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This study aims to determine the general profile of the customer assessment of
service quality employees in Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and Cottages Bandung as the
basis for the development of a hypothetical training programs that allegedly can
improve the quality of employee services at Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and Cottages
Bandung. Employee service quality consists of several dimensions, including
tangibles, Empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance. This research using
SERVQUAL. Method. Hypothetical development of training programs is expected
to boost employee performance in improving employee services.
Key words: quality of service, training programs, employee
Viewed from the main function, the first major products sold by the service is the
rent hotel rooms. With the continued development of these businesses, the main product
or service of a hotel that became the main needs of guests who came to the room is now
experiencing growth.Customers expect something that is not merely a room to stay, but
they are expecting something else, such as excellent service, pleasant environment, good
manners and respect of all employees.
Basically, the quality of service can be interpreted simply as a measure of how
well a given level of service capable of in accordance with customer expectations
(Tjiptono, 2008: 85). Thus, the quality of service is a form of customer evaluation of the
level of services received with the expected service level. The key is for companies to
adjust or exceed expectations of quality service that customers want.
As part of the service industry, hotel business experienced a change request
(demand) is fluctuating. The hotels in Bandung, for example, on weekends filled with
guests who stay, while on a weekday trying hard to survive in the corporate market or
hire a company to fill the business center, meeting room or ballroom of it.
Guest comment based on data from the Front Office Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and
Cottages Bandung, 65% of customers want an increase in the quality of services provided
by Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung. Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and Cottages
Bandung as one of the hotels that made the choice to meet customer expectations must be
able to provide the best services for its customers.
Characteristics of service is one of heterogenity or Variability, meaning the
service is highly variable or heterogeneous because they are non-standardized output,
mean shape, quality, and most diverse kinds, depending on who, what, and where
services are produced. Variability of experience and service quality is due to three
factors. These factors present challenges for companies in an effort to develop a
consistent brand image all the time. These three factors are: (1) cooperation or
participation of the customer during service delivery; (2) morale / motivation of

employees in serving customers, and (3) the company's workload (Tjiptono, 2008:
19). To overcome the negative impact of the variability of these services, one way that
can be done is to invest in human resource development (Tjiptono, 2008: 19).
Problems in this study further defined in the following questions:
1. How public profile services quality employees in Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and
Cottages Bandung?
2. What kind of training program is expected to improve the quality of employee
services at Karang Setra Hotel, Spa and Cottages Bandung?
Service Definition
Services currently has grown to be a key differentiator and competitive
advantage. In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (2009), the notion of service is an attempt
to serve others with reward (money). According to Tjiptono (2008: 1), service is
everything that is done a certain party (individual or group) to another party (individual
or group).
Services are intangible and there is no process of ownership in it. Because the
service can not be seen, touched, held or stored, the benefits of the new service can be
perceived by customers after they consumed
Definition of Service Quality of
Service quality is a measure of how well a given level of service capable of in
accordance with customer expectations (Lewis & booms, 1983) (Tjiptono, 2008:
85). Zeithaml (Japarianto, et al., 2007: 36) defines service quality as "a customer's
judgment of the overall exellence and Superiority of a service". According to Zeithaml
and Bitner (Tampubolon et al. 2007: 137) quality of service is more emphasis on the
customer's perception of the superiority of a service.
Thus, the quality of service is a form of customer evaluation of the level of
services received (perceived services) with the expected service level (expected services).
Service Quality Dimension
One dimension of service quality the most widely referenced in the service
performance measurement is the dimension of service quality (SERVQUAL) version
Parasuraman, Ziethaml, and Berry (1988) (Tjiptono, 2008: 95). If summarized, there are
five main dimensions of the concept known as "TERRA" are arranged in order of their
relative importance as follows:
a. Tangible, relating to physical facilities services, equipment / supplies, human
resources and corporate communications materials.
b. Empathy, means that the company understands its customers and act on behalf of
customers, and providing personal attention to customers and has a convenient
operating hours.
c. Responsiveness, regarding the willingness and ability of service providers to help
their customers and responding to their requests immediately.
d. Reliability, related to the company's ability to deliver the promised services accurately
since the first time

e. Assurance, regarding the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
foster trust and customer confidence
Formulation of Training Programs
In fact, the company has a human resources is limited in terms of knowledge and
skills so necessary to improve Vocational training (Reay, 1994: 78).



