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National Integration and international understanding which are the two factor which help to
build unity among the mankind. National Integration acts as the binding force that holds the
people of a nation together so as to create a strong and thriving nation. It is a sentiment that
brings and keeps together people of different religion, region, languages etc and unifies them to
co-exist in peace. This feeling of togetherness and oneness as a nation should be the overriding
sentiment in the minds of the citizens of a nation for it to become powerful and prosperous.
International understanding refers to an awareness of the unity of mankind respect and
appreciation for cultures across the world. It implies respect and understanding of human rights
working in cooperation towards peace and amity in the world. It demands going beyond narrow
nationalism which leads one to think only in terms of one own nation to thinking about the whole

National Integration refers to the sense of oneness felt among the citizens of a nation
irrespective of their diverse background. It is the feeling of belongingness and the awareness of a
common indicates the assimilation of the identities of the people of different communities into the
identity of the nation. National integration bring within its ambit social, emotional, economic,
political and cultural.
The citizens of a nation may not necessarily be of a similar race or religions or linguistic
community. In this context this concept assumes an even greater significance as the unity and
growth of national depends on people of the country working united for the larger goal of
development of the country keeping aside their communities identities.
According to Dorothy Simpson- National integration means creating a mental outlook which
will prompt and inspire every person to place loyalty to the country above group loyalties and the
welfare of the country above narrower sectarian interests
NATIONAL INTEGRATION CONFERENCE REPORT 1966States-National integration is a psychological and educational process involving the
development of feeling of unity, solidarity and cohesion in the heart of people a sense of common
citizenship and a feeling of loyalty to the nation.
India holds a unique position in the world due to the immense diversity that exists among
its citizens currently with a population over 1.2 billion , India is a vibrant, pluralistic , multicultural, multi-ethnic country where almost all the major religions of the world are found and more

than a thousand languages are spoken. There is a wide variation that extends to all aspects of the
peoples life ,traditions ,customs ,beliefs ,cuisine ,clothing and so on. It is a nation of vast
geographical and climatic diversity as well. But

underneath this diversity there are strong

similarities that run through the outlook , beliefs and practices of the various communities which
unity them as the people of one nation. National integration implies bringing this sense of unity to
the force so that people put their national identity before that of their respective communities.

Significance and need for National Integration

India has always been a land of diverse cultures, traditions, ethnicity, religions, languages
etc and this old and vibrant diversity has made it one of the culturally richest nations of the
world. Post independence the nation achieved political integration under the stewardship of national
leaders like Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Yet there is a lot left to achieve with respect to successful
socio-cultural and emotional integration among the citizens of our country.
The Kothari Commission made the observation that Indian society is hierarchical, stratified
and deficient in vertical mobility. The social distance between the different classes and particularly
between the rich and the poor, educated and the uneducated, is large and tending to widen. Our
people profess a number of religions and the picture becomes even more complicated because of
caste, an undemocratic institution which is still powerful and which strangely enough seems to have
extended its sphere of influence under the every democratic processes of the constitution itself. The
situation complex as it was has been made critical by recent developments which threaten both
national unity and social progress.

National Integration is required for the following reasons

* To strengthen our nation internally so that everyone works together for the progress of the
*To protect and preserve our democratic way of life, the freedom and right that we enjoy.
*To remove social injustices and oppressive practices from our country.
*To prevent conflicts and strife among the citizens of our nation.
*To promote unity and solidarity in our country to stand against foreign aggression.
*To generate economic growth and development.
*To bring every citizen of the country into the national mainstream to partake of the
national progress.

Obstacles to National Integration.

There are several issues that obstruct the complete integration of nation. These are divisive
forces that have created conflict and discord within the nation from time to time. Some of the
pressing issues that obstruct national integration are:

Role of Education in promoting national integration.

Education has a vital role to play in promoting national integration in the country. The
foundation for creating a united, peaceful and progressive nation are laid down in its classrooms. It
is here that our nations future citizens to whom the stewardship of our democracy will be handed
over are molded. Therefore, it is crucial that such thoughts, attitudes and values that will nurture
and preserve the unity and solidarity of the nation have to be cultivated in students through the
educational process. Education will serve as an effective and efficient tool to shape the thoughts,
character and personality of the student so that they move towards the goal of national integration.

