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CNU0010.1177/1474515114521926European Journal of Cardiovascular NursingChen et al.


Original Article

Physical self-concept and its link to

cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance
among adolescents with mild congenital
heart disease

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

2015, Vol. 14(3) 206213
The European Society of Cardiology 2014
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1474515114521926

Chi-Wen Chen1, Wen-Jen Su2, Jou-Kou Wang3, Hsiao-Ling Yang4,

Yueh-Tao Chiang5 and Philip Moons6

Background: Due to medical advances, most children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are expected to survive into
adulthood. Establishing adequate physical self-concept and cardiopulmonary tolerance during the adolescent period can
primarily enhance overall well-being.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to undertake a gender-specific evaluation of the domain of physical self-concept
among adolescents with mild CHD, and to examine the relationships between physical self-concept and cardiopulmonary
exercise tolerance among adolescents with mild CHD.
Methods: Four hundred and thirteen adolescents 1220 years of age, whose cardiologists had not recommended any
limitation of exercise, completed Physical Self-Description Questionnaires and three-minute step tests in two outpatient
cardiology departments.
Results: The male participants had significantly greater scores in measures of overall physical self-concept, competence
in sports, physical appearance, body fat, physical activity, endurance, and strength than did the female participants. More
than 80% of the participants had at least an average cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index. The perception of not
being too fat and being more physically active were significant correlates of better cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance
for adolescents with mild CHD.
Conclusions: The results provided evidence for gender-specific evaluation of domains of physical self-concept among
adolescents with mild CHD. The three-minute step test to measure cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance in adolescents
with mild CHD may be an appropriate objective measure for use in future research. Continued efforts are needed in
early intervention to promote cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance.
Physical self-concept, cardiopulmonary tolerance, adolescents, congenital heart disease
Date received: 23 October 2013; revised: 6 January 2014; accepted: 9 January 2014



The birth prevalence of congenital heart disease (CHD)

worldwide has been 9.1 per 1000 live births in the past 20
years.1 The highest reported total CHD birth prevalence is
found in Asia (9.3 per 1000 live births).1 Significant
advances in cardiac surgery and postoperative care have led
to an almost 90% rate of survival into adulthood for affected
individuals.2 Some adolescents have cardiac defects that
may result in significant challenges in developing a positive self-image because of activity restrictions and altered

of Nursing, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

of Pediatric, Chang Gung Childrens Hospital, Taiwan
3Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
4School of Nursing, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
5Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taiwan
6KU Leuven Department of Public Health and Primary Care, KU
Leuven-University of Leuven, Belgium

Corresponding author:
Chi-Wen Chen, Department of Nursing, Fu-Jen Catholic University,
510 Chung-Cheng Rd, Hsin-Chuan, New Taipei, 24205, Taiwan.

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Chen et al.
exercise capacity. However, little is known about their
views on physical self-concept and how that relates to levels of cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance.
Physical self-concept is considered to be a subdomain
of the overall self-concept. This latter entity also entails
family, school, and emotional self-concepts.3 The physical
self-concept in itself is also multidimensional, and incorporates different characteristics, such as appearance,
health, strength, body fat, and physical activity.4,5 This
self-perception plays an important role in participation in
physical activity 6,7 and physical fitness,8 especially during
adolescence. Several studies have demonstrated sex differences in physical self-concept among children and adolescents;812 boys generally have higher scores than do girls,
predominantly in subdomains, such as sport competence,
strength, and endurance.812 This means that genderspecific approaches are required in the study of physical
Physical self-concept is an insufficiently studied
aspect of CHD. To the best of our knowledge, few studies have explicitly investigated the patients physical
self-concept.3,13 Not surprisingly, the physical selfconcept of school-aged children with CHD is significantly worse than that of children from the general population;3 however, the physical self-concept of adolescent
boys with CHD is unexpectedly better than that of their
healthy counterparts.13 It is, however, not known to what
extent the physical self-concept stimulates or hampers
adolescents with CHD in engagement in physical activity, and thus in maintaining physical fitness. One prior
study concluded that of physical function was overestimated in adult patients when compared with actual exercise test results.14 If there is a relationship between the
physical self-concept and exercise tolerance in adolescents with CHD, this could be a target for interventions,
because the physical self-concept is a modifiable factor.
In that case, interventions focusing on the physical selfconcept of patients could have an impact on the physical
fitness throughout the patients life. This is particularly
important for individuals in whom there are no medical
reasons to restrict activity.
Therefore, the present study aimed (a) to undertake a
gender-specific evaluation of the physical self-concept
among adolescents with mild CHD and (b) to examine the
relationships between physical self-concept and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance.

