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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl FAQ/Walkthrough

Version 0.2 - August 8, 2007

by Matt Johnson - shika at mail dot com
/ Use the shortcut codes to quickly access parts of this document. Hold /
/ the Ctrl key and press F to bring up the Find menu. Type in the code, /
/ then use that to instantly go to that section. If you're looking for /
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0. Table of Contents
0. Table of Contents
1. Legal Info...........................................................[isuyu]
2. Welcome to Sinnoh....................................................[wc2sn]
2a. Thieves Already?....................................................[tukum]
2b. To Sandgem Town.....................................................[2sgtn]
2c. The Journey Begins..................................................[90hzl]
3. The First Badge......................................................[colbj]
3a. A Friendly Fight, Part 1............................................[pwnzr]
3b. Down and Dirty......................................................[29hzs]
3c. Boss: Roark.........................................................[weont]
4. The Second Badge.....................................................[frsbj]
4a. Go! Galactic!.......................................................[prlgx]
4b. The Journey Continues...............................................[trkin]
4c. The Town of Getting Stuff...........................................[frstf]
4d. Boss: Commander Mars................................................[hotty]
4e. To and Through Eterna Forest........................................[triez]
4f. Eterna City - History Living........................................[fnaly]
4g. Boss: Gardenia......................................................[ahoae]
5. The Third Badge......................................................[cblbj]
5a. Team Galactic Eterna Building.......................................[jpter]
5b. Boss: Commander Jupiter.............................................[hoty2]
5c. Cycling Road & Extras...............................................[pstap]
5d. Hearthome City......................................................[egeuh]
5e. A Friendly Fight, Part 2............................................[pwnd2]
5f. To Veilstone City...................................................[stuph]
5g. Veilstone City......................................................[abtym]
5h. Boss: Maylene.......................................................[haaai]
6. The Fourth Badge.....................................................[fenbj]
6a. The Road to Pastoria................................................[pzpoz]
6b. Pastoria City.......................................................[g09n2]
6c. Boss: Crasher Wake..................................................[owooh]
7. The Fifth Badge......................................................[rlcbj]
7a. A Friendly Fight, Part 3............................................[pwnd3]
7b. A Celestic Detour...................................................[glcpn]
7c. Boss: Fantina.......................................................[wawoh]
8. The Sixth Badge......................................................[mynbj]
8a. Fun With HM3........................................................[lolol]

8b. A Friendly Fight, Part 4............................................[pwnd4]

8c. Boss: Byron.........................................................[rorsh]
9. The Seventh Badge....................................................[iskbj]
9a. Iron Island.........................................................[rniln]
9b. Boss: Commander Saturn..............................................[phagh]
9c. Boss: Commander Mars................................................[hoty3]
9d. To Lake Acuity......................................................[fndmn]
9e. Boss: Candice.......................................................[ehhhe]
10. The Eighth Badge....................................................[bcnbj]
10a. Galactic HQ, Part 1................................................[tghq1]
10b. Galactic HQ, Part 2................................................[tghq2]
10c. Boss: Cyrus........................................................[oitsm]
10d. Boss: Commander Saturn.............................................[gaomo]
10e. Mt. Coronet........................................................[abtim]
10f. Boss: Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter.........................[2htez]
10g. Boss: Cyrus........................................................[lawls]
10h. Boss: Dialga or Palkia.............................................[ntrly]
10i. To Sunyshore City..................................................[gofzl]
10j. Boss: Volkner......................................................[hwahw]
11. The Pokemon League..................................................[chkra]
11a. Victory Road.......................................................[dcrbt]
11b. A Friendly Fight, Part 5...........................................[pwnd5]
11c. The Sinnoh Lake Trio...............................................[maxie]
11c. Elite Four - Aaron.................................................[bugsy]
11d. Elite Four - Bertha................................................[agtha]
11e. Elite Four - Flint.................................................[bruno]
11f. Elite Four - Lucian................................................[sbrna]
11g. The Champion.......................................................[zomgz]
12. Postgame Treasures..................................................[w000t]
12a. Pal Park...........................................................[ifrtd]
12b. Unlocked Pokemon...................................................[grcaf]
12c. The Battle Zone....................................................[btlzn]
12d. Battle Park........................................................[oaszs]
12e. Battle Tower.......................................................[dmndd]
12f. A Friendly Rematch.................................................[pwnd6]
13. Ingame Extras.......................................................[slssl]
13a. Global Trade Station...............................................[sgjps]
13b. The Great Marsh....................................................[sfrzn]
13c. Veilstone Game Corner..............................................[wascm]
14. Because Knowledge is Power!.........................................[da411]
14a. Ability List.......................................................[zzhng]
14b. New Moves..........................................................[dpatx]
14c. Hold Items.........................................................[hldtm]
14d. Effort Values......................................................[trngi]
14d1. EV Training 101...................................................[4dmyz]
14e. Poketch Applications...............................................[pkchp]
14f. TM and HM List.....................................................[hndrd]
15. The Sinnoh Underground..............................................[xplor]
16. Pokemon Super Contests..............................................[spcts]
16a. Super Contest Accessories..........................................[lklit]
17. The Poke Radar......................................................[shnfd]

17a. "The Shiny Trick"..................................................[rlrfk]

18. Other Elusive Pokemon...............................................[htsgb]
18a. GBA Slot Pokemon...................................................[rsefl]
18b. Honey Tree Pokemon.................................................[wt9hr]
18c. Swarming Pokemon...................................................[dnkst]
18d. Old Pokemon, New Evolutions........................................[zolkj]
18e. New Pokemon, Odd Evolutions........................................[yreio]
18f. Sinnoh Pokedex Location Guide......................................[2gnpd]
19. The FAQ.............................................................[h2pla]
20. Version History.....................................................[wtidd]
21. Acknowledgements....................................................[thx2u]
1. Legal Info


Welcome! This document is copyright (c) 2007 by Matt Johnson, alias "dmon2" and
"Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson." However, all trademarks and copyrights found in
this document are owned by their respective copyright and trademark holders. No
infringement of copyright is intended. This document may be printed, in part or
in whole, for personal use ONLY. You may not take any part of this document and
display it anywhere without written consent from me, in the form of an e-mail.
My e-mail address is at the top and bottom of this document. The following
sites has my permission to post this walkthrough:


Check GameFAQs for the most recent updates. Also, if you e-mail me, it's
important that you let me know what game you need help with. Since I also have
walkthroughs for other games, please specify which game you need help with.
If you don't want to e-mail me, you can always find me on PokeBeach Forums:
Sign up, it's free.
Let's get started.
2. Welcome to Sinnoh


---------* Steal your first Pokemon.
* Complete your first mission.
* Learn to catch a Pokemon.
Watch the introduction if you want. If this is your very first time playing, or
if you deleted all the save data, you will be greeted by the top screen, which
is revealed to be a man named Rowan, called a Pokemon Professor. If this is
indeed your first time playing a Pokemon game, this Rowan guy will explain
button controls and what your goals are throughout the game. Once you've had

enough of his explanations, or if you don't need them, choose "No Info Needed."
Prof. Rowan will speak a little more, and then show you a Poke Ball on the
Touch Screen. Touch the button to release a Munchlax.
Rowan will tell you a little more about Pokemon and about himself, and then
asks you to first choose your gender, and then your name. After that, he'll ask
you to name your friend, who has no real name. I named my friend Damien.
After this and a few more words, your adventure truly begins.
Your adventure starts with a TV show, about an exploration team trying to find
an elusive red Gyarados. Press A on this screen to be taken to the main screen.
Welcome to Twinleaf Town!
The first thing you're going to want to do is save so you don't have to do this
all over again. Do this by pressing the X button to open the menu, then going
to the Save option. Opt to save, and you will save "a lot of data." Excluding
right now, this will only happen after examining your Pokemon Boxes at a PC.
Open the menu again and look at all your stuff. Your bag's contents are shown
on the top screen. You can press buttons on the Touch Screen to jump to
different pockets in your bag.
The next option is your name... your Trainer Card. On the Touch Screen you will
find pictures of Sinnoh's eight Gym Leaders, with a button at the bottom.
Pressing this button will open your Badge case, which right now is completely
In the Options sub menu, you can change the rate at which text appears. Turning
your Battle Scene off means that attacks, items, and Pokemon will not have
animations during battle. Turning the Battle Style to Set means you will not be
given a chance to switch out when you faint an opponent's Pokemon. Turning the
sound to Mono means you will hear the game's music blended together rather than
hearing it out of each speaker. Changing the button mode is all a matter of
preference. "Start = X" means you will be able to open the menu by pressing
Start as well as X, and "L = A" means you can substitute the A button for the L
button. And finally, you have 20 frames to choose from for the displaying of
text. An example is given at the bottom of the top screen.
Don't forget to save your changes by choosing Confirm at the very bottom.
Walk downstairs and you will be interrupted by your mother, who claims your
friend was looking for you. She doesn't give you any other information, so head
outside. Oh wait. Your mom stops you before you step out and warns you not to
go into the tall grass because you have no Pokemon to defend yourself with.
Sage advice. Get out now.
You can explore Twinleaf Town a bit if you'd like. Your destination is the
northwest house. Step in front of the door and a young man will come dashing
out of it. He's in a rush to get to "the lake," and wants you to follow him. As
he leaves, he stops and remembers that he forgot something, and heads back into
his house. Follow him inside and head upstairs.
As soon as your friend lays eyes on you, he takes off without so much as a
hello. Leave his house. Head north out of Twinleaf Town to Route 201.

2a. Thieves Already?



As soon as you enter the route, your friend spots you. The reason he's going to
the lake is because he believes that there is a strange Pokemon like the red
Gyarados living there.
You have control now. You can't step into the tall grass, so follow the path
west to Lake Verity.
The two of you will eavesdrop on an old man - called the Professor - and a
young girl, whom the man calls Dawn. A note: If you're playing as a girl, the
girl here will instead be a boy named Lucas. This walkthrough is written as if
the person with this man is Dawn. On a side note, it's also worthy of note that
this walkthrough is written for Diamond. Pearl players may notice small
differences throughout the game, but the overall play is the same.
The two of them then leave the lake. Your friend spots a briefcase in the
distance, and wonders what to do with it. He notes that the girl said
"professor," but before you can say Alakazam, the two of you are jumped by wild
Your friend opens the briefcase and finds that there are Poke Balls inside. He
then decides that you two will use these Pokemon to fend off the wild Pokemon
attacking you.
Choose whichever you like. You'll end up keeping whatever one you choose, so
choose wisely. You'll be thrust into battle after you make a decision.
Battling is done using the Touch Screen. You can also activate button mode by
pressing A, but it's far easier to use the stylus, and I'll be assuming you'll
be using the stylus to battle.
Right now, the only thing we can do is Fight. Tap the big Fight button and you
will be taken to your Pokemon's moves. Pick whichever one hurts the enemy and
tap it. The wild Starly will do a move, oh no. Repeat this process until Starly
dies. I mean faints.
After the battle, your friend comments on how your Pokemon was cool, but his
(which just so happens to have a type advantage against yours) was way tougher.
He then realizes that you guys kinda stole this other dude's Pokemon and
wonders what to do, when Dawn comes back and finds the briefcase that the
Professor left. Dawn is shocked to find that you two used the Pokemon inside
the briefcase, and confiscates it along with the remaining Pokemon. The two of
you are left wondering, and your friend decides to get out of there before
something else happens.
You'll shortly gain control again.
stopped by Dawn and the Professor.
leaves, and Dawn follows suit, but
lab. First things first; it's time

On your way back to Twinleaf Town, you'll be

The Professor takes one look at you two and
not before suggesting that you visit the
to head back home for a rest.

Your mom thinks that the Professor you must have mentioned to her is Professor
Rowan of Sandgem Town. You'll be told to visit Sandgem Town to explain to
Professor Rowan why you stole his Pokemon. But before you go, you will receive
what is arguably the coolest item in the game - the Running Shoes.
You can now hold B to run! Head north out of Twinleaf Town.

2b. To Sandgem Town



| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Starly
(all day) |

You'll notice you now have three new battle

commands; Bag, Run, or Pokemon. Choosing the Bag
option lets you use items, which are further
divided into categories based on item type. If
you choose Run, you will try to run from your
battle. You can never run from a battle against
another person. Choosing the Pokemon option will
let you switch your Pokemon for another one. Right now, all you can do is
continue to beat on wild Pokemon and level up.
When you pass the Trainer Tips sign, head up into the grass and speak with a
person who will give you a free Potion. Head to the right, and you will enter
Sandgem Town.
| Poke Ball.........$200 |
| Potion............$300 |
| Antidote..........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal.......$200 |

Upon entering, Dawn stops you and pleads you come

with her. She takes you to the lab and invites you
inside, but your friend comes rushing out the door
and runs into you again. He says a few words and
takes off... no surprises there.

The two of you will finally make it inside the

lab, where the Professor not only forgives you for
stealing his Pokemon, but gives it to you as a
gift! You'll now have the opportunity to give him a nickname if you wish.
A side note: PokeMarts will get new items in stock as you get new Badges. If
you need an item, check the local PokeMart to see if they have it. You might be
After Dawn delivers something of a veiled threat, the Professor reveals that he
is indeed Prof. Rowan, and he's got a favor to ask. He wants you to record all
the data on all the Pokemon in Sinnoh, and to help you do that, he's giving you
a free Pokedex.
You still don't have complete freedom yet. Leave the lab and Dawn will walk you
around Sandgem Town, explaining where things are. After that, she suggests you
tell someone that you're going to be going far away, and who's the only person
who cares about us in this game? That's right, good ol' Mom. Dawn also suggests
you heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, an idea I suggest you take her up
Before you leave, head south onto Route 219 and pick up the Antidote. You can
get it later, but it's probably more valuable to you now.
Head back home and speak to your mom, and you'll take a rest. She'll then
understand what you're going to do, and she'll give you a Journal for your
journey. What this does is record things you do on your adventure. If you ever
forget what you've done, consult the Journal. If you also leave the game off
for 24 hours, you will be reminded of recent actions via the Journal when you
start the game.
Your friend's mom walks in after this and asks if your friend is around, and
finding he isn't, gives you a Parcel to take to him.
You're free now. Head back to Sandgem Town and leave through the north exit.

2c. The Journey Begins

| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Shinx
(all day) |
| Starly
(all day) |
| Kricketot (morning/night) |

You'll find Dawn just out of the route. She'll
take you into the grass and show you how to
catch a Pokemon. After that, she will give you 5
Poke Balls so you can get your own Pokemon.
Head a little further and you'll start running
into Trainers who want fights. Trainers' Pokemon
are a little tougher, but they give more EXP.

/ Keep in mind that Shinx that don't have Intimidate have the Rivalry /
/ ability, which increases their Attack if their gender matches your /
/ Pokemon's gender.
Youngster Tristan
Starly L5
Money: 80

Lass Natalie
Bidoof L3 (x2)
Money: 48

Youngster Logan
Shinx L5
Money: 80

If you continue west from Logan, you will find a

Potion. Head north to find Jubilife City.

3. The First Badge



Get the Poketch.

Get the Old Rod.
Have your first duel against your friend.
Earn your first Badge.

Once you step into the city, you are once again stopped by Dawn. This time she
suggests you check out the Trainer's School, and lets you know that your friend
went there before leaving. The Trainer's School is just above you and to the
left, next to the Pokemon Center.
Your friend's in the back of the room by the chalkboard. Talk to him and you
will successfully deliver the Parcel. Your friend opens it and finds two Town
Maps. Only needing one, he gives the other one to you. He decides to go to
Oreburgh City to take on the first Gym and speeds off. Before you leave, talk
to the people to the right. They'll each challenge you to a battle.
School Kid Harrison
Abra L6
Money: 120

School Kid Christine

Abra L6
Money: 120

After defeating both of them, you will be rewarded with TM10, Hidden Power.
This move does damage and has a random type. The only way to find its type is
to hit things with it and eliminate types until one remains.
If you try to go north, you'll be stopped by a man who is amazed that you don't
have a Poketch. He then tells you that there's a promotional campaign going on,
and if you find three clowns in Jubilife City, he'll give you one.

To find the first clown, follow the street north and head west at the
intersection. He's standing in front of a building you'll see the sign for just
as you turn. He'll ask you a question, to which you should answer yes. He'll
give you Coupon 3 for the Poketch.
The second clown is above the Pokemon Center. Go right to the intersection,
then down and right to find the clown. Answer his question with a yes to
receive Coupon 1 for the Poketch.
The third clown is west of the first clown. Head back up to the intersection
and go left until you see him. Answer his question "yes" and he'll give you
Coupon 2 for the Poketch.
Take the coupons back to the man between the Pokemon Center and the Trainer's
School and he'll reward you with a Poketch of your very own.
*** The Poketch ***
The Pokemon Watch, or Poketch for short, is a multi-functional device that is
shown on the Touch Screen. It has many, many applications (apps for short),
only four of which you have now.
1. Digital Watch - Displays the time. Change this by changing your DS's clock.
It only displays 24 hour time.
2. Calculator - A calculator for basic mathematical functions.
3. Pedometer - A counter that keeps track of every step you take. Clear it by
pressing the "C" button.
4. Pokemon List - Displays your current party. Touch them to hear their cry.
You can see their HP here.
*** Jubilife City ***
| Air Mail............$50 |
| Heal Ball..........$300 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |

You can now visit the PokeMart in this town. Shop

listing is seen to the left.
Above the PokeMart is the Jubilife Condominiums.
Enter here and speak to the lady next to the two
Pokemon to receive a Quick Claw, a hold item that
may let your Pokemon go first when it shouldn't.

Leave and head left. Talk to the person standing

by the fountain and you will be asked to join a
group, which is code for make your own group. Give
your group a name and that's all for this person.
Leave the city via the west exit. Talk to the man on the left inside the house
and agree with him to get the Old Rod.
*** How do you fish? ***
Use the rod. If a ! appears over your head, press A.
*** Jubilife City ***
Heal your Pokemon and save your game now if you haven't already. Leave the city
via the east exit by going straight ahead to be stopped by your friend.

3a. A Friendly Fight, Part 1


Your friend wants to see how much tougher you got.

My Team

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

| Lvl |
Bidoof | 5 |
Shinx | 6 |
Piplup | 9 |

| Chimchar
Starly L7 |
Starly L7 |
Starly L7 |
Piplup L9 |
Turtwig L9 | Chimchar L9 |

Money: 900
There's not really much strategy here. Whack until dead, heal when necessary.
Go back and heal when you are finished. Head back out to Route 203 when ready.
3b. Down and Dirty


| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Shinx
(all day) |
| Starly
(all day) |
| Abra
(all day) |
| Kricketot (morning/night) |
| Zubat
(night) |

First Trainer is next to the grass.

Youngster Dallas
Kricketot L7
Money: 112

Lass Kaitlin
Bidoof L4; Starly L4; Budew L4
Money: 64

Youngster Sebastian
Machop, L7
Money: 112

Lass Madeline
Starly L5; Bidoof L5
Money: 80

Youngster Michael
Bidoof L5; Zubat L5
Money: 80
To the right of him is a Poke Ball. Take it and
move on.

West of Madeline is a Repel. Head right into the cave when you're ready.
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Zubat
(all day) |

Speak to the man at the entrance to receive

HM6, Rock Smash. You can't use this outside
of battle yet, but you'll need it later. The
Geodude in this cave can learn it, as can
Bidoof. Continue on to find two Trainers.

Camper Curtis
Shinx L7
Money: 112

Picnicker Diana
Budew L5; Psyduck L5
Money: 80

Oreburgh City is right outside.

*** Oreburgh City ***

Upon entering, you'll be taken to the Gym so others don't look down on you like
a total noob.
But your friend's standing in front of it... he says the Gym Leader's gone to
Oreburgh Mine, which means nothing to him since your friend already owned him.
You're free to do as you please now. Before we head to Oreburgh Mine, there's
some things to do. The PokeMart is right above the Gym, so check it out if you
| Tunnel Mail.........$50 |
| Heal Ball..........$300 |
| Net Ball..........$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |

Head back to the entrance of the city. Enter the

first building and go to the second floor. Speak
to the woman near the stairs to receive a free
Dusk Ball.
Inside the second house is a girl who is willing
to trade her Abra for your Machop. On the second
floor of this house is a man who wants to see a
Zubat. If you carry one in your party and speak to
him, he gives you a Heal Ball.

Inside the Pokemon Center, found east of the Gym,

talk to the person near the exit. You'll be asked
what kind of Trainer you'd like to be. Make a choice, and then head downstairs.
You'll get the Pal Pad to record friend codes for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
(WFC). If you speak to the woman directly left of her, you will be able to
register your own friend code so you can give it to friends.
Leaving there, head up and to the right, then all the way down. Enter the house
here and go to the second floor. Talk to the person at the table and you'll get
a free Great Ball. After this head south of the Pokemon Center and enter the
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Onix
(all day) |
| Zubat
(all day) |

To the right of the entrance is an X Defend.

Continue south into the heart of the mine.
Follow the path and then head right at the
fork. The rightmost guy will battle you.
Worker Mason
Machop L9
Money: 360

Worker Colin
Geodude L9; Onix L7
Money: 280

Below Mason is a Potion. Follow

the path all the way to the end
to find an Escape Rope. Colin, the man next to you, will battle you, shown
above. After battling him, head right and speak to the man in the red hat. This
is Roark, leader of the Oreburgh City Gym. He will demonstrate using Rock Smash
out of battle, and then leave to go back to the city. You have nothing else to
do here, so leave, heal, and enter the Gym.
3c. Boss: Roark


The path to Roark is short. So short, in fact, you can skip both of the Gym
Trainers. Since that would be a waste of valuable experience, decimate them
before moving on.
Youngster Jonathon

Youngster Darius

Geodude L10
Money: 160

Geodude L8; Onix L8

Money: 128

Save before challenging Roark.

My Team

Roark's Team

| Lvl |
Shinx | 10 |
Piplup | 11 |
Bidoof | 12 |

| Lvl |
Geodude | 12 |
Onix | 12 |
| Cranidos | 14 |

Money: 1680

Roark's special technique is

called Stealth Rock, and it'll
probably be his first attack.
After using it, any Pokemon
you switch into will take a
little damage. Geodude and
Onix are both double weak to
both Water as well as Grass,
so if your Piplup and Turtwig are both decently leveled, you shouldn't have
much trouble taking them down. If you picked Chimchar, you're kinda out of luck
there. It evolves at L14, and learns the Fighting-type Mach Punch, which can
help against Roark's rocks.
Be wary of Onix's Screech attack. It sharply lowers Defense, which Roark's
Pokemon can very easily take advantage of.
Cranidos is pure Rock in type, and has the Mold Breaker ability, which means
its moves aren't affected by your abilities. At this stage of the game, that
means diddly squat, so no worries. Cranidos is wicked strong, so be careful.
Headbutt will do big damage against your more frail monsters.
Roark also has two Potions at his disposal which he will use to heal his
Pokemon, so keep that in mind. Defeating Roark will earn you the Coal Badge,
the right to use Rock Smash out of battle, and TM76, Stealth Rock.
4. The Second Badge



Meet Team Galactic.

Get two new Poketch apps.
Get the Fashion Case.
Meet a Team Galactic Commander and defeat her.
Learn about wild double battles.
Get the Explorer Kit.
Earn your second Badge.

It doesn't look like much, but it's a long way from here to the second Badge.
Attempt to leave Oreburgh City via the west exit and your friend stops you
again. He's headed to Eterna City for the second Badge. You need to head back
to Jubilife City, but don't just dash there; now that you can play with Rock
Smash, there's an item to be had.
*** Oreburgh Gate ***
Inside Oreburgh Gate, go north at the fork and smash the rocks. Head down the
stairs. (Note that you can find wild Psyduck only in this room in this cave.)
Smash another rock at the bottom of these stairs, and the one next to it to
find TM70, Flash. This now-actually-useful move lowers the opponent's accuracy.

Head left and smash the three rocks in your way to find a Stardust. You can't
go any further, so go back to the main path and leave the cave due west.
*** Jubilife City ***
Before you progress, go to the Poketch Company and speak to the president (he's
next to the counter). He'll give you the Memo Pad app for the Poketch. It's...
well, it's a memo pad. As long as it's the active application, you can write
stuff using the stylus and erase it by using the eraser or changing apps.
4a. Go! Galactic!


If you try to leave Jubilife City, you will be stopped by Prof. Rowan, who,
along with Dawn, are being harrassed by two weird dudes. Dawn won't stand for
it, and teams up with you to take out the trash in a 2-on-2 battle.
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Zubat L9; Wurmple L9
Money: 720

Dawn's Pokemon is the one that you and

your friend didn't pick. For example,
if you chose Piplup, your friend will
take Turtwig, and Dawn will get stuck
with Chimchar. This is your first Double Battle, so I'll explain a few new
things. Some moves, like Turtwig's Razor Leaf or Piplup's Bubble, hit both
foes. Damage is halved because of this. When you select a move to do, all
available targets will have a purple border. When you pick an attack that hits
both foes, or you and your partner, or everyone, their names will be connected
in purple. Keep this in mind when you fight.
With all that said, this battle couldn't be easier. Focus your attacks on Zubat
and you'll be done in no time. Afterward, everyone takes off and a fat guy
walks up to you and presents you with the Fashion Case. Inside the Fashion Case
are Accessories for dressing up your Pokemon. It's currently completely useless
right now, but it'll get filled up over the course of the game.
You now have access to Jubilife TV, the building to your left. Go ahead and
enter. Random people will be in the upper left corner asking for a battle, and
this changes every day. You can fight them if you wish, but they've got
wickedly strong Pokemon compared to the losers you've been fighting so far.
Here's everyone I've encountered:
Reporter Kinsey
Chatot L17
Money: 680

Idol Grace
Pikachu L15; Clefairy L15
Money: 1080

Clown Lee
Mr. Mime L17
Money: 408

Guitarist Arturo
Zubat L16 (x2)
Money: 384

Poke Kid Ariel

Pikachu L15 (x2)
Money: 120

Interviewers Roxy & Oli

Wooper L17; Marill L17
Money: 2448

Cameraman Tevin
Pachirisu L17
Money: 544

After the battle, head to the 2nd floor, talk to the

guy in the hall and he'll give you an accessory for the
Fashion Case, a mask that matches your starter. On the
third floor is where you can check records of battles,
trades, stuff like that. You can also get interviewed by talking to the guy at
the bottom. Tell him "EVERYONE HAPPY" and then "WI-FI CONNECTION" to unlock
Mystery Gift. This doesn't do anything right now, but may at some later date.
Don't forget to take a Loto Ticket by talking to the lady at the counter. By
doing this she will examine the OT numbers of all Pokemon you own. If any
numbers match, starting with the far right digit, you win a prize. Try to get

at least one Pokemon from people whose OT ends in a number 0-9. That way, when
you come draw a Loto Ticket, you always win! Granted, it's only a backdrop for
your Fashion Case, but you still always win. Plus, gathering ID numbers
increases your chances for winning better prizes.
We're done here. There's one more place you can visit before we progress, and
that's the Global Trade Station. You can't really make good use of it right
now, so I suggest coming back later. For a more in-depth look, see section 13a.
Head north out of Jubilife City.
4b. The Journey Continues


o---------------------------o The second you leave the city, go around the

| ROUTE 204 POKEMON LISTING | fence and water to find a Parlyz Heal. Back on
o---------------------------o the main route, Trainers galore.
| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Shinx
(all day) |
Lass Sarah
Youngster Tyler
| Kricketot (morning/night) |
Bidoof L7
Magikarp L5; Starly L5
| Budew
(all day) |
Money: 112
Money: 80
| Starly
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |
Lass Samantha
Budew L7
Money: 112
| RAVAGED PATH POKEMON LISTING | Inside this cave is an Antidote. Smash the
o------------------------------o rock to the left and pick up the item ball
| Zubat
(all day) | which contains TM39, Rock Tomb. This is a
| Psyduck
(all day) | Rock-type attack that lowers the foe's Speed.
| Geodude
(all day) | Head right and smash another rock to open up
o------------------------------o a path. You'll re-emerge on Route 204.
Continue onward.
Aroma Lady Taylor
Budew L7; Cherubi L7
Next to Taylor is an Awakening.
Money: 224
If you head left of the
Bug Catcher Brandon
Twins Liv & Liz
two girls, you can find
Kricketot L7; Wurmple L7
Pachirisu L9 (x2)
TM09, Bullet Seed. It's
Money: 112
Money: 288
a Grass-type move that
hits 2 to 5 times.
4c. The Town of Getting Stuff


You'll eventually come across Floaroma Town, a town I like to call the Town of
Getting Stuff. Why? Because that's what you do here. You get stuff. To begin
your stuff-getting, enter the house above the Pokemon Center. Speak to the girl
next to the Pokemon and tell her yes to receive TM88, Pluck. This is a Flyingtype move that attacks the enemy for damage. If the foe is holding a Berry,
Pluck will steal it and give its effects to the user. Pretty nifty.
To the right of this house is an Oran Berry and a Cheri Berry, yours for the
picking. Oran Berries restore 10 HP. Cheri Berries cure paralysis. Both can be
held by a Pokemon. Oran Berries activate when the holder's HP get low; Cheri
Berries obviously activate when you get paralyzed.
If you enter the shop here and speak to the girl on the left, you will receive

the Sprayduck, a key item. Use this to water the Berries you plant.
Talk to the girl to the right with brown hair and get a free Berry. You can do
this once every day. The girl at the counter will exchange Fashion Case
Accessories for Berries, but the prices are incredibly ridiculous. The shop is
a total rip. If you ever want to get scammed out of your Berries, come on
| Bloom Mail..........$50 |
| Heal Ball..........$300 |
| Net Ball..........$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Burn Heal..........$250 |
| Ice Heal...........$250 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Repel..............$350 |

The PokeMart is south of the scam house.

We're done getting stuff, so head east to Route
205. Pick the Chesto Berry and the Pecha Berry and
continue east. You'll be asked by a little girl to
save her dad from the Valley Windworks. Since the
majority of Route 205 is being blocked for the
time being, you have no choice but to continue to
Valley Windworks.

Go all the
way to the
right and
pick up the | Buizel
(all day) |
Potion. Talk | Shellos
(all day) |
to the guy
| Pachirisu
(all day) |
in front of | Bidoof
(all day) |
the door for o----------------------------------o
a fight.
Galactic Grunt
After the battle, he will lock himself in the
Glameow L11
building, but not before - like an idiot Money: 440
revealing that his friends in Floaroma Town have
the key to get inside. Cool. Head back to Floaroma
Town and head to the upper left corner. See the gap in the trees? Before, there
were two guys from Team Galactic blocking the way, but they're gone now. Enter
Floaroma Meadow via the gap.
*** Floaroma Meadow ***
Head north to see two grunts harrassing some dude for honey, of all things...
they see you, and to ensure you stay quiet, they challenge you to a battle, one
on one.
Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L9; Silcoon L9
Money: 360

Galactic Grunt
Zubat L11
Money: 440

After stomping them, they run away, conveniently leaving behind the Works Key.
The guy gives it to you since he doesn't need it. He also gives you some of the
Honey the grunts were trying to steal. Honey does two things. One, if you use
it in tall grass from your pack, you'll fight a wild Pokemon. The second use
you can see if you head to the right. See the gross-looking yellow tree? If you
examine the tree from the front you'll get the option to slather the Honey on
it. Come back later (the eight or nine hours kind of later) and you might get a
Pokemon to pop out. Some Pokemon can only be found in this way, so be sure you
check often.
You can buy Honey from that guy from now on for 100 money each.
Before heading back to Valley Windworks, bring a few Antidotes.
*** Valley Windworks ***

Now that you have the key, you can get inside. This is a really short dungeon.
Two fights and you're done. Start by going left and up. Then right to the end.
Galactic Grunt
Cascoon L11
Money: 440

Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L10; Glameow L10
Money: 400

After those two battles, you meet one of Team Galactic's Commanders, a hottie
named Mars.
4d. Boss: Commander Mars


My Team

Mars's Team

| Lvl |
Piplup | 14 |
Luxio | 15 |
Bibarel | 15 |

| Lvl |
Zubat | 14 |
Purugly | 16 |

Money: 1280

Unfortunately for you, Mars

wants to fight. She only has
two Pokemon, but they're tough
as nails and won't be defeated
easily. Here's something you
never would have guessed:
Mars's Zubat knows Toxic, a
move that will steadily eat your Pokemon's HP away
between turns, gradually increasing each turn. If you get hit with this, use an
Antidote immediately.
Purugly is Glameow's evolved form and knows Feint Attack, a Dark-type physical
attack that never misses. There's not a whole lot to say about it...
After the battle, Mars and her cohorts take off. Route 205 is also available to
explore, so heal your Pokemon, stock up if you need to (don't forget Honey),
and go to Route 205.
Side note: You can now find Drifloon standing at the entrance to Valley
Windworks on Fridays. You get one chance every Friday to catch it. You can
trick your game into thinking it's Friday by changing your DS's date, but you
will be unable to do any time-based events until a day after the last day you
cheated to. I suggest against doing it completely.
4e. To and Through Eterna Forest
| Buizel
(all day) |
| Shellos
(all day) |
| Pachirisu
(all day) |
| Bidoof
(all day) |

We need to first pass through Eterna Forest

before getting to Eterna City and the second
Badge. Head up and stomp on this little camper.
Camper Jacob
Ponyta L14
Money: 224

Hiker Daniel
Geodude L11 (x2); Machop L11; Bidoof L11
Money: 352
Aroma Lady Elizabeth
Budew L14


Then take care of the fatty

north of him.
Next to him is an X Attack.
Moving on, first head right.
Attack the ladies.

Picnicker Siena
Shinx L12; Pachirisu L12

Money: 448

Money: 192

Pick the Oran Berry, Pecha Berry (a berry that cures poisoning), and the Poke
Ball to the left of them and head back to the fork. Go north this time.
Camper Zackary
Geodude L14
Money: 224

Hiker Nicholas
Onix L14
Money: 448

Battle Girl Kelsey

Machop L15
Money: 240

Next to the lady is a Repel. Keep going...

Picnicker Karina
Piplup L14
Money: 224

Head to the right and down the stairs to find

a Super Potion. You can choose to rest inside
the house. Eterna Forest lies ahead.

| Murkrow
(night) |
| Silcoon
(all day) |
| Budew
(all day) |
| Wurmple
(all day) |
| Beautifly
(all day) |
| Buneary
(all day) |
First pick up the Antidote to
your left. There's a battle to
the northeast. Doubles, of course.

Pearl players will find Misdreavus instead

of Murkrow, Cascoon instead of Silcoon, and
Dustox instead of Beautifly. The times are
still the same.
Upon entering the forest, you meet a woman
named Cheryl. She is afraid of Team Galactic
and joins your party as long as you're in
Eterna Forest. An added bonus of having
Cheryl as a party member is that she will
completely cure your entire team after each
and every battle. Sweet!

Bug Catcher Jack and Lass Briana

Wurmple L9; Beautifly L13; Pachirisu L14; Silcoon L11
Money: 432
Continue past the pair for a Parlyz Heal and another battle.
Psychic Lindsey and Psychic Elijah
Abra L15 (x2)
Money: 960
Pick up the Great Ball to the south and move eastward.
Bug Catcher Phillip and Bug Catcher Donald
Wurmple L9; Burmy L12; Kricketune L12; Dustox L13; Cascoon L11
Money: 400
To the right is a somewhat hidden Potion. Continue north.
Psychic Kody and Psychic Rachael
Meditite L15; Psyduck L15
Money: 960
Follow the path. Hidden in the grass on the left side just past the psychics is
some Honey. Collect it and continue to the exit. Cheryl will thank you and
leave your party. Follow her out and you'll be back on Route 205. Follow the
path across the bridge. Stomp any fishermen unlucky enough to challenge you.
Fisherman Joseph
Goldeen L14
Money: 448

Fisherman Andrew
Magikarp L10 (x6)
Money: 320

Fisherman Zachary
Magikarp L10 (x2); Goldeen L13
Money: 320

Head north and pick the two Cheri Berries and two Oran Berries. Slather some
Honey if you like, then go south and pick up the Potion. Eterna City is a few
steps away.
4f. Eterna City - History Living


It's about time. After drudging through forest and dealing with countless
Trainers, we've finally, FINALLY arrived in Eterna City, and we're not even
ready to tackle the Gym yet. There's lots to do.
For starters, go in the Pokemon Center. Talk to the girl in front and she will
give you the Friendship Checker Poketch app. It identifies the Pokemon that
like you. To use it, hold the stylus on a Pokemon. More hearts = more happies.
Enter the house next to the Pokemon Center and talk to the old guy. This is
Underground Man, and he gives you the Explorer Kit for free.
*** The Explorer Kit Tutorial ***
This is an item that allows you to explore the Sinnoh Underground. If you use
it anywhere outside, you will go to the Sinnoh Underground. Do so and you'll
meet Roark, who you thrashed earlier. He'll say a few words and then leave. You
have nothing to do, so leave by opening the Underground menu and choosing "Go
Up." Return to Underground Man and he'll give you three traps - Move Trap Up,
Bubble Trap, and Leaf Trap. Each of these are to be placed wherever you like in
the Underground, and other people step on them and you laugh because they
stepped on your trap. You can't see other people's traps, but you can see your
own. This entire area is DS Wireless Communications compatible, so you and your
friends can run around together if you're close by.
Now that Underground Man gave you a second mission, find one of the yellow
spots on the top screen radar and go to it. Paths are white. Once you reach it,
face the wall and press A to enter the digging screen. You can use the hammer
and pickax to dig for treasure and Spheres. You are told how many items are in
the wall when you enter the screen, so your goal is to unearth that many items
before the wall breaks. The pickax puts less strain on the wall than the
hammer. Once you've unearthed something successfully, return to Underground
Man. You will receive Prism Sphere 1, Red Sphere 1, and Blue Sphere 1 as a
Your next mission is pretty easy. Head into the Underground and bury a Sphere.
Do this by choosing Spheres from the Underground menu and then choosing "Bury."
Return to Underground Man and he will give you the Digger Drill as a reward.
For your next assignment, you are to use the Digger Drill to create a Secret
Base. Do this by going Underground, face a wall, and use the Digger Drill from
your Traps menu. Return to Underground Man to get a Plain Table, Wooden Table,
Small Bookshelf, and a Buneary Doll as a reward.
Your final task is to decorate your Secret Base. Head there and put something
down by going to the PC and choosing it from there. Report back to Underground
Man and you'll get a doll of your starter for your base.
Underground Man will tell you that if you want to move the boulders in your
Secret Base, you will need to steal your friend's flag by entering his Secret
Base and taking it via his PC.

The Sinnoh Underground is explained in detail in section 15.

That's all for this little section. BACK TO ADVENTURE!
*** Eterna City ***
Go north of the Pokemon Center and you'll get stopped by a woman named Cynthia.
She'll chat with you for a bit and then give you HM1, Cut. This Normal-type
move inflicts damage on the foe and can cut small trees out of battle. She'll
babble a bit more and then leave.
| Heal Powder...........$450 |
| EnergyPowder..........$500 |
| Energy Root...........$800 |
| Revival Herb.........$2800 |

To the east of this scene is this scam of a

store, filled with items that will make your
Pokemon completely hate you. It is cheap and
effective, but your Pokemon will start to hate
you after just the first use. Stupid. Stay
away from here. I point this shop out for the
sake of completion only.

If you head right, past this house, you'll

find a large statue. If you examine the space in back of it, you'll find the
Draco Plate. Go back to the Pokemon Center. Just south of it is Rad Rickshaw's
Cycle Shop! Unfortunately for you, the manager is gone to the Team Galactic
building at the north end of the city (where you got Cut). That's conveniently
being blocked by things you can't get rid of until you earn another Badge.
Nice. So, check out the PokeMart nearby.
| Air Mail..........$50 |
| Heal Ball........$300 |
| Net Ball........$1000 |
| Nest Ball.......$1000 |
| Poke Ball........$200 |
| Potion...........$300 |
| Super Potion.....$700 |
| Antidote.........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal......$200 |
| Awakening........$250 |
| Burn Heal........$250 |
| Ice Heal.........$250 |
| Escape Rope......$550 |
| Repel............$350 |

Eterna Condominiums are next door. Right at the

entrance is the Name Rater, who will let you change
the nicknames of your own Pokemon. And by that, I
mean Pokemon whose OT No. is your Trainer ID.
Right above him is a kid who will trade you his
Chatot for a Buizel.
Head to the second floor and speak to the old lady
to receive TM67, Recycle. This move will bring back
a used held item in battle. Leave this place now.
South is the Gym. But before you enter, cut through
the trees and pick up the Super Potion.

4g. Boss: Gardenia


You can't actually challenge Gardenia, the Gym Leader, until you seek out and
destroy her underlings first. The first one is near the back. Go all the way to
the back, turn left, and go down to find her.
Oh, and you need to fight the Trainers IN ORDER, so follow my directions
exactly or you'll just end up confused.
Lass Caroline
Cherubi L15; Roselia L15

Money: 240
To get to the second Trainer, head left and then all the way down from
Aroma Lady Jenna
Budew L14; Budew L13; Budew L15
Money: 480
The third Trainer is near the entrance, behind three small trees.
Aroma Lady Angela
Turtwig L17
Money: 544
The last Trainer is up at the top. Go down to the entrance, to the right, and
all the way up. She's standing next to the four flowers.
Beauty Lindsay
Roselia L17
Money: 952
Only one opponent left, and she's standing in the back of the room. Heal and
save, then speak to the chick with the brown hair.
My Team

Gardenia's Team

| Lvl |
Luxio | 20 |
Murkrow | 21 |
| Prinplup | 22 |

| Lvl |
Cherubi | 19 |
Turtwig | 19 |
| Roserade | 22 |

Money: 2640

If you have any sort of attack

that has any sort of power and
can hit for weakness, you're
in for a treat. I wasted this
lady so bad, she did not get
to launch a single attack. So,
for the sake of this guide, I
started over and messed around
just to see what kind of stuff she'd do to me. Gardenia's special technique is
Grass Knot, a Grass-type move of varying strength that does more damage to
heavy Pokemon. Each of her Pokemon know this move. Cherubi also knows
Safeguard, a move that will prevent status effects from being inflicted for
five turns.
Those who chose Piplup will remember that Turtwig knows Withdraw, an attack
that will improve its already impressive Defense stat. Not only that, Turtwig
knows Reflect, which is borderline mean. With that, physical attacks are as
nothing to Turtwig. A tough Pokemon to be sure.
Roserade knows Stun Spore, which paralyzes your Pokemon, and Poison Sting,
which has a high chance of poisoning your Pokemon. Nice. Combined with Grass
Knot and Magical Leaf, a Grass-type move that never misses, plus a held Sitrus
Berry that restores 25% of the holder's maximum HP when her HP get low,
Roserade can give you trouble if not dealt with quickly. Luckily, Roserade's
defenses aren't the greatest. Like I said, I one-shotted all of her Pokemon.
Just slam her with a strong attack and you'll do fine.
Gardenia also has two Super Potions that she will use to heal her Pokemon when
things get tough. If you can't kill her Pokemon quickly, this will be a very
long battle. Defeating Gardenia will earn you the Forest Badge, the right to
use Cut out of battle, and TM86, Grass Knot.

5. The Third Badge




Meet and defeat the second of Team Galactic's Commanders.

Get the bike.
Get the Poffin Case.
Get the Seal Case.
Duel your friend a second time.
Get the Coin Case.
Earn your third Badge.

Now that we can use Cut out of battle, there's one small thing we need to get
before moving on. Go to the Team Galactic Eterna Building (where you got Cut)
and cut your way inside. Now go to the right of the building and cut the tree
down. To the right is TM46, Thief. This Dark-type move will steal the foe's
held item if it's holding one, and the user isn't. This building is our next
destination, so head on inside.
5a. Team Galactic Eterna Building


Our mission is to save Rad Rickshaw, the owner of the Cycle Shop. First course
of action is to thrash the two grunts near the stairs, Double Battle style.
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L13; Zubat L14; Glameow L14; Cascoon L13
Money: 1080
Start upstairs and start on the far left side. Skip a guy and fight another.
Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L13; Zubat L13
Money: 520

Galactic Grunt
Silcoon L15
Money: 600

Up the steps and head right, then up the stairs.

Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L12; Silcoon L12; Zubat L12
Money: 480

Scientist Travon
Kadabra L15
Money: 720

Speak to the second of Team Galactic's two ultra-hotties, Commander Jupiter.

5b. Boss: Commander Jupiter


My Team

Jupiter's Team

| Lvl |
| Prinplup | 22 |
Murkrow | 22 |
Luxio | 22 |

| Lvl |
Zubat | 18 |
| Skuntank | 20 |

Money: 1600

Jupiter's Zubat seems to be

missing Toxic (thankfully),
but knows other good attacks
like Wing Attack and Giga
Drain. Skuntank is Poison/Dark
in type and knows powerful
moves like Night Slash, a Dark
attack with a high critical hit ratio. Skuntank also

knows the always-deadly Screech attack, so be quick in taking it down. Rounding

out Skuntank's moveset is Poison Gas, which isn't too accurate, but always
poisons your Pokemon, and SmokeScreen, which drops your accuracy. Skuntank also
has a Sitrus Berry held for a tight spot.
After the battle, Jupiter and her losers beat it. Get to the Cycle Shop and
pick up your Bicycle. By pressing B, you can switch gears to choose between
easy, slow riding and fast, reckless riding. Sweet.
5c. Cycling Road & Extras


Leave through the east exit of Eterna City, to Route 211.

| Meditite
(all day) |
| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |

There's a hidden Poke Ball in the empty patch

if you head up into the grass. There's also a
Trainer if you head right.
Hiker Louis
Geodude L15; Onix L15
Money: 480
If you smash the rock, you'll find a Trainer and
and TM12, Taunt, below her. This move stops the
foe from using moves that don't cause direct
damage for 2-4 turns.

Bird Keeper Alexandra

Hoothoot L19
Money: 608

You can't go through Mt.
| Meditite
(all day) |
Coronet yet, but you can pick | Machop
(all day) |
up a Revive by examining the | Chingling
(all day) |
rock right in front of you
| Geodude
(all day) |
once you step inside.
| Zubat
(all day) |
| Cleffa
(all day) |
Head back to Eterna City.
Leave through the south exit
to Cycling Road.
*** Cycling Road ***
In the building, talk to the guy in white and he'll give you the Exp. Share if
you have seen at least 35 kinds of Pokemon.
Just slaughter the Trainers as you come across them. They're all listed below.
Cyclist Axel
Staravia L17
Money: 544

Cyclist Megan
Shinx L17
Money: 544

Cyclist James
Ponyta L17
Money: 544

Cyclist Nicole
Starly L15; Ponyta L15
Money: 480

Cyclist John
Starly L15; Staravia L15
Money: 480

Cyclist Ryan
Zubat L17
Money: 544

Cyclist Rachel
Shinx L15 (x2)
Money: 480

Cyclist Kayla
Pikachu L17
Money: 544

Enter the house and talk to the chick to get a Flag accessory. Exit to Route
| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Kricketot
(morning) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Bronzor
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Stunky
(all day) |

...and pick the two Razz Berries. Note; Stunky

only appears in Diamond. Cut the trees to the
right and head up to find a Burn Heal and a
honey tree. Head west under the bridge and pick
up the two Rawst Berries, and then go north of
the honey tree for a Super Repel and a Trainer.
Hiker Theodore
Onix L15 (x2)
Money: 480

A Poison Barb sits just above and west of this guy.

North of Theodore is a cave entrance. This is Wayward Cave. Learn to hate this
place, because it's pretty much a giant maze. It's incredibly easy to get lost
here. I'll take you through it step by step, so you don't get too lost. You'll
need Rock Smash and above all, Flash, to make it through. Having a healthy
supply of Repel helps too. If you don't have Flash, don't even bother coming
here. Come back later.
Enter Wayward Cave when you are ready.
| Bronzor
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Zubat
(all day) |

Start by going up. Smash the rock to the left

and continue going up. At the intersection,
go right and examine the rock in the middle
to find a Potion. Smash the rock to the left
and contine going up. Go left and smash a
third rock.

