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Cattle Farming
Increase Ladang Moccis Income And Reduce Saundry Cost
Ladang Moccis SDN BHD
Start from
2 person
2 person

Beef cattle located in MOCCISs oil palm plantation farm in about 3110 hectares ltd.
Over the past few years, the government has given a lot of emphasis on the
livestock sector. With the improvement of living standards and economic
development, the demand for fresh beef has increased several fold. Most of this
quantity on imports to meet domestic demand as well as to reduce the importation of
beef, the government has encouraged farmers to raise beef cattle farming.
Examples of breed is :
1. Kedah-kelantan,
2. Brahman dan
3. Local Indian Dairy (LDI)
4. Brangus
5. Simmental
The origins of cattle from areas cool climate medium (templete) included in the
family of Bos taurus cattle and sala motion from tropical regions (hot equator) is in
the Bos indicus or Zebu cattle types. Classification of cattle are as follows:

: Mamalia


Ungulata (haiwan bertanduk)




Bos taurus

( Templete)

Bos Indicus

( Hot equator, Zebu )

Characteristic of Tropical cattle :

1. It is resistant to high temperature and humidity
2. It is slow growing and small body size
3. It can move the skin
4. Milk or meat production rate is low
5. It is slow growing and small body size

Breeds of beef cattle

Breeds of cattle for meat production usually has a compact body compared to the
breed for milk production. Cow udder type is also not as large as breeds of dairy
cows. Beef breeds available in Ladang MOCCIS SDN BHD is divided into the
1. Kedah-Kelantan
2. Kacukan Brahman
3. Local Indian Dairy (LDI)
Lembu Kedah-Kelantan (KK)
Kedah-Kelantan (KK) is a breed of beef cattle reared by a most of local farmers in
Malaysia. The breed of cattle is also resistant to various types of diseases.
Characteristic of KK breed is :

The skin is brown or gray

The body is small and strapping
The head is broad and short
The back is straight and medium to large
Flat face, short legs and have small horns
Birth weight around 15.8 kg for males and 14.7 kg for female
Mature weight is between 200-500 kg and 175 kg for female
Yield meat is 45% of body weight

Brahman Breed

Photograph of
Kedah- Kelantan

This breed originated from India and is a descendant of a tropical cattle (Bos
indicus). This cow cud have been propagated well in the United States faucet
rearing patterns and system control hybrids and a more attractive appearance than
Brahman cows in the country of origin in India. It is able to adapt to new
environments in tropical climates and cattle growth is very fast and makes it as a
cow that unique in tropical countries
Its characteristics as follows:

It is resistant against external parasites and heat stress and hot weather
Gray or reddish bark
Its back there is a large humpback and its skin looked pleated
Ears wide and droop down
Weight at birth is 22 to 27 kg
Weight maturity is about 900kg for male and 520 kg for female

Photograph of Brahman Breed

Local cattle-breed Indian Diary (LID)

Characteristic :

This breed is a cross breed cattle Kangayan X Hallikar X Ongole originating

from india.
It has a shape that resembles the original Ongole cattle,
Solid meats,
Colored mixture of white and black in some parts of the body.
Have gelambir under the neck and bumpy at the top of the body like the

humps of camels.
Cattle are widely used in the fields as a tool to help farmers in the past
It is considered as a local breed because there is blood mixed breed Kedah
Resistance to various diseases and infections ticks.
Birth weight about 18-20kg
Mature cow weight is 280kg.
Photograph of Local Indian Dairy

Characteristic for breed selection

The purpose of raising cattle is to ensure enhanced yields. Therefore, the selection
of a good breeder is very important and has the properties required
Breed selection can be made based on some measure of the following:

1. Breed and seed

2. Shape or conformation
- Observation techniques
- Techniques based assessment (scoring)

Characteristics for selection of pedigree and male breed

Good record on the parent's performance. The record in this selection are:
I. Have a good carcase characteristics
II. Proven results from seed (parent) and breed (penjantan) good
III. Percent of meat higher than the percent of bone
IV. Low content of carcase fat
V. The resistance to heat, parasites, disease and seed breeder never dangerous
infectious diseases
VI. Healthy and compact body. Foot particularly the hind legs are strong and