Participant recruitment
All patients with mild CHD treated in the pediatric cardiology outpatient departments of two medical centers in
northern Taiwan in JulyAugust, 2010, who met the
inclusion and criteria, were approached to participate in

this study. Patients were eligible for inclusion if they

were 1220 years of age, and had been diagnosed with
mild CHD. Mild CHD in this study was defined as being
able to exercise with no limits, and being in class I of the
New York Heart Association classification, as scored by
cardiologists. The exclusion criteria were: chromosomal
aberrations, extracardiac malformations, pregnancy, regular medication on diuretics, cardiotonics, angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor or beta-blockers, a
pacemaker, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator
(ICD), and hospitalization or cardiac catheterization
within the last year.

Physical self-concept was measured by the Physical SelfDescription Questionnaire (PSDQ).15 The PSDQ consists
of a set of 54 items that assesses nine dimensions of sports
competence, appearance, body fat, health, flexibility,
physical activity, self-esteem, endurance, and strength. A
six-point Likert scale was used, with responses ranging
from false to true. On this scale, 17 negatively worded
items were scored inversely. Means were calculated for the
total score and subscale scores, all ranging from 16, with
a higher score representing a more positive self-concept.
The psychometric properties of the PSDQ have been tested
in diverse cultures.8,11,1520 Internal consistency has been
shown to be adequate with Cronbachs alpha coefficient of
internal consistency on the nine subscales ranging from
0.800.91.15 In the present study, Cronbachs alpha ranged
from 0.75 (health and strength) to 0.91 (sports competence
and body fat) for the subscales, and was 0.94 for the total
scale. The PSDQs validity has been established by its significant relationship to components of physical fitness8,19,21
and other self-concept instruments.5,11
In the present study, we measured cardiopulmonary
exercise tolerance using a three-minute step test, which is
also known as the Harvard Step Test. It is an easy and inexpensive method to screen for cardiopulmonary fitness and
an individuals ability to recover after strenuous exercise.
For its use in young Asian persons, we followed the standard procedure as described by the Sports Affairs Council in
Taiwan.22 A 35 cm (13.8 inch) step was used. A metronome
was set at a rate of 96 beats per min to control the frequencies of stepping up and down. Immediately after the
Harvard Step Test, the heart rate (HR) of each individual
was measured by a finger sensor between 11.5 min
(HR1), 22.5 min (HR2), and 33.5 min (HR3). The cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index was calculated as
follows: duration of test (s)100/(HR1+HR2+HR3)2.22
The higher the score the better the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance of the subjects because the score reflects the
speed of recovery from the physical activity. Prior research
has demonstrated that the three-minute step test has acceptable reliability, validity, and objectivity for predicting the

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European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 14(3)

cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance of a large population.23,24 In addition, this step test seems to be more appropriate for female, youth, or vulnerable populations.25
In the present study, we compared the cardiopulmonary
exercise tolerance index of each subject with norm-based
cut-off scores from the Sports Affairs Council in Taiwan,
based on their gender and age. This allowed us to categorize our patients into five classes of cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance: very poor, poor, average, good, and very
good levels.

This study was approved by the institutional review boards
of the two hospitals, and written informed consent was
obtained from the adolescents and their guardians. After
completing the demographic form and PSDQ, which
required about 15 min, the subjects underwent a step test in
a separate clinic room. In order to monitor the intensity of
exercise, each subject wore a pulse-oximetry monitor on
his/her wrist during the test. In accordance with the recommendations of the Health Promotion Administration,
Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan, 6085% of
maximum predicted heart rate (220age) was defined as
the optimal exercise range. The subjects were instructed to
quit this test at any time if their heart rate exceeded 170
beat/min, and O2 saturation fell below 95%.26 Supplemental
oxygen and an Ambu bag were readily available in case of

Data analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA). Descriptive statistics for all key
variables were calculated. The Mann-Whitney test was
used to compare the differences in age and body mass
index (BMI) between female and male participants. Chisquare tests were used to compare the differences in diagnosis, number of heart operations, and level of
participation in physical education between female and
male participants. To analyze the gender differences in
physical self-concept and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance, we performed multiple regression analysis, with
adjustments for age, diagnosis, and number of heart operations. Furthermore, a hierarchical multivariable linear
regression analysis (enter method) was conducted to
investigate the relationship between the physical selfconcept and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index,
adjusted for gender, age, diagnosis, and number of heart
operations. In this analysis, gender, age, diagnosis, and
number of heart operations were entered in block 1, and
the subscale scores of self-concept were entered in block
2. The assumptions of normality and multicollinearity
were met. All tests were two-sided, and the level of significance was set at p<0.05.