From here, go left, then down. Smash the

rock and go right, then down, right into a Double Battle.
Hiker Reginald and Hiker Lorenzo
Geodude L15; Onix L17; Machop L15
Money: 1024
Examine the rock in the corner for a Super Potion. Go up to the first
intersection. Now head left and down into a second Double Battle.
Lass Cassidy and Youngster Wayne
Buneary L17; Bidoof L13; Aipom L15; Zubat L14
Money: 512
Smash the rock here and pick up TM32, Double Team. This cheap move for cheaters
raises the user's evasiveness. Don't ever use it.
Go back up, then right. Once you get to the intersection, go up. Then again, go
up and then right. You'll come across another intersection. Go up again. Now go
left. Smash the rock in your way and follow the path to another Double Battle.
Camper Diego and Picnicker Tori
Cascoon L13; Silcoon L15; Dustox L17; Beautifly L15
Money: 512
Pick up the Rare Candy near them, then go up. If you go right past the
intersection, you'll find another rock to smash. Smash it and go right, then
down. You'll find an Escape Rope in the middle of the path that, sadly, you'll

never use here.

From the Escape Rope, go right, then down. You'll find another rock to smash.
Smash it, then go right, to another Double Battle.
Picnicker Ana and Camper Parker
Meditite L17; Buizel L15; Shinx L15
Money: 512
There's a Burn Heal hidden in the rock immediately below these two.
Go left past the Trainers to the intersection. Go down and examine the rock in
the corner for another Potion.
Smash the rock and go right, then down. Smash the next rock and go right, then
up, then right. You'll come to a fork. First go down into your last Double
Collector Terry and Ruin Maniac Gerald
Gastly L12; Geodude L15; Gastly L13; Bronzor L17; Gastly L17
Money: 1904
The rock in the middle below them is concealing a TinyMushroom. Claim it, then
go all the way up. Smash one last rock, then go up and then speak to the girl.
This is Mira, and she's lost. Aww. She forces her way into your party, and now
it's up to you to get her out of there.
You can't use the Bike, and you can't use Escape Ropes. You HAVE to walk.
She'll run with you, but that's about it. She does completely heal your team
after every fight, though, so I guess that's a perk.
From where you are now, here's how to get to the exit:


right, then down to the fork.

left, down, left, up, left, up to another fork. Go up.
left, up, left to the fork. Go down.
another fork, go right, down, then down again at the fork.
down once more at another fork to reach the entrance.

After this, she thanks you, and leaves. That's right, you just did a charity
case. Hold your head high and relish in the fact that you helped a defenseless
little girl in her hour of need!
Head back to the end of Cycling Road and Dawn will stop you. Pick whatever
hand you want, you're still getting the Vs. Seeker. Because she's such a cool
chick, she also hands over the Dowsing Machine app for the Poketch. It locates
unseeable items.
A word on the Dowsing Machine: I am well aware that there are probably numerous
items that I will not point out that you can find with the Dowsing Machine.
Some I do. Some I don't. If I don't point it out, it's probably because I don't
care, or I didn't find it. You'll never know. Don't e-mail me saying "I found
this with the itemfinder, add 2 ur faq plz" 'cause I'll just ignore you. With
that said:
Go all the way back to Eterna City. Now leave through the west exit right near
the Eterna Forest. Head under the trees and cut the little ones. Follow this
path for two Razz Berries, two Bluk Berries, a Cheri Berry, and 2 Oran Berries.
The girl underneath will give you a Big Tree Accessory. South of her is a

SilverPowder, a hold item that slightly increases the power of Bug-type moves.
To the right of that is TM82, Sleep Talk. This move will randomly use one of
your other moves, but only if you're asleep.
Head back to Eterna City and enter Eterna Forest. Cut the trees and pick up the
Ether next to the house. Stand between the house and the fence on the right
side of the house, face up, and press A to get the Insect Plate. Go ahead and
get inside.
*** Old Chateau ***
| Gastly
(all day) |

Go up the stairs to the left and into the room

on the left to find an Old Gateau. Go into the
door on the upper floor and head all the way
left. Enter this room to find a Dread Plate.
Head all the way right and into this room to
find TM90, Substitute. This move cuts your HP
by 1/4 of its maximum and creates a decoy that absorbs all attacks. Back
downstairs, enter the bottom door. Go left into the kitchen and examine the
upper trash can for an Antidote. That's all for this place.
Get back to Oreburgh City by taking Cycling Road.
*** Oreburgh City ***
Leave via the west exit.
*** Oreburgh Gate ***
Go downstairs with Rock Smash. Head back to where the girl is and use the bike
to send yourself flying over the rock via the ramp. If you hit the ramp and
don't soar, switch gears.
Soar once more to find TM31, Brick Break. This awesome Fighting attack will
shatter Light Screen and Reflect, if either are up, before dealing damage.
If you want TM78, Captivate (a move that sharply drops the Special Attack of
the opposite gendered foe), leave this cave via the west Exit. Pass through
Jubilife City's north exit, go through Ravaged Cave, and head north to Floaroma
Town. Before entering the town, you'll see a tree you can cut by the twin
girls. Past that is a girl who gives you the TM. It's a ridiculously stupid
attack and I'm only pointing it out for the sake of getting all TMs. You can
easily come back once you can Fly and pick this garbage up.
Either way, get back to Oreburgh City.
*** Oreburgh City ***
Nothing to do here but leave north to Route 207.
| Machop
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |
| Kricketot (morning/night) |
Hiker Kevin

Head down into the narrow path to the plateau.

Stomp the little boy.
Youngster Austin
Starly L15; Geodude L15; Chimchar L18
Money: 288
Then head up and left to the hiker.

Geodude L15; Geodude L16 (x2); Zubat L17

Money: 512

Head south for a Dire Hit, then

east for more battles.

Battle Girl Helen

Meditite L18; Machop L18
Money: 288

Hiker Justin
Geodude L16; Bronzor L18
Money: 576

Super Potion to the left, and a Double Battle.

Camper Anthony and Picnicker Lauren
Ponyta L19; Pachirisu L19
Money: 608
Mt. Coronet is to the right.
*** Mt. Coronet ***
| Meditite
(all day)
| Inside, follow the path, listen
| Machop
(all day)
| to the guy ramble, and then exit
| Chingling
(all day)
| to the right.
| Geodude
(all day)
| Zubat
(all day)
| Cleffa
(all day)
*** Route 208 ***
More battles!
| Psyduck
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |
| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Meditite
(all day) |
| Machop
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |

Hiker Robert
Geodude L17 (x2)
Money: 544

Straight up for another


Black Belt Kyle

Machop L19
Money: 456

X Speed down the stairs

to the left. Back on the
path, continue right.

Hiker Jonathan
Onix L19
Money: 608

If you smash the rock,

you can get a Poke Ball.
Continue on...

Aroma Lady Hannah

Combee L16; Roselia L18
Money: 576

Artist William
Mime Jr. L17; Bonsly L17
Money: 816

South of these two is a hidden Honey in the empty patch to the left of the
honey tree. To the right of that is a girl who gives you the Odd Keystone, and
directions to go underground on Route 209.
Feel free to jack the 2 Nanab, 2 Razz, 2 Bluk and 2 Pinap Berries.
The Berry Master lives in the house here, and if you talk to the little girl
and say yes to her, she will give you the Berry Searcher app for the Poketch.
This hot little app shows you everywhere in Sinnoh (that you've been to) where
there are Berries waiting to be picked.
The woman here will sell you Mulch to help grow Berries. They are as follows:

Growth Mulch - speeds up Berry growth, dries soil faster

Damp Mulch - slows Berry growth, dries soil slower
Stable Mulch - ripe Berries stay longer before falling
Gooey Mulch - ups the no. of times new plants grow where mature plant withers
The Berry Master gives you a free Berry every day. East into the new city!
5d. Hearthome City


Upon entering, you're stopped (funny how often that happens) by a Buneary, of
all things. Shortly after, a woman named Keira tells you that the Buneary is
hers and thanks you for stopping it for her. She asks that you come to the
Contest Hall so you may be properly thanked.
Head all the way right and you'll find a guy who will offer you an egg. To
hatch this egg, carry it with you. Inside is a Happiny, new baby of Chansey.
If you head to the intersection you will find a man who will offer to take you
directly to the contest house. Decline his offer; we'll end up there ourselves
anyway. The house above him is the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the old guy and
listen to his ramble and he'll give you the Poffin Case. This is what you'll
store Poffin in... but more on that later.
The lady above him will tell you how much your lead Pokemon likes you.
Enter the house next door and take the elevator upstairs. The woman at the
table will give you a Shell Bell, an item that restores HP based on damage you
deal to the enemy.
| Heart Mail...........$50 |
| Heal Ball...........$300 |
| Net Ball...........$1000 |
| Nest Ball..........$1000 |
| Poke Ball...........$200 |
| Potion..............$300 |
| Super Potion........$700 |
| Antidote............$100 |
| Parlyz Heal.........$200 |
| Awakening...........$250 |
| Burn Heal...........$250 |
| Ice Heal............$250 |
| Escape Rope.........$550 |
| Repel...............$350 |

The PokeMart is next to the Fan Club. List is

seen to the left.
The Poffin House is to the left, where you and
friends can cook Poffin. To cook Poffin, spin the
stylus in the direction shown. Not too fast, but
not too slow either. It takes a bit of getting
used to.
Above this house is Mr. Goods. If you complete
certain tasks in the game, he'll fork over some
items for your Secret Base. More information on
the items Mr. Goods gives you can be found in
section 15.
If you enter the house to the right of the
Pokemon Center, you will meet Bebe, who runs the
storage system in Sinnoh.

Next door is the Contest Hall. Talk to the funky

lady blocking the entrance. Turns out this is Fantina, Gym Leader of Hearthome
City. She won't let you fight her until you "become stronger." Enter the
Contest Hall after Fantina gets out of the way to meet Keira and your mother,
of all people. Keira gives you the Glitter Powder for your Pokemon, and your
mom will give you the Tuxedo so you yourself look sharp (the girl gets a
Dress). Speak to the person blocking the counter and you'll get a free Poffin.
If you don't know what Pokemon Super Contests are all about, you can practice

each round by speaking to the lady to the far right. If you'd rather read my
section on Super Contests, see section 16.
In the upper corners of the city are entrances to Amity Square, a place where
you can walk with a cute Pokemon. If you aren't carrying any, they'll give you
a list of acceptable Pokemon. Once you get inside, be sure to pick up TM43,
Secret Power, just to the right. This Normal-type attack has varying effects
depending on the terrain you're fighting on.
Your Pokemon will find random items, usually fashion Accessories, after 200
steps taken. The Pedometer app is quite useful for keeping track of this.
Head up to the top to find TM45, Attract. This attack may make the foe of the
opposite gender not attack your Pokemon.
Go all the way right up the stairs and head up to the top, and pick up the
Spooky Plate next to the two rock houses.
Enter the left rock house and step left. Face up and press A to find the hidden
Amulet Coin. This awesome hold item doubles the money you get from Trainer
battles... combined with the Vs. Seeker and the right Trainers, you can fill up
your wallet very quickly.
That's all for here... you can leave Amity Square at any time.
You're done in Hearthome City for now. We can't battle Fantina because she's
missing. Heal your Pokemon and attempt to leave the city, and your friend stops
Guess what he wants.
5e. A Friendly Fight, Part 2


My Team

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

| Lvl |
| Prinplup | 25 |
Luxio | 25 |
Murkrow | 25 |

| Chimchar
Starly L19 |
Starly L19 |
Starly L19 |
| Roselia L20 |
Buizel L20 | Roselia L20 |
Ponyta L20 |
Ponyta L20 |
Buizel L20 |
| Prinplup L21 |
Grotle L21 | Monferno L21 |

Money: 2100
After that, your friend tells you about challenging the Veilstone Gym, and
leaves. That's our next destination.
5f. To Veilstone City
| Staravia
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |
| Starly
(all day) |

There's some Honey to the north, and a Trainer.
PKMN Breeder Albert
Bonsly L16; Budew L15; Pichu L17
Money: 816

| Chansey
(all day) |
| Gastly
(night) |
| Mime Jr.
(all day) |

Agree with the Fisherman to get the Good Rod.

Cross the bridge right and then up and then left
to find a Leppa Berry and a Chesto Berry.
Back on the path, smoke the twins.

Oh yeah, and good luck finding Mime Jr. He's so rare it'll make your head spin.
Pearl players get Bonsly instead of Mime Jr., who I would assume is just as
Twins Ema & Lil
Bonsly L19; Mime Jr. L19
Money: 608

Ignore the Pikachu and take the bottom bridge.

Follow the path and get an X Accuracy. Then go
back and talk to the Pikachu.

Poke Kid Danielle

Pikachu L19
Money: 152

Continue on the path for more battles.

Jogger Richard (only at night)

Luxio L19
Money: 608

PKMN Breeder Jennifer

Mime Jr. L16; Cleffa L17; Budew L15
Money: 816

Jogger Raul (only at night)

Staravia L19
Money: 608

A couple of Razz Berries are waiting

for you further ahead. Bike up the mud
slope into the stupidest battle ever.

Cowgirl Shelley
If you cut the tree to the right of
Bidoof L14; Bidoof L15 (x3); Bidoof L16 this girl, you will find TM47, Steel
Money: 240
Wing. This move may lower the foe's
Defense stat. Talk to the running duo.
Young Couple Ty & Sue
Machop L19; Meditite L19
Next to Shelley is a pit with a mud
Money: 2432
slope (to the left of some trees). If
you can ride the bike up it after
getting time to build up speed, you can get a Calcium. Back on the main path
you will find Lost Tower. Enter.
*** Lost Tower ***
| Gastly
(all day) |
| Zubat
(all day) |
| Murkrow
(night) |

Right inside is nothing. Upstairs is a Trainer.

Youngster Oliver
Stunky L16; Shellos L16; Kricketune L16
Money: 256
Pearl players will find Misdreavus instead of

Pick up the Oval Stone right

after Oliver. To the next floor...
From here on up, you'll encounter wild Golbat as well as the usual fare.
Roughneck Kirby
Cleffa L19
Money: 456

A Revive is to the left of him.

The next guy is totally optional. More battles
await upstairs.

Pokefan Leonard
Pichu L15 (x2); Pikachu L18
Money: 1152
Pokefan Rebekah

Belle & Pa Beth & Bob

Bonsly L19
Money: 1216

Buizel L19; Ponyta L19

Money: 2128

TM27, Return, is just past them. This attack increases in damage if the user is
friendly towards you.
Young Couple Mike & Nat
Murkrow L19; Misdreavus L19
Money: 2432

At the top floor, speak to the left person to

receive HM4, Strength. It only deals damage.
The person on the right gives you the Cleanse
Tag, a hold item that lessens wild encounters.

Nothing to do here but leave.

Head north to Solaceon Town.
*** Solaceon Town ***
| Air Mail............$50 |
| Net Ball..........$1000 |
| Nest Ball.........$1000 |
| Dusk Ball.........$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Burn Heal..........$250 |
| Ice Heal...........$250 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Repel..............$350 |

There are a Persim Berry, 2 Nanab Berries, and a

Figy Berry next to the PokeMart.
If you talk to the man in the hat at the crossing,
he will give you the Pokemon History app for the
Poketch. This shows you recently obtained Pokemon.
Above him and to the left is the Day Care. For
more information, see section 13a. Go in there and
talk to the person at the table to receive the
Day-Care Checker app for the Poketch. This shows
you what Pokemon you left in the Day Care.

Next to the Pokemon Center is the Pokemon News

Press. Talk to the dude in glasses and he'll ask
for a random Pokemon. Put it in your party and
talk to him for 3 of a random type of Poke Ball.
You can do this once every day. One more thing to
do. Right at the north edge of town, head right.
Jump the second of the three ledges and enter this
house here. Talk to the girl and she'll give you the Seal Case, which will let
you customize your Poke Balls. Okay, I lied. One more thing to do, really. Go
back to where you jumped the ledge and instead jump the third ledge to find
Solaceon Ruins. Enter there.
| Unown
(all day) |

In the first room you will find three sets

of stairs and a message in the back written
in a weird language. Go down the top right
set of stairs. Talk to the kid here and he
will invite you to come back to his house
for some cool Seals, then leave. What this
kid doesn't tell you is that the Seals aren't free and you'll need to catch
some Unown if you want them. Go down the lower left stairwell and talk to the
guy in the center of the room.
Ruin Maniac Karl
Geodude L16; Geodude L17; Bronzor L18
Money: 864
Go down the top right stairs, then the top left stairs, then across to the
stairs, then the lower left stairs. In this room you will find another message
as well as four item balls. The top left one is a Nugget. Sell this baby for an
easy 5000 money - it serves no other purpose. It exists to be sold. A Rare
Candy is next to it. This will make your Pokemon immediately jump to the next
level. Be careful about when you use it! The Odd Incense is below the Candy.

This boosts the power of Psychic moves. To the left of that is the Mind Plate.
The kid lives in the house where you got the Seal Case. If you put any Unown as
your leader and talk to the kid, he'll give you 10 Seals of whatever the Unown
you showed him represents. You can actually do this every day, so you can max
out on letter Seals by doing this.
Okay. Now we're really done. Head out to Route 210.
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Chansey
(all day) |
| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |

Two Aspear Berries, a Razz Berry, and a Pinap

Berry to the right. The girl in the field
wants to battle.
Rancher Marco
Aipom L18; Girafairg L17; Psyduck L19
Money: 600

Go up the mud slope nearby. If it's night, the pacing guy will fight you.
Jogger Wyatt
Ponyta L21
Money: 672
Go down the right set of stairs. Talk to the lady at the cliff to receive TM51,
Roost. This move recovers 50% of a Pokemon's maximum HP.
Back in the beginning, step through the tall grass and use the patch of clean
grass to ride up the mud slope, into a Double Battle. Then go up.
Twins Teri & Tia
Pikachu L21; Clefairy L21
Money: 672

PKMN Breeder Kahlil

Pichu L18; Pikachu L19; Happiny L17
Money: 816

A Great Ball is above them. Head back to the beginning of this route.
And the hillbilly fights continue.
Belle & Pa Ava & Matt
Stunky L21; Glameow L21
Money: 2352

Keep on going up!

PKMN Breeder Amber

Cleffa L19; Clefairy L17; Happiny L18
Money: 864

Head into the house. Take note of

the Psyduck standing around here.

*** Cafe Cabin ***

Start on the left side. The waitress and both fat guys will battle you.
Collector Fernando
Mr. Mime L17; Mr. Mime L20 (x2)
Money: 1280

Collector something or other

Sudowoodo L19 (x3)
Money: 1216

Waitress Kati
Clefairy L22
Money: 704
You can buy Moomoo Milk here for 500 money each. This is a super deal as they
both cost less and heal more than Super Potions.

| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Kadabra
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Abra
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |

Leave and follow the path to Route 215, a place

where it always rains. Battles done here will
have Rain Dance in constant effect - that is,
Water moves are powered up, and Fire moves are
powered down. There's a dude here if you follow
the path who wants to fight.
Ruin Maniac Calvin
Bronzor L21; Shieldon L23
Money: 1104

Take the Ether. Follow the

path and talk to the fighter man for TM66, Payback. This hot Dark attack will
double in power if the user goes second and takes damage on your opponent's
turn. Follow the path and cut the tree down. Before moving on, take on this
fighter man.
Black Belt Derek
Croagunk L25
Money: 600

Now go right and take on a second fighter man.

Claim the Fist Plate and jump the ledge.

Black Belt Gregory

Meditite L23; Machop L22; Meditite L21
Money: 504
Near the stairs, cut the bush and pick up the 2 Pecha Berries and 2 Bluk
Berries. Go up the stairs and turn down to pick up the Guard Special lying
there, then continue north. If you cut the tree, you can probably skip this
guy, but if you run, you'll get busted.
Black Belt Nathaniel
Croagunk L21; Machop L22; Meditite L23
Money: 528
Follow the path more. Cut the tree to get TM34, Shock Wave. This is an
Electric-type move that never misses.
If you jump the ledge to the left, you can get a Full Heal. A Double Battle
Ace Trainer Dennis and Ace Trainer Maya
Monferno L23; Glameow L23; Gyarados L23; Kadabra L23
Money: 2760
A Wiki Berry and Mago Berry later, and you're finally in Veilstone City!
5g. Veilstone City


Third Badge is right around the corner, but there's a couple things to do
first. Follow the path down and to the right, then up the stairs. Go left and
enter one of the coolest places ever.
****** V E I L S T O N E C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E ******
You can get another mask from the guy next to the entrance, this time one that
matches Dawn's starter.

| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Great Ball.........$600 |
| Ultra Ball........$1200 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Poke Doll.........$1000 |
| Repel..............$350 |
| Super Repel........$500 |
| Max Repel..........$700 |
| Grass Mail..........$50 |
| Flame Mail..........$50 |
| Bubble Mail.........$50 |
| Space Mail..........$50 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Hyper Potion......$1200 |
| Max Potion........$2500 |
| Revive............$1500 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Full Heal..........$600 |

On the second floor,

if you talk to the
bottom lady, she will
give you the Counter
app for the Poketch.
It's useful for EV
training. That's it,
really. It counts up
to 9999, one way.

| X Speed............$350 |
| X Attack...........$500 |
| X Defend...........$550 |
| Guard Spec.........$700 |
| X Accuracy.........$950 |
| X Special..........$350 |
| X Sp. Def..........$350 |
New stuff abounds!
You can finally get
| Protein...........$9800 |
Great and Ultra Balls | Iron..............$9800 |
here. You can also
| Calcium...........$9800 |
get Poke Dolls. When | Zinc..............$9800 |
used, you can flee
| Carbos............$9800 |
from wild Pokemon.
| HP Up.............$9800 |
Don't buy the higher- o-------------------------o
level potions, they
are still unnecessary at this point in the game.
Revives are finally available for sale. Awesome.
You can also now purchase the super hot Full Heal,
so sell back all the other crap status healers you
have. The second floor has items to increase EVs
as well as temporary strength enhancers in battle.

| TM83 Natural Gift.$2000 |
| TM17 Protect......$2000 |
| TM54 False Swipe..$2000 |
| TM20 Safeguard....$2000 |
| TM33 Reflect......$2000 |
| TM16 Light Screen.$2000 |
| TM70 Flash........$1000 |
| TM38 Fire Blast...$5500 |
| TM25 Thunder......$5500 |
| TM14 Blizzard.....$5500 |
| TM22 SolarBeam....$3000 |
| TM52 Focus Blast..$5500 |
| TM15 Hyper Beam...$7500 |

Moving on to the
third floor, we find
all sorts of nifty
TMs for sale. Do your
Pokemon lack power?
Pimp them out with
the power moves here.
Can't take a hit? A
lady here can set you
up with some defense
attacks real fast.
The fourth floor has
different items for
your Secret Base,
including a variety
of dolls.

| Yellow Cushion.....$500 |
| Cupboard..........$1000 |
| TV................$4500 |
| Refrigerator......$1000 |
| Pretty Sink.......$3000 |
| Munchlax Doll.....$2000 |
| Bonsly Doll.......$2000 |
| Mime Jr. Doll.....$2000 |
| Mantyke Doll......$3000 |
| Buizel Doll.......$3000 |
| Chatot Doll.......$3000 |

On the fifth floor, you can get a Sticky Barb from the right of the two buff
guys. There's also a vending machine next to the escalator in which you can buy
drinks. They don't really hold a candle to Moomoo Milk, so if you're in need of
some healing, go get them instead.
That's all for the department store... now to explore the rest of the city.
Back down the stairs on the main road, head right and then up as soon as you
can. Go up the stairs and head to the left of the big building here and pick up
a free PP Up.
Go back down, all the way to the southern end of the city. Turn left and follow
the road all the way to the end. Go up the steps and first talk to the guy to

receive TM63, Embargo. This prevents the use of items on the target. Then enter
the house on the far right. Talk to the clown and play his dumb game until you
win. A Coin Case is your prize!
Next door is a lady who will massage your Pokemon once a day. She'll give you
random Accessories whenever she does it, too. There's a whole group of
Accessories that you can only get from her, so be sure to visit every day.
The Veilstone Game Corner is to the right of the clown house. It's the one with
the flashing lights. Here you can play the slots and hopefully win big - you'll
almost have to if you want to afford some of the items they have for sale.
The Game Corner is explained in greater detail in section 13c.
The only thing left is to claim your Badge. Go near the Gym northwest of the
massage house and Dawn will talk about unimportant things and then leave. Get
on inside.
5h. Boss: Maylene


Maylene is straight ahead of you. Only problem is, you need to push the walls
and stuff out of the way to make it to her.
Wasting no time, run straight up into the first Trainer. Remember their names;
I refer to the Trainers here by name in my instructions on reaching Maylene.
Black Belt Jeffery
Machoke L26; Meditite L26
Money: 624

Now head left and stomp the other fighter man.

Go to where Jeffery stands and push the wall.

Black Belt Darren

Machoke L25 (x2); Machop L25
Money: 600

Then go to the right and waste the third of

the four fighter men by pushing his wall away.

Black Belt Rafael

Meditite L28
Money: 672

Go between Jeffery and Darren and push the

wall. Then go above Jeffery and get jiggy with
the final fighter man. Push the left wall.

Black Belt Colby

Machoke L25 (x3)
Money: 600

Go down and left. Go all the way up and push

that wall. Now go back to the left of Colby &
push the wall. Go to Darren (the wall is
blocking him) and push the wall back into
Jeffery's room. Enter Darren's room and go all the way up. Push the wall. Go
all the way over to Rafael's room, enter the room above it, and push the wall.
Now go to the right of Rafael's room and go all the way up. Push the wall.
Go between Jeffery and Rafael and push the wall. Go up some more and push the
wall. Now go back down to between Rafael's room and the room above it and push
the wall. Now enter Rafael's room. Go all the way up and push the wall. Now
enter Jeffery's room and head to the back where Maylene awaits.
If you need to heal, do so. But the puzzle will reset. If you do need to heal,
just follow the instructions again.
My Team

Maylene's Team

Money: 3600

| Lvl |

o------------o-----o Maylene's special move is

| Lvl | called Drain Punch. It absorbs

Luxray | 30 |
Murkrow | 30 |
| Prinplup | 31 |

| Meditite | 27 |
Machoke | 27 |
Lucario | 30 |

some of the damage done to the

foe and adds it to the user's
HP. It's Fighting in type, and
each of Maylene's Pokemon know
it. Meditite leads the battle,
and knows Meditate. This will
increase the damage of Drain Punch, but Meditite is fairly weak. It shouldn't
take much to take it down. If you have a good Flying move, feel free to pick on
Meditite's only weakness.
Machoke is powerful and also knows Brick Break, which will break any Light
Screen or Reflect you put up _before_ it hits. If by any chance you've been
raising a Gastly, Machoke carries Foresight so its moves will hurt it. Take it
out quickly.
Maylene's pride and joy is Lucario, a Fighting/Steel type with very good attack
stats. Lucario knows Force Palm, a move that may cause paralysis. Being part
Steel, Lucario also carries Metal Claw, a move that may raise his Attack stat.
Fire types will make short work of him. Lucario holds a Sitrus Berry.
Maylene is packing a Hyper Potion, which will cure her Pokemon by 200 HP.
Defeating Maylene will earn you the Cobble Badge, the right to use Fly out of
battle, and TM60, Drain Punch.
6. The Fourth Badge


---------* Stomp a couple Galactic Grunts.
* Get a new Poketch app.
* Earn your fourth Badge.
Yeah, that's it. Not much of importance happens right now.
As soon as you leave the Gym, Dawn stops you and asks for help. She says she
dropped her Pokedex and Team Galactic snatched it and won't give it back. Aww.
She says she'll be waiting in front of the warehouse, so go there. It's in the
front of the city. Talk to her again and she will re-explain her plight, and
will, completely further unprovoked, attack the grunts herself! Oh snap!
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Beautifly L25; Dustox L25; Croagunk L25; Stunky L25
Money: 2000
Enter the building. Pick up the item ball that contains HM2, Fly. This is the
king of items. Now you can go to any city you've visited, lightning quick.
6a. The Road to Pastoria


Team Galactic is headed to Pastoria City, and that's where we're headed next.
But we have a small pit stop to attend to first. Fly to Jubilife City.
*** Jubilife City ***
Head to the Poketch company for a new Poketch app from the president, this time

the Marking Map app. You can put different markers on a map of Sinnoh. Helpful
for anything you need to remember the location of. Fly to Hearthome City.
*** Hearthome City ***
Leave via the southern exit onto Route 212. Continue on and get stopped by the
cops (but only if it's night. Remember that. Cops only fight at night.
| Budew
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Starly
(all day) |
| Staravia
(all day) |

Policeman Bobby
Hoothoot L18; Machop L18
Money: 720
Keep going and fight the other cop if you want.
Policeman Alex
Hoothoot L18; Machop L18
Money: 720

Another cop below...

Policeman Dylan
Hoothoot L18; Meditite L18
Money: 720
If the old guy and girl are facing each other when you run into them, you'll
Double Battle them. I think. I accidentally singled them, but I'll list them as
a double.
Gentleman Jeremy and Socialite Reina
Chatot L19; Roselia L19
Money: 7600
Pick the Aspear Berry and the Sitrus Berry and go down. Cut the tree to the
left and pick up TM11, Sunny Day. This move powers up Fire-type moves, prevents
freezing, and powers down Water-type moves for 5 turns. It also negates
SolarBeam's charge turn.
Go to the right and head up into the entrance of what you'll see is a large
building. Fight the coppa if it's night.
Policeman Caleb
Hoothoot L17; Meditite L19
Money: 760
Rich Boy Jason and Lady Melissa
Luxio L19; Buneary L19
Money: 6080

Head north. Walk in between the hoity-toity

rich folks and steal their money. :D

Pokemon Mansion is dead ahead.

*** Pokemon Mansion ***

Enter the building. Go into the door and head all the way to the left. Enter
the door and pick up a Great Ball. Enter the room next door and talk to the
lady and she'll give you the Soothe Bell, which makes Pokemon become more
friendly easier. In the room next to that, pick up a Burn Heal from the trash
can and leave. Cross the room and enter Mr. Backlot's office and steal TM87,
Swagger, from the corner of the room. This move sharply increases the
_opponent's_ Attack stat, and confuses them.
o-------------------------------o You're welcome to explore this area. Have
| Roselia
(all day) | your fun and get out, you're done here.

| Staravia
(all day) |
| Pichu
(all day) |
| Pikachu
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
*** Route 212 ***
| Starly
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Budew
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |
| Staravia
(all day) |

Continue south through the grass. Pick up the

hidden Elixir behind the sign to the left. It'll
start to rain. Run right into the Double Battle.
PKMN Ranger Allison and PKMN Ranger Jeffrey
Aipom L21; Prinplup L21 (x2); Marill L21
Money: 2520
Continue south. Fight a weirdo and pick up your
prize, an Antidote.

Scientist Stefano
Kadabra L21
Money: 1008

Continue to follow the path and meet a cop and a

random dude.

Policeman Danny
Hoothoot L20; Machop L20
Money: 800

Collector Dominique
Geodude L18; Geodude L19; Geodude L17
Money: 1216

Go up. Get on your bike and cross the log for TM62, Silver Wind. This is a
special-based Bug-type attack that may raise all the user's stats slightly.
Back on the main path...
Fisherman Travis
Barboach L17 (x2); Barboach L18; Shellos L20
Money: 544

Go up from this guy.

Fisherman Cameron
Goldeen L19; Barboach L19
Money: 608

Now back and go right.

Fisherman Juan
Gyarados L21
Money: 672

There's a house, but beat this lady up first.

Parasol Lady Alexa

Goldeen L19; Buizel L19
Money: 608
If you collect 10 of the same color shard, the girl in this house will give you
TMs for them. You can dig shards from the Underground.
Red Shard - TM11 (Sunny Day)
Green Shard - TM07 (Hail)
Blue Shard - TM18 (Rain Dance)
Yellow Shard - TM37 (Sandstorm)
Continue right to the marsh. If you get stuck, mash directions until you
escape. Stay low and move to the right to find TM06, Toxic. Speak to the dude
standing on solid ground to the right.
PKMN Ranger Taylor
Luxio L21; Buizel L21

Next to him is a Pecha Berry and 3 Pinap

Berries. Cut the tree and ride across the log.

Money: 1260

Move through the trees and pick up the X

Special. Fight the guy.

Scientist Shaun
Abra L19; Kadabra L19
Money: 912

Weave your way left and slam the girl.

Pick up the Zinc and make your way back to where

the Berries were, either by backtracking or
walking through the marsh. Pastoria City is dead
ahead, but wait just a moment. See the log, just
outside the city? There's actually a path under
it that the log is covering! Follow it to find an elusive Revive. Then go ahead
and enter the city.
Parasol Lady Sabrina
Psyduck L21
Money: 672

6b. Pastoria City
| Air Mail............$50 |
| Net Ball..........$1000 |
| Dusk Ball.........$1000 |
| Quick Ball........$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Great Ball.........$600 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Revive............$1500 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Burn Heal..........$250 |
| Ice Heal...........$250 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Repel..............$350 |
| Super Repel........$500 |

In the first house is a woman who gives you a
berry. It's one of the newer berries in Sinnoh,
and you can do this once every day.
One item that is noteworthy is the Quick Ball. If
used at the beginning of an encounter, the capture
rate goes up.
Everything else is sold at Veilstone Dept. Store,
so you should have stocked up there.
North of the PokeMart is a boy who will give you
the Macho Brace if you put all 3 forms of Burmy in
your party and speak with him. The Macho Brace
helps with EV training.
Northeast of the PokeMart is the Move Maniac, who
will re-teach your Pokemon moves they forgot by
leveling up if you give him a Heart Scale. You can
dig these out while Underground.
Above that place are 2 Persim Berries and 2 Nanab

The Gym is to the left, but

we'll own it later. Follow the path and head right. Talk to the lady with the
parasol and she'll give you the 3rd mask, this one matching your friend's
To the right of her is a house with a dude that will give your scarves for your
Pokemon if their Super Contest stats are high enough.
Pay a visit, if you would, to the building at the north end of town. This is
the entrance to the Great Marsh. Pastoria City's Safari Game is held here.
Before you go forking over the cash, head upstairs. If you put 100 money into
any of the three binoculars at the top of the room, you can see some spots
where the Pokemon are. They change every day, so if you pay and can't find what
you're looking for anywhere, don't even bother.
The Safari Game is covered in greater detail in section 13b. Get to the Gym!
6c. Boss: Crasher Wake


There are a series of switches you'll need to activate in order to unlock the
path to the Gym Leader here, Crasher Wake. Begin by heading straight up, circle
left and step on the yellow switch. Attack the kid nearby.
Tuber Jacky
Buizel L26
Money: 104

Go down the stairs and run run run! Run until you
end up next to some fisherman guy. Hit the button
near him.

Fisherman Walter
Barboach L26
Money: 832

Now go down and fight the sailor. Hit the button

near him. Head down, to the right. Beat the girl.
Tuber Caitlyn
Azurill L24; Marill L24
Money: 96

Sailor Damian
Wingull L24 (x2)
Money: 768

Slaughter the fisherman if you want.

Fisherman Erick
Goldeen L22; Gyarados L24; Barboach L23
Money: 768
Step on the green switch. Head all the way down and step on the yellow switch.
Now go all the way up, through the small gap to the left, then down and up the
stairs to the left. Show that sailor how we roll.
Sailor Samson
Shellos L24 (x2); Wingull L24
Money: 768
Step on the switch, heal, and save.
My Team

Crasher Wake's Team

| Lvl |
Murkrow | 32 |
| Prinplup | 33 |
Luxray | 34 |

| Lvl |
| Gyarados | 27 |
| Floatzel | 30 |
| Quagsire | 27 |

Money: 3600

Crasher Wake starts with a

Gyarados, a beast of a Pokemon
that sports the Intimidate
ability. It cuts the Attack of
your leader. Crasher Wake's
special technique is Brine, a
special-based Water technique.
It doubles in strength if the
foe has less than 50% HP remaining. It's a good finishing technique, but not on
Gyarados; his Special Attack is only subpar. If you have any strong Electric
attack on any of your Pokemon, use it; due to a double weakness, Gyarados will
probably die in a single hit.
Floatzel is the evolved form of Buizel, and this is likely your first time
seeing one. It's pure Water in type and sports Ice Fang, an Ice-type attack
that can not only freeze its target, but can make them flinch as well.
Floatzel's Pursuit will inflict double damage if you switch out on the turn
it's used, and will hit you before you get to switch out. Watch your HP and be
careful if you want to switch with Floatzel in play. Floatzel has a Sitrus
Berry attached.
Quagsire is Water/Ground in type, and is therefore immune to the Electric rape
you've hopefully been raining down on Crasher Wake's Pokemon. Quagsire knows
the incredibly useless Mud Sport, which will cut in half the 0 damage he takes
from Electric attacks. Ooh. Quagsire knows Mud Bomb, a special-based Ground
move that may lower your accuracy. It also has the somewhat useless Tail Whip,
which lowers Defense.

Crasher Wake also carries 2 Super Potions. Defeating Crasher Wake will earn you
the Fen Badge, the right to use Defog out of battle, and TM55, Brine.
7. The Fifth Badge


---------* Battle your friend a third time.
* Cure the aching Psyduck.
* Earn your fifth Badge.
Leave Pastoria City via the east exit. Pick up the Aguav Berry, Iapapa Berry,
and the two Rawst Berries before moving to the
o---------------------------o right. See the man standing next to the wall?
| ROUTE 213 POKEMON LISTING | Below him is TM40, Aerial Ace, that you can take
o---------------------------o if you smash the rock. Aerial Ace is a Flying
| Shellos
(all day) | attack that never misses. Go left and fight.
| Wingull
(all day) |
| Buizel
(all day) | Beauty Cyndy
| Floatzel
(all day) | Glameow L23
o---------------------------o Money: 1288
Below her is Dr. Footprint's house, and if your leader likes you (and actually
has footprints to leave), he will give it the Footprint Ribbon. Continue south
of the house and do battle.
Fisherman Kenneth
Magikarp L19; Gyarados L22; Remoraid L19
Money: 704
Continue a ways to the right before finding a little girl. Stomp her, then
stomp her wandering boyfriend.
Tuber Chelsea
Bibarel L23
Money: 92

Tuber Jared
Shellos L19; Shellos L21; Shellos L20
Money: 80

Pick up the Red Shard next to the building. You can rest in the house here.
As soon as you leave this building, take one step up and face left. Press A to
get the Suite Key. If you head up the stairs to the left and go into the house,
then talk to the clown, he'll give you TM92, Trick Room. This move reverses the
turn order (slowest to fastest instead of fastest to slowest) for 5 turns.
Head straight up to Valor Lakefront. Enter the Seven Stars Restaurant. See the
people? Everyone in here wants to fight you, but they will be polite and ask
before you battle, so you can decline any challenge. They'll also only battle
during the day, and the Trainers change every day.
Tackle them in any order you wish.
PI Kendrick and Beauty Gabriella
Goldeen L22 (x2); Finneon L23
Money: 3928

Collector Eugene and Lady Allison

Clefairy L20 (x3); Roselia L23
Money: 2016

Cameraman Darryl and Reporter Valerie School Kid Esteban and Pokefan Meredith
Luxio L21; Murkrow L23; Pikachu L21
Wooper L23; Marill L21; Aipom L21

Money: 1592

Money: 1804

Scientist Emilio and PKMN Breeder Kaylee

Kadabra L23; Stunky L21; Buizel L21
Money: 2112
Leave the restaurant and head west, then south for a PP Up. Return to the
restaurant and head east. Go down the north stairs. Continuing north we find a
Parlyz Heal. On your way out of this place, talk to the girl and you'll give
her the Suite Key. Follow her inside and she'll give you a Lava Cookie. This
item is just so you can see that it's from Lavaridge Town, a town in Hoenn, the
main land of Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It works like a Full Heal, so
don't really use it unless you don't care that this is the only one you get.
Keep going north to Route 214, noting the wild Pokemon in this area.
| Girafarig
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Staravia
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |

Pearl users
will find
instead of
Stunky on
this route.

| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Kricketune
(all day) |
| Stunky
(all day) |
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |

Fight the fatty.

Collector Douglas
Straight up from the sign is a Big Root.
Roselia L20; Roselia L22; Roselia L24 This hold item increases the power of
Money: 1536
attacks that drain HP. Hidden in the
grass to the left of the man is a Max
Ruin Maniac Hunter
Potion. Go up the stairs north of the
Shieldon L26
item and fight the wacko. Then continue
Money: 1248
north and take care of the weird guy in
the really tall grass. Above him is a
Collector Jamal
second man in a hat waiting to be owned.
Buizel L21 (x2); Buizel L24
Money: 1536
Ruin Maniac Bryan
Cranidos L24; Geodude L22; Bronzor L23
Money: 1104
Continue on the path. Right before the stairs is a cave to your left.
This is Maniac Tunnel. Depending on what you've done, this cave is nothing more
than a tiny little room with a guy in it.
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Hippopotas
(all day) |

The item here is TM28, Dig. This Ground move

digs the user underground on the first turn
to avoid damage, then attacks on turn two.
It also acts as an Escape Rope out of
battle. The guy in here will tell you to
go capture Unown, and see if he can finish
digging the tunnel before you capture them
all. Something to note is that Hippopotas is only found here, and not only
that, it's wickedly rare. It does get a little more common after the cave is
extended, so if you're really looking for one, head to Solaceon Ruins and have
a field day.

Exit the cave. Now to take care of the people that you missed... start with the
girl just down the stairs. Then go down until you hit Mitchell.
Psychic Abigail
Gastly L22; Misdreavus L23; Kadabra L24
Money: 768
PI Carlos
Goldeen L23 (x3)
Money: 2760
Collector Brady
Ponyta L22; Ponyta L20; Ponyta L24
Money: 1536

Oh, and don't forget to pick the

Cheri, Sitrus, Chesto, and Pomeg
Berries from near this girl.
On the right side of the fence
is an X Sp. Def you should get.

Beauty Devon
Wormadam L25
Money: 1400

Psychic Mitchell
Haunter L23; Kadabra L23
Money: 736
North of Abigail is Veilstone City. We're ready to progress, so fly to Pastoria
City. Talk to the Galactic Grunt standing next to the Safari Game. He will
spill some information, and then take off to the lake. He means Lake Valor, and
you were there already. But first we need to pick something up, so pay 500
money to enter the Safari Game. Immediately upon entering, talk to the person
on the right to receive HM5, Defog. Out of battle, it can clear dense fog. In
battle, it lowers the foe's evasiveness. Make sure someone on your team learns
this move. Heal your Pokemon, save, and follow the grunt. Talk to him and he'll
leave. Follow him and... oops!
7a. A Friendly Fight, Part 3


Man I wish he would not just appear out of nowhere and demand a fight.
Team additions, yay!
My Team

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

| Lvl |
| Croagunk | 35 |
| Vespiquen | 35 |
Snover | 35 |
Murkrow | 36 |
| Empoleon | 36 |
Luxray | 36 |

| Chimchar
Starly L26 |
Starly L26 |
Starly L26 |
| Roselia L25 |
Buizel L25 | Roselia L25 |
Ponyta L25 |
Ponyta L25 |
Buizel L25 |
| Prinplup L28 |
Grotle L28 | Monferno L28 |

Money: 2800
"Where'd you get the Snover? I've never seen that before..."
My brother has Pearl, and he was farther than me at this point. I wanted Snover
anyway, so he traded one to me. Everyone else is available before this point.
If you want a Snover of your own, you'll have to wait.

7b. A Celestic Detour



Leave through Pastoria City and follow the path all the way to Lake Valor,
talking to the grunt every time you run into him to hear him talk and then run.
After three times speaking to him, he will finally agree to battle you.
Dude should have ran while he had the chance.
Galactic Grunt
Glameow L25
Money: 1000

After the battle he will limp away and mysteriously

be 10 miles away when you take a step up. Anyway,
Cynthia - remember her? - is standing in front of
the two people who are blocking the way to the
lake. She'll ask if you've seen the Psyduck on Route 210. Say yes and she will
give you the SecretPotion which you will use to cure them. Then she takes off.
Fly to Solaceon Town and go up to the Psyduck. Cure them with the SecretPotion
and Cynthia will appear. She'll give you the Old Charm to give to her grandma
in Celestic Town north of here.
| Psyduck
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |
| Meditite
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Machop
(all day) |
| Hoothoot
(night) |
| Noctowl
(night) |

Go all the way left once you are able and pick
up the Super Repel. You may or not see some
grass that looks out of place, lighter in color
than the others... these are actually Trainers.
One is northeast of the tree by the Super Repel.
Ninja Boy Brennan
Zubat L25; Skorupi L25
Money: 200

Directly east of him is another.

Ninja Boy Fabian
Geodude L23 (x2); Geodude L26
Money: 208
Above him is a Hyper Potion you probably don't need yet. Head to the right for
about 10 steps or so and step up some and you'll find the third faker.
Ninja Boy Bruce
Stunky L27
Money: 216
Back on the normal path, head up and right into the grass to find an Ultra Ball
hiding in the corner. Get on the main path again and head up... notice
If you should choose to not Defog the place, not only will you not be able to
see, your accuracy in battle will go WAY down. Go step in front of the
discolored spot next to the Cut tree.
Ninja Boy Joel
Zubat L23 (x2); Golbat L25; Skorupi L25
Money: 200
Now head left and keep going.
Ace Trainer Alyssa

Double Team Zac & Jen

Ponyta L27; Grotle L27

Money: 1620

Gyarados L27; Raichu L27

Money: 6480

Ace Trainer Ernest

Mothim L25; Luxio L27; Onix L26
Money: 1620
Ninja Boy Davido
Dustox L27
Money: 216

If you have Rock Smash, ride across the

log to the left. Fight the ninja, then
ride down, break the rocks, and get TM30,
Shadow Ball. This special-based Ghost move
will damage the enemy and may lower its
Special Defense.

Once you're on the main path, head down the bridge.

Black Belt Adam
Machoke L29
Money: 696

Go down the stairs and into the discolored

area. Next to him is a Smoke Ball, a hold
item that gives you a 100% flee rate.

Ninja Boy Nathan

Croagunk L25; Golbat L25
Money: 200

Keep going...

Bird Keeper Brianna

Hoothoot L27; Noctowl L27
Money: 864

Veteran Brian
Buizel L26; Girafarig L26; Machoke L26
Money: 2080

Pick the Sitrus Berry, Chesto Berry, Wiki Berry, and Aguav Berry. Celestic Town
is right around the corner.
South in the Pokemon Center, the balding man will give you a Great Ball if your
lead Pokemon likes you. You can do this every day, but it has limited use since
Great Balls are useful for only so long. If anything, it's free money.
If you head west from there, you get stopped by an old lady who talks about a
spaceman near the ruins. In the house to her left is a guy who will give you
the Analog Watch app for the Poketch. The Analog Watch is just that; an analog
clock. It displays the time, which you can change by changing your DS's clock.
| Air Mail............$50 |
| Dusk Ball.........$1000 |
| Quick Ball........$1000 |
| Timer Ball........$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Great Ball.........$600 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Revive............$1500 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Burn Heal..........$250 |
| Ice Heal...........$250 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Repel..............$350 |
| Super Repel........$500 |

You'd never know it by looking at it, but the

building straight north of this house is the
PokeMart. There's a new Ball for sale, a Timer
Ball, that increases in effectiveness for every
ten turns in battle.
Talk to the guy in glasses and he'll give you a
certain pair of glasses depending on the time of
day you talk to him. If you talk to him between 4
AM and 9:59 AM, you get the Choice Specs. This
will raise a Pokemon's Special Attack sharply
while equipped, but you only get to perform one
attack. Talk to him between 10 AM and 7:59 PM and
you will receive BlackGlasses, an item that makes
Dark-type moves stronger. Talk to him between 8 PM
and 3:59 AM and you'll get the Wise Glasses, which
slightly increases the power of special-based
moves. You can get all three pairs by speaking to
him at the right time of day, but only once.
Head to the center of the town and speak to the
grunt. Waste him.

