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Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches

them. Voltaire

Philosophy is a way of looking at the world and giving it meaning. It

can provide a high quality method of examining our beliefs.- Mr.

Philosophy is the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and
meaning of life. In Greek, philo means love or devotion and Sophia
means wisdom. Philosophers are people devoted to wisdom. A philosophy
is a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of
the reality we live in. It is a guide for living, because the issues it
addresses are basic and pervasive, determining the course we take in life
and how we treat other people. We can say that philosophy is what helps
people think about what is around them, what is in our mind. It is in
human nature to want to know everything, and philosophy is what help
people to get an opinion, to think, and share their ideas about what they
understand. Most of philosophic publication are about abstract things,
things that we cannot see, cannot touch, things that we havent yet
understand. And this is what is well with the philosophy, nothing is proven,
everyone can give his own opinion, can think and debate. Philosophy is all
about interpretation.
Philosophys main task is to respond to the souls cry, Sharon
We are all philosopher, when we arrive at a stage of our live when nothing
has meaning, everything is confused, when nothing have sense. Our mind
will always find an explication, it is self-reflexion. And when someone is
philosophizing, no one can tell him that what he is saying is false, you can
says that you do not agree and give your opinion, but I think the two
peoples debating are true, because what they are telling is all about what
they lived, about their culture, their pains, there successes and emotions.

Problem: Did the Religions base on Fear?


La religion, dclare-t-il, est fond principalement sur la peur - la

peur de l'inconnu, la peur de la dfaite, et la peur de la mort. Philipp Roth, in Indignation

The first thing brought forth by the study of any religion, ancient or
modern, is that it is based upon Fear, born of it, fed by it and that it

cultivates the source from which its nourishment is derived.

Upton Sinclair

Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. Bertrand Russell

"It was the experience of mystery, even if mixed with fear- that
engendered religion." - Albert Einstein

1. The fear of the Unknown.

We can say that may be god has been created to answer the nonanswered questions, how the world has been created?, how human has
been created?. The terror of the unknown is strong enough in every
people life that sometimes they need to feel an elder force that can make
them feel secure. To have courage they need to have faith in something,
something that will make them go further, do more and successfully. This
illusion of safety and protection comfort people. In every bad, difficult
situation, where there is no solution, a loss of courage, where people dont
know what to do, where to go, they invoke god, they pray, as it help them
to have hope, strength to continue, and to try again.

2. Religions responds to fears

If we look closer to religions we can see that they all responds to general
fears, firstly there is forces of natures which was a lot of years back
unknown and incontrollable. It was out of the human understanding, so
maybe we can says that human create gods and goddesses to control
these nature forces ( Eole control the wind Greek, Zeus God of the
lightning Greek, Arjuna create thunderstorm Indian, Set god of
thunderstorm Egyptian etc.. ). Secondly we can see that Religions also
responds to the fear of other human beings, people that kills or burns
village or do crimes. As we can see religions controls our actions, human
has created a religious ethics (how to act in society), in every religion

there is a code like the ten commandments. It create the (god-fearing),

act well or you will be punished by god. The principle of heaven or hell.

3. Religions responds to the fear of death

As I said before in religion there is also the principle of heaven or hell. If
we pay some attention on people actions and believes, we can pretend
that people live to have a better afterlife, people live not to be better here
in this world but to go to heaven, they do all well, all as religious book
says to have a place in heaven. Religions have given an answer to What
happens after we die?.

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