Participant characteristics
A total of 413 adolescents with mild CHD (48.4% boys
and 51.6% girls) participated in this study (Table 1). Both
male and female participants ranged in age from 1220
years, with the average age of 15.5 years (standard deviation (SD)=2.64). More than 80% of the participants had
acyanotic heart disease with left-to-right shunt. The most
common acyanotic heart defect was ventricular septal
defect (34.4%); and the most common cyanotic heart
defect was tetralogy of Fallot (11.6%). One hundred and
seventy-nine participants (43.3%) had never undergone
any open-heart surgery. The rest of the participants had
undergone open-heart surgery at preschool age. At least
90% of the participants often participated in physical education class, as a regular school activity for adolescents.
Significant gender differences were found for BMI category, diagnosis, and number of heart operations.

Physical self-concept and cardiopulmonary

exercise tolerance
Observed means for the overall and subscale scores of the
PSDQ are shown in Table 2. As for the specific dimensions of the PSDQ, the scores for self-esteem, health, and
body fat were the highest. The three lowest scores were
for endurance, physical activity, and strength. Adjusted
for age, diagnosis, and number of heart operations, the
male participants scored significantly higher than did the
female participants in measures of overall physical selfconcept, sports competence, physical appearance, body
fat, physical activity, endurance, and strength. However,
no significant differences between males and females
were observed for health, flexibility, and self-esteem.
Because BMI was highly correlated with body fat (r =
0.706; p<0.001), we did not include this variable as an
adjusting factor in the regression model above, in order to
avoid multicollinearity.
The duration of the step test had a range of 71180 seconds for our participants. Thirty-four subjects (8.2%) quit
stepping before three minutes. Twenty-six of these participants were female. None of the participants had a heart rate
higher than 170 beat/min or an O2 saturation <95%. All participants remained asymptomatic and did not complain of
chest pain or other adverse events. The mean cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index was 60.11, with a range from
28.2102.2. This index score was significantly higher in
males than in females (Table 3). Patients could be categorized into levels of cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance,
based on norm-based cut-off scores. Overall, 41% (n=168)
of all participants could achieve up to very good levels of
cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index (Figure 1).
Moreover, more than 80% of all participants had at least an
average level of cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance.

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Chen et al.
Table 1. General characteristics of adolescents with mild congenital heart disease, shown by gender (n=413).

(n=200; 48.4%)

(n=213; 51.6%)


Age (years)

n (%)
43 (21.8)
95 (48.2)
59 (29.9)

n (%)
37 (17.5)
145 (68.7)
29 (13.7)

z= 0.186

154 (77.0)
46 (23.0)

191 (89.7)
22 (10.3)

73 (36.5)
111 (55.5)
6 ( 8.0)

106 (50.0)
84 (39.6)
22 (10.4)

6 ( 3.0)
6 ( 3.0)
44 (22.1)
143 (71.9)

6 ( 2.9)
15 ( 7.1)
59 (28.1)
130 (61.9)

Body mass index (BMI)

BMI category
Left to right shunt
Right to left shunt
Number of heart operations
PE participant level
Rarely participates
Sometimes participates
Often participates
Always participates

z= 1.939




SD: standard deviation; PE: physical education.

bIncludes obesity: BMI>95th specific for age and gender.

Table 2. Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) and cardiopulmonary tolerance among adolescents with mild congenital
heart disease (n=413).

Overall physical self

Sports competence
Body fat
Physical activity
tolerance index


Males (n=200)

Females (n=213)

Adjusted differencea




p value






SD: standard deviation.

aAdjustment for age, diagnosis and number of heart operations.

Relationship with levels of cardiopulmonary

exercise tolerance index
The hierarchical multivariable linear regression analysis, adjusted for gender, age, diagnosis, and number of
heart operations, showed that cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance was determined by the dimensions of

body fat and physical activity (Table 3). More specifically, the perception of not being too fat and being
more physically active were significant correlates of
better cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance. This model
explained 18% of the variance for the levels of cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance among adolescents with
mild CHD.