Galactic Grunt
Beautifly L25; Croagunk L27
Money: 1080
After the battle, the old lady who stopped you before will thank you for taking
out the trash, and you will deliver the Old Charm to her as this is Cynthia's
grandmother. The lady then invites you into the ruins since you've come so far.
Take her up on her offer. Go to the back and examine the painting. The elder
then explains a little more about it and then gives you HM3, Surf. This move is
a powerful Water-type special attack. You can't use it out of battle just yet.
When you leave the cave, you'll meet up with that blue-haired bozo you met back
in Mt. Coronet when you first passed through it. He introduces himself as
Cyrus, and asks that you inform him of any power sources associated with Sinnoh
We're done with the first part of our detour. We need to take care of the stuff
between Celestic Town and Eterna City, so head west out of the city.
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Meditite
(all day) |
| Ponyta
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Noctowl
(night) |
| Zubat
(night) |

Follow the path next to the grass downwards and

get jumped.

Bird Keeper Katherine

Noctowl L31
Mone: 992

Ruin Maniac Harry

Bronzor L30
Money: 1440

Black Belt Sean

Croagunk L28; Machoke L29; Meditite L27
Money: 696
Back on the main path, a Pecha Berry, Aspear
Berry, Iapapa Berry, and Grepa Berry are ripe
for the picking. Get up on the plateau and start
beating people.

Talk to the strong guy below Harry to receive TM77, Psych Up. This move copies
the foe's stat changes and gives them all to your Pokemon. One last foe to take
care of.
Nnja Boy Nick
Skorupi L27; Golbat L27
Money: 216
7c. Boss: Fantina

Go left into Mt. Coronet and pick up the Escape

Rope. Leave and fly to Hearthome City!

Beeline for the Gym. It's finally time for Fantina to fork her Badge over.
Step on the elevator and head to the second floor. There's a sign in the center
of the room with a basic math question. There's a multiple choice answer, each
answer with an arrow next to it that corresponds to the doors you'll find
above. For example, if your answer was 2, you would enter the left door since
the left arrow is next to that answer. With that said, I should hope I don't
have to answer any of these questions for you, but... I shouldn't assume
everyone can do basic math. Use the Calculator app if you need help.

If you get the questions right, you get to progress. Get it wrong and you're
forced to fight as well as turn back. I hope that if you get the questions
wrong, it is entirely on purpose. It IS done intentionally... right?
Room 1

Answer: 15

If you choose 2:

If you choose 16:

Room 2

Youngster Donny
Gastly L27; Haunter L29
Money: 464
Lass Molly
Misdreavus L30
Money: 480

Answer: 40

If you choose 30:

Camper Drew
Gastly L27 (x3)
Money: 432

If you choose 50:

Picnicker Cheyenne
Drifloon L28; Misdreavus L28
Money: 448

Room 3

Answer: 39

If you choose 93:

School Kid Chance

Haunter L30
Money: 600

If you choose 33:

School Kid Mackenzie

Drifloon L28 (x2)
Money: 560

Room 4

Answer: 15

If you choose 2:

If you choose 16:

Ace Trainer Allen

Gastly L26; Haunter L28; Gengar L30
Money: 1800
Ace Trainer Catherine
Misdreavus L30; Drifblim L30
Money: 1800

Head through the door. Fantina awaits.

My Team

Fantina's Team

Money: 4320

| Lvl |
Snover | 37 |
| Empoleon | 37 |

| Lvl |
| Drifblim | 32 |
Gengar | 34 |

Fantina starts with Drifblim,

a rather odd Pokemon that
evolves from Drifloon. It's
Ghost/Flying in type, and as
such is immune to Normal,

| Vespiquen | 37 |
| Mismagius | 36 | Fighting, and Ground. It's not
Luxray | 38 |
o------------o-----o too powerful, but it has lots
Murkrow | 38 |
of HP. Attacks include Ominous
| Toxicroak | 38 | Wind, a Ghost-type attack that may raise all the user's
o------------o-----o stats, and Astonish, a weak Ghost-type move that may make
you flinch. It also knows Minimize, which raises evasion,
making it harder to hit.
Gengar is Ghost/Poison in type. Gengar's ability is Levitate, which gives it a
Ground immunity. It knows Poison Jab, which deals damage and may poison. It
also carries Fantina's special technique, Shadow Claw. It's a Ghost-type move
with a high critical hit ratio. A huge annoyer move Gengar also knows is Spite.
This will cut down the PP of the attack you last used by 4. Be sure to take it
out as fast as you can.
Fantina's pride and joy is Mismagius, the evolved form of Misdreavus. You'll
find out very quickly that it knows Confuse Ray, which directly confuses you,
as well as Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf, and Psybeam, a Psychic-type attack that
may confuse. It holds a Sitrus Berry.
Fantina's also packing two Hyper Potions, so strike with weaker moves and then
kill with a power hit. Defeating Fantina will earn you the Relic Badge, the
right to use Surf out of battle, and TM65, Shadow Claw.
8. The Sixth Badge


---------* Get a new Poketch app.
* Play with Surf.
* Earn your sixth Badge.
Now that we can use Surf out of battle, we can almost go anywhere we want.
Water is everywhere in Sinnoh, and you can now cross it with Surf.
Leave the Gym and Cynthia will talk to you for a bit, saying something about
going to Canalave City will help you. That's going to have to wait, because
we're going to play!
Quick pitstop first. Fly to Jubilife City and talk to the president of the
Poketch Company and he'll give you the Link Searcher app for the Poketch. This
piece of suck shows how many people around you are wirelessly communicating.
You can easily do this by, I don't know, looking around you.
8a. Fun With HM3
Time to cover the watery parts of everywhere we've visited thus far.
Fly to Sandgem Town. Go south to Route 219 and staht soifin'.
You can try to be slick and double up the two kids. I did.
Tuber Trenton and Tuber Mariel
Shellos L29 (x2); Marill L29 (x2)
Money: 232


The path forks below them, but keep going south for now.
SwimmerF Jessica
Goldeen L28 (x4)
Money: 448

SwimmerF Erica
Remoraid L29; Psyduck L29
Money: 464

To the right of the girls is an Ether. A little left and below that is the
Splash Plate. Surf to the right.
SwimmerM Adrian
Mantyke L26; Remoraid L29; Tentacool L29
Money: 464
Continue to find a Carbos. Surf up first to fight a fidgety guy to the left.
SwimmerM Vincent
Pelipper L29; Whiscash L29
Money: 464

Continue to the right.

SwimmerF Claire
Buizel L31
Money: 496

SwimmerM Erik
Gyarados L31
Money: 496

Now go back to where the Carbos was and surf right again for one more fight.
SwimmerF Vanessa
Golduck L33
Money: 528
Fly back to Sandgem Town and come south again. This time, take the second path.
SwimmerF Katelyn
Buizel L28; Medicham L28; Seaking L28
Money: 448
SwimmerM Dillon
Shellos L30; Gastrodon L32
Money: 512

Next to him is a Protein. Continue east.

Fisherman Cory
Magikarp L28; Gyarados L32; Finneon L30
Money: 1024
| Floatzel
(all day) |
| Stunky
(all day) |
| Skuntank
(all day) |
| Wingull
(all day) |
| Shellos
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |

Pearl players will find Sudowoodo instead of

Stunky and Skuntank.
To Cory's right is some Honey. Stay low and
continue right to find a Leppa Berry, a Pecha
Berry, a Mago Berry, a Hondew Berry, and a
Ace Trainer Shannon
Cherrim L30; Lopunny L34; Marill L32
Money: 2040

Move on to the right and

you'll find TM81, X-Scissor. This Bug-type move hurts them and has no effects.
Continue and you'll find another guy with green hair.
Ace Trainer Jake

Staravia L33; Girafarig L33

Money: 1980

Above him is Pal Park, but you can't go

there yet. Just go left of these two guys.

Collector Ivan
Hippopotas L28 (x2); Hippopotas L34
Money: 2176
Go left and then up when you are able. To the left, hidden in the grass, is the
Pure Incense. If your leader holds this item, the wild Pokemon encounter rate
goes down. Now go back and go right, up into the house. Talk to the guy and he
will tell you a random number. Bring a Pokemon whose Level matches that number
and you will win a Black Belt, which powers Fighting attacks. Do this a second
time on another day for an Expert Belt, which powers up moves if they're super
effective, and if you do it on a third day, he'll reward you with a Focus Sash,
which will make your survive one-hit KO attacks with 1 HP if you have full HP.
You can continue doing this every day, and he will continue to reward you with
a Black Belt, Expert Belt, and Focus Sash, in that order.
We're done with this area, but there's more surfing to be had. Fly to Oreburgh
City and leave via the north exit on Route 207. Head east to Mt. Coronet. Surf
across the top patch of water and pick up the Protein. Go all the way down to
the bottom and surf across more water to find a Dawn Stone. This item evolves
Snorunt and Kirlia into their alternate forms.
Fly to Hearthome City. Leave via the western exit. Go back to where you fought
the pacing Black Belt and go down the stairs to find some water. Surf right and
down to find a guy fishing.
Fisherman Cody
Barboach L31; Gyarados L31
Money: 992
Go back to Hearthome City and leave via the eastern exit. Remember the Pikachu
kid? More specifically, the small path where the X Accuracy was? You can surf
just beyond that rock. Follow the water to find TM19, Giga Drain. This Grass
move will give half the damage inflicted to the user as HP.
Fly to Veilstone City. Leave through the south exit. Surf up once you get on
the water to find a Rare Candy.
Fly to Pastoria City. East of the PokeMart is some water to surf on, stay near
the top to find an opening where the Mystic Water lies. This hold item powers
up Water moves.
Now leave the city due west and continue through the swamp, past the shard
house, just past the bridges until you get to a large platform with logs
extending from all four sides. To the left of that is some water to surf on.
The lone item ball contains TM84, Poison Jab. It's a Poison-type technique that
deals damage with a chance to poison.
Continue west until you reach where it stops raining. Surf left here to find a
Lum Berry and a Tamato Berry. Above the water is a tree you can cut. Head up
from there and surf the small gap to find the Rose Incense.
Fly back to Pastoria City and leave the city through the east exit. Below Dr.
Footprint's house is a large body of water you can surf in. Stay low and find
the opening... a twirly girl is at the start of it.
SwimmerF Haley
Marill L31; Azumarill L31

Ignore the guy on land for now and go down

Money: 496

and then left. Fight the swimmer man.

SwimmerM Sheltin
Gyarados L30; Gyarados L29; Gyarados L31
Money: 496
A Max Revive is to the left. Now go back and own the guy you skipped.
Sailor Paul
Gyarados L31; Machop L31
Money: 496
If you're slick enough, you can double up on the two people north of the
sailor. I missed it because he juked me and turned as I was moving past him.
SwimmerM Evan
Golduck L30; Golduck L32
Money: 256

SwimmerF Mary
Marill L32; Pelipper L30
Money: 240

Right above them is a Water Stone. If you surf south of them to the right and
examine the small rock between the two big ones, you'll get a Big Pearl. Use
the Dowsing Machine app to help you get it.
Fly to Eterna City. Head right, almost out of the city, past the large statue,
to find a body of water. Surf up to the two small squares. There's a hidden PP
Up in the right tile. Face it on land and press A.
Fly to Jubilife City and leave through the north exit. You'll see some water to
the left you can surf on by going around the fence. The Sea Incense is a short
surf away. Back on the main path, surf the body of water on the right side.
Just to the right lies an HP Up.
As long as you're in the neighborhood, head straight up into Ravaged Cave.
Smash up the rocks to the left and surf north. Follow the path northeast to
find TM03, Water Pulse. This is a Water attack with a high chance of confusion.
Back at the fork, get on land and smash a lot of rocks, leading you to the Luck
Incense. This is identical to the Amulet Coin.
Fly to Floaroma Town. Head east out to Valley Windworks. Above one of the
windmills is an opening for you to surf on. Go around to the lone windmill.
Stand in the middle of the right side of it, face the windmill, and press A for
a Max Elixir. If you go just northeast of there, you'll find TM24, Thunderbolt.
This is a powerful Electric attack that may paralyze.
Now go back to the bridge that was previously blocked by Team Galactic. Surf
west and follow the path all the way north until you reach a new area, Fuego
| Floatzel
(all day) |
| Shinx
(all day) |
| Luxio
(all day) |
| Pachirisu
(all day) |
| Gastrodon
(all day) |
| Wingull
(all day) |
| Shellos
(all day) |

Land to the south and you'll be back in

Floaroma Town; more specifically, in the
upper area of the Flower Meadow, where you
can pick up not only the visible Miracle
Seed in the upper left corner and the Leaf
Stone near the lower ledge on the right,
but you can find various hidden items by
utilizing the Dowsing Machine app of your
Poketch (app #7).
Back at the Fuego Ironworks, directly left

The actual dungeon is above them.

lie a Sitrus Berry, 4 Wepear Berries, and

a Kelpsy Berry for you to pick.

*** Fuego Ironworks (inside) ***

You will notice rather quickly that if you step on an arrow, you are forced to
move in that direction until you hit a wall. If during your travel you hit
another arrow, you will move in the direction of this new arrow. You'll still
move until you hit a wall.
Go all the way left, then up. Fight this guy.
Worker Dillan
Machop L31; Machoke L31
Money: 1240

Head right and step on the arrow pointing up.

Pick up the Burn Heal and exit through the hole
at the top. Now go down and step on the arrow
pointing right. You'll get carried to a guy.
Worker Holden
From him, step on the arrow above him, pointing
Steelix L33
right. Step on the arrow next to your landing
Money: 1320
point. From where you land, go straight up and
into the opening, onto an arrow pointing right.
Go back up and take the Fire Stone. Step on the arrow pointing down, then step
on the topmost of the three arrows. Step down and fight a guy. Move back to
pick up the Rock Incense, being careful not to
Worker Conrad
step on any panels. The Rock Incense powers up
Rapidash L33
Rock moves. Go back to where Conrad is standing
Money: 1320
and step on the arrow to his left. Speak to the
man and he will give you a second Fire Stone.
The item ball next to him contains TM35, Flamethrower. This is a powerful Fire
attack that may cause a burn. Step on the arrow pointing down to the right of
Mr. Fuego to reach the exit.
All right. That's it for now! We'll play a little more once we get the next
Badge, but for now it's back to business. Fly to Jubilife City and leave
through the west exit.
Surf left underneath the rocks to find two Trainers and some Honey.
Fisherman Miguel
Gyarados L29 (x2)
Money: 928

Fisherman Luc
Magikarp L26 (x4); Gyarados L31
Money: 832

Surf up past the rocks and to the right to find a Rare Candy. Head left right
into the Trainer.
Sailor Skyler
Mantyke L27; Gyarados L31
Money: 992

Straight down into the next guy.

Guitarist Tony
Luxio L31
Money: 744

Berries are Rawst, Persim, Figy, and 2 Pinap.

| Gastrodon
(all day) |
| Floatzel
(all day) |
| Shellos
(all day) |
| Wingull
(all day) |
| Mr. Mime
(all day) |

Those with Pearl will find Glameow instead of

Mr. Mime.
Enter the door to the left and Prof. Rowan's
aide will upgrade your Pokedex so you can
compare male and female forms of Pokemon you
own. Continue left to enter Canalave City.
That didn't take long, did it?

*** Canalave City ***
Enter the house and talk to the girl on the right to receive TM48, Skill Swap.
What this does is swap the target's ability with the ability of the user.
| Air Mail............$50 |
| Quick Ball........$1000 |
| Timer Ball........$1000 |
| Repeat Ball.......$1000 |
| Poke Ball..........$200 |
| Great Ball.........$600 |
| Ultra Ball........$1200 |
| Potion.............$300 |
| Super Potion.......$700 |
| Hyper Potion......$1200 |
| Revive............$1500 |
| Antidote...........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal........$200 |
| Awakening..........$250 |
| Burn Heal..........$250 |
| Ice Heal...........$250 |
| Escape Rope........$550 |
| Repel..............$350 |
| Super Repel........$500 |
| Max Repel..........$700 |
8b. A Friendly Fight, Part 4

New item in the PokeMart above the aforementioned

house: Repeat Ball. These work better against
Pokemon already registered in the Pokedex. You can
buy Hyper Potions, but Moomoo Milk should still be
the better buy. They can be bought at Cafe Cabin
north of Solaceon Town for 500 money each.
You may be relieved to know that the Move Deleter
resides in the house above the PokeMart. This is
the guy you come to if you ever want to delete HMs
from your Pokemon. A reminder: The Move Maniac is
in Pastoria City, and he requires a Heart Scale to
teach your Pokemon moves they forgot by leveling
up. Dig Heart Scales out of the walls Underground.
Save before you try crossing the bridge...


My Team

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

| Lvl |
| Toxicroak | 40 |
| Vespiquen | 40 |
Luxray | 40 |
| Honchkrow | 40 |
| Empoleon | 40 |
| Abomasnow | 41 |

| Chimchar
| Staravia L31 | Staravia L31 | Staravia L31 |
| Roselia L32 |
Buizel L32 | Roselia L32 |
Ponyta L32 |
Ponyta L32 |
Buizel L32 |
| Heracross L30 | Heracross L30 | Heracross L30 |
| Prinplup L35 |
Grotle L35 | Monferno L35 |

Money: 3500
Again my farther-than-me brother aids me by giving me a Dusk Stone needed to
evolve my Murkrow. Gangster crow FTW
Agh. I bet your friend only beat the Gym Leader because he had strength in
numbers. He takes off after you whomp him, screaming about being the Champion
or some such.
Canalave Library is across the bridge, but the only thing you can do is go to

the top floor and learn some Sinnoh legends. The Gym is below there. You're
free to go there at any time. If you continue south all the way down to the
dock, you can go to Iron Island, a place where many of this town's citizens, as
well as the Gym Leader, Byron, go to train.
Skip it. Get your Badge first. One thing though, if you get on the dock and
surf south, you can find TM89, U-turn. This is a Bug-type move that switches
out the user after it attacks. It's pretty cool. Head to the Gym after that.
8c. Boss: Byron


Start things off by stomping on the guy to the northwest, then maul his friend
to the right.
Black Belt Ricky
Steelix L33
Money: 792

Worker Gary
Onix L31
Money: 1240

Go by Ricky and step on the lift. It'll take you up to another dude.
Worker Jackson
Onix L28 (x3)
Money: 1120

Go back down and step on the lift to Gary's right.

Follow to the next lift, then fight the Trainer.

Oh no he did NOT just call me a noob.

Ace Trainer Cesar
Skorupi L30; Steelix L32
Money: 1920

Ride the left lift, then ride another one left,

then go around the wall and ride that one. Ride
up and fight a Trainer at the top.

Worker Gerardo
Onix L29 (x2)
Money: 1160

Ride the two lifts right for another battle.

Black Belt David

Onix L30; Steelix L32
Money: 768

Just follow the path to another Trainer.

Ace Trainer Breanna

Azumarill L33
Money: 1980

A little bit more path-following, and you're done.

My Team

Byron's Team

Money: 4680

o------------o-----o Holy freaky relations Batman!
| Lvl |
| Lvl | Roark is Byron's son! Wow. But
o------------o-----o they don't even look alike...
| Honchkrow | 40 |
Bronzor | 36 | Who's the mother? Hm...
| Vespiquen | 40 |
| Bastiodon | 39 |
| Empoleon | 41 |
Steelix | 36 | Anyway, Byron starts with a
Luxray | 41 |
o------------o-----o Bronzor. It's Psychic/Steel in
| Abomasnow | 41 |
type and has two very cool
| Toxicroak | 41 | abilities. One is Levitate, and the other is Heatproof,
o------------o-----o which halves Fire damage. Byron's Bronzor has Levitate,
so feel free to annihilate it with Fire if you've got it.
Bronzor's attacks are Confuse Ray, Extrasensory, Flash Cannon, and Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a move that puts you to sleep. Extrasensory is a strong Psychictype attack that may cause flinching. Flash Cannon is a Byron's special

technique. It's a special-based Steel attack that may lower your Special
Defense. Due to its typing and ability, Bronzor is only weak to Fire, a type
that is lacking in the Sinnoh region. If you used the Flamethrower TM on one of
your Pokemon, by all means use it to send Bronzor packing.
Bastiodon is Byron's strongest Pokemon, and it's a beast to be sure. It has an
absolutely phenonemal Defense stat, as well as a well above average Special
Defense stat. Fortunately, that's all it has; Bastiodon is not only godawful
slow, it doesn't have a ton of HP and can't really hurt much. Bastiodon is
Rock/Steel in type. That means it has DOUBLE RESISTANCE to Normal, Rock, and
Flying. However, very good news for you is that Bastiodon is double _weak_ to
Ground and Fighting. Use a strong move or two to deliver that kill. Bastiodon
knows Rest, which puts it to sleep for 2 turns and fully restores its HP. Too
bad for you, Bastiodon is holding a Chesto Berry, which will automatically wake
it up after it uses Rest. Don't panic. Like I said, Bastiodon is weak as an
attacker. Wait for it to Rest twice if you need to, then finish it off while
it's asleep.
Steelix is Steel/Ground in type. It knows Sandstorm. This will whip up a
sandstorm for 5 turns, during which all Pokemon that are not part Rock, Ground,
or Steel will receive damage between turns. It also knows DragonBreath, a
Dragon-type atack that may paralyze you, as well as Ice Fang, which may freeze
you or make you flinch.
Byron carries one Full Restore, which not only fully cures his Pokemon, but
will cure all status as well. Defeating Byron will earn you the Mine Badge, the
right to use Strength out of battle, and TM91, Flash Cannon.
9. The Seventh Badge



Scope out Iron Island.

Investigate Lake Valor.
Meet and defeat the third of Team Galactic's Commanders.
Have a rematch against Mars.
Enjoy a lovely stroll through a howling blizzard.
Earn your seventh Badge.

Upon leaving the Gym, your friend will stop you and ask that you go to the
library. Go ahead and indulge him. He's on the top floor. Once there, he will
drag you to a table where Dawn and Professor Rowan are already waiting. Once
everyone's together, Rowan will speak about the mysteries of Pokemon evolution,
and it is revealed that your friend is actually Rowan's grandson. Rowan will
ask the three of you to investigate each of the three lakes in Sinnoh. You get
stuck investigating Lake Valor. After everyone's set to go, a tremor shakes the
building. Everyone leaves to go see what's up. You should, too.
Outside, a sailor
explosion at Lake
decides to go see
Verity, so you're

runs to the old guy and kids and says that there was an
Valor. Your friend completely forgets about his mission and
what's up. Dawn and Professor Rowan are headed to Lake
finally cut loose to do as you will.

Before we go, there's a few items to be had now that we can use Strength out of
battle. First stop is Oreburgh Gate. Remember where you picked up Brick Break?
There's some water to surf on. Head all the way left and fight this old geezer.

Veteran Grant
Riolu L33; Staraptor L34; Graveler L35
Money: 2800
He's the only one in the game with Riolu, so it's suggested that you fight him.
Push the boulder out of the way and pick up the Earth Plate. Go up and smash
the rock, push the boulder, and take TM01, Focus Punch. This is a very powerful
Fighting-type attack that forces you to go second. It fails if you take damage
on your opponent's turn. That's all you can do here, so get out.
Before we move on, there's some things to do on Iron Island, so fly back to
Canalave City. Drop off any one of your Pokemon in the PC, and then talk to the
sailor at the dock to have him take you to Iron Island.
9a. Iron Island


Once you dock, follow the path, ignoring the house cause nothing's in there.
Once inside, take the left stairwell, then immediately go down to find a kid.
| Geodude
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Onix
(all day) |
| Zubat
(all day) |
| Steelix
(all day) |

Camper Lawrence
Luxio L31; Stunky L31
Money: 496

Up the stairs near him is an Iron Ball. Go

back to the first room and go down the other
stairwell. Follow the path down to find an
Escape Rope, then head up the nearby stairs
and go right. You'll see some stairs, but
stay up top and follow the ledge down to find
a Super Repel. Now go back down the stairs you
just passed to find a girl who wants some.
Picnicker Summer
Staravia L31; Cherrim L31
Money: 496
Go up the stairs to the right and ride the elevator down. Head down the right
stairwell and fight the guy pacing.
Worker Willy
Onix L31; Graveler L31
Money: 1240
A Max Ether is to his right. Go back to where Willy is and follow the path
south to another guy.
Worker Braden
Graveler L33
Money: 1320
Below him is TM23, Iron Tail. This is a powerful Steel-type move that may lower
the opponent's Defense. It is a little inaccurate though. There's a hidden Iron
on the other side of the barricade. Use the Dowsing Machine to find it.
Now go back and go down the left stairwell to meet a man named Riley who will
join your party. Like Cheryl and Mira before him, he will completely cure your
entire team after every battle.

If you position yourself right, you can double team the two hikers to the left.
Hiker Damon and Hiker Maurice
Zubat L28; Graveler L30; Machoke L32; Onix L31; Golbat L31
Money: 2016
Head left of the hikers to find an Ultra Ball.
Below that are two dudes in helmets who feel like getting owned.
Worker Brendon and Worker Quentin
Onix L29; Geodude L27; Graveler L31; Steelix L33; Onix L31
Money: 2560
Go up the stairs to the left and pick up the Max Potion nearby. If you go south
of that and follow the path you fill find an HP Up. Dead end here, so you need
to go all the way back to the two hikers. Below them are two people itching for
a fight.
Black Belt Kendal and Battle Girl Tyler
Croagunk L35; Medicham L34
Money: 1384
Below them is some stairs leading right, then go up to find the Magnet, a hold
item that powers up Electric attacks. Go back down, but stay on the top ledge.
Step into the middle of the little pit of nothing that the stairs lead to, face
left, and press A for the Iron Plate. Now go back down the stairs and go left,
then up the stairs and down into another battle.
Ace Trainer Jonah and Ace Trainer Brenda
Ponyta L31; Pelipper L33; Haunter L31; Floatzel L34; Sudowoodo L33
Money: 4020
Below them you'll get some words and then start beating on our favorite foes.
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Zubat L31 (x2); Glameow L32; Croagunk L32; Stunky L32; Golbat L34
Money: 2640
After the battle, the two grunts take off. After the battle, Riley will give
you an egg, but only if you have room for it, which is why I told you to drop
off a Pokemon first. If you don't have room, he'll sit here and wait for you.
There's an elevator leading to another room, with an elevator leading to a
Shiny Stone, the item needed to evolve Roselia and Togetic (a Pokemon you can't
get yet), and the exit. That's all for Iron Island.
There's one thing we ought to do first before we move on. Fly to Oreburgh City,
buy an Escape Rope, and leave north to Route 207. Ascend the mud slope and cut
your way onto the area below Cycling Road. Make your way back to Wayward Cave,
but don't go in there. Stand as far up as you can, next to the bridge. Step
left nine times and then go up into a secret entrance to Wayward Cave. If you
don't find it, just feel your way around underneath the bridge.
Welcome to the only place in the game you can find wild Gible.
Push the boulder up out of your way and go left. Go left and examine the rock
in the corner for a Stardust. Go up the mud slopes ahead and then jump all the
ramps. Pick up the Max Ether and jump the ledge to the left. Switch to slow

mode and jump the last ramp again so you don't fly over the rock. Go down and
around, switch back to fast mode, and jump the ramp. Cross the log, go down the
stairs, and jump the ramp to the right. Pick up the Grip Claw and jump back
over the wall. Go up the mud slope to the left and go right. Jump the first
ramp, but not the second. Pick up the Revive and then jump both ledges. Now,
you'll have to time your turns right so you can maintain your speed while you
jump this final ledge. Do so and follow the path out of this room where TM26,
Earthquake, waits for you. Use the Escape Rope you should have bought like I
asked and warp yourself out.
9b. Boss: Commander Saturn


Lake Valor is between Pastoria City and Veilstone City. It's easier to reach
from Veilstone City. Remember the part with the two people that blocked entry
into the actual lake area? They're gone now, so go ahead and enter.
Go straight ahead past the first grunt and smite the second one.
Galactic Grunt
Glameow L33; Croagunk L33
Money: 1320

Continue on and head south, then east.

Galactic Grunt
Golbat L32; Croagunk L36
Money: 1440

Galactic Grunt
Croagunk L34; Beautifly L31; Dustox L31
Money: 1240

Head into the cave, heal and save, and talk to the guy.
My Team

Saturn's Team

Money: 2960

o------------o-----o Saturn's Kadabra knows Shock
| Lvl |
| Lvl | Wave as well as Psychic, a
o------------o-----o strong Psychic-type attack
| Honchkrow | 41 |
Kadabra | 35 | that may lower your Sp.Def.
| Vespiquen | 41 |
| Toxicroak | 37 | It also knows Embargo, which
| Empoleon | 41 |
Bronzor | 35 | will stop you from using items
Luxray | 41 |
o------------o-----o on the affected Pokemon. If
| Toxicroak | 41 |
you have any Dark attacks,
| Abomasnow | 42 | you're in luck; Kadabra will likely die in a single hit.
Toxicroak is Poison/Fighting, and is the only Pokemon
that's double weak to Psychic. If you have any sort of damaging Psychic attack,
use it and Toxicroak will die in one it. Be careful, however; Toxicroak knows
Revenge, which forces the user to go second and hits at double the strength if
the user was damaged on his opponent's turn. It also carries Faint Attack, a
Dark-type attack that never misses, and Poison Jab. It holds a Sitrus Berry.
Saturn, like Byron, carries a Bronzor that also has Levitate. It knows Shadow
Ball and Rock Tomb, as well as Gyro Ball. This is a physical-based Steel-type
attack that varies in base power based on each combatant's Speed stat. It
increases in base power depending on how much faster the foe is than the user.
Rounding off Bronzor's attacks is Iron Defense, which sharply raises Defense.
Saturn will say that Mars should be finished capturing the Pokemon at Lake
Verity by now, so your next destination is Lake Verity. Fly to Twinleaf Town
and head back to the area where you stole your first Pokemon.

9c. Boss: Commander Mars



After a few words, head north into 2 Double Battles.

Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Glameow L33; Silcoon L32; Golbat L32; Glameow L32
Money: 2600
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Stunky L32; Beautifly L31; Glameow L32; Glameow L33
Money: 2600
Heal and save, then talk to Mars.
My Team

Mars's Team

Money: 3120

o------------o-----o Mars's Zubat evolved... how
| Lvl |
| Lvl | nice. It still knows Toxic
o------------o-----o and the always-annoying
Luxray | 41 |
Golbat | 37 | Supersonic, so take it out
| Abomasnow | 41 |
Bronzor | 37 | fast. Bronzor has Levitate
| Empoleon | 42 |
Purugly | 39 | and Confuse Ray, also a
| Vespiquen | 42 |
o------------o-----o worthy candidate for eliminate
| Toxicroak | 42 |
it as fast as you can. Purugly
| Honchkrow | 42 | will likely lead the battle with Fake Out, a move that
o------------o-----o forces you to flinch, but only works on the first turn
that the Pokemon is in play. There's nothing really scary
about it (well, maybe except for its looks). Just beat it until it falls. It
holds a Sitrus Berry.
After you wail on her she starts getting angry that she got her butt stomped a
second time, but changes her mind and decides she should be happy because her
mission was not to defeat you, but capture the legendary Pokemon Mesprit that
resides here. Since that went well, Team Galactic now has control over Mesprit
and its friends Uxie and Azelf from the other two lakes. She calls her men back
and they all leave.
Professor Rowan is glad the both of you are okay, but no one knows what
happened to your friend, who I guess decided to go to Lake Acuity after all.
Rowan charges you to go look for him.
9d. To Lake Acuity


Lake Acuity is far, far north of here. Fly to Eterna City. Bring a Pokemon that
knows Defog. Leave east to Route 211 and head into Mt. Coronet. Bust the rock
and push the nearby boulder north and you'll find TM69, Rock Polish. This
sharply increases the Speed of the user.
Back on the main path, push the boulder right and then go right, and then up.
Push that boulder out of your way and start smashing your way left. At the end
of this path is a Rare Candy. Go back to the main path and continue up and left
to go deeper into Mt. Coronet.
| Meditite
(all day) |

Use Defog to clear the fog, then

Rock Smash the rock away for a
Stardust. Go up a bit and go down
the second set of stairs. Smash a

| Machoke
(all day) |
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Clefairy
(all day) |

rock and push a boulder to be

rewarded with the Soft Sand, which
powers up Ground moves.

Go down the first stairs you see

and surf northeast to find the
Light Clay. This hold item prolongs
the effects of Reflect and Light Screen, making them last 8 turns instead of 5.
Surf straight up from there to find a Max Elixir. Smash the rock to the left
and go up the steps. Push the boulder and pick up a Revive. Follow the path
right, smashing a couple more rocks and you'll find a Full Restore.
Back on the main path, go up and right up the stairs to the next room. Now just
follow the path to the exit.
| Snover
(all day) |
| Sneasel
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Noctowl
(night) |
| Meditite
(all day) |

Let the record show that I hate everything

between now and the next town. Not only can you
not ride your bike because of the snow, there
are some places similar to the marsh we went to
where the snow is so deep you will have to walk.
I'm sure you remember how slow that is. On top
of that, battles have a constant Hail weather
effect, so chances are all your Pokemon are
going to be taking damage between turns. The
only good part about forever Hail is if any of
your Pokemon know Blizzard; it now has perfect
accuracy during Hail!

Start by going down, up the

stairs, then across the bridge to the left. Walk through the snow and pick up
and Ice Heal. Go down the nearby bridge and have a battle.
Ace Trainer Laura
Lopunny L37
Money: 2220
Head back to the beginning and now go left.
Ace Trainer Blake
Ambipom L35; Kadabra L35
Money: 2100
Ace Trainer Maria
Golduck L34; Ponyta L35; Sudowoodo L33
Money: 1980

Skier Edward
Sneasel L35
Money: 1120

You can rest in the house to the left by examining the bed. Continue on.
Ace Trainer Garrett
Mr. Mime L33; Sneasel L35; Machoke L34
Money: 2100
| Snover
(all day) |
| Sneasel
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |
| Graveler
(all day) |

Oh geez. Hooray for the raging blizzard! You'll

constantly be walking here, and in some places
be walking half speed! And even quarter speed!
Joy for all!
Can you tell I like this place?
Ace Trainer Dalton

| Noctowl
(night) | Raichu L34; Hippopotas L38; Pelipper L36
| Medicham
(all day) | Money: 2280
Head northeast and you'll see a guy walking in a
rectangle. At the lowest point where he walks down before he turns, step one
step above that. Now head left.
Ninja Boy Antonio
Zubat L33; Croagunk L36; Golbat L33; Zubat L34
Money: 288
Turn right and beat up the guy you measured with.
Skier Shawn
Snover L34; Snover L33; Snover L35; Golduck L34
Money: 1120
First go all the way left, below the trees, for another girl.
Skier Madison
Snover L37
Money: 1184
Go back to where Shawn is and head north from him at a ridiculously slow rate.
Have I mentioned how much I love this place? You'll find two trees. To the left
of them is a half-hidden Iron.
Go straight up from that and you'll find TM07, Hail. I don't believe I need to
tell you what it does, I'm sure you're _well_ familiar with its effect by now.
Go all the way left and touch the trees by the house. Take two steps right and
a few down.
Ninja Boy Ethan
Skorupi L35; Golbat L35
Money: 280
See the house? Behind that house is HM8, Rock Climb. Pick it up and then enter
the house. Talk to the guy here for the Icicle Plate.
Leave and head right, this guy should eventually come into view.
Skier Bjorn
Mantyke L36; Sneasel L38
Money: 1216
Head straight up. You should see a house. In here is a weird girl who will give
you the Spell Tag, which powers up Ghost moves.
Go back to where Bjorn is and go left to run into this girl.
Skier Lexie
Marill L35; Clefairy L35
Money: 1120
Straight up from here is a dude to fight.
Black Belt Luke
Croagunk L36; Machoke L37; Onix L35
Money: 888

Almost there. Follow the path right and fight again.

Ace Trainer Olivia
Roselia L37; Seaking L37
Money: 2220
Just past her you will finally exit the blizzard area.
| Snover
(all day) |
| Sneasel
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Zubat
(night) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Noctowl
(night) |
| Medicham
(all day) |
| Snow Mail............$50 |
| Dusk Ball..........$1000 |
| Quick Ball.........$1000 |
| Timer Ball.........$1000 |
| Poke Ball...........$200 |
| Great Ball..........$600 |
| Ultra Ball.........$1200 |
| Potion..............$300 |
| Super Potion........$700 |
| Hyper Potion.......$1200 |
| Revive.............$1500 |
| Antidote............$100 |
| Parlyz Heal.........$200 |
| Awakening...........$250 |
| Burn Heal...........$250 |
| Ice Heal............$250 |
| Full Heal...........$600 |
| Escape Rope.........$500 |
| Repel...............$350 |
| Super Repel.........$500 |
| Max Repel...........$700 |
9e. Boss: Candice

You'll see some Galactic Grunts blocking

the path to Lake Acuity. One of them will
tell you they're there so the Snowpoint
Gym Leader doesn't bother them. Guess we
better go find the Gym Leader and see
what's up... To the right is a path that
leads north and east, take the north past
to find an Ultra Ball. The other path
takes you to Snowpoint City!

The entrance of town is no interest to us right

now, so head into the main part of the city. The
Gym is dead ahead, but there's stuff to do first.
The PokeMart is southwest of the Gym. Full Heals
are available here; always nice to stock up on
those if you're low.
In the house northwest of the Gym is a girl who
will trade you her Haunter for your Medicham.
Haunter has an Everstone attached to it, so it
won't just evolve upon being traded. Sucks, huh?
North of the Gym is the Snowpoint Temple, which
you can't go into yet.
Northeast of the Gym is a guy in a house who will
tell you a trendy saying. The word he adds will
be added to your word bank for interviews, etc.
Come back every day for a new word.
The Pokemon Center is southeast of the Gym.
In order for us to do anything, we gotta stomp on
the Gym Leader here. Ready for some real fun?
Enter the Gym...

If you didn't read on the sign outside, the Gym Leader here is named Candice.
And if you couldn't tell from the Gym floors and decor, everyone here uses Ice
Pokemon. Or Ice moves, anyway. You must step very carefully here because you
will go sailing far in some places if you misstep.
Start by stepping on the northeasternmost piece of snow. Step right, up, up,
left through a snowball, left, down, left, left, left, up to fight a cold guy.

Ace Trainer Sergio

Floatzel L37; Sneasel L37
Money: 2220
Step down, right, down, right to get back to the beginning. Stand where you
first started and step up through 3 snowballs, right, right, down, left to
another Trainer.
Ace Trainer Savannah
Pelipper L35; Golduck L36; Steelix L37
Money: 2220
Then step up, left, left, left, down to find another Trainer.
Ace Trainer Anton
Snover L39
Money: 2340
Go right and down back to the beginning. Step on the northwestermost piece of
snow this time, step up through 2 snowballs, and step left to a girl.
Ace Trainer Allicia
Sneasel L37; Tentacruel L37
Money: 2220
Step up, left, down, down, right through a snowball, then go back to the
beginning. Start from the northeasternmost piece of snow and step right, up
three times, left, left, up, right, Trainer.
Ace Trainer Brenna
Snover L39
Money: 2340
Step right through a snowball, then right to the last Trainer.
Ace Trainer Isaiah
Quagsire L39
Money: 2340
Go back to the beginning. Start on the northwesternmost piece of snow and step
left, then up four times. Go right through a snowball, and then step up all the
stairs. Step on the left piece of snow near Anton. Step down and left through a
snowball. Step left, up, and right through a snowball, then go back to the
Stand in the middle and walk straight up.
My Team

Candice's Team

Money: 5040

o------------o-----o Snover is Candice's leader.
| Lvl |
| Lvl | I'm sure you're aware by now
o------------o-----o that Snover has the Snow
| Honchkrow | 43 |
Snover | 38 | Warning ability, which summons
| Abomasnow | 43 |
| Medicham | 40 | hail that lasts forever. Sound
Luxray | 43 |
Sneasel | 38 | familiar? Don't bother trying
| Vespiquen | 44 |
| Abomasnow | 42 | to change the weather because
| Toxicroak | 44 |
o------------o-----o Abomasnow has Snow Warning as
| Empoleon | 44 |
well. Oh right, about Snover.
o------------o-----o The only thing you need to worry about is Avalanche. This
is Candice's special technique, and it doubles in power

if the user is damaged before the attack is used. It forces the user to go
second, which makes your attack come first. Be very careful. One of the coolest
things about Snover (no pun intended) is that it has a double weakness to Fire
because of its Ice/Grass typing, and it's also weak to Bug, Poison, Fighting,
Flying, and Steel. You have many, many options to take Snover down.
I'm not sure why Candice has a Medicham. Medicham's ability is Pure Power,
which doubles its Attack. That means it's mega strong right off the bat. If any
of your Pokemon know Skill Swap, you can steal Pure Power away from Medicham.
You won't get the effect, but Medicham will become weak as weak can be. It
knows Bulk Up, which increases Attack and Defense, and Force Palm. Medicham
knows Ice Punch too, so I guess it deserves some spot on Candice's team. Its
only weakness is Flying, so don't really count on doing anything as far as
weakness goes. The key is to strike fast and hard before she can Bulk Up.
Sneasel is a quick little demon with decent Attack. It knows Taunt, which
prevents you from using moves that don't cause damage for 2-4 turns. Oh no.
Sneasel is double weak to Fighting, so feel free to take advantage of it. Its
defenses are so low, you can OHKO it with Rock Smash if you're strong enough.
Abomasnow is the evolved form of Snover. It knows GrassWhistle, which puts you
to sleep, as well as Swagger. It holds a Sitrus Berry... no surprises there.
Probably the most devastating attack Abomasnow has is Wood Hammer, a very
powerful Grass type attack that gives some recoil damage.
Candice will also bust out two, count 'em two, Full Restores to heal her
Pokemon. Defeating Candice will earn you the Icicle Badge, the right to use
Rock Climb out of battle, and TM72, Avalanche.
10. The Eighth Badge


---------* Check up on your friend at Lake Acuity.
* Put an end to Team Galactic's plans.
* Earn your eighth and final Badge.
Leave the city due west and tromp through the snow back to the now-open Lake
Acuity. Your friend just got done getting stomped by Jupiter the cutie. He
swears to become better and actually _walks_ off...
Guess he's okay. Jupiter says that you shouldn't come to their HQ in Veilstone,
gee I wonder where our next destination is. But first, we have access to a new
HM, so we have more stuff to get via playing! Yay!
Our first destination is Jubilife City. Head to the Poketch Company and speak
with the president for the Move Tester app for the Poketch. This nifty little
addition lets you check any type matchup you want. Tap the attacker's attack
type at the bottom, and the defender's two types above. The more ! you see, the
stronger the matchup.
Fly to Hearthome City and leave through the west exit. Backtrack until you hit
Black Belt Kyle. Remember him? He's the pacing fighter man. There was an X
Speed near him, and there's a place to climb. Do so and you'll fight instantly.
Hiker Alexander
Golbat L35; Graveler L35; Onix L35

Money: 1120
There is a hidden Iron in the wall. To get it, smash the top rock, stand there,
face left, press A.
Fly to Celestic Town and head left out of the city. Smash the rocks and climb
up the wall. Face right and pick up the hidden Zinc, then go left and claim
TM29, Psychic.
Go back to Celestic Town and head east out of the city. Defog the area and go
right until you get to about where the grass starts. Climb down and then up a
wall right into a battle.
Dragon Tamer Patrick
Gible L39
Make note of the house behind him. In it resides a woman who will teach one of
your Dragon-type Pokemon the granddaddy of Dragon attacks, Draco Meteor. It's
strong, but it sharply lowers your Special Attack after each use. Best to use
it sparingly.
The next location is Veilstone City. Fly there and go west to find a wall to
scale with a Full Incense. This item slows the holder down. Now leave south out
of the city and go back to Valor Lakefront. West and north of the restaurant is
the game designer's house, but more importantly there's a wall you can climb
behind it. Climb all the walls and pick up TM85, Dream Eater, at the end. This
is a powerful Psychic-type attack that drains the HP of a Pokemon. It only
works on a sleeping opponent.
South of the restaurant are more rocks. If you talk to the dude in the purple
hair in the house here, you will get the Coin Toss app for the Poketch. This
app flips a coin. Yeah, that's it. Dig around in his trash for a Max Revive.
Leave and climb down to find a Protein, then climb right and climb up the two
one-steppers and examine the wall for a Rare Candy.
Now head for Pastoria City, and leave via the east exit. Right out of the city
at the beach you can find a wall to climb. TM05, Roar, is all alone here.
Just kidding. There's a Max Revive hidden in the grass.
And finally... I saved this one for last because it's at Route 216, where the
snow is. If you go like you did before out of Mt. Coronet, you'll eventually
find it by heading left. Climb up the wall and head right to a battle.
Black Belt Philip
Machoke L40
Money: 960
Two more battles wait to the right of him.
Skier Bradley
Geodude L35; Graveler L35; Snover L35
Money: 1120
Skier Kaitlyn
Roselia L36; Snover L36
Money: 1152
Continuing to the right we find a Mental Herb, a hold item that cures

attraction, an HP Up, and one more battle.

Skier Andrea
Staravia L38
Money: 1216
Just after her is your real reward: TM13, Ice Beam. This is a powerful Ice
attack that may freeze the opponent.
We're ready to go now, so head to Team Galactic's HQ in Veilstone City. Outside
the building is a grunt who will complain to you and leave, conveniently
dropping a Storage Key for us. Go to the warehouse where you picked up Fly and
double owned the two grunts with Dawn a while back, use the key to open the
door, pick up the Dusk Stone, used to evolve Murkrow and Misdreavus, and head
down the stairs. The mission begins...
10a. Galactic HQ, Part 1


Start by running to the right, slapping up anyone who gets in your way.
Galactic Grunt
Golbat L37
Money: 1480
When you get to the fork, stop to pick up the Zinc to the north, then continue.
Galactic Grunt
Dustox L35; Bronzor L35
Money: 1400
Two floors later...
Galactic Grunt
Glameow L37
Money: 1480
Step on the warp panel on the right and pick up TM49, Snatch. This move will
steal any attack the foe uses that directly increases its stats. So for
example, if you use Snatch and the opponent uses Rock Polish, you steal it and
your Speed gets raised, and they get squat.
Now go back and step on the left warp panel and follow the path. When you get
to the grunt, instead go behind the stairs and warp. Follow this path instead.
Scientist Fredrick
Kadabra L35 (x2)
Money: 1680
You will eventually come across a grunt who won't fight and TM36, Sludge Bomb.
This is a powerful Poison-type attack with a high chance to poison.
The Galactic Key is to the left. This is what you will use to open locked
doors. Now, backtrack to the grunt you passed and annihilate him.
Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L32; Dustox L36; Cascoon L34
Money: 1440

L32 Wurmple? This guy needs

to get slapped.

