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Readl iliis 1text llllltJlrnve~iltJlg ilie secrets of gettiltJlg employed:
Do SOoltJl~to-be gradlllllates re~ly ltJleedi to start 100JkiltJlg for a job before tihey gradilUiate? 1l1fJLe advice
from ilie experts is yes, especi~ly if tihey Wamtt to eltJlsme a good job iltJl ilieir cihoseltJl fie1dl, becallllse
today's ecoltJlomy is maJkiltJlg ilie job search a litde tOllllgher.
ToltJly JLee, editor iltJl dbtief of Careedollllmatcom, d1le Walli treet ]olUim~'s execlllltive career site,
says iliere's room for optimism. 'h's dear iliat tlhte job market is improviltJlg amter a very spotty year,
wlhticlht is great ltJlews for people wlhto decide to liooJk for new emplioymeltJlt,' ToltJly says. 'HiriltJlg activity
for some of d1le 8.7 milRioltJl lUiltJlempIoyed peoplie iltJl iliis COllllltJltry wHR be boosted'. However,
llmempIoyment figmes released iltJl December by ilie Bllllreallll of Labor Statistics ofd1le \U DepartmeltJlt of
JLabor were oltJlIy shgihtly eltJlcolUiragiltJlg. The IUinemPIOymeltJlt rate, at 5.7 percent, was cOJrl.timJliltJlg its
dowltJlward treltJld. Wlhtat ilie llllltJlemplloymeltJlt statistics diidJltJl't slinow were tline adlditioltJlal U miHioltJl
America1l1ls wlho are ltJlot iltJl ilie worJkforce bec3l.1lllse of Sd1lO0li or fffi'1l1i1y respoL1sibibties or tline 433,000
America1l1ls wlino Ihave stopped appliyiltJlg for jobs bec<mse tliney beliieve there are ltJlO jO!:lS for tllwm.
]olinltJl JPetrik, deamt of Career ervices for Yomllg Graduates, agrees that the il1[llproved. eCOlllOmy 1s
a gooo silgltJl, bllllt Ihe's stiH call1ltio1llls abolUit emplloymeltJlt oppommities for graduates. 'nil\~ job
12.iggilJlg. li! is linarder !t1l0W to Drealk iltJlto ilie job rnarJket, [mt li thiltJlJk it wm corne bacJk'.
He adlvises coliliege s1tlJldeltJlts ro start iliiltJllkiltJlg abo1lllt ilieir career optioltJls diuriltJlg the last snx
moltJlths of1their liast year Jl1l sehool, blUit to aggressiveliy plUirSlllle ajob dllJlriltJlg ilie las! 15 weeJks. This way,
by the time oilier studieltJlts get bacJk from their l'rloliidiay, tlhe slUiccessfuli gradw31te wiilli lillave gathered
iltJlformatioltJl abo1lllt ilie appropriate compa1l1lies amtd wm have atteltJlded severali empIoyer job faim.
takes a httlie more creativity amtd researclh amtd persisteltJlce to start a job 1tIh.eltJl it
iltJl years pas!,"
says. "YOllll slhoulld start doiltJlg Y01lllr researclh at lieast six moltJltlhs before gradllllati!t1lg. li JkltJlow it' s <l, toug~Jl
time beca1lllse Y01lJl're doiltJlg projects amtd papers. Bllllt tlhte lioltJlger Y01lJl wait, the co1dler ym.ll get ome
stmients say, 'li Wa1l1lt to wait llllntili ilie marlket is beti:er or amter li get baclk from my cmise !o Hawaii,' b1lJlt
Llhla1t's !t1lot a good idea. YOIUi !t1leed to slhow YOIUi're freslill iltJl Y01..IlIr fielld".
Matt Gines, wlhto wrote ilie YOlUiltJlg AdlJlli1t's GlJlnde ta a BIUiSi!t1less Career, hacllhis dreaum joc linned
1lJlP before Ihe gradllJlated witlh a baclhelor's degree iltJl finamtce from ilie \U!t1lRversity of ouiliem Jl1diaillia.
More tlhamt a year lIater, Ihe stiH gets e-mailis from cliassmates wlho Ihave beeiIJ. waitiltJlg for iI.lh.e empRoyme!t1lt
market 1\:0 nmprove so tlhey Camt jlUimp SIhRp amtd wlho are stnliil trynng to brealk into their choseltJl ftelds. He,
niIJ. the meaJl1ltnme, Ihas beeltJl promo\ted to a better posRtlioiIJ..
Matt, wlho is a linvnlOlg exarnmplie of how to ibest 1lJlse yonu tnme iltJl coliliege, wrote his h.ow~to book
whHe a seltJlior in coRliege. By \tlhat time he Ihadl aTIready liladl two b'UlsnltJles iltJltemsit'Rips. Wl1:at Mlatt dind was
\to caIn a compa1l1lY he was nltJlterested nlll amtd aslk to talilk to someoltJle wlillo Ihadl tlhte type of
li!t1l1terested iltJl doiltJlg some day. "K'd say, 'li have a year amtd a Ihalif before gradl1lJlaltioltJl, and I'm iliiltJlhrug
abo1lJlt wlhat li Wamtt to do'''. He'dllieltJl aslk them iflhe cOllllRd come i!t1l amtdltalilk to tlhem abolJlt ilieir posntioEl.
"No one said, 'No,'" Ihe says. OltJlce Ihe go\t iltJl ilie door, Matt dndn't care wlhtat tlhenr answers were. He'd
teRli iliem Ihe iliOllllglint \tlhat posntnoJnl sOlJlltJlded i!t1l1teres\tiltJlg amtd aslked wlheilier their compamty I'JLoo aJl1lY
nltJl1temships or co~op programs, wlhiclh aHow a stlllldeltJlt to attend sclhooll amtd Ibe paid for worlki!t1lg lin am
iltJltem capadty. Accordnng \to Matt, Ihe ltJlOW Ihad a foot nltJl ilie door amtd was a face ltlhey Iknew as opposed
to j1lJlst a narnme OltJl a reSlJlme. Tihat tactic eamed Ihnm iltJltemslillips. "Reali worTId experieltJlce i,s more
nmportamtt to fu1tlJlre emplioyers tlhm"!l yOllllr degree," Matt says. "At my iJrl.tervnew witlht OM NatnOiruali B3Jl1l1k,
li was snttnng iliere amtd ilie nltJltervnewer meltJltnoItlled tlillat li was tlhe fiftee!t1ltlh graa1l.llate sihte Ihadl intervnewec1
amtd ilie oltJlliy oltJle who Ihadl experneltJlce witlh a similiar compamty. There was no iCJj1lJlestioItll li wOlldd get the
job". He started as a registered broJkerage operatioltJls specnanist a1l1ldlhas snltJlce got a promotiolIT. as amt

irrJlVestmeIl1lt COIl1lslUlll1taIl1l1t. His tip to coHege studleIl1lts? "[f yOlUl wait lUlIl1ltill yOlUl grndlUJlate to Rooik for a job,
YOlUl've waited!too [OIl1lg".
(ad!apted! from tlhe [Il1ltemet, ~jP.;!(g~~w.~Y:lQ!Qq'!Jl.~~L~Qm,
]putib[islhed! iIl1lilie ]period!icall 'WomeIl1l iIl1l BlUlSiIl1less")

tlhe cover story of KatMeeIl1l [saacsoIl1l

A. Reading and vocabulary

1. Choose the correct answer, a, bar c:
IT. li1t is ad!visabk for co[[ege seIl1liors to [oolk for jobs before they gmdliUlate becalllse
a. tlhey wiliiihtave famHy res]poIl1lsibiliities [ater OIl1l
b. it Il1l0W takes more to fiIl1ld! a good! job
c. tlhere are Il1l0 jobs for iliem
2. Whiclh is tihte sigIl1l of tlhe Rmprovedl job marlket?
a. tlhere are more AmericaIl1ls eager to jORIl1l tlhe worlk force
, b. tihte UJlIl1lemp[oynneIl1lt rate is fallITimg
c. gradllUlates CaIl1l Il1l0W cihtoose a fielidliliey Rilke
3. AccordliIl1lg to olhIl1l IPetrilk, iIl1l ordler to fiIl1ld! a good! job yolUl Il1leedlto be:
a. patiemt
b. fresiht iIl1l yOlUlr fielid!

, c. persisteIl1lt

4. Matt slUlcceedledl RIl1l fiIl1ldliIl1lg a goodl job becalUlse:

a. Ihe wrote a booJk om tlhe slUlbject
b. he llrnew ]peopRe from tlhe compaIl1lY
,c. Ihe Ihd worJked! im tlhe fielidl

li. Match the words in column A with their synonyms ar dejinitions fram column B:
Examplle: calUltiolUls = Il1lot takRIl1lg ris1ks, carefuJ


lhaVRIl1lg jlUlst come from a pllace

arraIl1lgedlto lhappeIl1l or to be availlablle

good1 im some parts, blUlt Il1lot im aH

suitabTIe, correct

111. Choose the appropriate synonym for each meaning ofthe adjective 'tough ':
[ strict

mot easilly d!amaged1


~ot teIl1ld1er

1. TJt1ey are lhaVRIl1lg a tough face tod!ay, tryimg to breaJk ilie recordl.
2. lhe was a tough maIl1lager, aslkimg everyoIl1le to obey ilie rulles.
3. IT got sRclk aIl1ldl tRn~dl of iliese movies where tlhe tough g'llly a[ways beats tip ilie badl glUlys aIl1ldl saves
4. lhe needledlto b1UlY a paRr of
seIl1lsiblle shoes ro wear at worlk.
5. lhe cOII.nlidlIl1l't dhew tlfte tough mea1t.

[Y. Related Word Groups

l'aJke a [oolk at tfrne foHowiIl1lg word1s:


He startedl worlk wlheIl1llhe was stiH RIl1l collTIege.

Gob, emplioyment)


Slhle weaJrs lt1lice dotlhles at work.

HaJrdl worlk is vall1llled.
This is a lt1lice w01llk of art.
The worlks of a maclhlim:
He toolk a palrt4ime job ilt1l tihle s1lIlffimer.
WJhafs yO'Ulr job ihlere?
lP'ROfESSllON ~ ajob iliat lt1leeds speciali tralllt1lmg
TRADE - ajob tlhlat ilt1lvollves worlkilt1lg witihl Y01lllr ihlait1lds
VOCAnON - callhlt1lg
TASlK - worlk tlhlat somebody Ihlas to do (Illls'lllalllly lhlaJrd! worlk)
CHORE - a taslk yOIlll d!o reg'lllllaJrlly
ASSllGNMENT - a taslk yO'lll are givelt1l as part ofyollllJr job/st1llld!ies
lP'ROmCT - sclhlooll pmject, reseaJrcihl pmject
JLABOUR - plhlysicall worlk: mait1l1lllall llaibollllJr/slkillled! labom

(place ofjob)
(Palld! worlk)

Now put each ofthe following words in its correct place in the sentences below:

Examplle: These aJre some peopk from work.

lt. 'The d!ead!hlt1le for yOllllr wrlltlelt1l
js Jlllllt1le, 8,' said tlhe lP'mfessor.
2. Sihle Ihlad! olt1l~ilie~
tralllt1lilt1lg . .Jr.-.~
3. He resiglt1led! from ihlis
4. Slhle decid!ed to colt1lcelt1ltrate oll1llher
, so slhle didlt1l't follow him ro Africa.
:;. II wOlllllld lilke to applly for ilie
of assistalt1lt mait1lager.
6. He is a bladksmiili by............. r~i;.L<l'AI

7. Slhle Ihas a
forlhellpilt1lg people.

8. Slhe selt1lt her reswne to severall


1). The cllllstoms officer walt1lted to lklt1low my


li O. The pohcemait1l Ihad! to perfonn the 'llllt1lpJ\easait1lL

of ilt1lfonnilt1lg ilie victim's familly.

il il. He Cait1l't wish for more; Ihe's at ilie rop oflhis


ll2. lne chilid! was paidl for tlhe smaH Ihollllselholld


JV: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words from the box.
may be necessary:



ll. There's allways

for impmvemelt1lt ilt1l everybody' s worlk.
2. The offer iliey got rrom ilie director of ilie rivall compait1ly was so good, that iliey decided to
a lt1lew maJrlket is allways dlifficlllllit ait1ld! rislky witlhollllt pmper reseaJrclh.
4. He was so tired mer tlhe party, iliat Ihe barelly mait1lagedl to
belhilt1ld his frielt1lds on tt1e way
5. He did everytlhilt1lg ilt1llhtis power ro
his fimaTI goall, tlhtal oflhtavilt1lg a career in
6. They ,
tlhte boolk OIt1l Clhtristmas amJJ Ihad very good salles.