The world today has come closer than ever before as an upshot of advances in science and
technology. Whether it is technological advancements, market crashing, natural calamities, or wars
and conflicts in any part of the world they have an effect on the lives of people across the globe.
The past world wars are a testimony to the destruction wrote upon peoples lives when
tensions between nation escalate, when prejudice and mistrust determine the false of entire
communities. The nuclear age brought about immense progress in our lives yet it has also brought
humanity to a point where the very survival of man is hanging in the balance. It is therefore,
imperative that massive efforts are undertaken to bring together the people of the world on a
platform based on understanding, tolerance, respect and empathy. In this context international
understanding is the need of the hour in order to alleviate tension between nation so that the
reckless destruction of lives and lands do not take place.
The united nation organization has been at the forefront of efforts to bring about
international understanding. International understanding refers to an awareness of the unity of
mankind, respect and appreciation for cultural across the world. It implies respect and understanding
of human rights and working in co-operation towards peace and amity in the world. It demands
going beyond narrow nationalism which leads one to think only in terms of ones own nation to
thinking about the whole world. International understanding is about cultivating the perspective of a
world citizen.

*According to Oliver Goldsmith, International understanding is a feeling that the individual is not
only a member of his state but a member of the world.
*Drawler H.C. Lewis observes, International understanding is the ability to observe


and objectively and appraise the conduct of man everywhere to each other, irrespective of the
nationality of culture to which they may belong. To do this one must be able to detach oneself
from ones own particular cultural and national prejudices and to observe men of all nationalities,
cultures and races as equally important varieties of human being inhabiting this earth.










interconnectedness of the different countries of the world. It means to have a broad understanding
of the diverse cultures and beliefs of people across the world and to develop a sense of oneness
and concern for all people. It indicates respecting and appreciating the similarities and differences
of different cultures and upholding the basic rights of human beings everywhere.

Significance and need of Internationalism

International understanding is a prerequisite for peace and harmony to be established in the
world. Nations can benefit immensely by sharing and co-operating with each other in various
aspects. By working together and sharing their knowledge skills and resources nation can find
meaningful solution to various issues that threaten to destroy their peace and prosperity.
As, Roman Rolland Stated, The two global wars, with their terrible devastating results have
at least established the face that the narrow bonds of sordid and aggressive nationalism must be
smashed through and unwilled, unheeded federation of mankind should be brought into being for
fostering humans relations on the plane of love, piety and sympathy.

International understanding is essential for the following reasons;

To faster peace and harmony in the world.

To prevent world wars from taking place again.

To mitigate the threat of a nuclear holocaust.

T o promote democracy and freedom to people all world.

To promote human rights.

To find solutions to poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and exploitation.

To promote human welfare in all parts of the world.

To share technological and scientific knowledge among the nations.

To bring development and progress to all nations of the world.

Obstacles to International Understanding

The attainment of international understanding is essential but complex task as there are
several problems that impede its progress. Issues such as expansionist ambitions of nations, military
dominance, narrow minded nationalism, economic disparity, scarcity of resources poverty trade issues
etc hamper the development of international understanding. Some of the prominently issues
planning our world today include the following:
*Aggressive nationalism

Role of Education in developing International Understanding

International understanding is the cornerstone for building lasting world peace. Through a
difficult and challenging task it is by no means an unattainable one education has a crucial role to
play in laying the groundwork for achieving international understanding. Peace begins in the minds
of people and it is an young minds that the future of the world rests. In this regard education can
spearhead the efforts to create a culture of peace leading to a harmonious and conflict free human
In the world of Dr. Radhakrishnan, The world once divided by oceans and continents is
united physically today but there are still suspicion and misunderstanding. It is essential for us not
to live apart but no live together. Understanding one anothers fears and anxieties aspirations and
thoughts are what we are expected to do. We must not claim a racial extermination, enslavement or
segregation but work for racial harmony. We

may be Russian but we are essentially human

beings. Let us not overlooks this fundamental fact let us learn to live in a world community.
Thus, it can be seen that education is the prime instrument through which seeds of peace
can be sown young minds and thus aid in developing an international understanding among the
future citizens of our world. In todays world, the nuclear checkmate may have resulted in an
uneasy peace among the states but what is required is the creation of a positive peace in the
minds of individuals which will ultimately lead to global goodwill and give a
enduring peace in the world.

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