Head up the stairs. The grunt here makes an amusing comment, but we're here to
beat up Team Galactic, not laugh at the grunts smart enough not to mess with
Resume your thrashing session by following the path left.
Galactic Grunt
Stunky L37
Money: 1480

Galactic Grunt
Bronzor L36; Stunky L36
Money: 1440

Through the door at the end is TM21, Frustration. This attack goes up in damage
if the user hates you. Increase hate by stuffing the bitter herbs from Eterna
City's herb store down your Pokemon's throat.
This marks the end of this part of the dungeon. Your next destination is the
big building where you picked up the Storage Key.
10b. Galactic HQ, Part 2


Use the Galactic Key to get inside. If you're slick, you can double up on the
grunts you'll come across. Again I was dumb and ran past the first one so he
turned and caught me. But now that I look at their Pokemon, you might want to
split them up because otherwise the battle will get way annoying, way quick.
Galactic Grunt
Golbat L36 (x2)
Money: 1440

Galactic Grunt
Golbat L36; Silcoon L34
Money: 1360

Skip the next room and go right. Take the bottom warp and follow the path to a
Max Revive. Then come back and go to the room skipped and beat on the
Scientist Darrius
Kadabra L37
Money: 1776
Warp in this room to find the nap room, where you can take a rest if needed.
Head upstairs to find two grunts eager to take you down.
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Stunky L36; Croagunk L35; Croagunk L36; Stunky L35; Glameow L35
Money: 2840
Step on the middle of the three warps you'll find and you'll come to a room
with a lone Elixir. Step on the leftmost warp now and continue on.
Save before opening the door. Step inside and you'll come face to face with the
boss of Team Galactic. Wait a second. He sure looks familiar...
Equip the Amulet Coin for big bucks!
10c. Boss: Cyrus


My Team

Cyrus's Team

Money: 7740


o------------o-----o This battle is a joke. Cyrus's

| Lvl |
| Lvl | Pokemon are all weak jokes and
o------------o-----o their moves suck. Have fun
| Honchkrow | 46 |
Murkrow | 40 | getting some easy experience.
| Abomasnow | 46 |
Golbat | 40 |
Luxray | 46 |
Sneasel | 43 | Here's the rundown on each
| Vespiquen | 46 |
o------------o-----o Pokemon in this suckfest.
| Empoleon | 46 |
| Toxicroak | 47 | Murkrow is Dark/Flying in type. Its abilities are
o------------o-----o Insomnia, which prevents sleep, and Super Luck, which ups
the chance to score a critical hit. I have no way to know
if Murkrow has Insomnia or Super Luck, so you'll have to guess. It's not that
big a deal anyway since your mega-strong man monsters can easily take down this
little bird. The only fearsome thing about it is Drill Peck, a Flying-type move
of decent strength that deals damage and that's all. I guess it's worth it to
say he knows Embargo, too, but it wears off eventually. It also wears off after
you murder him, so it's not a big deal.
All Golbat are annoying, no matter where you fight them. Cyrus's Golbat is no
exception. It knows Supersonic to confuse you, and Bite to make you flinch.
It's also got Air Cutter that has a high critical hit ratio, but it's somewhat
weak. Man I hate Golbat. Waste no time in taking it down.
Sneasel's a joke. It knows Screech and that's all you need to worry about. It
holds a Sitrus Berry, like that's going to save it from getting one-shotted.
Cyrus has 2 Super Potions to heal his Pokemon. Yeah, those aren't outdated.
After the battle, Cyrus recognizes your strength and courage, and rewards you
with the Master Ball.
Save it. Don't ever use it. Ever. I'm serious.
After that he tells you he's going to Mt. Coronet, where you first met? Oh
right, I remember now. This joke of a guy is the blue-haired bozo you met in
Mt. Coronet! See, I knew he looked familiar.
He leaves, and you've got only one place to go. Make sure you heal up and save
before stepping on the warp tile to the right, because another fight's coming.
10d. Boss: Commander Saturn


Follow the path to a door where you can see, from the left, Mesprit, Uxie, and
Azelf trapped in the machines. Talk to Team Galactic's other blue-haired bozo.
My Team

Saturn's Team

Money: 3200

o------------o-----o Kadabra is as weak as before.
| Lvl |
| Lvl | Its moveset is nearly the same
o------------o-----o as before. Stomp it down.
| Honchkrow | 46 |
Kadabra | 38 |
| Abomasnow | 46 |
Bronzor | 38 | Bronzor now knows Extrasensory
Luxray | 46 |
| Toxicroak | 40 | and retains Shadow Ball. I'm
| Vespiquen | 46 |
o------------o-----o sick of seeing Bronzor. Why
| Empoleon | 46 |
doesn't anyone evolve it? It
| Toxicroak | 47 | evolves at L33... people in this game are stupid. Be also
o------------o-----o wary because Bronzor now knows Confuse Ray as well.
Saturn's Toxicroak knows X-Scissor, which I suppose is supposed to help against

the Psychic Pokemon who will kill Toxicroak in one hit with their Psychic
attacks because Toxicroak is double weak to Psychic, hint hint. It also knows
Brick Break, and Swagger, and still has Poison Jab. And as you probably
guessed, it's holding a Sitrus Berry.
After the battle, Saturn invites you to press the button and set the Pokemon
free, which you should do. He then tells you about the Red Chain that Cyrus
made, which he used to shackle something on Mt. Coronet. Then he takes off. Go
back to the room where you fought Cyrus and head south of the warp panel to a
green warp panel which will take you to the exit.
It's time to give chase to Cyrus and his buddies in Mt. Coronet.
Fly to Snowpoint City first. Head to the PokeMart and buy lots and lots of
Ultra Balls. If it's night, buy lots of Dusk Balls as well. The thing Cyrus
shackled is a Pokemon, and you're going to get an opportunity to capture it.
Later. Fly to Hearthome City.
10e. Mt. Coronet


Leave west out of the city and enter Mt. Coronet. Go clockwise around the room
and surf across the water at the top. Climb up the wall and go up the stairs.
| Bronzor
(all day) |
| Bronzong
(all day) |
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Medicham
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Clefairy
(all day) |

This may very well be your first time

seeing Bronzong since everyone in this
game is too stupid to evolve their
Bronzor. If you think Bronzor is a pain,
try fighting Bronzong. Remember, there is
no shame in fleeing.
You'll see a Max Potion as you follow the
path, so go ahead and pick it up. Keep
going and you'll also find an Escape Rope
if you go down past the stairs you're
going to go up now now that you have it.

Go down and then left to briefly

exit. Climb down the wall to the south and pick up the Iron lying there, then
head back inside.
Back inside, go up and cross the bridge to your left. Go down the stairs and
then continue down to find TM80, Rock Slide. This is a Rock-type move of decent
strength that may make the opponent flinch. Back on the main path, go up and a
little left to find a Revive. Follow the path to the end now. When you go down
the stairs, make sure you turn around and go down the stairs next to you and
not jump the ledge, or you'll have to start over. .
Go to the stairs of the second room, then head across the next room and go down
the stairs on the right. Examine the rock at the bottom of this room to find a
Max Revive.
Back in the room with the three stairs, go now up the north set to find the
first of many, many grunts who you will be owning today.
Galactic Grunt
Beautifly L40
Money: 1600

Galactic Grunt
Bronzor L39
Money: 1560

Leave here and you will be outside, at the summit of Mt. Coronet. Yeah, that's
snow. Yeah, just like Routes 216 and 217. Luckily, this snow won't hinder you.
| Snover
(all day) |
| Abomasnow
(all day) |
| Bronzong
(all day) |
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Medicham
(all day) |
| Golbat
(night) |
| Noctowl
(night) |
| Clefairy
(all day) |
| Bronzong
(all day) |
| Chingling
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Medicham
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Chimecho
(all day) |
| Clefairy
(all day) |

Go right and up to find 2 walls you

can climb, one right above the other.
Do so and go right to a rock with a
hidden Nugget inside.
Now go back down the first wall and
go left, and then down between the
grass and the lower level. Push a
boulder out of the way, then go left
and smash the rock. Examine the rock
it was blocking for a Max Potion.
Head up the nearby stairs and go
through the grass into the cave.

Head north up a wall to more battles.

Galactic Grunt
Dustox L35 (x2); Golbat L38
Money: 1400
Galactic Grunt
Stunky L38; Golbat L38
Money: 1520

Go down the stairs from here and examine

the lone rock for an Escape Rope, then
right out of the cave. Head all the way up to the top by whatever means you
want and pick the Rare Candy out of the rock in the grass, then climb down the
wall and enter the cave entrance below.
Head up for another battle.
Galactic Grunt
Golbat L40
Money: 1600
Climb down the wall and go right. Bust up the bottom rock blocking the round
stone and examine the wall south of it to find a Max Ether. Go left and up the
stairs, then to the right and examine the lone rock to find a Big Mushroom.
Go back to where the Max Ether was and head straight up into more battles.
Galactic Grunt
Wurmple L34; Beautifly L38; Silcoon L36
Money: 1520
Galactic Grunt
Croagunk L35; Croagunk L38; Stunky L38
Money: 1520
Follow the path and then climb down. See the grunt blocking the cave entrance?
Keep him in mind, but ignore him for now. Smash the rocks in your way and go
down a little bit to see a lone rock with a Revive you can grab.
Climb up the wall and leave this cave. Then go up and climb the left wall.
Follow the path north, weaving through the grass until you get as far north as

you can go... at the end of the path you will be rewarded with a Big Mushroom.
Yay. Go left and then up two sets of nearby stairs to a cave.
Follow the path and head to more battles.
Galactic Grunt
Bronzor L38; Glameow L38
Money: 1520

Galactic Grunt
Bronzor L37; Golbat L37
Money: 1480

Galactic Grunt
Golbat L37; Glameow L37; Bronzor L37
Money: 1480
When you reach Spear Pillar and stomp the two grunts, save.
Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt
Dustox L38; Stunky L36; Glameow L36; Croagunk L38
Money: 3040
Again, save if you haven't already. Head north to watch a scene in which Cyrus
will summon Dialga to this dimension. After the scene finishes, Head straight
up between the hot girls to initiate a battle with Mars...
What the. Oh geez. Literally coming OUT OF NOWHERE, your friend shows up and
challenges Jupiter, who will team up with Mars and challenge you two-on-two.
10f. Boss: Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter
My Team

Mars's Team

Jupiter's Team

Money: 7280

o------------o-----o o------------o-----o o------------o-----o

| Lvl | |
| Lvl | |
| Lvl |
o------------o-----o o------------o-----o o------------o-----o
| Empoleon | 46 | |
Bronzor | 41 | |
Bronzor | 41 |
| Abomasnow | 47 | |
Golbat | 42 | | Skuntank | 46 |
Luxray | 47 | |
Purugly | 45 | |
Golbat | 41 |
| Vespiquen | 47 | o------------o-----o o------------o-----o
| Empoleon | 47 |
| Toxicroak | 47 | What, is there some law against evolving Bronzor? These
o------------o-----o lovely ladies would be so much tougher if they evolved
their Pokemon...
Beat the Bronzor as
fast as you can. They carry Reflect and Light Screen, which, if both are used,
will cut all your damage in half.
If you want a real partner, kill your friend's Pokemon until he brings out
Staraptor and watch it slaughter everything with Close Combat. Good stuff.
After the battle, your friend will take off, but not before completely healing
your Pokemon. Sweet.
You will watch a scene in which Dialga will start creating another galaxy, but
he will be stopped by Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. The trio then vanishes, and
Mesprit briefly appears before you before vanishing again.
As it turns out, Mesprit broke the Red Chain that Cyrus used to control Dialga.
Nice. Now we got an angry, uncontrollable deity on our hands!

Cyrus vows to recapture the trio and craft another Red Chain, but first he's
going to completely crush you.
Again, equip the Amulet Coin for big bucks. This guy's loaded.
10g. Boss: Cyrus
My Team

Cyrus's Team

| Lvl |
| Lvl |
| Honchkrow | 47 |
| Honchkrow | 45 |
| Abomasnow | 47 |
| Gyarados | 45 |
Luxray | 47 |
Weavile | 48 |
| Vespiquen | 47 |
Crobat | 46 |
| Toxicroak | 47 |
| Empoleon | 48 |
o------------o-----o is pathetic. Yawn. Next?

Money: 8640
So he evolved his Murkrow.
Guess what? Still a joke. It
still knows Embargo and Drill
Peck, and has added Dark Pulse
to its moveset. It's a Dark
attack that may make you
flinch. It's also special, and
will do little damage because
his Honchkrow's Special Attack

You know the drill with Gyarados. Zap it right now. If you can't, know it knows
Aqua Tail, which is actually good for Gyarados because it's a strong, physicalbased Water move with no added effects. It has Ice Fang as well as Giga Impact,
a very powerful Normal physical-based attack that makes the user rest for a
turn after the attack, if it hits.
Weavile, the evolved form of Sneasel, isn't too dangerous. It's got a very nice
Attack stat, and it's pretty quick, too. It knows Night Slash, which is far
more useful than the Normal-type Slash, as well as Brick Break. It still
carries Ice Punch and still holds a Sitrus Berry.
Crobat is really fast. You're more than likely going second against him. It
knows Cross Poison, a strong Poison-type move with a high critical hit ratio
and also may poison, and Air Slash, a Flying-type move that may make you
flinch. Bite and Confuse Ray are there too, staples on the bat Pokemon.
Did I mention he's STILL using Super Potions? This guy doesn't deserve to lead
Team Galactic.
After the battle, Team Galactic goes away for good, and Dawn and Prof. Rowan
will tell you to go challenge Dialga. Make sure you save before you do, because
you've only got one shot at catching it!
10h. Boss: Dialga or Palkia



Since I'm playing Diamond, you get strategy against Dialga first. Scroll down
for tips against Palkia.
Dialga is Steel/Dragon in type and L47 when you encounter it. Its only
weaknesses are Fighting and Ground. It is immune to Poison.
It knows Metal Claw, AncientPower, Dragon Claw, and Roar of Time.

AncientPower is a somewhat weak Rock-type attack that may raise all the user's
stats. Dialga doesn't get STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus, an increase in damage
if a Pokemon's type matches the move it's using) for it, so you don't have to
worry too much about it.
Dragon Claw is a physical-based Dragon-type attack that has no added effects.
It's fairly strong, and Dialga can cause good damage with it.
Roar of Time is what you have to worry about. It's incredibly powerful and also
Dragon-type, but forces Dialga to recharge on the next turn if it hits. Lucky
for you, it's special-based, so Metal Claw's occasional Attack increase has no
effect on it.
Roar of Time can also only be used five times. Once he uses them all up, you're
good to go.
I'll say it again: Do NOT waste the Master Ball on Dialga. Toss anything but
the Master Ball. Why not waste your one and only Master Ball? Because Dialga
isn't going anywhere unless you kill it. Should this be the case, reset your
game and try again.
*** AS FOR PALKIA... ***
Palkia is Water/Dragon in type and L47 when you encounter it. Its only weakness
is Dragon.
It knows Water Pulse, AncientPower, Dragon Claw, and Spacial Rend.
AncientPower is a somewhat weak Rock-type attack that may raise all the user's
stats. Palkia doesn't get STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus, an increase in damage
if a Pokemon's type matches the move it's using) for it, so you don't have to
worry too much about it.
Dragon Claw is a physical-based Dragon-type attack that has no added effects.
It's fairly strong, and Palkia can cause good damage with it.
Palkia's signature attack is Spacial Rend. This is a strong Dragon-type attack
with a high critical hit ratio. Lucky for you Pearl users it's a lot weaker
than Dialga's Roar of Time, so you might not die from it. However, like Roar of
Time, Spacial Rend can only be used five times. You should have no problems
after that.
Just don't toss the Master Ball at it. Why? Why would you? You have no reason
to. If you use up all your Poke Balls, reset and try again.
After the battle, Dawn and Rowan will congratulate you on your success, and
you'll all start leaving. Before you do, go north past where you fought Dialga
and pick up the Adamant Orb. This cheater of an item will power up Dialga's
Dragon- and Steel-type attacks. If you're playing Pearl, you'll find the
Lustrous Orb, which powers up Palkia's Water- and Dragon-type attacks. What
cheaters these two are.
Do you remember that grunt I told you about? Go back to where he was. Enter the
room he blocked to find TM02, Dragon Claw. Follow the path up and push the
boulder out of the way and you'll be near an exit. Fly to Pastoria City.
10i. To Sunyshore City


Head to Valor Lakefront, and you will notice that the guy blocking the path
east is now gone. You can finally get to Sunyshore City, so get started heading
east. We're going to celebrate by beating up this dude's Pokemon.
Rich Boy Trey
Luxio L43
Money: 6880
There are two paths to take. Start with the lower path.
Fisherman Alec
Magikarp L40; Gyarados L42
Money: 1344
Fisherman George
Magikarp L38; Remoraid L40; Gyarados L42; Finneon L40
Money: 1344
Fisherman Brett
Magikarp L39; Finneon L42; Feebas L39
Money: 1248
Fisherman Cole
Gyarados L41 (x2); Remoraid L38
Money: 1312

Tuber Holly
Remoraid L43
Money: 172

Get in the first house. See the Pikachu everywhere? The one above the guy is a
dirty faker...
Poke Kid Janet
Pikachu L41 (x2)
Money: 328
The house next door has a guy who wants you to bring him Remoraid. Beat his
record and he'll give you a prize. He gave me a Net Ball. I didn't bother
trying to beat the record again, so I don't know if he gives you anything else.
| Floatzel
(all day) |
| Gastrodon
(all day) |
| Mr. Mime
(all day) |
| Wingull
(all day) |
| Chatot
(morning/day) |

Those with Pearl will find Glameow and Purugly

instead of Mr. Mime.
Now go back and take the top path. Pick the 2
Wiki, 2 Mago, 2 Aguav, and Qualot Berries and go
right between the plateau and the ledge to find
some Honey. Then go back and wreck this hoitytoity girl's day.

Beauty Nicola
Lopunny L43
Money: 2408
Go around the back of the next plateau and head up the stairs. If you go left
and examine the blank space at the end all the way to the left, you'll get an
Ultra Ball. Cut the tree to the right and you'll find a Carbos.
Back on the main path, talk to the guy looking over the ledge and he'll give
you TM56, Fling. This move throws the item it's holding at the opponent.
Continue on to a cop that only fights you at night.

Policeman Thomas
Noctowl L42; Machoke L42
Money: 1680
If you're really slick, you can double the sailor and the kid.
Tuber Conner and Sailor Marc
Remoraid L43; Mantyke L43
Money: 1548
Sailor Luther
Feebas L37; Machoke L40; Gastrodon L43
Money: 1376
Enter and exit the house and you'll get stopped by a guy named Flint. He's part
of Sinnoh's Elite Four who tells you that the Gym Leader's been so bored lately
because everyone he fights sucks and he wastes them. Flint asks that you give
him a battle so awesome it will lift his spirits.
Well I'm sure that's not a problem, but we got some stuff to take care of now
that we've finally reached Sunyshore City.
| Steel Mail...........$50 |
| Lxuury Ball........$1000 |
| Poke Ball...........$200 |
| Great Ball..........$600 |
| Ultra Ball.........$1200 |
| Potion..............$300 |
| Super Potion........$700 |
| Hyper Potion.......$1200 |
| Max Potion.........$2500 |
| Revive.............$1500 |
| Antidote............$100 |
| Parlyz Heal.........$200 |
| Awakening...........$250 |
| Burn Heal...........$250 |
| Ice Heal............$250 |
| Escape Rope.........$550 |
| Repel...............$350 |
| Super Repel.........$500 |
| Max Repel...........$700 |

Stay on the ground level and head right and up

past the Pokemon Center to the PokeMart, which is
really unimpressive. You can buy Luxury Balls
here, which makes caught Pokemon start with a
higher friendship rating.
Northeast of the
PokeMart is Sunyshore Market, a
place where you
can buy Seals,
some of which are
pretty cool. Go
ahead and buy a
few, see if there
are any you like.

| There is no definite list |
| for this place. The items |
| for sale change every day |
| and the only way to get
| them all is by visiting
| this place every day.

The lady below him will put a Ribbon on your

leader if he's finished allocating his EVs. It's
not important for completing the game, and it's
entirely optional. Once you do start EV training,
though, you'll want to come back to make sure you
did everything right.

Leave and go right. Go up the stairs to the upper

level of town. To the left is the Gym, but Flint will tell you that the Gym
Leader's not here.
Go right instead and you'll see two houses. In the house on the left, you can
learn that Cyrus is originally from Sunyshore City. Huh.
Next door is the house of a woman named Julia, and she wants to hear stories
about your travels... tomorrow. Come back tomorrow and she will ask you to
describe something to her. Tell her a word or phrase that goes along with what
she's talking about and she will give a Ribbon to the first Pokemon in your
party. You can do this every day; it's an easy way to nail 7 Ribbons.

Go all the way down, then right past the sailor and down the steps to find a
Thunderstone. If you climb up the wall you'll find a house with a guy who wants
to see a Pokemon of a certain nature - either Serious, Naive, or Quirky. Show
him a Serious-natured Pokemon to get the Calendar app for the Poketch. This is
a calendar. Tap a date and a colored box will appear around it. Tap it again
and it will vanish. Show him a Pokemon with a Naive nature and you'll get the
Dot Artist app for the Poketch. Finally, showing him anything Quirky will earn
you the Roulette app for the Poketch. This is probably the most fun app to play
with. With the stylus, you can draw your own sections of a real roulette wheel.
Tap the top button of the three on the right to spin the arrow. Tap the button
below it to make the arrow slow to a stop. The C button on the bottom clears
your wheel so you can make more. I love playing with this.
Back on the upper level, go down and right to find Vista Lighthouse. Before
entering, examine the southeasternmost tile and you'll find the Zap Plate.
Enter and talk to the guy in front of the binoculars. This is Volkner, the Gym
Leader here. After speaking to him, he will return to the Gym.
The final Gym awaits! Nothing else to do but claim victory!
10j. Boss: Volkner


Pass through Volkner's Gym by walking on the paths outlined in yellow on the
gears. By stepping on the green buttons, you will turn the gears 90 degrees,
thus making new paths. Start by going up and stepping on the green button. Go
down and back up to the other green button and step on it once. Go up and fight
the Trainer.
School Kid Tiera
Pachirisu L44
Money: 880

(Wow, how long's it been since we've seen one of these?)

Go through the door. Go up and right to fight a Trainer.

Guitarist Jerry
Luxio L44
Money: 1056
Step on the blue button three times. Go up the stairs to the left and cross the
bridge. Go down the steps and fight again.
School Kid Forrest
Mr. Mime L44
Money: 880
Step on the blue button below him once, then the green button next to that just
once. Go up the stairs by Jerry and cross the bridge. Slap up the Pikachu girl.
Poke Kid Meghan
Pikachu L41 (x4)
Money: 328
Go through the door and fight the guy.
Guitarist Lonnie
Raichu L44
Money: 1056

Step on the red button. Note these will spin the gears 180 degrees. Go to the
other gears and step on the red button. Fight the girl.
Ace Trainer Destiny
Kadabra L44; Raichu L44
Money: 2640

A side note: Raichu knows Dig, of all things.

Go up the stairs and go up to find yet another Trainer.

Guitarist Preston
Luxio L42; Bibarel L42
Money: 1008

Bet he thinks he's slick with his Water-type.

Step on the green button twice. Go around and step on the blue button twice. Go
up and down the stairs to another Trainer.
Ace Trainer Zachery
Steelix L44; Medicham L44
Money: 2640
Go down to where Lonnie is and step on the red button. Go back up the stairs
and follow the path to Volkner.
My Team

Volkner's Team

Money: 5880

o------------o-----o Hope you like being paralyzed,
| Lvl |
| Lvl | cause Volkner's Raichu starts
o------------o-----o things off with Thunder Wave.
| Honchkrow | 48 |
Raichu | 46 | Also in its arsenal is Light
Luxray | 48 |
Ambipom | 47 | Screen and Brick Break, and
| Empoleon | 49 |
Luxray | 49 | Volkner's special technique,
| Vespiquen | 49 |
| Octillery | 47 | Charge Beam. This is an
| Toxicroak | 49 |
o------------o-----o embarrassment of a move,
| Abomasnow | 49 |
Electric in type, with a high
o------------o-----o chance to raise the user's Special Attack. Not worth it
to use, at all.
Ambipom is the
evolved form of Aipom. Even though it isn't the strongest of Volkner's Pokemon,
it is by far the most dangerous and you need to eliminate it as fast as you
possibly can. Ambipom knows Nasty Plot, which sharply raises Special Attack,
and Agility, which sharply raises Speed. Its only attack move is Shock Wave,
and that's no big deal, but the big deal is Baton Pass. What this does is
switches out the user, and gives any status changes it had to whoever you bring
out next. If Volkner manages to pass even one Nasty Plot and Agility to any of
his Pokemon (except maybe Octillery), you could be hurting.
Luxray is Volkner's strongest Pokemon. It is male and has the Rivalry ability,
so if you have any genderless or female Pokemon, use that to avoid powering him
up. It knows Thunder Wave and Thunder Fang, which can paralyze or flinch you,
and also has Charge Beam. It holds a Sitrus Berry.
Octillery is the evolved form of Remoraid. It's Water in type and carries, of
all the moves in the world, Bullet Seed. Wow. And this guy's the toughest Gym
Leader in Sinnoh? It also knows Charge Beam and Octazooka, a Water-type move
that may lower accuracy.
Volkner has a Hyper Potion and a Full Restore at his disposal. Defeating
Volkner will earn you the Beacon Badge, the right to use Waterfall out of
battle, and TM57, Charge Beam.

11. The Pokemon League


---------* Come face to face with the hottest Gym Leader EVER.
* Conquer Victory Road.
* Defeat the Elite Four and become Sinnoh Pokemon League Champion.
Okay, okay. Now that we can use Waterfall out of battle, we can now go anywhere
we want. But first, we need to actually get Waterfall. As you leave the Gym,
you'll see a woman on the beach on the north side of town. It's north of
Sunyshore Market.
Speak to the goddess. This gorgeous lady is Jasmine. She's a Gym Leader over
in the Johto region, and she's the hottest thing around. Mars and Jupiter got
nothing on this lady. I could go on about how awesome she is, but that'd be
boring. Instead, thank her for giving you HM7, Waterfall. This is a physicalbased Water attack that may make the foe flinch, a change not added until
Diamond and Pearl, I might add.
Teach it to someone, you'll need it. Before we move on, we need to head back to
the few waterfalls we ran into and plunder the treasures. It's not much, but
hey, it's free stuff.
Fly to Celestic Town. Enter Cynthia's grandmother's house (it's the one in the
top center of town, largest house in town) and speak to her. She will add
Palkia's page to your Pokedex (Pearl players will have Dialga added). This is
necessary to see all of Sinnoh's Pokemon for purposes revealed later.
Leave the city due east. Backtrack to the point where you can actually start
surfing. Go up the first waterfall and land. Stand on the left side, go up to
the wall (facing up), and examine it for the Meadow Plate. Go back down, then
go left and up the next waterfall. Go left and down the next waterfall to find
the Wave Incense.
Fly to Hearthome City. Buy an Escape Rope if you don't have Dig learned. Leave
via the west exit and go to the pacing Black Belt. Surf right and up the
waterfall to find a Carbos. After that, head into Mt. Coronet. Ascend the
mountain until you reach the snowy area. Climb up the first wall and head right
into the cave. Go left and surf, ascend the waterfall. Enter the door and
examine the rock to find the Stone Plate. Escape with the Escape Rope or Dig.
Fly back to Sunyshore City and head to where Jasmine is. Surf north out of the
city. Victory Road awaits.
It is very important that you fight all the Trainers on this route. You're
closing in on completing the Pokedex, and a number of Trainers here are the
sole owners of some Pokemon in Sinnoh.
SwimmerF Miranda
Lumineon L43
Money: 688

SwimmerF Aubree
Azurill L41; Azumarill L41
Money: 656

SwimmerM Oscar
Mantyke L38; Remoraid L40; Mantine L42
Money: 672

Right by this guy is an opening on

the left you can squeeze through
and find TM18, Rain Dance.

SwimmerM Colton and SwimmerF Paige

Wingull L37; Marill L39; Quagsire L42; Golduck L41; Wingull L40; Pelipper L41
Money: 1312
SwimmerM Ricardo
Tentacruel L43
Money: 688

SwimmerF Crystal
Wingull L41; Seaking L41
Money: 656

SwimmerM Wesley
Buizel L41; Tentacruel L41
Money: 656

This guy's off to the left a bit.

When you land, go up and pick up
the Pearl, then fight the sailor man.

Sailor Zachariah
Surf around the rock and then keep
Pelipper L38; Gastrodon L44; Machoke L38 going north.
Money: 1408
SwimmerF Gabrielle
Golduck L43
Money: 688

SwimmerF Cassandra
Finneon L41; Pelipper L41
Money: 656

SwimmerM Troy
Gyarados L43
Money: 688
Straight ahead is Victory Road. There's a Pokemon Center outside the cave
entrance where you can stop and heal. To get through Victory Road, you'll need
Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, and Rock Climb.
11a. Victory Road
| Steelix
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Onix
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Medicham
(all day) |
| Kadabra (2F only) (all day) |
| Floatzel (basement (all day) |

Go across the bridge and climb down the wall.
Go left and fight the Trainer.
Psychic Bryce
Haunter L43; Gengar L46; Alakazam L46
Money: 1472
Above him is TM41, Torment. This stops the
foe from using the same move twice in a row.
Climb back up the wall and across the bridge
to the right. Go down the stairs, go around
the rock and fight again.

Bird Keeper Hana

Noctowl L46; Staraptor L48
Money: 1536
Above her is a Full Heal. Go back up the steps and cross the bridge going up.
Climb down the wall and go left. Go up the stairs and fight.
Ace Trainer Mariah
Golduck L46; Blissey L48
Money: 2880
Above her, hidden in a rock, is a Max Elixir. Go up to the second floor.
Smash the rocks around you and activate Strength. Push the boulder out of your

way, and then push the one next to it to the right. You need to get some speed
going to jump the ramp to the left, just like you did by Lost Tower.
Smash the rock and jump the ramp using the slow gear so you don't go flying
over the rock. Collect your Max Ether, and then go back to the entrance of this
room. Go down and push the rocks out of your way, and fight a Trainer.
Ace Trainer Omar
Rapidash L45; Carnivine L45; Rampardos L48
Money: 2880

Be careful... Rampardos is
ridiculously strong!

Push the left of the two boulders down. Go down and smash the rock, and then
push the boulder back up. Go right and smash the rock. Head right and fight.
Ace Trainer Sydney
Clefable L46; Torterra L48
Money: 2880
Go right, push the rock out of your way, and then fight the old dude.
Veteran Clayton
Staraptor L47; Hippowdon L47
Money: 3760
Go down the stairs, then come back into this room. Activate Strength again and
push the boulder down. Go right and push the rocks out of your way. Smash the
rock and push the boulder down out of your way. Go up and weave around the
rocks until you come across two people. Get some speed and jump the ramps to
clear the wall and earn yourself a free Full Restore. Go fight the two people.
Double Team Al & Kay
Staraptor L47; Whiscash L47
Money: 11280
Jump the first two ledges by letting go of left after you jump the second
ledges. Pick up TM71, Stone Edge. This is a powerful Rock-type attack with a
high critical hit ratio. Now go back to Clayton and go down the stairs.
Climb down the wall, being careful not to jump the ledge. Follow the path to
another battle.
Black Belt Miles
Machamp L49
Money: 1176
Head right and go down the stairs. Surf up to the middle and fight the weirdo.
Psychic Valencia
Chingling L44; Chimecho L48
Money: 1536
Head north and go up the waterfall. Go left and then down the waterfall to find
TM59, Dragon Pulse. This is a powerful Dragon-type attack with no added
effects. Go back up the waterfall and fight the dude to your left.
Dragon Tamer Ondrej
Gabite L49
Money: 1568
Surf across the water to your left and go up the stairs. Go all the way left

and down to find a Razor Claw. This is the item necessary to evolve Sneasel. Go
back to behind the old man and go up the steps. Cross the bridge, then go
around the rock to find a Zinc. Ignore the guy and fight the old man.
Veteran Edgar
Tentacruel L45; Golem L45; Empoleon L48
Money: 3840
Head south of him and climb the wall to your left. Cross the bridge and then go
to the next floor. In this room, activate Strength. Push the top and bottom
boulders, then push the middle one up or down out of your way to find TM79,
Dark Pulse. Go back into the other room, climb down the wall, and climb up the
one to the right. Have another battle.
Dragon Tamer Clinton
Gible L46 (x2); Gyarados L49
Money: 1472
Head up to the exit. The Pokemon League is dead ahead, but before you ascend
that final waterfall, position yourself to the left of the sign here. Take 5
steps left and press A to find the Sky Plate. Use Waterfall one last time, and
enter the Pokemon League.
They even have their own shop! They sell every special Poke Ball you can buy,
as well as all the normal Poke Balls, potion items, and stuff you've been
seeing since day one.
Now then. You're one step away from fighting the Elite Four. They are very
powerful; the highest level Pokemon you'll face is 68. It's a huge leap from
Volkner's losers at high-40s. If you feel like you're underleveled, Vs. Seeker
some Trainers on the overworld map. Save your game, then talk to the dude in
the middle and prepare for the first of the Elite F...not again. I'm tired of running into him, AAAAGH. Stomp him one last time.
11b. A Friendly Fight, Part 5


My Team

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

| Lvl |
| Toxicroak | 50 |
| Vespiquen | 50 |
| Abomasnow | 50 |
| Honchkrow | 50 |
Luxray | 52 |
| Empoleon | 52 |

| Chimchar
| Staraptor L48 | Staraptor L48 | Staraptor L48 |
| Roserade L49 | Floatzel L49 | Roserade L49 |
| Rapidash L49 | Rapidash L49 | Floatzel L49 |
| Heracross L50 | Heracross L50 | Heracross L50 |
| Snorlax L51 | Snorlax L51 | Snorlax L51 |
| Empoleon L53 | Torterra L53 | Infernape L53 |

Money: 5300
Your friend's evolved the Munchlax he used earlier, and it's pretty strong.
Torterra knows Leaf Storm, an incredibly strong Grass-type move. It now carries
a double weakness to Ice, too, so go ahead and exploit that if you can.
Empoleon is part Steel, and I'm pretty sure you know what that means. Yeah, a
million resistances. He's still weak to Electric, though.

Infernape, like Monferno, is Fire/Fighting. He's pretty fast and fairly

powerful, so do be quick in taking it out.
Everything else you've seen before.
11c. The Sinnoh Lake Trio


Before we fight the Elite Four, it's time to go pay a visit to Mesprit, Azelf,
and Uxie. You can actually do this at any time after the event with Dialga, but
you should be more prepared for the fights against them at your current level.
It's important that you battle against these Pokemon before beating the Elite
Four, or you won't be able to get started with fun things after beating the
game. The first Pokemon we're going to visit is Mesprit, found at Lake Verity.
That's the one by Twinleaf Town.
Get on the water and surf left to another piece of land with a lone item ball.
In it is TM38, Fire Blast. Now surf to the cavern in the center, you'll find
Mesprit inside the cave. Speak to it, and it will fly away. Professor Rowan
will speak a few words, and then suggest you chase Mesprit. You can find
Mesprit's location using the Marking Map app (#13). Put a fast Pokemon in your
party and follow Mesprit using Fly. Once you get onto its route, just wander
the field until you find it. You'll know you've got it when the encounter music
is just a bit different. :D
Mesprit and its pals are all L50. Mesprit is the only one that runs away from
you, so if you want, go ahead and use your Master Ball on it. However, I should
mention that after the game you can get another legendary that also runs away
from you, so you may want to save the Master Ball for that.
Head to Lake Acuity west of Snowpoint City for the battle against Uxie. Uxie's
got stellar defensive stats, and Amnesia to boot. It's not too powerful, so you
shouldn't have to worry about getting annihilated by the little guy. Since Uxie
is in a cave, you should be bringing lots of Dusk Balls.
Northeast of Uxie's cavern is a hidden section with lots of Bibarel, the
occasional Psyduck and Sneasel, and TM14, Blizzard.
Azelf is at Lake Valor. It's got sky high Special Attack and knows Nasty Plot,
Uproar, Future Sight, and Confusion. It's a mean little bugger and you've gotta
be fast in capturing it. Uproar prevents sleep for 5 turns and causes damage.
Future Sight is a move that hits a Pokemon 2 turns later.
Southeast of Azelf's cavern is more wild grass and TM25, Thunder.
After that, you should be very close to 150 Pokemon seen. Fly back to the
Pokemon League. If your Pokemon aren't around L65, I suggest stocking up on
lots of Revives and Max Potions - at least 20, 30 if you're a little low in
level. There really isn't a need for Full Restores against these guys, they
LOVE to attack attack attack.
If your Pokemon aren't at LEAST L50, turn around and go train. Vs. Seeker
some of the Trainers outside Sunyshore. Fight wild Pokemon in Victory Road. You
will NOT LAST A MINUTE against the FIRST of the Elite Four unless you're

Enter when ready.
11c. Elite Four - Aaron


Aaron's Team
| Lvl |
Dustox | 53 |
| Heracross | 54 |
| Vespiquen | 54 |
Drapion | 57 |
| Beautifly | 53 |

Money: 6840
The first member of the Elite Four is Aaron, a die-hard
Bug Pokemon fan. His Pokemon are the weakest of what
you're going to find here, so if you have a hard time
against him and his bugs, you're going to get thrashed
later on. Look below for individual strategies for each
of Aaron's Pokemon.

o--------o Moveset: Light Screen, Double Team, Bug Buzz, Toxic

| Dustox |
Type: Bug/Poison
o--------o Ability: Shield Dust (Attacks will never have added effects)
Plain and simple, take out Dustox as fast as you can. Light Screen will slice
your damage. Double Team is for cheaters. It raises evasion, which in essence
lowers your accuracy. It's only for cheaters, and don't ever use it.
Bug Buzz is something you probably haven't seen yet. It's a special-based Bug
attack that may lower Special Defense. It's Dustox's only means of attack, so
if you can resist it, you're good to go. You should be familiar with Toxic by
now. A Steel-type Pokemon will have lots of fun against Dustox. Psychic-types
could get murdered by Bug Buzz if Dustox isn't killed by their attacks
(probably because of Light Screen).
o-----------o Moveset: Megahorn, Stone Edge, Night Slash, Close Combat
| Heracross |
Type: Bug/Fighting
o-----------o Ability: Swarm (Bug damage increased when low on health)
Heracross is very deadly, knowing only strong attacks. Megahorn is a really
powerful Bug attack. Close Combat is a very strong Fighting attack that lowers
the user's Defense and Special Defense. Chances are, however, that you will
die to either of these moves Heracross gets STAB for. Stone Edge and Night
Slash are also strong attacks, so you really just need to kill him fast because
there's no one type that can stall for long against him. He has a very nice
double weakness to Flying, so if you've got Fly on someone, feel free to
deliver that OHKO.
o-----------o Moveset: Attack Order, Power Gem, Defend Order, Heal Order
| Vespiquen |
Type: Bug/Flying
o-----------o Ability: Pressure (Foe uses 2 PP per attack)
Vespiquen is one of the stronger Bug-types. Still, she's double weak to Rock,
so a single strike from anything is sure to put her out of her misery. Power
Gem is stupid. It's a Rock-type attack only there to hurt Flying-types. That's
okay though because Vespiquen is wicked slow and anything you bring out should
outrun her anyway. The Orders are moves exclusive to Vespiquen. Attack Order is
a surprisingly strong Bug-type attack with a high critical hit ratio. Defend
Order raises Defense and Special Defense each by 1 level, and Heal Order
restores HP by 50% its maximum. Yeah. They're pretty cool, I love Vespiquen.

Anyway, if by some chance you don't have a Rock attack, feel free to use Fly,
or any Fire attack if you have it. Taunt stops her from using Defend Order and
Heal Order for 2-4 turns, but it's not necessary.
o---------o Moveset: X-Scissor, Cross Poison, Ice Fang, Aerial Ace
| Drapion |
Type: Poison/Dark
o---------o Ability: Battle Armor (Prevents critical hits.)
Aaron's strongest Pokemon is Drapion. Poison/Dark is a pretty effective typing
that gets rid of all weaknesses except Ground. On the other side of that coin,
all of its resistances are gone too, only resisting Poison and Dark, and Dark's
immunity to Psychic. Its ability stops that lucky hit, so you'll have to rely
on your own strength to take him down. Knowing only attack moves, Drapion will
never let up in its assault. Ground-types will be met with Ice Fang, so be
o-----------o Moveset: Psychic, Energy Ball, Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball
| Beautifly |
Type: Bug/Flying
o-----------o Ability: Swarm (Bug damage increased when low on health)
Special sweeper Beautifly. Won't be as easy as when you fought against
Vespiquen though, because Beautifly can actually do real damage to its
weaknesses. Energy Ball, Grass in type, will wreck Rock, Water, and Ground
Pokemon, as well as possibly lower Special Defense, so do be careful using
those types. Beautifly's double weak to Rock though, so feel free to give that
Rock Slide or Stone Edge a shot. If it hits, he's gone.
After the battle, move on to the next room.
11d. Elite Four - Bertha


Bertha's Team
| Lvl |
| Quagsire | 55 |
| Whiscash | 55 |
| Sudowoodo | 56 |
Golem | 56 |
| Hippowdon | 59 |

Money: 7080
The second member of the Elite Four is Bertha. She
trains Ground-type Pokemon. You'll learn to hate her the
second you get into battle with her. After her first
Pokemon, it's all murder and slaughter.
Lead with a Pokemon that knows a strong Grass attack.

o----------o Moveset: Sandstorm, Protect, Double Team, Dig

| Quagsire |
Type: Water/Ground
o----------o Ability: Damp (Use of Selfdestruct and Explosion is blocked)
Proceed to use the Grass move I told you to start with to slaughter this thing.
Don't waste any time at all in taking Quagsire out. If you have Earthquake, you
can get double damage when Quagsire is using Dig. She rarely uses it, though; a
lot of times it's Protect and Double Team, hoping to avoid damage while
Sandstorm eats your HP. Ground-types should do well against Quagsire, but
really you just need to use whatever Grass-type move I told you to prepare.
o----------o Moveset: Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide, Aqua Tail, Fissure
| Whiscash |
Type: Water/Ground
o----------o Ability: Oblivous (Prevents attraction)

If you have a Grass attack, go ahead and use it aginst Whiscash, too. Like
Quagsire, the Water/Ground typing will ensure a swift death. Whiscash is
somewhat slow as well, so you should have no problems with going first.
If you can't Grass it to death, then you'll just have to rely on your own
strength since Whiscash has no other weaknesses. Beware of Aqua Tail which will
put the hurt on any Ground-types you might have used to beat Quagsire.
Fissure is a OHKO move. It's ridiculously inaccurate, but its accuracy goes up
against a Pokemon with a level disadvantage. It fails completely against
anything higher in level than the user, so any Pokemon that's at least L56 will
be safe from it.
o-----------o Moveset: Hammer Arm, Sucker Punch, Sandstorm, Earthquake
| Sudowoodo |
Type: Rock
o-----------o Ability: Sturdy (OHKO moves always fail)
Hammer Arm is a strong Fighting attack that lowers the user's Speed every time
it's used. Sudowoodo, like the rest of Bertha's crew, is slow, so the lowering
of Speed shouldn't be much of a problem of her. Sucker Punch is a pretty strong
Dark-type attack that always goes first. The catch is it always fails unless
you pick a move that causes direct damage. It can only be used five times, and
Sudowoodo doesn't get STAB for it, so it should be pretty weak against you.
It's odd, but Sudowoodo doesn't know any Rock attacks. Rock Slide would have
made a much better fit over Sucker Punch. But hey, I won't complain.
o-------o Moveset: Brick Break, Gyro Ball, Sandstorm, Earthquake
| Golem |
Type: Rock/Ground
o-------o Ability: Rock Head (Prevents recoil damage)
Surf it.
o-----------o Moveset: Crunch, Stone Edge, Curse, Earthquake
| Hippowdon |
Type: Ground
o-----------o Ability: Sand Stream (Eternal Sandstorm begins upon entry)
There's not much to say about Hippowdon. She hits hard with everything she's
got. Curse raises Attack and Defense at the cost of some Speed. It works
differently if a Ghost-type uses it, but that's another story.
After the battle, move on to the next room.
11e. Elite Four - Flint


Flint's Team
| Lvl |
| Rapidash | 58 |
| Infernape | 61 |
Lopunny | 57 |
Steelix | 57 |
| Drifblim | 58 |

Money: 7320
The third member of the Elite Four is Flint, the guy you
met in Sunyshore City earlier. He'd love to call himself
a user of Fire-types, but since there are only two in
Sinnoh, he has to make do with other Pokemon. Fire is his
main focus though.

o----------o Moveset: Bounce, Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, SolarBeam

| Rapidash |
Type: Fire
o----------o Ability: Run Away (Trapping moves and abilities are bypassed)
Rapidash is pretty straightforward. Bounce is a 2-turn move, Flying in type,
that may make the foe become paralyzed. It's actually got some decent strength,
but it's only annoying when you become paralyzed. Flare Blitz is something you
probably haven't seen before. It's a very strong Fire-type physical attack that
gives the user some recoil. The Sunny Day/SolarBeam combo you may be familiar
with, but haven't yet seen it put into action. Sunny Day gets rid of the charge
needed for SolarBeam. Don't forget that it also powers up Flare Blitz, too!
o-----------o Moveset: ThunderPunch, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Mach Punch
| Infernape |
Type: Fire/Fighting
o-----------o Ability: Blaze (At 1/3 or less max HP, powers up Fire attacks)
Check Rapidash's strategy if it never Flare Blitzed you. Everything else you've
seen before. You might have had practice against Infernape if you chose Turtwig
as your starter. If this is your first time seeing Infernape, know it's got
weaknesses to Flying, Ground, Water, and Psychic, all of which Infernape can
cover pretty well. Mach Punch makes him go first. It holds a Sitrus Berry.
o---------o Moveset: Mirror Coat, Charm, Fire Punch, Sunny Day
| Lopunny |
Type: Normal
o---------o Ability: Cute Charm (May attract the foe if touched)
Charm sharply lowers your Attack. The idea behind it is to encourage you to use
special attacks, which Mirror Coat will reflect back at double the power. Fire
Punch is so weak on Lopunny, Sunny Day will help power it up.
o---------o Moveset: Rock Tomb, Fire Fang, Sunny Day, Screech
| Steelix |
Type: Steel/Ground
o---------o Ability: Rock Head (Prevents recoil damage)
The next embarrassment on Flint's team is Steelix. With no Ground moves to
speak of, a horrendously weak _special_ attack, and Fire Fang, his bark is
worse than his bite. Just Surf him until he dies, even through Sunny Day.
o----------o Moveset: Double Team, Will-O-Wisp, Ominous Wind, Baton Pass
| Drifblim |
Type: Ghost/Flying
o----------o Ability: Aftermath (When KO'd by a physical attack, foe takes 1/4
of its max HP in damage)
Been a while since you seen one of
these, hasn't it? Drifblim knows Double Team, the move only for cheaters. He
can Baton Pass this to another Pokemon, giving them all the boosted evasion.
Will-O-Wisp will burn you, stopping your physical attackers cold. Also be
careful about Ominous Wind; if it raises' Drifblim's stats, he can pass those,
too! Take him out quick!
Take care you don't KO it with a physical attack or Aftermath will eat your HP.
After the battle, move on to the next room.
11f. Elite Four - Lucian
Lucian's Team


| Lvl |
| Mr. Mime | 59 |
| Girafarig | 59 |
| Alakazam | 60 |
| Bronzong | 63 |
| Medicham | 60 |

Money: 7560
The final member of the Elite Four is Lucian. He claims
to raise Psychic-types, and can actually back this up.
He is one of the toughest Trainers in the game. The other
three of the Elite Four are jokes compared to this guy.