JP'romoltnoll1l ns COmmllmncaltnOll1l ilialt ns lll1lltell1ldledllto nll1lfomru, pelfS1llladle, or remnll1ldl all1l organnsalIOll1l's wgelt

marlkelts of ltlh.e orgall1lnsaltnoll1l or nlts prodllllclts. The promoltnoll1l wnili wlh.klh. we are most famllIar ~

oovertnsnll1lg ~ Is nll1ltell1ldedl to nll1lform, persllllooe, or remnll1ldllllS to blllly partnclllliar prodllllclts. B1.llt tiblere ns more

to promotioll1l ltlh.all1l oovertnslll1lg, all1ld nt ns IlIlsed for p1l1llrposes as wdL for exampk, clh.ariltnes IlIlse

promotnoll1l to lll1lform 1.llS ofilienr ll1leed for dOllllatnons, to pers1.llade 1l1lS to gnve, and to remnlfldlllls to do so nn

case we nave forgotte!t1l.

O) JP'romotno!t1l ns allmed at facnlJitatlng exclh.all1lges dlrecdy or nndnrecdy by nnfomrulll1lg nndnvndllllals, grolLllpS,

or orgall1lnzatlons all1ld n!t1lf1l1L.Rencing iliem to accept a fimru's products. To exped!nre exc11lall1lges dlrecdy,

marlkelters cOiR1lVey nll1lformatlon abo1.llt a fimru's goods, servnces, all1ld ndleas to partnclllliar marlk:et segments.

To Ibrmg albollilt exc11lall1lges mdnrecdy, marlketers adldress l!t1lterest gro1.llpS, reg1l1llatory agell1lCles, nnvestors,

all1ld ilie gell1leral pll1lMlc cOll1lcemlll1lg al compall1lY and!lts prod1l1lcts.

Marlkerers freq[m~ndy d!eslgn promotlo!t1lal COmm1l1lnllcatlons, s1.llclh as oovertlseme!t1lts, for speclfic gro1l1ljpJS,

ah11l01.llglm some may Ibe dlrected! at wlder a1l1ldnences.

(2) Marlketers Call1l1.llse several promotlo!t1lal met11l0d!s to commllllnncate t11leir message to IJrI((jllvnd1l1la~s,

gro1l1lpS, all1ld orgall1lnzatnoll1ls.

Advertisnng, personal semng, pllllb1ICI1ty, all1ld saRes promotlon are four major eTIements nn all1l

orgall1lnzatlo!t1l' promotlon mlx.

Advertlslng Is a pand, non persoruall message commllirJllcated to a selected <mdnence tb.ro1l1lgh a mass


lP'emo!t1lal sdlnrug is personal commooncatioru almed at Infomrulrug C1l1lstomers 3II1Ld pe:rslllladlng 1I:iblem 11:0 I:my

a fimru's prodm;ts.

SaRe's promotlon Is ilie 1.llse of actlvltles or materials to creare dnrect IndJ1lJlceme!t1lts to cllllstomers or salies


P1l1llbhclty ns a non persorual message dehvered in news~sltory fomru iliro1.llgh a mass medl1l1lm, free of


(3) j[J)ependlng on Its pmpose all1la message, oove:rtnsnrug may be dassnfied n!t1lto three groups. SeTIectnve

oovertnsnll1lg promotes specific brall1lds of prod1l1lcts all1ld servnces. TInstnt1.lJtlo!t1lal advertnslll1lg ns llmage~

ltmiRdi!t1lg advertisll!t1lg for afirm. All1ld primary~demand Mvertnsllll1lg is 11L1ld1l1lstry (rathertlmall1l brall1ld


(4) The advertisn1L1lg media are the VarllOIlllS forms of commoolCatnon iliro1l1lgibl w11l1C11l Mvertllsing reacJhtes

Its alllldleruce. They lll1ldude newspapers, magazines, tdevlsl01L1l, radio, direct mallR, all1ld ollJltdoor dlspRays.

TIfrle pri1L1lt media ~ whklhl nil1ld1.llde newspapers, magazn!t1les, direct manl all1ld bmboards ~ accollmt for more

t11lall1l 50 per cerut of ad!vertisnrug expe1L1ldlltmes. The electro1L1lic medna ~ tellevnsion all1ld radio ~ accoLmt

abo1.llt 28 per cent.

(Adapred from "Business", WiHnam M. JPride (Texas A&M U!t1llverSRicy); Robert JH1.llgltes \"Y'';U.l'''''

C01.ll1lllty Comm1.ll1l1Lity Colllege); aclk R. Kapoor (Coilege ofj[J)lIllPage); 1991, HOllllglmtoJl1l Mifffhn

compMy, ]Boston

A. Reading and vocabulary

1. in the text above there are four paragraphs. Choose a title for each paragraph from the ones given
A. The JP'romotl01L1l Mlx.
R Advertisiil1lg Medla
C. The RoRe of JPromotloll1l.


D. 'fYJPes of Ad!vertisilOlg lby lPlUlfJlJOse.

II. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

lPromotiolOl ihl2lS tihle role of facihtatilOlg olOlliy ilOld!irect excihlalOlges.

AdlvertisilOlg is tihle lbest lklOlOWlOl tYJPe ofJPromotioll1l.
lPersolOlali sellRilOlg CalOl lbe viewed!2lS a form of commlUllOlicatiolOl tihlat adld!resses the plUlbRic at Rarge.
Sellective adlvertisilOlg is mealOlt to seiR a specific bralOldl.
5. NewsJPaJPer adlvertisilOlg is tlffie most lUlsedl form ofad!vertisilOlg dlm;~ to its rdative Row cost compressed!
to otihler forms of adlvertisilOlg.

III Match the words in the lefi column with their synonyms from the right column.
li. freqjlUlelOltRy
a. lk1l1ow
2. malke it e2lSY
3. be famihar wit1'It
4. persll.1\ad!e

lb. COll1lVilOlCe
c. oftelOl
d!. fadRitate

IV Fill the blanks with the words given below, so as to form meaningfiJ.I sentences.
d!ifferelOlt be ablie some maga.ziJl1l(~ CalOl ilOlformatiolOl
orgalOl yoll.1\ wiH severali be lUlsed! story
Lilke a reporter, Jlever begil11 wWbt ... pred!etermilOled! id!ea abolUlt tihle liel11gili of ilie ..... fil11a out everyfbting
yoll.1\ ..., sil11ce yOlUl mlUlst ihlave comJPliete ... before yOlUl ccmd!em;e it ~ and!l11ews peopk won hater ... to 2lSlk
yOlUl qjlUlestiol11s yOlUllDlever alOlticipatea (wlhicihl tihley ... ). KlOl dloilOlg SO yOlUl may fim] ithat ... nave
acclUlmll.1\Rated! ilOlformatiolOl for 1Ol0t OlOle blUlt .., stories. YOIl.1\ may filOld! iliat, wiili a ... empihlasis, ilie srory yoll.1\
Iffiave researcihled! may ... by ilie lOlewsJPaper, tlffie liocal! clffiamber of commerce ..., arrJ. ilOld!lUlstry pllbhca(tion,
alOld! yOllr comJPalOlY's oWlOllffiollse ....

V Read the text below and choose the best word A, B, Cor D that fits each space.


llme Medali of HOlOlor is (tlffie (R) '" mi1ibry award! for bravery tha(t C2l.lt1l be (2) ... any Rmhvid!1.ilali
ilie lUlOlited! Stares.
llbte Medali ofHol11or RS (3) ... ilOl ilie lOlame ofColOlgress to a persolOl wlffio, (4) ... 3l member ofllhe
armed forces, (5) ... Iffiimsdf or ihlersdf cOlOlspiclUlOlUlSliy Iby gaB2I.It1ltry 2I.It1ld (6) ... at ilie rislk ofMe above
alOld (7) ... tlffie caB of dlUlty wlffide elOlgaged! ilOl alOl (8) ... against alOly elOlemy of tlffie lflOli(ted! States; (9) ...
elOlgaged! ilOl miliitary oJPeratiolOls ilOlvolivilOlg cmdhct witlffi alOl OppOSilOlg foreiglOl (10) ... ; or whilie servilOlg
witihl frielOld!Ry foreiglOl forces (11) ... ilOl alOl armed cOlOlfhct agailOlst alOl OppOSilOlg armed. force ilI1l wihlidt the
lflOli(ted! States is lOlOt a (12) ... party.
L A. higihles(t
R ihligh
D. importaJnt
C. giveil1 to
IT) walOltea
2. A. talken (to
B. aslked1by
D. donated
3. A. decorated
B. awarded
C given
4. A. whereas
B. because
C while
D. during
5. A. boasts
B. distinguishes
D. knows
D. ilOlteres(t
6. A. ilI1ltreJPidity
R fear
C. cowardice
D. beyolOld
7. A. above
R lOlext to
C. over
D. iSlLIle
8. A. actiOlOl
B. activity
C. figihlt
D. however
9. A. d!lLIlrilOlg
B. wllJlile
C. wihlereas
D. foe
W. A. COlUllOltry
Ia. army
C. force
D. impliiedl
B. A. elOlgagedi
B. Rl11volvedi
C. got
C. beRRigeren(t
D. imporrtalOlt
U. A. ilOlvoRved
R figihltilOlg

