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Universitatea Dunrea de Jos

din Galai
Facultatea de Litere
Limba i literatura romn Limba i literatura englez

Curs practic de
limb englez
Conf.dr. Stelua Stan

Anul I, semestrul I


Dunarea de Jos University of Galati

Faculty of Letters

Developing Skills
Language Acquisition
(A Practical Course in English Language
for 1st Year Students)

Course tutor:
Associate Professor Steluta Stan, PhD



1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing


2.1 Romanian Sources


2.2 English Sources


2.2.1 Lyrics
2.2.2 Issues of Todays Society
2.3 Text Correction

3 Listening Comprehension and/or Speaking



3.1 Topics for Conversation


3.2 Documentaries and Films


4 Final Tests

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition


1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises


I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning stays the
same; use Present Tense Simple and/or Continuous.
James has the irritating habit of borrowing money from people and never
returning it back. James is...
I have made arrangements to eat out with my office mates tonight. I...
We are forced to use only cold water today as the hot water pipe in the
basement is being fixed. We...
My cousin is used to driving to school as she really hates public
transportation. My cousin usually...
What about celebrating our deal? How...
I really have no clue whose car this is. I really have no clue who...
The eldest son starts mowing the lawn whenever I drop by my neighbour's.
My family are planning to spend this summer vacation in Austria. My family...
She is at the doctor to have her tonsils removed. She is...
Your entire house smells of fish. There...
II. Circle the underlined phrase which best completes each sentence.
Tills gibbets soup tastes/is tasting delicious but mother is tasting/tastes it
again just to make sure it is not too salty.
I love/am loving spending my free time partying and as far as this party is
concerned I love/am loving every minute of it.
He is so weird; he hears/is hearing, things day and night but when I send him
on an errand he doesn't hear/is not hearing me.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

The judge hears/is hearing the key; witness tomorrow morning and I don't
see/am not seeing why, as to my mind, it's not the right time.
I hear/am hearing from Tim a lot these days and he is keen on learning
whether Mary sees/is seeing his father.
Thalia thinks/is thinking it right not to sell her car yet but her father thinks/is
thinking of doing it behind her back.
My little son looks/is looking at that clown and is telling me that he looks/is
looking very funny.
Jane smells/is smelling the roses her boyfriend has just given her and she is
happy as they smell/are smelling very nice.
I don't mind/am not minding if your sister minds/is minding our little daughter
while we are away as we've got nobody else to do it.
Janice considers/is considering moving into a new flat this winter but her
parents don't consider/are not considering it prudent to let her do as she
III. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning stays
the same and paying attention to Past Tense Simple, Past Perfect
Simple and Past Perfect Continuous. Do not alter the capitalized words
in any way.
Terry would ride to the lake every summer to meet her boyfriend! TO
My cousin had the irritating habit of borrowing our car and returning it with no
When the team arrived at the hotel they learnt that their rooms had been
cancelled. BY
I had been in front of the cinema for two hours when he finally arrived.
Food in Romania wasn't always as expensive as that. USE
Last year we intended to spend our New Year's Eve in Vienna but something
unexpected came up and we had to cancel. WERE
We haven't seen our neighbours so happy for quite some time. SINCE
Terry locked the front door and then left for school. BEFORE
Mary said, "It isn't my fault that he has lost his money gambling. THAT
He had planned to take his wife out on her birthday. WAS

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

They came to Israel in 1990, and five years later the bombing raids started.
They haven't visited Egypt since 1998. LAST
The little girl started feeling sick when she was two years old; ten years later
she was not cured. BY
In 1990 they were having a new house built. UNDER
Sheila was playing in the sandpit; a stranger came and threatened her.
IV. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past tense form.
And yet it (be) perfectly true that she (have) a dreadful night. Even after Mrs.
Penniman (leave) her she (have) no sleep; she (lie) staring at the
uncomforting gloom, with eyes and ears filled with the movement with which
her father (turn) her out of his room, and of the words in which he (tell) her
that she was a heartless daughter. Her heart (break); she (have) heart
enough for that. At moments it (seem) to her that she (believe)'him and that
to do what she (do) a girl must indeed be bad.
V. Rewrite each of the following sentences, so that the meaning stays
the same and using Present Perfect and Past Tense. Do not change the
words in capitals in any way.
1. The last time I saw a good movie at the cinema was a few years ago. FOR
2. The door bell has just rung. NOW
3. Yesterday he was in the swimming pool for two hours. FOR
4. She has got accustomed to being driven to school lately. USED
5. They have never left their children alone at home. FIRST
6. They arrived from the airport 30 minutes ago. BEEN
7. It is six days since I last heard from my children who are in Brazil. FOR
8. This couple got married in the registry office not long ago. RECENTLY
9. My teacher hasn't seen her daughter since her marriage. SINCE
10. They say they will never pay for a package tour again. LAST
11. This is the first time I have visited Buckingham Palace. BEFORE
12. The boy has eaten all the food in his plate. HAS
13. They spoke only English from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday. FOR
14.1 got beeped just now. JUST
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

15. Yesterday she was hospitalized as she was ill. BEEN
VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning stays
the same. Pay attention to ail means of expressing future time. Do not
alter the capitalized words in any way.
1. They have arranged to meet their son's teachers tomorrow. MEETING
2. John intends to get a scholarship next year. IS
3. When this academic year ends, our principal is already 50. HAVE
4. The family living next door are on the point of leaving on a trip to the
mountains. VERGE
5. She is about to get married to the man of her dreams. TO
6. They have made arrangements to sell this flat by the end of the month.
7. Next week Tom is sure to be driving about Paris to clinch some deals for
his company. BE
8. The plane is scheduled to take off at noon. OFF
9. My cousin has arranged to leave by the 10:15 train tomorrow morning. IS
10. If you look at the clouds in the sky you can tell that rain is close. GOING
11. Will the writer finish his novel by Christmas? WRITING
12. The coach with Romanian tourists is bound to reach Budapest tomorrow
evening. DUE
13. Her intention is to become the manager of her department this year. IS
14. Next week I will be sent to the construction site to interview people. BE
15. She is having an appointment with her lawyer tonight. IS
VII. Correct any mistakes you find in each of the following sentences.
Tick the correct ones.
1. When I will finish my homework J will go out and play.
2. Before she will take pills she goes to the doctor.
3. By the time they will have retired they have worked in this office for 25
4. Look at the dark clouds! It is going to rain!
5. Next week I'll be looking for this book in all the bookshops in the town, I
6. It isn't long before the boy's parents will realize that he is a drug addict.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

7. By the time she has taken the entrance exam, she has studied everything
she needs.
8. Some friends of my brother's spend this weekend with us.
9. You will be having to improve your drawing skills if you really want to
become a designer.
10. The students finish their projects by mid July.
11. The new academic year is starting on September 15 th.
12. Unless she will not stop lying to people, she will soon feel rejected.
13. If you will be in her shoes what do you do?
14. She will be driving her Mercedes while he will be walking to work this time
next year.
15. By the time the train will pull in at this platform all of us will have arrived.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

Translation exercises
1. Ploua.
2. In Anglia ploua des.
3. Ploua de oua ore.
4. A plouat.
5. A plouat de la 3 la 5.
6. Ploua cind am ajuns la Ploiesti.
7. Plouase cind am ajuns.
8. Ploua de trei zile cind ne-am intors de la munte.
9. Credeam ca a plouat.
10. Credeam ca ploua.
11. Eram sigura ca va ploua.
12. Sora mea mai mare e cu patru ani mai in varsta decit mine.
13. Ai citit ultima carte a lui Fanus Neagu?
14. Ultimul roman al lui Sadoveanu se numea "Cantecul Mioarei".
15. Nici nu apucasem sa ma dezbrac ca m-au si chemat inapoi la birou.
16. Nici nu terminase bine de gatit ca a si intrat sotul ei pe usa.
17. Nici nu apucase sa se culce ca si-a adus aminte ca nu si-a facut lectia la
18. Mi-a spus ieri ca azi implineste 30 de ani.
19. Profesorul spunea ca vineri s-au implinit 100 de ani de la moartea
20. Cand trebuie sa-ti inapoiez cartea?
21. Cu cat mai curand, cu atat mai bine.
22. Cine mai vine la ziua ta?
23. Ion si cu fratele lui cel mai mare, care e foarte nostim.
24. Cu cit vom fi mai multi, cu atat ne vom distra mai bine.
25. Pe masura ce inaintam in padure ni se facea tot mai frica.
26. Mie imi place foarte mult James Joyce.
27. Si mie la fel.
28. La ce distanta de Bucuresti este Lacul Snagov?
29. Sunt vreo 40 de km pana la Snagov.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