Conformational selection method body

Observational techniques

In terms of the nature of color, body size, head, neck and shoulders, chest, skeleton,
body,back, front legs, back legs, feet, testicles and penis, tits and nipples, habits and
Techniques based on the assessment
Giving a grade to each body frame evaluated. For example, the head, body, legs,
limb (attitude, strength, large joints and its movement), udder / scrotum, taking in
general (the balance between the body).
Livestock Procurement
Livestock must be obtained from the cluster 'disease-free' in which all animals must
be free of certain diseases through blood tests and a similar except if the ptotocol
department that dispenses it. Movement of livestock is done only if get permission
with the Veterinary Health Certificate from the Controller and entrance of the
Veterinary Department of State.
Acceptance of the livestock and the transition

Livestock must be transported in a comfortable position, avoid from expose

to heat. For a long journey, plan your trip with modern comforts livestock and
preferably travel at night. enclosure shall be prepare before receive the
livestock. Enclosure must be cleaned and disanitasi to avoid any infection.
When arrival, animals should be given the "anti-stress" and left livestock to
rest for at least 3 days before the livestock-related activities carried out. Feed
livestock same as the original place and changed slowly to a new feeding

Livestock must be quarantined within one month. Records received livestock
in the form:
- Form received livestock (OPR/TPU/BR/STE/01)
Stock / Livestock Identification Log Book (OPR/TPU/BLS/STE/01)
Monthly Stock Log Book (OPR/TPU/BL/STE02)
Log Book of Livestock Total (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/03)
Depreciation of Livestock Total Log Book (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/04)
Ways of Preservation

Selection of area

Selection of area is important and should have shade as trees and trees that made
wind breakers. The surrounding area is good if the land topography of land is high

and plains and a flow of water and air. Selection of areas away from the busy road is
also important to reduce stress on livestock. Livestock in Ladang MOCCIS will be
placed in an oil palm plantation and it is suitable area because it is shady area with
good water drainage.
Peta ladang Moccis

Preservation system

Free Grazing (Grazing cycle)

The cattle are free to graze on pasture the parcels and transferred to other
compartments when the grass was exhausted and in circulation snatch the next
round. Integrated cattle breeding in :adang MOCCIS is done by installing an electric
fence on the oil palm block.

Ways of Electric fence installation is as follows:

Equipment needed
1. Solar

To maintain batterys
charge. Get energy from


direct sunlight

2. Unigizer

Store energy

3. Digital volmeter

To check the level of

electrical power

4. Battery

Store energy and produce

electricity in a chemical
reaction similar to primary

5. Jumper wire

To install electric from

battery to unigizer

6. Polywire

For electric flowed

7. Besi pagar

To avoid from electric

fence or polywire be slack
or sagging

8. Multi-fit rod

To hold the polywire

9. Roller

Equipment for roll up the


How to fitting it:

Pacakkan pole with a Multi-fitrod insulator at the top and bottom of the pole around
the block. Each block requires about 42 bars to 40 rows of oil palm in one block (25
long and 17 wide)
Install polywire the upper and lower poles. The two lines are attached polywire on
multi-fid rot available at each pole to prevent it from polywire be sagging
After finish of installing polywire, livestock are released into the electric fence.
Next, install unigizer, battery, and solar panel and connect directly to polywire
Next, measure the electric power by using digital voltmeter. The trick is insert the
needle of the voltmeter to the ground and placed in charge wire at any polywire
whether top or bottom of the pole
The voltmeter read can be identified. ( Best voltmeter reading is between 8-9 kV)


Intensive or feedlot
Cows are always in in the enclosure with quality food and clean water. Feed are
either grass or pellet or a mixture of the two is given at a rate of 3-5% of the dry
weight of the cow's body weight per day. Grass is given in the morning and give
pellet in afternoon. Ladang MOCCIS use this ways when there is a tour from outside
parties towards livestock and cattle need treatment only.