IElluope is growing in lI.mison. The IEmo is not the only \lllJlJlifYing meas1Jlre com;idlered as slUlch
ilie IEU.
Some might 10eheve iliat IEmopearrJl condiiUlct mlUlst aillso 10e llllJlJlifiedl, some other people, suc!ffi as ITnger
Wolf, considler ilie opposite. Respect for each arrJldl every one of us is om;: of ilie 10asRc elements towardls
having a plieasarrJlt marrJlner, it also implies respect for the clUlstoms arrJldl marrJlners of
111e most
importarrJlt iliing is to Ilmow to what extent foreign marrJlJlJlers sho'll1dl 10e adloptedl. lin ordler to 10e ablle to dlo
this one might accept the fact iliat dliflhell1lces dlo exist This may helip IUlS put omselives ill1lto olmer
peopRe's shoes 1oefore ta]king ilie right dlecision.
Differences in 1oehaviom are not onlly importarrJlt for IElUlropeans. AH over the woddl, boili minor amjJ
major dlifferences conceming 1oehaviom are considleredl to 10e of essentiaR value. Oll1le smaRl exampJe
conceming greetill1lgs 10y non~IEmopearrJls CarrJl 10e seen 1ll1l apa.Jl, wihere it is stilil ClUlstomary to see the
]aparrJlese greetill1lg eaclbt oilier 10y 1oowill1lg. The imchnation we see todlay is not as low as it IUlsed to 10e 1L1
IEmope. However, it is 10asedl onlbtierarclbty sill1lce a low JrarrJlkmg employee wm have to 100w lower ilia1"1.
lhis slUlperior arrJldl not before lbtis slUlperior lbtas ill1litiatedl ilie process. This rituaR is dlifficlUllt for IEuropeans to
adlopt, especiaRly wlbtell1l JrarrJlk is ll1lot deady dlefill1ledl. Oll1l tlhe oilier harrJldl, it is very dlifficlUlllt for a ]apanese
to IUlll1ldlerstarrJldl wlhy a complete strmger sholUllidl greet someOll1le 10y tOlUlclhlill1lg tlhleir handls.
Adloptill1lg tlhle forrm otlhlers use to greet is a 10asic step forwardl towar:dls improvill1lg reiatioll1lships, but it is
ll1lot ilie orr1lliy oll1le. ITt is, liJ.owever, ftllJlJldlamell1ltail for the dlevelopment of1ootliJ. iIT,ationad andlill1ltemationall
relatioll1lships, arrJldl apparen.tly, 10y ll1lot dloill1lg so rlfR3Jtl.y mislUlll1ldlerstamdings
IElUlrope. lifwe dia SO, the mlUlcjffi ltaJkedl a100lUlt "ml.l.hiclIlhtmal society" cal1 move OIm
worililidlss corrJ.cept to 10eing a vaRuablie terrm that is full of life if we are wiJliirrJ.g to make tihlis ihapperrJ..
1rradiitiorrJ.s, rdigio!Llls irrJ.fl!lllerrJ.ce, momRe, hiefalfchy, structmes mdl the val!Llles, which are apparerrJ.t irrJ. each
CO!LllrrJ.try, Jeadl to the mrutmers oftlbte rrJ.atJioJlJl as a wholle. No oJlJle can dlolUl1ot that iliese factors dlecisively
cOJlJldlitioJlJl behaviom, expectatioJlJls mdl ilie feehJlJlgs ofilie peoplle.
liJlJl ordler to fim! dliffereJlJlces cOJlJlcemiJlJlg p!LllJlJlctuaRity, oJlJle JlJIeedlll1lot traJ.veli arOlimdl the \woddl. Thlere are
marrJly dliffereJlJlces withiJlJl JElUlrope itself. What we CarrJl be certallJlJl of, however, is iliat lllio1oodly, esr:Jec1J,tlv
iltJ. ilie 1olUlsiltJ.ess woddl, hkes ro have to s!Lllffer loltJ.g dlelays. Neverrtheliess, ilie peoplie of cOl.m.tries s!LlldlJ. as
SpailtJ., Greece, ITtaly, IPolarrJldl, AlUlstria, R!Lllssia arrJldl frarrJlce are far more iltJ.diJlJledi to put !Lllp with smaH
dlelays iliarrJl the peoplie of cOIUlJlJltries hke SwitzedarrJldl, lFiltJ.larrJldl, Great BritaiJlJl, HoHarrJldl, Swedlen, H!LllltJ.gary
or GerrmarrJlY.
lit is aRso very importarrJlt to know liJ.ow to adldlress peoplie. liJlJl GerrmarrJly, as im marrJly other IEmopealtJ.
cOlUlntries, wliJ.eltJ. we adldlress someoJlJle we !Lllse Mr. or Mrs. iJlJl froltJ.t ofthat persoltJ.'s SlUlmame, whereas iltJ.
Spain, lFJrarrJlce arrJldl haliy oltJ.e CarrJl si:mj]Jliy adldlress persoJlJl wiili tliJ.e word\s ooMr. 00 o:r "Mrs." WLtliJ.out arrJly
sumame. Some clUlstoms are 1oegmIll.ili1g to dlnsappear, 1o!Lllt stiH, in ITnger WoRfs opn!Di0Jl11, it is very d1L~:RCll~t
to foresee 1he futme of marrJlltJ.ers aItJ.dl , more t!fJ.aJlJl, liJ.e iliiltJ.ks compRete
totali !LllltJ.i1J:y in as far as
clUlstoms arrJldl the ways dlifferelfRt are expressedl as weB as liJ.ow we show prefererrJ.ce aIITtdl d!isliike
CarrJl lfRever take pilace. ]!Llls1]: as eacliJ. persoltJ.'s meltJ.tality SliJ.OIUiRdl 10e ackJlJlowliedlgedl, so sho!Llllidl t1J.e mentahty
of each natnoJlJl. JEmopearrJl cO!Lllll1ltries are aware oftliJ.e dliffereJlJlces iltJ. coltJ.dluct, as tliJ.ey are of ilie
IUlJlJlification they wish to rem.force IUlpOJlJl the lUlltJ.ioltJ. 10y adloptiltJ.g dliffereltJ.t C1.llstoms arrJld malkiIll.g oltJ.e lUlItlite
codle of coltJ.dI!Lllct for alR. Despite the cl!1mges iliat agreat ltJ.!Lllmlber of1tlle ruiles of e1J:iq111ette are goiltJ.g
thlfOlUlgliJ., etiiCJl1.llette is oJlJlliy OltJ.e smailll part JlJIew codle.
(Adlaptedl flfOm 'Differem::es COltJ.cemiltJ.g Modlem COJlJldl!Lllct iltJ. 21lst CeltJ.t!Lllry IEmope', ITltJ.ger Wolf, liV
Congreso liltJ.temacllOltJ.aR dle lPlfOtocofio, 5,16 arrJldl fi 7 Novem1oer 200 li)
A. Reading and vocabulary
l. Decide whether the fo llowing statements are true or false.

l. All the lPeoplle from 1I:!hte EmolPeaJlll UJmtolt1l cOIUllt1ltries colt1lstdler iliat dlifferefl1\ces in colt1ldluc1l: s!htOllddl
dltsappear as Emope ts growilt1lg ilt1l lUllt1lisolt1l.
2. lbe ]alPaJlllese bow lower ili<m. ilie ElUlropeaJllls IUlsedl to.
3. Whelt1l spealkilt1lg aloOll11t t!hte maJllllt1lers of a lt1latiolt1l olt1le s!htolUllldl have tlt1l view its tradlttiolt1ls, rdigio!l1l,
morale, stmctmes aJllldl vallUles.
4. lilt1lger Wolf colt1lsiders 1I:!htat it is difficlldt to ac!htieve a lUllt1lity ofm<m.m~rs.

ll. Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B.



a. spealk, talllk
b. fimdlamelt1ltall
c. dass, place
d. lelt1lgili
e. loelbtaviom
f S1l:00P

111. Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B.

l. worililess
2. plleasalt1l1l:
3. lUllt1lite
4. importaJlllt

a. lUllt1limportalt1lt
10. valuabRe
c. lUllt1ldo
d. 1Ullt1llPleasalt1lt
e. dividle

IV. Fill in the blanks using the words given n Exercises II and 111.

llhe carJPet was booly stalt1led, to slUlch alt1l ... iliat tlbtat yolUl cOlUllldllt1l't ten its origilt1lal coloms.
These facts are ... to <m. lUllt1lderstaJllldilt1lg oftlbte case.
He OWlt1lS olt1le oftlbte mos1l: ... coHectiolt1ls ofpailt1l1l:1lt1lgS.
llhey jlUldge decided1l:0 release tlbte prisolt1ler early loecalUlse of goodl '" .
He ... low lt1lot 11:0 !htit lbtis lbteoo 0lt1l tlbte low beam.
Jll'eoplle lilke lbter a lot, especiaHy loecalUlse of!hter ... smile.

The Article
The 1ndefinite Article (a, an).
We TUlse tlbte ilt1ldlefilt1li1l:e artide w!htel!'l:
a. a lt1l01Ullt1l is firs1l: melt1ltiom:dl ilt1l a story.
e.g. A m<m. ilt1l a llea1l:!hter jaclket was mlt1llt1lilt1lg dowlt1l tlbte street
10. it is lt1l01l: dear from tlbte COlt1l1l:ext wlbticlbt lt1l01Ullt1l we meaJlll.
e.g. WOIUlIdl YOlUllilke 11:0 see a film tolt1lig!htt?
c. ilie lt1l01Ullt1l is ilt1l ilie silt1lglUllar.
e.g. li bOlUlglbt1l: a preselt1lt for Mary's birilidlay.
d. we Walt1l1l: to dlescribe or dassify.
e.g. This is a lovely picwre.
e. ilie lt1l0TUlJl1l expresses a jolo.
e.g. Mary's sister is a dloctor.

f ilie lt1l01Ullt1l is cOIUllt1ltalole.

e.g. There is olt1lly a clbtair for so malt1ly persolt1ls!

The Definite Article.

We 1LJise ilie dlefiJtllnte artide w][um:

a.) ilie Jtl101LJiJtll has aJlreadly lbeeJtll meJtlltnoJtlledl nJtll ilie coJtlltext.

e.g. A maJtll nJtll a lieailier jaclket was ruJtllJtllnJtllg dlowJtll ilie street. The maltll was foliliowedllby two pohcemeJtll.
Ib.) ilie Jtl101LJiJtll ns mlliq[m:.
e.g. The mOOJtll was reflectedl nJtll ilie lialke.
The measllues talkeJtlllby ilie govemmeJtllt madle them rather oopoplldar.
c.) ilie Jtl101LJiJtll is c01LJiJtlltalblie, 1LJiJtllco1LJiJtlltablie, snJtllg1LJiliar or pli1LJiraJl.
e.g. Watch 01LJit! The steps are shppery!

The coffee tastes very good.

The Iboy was crynJtllg lbeca1LJise he c01LJilidlJtll't fiJtlldl his favo1LJirite toy.

The men were cheering.

dL) we refer to certaiJtll, specific Jtl101LJiJtll.
e.g. 'lille wiH Jtllever forget ilie dliJtllJtller wlilleJtlllille proposea to liller.
e.) we refer to a m1LJisncaJl iJtllstrumeJtllt, mealtlls oftraltllsport, altlldl wntlill ilie JtllOIlllJtllS
cnJtllema, tl'lleatre aJtJ.dl radlno.
e.g. 'lille CaltllJtllot pliay ilie g1LJintar, lb1LJit slille pliays tlille pnaJtJ.o q[uite weliL
f.) ilie JtllOl.ID ns precedledllby a preposntnoJtll.
e.g. Tlille dllHdlreJtll were pliayiJtllg iJtll ilie parlk:.
There are some Jtl101LJiJtllS iliat CaJtll Ibe 1LJisedl Iboili wntlill altlldl wnilio1LJit tlille dlefiJtllite artnde dlepemhJtllg OiDl tlille
coJtlltext. These Jtl101LJiJtllS are:
School, church, university, class, college, prison, jail, hospital, market, town, home, work, bed, sea.
Without the
WheJtll we mealtll a specific lb1LJinlidlnJtllg or ilinJtllg.
school: He goes to scihooli OJtll foot.

church: HelieJtll goes to sclillooli every


university/college: HelieJtll is 22 altlldl slille

stll1ldlnes at Il1lJtllnversity.

dass: We dlo a ilot ofworJk: nJtll dass.

prison/jail: He wtmt to prison for mmdler.
hospital: ];-JIe RS nJtlllillospntaJllbecall1lse he ihlas
IbrolkeJtll lillus altlllklie.
market: The womaltll toolk liller cow to
town: tlilley weJtllt to tOWJtll to see a dloctor.
home: He was at lillome wlilleJtllli caliliecl.
work: He ns at worlk from 9 to :;.

bed: 'lille weJtllt to bedl earliy.

sea: They've beeJtll at sea for fOll1lr moJtllilis.

With the
WlilleJtll we tallk abollllt tlille JtllormaJl pmpose of
tlille bll1lnlidlnJtllg or iliuJtllg.
school: li weJtllt to tlille sclillooli for a meetnJtllg.
church: Tlilley toolk pictmes ofilie clillmclill.
university/college: The Il1lJtllnversnty very oM.
class: The dass was reooy for nJtllspectnoJtll.
y .u~", J ., bte weL1t to the pnsoll to:
ber hll1lsoaltlld.
, Hns frieJtlldls weJtllt to the lillospitaR to
see him.

market: The tOll1lrists visitedl tlille marlket.

town: The tOWJtll at lillalif altlllillom' s cl:nive.

Worlk: h was ilie worlk of a great artist.

bed: He was snttiJtllg OJtll tlille iOed.

sea: They bought a cabnJtll by the sea.

l. Fill the blanks with the definite, indefinite or zero artide.
li. My JtlleiglillbolJlr us
lillair styliist: liei's aslk him for ... abolUlt yOlUlr hair.
2. We lilladl .. SOlUlp,
fislill aJtJ.dl
clillips fodll1lJtllclill.
3. Y olUlr traveli ageJtllt gave IUlS aTIn
nlOlformatnoJtll yolUl Jtlleedl aboll1lt ... lillotelis iJtll OlillJr resort.
4. Mary was very tnredl, so slille weJtllt to ... bedl q[lUlite eady.


:5. ... ]perSOltll who sllllffers from .,. dallllstro]phobia has .. dreadl of beillJlg cOllJlfimedi ~Jll ... smaRR s]palces.
:5. How wOIlllM yOIlll Rioce to ]pay, by ... checoc or ... cash?
6. Do yOIlll talke .. sllllgar armdl ... miRoc illJl yOllllr coffee?

7. li' dlRove to go ... nmiversity ta hsten ta ... liecmre givellJl by ... ]professor Smidll, i:lllllt li have ...

meetillJlg tOllJlight

8. We went to ... hospitaR to visit Michaeli who was o]perntedl yesterdiay.

9. He got ... goodljoi:l. He toM me they ]promised h~m ... frmndlred .. , week..

RO. On ... SllIlndays li Rove to stay illJl '" bedi, drillJlk ... Cllllp of ... coffee armd read ... SmlldlaY]pajpers.

TIt lldlellJltify amJj correct the mista.l\es ~llJl the sellJltences bdow.
1. Helen is vegetarian,
doesn 't eat a meat.
2. She went ta the supermarket to buy a sugar, an loafofbread and same ca.fJee.
3. 1 have some money lefi: let 's have the dinner in a restaurant
4. Mike warmts to become doctor.

111. Fill the blank spaces with the necessary article.

a). After (li) ... awfuhccident he had (2) ... Rast month, he s]pell1lt (J) ... m(mth ~1l1l (4) ...
hadl {:5} .,. room wh~ch had {6} ... vRsitor's bedl illJl it, 50 his wife was able to spellJldi
time with him at (9) ... hospitall.


of {8} ....

b.) We don't go to O) .,. cinema as oftell1l as we m;ed to, becallllse (2) ... most of {3} ... fiJms that are
made t.1fnese days are 50 poorthatthey are llJlot worth (4) ... price of {:5} ... ticket, llJlever millJld {6} ...
tro1lllblle of getting there.