o----------o Moveset: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Reflect, Light Screen

| Mr. Mime |
Type: Psychic
o----------o Ability: Soundproof (Blocks moves based on sound)
A member of the Elite Four, using my favorite Pokemon? Joy! Mr. Mime is tough.
He can immediately hinder whoever you send out first by putting up the barrier
that will cut the damage it's best at dealing in half. Psychic and Thunderbolt
are both very strong. Taunt will stop him from using them, but are your Pokemon
fast enough to use it before he can put them up?
There isn't too much you can do except beat him with your strongest attacks.
Crunch, if you have it, will put a serious dent in him, if not OHKO him.
o-----------o Moveset: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Crunch, Double Hit
| Girafarig |
Type: Normal/Psychic
o-----------o Ability: Inner Focus (Prevents flinching)
There's not much to say about Girafarig. Double Hit is just that - a move that
hits twice. It's Normal-type, and it has decent strength, but only because
Girafarig gets STAB for it.
o----------o Moveset: Psychic, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Recover
| Alakazam |
Type: Psychic
o----------o Ability: Synchronize (Mirrors BRN, PSN, and PAR on the foe)
Meet Alakazam, your worst nightmare. Alakazam is likely to score lots of KOs on
you due to its insane Speed and Special Attack. Focus Blast is a Fighting
attack (special-based, just your luck). It's mega strong, but it's also fairly
inaccurate. That won't stop him from tearing your team up with it if it hits.
If you can, Crunch him for an almost guaranteed OHKO. Just hope they survive
Alakazam's attack. The key to defeating Alakazam is to do it in a single hit;
Alakazam's Defense stat is very low. Stick to physical attacks here.
o----------o Moveset: Psychic, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Calm Mind
| Bronzong |
Type: Psychic/Steel
o----------o Ability: Levitate (Immune to Ground-type damage)
Meet the only person in Sinnoh smart enough to evolve their Bronzor.
Gyro Ball can actually do some good on Bronzong, since he's super slow. Keep
your fast Pokemon away or Gyro Ball's power will skyrocket.
Still, he does have Calm Mind, which boosts Special Attack and Special Defense.
Earthquake isn't affected by it, thankfully, and neither is Gyro Ball. But
Psychic is, and he can put the hurt on you with it.
You can treat Bronzong the same way you've been treating its lower form this
entire game.

o----------o Moveset: Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch

| Medicham |
Type: Psychic/Fighting
o----------o Ability: Pure Power (Doubles Attack)
Punch, punch, punch. That's all Medicham will ever do to you. With the ability
to hit every type at least neutrally, and many types for weakness, and for big
damage thanks to Pure Power, you'll not want to rely on resisting his attacks
while you heal. Medicham is also very lacking in the Defense department - a
couple strong physical attacks should be enough to do him in.
After the battle, move on to the next room. Are you ready for the final battle?
Save before exiting the elevator room. You're taken straight into the fight
once you enter.
11g. The Champion


The Champion's Team

| Lvl |
| Spiritomb | 61 |
| Garchomp | 66 |
Lucario | 63 |
| Gastrodon | 63 |
Milotic | 63 |
| Roserade | 60 |

Money: 13200
Surprised? This seems to happen in every game since R/S;
Champion runs around, doing who knows what, meets player
in game, conveniently leaving out the fact that they're
Champion. Geez. Anyway, this little vixen is tough. She's
got many strong Pokemon, including two you've probably
never seen unless you have one of your own. Also, check
out here battle sprite! Whoa, she's hot.

o-----------o Moveset: Dark Pulse, Psychic, Silver Wind, Embargo

| Spiritomb |
Type: Dark/Ghost
o-----------o Ability: Pressure (Foe uses 2 PP per attack)
Note its types - Dark/Ghost. That means zero weaknesses. It has good defense
stats, so you'll probably have to hit it a few times before it goes down. Like
all tanks, it has low attacking power.
I have to note here that it knows Silver Wind. Why is this so noteworthy?
Because Spiritomb learns Ominous Wind. I'll let you think about that.
o----------o Moveset: Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Brick Break, Giga Impact
| Garchomp |
Type: Dragon/Ground
o----------o Ability: Sand Veil (Evasion rises while in a sandstorm)
Garchomp is Cynthia's strongest Pokemon. Dragon Rush is a very strong Dragontype attack that may make the foe flinch. It is fairly inaccurate, so don't
count on it to hit all the time. Everything else you've seen before. Garchomp
has a nice double weakness to Ice, which you should pick on if you can.
o---------o Moveset: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Psychic, Earthquake
| Lucario |
Type: Steel/Fighting
o---------o Ability: Steadfast (Speed increases when bearer flinches)
Lucario is a cheater. If you hated Maylene's Lucario, you're going to hate
Cynthia's Lucario even more. Aura Sphere is Fighting-type, special-based, and

NEVER MISSES. It's very strong, too. Dragon Pulse is also powerful, but not as
strong as Lucario's Aura Sphere due to STAB. And it's actually affected by
accuracy modifiers. Psychic and Earthquake are solely for type coverage.
o-----------o Moveset: Muddy Water, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Sludge Bomb
| Gastrodon |
Type: Water/Ground
o-----------o Ability: Sticky Hold (Prevents item theft)
I feel sick every time I hear Gastrodon's cry...
Muddy Water is a special-type Water attack that may lower accuracy. It's a
little inaccurate. If you've got a Grass move, go ahead and use it for the
OHKO. If not, try using strong physical hits. Its Defense is much lower than
its Special Defense.
o---------o Moveset: Surf, Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, Mirror Coat
| Milotic |
Type: Water
o---------o Ability: Marvel Scale (Special Conditions increase Defense)
Ah, Milotic. Hate this thing. Aqua Ring will restore 1/16th of the user's
maximum HP as long as the user stays in play. Be careful you don't inflict any
Special Conditions on it, or you'll activate Marvel Scale and make things much
tougher on you. If you use any special-based attacks, you run the risk of
having Mirror Coat blast you for double damage. Strong, physical hits is the
way to go. If you have a Water-type with strong physical attacks that aren't
Water-type, that will help a lot against Milotic.
o----------o Moveset: Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball
| Roserade |
Type: Grass/Poison
o----------o Ability: Natural Cure (Special Conditons cured upon switching)
Roserade is all business. It has high Special Attack, above average Special
Defense, and decent Speed. Extrasensory can murder Poison types, and Sludge
Bomb will slaughter any Grass-types that aren't Poison. Psychic types will
probably outspeed Roserade, but they'll get beat up by Shadow Ball. She has
excellent type coverage, but like a lot of Cynthia's Pokemon, she lacks in the
Defense department. Strong physical hits are the way to go.
After defeating Cynthia, you'll watch a scene in which you are inducted into
the Hall of Fame.
After the game is saved, you can shut the game off if you want. You don't have
to watch the credits. You can also press Start to skip them.
12. Postgame Treasures


After loading your game again and going downstairs, you mom tells you that your
friend was shouting some nonsense about getting on a ship at Snowpoint City.
Screw that.
Now that you've beaten the game, a whole bunch of new areas have been unlocked!
But in order to do anything, you must unlock the National Pokedex. This allows
you to see and record data for all the Pokemon that aren't part of Sinnoh's
Pokedex. This includes most of the Pokemon from previous generations, as well
as a good chunk of Sinnoh's Pokemon. To get the National Pokedex, you need to
have at least seen 150 of Sinnoh's Pokemon. Manaphy doesn't count, so if you

imported its egg from Ranger, that's nice, but you still need the original 150.
Are you missing someone? You shouldn't be, if you followed my walkthrough. If
by some chance you are, check section 18f to see where to find them.
Once you have them all seen, head to Sandgem Town and enter Prof. Rowan's lab.
Speak to him and he'll say hooray for filling the dex, blah blah, and then
another old coot will enter. This is the legendary? Professor Oak, world
authority on Pokemon. He'll then upgrade your Pokedex to National Mode and
leave. Rowan will give you the Poke Radar, which is key to filling up the
National Pokedex. For more information on the Poke Radar and what Pokemon you
can find with it, see section 17.
Now the real fun begins.
Oh, wait, wait! I almost forgot! Remember in Victory Road, right at the end,
there was a fat guy blocking a cave? If you go back to that place (it's easy if
you start at the Pokemon League, bring Pokemon that know Surf, Waterfall Rock
Climb, Defog, and Strength, you'll need all of them to pass through this
section), and enter it, you'll find a path leading to a different section of
Victory Road where a girl named Marley is waiting. She joins your party, and
guess what she does? Yeah, heals your whole team. Go up, push the boulder up,
and fight these two people.
Ace Trainer Micah and Ace Trainer Brandi
Bibarel L54; Pachirisu L54; Azumarill L54; Rapidash L54; Beautifly L54;
Blissey L54
Money: 6480
Go up, pushing the boulders to the side, and not up in front of you. Fight the
two psychics.
Psychic Desiree and Psychic Landon
Kadabra L54 (x2); Mr. Mime L56
Money: 3520
North of them is another boulder you can push, but right now you can only get
one of the two items. The top one is a Dusk Stone, and the bottom one is an
Elixir. If you want them both, simply get one, leave this room the way you
came, then come back for the other one. Both are nice items, so you will want
to get both.
Back on the main path, head right into battle.
Black Belt Eddie and Veteran Terrell
Machoke L52; Kricketune L54; Machamp L58; Quagsire L54; Gengar L54
Money: 5712
And right into another battle...
Bird Keeper Autumn and Dragon Tamer Joe
Murkrow L53; Gabite L56; Honchkrow L57; Gyarados L57
Money: 3616
Down the stairs, to the right... next battle.
Psychic Deandre and Psychic Kendra
Girafarig L56; Chingling L53; Chimecho L55
Money: 3552

Go down the stairs and follow the path to, you guessed it, another battle.
Black Belt Willie and Veteran Brenden
Onix L54; Purugly L54; Machamp L56; Graveler L54; Golbat L54
Money: 5664
If you go right, and then up, Marley will leave your party and exit the cave.
Go left from where she left, up the stairs, and pick up the Big Pearl. Go down
to the last two people you fought and surf downwards. Go up the stairs here and
surf downwards again. Now go up the stairs, go left, and follow the path up
some stairs and to your last battle here.
Ace Trainer Arthur and Ace Trainer Clarice
Raichu L55; Lopunny L54; Gastrodon L55; Quagsire L54; Pelipper L54
Money: 6540
From them, go left, walk up the stairs, and surf down to find a Leftovers.
That's all you can do here. Go back to where you and Marley parted ways and
exit through the door in the next room. You'll wind up on Route 224.
| Chatot
(morning/day) |
| Gastrodon
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |
| Floatzel
(all day) |
Psychic Brittney
Medicham L52; Alakazam L54
Money: 1728

You can't even take ten steps without some guy

wanting to challenge you... geez.
Ace Trainer Ruben
Poliwhirl L54; Gyarados L54
Money: 3240
Once you get down into the big field, go left
into the trees and fight the girl that's hiding.
Then go up and around to another Trainer.

Head to the right of Maxwell and go up onto the

plateau. Cut through the grass and pick the 2
Sitrus and 3 each of Bluk, Nanab, and Wepear
Berries. Go left, back down the stairs, and surf
across the water to find a Rare Candy. Get back
to the big field and now go right. You'll have to stomp and old man to pass.
Psychic Maxwell
Misdreavus L52; Haunter L54
Money: 1728

Veteran Armando
Staravia L52; Golbat L54; Pelipper L53
Money: 4320
Immediately start surfing. Surf for a while downwards, hugging the wall, and
you'll come across a Razor Claw. Get back on the mainland and take out the
pacing fighter man.
Black Belt Carl
Croagunk L52; Machamp L56
Money: 1344
Follow the path to another battle.
Ruin Maniac Larry
Steelix L54
Money: 2592
Then go straight up to the person hiding behind the tree.

Ace Trainer Jamie

Metagross L56
Money: 3360
Go left, up the stairs, fight.
Dragon Tamer Hayden
Swablu L53; Altaria L57
Money: 1824
Pick up the Destiny Knot. This is a hold item that destroys attraction.
That's all you can do here, so go away now ^_^
12a. Pal Park


Pal Park is a place on Route 221 where you go to transfer your Pokemon from the
advance games into Diamond and Pearl. You can go near there any time after you
can use Surf, but you can't enter Pal Park until you obtain the National
Pokedex. See section 12 for information on obtaining the National Pokedex.
Upon entering, you will receive the Trainer Counter app for the Poketch. This
will record your best findings with the Poke Radar.
The girl to your left wants to see a Snorlax. Migrate one into your game and
put it in your party and talk to her and she'll give you the Kitchen Timer app
for the Poketch. This is a 99-minute timer that counts down.
After showing her a Snorlax, she'll ask to see a Kecleon. Show her one and you
get the Color Changer app for the Poketch. This simply awesome app lets you
change the display color of the Poketch. Extremely simple, yet extremely cool.
With this, you should now have all 22 Poketch apps. Mash the app changer button
to view the app numbers. If you don't go from one to 22 without skipping a
number, you're missing one. Check section 14e and use the checklist to hunt
down the ones you're missing.
Go up the stairs and talk to the girl at the window to receive a gift.
Depending on which Pokemon GBA game you have in the GBA slot of your DS, she'll
give you different fashion items. Having Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire in gets you
the Sky, Underground, and Seafloor backdrops respectively; FireRed or LeafGreen
will let you obtain the Crown and Tiara Accessories, respectively. You need to
save and turn off your game before putting in a new GBA game, in the event you
have multiple games and want to get each of these neat items.
The process of transferring your GBA Pokemon to Diamond and Pearl is called
migrating. You can migrate 6 Pokemon per GBA game per day. So, if you had
Diamond, Pearl, and Emerald, you could migrate 6 from Emerald to Diamond, and
then take that same Emerald game and migrate 6 more Pokemon to Pearl.
To migrate your Pokemon, first go into your GBA game. Choose six you want and
keep them all in the same place to find them easier. You can't migrate Pokemon
from your party (or you could possibly wind up with nothing in your party), so
stuff your chosen Pokemon into a PC Box. You also can't migrate any Pokemon
that knows an HM (this includes Flash and Dive), so get rid of all of those

too. Give them whatever items you like.

Then, save your game and shut off your DS. Start your DS game back up, and
you'll be able to choose "Migrate From (your GBA game)" on the game selection
screen. Then you'll be warned about how migrating is a one-way street, and then
you'll be able to choose six Pokemon from your GBA game PC Boxes. You'll be
warned again before you confirm your decision, and then after confirming they
will be transferred over.
So, you've transferred six Pokemon over. Now what? Back in your DS game, if you
talk to the guy behind the counter, he'll teach you how to play, and then you
go catch your Pokemon.
Pal Park is tiny. There are five areas; grassland, pond, ocean, forest, and
mountaintop. A lot of Pokemon are found in the grass, and you will find them
pretty quick if you're looking in the right area. Once you capture them all,
you'll be rated on how fast you caught them, and you'll get a Berry each time
you do so.
That's about it.
12b. Unlocked Pokemon


Ignore this section if you haven't beaten the Elite Four. Here's a list of all
the Pokemon you can get now that you're champ. You have one shot at capturing
these, so once you locate them, save before you encounter them!
*** Cresselia ***
Fly to Canalave City. Enter the house next to the dock and speak to the lady.
She'll tell you about her son in an endless nightmare. Leave and speak to the
sailor, and he'll tell you how down he's been since his son was afflicted, and
he needs the Lunar Wing from Fullmoon Island to cure him. He will ask you to
head to Fullmoon Island. Say yes and you will be taken there.
Once there, follow the path into the next room. Speak to the thing there. This
is Cresselia, and like Mesprit, she (Cresselia are always female) will run away
the second you talk to her. She leaves behind a Lunar Wing, so pick it up and
return to the sailor.
Back in Canalave, go into the house with the afflicted boy and examine him to
use the Lunar Wing and wake him up. You're thanked for your efforts and you
get nothing tangible to show for it.
You can go run after Cresselia at any time. She's Psychic in type and is L50.
Like Mesprit, she has Levitate and will flee upon sight. Unlike Mesprit, the
encounter music is normal. Pay attention.
*** Heatran ***
See section 12c for information on the first part of getting to Stark Mountain,
where Heatran resides. This is a long, long section, so use this code to skip
to the next Pokemon: [zl48z]
o---------------------------o You'll know Route 227 by the weather change.
| ROUTE 227 POKEMON LISTING | The falling ash won't affect your battles. Jump

| Rhydon
(all day) |
| Fearow
(all day) |
| Weezing
(all day) |
| Camerupt
(all day) |
| Skarmory
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Numel
(all day) |
| Rhyhorn
(all day) |
| Golbat
(night) |
| Banette
(night) |

the ramp at the top and slaughter this guy's

Ace Trainer Saul
Tauros L55
Money: 3300
Jump the ramp and fight his friend.
PKMN Ranger Felicia
Lickitung L57; Vigoroth L57
Money: 3420

Head left to see a scene between you, Crasher Wake, and your friend.
Afterwards, head up into the house to take a rest. Make sure you say no or
you'll end up resting forever. Go up the steps to your right ride across the
log to the right for a scene with Buck. Go left to the grass and jump down.
Climb down the wall and pick up the Charcoal, a hold item that powers up Firetype attacks. Climb back up the wall, ride across the log, and pick up the Zinc
to the left before fighting the girl.
Ace Trainer Mikayla
Meowth L56; Hypno L56; Persian L56
Money: 3360
Jump the ledge and go right, back up the log and into the grass. This time keep
going up, staying to the right. Jump the ledges to the right and fight the guy.
Black Belt Griffin
Cacturne L57; Machamp L57
Money: 1368
Go up to the stairs, but go left and climb the wall. Fight this dude.
Dragon Tamer Darien
Gyarados L60
Money: 1920
Climb down the wall and right up the one next to it to pick up a Life Orb. The
Life Orb is an interesting item. It strongly boosts attacks, but steals some HP
away each time you attack. Go down the wall and jump the ledge on the left.
Examine the rock for a Protein. Make your by back to the stairs by Griffin and
head up the stairs.
Up in the northeast corner is an Ether. The entrance to Stark Mountain is to
the left.
You'll find the same Pokemon here as Route 227, where you just came from.
(( Stark Mountain (cave) ))
| Magcargo
(all day) |
| Golbat
(all day) |
| Graveler
(all day) |
| Weezing
(all day) |
| Slugma
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |

Smash the rock and push the boulder right

and then down the stairs into the hole. Go
left and find the Escape Rope.
Back at the big stairwell, push the top and
bottom of these three boulders to the
right, then push the middle one up or down
out of the way. Go down and pick up the PP
Up, then follow the path north, pushing and

| Numel
(all day) |
| Camerupt
(all day) |
| Onix
(all day) |

breaking rocks, picking up the Burn Heal

and Full Restore by not pushing the boulder
so it blocks your only path to it. Your
friend's sitting at the entrance to the
main area of the VERY large Stark Mountain.
Enter and go a ways and you'll find Buck, who states that he just got done
owning your friend. He suggests you team up, and so Buck joins your party. He,
like the others before him, will completely cure your Pokemon after each fight.
Head right. Go down the stairs above you, left into a battle.
Bird Keeper Krystal and Black Belt Ray
Dodrio L55; Tyrogue L53; Honchkrow L55; Fearow L55; Marowak L57; Breloom L58
Money: 3152
Go up from here, on the left side, then go down into the pit and collect a
Calcium. Then go back to the Trainers and follow the path left, up, and left,
re-activating Strength and pushing the boulder out of the way. Fight another
Ace Trainer Stefan and Ace Trainer Jasmin
Larvitar L57; Drapion L59; Magcargo L57
Money: 6960
Below them is TM50, Overheat. This is a really strong Fire-type special attack
that drops the user's Special Attack sharply after each use.
Backtrack now. When you get to the stairs, go up the ones on the left side. Go
down the stairs above you and examine the wall at the end of the path for the
Flame Plate. Now go back up the stairs and head straight down. Go down the
stairs, then head up and around the pit. Follow the path to another battle.
Ace Trainer Keenan and Ace Trainer Kassandra
Primeape L57; Stantler L58; Torkoal L57; Carnivine L58
Money: 6900
Head down into the pit and pick up the Rare Candy, then go all the way back to
the beginning, where Buck joined your party. Head right and go down the stairs.
Head right, fight the people.
Psychic Chelsey and Psychic Sterling
Xatu L56; Baltoy L54; Mismagius L58; Grumpig L58
Money: 3712
Inside the pit to the far left is an Iron Ball. Go north of the psychics and
head up the stairs. Go down for another battle.
Ace Trainer Abel and Ace Trainer Monique
Aerodactyl L59; Kangaskhan L57; Ursaring L57
Money: 6960
Go back down the stairs and head north.until you can turn left down a path. One
more fight blocks your way.
Veteran Harlan and Dragon Tamer Kenny
Lourdred L56; Bagon L57; Shelgon L59; Tauros L56; Donphan L56
Money: 6368
Go up the stairs. To the left is a Max Revive. Go back down the stairs and

follow the path down, left, down until you come across the first set of stairs.
Go up these and head left. Go down the stairs above you and up into a battle if
you so wish.
Ace Trainer Skylar and Ace Trainer Natasha
Loudred L57; Dunsparce L56; Rampardos L57; Marowak L56; Scyther L56
Money: 6780
Smash the rock to your left. Go left and up the stairs to another fight.
Dragon Tamer Drake and Black Belt Jarrett
Vibrava L57; Machamp L59; Seadra L57; Dragonair L57
Money: 3240
Follow the path left and go down the stairs. Push the boulder all the way to
the right. Go up the stairs and Buck will leave your party. Now that he's gone,
you can abuse Rock Climb and take some shortcuts.
Enter the next room and Buck will take the dungeon treasure, then leave. Exit
this room and climb down the wall. Go down, up the stairs, and climb down into
the pit. At the very end of the path is a Max Elixir.
You can now climb the wall next to Krystal and Ray. An Ultra Ball lies in wait.
Warp out of here with an Escape Rope. Fly to the Survival Area. If you can't,
you didn't listen to me, so fly to the Fight Area and head north from there.
CTRL + F the trainers and work your way backwards to the Survival Area.
Enter the house next to the Pokemon Center to find Buck, on his way back to
Stark Mountain to put the treasure, the Magma Stone, back where he got it from.
Turns out that by taking that out, the volcano Pokemon could cause an eruption.
If you go back to where Buck got the Magma Stone, you will find Heatran there.
Don't forget to save before you fight it, and, providing you still have it,
don't waste your Master Ball on it. It's a monster at L70 and is Fire/Steel in
type. It knows Scary Face, which sharply lowers your Speed, Fire Spin, which
prevents you from escaping, and two strong attack moves, Lava Plume and Iron
Head. Lava Plume may cause burns, and Iron Head may cause flinching.
A good Water-type will have lots of fun against Heatran as it resists both Fire
and Steel. Good luck.
*** Giratina *** [zl48z]
Fly to Veilstone City and bring Pokemon that know Defog and Rock Climb. Rock
Smash will make your life much easier. Leave south out of the city and continue
until you can go right. That's right, a new path called Spring Path has opened
up. Follow this to the next area, Sendoff Spring. Head right and climb up the
Go to the back of this area and climb down the wall. Enter Turnback Cave.
There's a code at the entrance which can be pretty confusing, but actually
getting to Giratina is pretty easy. All you need to do is enter three rooms
with pillars in them. The next room will be the one with Giratina. The number
30 refers to the number of rooms you can enter before being sent back to the
Giratina is Ghost/Dragon in type and L70 when you encounter it. Its weaknesses
are Ghost, Dark, Ice, and Dragon. It is immune to Normal and Fighting.

It knows Shadow Force, Heal Block, Earth Power, and Slash.

Shadow Force is Giratina's signature attack. It's an extremely powerful Ghosttype physical attack that makes Giratina completely vanish on the first turn,
giving it full immunity to all attacks. On the second turn, it strikes. Shadow
Force also cuts through Protect and Detect, so it's one of the only two-turn
attacks worthy of consideration. Don't forget that it is still a Ghost-type
move, so Normal-types will completely block it.
Heal Block stops you from using recovery attacks for 5 turns. Items still work.
Earth Power is a strong, special-based Ground move that may lower Sp. Defense.
You should be familiar with Slash by now.
Giratina's not super fast, but he sports a ton of resistances due to his types.
False Swipe won't work on Giratina since he's part Ghost, but the fact that he
has so many resistances will help you whittle his HP down for capture.
After the battle, exit the room south to get back to the first room.
Any time you make your way back to Giratina's room, you can find a Rare Bone.
Sell this item for cash.
*** Rotom ***
You'll need Cut to get Rotom.
At night, go to the exit of Eterna Forest by heading into Eterna Forest from
Route 205, west out of Eterna City. Talk to Gardenia here and then cut your way
to the Old Chateau
Head up the stairs and enter the room in the back. Go into the room with the TV
and examine the TV. Rotom may appear. Remember, it has to be night, or you
won't get anything. If it's night and Rotom still doesn't appear, come back in
an hour or so and check again.
Rotom is is Electric/Ghost in type and L15 when you encounter it. Its
weaknesses are Ghost and Dark. It has an immunity to Ground due to its ability.
It knows ThunderShock, Confuse Ray, Uproar, and Double Team.
You should be familiar with all of these except maybe ThunderShock, which is a
weak Electric-type attack that may paralyze.
Rotom is extremely fragile because it is only L15. You can't False Swipe it, so
you'll need to bring in some low-level Pokemon from your PC Boxes to take Rotom
on, or you'll kill the poor thing in a single hit.
*** Regigigas ***
Before doing this, you need to have migrated Regirock, Regice, and Registeel
(the Regis) into your game. Put the three of them into your party and fly to
Snowpoint City. You'll also need Rock Smash, which any of the Regis can learn.
Strength is needed for another item, but isn't required to reach Regigigas.
You might want to buy an Escape Rope too if you don't have one.
Head north from the Gym to Snowpoint Temple. You'll first be denied entry, but

Candice will tell the guard to let you through. Again, this is only if you've
beaten the Elite Four. Enter and go down the stairs.
Head down and then left. Pick up the Calcium, then step on the 2x3 ice patch
from the left to slide past the wall. Go down the stairs.
Smash the rock in your way. You can either smash the other one or go around,
but slide up the icy tile and then slide from the left. Go down the stairs.
Start next to the rock, so you're between that and the one on the ice against
the wall just below you. Step down, left, up, right, up. Go down the stairs.
Head straight down and you'll find a boulder you can move. Push it once up,
then twice to the right. Now go down and step on the ice tile from the bottom.
The boulder blocks your path, allowing you to pick up the NeverMeltIce. This
powers up Ice attacks. Nothing left to do but go down the stairs to the right.
Don't move. Take one step left and then step down onto the ice. Now, step down,
right, up, left, down, right, up. You'll be staring Regigigas in the face.
Save before you fight it.
Regigigas is Normal in type and L70 when you encounter it. Its only weakness is
Fighting. It has an immunity to Ghost.
It knows Confuse Ray, Stomp, Zen Headbutt, and Superpower.
All this should look familiar except Superpower, which is a mega-strong
Fighting attack that lowers the user's Attack and Defense.
Regigigas's ability is Slow Start. This ability exclusive to Regigigas will cut
Regigigas's Attack and Speed in half for five turns. Use this time to get its
HP into catching range. Be quick, though. After those five turns are up,
Regigigas finally gets his abilities back and he will wreck your party.
Regigigas has the third highest Attack stat in the game and has awesome stats
everywhere else. It's like Rampardos except not fragile in the slightest.
Exercise caution after those five turns are up!
Nothing else is here, so warp on out
12c. The Battle Zone


Fly to Snowpoint City after you've beaten the Elite Four. The ship that would
carry you nowhere will now take you to the Battle Zone. Before you go, you
should know something. Once you sail there, be prepared for some strong
Trainers and even stronger wild Pokemon. Just out of the first area you'll
start running into L50+ wild Pokemon and you will get your butt kicked if you
Revival'd and Max Potion'd your way through the Elite Four.
| Poke Ball.......$200 |
| Great Ball......$600 |
| Ultra Ball.....$1200 |
| Potion..........$300 |
| Super Potion....$700 |
| Hyper Potion...$1200 |

Upon arrival in the Fight Area, the first area of the

Battle Zone, your friend will spew nonsense and then
a guy who eavesdropped on your conversation will jump
in and start talking trash. Your friend runs off and
the second guy introduces himself as Buck. He tells
you to check out the Battle Tower before you check
out the volcano, or your chances suck, or something.
Head straight up. Talk to the guy and agree with him

| Max Potion.....$2500 |
| Full Restore...$3000 |
| Revive.........$1500 |
| Antidote........$100 |
| Parlyz Heal.....$200 |
| Awakening.......$250 |
| Burn Heal.......$250 |
| Ice Heal........$250 |
| Escape Rope.....$550 |
| Repel...........$350 |
| Super Repel.....$500 |
| Max Repel.......$700 |

for the Super Rod.

There are 2 Pomeg Berries and 2 Hondew Berries to the
right that you should grab. Go into the PokeMart
southeast of the Pokemon Center and talk to the old
guy to receive the Scope Lens, which when held will
increase the critical hit ratio of all moves.
If you don't have 2 or more Escape Ropes, buy two
before you go. You're going to need them later.
You can either go north or east now. I went east
first, so I wrote about it first. To Route 230!

Go up to the dead end and pick the 4 Kelpsy Berries and 2 Grepa Berries. Surf
right. One thing I should point out: The L55 wild Pelipper can't hurt you at
all. They have no moves that cause damage. It's free exp, take advantage of it.
Again, this is ONLY for the wild Pelipper that are L55. All others can hurt.
Trainers, yay!
SwimmerF Sophia and SwimmerM Sam
Mantyke L50; Chinchou L51; Mantine L52; Lanturn L51
Money: 1648
You'll probably run into this guy on your way right. He's a ways away, by the
stairs leading north.
SwimmerM Glenn
Seel L51; Starmie L51
Money: 816
| Gastrodon
(all day) |
| Bellsprout
(all day) |
| Weepinbell
(all day) |
| Floatzel
(all day) |
| Oddish
(all day) |
| Beautifly
(all day) |
| Golduck
(all day) |
| Gloom
(all day) |

Pearl players will find Dustox, not Beautifly.

Get on land and head up into the grass. Smash
the rock near the stairs to the right, step up
onto it, and examine the wall for a HP Up. Smash
the rock down the stairs and pick up the Rare
Candy. Go to the top of this island and smash
the rock, step on the tile to the right of it,
face right and examine the blank spot for a
Carbos. Get back into the water and continue
right. Head north a bit and you'll run into a
chick who will do battle with you.

SwimmerF Joanna
Luvdisc L50; Lapras L54
Money: 864
Go up a bit to find this girl.
SwimmerF Mallory
Seel L50; Dewgong L54
Money: 864
Keep going right and you'll probably hit this guy easy.
SwimmerM Kurt
Crawdaunt L53

Money: 848
To the right of him is Route 229 and dry land. Walk past the two people and
head south into the Resort Area.
*** Resort Area ***
Get a heal, then head to the southern part of this area and pick the Leppa
Berry and 2 Qualot Berries on the left and the 2 Grepa Berries and Lum Berry to
the right.
Go to the right of the nearby house (above the pond with the tree in the
middle) and pick up a Nugget.
If you have a certain number of Ribbons on your lead Pokemon, you can enter the
Ribbon Syndicate found on the eastern side of the area. To get in, you must
have at least 10 ribbons combined on all Pokemon in your party.
Route 229 is split. Take the right side north out of the area (the opposite
side of the one you entered).
| Weepinbell
(all day) |
| Gloom
(all day) |
| Bellsprout
(all day) |
| Scyther
(all day) |
| Oddish
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |
| Volbeat
(all day) |
| Illumise
(all day) |
| Ledian
(morning) |
| Ariados
(night) |

Those playing Pearl will find Purugly and Pinsir

instead of Roselia and Scyther.
Through the grass north you'll find 2 Grepa
Berries and 2 Qualot Berries. To the right, cut
the trees down and surf across the water to find
a Protein. Surf to the little bit at the bottom
and examine the corner tile for a Big Mushroom.
Above where you found the Protein, if you go to
the right, you'll find a Trainer.
PKMN Ranger Deshawn
Spinda L55; Kecleon L55
Money: 3300

Behind the trees to his left is a man who will give you a Nugget if you speak
to him. Continue to the top of this area to find a Full Restore. Now start
going left to a fight.
Ace Trainer Sandra
Granbull L57
Money: 3420
Battle your way through the grass, cut the tree below, and walk right through
the trees to find a Reaper Cloth. This is the item that evolves Dusclops.
Once you're back in the normal grass, walk between the two you skipped before.
Ace Trainer Felix and Ace Trainer Dana
Dusclops L55; Mightyena L55; Salamence L55; Kirlia L55
Money: 6600
Go back to the resort and heal if you need to. Then go past the two aces,
heading north, staying on the left, to encounter Route 228, an area with an
endless sandstorm. Just head straight up into a battle.
Ace Trainer Meagan
Delcatty L55; Yanma L55
Money: 3300

You'll have to get some speed in this narrow path in order to make it up the
mud slope. Once you do, head up and pick the 2 Hondew Berries and 2 Tamato
Berries. Then go down into a battle.
Psychic Corbin
Shuppet L53; Duskull L55
Money: 1760
| Hippowdon
(all day) |
| Cacturne
(all day) |
| Dugtrio
(all day) |
| Rhydon
(all day) |
| Cacnea
(all day) |
| Diglett
(all day) |

Ride across the log next to this guy and head

straight into the wall, then all the way down.
Examine the wall for a Calcium.
Back on the main path, head up until you find
two more people. But before you fight them, go
left and pick up the TM37, Sandstorm. You know
what this does.
PKMN Ranger Kyler and PKMN Ranger Krista
Exeggcute L52; Trapinch L54; Vibrava L56;
Ursaring L58
Money: 6840

If you continue north out of

the desert, you'll see a
house. In this house is a
guy who will teach Hydro Cannon to either Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, or
Empoleon; Frenzy Plant to either Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile, or Torterra; and
Blast Burn to either Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, or Infernape, and even
then, only if the Pokemon's happiness is high enough.
Above this house is an Iron.
To the left of this house are some rocks you can smash. Pick up the Shed Shell
hold item behind them and go down, back to the area where you can ride up the
mud slope. Do so and cross the bridge to the lone Shiny Stone. Cross back and
go up and right, smash the rock, and follow the long log to the other side. Go
down the mud slope and slap this guy around.
Dragon Tamer Keegan
Gyarados L58
Money: 1856
Go down the two mud slopes and up the one next to it. Go straight up into
another fight.
Ace Trainer Jose
Golduck L55; Sandslash L55
Money: 3300
In a pit to his right is the Protector, the item needed to evolve Rhydon.
Below Jose is a guy hiding in the sand.
Black Belt Davon
Mankey L54; Makuhita L53; Hariyama L55
Money: 1320
And below him is a girl who wants to fight.
Ace Trainer Ariana
Ambipom L54; Chansey L54; Rapidash L54
Money: 3240

Now go up and leave west out of this area.

It's strongly suggested that you don't go to Stark Mountain north of here yet,
and first follow the walkthrough at this point. If you want to go to Stark
Mountain anyway, head north at this part. You can use CTRL + F and this code to
jump to the section regarding Heatran, the legendary Pokemon housed in this
tough cave: [1280z]
Otherwise, continue reading.
| Golduck
(all day) |
| Fearow
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Raticate
(all day) |
| Rattata
(all day) |
| Spearow
(all day) |
| Banette
(night) |

Cut through the grass and surf left. In the

house here is a guy of many languages who will
power up the Pokedex so you can read certain
Pokedex entries in certain foreign languages.
There's a paper on the back of the wall that
tells you a list of all Pokemon affected by
this. After you speak to him, he'll offer to
trade his German Magikarp for your Finneon.
It's holding a Lum Berry, so it's an okay trade.

Leave the house and start surfing above it. Land

to the north and stand on the upper left tile, facing up. Examine the tree for
a PP Up.
Go back to the house and surf left, taking the lower path. Fight the girl.
SwimmerF Lydia
Bibarel L52; Sealeo L52; Azumarill L52
Money: 832
Surf down and to the left of her. There's a Big Pearl on the small area, use
the Dowsing Machine to help you find it.
Now surf back around the rocks and land. Climb up the wall here and examine the
patch of grass in the upper left corner for a Big Mushroom. Climb back down and
run through the grass to the left. Climb up this wall right into a battle.
Bird Keeper Geneva
Golbat L53; Xatu L57
Money: 1824
Fight her buddy next to her.
Dragon Tamer Stanley
Seadra L56; Gyarados L56
Money: 1792
Climb down the wall to the right and collect TM53, Energy Ball.
Back by the Trainers, go down the steps and pick up the Lagging Tail, a hold
item that forces the holder to go second. Climb down the two walls and pick up
the Carbos, then go back up one wall and head left. Climb up the wall and fight
this pacing person.
Ace Trainer Graham
Skarmory L56
Money: 3360

Climb the wall and pick the 2 Qualot Berries and 2 Pomeg Berries, then climb
down and climb down the wall on the left. Survival Area is dead ahead.
Their shop is identical to the Fight Area's shop.
On the southern side of town is a man in a house that will give you TM42,
Facade. This is a Normal-type attack that doubles in strength if the user is
paralyzed, poisoned, or burned.
Leave to Route 225 via the west exit.
| Skuntank
(all day) |
| Spearow
(all day) |
| Fearow
(all day) |
| Rattata
(all day) |
| Raticate
(all day) |
| Machoke
(all day) |
| Roselia
(all day) |
| Banette
(night) |

Those with Pearl won't find Skuntank.

Go up and climb up the wall for a battle.
Dragon Tamer Geoffrey
Dratini L53; Dragonair L55
Money: 1760
Claim your prize, another Dawn Stone, and climb
back down. Follow the path left. If you cut the
trees you can pick the 2 Tamato Berries and 2
Kelpsy Berries. Fight the nearby chick.

Ace Trainer Deanna

Flaaffy L53; Tropius L53
Money: 3180
Follow the path down through the grass, then left to a guy.
Ace Trainer Quinn
Pinsir L53; Mightyena L53
Money: 3180
Go up, then surf across the water. Down the stairs lies the Dubious Disc, the
item needed to evolve Porygon2. Back on the main path, go down the stairs. Cut
the trees and pick up the Lax Incense. This hold item lowers the foe's
In the house is a guy who will give you a Fresh Water... yeah.
Keep going south.
Ace Trainer Rodolfo
Lickitung L53; Miltank L53
Money: 3180
Pick up the Revive. Fight again.
PKMN Ranger Dwayne
Donphan L55
Money: 3300
Keep following the path. After you cross the second bridge,
square for a Hyper Potion. Continue on. When you get to the
and pick up the Ultra Ball. Go back and then take the upper
across three Trainers, and you'll probably double the first
PKMN Ranger Ashlee and Bird Keeper Audrey
Zigzagoon L50; Farfetch'd L52; Skarmory L56; Swellow L54

examine the empty

fork, go down first
path. You'll run

Money: 5088
Then fight the third one. But first, cut a tree and pick up the Rare Candy.
Psychic Daisy
Slowpoke L51; Slowbro L55
Money: 1760
The exit to the Fight Area is below. But before you exit, take a left at the
sign. Climb up the wall for an HP Up. Fight Area is below. You're finished now!
12d. Battle Park


Battle Park is found north of the Fight Area. There's a sign leading to the
area just by the eastern exit. If you go into the building you will be given a
Point Card. Ask the three ladies nearest you if you have any questions
regarding how this place works.
Once inside the facility, go left past the fighter man and pick up the Razor
Fang, a hold item that lets the user make the foe flinch on occasion regardless
of the move used. It's also used to evolve Gligar.
Back on the main path, if you go straight up, a dude will bump into you. He
recognizes you and notes that "he" shouldn't be too far behind. Then he takes
off. Not a step later and who should come crashing into you again is your
friend. He briefly refers to the guy you just saw, but shuts his yap and
leaves. You do that too. The Exchange Service Corner is the building you're at
now. It has two places where you can redeem Battle Points (BP) that you earn at
the Battle Tower here.
The items available here are nothing short of awesome.
| Protein.........1 |
| Calcium.........1 |
| Iron............1 |
| Zinc............1 |
| Carbos..........1 |
| HP Up...........1 |
| Power Bracer...16 |
| Power Belt.....16 |
| Power Lens.....16 |
| Power Band.....16 |
| Power Anklet...16 |
| Power Weight...16 |
| Toxic Orb......16 |
| Flame Orb......16 |
| White Herb.....32 |
| Power Herb.....32 |
| BrightPowder...48 |
| Choice Band....48 |
| Focus Band.....48 |
| Scope Lens.....48 |
| Muscle Band....48 |
| Focus Sash.....48 |
| Choice Scarf...48 |

A lot of items can only be

obtained here. Note you can |
buy vitamins for 1 BP. The
"Power" items are used only | TM06 Toxic..........32 |
for EV training. See section | TM73 Thunder Wave...32 |
14d for information on that. | TM61 Will-O-Wisp....32 |
The Toxic and Flame Orbs
| TM45 Attract........32 |
will poison and burn the
| TM40 Aerial Ace.....40 |
holder. White Herb restores | TM31 Brick Break....40 |
status when it's lowered.
| TM08 Bulk Up........48 |
The Power Herb will allow a | TM04 Calm Mind......48 |
Pokemon to skip the first
| TM81 X-Scissor......64 |
turn of a 2-turn charge
| TM30 Shadow Ball....64 |
attack. BrightPowder reduces | TM53 Energy Ball....64 |
the accuracy of the foe when | TM36 Sludge Bomb....80 |
held; Choice Band makes any | TM59 Dragon Pulse...80 |
physical attack stronger,
| TM71 Stone Edge.....80 |
but limits you to the first | TM26 Earthquake.....80 |
move you pick, regardless of o------------------------o
whether or not Choice Band
powers it up. Focus Band will sometimes leave you with 1
HP when hit with a move that would otherwise kill you.
The Muscle Band makes physical moves a little stronger.
The Choice Scarf is like the Choice Band, but this item
instead jacks your Speed way up. Pretty nifty for those
slow-but-powerful Pokemon. As far as the lady on the

| Razor Claw.....48 |
| Razor Fang.....48 |
| Rare Candy.....48 |

right goes, you've seen most if not all of these at some

point in the game used on someone's Pokemon, or picked
up the TM yourself. It should be noted that this is the
only place to get TMs 6, 73, 61, and 4.

The Battle Tower is just north of this facility.

12e. Battle Tower


There are three separate styles of battle here. From the left, they are Multi
Battle, Single and Double Battle, and Wi-Fi Battle. I'll explain each one.
Common rules for all modes:
- All Pokemon must be different
- All hold items must be different
- Certain legendaries and eggs are banned
MULTI BATTLES are battles where you choose two Pokemon and battle in Double
Battles against the opponent. You have the option of bringing a friend along
with you if he's here. If you don't, you'll be able to choose a partner from
the friends you helped during the game (Cheryl, Mira, Riley, Marley, and Buck).
They'll tell you a little bit about the Pokemon they have. Choose whichever you
like. You will then fight against seven opponents. Beat them all for 3 BP.
SINGLE AND DOUBLE BATTLES are battles where you fight by yourself using three
of your own Pokemon, four if you choose to do doubles. You will then fight
seven opponents. Beat them all for 3 BP.
This is the only mode where you can fight the Tower Tycoon after defeating 20
consecutive Trainers. On your third set of Trainers, the final opponent will be
the Tower Tycoon. He uses Dragonite, Milotic, and Rhyperior, the evolved form
of Rhydon (not necessarily in that order, I've seen him lead with all three).
Defeat him and you will earn 20 BP for that set, as well as a Bronze Trophy for
your Secret Base (only once). Each Pokemon that was part of your team of three
will also get a special Ribbon.
Beat 7 more Trainers after that for a total of 28 defeated and you'll get 4 BP.
Increase your streak to 35 and then 42 for 5 BP each time.
On your seventh set of Trainers, you will fight the Tower Tycoon again as your
last opponent. This time, he uses Regigigas, Heatran, and Cresselia. Keep in
mind that Regigigas's Slow Start severely weakens him for five turns, so use
that to your advantage.
Defeating the Tower Tycoon for the second time gets you 20 BP, and your three
battlers will earn another ribbon.
Battles after that earn you 7 BP for each set of seven Trainers defeated. If
you can manage to defeat 100 Trainers in a row, you will get another star on
your Trainer Card.
WI-FI BATTLES aren't really Wi-Fi battles at all. After connecting to Nintendo
WFC, you select any room, and you will download data for 7 different teams, all
sent into Nintendo WFC by actual people. You then disconnect from Nintendo WFC
and battle the 7 Trainers' Pokemon, but they are computer-controlled.

I still haven't won there. I always lose on the last guy.

12f. A Friendly Rematch

Find your starter. Friend's team is below it.

Every Saturday and Sunday,

your friend will be standing
outside the Battle Park. He
will fight you if you speak
to him. He's almost on par
with Cynthia, but you should
have no problems at all
defeating him.
Money: 6400
13. Ingame Extras

| Chimchar
| Staraptor L58 | Staraptor L58 | Staraptor L58 |
| Roserade L59 | Floatzel L59 | Roserade L59 |
| Rapidash L59 | Rapidash L59 | Floatzel L59 |
| Heracross L60 | Heracross L60 | Heracross L60 |
| Snorlax L60 | Snorlax L60 | Snorlax L60 |
| Empoleon L64 | Torterra L64 | Infernape L64 |

This section is for various places and things you can find in the game that
aren't essential for beating the game.
13a. Global Trade Station


The Global Trade Station, or GTS for short, is a building directly west of the
Pokemon Center of Jubilife City. You can only enter the facility after
obtaining your first Badge, and you'll need to be able to connect to Nintendo
WFC in order to use the GTS.
See the giant globe? If you speak to it, you'll be able to register your
location here. It appears on other people's screens when they are viewing the
Pokemon you have on offer. You can only do this once, so if you do decide to do
it, make sure you get it right!
Talk to the woman at the desk (why is it always women?) and she'll ask you to
connect to Nintendo WFC. After connecting, you can then choose to either
deposit a Pokemon to be traded, or ask for a Pokemon to be sent (Seek Pokemon).
You can only ask for Pokemon you've seen in the game before, so there's no
asking for legendaries you've yet to meet or anything like that.
If you choose to put a Pokemon on offer, you'll be able to choose any Pokemon
you own, no matter if it's in your party or in any of your PC Boxes (for
obvious reasons, Pokemon left at the Day Care will not be available for offer).
Once that's done, you'll be asked to pick a Pokemon you want, again from
anything you've already seen. After that you need to choose its gender (if
applicable), and the level range you want the traded Pokemon to be at. Your
Pokemon will then be removed from your party or PC Box and put on offer.
If that's all you're here to do, you can leave the GTS now. Come back at any
time and reconnect to Nintendo WFC to see if your Pokemon was traded. If it's
not, you can either continue to wait or take it back by choosing Summary, then
Take Back. Confirm your choice and your Pokemon will be returned to you.
Seeking a Pokemon is a little different. First you enter what Pokemon you're
looking for, and then you confirm the gender you're looking for as well as the

level range. After that, start the search. You will see up to seven Trainers
who have the Pokemon you searched for, on offer. Tap the Trainers to see the
Pokemon's name, gender, and level. You'll also see the name of the Trainer who
has it, as well as any item the Pokemon might have equipped.
Below that, you'll see what they want for their Pokemon. If you have it and
would like to trade, press A and opt to trade.
There is a possibility you might not get it. If another Trainer happens to
snatch it up before you do, tough luck.
If the trade does go through, congratulations! You've got a new Pokemon!
Don't count on finding any real deals in the GTS. Everyone seems to want
legendaries for their Burmy or otherwise ripoff deal.
That's all for the GTS. Looking to clone? Don't have any friends? Check the FAQ
in section 19 for more information.
13b. The Great Marsh


I hate this place.

Found in Pastoria City, the Great Marsh houses many different kinds of Pokemon,
some of which you can only find here. It's not called the Great Marsh for
nothing - the place is very large and can be quite annoying to navigate.
The Great Marsh is divided into six sections, called Areas. Since the Great
Marsh is, well, a marsh, you'll get stuck running through the swamp. To change
Areas quickly and easily, hop on the train found in the center of each area.
| Quagsire
(all day) |
| Bibarel
(all day) |
| Wooper
(all day) |
| Azurill
(all day) |
| Bidoof
(all day) |
| Marill
(all day) |
| Hoothoot
(night) |
| Starly
(morning/day) |
| Budew
(morning/day) |

There are a few items to be had, so pay your

500 money to get inside. Head left to Area 5.
The list to the left contains Pokemon that are
common to every Area of the Great Marsh. The
encounter rates are about the same, so feel
free to run around and look.