Integrated with the main crop

In this country, area planting of oil palm, rubber, coconut and fruit orchards are very
spacious. Under these crops are only found fertile weed. Integration with these
crops will save
money and reduce
herbicide costs.

In Ladang MOCCIS
SDN BHD, three
methods were
evaluated and them
is integration with the main crop, free grazing (grazing cycle) and feedlot (according
to current needs).
-Construction of enclosures
Enclosures are an important component in cattle rearing for integration system in
which it is place for received livestock from outside and as producing cows for sale
as well as for the management of health and isolation. Enclosures must have roof
that are waterproof and easily cleaned floor with satisfactory drainage. The size of
the enclosure, measuring 30 square feet is sufficient for a cow, meant for 10 head of
cattle shed of 20 feet 15 feet high and 8-10 feet is sufficient. Local materials such
as bamboo, timber, palm fronds can be used to save costs

Photograph of Ladang Moccis Sdn.Bhds Enclosure

Factors to be be considered before construct the enclosure:

1. The flat area to facilitate isolation livestock to the area.
2. Its strategic location in the middle of paddocks so easy to reach from all angles
pedok grazing
3. Near the road to facilitate truck out and in to the enclosure for throughout the year
4. Having the appropriate durability and made from economical with livestock herd
5. A shed size adapted to the number and type of livestock.

Components that should be available at the enclosure:

1. Yard - places where livestock pushed from the back to get into the lane livestock
2. Enclosures prisoners - a space or compartment to detain or isolate livestock for
specific purposes after inspection.
3. Enclosures reception - Where the livestock collected from pedok.

4. Door - each parcel must be separate by a certain door to facilitate rearing cycle
between compartments. Thus facilitating management control of livestock.
5. Travis (cattle crutch) - To make an examination, treatment or artificial
insemination each cattle in times of need. gates must be strong and about the size
of a cow, that when a cow is fed into it, the cow was not moving and restrained.
Enclosures should be built in such a way as to simplify control of livestock for
specific purposes such as to conduct tests for the control and prevention of disease.
Enclosures can be moved from one place to another place and is suitable for use in
sharing as farmers associations and cooperatives, or for rental to farmers in need.
By this method, small farmers do not have to issue high cost to build a enclosure.
Construction of the enclosure must be based on the number of livestock to make all
livestock get facility in the enclosure
Food and Drink Trough
Each enclosure must have a feeding trough and drinking enough. Feeding space is
1.5 feet per animal and drinking space is 1 feet of each animal.

Photograph of Food Through

Photograph of Drink through

Food and Drink

A cow needs grass about 3% -5% of body weight per day. Cattle can only rely on
continuous grass if it is of good quality. If not, the CCP supplement of 3 kg / head /
day and minerals should be given. Supplements can reduce the amount of grass
consumed, but it is expensive. Drinking water for cattle in the field are from natural
sources (rivers and ponds) while the pen is the source of tap water or rain. Untuk
rekod pemberian makanan tambahan Buku Log Makanan Tambahan Ternakan

Photograph of Palm kernel de-oil meal

Salt cube

Photograph of


of napier


Management of porker cattle

Management of porker cattle in a systematic and rigorous is necessary to achieve
good production. All management should be implemented properly by certain ages.
This can guarantee the quality of livestock and beneficial.
Stage birth until weaning process (sapihan): 1. Once the calf is born cattle in the field, be sure to dry, her panting fur,
mouth and nose to facilitate breathing also stimulates blood circulation
system. Calf will be left it birth naturally and assistance will be given to
birth problems (dystokia) to ensure they are not injured or deformed at
birth. If the mother dies or his mother left, help with fresh milk from
dairy cows at least 3 times a day.

At the same time, trained calf eating pellets and grass.