What are ilie dbtaraeteristics of ilie ihliglbtesHankiJDlg plUlbhc reliatioJDls professioJDlaliism iJDl tlbte comilllig
millleooilUlm? JPlIUlblie rellatiolllis began by dlmwilllig its tallelllits from otlbter emfts andl professioJDl, mailllily
jmllmallism blUlt aRso from adlvertisilllig, law, alle alllidl pohtics. JPR wiTIll aRso contilt1l1lle to attmet recrrunm
from oilier fielldl~ andl wiH ioe richer for it h "Vvilil be easier for yolUl to leaurlru how to become a
pmctntnolffier lbtavllllig smdliedl, for example, meclicilffie, tlbtan it wilill be for yOIll to
a doctor
majornlllig ilffi ptilbIic reliatnolllis at coHege. KfyolUl dlecidle to stlUldly for a baclhelor's dlegree i:r2 LJlUlblic relatiolffis,
or a dosely relatedl fielldl SIUlClbt as jOlUlmahsm or commtllJJ1lncatJiolt1ls yolUlf secolllidl dlegree or cOlUlfse of smdly
slbtolllllidl be an ahemative fielldl tlbtat wiTIll eMamce yolUlf career potelt1ltial ~ for examplle, nlt1ltematnomd affaJirs,
btllsnlt1less adlmimstmll:iolt1l, pohtJical scJielt1lee or !lamglUlages of ilie COtllntries ilt1l wlbticlbt yOllll are ilITlileresiledl.
tIlclbt smdly wiTIll give an edlge ilo yOllllr career. There are many exceHelllit short COllllrses illli commllllllliicatiom;
teclbtlITliq[lllle andl ilieory wlbticlbt, aliolt1lg witlh workplace lieamilllig, will blUlilidl Ollli your stlllldlnes to eqpu.Ep yolUl te
be am excelllelt1lt practitiolllier.
The persolt1l who aspires to reaclbt tlbte pirrJmaJde ilITl ilt1ltematnolITlal public rellailiolITls wiH needl to be
mlUllliliiJaliellliiledl, witlbt widle experielt1lce, edllUlcatiolITlaHy q[uahfiedl, a skiHedl comrrll!.lllllliicator, a tlbtoughtful andl
callciUllatnng stmtegist, rechlt1lologicaHy proficielllit, mlUlltihllligllllal, avidlliy illliterestedl ilITl clUlfrellliil af1fairs,
klt1lowledlgeable abollllt politicall af1faJirs illli many COIUllt1lilries, respectfuI of a varieiey of ciUlstoms andl
etiq[llllette, andl experielt1lced ilt1l wOlfknlt1lg ilITl a lllillllmber of cOlUllITLtries witlbt a speH ilt1l gelt1leml managemelt1lt
To be reclbtllliologicaHy proficielllit means ilo be compllllter liitemte, to lbtave sllJljofkielt1lt commandl of
tedhlJ''1loliogicail dlevellopmelllits and permanelllitly k.eep IUlp wiili tlbte latest devellopmelllits ilITl ilii fiddl.
JProficiem::y illli foreiglt1l lang\UlaJgcs is an adlvarmtaJge, but, at the same time, nt i lt1lot elt1lolUlgll. Y 01[1 have to be
ablle to master a lang\Ulage andl alliso Imow wlbtat to say. MClt1l yOlI participate nllli LmpOrtaliLt busLlllies
llliegotiatiolt1ls the best tlbtnlt1lg is to have an ilt1lterpreter ifYOD are not very flllelt1lt nllli that lianglUlaJge.
It i eselt1ltiali tlbtail: YO\UI keep IUlp wiili ClUlrrelt1lil: affairs tlbtro\Ulglbt reguRar readlnlllig andl viewiJ:1lg a sdecil:iOIJ1l of
Alolllig witlbt keepnll1lg abreaSC wiili C\Ulrrelt1lil: affairs, it is importalt1lt tlbtail: yOllll famiharize yomself witltt ilie
pohil:icaR sil:fl.Ilcmres nllli aH lkey regioll1ls. Ahhollglbt roRilt1lg partnes andl ilieir Reader may come mai go:, il:lbte
colt1lsil:imil:nolt1ls ana jpoRiil:icall clbtaracteriSCics of many cOlllt1lil:ries dlo lt1lot clbtange.
Respect for tlbte c\Ulsil:oms andl etiq[m~tte of eaclbt distillliCil: society, CO\Ulllliil:ry, lt1lail:iolt1l or rdigiolt1l [S esselt1ltiaJ.
Noii: olt1lRy slllo\Ullidl ilie Cllsil:oms be lieamed, lcmt il:hey shoulld aRso be practieed!.
(Adlapred fmm "JH[ow to Manage Yom Globall ReplUliJatiollli. A g\Ulidle to ilie Dylt1lamncs of lllITltematiiolt1lal
Rellail:nOllliS", revised andl llllpd!ated paperback edliil:llollli , Miclbtael Moday, New York Ullliiversnty Press,

A. Reading and vacabulary

1. Decide whether the fal/awing statements are true or false.
li. YOIUl can become a goodl JPJR praetitiolt1ler olllily if YO\UI have a dlegree in commlUllt1licail:iollli.
2. Beilt1lg techlt1loRogicaHy proficiellliil: meaJt1ls, amolllig oil:lbter iliilt1lgs, beilllig compllrer liiterate.
3. Always have alt1l illli1erpreil:er witl'1l yolUl ifyolUl partLcipate ilt1l importa:nt b1Ulsim:ss negotiatioil1.
4. Kfyoll walt1lil: il:o De a very goodl speciallisil: YOll lJ1leedl experieTIlce aJong with lbtard work illli many
Il. Match the wards form column A with their synanyms Irom
li. dlegree
a. colt1ltempomry, preselt1lt
2. slkiHed
b. ilt1lcrease
3. elt1llbtance
c. il:oJP



4. hteratlte
5. currell1lt
6. pill1lll1laclie

dl. experiell1lcedl, tmill1ledl

e. ill1lfonnedl, edlucatedl
f. academic titlie

ldiomatic expressions:
give somebody the (rough) edge ofone's tongue: speaik to somelbodly armgrily, rudlely, critically
give an edge to something: give a lboost ro
keep abreast


Not long ago autism was assumedl to lbe compamtivdy rare, affectllll1lg as few as one in liO,OOO
peoplle. The llatest studlies, 1I10wever, suggest that as marmy as Oll1le ill1l 150 Ikidls age RO arrJldl yOI.U'lger may
be mectedl Iby autism or relatedl dlisordJers. The pmbllem ES five times as common as tlie ][JJown
syndlmme <mdJ titree times as commOll1! as juveJllliIe dlialbdes.
No won:cler parents are besiegiIrlg the
of psydRologists andl pS;fctlLaieJnsts
for remedlies. No wo;ndJer scJlliool systems are adtdil11lg special aides tO illtdp
rRO wonder
pubhc armdl private researcTh iIrlstimtions have llauncll1edl coHaborative initiatives aimedl ai dleciphe[]ing the
compRex biology t1:'1at pmdiuces such a dazzlling rarmge of dlisability.
TIrrJ. tlb.eir mgeltllt qjuest for aruswers, pareltllts are provolkiI1g what pwmises to
a sclleltlltific
revollutioltll. TIfR respofRse to ilie coltllcems iliey are raising, moltlley is filtllaHy flowiltllg ifRto autism research, a
fnelldl iliat five years ago appearedl to be S\t1.llclk iltll ilie stagfRaJ:1lt bacikwaters of neumsciem;;e.
Autism was first dlescribed iltll li 943 by lfohn Hoplkiltlls, psychiatrist leo Karmltller, arrJld again in 1944
Austriarm pedlnatrici<ih"1l Harus ASIPerger. Karmner aIPpllned the tenn to clb.ildlreltll wlh.o were socnally wllth:cka'v"Ir:
<Ik'1ld preoccupied wiili mutnne, wll10 struggled1 to aCq[uire spolken JarrJlguage yet ofteltll
inteHectlUlall gifts iliat ruRed OlUlt ilie diagltllosns of meltlltal retardatiml. Asperger appliied
tremR 10
cll1ildreltll who were sociaHy mallOOlroit, devdojped bizaLlITe obsessnoltlls arud yet were lI1iglrRly verlbal ,md
seemiltllgRy q[lIJlite brigll1t. ClillJles il:hat alUltism migll1t be rdated to genes aIPjpeared !Doili in KaurJlner's aJ:1ld
ASjperger's worlk. 1Researcll1eJl's now lbeRieve iliat bom KaJ:1lner aJ:1ld Asperger describedl icwo faces of a
very comjpIicatedl aJt1ldl variable disordler, one t.~at has its somce in al kaJleidloscope oftmits encodledl iltll the
I'mmarn genome. The scierrJ.tnsil:s lI1alve come to tlhle cOJmc1lllJlsnon iliat ZI JmlUlmber of lJlp 10 20 genes may be
invoIved nltll allJlil:lsm, as it was poiltllted out in Molecular JPsychiatrry.
Kt is ltllot merdy possible, \tmtr hlkely that sCIeltlltis[s wi1i diiscover
muil:es - sorne rare,
fmm no\v
some common; some puudy genetic, some not - trll1at kad to similar elt1ld poifltrs. A
mere wiH al!most certailtllly Ibe more effective forms oft.~erapelL1itic intervention, even J.lIltism dmgs.
(Adaptedfrom TIME magazine, July 15,2002)
Read the questions below andjind the correct answer.
li. TIt ns asslUlmedt tll1at all.iltism affects Yoll.ilng cll1ildrefR dlUle ro:
A. tll1e way iliey were treated iby thenr famihes.
B. ilie fact that iliey deveRojp bizarre obsessioltlls.
C. its geltlletic rool1:s.
2. All.iltnsm was first identifned by:
A. ASIPerger.
B. Karmner.
C. MoReclUlRar JPsychiatry.
3. TIt is lbdieved mat scieltlltis1l:s cOIl.ilRd find a cme of all.iltllsm in il:he ltllext decades because
A. ofilie stllldy ofJrmm3l1tll geltlles.
B. of ltllOltll geltlletic stll.ildiies.


