters upstairs like" He
answered, "a large living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a big balcony or

porch on the west over the street. A bed could be made out there." Your mother
replied,"That is large enough."

In a few days Mrs. Skinner heard of a man whose wife had died. He was
building a trailer house to travel. He wanted to sell his home.

With this place we got a black cat it became Janet's kitten. The cat had
kittens among them a yellow one. The kittens played on the front porch up over the
sidewalk. The yellow one fell to the cement pavement and lay as if dead. Janet ran
down and bought him up to me and asked me if it was dead. I could see its sides
slightly moving. I answered, "It's still alive but with such a fall it would die. Let
me kill it and put it out of its pain." "Oh, no, not my kitten," She answered, "I will
wrap it up warm and put it in a box."

The next morning I saw this kitten playing with the others perfectly well. I
ran down and told Janet. She said, "Yes, I know for I prayed for it all night."

I became a Union carpenter and made more money. We got ahead faster.
After five years at Independence, I told the family that the Lord wanted us to go to
another place. I could not tell where as I knew not for we were to be led by the
spirit. Your mother refused. I told her that the Lord would prosper us, that I was to
go and take all that would go with me.

For six months I labored with her. I asked her to make it a matter of prayer.
She would answer, "No, I won't, I am not going,"

Just out of town at the crossroads of four corners, I knew not which road to
take. I stopped. Came the voice of the Lord, "take the west road." I never felt to
stop until I came to Salt Lake. I got work through the Union. I began to prosper.
With extra money I felt to build a house.

I bought a lot near my friends, the Shaffer’s. Sister Shaffer drew up plans for
a house of pumice blocks. She also drew plans for a garage,

I felt I needed to work on Sundays as I could only work weekends. I took the
matter to the Lord. Came the voice of the Lord, "yes I will make good of it." When
a few of my brethren warned me saying, "Brother Abbott, you will not prosper
with this house working on Sundays." I felt sorry for them for if only these

brethren would take all matters to the Lord they would have known about me. This
house did prosper me, I said nothing to them. But kept working as the Lord

I came to know a lady just younger than I. One Saturday morning I woke up
about daylight. I had big plans for a lot of work on my house. I reached for my old
work clothes. Came the voice of the Lord. "Put on your best clothes, get into your
car and I will tell you where to go." I answered, "This early", "yes" came the voice.
When I drove to the road, "turn right" came the voice. When I got to 13th south -
“turn left.” I drove down 13th south a few blocks and came the voice "turn up this
alley". I had not gone far, when this woman came running out on her back porch
saying "Oh, Brother Abbott, I have been praying all night that the Lord would send
you. Come in I have breakfast waiting for you and I will tell you where I wish you
to take me."

As I ate breakfast I told her I did not know where I was going only I was
commanded to follow the spirit for the spirit of the Lord directed me. “I am
surprised it was you."

She told me where she wanted to go on business. It was out past where the
street cars do not go. She offered to pay for the gas and pay me. I said, "No, sister,
I do not charge for my time in the work the Lord sends me to do. Sister, you are a
woman of great faith to pray me to find you.

When we returned it was after dinner time. She asked me to stay while she
prepared dinner. After dinner I invited her for a ride to a place I had wanted to see.

On the way she said, "Brother Abbott, I am lonesome. I've been praying for
a good man who loves the Lord. I prayed about you. I was told to ask you as you
already knew the answer." "Yes, Sister, I do know the answer. We do not belong
together. We are not of the same family. We are both the children of Abraham, but
you are of one wife I am of another. Each of his wives has their own kingdom. You
shall be given to a man of your Kindgom.11 'Well," she said, "I was told that you

I had been blue. I cried, "Father, help me." Came the voice of the Lord
saying, "you are not found wanting. Put on your better clothes and drive to the city.

Be led by my spirit. I will help you." Up town I felt to park and walk right down
Main Street when I dame to Woolworths Store. Came the voice of the Lord "go
in." When I got about the middle of the store came the voice "wait here." I noticed
I was near the records. Then somebody put on the record 'Whispering Hope'. When
the song, when it came to the words, "The Dawning of day comes after the darkest
of the night" it came to my mind that the darkest of the night in my life is now. The
day dawning is now to be breaking for me. After the song came the voice, "go

Very soon after that, I was over visiting my friends the Shaffers. Martin said
to me, "Brother Abbott I feel you should drive out and see Sister Elva Stokes. She
is a good woman. I feel that you and her are mated," I answered, "Brother Martin I
feel that way too. I met her about seven years ago. Brother Stokes was alive. I had
come down from Nampa to visit. I met Elva at one of the meetings. When I came
here from Missouri I heard that Brother Stokes had died. I did pray about Elva and
was told by the Lord to wait. So I never went near. But then that was over a year
ago. I feel since you have reminded me of her that the time has come to pray again

He answered, "You do that Brother Abbott. And we will be praying with

you also,"

I did pray came the still small voice of the Lord saying, "Yes, the time has
come. I will fight your battles that my will may be done."

