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Oct/Nov/Dec 2015

The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Volume 31/ No. 4

In This Issue

Directors Cut
- Spiritual Warfare

Ministry Newsreel
U.S. Reports

Allen Nye
Alabama Property
Kent Chapman
Way Christian Church
Board of Directors
General Fund

International Reports

India (NIEA)
Nigeria (GOFAMINT)

Ministry Spotlight
Safe Harbor Baptist Ministries

Memorial Gifts
P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068
O 334.361.1660
F 334.361.9578

Directors Cut by Mike Jones

Spiritual Warfare

If you havent seen the

new movie War Room
I highly recommend you
do. Produced by Provident Films (the Kendrick
brothers, who produced
Facing the Giants Fireproof Courageous), this movie looks at the
power of prayer in spiritual warfare.
I believe most Christians today dont think of
the Christian life as warfare, nor do we want
to. We know many bad things happen in life,
some self-induced, some beyond our control.
They happen to everyone. But how often do
we stop and think that some of these things
are caused by a strategy of Satan to distract
us, deceive us, and ultimately destroy us.
Scripture clearly teaches that Satan is out to
destroy believers. I Peter 5:7 says, your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking whom he may devour. In
John 10:10 Jesus said, The thief cometh
not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy Satan is out to steal our peace, kill
our joy, and destroy our testimony. He is not
playing games, or just fooling around he is
on a mission!
Scriptures also teach us that we (believers)
are in a spiritual warfare. Paul told Timothy
to fight a good warfare (1 Tim.1:18) and referred to him as a spiritual soldier. He told
the Ephesian believers that our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but against rulers of
the darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12). James
says we are assured victory (4:7) when we
submit ourselves to God, and resist the devil.
As we at DIM seek to follow the Lord in

evangelism, we constantly face problems

financial, equipment, personnel, scheduling, mechanical, etc. We know Satan will
do whatever he can to keep us from being
successful in leading people to Christ. In the
War Room we are reminded that one of our
most powerful weapons against the enemy is
prayer. Our war room is our own prayer closet (Matthew 6:6) where we get alone with our
Father, pour out our heart before Him, and let
Him answer according to His will.
This is why we ask first and foremost that
you pray for us. Our mission is great, involving many facets, places and partners. Our
enemy is powerful and cunning, but God is
greater and we know the fervent prayers of
His children influence Him. In Acts 12, when
Peter was in
prison awaiting execution,
verse 5 says,
prayer was
made without
ceasing of the
God for him.
God sent an
angel and delivered Peter. One of the great things about
prayerthe more people praying, the better.
As you read this FOCUS you will see victories the Lord has given us and also some
struggles. Rejoice with us in the victories
and please, when you enter your war room,
pray with us through the struggles. God
bless you.


The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Ministry Newsreel

Alabama Property

U.S. Reports

work on the pavilions, walking track, and soccer field, etc.

Praise - Plans and preparations are almost complete to begin

Prayer - Urgent need for good tractor with loader for use in

Allen Nye
Over the years Christian film producers have asked us to buy
out a theater to show their movies. Unfortunately, we just
couldnt raise the funds or get local churches involved.
Then, last May, Marj and I previewed the movie War Room.
We were challenged to be more committed to prayer! Marj
said to me, We should buy out a theater and fill it with people who need to see this incredible film! I wondered where
could we get the funding? Marj said, We can PRAY it in! We
shared this burden with Christian business people who raised
the funds, and helped us give out the tickets to people who
promised to bring people who needed the Lord.
We gave an invitation after the movie. 21 people requested
prayer for salvation and 38 requested to become prayer warriors. Now we are preparing
for the next big film, Woodlawn! The funding came in
for one theater and we are
still working on another. Our
first showing will be on October 17 at 3 PM, pray for us.

International Reports

Our summer ministry is now over for the year. God took us to
20 villages, and we averaged about 100 people to see the film
each evening. The Gospel was presented several times each
evening as well as after the film. We do not know of a person
who has trusted Jesus, we do know they heard the message.
Two times we stayed at an orphanage and did ministry in villages around them. Our team
fell in love with the children at

construction and property maintenance.

Kent Chapman (DIM Partner in North Carolina)

Praise - We recently had our first known decision for Christ
this year at a mobile meeting.
Prayer - The electric motor in the screen is broken (cost is
$600 to replace). We are getting by for now with a hand crank.

The Way Christian Church

(Hispanic Partner in Florida)
Prayer - Funds are needed to complete repairs on the Mobile
Unit. ($500)

Board of Directors
Prayer - Directions in making property decisions. Potential
NEW partners in Haiti and Senegal.

General Fund
Prayer/Help - $1000.00 more per month is needed.
September for 4 days to visit with Vlastislav. We took him to
a Baptist church where the service was in English! Vlastislav
loved it!! Please pray that he will come to Jesus! Several people are interested in him returning to the church. The photo is
me and Vlastislav!

WATS - West Africa Theological Seminary

Mobile meetings from August - September included four locations with more than 1000 in attendance and 200+ making decisions.

the orphanage.