30. A venit cumnata ta de la Cluj?
31. A venit ieri si a stat la mine intre 3 si 7.
32. Petrica e la tine?
33. Da, e (aici) la mine de la ora doua.
34. Nu, a venit la mine pe la doua, dar a plecat in citeva minute.
35. A spus ca se va tntoarce cel mai tarziu pana la ora 7.
36. Si-a scos palaria din cap si si-a pus-o pe masa.
37. Paltonul de pe pat e al tau?
38. Ia-1 de aici si du-1 dincolo.
39. la florile de pe masa.
40. Si-a scos cheia din buzunar si a bagat-o in broasca.
41. Stinge lumina in dormitor.
42. Azi dimineala erau 4 grade sub zero.
43. Pe la zece erau 2 deasupra lui zero.
44. Sunt zece km de la ferma lui pana la gara cea mai apropiata.
45. Cate minute mai avem/au mai ramas pana la statia urmatoare?
46. Sedina a inceput la 12 noiembrie 1980, ora 11 fara un sfert dimineata.
47. Eram foarte grabit in dimineata aceea.
48. Universitatea din lasi e mai veche decat cea din Cluj.
49. Sa fi stiut cine suna la usa, nu deschideam.
50. Daca nu ma gaseste acasa, va reveni pe la 9.
51. Mi-a spus ca daca va citi cartea pana luni mi-o va inapoia chiar in ziua
52. Sa fi stiut/ Daca stiam ca nu vine cu trenul acela, nu-l asteptam ieri
degeaba trei ore la gara.
53. Nu e film in oras pe care sa nu-l fi vazut.
54. Nu-mi aduc aminte daca ne-am cunoscut.
55. Indiferent ce (va) spune el, eu tot plec la munte.
56. Daca n-as fi uitat cum il cheama, m-as fi adresat lui.
57. M-a intrebat daca stiu cand s-a nascut Obama.
58. Isi aduce cineva aminte cand a murit Jerome K. Jerome?
59. Desi pare atat de tanar, trebuie sa stii ca a implinit ieri 90 de ani.
60. Vorbea de parca ar fi fost englez.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

1. Desi de obicei George merge cu tramvaiul la serviciu, astazi merge cu
masina lui, caci are o intalnire importanta si vrea sa se asigure ca nu va
2. Fluviul Dunarea isi are izvorul in Germania si se varsa in MareaNeagra.
3. Autorul spune despre personajele sale ca sunt copii fidele ale diferitelor
tipuri de oameni din societatea anilor '90.
4. Pentru a face acest tort trebuie sa aveti: oua, faina, fructe, stafide, frisca,
zahar. Spargeti ouale, separati galbenusul de albusuri, amestecati zaharul cu
galbenusurile pana obtineti o pasta omogena apoi adaugati cacao, etc.
5. Va dam cuvantui nostru ca acceptam oferta dv. chiar daca el zice ca nu
facem bine si ca avem numai de pierdut prin semnarea acestui acord.
6. Regele intra in sala insotit de regina si de suita acesteia; cei doi se asaza
la cate un capat al mesei, iar damele de/companie ale reginei raman undeva
in fundal.
8. Pentru a pune masina in miscare calci ambreiajul, scoti din viteza si
pornesti motorul; apoi bagi in viteza intaia cu ambreiajul calcat si ridici
progresiv piciorul de pe ambreiaj, in timp ce accelerezi putin.
9. La fizionomie seamana din ce in ce mai mult cu mama sa, desi,
comportamental tinde sa-1 copieze pe tatal sau.
10. Baietelul lor intotdeauna da de bucluc atunci cand tatal sau nu poate sa
vina sa-1 ia de la scoala si vine acasa singur pe jos.

1. Va veni cu siguranta si ziua in care cei asupriti se vor rascula impotriva
2. Va fi oare timp sa vizitam tot Muzeul Britanic cat si Galeria Nationala?
3. In aceasta seara, participantii la raliu si vor conduce masinile timp de opt
ore fara intrerupere.
4. Pana se va pensiona la anul in iunie, domnul Smith va fi lucrat 35 de ani in
acest birou si va fi economisit peste 20 000 de dolari.
5. Cei doi tineri indragostiti planuiesc sa se casatoreasca civil in vara
aceasta, iar religios in toamna,
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

6. Te rog sa nu atingi stiva de carti de literatura, caci se misca si vor cadea
toate pe podeaua care nu a fost inca spalata.
7. Diseara plec la Milano cu avionul de 8:30, iar seful meu pleaca maine
dimineata cu masina la Budapesta, caci are rau de inaltime.
8. Mai bine nu ai iesi din casa, caci se vede clar ca se apropie furtuna, iar
daca nu ma asculti te vei imbolnavi in mod sigur si'vei fi nevoit sa nu iesi din
casa cateva zile bune.
9. In seara asta o sa-mi scot sotia la restaurant si o sa ne distram caci
aniversam cinci ani de la nunta.
10. Saptamana viitoare pe vremea aceasta voi zbura spre Atlanta, unde
urmeaza sa vorbesc cu editorul meu despre cartea pe care am de gand sa o
public la anul.
1. In prima jumatate a lunii acesteia m-am intalnit cu John cand se ducea la
spital cu-bunica lui, iar in a doua jumatate a lunii m-am intalnit cu fratele sau
care venea de la-aeroport
2. Telefonul a sunat adineauri, dar n-am apucat sa raspund, caci am ajuns la
el prea tarziu.
3. Varul nostru tocmai s-a mutat in casa noua si ne-a dat aceasta veste
4. leri am scris la noul meu roman sase ore dar nu am terminat inca capitolul
5. Il cunosc de zece ani si in tot acest timp nu m-a dezamagit niciodata, dar
ieri mi-a facut bucata.
6. L-ai auzit vreodata pe ziaristul acesta spunand gogomanii? Da, l-am
auzit chiar de curand, dar aseara la emisiunea lui Tuca a spus cele mai mari
prostii pe care le poate spune un om.
7. N-am fost niciodata la Paris, dar mi se tot repeta in ultima vreme ca daca
ai fost o data, sigur vei merge si a doua oara.
8. Tocmai am terminat de ascultat CD-ul pe care il ascult de 50 de minute;
este pentru prima data cand ascult un CD de la un capat la altul fara sa-1
9. Este pentru ultima data cand iti spun sa te apuci de invatat; iti tot spun
lucrul asta de la inceputul semestrului.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

10. Adevarul este ca el nu si-a vazut sora de cand aceasta s-a maritat si s-a
mutat la Toronto cu sotul si cu socrii ei.
1. Cunosti de mult membrii familiei Smith? Nu, ii cunosc cam de o luna
si ceva si mi-au facut o impresie buna pana in prezent, deci nu cred ca e
cazul sa ne facem griji.
2. Locuim in Londra de 25 de ani si trebuie sa ne mutam intr-un oras de
provincie, caci preturile au crescut foarte mult in ultimul timp, iar noi fiind
pensionari cu greu facem fata cheltuielilor lunare.
3. In ultimul timp a fost o epidemie de rubeola printre colegii de clasa ai
copiilor mei, dar acestia nu sunt expusi riscului de a contacta boala, caci
ambii au avut-o deja.
4. Nu a vazut in viata ei un concert de Craciun asa de minunat si de aceea
sper din tot sufletul ca acesta sa nu fie unica ocazie cand vede asa ceva.
5. Cineva le-a spart casa vecinilor nostri, iar ei nu s-au dus inca la politie sa
dea declaratie.
6. Zona este supravegheata de politie de cateva zilevpentru ca s-a primit un
telefon anonim amenintand ca in ambasada este o bomba.
7. Inca n-am citit toate piesele lui Harold Pinter caci nu le-am gasit, si de
aceea, de cateva zile le caut pe la toate librariile.
8. Centralista incearca sa-mi faca legatura cu Madridul de azi diminea si nu a
reusit inca ,pentru ca liniile sunt ocupate.
9. Vecinul de deasupra bate cuie in pereti de azi dimineata, astfel
innebunindu-si vecinii care tocmai au hotarat sa-i faca reclamatie la primarie
pentru deteriorarea avutului public.
10. Mike mananca de jumatate de ora si nu s-a oprit inca, si spune ca va
continua sa manance pana se va satura.

1. Monica avea ora de dans impreuna cu prietenele ei, iar Doru isi
facea.temele la limbi straine ieri dupa amiaza.
2. Din masina vedeam cum picura apa din copacii care margineau drumul
catre cabana.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

3. Poteca pe care mergeau turistii serpuia printre copacii inalti si desfrunziti
de la capatul padurii si se intersecta cu un parau a carui apa cristalina curgea
clipocind la vale.
4. Domnul Smith dormea bustean cand a fost trezit brusc de taraitul
telefonului; asta l-a speriat nespus, caci tocmai visa ca este pe malul marii
Mediterane soare.
5. Cand eu eram student mergeam sa studiez la biblioteca si stateam cate 8
ore pe zi, caci acasa nu aveam materialele necesare pregatirii examenelor.
6. In anul 1993, sora mea se pregatea pentru examenul de admitere la ASE
si rezolva cate 70 de probleme la matematica pe zi.
7. Joi, cand m-am intalnit cu Marius din ducea grabit la banca
sa ceara un imprumut pentru ca avea de gand sa-si cumpere o masina de
8. - M-ai chemat?
- Da, ma intrebam daca ai putea oare sa-mi tii locul maine, pentru ca trebuie
sa stau acasa sa am grija de copil.
9. Cand eu eram inca la liceu, el lucra ca hamal in gara sau era zilier pe unde
10. Copii dormeau si parintii lor citeau si se uitau la televizor, cand brusc
cineva le-a sarit in casa pe geam.