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European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 14(3)

Table 3. Hierarchical multivariable linear regression analysis

on the relationship of specific Physical Self-Description
Questionnaire (PSDQ) factors on cardiopulmonary tolerance
index among adolescents with mild congenital heart disease,
adjusted for gender, age, diagnosis, and number of heart
operations (n=413).

Estimate Standard Standardized p-value


Number of heart
Body fat
Physical activity













Adjusted R2=0.176.





Very poor




Very Good

Levels of Cardiopulmonary Tolerance Index

Figure 1. Levels of cardiopulmonary tolerance index among

adolescents with mild congenital heart disease, based on normbased cut-off scores (n=413).

This present study showed that measures of self-esteem,
health, and body fat in PSDQ were the greatest among
measures of physical self-concept in adolescents with mild
CHD. The male participants had significantly higher
scores than did the female participants in measures of
overall physical self-concept, sports competence, appearance, body fat, physical activity, endurance, and strength.
More than 80% of the participants had at least ordinary
levels on the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index.

The dimensions of body fat and physical activity in PSDQ

were significant factors in explaining improved levels of
cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance, over and above the
impact of gender.
Adolescents with mild CHD in this study reported the
highest mean score on self-esteem, which was overall positive feelings about oneself. This finding is similar to findings in studies of resilience, quality of life, and sense of
coherence. Adolescents with CHD reported even greater
resilience, better quality of life, and greater sense of coherence than did healthy controls.14,2729 The positive perceptions could be reinforced through dealing with stress in
their daily lives, such as stress that result from physical
limitations of the disease and medical treatment.
In one of our previous studies, adolescents with mild
CHD experienced progressive ability to engage in physical exercise. To this end, a positive physical self-concept
was crucial in the mastery of physical challenges with the
ultimate goal of living a normal life.30 Nonetheless, one
previous study reported that there was marked overestimation of physical functioning measured by self-reported
health-related quality of life (Short Form health Survey
36 (SF-36)) in most adolescents and adults with CHD
when compared with actual exercise test results.14 In the
present study, we attempted to explicate physical selfconcept multidimensionally, to understand the relationship between each subdomain and cardiopulmonary
exercise tolerance, and to provide a target for future
In addition, the participants in the present study reported
health as the top second dimension of PSDQ. The participants usually received a check-up once yearly, and did not
have exercise limitations recommended by cardiologists.
Most participants perceived that they were not often ill,
and that they generally recovered quickly from illness. As
expected, perception of better physical health could be a
factor promoting better quality of life in adolescents with
CHD.29 Body fat was the third greatest dimension of PSDQ
reported by the participants. The higher the score on body
fat, the less self-perception being overweight or too fat.
Little attention has been paid to the self-perception regarding body fat among adolescents with CHD in past studies;
attention was paid to BMI instead.3133
The male participants achieved significantly greater
scores in measures of overall physical self-concept, sports
competence, appearance, body fat, physical activity,
endurance, and strength dimensions of PSDQ than did the
female participants. No significant differences were
observed between male and female adolescents with mild
CHD in terms of health, flexibility, and self-esteem. These
findings are consistent with findings in adolescents without CHD despite the fact that (a) we controlled for personal attributive variables; (b) over 80% of the adolescent
girls and boys with CHD had acyanotic heart disease; and
(c) adolescent boys with CHD had significantly more

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Chen et al.
cyanotic heart disease than did adolescent girls with CHD
There are many well-known genetic, cultural, or behavioral factors that could explain these results, in which boys
performed better on tasks demanding explosive strength
and cardiorespiratory endurance, whereas girls had greater
flexibility.812 Although measures of physical self-concept
are generally greater in adolescent boys than in girls, boys
may have vulnerabilities of their own. Societys stereotypical gender expectations may lead boys to feel that they
should be strong, tough, and fearless at all times;13,34 however, based on the subjective experience of adolescents
with mild CHD,30 they are able to perform weight-bearing
exercises such as climbing stairs with heavy loads, swimming and jumping rope, but report feeling exhausted afterward the exercise, and taking a long time to recover. This
observation may be reflected in the present results of the
three lowest dimensions of PSDQ, which were endurance,
physical activity, and strength.
In contrast to the treadmill testing or cycle ergometer
most commonly used to assess exercise capacity objectively in children and adolescents with CHD,14,3538 the
step test is a measurement requiring only simple equipment to predict peak oxygen uptake for teenagers.25 The
present study showed that over 90% of participants could
continue stepping for up to three minutes. Of all participants who quit stepping before three minutes, 76.5%
(n=26) were female. The study also demonstrated that
male adolescents with mild CHD had a significantly higher
mean score on the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance
index than did females participants (p<0.001). Thus, it is
noteworthy that while we measure cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance and physical self-concept in adolescents
with CHD, it may be not suitable to pool data from male
and female participants, rather, a gender-specific approach
may be preferable.
As compared with the norm-based cut-off scores, the
means of the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index in
male and female adolescents with mild CHD could be
achieved at least at a good level. More than 80% of all
participants had at least average levels on the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance index. These findings are in
accordance with one previous study that has reported at
least a moderate level of aerobic fitness in the majority of
children with CHD.37 There was no previous study on the
step test for adolescents with CHD, but other related studies reported that patients with CHD had a significantly
reduced peak oxygen uptake, including those with minor
Only the relationship between the dimensions of body
fat and physical activity was significantly associated with
the cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance. There was a similar finding in the relationship between obesity measured
by BMI and cardiovascular endurance assessed by the
three-minute step test among adolescents who did not have

