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Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

What's my type?

In in RATING column, please rate how well you think each statement below describes you on a
scale from 0 - 3 where 0 = not at all, 1 = somewhat, 2 = pretty well, 3 = very well.
(Test developed by Susan Rhodes,, last revised May 2009).

I like the idea of involving my intimate partner in my work life, so we don't drift apart.
Most people see me as more peaceful than I really am.
I often feel a sense of longing without really knowing why.
My desire to think positive can sometimes be like an addiction.
Having a private space is a necessity, not a luxury.
Meeting my deadline matters more than getting every tiny detail just right.
My feelings of apprehension are less intense when I have a project to work on.
I can embrace the sweet side of sorrow.
I'm a force to be reckoned with.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


My bluntness can sometimes blow people away.

I hate asking for help, even though I like giving it.
I find it hard to hold back when it comes to offering help and advice.
Being a winner makes my efforts worthwhile.
Being in nature is deeply soothing to me.
I can get cranky when things get too complex.
Making other people laugh helps me feel calmer and less anxious.
Emotionally intense situations make me feel really alive.
I like to do something new, not the same old thing.
I take pride in the way I put people at ease.
I like to do so many things that it's easy to spread myself too thin.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


My desire to achieve knows no bounds.

Even when I seem accepted by a group, it's hard to feel that I really belong.
I can be stubborn in a way that avoids direct confrontation.
People say I have a powerful aura.
I can both make the rules and enforce them.
Its hard not to cry when I feel sentimental, even when Im in public.
I can feel irritated for no special reason.
I am able to create harmony in my environment.
I look out for people who cant look out for themselves.
Finding my purpose in life means everything to me.
I prefer to thoroughly think through a problem before I act.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Learning to assert myself gives me confidence and lessens my anxiety.

I cant help but see both sides of almost any question.
I find it unnerving to talk with people who don't seem emotionally engaged.
I like to keep life simple and uncomplicated.
Maintaining close ties with friends and family helps me feel safe in a chaotic world.
Although I can easily imagine panicking in a crisis, when a real emergency comes along, I do surprisingly well.
Im so much more of a heart person than a head person.
Getting the job done right is more important than getting the job done fast.
I like to read up in advance before trying some new activity.
I value originality more than success.
Conforming to group norms doesn't allow me to express who I really am.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I find it hard to bear those aspects of life that dull the heart and kill the soul.
Theres nothing I enjoy like making introductions and helping people get to know one another.
As a child, I was more serious and realistic than many other children.
Details of my childhood sometimes seem hazy and far away.
No ones more critical of me than I am of myself.
I often find it hard to accomplish something without getting distracted by other tasks.
Faith and trust are hard for me, because I doubt things that most people seem to take for granted.
My attention too easily goes to worst-case scenarios, even when they are not likely to happen.
I tend to get myself so heavily scheduled with work that theres not much time to simply sit and reflect.
I'm sometimes seen by others as socially unresponsive.
I feel an urge to escape when I land in situations that require an emotional commitment.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I tend to either respect or defy authority.

I like to concentrate on exactly one thing at a time and do not appreciate distractions.
Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between the image I project and the person I am inside.
Im always aware of the rules Im supposed to follow, whether I choose to conform to them or break them.
Im optimistic about most things.
It's hard not to feel nervous when meeting new people.
I cant imagine life without my many acquaintances and social contacts.
My first instinct is always to help people, whether or not they ask for it.
People see me as a natural leader.
In a group situation, I usually prefer to blend in, rather than take the lead or voice objections.
Having daily routines helps me stay on track and get things done.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I dont have to prove anything to anybody.

As a parent or guardian, Im more strict than permissive.
I work hard to succeed because failure is just not an option.
Im more willing than a lot of people to do the grunt work on a group project.
Being authentic matters more to me than material success.
Ive got so many ideas buzzing around in my head that it can be hard to work on just one at a time.
Im a particularly reliable, loyal, and steady employee.
Often I feel that my personal opinions arent all that essential to a group discussion.
Im very aware of the impression I make on others.
Pride is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness.
Making time for relationships can be hard because of my busy schedule.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Giving, caring, and sharing mean a lot to me.

Impartial listening comes easily to me.
Ideas often come to me like lightning flashes.
I have a lot of nervous energy and an overactive imagination.
Emotional inauthenticy really bothers me.
I can get very wrapped up in my concern for others.
I have the strength to take on tasks that would defeat a weaker person.
My deep emotions are my greatest creative resource.
It's unacceptably humiliating to be publicly criticized.
People who don't take things seriously annoy me.
Nothing motivates me like high achievement.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Controlling my temper is tough.

