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Read Luke 6:17-26

Here we find Jesus with a large crowd. His disciples are there along with people from all over the area.
It can safely be assumed by his next few words that there are believers and unbelievers both present.
Jesus then turns to his disciples, and indirectly all believers, and gives part of the most famous sermon
ever delivered; The Sermon on the Mount. He first lists 4 attributes that basically make God happy, then
four that basically make God unhappy. Believe me, come judgment day, you will God happy with you.
That being said, after my microscopic summary of this part of the sermon, I have eight questions for
you. Better think how you answer them; your eternal resting place could depend on it͙ (For the
purpose of this post, we will assume Jesus is speaking spiritually example, poor equals poor in spirit.)


1. ire you pretty comfortable with where you are spiritually? Do you think there might, might not
be a god out there somewhere? Have you ever said something like this, ͞I don͛t really follow a
god, but I͛m a really spiritual person.͟ Or, ͞I get everything I need from my heart.͟
2. Or͙ Do you think that you are poor without God? ire you nothing without him? The word
poor makes you think beggar. Have you had a moment where you fell down and begged God to
forgive you?


Ú. Do you feel spiritually full? Do you do your one hour of church a week and call it good. Do you
pretty much know the jist of the Bible and are satisfied with that?
4. Or͙ Do you live for diving into the Word of God? Do you get excited when you learn a new
truth that you can share with another? Do you carve out time every day for time with the Lord
as if you would go hungry without it?


5. Do you trot through life laughing away footloose and fancy free? Do you think you are a pretty
good person? How about that dude next to you? Do you care about him?
6. Or͙ Do you ͞weep͟ when you think about how you have sinned against God? The very God
who gave you life͙ Do you ͞weep͟ for loved ones that do not know Jesus?



7. Do most people like you when you tell them about Jesus? Oh͙ You don͛t tell them? They
probably like you then, huh? Do people even know you are a Christian? Do you at least tell
them that God loves them? They probably still like you for that͙
M. Or͙ Do you tell those you love how God hates sin? That all people sin against God. That there
is nothing they can do to get back in the good graces of God. That the ONLY chance they have is
to acknowledge their sin, repent, beg for forgiveness, and trust in Jesus? Do they like you then?

Jesus was speaking to his followers. He was speaking in the presence of non-followers. If you are a
believer, he is speaking to you. If you are not a believer, he is speaking to you. I guess that is all of us. If
you are a believer, ask yourself these questions. How would you answer them and what does that mean
to you? If you are not a believer, but you want to be, but you don͛t know how, send me an email͙

Written by Chris Vasecka

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