Inside the Great Marsh, you don't actually do

battle against the Pokemon. You can either
toss a Safari Ball, toss mud, or throw bait.
If you toss mud at the Pokemon, it will get
angry at you, increasing the chance of it
running away. Should it stay, however, you
o---------------------------------o will have a better chance of catching it.
| The flee rate and catch rate will continue
o---------------------------------o to increase with every glob of mud you
| Noctowl (night, Areas 1 and 2) | hurl, so do so with caution.
| Psyduck (all day, Areas 1-4, 6) |
o---------------------------------o On the other side of the coin is tossing
bait. Doing so will also make it want to
flee, but at a lesser rate than slinging mud. It still gets easier to catch.
Now, you may have visited upstairs in the lobby, looked through the binoculars,
and noticed some Pokemon I didn't list above. This is because the Great Marsh
is always changing; certain Pokemon will appear one day and be gone the next.
They're all fairly rare, so if you spot what you're looking for, stay in that

Area until you capture it.

There aren't many Pokemon that can appear. Here's what I've seen:
| Carnivine - Croagunk - Golduck - Roselia - Skorupi - Staravia |
It should be noted that Carnivine, Croagunk, and Skorupi can only be caught in
the Great Marsh.
A tip: You get to take 500 steps in the Great Marsh. No more. If you hold B and
lightly tap the D-pad in any direction, you will face that direction. This
activates the encounter rate for the tile you're on, but doesn't count as a
step. As long as you can continue facing different directions, but never take a
step, you could theoretically stay forever in the Great Marsh (unless you ran
out of Safari Balls).
All right! Now that that longwinded intro is done, time to clean up the litter
on the ground. If you run out of time, just pay again and pick up where you
left off.
You should still be in Area 5, and you probably already picked up the Antidote
in front of you. Do so if you didn't.
On the far right of Area 6 is a Parlyz Heal.
Take the train to Area 3. Wade your way left and up to a Honey.
Cross over to Area 4 and head straight up to a Poke Ball. Go to the right and
down a little and pick up the Super Potion.
Take the train to Area 1. Pass left underneath the trees, then go above them
and come back towards the train, not forgetting to pick up the Potion by the
ledge. North of there is a Super Repel.
Cross over to Area 2. Head right, go above the trees, then left and up just a
bit to find a Great Ball. Get out the Dowsing Machine and use it to find the
Toxic Plate hidden in a tree you need to cross through some muck to get to.
It's a bit to the right of the Great Ball.
Man I hate this place. Get your fill and go somewhere else.
13c. Veilstone Game Corner


The Game Corner, in Veilstone City, is home to the slot machine that has been a
staple since Red and Blue. You can get some cool prizes, most of which you can
only find here.
| Step 1: Getting Started | This is easy. Inside the Game Corner, you can
o-------------------------o buy Coins from the lady behind the counter in
| increments of 50, for 1000 money each, or in increments of 500, for 10000 |
| money each. It's suggested that you only buy coins 500 at a time, to save |
| time if nothing else.
| You can also score a few free Coins by talking to the other people.

| Step 2: Play the Slots | Now that you've got Coins, you can play to your |
o------------------------o heart's content (or until you run out of Coins). |
| Step up to any open slot machine and press A to start playing. Press X to |
| insert 3 coins. In doing so, you'll win if you match three in a row going |
| either horizontally or diagonally. Then you can press X or Down to start |
| the reels.
| Exit at any time by pressing Start.
| o--------------------------o Press Y to stop the left reel, B to stop
| | MATCH 3 SYMBOLS AND WIN. | the middle reel, and A to stop the right
| o--------------------------o reel. You can stop them in any order, but
| | 7 7 7 ...............100 | you'll do better if you stop them from the |
| | G G G ...............100 | left (Y, B, A). You win varying amounts of |
| | R R R ....15 + free spin | coins for matching three symbols in a row, |
| | Cherry on left.........2 | shown in the list to the left. This is
| | " on left and middle...4 | called Normal Mode.
| | Three Pikachu.........10 |
| | Three Moon Stones.....15 | On the Touch Screen, you'll notice the
| o--------------------------o occasional ball that shakes. I'm not sure
what triggers it opening, but if you do,
| you get what's known as Clefairy Mode. You'll see either a Ditto acting
| as Clefairy, a normal Clefairy, or a shiny Clefairy (light pink, green
| ears). During Clefairy mode, it becomes easier to match 7s and Gs. If you |
| successfully line up 777 or GGG, you will enter Clefairy Bonus.
| During this time, you'll see Clefairy pointing towards one of the slots. |
| Stop the slots in the order Clefairy points to them and you will always
| get RRR (Replay). This nets you 15 coins. You get 15 spins in Clefairy
| Bonus. If you match Replay 15 times, you'll get a total of 225 coins.
| After your last spin, there's a chance that you can continue Clefairy
| Bonus and spin 15 _more_ times depending on what kind of Clefairy you see |
| during Clefairy Bonus. If Ditto appears, your chances are small, and if
| the Clefairy is shiny, you've got a great chance. Normal Clefairy yields |
| a normal chance.
| On occasion, you'll see that the moon turns red. If it ever does, you
| need to completely ignore Clefairy's instruction, because the red moon
| makes Clefairy tired (and decreases your chances of continuing Clefairy
| Bonus). After that spin, you may follow Clefairy as normal.
| If you manage to do Clefairy Bonus 10 times in a row (spin 150 times),
| talk to the lady who sells Coins and she'll give you TM64, Explosion!
| Step 3: Cash Out | Leave the Game Corner and enter the building to the
o------------------o right. This is where you come to spend all the Coins
| that you've accumulated. A list of everything you can buy is shown below. |
| o---------------------------o The Silk Scarf powers up Normal moves. If |
| |
| you equip the Wide Lens, accuracy of your |
| o---------------------------o moves goes up. The Zoom Lens will boost
| | Silk Scarf...........1000 | the critical hit ratio if you go second.
| | Wide Lens............1000 | The item Metronome will boost a move's
| | Zoom Lens............1000 | base power by 10% every time it's used
| | Metronome............1000 | consecutively. Using Endure will allow you |
| | TM90 Substitute......2000 | to survive any fatal attack with 1 HP. Its |
| | TM58 Endure..........2000 | failure rate goes up as you use it in

| | TM75 Swords Dance....4000 | succession. Swords Dance sharply boosts

| | TM32 Double Team.....4000 | Attack. Rest will put the user to sleep
| | TM44 Rest............6000 | for 2 turns and fully restore its HP. U|
| | TM89 U-turn..........6000 | turn is a Bug-type move that forces the
| | TM10 Hidden Power....6000 | user to switch out after the attack.
| | TM27 Return..........8000 | Frustration increases in base power if the |
| | TM21 Frustration.....8000 | user hates you. Use the herbal shop in
| | TM35 Flamethrower...10000 | Eterna City to help increase hate. Flame- |
| | TM24 Thunderbolt....10000 | thrower is a powerful Fire attack that may |
| | TM13 Ice Beam.......10000 | burn. Thunderbolt is a powerful Electric
| | TM29 Psychic........10000 | attack that may paralyze, and Ice Beam is |
| | TM74 Gyro Ball......15000 | a powerful Ice attack that may freeze. As |
| | TM68 Giga Impact....20000 | you may guess from the name, Psychic is a |
| o---------------------------o Psychic-type attack that can lower Special |
Defense. Giga Impact is a mega-strong
| physical-based Normal-type attack that makes the user recharge for a turn |
| if the attack hits.
That's all for the Game Corner.
14. Because Knowledge is Power!


Memorizing this entire section will help you tremendously. The section names
speak for themselves.
14a. Ability List


Each Pokemon has one (sometimes two, but only one of the two at a time) of 123
different Abilities that are designed to help it in battle. This is a list of
each and every one of them. Some abilities also have a field bonus, that change
how things work even out of battle.
| ADAPTABILITY | Moves that match this Pokemon's type have their base powers |
o--------------o multiplied by 2 instead of 1.5.
| Available To: Eevee, Porygon-Z
If this Pokemon is fainted by a contact move, the
attacker loses 1/4 of its maximum HP.
| Available To: Drifloon, Drifblim, Stunky, Skuntank
Weather effects are cancelled. This means that SolarBeam
still requires a charge, Thunder can miss in rain, etc.
| Available To: Rayquaza

| ANGER POINT | Attack is maximized if you survive a critical hit.

| Available To: Mankey, Primeape, Tauros
| ANTICIPATION | When you bring this Pokemon into battle, this will tell you |
o--------------o if the foe has a move that is super effective against you. |
| Available To: Barboach, Whiscash, Wormadam, Croagunk, Toxicroak
Opposing Pokemon cannot flee unless they are Flying-type
or have either the Levitate or Run Away abilities.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, encounter rate goes up.
| Available To: Trapinch, Diglett, Dugtrio
Sleeping foes take damage between turns.
| Available To: Darkrai
| BATTLE ARMOR | Your foe's moves will never land a critical strike.
| Available To: Anorith, Armaldo, Kabuto, Kabutops, Skorupi, Drapion
When this Pokemon's HP fall below 1/3, its Fire-type moves |
deal 1.5x normal damage.
| Available To: Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Charmander, Charmeleon,
Charizard, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Chimchar,
Monferno, Infernape
| CHLOROPHYLL | While Sunny Day is in effect, this Pokemon's Speed stat is |
o-------------o multiplied by 1.5.
| Available To: Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume,
Bellossom, Tropius, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel,
Tangela, Tangrowth, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Sunkern,
Sunflora, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Cherubi
The Intimidate ability and moves that lower stats, such as |
Growl or Leer, fail when used on this Pokemon.

| Available To: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Regirock, |

Regice, Registeel
Weather effects are cancelled. This means that SolarBeam
still requires a charge, Thunder can miss in rain, etc.
| Available To: Psyduck, Golduck
| COLOR CHANGE | This Pokemon's type changes to the type of move that
o--------------o directly damaged it last.
| Available To: Kecleon
| COMPOUNDEYES | Accuracy of this Pokemon's attacks is multiplied by 130%. |
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, chances increase that a wild Pokemon |
will hold an item.
| Available To: Nincada, Venonat, Venomoth, Yanma, Butterfree
When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, and the foe is |
of the opposite gender, there is a 30% chance the foe will |
become attracted.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, chances that wild Pokemon are the
opposite gender will increase.
| Available To: Skitty, Delcatty, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff,
Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, Lopunny
| DAMP |
This awkward ability forbids self-destruction.
| Available To: Psyduck, Golduck, Wooper, Quagsire, Poliwag, Poliwhirl,
Poliwrath, Politoed
When this Pokemon is brought into battle, it will receive |
a boost in either Attack or Special Attack depending on the |
lower defense stat of the foe. If Defense is lower, Attack |
is raised; if Sp. Def is lower, Sp. Atk is raised.
| Available To: Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
Rain Dance starts when this Pokemon enters battle. This

lasts the entire battle, unless Sandstorm, Hail, or Sunny |
Day is used, or a Pokemon with the Sand Stream, Drought,
or Snow Warning abilities is brought into play.
| Available To: Kyogre
Sunny Day starts when this Pokemon enters battle. This
lasts the entire battle, unless Rain Dance, Hail, or
Sandstorm is used, or a Pokemon with the Drizzle, Sand
Stream, or Snow Warning abilities is brought into play.
| Available To: Groudon
When it's sunny, bearer's HP decreases by 1/8 maximum HP
between turns. While raining, bearer's HP is restored by
1/8 maximum between turns. Bearer also absorbs Water moves |
and takes double damage from Fire moves.
| Available To: Paras, Parasect, Croagunk, Toxicroak
Sleep lasts for half the duration it normally would.
| Available To: Girafarig, Doduo, Dodrio, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Natu, |
Xatu, Ledyba, Ledian, Houndour, Houndoom, Kangaskhan
| EFFECT SPORE | When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, there is a 10% |
o--------------o chance the foe will be inflicted with Sleep, Poison, or
| Available To: Shroomish, Breloom, Paras, Parasect
Super-effective damage is cut in half.
| Available To: Mime Jr., Mr. Mime
When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, there is a 30% |
chance the foe will become Burned.
Field bonus: Any egg directly adjacent to this Pokemon in |
your party will hatch in roughly half the
| Available To: Slugma, Magcargo, Magby, Magmar, Magmortar

When a Fire-type move is done to this Pokemon, Flash Fire |
will activate, granting immunity to direct Fire-type
damage, as well as making all Fire damage from this Pokemon |
multiply by 150%.
| Available To: Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Houndour, Houndoom, |
Ponyta, Rapidash, Flareon, Heatran
| FLOWER GIFT | Increase Attack and Special Attack when it's sunny.
| Available To: Cherrim
Type changes depending on the weather. No weather = Normal, |
Hail = Ice, Sunny Day = Fire, Rain Dance = Water. Sandstorm |
STILL does not change this Pokemon's type.
| Available To: Castform
When this Pokemon is brought into battle, a random, usually |
strongest, attack of the foe's is revealed.
| Available To: Drowzee, Hypno, Smoochum, Jynx
See your opponent's hold item when this Pokemon comes into |
| Available To: Stantler, Shuppet, Banette
Berries that activate at 25% HP now activate at 50% HP
| Available To: Shuckle, Zigzagoon, Linoone
| GUTS |
Attack is multiplied by 150% if this Pokemon is affected by |
a Special Condition.
| Available To: Taillow, Swellow, Makuhita, Hariyama, Machop, Machoke,
Machamp, Heracross, Tyrogue, Larvitar, Rattata, Raticate, |
Fire damage done to this Pokemon is cut by 33%.
| Available To: Bronzor, Bronzong

| HONEY GATHER | No effect in battle.
Field bonus: Any Pokemon with this ability may find Honey |
after a battle if an item is not being held. |
| Available To: Combee
Doubles Attack in battle. If this ability is Skill Swapped, |
Attack is returned to normal.
| Available To: Azurill, Marill, Azumarill
Physical damage from this Pokemon is multiplied by 150%.
Accuracy for this Pokemon's moves is multiplied by 80%.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, higher-level wild Pokemon become more |
| Available To: Corsola, Delibird, Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss, Remoraid
If it is raining, any Special Conditions present on this
Pokemon will be cured between turns.
| Available To: Seel, Dewgong, Phione, Manaphy
| HYPER CUTTER | This Pokemon's Attack can not be lowered. If Haze is used, |
o--------------o Attack will still be set at +0.
| Available To: Mawile, Trapinch, Pinsir, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Gligar,
Gliscor, Krabby, Kingler
Restores HP between turns if it's hailing.
| Available To: Snorunt, Glalie, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
No effect in battle.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, the wild encounter rate goes up.
| Available To: Chinchou, Lanturn, Volbeat, Staryu, Starmie

This Pokemon cannot be Poisoned by any means.
| Available To: Zangoose, Snorlax
| INNER FOCUS | This Pokemon cannot flinch by any means, even by Fake Out. |
| Available To: Girafarig, Snorunt, Glalie, Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Abra,
Kadabra, Alakazam, Dragonite, Farfetch'd, Sneasel, Riolu, |
This Pokemon cannot fall asleep by any means, even by Rest. |
| Available To: Shuppet, Banette, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Spinarak, Ariados,
Drowzee, Hypno, Hoothoot, Noctowl
Any foes that are on the field when this Pokemon is first |
brought into battle will have their Attack dropped by 1
level. Pokemon with the Hyper Cutter, White Smoke, or Clear |
Body abilities are immune to this effect.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, lower-level wild Pokemon get scarce. |
| Available To: Mightyena, Gyarados, Mawile, Salamence, Masquerain,
Hitmontop, Arcanine, Ekans, Arbok, Stantler, Tauros,
Snubbull, Granbull, Staravia, Staraptor, Shinx, Luxio,
Attacks that punch have their base power boosted by 130%. |
| Available To: Hitmonchan
Accuracy of this Pokemon cannot be lowered.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability is on your
team, lower-level wild Pokemon become scarce. |
| Available To: Skarmory, Wingull, Pelipper, Sableye, Hoothoot, Noctowl,
Sneasel, Hitmonchan, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, |
Fearow, Farfetch'd, Sentret, Furret, Starly, Chatot
Can't utilize Hold Items.

| Available To: Buneary, Lopunny

Prevents Special Conditions from being inflicted while it's |
sunny. It does not cure them, ever. It's like Safeguard.
| Available To: Tangela, Tangrowth, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Leafeon
Damage-dealing Ground moves fail when used on this Pokemon. |
| Available To: Solrock, Lunatone, Baltoy, Claydol, Vibrava, Flygon,
Koffing, Weezing, Chingling, Chimecho, Latias, Latios,
Duskull, Unown, Misdreavus, Mismagius, Gastly, Haunter,
Gengar, Bronzor, Bronzong, Rotom, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf,
Cresselia, Carnivine
| LIGHTNINGROD | In a 2-on-2 battle, all Electric attacks done to your team |
o--------------o will target this Pokemon, regardless of whether or not it |
was the original target.
| Available To: Electrike, Manectric, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Cubone, |
This Pokemon cannot become Paralyzed by any means.
| Available To: Persian, Hitmonlee, Ditto, Glameow
| LIQUID OOZE | When HP are absorbed (moves like Mega Drain, etc.), the foe |
o-------------o loses HP equal to the amount that would have been gained. |
| Available To: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gulpin, Swalot
| MAGIC GUARD | This Pokemon will only receive damage from an attack.
| Available To: Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable
| MAGMA ARMOR | This Pokemon cannot be Frozen by any means.
Field bonus: Any egg directly adjacent to this Pokemon in |
your party will hatch in roughly half the
| Available To: Slugma, Magcargo, Camerupt

| MAGNET PULL | If their Pokemon is Steel-type, it can not escape battle. |
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, Steel-type wild Pokemon appear more. |
| Available To: Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Nosepass, Probopass
| MARVEL SCALE | Defense is multiplied by 150% if this Pokemon is affected |
o--------------o by a Special Condition.
| Available To: Milotic
If a Pokemon with the Plus ability is this Pokemon's
partner in 2-on-2, this Pokemon's Special Attack is
multiplied by 150%.
| Available To: Minun
| MOLD BREAKER | Moves that would be blocked by the opponent's ability will |
o--------------o work. (example: Surf hits things with Water Absorb)
| Available To: Cranidos, Rampardos, Pinsir
| MOTOR DRIVE | Speed goes up when hit with an Electric-type attack.
| Available To: Electivire
Type changes when the held Plate changes. Held item cannot |
be stolen or otherwise forcibly removed.
| Available To: Some cheater of a Pokemon I've never heard of ever.
| NATURAL CURE | Upon being recalled, all Special Conditions are healed.
| Available To: Swablu, Altaria, Corsola, Staryu, Starmie, Celebi,
Happiny, Chansey, Blissey, Budew, Roselia, Roserade,
and some Pokemon I've never heard of
The attacks of this Pokemon and the Pokemon attacking this |
Pokemon will never miss.
| Available To: Machop, Machoke, Machamp

All attacks done by this Pokemon are Normal-type instead of |
its usual type.
| Available To: Skitty, Delcatty
Attract always fails when used on this Pokemon.
| Available To: Wailmer, Wailord, Illumise, Numel, Barboach, Whiscash,
Lickitung, Lickilicky, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking,
Smoochum, Jynx, Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine
When this Pokemon's HP fall below 1/3, Grass-type moves
deal 1.5x normal damage.
| Available To: Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, |
Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
This Pokemon cannot become Confused by any means.
| Available To: Spoink, Grumpig, Spinda, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking,
Lickitung, Lickilicky, Smeargle, Glameow, Purugly
No effect in battle.
Field bonus: This Pokemon may pick up an item after the
battle. The type of item depends on level.
| Available To: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Phanpy, Meowth, Aipom, Teddiursa,
Munchlax, Pachirisu, Ambipom
| PLUS |
If a Pokemon with the Minus ability is this Pokemon's
partner in 2-on-2, this Pokemon's Special Attack is
multiplied by 150%.
| Available To: Plusle
| POISON HEAL | HP is cured between turns if poisoned.
| Available To: Shroomish, Breloom

| POISON POINT | When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, there is a 30% |
o--------------o chance the foe will become Poisoned. Poison-types and
Pokemon with the Immunity ability are immune to this
| Available To: Budew, Roselia, Roserade, Seadra, Qwilfish, NidoranF,
Nidorina, Nidoqueen, NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking
When a move is used on this Pokemon, an extra PP is used. |
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, encounter rate goes up.
| Available To: Absol, Deoxys, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Articuno, Zapdos,
Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Aerodactyl, |
Vespiquen, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Spiritomb, Weavile
Doubles Attack in battle. If this Ability is Skill Swapped, |
Attack power is returned to normal.
| Available To: Meditite, Medicham
Speed goes up if affected by a Special Condition.
| Available To: Granbull, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Poochyena, Mightyena
This Pokemon recovers 1/16 its max HP between turns as long |
as rain continues to fall.
| Available To: Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo
Moves that cause recoil damage cause greater damage.
| Available To: Hitmonlee
If this Pokemon and its foe are the same gender, Attack
goes up. This effect lasts until the bearer is recalled.
| Available To: NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, NidoranM, Nidorino,
Nidoking, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray
This Pokemon takes no recoil damage.

| Available To: Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Geodude, Graveler, |

Golem, Bagon, Shelgon, Relicanth, Cubone, Marowak, Onix,
Steelix, Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Aerodactyl
When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, the foe will |
be damaged by 1/16 their max HP.
| Available To: Carvanha, Sharpedo
Guarantees escape from wild Pokemon.
| Available To: Poochyena, Doduo, Dodrio, Aipom, Dunsparce, Ponyta,
Rapidash, Rattata, Raticate, Sentret, Furret, Snubbull,
Eevee, Pachirisu, Buneary
| SAND STREAM | Sandstorm starts when this Pokemon enters battle. This
o-------------o lasts the entire battle, unless Rain Dance, Hail, or Sunny |
Day is used, or a Pokemon with the Drizzle, Drought, or
Snow Warning abilities is brought into play. Also boosts
the Special Defense of Rock-types in play by 1.5x.
| Available To: Tyranitar, Hippopotas, Hippowdon
While Sandstorm is in effect, this Pokemon's evasion will |
rise. This does not mean "Evasion goes up by 1 level" and |
will still allow you to boost it up six times. Pokemon with |
this bbility are protected from Sandstorm damage.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, encounter rate goes down in sandstorm. |
| Available To: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Cacnea, Cacturne, Gligar, Gliscor,
Diglett, Dugtrio, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
Ghost-type's immunity to Fighting and Normal is ignored.
| Available To: Kangaskhan, Miltank
| SERENE GRACE | Effect percentages double.
| Available To: Jirachi, Happiny, Chansey, Blissey, Togepi, Togetic,
Togekiss, Dunsparce

Foe's switching and fleeing is prevented. If the foe also |
has Shadow Tag, this ability does nothing.
| Available To: Wynaut, Wobbuffet
Between turns, if this Pokemon is affected by a Special
Condition, there is a 1-in-3 chance that it will be healed. |
| Available To: Silcoon, Cascoon, Seviper, Ekans, Arbok, Metapod, Kakuna, |
Dratini, Dragonair, Pupitar, Kricketot, Burmy
| SHELL ARMOR | Your foe's moves will never land a critical strike.
| Available To: Shellder, Cloyster, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Omanyte, Omastar, |
Krabby, Kingler, Lapras, Clamperl
| SHIELD DUST | Attacks' added effects will never work on this Pokemon.
| Available To: Wurmple, Dustox, Weedle, Caterpie, Venomoth
Stat changes are doubly effective.
| Available To: Numel, Bidoof, Bibarel
Moves that hit 2-5 times always hit 5 times.
| Available To: Shellder, Cloyster
Attack and Speed is halved for 5 turns.
| Available To: Regigigas
Critical hits do 4x normal damage instead of 2x.
| Available To: Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra, Remoraid, Octillery, Skorupi,

Evasion increases while it's hailing.
| Available To: Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Glaceon, Froslass
| SNOW WARNING | Hail starts when this Pokemon enters battle. This lasts the |
o--------------o entire battle, unless Rain Dance, Sunny Day, or Sandstorm |
is used, or a Pokemon with the Drizzle, Drought, or Sand
Stream abilities is brought into play. Also makes Blizzard |
never miss.
| Available To: Snover, Abomasnow
| SOLAR POWER | HP decreases between turns when Sunny. Sp.Atk also goes up. |
| Available To: Sunkern, Sunflora, Tropius
Super-effective damage is cut by 1/3.
| Available To: Camerupt, Rhyperior
Blocks all moves based on sound.
| Available To: Mime Jr., Mr. Mime, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Voltorb,
| SPEED BOOST | Speed goes up by 1 level between turns.
| Available To: Ninjask, Yanma, Yanmega
When a contact move is done to this Pokemon, there is a 30% |
chance the foe will become Paralyzed. Those with the Limber |
ability are immune to this effect.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, wild Electric-types become more
| Available To: Electrike, Manectric, Voltorb, Electrode, Pichu, Pikachu, |
Raichu, Elekid, Electabuzz, Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos
Always goes last.

| Available To: Sableye
Speed goes up when this Pokemon flinches.
| Available To: Mr. Mime, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Voltorb, Electrode,
Tyrogue, Gallade, Riolu, Lucario
No effect in battle.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, wild encounter rate goes down.
| Available To: Grimer, Muk, Stunky, Skuntank
| STICKY HOLD | Held item cannot be stolen.
| Available To: Grimer, Muk, Gulpin, Swalot, Shellos, Gastrodon
| STORM DRAIN | In a 2-on-2 battle, all Water attacks target this Pokemon. |
| Available To: Shellos, Gastrodon, Finneon, Lumineon
One-hit KO moves always fail when used against this
| Available To: Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Skarmory, Donphan, Nosepass,
Probopass, Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Onix, Steelix, |
Pineco, Forretress, Shuckle, Geodude, Graveler, Golem,
Shieldon, Bastiodon, Bonsly, Sudowoodo
| SUCTION CUPS | Forced switching (Roar/Whirlwind) is prevented.
| Available To: Lileep, Cradily, Octillery
Increase chances of scoring a critical hit.
| Available To: Murkrow, Honchkrow, Absol

When your HP fall below 1/3, Bug-type moves deal 1.5x
normal damage.
| Available To: Volbeat, Heracross, Beautifly, Ledyba, Ledian, Scyther,
Scizor, Spinarak, Ariados, Beedrill, Kricketune, Mothim
While Rain Dance is in effect, your Pokemon's Speed stat is |
multiplied by 1.5.
| Available To: Magikarp, Luvdisc, Feebas, Horsea, Kingdra, Lotad, Lombre, |
Ludicolo, Surskit, Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, |
Goldeen, Seaking, Omanyte, Omastar, Qwilfish, Mantyke,
Mantine, Kabuto, Kabutops, Buizel, Floatzel, Finneon,
| SYNCHRONIZE | When this Pokemon becomes poisoned, burned, or paralyzed, |
o-------------o that Special Condition is mirrored on the foe. Poison-types |
cannot be poisoned, and Fire-types cannot be burned.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, chances that wild Pokemon will have
the same nature as this Pokemon go up.
| Available To: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Natu, Xatu, Abra, Kadabra,
Alakazam, Mew, Espeon, Umbreon
| TANGLED FEET | Evasion rises while confused.
| Available To: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spinda, Chatot
Any attack with 60 or less base power has its base power
multiplied by 1.5.
| Available To: Meowth, Persian, Scyther, Scizor, Smeargle, Hitmontop,
Fire- and Ice-type moves deal half their normal damage when |
used on this Pokemon.
| Available To: Azurill, Marill, Azumarill, Makuhita, Hariyama, Spheal,
Sealeo, Walrein, Spoink, Grumpig, Munchlax, Snorlax,
Miltank, Seel, Dewgong, Purugly
| TINTED LENS | Doubles the effectiveness of attacks a Pokemon resists.
o-------------o For example, Bug moves are normally effective against Fire. |

| Available To: Venonat, Venomoth, Illumise, Yanmega
When your HP fall below 1/3, Water-type moves deal 1.5x
normal damage.
| Available To: Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Squirtle, Wartortle,
Blastoise, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Piplup,
Prinplup, Empoleon
Copy the foe's Ability until this Pokemon is recalled.
Certain Pokemon-specific abilities fail when Traced.
| Available To: Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Porygon, Porygon2
This Pokemon only attacks every two turns.
| Available To: Slakoth, Slaking
Ignores the foe's stat increases (except Speed).
| Available To: Bidoof, Bibarel
Speed doubles when a held item is used, lost, or stolen.
| Available To: Drifloon, Drifblim
| VITAL SPIRIT | This Pokemon cannot fall asleep by any means, even by Rest. |
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, higher-level wild Pokemon become more |
| Available To: Vigoroth, Mankey, Primeape, Delibird
| VOLT ABSORB | Whenever an Electric-type move strikes this Pokemon, it is |
o-------------o healed by up to 1/4 its maximum HP instead of losing HP.
| Available To: Chinchou, Lanturn, Jolteon
| WATER ABSORB | Whenever a Water-type move strikes this Pokemon, it will be |

o--------------o healed by up to 1/4 its maximum HP instead of losing HP.

| Available To: Vaporeon, Wooper, Quagsire, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, |
Politoed, Lapras, Mantyke, Mantine
This Pokemon cannot be Burned by any means.
| Available To: Wailmer, Wailord, Goldeen, Seaking
| WHITE SMOKE | The Intimidate ability and moves that lower stats, such as |
o-------------o Growl or Leer, fail when used on this Pokemon.
Field bonus: If a Pokemon with this ability leads your
party, encounter rate goes down.
| Available To: Torkoal
| WONDER GUARD | This Pokemon can only be directly damaged by weaknesses.
| Available To: Shedinja
14b. New Moves


A list, in alphabetical order, of all attacks introduced in Diamond and Pearl.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl also introduces attack categories. Attacks aren't
categorized into physical and special attacks by type alone anymore, but rather
by the attack itself. This puts a huge twist on battles, turning some loser
Pokemon into winners.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

----Raise a random stat by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Air Slash
May cause the foe to flinch.

Name: Aqua Jet

Type: Water
Category: Physical

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

User goes first.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Aqua Ring
----User restores 1/16 its max HP each turn until it is recalled.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Aqua Tail
Has no extra effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Doubles in base power if the foe has already taken damage that turn.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Attack Order
Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Aura Sphere
--Never misses.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

User goes second. Doubles in base power if the user takes damage that

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Brave Bird

Effect: User takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the foe.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Doubles in base power if the foe's HP is at half or lower.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Bug Bite
If the foe is holding a berry, you will steal it and eat it, gaining
its effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Bug Buzz
May lower the foe's Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Bullet Punch
User goes first.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Lowers the Special Attack of the foes with the opposite gender by 2

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Charge Beam
High chance of raising the user's Special Attack by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

May confuse the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Close Combat
Lowers user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

----Copies the last move used.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Cross Poison
Has a high critical hit ratio. May also poison the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Crush Grip
Does more damage if the foe's HP is high.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Dark Pulse
May cause the opponent to flinch.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Dark Void
Puts both foes to sleep.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Defend Order
----Raises user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:


Base Pwr: --Accuracy: --Effect: Lowers foe's evasion by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Hits both foes as well as your partner. May cause paralysis to
anything it hits.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Double Hit
Hits two times.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Draco Meteor
Lowers user's Special Attack by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Dragon Pulse
Has no extra effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Dragon Rush
May cause the foe to flinch.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Drain Punch
User recovers HP equal to half the damage done to the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Earth Power
May lower the foe's Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Foe is stopped from using its held item for 5 turns. The target's
Trainer may also not use an item on the target during this time.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Energy Ball
May lower the foe's Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Fails unless the foe is using Protect or Detect.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Fire Fang
May cause the foe to flinch or get burned.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Flare Blitz
User takes recoil equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Flash Cannon
May lower the foe's Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Toss the held item at the foe. Power and effect depends on what is

Name: Focus Blast

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

May lower the foe's Special Defense by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Force Palm
May paralyze the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Gastro Acid
Shuts off the foe's ability.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Giga Impact
If the attack hits, user must recharge next turn.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Grass Knot
Increases in base power if the foe is heavy.
Here are the exact numbers for Grass Knot's damage, many thanks to
Steinhauser from #SPP for giving me these numbers.
Up to 22 lb = 20
22.1 lb - 55.1 lb = 40
55.2 lb - 110.2 lb = 60
110.3 lb - 220.5 lb = 80
220.6 lb - 440.9 lb = 100
441 lb and higher = 120

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

----All Pokemon are grounded for 5 turns. Accuracy of all moves goes up.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Guard Swap

Accuracy: --Effect: Swaps Defense and Special Defense boosts with the foe.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Gunk Shot
May poison the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Gyro Ball

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Hammer Arm
Lowers user's Speed by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Head Smash
User takes 1/2 damage dealt in recoil.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Heal Block
Stops the foe from using curative attacks for 5 turns.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Heal Order
----Restores 50% of the user's maximum HP.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Healing Wish
----User faints. Next released Pokemon is restored to full HP and Special
Conditions are removed.

Damage increases depending on how much faster the foe is than the

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Heart Swap
----Swaps boosted stats with the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Ice Fang
May cause the foe to flinch or become frozen.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Ice Shard
User goes first.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Iron Head
May cause the foe to flinch.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Has no extra effects. The type of this move changes to match the
Plate that is held.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Last Resort
Can only be used if all of the user's attacks have been used by the
user. This move fails if it is your only attack.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Lava Plume
Hits both foes as well as your partner. May burn anything it hits.

Name: Leaf Storm

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Lowers user's Special Attack by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Lucky Chant
----Prevents critical hits on the user's team for 5 turns.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Lunar Dance
----User faints. Next released Pokemon is restored to full HP and PP.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Magma Storm
Traps the foe so it cannot flee or switch.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Magnet Bomb
--Never misses.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Magnet Rise
----User becomes immune to Ground-type attacks for 5 turns.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Me First
----If the foe uses a move that causes direct damage, you perform it at
1.5x the base power of that move, but only if you go first.

Pwr Pts.:

Metal Burst

Base Pwr: --Accuracy: 100

Effect: Attacks the foe for double the damage taken by the user on this turn.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Miracle Eye
----Removes Dark-type immunity to Psychic, as well as nullifies evasion

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Mirror Shot
May lower the foe's accuracy by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Mud Bomb
May lower the foe's accuracy by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Nasty Plot
----Raises user's Special Attack by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Natural Gift
----Damage and effect depends on the held berry.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Night Slash
Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Ominous Wind
May raise each of the user's stats by 1 level.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Doubles in base power if user receives damage on this turn.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

If the foe is holding a berry, you will steal it and eat it, gaining
its effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Poison Jab
May poison the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Power Gem
Has no extra effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Power Swap
----Swaps Attack and Special Attack boosts with the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Power Trick
----Swaps the user's Attack stat and Defense stat.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Power Whip
Has no extra effects.

Name: Psycho Cut

Type: Psychic

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Psycho Shift
Gives the user's Special Condition to the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Base power increases based on the foe's stat boosts.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Roar of Time
If the attack hits, user must recharge next turn.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Rock Climb
May confuse the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Rock Polish
----Raises user's Speed by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Rock Wrecker
If the attack hits, user must recharge next turn.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:


Effect: Restores 50% of the user's maximum HP. If the user is Flying-type,
user loses the Flying type until the end of the turn.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Seed Bomb
Has no extra effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Seed Flare
May lower the foe's Special Defense by 2 levels.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Shadow Claw
Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Shadow Force
User disappears the first turn and strikes the next. This move breaks
through Protect and Detect.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Shadow Sneak
User goes first.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Spacial Rend
Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Stealth Rock
----Damages the opponent's Pokemon every time they switch in. Damage done
is based on the foe's susceptibility to Rock; base damage is 12.5%,

doubled or halved once or twice based on if the new Pokemon is weak

to or resistant to Rock damage. A very, very useful attack that can
only be removed with Rapid Spin.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Stone Edge
Has a high critical hit ratio.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Sucker Punch
User goes first. If the foe isn't using a move that causes direct
damage, Sucker Punch fails.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

User and foe switch held items.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

----Boosts the Speed of the user's team by 1.5x for 3 turns.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Thunder Fang
May cause the foe to flinch or become paralyzed.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Toxic Spikes
----Poisons Pokemon after they switch in. Two uses will badly poison a
Pokemon when it switches in. Switching in a Poison-type that lands on
the spikes will remove them from the battlefield.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Trick Room

Accuracy: --Effect: User goes last. For the next 5 turns, normal speed priority is
reversed, but moves with their own speed priorities still take
precedence (Ice Shard will still make you go first, even if Trick
Room is up).
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Trump Card
Base damage increases if this attack's PP are low.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

User switches out after using the attack.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Vacuum Wave
User goes first.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Wake-up Slap
If the foe is asleep, this attack doubles in base power and will
awaken the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Wood Hammer
User takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the foe.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Worry Seed
Changes the foe's ability to Insomnia.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Wring Out

Accuracy: 100
Effect: Does more damage if the foe's HP is high.
Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Has no extra effects.

Pwr Pts.:
Base Pwr:

Zen Headbutt
May cause the foe to flinch.

14c. Hold Items


Hold items are items that can be held and used during battle. Most have
different effects, although there are a few clones out there. That's okay
though. Anyway, heres's the list. I intentionally left a few out, like the
Super Contest scarves and evolution items that don't have any other effects,
and Pokemon-specific items like Light Ball. This is a list of hold items that
help you in battle one way or another.
| Amulet Coin | Amity Square, hidden in a house | Doubles money in a battle |
| if the holder takes part. |
Big Root | Route 214
| Increases damage done by |
| draining attacks.
| Black Belt | A house on Route 221 (1st visit | Increases Fighting-type |
| or after winning Focus Sash)
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Sometimes found on wild Croagunk | Restores HP of Poison|
| Black Sludge |
| types only by 1/16 max HP |
| between turns.
| BlackGlasses | Celestic Town "Poke Mart"
| Increases Dark-type
| between 10:00 AM and 7:59 PM
| move's base power by 20%. |
| BrightPowder | Exchange Service Corner
| Lowers foe's accuracy.
Charcoal | Route 227
| Increases Fire-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Choice Band | Exchange Service Corner
| Raises Attack by 1.5x,
| but can only use 1 move. |
| Choice Scarf | Exchange Service Corner
| Raises Speed by 1.5x, but |
| can only use one move.

| Choice Specs | Celestic Town "Poke Mart"

| Raises Sp.Atk by 1.5x,
| between 4:00 AM and 9:59 AM
| but can only use 1 move. |
| Cleanse Tag | Top floor of Lost Tower
| Lessens wild encounters. |
Damp Rock | Sinnoh Underground
| Lengthens Rain Dance.
| Destiny Knot | Route 224
| If the holder becomes
| attracted, foe does too. |
| Draco Plate | Eterna City, behind the statue; | Increases Dragon-type
| Sinnoh Underground
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Dread Plate | Sinnoh Underground; Old Chateau | Increases Ghost-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Earth Plate | Oreburgh Gate; Sinnoh
| Increases Ground-type
| Underground
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Exp. Share | A building at Cycling Road with | Gives half of the earned |
| at least 35 seen in the Pokedex | exp. to the holder.
| Expert Belt | A house on Route 221 (after
| Increases super effective |
| winning the Black Belt)
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Fist Plate | Route 215; Sinnoh Underground
| Increases Fighting-type |
| move's base power by 20%. |
Flame Orb | Exchange Service Corner
| Burns the holder between |
| turns.
| Flame Plate | Stark Mountain; Sinnoh
| Increases Fire-type
| Underground
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Focus Band | Exchange Service Corner
| May survive a fatal blow |
| with 1 HP.
| Focus Sash | A house on Route 221 (after
| Will survive a fatal blow |
| winning the Expert Belt)
| from full HP with 1 HP. |
| Full Incense | Veilstone City
| Holder always goes last. |
Grip Claw | Wayward Cave (secret section)
| Moves that trap the foe |
| trap it for longer.
| Hard Stone | Sinnoh Underground only
| Increases Rock-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
Heat Rock | Sinnoh Underground only
| Lengthens Sunny Day.
| Icicle Plate | Route 217; Sinnoh Underground
| Increases Ice-type move's |
| base power by 20%.
Icy Rock | Sinnoh Underground only
| Lengthens Hail.
| Insect Plate | In the wall to the right of Old | Increases Bug-type move's |
| Chateau; Sinnoh Underground
| base power by 20%.
Iron Ball | Iron Island; Stark Mountain;
| Cuts the holder's speed |
| Sinnoh Underground
| in half.

| Iron Plate | Iron Island; Sinnoh Underground | Increases Steel-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| King's Rock | Pickup ability (L20 and higher) | Adds 10% flinch rate to |
| moves that don't have it. |
| Lagging Tail | Route 226
| Holder always goes last. |
| Lax Incense | Route 225
| Lowers foe's accuracy.
Leftovers | Victory Road (path to Route 224) | Restores HP by 1/16 the |
| maximum between turns.
Life Orb | Route 227
| Sharply boosts power of |
| moves at the cost of HP. |
| Luck Incense | Ravaged Cave
| Doubles money in a battle |
| if the holder takes part. |
Lucky Egg | Rarely held by wild Chansey
| Holder gets exp. x 1.5. |
| Macho Brace | Show a kid in Pastoria City all | Doubles EVs gained from a |
| 3 forms of Burmy in your party. | battle.
Magnet | Iron Island
| Increases Electric-type |
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Meadow Plate | Route 210; Sinnoh Underground
| Increases Grass-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Mental Herb | Route 216
| Snaps the holder out of |
| attraction.
| Metal Coat | Iron Island (after Elite Four) | Increases Steel-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
Metronome | Game Corner; Sometimes held by | Move base power x1.1 for |
| wild Kricketot and Kricketune
| each consecutive use.
| Mind Plate | Solaceon Ruins; Sinnoh
| Increases Psychic-type
| Underground
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Miracle Seed | Floaroma Meadow
| Increases Grass-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Muscle Band | Exchange Service Corner
| Increases physical-based |
| move's base power by 10%. |
| Mystic Water | Pastoria City
| Increases Water-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| NeverMeltIce | Snowpoint Temple
| Increases Ice-type damage |
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Odd Incense | Solaceon Ruins
| Increases Psychic-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Poison Barb | Route 206; Sometimes held by
| Increases Poison-type
| wild Tentacruel
| move's base power by 20%. |

| Power Anklet | Exchange Service Corner
| Speed effort values +4 in |
| addition to normal rate. |
| Power Band | Exchange Service Corner
| Sp.Def effort values +4 |
| in addition to normal.
| Power Belt | Exchange Service Corner
| Defense effort values +4 |
| in addition to normal.
| Power Bracer | Exchange Service Corner
| Attack effort values +4 |
| in addition to normal
| Power Herb | Exchange Service Corner
| One-time omission of the |
| 1st-turn charge of moves. |
| Power Lens | Exchange Service Corner
| Sp.Atk effort values +4 |
| in addition to normal.
| Power Weight | Exchange Service Corner
| HP effort values +4 in
| addition to normal rate. |
| Pure Incense | Route 221
| Lessens wild encounters. |
| Quick Claw | Jubilife Condominiums - this is | May make your Pokemon go |
| for cheaters | an item that only cheaters use | first when it shouldn't. |
| Razor Claw | Victory Road; Route 224;
| Increases the critical
| Exchange Service Corner
| hit ratio.
| Razor Fang | Exchange Service Corner
| Adds 10% flinch rate to |
| moves that don't have it. |
| Rock Incense | Fuego Ironworks
| Increases Rock-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Rose Incense | Route 212
| Increases Grass-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Scope Lens | Fight Area PokeMart; Exchange
| Increases the critical
| Service Corner
| hit ratio.
| Sea Incense | Route 204
| Increases Water-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Shed Shell | Route 228
| Holder can freely switch. |
| Shell Bell | Hearthome City
| Attacking heals some HP. |
| Silk Scarf | Game Corner
| Increases Normal-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| At the bottom of the waterfall | Increases Flying-type
Sky Plate | at the Pokemon League; Sinnoh
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Underground
| Smoke Ball | Route 210
| Holder can always flee. |
| Smooth Rock | Sinnoh Underground
| Lengthens Sandstorm.

Soft Sand | Mt. Coronet
| Increases Ground-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Soothe Bell | Pokemon Mansion
| Raises happiness quicker. |
| SilverPowder | Route 205
| Increases Bug-type damage |
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Smoke Ball | Route 210
| Holder can always flee. |
| Soothe Bell | Pokemon Mansion
| Holder becomes friendlier |
| faster than normal.
Spell Tag | Route 217 (in a house)
| Increases Ghost-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Splash Plate | Route 219; Sinnoh Underground
| Increases Water-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Spooky Plate | Amity Square; Sinnoh Underground | Increases Ghost-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Sticky Barb | Veilstone City Department Store | Damages holder between
| top floor
| turns; removed by touch |
| Stone Plate | Mt. Coronet; Sinnoh Underground | Increases Rock-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
Toxic Orb | Exchange Service Corner
| Poisons the holder
| between turns.
| Toxic Plate | Great Marsh Area 2; Sinnoh
| Increases Poison-type
| Underground
| move's base power by 20%. |
| TwistedSpoon | Sometimes found on wild Abra
| Increases Psychic-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Wave Incense | Route 210
| Increases Water-type
| move's base power by 20%. |
| White Herb | Exchange Service Corner; Pickup | Restores stats when lost. |
| ability (L50 and higher)
| A one-time use item.
Wide Lens | Veilstone Game Corner
| Raises accuracy.
| Wise Glasses | Celestic Town "Poke Mart"
| Increases special-based |
| between 8:00 PM and 3:59 AM
| move's base power by 10%. |
| To the lower right of the front | Increases Electric-type |
Zap Plate | of Vista Lighthouse; Sinnoh
| move's base power by 20%. |
| Underground
14d. Effort Values


Now even more in-depth than my Emerald walkthrough, it's my hopefully totally
understandable section on effort values. A lot of it's cut and paste.

To be a serious battler, one must know about the sometimes-not-so-wonderful

world of effort values, or "EVs" for short. In a nutshell, EVs are part of what
make your Pokemon unique. Each and every Pokemon that you capture starts with 0
effort points. At maximum, a Pokemon can earn 510 effort points.
You can allocate these 510 points in almost any way you choose in each stat
(HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense), with the max
points for one stat being 255, meaning you can't put more than 255 points into
any one stat. The process of putting these values into the stats you want is
called EV training.
However, since every four EVs equals one stat point, and four does not go
equally into 255 (you end up with a remainder of 3), the 3 extra points are
worthless and best put into another stat. The more EVs you put into one stat,
the stronger that stat will be.
In Emerald, EV training was really easy. Diamond and Pearl dumbs it down for us
even more and gives us a couple options to make EV training go by really quick.
I'll go into ridiculous detail to make sure you understand.
14d1. EV Training 101


---------------------------| Part One: Preparation |--------------------------o-----------------------o
The first thing you must do is decide on a good nature for your Pokemon. What
is it you want your Pokemon to do? For example, if you want your Pokemon to be
a physical sweeper - that is, beat the oppponent's Pokemon into submission
using strong physical attacks - you'll probably want an Adamant nature. There
are four natures that will boost your Attack stat, including Adamant, but
Adamant would be the best choice.
Why? Because Adamant lowers your Special Attack stat. Physical sweepers could
care less what their Special Attack is, since physical attacks do more damage
with a higher Attack stat. Adamant boosts the Attack stat. You could go with
Brave, which lowers your Speed, which is not something you want to do since all
physical sweepers can benefit from being faster.
When choosing a nature, it's best to choose one that puts a natural negative
stat drop into a stat you don't need. In this case, our Adamant-natured
physical attacker benefits from the +ATK (plus Attack, meaning a boosted Attack
stat) that an Adamant nature gives, while not caring at all about the -SP.ATK
(minus Special Attack, meaning a weakened Special Attack stat) drop that comes
with it.
Here's a list of the 25 natures and their effects on your Pokemon's stats.