Figure 1. Basic needs of Training (Reay, 1994: 78)

Training is required when the performance by employees is not the same as the
set work standards. One step to focus attention is to consider the impact if the training is
to let the gap is not filled. That can arise due to the complaints from customers, reduced
efficiency, and low productivity (Reay, 1994: 78).
A program should be structured to meet the criteria of a good program, including
meeting the following matters (Firmansyah, 2001) (Rahmawati, 2007: 15):
a. The program is based on the real needs of the users.
b. Activities regulated by the priority scale is also determined based on the employee's
needs and capabilities officer
c. The program is developed gradually with the involvement of all elements of the
organization in planning it.
d. The program has an ideal goal but realistic in its implementation.
e. Provide the necessary facilities.
f. Preparation of programs tailored to the company programs.
g. Provide all employees the possibility of service in question.
h. Demonstrate an important role in connecting and integrating the company with the
i. Taking place in line with the assessment of the program itself, the progress of
employees, as well as on the progress of knowledge, skills and attitude of the
executive officers.
j. The program should be sustainable
Design Research
Research methods used in this research is descriptive method. This method was
chosen because it intended to describe, analyze, and retrieve a generalization about the
customer assessment of service quality. In this study performed the data analysis results
of questionnaires about the assessment of quality customer service employee at
Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung exactly by using statistical calculations
that simplify the process of analysis and interpretation.
Research Variables and Operational Definitions
Variables studied in this research is the quality of service. To avoid
misinterpretation, the operational definitions of these variables are as follows:

1. Definition Quality
Quality can be defined as dynamic conditions associated with the products,
services, human resources, processes, and environments that meet or exceed customer
expectations (Goetsch & Davis in Tjiptono, 2008: 82). Thus, aspects of an assessment of
the quality of a product or service can include interlocking factors, including (Tjiptono,
2008: 82): a) location, b) accreditation status, c) the number and qualifications of staff, d)
the attitudes of staff, e ) personal attention to customer needs, and e) accessibility to the
facilities provided.
Quality in this research is something that can deliver value plus a special
motivation for customers to establish mutually beneficial relationships bonds in the long
run with the company. This kind of emotional bond allows the company to thoroughly
understand the expectations and specific needs of customers.
2. Definition of Quality Services
Service quality is a measure of how well a given level of service capable of in
accordance with customer expectations (Lewis & booms in Tjiptono, 2008: 85). Zeithaml
(Japarianto, et. Al., 2007: 36) defines service quality as "a customer's judgment of the
overall exellence and Superiority of a service." Quality service is a form of customer
evaluation of the level of services received (perceived services) with the service expected
(expected services). Customer assessment of service they receive is subjective, because it
depends on the perception of each individual. Quality of service in this study is the
assessment of the level of customer service provided by employees Karangsetra Hotel,
Spa and, Cottages Bandung with the level of service expected by customers.
3. Service Quality Dimension
One dimension of service quality the most widely referenced in the service
performance measurement of service quality dimensions of Parasuraman version,
Ziethaml, and Berry (Tjiptono, 2008: 95). There are five main dimensions which are also
known as the concept of "TERRA" are arranged in order of their relative importance as
a. Tangible, relating to physical facilities services, equipment / supplies, human
resources and corporate communications materials.
b. Empathy, means that the company understands its customers and act on behalf of
customers, and providing personal attention to customers and has a convenient
operating hours.
c. Responsiveness, regarding the willingness and ability of service providers to help
their customers and responding to their requests immediately.
d. Reliability, related to the company's ability to deliver the promised services accurately
since the first time.
e. Assurance, regarding the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
foster trust and customer confidence.
Sample Research
To obtain the percentage of used sample size formula that have been formulated
by Slovin (Dewi, 2008: 38) as follows:

n = sample size
N = population
e = looseness inaccuracy due to sampling error, 10%
So the sample size of this study are:

Data Collection Techniques
1. Observations
Observations in this study included a structured observation. Structured observation is an
observation that has been designed systematically, about what would be observed, when,
and where the place (Sugiyono, 2006: 163). In making observations, researchers used a
closed questionnaire as a guide for observation.
2. Questionnaire
The questionnaire is a technique of data collection is done by giving a set of questions or
statements in writing to the respondent. The questionnaire in this study of closed
claims. The statement closed will help the respondent to answer quickly and also allows
researchers in the data analysis of all questionnaires that have been collected (Sugiyono,
2006: 160).
3. Literature Review
Literature study is collecting data to study the books, magazines, articles on the Internet,
corporate profiles, and other print media relating to the quality of service and human
resources development.
Data Processing Techniques
To answer the problem and express purpose of research that has been made by
researchers, then all the data obtained from the questionnaires was processed with the
steps as follows:
a. Processing each answer a statement from the questionnaires distributed to calculate
the frequency.
b. Giving a score for each answer customer statements. The details are as shown in
Table 3.4 below
Table 1. Pattern of Scoring Scale