1. Marcel s-a alaturat demonstrantilor care marsaluiau deja de trei zile numai
atunci cand a fost intru totul de acord cu cererile lor.
2. Ciocnirile'dintre palestinienii si israelienii din fasia Gaza incepusera cu mult
inainte de intalnirea presedintelui american cu primul ministru israelian.
3. Bombardierelor americane li s-a cerut sa loveasca numai tintele dinainte,
alese inainte ca trupele britanice si franceze sa le promita ajutorul.
4. Maiorul american conducea raiduri aeriene de trei ani, cand, dintr-o data, i
s-a spus ca altcineva va comanda atacul din noaptea aceea.
5. Violentele dintre cele doua grupari adversare au inceput numai dupa trei
luni de amenintari cu bomba din partea grupului militant islamic, desi in
decursul acestor trei luni avusesera loc convorbiri pentru rezolvarea sjtuatiei
de criza.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

1 Tenses of the Indicative - Exercises

6. Numai dupa ce a stat trei ani in inchisoare in tara sa, s-a hotarat sa ceara
azil politic, in Franta.
7. Locuia intr-o zona in care se patrula zi si noapte, pentru ca toata lumea se
astepta ca acel loc sa se transforme in zona de lupta dintr-o clipa in alta.
8. Se faceau presiuni asupra inamicului pentru a depune armele de doua
saptamani, cand acestia au fost incoltiti si in cele din urma fortati sa se

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

2.1 Romanian Sources
A. Fuga de realitate
din istoria pacientului roman
1. Grandomania si victimologia
Cele doua deliruri coautoare ale iluziei colective romanesti au un adversar
foarte incomod: istoria. Nu reusim, adica, sa desfacem, rational, suma
evenimentelor trecute, in istoria binelui si in istoria raului romanesc. Izbutim,
in consecinta, altceva: sa ne plasam intr-o zona pur fantasmatica, intr-un
romanism inventat care reclama un destin superior, dar e vulnerabil in fata
istoriei reale, si la bine si la rau. Lucram cu ideea generala si nediferentiata
de istorie, pe care am convertit-o intr-un recitativ nevrotic, intr-un fel de a
vorbi obsesiv si circular despre patimile romanilor. In aceasta formula, totul e
cunoscut si adjudecat, surprizele sint imposibile, revizionismul critic (atitudine
sau actiune care are drept scop revizuirea unei legi, a unui tratat) e un pacat
capital care duce, direct si prin huiduieli, la excluderea din fraternitatea
sentimentala romana. In acest univers straniu si compact, societatile
romanesti succesive intra in sala si vad acelasi film, o coproductie culta si
populara care ruleaza fara intrerupere si isi impinge audienta spre confortul
mistic al citorva concluzii uluitoare. Intre ele, convingerea ca lumea e fixa
sau, mai bine zis, e fixa de cind au aparut in istorie romanii. Caci ei si numai
ei au parte de repetitia eterna a schemei istorice fixe in care: vecinii sint
invidiosi, rivnesc si trec, inevitabil, la rapt, strainii mai departati nu ne inteleg
si rateaza, astfel, sansa de a se umaniza, iar oamenii locului pregatesc, intre
agresiuni si injustitii fara comparatie, un model de viata ca un ospat
cumpatat, pe care lumea il va descoperi cindva, spre propria izbavire. Cu alte
cuvinte, nu sintem intelesi, desi lucram, dezinteresat si din vechime, la
binele lumii.
Fuga de si din realitate e primul indiciu al tulburarilor de personalitate. In
istoria grupurilor sociale si nationale, acelasi comportament semnaleaza o
nemultumire profunda, o constiinta incarcata sau incapabila sa se mai
exercite. Ce avem, deci, sa ne reprosam, ce ne irita, de fiecare data cind ne
grabim sa consimtim, ajutati de istorici sau intr-o discutie de terasa, ca:
romanii au stat in calea barbariei, s-au deprins cu vitejia in singuratate, au
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

ramas in urma, pentru ca au pus pieptul in apararea Occidentului
nerecunoscator (care a profitat, spre a-si inalta catedralele), sint un popor
talentat cum putine altele (caci au dat marile scoli de medicina, actorie,
inginerie petroliera si altele), fara a primi recunoasterea cuvenita?
Read and write a 1-page comment.
Choose two sentences and translate them.

2. 18502007: Loteria Nationala cu noroc

Obisnuiti sa repetam recensamintul caragialesc al ciclurilor de nenoroc istoric
(cinci secole la turci, trei la unguri, unul la fanarioti), ratam priza directa
a situatiilor frecvente si fecunde in care romanii nu au fost perdantii, ci
beneficiarii istoriei. Intre 1850 si 2007, istoria binelui romanesc e foarte
activa. In numai 150 de ani, istoria lucreaza cu o acceleratie suspecta de proromanism. Statul roman apare (tirziu, dar nu mult mai tirziu decit constructiile
politice belgiana, italiana, germana), devine stat national integral,
supravietuieste catastrofei comuniste si e reintegrat in marele circuit
occidental, prin admiterea in NATO si in UE. Ce ne scapa, in analiza acestui
segment istoric de modernizare abrupta, e gradul de participare extraordinar
al istoriei, uluitoarea ei amabilitate constructiva, favoritismul desantat cu care
imprejurarile fac jocul romanilor si al aspiratiilor lor latente (daca nu cumva
dau nastere, macar partial, acestei agende). Fortele istorice, pe care ne-am
obisnuit sa le blestemam, lucreaza de 150 de ani, virtos, in folosul Romaniei.
In fiecare din aceste momente, centrul de densitate istorica, motorul
schimbarii de epoci si institutii, se deplaseaza spre Est, suficient de aproape
de bazinul national romanesc. Astfel, la jumatatea secolului al XIX-lea,
chestiunea orientala devine prima problema a Europei. Razboiul Crimeii
(18531856) aduce Occidentul in mijlocul atelierului istoric romanesc. Primul
Razboi Mondial incepe foarte rau si ameninta cu dezagregarea statului
roman. Insa noua gravitatie istorica europeana (care impune suflul
democratiilor nationale, de mase, si sfarima imperiile multinationale) intoarce
din drum degringolada romaneasca. Razboiul sfirseste neverosimil si teatral,
cu alinierea unei constelatii suta la suta favorabile Romaniei. Acest final
socant pare ilogic numai pentru ca ascunde noua logica plurala si
democratica a istoriei europene. Epilogul sadeste, intr-un spatiu germanic
frustrat si surclasat de modernizare, saminta din care vor incolti, dupa 20 de
ani de fermentatie, resentimentul si catastrofa nazista. La celalalt capat al
Europei, sfirsitul razboiului desfigureaza grav ierarhia de stat rusa si
elibereaza, in plin haos, energia criminala a bolsevismului
Read and write a 1-page comment.
Choose one sentence and translate it.

3. Prea mult est, prea mult vest, prea putin centru

Statul national roman e, deci, in acelasi timp consolidat si fragilizat de
efectele Primului Razboi Mondial. Epoca politica de aur a natiunii romane
incepe si continua intr-un amestec de exuberanta si anxietate. Statul e
masiv, dar ramine prins, alaturi de intreaga Europa Centrala si de Est, in
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

clestele ruso-german. E o presiune insuportabila pentru un stat constituit prin
ricoseul fericit al istoriei si aproape lipsit de crestere organica interna.
Rezultatul e o slabiciune constitutiva care se hraneste, asa cum ghicise
Caragiale, din moravuri (adica din principala forta de manifestare prepolitica, acumulata de romani, ca populatie intirziata in subjugare) si
avanseaza, sub forma coruptiei politice, intr-un cadru de stat imitativ si
improvizat. Faimoasa si glorificata perioada interbelica e un interval istoric
mult mai nesigur decit se crede si are, de fapt, datele de baza ale unei crize
in dezvoltare. La capatul ei, Romania atinge abisul istoric, in imprejurari, din
nou, mult mai complicate decit variantele prezentate de istoria oficiala
comunista sau de primul val istoriografic postcomunist. Ambele discursuri
vad in invazia sovietica si in dictatura impusa ulterior principalul agent si
principalul eveniment istoric. Ceea ce e exact, dar incomplet. Caci esecul
statului roman democratic si caderea in comunism au fost insotite de un
fenomen care a lucrat la mare adincime si a impus o regresie istorica grava,
inca neincheiata. Pe scurt, dezvoltarea istorica a Romaniei a revenit la
stadiul prepolitic, intoarsa din drum de vechea noastra problema culturala.
Astfel, Romania a intrat in al Doilea Razboi Mondial cu handicapul unei
fracturi nevindecate. Modernizarea nu a reusit sa atenueze sau sa resoarba
falia care trece prin centrul teritoriului national si desparte provinciile
romanesti in doua mari zone atasate de polaritati diferite: est si vest.
Transilvania si arcul intracarpatic in zona de presiune culturala germana.
Moldova si spatiul extracarpatic in zona de interes si presiune rusa. In
momentul in care aceste doua forte s-au ciocnit, Romania a pierdut si a avut,
apoi, de recuperat teritorii pe ambii versanti (german si sovietic). Plasata,
practic, intr- un cumplit mat istoric, Romania intra in razboi, alaturi de forta
germana, pentru a recupera teritoriile rapite de forta rusa. Agenda e in mod
fundamental contradictorie. Sfirsitul razboiului surprinde Romania in pozitia
complet inversa, alaturi de forta rusa, in incercarea de a recupera teritoriile
rapite de forta germana. Episodul e adesea folosit pentru a ilustra
inconsecventa tipic romaneasca, iar memoria istorica germana il rumega si
azi ca proba definitiva a nefericitei lipse de caracter estice. Poate ca e asa. In
orice caz, altceva e infinit mai important. Odata cu episodul amintit reapare,
devastator, in istoria noastra marele handicap de dezvoltare national-politica.
Read and write a 1-page comment.
Choose two sentences and translate them.