Given the milk until the age of 3 months

Train give grass and pellets little by little
Monitor the calf's health so that not infected with the disease
Pens child dry and not cold to avoid pneumonia
Breastfeeding is stopped when the age of 3 months and replace it with grass and
Can be released in the paddock during the day and back to the barn at night
Special care should be for this time because weight easy to down because stress
of divorce with milk
Segregate any age 6 months or when mature

2. Healthy calf can stand 20 to 30 minutes after birth. Calves must

breastfeed within the first 4 hours after birth for early milk (colostrum).
Milk Colostrum is the first milk that is rich in protein, vitamine, mineral
elements and functional antibodies provide protection from disease.
Newly born calves in the pasture were treated in the cord if possible. It
was cut to 5 to 7 cm in length and 20% solution of iodine applied to the
umbilical cord dry and dated. Dried umbilical cord will fall off in 5 to 7

*gambar sapu iodin

kat pusat


Calf will be tattooed or ear tattoo in 1 week after birth, given the
identification number, the recorded date of birth, birth weight, sex,
number / breed offspring. Record births in:
Log birth Birth Logbook (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/09) and
Log Book Breeding Stock Number (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/03 to stock
records and
Log Book Weigh livestock (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/10) when animals are

*gambar tag anak lembu

4. Calf will be with its mom for 6 months before be separate(weaning).

The weiht will be carried out and record monthly from birth until it
adulthood to determine the weight of his body to breed selection and
treatment soon.

*gambar timbang anak dlm cattle cratch

Weaning (weaning process): Calf that are at this stage is that after weaning until the age of almost a year (2
months - 9 months). At 6 months of age, male and female calves separately far
separated from his mother. Two months after weaning process is a critical time
where the calves requires proper care because of the change of food and
environmental changes
3 month
4 month
6 month

Foot and mouth disease
Blight disease
Imizol dan anthelmintics (if need)

Haemorrhagic septicaema
Prevent babesiosis

Expansion stage: Virgin bulls Management

Growth virgin bulls prior to birth the first time, depending on how the preservation
and feeding. This is important for pregnant cows at the age matured virgin. Although
female matured about 6 months of age will not be mated. For beef cattle to be
mated when weigh about 250 kg and age of not less than 18 months. Cows mated
virgin, must be kept for the wedding season gets weight gain to ensure the success
of pregnancy.

Management The bull

The method of rearing calves at an early stage is similar to a young cow to the age
of about 5-6 months. Afterward, the way the preservation is different. Calves aged 69 months who are adult sex (Matured), so it should be separated from their children
cows and heifer adults also who are not pregnant. This is to take care so that not
disrupt the heifer. The bull candidate must be tamed by held-hold on each day even
if only briefly, and to familiarize themselves with the rope tied around the neck and
held people. When bulls aged 6-9 months, it must be installed nostril and ribbons
(nose ring). The bull 18 months of age can be used as a stud. Number of cattle in an
amount should be recorded
Log Book Breeding Stock Number (OPR/TPU/BL/STE03)
Stage Breeding / Mating
While heifer are matured at age 6 months, but it can not be mated. Heifers are
usually married at the age of 18 months. Naturally bred beef bulls that were left to
mingle with heifer at 1:20 in the pasture. There are 2 ways how to marry a cow: I. The females were taken to the male or bull place to mated naturally.
II. Artificial insemination ways
Be understood, only mature heifer only when mated to produce pregnancy. For the
system "arranged marriage" should be observed during this sultry as he escaped
during this period then we had to wait for 19-21 days for the cattle is sensual. Bull
mix female group was October / November and April / May each year. Cattle that
have been mated naturally determined its pregnance with "Pregnancy diagnosis".
Pregnance stage
To know whether the mated or heifer was pregnant or not, then preferably
pregnancy examination performed after 40-80 from the date of the cow bred. Seek
help from a nearby Veterinary Officer. Duration of pregnancy is between 272-292
days (about 9.5 months). When it is known the cows pregnant, then separated from
the non-pregnant cows to avoid being harassed by other cows or bulls. Pregnant
cows need good food.


Contemplating livestock
Livestock should be weighing at least once a month. For a newborn child weight
should also be taken to find out the weight at birth. This is important for recordkeeping purposes and to breed out health. The tools used to consider is the
electronic scales.