Reoo ilins text aibolUlt tlhe lPR campangJlJl:
JPltalt1llt1lnlITtg ilie !Campang:ru
The first task ilt1l plalt1llt1lilt1lg is to darify tlhe olbjectives alt1ldl goalis ohlhe PR program. ITf YOlUllhave a
dear statemeil1lt of oibjednves ail1ldl goalis, yOIUl wilili Ibe ablie to evalilUlate ilie slUlccess of yolUlf campangil1l
ibecalUlse cail1l measlUlre Ihow dose yolUl came to aclhnevnil1lg iliem or by Ihow muclh yolUl smpassed1 wlhat
yolUl expectedl.
A dear dldilt1leatnoll1l of plUllbliics ns sometlhill1lg yolUl slholUllidlibe sme of ibefore pliarmll1g yOlUl:' strategy.
[t 'wi1l give a key to tlhle tactncs Y01Ul Calt1l emplioy to make YOiUlr strategy slUlcceedl. lPart ofyoiUl1f strntegy
is dlecndliiiilg ilie most dfective way to reaclh eaclh p1Uliblinc. Wlhat dloes eaclhl piUliblinc Rleedl to klt1low? How is
ilie ibest way to say nt? Wlhat wOiUllidl ibe ilie mosie Rikeliy way to get iliat p1Ulibliic' s attell1lttoRl? Thns ns wlhere
creativI~)' makes tlhe dlnfferell1lce - tlhe creatnve 1Ulse or wordls or symholis, alt1l orignllJial approaclh to tlhle
IClhoosnRlg ilie Theme alt1ldl Medlia
Decidlmg ORl ilie tlheme may come aibo1Ult iRl a Rl1Ulmber of ways - from sevemli perSOH
braill1lstormiRlg togetlher, from OR1e persoR1' s idlea, from tlhe ooaptatioR1 of someOR1e ekse' s slJccessfuI idlea.
Wlheil1lever a te3lffi memher asks: "Col.lJdl IT teH Y01Ul abolLllt my idlea?" elt1lcomage lhlim or
to taIk.
!CritIcism kins creativity. tnmuliate peoplle ta slhare idleas - lt1l0 matter bow wikl - by elt1lCoT:uagemeJt1l1t altJldl
eRltlimsiasm. A gooa ilieme
save a poody execlUltea campaigJtR, atTH] a iba:dl Ld.ea \von't be
welili~oilledl campaig:J1l. Remember yOlUl cam aliso ;pretes1. !Pretesting
as omnfPIllet~~d!
YOlLlf clhoice of medlia dlepeRldls 0lt1l tlhe plLlbhcs yOlUl Walt1lt to reaclh, amolt1lg otlher iliilt1lgG. \!Vlhat is al
1Ulil1liq[1Ule way to reaclh a speciali plUlhhc? Wlhat medlia Ihave lt1lot beelt1l 1Ulsedl before blUlt COl.1!Ldl be? omeolt1le,
after aH, was ilie first to 1Ulse b1Ulmper stidkers alt1ldl skywritiRlg.
The creative lUlse of tlhe medlia is aliso nmpOrta!l1lt. !Cereali comp3IJ'1ies tlhat begalt1l adlvertnsiRlg
comics miglht lrrave beelTIl lia1Ulglhedl at by tlhose oovertismg ilt1l womeRl' s pages,
tlhe wmic~:Page
oovertisers limew wlho tJneir reali CORlSlLllmerS were alt1ldl Ihow to readl tlhem. The lPLct perSOIrJ has to
carefllR abouE ilie compllemelt1ltary llllSe of oovertnsirtig alt1ldl plillblidty. Adlvertnsirrrg is a dlefiRlite, "vRR'""",um",,-,
eveRlt tlrrat appears aRolt1lg wiili whatever plait1llt1lecl activitnes it ns dlesnglTIledl to promote. lP1UlbRicity L5 an
nmjjefilTIlite eveRlt tlhat camot be g1Ulara.1lJlteedl to appear blUlt wm llnkeliy Ihappellli iftlhe plarmedl 3:.ctivities are
newsmakiRlg eRlo1Ulglh.
ORlly people witlh extra tnme to spelt1ldl are exposedl to mass medlia. The more active peopile are,
tible keSS time iliey speml! wntlh mass medlia. To reaclh tlhe ilt1lvoRvedl, yOlUl :rueedl to Iillse specialiized.
plLlbhcatno:l1s ibecause iliat ns wl1ere peoplie actively seekilt1lg iRlformatnoRl ORl a sT1ibject go. However, nf
yOlUl are aimiRlg at a low iRlvolvemelt1lt, and perhaps just want exposme to aTt1l issue, tlhe:n a IInaSS Jl.1J~dllUm
is appropriate, especialliy ORle hke lte!evnsioEt, whLclh jS~rces 2llUldlnelt1lces ta :pmces
Remember, tlhOlLgh, tlhat tlhe pllblic you most Walt1lt to
miglht 1l1l0t be tlbere, 3:nd
effort Of expel1se
may be wastedl.
ettilt1lg Goals am:dl 'Inmetables
Goal achievemeRlt estimates, hke timetables, lt1leedl be lt1l0 more elaborate tlhalt1l a markedl calemj]ar,
ltmt nt is imperatLve tlhat tlhe dleadlRnRles be realiistllc. Ask yomself: "'1Nhat can be achievedl witlhnn the
periodls d!esigRlea for my goals?" Try to filt1lislh work alheoo of sdledl1Ul1e ratlher tlhait1l Iha:ve to expLanJtlL
yOlJ are belhilt1ldl. Kt ns Rlecesary to retaiRl elt1l01Ulgll1 eliastncity Llt1l tlhe scbedllUlle so yOILl CaJl1l take advJ1Iltage of
opportlUlnntnes alt1ldl make cll1alt1lges.


COJnltiJnlgeJnlcy JPla1l1miJnlg
UJnlhappy possiloiTIities aliways lblave to be lkept in tihle lb31clk of yOlUlf mimJl. A JPR <dliliectm wiH get he~p in
cOJnltiJl1lgeJnlcy pliallmiJnlg fmm ihlis Oii lbler staff. The st3lff wiH Jl1lot onliy m<JJlke creative sllggestLoJnls a'ill<dl carne
up wiili goo<dl alternative lPmposaJ\s, but iliey wiB SlUlppOrt tihte project.
finalliy, remember iliat tJbe <dlirector slhtolUllidl evallUlate aCClJlfateliy md ihto1l1lestliy wlhtat eacihl indtivi<dll1al C21.l1
best cOJnltrilbute to tihle lPmject, O1l1lce it is accelP1ted by mmageme1l1lt ;JlJl1l<dl implemeJl1ltatioll1l of ilie campaign
{Adaptedl fmm Newom, ]IJ;cmg, Scoitt, AlialJnl, Turlk, ValJnlsliilke JlUl(Jly, 'TJhJis is PR')
A. Reading and vocabulary
1. Look at the text amifind the words which mean the same as:

to succeed in doilDlg sometlbli1l1lg afier tryiJl1lg lblaurdl, 1t0 accomptisll1t (paragmph li)

~ to Ibe better ili2lJ], 1t0 do someiliing better llia1l1l somebodty elise (pal1la. li)

~ a detaJilied descrip1tioll1l (para. 2)

~ to lblave ilie iJl1l1teJl1lded resul1t, 1l1lo1t faili (lPara. 2)

~ tlha1t works very weB (lPara. 3)

~ liook for, 11)1 to get, searclht for (para. 6)

~ correctliy (para. 8)

lI. Decide wha?thi:r

follmvin'll' sentences are trUf? (7l') or false

li. IT1l1l orderto be effective, you 1lleedl to be aware ofyoUJf pTJJbTIic.

2. it is better llllot to coJnlsider llmreaS01l1labTIe suggestioJnls wJhteJnl design1l1lg a cau:npaigDi.
3. The cereaU! compalITtes oovertisiJnlg iJnl comics were successfuli lbecaTLlise tJhey ide1l1ltified ilieir pubnk


4. Accor<dliJl1lg 10 tlble tex1me maiJl1l differe1l1lce beltwee1l1l oover1tisi1l1lg <l!J!Jld plJIbliid1ty is tlhat adJver1tisi11lg i5

hig1hlly controTIled.

5. ITfyolJl targe! hli!si1l1lessme1l1l witlbl ari interes! in ymJJII" fieM, yOJl

'te1evisn01l1l ta pn)miG:e

y OilJlf prod1.ll cts.

6. The text slJlggests

fOnliOWll1l1lg aL1tJ! exact sdhedule ns
best way to avoid

m. Related Word Groups

YOIUI arrive !mame, but you arrive al the stoJion OII" in a city andt yolUl arrive at a CO;";CLUS10n/3J1:
YO'lJJ reach a silJJmmit (it involives effor1t) ood yOIJ' reach a decisnon/sett!!ement
You get to tJhte maJH
Y 01111 achieve an auim
Y01111 succeed in doing some1tlhi1l1lg
Y01J.ll manage 10 do somethi1l1lg


Now put the following words in their correct place in the sentences below. rou may need some

more than once. Some changes in form may be necessary:

I Arrnve




Examplie: He fil11laHy achieved lblis aum -lbte broke tlbte Oliympic record.
li. The day of tlbte race fill11laliliy
,.al11ld slbte c01lddpmve slbte WalS imj]eed a clhampi011l.
2. How do IT tlbte stadiUJlm fmm here?
3. After liol11lg talliks tb.ey fil11laHy .,
al11l atgreemeTIlt Oiril the fu1me rilevdopmelt1t ofthe projec1t.
4. They wiH
jl11l Ai:hel11ls after a two~hOUJlr fliglbtt.
5. They
to deali wiili ilieir proMems al11ld are readly to work as a tea.m.
6. Has she
il11l fil11lishil11lg ilie boolk 0l11l time?
IV Use the word given in capitals at the end ofthe line to form a word which fits in the space on the
same line:

Examplle: IPUJlbliic reliatioIrlls il11lvolves programmil11lg, communication al11ld

feedback from ilie pUJlbhcs affectedi.


IPUJlMic reRatiol11ls is essel11ltiali il11l today' s complex woddi. lits practitiol11lers operate Ol11l
Two diis1il11lct llevelis: as adivisers to their clliel11lts al11ldi as techl11licial11ls perroIrmil11lg
A O)
Todlay's gel11leratiol11l ihtas al11l UJll11ldierstah"ldiil11lg ofllmmal11l (2)
far greaterthoo BJEJbIAVJE
, llack of comprehensiol11l al11d'
ever loefore. Yet, irol11licallJy, (3)
2lTItagoirilism ab01lmd il11l the wor!d\. OUlif too1s frur SUJlfpass OUJlr (4)
to use
to co:mml.mlcate
them. Time after time, a crisis Oif cmmflict is caUlsed by (5)
i(Wikox, Derrmis, AlLilllt, IPhihp, Agee, Warrel11l , 'IPiLilblic Reliatio111s Strategy al11ld Tactics')
V Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, Cor D bestfits each space:

[111 a mlLildbt ~iCJliLilotedi artide tlbtat h<llS (li)

ilie test of time, Hymal11l al11ldi heatslleycodifiedi dlle
reasol11s (2)
mal11lY i111foIrmatiol11l campaig111s faill:
IT. 11hw: are llarge grolLiljpls iTI! the poplLilllatiol11l who admit that they lhmve (3)
or l11l0 interest
(4) ........ p11lbhc llSS1Jles.

n. IPeoplle tell1ld ta expose IDemselives to materiali tlbtat is compatii:llle (5)

, tlbteir ]pITor attitliJldies.
(ClLiltllip, Scott, Cel11lter, AHel11l, Broom, Glle111ll1l, 'JEffective IPiLilbhc Reliatioll1ls')
R. A fOliJlgJf1lt
2. A whiclbt
3. A asmaH

4. A ill1lto
5. A. wiili

B. stoodi
B. of
B. of
B. for

C. sat
C. smaB
C. Oll1l
C. irm

D. resistedi
ICJ. for

D. a liittEe

IJ). betweerlc

B. Grammar

Loolk at the follllowill1lg sel11ltew:es talken from the text on tlbte IPR campaign:

'lDJecidiill1lg 0ll1l the tlbteme may carne abolUlt in a lt11Jlffiber of ways'.

'A dear diehll1leatioiril of pll.1tlbTIics is somethil11lg YOIiJl should ne slLilJl'e ofbefore jpllall1ll11ling yolLilJl' s!mtegy' .

'Goali achievemermt estimates, llilke timetablles, need be 1110 more elaborate tltJlal11l a marlkedi caliell1ldiar'.



Readl iliis text givill1lg same gell1lf;~Jrali slUlggestioll1ls for YOIUlIi job seardh:
Cover Letter ips

How yOUJ write yOlUlf cover ktter is as impor1tall1lil: as ilie message it delivers. Vom ktter is aum exaumplc of

ihow wdli yOll commlUlll1icate, amd effective commllmication is a lkey e]!emen1t to findill1lg a job, becausc


employers cOll1lsi:dier ilie way in whiclh yODl express YOllllrsdf as ont way to
albJiliity to be sllllccessfuR in tihe job. O)
ITfl1ecessary, make a piblolDie

ilie Wbral1ry or IUlse tihle ITlIIltemet to fill1ld out ilie aumdl tide of ilie person who does ilie lmir];l1lg. ARways

rememlber to sJigllli your letter. lifyou forget tihRS, tihe employer may fed Rilke you've sent a fOIIm lietter.

How to lP'repare for a ]ob TIlI1lterview

YOllll may 1l1l0t fill1ld tihlis veJty easy, but you must get as mlUlcJht lkey infoJDmatioll1 as you C:aJl1\

abou~ the

compallJly, its pmdlllllcts 2J11ld Jits customers. (2)

There mig~lt be otlher SOUJlfces of

Jll1fonnation on tlnle Web, especiaHy if tJbe compmlY lis pllll!bliciy trMedL 'vVe C2l1l1l guaral1tee tlhm YOiJI w:H

malke a good impressioIrl at yOllJlJf Rl!1lterrview by dORng a liitt~e Iffiomework beforelhamol.

Fob ITmterview Types

There are dnffereJl1lt types of job nll1ltervnews illJl wlhida Y0lL! may participalte dllmil!1lg tll1e hirill1lg process:

A screel!1lnll1lg Jll1tervnew is me2l1l1lt to weedl out ul!1lcqualified caumdJidlates. !nterrviewers wm work from an

olUldiJl1e of poill1l!s they Walnt to cove:r, and

look for incoll1sisteIrlcies in yOIlllf reSlcune

YOll1lr iO\l1alificatim1s. You are upposed ~o pmviclc 3L1i1SWerrs to lcheLr iC]ll1llestIIOI'lS.

TJlliat ill1lforrnation couldl w01flk agains1t you.