B. Ca la noi, la nimenea
(sau istoria Romaniei prin straini, pentru copii)
E Romania, intr-adevar, o tara de neinteles? Asa se zice. Aceasta plingere
transanta bintuie cu o frecventa folclorica si domina, de fapt, din capul mesei,
o dezbatere pe care o invita la disparitie. Ideea dupa care Romania nu poate
fi descifrata e un bun egal impartit de gura lumii si de opinia educata.
Studiile academice ale ONG-urilor, editorialele grele ale presei cotidiene si
vorba din popor sint de acord: Romania e ceva de pomina si inexplicabil. Asa
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e Romania: fara sens si fara leac. Multiplicata in nenumarate variante si
drapata in cele mai surprinzatoare camuflaje, ideea e asezata solid in
gindirea publica. Exemplele vin unul dupa altul. Iata, de pilda, studiile docte
care masoara datele si evolutiile politico-economico-electorale ale tarii.
Aproape toate reclama declinul, scandalul si contradictiile necontenite ale
unei lumi pe care nu indraznesc sau nu reusesc sa o explice. Concluzia
implicita a acestei literaturi stimabile si perplexe e, bineinteles, zadarnicia.
Tiparele de vot, nivelul coruptiei de stat, preferintele de consum radio-tv,
lipsa desavirsita de interes pentru cultura inalta si deruta scolara, toate
aceste date circula cu girofar si sirena prin sondaje si rapoarte. In lipsa unei
explicatii minime, ele conduc, prin repetitie persistenta, la impresia de
stagnare, de realitate data si incurabila. Citeva din temele de mare frecventa
ale editorialelor sint parte a aceleiasi miscari spre concluzii inutilizabile. De
aproape 20 de ani, comentariile de presa si opiniile comentatorilor tv acuza
regulat si martial: instabilitatea politica, scandalul politic asurzitor, lipsa de
preocupare pentru problemele reale si convergenta tuturor partidelor si a
politicienilor care sint, in cele din urma, o apa si un pamint. Intonatia difera:
e mult mai teatrala. Dar concluziile observatiilor de presa repeta, practic,
ideile generale ale studiilor academice: Romania e in ghearele citorva
procese statice. Nimic nu e nou, nimic nu se schimba si nimic nu explica
aceasta predilectie nationala spre paralizie. Romania e locul unei catastrofe
si nu duce lipsa de fotografi.
Read and write a half-page comment.
Choose one sentence and translate it.

2. Blestemul nu da rau
Interesant, acum un an, toata aceasta enorma presupozitie pesimista a fost
pusa in dubiu de ipoteza si de speranta intr-un moment istoric de ruptura.
Romania urma sa fie admisa in UE si toata lumea s-a grabit sa presupuna
sau mai degraba sa invoce prefacerea miraculoasa a Romaniei. Ce nu s-a
putut face cu mijloace interne se va putea, desigur, cu mijloacele din afara,
ne-romanesti. Dupa primul nostru an european, aceasta forma de speranta
superstitioasa a cazut, iar concluzia sceptica despre unicitatea negativa a
Romaniei a reaparut, intarita: o tara cu doua fete, locul unui paradox
insuportabil, in care una vorbim si alta facem, spatiul in care, asa cum se
stie, avem toate cite sint necesare vietii democratice dar nimic nu merge.
Tot e adjudecat si tocmai acest lucru demonstreaza ca Romania e asa cum
e: o tara ciudata si, in cele din urma, de neinteles. Nimic nu se misca si,
fiindca nimeni nu stie sau nu poate afla de ce, concluzia e ca avem o tara
fara egal. De doua ori, fara egal: o data prin damnatie, caci Romania, spre
deosebire de aproape orice alt loc pe pamint, e o soarta, nu un stat, si isi
confirma traiectoria transformind fiecare clipa viitoare intr-un prezent
asemanator pina la identitate cu trecutul. Lumea de miine are toate sansele
sa fie copilul demult infiat de lumea de ieri. A doua oara, Romania acestor
observatii e unica prin caracterul ei special: ceva, nu se stie ce, a dat
romanilor un fel de a fi cu totul si cu totul aparte, o capacitate de a fi altfel si
deosebiti, un mister pagubos si, in acelasi timp, innobilat de splendoarea
citorva kitsch-uri care vor sa inchipuie o traditie ilustra: doina, dorul, risu18
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plinsu, latinitatea intr-o mare slava. Sintem deci, damnati, dar speciali.
Purtam un blestem care doare, dar nu da rau. Sintem pierduti si, in acelasi
timp, daruiti. Defecti si fascinanti. Cum am ajuns la aceste concluzii istorice si
de ce intirziem in ele? De unde scepticismul si de unde atit agnosticism
declarat si suficient? De unde aceasta credinta difuza si solida in filozofia lui
ca la noi la nimenea?
Read and write a 1-page comment.
Choose one sentence and translate it.

3. Invatati engleza prin revolutii

De ce aceasta comparatie imposibila? Foarte pe scurt, pentru ca in ciuda
diferentei categorice de dezvoltare politica si profunzime democratica, cele
doua cazuri au puncte comune si spun ca procesele istorice nu sint privilegiul
unei natiuni. Oricit de mare distanta care separa flancul vestic de flancul estic
al Europei, deosebirile sint numeroase si evidente, asemanarile sint mult mai
putine, dar revelatoare. Mai intii faptele, intr-un rezumat extrem de
schematic. Istoria secolului al XVII-lea englez e, de la un cap la altul, istoria
disputei intre doua formule de guvernare, intre doua regimuri si cai de
evolutie istorica, intre Monarhie si Parlament. Conflictul de principii opune
ideea primara de libertate individuala si absolutismul monarhic. E,
bineinteles, o ciocnire irezolvabila, care conduce, din 1639, la razboaie civile
neinchipuit de singeroase. Armatele Parlamentului si ale Coroanei se
ciocnesc in batalii si campanii numeroase si schimbatoare. Rebeliunea
parlamentara e, insa, implacabila si, in 1648, doboara monarhia, scurtindu-l
de cap pe regele Charles I. Oliver Cromwell devine conducator absolut (Lord
Protector) si instaureaza, practic, un regim sever de dictatura parlamentara.
Pina in 1660, cind monarhia revine si Charles al II-lea (fiul lui Charles I) urca
pe tron. In sfirsit, in 1688, secolul marii tulburari engleze se incheie cu invazia
lui Wilhelm de Orania, care apare din Olanda, preia tronul si stabileste
cadrele inca in vigoare ale monarhiei britanice si protestante. Ce e de retinut
din aceasta suita de evenimente cruciale? In primul rind, jocul de sisteme.
Simplificind mult, Parlamentul se opune absolutismului monarhic, invinge,
monarhia revine si rezultatul e Marea Britanie asa cum o cunoastem astazi: o
monarhie parlamentara. Numai ca aceasta notiune duala nu e ce pare.
Monarhia si parlamentul guverneaza simultan si inegal. Evenimentele care
au decis, intre 1631 si 1688, acest aranjament au un inteles in istoria formala
si un cu totul alt inteles in istoria de facto. Monarhia a fost practic sterilizata in
cursul razboaielor civile ale secolului al XVII-lea. Chiar dupa restauratia care
a adus-o, iar, la putere, monarhia a trebuit sa accepte situatia creata anterior.
Ideea dupa care Anglia putea fi, din nou, o monarhie absoluta nu mai avea
nici o sansa. Monarhia a revenit, dar nu a mai putut opera nici o modificare
intr-un sistem politic si de drept deja decis in cursul razboaielor civile
anterioare. Monarhia nu avea cum sa mai dicteze si a trebuit sa se adapteze.
In esenta, rezultatul acestui compromis este aliajul constitutional britanic de
astazi: un sistem cu aparenta formala a unei monarhii si cu baze legale
republicane. O republica parlamentara care prefera sa nu isi spuna pe nume,
dar functioneaza fara rival in interiorul unei monarhii. In citeva cuvinte: un stat
cu dubla cetatenie, o tara cu doua regimuri simultane unul aparent si unul
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functional. Aceasta situatie derutanta nu a impiedicat exercitarea directa si
continua a democratiei. Important e, insa, cu totul altceva. Cazul englez ajuta
neasteptat de mult la cercetarea istorica a statelor cu probleme de vizibilitate
si identitate constitutionala, a acelor state care traiesc realitati simultane si
contradictorii. Romania e un exemplu tipic, iar raportarea la Anglia lamureste
citeva din problemele puse, indeobste, pe seama caracterului ultralocal al
mentalitatilor si institutiilor. Ce e, deci, de retinut din comparatia aparent
absurda cu istoria secolului al XVII-lea englez?
Read and write a 1-page comment.
Choose two sentences and translate them.