Livestock scales


Noting the increase in weight can determine the appropriate livestock for sale
Get to know the increase or decrease in body weight of cattle to further health action.
Weighing result shall be recorded and updated
Get to know the age and weight gain in livestock to mated

B. Machinery / Equipment / Materials:


Load Bar


Digital meter (Tru




Cattle crutch




C. Ways
Cattle are grouped in the yard for easy handling during weighing process
Load bar and digital installed in cattle crutch
Cattle are brought into the cattle crutch and are weighed
After settle, the cattle were driven back into the grazing compartment
Results weights have recorded into the record books

D. Time/Duration
Sebaik- baiknya dilakukan pada sebelah pagi agar ternakan tidak merasa panas dan

stress. Dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sekali

Memastikan ada No. Tatoo/ Tag pada telinga ternakan dan jelas



Pastikan alat penimbang berada di dalam keadaan baik dan berfungsi

E. Security

Wearing clothing, rubber

shoes and gloves that

Refer to record weighing of livestock (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/10)

2. Identification (identification number of livestock)


To find out the age and number of livestock

Facilitate the selection and record such treatment, deaths, transfers and

other related
It is based on the sequence identification number of cattle in Ladang

Target Group
Preferably 1-week-old calf
Identification number or identification number is based on the Stock records of
Livestock Identification (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/01)

Method: Tagging

For individual identification number tagging method using the tag.

Easily seen from afar.

Find out the age and number of livestock
So that the works can be recorded

B. Machinery / Equipment / Materials:


Zero tag (male
tag & female tag)


Tag applicator


Marker pen




C. Time and duration

1 Preferably done in the morning so that livestock do not feel the heat and stress.

Performed on children aged 5-6 months

1 Fix it the head of the calf, aged 5 to 6 months in cattle crutch

Attach tag was numbered with applicator tag in one ear left calf
Apply iodine on parts of wound


Wearing clothing, rubber shoes and gloves that suitable

F. Note
1. Empty tag should be written to a specified number
2. Handgraving to chart number on the tag male / female
3. Iodine Tinture purpose to heal wounds and escape from infections

Eradication of lice

1. To kill fleas and control of animal diseases carried by ticks (eg: Babesiosis)

B. Machinery / Equipment / Material

Bi Image



Coopers Amitik

400 c.c / 200 liter





200 gm / liter


Nucidol 200 EC

200 gm / liter




Knapsack sprayer



C. Time/Duration
1. Preferably done in the morning so that livestock do not feel the heat and stress. Done at
least once a month or when the animal is found to have fleas at fur

D. Ways :

Enter the cows in the holding yard


Spray cattle with a mixture of water and Tactics EC. Keep all body parts,
especially cattle exposed to the mixture in between the thighs, armpits and
behind the ears.

E. Security

Wear clothes and shoes that suitable in fields and



Wearing face mask to avoid inhaling

F. Note
1 Medicines used are not expired
2 Do not exceed the dose prescribed
3 Different doses used in animal species, please refer to the information on the product

All of the medicine on the suitable to kill Lices, fleas, mites, and ticks

(Record all activities in Herd Health records (OPR/TPU/BR/STE/06)


Prevention and control of disease

In livestock industry, recognize signs of illness or healthy cattle is an
important step prior to the disease types can be determined and
preventive measures taken.
Table 2 :- The nature of healthy cows and sick

The nature of healthy cow

Look healthy, vibrant and constantly

The nature of sick cow

Looks gloomy, lifeless and lack of

grazing on field
His eyes seemed to shine

appetite when exacted in the field

His eyes were fade, pale red, stuffy

Removing dried feces and moderate

nose and there is trickle down of fluid

Removing liquid stools

The average body temperature of cattle

Temperatures higher than normal

is 38.5 C
Its fur is shiny and smooth and soft

Fur dry

when touched

Diseases common in cattle:

Identify cows sick or healthy is important. Cattle categorized sick if it
lethargic / listless look, do not want to eat, isolate themselves, making
noise, dung not dry, fur cleaning / stream and scrawny.