India - New India Evangelistic Association

In late August we had a visitor

Paipad van was greatly used this year for the weekly outreach

from Czech Republic, Vlas-

ministry in which Bible seminary students were involved.The

tislav. I met him in June when

second van is presently in Tamil Nadu involved in outreach to

I was on a 9 day trip in Europe,

the villages. - John Kalloor

with the young man Claudiu. We spent a good amount of time

Prayer - Equipment repairs/replacement for the two vans =

speaking to Vlastislav about Jesus. We went to Prague in

$3500.00. Attacks on the meetings have become more frequent.

Nigeria - GOspel FAith Mission INTernational

Attendance: 162

Decisions: 5

September 16th-18th Attendance: 1097

Decisions: 37

September 14th-15th Attendance: 504

Decisions: 9

September 20th-23rd Attendance: 841

Decisions: 10

September 6th-8th

Ministry Spotlight
Safe Harbor Baptist Ministries (Nigeria) by Timothy Ojo
November 2014 - Our first outreach was at Kajola area with Brother Jones also in attendance. We had 132 attend with 33 people saved, Then a second outreach with 181 in attendance and 2 trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior, then a third, with 144 in attendance and 58
trusted Christ. A Muslim man that was sober after the movie put his trust in Jesus for his salvation.

December 2014 - We went to Fresh Manna Baptist Church. We had 182 people in attendance and 62 people trusted Christ
in a 2 day outreach.

February 2015 - We had a 2 day outreach with 265 people in attendance. One night we had about 4 Northern Muslims that
are cattlemen at the movie with their Muslim attire, to trust Christ as their Savior. We had 97 people that accepted Jesus during
the 2 day outreaches, then another outreach with 375 people in attendance and 85 people saved.

March 2015 - We had 2-day outreaches with Rogma International Baptist Church with 899 people in attendance both days,
and 54 people trusted Christ. There was a chief that they had been trying to witness to, but he wouldnt listen. He came to the
movie, hiding in the midst of the crowd, and was able to hear a clear salvation message. A Muslim man who had forbidden his
children from coming to the church stood far away to watch the movie and was able to hear a clear message of salvation.

April 2015 - In Shao Kwara State, a muslim dominated State North Central of Nigeria, we had the largest crowd on a day
outreach - 1000+ at the movie and 120 trusted Christ, then at another outreach we had 401 in attendance and 30 trusted Christ.

May 2015 - We had a 2-day outreach with Freedom Baptist Church, 637 people were in attendance and 65 trusted Christ. In
Ondo State, we had a 3-day mission trip with over 1,420 in attendance and 595 saved.

June 2015 -

There was an outreach to Ojutaye Village, Ajawa. I40 people attended and 50

trusted Christ, including the king of the village!

July 2015 -

We went to Ibadan with New Manna Baptist Church. We had 600 attend and 197
trusted Christ. A senior military officer ordered us to stop the movie or he would destroy our equip-

ment. We stopped and people started moving away. Minutes later, a junior officer approached and pleaded with him to allow
us to continue, we praise the Lord, he did allow us, and the noise he made earlier drew more crowd, so we almost doubled the

August 2015 - We were with Faith Ind. Baptist Church of Osogbo on a 2 day mission trip, and 589 attended and 72 trusted
Christ. Then a trip to Oko town (about 15.5 miles) on a 2 day outreach with over 850 in attendance both days and about 310
decisions for Jesus.

Summary - For the one year since we started Drive-In Outreaches at Faith Baptist Church have been able to minister to at
least 10,400 people with about 2,000 salvations! Drive-In has indeed helped us in reaching more people in more areas with the
Gospel of Christ.

Prattville, AL

P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068

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Ministry Box Office

In Loving Memory

End of Year Giving

Mr. Milan George passed into

Glory last month at the age of
86. He served as a Drive-In
Board member for many years,
and was a dear friend.
Please pray for his family during
this time. He will be missed.

Memorial Gifts
A gift was given to Drive-In in memory of Mr. Milan
George by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Broadwick.
A gift was given to Drive-In in memory of Mr. Milan
George by Mike and Anna Mae Jones.

A special thanks to you who give above and beyond to

Drive-In Ministries at the end of the year! You are a vital
part of our ministry. We thank the Lord for you, and are
greatly blessed by your generosity.
There are many ways to give:
1. By Check: You can mail a check made payable to
Drive-In Ministries to: P. O. Box 680250 Prattville, AL 36068
2. Online: You can make one-time or monthly recurring
contributions online at:

4. Gifts-In-Kind: A gift-in-kind contribution is any

tangible item of value, e.g., car, land, stocks, bonds, etc.

5. Memorials and Honorariums: You can make a

contribution in memory of a deceased loved one or make
a contribution to honor a living individual.
Remember all gifts to Drive-In are tax deductable!

If you would like to receive the Focus by email, or would like

to be removed from the Focus mailing list, please contact us by email or phone.

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