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The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


Bilingual Edition

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

To Grandpa and Grandma

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

Thinking Unboxed

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the

copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or
used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying,
recording, scanning, digitizing, taping.

Executive Editor:
Gao Nguyen
Assistant Editors:
Duc Pham
Nguyen Trang
Creative Director:
Hoa Vu
Vo Quoc Thang
Ngoc Chung

Nguyen Hao
Book designer:
Gao Nguyen

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


Intro to Psychology | Gii thiu Tm Ly hoc



Psychological approaches | Phng phap nghin cu TLH



Famous Psychologists | Cac nha TLH ni ting



The Nervous system | H thn kinh



Sensation | Cam giac



Perception | Tri giac



Sleep | Gic ngu



Memory | Tri nh



Thinking | T duy



Intelligence | Tri thng minh



Learning | Hoc tp



Language | Ngn ng



Motivation and Emotion | ng lc va Cam xuc


Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


Z Psychology is a bilingual series of online peer-sharing Psychology Flashcards and White-board

animated videos (in English and Vietnamese). All materials are produced by a group of passionate
youths in Singapore and Vietnam, who study or purely interested in Psychology.

This project aims to bring Psychology closer to everyone in a fresh and interesting way. While
psychological knowledge is often applied to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, it is
also directed towards understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity.
And we believe Psychology isn't just a theoretical subject; it can improve our everyday life!

Studying abroad and pursuing Psychology, I

face a lot of challenges when doing research in
the development and application of Psychology
in Vietnam. The reasons could be a scarcity in
Psychology resources as well as the
unfamiliarity of myself towards Vietnamesetranslated terminologies.
I had the idea about EzPsy in bilingual

concept. As I shared it with my close friends,

they were so excited and supportive.
That is how EzPsy started in a nut shell.
- Gao Nguyen | Founder -

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


s you begin your journey with Psychology, you might be wondering

what this field is all about, and how it relates to your personal
experiences. You are in for a treat, because it is a fascinating field

Work for your pride. Not

your price.

that has much to do with you. Our goal in compiling this book from all

I simply think, doing any-

scripts used for EzPsychology videos is to better convey some of the

thing good with your whole

excitement and satisfaction that comes with understanding more about

your own and others' mental processes and behaviors.
The book "Psychology consists of 13 chapters that illustrate the
introduction to Psychology. Rather than asking you to memorize a large
number of theories, terminologies, we have tried to "squeeze" a book that
makes those basic principles easier and more interesting for you to see,

understand, remember, and apply in your daily life.

There will be images illustrated by our very own EzSTUDIO doodlers to
aid your visualization and imagination as well.
With that, we hope you enjoy your reading.

Gao Nguyen
EzSTUDIO Founder

Thinking Unboxed

heart will make people

happy. You may ask, How
much good is enough? Oh
well, I do not know and
have no intention of
spending effort finding an

answer either. I just do it.

Hoa Vu

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


t surely takes more than just a porpoise to allow wise fish to complete a journey. We owe thanks to many,
many people who have helped us not just to make the journey but to become wise fish.

First, we would like to thank our friends, Lan Tran (VietPsy) and Yao Liyang (VedicLink) who have provided
advice and social media support for us from the very beginning of our journey.
Second, friends from ZUNI.VN - Hien Pham, Cong Ban Nong who helped EzSTUDIO gain the very first step in
engaging Vietnam students through online education.
Third, the users/ students from VietPsy Facebook Page and ZUNI.VN for supporting and following our
EzPsychology series. Their valuable feedbacks were extremely helpful to us to better improve EzPsy.
Finally, team work has been an essential part of the creation of EzSTUDIO, and especially this important e-

Book. We would like to thank each other for the many benefits of co-authorship. And indeed, we also became
much closer friends in the process.

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


What is Psychology?

peaking of Psychology, you might think of helping people with

mental problems, psychological disorders or reading minds. A large
part of psychology is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of

In This Chapter

mental health issues but that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to

Definition of Psychology


Mental process

the applications of Psychology.

Psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the human
mind (mental processes) and behaviors.