Teliepholl1le ill1terview are mereRy sCreell1lilmg il!1lterview me,mt to eliminate poorly qualiifieri carw1icdlates

so tll1at oll1lly al few are lefi for personali ill1terviews. VOIlil mJglht be calJed suddlell1lly, Of perlbaps al

telepihloll1le ca[[ to cJhlcck Oil1l your resume migihlt rom mto <ro interview. Your missnoll1l TIS to Ibe iiilvitedl for a

personal falce~to~face nnterview.

Stres ill1terrviews are a dleWberate attempt to see how YOIli lnl:aJl1\dllle Y01.usdr The interrviewer may be

sMcastic or argJUlmell1ltative, or may Ikeep yOIlJl waiting. ][]io 1lot say, "This caum't be iblappeJilJil1lg te lue"

lRather teU yourself: "This mTU!st be :aJl1\ attempt to l:mnerve me!"

, ... .. . ... ... ....
:aJl1\weJ qUiestiollJl as it comes, aslk for darifncatnon if yOIlJl :rueed it aJt1Id :ruever rusb hlDltO an answer.

hn a OJl1t(~~OlI1l~one TIJIJlterview, it bas beell1l establislnled that YOiJL nave tltJle sikms 2l1l1ld educatioll1l!1lecesary far

the pOSTItioli1, aumd the TInterrvTIewer WOTU!ld Elke to see if yOIlll wm fit TIn with the compamy, :aJl1\d Ibtow Yo1Jl!r

slkiRRs winl complemell1lt ilie rest of ilie departmellJlt

Committee ifilterrvTIeWs are 11 commOll1 practice. You wm face severai memoers of ilie comp3lJ'1',y wihlo

lmave a say ill1 wIbetlber yolUl are Jmiredl. You may Ibe aslked to demoll1lstrate yOlUlr probleml~so]vJill1lg slkia.

The comm!ttee wilili ollllthne a siruatTIon :aJl1\d ask you to fomrmlate a

witlb ttH; pro\oleml. Y 0111

dlon't ihlave to carne 1lIl]P' witl!1 tihte Il1llitimate soliTU!tioilll. (5)


A group interrview is uSlUlallly designed 10 uncover tne lieadersltJlip potel!1ltial of prospectRve mamlagers

employees wlhlo wiU :De deallillJlg with tne Jmbliic. A sll.,bject is introduced al.ll1d tlhle interrviewer wilil start

offtllle disclLltssioll1. The goal ofthe gm\Ulp interview is to see how you TIl!1lteract witltJl ;(JItlillers ilk"lid Jmow you

Illlse your lkl!1lowliedge andl reasoli1i:rug powers ta will1l otners over.

MID::ing a Oood KmpressTIo:ru

Before the !nterview

It is important ta be posJtive and iliTIJilK of ilie TIJi1ItervTIew as 11 conversation, not an ill1terrogatnem.


JI}Juring du: linterview

You s1hloulidl slblow se[f'~conlfidlence arrJld arrJlswer t1hle interviewer' s <Cj[uestions in a dear voiee. You must
avoidl negaltive 'Ioodly Ra.llJLguage, suc1hl as fre<Cj[uendy touc1hling your face, folidlilOlg or crossnlOlg yom arms,
avoiding eye contact
After lt1hle linlterview
Don't iliink iliat you miglblt 1hlave given 'Ioetter arrJlswers or iliat some of your remarks mig1hlt lblave seemed
YOUJl may 1hlave appeared ulOllfit for tlble posrrtiolOl, but
a liittRe Itoo extreme. (6)
rememlber t1hlat ycm shoulidl allways turn a weaklOless into a streIagtl1. 'fmee eadht ilOllterview as a cJaa:mce 10
practice mterview skiliRs aR1ldlReMltJl how to come across cOIaifidently.
(Adaplted! from tlble liIaternet, ~ "Career Tips for CarrJldidates"}
A. Reading and vocabulary
1. Six sentences have been removed /rom the text. Choose /rom
each gap (1-6):

sentences A-l' the one


A. DOll1l'1t itake ilt persoll1lallly.

B. Kf possilblie, talk to peoplie wlhto work alt tlhte compaIay.
C. Com:eIaltrate OIa ilie folilowill1lg ill1llterview, Iaolt OIa yO'Ulr mnsitakes.
D. Never vol'UlIateer arrJly addiltiomllll ill1lfomrualtioR
E. The ill1llterviewers are 100kill1lg for how yO'Ul apply yO'Ulr kltJlowlledge all1ld skililis Ito a reall~hfe sitlJlatioll1l.
F. Wlaell1lever possnblie, adldlress yO'Ulr cover lletter to ilie indlivid'Ulal wlhto is respoll1lsiblle for lfitliing tl1e

lI. Match the questions Yoli. may be asked during an interview with
them. There is an example at the beginning (O):

advice an

to best answer

CommoltJl liltJlwrvnew QllIlestioltJls

By rehearsiltJlg ill1lterview q]llIlestioltJls, you'llll become more familiar witlht yOllllr OWltJl quaifrlcatio1l1ls arrJld
be better prepared! to d!emoltJlstrare how you caltJl beltJldH an emplloyerr. ome eGllLu:p!es:

'Wlaalt is yOllllr majm wemeflless?'

'Do you prefer to work Iby yOlUlrself or wilth oiliers?'
'WJhty didl you lieave youdastjolb?'
'Wlaat CaR1l yOIlll ten me albout YOlUlrseU?'
'Wlay dlo yOlll WarrJlt to work lhtere?'
5. 'Wlaat are yO'Ulr Ibeslt skillRs?'
6. '~:Nlhtat are yom futme pliarrJls?'


A. Make a slh1ort, orgarrJlized


ofyolUlr edllllcatiofll, professio1l1lal aclblievemefllts 3lililU profesitoll1lal

B. Kt is impOf1l:aiJJ'1lt to arrJlswer iliis <Cj[m~sltiofll clleady arrJldl witlbl eflltlh11l.1lSRasm. Slh10w Ithe ifllterrviewer yCUIr
il11lterest iltJl the comparrJly.

c. Ee honest Tihle nmtervnewer wilTI lln\\eely checlk yOllJlf refere!l1ces.

D. Lllst them, iliell1l give examples wlhere YOiUl have dlemeJll1lstrated! tI1ese skiBs.
E. The ndeaJl answer is OJDle offlexibility. However, 'Oe hOJDlest. Give eX3l1ll1ples describnll1lg how YOiUl have

w<Oflked iJDl 'Ootlh snmatioJDls.

F. Let the iJDltervnewer lkJDloW iliat YOiUl are am'OitiollJJs eJt10iUlglh to plaru alheadl. Ee as specific as possi'Ole

aboiUlt how yOlUl wm meet the goals YOiUl have set for yOllJlfself.

G. De positive; tiUlm a wealkJDless iJt1to a streJDlgili.

IIl. Look at the following sentences and

the best syrwnym fOi the word 'responsible ':

giUlilty im charge of seJDlsi'01e

1. Those responsible for tlhe accidleJDlt wiH 'Oe pmseciUlted.

2. lhe was a responsible, mamre maruager.
3. He was responsible for the pmject implementatioJDl.
IV. AJDl argiUlmeJDltative perSOJDl is someoJt1e who oftecl argues.
e.g. Eecause she is argllllmentative she Ihas a lot of em:m1es.

Now look at the following sentences and/ind synonyms for the verb 'argue ':
1. They lUlsed! to arglllle a lot so !l10 OJDle was smprised wheJDl tlhey 'Omke iUlp.
2. WheJt1 the boss bmiUlglht Illlp the idea iliat ilie pmject ShOiUlld! 'Oe abrumdo!l1ed becalUlse of bigh cos1s, slbe

arglUled tlbat cos1:s cOiUlld De ClUlt arud she worm hil0f1 over.

V. Related Word
Loolk at ilie defrtJt1ntnoJDls of seve rai verbs describi!l1g ways of speakilt1lg:
To scream, to shout have similar mearuiJDlgs. OtJner SyJDlonyms are: shriek, yell

to scream = to give a 10UJld cry ibecaiUlse YOiUl are frightenedl/lbmrt

to siblolLl.t = to say someilii:ng in a 10lUld voice, arugrily Of wlhen yOlUl warut ~o get somebody's atteJDltion

to wiblnspet = to spealk a low, qjruiet voice so as not to 'Oe ibleaJrdl by otlher people

dlifficuEty, repeatiJt1g sOIImdls arud wordls

to stammer = to spealk
to tell = to give i11lfonnatiorm

To speak, to talk have simnlar mearmiJDlgs

e.g. pealk louder, I carull1lot iblear yOiUl.

'What ns slhe tallkill1lg abolilt? I lhave JDlever ibleard. abolUi1t ilie project sible meJDltions i '

Now put each ofthe following words in ils correct place in the sentences
may be necessary:





1dli I

ible was
at hnm to nm wTheJDl sThe SatW tlhe police cars.
'Whatt are yolUl tryiJDlg to do?,' ible
, 100kiJDlg amlUlil1ldl to see if someOfiLe was Iistemirmg.
l'he ciblildlre!l1 were lialUlgThiJDlg att iblim ibecalUlse ible WaLS

Ad!vertisill1g is a creative, fast~paced!, lbtiglbt profiJe b'lllsill1ess. The maill1 fi.llll1c'tioll1 of Ill1 ad!vertisill1g agelt1lcy
is to IUlse Ibotlbt imagill1atioll1 all1d! strategic pliall1ll1ill1g to d!evdop memorablie ad1vertisemell1ts tlbtat promote
salie for ilie clliell1t compall1y. There are adlvertismg areas ill1 wlbticlbt peoplie C3k'1l fill1dl ilieir Il1fclbte. AccolJ'll1t
Mall1agemell1t, ACCOil.llll1t JPlRall1ll1ill1g all1dl Creative are jlUlst some of'dhtem.
ACC01l1lll1t Mall1agemell1t
ACCOlUlll1t Mall1agemell1t is tlme dlivisioll1 of all1 :JkQ!vertisill1g agell1cy, 'Jlilbticlbt has to oversee the execU1l:nOIl1 of
aH ilie aspects of 311'1 a:d!vertisill1g campaigll1 ai!1ld maIl1age thce fnmm's reliatioll1s wiili its dLe1l1lts.
AssistaLli1t AccolJmt JExeclUltnve. As all1 ASS1S'l:all1t AJE yOUl have to assist tlbte AS wlth aIlllbtis or lbter
Y 01Ul are sll1lpposed! to worlk d!irecdy with yom slUlpervisor to d!evdop c2iJll1paiglt1i strategies, comlJnlJllt1iicate
dielt1it 1l1leed!s to ilie Crealtive, Market Research teallJIIlS, amdl COlt1id!IUlCt all1alliysis ofthe oo1vertisiThg speThd!ilt1ig
all1d! colt1iSlUlmer halbit. WorJkill1g witlbt d!iffere1l1lt members ofilie other ad1vertisill1g d!epartmell1ts wm hdp
yolUl lieam how to mall1age che1l1lts all10 ilieir acco1Jl1l1lts, pliall1 ad1vertisilt1ig strategies all1d! olbtailt1i ilt!fommatioJl11.
As palrt of tlbte AccolJl1l1lt Mall1agemell1t grolJlp yOlJl should lbtdp yOlJlr fimm d!evdop sll1lCCeSSflUlli adlvertisilt1ig
strategies all1d! oversee importall1t aCCOlJl1l1lts.
ACCOillllt1lt JPllialrrmirag
ACCOlUlll1t JPlliallt'1lll1i1l1lg foclUlses OIl1 e1l1lslUlrilt1ig the COIl1SlUlmer's perspective LS fuilliy cOll1sidleredl 'wlbtefll advertisLLlg
is dlevdoped!. ACCOlUlll1t pliall11l1lers spelt1id! a liot oftime researclbti.lt1lg COlt1lsumer psyclbtollogy all1d11N~1t1la'\nouL
competitive satles, d!emogmphics, etc. ilt1l all1 effort to stlUld!y how commmers lJlse malr!Ketirllg
comm1\.Illl1icatiolt1ls am] to d!evise lt1lew ways ofpitchilt1lg ilt1lfommatiolt1l. There is lt1lot a dealr career path ta the
positio1l1l of acCOillllt1lt pliall1lt1ier. Some peoplie come from a marJketilt1lg resealrclbt balclKgrolUllt1ld!, whilie otlbters
e1l1lter from o1\1ltside of aidvertisilt1lg. lifyo1\1l Wall1t to d!o this job yOIllL need to llt11terpret <lndl sytlthesize
i!t1lfommatiolt1l, crealte lt1lew i1r.lsights aml] comml.lllt1licate fill1dlllt1lgs ilt1l al IUlsefuR malt1l!t1lelr.
The Creative depal'11melt1lt is respo1l1lsibne for UaLJ:lSnaltnng the busllness all1d stmtegies (deve!DLJed
client compmy all1d ([he Acco1\1llt1it Mauagemerut) iIl1lto creative
the ciLleul;' "p~odlu(;l;.
TI'rte Crealtive team lis comprised of Art Directors (who desiglt1i l1nle viuall
copywriters (who wrJite lhe snogall18 all1d text witlbtiliil a.1l1l adl). Oillice ilie dielt1lt approves
crealtive team develiops all1d prodlUlces alB ilie ellemelt1lts oftlbte ad1vertisemelt1lt.
(Adapted from "CaJ.feer OpportlUlliilities ilt1l Adlvertisi!t1lg", The U!t1liversity of'fexas at A1\1lstiJ1l,
Comm1\1llIllicatnoJr.l Career Services, fmm ilie ITfIltemet)
A. Reading and vocabulary
1. Choose the correct answer A. B or C:
IT. Advertisilt1lg is a creative blllLSi1l1less
A. becalUlse it is respolt1lsiblie for dleveilopifllg ad1vertisemefllts that pmmote
prodlJlct of a dielt1lt.
B. becalJlse it worlKs with dielt1lts.
C. beca1Jise everybody Call1 filt1ld ajob.
2. As all1 AssiS'l:all1t AE yOIUl are slllLpposed to:
A. hellp anli tlbte otJher dlepartmelt1lts.
B. lJe the lbteTIpnlIlg lhJall1d of yOlUlr boss.
e. to s1\1lpervise olt1lRy tlbe important alCCOlJlll1ts.
3. The plall1!t1lers' job is to;
A. filt1ld tlbte best sonlUltiolt1ls iru ordler to filt1ldl 01\1lt how a prodlJlct is sonci Olt1l ilie market.
B. stlJldy ilie POllLl11t ofview oftlbte colt1lSlllLmer wheilli dlevellopilt1ig aJ.l1l ad.
e. iliilt1l1K abmltt devdopi1l1lg a.ll]; ad1vertisilt1lg ca.mpaJJgll1.