4. Ce nu ne pindeste
Asadar, nimic nou in destinul aparent special al lumii romanesti. Ceea ce nu
vesteste un armistitiu si nu promite calmul istoriei viitoare. Problemele ramin
si cea mai serioasa dintre ele e rezultatul direct al lipsei de substanta a
revolutiei formale din 1989 si al excesului de succes al revolutiei comuniste.
Enuntata in citeva cuvinte, aceasta problema suna in felul urmator: istoria
viitoare a Romaniei nu e pindita de nici o rasturnare sociala. Nici o acumulare
de energie colectiva, nici un curent de opinie, nici o colectie de idealuri
coerente si subversive nu a incoltit si nu creste pentru a pune, la un moment
dat, in dubiu cursul vietii interne a Romaniei. Nici o clasa, nici un grup, nici o
suita de convingeri nu si-a pierdut rabdarea. In viata de zi cu zi, aceasta
absenta e marcata de lipsa exasperanta de evenimente care stabilesc sau
fondeaza ceva insemnat si transmisibil. Durata medie a evenimentelor e suborara, iar intinderea intentiilor si rezistenta proiectelor bate, arareori, un
sezon. Cind ati avut ultima oara senzatia ca asistati la aparitia unui lucru pe
care il vor intelege si apara copiii dumneavoastra?
Read and write a half-page comment.
Choose one sentence and translate it.

C. Suntem din ce n ce mai tmpii

Nivelul IQ-ului scade cu repeziciune, din cauza colii, societii i mass
Lucrul este observat chiar de unul din intelectualii romni, Andrei Cornea,
chiar din turnul de filde unde vieuiete elita; deci fenomenul este att de
rspndit, nct a ajuns pn-n stratosfera intelectual.
Citii-i articolul i dai-i dreptate lui Simone Weil, care scria n testamentul ei,
LEnracinement, c trim une poque dont le caractre dominant est la
btise (pentru anglofoni: o epoc al crei caracter dominant este prostia).
Nu e vorba de a nu fi citit nite cri, de a nu avea o minim cultur general,
de a nu nelege o aluzie la Hegel sau un cuvnt rar nu.
E vorba de operaiuni raionale elementare, de baz, pe care tinerii notri nu
mai sunt capabili s le fac. i nu e vorba de tnrul de rnd, ca s zic aa,
dei i acela ar putea fi mult mai destupat dect este. E vorba de posesorii
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

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de licene, i chiar de masterate sau de doctorate. i nu e vorba numai de un
fenomen endemic, romnesc. Se pare c e ceva globalizat.
Citii forumurile i blogurile i plngei Sau rdei de nivelul sczut pn la
inexisten, al ideilor i preocuprilor.
Se pare c e o problem cu capacitatea noastr de a abstractiza, de a gndi
abstract. Suntem prea literaliti. Nu suntem n stare s nelegem dect
imediatul concret. Nu putem trage o concluzie mai general, sau aplica o
teorie. Un eveniment la ordinea zilei ne absoarbe complet, pn la
urmtorul eveniment, care-i ia locul. Trim intelectual literal de pe o zi pe
E interesant cum fenomenul e sincron creterii explozive a posibilitilor de
memorare i comunicare. Acum putem comunica mai bine i mai mult ca
oricnd, dar nu mai avem ce.
i mai e interesant titlul articolului lui Cornea: Sensul fals al realitii.
Conteaz forma, patalamaua la mn, nu fondul, capacitatea intelectual.
i se simte
Nu mai vorbesc de potenialul uria de manipulare oferit de aceast prostie
Read and write a half-page comment.
Choose two sentences and translate them.

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2.2 English Sources

2.2.1 Lyrics
"Life Is Wonderful", Jason Mraz
It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
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Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life it wonderful
It is so meaningful
It is so wonderful
It is meaningful
It is wonderful
It is meaningful
It goes full circle
Full circle

Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green... red roses too
I see em bloom... for me and for you
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world!
I see skies of blue... and clouds of white
Bright blessed days... dark sacred nights
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world!
The colors of a rainbow... so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces... of people going by
I see friends shaking hands... saying how do you do
Theyre really saying... i love you.
I hear babies cry... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more... than Ill never know
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world!
The colors of a rainbow... so pretty in the sky
Are there on the faces... of people going by
I see friends shaking hands.....saying how do you do
Theyre really saying I love you.
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I hear babies cry... I watch them grow

You know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than Ill never know
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world!
Yes I think to myself... what a wonderful world!

Youth of Today, Amy Macdonald

Maybe if you were some spearheaded guy
I would listen to what you have to say
But you're just some incapable figure
Thinking you're bigger than me, but you're not
Yet you don't know a thing about the youth of today
Stating your opinion making it ring in my head all day
And you say,
"My children weren't the same"
"My children's children they're the ones to blame"
And you say,
"In my day we were better behaved"
But it's not your day no more...
And we are the youth of today
Change our hair in every way
And we are the youth of today
We'll say what we wanna say
And we are the youth of today
Don't care what you have to say at all
And maybe if you had a true point of view
I would listen to you
But it's just your one sided feelings
They keep getting in my way
And you don't know a single thing about the youth of today
Stating your opinion making it ring in my head all day
And you say,
"My children weren't the same"
"My children's children they're the ones to blame"
And you say,
"In my day we were better behaved"
But it's not your day no more...
And we are the youth of today
Change our hair in every way
And we are the youth of today
We'll say what we wanna say
And we are the youth of today
Don't care what you have to say at all
And you say,
"My children weren't the same"
"My children's children they're the ones to blame"
And you say,
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"In my day we were better behaved"
But it's not your day no more...
And we are the youth of today
Change our hair in every way
And we are the youth of today
We'll say what we wanna say
And we are the youth of today
Don't care what you have to say at all

2.2.2 Issues of Todays Society

Legalization or decriminalization of prostitution
Women have not always been able to escape the role of housewife or gain a
political voice. Only in recent human history have women been able to obtain
relative equality. They have been able to make great gains through a
considerable amount of achievements, no need to list here. Yet to this day,
men and women have specialized roles within societies, differing only slightly
in some countries and greatly in other countries.
Cultural Differences
Each culture deals differently with heterosexuality. Most cultures encourage
monogamy, while countries like Saudi Arabia have adopted polygyny. Even
within societies that safeguard or promote monogamous relations, there are
allowances for citizens to have many types of sexual relations. People can
remain monogamous to one person at time or date multiple partners
simultaneously. People can have open marriages (a.k.a. swinging) or exist
within monogamous relationships and be covertly promiscuous (Hughs,
1990). There are also people who frequent prostitutes regardless of the law.
When we examine sex as a trade, the combination of philosophy, cultural
precedence, religious influence and politics made each country select how to
handle it in its own way. In Singapore, sex for money is open and
commonplace. Denmark women can be legal prostitutes so long as it is not
their sole means of income. Canada, France and Mexico allow it. Prostitutes
must be contained within brothels in the Netherlands, unlike within England
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and Wales where prostitution is limited to individual providers. Israel, the
historical stage for the Bible, allows it, too. Meanwhile, the United States has
made prostitution illegal (misdemeanor) in all states, except certain counties
of Nevada (Decriminalize Prostitution Now Coalition, 2000).
Sex Within Monogamous Societies
Sex sometimes becomes a bartered service even within the sanctity of
marriage. One provides sex for love, while another provides love for sex.
Someone else finds warmth and attention within the act of sex. Like ants who
send chemical messages to each other to convey both intricate and basic
messages, sex becomes part of that type of communication even within
civilized relationships (Pines, n.d. & Malick, n.d.). It is also a healthy outlet,
too. We may not be animals who forage in forests but our desire for sex, or at
least the actions, thoughts and feelings that come with it, are deeply part of
whom we are.
A primal desire must not be ignored or suppressed, but instead managed.
Within the sanctity of marriage, balancing acts must be performed to ensure
each member of the team is getting what he or she needs. From cleaning the
house, buying new furniture, displaying one's affection and releasing stress,
sex gets caught up in the mix and can sometimes become a bargaining chip.
It is as normal as doing a favor or performing an act of kindness, when one is
not in the mood. Much like when a chore must be done, one may choose or
not choose to do it, depending on extenuating circumstances or immediate
pressing demands.
Sex, like everything else, is up on the table for 'sale' within marriage and
other relationships. It is not a foreign concept to anyone who has ever been
in a sexual relationship over an extended period of time. Usually there is no
direct exchange of money, but natural exchanges in a give-and-take situation
do occur when things are normal and healthy. So long as there are no heavy
demands and freedom of choice exists, sex is a commodity of sorts.
Benefits of Legalization
Currently most everywhere in the United States, our legal system penalizes
prostitutes and their customers for what they do as consenting adults. Money
is still spent on law enforcement efforts to catch prostitutes and their
customers. Once caught, justice departments have to process these people
through very expensive systems.
What are the end results? Police personnel and courtrooms are
overburdened with these cases, having little or no impact on prostitution. The
prostitutes and their customers pay their fines and are back to the streets in
no time in a revolving door process. Catch and release may work for
recreational fishing but it has no deterring affect on prostitution.
Making prostitution legal will allow the act to be managed instead of ignored.
Pimps and organized crime figures, who regularly treat their workers on
subhuman levels, would no longer control women. In some countries,
prostitute rings buy and sell women on the black market, force their women
to comply through violence and create unhealthy working conditions. When
prostitutes operate independently and in secret, many times they become
abused by their own customers.
Legalizing prostitution would prevent underground prostitution that occurs
today. When men want to pay for sex, they find prostitutes. These people
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