c. Managing each answer statement from the questionnaire circulated by the data in the
form of tabulation.
d. After each group added dimension of service quality, start to do data analysis.
Specifically to address the problem and reveal the first research objective, the results

of the questionnaire data will then be analyzed to determine the ratio between
customer expectations with customer assessments of service quality employee
performance Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung by tabulating the
answers compare customer expectations with an assessment of the performance .
Then the results will be processed using the SERVQUAL model is calculated with the
formula (Tjiptono, 2008: 121):
SERVQUAL = Performances (P) Expectation (E)

Which will be calculated each point performance on the questionnaire and hope to get
a quality value of each point (PE) to be assessed, and can say if:
Score (P-E) <0 = low
Score (P-E) = 0 = good
Score (P-E)> 0 = ideal
The formula used is:...


X i = score performance appraisal services
Yi = Score assessments customer expectations
X = Average score of service performance
Y = Average score assessments customer expectations
N = number of respondents
Characteristics of respondents who stayed in Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages
Bandung classified into two groups by sex and duration of stay.
1. Gender
From the results of processing the 50 questionnaires distributed, note the number of
respondents who spend the basis of sex in Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung
is as follows:
a. Number of respondents as many as 39 men were men (78%).
b. The number of respondents were women of 11 people (22%).
2. Length of Stay
From the results of processing the 50 questionnaires distributed, note the number of
respondents who stay on longer stay at Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung is
as follows:
a. number of respondents who stayed 1 night as many as 5 people (10%)
b. The number of respondents who stay 2-3 nights of 31 people (62%)
c. The number of respondents who stay> 3 nights as many as 14 people (28%)

In accordance with the requirements of research samples that can be used, the guests
who stay a minimum of two nights, then the data can be analyzed further because only 45
people there are 5 people of respondents who only spend one night in Karangsetra Hotel,
Spa and, Cottages Bandung. And from these data are inconclusive, the majority of guests
staying longer Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung is between two to three
General Profiles Quality of Service Employees at Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and,
Cottages Bandung
From the results of data processing 45 respondents in the study, the data obtained a
total score for quality assessment of customer service employees in Karangsetra Hotel,
Spa and, Cottages Bandung as presented in Table 4.1 below:
Table 2. Total Score of Quality Service Employees in Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and,
Cottages Bandung



Hotel Room
customer needs
Attention employee
when serving
The speed and
alertness of
Employee attitude
Accuracy in
providing services
Ease in getting
Customer trust


Score Score
4.772 3.79
1.725 3.82
1.665 3.75
2.568 3.57


Score Score
5.472 4.34
1.800 4.00
2.560 4.84
2.962 4.11



















































Source: Data Processing Results, 2009

Based on Table 4.1 above, the five dimensions of service quality in Karangsetra
Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung has a total score for the performance assessment of
services for 10,408 with an average score of 3.78 and a total score of customer

expectations of service quality for 11,608 with an average score of 4:28. Thus the score
gap between the level of services received in the hope that the service is of -0.51. This
figure shows, in general the quality of employee services in Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and,
Cottages Bandung included in the low category (PE <0).
This shows the low category, the quality of services provided Karangsetra Hotel,
Spa and, Cottages Bandung has not been able to meet customer expectations of service
quality performance in accordance with customer wishes.
Table 3. SERVQUAL score Employee Service Quality Dimension in Karangsetra
Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung




The data also known Table 4.2, the score gap level of service quality dimensions
of the lowest row is the dimension of reliability (-0.58), responsiveness (-0.56), tangibles
(-0.56), Empathy (-0.55), and assurance (-- 0:31).
Quality of services provided by employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages
Bandung is still below the desired expectation by customers of the quality good
service. This is in accordance with the description of the results of SERVQUAL scores
for the five dimensions of service quality (Table 4.1). By implication, the correction
should be directed to the two sides of the service, which is tangible (physical facilities)
and intangible (employee skills) in improving the quality of services provided to
customers. Employees are encouraged to be conscious in maintaining the physical
facilities of the hotel especially the physical facilities located in areas where the
employee on duty. Employees are also provided with sufficient knowledge to be able to
timely and accurate serve and satisfy customer demand coming. Efforts in improving the
responsiveness of employees and interest in serving employees also receive top
priority. Such changes are going to significantly impact on customer service Karangsetra
Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung.
Based Training Program Public Profile Quality Service Employees At Karangsetra
Hotel, Spa And, Cottages Bandung
1. Rationale
Employees have an important role for the success of the organization. Successful
organization is an organization capable of meeting customer expectations. Employees are
an integral part of the company representing the company in interacting with customers
because of the employee's performance will determine whether the service provider is
able to provide a guarantee of the achievement of the customer.
Different business services sector with manufacturing businesses. Transaction processing
services delivered almost entirely by men. There are even some services that require
customer involvement in the process of transfer of service, one of the hospitality