(no change)


(no change)

(no change)


(no change)


Rash: +SP.ATK, -SP.DEF

Quirky: (no change)

As long as we're on the subject of a physical sweeper, I will continue to use

that as an example. When deciding on a role for your Pokemon, you must take its
base stats into account. Pokemon with a very low Attack stat do not make good
physical sweepers. You'll want to take Pokemon that naturally have a very high
Attack stat and can learn a wide variety of strong physical attacks.
Rhyperior has a very high Attack stat and can learn so many physical attacks
it's downright RIDICULOUS. Let's use him as an example.
Before anything, we need to decide what ability we want, if we even get a
choice. Lucky for us, Rhyperior has two abilities; Lightningrod and Solid Rock.
While Lightningrod has its uses in Double Battles, for a physical sweeper
Rhyperior, Solid Rock is obviously the better choice. We'll go with that.
So... how to obtain Rhyperior? First you'll need a Rhyhorn. Check the Pokedex
to see if you can obtain your Pokemon in the wild. If you can, good. If you
can't, you'll have to get one from your friend. In Rhyhorn's case, you can get
one in the wild at Route 227 as well as Stark Mountain. So I'll go there.
Now comes a relatively easy part - catching a Rhyhorn. Once we have one in
custody, we need to take a look and see if, first and foremost, it has the
ability we want. In this case, we'd like Solid Rock, but Rhyhorn doesn't have
that ability. What we want is Rock Head - it will turn into Solid Rock when it
becomes Rhyperior. Release any Rhyhorn you catch that have the Lightningrod
ability - you will never get Solid Rock out of that.
So we have a Rhyhorn, and it's got Rock Head. Good. But what's its nature?
If it's anything but Adamant, we gotta ditch it. That's the only one we want.
Probability dictates that it would take a very long time to catch an Adamant
Rock Head Rhyhorn straight from the wild. And it would. Lucky for you, there
are 2 methods you can use to partially control this.
Firstly, the Synchronize ability has a field bonus that raises the chances of
wild Pokemon you run into having the same nature as the Pokemon with
Synchronize. This Pokemon must be leading your party. If your Pokemon with
Synchronize has an Adamant nature, finding that Adamant Rhyhorn just got a
whole lot easier. Now it comes down to getting one with Rock Head, which I'm
sad to say cannot be controlled and all it takes is some good old-fashioned
The second method, and probably the easier method, is through breeding.
----------------------------| Part Two: Breeding |---------------------------o--------------------o
Diamond and Pearl's Day Care is found in Solaceon Town, on the upper left side.
It's northwest of the Pokemon Center, and an old man is standing outside.
Inside this house you'll find a woman, the Day-Care Lady. She will raise two of
your Pokemon for you for a base price of 100 money each, that you pay when you
pick up the Pokemon. While in her care, any Pokemon you leave will each gain 1
experience point for each and every step you take. When you want your Pokemon
back, it will cost 100 money plus 100 more money for every level your Pokemon
gained while in her care.
However, if you put two Pokemon of the opposite gender, and those two Pokemon

are of the same Egg Group, your Pokemon will eventually make an egg in some
yet-to-be-discovered manner. The egg is always discovered by accident, because
the people have no idea how it got there. Are these people even qualified to be
caring for others' Pokemon if they can't even be bothered to watch them? Geez.
If you give an Everstone to the female of the pair, you get a huge chance to
pass the female's nature onto the baby. This is extremely helpful.
But finding two Pokemon in the same Egg Group can be a pretty tough thing to do
(you'd be surprised). Fortunately, we don't even care about that. We're going
to abuse, abuse, and abuse some more the powers of Ditto, king of breeding.
Ditto is genderless, but it can breed with anything capable of making an egg.
Well, almost anything. Odd as it is, Ditto can't breed with itself.
The Everstone trick works with Ditto, but only if it's acting as the female meaning give the Everstone to Ditto if the other Pokemon is male.
Let's say we couldn't catch us an Adamant-natured Rock Head Rhyhorn. That's
okay, because Rhyhorn + Ditto = more Rhyhorn! All right!
To take advantage of the Everstone trick, we'll need a male Rhyhorn. It
shouldn't be too hard to find one of those. I will now magically have one.
Now we'll need a Ditto. Since we're using the Everstone trick, Ditto has to
have an Adamant nature. Ditto can be found in the wild using the Poke Radar on
Route 218, and it's kinda rare. There's no way to absolutely ensure it has an
Adamant nature, but you can help it have one by using the Synchronize trick I
described above.
Another (and probably easier) method is to migrate one from Emerald, where
Ditto are much more common. In Emerald only, they can be found in the Desert
Underpass after beating the Elite Four. Use the Synchronize trick or just get
plain lucky, either way get yourself an Adamant Ditto. I will now magically
have one for the sake of example.
So we stick the two of them in the Day Care. How long do you have to wait for
an egg? Well, the Day-Care Man can help you out with that one. Talk to him
outside and he'll tell you your two Pokemon are doing well.
What he says next is what you need to pay attention to. He'll say a variety of
things that tell how well your two Pokemon like each other, including things
"They don't seem to like each other much."
"They seem to get along."
"They seem to get along very well."
Or something to that extent. Anyway, if he says anything EXCEPT
"The two prefer to play with other Pokemon more than with each other."...
You will eventually make an egg. The above sentence means the two Pokemon you
left are in different Egg Groups and will never make an egg. Even if he tells
you that your Pokemon don't like each other very much, they'll still eventually
make an egg. Every time you change locations (as in move to a different route,
town, city, etc.), the two Pokemon you left have a chance to make an egg. The
more the two like each other, the higher this chance is. You can check if an
egg has been made by using the Day-Care Checker app which you should have

already (if not, the guy sitting inside the Day Care gives it to you). The DayCare Man will also be facing right instead of down when he has an egg to give.
Once you receive this egg, you're stuck with it forever until you hatch it. No
releasing Eggs! You can trade it to a different version, but that egg will sit
forever until it is hatched. To hatch an egg, keep it with you in your party,
then take steps. Every Pokemon has a set amount of steps to be hatched. The
lowest is Magikarp Egg at 1280 steps. But don't count on it being that easy,
Magikarp's the exception to the rule.
Most are 5280 steps, or somewhere near there. Either way, it's quite a lot. The
questions is: how do you hatch eggs quickly?
Answer: find a Pokemon that has the Flame Body or Magma Armor abilities.
Putting them on your party will shorten the number of steps you need to take to
hatch an egg. It doesn't cut it exactly in half; it's more like 55% of the
normal steps. Somewhere around there. It's a little over half.
In Emerald you were given a huge strip of land to ride back and forth on, right
near the Day Care, to make hatching eggs that much easier. You get the same
thing in Diamond and Pearl. Hop on your bike and get into fast gear. Leave the
city north to Route 210 and line yourself up with the mud slope. Go all the way
up, never changing direction. Now go down until you can't anymore. See? It's
big. It's 123 steps from one end to the other.
While you're hatching that first egg, your two Pokemon will no doubt make more
eggs since you're changing locations all the time. It is suggested that you
carry two or three eggs on your person at all times, so in the event one egg
isn't what you're looking for, you can release it and not have to start from
scratch. If it does end up being what you want, you can either hatch the
remaining eggs or trade them to friends.
Lo and behold, we now have our Adamant Rock Head Rhyhorn!
You're all set. Now comes the hard part - actually training.
---------------------------| Part Three: Training |--------------------------o----------------------o
Before you even head out into the field, you need to give your Pokemon
vitamins. You should be familiar with them - you've probably picked up some
over the course of the game. They are the items that increase a Pokemon's base
stat, go by the name of Carbos, Zinc, HP Up, etc.? Yeah, you know what I mean.
These are actually used for EV training. What they do is give your Pokemon 10
EVs for the stat the item corresponds to. So if you give your Pokemon a Zinc,
that Pokemon gets 10 EVs in Special Defense. They count towards the 255 you can
put into your stat.
I'm sure you've also noticed that sometimes when you try to feed your Pokemon a
vitamin, it will say "It won't have any effect." This is because vitamins have
a limit to how many EVs they can give, and that limit is 100. Once your Pokemon
has at least 100 EVs in any stat, vitamins for that stat will have no effect.
This is why you need to give your Pokemon all the vitamins it can take BEFORE
you go training in your stat. All it does is lighten the load for you. It's not
required, but recommended.
But what if you mess up? What if you're not paying attention and you feed your
Pokemon a vitamin and doesn't need? Or some time down the road you decide it

was a bad idea to invest 252 EVs in Defense, and you'd rather train in HP
instead? Are you screwed? Not at all. Like there are vitamins to increase EVs,
there are certain berries that will decrease EVs (and boost happiness a little)
every time they are fed to a Pokemon. The berries in particular are #21-26.
Each berry will drop EVs in the stat they correspond to by 10.
In Diamond and Pearl only, if you feed a Pokemon an EV-reducing berry and that
Pokemon has at least 101 EVs in that stat, that single berry will set the EVs
to 100. This is true whether you have 101 EVs, 183 EVs, even if you have 255
EVs in a stat, that one berry will drop it to 100. Each berry fed after that
will reduce it by 10 until the stat reaches zero. It's extremely helpful, and
saves you on berry consumption too.
Most of your EV training will be done the old-fashioned way; murdering wild
Pokemon. But wait! You can't just go around defeating any Pokemon you want.
This is the difficult part, and it can take a while.
Each Pokemon, when killed, gives the Pokemon that killed it one, two, or three
points in one stat, a value you cannot see, that starts at zero when you catch
or hatch the Pokemon. Some Pokemon give one point in multiple stats. These
points are effort points, the things you're looking for. Pokemon holding the
Experience Share will gain the base EVs your leader kills. You can use that to
give EVs to Pokemon who are weak (probably the Lv.1 eggs you'll be hatching).
Here's an example.
Say you have an Empoleon, like me. Empoleon kills a Starly. Since Starly gives
1 point in Speed, Empoleon now has 1 Speed EV.
If I have that Adamant Rock Head Rhyhorn from before, he probably could take
out that Starly on his own. But let's say for the sake of example that that
Starly was genetically engineered and knows Water Gun, a move that surely would
wreck my poor Rhyhorn. So I give it the Exp. Share to keep it safe while my
Empoleon goes to town. So from that Starly, Empoleon gets 1 EV for Speed
because he's the one that killed it. Since any Pokemon holding the Exp. Share
gets the base value of EVs from whatever was killed, my Rhyhorn gets 1 EV in
Speed, too.
There are some places where you can go where many of the wild Pokemon there
give specific kinds of effort points, making training a little less random.
Unfortunately, not many places like that exist in Diamond and Pearl. You're
going to be doing a lot of fleeing... below are spots I think are the best
spots for EV training. Feel free to e-mail me a spot of your own and if I think
it's better than what I got, I'll add your spot and give you credit.
--------------On Route 201, you can only find Bidoof and Starly. Bidoof gives 1 HP. Starly
gives Speed, so run away from it.
Average level: 2
-----Fish in Twinleaf Town with the Super Rod for Gyarados and Seaking. Both give 2

Attack each.
Average level: Varies (32-53)
------Inside Oreburgh Mine, you will run into mostly Geodude, which give 1 point.
Zubat gives Speed EVs, so run from it. Onix also gives 1 Defense, so feel free
to kill them, too.
Average level: 6
----In the room where you can Surf in Victory Road, stay on the water and you will
find nothing but Golbat. They give 2 points each.
Average level: 40
-------------This one's actually really easy. Old Chateau has only Gastly inside, and they
give 1 point in Special Attack. From the entrance, if you go up the stairs and
into the center room, then into the room to the right (you'll know it's the
right room because in it is a purple picture with red eyes that vanish if you
get close), you'll find Haunter and Gengar if you have any Pokemon GBA game in
the GBA slot of your DS. Haunter can be found elsewhere in the chateau, but
Gengar is ONLY found in this room. Haunter gives 2 Special Attack points, and
Gengar gives 3.
Average level: 16
--------------Surfing on Route 223 will yield Tentacruel, Pelipper, and Mantyke. Mantyke
gives 1 point, and Tentacruel gives 2. Pelipper gives 2 points in Defense, not
Special Defense, so just run from it.
Average level: 32

But wait! There's more!

There are three, count 'em three, ways to make EV training easier. The first is
with the Macho Brace. This hold item doubles the effort points you get, but
lowers the Speed of the Pokemon holding it for as long as the Pokemon holds it.
To get it, carry all 3 forms of Burmy in your party and talk to the boy in the
hat in the house directly above Pastoria City's PokeMart.
So if my Empoleon equips the Macho Brace and kills a Starly, he gets 2 points
in Speed because Starly gives 1, and Macho Brace doubles it for 2 total points.
Now, you could do that forever, but we get a slew of new items to help us. I
call these the Power items because the word Power is in their names. They're

obtainable only in the Battle Zone, and you can only get them as prizes in the
Exchange Service Corner for 16 BP each.
What these do is add four EV points to the stat they correspond to. This is
important to remember; it adds four points. No multiplying involved here.
So if my Empoleon equips the Power Anklet (the Speed Power item) and kills a
Starly, he gets 5 points because Starly gives 1, and the Power Anklet ADDS FOUR
for a total of 5 points.
These items are pretty cool because you can mix and match EVs. Example:
My Empoleon has the Power Lens equipped (the Special Attack Power item) and
kills a Starly. He gets 1 Speed point from the Starly he killed, and also 4
Special Attack EVs from having the Power Lens equipped. You can either turbo
charge EV training in a single stat, or do a little of both at once! It's easy!
Finally, there's the Pokemon virus, or Pokerus for short. Pokerus is shown as
PKRS on the Summary Screen (and only there), and you can find it next to the
Pokemon's level. This will also double effort points gained from a battle.
It also doubles points from having the Macho Brace equipped.
So if my Empoleon equips the Macho Brace and has PKRS and then kills a Starly,
he gets 4 points in Speed because Starly gives 1, PKRS doubles it to 2 and then
Macho Brace doubles it again for a total of 4 points.
But if my Empoleon instead has the Power Anklet equipped and I kill another
Starly, I get TEN POINTS in Speed; Starly gives one. The Power Anklet ADDS FOUR
to make it five. PKRS doubles that to make a whopping 10 points from killing a
single Starly! Holy easy training Batman!
Quite easy. And very effective.
Oh, and before I forget. Are you forgetful? Can't remember if you gave yourself
credit for taking out that Starly? The Counter app can help you keep track of
your numbers so you don't sell yourself short.
------------------------------| Part Four: PKRS |-----------------------------o-----------------o
You now know how awesome PKRS is. But how do you get it?
It's very hard to catch Pokerus (you have better chances of seeing a Shining
Pokemon). The healer lady will tell you that your Pokemon have been infected
after healing at a Pokemon Center, and it should go away shortly. YOU DO NOT
WANT THIS TO HAPPEN. Here's how to preserve it.
When initially told you've been infected, there is a chance your entire party
will be infected. At least one will be. Catch a Pokemon you don't care about
(henceforth referred to as Pichu). PKRS spreads from the center of your team;
let Pichu sit between two Pokemon that are infected (or next to one that is).
Kill off a few wild Pokemon and wait for Pichu to become infected. Then all you
do is deposit Pichu in the box (if you have more than one Pichu, mark the
infected Pichu with all six marks so you know that's the one you want) and
wait until you need to EV train someone else. As long as Pichu sits in the box,
PKRS will never go away. It's a good idea to infect multiple Pichu in the event
your PKRS mysteriously vanishes from one before you get a chance to put it
back, as a safeguard of sorts. To infect your team, put the Pichu in the center
of your team (on the right side). It will eventually spread, starting with the

middle, throughout your team.

Like I said, it's _extremely_ rare to get Pokerus. Some people are just lucky,
though, and get it almost right away. Others can have a box full of Shining
Pokemon and still not have Pokerus. Don't find it, it'll find you.
Or just trade with someone who will give it to you. That works too.
That should do it. Any questions, comments, anything at all, e-mail me.
14e. Poketch Applications


There are a total of 22 applications for the Poketch, a few of which you can't
get until beating the game. As such, there are a couple minor spoilers.
Here's a list of all of them.
| 01 - Digital Watch - 01 |
Location: When you receive the Poketch, this app is already installed.
Uses: Eh. None, really. It's just a clock. Handy if there are no clocks
nearby, but if your DS's clock is screwy, it's completely useless.
| 02 - Calculator - 02 |
Location: When you receive the Poketch, this app is already installed.
Uses: A lifesaver for those who can't do basic math. If the answer to your
equation is a number between 1 and 493, and the Pokemon that
corresponds to the number before the decimal point is in your
Pokedex, you will hear that Pokemon's cry when you get your answer.
Pretty nifty...
| 03 - Memo Pad - 03 |
Location: Poketch Company after you have one Badge, speak to the president.
Uses: Take notes. It goes away when you change apps, so that kinda sucks.
| 04 - Pedometer - 04 |
Location: When you receive the Poketch, this app is already installed.
Uses: If you clear it when you receive an egg, you can use it to keep track
of how close your egg is to hatching. Also useful if you need to take
an exact number of steps.
| 05 - Pokemon List - 05 |

Location: When you receive the Poketch, this app is already installed.
Uses: This app is always useful. It lets you see your team status without
actually looking at your team status. It's also useful to see if any
of your Pokemon with Pickup actually picked up an item or they all
slacked off. This is the app I used when walking around during the
main game.
| 06 - Friendship Checker - 06 |
Location: A girl in Eterna City's Pokemon Center.
Uses: Use this to determine if Return or Frustration are worth teaching, or
if a Pokemon with a happiness-based evolution is anywhere near
| 07 - Dowsing Machine - 07 |
Location: Dawn gives it to you on Route 117. You can't miss this one.
Uses: Hidden items are everywhere. This will help you find them all.
| 08 - Berry Searcher - 08 |
Location: A little girl in the Berry Master's house on Route 208.
Uses: Can't remember where you planted those berries? This is your app.
| 09 - Day-Care Checker - 09 |
Location: The weird guy in the Day Care in Solaceon Town.
Uses: Check who you left in the Day Care. Tap the screen to reset it;
you can also see if the two you left made an egg.
| 10 - Pokemon History - 10 |
Location: A guy at an intersection in Solaceon Town.
Uses: If you forgot who you've put into your game recently, this will
tell you. Yay? Ditch this app.
| 11 - Counter - 11 |
Location: Veilstone City Department Store (2F, bottommost lady)

Uses: Keep track of EVs when EV training. (section 14d for EV training)
| 12 - Analog Watch - 12 |
Location: In a house to the left of the Pokemon Center in Celestic Town.
Uses: Use this instead of the Digital Watch, if that's your sort of thing.
| 13 - Marking Map - 13 |
Location: Poketch Company after you have three Badges, speak to the president.
Uses: By far, use this to track down Mesprit and Cresselia. If there's a
certain area you want to mark for future reference, you can do that
| 14 - Link Searcher - 14 |
Location: Poketch Company after you have five Badges, speak to the president.
Uses: None. This app is entirely worthless, don't ever use it.
| 15 - Coin Toss - 15 |
Location: A house south of the restaurant in Valor Lakefront (Rock Climb
Uses: Can't decide on something? Flip a coin!
| 16 - Move Tester - 16 |
Location: Poketch Company after you have seven Badges, speak to the president.
Uses: Don't know your type matchups? Use this to help you learn.
| 17 - Calendar - 17 |
Location: A house in Sunyshore City, the only one you need Rock Climb to get to
(Pokemon with a Serious nature needed).
Uses: Check the date on your DS. Hopefully it's the right date.
| 18 - Dot Artist - 18 |
Location: A house in Sunyshore City, the only one you need Rock Climb to get to
(Pokemon with a Naive nature needed)

Uses: By tapping areas of the Poketch, you can turn them four different
shades of color. You can manipulate these different shades to draw a
pretty picture. This picture is PERMANENT, so do keep in mind that
whatever you draw will be there next time you select the app.
| 19 - Roulette - 19 |
Location: A house in Sunshore City, the only one you need Rock Climb to get to
(Pokemon with a Quirky nature needed)
Uses: Slightly more complex than flipping a coin, you can have all sorts of
fun with this app since you always draw your own wheel.
| 20 - Trainer Counter - 20 |
Location: Enter Pal Park to receive this app.
Uses: Not much. Check to see how you've been doing with the Poketch.
| 21 - Kitchen Timer - 21 |
Location: Pal Park, after showing the girl near the entrance a Snorlax.
Uses: Substitute for a real kitchen timer...?
| 22 - Color Changer - 22 |
Location: Pal Park, after showing the girl near the entrance a Kecleon.
Uses: Change the background color of the Poketch. Very cool.
14f. TM and HM List


Missing a TM? Scope out this list and go get it.

TM01 - Focus Punch
Location: Iron Island, Pickup*

TM51 - Roost
Location: Route 210

TM02 - Dragon Claw

Location: Mt. Coronet

TM52 - Focus Blast

Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM03 - Water Pulse

Location: Ravaged Cave

TM53 - Energy Ball

Location: Route 226, Exchange Service

TM04 - Calm Mind

Location: Exchange Service Corner
TM05 - Roar
Location: Route 213

TM54 - False Swipe

Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F
TM55 - Brine

Location: Prize for defeating 4th Gym

TM06 - Toxic
Location: Route 212, Exchange Service

TM56 - Fling
Location: Route 222

TM07 - Hail
Location: Route 217, Shard Trader House

TM57 - Charge Beam

Location: Prize for defeating 8th Gym

TM08 - Bulk Up
Location: Exchange Service Corner

TM58 - Endure
Location: Game Corner

TM09 - Bullet Seed

Location: Route 204

TM59 - Dragon Pulse

Location: Victory Road, Exchange
Service Corner

TM10 - Hidden Power

Location: Jubilife Trainer's School,
Game Corner

TM60 - Drain Punch

Location: Prize for defeating 3rd Gym

TM11 - Sunny Day

Location: Route 212, Shard Trader House

TM61 - Will-O-Wisp
Location: Exchange Service Corner

TM12 - Taunt
Location: Route 211

TM62 - Silver Wind

Location: Route 212

TM13 - Ice Beam

Location: Route 216, Game Corner

TM63 - Embargo
Location: Veilstone City

TM14 - Blizzard
TM64 - Explosion
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F, Lake Location: Game Corner Coin Vendor
after 10 Clefairy rounds
TM15 - Hyper Beam
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM65 - Shadow Claw

Location: Prize for defeating 5th Gym

TM16 - Light Screen

Location: Velistone Dept. Store 3F

TM66 - Payback
Location: Route 215

TM17 - Protect
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM67 - Recycle
Location: Eterna City

TM18 - Rain Dance

Location: Route 223, Shard Trader House

TM68 - Giga Impact

Location: Game Corner

TM19 - Giga Drain

Location: Route 209

TM69 - Rock Polish

Location: Mt. Coronet

TM20 - Safeguard
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM70 - Flash
Location: Oreburgh Gate, Veilstone
Dept. Store 3F

TM21 - Frustration
Location: Galactic Warehouse, Veilstone
Dept. Store 3F

TM71 - Stone Edge

Location: Victory Road, Exchange
Service Corner

TM22 - SolarBeam
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM72 - Avalanche
Location: Prize for defeating 7th Gym

TM23 - Iron Tail

Location: Iron Island

TM73 - Thunder Wave

Location: Exchange Service Corner

TM24 - Thunderbolt
Location: Valley Windworks, Game Corner

TM74 - Gyro Ball

Location: Game Corner

TM25 - Thunder
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F,
Lake Valor

TM75 - Swords Dance

Location: Game Corner

TM76 - Stealth Rock

TM26 - Earthquake
Location: Prize for defeating 1st Gym
Location: Wayward Cave, Exchange Service
Corner, Pickup**
TM77 - Psych Up
Location: Route 211
TM27 - Return
Location: Lost Tower, Game Corner
TM78 - Captivate
Location: Route 204
TM28 - Dig
Location: Maniac Tunnel
TM79 - Dark Pulse
Location: Victory Road
TM29 - Psychic
Location: Route 211, Game Corner
TM80 - Rock Slide
Location: Mt. Coronet
TM30 - Shadow Ball
Location: Route 210, Exchange Service
TM81 - X-Scissor
Location: Route 221, Exchange Service
TM31 - Brick Break
Location: Oreburgh Gate, Exchange
TM82 - Sleep Talk
Service Corner
Location: Route 205
TM32 - Double Team
Location: Wayward Cave, Game Corner

TM83 - Natural Gift

Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM33 - Reflect
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F

TM84 - Poison Jab

Location: Route 212

TM34 - Shock Wave

Location: Route 215

TM85 - Dream Eater

Location: Valor Lakefront

TM35 - Flamethrower
Location: Fuego Ironworks, Game Corner

TM86 - Grass Knot

Location: Prize for defeating 2nd Gym

TM36 - Sludge Bomb

Location: Galactic Warehouse, Exchange
Service Corner

TM87 - Swagger
Location: Pokemon Mansion

TM37 - Sandstorm
Location: Route 228, Shard Trader House

TM88 - Pluck
Location: Floaroma Town

TM89 - U-turn
TM38 - Fire Blast
Location: Canalave City, Game Corner
Location: Veilstone Dept. Store 3F, Lake
TM90 - Substitute
Location: Old Chateau, Game Corner
TM39 - Rock Tomb
Location: Ravaged Cave
TM91 - Flash Cannon
Location: Prize for defeating 6th Gym
TM40 - Aerial Ace
Location: Route 213, Exchange Service
TM92 - Trick Room
Location: Valor Lakefront
TM41 - Torment
Location: Victory Road

HM1 - Cut
Location: Eterna City

TM42 - Facade
Location: Survival Area

HM2 - Fly
Location: Galactic Warehouse

TM43 - Secret Power

Location: Amity Square

HM3 - Surf
Location: Celestic Town

TM44 - Rest
Location: Game Corner, Pickup***

HM4 - Strength
Location: Lost Tower

TM45 - Attract
HM5 - Defog
Location: Amity Square, Exchange Service Location: Pastoria City Safari Game
HM6 - Rock Smash
TM46 - Thief
Location: Oreburgh Gate
Location: Team Galactic Eterna Building
HM7 - Waterfall
TM47 - Steel Wing
Location: Sunyshore City
Location: Route 209
HM8 - Rock Climb
TM48 - Skill Swap
Location: Route 217
Location: Canalave City
TM49 - Snatch
Location: Galactic Warehouse

* - At level 80 and up only

** - At level 90 and up only
*** - At level 60 and up only

TM50 - Overheat
Location: Stark Mountain
15. The Sinnoh Underground


The Sinnoh Underground (henceforth referred to as "the Underground") is a group

of tunnels found underneath the Sinnoh region. The Underground's tunnels are
divided very unevenly, into six different areas.
You should have already done the Underground tutorial with Underground Man when
you first arrived in Eterna City. You should also be familiar with the basics
of digging, creating a Secret Base, and burying Traps and Spheres.
This section will explain the various parts and treasures of the Underground in
greater detail.
| Sphere Care | If you bury a sphere, it will remain in the exact spot you |
o-------------o buried it. It will, very slowly, grow in size the longer it |
| remains buried. The maximum size any Sphere can be is 99; it can't grow
| bigger than that.
| There are five different types of Spheres - Red, Blue, Green, Pale, and
| Prism.
| There's also a second method for increasing the size of your Spheres, and |
| that's to combine them. You can combine as many as you want, but only
| Spheres of the same color. The downside to doing this is that you don't
| get to simply add the two Spheres together and get one big one.
| To combine your Spheres, simply bury them on the same tile. The biggest
| size Sphere you bury will absorb all other Spheres at 1/4 their size,

| rounded down. If 1/4 of that number would be less than 1, it rounds up

| to 1.
| For example, say you bury three Red Spheres, size 2, 15, and 16. Since
| the Red Sphere 16 is the largest Sphere you bury, it will absorb the 2
| and 15. A fourth of 15, rounded down, is 3; a fourth of two is less than |
| 1, so that turns to 1. When you pick up the three spheres, you'll get a
| Red Sphere 20. It does seem like a ripoff, but them's the breaks.
| So, what do you do with these Spheres? The only thing you can do with
| them is trade them to the Hikers you find for Traps and items for your
| Secret Base.
| Sphere Trading | You can think of Spheres as currency in the Underground. |
o----------------o Spheres are the only thing the Hikers will accept. It's |
| exact change only, however, and you won't get change for Spheres you give |
| them. Let's say a Hiker wants a Red Sphere 8 for his item, and you've got |
| a Red Sphere 7 and a Red Sphere 62. The Red Sphere 7 isn't big enough, so |
| he won't take it, so you've got two options here; either fork over the 62 |
| or find some way to make that 7 an 8. If you give him the 62, he'll love |
| you forever, but you're not going to get a Red Sphere 54 as change for
| your transaction.
| Yeah. It's a scam, I know. It's because of this that you don't always
| want to combine every Sphere you find. There are some items that are
| ridiculously expensive, but you can soften the cost by trading the stuff |
| you dig up for Spheres.
| Traps | Traps are found two ways. You can either find them in the ground, |
o-------o or you can buy them from a Trap merchant underground. You should |
| know that if you tap the Touch Screen, you'll be able to see places you
| can dig for treasure nearby. If you see a spot on the ground flash, and
| you didn't bury a Sphere there, it's a trap. Face it and press A to pick |
| it up.
| Traps in the field aren't much use since your friend can easily find them |
| and pick them up without activating them. You can buy different Tools
| that serve the same purpose. Those go in your Secret Base and, unlike
| normal Traps, can be activated multiple times.
| You can also trade traps you find for Spheres at any Trap merchant.
| Digging 101 | Digging is the main attraction in the Underground. There
o-------------o are lots and lots of treasures to be found in the walls,
| including evolution stones, special Plates, fossils, and some items you
| can only find in the Underground.
| To get started, look at the top screen. Flashing yellow areas are places |
| you can dig. Walk to a location and tap the Touch Screen to pinpoint a
| digging spot. Once inside, you will be informed of how many items are in |
| that particular spot, anywhere from 2 to 4. Then you'll get a chance to
| excavate them. The wall is never the same; it varies in thickness in some |
| areas, and you'll need to dig more to reach the item (if there is one).
| You get two tools to dig with; a pickax, and a hammer. You get 49 strikes |
| with the pickax, and 25 with the hammer, before the wall crumbles and you |
| lose any items you haven't completely unearthed yet. A strike with the

| hammer counts as two with the pickax, so you can keep track of how many
| strikes you have left with either item.
| I personally use the hammer to bust through tough sections of the wall,
| and then use the pickax to pick off the last few spots to get the item.
| Items (not Spheres) you successfully dig up are added to your treasure
| sack. You can see what you currently have by looking in the Treasures
| submenu. You can either take these items and put them in your Bag (the
| one you carry above ground), or find a Treasure merchant and trade them
| for Spheres. This is a good way to get big Prism and Pale Spheres, as
| they're pretty rare.
| If you have Diamond, the only fossil you'll dig up is the Skull Fossil,
| which you can take to the Oreburgh City Museum and get turned into a L20 |
| Cranidos of your very own. Pearl players will find the Armor Fossil,
| which when revived will become a L20 Shieldon. After getting the National |
| Pokedex, you'll also start finding fossils from past games, which can be |
| revived in the same manner you do Cranidos and Shieldon.
| Secret Bases 101 | You should really already have a Secret Base, as the
o------------------o creation of one is part of Underground Man's tutorial. |
| But what if you want to make a different one? Are you screwed? You bet.
| Just kidding. In order to move to a different location, you'll need a
| Digger Drill, just like you got in the tutorial. Trap merchants will
| sell you Digger Drills, but the Sphere they want might not be the one you |
| have. If that's the case, try and get the one they want.
| Okay, so you've got your Secret Base. But it's filled with rocks!
| Unfortunately, they're supposed to be. You will earn the right to remove |
| them, little by little, for stealing your friends' flags in their Secret |
| Bases. If you have even one person to play DS Wireless Communications
| with, you can set up your bases next to each other and steal each other's |
| flags until the cows come home. Once you've stolen 50 flags, you'll be
| able to remove all the Big Boulders from your base. Or leave them, it's
| up to you; but you can't just move them, they're either there or they
| aren't.
| You can obtain items for decorating your Secret Base a number of ways.
| The easiest way is to buy them from Goods merchants. You can also get
| a good number of items from Mr. Goods, who is explained in the subsection |
| below this one. You can get a couple from the Fight Area, but most of them |
| are obtained in the Underground.
| Decorating Secret Bases | Okay, so you're ready to make your base look
o-------------------------o pretty. What do you do?
| Underground Man is a good place to start. He will give you items for
| capturing your friend's flags. Capture 1 for a Pretty Gem, 3 for a Shiny |
| Gem, 10 for a Mystic Gem, and 50 for a Glitter Gem.
| Mr. Goods in Hearthome City will give you items for doing certain things |
| ingame. He'll give you a Globe that looks identical to the one you find
| in the GTS lobby if you successfully connect over Nintendo WFC, and he'll |
| fork over a Gym Statue (like what you see at the entrance of Gyms) if you |

| defeat all eight Gyms. He'll also give you different trophy cups for
| winning the Master Rank in any Super Contest, as well as neat-looking
| crystals for either talking to 100 people underground, digging up 100
| fossils, trapping 100 people, or giving 100 items to peopole.
| The rest you gotta buy from the Hikers underground. There are all sorts
| of items to buy, and to list them all here would be very time-consuming, |
| not to mention near impossible because the lists change every single day. |
16. Pokemon Super Contests


Remember Pokemon Contests? Sure you do. Anyone who played Ruby, Sapphire, or
Emerald is familiar with them. Remember how they work?
Well, forget all of it.
Pokemon Contests are back in Diamond and Pearl, now known as Pokemon Super
Contests. They're run completely differently than the Contests you're familiar
with, so in order to get a clear view of how they work, you need to forget
everything you learned about them so far. Nothing is the same.
If you want to enter a Super Contest, you'll need to go to the Contest Hall in
Hearthome City. It's a few steps to the right of the Pokemon Center.
Oh wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start with the basics, shall we?
| Contest Types | You may have noticed a couple extra screens on the
o---------------o Pokemon info screen you weren't familiar with. You may be |
| asking yourself, "Why is my Surf a Beauty-type? I thought it was Water?" |
| These are Contest types. There are five in all, and they are as follows: |
Cute - Tough - Beauty - Smart - Cool
| All attacks are classified into one of these five categories. Now then,
| if you press Right on the Pokemon info screen after the battle moves, you |
| will see a pentagon with each of the five types I listed at each angle.
| You'll also see a bar at the bottom that says "Sheen." It's probably an
| empty bar at this point, but you're going to be filling it soon.
| If you press Right from the Condition screen (what I described above),
| you come to the Contest Moves screen, where you can see the Contest types |
| of your Pokemon's known moves. If you press A, you can see each attack's |
| effect in a Super Contest.
| It is a general rule to keep battling Pokemon and Contest Pokemon totally |
| separate. When crafting a good Super Contest moveset, don't think at all |
| how that Pokemon would fare in battle. It's not important here. What may |
| seem as a ridiculous moveset in battle may actually be a very effective
| moveset for Super Contests, and vice versa.
| Baking Poffin | In order to succeed in Pokemon Super Contests, you will
o---------------o need to raise your Super Contest stats, similar to the
| way you raise your stats to succeed in battle. Raising your Super Contest |


stats is a little bit different than raising your normal stats, though.
You should have gotten the Poffin Case already. I'll assume you have it.
In order to increase your stats, you're going to need berries. If you
look in the Bag's Berries Pocket, you can check the tag of that berry to
see what kind of stat it raises.
You'll notice that instead of types, there are five flavors listed here.
Each flavor corresponds with the type of that color:
Sweet/Cute | Sour/Tough | Dry/Beauty | Bitter/Smart | Spicy/Cool
You're only allowed to feed your Pokemon a certain number of Poffins, so
you can't waste time using low-level berries. Those are best suited for
battle, anyway.
The best Poffin berries are #31-35. They're pretty rare though, so if you
don't have them or don't want to take the time involved to grow lots of
them, the second best batch are #26-30. DON'T BOTHER WITH ANYTHING LESS.
The berries I want you to get are pretty hard to obtain. The only way to
get them is through Amity Square. For every 200 steps you take in there,
whatever Pokemon you bring with you will have found an item. Rarely, it's
a berry. Very rarely, it's one of the berries you should want.
You can also migrate them from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. It's easier to
get them in those games. Migrate some over and start growing.
If you've got them, you can also make Poffins out of the pinch berries
(#51-57). They're actually WAY better than #31-35, but they're so hard to
get, they're not feasible for Poffin making. The Poffin that comes from
them is REALLY GOOD though, consider using them if you can get your hands
on some.
Now for the actual baking process. If this is your first time
Poffin, you're going to want to use a loser berry (#16-20) as
Don't want your super berries going to waste, do you? Head to
House, next to Hearthome City's PokeMart. Inside, talk to the
center table to get started.

the Poffin
lady at the

You may choose to bake Poffins alone or with friends using DS Wireless
Communications. All those involved then choose a berry to cook. You'll
get a stronger Poffin if everyone chooses the same berry.
Once the berries are dropped in, cooking starts! You will see an arrow
pointing in a certain direction, either left or right. Use the stylus and
spin the Poffin batter in that direction. If you spin too fast, the
batter will overflow; if you spin too slow, the batter will burn. Like I
said, it takes some getting used to. You're going to want to shoot for a
speed that puts the batter at the outer edge or somewhere near it. Don't
get frustrated if you spill some; keep practicing.
The batter will go through several phases of cooking, and at any time
during this you will need to spin in the other direction. When this
happens, stop spinning and quickly start the other way to get the Poffin
batter back up to stirring speed. When the Poffin is in its final stage
of cooking (it appears brown and there are clearly visible colors, the
Poffin can no longer spill from the pot and you can spin as fast as you
want. Be careful, though - you still might need to change directions!


| Afterwards, everyone who participated gets a Poffin based on how well
| you did. Look inside the Poffin Case to see its stats. To the right is
| the Poffin's level. The higher the level, the richer the flavor, and the |
| more the Poffin's stat will be boosted. On the bottom you'll see five
| circles that represent each flavor. The circles with the circles around
| them are reminders of what stat the Poffin boosts. The number next to it |
| is the smoothness level. This tells you how much it will boost the Sheen |
| meter when you feed it to your Pokemon. Poffin won't affect your Pokemon |
| once its Sheen meter is full, so you want to shoot for a low smoothness
| level so you can get the most out of your Poffin.
| Of course, if you have multiple people to bake with, your Poffins will
| turn out better than if you had done it alone. But you must be careful;
| the five flavors form what I call a weakening circle. Look at any of your |
| Pokemon's Condition screen. Each type (flavor) will weaken the one next
| to it in a counterclockwise fashion. For example, a berry that increases |
| the Cool stat will weaken a berry that increases the Tough stat. By that |
| same token, a Tough-increasing berry will weaken a Smart-increasing
| berry. Smart decreases Cute, and Cute decreases Beauty, which in turn
| decreases Cool. When baking with friends, it's important that you make
| sure that your berries work together. Like I said before, if everyone
| picks the same berry, you won't have to worry about this happening.
| Once you're comfortable with baking, you can move on to the actually
| useful berries. After you've obtained a good amount, you can start giving |
| them to your Pokemon.
| But hold on now. You can't just have any old Pokemon for your Contests.
| Well, yeah you can, but there's a trick to getting a superstar.
| o---------o---------------------------o Take a look at the Trainer Memo |
| | Adamant | Likes Spicy, Hates Dry
| on any of your Pokemon. Below
| | Bashful | Happily eats anything.
| its characteristic you'll see
| |
Bold | Likes Sour, hates Spicy | what kind of food it likes. This |
| | Brave | Likes Spicy, Hates Sweet | is actually the flavor of Poffin |
| |
Calm | Likes Bitter, Hates Spicy | your Pokemon likes, and it's
| | Careful | Likes Bitter, Hates Dry | affected by its nature. All
| | Docile | Happily eats anything.
| Pokemon of the same nature will |
| | Hardy | Happily eats anything.
| like the same flavor of Poffin. |
| | Hasty | Likes Sweet, Hates Sour | A list of each nature, as well
| | Gentle | Likes Bitter, Hates Sour | as its preferred Poffin flavor, |
| | Impish | Likes Sour, Hates Dry
| can be seen to the left. Natures |
| | Jolly | Likes Sweet, Hates Dry
| that don't increase or decrease |
| |
Lax | Likes Sour, Hates Bitter | a stat ("neutral natures") will |
| | Lonely | Likes Spicy, Hates Sour | eat any flavor of Poffin well;
| |
Mild | Likes Dry, Hates Sour
| this is shown by the phrase
| | Modest | Likes Dry, Hates Spicy
| "Happily eats anything." on the |
| | Naive | Likes Sweet, Hates Bitter | Trainer Memo screen. However,
| | Naughty | Likes Spicy, Hates Bitter | these Pokemon aren't really
| | Quiet | Likes Dry, Hates Sweet
| suited for Contests since they
| | Quirky | Happily eats anything.
| can't take advantage of the
| |
Rash | Likes Dry, Hates Bitter | flavors. You're more than
| | Relaxed | Likes Sour, Hates Sweet | welcome to feed a Pokemon a
| | Sassy | Likes Bitter, Hates Sweet | flavor it hates or doesn't love, |
| | Serious | Happily eats anything.
| but you will get the best
| | Timid | Likes Sweet, Hates Spicy | results by sticking with its
| o---------o---------------------------o favorite kind.

| Fashion Accessories | So your Pokemon's Super Contest stats are maxed.

o---------------------o Think you're ready for a Super Contest now?
| Not yet you aren't. You still have more preparation to do. You got the
| Fashion Case in the beginning of the game. Filling it with backdrops and |
| Accessories is key to being successful in Super Contests. Most of the
| backdrops are obtained through the lottery in Jubilife TV. If you can get |
| Pokemon with ID numbers with the fifth digit each digit from 0 to 9, you |
| will win 5th prize every day (a backdrop).
| As far as the Accessories go, there are a few ways to get them:
| - Walk with your Pokemon in Amity Square for 200 steps (Accessories are
the most common item they'll find)
| - Floaroma Town scam house (just stay away from there)
| - Veilstone City massage girl
| - Pastoria City scarf man
| These come in handy during the Super Contests. Preparation complete!
Okay, _now_ you can go to the Contest Hall. Head straight up and talk to the
lady at the counter and she will ask you which rank you'd like to challenge.
You must beat each rank in order - first Normal, then Great, then Ultra, and
finally Master rank.
You can only fight the next rank with the Pokemon you beat the previous rank
with. So if your Pikachu beats the Normal rank, you can't hatch a Starly egg
and take it to the Great rank - Starly would have to start at Normal rank like
everyone else.
Then you'll need to pick the type of Super Contest you'd like to enter. Pick
whatever one you've got the best stat in.
Finally, you'll have to choose your Pokemon to enter. You can pick anyone, and
not just the one with the Poffin fed to it, so make sure you know who you're
A quick change of clothes, and you're ready to go!
| ROUND ONE - VISUAL | Pokemon Super Contests are divided into 3 rounds.
o--------------------o The first of these is the Visual Competition, where |
| you dress your Pokemon up nice and make the others looks like shmucks.
| After the introductions, you're given a theme to dress to. This is where |
| all the Accessories and backdrops you've been getting come into play.
| Some Accessories do better in certain themes than others. I'll just list |
| the best Accessories to use for each theme, in alphabetical order for
| easy reference. For a list on how to get all Accessories and backdrops, |
| see section 16a.
| THE SHAPELY - Award Podium, Big Leaf, Big Tree, Black Pebble, Black
Specs, blue Flower, Cape, Carpet, Chimchar Mask, Colored
Parasol, Cube Stage, Flag, Flower Stage, Fluffy Bed, Glass |
Stage, Glitter Boulder, Gold Pedestal, Googly Specs,
Gorgeous Specs, Heroic Headband, Jagged Boulder, Lace
Headdress, Mini Pebble, Mirror Ball, Old Umbrella, Orange
Flower, Peculiar Spoon, Photo Board, Pink Flower, Piplup
Mask, Professor Hat, Red Flower, Retro Pipe, Round Pebble, |


Seashell, Shed Claw, Shed Horn, Silk Veil, Snaggy Pebble,

Spotlight, Spring, Standing Mike, Stump, Surfboard, Sweet
Candy, Thick Mushroom, Top Hat, Turtwig Mask, Wealthy Coin,
White Flower, Yellow Flower
THE SHARP - Big Scale, Black Beard, Blue Feather, Cape, Colored Parasol,
Flag, Narrow Leaf, Narrow Scale, Old Umbrella, Professor Hat,
Purple Scale, Red Feather, Shed Claw, Shed Horn, Spring,
Standing Mike, Surfboard, Thin Mushroom, White Beard, White
Feather, Yellow Feather
THE CREATED - Award Podium, Black Beard, Black Moustache, Black Specs,
Blue Balloon, Blue Barrette, Cape, Carpet, Chimchar Mask,
Colored Parasol, Confetti, Cube Stage, Flag, Flower Stage,
Fluffy Bed, Glass Stage, Glitter Powder, Gold Pedestal,
Googly Specs, Gorgeous Specs, Green Balloon, Green
Barrette, Heroic Headband, Humming Note, Lace Headdress,
Mirror Ball, Old Umbrella, Peculiar Spoon, Photo Board,
Pink Balloon, Pink Barrette, Piplup Mask, Professor Hat,
Red Balloon, Red Barrette, Retro Pipe, Shiny Powder, Silk
Veil, Spotlight, Spring, Standing Mike, Surfboard, Sweet
Candy, Top Hat, Turtwig Mask, Wealthy Coin, White Beard,
White Moustache, Yellow Balloon, Yellow Barrette
THE NATURAL - Big Leaf, Big Scale, Big Tree, Black Fluff, Blue Feather,
Blue Flower, Blue Scale, Brown Fluff, Eerie Thing, Green
Scale, Jagged Boulder, Narrow Leaf, Narrow Scale, Orange
Flower, Orange Fluff, Pink Flower, Pink Fluff, Pink Scale,
Poison Extract, Pretty Dewdrop, Puffy Smoke, Purple Scale,
Red Feather, Red Flower, Seashell, Shed Claw, Shed Horn,
Shimmering Fire, Small Leaf, Snaggy Pebble, Snow Crystal,
Sparks, Stump, Thick Mushroom, Thin Mushroom, White
Feather, White Fluff, Yellow Feather, Yellow Flower
THE COLORFUL - Cape, Carpet, Colored Parasol, Confetti, Eerie Thing,
Flag, Gorgeous Specs, Poison Extract, Professor Hat, Top
Hat, and anything with a color in the name EXCEPT FOR
White Flower, White Fluff, and White Moustache
THE SOLID - Award Podium, Big Scale, Big Tree, Black Pebble, Black Specs,
Blue Scale, Carpet, Colored Parasol, Flag, Flower Stage,
Glass Stage, Glitter Boulder, Gold Pedestal, Googly Specs,
Green Scale, Jagged Boulder, Mini Pebble, Mirror Ball, Narrow
Scale, Old Umbrella, Peculiar Spoon, Photo Board, Pink Scale,
Professor Hat, Purple Scale, Retro Pipe, Round Pebble,
Seashell, Shed Claw, Shed Horn, Snaggy Pebble, Spotlight,
Spring, Standing Mike, Stump, Surfboard, Sweet Candy, Wealthy
THE BRIGHT - Award Podium, Big Scale, Colored Parasol, Determination,
Glass Stage, Glitter Boulder, Gligger Powder, Gold Pedestal,
Lace Headdress, Mirror Ball, Mystic Fire, Seashell, Shed
Claw, Shed Horn, Shimmering Fire, Shiny Powder, Silk Veil,
Snow Crystal, Sparks, Spotlight, Thin Mushroom, White Beard,
White Feather, White Flower, White Fluff, White Moustache,
Yellow Balloon, Yellow Barrette, Yellow Feather, Yellow
THE GAUDY - Award Podium, Big Scale, Black Beard, Black Moustache, Black
Pebble, Black Specs, Blue Balloon, Blue Barrette, Blue Scale,


