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Challenges that organizational leaders faces an how to overcome with vision and


Organizational Behavior
Throughout the last decades, several theories about leadership styles have
appeared and other have evolved over time from the autocratic and directive leadership
of the century twenty to a more participative and democratic style of the century twentyone of the new generation. However, the problems of leadership remains until today in
all the organizations. The purpose of this essay is develop a comprehensive analysis of
the main problems that organizational leadership faces and explain that the main
attributes to face them. What are the main challenges that organizational leaders face
currently? Are the lack of communication and the infective leadership style the main? Is
the lack of trust so damaging for the leader as the lack of vision? Even some literature
reinforce the idea that the influence is the most important attribute of the leader, as a
hypothesis, the main attributes of the successful leaders are the vision and the trust the
leader can transmit.
The growing tensions between organizational leaders and their employees are
creating challenges of productivity and the uncertainty becomes the new standard in a
normal workplace. According to Kenneth Blanchard (2010) the Directive behavior
apply concepts as Structure, Control and Supervise. Supportive Behavior applies
different concepts: Praise, Listen and Facilitate. The same leader according to the
situation can apply both of them approaches however; it is a mistake to underestimate
the effect of the leadership performance on the working experience of employees. The
uncertain workplace requires that leaders pay close attention to others. Leaders must be
attentive listeners, appreciate the unique talents and capabilities of their colleagues, and

be noticeably grateful for the effort and performance of their teams. Unfortunately,
leaders often make this task difficult, as many of them dont have the emotionally
intelligent enough to be aware of the consequences of their insensitive leadership style
and demeanor.
The first challenge the organizational leaders face is the lack of communication,
it may manifests in lack of feedback, as well as lack spoken words or action from the
leadership about the current or future situation. When communication lacks from
leaders, employees are left without direction and purpose and they lose motivation to
perform their daily tasks well. Low employee morale can affect performance business
including low productivity, no engaged employees and increased absenteeism, each of
which profoundly affects the productivity. Regarding the feedback gives a voice to
followers in an organization so they feel like they play a role in the decisions that are
made and overall success of the company. Feedback provides the followers with a sense
of purpose and a personal investment in the organization. Without feedback,
subordinates may feel limited, restricted and disrespected.

The Ineffective Leadership.

Furthermore, leaders are beginning to lose control of their own identities and
effectiveness as their employees begin to lose trust in their intentions because of hidden
agendas and political maneuvering casting clouds of doubt over their futures. This
style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they
want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the
appropriate conditions to use it is when you have all the information to solve the
problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated.
Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning
language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the
authoritarian style, rather it is an abusive, unprofessional style called bossing
people around. It has no place in a leader's repertoire.
The authoritarian style should normally only be used on rare occasions. If you have
the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees,
then you should use the participative style.
Under the autocratic leadership style, all decision-making powers are centralized in

the leader, as with dictator leaders.

They do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates. The
autocratic management has been successful as it provides strong motivation to the
manager. It permits quick decision-making, as only one person decides for the
whole group and keeps each decision to himself until he feels it is needed to be
shared with the rest of the group.
Management may not be the worlds oldest profession, but the autocratic
leadership style is probably the original type of management style ever employed.
Simple at heart, the autocratic style of management involves making the decisions
yourself and passing them onto subordinates. In the autocratic world, leaders are
there to make the decision, and followers are there to follow. This promotes an
obedient style of follower present in the army, and perhaps some of the tougher
working cultures such as farming, logging, haulage and fishing.
This isnt to say that an autocratic leader would fail miserably in, say, customer
service. However, the more those workers are left to do imaginative or creative
tasks largely on their own, the less likely an autocratic leadership style would really
bring the best out of the average worker.
This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager
retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager
does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are
expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations. The motivation
environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments.
Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their teams. This is
considered appropriate when decisions genuinely need to be taken quickly, when
there's no need for input, and when team agreement isn't necessary for a successful

The Lack of Trust

Low morale can subsequently lead to a lack of discipline and will for employees
to give their best.
The lack of Vision
If the leader has a Vision
Within teams, it is important to ens Leaders who lack vision cannot inspire
teams, motivate performance, or create sustainable value. Poor vision, tunnel vision,
vision that is fickle, or a non-existent vision will cause leaders to fail. A leaders job is

to align the organization around a clear and achievable vision. This cannot occur when
the blind lead the blind. .
ure that there is a genuine desire for each team members input into the outcome;
the warning is that the leader must believe that the group members have definite value
to add. First, they need involvement in the creation of the vision and buy-in from the
senior levels. Second, when cascading the vision down the organization, they need to
allow for real discussion and input. Third, leaders need to track effectively and assess
the impact of the vision implementation. It will result in an organizational culture
where people face reality, hold open and honest dialogue, take ownership of key
initiatives, support each other, and both hold each other accountable and expect to be
held accountable for results.

When the leader inspire confidence is because of the credibility

A designation to a management role does not automatically entitle an
individual with leadership skills. In many situations, people follow the
manager because they have to, however the ideal scenario would be where
people follow leaders because they want to. People are carefully observing their

leaders, looking for reasons not to trust them (because they have been burned so many
times in the past), but ultimately wanting their leaders to be worthy of their respect and
When the leader demonstrates aptitude

As a conclusion
As a conclusion,. This is the time to convince team members why the vision is
important and to identify key strategic initiatives necessary to make it happen. Leaders
can no longer trust in power; instead, they rely on the power of trust. Trust is the glue

that binds the leader to her/his followers and provides the capacity for organizational
and leadership success

Hesselbein, F., Goldsmith M., Beckhard R. (1997). The Leader of the Future: New
Visions, Strategies and Practices for the Next Era. USA: Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers.
Finzel, H. (2004). The Top then mistakes Leaders Make. USA: Cook Communications
Blanchard, K. (1984). The One-Minute Manager. USA: Berkeley Publisher.
Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K., (1993).Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing
Human Resources. USA: Pearson Education.
Covey, S. ()

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