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General Goals
1. To become familiar with basic instrumentation
measurements (voltmeters and ammeters).




2. To become familiar with the conventional power supplies available in the Lab and
understand their capabilities and limitations.
3. To realize basic set-ups for measuring the I-V curve of a solar cell and understand
their limitations and advantages as methods of measuring.
4. To become familiar with the use programmable power supplies.
5. To understand and apply the method of four-terminal sensing.


Materials and resources employed in the Lab

Electronic devices
Solar cells, resistors, potentiometers
Basic measurement instrumentation
Multimeters , voltmeters, ammeters
Conventional power supplies
Variable voltage and current sources
Programmable power supplies
Four-quadrant DC power source HP4142B
Ancilliary material
Connecting cables, connectors, sensing probes,
Programmable power supplies
Solar simulator

IV. Lab Activities

Six set ups will be arranged corresponding to the six experiments taking
place in the Lab. For each experiment there will be a complete description of
the components used in the circuital arrange, as pointed out in the work plan.

1. Activity N1
1.1. Goals

To determine the Current Voltage Characteristic (I V curve) of a Si solar cell

employing a Potentiometer as a load. As the name suggests, this method of
measurement is called: The Variable Resistor Method.

1.2. Set up Description

The set up to be used will be the one indicated in figure 1. The solar simulator will
operate as a source of irradiance which will be assumed constant (fixed operation).
The Solar Simulator will was not subjected

to any special analysis consideration

either experimentally or theoretically.

Figure 1.1 Variable Resistance Method Arrangement

As shown in figure 1, in order to determine the V I Characteristic of the cell,
Voltmeter 1 and the Ammeter will measure voltages and currents respectively for
different values of the resistance load. These measurements will be different cell
operation points that belong to its I V curve. The solar simulator is considered to
be approximately three (3) meters apart from the workbench.

1.3. Measured Data

In order to obtain the experimental data, the following steps were practiced:
1) Verification of the DC voltage and current offset points of the digital
multimeters to account for the possible systematic uncertainties introduced in
the measurements.
2) Based on the offset points registered, it was decided which instruments would
serve as a voltmeter and which as an ammeter.
3) Once the multimeters were checked, the measurement process started with

I sc


V oc

operating points, followed by the intermediate I V

Table 1.2 shows the experimental results obtained.

Table 1.2 Measured values using the Variable Resistor Method

1.4. Data Analysis

From the data measured (Table 1.2) and the equipment specifications (Table 1.1), it
follows that the experimental data is:

Table 1.3 Experimental data including the uncertainty analysis

V I curve, it should be measured the short circuit current (Isc) and open circuit
voltage (Voc). Taking as a reference the previous values, a measurement sweep will
be done to account for the intermediate values around the



Pmax =V maxI max

Figure 1.2 V I characteristic of the solar cell


Because the load is a passive element, the measurement is in a single quadrant

The source is close to the set up so the cables are considered as ideal elements.

There will be taken as many measurements as potentiometer fixed values.

The power delivered to the resistor will not be greater than its nominal value.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

2. Activity N2
2.1. Experiments goal
To determine the current voltage characteristic (I V curve) of a solar cell
employing a variable resistor as a load. As the name suggests, the method of
measurement is called: The Variable Resistor Method.

2.2. Set up description

As in the previous set up, the source is considered constant.

Figure 2.1


Because the load is a passive element, the measurement is in a single quadrant

The source is far to the set up so the cables are considered non ideal elements.

There will be taken as many measurements as potentiometer fixed values.

The power delivered to the resistor will not be greater than its nominal value.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

1.5. Measured Data

2.3. Data Analysis

3. Set up N3:
3.1. Experiments goal
To determine the current voltage characteristic (I V curve) of a solar cell
employing a variable resistor as a load. As the name suggests, the method of
measurement is called: The Variable Resistor Method.

3.2. Set up description

As in the previous set up, the solar source is considered constant.


Figure 3.1

Because the load is a passive element, the measurement is in a single quadrant

The source is far to the set up so the cables are considered non ideal elements.

In this case the source voltmeter is close to the set up.

There will be taken as many measurements as potentiometer fixed values.

The power delivered to the resistor will not be greater than its nominal value.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

3.3. Measurements
In order to obtain the V I curve, it should be measured the short circuit current (Isc)
and open circuit voltage (Voc). Taking as a reference the previous values, a
measurement sweep will be done to account for the intermediate values around the



Pmax =V maxI max

4. Set up N4:
4.1. Experiments goal
To determine the current voltage characteristic (I V curve) of a solar cell
employing a variable voltage source. As the name suggests, the method of
measurement is called: The Variable Voltage Source Four Wire Method.

4.2. Set up description

As in the previous set up, the solar source is considered constant.

