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Untitled - 08/06/15 - 2:13 am

Global warming is one of the greatest challenges that humankind will have to face in a
coming few change. The phenomenon of an increase in temperature of earths surface has
caused a major concern amongst environmentalists and scientists, who understand the
the graveness matter. Scientists have recorded an increase of 0.8 degrees in the average
temperature of earth since the past century. To put that into perspective, an increase of 4
degrees was enough to end the ice age. Furthermore, scientists expect an increase of
anywhere from 0.8 to 6.42 degrees until the next century. In such a scenario, all the
himalayan glaciers would melt and the amazon rainforest would be reduced to grasslands.
The prime cause of global warming is the greenhouse effect, which in moderation is the
reason earth has habitable climate. Earth receives energy in form of solar radiation which
is absorbed by the surface. Then, this energy is radiated back to the atmosphere in form of
heat. Certain gases, called greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane and after
vapour, will trap the heat, not allowing it to escape the earth. This keeps the earth warm
enough to sustain biological activities pivotal to survival of life on earth. This is called the
greenhouse effect.
Ever since the Industrial revolution kicked off, we have been pouring more and more
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These have been the result of our activities, such
as excessive burning of fossil fuels, deforestation leading to release of carbon which
plants otherwise stored for photosynthesis, mining, which leads to emission of methane.
The levels reaching carbon dioxide have been alarmingly high, with levels reaching the
highest they have been in past 3 to 5 million years. The amount of carbon dioxide recorded
in the atmosphere has gone from an average of 230 ppm to 400 ppm in the past 200 years
or so.
Nevertheless, there are potential ways to avert the danger, or at least reduce the effects.
Firstly, governments need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and promote
alternatives. Plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power are all things
that are a step in the right direction, but stringent action on the part of governments is
necessary. Also, individuals can play a part by incorporating lifestyle changes. People
should try to buy cars with the best fuel economy, and only use their car when really
necessary. They can also switch to energy companies that use renewable energy rather

Untitled - 08/06/15 - 2:13 am

than fossil fuels. Finally, small things like buying energy efficient light bulbs, turning off
electricity in the house, and planting trees in the garden can help.
To conclude, Global warming is an issue that needs immediate attention, and as quick
redressal as possible. Things still havent got out of our hands to an extent where the
damage is irreparable. However, the way we will go about our activities in the next future
may very well decide the fate of our future generations.

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