3. Disease and the symptoms that are commonly found in cattle are:
Types of Disease :

Disease Name




Navel ill

1. Swelling central

1. Newborn

- Caused by

area, containing pus

calf shall be

bacteria that get

2. High body

bound center

into the


then rubbed


3. Poor appetite /

with iodine

through the


tinctures, dri-



umbilical cord, the

dress or

center looks


occur which
causes rupture

(Umbilicial hernia)
Diarrhoea (Calf-

1. Diarrhea and foul

1. Reduce milk

1. Anti


smelling stools

2. Enclosures,

diarrea like

- Usually occurs on

2. Surrounding the

food and the


the calves are still

base of the tail and



suckling. The

found filled with dirt

must be clean


disease is caused

3. Thin, dark hair and

3. Separate


by germs

sometimes get into

the cattle that


4. Slow and

in sick

such as




1. High body

n Sulphate
1. Give

pneumonia (Sakit





respiratory frequency


for the

increased, sometimes



accompanied by


calf to get


1. It is

from its


1. Lack of appetite

1. Worm

1. Worm

- Stomach-worm

2. thin



normally found in

3. diarrhea

should be

should be

the calf

4. Distended stomach




at age 3

d at age 3

weeks of each

weeks of

month until the

each month

age of one and

until the age

a half years

of one and


2. Ivomec (R)

a half years

or Valbazine

2. Ivomec

(R) can be

(R) or


(R) can be



1. To Decide

1. Give the

-Lice are

life cycle (life-



cycle) ticks on


parasites, causing

the pastures.


further itching

* Asuntol

entrance wound is

* Bovinox

disinfected. Great
flea infestation can
cause a lack of


meat production.

1.Cattle that

1.Cattle that

-Can be caused by



bacteria or poor

should get

should get

management (lack



of food or cattle



falling etc.
Difficulty birth

1. If the child

nt attention


does not come

-Due to the

out in 8 hours

overgrown child,

after embryo

his position is not

visible, then

correct, holding the

the farmer

pelvis is too narrow

should be in

and so

touch with the



position is seen


muzzle and front of

Officer in the


near future

Records treatment in Patient Medical record form (OPR/TPU/BR/STE/02) and

medicines in the log book Invention medications (OPR/TPU/BL/STE/05) by the
Veterinary Officer.


Livestock die due to infectious disease should be referred to Department of


Livestock samples will be taken by patologist to be analyzed in the laboratory

Carcasses of cattle that died from infectious diseases should be cultivated with a
depth of at least 6
feet and sprinkle lime

Sprinkle with lime and should be backfilled with chalk again to avoid

Record the information in the form Livestock death and Livestock Disposal form

Deaths caused by non-infectious diseases sent to the veterinary department
for Post Mortem

If the carcass was decomposed, plant in a location away from the livestock

Landfill to avoid the smelt by dogs and so on.

Record information in the Form of Death Livestock Form


Herd Health Guide

Herd health is animal health and production program planned. The
program is scheduled, which is carried out to maintain animal health in
order to achieve optimal
ranked with optimal production.
The main purpose of Herd Health Program was to:

Maintaining health and production more efficient ranked for


Control, Prevent and eradicate dangerous diseases to livestock





Reduce to a minimum level of environmental pollution by livestock

prevent zoonatik disease

List of activity for healthy Programme

1. Vaccination
2. Deworming
3. Deticking

Target group

fingernails and

Livestock aged 6 weeks on

Mouth Disease



The first dose in Livestock aged 6 weeks

The second dose 2-3 weeks after the first dose
The dose booster every year

Give anthelmintics

Sub-cutenous injection
Target group
Livestock aged 6-8 weeks above
Depending on the strain of worms that is based on fecal Egg Count
and clinical signs in infected flocks. For tapeworm drenching should
be based on the presence of worm segments in stool


An oral, injectable or pour-on

Remove / reduce ekto-parasite
Avoiding infection vector-borne diseases
the target group

All Livestock
Depending on the strain of lice
Using tikisid (tikicide) is most effective. Either bath (dipping,
spraying), pour-on or injectable

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