I at once drove out to Little Cottonwood Creek south of Salt Lake City
eleven miles and found her house as I had never been there before. She invited me
in. Came the still small voice of the Lord, "ask her to marry you, tell her you are
led by my spirit." I at once obeyed (a quick proposal was it not). Elva answered, "I
knew when I saw you drive in you were looking for a wife."

The next Friday evening after my weeks work as a carpenter, I came to see
Elva and LeGrande with a big load of fruit. Elva and I sat up until after two A.M.
canning peaches. We had a wonderful long talk together. We married December 6,
1949 at the Salt Lake City Court House. A Mormon Bishop who worked there
married us.

We were grateful indeed to Sister Edna Zidding for making Elva a beautiful
wedding dress that she wore that day. She also cheered Elva up about marrying
me. Thank you Sister Zidding.

Brother and Sister Martin Shaffer, who had stood by me and cheered up
Elva and LeGrande about marrying me, for you, told Elva "Austin is a good kind
man. Austin has a good spirit with him always. He will be a good husband to you."
I heard them tell Elva this.

Also we both were grateful to Sister Shaffer and her father's family the I.W.
Barlow family for giving us such a nice wedding reception. The people who lived
around me turned out to help me and be my best friends. I believed the Lord
inspired them for he promised me he would fight my battles. For people went to
Elva with lies about me, so I feel the Lord did use the Shaffers and the I.W. Barlow
family and Sister Edna Zidding and fought my battles for me.

We planted a lawn; put a picket fence with a climbing rose over the front
gate. We hauled sheep manure we found along the railroad tracks where sheep cars
had been cleaned out. We soon had the prettiest home on the street.

When I was told by the Lord to leave this pretty place I had built as I was led
by his spirit. I was told I would be led many times far and near but he would give
me enough. I thought "well, I don't want to leave here, But I will do the will of the
Lord for his promise to give me enough, he will surely do it."

I told Elva I had been commanded to load up our car and drive south on 91
highway and to be led by his spirit. She prayed over it and believed. We rented our
house and we later sold it. We drove to St. George, Utah and stayed there two days
with my Uncle David Abbott.

We drove on down to Moapa, Nevada to my fathers. He had a place with

several hot springs on it.

He was building a swimming pool. We stayed there about a month helping

him. We drove down to Long Beach to find work in the airplane factories. We
bought a small trailer house at Bell Flower near the Douglas airplane plant.

When I applied for work at Douglas, they told me they were not hiring. I
told them I was a union carpenter. I could run a saw. A fellow sitting at a nearby
table, spoke up saying that the opening for a saw man had not been filled. So, the
Lord gave me a job March 1, 1951.

I worked there five months. In the meantime Elva got interested in ceramics,
rocks and rug making. It was a joy to her to be working in these crafts. She was a
bundle of energy.

The voice of the Lord came to me saying, "quit and go as the spirit leads you
north on highway 101."

We thought it would be a nice trip to leave 101 at San Louis Obispo and turn
up highway l along the ocean. Elva was asleep at San Louis Obispo as I came to
highway 1. I offered up a prayer to make sure. Came the voice of the Lord, "keep
on 101, I will help you.” When we got to Paso Robles, Elva woke up and asked
where we were, I told her Paso Robles. She asked, "Did you forget to turn on high
1?" "No," I answered, "For the Lord wanted us to stay on 101." "Oh," is all she

We felt to walk about Paso Robles as we needed to rest to stretch our legs
out. We came to a bulletin board. Camp Roberts wanted four carpenters. I got on
and worked about three years until the camp closed down. At first we moved into a
trailer court at San Miguel, two miles south of Camp Roberts.

One evening in returning home from work, Elva said, "I took a walk today. I
know I was led by the spirit. I found a five acre track of land for sale." The next
day was Saturday and I was off work. I called on the Real Estate man. He informed
me he had just sold it to a soldier boy. He had paid him fifty dollars down and was
to pay fifty dollars a month until five hundred and fifty dollars were paid.

I went to this soldier boy. He told me he believed the army had stationed
him here for life. I answered, "I know the ways of the army. There is the right way
but then there is the way of the army too. If you need to give up this land come see
me. I will pay you all you have in it. In less than two weeks he came. He had been

The people had put in a well for this entire tract of land. We desired to build
just over the edge of the hill. There was a nice view. We both asked the Lord.
Came the voice of the Lord, "Yes, and a pretty home it shall be."

I leveled off for the house with pick and shovel and Elva's wheel barrow we
had taken with us. We still have it.

I bought a pickup. We hauled loads of rocks and sand. We built rock walls and
cement walks. Elva planted flowers and sent for rose bushes, fruit trees and grape
vines that ran over the porches. I hired some of the soldier boys to help me build
the house and porches. I later built a hobby house for me to live in as I liked radio
and television; Elva drove me out of the house and told me to have by blasted
music somewhere else. So I was forced to build this building, however, she would
always say, "call-me when Lassie or perhaps it was Gun smoke comes on." I would
laugh and tease her but I always called her. Then when the show was over that she
liked she would go back into the house to her rugs, rocks or paintings. What a

Elva wanted a fish pond, so I would dig until time to go to work, and then
Elva would dig. What bouncing full of energy she was. We put in a cement

bottom. Then we cemented the walls up. Elva put three coats of water proof paint
on the walls. We put in six gold fish and in no time we had millions. We would
clean out the pond and give the fish to the San Miguel Mission. She built a replica
of the Hearst castle and set it at the front of the fish pond.

