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,the world leader in the manufkture of bulk esplosives equipment, is

lew Unibody. This fresh design was made possible

ethnology, three-dimensional design sofnvare,

m years of experience in the field, with over 1,400
nting. The Unibody concept is a direct response to
ess bottom line - the need for a convertible bulk
explosives market. The key feature of Unibody is the
e products required for the job at hand. This
road review of safety, reliability, maintenance, and
crating cost issues. The I

Our Des&ners !
Think !
i f s sexy.. ii
We A p e e i

ersatile Unibody.. .the right product for our times.

We think that Unibody exemplifies the maxim that form follows hnction.. . its clean lines
are as attrmivc as they are hnctional. As its looks imply, Unibody is an innovative design
that breaks with the past and sets new standards for the hture. Versatility, expandability
lighter weight and, yes, good looks are just some of the reasons you will be proud to own a
Ulzibody. At Tread, we take pride in every aspect of our business - from design, to
assen~bly,to delivery and s e r v i ~With
Unibody, we continue to ofkr yo11 best-in-class

i equipment, supported with the Itnowledge you need for success.

The fimL4:tilivI U ~ i b o d yis a four-compartment body, with a prill bin on each end and nvo tanks in the
middle. The Itey is that these two tanks are com~ertible,and can be loaded with either prill
@ Evolve i or en~ulsion.This versatility allows you to carry just the right balance of products. If your
change, you can easily reconfigure the tanks, and even add a hose reel and pump
with Your i needs
module to the original unit. Now you can deliver a full range of products with a single
Neeh piece of equipment. The versarile Unibody.. .one body:or all your


The Power ! Everyone knows that cur~.cdshapes are strongcr thln flat surhces, but the
i trick is making the111 ~ffordablc.Wc harncsscd the power of lascr light and
of Arched i the precision of comp~iterd c d n~u~ufacturingto credte om- new arched-b(dy
i construction process, which allowed us t o produce n lighter, stronger, inore

i durablc unit without a big jump in price. I11 addition, using arched body
! construction allowed us to integrate ASME Code designed convertible

einulsion tanks into a one-piece body that mcets o r csceeds U. S. DOT

i criteria. And, the use of arched covers over the floor auger resulted in
! lightweight, easy to remove, floor plates fix the convertible tanks. This is the
i type of innovation you will find throughout Unibody.

Safety is more than a key b~sinessgoal in oL1r ind~istt-11;

it is paramount to our survival. To
nlcct this mandate, risk reduction by dcsign was established as one of the hundation
principles of Unibody. A comprehcnsivc hazard an'llysis hclpcd icicntifi potential hazards
and the bcst safety measures to address them. The first priority was to reduce hazards
through the choice of dcsign features. Where necessary, safeguards haw been added to
ninimize hazards that could not be eliminated by dcsign. S o n ~ csafety measures arc simple; avoid sharp edges and corners, properly guard moving parts, and observe crgononic
principlcs. Others arc more complex. Control systems are designed to prevent unexpected
start-up or spontaneous restart after a power interruption, m d a safety interlock is used to
prevent operator contact with the rotating auger at the discharge end of the boom. The
need for operators to work on the top of the body is limited as much as possible through
design feat~lressuch as bottom loading ports h r hcl, water, and gassing solution tanks.

is Key

When top access is ncccssary, a avcll-designed ladder, platform, wallway, and handrail
system provides the bcst possible working surface. These arc just a few of our many safety
fexures, Ask your Tread rcprcscntativc to sho\v you all of the safeguards incorporated to
help make your business safer and to keep Unibody colnpliant with DOT, OSHA,
IMSHA, CE and ADR recluiremcnrs.
a perfect world, trucks arc operated on Hat, smooth ground. But we know the world of
Lower i s ! Inmining
is less than perfect. Whether you are operating over-the-highway or off-road, the
Better lowcr the center of gravity of your truck, the morc stable it is. Unibody \vas designed to

spread the \vcight out over the full \vheclbase of the chassis, allowing the body height to be
nlinimized. Then, the curved Unibody shape was developed to keep the center of gravity as
lojv as possible, \vithout '~dvcrsclyaffecting product flo\v or capacity. The result is that
Unibody provides more capacity in a smaller package than cver bcforc.