CHD.40 In the present study, BMI was highly correlated to

the dimension of body fat ( = 0.706; p<0.001). This is
similar to the findings of Dishman etal.41 in North
American adolescent girls and of Carraro etal.8 in a study
of Italian adolescents. However, Gurin etal.19 did not find
a correlation as high as was expected between perceived
body fat and BMI in French high school students. Since
the dimension of body fat has consistently been assessed
as a reliable construct, results involving BMI should be
interpreted cautiously. BMI is not only related to adiposity,
but also to muscularity and other critical determinants,
such as tissue and bone density, body frame size and shape,
and other variables.42 It is still worthy to note that the prevalence of overweight and obese adolescents with mild
CHD in the present study was up to 21.3%, and even
29.9% in the boys. It is consistent with the prevalence of
overweight and obese adolescents without CHD in Taiwan,
where boys were more likely to become overweight and
obese (25.4%) than were their female counterparts
(17.5%).43 The present study showed that not being overweight or obese was a significant correlate of a better cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance in adolescents with mild
CHD. This study also supported self-perceptions of body
fat as a realistic evaluation of the patients own adiposity.
Future research may employ multiple indices of adiposity,
such as skinfolds and circumferences, along with body-fat
As in the present study, the previous study confirmed
that the perception of being regularly physically active
seems to be positively linked to cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance among adolescents with mild CHD.
Published research has reported that physical activity or
exercise is associated with physical benefits in children
and adolescents without CHD,44,45 as well as in children
and adolescents with CHD.37,46 Exercise capacity may be
a barrier to participation in physical activity in patients
with CHD. The present findings would emphasize that
being more physically active was one of the significant
correlates of a better cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance
for adolescents with CHD who have the ability to exercise. Children and adolescents with a stable CHD may
have activity behaviors that are similar to those in individuals without CHD.47,48 However, less than one-fifth
of children and adolescents in either group performed
sufficient physical activity to meet current physical
activity recommendations for children and adolescents.48
Thus, habitual physical activity in adolescents with mild
CHD should be encouraged early in life in order to promote cardiopulmonary fitness and to protect them from
further co-morbidities.
The conclusions of this study may apply only to adolescents with mild CHD who do not have exercise limitations. We suggest that future studies involve more severe
cardiac function classifications of adolescents with CHD,
and thereby provide a better understanding of physical

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European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 14(3)

self-concept and its link to cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance in all adolescent patients with CHD.

In summary, the present study provided evidence for a
gender-specific evaluation of the domain of physical selfconcept among adolescents with mild CHD. The threeminute step test to measure cardiopulmonary exercise
tolerance for adolescents with mild CHD may further provide an objective reference measure in future research. In
addition, the relationship between physical self-concept
and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance among adolescents with mild CHD was examined. Continuing efforts in
early intervention to promote cardiopulmonary fitness are

Implications for practice

A gender-specific approach is preferred in measuring cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance and
physical self-concept in adolescents with congenital heart disease.
Education about their illness and encouragement
to maintain physical fitness can help adolescents
with congenital heart disease to develop a positive self-perception of body fat and physical
Early effective interventions should be developed to promote cardiopulmonary fitness and to
protect patients with congenital heart disease
from developing co-morbid conditions.

The authors wish to thank all the study subjects for their

Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

This research was supported in part by National Science Council
grant (NSC 97-2314-B-030-004-MY3).

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