Together we built a lath house. She enjoyed stuffing it full of many things.
How happy we both were.

She wanted to buy some lilies for the pond. When she showed me the
catalogue and I looked at the price, I whistled. I was about to say "no," but came
the voice of the Lord saying, "let her have them, I will always give you enough,"
They became the most beautiful lilies I ever saw. How glad I was we got them.

At the fairs she won mostly firsts on all her works, pictures, ceramics, (we
bought an electric Kiln) rugs and rock belts.

After eleven years came the voice of the Lord saying, "Put your place up for
sale, be led by my spirit." We soon sold out. We tried to buy in Bishop. However,
Bishop is a town that all retired people wants to live in. Property had gone up so
high. We did not have the money as we did not get cash for our home. We felt,
however, to settle in Tecopa. We also had enough money.

It was so hot there in the summer. We would pull our small trailer to Bishop
and I would fish all summer.

One morning fishing I caught seven nice trout. I had heard of another place.
I looked at the sun and I thought, "The day is still young," but when I started to go,
came the voice of the Lord saying, "Go home." As I came in sight of our home
there set a car. I thought, "someone is here to see me is the reason I was sent
home." It was my sister Ora and her husband Halley. We had a nice visit. I gave
her the fish. How glad I was to see my sister Ora again.

While at Tecopa, I received a phone call from Fay from Independence,

Missouri. They were coming to Las Vegas on Business. Would I meet such and
such plane? "Oh, sure gladly," I answered. I was there ahead of time. When the
plane came in, there was no Joe and Fay, so I paged them. I sat down to wait for
the next plane. I felt so depressed, came the voice of the Lord saying, "I will help

you." In a few minutes here came Joe. He said, "Here you are." As it turned out
they were put on an earlier plane.

A fish story I find here in my notes, 1961. I wondered about lures, so I

prayed. In answer came the voice of the Lord saying, "use super dupers in the
creeks," I had tried them but did not do well with them. So I thought perhaps I did
not use them right. I will follow the directions more closely. The instructions were
to pull it slowly through the water. I thought perhaps I did not pull them more
slowly. I caught very few fish. Came the voice of the Lord saying, "Keep trying, I
will give you much experience, you may try other lures." The trouble with me I
should have prayed about these instructions.

I selected the Panther Martin. I really caught fish with it. However, I was not
happy for I noticed that I seldom caught a big one. The big fish were too smart for
this lure. I got up one morning with enough faith to move mountains. I told the
Lord that I would put on a superdupper and will you please help me?"

Just as I was ready to tie it on my line, came the voice of the Lord saying,
"Change the hooks for your big hooks." I did and waded out into the stream. I cast
across and began pulling it slowly as the directions said. Came the voice of the
Lord saying, "Faster." I did as fast as I could. Wham bang. I had a big one. I caught
my limit in about a half hour.

The secret of the lure is the bigger hooks, when pulled fast made it appear as
a frog or a mouse. Also the bigger fish did not get the chance to see the lure; it was
a shining lure to fool him.

At Tecopa the hot mineral bathes were free and very fine. The pool was
large enough I could swim in it. It was exercise for me.

We drove the hundred miles to Las Vegas and enjoyed the floor shows. I
would not gamble. I felt I could not afford it. I liked living in the desert. The
winters were mild. However, after eleven years we felt to sell out and buy a bigger
trailer to live in Bishop if we could be close by an eye doctor as the doctors
thought she had glaucoma, when we moved here. They decided she did not have it
but, only a little eye trouble. We both began feeling old, and we feared we soon
must go down to our graves. In the middle of Death Valley hot desert was no

longer a place for us at our age now. Just as we had sold out and were expecting
the check from escrow any day. It was May 15, 1973; Elva fell and broke her back.
I called in the nurse, as a doctor only flew in about once a month. As I carried her
in and laid her on a bed came the voice of the Lord saying, "I will heal her." The
nurse called the ambulance and she was taken to the hospital one hundred and
sixty-five miles across Death Valley to Lone Pine and the care of our Doctor
Wilson. I must stay to get the check. It soon came and I drove up to Lone Pine
hospital to visit Elva and talk with Doctor Wilson. He told me it was a bad break.
He showed me the X-rays. He warned me she may never get over it. I did not tell
the doctor that the Lord promised he would heal her.

Elva is fine now. Old, old age is getting us both. I found this trailer all set up
in this J. Diamond Trailer Parks 771 N. Main St., Bishop, California 93514

I feel as time goes on I may need to add to this record,



Copies available through:

Mary Lou Shaw

5370 Nugget Rd. Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Phone: (916)-961-5271



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