business. If business success is judged by the ability of manufacturing the products in the
customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry's success is measured through the
performance quality of the relationship between employee interaction with customers.
Responsiveness, reliability, assurance and is emphaty human dimensions that are used to
measure the success of service providers to meet customer expectations that indicate how
important the human element in the service business. The importance of human element
in the hospitality business because these businesses generally occurs in the interaction
between employees and customers directly without an intermediary during the process of
production and consumption. When the interaction occurs directly, then what is seen
employees also seen by customers. Customer's perception of what he saw in the situation
during the interaction will affect their assessment of corporate performance. This means
that the employee's performance of the front liners are zero defect goal to be achieved
organizations. However, service is very variable or heterogeneous because of the form,
quality, and most diverse kinds, depending on who, what, and when the service is
produced. Variability of experience and service quality is caused by three things, namely:
a) the cooperation or participation subscribers during the process of service delivery; b)
morale or motivation of employees in serving customers; c) the company's workload.
The process of preparation of the training program should be based on real needs in the
field. So that any material prepared training programs are able to answer the challenges
and demands that arise in the field. Therefore in order to develop training programs that
can improve the quality of employee service performed an analysis of objective
conditions of service quality employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung.
Based on field research and analysis of the results of the five dimensions of service
quality employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung, the development of
training materials provided tend to all aspects of understanding customer needs, attention
to employees when serving customers, speed and alertness of employees, the
attitude employees, and accuracy in providing services. But in general, developed
training programs directed at the courtesy and efficiency factors. Because these two
factors is an important factor in providing quality service to customers.
2.Vision and Mission Program
a. Vision Program
Vision of Prima Services training program is to facilitate efforts to improve the quality
of service to the Outstanding Service employees.
b. Mission Program
Mission Prima service training programs are focused to facilitate the employee in
1) A sense of responsibility in maintaining physical facilities the hotel.
2) Accuracy in providing services
3) Understanding the characteristics of customers
4) The speed and alertness of employees
5) Understand
3. Description Requirement
Competence is developed in a training program based on objective conditions of
service quality employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung based on the

results of a needs analysis and then adjusted to the level of capability and competence
priorities will be developed.Details of the developed competencies focused on the lowest
aspects of service quality dimensions, namely:
a. Dimension of reliability, aspects that need to be developed is the accuracy in
providing services.
b. Responsiveness dimension, aspects that need to be developed is the attitude of
employees as well as aspects of speed and alacrity of employees.
c. Dimensional tangible, aspects that need to be developed is the professional attitude of
employees to foster an attitude of ownership and maintain the physical facilities the
d. Empathy dimension, aspects that need to be developed is the employee's attention
while serving customers and the aspects of understanding customer needs.
e. Assurance dimension, aspects that need to be developed is the aspect of providing
security within the customer.
4. Program Objectives
In general, the purpose of Prima Services training program is to help employees
improve their ability to serve customers in the aspect of prime accuracy in providing the
service, speed and alertness of employees, the employee's attention while serving
customers, understanding customer needs and providing security within the customer.
In particular, the purpose of Prima Services training program is to develop the ability
a. Accuracy in providing services
b. Understanding the characteristics of customers
c. Have a sense of responsibility for the physical facilities of the hotel where the
employees on duty
d. The speed and alertness of employees
e. Understanding the professional aspects when serving customer.
5. Program Components
Service training program design based Prima objective conditions of service quality
employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung aimed at improving and
maintenance. Training program will be given to employee training program is quality
customer service (Excellent Customer Service) and service culture training program
(Service Culture). This training program delivered in a workshop-style interactive and
participatory with a variety of cases, role-plays, games, and discussions to provide the
maximum impact and lasting in the memories of participants (employees).
Customer service training program quality (Excellent Customer Service) focuses on
improving the quality and efficiency of employees politeness in serving
customers. Because they are the two most important factors in providing excellent service
to customers. Customer service training program is aimed at quality to all employees
front liner in order to equip employees with knowledge of the various characters
customers and professional aspects of customer service.By understanding each customer's
character and knows how to display the correct image, the employee will be able to
improve the customer a positive assessment of the quality of services the company