Figure 4.1


Because the load is an active element, the measurement is in a single or multiple

quadrant depending on the value set for the variable voltage source.

The source is far to the set up so the cables are considered non ideal elements.

In this case the source voltmeter is close to the set up.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

4.3. Measurement
In order to obtain the V I curve, it must be measured the short circuit current (Isc)
and open circuit voltage (Voc). Taking as a reference the previous values, a
measurement sweep will be done to account for the intermediate values around the



Pmax =V maxI max

Figure 4.2


I =I A V v =V src
V =R AI A +V src
Figure 4.3
Optimum resolution range from 0 to Vmax (I ~ ISC, variable V)
Poorer resolution from Vmax to VOC ( V ~ VOC, variable I)

5. Set up N5:

5.1. Experiments goal

To determine the current voltage characteristic (I V curve) of a solar cell
employing a variable current source. As the name suggests, the method of
measurement is called: The Variable Current Source Four Wire Method.

5.2. Set up description

As in the previous set up, the solar source is considered constant.

Figure 5.1


Because the load is an active element, the measurement is in a single or multiple

quadrant depending on the value set for the variable current source.

The solar source is far to the set up so the cables are considered non ideal

In this case the source voltmeter is close to the set up.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

5.3. Measurement
In order to obtain the V I curve, it must be measured the short circuit current (Isc)
and open circuit voltage (Voc). Taking as a reference the previous values, a
measurement sweep will be done to account for the intermediate values around the



Pmax =V maxI max

Figure 5.2

I =I A V v =V LOAD
Figure 5.3
Optimum resolution range from Vmax to VOC (V ~ VOC, variable I)
Poorer resolution from 0 to Vmax ( I ~ ISC, variable V)

6. Set up N6:
6.1. Experiments goal
To determine the current voltage characteristic (I V curve) of a solar cell
employing a programmable power supply. As the name suggests, the method of
measurement is called: The Programmable Power Supply Four Wire Method.

6.2. Set up description

As in the previous set up, the solar source is considered constant.

Figure 6.1


Because the load is an active element, the measurement is in a multiple


The solar source is far to the set up so the cables are considered non ideal

In this case the source voltmeter is close to the set up.

Ideally, the circuit behavior does not take into account the voltage drops
introduced by the voltmeter and ammeter. For practical purposes, the voltmeters
internal resistance can be neglected (considered infinite) and only the one
corresponding to the ammeter should be considered.

6.3. Measurement
It is an electronic instrument that may act as o Positive or negative voltage source
being able to supply/drain any current o Positive or negative current source being
able to provide any voltage. In addition, it provides

One or several voltmeters

One or several ammeters

It is typically computer controlled and uses specific software

Figure 6.3 HP4142B: Programmable power supply used at IES

Figure 6.5

Figure 6.4

V max V OC




Table 6.2 Table 6.1 Measurements in the

V. Lab session report outline

1. Materials and methods: describe
measurements and their accuracy.




2. PART I: For each circuit include a section with:

Tables and graphs with the measurements taken.

A comment about the conditions of the measurement (simplicity for

measuring Pmax, Isc, Voc, speed, stability, )

A general comment about the set-up in comparison with the previously


Answer the questions proposed in the next page

What would be the ideal characteristics of a voltage source for

measuring I-V curves of solar cells?

In set-ups 1 to 6 the voltmeters have changed location in the circuit,

while the ammeter has remained unmoved. Why?

Is there any special consideration about the location of the ammeter in

the circuit?

True or false (please comment): For measuring very small solar cells, it
might not be necessary to apply the four-wire method.

What is a SMU? Please include a brief explanation (~1/2 page)

What is LabView? Please include a brief explanation (~1/2 page)

What is GPIB? Please include a brief explanation (~1/2 page)

Sketch a flow diagram for an optimized program to measure the I-V

curve of a solar cell using a 4-quadrant power supply.

Each member of the team write a brief paragraph commenting personal
difficulties (both practical and conceptual) found in this lab session.
Part IV: references used

Apendice 1
Materials and Instruments Description
A1.1 Instruments Specifications

Table A.1 Digital Multimeters Fluke 175, 177 and 179 Specifications

Table A.2 Digital Multimeter Fluke 87 Specifications

A1.2 Instruments and Materials Pictures

Figure A1.1 Digital Multimeters Fluke 87, 177 and 179.

Figure A1.2 Digital Multimeter Power Supply Model AGILENT 34401A

Figure A1.3 Potentiometer set

Figure A1.3 Programmable power supply used at IES

Apendice 2
Uncertainty Analysis
A2.1 Definitions
A2.2 Calculations

( measured value of x )=x best + x

x = Accuracy ( [ of Reading ] + [ Counts ] ) , where:

x best :True value

x : Uncertainty

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