Cape, Carpet, Chimchar Mask, Colored Parasol, Confetti, Cube |
Stage, Determination, Flag, Flower Stage, Fluffy Bed, Glass
Stage, Glitter Boulder, Glitter Powder, Gold Pedestal,
Gorgeous Specs, Green Balloon, Green Barrette, Green Scale,
Heroic Headband, Humming Note, Lace Headdress, Mini Pebble,
Mirror Ball, Narrow Scale, Photo Board, Pink Balloon, Pink
Barrette, Pink Scale, Piplup Mask, Professor Hat, Purple
Scale, Red Balloon, Red Barrette, Red Feather, Round Pebble, |
Shimmering Fire, Shiny Powder, Silk Veil, Spotlight, Spring, |
Standing Mike, Surfboard, Sweet Candy, Top Hat, Turtwig Mask, |
Wealthy Coin, White Beard, White Moustache, Yellow Balloon,
Yellow Barrette, Yellow Feather
| THE FLEXIBLE - Big Leaf, Black Beard, Black Fluff, Black Moustache, Blue |
Balloon, Brown Fluff, Cape, Carpet, Confetti,
Determination, Eerie Thing, Flag, Fluffy Bed, Glitter
Powder, Green Balloon, Heroic Headband, Humming Note,
Mystic Fire, Narrow Leaf, Orange Fluff, Pink Balloon, Pink |
Fluff, Poison Extract, Pretty Dewdrop, Puffy Smoke, Red
Balloon, Shimmering Fire, Shiny Powder, Silk Veil, Small
Leaf, Snow Crystal, Sparks, Spring, White Beard, White
Fluff, White Moustache, Yellow Balloon
| THE FESTIVE - Carpet, Colored Parasol, Flower Stage, Glass Stage, Glitter |
Boulder, Glitter Powder, Gold Pedestal, Gorgeous Specs,
Humming Note, Lace Headdress, Mirror Ball, Mystic Fire,
Pretty Dewdrop, Shimmering Fire, Shiny Powder, Silk Veil,
Snow Crystal, Sparks, Spotlight, Top Hat, Wealthy Coin
| THE INTANGIBLE - Blue Balloon, Carpet, Confetti, Determination, Eerie
Thing, Flag, Glitter Powder, Green Balloon, Heroic
Headband, Humming Note, Mystic Fire, Photo Board, Pink
Balloon, Poison Extract, Pretty Dewdrop, Puffy Smoke,
Red Balloon, Shimmering Fire, Shiny Powder, Silk Veil,
Snow Crystal, Sparks, Spotlight, Yellow Balloon
| RELAXATION - Black Beard, Black Fluff, Black Moustache, Black Pebble,
Black Specs, Blue Scale, Brown Fluff, Cape, Eerie Thing,
Jagged Boulder, Narrow Scale, Old Umbrella, Poison Extract, |
Top Hat
| You get 60 seconds to dress your Pokemon. Depending on the rank you're
| competing in, you'll be able to use different amounts of Accessories.
| In Normal Rank, you get 5 Accessories to work with. In Great, Ultra, and |
| Master, you can use up to 10, 15, and 20 Accessories, respectively.
| If you're content with your Pokemon's look, you can tap Done to stop the |
| clock and start judging. You'll then be introduced to each contestant's
| Pokemon, and the audience will fawn over all of them. The more hearts you |
| see, the higher that Pokemon's rating. Once everyone's been revealed,
| it's time for the second round.
| ROUND TWO - DANCE | After the Visual Competition comes the second round, |
o-------------------o the Dance Competition. This is where each Pokemon
| takes turns showing off their stuff through dance. Depending on the rank |
| you're challenging, you'll have to dance three (Normal and Great Rank) or |
| four (Ultra and Master) steps. Since you're always entry number 4, you'll |
| have to copy the leader three times before you get a chance to shine.

| If you're a backup dancer:
| Watch the bottom screen carefully. You must match exactly the color and
| beat of where the leader danced. As you go up in rank, it's increasingly |
| harder to follow the leader's dance exactly.
| If you're the leader:
| The goal in this round is to make the other Pokemon screw up so your
| score goes up and theirs goes in the crapper. To help you do this, you're |
| going to want to try making your dance as complex as you can. There are a |
| few tricks you can utilize to help you accomplish this.
| o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o |
| | Tip 1 - Step in all directions. If you tap the same thing every time, | |
| |
your backup dancers will have no problem keeping up with you. | |
| |
By mixing it up even just a little, you force your opponents | |
| |
to think. It may seem insignificant, but it helps.
| |
| |
| |
| | Tip 2 - Put a break in your steps. By waiting to finish taking your | |
| |
steps, you're breaking your opponents' concentration, more so | |
| |
if your steps are off-beat.
| |
| |
| |
| | Tip 3 - Step off-beat. You should never dance with the music. Doing | |
| |
so makes your steps incredibly easy to follow. You'll notice | |
| |
there are pale blue lines between the green ones. Step on the | |
| |
blue ones - these mark the half-beat. Try mixing it with a
| |
| |
step or two in tune with the music to shake things up.
| |
| |
| |
| | Tip 4 - Step to the front last. When you step to the front, your
| |
| |
Pokemon will briefly hide the music score from view. Near the | |
| |
beginning of your dancing, put a step that you will hide by | |
| |
using your final step to step to the front. If your opponents | |
| |
rely on the right side of the score to help them, temporarily | |
| |
blocking their first step can really mess them up.
| |
| |
| |
| o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o |
| After everyone has taken a turn at being the lead dancer, it's time for
| everyone's favorite part... the Acting Competition.
| ROUND THREE - ACTING | The final round is most like the second round of
o----------------------o the old Contests from past games. Each Pokemon
| takes turns performing moves for a Judge and score points based on how
| everyone else does. That's the only similarity between Super Contests and |
| old Contests, so continue reading pretending you've never even heard of
| those outdated Contests.
| Each Pokemon gets four turns to appeal to one of three Judges using that |
| Pokemon's known moves. All attacks are divided into 5 Contest types;
| Cool, Beauty, Tough, Smart, and Cute. Each attack has a base value of
| zero to three hearts, and most attacks can let you get additional hearts |
| if certain conditions are met.
| The person with the highest score at the end of the second round gets to |
| go first in round 3. Choose a move, and then choose a Judge to appeal to. |
| After all four Pokemon have appealed, all four Pokemon will receive extra |
| hearts based on how many Pokemon appealed from that Judge. If no opponent |


appealed to your Judge, you get +3 hearts. If 1 opponent appealed to your

Judge, you both get +2 hearts. If 2 opponents appealed to your Judge, the
three of you each get 1 extra heart, and in the unlikely case everyone
picks the same Judge, no one gets any extra hearts.
And before you go asking, no, you can't tell who your opponents will
appeal to. Yeah, it sucks, but them's the breaks. Deal with it.
Above each Judge's head is a meter. This is called the Judge's Voltage.
Each time your Pokemon appeals with a move that matches the Super Contest
you're participating in (for example, the Cool-type Aerial Ace in a Cool
Contest), the Judge's Voltage will go up. If any Pokemon can make any
Judge's Voltage meter completely fill up by making it increase for the
fifth time, that Pokemon gets bonus hearts. If you can max Jordan's or
Keira's Voltage, you get +5 hearts. Since Dexter is the head Judge, you
get +8 hearts for maxing his Voltage.
Doing this isn't as easy as you might think. There exist moves that stop
all Judges' Voltage from rising for the rest of the turn, as well as
moves that lower all Judges' Voltage by 1. You also have to remember that
there are 3 different Judges to perform for. Maxing out any Judge's
Voltage is quite a task, to be sure.
Also, using the wrong type of move will lower a Judge's Voltage by 1. It
can be used as a strategy tactic to stop an opponent from maxing out a
Judge's Voltage, but most times it's just dumb. Not all moves that aren't
of the same type as your Super Contest will lower the Voltage; just the
types that aren't on either side of it on the type wheel. In case you've
got no idea what I'm talking about, here's a list for you.
| Contest Type | Moves that lower Voltage |
Cool | Cute, Smart
Beauty | Smart, Tough
Cute | Tough, Cool
Smart | Cool, Beauty
Tough | Beauty, Cute
A few tips:
At the end of each round and all hearts are given, the Pokemon with the
lowest amount of hearts will appeal first unless someone does a move that
messes with the order. Keep that in mind.
Use attack effects to your advantage. For example, Ice Shard makes your
Pokemon appeal first next turn, regardless of heart total. Ice Beam gets
you additional hearts if your Pokemon appeals first. Get it?
Stay away from moves like Horn Drill that give you +15 hearts if everyone
chooses the same Judge. It's not gonna happen, and if it does, it won't
happen again. Just don't use them, you will kick yourself for it.
Don't sell yourself short when feeding Poffin. You need to make sure your
Poffin is the best of the best. Master Rank is very tough; you'll be
competing against very tough opponents. Jasmine and Johanna (your mother)
are the toughest people out there; unless you do extremely well (and by
that I mean you're winning at the end of round two), you stand almost no
chance of winning. The good news is that Fantina sometimes participates.


| While her Drifblim will excel in the first two rounds (the way the two
| other ladies do), she is a complete failure in the third round. You'll
| still need to do very well and keep up with her in the first two rounds
| so you can pass her up on round three.
| After the final round of appeals, the total score from all three rounds
| is shown. Whoever has the highest score is the winner!
16a. Super Contest Accessories


If you're going to be a winner in Super Contests, you're going to need

Accessories to help you smoke the competition in the first round. Scope out
this list of all the Accessories, as well as where to get them.
A side note: The house in Floaroma Town that scams you out of your hard-earned
Berries is called Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop. In the list below, that
shop is abbreviated as PPCFS.
Award Podium | Awarded for winning the Master Rank Tough Contest.
Big Leaf | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary and
| Happiny.
Big Scale | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Clefairy, |
| Shroomish, and Skitty.
Big Tree | Given by a woman south of Eterna Forest. (need Cut)
Black Beard | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Drifloon and
| Torchic.
Black Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary and
| Happiny.
Black Pebble | Rarely picked up in Amity Square by Buneary and Happiny. |
| Black Moustache | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Psyduck, |
| Pachirisu, and Shroomish.
Black Specs | Trade for 20 Wepear Berries at the PPCFS.
Black Stone | Rarely picked up in Amity Square by Buneary and Happiny. |
Blue Balloon | Awarded for winning the Great Rank Beauty Contest.
| Blue Barrette | Awarded for winning the Normal Rank Beauty Contest.
Blue Feather | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Jigglypuff.
Blue Flower | Trade for 30 Cornn Berries at the PPCFS.
Blue Scale | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and
| Skitty.

Brown Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Shroomish, |
| Pachirisu, and Psyduck.
Cape | Trade for 250 Cornn Berries at the PPCFS.
Carpet | Trade for 100 Spelon Berries at the PPCFS.
| If your starter was Chimchar, you get it from a guy on 2F |
| of Jubilife TV. If your starter was Piplup, you get it
| Chimchar Mask | from a woman in the Safari Game observatory. If your
| starter was Turtwig, you get it from a woman on 1F of the |
| Veilstone City Department Store.
| Colored Parasol | Trade for 50 Magost Berries at the PPCFS.
Confetti | Trade for 30 Razz Berries at the PPCFS.
Crown | Given by a woman on the upper level of the Pal Park
| observatory with FireRed in the GBA slot.
Cube Stage | Awarded for winning the Master Rank Smart Contest.
Eerie Thing | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Flag | Given by a woman in the house leading to Cycling Road.
Flower Stage | Awarded for winning the Master Rank Cute Contest.
Fluffy Bed | Trade for 150 Watmel Berries at the PPCFS.
Glass Stage | Awarded for winning the Master Rank Beauty Contest.
| Glitter Boulder | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu and
| Psyduck.
| Glitter Powder | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
| Gold Pedestal | Awarded for winning the Master Rank Cool Contest.
Googly Specs | Trade for 20 Nomel Berries at the PPCFS.
| Gorgeous Specs | Trade for 40 Pinap Berries at the PPCFS.
| Green Balloon | Awarded for winning the Great Rank Smart Contest.
| Green Barrette | Awarded for winning the Normal Rank Smart Contest.
Green Scale | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu, Psyduck, |
| Buneary, and Happiny.
| Determination | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
| Heroic Headband | Awarded for winning the Ultra Rank Tough Contest.
Humming Note | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Jagged Stone | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu and
| Psyduck.
| Lace Headdress | Awarded for winning the Ultra Rank Cute Contest.

Mini Pebble | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu and
| Psyduck.
Mirror Ball | Trade for 250 Durin Berries at the PPCFS.
Mystic Fire | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Narrow Leaf | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Drifloon and
| Torchic.
Narrow Scale | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Drifloon, Torchic, |
| Pachirisu, and Psyduck.
Old Umbrella | Trade for 50 Pamtre Berries at the PPCFS.
| Orange Flower | Trade for 15 Magost Berries at the PPCFS.
Orange Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Shroomish, |
| Torchic, and Drifloon.
| Peculiar Spoon | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Photo Board | Trade for 200 Belue Berries at the PPCFS.
Pink Balloon | Awarded for winning the Great Rank Cute Contest.
| Pink Barrette | Awarded for winning the Normal Rank Cute Contest.
Pink Flower | Trade for 10 Bluk Berries at the PPCFS.
Pink Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary, Happiny, |
| Drifloon, and Torchic.
Pink Scale | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary and
| Happiny.
| If your starter was Piplup, you get it from a guy on 2F |
| of of Jubilife TV. If your starter was Turtwig, you get |
Piplup Mask | it from a woman in the Safari Game observatory. If your |
| starter was Chimchar, you get it from a woman on 1F of
| the Veilstone City Department Store.
| Poison Extract | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
| Pretty Dewdrop | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
| Professor Hat | Awarded for winning the Ultra Rank Smart Contest.
Puffy Smoke | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Purple Scale | Rarely picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Shroomish, |
| Torchic, and Drifloon.
Red Balloon | Awarded for winning the Great Rank Cool Contest.
Red Feather | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Shroomish, |
| Torchic, and Drifloon.
Red Flower | Trade for 10 Razz Berries at the PPCFS.

Retro Pipe | Trade for 120 Pamtre Berries at the PPCFS.
Round Pebble | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and
| Skitty.
Red Barrette | Awarded for winning the Normal Rank Cool Contest.
Seashell | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Shed Claw | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary, Happiny, |
| Torchic, and Drifloon.
Shed Horn | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Buneary, Happiny, |
| Psyduck, and Pachirisu.
| Shimmering Fire | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Shiny Powder | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Silk Veil | Awarded for winning the Ultra Rank Beauty Contest.
Small Leaf | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Shroomish, |
| Clefairy, and Skitty.
| Snaggy Pebble | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu and
| Psyduck.
Snow Crystal | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Sparks | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
Spotlight | Trade for 80 Nomel Berries at the PPCFS.
Spring | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
| Standing Mike | Trade for 80 Bluk Berries at the PPCFS.
Stump | Rarely picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and Skitty. |
Surfboard | Trade for 180 Wepear Berries at the PPCFS.
Sweet Candy | Trade for 30 Nanab Berries at the PPCFS.
| Thick Mushroom | Rarely picked up in Amity Square by Pachirisu and
| Psyduck.
| Thin Mushroom | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and
| Skitty.
Tiara | Given by a woman on the upper level of the Pal Park
| observatory with LeafGreen in the GBA slot.
Top Hat | Awarded for winning the Ultra Rank Cool Contest.
| If your starter was Turtwig, you get it from a guy on 2F |
| of of Jubilife TV. If your starter was Chimchar, you get |
Turtwig Mask | it from a woman in the Safari Game observatory. If your |
| starter was Piplup, you get it from a woman on 1F of the |
| Veilstone City Department Store.

Wealthy Coin | Randomly given by the Veilstone City massage lady.
White Beard | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and
| Skitty.
| White Feather | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy and
| Skitty.
White Flower | Trade for 10 Nanab Berries at the PPCFS.
White Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Clefairy, Skitty, |
| Torchic, and Drifloon.
| White Moustache | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Torchic and
| Drifloon.
| Yellow Balloon | Awarded for winning the Great Rank Tough Contest.
| Yellow Barrette | Awarded for winning the Normal Rank Tough Contest.
| Yellow Feather | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu, Torchic, |
| Shroomish, Drifloon, Buneary, and Happiny.
| Yellow Flower | Trade for 15 Rabuta Berries at the PPCFS.
Yellow Fluff | Randomly picked up in Amity Square by Pikachu and
| Shroomish.
17. The Poke Radar


The Poke Radar is a nifty little gadget you get from Professor Rowan after
completing the Sinnoh Pokedex. In a nutshell, what it does is guarantee you a
wild Pokemon encounter. Some people do it to try to get shiny Pokemon - Pokemon
of a different color - a trick that is explained in section 17a.
Here's how to use the Poke Radar.
1. Walk into tall grass.
2. Use Poke Radar.
Pretty easy, but there are a a couple hitches. One, you can't use it in small
patches of grass. Only large patches will do. And two, the guaranteed
encounters do not completely suppress natural encounters.
But just saying "use Poke Radar" doesn't help very much when actually trying to
use it. How exactly do you make it work?
After you use the Poke Radar, pay attention. Some of the grass will start to
rustle. There's your guaranteed encounter. You'll also notice some of the grass
will sparkle a little. These are Pokemon that are rarer on that route than
usual. And very rarely, you will find a grass tile that _really_ sparkles. If
you see it, you'll know. That's a shiny Pokemon, guaranteed.
The Poke Radar can also be used to find wild Pokemon not native to Sinnoh.
Below are two lists. The first is a list of each Pokemon you can find, followed
by its location; the second is each location, followed by the Pokemon you can

find there. Enjoy.

This list is arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference. Pokemon listed
are found in both games unless said otherwise.
Aron | Fuego Ironworks (Diamond only)
Bagon | Route 210 (north side, Pearl only)
Baltoy | Route 206
Ditto | Route 218
| Dusclops | Route 224
Duskull | Route 224
Grimer | Route 212 (rainy side)
Hoppip | Route 205 (south side)
Flaaffy | Route 222
| Houndoom | Route 214, Route 215 (Pearl only)
Kecleon | Route 210 (north side, Diamond only)
Kirlia | Route 203, Route 204 (South side)
| Larvitar | Route 207 (Diamond only)
Loudred | Mt. Coronet summit
Mankey | Route 225, Route 226
Mareep | Valley Windworks
| Mightyena | Route 214, Route 215 (Diamond only)
Miltank | Route 209, Route 210 (south side)
Nidoran | Route 201 (male is more common in Pearl, female in Diamond)
| Nidorina | Route 221, Valor Lakefront
| Nidorino | Route 221 Valor Lakefront
Nincada | Eterna Forest
| Primeape | Route 225, Route 226
Ralts | Route 203, Route 204 (south side)
Sentret | Route 202
| Skiploom | Route 205 (north side, Diamond only), Fuego Ironworks (Pearl) |
| Slowpoke | Route 205 (north side, Pearl only)

| Smeargle | Route 212 (north)

Snorunt | Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront
| Stantler | Route 207 (Pearl only)
Sunkern | Route 204 (north side)
Swablu | Route 211 (east side)
Swellow | Route 213
Tauros | Route 209, Route 210
Togepi | Route 230
Torkoal | Route 227, Stark Mountain
| Trapinch | Route 228
Tyrogue | Route 208, Route 211 (west siyeed)
| Venomoth | Route 229
Venonat | Route 229
Vibrava | Route 228
| Wobbuffet | Lake Verity, Lake Valor, Lake Acuity
And now, a list by locations first, also in alphabetical order.
| Acuity Lakefront | Snorunt
Eterna Forest | Nincada
Fuego Ironworks | Aron (Diamond), Hoppip (Pearl), Skiploom (Pearl)
| Mt. Coronet summit | Loudred
Lake Acuity | Wobbuffet
Lake Valor | Wobbuffet
Lake Verity | Wobbuffet
Route 201 | Nidoran
Route 202 | Sentret
Route 203 | Ralts, Kirlia
Route 204 | Ralts, Kirlia (south side), Sunkern (north side)
Route 205 | Hoppip (south side), Hoppip, Skiploom, (north side,
| Diamond only), Slowpoke (north side, Pearl only)
Route 206 | Baltoy

Route 207 | Larvitar (Diamond only), Stantler (Pearl only)
Route 208 | Tyrogue
Route 209 | Tauros, Miltank
Route 210 | Tauros, Miltank (south side), Kecleon (north side,
| Diamond only), Bagon (north side, Diamond only)
Route 211 | Tyrogue (west siyeed), Swablu (east side)
Route 212 | Smeargle (north side), Grimer (rainy)
Route 213 | Swellow
Route 214 | Mightyena (Diamond only), Houndoom (Pearl only)
Route 215 | Mightyena (Diamond only), Houndoom (Pearl only)
Route 216 | Snorunt
Route 217 | Snorunt
Route 218 | Ditto
Route 221 | Nidorina, Nidorino
Route 222 | Flaaffy
Route 224 | Duskull, Dusclops
Route 225 | Mankey, Primeape
Route 226 | Mankey, Primeape
Route 227 | Torkoal
Route 228 | Trapinch, Vibrava
Route 229 | Venonat, Venomoth
Route 230 | Togepi
Stark Mountain | Torkoal
| Valley Windworks | Mareep
Valor Lakefront | Nidorina, Nidorino
17a. "The Shiny Trick"


The "shiny trick" is a trick that utilizes the Poke Radar to find shiny Pokemon
easier, since the Poke Radar pinpoints their locations for you.
But what is a shiny Pokemon? Really, all it is is a Pokemon of a different
color. They don't possess any additional strength over their normal-colored

counterparts... they're just really rare to encounter. This trick makes finding
them just a bit easier.
To do this trick, you will need the following items:
1. The Poke Radar. This should go without saying...
2. Something to catch the shiny with.
3. Max Repels. Buy lots; at least 100. If you're short on cash, you can either
fight the Elite Four with the Amulet Coin or Luck Incense for some good
money, or fight Socialite Reina and Gentleman Jeremy on Route 212 with the
Vs. Seeker for some quick dough.
4. Your strongest Pokemon. This Pokemon needs to have lots of moves that cause
direct damage and is capable of killing the opponent in one shot.
Having False Swipe or Super Fang will help you whittle down the shiny's health.
Ignore this if you plan on using a Master Ball. Having some items that restore
PP may help, too. Leppa Berries are fairly easy to come by, and restore 10 PP.
The goal is to run into as many Pokemon as you can using the Poke Radar in
order to up the chances of you running into a shiny. The encounters must be
consecutive; that is, you must keep running into the same Pokemon over and over
again until you get the shiny.
But don't just use it and run into any grass you like. There are strict rules
you must follow, or you'll get nowhere.
First, you must find a wide enough patch of grass that you can use the Poke
Radar in. Then get into the grass, and use a Max Repel. Now you can start
chaining. Here are the rules for chaining.
1. Never run into a tile unless there are EXACTLY FOUR tiles rustling. If you
aren't sure you saw exactly four, reset the Poke Radar by running 50 steps
and try again. Keep note of the first tile you run into.
2. After you run into that first tile, every tile you run into MUST shake in
the same way as the first one. Anything else, and say bye to your chain.
3. NEVER FLEE. Ever. As long as it's what your chaining, you MUST kill it.
4. When you use another Max Repel, don't pick any tiles. Reset the Radar and
then continue.
5. Never use your bike. Always stay on foot. Running is okay.
6. Avoid patches that are next to each other.
7. Avoid patches on the outside edge.
8. Avoid patches on any corner.
9. Once you use the Radar, if you can only see 3 patches rustling, NEVER press
Up right away; a patch may be directly above you, hidden from view by your
giant head.
10. Never choose a tile that would force you out of the Radar's range. The
range is determined by where the tiles are. Make sure you are able to see
all tiles before choosing one. If you aren't sure, reset the Radar and try
11. ONLY choose a tile that is farthest away from you. This tile also MUST be

AT LEAST 4 squares away.

Now then. While it is possible to chain any Pokemon, it's easiest to chain
swarming Pokemon (for a list, see section 18c) since their encounter rate is
pretty high. You can find out the swarm for the day by talking to Dawn's kid
sister in her house in Sandgem Town.
When you're ready to get that shiny, simply stop running into things and just
Max Repel and Radar reset over and over until you see that shiny tile. You'll
see tiles with a yellow sparkle on it; these are not shiny. Shiny tiles have
four white dots that flash. You'll know it when you see it.
What number is a good number? Most stop chaining at around 40. It is entirely
possible to get the shiny before then, and it's equally possible you'll never
get it. It's mostly luck. But if you follow the rules and don't screw up, you
should come out of it with a brand new shiny to call your very own. :D
Here's an extra tip: If your strong Pokemon has a good nature and Synchronize,
you might just get lucky and have a good-natured shiny...
18. Other Elusive Pokemon


Diamond and Pearl are the biggest Pokemon games to date; well over 400 Pokemon
are available without the need for trading with the other version. You'll need
patience to get some of these, a little luck for others, and for most, all the
GBA Pokemon games. This section will explain how to get them all.
18a. GBA Slot Pokemon


Playing Diamond and Pearl while any Pokemon GBA game is in the GBA Slot of your
DS will let you find wild Pokemon in places you normally wouldn't be able to.
You will also need the National Pokedex to find these Pokemon. Here's a list:
| Acuity Lakefront | Teddiursa (Emerald)
Eterna Forest | Seedot (Ruby), Pineco (Emerald), Metapod (FireRed),
| Kakuna (LeafGreen)
Great Marsh | Arbok (FireRed)
Iron Island | Mawile (Ruby), Sableye (Sapphire)
Old Chateau | Haunter (all), Gengar (all, room with painting only) |
Mt. Coronet | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire)
Lake Acuity | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire), Ursaring
| (Emerald)
Lake Valor | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire)
Lake Verity | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire)
Route 201 | Growlithe (FireRed)

Route 202 | Growlithe (FireRed)
Route 203 | Seedot (Ruby), Lotad (Sapphire), Pineco (Emerald)
| Seedot (Ruby), Lotad (Sapphire), Pineco (Emerald),
Route 204 | Caterpie (FireRed, south side only), Weedle
| (LeafGreen, south side only)
Route 205 | Elekid (LeafGreen, south side only), Lotad (Sapphire, |
| north side only)
Route 206 | Gligar (Emerald)
Route 207 | Gligar (Emerald)
Route 208 | Zangoose (Ruby), Seviper (Sapphire)
Route 209 | Vulpix (LeafGreen)
Route 210 | Seedot, Nuzleaf (Ruby, west side only), Pineco
| (Emerald, west side only), Zangoose (Ruby, east side |
| only), Seviper (Sapphire, east side only)
Route 211 | Teddiursa (Emerald)
Route 212 | Lotad, Lombre (Sapphire, rainy side only); Ekans
| (FireRed, rainy side only)
Route 214 | Gligar (Emerald), Vulpix (LeafGreen)
Route 215 | Gligar (Emerald)
Route 216 | Ursaring (Emerald)
Route 217 | Ursaring (Emerald)
Route 224 | Shuckle (Emerald)
Route 227 | Gligar (Emerald), Magby (LeafGreen)
Route 228 | Sandslash (LeafGreen)
Route 229 | Nuzleaf (Ruby), Lombre (Sapphire), Pineco (Emerald)
Sendoff Spring | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire)
Stark Mountain | Gligar (Emerald, outside only), Magby (LeafGreen)
Turnback Cave | Solrock (Ruby), Lunatone (Sapphire)
| Valley Windworks | Elekid (FireRed)
And now, organized by game so you may get everyone within a single game.


Old Chateau (room with painting with red eyes only)

Old Chateau
Iron Island
Route 210 (west siyeed), Route 229
Eterna Forest, Route 203, Route 204, Route 210 (west siyeed)
Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring,
Turnback Cave
Zangoose - Route 208, Route 210 (east side)

Old Chateau (room with painting with red eyes only)

Old Chateau
Route 212 (rainy), Route 229
Route 204, Route 205 (north), Route 212 (rainy)
Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Mt. Coronet, Sendoff Spring,
Turnback Cave
Sableye - Iron Island
Seviper - Route 208, Route 210 (east side)

Gengar - Old Chateau (room with painting with red eyes only)
Gligar - Route 206, Route 207, Route 214, Route 215, Route 227, Stark
Mountain (outside)
Haunter - Old Chateau
Pineco - Eterna Forest, Route 203, Route 204, Route 210 (west siyeed), Route
Shuckle - Route 224
Teddiursa - Route 211, Acuity Lakefront
Ursaring - Lake Acuity, Route 216, Route 217

Great Marsh
Route 204 (south side)
Route 205 (south side), Valley Windworks
Route 212 (rainy)
Old Chateau (room with painting with red eyes only)
Route 201, Route 202
Old Chateau
Eterna Forest


Old Chateau (room with painting with red eyes only)

Old Chateau
Eterna Forest
Route 227, Stark Mountain
Route 228
Route 209, Route 214
Route 204 (south side)

18b. Honey Tree Pokemon


If you slather Honey on specific yellow trees, and come back in about nine
hours, you'll find a Pokemon. You can't change what Pokemon comes once it's
there, but you can change the gender by saving before examining the tree,
finding out what the Pokemon is, and then resetting if it's not the gender you
want. Here's all Pokemon you can find, starting from most common on the left
and ending with the rarest on the right.
Wurmple Combee
Silcoon - Burmy - Heracross - Munchlax
Cascoon Cherubi
Silcoon is Diamond-only, and Cascoon is Pearl-only. Honey trees are the only
way you'll be able to get Munchlax in the wild, but since you'll be forced to
see one before you beat the Elite Four, you won't have to worry about slaving
over a honey tree just to get Munchlax's Pokedex entry. A much easier method of
getting one is just to migrate two Snorlax and breed them, giving the female
the Full Incense, an item found in Veilstone City (Rock Climb is needed).
18c. Swarming Pokemon


If you visit Dawn's little sister in her house in Sandgem Town after getting
the National Pokedex, she will tell you about a news report she saw on TV about
a specific Pokemon swarming in a certain route. You can also watch the report
yourself by examining the TV in her house. These Pokemon can only be found in
this manner, so it's worth it to visit and see what you can get. The swarm
lasts for one day, so be sure to visit every day for a new Pokemon.
Here's the list by Pokemon, alphabetical order of course.

Route 213
Route 228
Route 230
Route 203
Route 216
Route 201
Route 215
Route 208
Valley Windworks
Route 221
Route 226
Lake Valor
Fuego Ironworks
Route 225

18d. Old Pokemon, New Evolutions


Route 224
Route 206
Route 207
Route 229
Route 222
Eterna Forest
Lake Acuity
Route 209
Route 227
Route 214
Lake Verity
Route 217
Route 218
Route 202

Diamond and Pearl added a bit over 100 new Pokemon to the mix. The Sinnoh
Pokedex only covers maybe 3/4 of that. The other part, which you won't have
access to until you get the National Pokedex, is the new evolutions for preexisting Pokemon.

This only covers evolving old Pokemon. For evolving new Pokemon, or getting
pre-evolutions of old Pokemon and evolving them, see the next section.
------------------------Some Pokemon evolve once they know a certain move, and level up. If they level
up, and then learn the needed move, they will evolve. Below are the Pokemon
that evolve in this manner, as well as the move needed:

(Double Hit, L32)

(Rollout, L33)
(AncientPower, L1)
(AncientPower, L33)
(AncientPower, L33)



You'll need to take Piloswine to the Move Maniac and re-learn Ancientpower in
order for it to evolve at the next level.
----------------------Some Pokemon need to level up while holding a certain item. These Pokemon will
evolve at any level you wish as long as they are holding the needed item when
they gain the level. Here's the list:
Gligar (Razor Fang) - to Gliscor
Sneasel (Razor Claw) - to Weavile*
* - Sneasel only evolves at night.
----------------------Not surprisingly, you'll need to trade some of your old favorites to make them
evolve. They all need a certain item to be held, so I'll be telling you where
to get them since they are all one-of-a-kind (except two) in the game.

(Reaper Cloth)
(Dubious Disc)



The Electrizer is found on wild Elekid. To encounter them, you'll need FireRed
in the GBA slot of your DS. Elekid can be found on the south side of Route 205
and the Valley Windworks. Steal the Electrizer using Thief, Covet, or
Switcheroo if you've got it. It's rare that they even hold the Electrizer, and
I've heard that Elekid appears more often in Pearl, but I don't know if there's
any truth to that.
The Reaper Cloth is in Route 230, just north of the Resort Area, in a spot you
need Cut to access.
The Magmarizer is found on wild Magby. You'll need LeafGreen in the GBA
your DS, or you won't ever see them. They can be found on Route 227 and
the inside and outside of Stark Mountain. The Magmarizer is a rare hold
Steal it using Thief, Covet, or Switcheroo if you've got it. I've heard
is more common in Diamond, but whether it's true or not, I don't know.

slot of

The Dubious Disc is found in Route 225, about halfway through.

The Protector is in Route 226, in a pit right near the split to Route 227.
----------------------And still, some Pokemon need to evolve through the use of a stone. Just use the
stone on the Pokemon and it will evolve.

(Dawn Stone)
(Dusk Stone)
(Dusk Stone)
(Shiny Stone)
(Dawn Stone)
(Shiny Stone)



* - Only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. Only female Snorunt can evolve
into Froslass.
-------------------------Some Pokemon only require you to be in a certain area to evolve them. Give them
a level and they will evolve.

(Eterna Forest)
(Route 217)
(Mt. Coronet)
(Mt. Coronet)



* - Eevee is special. You can't just be anywhere in those places to evolve

Eevee. In each of those locations is a weird rock. Eterna Forest's rock is
hiding at the far west side of the forest; the rock in Route 217 is above
the house where you got the Cleanse Tag, which is to the right of the house
where you get the Icicle Plate after finding Rock Climb right behind it.
Take Eevee to those rocks and level up near them to make Eevee evolve.
18e. New Pokemon, Odd Evolutions


You've got Bonsly, but not Sudowoodo. You have Budew, but can't find Roselia.
You've somehow managed to get a L50 Buneary that just won't evolve. How can you
make these new Pokemon evolve? This list has the answers. Level up all of these
Pokemon with the conditions in parentheses met, and the Pokemon will evolve.
Mime Jr.

(Mimic known)
- to Sudowoodo
(high happiness, daytime)
- to Roselia
(high happiness)
- to Lopunny
(female, L21 or higher)
- to Vespiquen
(high happiness, at night)
- to Chimecho
(high happiness, Oval Stone held) - to Chansey
(Remoraid in party)
- to Mantine
(Mimic known)
- to Mr. Mime
(high happiness, daytime)
- to Lucario

18f. Sinnoh Pokedex Location Guide


So you need National Mode and just can't find the 150 you need? Here's a list
of each Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex, as well as a quick way to add it to the
Pokedex - usually, it's through a Trainer. I may have put optional Trainers for
fights that are really forced, which means that some Pokemon I may have listed
as missable really can't be missed, but oh well.
The list is in Pokedex order, so just look for the holes and go patch 'em up.

You can't miss this.

Ace Trainer Alyssa, Route 210
Ace Trainer Sydney, Victory Road
You can't miss this.0
Ace Trainer Dennis, Route 215
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
PKMN Ranger Jeffrey, Route 212
Veteran Edgar, Victory Road
Wild, Route 201
Cyclist Axel, Cycling Road
Veteran Grant, Oreburgh Gate
Wild, Route 201
Tuber Chelsea, Route 213
Youngster Dallas, Route 203
Youngster Oliver, Lost Tower
Youngster Logan, Route 202
Rich Boy Jason, Route 212
You can't miss this.
School Kid Harrison, Jubilife Trainer's School
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Fish with Old Rod
You can't miss this.
Lass Kaitlin, Route 203
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Wild, Ravaged Cave
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Veteran Grant, Oreburgh Gate
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Ace Trainer Omar, Victory Road
Ruin Maniac Calvin, Route 215
You can't miss this.
Worker Mason, Oreburgh Mine
You can't miss this.
Black Belt Miles, Victory Road
Psychic Rachael, Eterna Forest
Ace Trainer Mariah, Victory Road
Bug Catcher Donald, Eterna Forest
Beauty Devon, Route 214
Ace Trainer Ernest, Route 210
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.

Mime Jr.
Mr. Mime

You can't miss this.

Aroma Lady Hannah, Route 208
You can't miss this.
Picknicker Siena, Route 205
Parasol Lady Alexa, Route 212
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Ace Trainer Shannon, Route 221
Youngster Oliver, Lost Tower
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Rancher Marco, Route 210
You can't miss this.
Event, outside Valley Windworks on Friday days
You can't miss this.
Lady Melissa, Route 212
You can't miss this.
Psychic Abigail, Route 214
Psychic Bryce, Victory Road
You can't miss this.
Young Couple Mike & Nat, Lost Tower
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Fisherman Joseph, Route 205
SwimmerF Crystal, Route 223
Fisherman Travis, Route 212
You can't miss this.
Psychic Valencia, Victory Road
Psychic Valencia, Victory Road
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Camper Jacob, Route 205
You can't miss this.
Artist William, Route 208
You can't miss this.
Artist William, Route 208
You can't miss this.
PKMN Breeder Kahlil, Route 210
You can't miss this.
Ace Trainer Mariah, Victory Road
Roughneck Kirby, Lost Tower
Twins Teri & Tia, Route 210
Ace Trainer Sydney, Victory Road
Gentleman Jeremy, Route 212
Pokefan Leonard, Lost Tower
Cyclist Kayla, Cycling Road
You can't miss this.
Bird Keeper Brianna, Route 210
Bird Keeper Brianna, Route 210
You can't miss this.
Dragon Tamer Clinton, Victory Road
Dragon Tamer Ondrej, Victory Road
You can't miss this.


You can't miss this.

You can't miss this.
Wild, Solaceon Ruins
Veteran Grant, Oreburgh Gate
You can't miss this.
Great Marsh
You can't miss this.
SwimmerM Colton, Route 223
SwimmerF Cassandra, Route 223
You can't miss this.
Collector Ivan, Route 221
You can't miss this.
SwimmerF Aubree, Route 223
SwimmerF Paige, Route 223
SwimmerF Aubree, Route 223
Ninja Boy Brennan, Route 210
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Ace Trainer Omar, Victory Road
Fisherman Kenneth, Route 213
You can't miss this.
SwimmerF Cassandra, Route 223
SwimmerF Miranda, Route 223
SwimmerM Adrian, Route 219
SwimmerM Ricardo, Route 223
Fisherman Brett, Route 222
You can't miss this.
Sailor Marc, Route 222
SwimmerM Oscar, Route 223
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
You can't miss this.
Event, Lake Acuity
Event, Lake Verity, then anywhere on the map
Event, Lake Valor
Event, Spear Pillar (Diamond); Celestic Town elder (Pearl)
Event, Spear Pillar (Pearl); Celestic Town elder (Diamond)

19. The FAQ


Got a question? Look here and see if it's here.

Question: GIVE ME CODES.
Answer: Nah.
Answer: Breed Manaphy with Ditto.


Answer: You don't. Phione doesn't evolve into Manaphy. It's a one-way street.
Answer: Check section 18f for a list of each Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
Answer: Seriously... everything. In all the e-mails I've ever received, for
any Pokemon game, everyone who wants Elite Four help and posts their
team for me to critique has the same problem - their Pokemon have a
ten-level disadvantage, or the others on their team are 20 or even 30
levels below a single Pokemon, usually a legendary or their starter.
LEVEL UP. If your levels match theirs, I guarantee you'll win.
Answer: Well, like the previous games, each starter has their strong points.
Turtwig's last form is nice and bulky, and has good HP, Defense, and
Attack stats. He also learns powerful physical attacks of both his
types. However, Torterra is horribly slow and suffers from a double
weakness to Ice. Choose him if you're into beefy Pokemon that can
take hits and dish them out, too.
Infernape, Chimchar's last form, is very fast and possesses strong
Attack and Special Attack. If you're looking for fast, raw power,
he's your guy. His defense stats leave something to be desired,
Empoleon is sort of a middle ground between Torterra and Infernape.
He's not as slow as Torterra, but he's still pretty slow. His
strength lies in his typing - when Piplup evolves twice, he gains a
Steel type in addition to Water, giving him many resistances. His
stats are average overall, and he's actually stronger than Infernape.
But just barely. Infernape can run circles around Empoleon, though.
Answer: It's in the Fight Area, right below the entrance to Route 225. Just
agree with the fisherman and he'll give it to you. You can't get here
until you beat the Elite Four, which is disappointing.
Answer: Canalave City, in a house directly south of the Pokemon Center.


Answer: Pastoria City, in a house east of the Poke Mart. It's by the water.
Answer: You have to dig them out in the Underground.
Answer: Eterna Condominiums, first floor.
Question: HOW DO I GET TO ROUTE 224?
Answer: Right before exiting Victory Road, do you remember that guy who
blocked a cave entrance for no reason? Once you beat the Elite Four,
come back and that guy will be gone. You'll have to do a side event,
but Route 224 is right past that section.
Answer: It's part of Shaymin's event. Until we know how to activate it,
there's nothing to be done there.
Answer: Well, Darkrai was given out at the premier of the 10th Pokemon movie,
"Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai." If you didn't go, you'll have to find
someone that did and trade them for theirs.
The in-game Darkrai event still needs a Key Item, and it'll be given
away soon enough, so hold your horses.
Don't even bother asking about Shaymin and Arceus. We're not
supposed to know they even EXIST yet. Yes, I know who they are and
how to get them, but I'm not telling you vultures. And it's not like
you don't know already, so lay off.
Question: I CAN'T CATCH _____!
Answer: Catching Pokemon got way easier in this game now that the granddaddy
of Pokemon-catching attacks, False Swipe, is a TM now, even more so
because you can buy it. Teaching this to your Pokemon will greatly
increase your chances of catching the Pokemon in question (unless
it's Giratina, in which case you'll have to wing it).
Legendaries are, by nature, hard to catch. It has nothing to do with

the level, but rather the HP of the target and its catch rate. That,
combined with the ball you use and any Special Conditions you
inflict, determine whether or not you capture the Pokemon.
Putting a Pokemon to sleep is the best thing you can do to increase
the chance to capture. Do it whenever possible.
As I said before, False Swipe will never kill the opponent, which
makes it ideal for dropping HP to a safe level for catching (1 HP).
You might think that packing Ultra Balls is the way to go, but is it
really? Ultra Balls only have double the catch rate of a normal Poke
Ball. You may want to try using the special kinds of Poke Balls for
each battle.
For example, the Timer Ball increases in effectiveness after 10
turns, up to 40 turns, or 4 times the effectiveness. It's boring, but
if you can stall for 40 turns without one side getting KOed, Timer
Balls will almost guarantee you a capture with low HP and a Special
Condition. You may not even need to do that. These are obviously not
worth using on Mesprit or Cresselia, since the battle lasts for only
one turn.
Dusk Balls are pretty much your ball of choice if you are catching
Pokemon at night or in a cave. They have 4 times the effectiveness of
a regular Poke Ball when used in this manner. You won't get better.
So, to recap: Put them to sleep. Even if you can't, put any status on
them. Utilize False Swipe. And use the correct ball for the
situation. That should do you right.
Answer: Section 16 covers Super Contests. Go look.
Answer: See section 18d, subsection "EVOLUTION THROUGH TRADE" for information
on those items.
Answer: The Underground is divided into 6 sections. Use the Explorer Kit in
each of these locations to reach a different Underground section.
Upper left:
Middle (left):
Lower left:

Iron Island
Eterna City
Twinleaf Town
Celestic Town

Upper right: Resort Area

Middle (right): Veilstone City
Lower right: Sunyshore City


Answer: Section 13a has all the information you'll ever need.
Answer: Put the Pokemon you want cloned into the GTS. If you want an item
cloned, equip that item to your Pokemon. While it's waiting to take
your Pokemon, watch the timer on the lower right. It's the same one
you see when you save your game. Once your Pokemon is in the GTS,
choose to take it back, except as soon as the timer gets to the top
after 8 complete spins, shut your DS off. Now turn the game on again.
After getting past the title screen, the game should tell you that
the save file is corrupted and the previous save will be loaded.
If the trick was done correctly, you should have the Pokemon both in
the GTS and in your party. Enjoy your clone.
If you don't make it to 8 spins, try moving away from your wireless
internet source. Or, alternatively, note how many spins it takes for
your Pokemon to be withdrawn. Do a few tests and then try cloning
once you've got a good guess.
Answer: Equip your Pokemon with the item it evolves with and stick it in the
GTS. Make sure you ask for something no one's going to have (like a
L9 and under, female, Abomasnow or a L100 female Abra) so your
Pokemon doesn't get taken.
Do a trade in the GTS. It can be for anything. Doesn't matter.
After you do a trade, check your Pokemon's summary. Don't take it out
yet, just check it and leave. "Summary" should have changed to
"Deposit Pokemon."
Leave the GTS and re-enter. Take your Pokemon out and it will evolve.
Answer: You need National Mode before you can leave the Fight Area. You need
to have seen 150 Pokemon in the Pokedex before you can get upgraded.
To find locations of all Pokemon you're missing, see section 18f.
Answer: At the east end of Veilstone City are four meteorites in the ground.
Examine any of them, and Deoxys's form will change. You can do this
as many times as you like.

Answer: Because you're not ready to. You probably only have two Badges.
Fantina is fifth in line, not third. You need to go to Veilstone
City; check your map (or the walkthrough) on how to get there.
Answer: Yes it will. It takes a long time, anywhere between seven and nine
hours, for it to finally get there. Once there, you can't change what
comes out of the tree, but you can change the gender by saving before
examining the tree and then resetting if it's not the one you want.
For a list of all Pokemon you can find, see section 18b.
Answer: Diamond and Pearl have a safeguard built in so you can no longer save
over your file (in case it happens accidentally). To save a new game,
you first must delete your save file by pressing Up + B + Select at
the title screen. You will then be able to delete your file.
Once it's gone, it's gone forever, so make sure you're sure!
Answer: They increase the base power of the move type each one corresponds to
by 20%.
When held by Arceus, they change both Arceus's type as well as
Arceus's signature move, Judgment, to match the type of the held
Answer: Keep your code, I don't want it. I never did understand why people
just exchange codes. All it does is clutter up your Pal Pad, not to
mention people can pull you into battle or a trade if you're waiting
for someone else, which is so very annoying.
I only give my code to people I trade or battle with, at the time we
trade or battle. They get deleted soon afterward.
Answer: No. No.

20. Version History


Version 0.1 - June 26, 2007

Initial release. Hopefully, there won't be too many additions to this guide.
Please, if you have something to ask, make sure I haven't already covered it
in the walkthrough. The fastest way to reach me is through PB Forums:
Sign up, it's free.
Version 0.2 - August 8, 2007
Added the EV-reducing berry information. Fixed some info with the Battle
Tower. Cleaned up the ability list. Added information on how to get Darkrai
as well as info on Shaymin and Arceus. After receiving an e-mail from someone
with indepth information, very well formatted (even had pictures), about
Arceus, Darkrai, and Shaymin, I felt bad for feigning like I had no clue who
they were. Think about it for a second, how on earth could I possibly have
any idea what Multitype is if I didn't know who had it? Look at Natural
Cure's list. "and some Pokemon I've never heard of?" Come on... anyway, I
can't bear to have someone waste all that time to tell me something I already
know, so I'm coming clean and revealing information on all of them. Added
Jogger Richard to the Route 209 Trainer list (if you find any more of these
fight-only-at-certain-times-of-day people, please let me know.
21. Acknowledgements


- Yes, once again, I credit myself first and foremost. Praise me, I am great.
Anyone This Walkthrough Helps
- I write not only for myself, but for you all as well. Use it. Enjoy it.
The Pokemon Company
- Face it, without them, we'd all have to find something else to do.
CJayC (GameFAQs)
- Gotta thank the one who makes GameFAQs possible, without him we are nothing.
Members of PokeBeach Forums
- Most questions of the FAQ, also helped with a few other things I can't
remember, sorry guys
Steinhauser (#SPP chat room)
- Exact figures for Grass Knot's damage, very cool
Jordan (a guy who e-mailed me)
- The name of the girl in Cafe Cabin
Social Studiously (a guy who e-mailed me)
- How to get into the Ribbon Syndicate
Anyone else I forgot, it's not intentional, I just can't remember. Feel free to
remind me and I'll add you. Maybe. :D

/ This document is copyright \

\ (c)2007 by Matt Johnson. /
E-mail: shika at mail dot com

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