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Bab 5 KHB-Kerendahan Hati : Meneladani Kerendahan Hati Sang Raja

>Keangkuhan : memilih untuk menyingkirkan Tuhan dan orang lain dari tempat yg
mjd hak mereka dosa tertua adam dan hawa ingin mjd spt Allah
>Saat ini : keangkuhan sesuatu yg dikejar dan dipuji orang. Yesus : memanggil kita
utk meninggalkan hidup yg penuh keangkuhann dan masuk ke hidup yg penuh rendah
hati Brg siapa merendahkan diri akan ditinggikan.
>Zakharia 9:9-10 : Mesias : Raja benar, adil, jaya dan rendah hatimengendarai
keledai. Allah rendah hati? WOW DIGENAPI DALAM YESUS (Yoh 12:12-150)
Diskusikan : Rendah hati merupakan syarat mutlak yg hars dimiliki oleh setiap murid
Kristus. Kenapa sering gagal memiliki hidp rendah hati? Lupa firman Tuhan, kalah
sama kedagingan
Yohanes 13:1-17
1. Yesus telah tau bahwa sdh dekat waktu bagiNya utk meninggalkan dunia ini, Yesus tahu bahwa
Bapa telah menyerahkan segala sesuatu kpdNya dan bahwa Ia datang dari Allah dan kembali
kepada Allahdan rencana Yudas Iskariot utk mengkhianati Dia (11).
13:2 evening meal. Some believe that this feast was a fellowship meal eaten sometime before the Passover
Feast. This would mean that the Last Supper could not have been the Passover meal as the Synoptic Gospels
clearly indicate. However, this meal may have been the Passover Feast itself, in which case the accounts of
the Synoptics and John would agree. the devil. See v. 27. Judas Iscariot. See note on 6:71.
The focus of action in this section lies in Jesus' washing the feet of the disciples. By this time, Judas had
already determined to betray Jesus. His specific motive is not stated, and the impulse is attributed to satanic
suggestion. In other words, the conflict was basically actuated by a rebellion against God. It is possible that
Judas, realizing that Jesus' enemies were implacably hostile (sgt bermusuhan) and were politically powerful,
concluded that Jesus was doomed (ditakdirkan) to lose in the struggle and so decided that he might as well
gain immunity (kebebasan) from sharing Jesus' fate (nasib). Furthermore, he could compensate himself by
claiming the reward for betrayal. His act, however, was more serious than an incidental piece of treachery
(penghianatan yg tdk direncanakan); he sold himself to the power of evil (cf. v. 27).
13:3 the Father had put all things under his power. John again emphasizes the fulfillment of God's plan and
Jesus' control of the situation. John emphasizes the fact that Jesus was not the innocent victim of a plot,
unaware of what was transpiring around him. Rather, he was fully aware of his authority, his divine origin,
and his destiny. John says much more about the inner consciousness of Jesus than the Synoptics do, either
because he was more observant or because Jesus confided (mempercayakan hal2 rahasia) in him.
Sikapnya thd murid2Nya ayat 1b : senantiasa. Sampai kepada kesudahannya mengasihi
2. The immediate situation was that they had come to the banquet room directly from the street. Ordinarily
on such an occasion the host would have delegated a servant to the menial (pekerjaan rendah,kasar) task
of removing the sandals of the guests and washing their feet. Since the meeting was obviously intended to be
secret, no servants were present. None of the disciples was ready to volunteer for such a task, for each
would have considered it an admission of inferiority (pengakuan bahwa dia lbh rendah) to all the others
(cf. 1:27).
Sometime during the meal Jesus rose, removed his outer cloak, tied a towel around his waist, and began
to perform the work of the servant who was not present. It was a voluntary humiliation (penghinaan
sukarela) that rebuked (menegur) the pride of the disciples. Perhaps it accentuated (menekan) the tension

(situasi tegang) of the situation, because Luke notes that when the disciples entered the room, they were
arguing about who among them would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Lk 22:24).
began to wash his disciples' feet. A menial task (see note on 1:27), normally performed by a servant. On
this occasion there was no servant and no one else volunteered. Jesus' action was during the meal, not upon
arrival, done deliberately to emphasize a point. It was a lesson in humility, but it also set forth the principle
of selfless service that was so soon to be exemplified (dicontohkan) in the cross. John alone tells of this
incident, but Luke says that in rebuking the disciples over a quarrel concerning who would be the greatest,
Jesus said, "I am among you as one who serves" (Lk 22:27). Jesus' life of service would culminate on the
3. 13:8 No. Characteristically, Peter objected, though apparently no one else did. He was a mixture of
humility (he did not want Jesus to perform this lowly service for him) and pride (he tried to dictate
mendikte to Jesus).
6-8a The response of Simon Peter may have been representative of the common feeling that Jesus ought not
to demean (merendahkan diri) himself by washing their feet. He reveals both the impetuousness of his
disposition (watak spontan) and the high regard he had for Jesus. John 6:68-69
4. 8b Jesus' rejoinder jawaban expresses the necessity, not only for the cleansing of Peter's feet to make
him socially acceptable for the dinner, but also for the cleansing of his personality to make him fit for the
kingdom of God. The external washing was intended to be a picture of spiritual cleansing from evil.
5. 12-14 A second lesson Jesus wished to impart to the disciples by this act was one of love and humble
service. His question, "Do you understand what I have done for you?" contrasts with his remonstrance of
Peter in v. 7. The discernment of the disciples developed slowly. It took them a long time to begin to
comprehend the intensity of Jesus' love for them and the nature of his humility in dealing with them.
"Teacher" and "Lord" are both titles of respect that placed Jesus on a level above the disciples. Jesus
went on to emphasize the fact that his actions as their leader should set the pattern for dedicated living
(see also Mt 10:24; Lk 6:40; Jn 15:20). The concept of the servant-master relationship appears frequently in
Jesus' teaching.
13:13 Teacher . . . Lord. An instructor would normally be called "Teacher," but "Lord" referred to one
occupying the supreme place. Jesus accepted both titles.
15 The "example" does not necessarily imply the perpetuation of footwashing as an ordinance in the church.
Rather, Jesus put his emphasis on the inner attitude of humble and voluntary service for others (see the
fuller explanation of this in Php 2:4-8).
13:14 wash one another's feet. Christians should be willing to perform the most menial services for one
16-17 The recurrence of "sent" (GK G4287) here is a reminder that Jesus was constantly conscious of being
commissioned by the Father. Jesus included his disciples both in his commission and in his action of
servanthood. The true nature of Christian living was serving one another. And for those who would be
willing to take this role on themselves, Jesus said there would be blessings.
6. Rendah hati kunci yg memampukan melayani semua orang, bahkan org yg menjahati
Sukar rendah hati dalam hal : meneladani Kristus to do the most menial services for others,
misalnya : enggan rendah hati pada org yg kurang saya senangi
7. jemaat PDO. Doakan sebagai MC bisa melekat pada Tuhan, mengasihi jemaat yg Tuhan kasihi.
Mengasihi kelauarga dan AKK.

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