I've been called a perfectionist, although I don't feel very perfect.
Because I do so much for others, I sometimes feel entitled to special treatment.
Public recognition means a lot to me.
I tend to see other people as equals.
I want to be certain that Im meeting my own high standards for conduct.
When I resonate with someone, its not on a superficial level.
Its important for me to be a sympathetic listener and supportive friend.
I appreciate good food, good company, and the good life.
Sometimes going on the offense is the only way to conquer fear.
Im strongly drawn to humanitarian work with people or animals.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


My natural exuberance usually keeps me from getting bogged down in heavy emotions.
Im a natural nurturer.
I generally enjoy puttering around and losing myself in the small tasks of ordinary life.
I am a careful observer of people and situations.
Although I long to be accepted, I hate the idea of mindless conformity.
When I care about people, I want to improve their behavior.
It's just not that much fun to do only one activity at a time.
When I walk in the room full of people, I immediately sense who's in charge.
I enjoy puzzling out ingenious solutions to unusual problems.
I find public displays of emotion unappealing.
I take things personally and dont care who knows it.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Most people see me as non-judgmental and easy-going.

Upholding ethics and principles is extremely important to me.
Translating my inner vision into a work of art can be incredibly compelling.
I can adapt my dress and behavior to the needs of the situation.
I try to keep my options open.
I can ignore painful emotions to get the job done.
Games can fascinate me too much.
Being in an environment that's plastic and impersonal just drains the life right out of me.
I like to study intricate patterns and complex concepts.
I have a very active inner critic.
Sometimes it's hard to get around to my own personal needs.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I find it hard not to judge people too harshly.

My home and family provide me with a safe haven in an unsafe world.
My word is my bond.
Tolerance comes easily to me.
I don't mind giving tough love when it's needed.
I feel quite guilty when I get angry without justification.
I tend to mentally tune out when people push for an emotional reaction.
When I like art, it's often something quirky or unusual.
Familiar comforts bring me a sense of peace.
I rarely embrace ideas that havent stood the test of time.
Sometimes it takes time for my emotions to catch up with my thoughts.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Im the chief in my circle of friends.

Feeling vulnerable makes me squirm.
I don't care for interruptions when I'm trying to think through a problem.
Friends describe me as warm, romantic, and affectionate.
More than anything, Im a can do kind of person.
It's not hard to be discreet when necessary.
Friends sometimes tell me Im too hard on myself.
I become tense or critical more easily than most people.
Being in the public eye is something I generally enjoy.
I always protect whats mine.
Its my nature to seek novelty, not routine.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


Im very sensitive to the moods of other people.

Whatever I do, I always try to exceed my personal best.
I'm very loyal to people who have earned my trust.
Im a systems thinker who can separate thought from emotion.
Im a natural survivor, and I have the supplies stockpiled to prove it!
I can often pick ideas "out of the air."
When I get grounded, it helps me carry out existing plans instead of just developing new ones.
I know how it feels to experience intense loneliness.
In intimate relationships, I often experience jealous feelings, even though I dont approve of them.
Achievement and recognition let me know Im targeting my goals.
Im good at making people laugh, because I have a quick wit and dont take myself too seriously.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I use my inner radar to intuit the motives of others and decide whether or not it's safe to trust them.
I value intellectual exchange more than emotional sharing.
I get jazzed by innovative projects or visionary ideas.
The words should and ought crop up a lot in my thinking.
Many people find me too emotionally intense or dramatic.
I often become an expert on the topics I study.
Being alone allows me to get in touch with my innermost self.
I'm more detached than emotional.
Im willing to sacrifice in order to be in relationship.
I have big appetites and larger than life desires.
The term Type A personality was coined with me in mind.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


If I walk into a group that lacks a leader, Ill take charge.

Sometimes I feel like Im just going to explode.
I can be a fiesty scrapper who sticks up for the underdog.
Small talk doesnt do much for me.
Feeling appreciated means so much to me.
Making a good impression is important to me.
Knowing Im correct takes the edge off the tension I feel.
Big personal decisions can paralyze me.
I'm naturally playful, fun-loving, and free-spirited.
It's sometimes easier to directly confront my fears than allow my imagination to run wild.
I'm a great team player.

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


I mentally zone out when I lack time alone.

My mind is quick, but not particularly thorough.
It's easy to let my friends decide how we spend our time together.
I easily identify with the wounds Ive received in life.
I take action when other people are still trying to sort out their feelings.
Freedom matters more to me than almost anything else.


Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


DESCRIPTION, see columns to the right. >>>>>>>

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05

Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05


What's Your Enneagram Type?

rev. November 2005, by Susan Rhodes,








Total Score for Each Enneagram Type




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