work in massage parlors, escort services, strip bars and modeling agencies
or still work corners as traditional streetwalkers. There are legitimate parlors,
dating services, bars and agencies but of the hundreds that exist within
newspaper classified advertisements and telephone directories, there are a
large number that provide sexual services. A routine search through Google's
Internet news engine for 'prostitution' routinely reveals connections between
prostitution and these falsetto agencies (Google, 2004).
It is estimated that 100,000 to 3 million teens are nearly invisibly prostituted
per year in the United States (Walker, 2002). If we allow prostitution to
remain hidden from view and basically invisible to the law as it is today, we
allow a number of teens to be swept up into prostitution every year. When
adult women decide to exchange money for sex, it is a personal choice open
to them under the philosophy of a free, democratic society. When troubled
minors who do not yet have the social survival skills decide to prostitute, they
are often manipulated by opportunists who exploit these teens, typically
leading to horrific ends. Legalizing prostitution will help prevent these
instances through regulation.
Legalized, regulated prostitution has many benefits. Encounters can happen
within controlled environments that bring about safety for both the customers
and the prostitutes. Prostitutes would no longer be strong-armed by pimps or
organized crime rings. Underage prostitution would be curtailed. There would
also be health-safety improvements.
[Return to top.]
Government can help its citizens. It makes practical sense to monitor
prostitution and what better way is there to monitor it than by legalizing it and
regulating it? Legalization would require prostitutes to undergo regular
medical examinations. STDs would be prevented from being spread as well
as other communicable ailments like hepatitis and tuberculosis. It would also
reduce gender violence, allow women to escape prostitution, if they so
choose, and prevent women from becoming infertile as a consequence to
obtaining certain STDs (Gavin, 2001).

One problem in criminal justice today is prostitution, a crime that is only

illegal because of the Victorian aged puritanical values of the nation. Since
people are free to do whatever they wish with their bodies as long as it
doesn't involve money for sexual activities, it makes for prostitution to be
illegal. A primary goal of laws against prostitution is to deter women from
becoming prostitutes but though the criminalization of the act is an attempt to
punish prostitutes, it overlooks the reasons why some women go into such a
dangerous type of work or lifestyle. If prostitution was legalized, it could be
regulated, which would help the women immensely. The women who work
the streets usually do it out of desperation, and the least that the government
can do is to help them stay safe. Since prostitutes are socially and legally
required to hide their activities, determining the number of American women
who engage in prostitution is not easy.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

Most calculations range between 230,000 and 350,000, but numbers as high
as 1,300,000 have been estimated. Either way, a significant number of
women currently engage in various forms of prostitution. There are different
levels of prostitution, from higher class call girls to streetwalkers. Call girls
tend to have higher levels of education, more control over their lives and
usually come from privileged backgrounds. They also make substantially
more money than streetwalkers. Streetwalkers are the lowest form of
prostitution and the women are likely to be controlled by pimps as well as be
subjected to violence more so than other classes of prostitutes.
It is painstakingly clear that there is a need for regulation of prostitution. Most
people see decriminalization, rather than legalization, is for the most part the
correct approach. Legalization usually means some form of state-regulated
prostitution, while decriminalization means the removal of laws prohibiting
prostitution. Some opponents of prostitution advocate decriminalization for
prostitutes, but continued laws against for pimps and johns (Lucas, 1995).
Arresting prostitutes is definitely an ineffective way to halt prostitution. It also
victimizes women. Since most streetwalkers do it out of desperation, putting
them behind bars doesn't provide them with the help they need at all.State
and local governments have spent thousands of tax-payer dollars in law
enforcement efforts to eradicate it with little success. If prostitution is
decriminalized, those tax dollars could be put towards something better for
the community, or to help prostitutes and other people in need. Also, it would
curb the harassment, stigmatization, and violence against prostitutes.
Decriminalization of prostitution and the regulation of pimping and pandering
offers a chance for the women to gain some control over their work. It would
make it easier to prosecute those who abuse them, and with the stigma
against prostitution lifted, they may have an easier time getting health care
and bargain for the rights that they deserve. Decriminalization allows for the
possibility to reduce the level of danger that is prominent in the lives of
prostitutes (Meyer, 1993).
Legalization of prostitution would take the above further a step. Not only
would innocent women who desperately need help stay out of jails, the
government may help them out greatly with regulation requirements. They
can help the women stay safe, and rates of violence and sex crimes against
prostitutes can decrease dramatically. Many things can be implemented to
help these women, such as licensing for both the women and the pimps,
mandatory STI checks for both prostitutes and their customers, health care
services or insurance, and brothels. The licensing should be fairly strict and
have many regulations of things such as pay, screenings of customers and
the prostitutes, as well as hygiene and other mandatory business guidelines.
Also the brothels would have to register every prostitute who was working
there, and be susceptible to random check ups by the government or local
officials. In essence, it should be run just like any other business.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

Homosexuality and gender identity

Homosexuality refers to romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among

members of the same sex, situationally or as an enduring disposition. As a
sexual orientation, homosexuality is considered to lie within the heterosexualhomosexual continuum of human sexuality, and refers to an individuals
identity based on those attractions and membership in a community of others
who share them.
Homosexuality is widely encountered in the animal kingdom. Among
humans, the prevalence of homosexuality is difficult to determine accurately;
studies suggest between two and twenty percent of the population exhibit
some degree of homosexual sensibility, though in many earlier cultures
homosexual relations were prevalent. Throughout history, individual aspects
of homosexuality have been admired or condemned according to various
societies' sexual norms. When praised, those aspects were seen as a way to
improve society; when condemned, particular activities were seen as a sin or
a disease, and some homosexual behavior was prohibited by law. Since the
middle of the 20th century homosexuality has been gradually delisted as a
disease and decriminalized in nearly all developed countries. However, the
legal status of homosexual relations varies widely by country and there
remain jurisdictions in which certain homosexual behaviors are crimes with
severe penalties including death.
Many homosexual people hide their feelings and activities out of fear of
disapproval or aggression; they are commonly said to be closeted. Disclosing
one's homosexual or bisexual orientation is known as coming out (of the
closet). Efforts toward emancipation of homosexuality as it is currently
understood began in the 1860s; since the mid-1950s there has been an
accelerating trend towards increased visibility, acceptance, and civil rights for
lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Nevertheless, heterosexism and
homophobia persist, and in particular young people subjected to it are at
greater risk of socialization difficulties including suicide. Currently the most
common adjectives in use are lesbian for women and gay for men, though
some prefer other terms or none at all.
Choice vs. innate
The American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association,
and National Association of Social Workers stated in an amicus brief
presented to the Supreme Court of the State of California: "Sexual orientation
has proved to be generally impervious to interventions intended to change it,
which are sometimes referred to as reparative therapy. No scientifically
adequate research has shown that such interventions are effective or safe.
Moreover, because homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality,
national mental health organizations do not encourage individuals to try to
change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Therefore,
all major national mental health organizations have adopted policy
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