Cultural training program services (Service Culture) aims to equip employees that have
the ability to integrate the values and corporate culture with regard to improving the
customer a positive assessment of the quality of corporate services. In this training the
employees are taught how to handle bad situations and how to make improvements
(recovery), so that customers remain loyal and more trusting of our company.
6. Program Goals
These programs are generally developed to facilitate employee Karangsetra Hotel, Spa
and, Cottages Bandung in achieving the best quality in customer service.
Priority target of this training program is an employee Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages
Bandung front (front liner) which is the employees who directly interact with
customers.Employees are directed to follow the customer service training programs and
cultural quality of service
7. Operational Plan
Implementation of Prima service training programs based on the objective conditions of
service quality employees Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung agenda
encapsulated in the operational activities of the training program as a whole include:
a. Training objectives
b. Indicators of achievement
c. Training Materials
d. Training Method
e. Allocation time
f. Place and supporting tools
8. Facility Fittings
Facilities required in the implementation of this training program is as follows.
1) Tool or physical equipment. Equipment needs are: classroom or meeting room
that is used in the implementation of the provision of training materials.
2) Chart or media training. Media used were:
3) Infocus and white screen to display the training materials with more interesting
and not boring.
4) Hand out material will be given training during the training program
implementation progress.
5) Feedback form, which will be used to determine the response of participants to
the training program they had just followed.
6) Brochures or pamphlets to promote a training program for managers, supervisors
and related staff to prepare yourself prior to attending the training program
9. Program Evaluation
Evaluation carried out in order to measure the implementation and success of training
programs.Evaluation of a continuous feedback for all stages of the implementation of
training programs.This evaluation aims to obtain data useful for decision making, both
for the improvement and development of training programs in the future.
Evaluation done regularly begin at the end of the training session and when the employee
returned to their jobs each. The implementation evaluation conducted by the Training

Manager at the end of the training took place and conducted training sessions to obtain
feedback information to the training the trainees they just follow. Evaluation and
continued after the employees returned to their workplaces each. This evaluation
activities carried out by managers and supervisors of each department who send their
employees to participate in this training program.
a. Criteria for Program Success
Training evaluation criteria in Prima Services is the criteria that can be used as a
guide and measure the success of Prima Training Service, which is the opinion of criteria,
criteria for learning, behavioral criteria, and outcome criteria (Mangkunegara, 2003: 69).
a) Criteria Comments
This criterion is based on the opinions of participants on Training Service Prima
Prima Services Training programs that have been made. This can be expressed by using
the feedback form on the implementation of Prima Training Services. What is your
opinion of participants on the material provided, trainers, methods used, and the situation
Prima Training Services.
b) Learning Criteria
Learning criteria can be obtained by using knowledge tests, skill tests that measure
skills, and abilities of participants.
c) Behavior Criteria
Behavioral criteria can be obtained by using the test work skills. The test used to see
the extent to which there are changes in the behavior of the participants before training
and after service Prima Prima Training Services.
d) Criteria Results
Criterion results can be attributed to the results obtained such as participant ability to
serve customers in more positive views of the customer's assessment of the quality of the
employee's performance in serving customers.
b. Follow-up and Program Recommendations
Follow-up done to make repairs and improvement of training programs and planning
training programs for the future with reference to the results of the evaluation had been
done. Given the results of evaluation of training programs will show weaknesses and
strengths, it can take concrete steps required in the form of recommendations to correct
these deficiencies by making changes to the next training program. For example with the
revision and development of training materials in accordance with the objective
conditions of the employee's ability and circumstances of business competition,
reorganization program management, acquisition activities and new facilities, and the
appointment of training providers are more competent.
Based on our research has been done, it can be concluded at the employee's service
quality Karangsetra Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung, which consists of several
dimensions, including tangibles, Empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance,
including the low category. Aspects that have the lowest value is the precision aspect of
employees in customer service, speed and alacrity aspects of employees, physical
facilities aspects of the hotel room, and aspects of the employee's attention while serving

Based on customer assessments of service performance of employees Karangsetra

Hotel, Spa and, Cottages Bandung, service improvement efforts will be focused on
improving the reliability dimension, responsiveness, tangibles, Empathy, and the
assurance of employees in customer service through training programs Prima Services
(Service Excellence Training).
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