4. A COilPywri1ter is a lPerSOIl1 who:

A. writes cOlPies ofilie ad.
B. COilPies ilie 00.
C. writes ilie text of amt adi.
lI. Choose the correct meaning ofthe following words and expressions.
l. lPitch ill1formatioll1 a. coBeet ill1formatioll1
lb. eXjpress it ill1 a lPartticlUlliar stylle.
e. shatrjpell1 ill1formatioll1
2. oversee
a. slUllPervRse
lb. see rrom albove
c. see relPeatedlly
3. dlevellop
a. dlevise
lb. maJke smaliller
c. gem:rate, pmdllUlce, maJke sometlhill1g grow gradlllllaUy
4. high~projfille
a. 1l10ticealblle way oflbehavill1g/actill1g so as to attract plUllbllic
b. pIaced: high so as ta be seell1 from profille
c. beill1g

III. Fill eac!? blank

one ofthe words given above.
L Y01Ul mlUlst emlPlioy someOll1e to ... the IProject.
2. He is a ... pohticiall1 all1dl he is very carefw wiili his image.
3. A goodl accOllmt pllamtll1er sholUlM fiill1di a way of ....
4. We .,. ilie 1project from Oll1e of1rom's idleas.
IV Match the words in column A with their definitions in
J aSSWll1e
a a d!istill1glUlRShRll1g GllUlahty or cbaracteristnc
b 3Ill1 IUllPset of 1l10rmall fumctioll1
2 aCGllUlire
3 besiege
c to slUllPpose somethRll1g to be a fact
dl exdlUldle by dleCRSROIl1
4 cope wRth
:; dlisordler
e to crowdl arolli"'1ldl; to dose RIl1 0111
6 mile OlUlt
f to get or gaill1 lby oll1e' s effort
g to dleali with probllems
7 traRt
Modal Verbs.
Jf we liooJk at ilie verbs writtell1 ilITi itallics the text we CaJt1l see t1hat they are modlall
tha1: express

lITiecessity, adlvice.

Giving advice. WhelITi we wamtt to give adlvice we IUlse tihle modlali verlbs should,
to 3Ill1dl had better.

Should 3Ill1dl shouldn't give dlle slPeaJker's opilITiiolITi ofwhat is goodl or lbOO actioL1, therefore they express

the speaJker's opilITiiolITi alITidl are oftell1lUlsedl to express adlvice. We C3Ill1 <Illlso express expectatiolrll.

Advice: TI iliilITilk yolUl sholUlM go to the dlell1tist <ilS iliis tooili ache has beelrll lbotherilITig yOTUl for al few ciays.

YOIUl ShOIUlMIITi't go to the dlf'mtist ifilie tooili RS OJK.

OpiIITiROIl1: TI thRlrIllk the pollice sholUllldl dlo more to c<lltch the ml.lrdlerer.

TI thill1Jk they sh(mlldllITi't lbrag so much <ilS tl1-ney havelITi't calUlgillit the Jkillller yet.

IExpectatioll1: They sholUlM be here 3Ill1Y mill1lUlte lrIlOW.

Ought to 3Ill1dl ought not to h<llve the same meaKlilITig as

aL1dl shouldn't. their meamings raJ.ltl.gill1g

from: a.) 'this is agoodl idlea' to: b.) 'it is 3Ill1 import3lll1t respoll1sibillity.'




AlOl outilOlg witlbl yom nocal! rean esmte agelOlt can mustrnte tlllie poweJJfun impact of a decoy. At tlhe real!torr's
office, you are SIlliOWlOl picmres 3J1llldl givelOl descriptiolOlS of many Illiomes ~ beautiJPJln spht~nevds, roomy
mll11clllies, 3J1lll oM Victorian. After de\temnill11ilOlg your m~edls ilie agelOl\t dlrives you to some Illiomes you
"miglill\t findl of i1'11\teres\t". The firslt s\top is a \tiltJly \two~bedroom Illiouse sittmg 01111 a ll11arrow lot Tlllie house
ll11eeds a ltJlew coa! of pailtJl\t; ilie iltJlterior is ill11 disarray; \the hll110neum iltJl the lkitcheltJl is i!:n.llclkhltJlg; the IiviIllg
room carpe\t is wom; \tne mas\ter bedlroom is so smaH \tha\t an average~sized bedmom suite just wOlOl'l fit.
WihteltJl tlble realtor tdRs ycm ilie aslkiJrng price, y01l.l. exd<lim, "Hol1y cow! WJ:lo'dbe dlumb et1lough to pay so
miLllch moltJley for iliis shaclk?" BiLIlt this 1:hliapidated house may influence you ta buy 3ill1\other L10use more
readliliy and to buy i\t at a much Jbigher price iliall1\ you might nomnatly have beelOl wilHng to pay. How
caltJl tlblis come about? We CltJl darify the process by loolkiirng alt an experimeltJlt OltJl students. The sturiieltJlts
were aslkedl to malke diecisioiI1ls suclbl as ilie foUowiltJlg:
Wlbliclbl wouM you sellect (a Of b)?
a. Nutri-burger : a tofu l:llUllrger iliat is very goodi oltJlltmtritioiI1l bllJlt OiI1lny average OiI1l taste.
b. Tasti-burger: a hamburger iliat is very goodi 01tJl taste but oltJllly average 01l1l m.lltritioiI1l.

for some dlecisioltJls, a dlecoy was givell1l as 3J1lll adid!itiolI1lall optioll1l. A decoy is aJI aItemative mat is il!lferior

to otlbler possiblle seKectiorus. for exampk:

Wlblich would! yOiLll prefer (a, b or c)?

a. Nutri-burger: \tlble \tofu bmger dlescribed! above

b. Tasti-burger: \tlble lblambmger dlescribed! above
c. Bummer-burger: a hambll.llrger iliat is oltJllly good OltJl taste (as opposed \to very good). No reason81bk
persolTI. woulld sdec\t tlblis iruferior bl.llrger. Kf yOIl.ll wantedl a Ill.IlltJlch \that tas\ted great, you woulld sdect
optioru b, ilie very~good!~mstirug Tasti-I:mrger. TIf yOIl.ll wanted ruutri\tioru, yOIl.ll wouM go for ilie NulIlri~
bllJlrger. TIru tlble above memtioltJled s\tudy tlille dlecoy was ruever selected. IBll.Ilt that doesru't mearu ilia\t its
preseltJlce as an optioru wasltJl't irufluell1ltiaL The decoy influeltJlcedtihJe students' cb.oice by contrast drects.
Jf <JlltJl object lis coru\trasted witihl sOl1'letlbling simillar
ltJlo\t as good, or r1lOt as
ar rmt as
f~ is
jllJldigedl to be betler, prettier, miner dI<JlltJl wOll.lllldlll1\omnaHy be the case. ITf a maru of
IS j,ru t!Ole
compall1lY of midgets, ne seems very taH. TIf lble were a member of al [plrofessioltJlaI
WOIl.llId! seem very slblorlt. [ru ilie smd!y oru commmer decisioru-malkiltJlg, two coltJl\trast effec\ts occmredi that
made ilie Tasti-bmger lloolk more attractive. Tlble presence of a d!ecoy made \tlble very~goo&~tasti:rng Tasti
bmger 3l]ppear to Ibe Ibetler tas\tirug and! tlble average~tas\tirug NIl.Il\tri-bmger ro be everu worse tas\ting. TIru
other words, \the decoy "spreoo aparlt" \tlble Tasti- and! Nu\tri-Ibl.llrgers on ilie diimerusioru oftas\te.
Decoys come iru a variety of shapes and sizes. A presiderutia!l candida\te may sellect a vnce-presid!entiaJ
fUruruiltJlg mate of llesser smmre to eltJllbl<JlltJlce \the positive perceptioru oflblis q[uaIi\tnes.
The lesoll1l !to be lleamed from research on dlecoys is dnat tlble context maill<es tlme dij[fereltJlce . .lJudgmeru\t j:;
rela\tive, ruo\t aibsoIll.Ilre. DeperudiiJlllg oru ilie cOlI1ltex\t, objects 2lJ:ld alltematives can be made \to Iloolk better or
worse. OfteltJl we do ruo\t pay much atteru\tioru to the iruflueruce of contex\t., much lless q[l.llestioltJl \the validity
of 1tIlJle aIrema\tive preseltJlted. This greatlly eltJlh3J1lllces ilie power of "corutex\t-malkers", suclbl as ];llolli\ticnan,
adiverltisers, jOl.llmahsts, eltc. The coru\text iliey set can pre-persllJladie I.llS by iruflll.lleruciltJlg our perceptioll1ls
and jud!gmeru\ts; we are tlblll.lls Rl.llllled decisioll1ls we wOIl.llId ruo\t ltJlo:nnmaHy make.
(Adlap\ted from "Age of JPropagarudla. TIlce Everyday Use and! AbllJlse of propaganda", JPratlkill1ls, Anthoruy
& ArorusOJl1l, ;mIlion
A. Reading and VOl~atluh1rv
1. Decide whether the following statements are true ar false.

R. T1.hle reaRtor wiU llllse a rllecoy to ma1ke his d1eltl.t buy ilie ll10llllse
2. JBllllmmer~lblllllfger was tlbte ftmrger preferred! by most swd!eltl.ts.
3. A d!ecoy is jllllst an OOld!i~ioltl.aR optioltl..
4. COKlltext is 'Used to iKllfl'UelIJlce o'UrperCelPtioKlls atKJld!j'Ud!gmeKllts.

rea,ltor w:ants.

ll. Choose the correct meaning ofthe following words and phrases.
li. d!'Umlb
a. bhltl.d!
b. dever
c. stlllllPid!
2. diRalPid!atedl
a. faHiKllg to lPieces
b. talkelt1l apart
c. stolieltl.
3. enJhlalllice
a. nltl.ll1erit
c. decrease
4. fit
a. pmvide
b. bring
c. aplPrOlPiliate
5. lilllllili
a. cllliauruge o:rue's milIJldl
b. calm somebody by d!eceptioltl.
c. mdk
6. outiltl.g
a. slbtort, IPReasaflt trip
b. date
c. taJknltl.g OlLllt
7. d!isarray
a. Ilmdressed
b. misplioced
c. d!isonJler
8. realltor
a. persoltl. wlhlo bllllyS atKJld sdlis llliollllses for others
b. persoltl. wlhlo ns rea.hstic
c. persoltl. wlhlo bllllyS llliollllses for himselif!helfe1f
9. ft:mclkJed
a. Il1llmdhed!
b. crumplied

liO. sll1ack

b. former ruRer of liran

c. lf01!.I!gItJlliy 11JllliRt ' or lrull.llt

B. Grammar
Coltl.d!itioltl.a1l Cliallllses.
ConditionalO. This tYlPe of cOItl.d!itiomll.ii scltl.wltl.ce d!escribes wll1at aliways lhlappeltl.s. lit has ilie foTIowilITi;
presell1t simplie/present COltl.tilDlll.lloll.lls/preseltl.t
prescltl.t simple
I~erfect simplie all'ld! COItl.t1ltJ.l.UlOUS
The ifclause may corne first or second! in a statcmelIJlt, as yOllll Ca1IJl see from the examplles bdow. This
type of cond!itiolIJlall is llllsed! to d!escribe general tmrilis, scielIJltific processes.
e.g. lifyOlUi liowerthe temperatlllllfe ofwater, it freezes.
Oii floats if yOllll pOllllr it OlIJl water.