statements cautioning the profession and the public about treatments that
purport to change sexual orientation." The Royal College of Psychiatrists
stated that it "shares the concern of both the American Psychiatric
Association and the American Psychological Association that positions
espoused by bodies like the National Association for Research and Therapy
of Homosexuality (NARTH) in the United States are not supported by
science. There is no sound scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be
changed. Furthermore so-called treatments of homosexuality as
recommended by NARTH create a setting in which prejudice and
discrimination can flourish," and added that "The best evidence for efficacy of
any treatment comes from randomised clinical trials and no such trial has
been carried out in this field."
The APA also writes that "most people experience little or no sense of choice
about their sexual orientation". In a joint statement with other major American
medical organizations, the APA says that "different people realize at different
points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual".
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has stated "some people
believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed; however, sexual
orientation develops across a persons lifetime". A report from the Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health states: "For some people, sexual orientation is
continuous and fixed throughout their lives. For others, sexual orientation
may be fluid and change over time".
Gender identity
The earliest writers on a homosexual orientation usually understood it to be
intrinsically linked to the subject's own sex. For example, it was thought that
a typical female-bodied person who is attracted to female-bodied persons
would have masculine attributes, and vice versa. This understanding was
shared by most of the significant theorists of homosexuality from the mid 19th
to early 20th centuries, such as Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Richard von KrafftEbing, Magnus Hirschfeld, Havelock Ellis, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, as
well as many gender variant homosexual people themselves. However, this
understanding of homosexuality as sexual inversion was disputed at the time,
and through the second half of the 20th century, gender identity came to be
increasingly seen as a phenomenon distinct from sexual orientation.
Transgender and cisgender people may be attracted to men, women or both,
although the prevalence of different sexual orientations is quite different in
these two populations (see sexual orientation of transwomen). An individual
homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual person may be masculine, feminine, or
androgynous, and in addition, many members and supporters of lesbian and
gay communities now see the "gender-conforming heterosexual" and the
"gender-nonconforming homosexual" as negative stereotypes. However,
studies by J. Michael Bailey and K.J. Zucker have found that a majority of
gay men and lesbians report being gender-nonconforming during their
childhood years. Richard C. Friedman, in Male Homosexuality published in
1990, writing from a psychoanalytic perspective, argues that sexual desire
begins later than the writings of Sigmund Freud indicate, not in infancy but
between the ages of 5 and 10 and is not focused on a parent figure but on
peers. As a consequence, he reasons, homosexual men are not abnormal,
never having been sexually attracted to their mothers anyway.
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2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

Social construct
Because a homosexual orientation is complex and multi-dimensional, some
academics and researchers, especially in Queer studies, have argued that it
is a historical and social construction. In 1976 the historian Michel Foucault
argued that homosexuality as an identity did not exist in the eighteenth
century; that people instead spoke of "sodomy", which referred to sexual
acts. Sodomy was a crime that was often ignored but sometimes punished
severely (see sodomy law).
The term homosexual is often used in European and American cultures to
encompass a persons entire social identity, which includes self and
personality. In Western cultures some people speak meaningfully of gay,
lesbian, and bisexual identities and communities. In other cultures,
homosexuality and heterosexual labels dont emphasize an entire social
identity or indicate community affiliation based on sexual orientation.[36]
Some scholars, such as David Green, state that homosexuality is a modern
Western social construct, and as such cannot be used in the context of nonWestern male-male sexuality, nor in the pre-modern West.

The Equality of the Sexes. Different but equal

"The masculine and feminine elements, exactly equal and balancing each
other, are as essential to the maintenance of the equilibrium of the universe
as positive and negative electricity or the centripetal and centrifugal forces,
the laws of attraction which bind together all we know of this planet whereon
we dwell and of the system in which we revolve." (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
"The inequality of the sexes in the human race is a disastrous anomaly in
creation due to the artificial barriers against the full and free development of
woman's moral and mental powers." (Emily P. Collins)
No one can dispute the fact that the position of woman has changed very
decidedly in the English-speaking countries of the world, in the past twentyfive years. While many will declare that she has gained materially in all things
which go toward a more advanced civilization, there are others who look
upon the changes with disfavor, not to say antagonism, unfavorable opinions
coming at times from quarters least expected. Nikola Tesla, in an article in
The Century, deplores the condition arising from the new order of things:
"Society life, modern education and pursuits of women, tending to draw them
away from their household duties and make men out of them, must needs
detract from the elevating ideal they represent, diminish the artistic creative
power, and cause sterility and a general weakening of the race."
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

It is singular how advanced a mind may be in one direction and how behind
the times in another. The statement made by Tesla in his otherwise
remarkable article seems born of a prejudice coming from the belief in man's
superiority over woman. Notwithstanding my great admiration for the writer, I
must say this statement is weak in the extreme, if not absolutely false. One
naturally expects a judicial utterance from a scientific mind that is supposed
to weigh the evidence in the case. In viewing any subject from an impartial
standpoint, one must look beyond the present conditions and consider the
case in all its bearings.
Suppose great wrong and injustice are found; in the righting of those wrongs,
in abolishing the injustice, there must inevitably follow a certain amount of
friction and discord until society has readjusted itself to the new conditions.
And the more complex the wrongs the greater will be the temporary
disturbance of social conditions; but the final outcome is no less sure and no
less to be desired. The onlooker who sees nothing except that which has
taken place on the surface, and compares that with previous conditions, may
find apparent reason for believing the old order of things better than the new.
Nevertheless, in the most highly civilized countries, women enjoy the
greatest amount of freedom. Would the United States or England care to go
back and take lessons from Turkey or Persia in regard to women? Are the
women of England and America any the less womanly because of their
greater freedom and their consequent greater intelligence? If, therefore, we
acknowledge a little liberty as a good thing, why should not more of it be still
The Master said, "the truth shall make you free." Was this freedom meant for
man alone, or was woman to have some share in it?
The Declaration of Independence affirms that all are born free and equal. If
there is any truth in this statement, why should men turn later and repudiate
it, denying to women equality and the same rights and privileges that men
enjoy. No, gentlemen. The day is certainly coming when no right or privilege
looked upon by man as his sole prerogative shall not be as fully and freely
enjoyed by woman. Some day in a free country right not might shall prevail.
In the meantime, unrest and controversy must engender friction and disorder
until the new order becomes thoroughly established.
But should the social friction of a generation be allowed to stand in the way
when we are trying to work out the highest welfare of the human race? In the
larger freedom which has come to woman there can be nothing which in the
end will prove in any way detrimental to the well-being of the race. The
highest development on any plane of life is attained only when there is
perfect freedom. Resistance offered to freedom of natural thought and action
in the life of man hinders and dwarfs growth and brings about abnormal
conditions of mind and body. And that which in any way retards the highest
development of woman interferes to exactly the same degree with the natural
growth and development of man. The sinner and the one sinned against are
both made to suffer because of the violation of the law of growth.
The conservative mind considers any innovation which sets aside the old
order of things as being contrary to the law of orderly progression; but if the
opinions of the conservative mind were considered as final there would be
neither growth nor development, simply stagnation - inaction - death.
Let us point out a few instances in which the new order of things is preferable
to the old, and which will in the end prove beneficial to men and women alike.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

Not only this, but it will have a very decided effect on the generations to
come. Just a word as to former conditions and the belief still retained in the
minds of many people of the present day.
The Bible student will quote the Apostle Paul to make good the old order; the
scientific mind will dwell on the physical limitations and put forward the
thought that the principal office of woman is the reproduction of the race;
while the mind that is neither Biblical nor scientific will try to show that there
have been but few great women in original or creative thought in the world,
and therefore a great woman is an abnormal production of Nature. All this is
on a par with nine-tenths of the reasoning that is now in vogue in opposition
to the continued advancement and freedom of woman. But these arguments,
and a thousand more like them, would not be sufficient to justify the slavery
of woman from time immemorial to the present, for we can not in all truth and
candor say that woman has been, or is, free. Granting that a greater degree
of freedom has come to her, we still contend that nothing short of absolute
equality of the sexes will fulfill the eternal law of right. When men pride
themselves on intellectual development, do they realize that a development
of heart is quite as important as a development of head? Is not he who has
developed both head and heart a more complete man than the one who has
developed only the intellect? And if this is true of a man is it not equally true
of a woman? It would be true of woman to-day if the advantages so freely
given to the men had not been withheld from her. In spite of opposition and
all the disadvantages women labor under, they are insisting on rights and
privileges denied them in the past. In this they are not always successful. The
chivalry of many of our college undergraduates is far from what it might be.
Coeducation is frowned upon by nearly all young men in college who are yet
in their adolescence, and who have not yet lived out the savagery of bygone
ages; but why the heads of colleges and universities should be dictated to by
the students is more difficult to explain, save on the ground that many college
men, through having formed the habit of drawing their opinions from the
subconscious mind - the storehouse of accumulated knowledge - are
sometimes prone to see the vital questions of the day in the light of past
conditions, therefore in only a partial way, because of the automatic action of
their minds.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