We Took the 1
Fat O w I

Whcn JWLI tra~~sport

prociuct oj~cr-the-highwa)~
at Icgd ggrss u~eights,you n m t to
maximize profit-generating payload. The smooth lines of Unibody not only add strength,
but they also nzinimize weight. This allo\vs Unibody to carry 1,000 to 2,000 pounds more
payload \vithin legal high~vaylimits. Even off-road applications benefit fi-om a lighter bod),
as you go fi-om hauling body weight to hauling more product at the same fuel cost.

TmnsfovmutionI 13uycr's remorse is a thing of the past with Unibody. Traditionally,

i purchasing a bulk truck has required some tough decisions based on
Made BUSYi rigid capacity and capability constraints. The selection of a unit for a


particular job could result in inefficient equipment utilization, or

significant moditication crpcnscs, if thc nccds later changed. With
Unibody, the decision making process is simplified. The unique
c ~ n ~ c r t i btanks
l c allow you to easily alter a body's configuration to
carry just the right amount of prill and emulsion. While not meant for
rapid changcovcrs, thc tanks can be reconfigured in a few hours with

1 simple hand tools.

If you need pumping capability, but own a heavy

! ANFO unit, a hose recl and pump module can bc acided for coiwcrsion
o n is done without compro-

! with. The vers~tileUnibody introduces a new era where the tough

i choices arc eliminated.

rt own a


We i~ndcrstandthat mintenance dollars come from the bottom line, and that the

costs come in two forms; lost production, and the cost of the work performed. Our
initial concept was to make the equipment easier to maintain. A k r in-depth reviews

with our field service staff, we took a radically different approach. We decided to

design the maintenance out of the unit. For example, we designed a long life, lo
maintenance, flexible-disc couphlg for our auger drive motors. We developed a
revolutionary maintenance-fiee auger shaft seal. We worked with a bearing
manufacture to configure a bearing with extra durable lip-seals and synthetic lubricant
b r lubed-for-% se~vke.And, the kw remaining lubricati~npoints on the truck ace

Let's Talk I
Numbers j

Unibody model numbers are easily understood. The 3216 Unibody has a cross sectional
area of 32 square feet and a length of 16 feet. Pretty simple. This new design packs the
same anlount of product into what used to be 18 feet of length, with the added benefit
o f a safer low center of gravity Hut the best is yet to come. This impressive unit has a
non~inalcapacity of 30,000 pounds, and, when exercising the convertibility feature, you
now have the power of choice. The 3216 Unibody can be configured five difkrent ways
to carry a full range of products.

Unibody is offered in three diffcrent sizes. The 3216 with a 30,000 pound capacity is
targeted for over-the-highway use in quarry and construction, while the 4216 with a
40,000 pound capacity is the right fit for most open-pit mines. For very large open-cast
mines, the 4219 with a 50,000 pound capacity offers the required extra capacity with


321 6

Blended Products Capacity

Tank Propwtions

Area 32 fi2
Length 16fi

20% 20% 40% 20%

Both co~ivertiblctanks
filled with 4 N prill

ANFO 26,500 100%1

0 0%

I TOTAL 26,500

Small convertible tank

filled with emulsion


ANFO 21,200 74%

Emulsion 7,500 26%

TOTAL 28,700 I ~ S .

Large convertible tank

filled with cmulsion


1. ANFO mass is
calculatccl based o n
AN d e n s i ~plus 6
pcrccnt file1 oil.
2. Total m ~ s is
calculated based on
fdl tanks. In some
cases, this may cscccd
the allowable gross
weight k)r the vchiclc.

15,000 49%

Both con\wtible tanks

filled with cmulsion

Both convertible tanks filled

with emulsion, n o prill

Enlulsion 22,500 100%

Unibody 3216 Blended Products Capacity

Unihdy 3216 Blcnded Products Capacity

-1:sTraditional 10SS12+5(18000 AN/9000 emulsion)

-ITSTraditional 10SS10+8(15000 Ai'i'/l5OOO emulsion)

Emulsion Percentage In Blended Product

Emulsion Percentage In Blended Product

1764 Granby St. N.E.,


Roanoke, VA USA 24012

ph: 540.982.6881 EY: 540.344.7536

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