Readltlhis \text diclJlssiuilg (,iff'~l'\Jit,\]'
MaJlIy peopJle seem to tll1in!k mat creativity is pmdlJlcing ilie Big Mea - aim idea fmm nowll1ere so
dever aJlId so profolJllmd tihlmt it aefines creattivityo BlJlt the instant Big ldea does not exist,
Creativity, atlt1ld its task of gelt1leratilt1g ideas, is essentiaHy incrementat Meas come tlruolJ1gll1 a
series of smallli steps ar moves, They Iouilid upon each otll1er to prodhJlce tll1e finall idea, l'hc tric!k JRather
thatlt1l the creative idea Ioeing atlt1l instatlt1lt revdatio:m, it wilili more lii!kdy Ioe characterized Ioy a haphazard
series of moves, steps aJlIdl RllnJkages, to creativiil:y atlt1ld creating new ideas is not how Y01.] ili,ink iUlp tI]'e
install1lt Big Mea, Iol!Jlt rather what Yol!Jl Catlt1l do to generate rittlie ideas, which calJm Ilater 10e combined im
some way ro be presented as a Big Mea,
So how has the notiolt1 of the Big Mea come albOl.llt? One explianation may be tnat it lis mucl1
more convenient to Ioeheve great creative peoplie somehow inmitiveliy aJlId inst<mdy aumve at JBig ITdeas
rather thaJll recognize tlhat creativity CaJll be a messy, Imgliamorous 3lItlId pJrOtracted process, Great
discoveTles were often achieved more by dhlaJllce thatlt1l from beling tlhe reslllit of someonc's Big lidea"
[liwentions 1lUfe ]peltfected by step~by~ste]p improvemelt1lts, aJlId each ste]p is itsdf auru invention.
The mytb of tlblc instaJlt Big Jdea is a fundamentali ]point for pubTIic rdations
consider abm.lltcreatlivity. lP'mctitnOllTlers wOlrk in an eI!1lvimnmeill.t w1bere 1~:eir c1ielmts or
at times demaJJl110l alil instant Dig nrilea fOlr the task in h3Jt1ld. Yet, 110
ives in al vacuum.: pmctLtnOltlers
wiRl need 10 eOl1ilicate tll1eir peers if iliey want thcm to fully ooderstand - and marJlage - tll1e creative
dimeltllsion in their worlc \lJnderstatlt1lding ilie so~caliled 'Big Meas', ilie different types of thinlking
plfOcesses used, an.d the context ofla\teraJl iliinkiltllg, are cruciaJ! to being creative. So kl1UlS taLke a 10l0l1( at
the myth ofkft~braill1l!rigll1t~loraliltll tlheory:
As a resl!lt Olf the worlk Ioy tll1e Nobel ]pnzewmner 1Pmfesor IRoger Sperry, lthe ilieory of righil
aJJl11d left sides Olf thc bralin was adlvaJJl11ced, ilIl which major ilt1ltdleemal funetiOllD\S were spht betweeJIL
differeltllt parts of ilie amin. Oin the left side, it was helieved, were the Ilogic21J, ra6ol1al and cGrLtrcd!Lnlg
as]pects tOl emr thinking, while tll1e right side was said tOl control O1Ulr inspiratio1l1laJ! and creative tnougb11s.
ITt WaLS arg1Uled that different people' s skills wcre linkedl to the differe1l1lt hemis]pheres of the IbrailIT
domiltllating an i1l1ldivid1UlaR's performance. More creative people were seemingly right~side dominalted;
otll1ers who were more aJJl11alytical bl!Jlt liess creative were described as Ieft~side domi1l1lalted.
lHOlwever, left~brainlrighlt~bmin ilieorry has si1l1lce Ibeen umdlermined by research tll1at si!Jlow
mental skms being distributed tlhro1Ulgho1Ult the brain. Both sides of the brai1l1l are activated, [ilO m,ai1er
what task y01.ll Pl!t to them. What is important in deveRoping om skills as creative p1Ullbliic practitioners is
not 50 much wll1ere spedfiic iliinking skills are located in ilie br3~n Dut t!hie fac! iliat at least lCIND "P"''',J.I,''
modes Oftl1nOlllgll1t can bie identifiied.
:Co1l1lvergent thinkling, the so~caIledi kft~slid!ed tlhunkiJmg, is the inteRRect1.llal a'tlJity 10 RogicaUy
evaluate, criticize aJJl11d d1lOose ti1le best idea from a selection of ideas. Divergent think::mg, the ap]pare1l1t
riglmt~sided thinking, is ilie aloiTIity oftlme ill1ltelilect to think of m211llY ongill1laR, diverse 3wmd e1aborate ideas.
By havill1lg a dealI' oodelI'sj[anding ofthe distmction between ilie two tYl?cs oftl'itilI1lking, a
make far more productive I!Jlse of time, 3Jt1ld employ techniq[1Ules to glI'eater effect, generating more and
varied creative idcas tlhtat offer adlded valt\.lle, which is ilie fmlldamental elemell1lt of aJl1lythill1lg tlmat is
defilt1led as creative.
(Adajpted from Green, Andy, ':Creativity inlP'ubhc IRelation')


A. Reading and vocabulary

1. Fill the blanks with information takenfrom the text. You will need to change the adjectives into


The Them)' of JR.oger Speny

Left side of tlhe brailllli JR.iglht sidie of the brailtll
hJl1lteUecmali fimctioJl1ls/skms (li)
. (5}



1J. Look at the text andjindthe words which mean the same as:

lhappeJl1liltllg Iby clhaltllce (paragraplh 2)

wlhiclh doesJl1l't calUlse probliems, slUlitablie (para. 3)

~ lUlJl1lplieasaltllt, Jl1lot easy to deali wRili (para. 3)

~ liastiJl1lg lioJl1lger tlhaJl1l lUlslUlaJl/Jl1leCessary (para. 3)

~ to req1Ulire, to m~ed! (para. 4)

~ someone ofilie same age/stahzs as you (para. 4)

~ dividied! (para. 5)

~ to make sometlhing tess effective, to weake'l1i gradlualJy (para. 6)

~ giviJl1lg a liot of dletailis, compliica1l:edl (para. 7)

~ to lUlse a particlUlliar methodl (para.

lI!. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):


lBeRng creative means lhavilt1lg s1l1ldldlen iJl1lspiratJion tlhat Ihefips yOlUl solve a JPirobliem.
Peoplie fiiJl1ld! it dliffic1l1llit to admit iliat creativity is hlkdy to be tlhe reslUllit oHllardl wor!k.
PIR practitioners slho1l1lldl dleJfendl tlhe idlea tlhat tJmey Calt1l Ibe iJl1lst3llilldy creative.
Awareness oftl1e dlleory OftVliO modles oftlhouglht is Hkdy to lhe1p PIR practitJiol1ers be more efficieJl11t

IV. You are going to read a fragmentfrom a book called 'Web Production for Writers and JOillrfl011'sts
written by Jason Whittaker. Choose the most suitable headingfrom
listA - Elor each part ofthe
article. There i5 an example at the beginning (O).

Examplie: o~ li
O. Make yOllu navngation cOltlltrolis consistent
A. Less is more
B. Three goRdlerlli ru1es fOf Elllltemet dlesign
C. froltlltioad impoIr1t.aJrllt material!
D. JEval!lUlate Jl1lew teclhnoiogies
E. Aliways coJl1lsid!er yolUlf <md!iem~e
li. Create a tempTIate dlesigJl1l andl tlheJl1l stRclk to Rt, so tlhat VRSRtOfS areJl1l't confusedl as iliey move betweeJl1l
pages. YOlUl may ltlleedl dliffereltllt blUlttOltllS Oltll eadffi page, blUlt try 10 iocate liltlliks in tlhe same place.


2. CRaritry, ill1lteractivitry am!l d!owll1llioadl times. The most excntnll1lg amd! attractnve snte nll1l ilie worlid wm
become a liot lless nll1lterestnfJlg allJld! attrnctllve nfiUlsers lblave to want Ihallf allJllhOiUlr for pages to d!ow;J1llload!.
Vnsntors WallJlt a snte iliat ns a plleasiUlre to iUlse, snmplie to lt1lavngate dUOiUlglbl allJld! lloadls tq[iUliclkJy nll1l ilienr
3. Bear iIm mind! durt most peoplie d!o ll1lot nave a 19", or even a li?", mon.itor capabie of c1is!Jllaynng
JlO24x768 resoll1U!tiI01QS or Ihigher, fiUlnniTIlg the latest browser OJIT the fastest ]pm or G4 with a
4. DOIlJl't overlloadl yOlLlJIr page with fOll1lts, gra]phnc allJld! allJlimations. Not onlly CallJl these take longer to
d!ownlloadl, too mallJly caiUlse your site ro appear messy.
5. Visitors ltend! to worik ltlhro1U!gh web pages very tq[1U!iciklly iUlnliess someiliill1lg grabs their attell1ltioll1l, so yOD
sho1U!lldl pllace importallJlt materiallll1lear ilie begill1lll1ling.
6. ]liJlst becaliJlse somethill1lg is avanllablle on ilie Web does nat meallJl tnat it is aiUltomaticaBy
your snte. 'fest ll1lew nd!eas allJld! techllJlollognes before l\.n;;ill1lg tlhem Oll1l yom snte.


V. Related Word Groups

Looik at tlhtese eX1pfessioll1ls wndljparts oft:hte bod!y:
dlrag ymu fee:tJJheds = you dloll1l't hiUlrry to do sometlhtill1lg because you dloll1l't wamt to
lhtave a chip Oll1l ymrrr slffiolllldler = easilly become offell1ldleo bec2\ll1tse of lJllLll)lle,~saJ]:Ilt

have a dearlcoolllhead = thnll1lik dearlly iru a djifficiUlh sltlLllatiotll

!hlalVe 1wo lleft fee1 = 10e very cIilUllnm,v
lhtave yOILlll; ihlamds fulill = 10e very biUlSy
maike/plLIlllll a face = challJlge yom expressnoll1l to sihlow yom fedmgs
ll1lot see eye to eye = allways dlnsagree wiili sb.
plLllH somebodly's lieg = make fuu11I of sb.
PiUlt YOiUlr foot ill1l yOlLllr mOlLlltihl = maike allJl embarrassill1lg Of !Jlpsettill1lg remarik
twist somebodly's ann = perSlllladle s1o. to dlo sili. iliey dloll1l't WallJlt to do


Now put each ofthe following words in its correct place in the sentences below. Some changes
may be necessary:
I sihloiUlllder











li. YOTUl wekome somebodly wiili opell1l

2. 'Whell1l YOliJl are upset yOTUl ITlleedl a
10 cry Oll1l.
3. Wlhtell1l yOTUl are ll1lot gell1leIrOiUls YOiUl are
4. Wlhtell1l YOiUl \vislh somebody goodlllm;ik YOiUl say: 'Breaik al
5. He seemed lhtieacl over. ..... jnlove.
6. YOll say 1lhtat a sitll.liatr~oll1l gets 0111 of.
l,vlhtelil it becomes impossnblle to cOll1ltml.
7. "tI OTUl get solid
wlhtell1l yOTUl are afraidl to do sometihlilltg yOTUl plaxmedl to dlo.
8. Wlhtell1l yOILll CaJll1't llll1ldlerstamd sometihtnll1lg YOiUl C3lll1l't malke
ilwr tanll of~t
9. Wlhtell1l YOiUl are the aprp1e of somelbodly' s
YOiUl are lloved very mllleiht by that perSOf/,.
li O. li got bored alt ltihle paJtty - tlble same olidl
li li. Did yOlU Ifeadl fuis somewlhelfe or didl YOiUl jTUlst hear it by wordl of.


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