2 Reading Comprehension and/or Writing

2.3 Text Correction

Identify and correct the mistakes in the following texts:
Perhaps the most important person in his life was his mother. A beautiful
woman who devoted her life to her family. She had married his father when
she was quiet young. Not quite eighteen. And hardly out of high school. As a
result, her plans too enter college had to be deferred for a while. Its all a
metter of priorities, she said. Filling that she was in love and wanted to start
a family. Ill get back to my schooling one day, she told her friends. She
did. Allthough it took over fifty ears.
There are some people who cant seem to concentrate in a quiet room. Its
too quite, they complaint. They seem to thrive on some level of noice, and
so while theyre studying, they turn on the radio or the television set. Theyre
parents, not understanding the situation, may ask, Whats going on here ?
Youre never going to be able to do your assignment with all that noice ! Yet
its precisely the noice that helps them to do the homework. A radios
music provides the accompaniment to start the days work. As my friends
brother once said, Everyone has the right to choose his own place to work.
Whats important is that the professors assignment gets completed.
Their are many reasons for students to go too college. First of all, college has
a definite effect on our lifes, since its a place were we are exposed to people
of diverse backgrounds and also too many different branches of learning.
Then too, at college students have a choise of extracurricular activities to
attend and to farther theyre interests and abilities. All considered, people
should follow the advise of those who advocate a college education.
We have been told that there has always been a generation gap between the
old and the young. As a result, communication between children and parent
is at best difficult. My own mother often tell me that when she was young she
could not discuss many important subject with hers parents and so she relied
on her few close friend for these discussion. Yet today she does not fully
understand why it so difficult for me too bridge this gap and communicate
openly. She fill that now it diffrent, and she is more understanding than either
of her parents was. Oh well, let see what happens when I have childs.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

3 Listening Comprehension and/or Speaking

3 Listening Comprehension
and/or Speaking

3.1 Topics for Conversation

It is better to build bridges not walls. Figure out the message and share it with
your team.
Its better to know something about many things than everything about one
thing only.

If you have enough will, you can move the mountains but if youre smart, you
leave them there. Illustrate with examples.

If you are used to thinking that stress is something that makes you worry, you
have the wrong idea of stress. Stress is many different kinds of things: happy
things, sad things, allergic things, physical things. Many people carry
enormous stress loads and they do not even realize it!

When you take responsibility for another persons actions, CHANGES occur
in your life over which you have little or no control. Taking responsibility for
another persons actions is a major stressor. Find an example to illustrate.

Describe the model person for you, the person you are trying to be. Do not
ignore the flaws that are part of anyones charm.

People say its hard to do the right thing. Others say that what is hard is to
know what the right thing is, and once you know it, its hard not to do it. If you
agree, find an example to illustrate. If not, do the same.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

3 Listening Comprehension and/or Speaking

How and to what extent do you think that money and power influence
people? Do you have such an example?

Is knowledge enough to make a good professional or it takes more than that?

If yes, what? If no, why not?

Which do you think are the most relevant traits of character that make a
person accepted by the smaller or larger community s/he is part of?

You see a man and a woman, about the same age, sitting on a bench, each
at one end of it. What kind of story does this trigger in your mind?

What do you think stimulates young people nowadays? What principles

regulate their attitude toward life and work?

Is there anything left for the new generation to say, do or decide? Do they
even think of it or they are just trying to adjust the best they can to what the
previous generations have created for them?

Do you think that communication is really necessary or it has become only a

clich? In either case, give arguments to support your answer.

Comment on: Take advantage of/ Seize every moment in your life as if it
were the last. Give pros and cons.

What are the main objectives that the educational system in Romania has in
view, and to what extent do you consider them appropriate for the demands
of the labour-market? Were you to have the power to change something,
what would you change?

Some day, Ill List some of the plans you have made for yourself and
name the methods you think you will use to accomplish them.

Suppose you had the chance of having three wishes fulfilled. Which were

If you were to change something in your life, what would you change and

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

3 Listening Comprehension and/or Speaking

We all have pecadillos/small faults that our intimate friends tolerate. What are

Name three qualities you think a successful career would require and three
flaws that one should avoid so as to succeed.

Remember one instance when you had to make an important decision. What
was it and what helped you make the right one?

People say it is of utmost importance to always tell the truth. If you agree to
that, give reasons. Could you name at least one instance when telling the
truth would have been worse than not telling it or telling a lie?

I wish the world were a better place is something you have, probably, heard
at least once in your life. If you had the divine power of changing three (since
this is said to be a magic number) things (courses of events, political
decisions, etc.), which would be those?

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

3 Listening Comprehension and/or Speaking

3.2 Documentaries and Films

A. Zeitgeist is a documentary film about (alleged or not) social myths, in 3
The Greatest Story ever told, questioning religions as original god-given
stories, and arguing the Christian religion is mainly derived from other
religions, astronomical facts, astrological myths and traditions, in turn derived
from or sharing elements with other ones;
All the Worlds a Stage, about several 9/11 conspiracy theories (either
orchestrated or allowed to happen attacks in order to generate mass fear,
initiate and justify the war on terror, provide a pretext for the curtailment of
civil liberties, and produce economic gain) and
Dont Mind the Men Behind the Curtain arguing that three wars of the USA
during the 20th cent. were waged purely for economic gain by international
Choose any one part of the documentary and contradict or reinforce 1 of the
authors lines of arguments.
B. Freedom Writers is the story of a young, new and excited schoolteacher
and a new integration program that puts at-risk and unteachable students,
of all backgrounds and races, in classes together. It is also about doing the
right thing. What the students begin to write in their diaries is an odyssey
against ignorance, intolerance and negative forces present in their own lives,
which is meant to open their eyes and teach them how to become the heroes
of their own stories.
Choose any one narrative element (Erins or any of the students
actions/reactions, word/s) and elaborate on it.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

4. Final Tests

4 Final Tests

I. Choose the most suitable option:

1. The Smiths for Brasov by the 9 oclock train as they have already made
plans for that.
a) are leaving
c) will go

b) are going
d) will be leaving

2. By the time they their destination, their grandson last week.

a) reach/will have been born
c) reach/will be born

b) reached/has been born

d) reached/had been born

3. Your daughter so shy if you the time to talk to her along the years.
a) wouldnt be/found
c) wouldnt be/would find

b) werent/would find
d) wouldnt be/had found

4. If you repeatedly their offer, of course they .

a) will reject/will give up
c) would reject/ would give up

b) are rejecting/give up
d) have rejected/have given up

5. It was not until he that she on him that he left her.

a) had realized/has been cheating
c) realized/ had been cheating

b)has realized/has cheated

d) had realized/had been cheating

6. Not until , taken to the hospital.

a) had the police arrived/was the victim b) arrived the police/the victim was
c) the police arrived/the victim was
d) the police had arrived/was the
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

4. Final Tests
7. By the time the writer 50, he famous.
a) turns/will have become
c) has turned/has become

b) will turn/will become

d) will have turned/has become

8. Unless you learning English and computer operating, you to get a

well-paid job.
a) dont start/will not be able
c) start/will not be able

b) start/dont be able
d) dont start/dont be able

9. She told me that she on us when they came to town if they enough
a) would call/had had
c) will call/will have

b) will call/had
d) would call/ had

10. He for Timisoara as soon as he his project.

a) is leaving/will finish
c) was leaving/ had finished

b) is leaving/will have finished

d) leaves/had finished

11. Unless you my advice, you your way.

a) dont follow/dont find
c) wont follow/wont find

b) follow/wont find
d) will follow/wont find

12. She has just told me that she him for two months now but she to
marry him.
a) is seeing/isnt meaning
c) has been seeing/doesnt mean

b) has been seeing/hasnt meant

d) saw/didnt mean

13. As soon as I the paper, I promise I it to you.

a) finished/will send
c) will have finished/will send

b) have finished/will send

d) will finish/will send

14. He has told me that he me the paper as soon as he it.

a) will send/will finish
c) will send/has finished

b) would send/has finished

d) has sent/will have finished

15. He let me know that he me the first draft as soon as he it.

a) will send/has had
c) will send/has had

b) would send/had had

d) would send/would have

16. If it for his determination and hard work when he was only a poor boy,
his family so rich today.
Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

4. Final Tests
a) werent/wouldnt be
c) hasnt been/wasnt

b) hadnt been/wouldnt have been

d) hadnt been/wouldnt be

17. The students said that unless some teachers their way of seeing
things, there any notable progress.
a) will not change/wont be
c) changed/wouldnt be

b)didnt change/wouldnt be
d) will change/wont be

18. No sooner from the serious illness she for ten years, than her
husband died.
a) had she recovered/suffered
c) had she recovered/had suffered

b) did she recover/has suffered

d) did she recover/suffered

II. Comment in a 3,000-word paper upon:

Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed
before, and yet as something following a pattern. They are born with all they
need to win at life. Each person in their own way can see, hear, touch, taste
and think for themselves. Each has their own unique potential their
capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware and
creatively productive person in their own right a winner. The words winner
and loser have many meanings, but few people are one hundred per cent
winners or one hundred per cent losers. Its a matter of degree.
(Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward Born to Win)

III. Choose any of the three issues illustrated by the texts in 2.2. and
write a 2,000-word essay.
IV. Choose any one of the conversation topics suggested in 2.3 and
write a 1,000-word essay.

Developing Skills for Language Acquisition

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