Major goals of

Behaviors refer to observable actions or responses in both human

and animals. It could be eating, sleeping, etc.
The mind or Mental processes which are not directly observable
refer to a wide range of complex processes such as thinking, dreaming,
problem solving, etc.

A wonderful fact to
reflect upon, that
every human

creature is
constituted to be that
profound secret and
mystery to every
Charles Dickens,
A Tale of Two Cities
Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO


Major goals of Psychology

The four major goals of Psychology include:
1. Describe: to understand and gain better perspective about human behaviors
2. Explain: why do we do the things that we do? What are our motives behind them?
3. Predict: make predictions about how we think or act upon certain situations

4. Control/ change: in order to make positive and lasting changes in our lives.






Psychology studies the human mind (mental

processes) and behaviors.
Behaviors refer to observable actions or
The mind refers to a wide range of
complex processes.

Four major goals of Psychology: Describe,

Explain, Predict and Control/ Change

Major goals of Psychology

Thinking Unboxed

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In This Chapter

5 Psychological

Biological approach


Cognitive approach


Behavioral approach




Humanistic approach

Psychological approaches

What are Psychological approaches?

n modern psychological research, there are 5 approaches that aim to shed light on our understanding human

These approaches are:

1. Biological approach

According to Madam Pomfrey,

2. Cognitive approach

thoughts could leave deeper scars

3. Behavioral approach
4. Psychoanalytic approach
5. Humanistic approach
Thinking Unboxed

than almost anything else.

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix

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Biological approach
It focuses on how genes, hormones and the
nervous system interact with the environment to
influence learning, memory, and emotion.
For example, in the 1990s, psychologists
discovered that autism was caused by genetic and
biological factors that result in a mal-developed

Cognitive approach
This approach examines how we process, store
Psychoanalytic approach

and use information and how this information

influences what we attend to, perceive, learn,

Behavioral approach
It studies how organism learn new behavior or
modify existing ones depending on reward/ punish

remember, believe and feel.

For example, anxiety happens during exam due to
cognitive component of excessive worrying (about
failing the exam)

For example, researchers identified freshmen who had

poor study skills and divided them into 2 groups. One

group was given a self-management course to improve
their skills while the second group was not.
Result: 7% of those who DID NOT take the course
survived through their first semester. 53% of those who
DID TAKE survived through.

Psychoanalytic approach
It stresses the influence of unconscious fears, desires

and motivation on thoughts, behavior and the

development of personality traits and psychological
problems later in life.
Cognitive approach

For example, based on personality tests, researchers

concluded that students who are regular
procrastinators may have low-self-esteem and have a
strong fear of failure.

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The pursuit of Happyness

Humanistic approach
Everyone was born a child, but each individual has a large capacity for
personal growth, great freedom in directing his or her future, a considerable amount of intrinsic worth and enormous potential for self-fulfillment.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned,

worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual
experience of living every minute with love,
grace, and gratitude.
Denis Waitley

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There are a number of scholars who have made great contributions to the field of psychology.

1. Wilhelm Wundt - Father of

This great man established the first psychology lab in Leipzig,
He indeed separated psychology from other fields of science
and since then, psychology has become an independent field of
its own.
Focusing on what constitutes consciousness and broke the
human brain down into smaller and separate parts for further
analysis, he invented the Structuralism approach.

Wilhelm Wundt

In This Chapter
1. Wilhelm Wundt
2. B.F Skinner
3. Sigmund Freud

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4. Jean Piaget
5. Abraham Maslow
6. John B. Watson
7. Ivan Pavlov

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2. B.F.Skinner - Father of the

Behavioral approach
Skinner invented the operant conditioning chamber (also
known as Skinner box) to measure responses of organisms
and their orderly interactions with the environment.
The box had a lever and a food tray. A hungry rat could either
get an electric shock or food by pressing the lever.
Skinner discovered that consequences for the organism played
a large role in how the organism responded in certain
situations. This special kind of stimulus is called a reinforcer or
B.F. Skinner

3. Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud was the one who popularized the idea about
the conscious and sub-conscious mind.
The conscious state occurs when people are aware of whats
going on through perspectives, memory, perception, thoughts,
illusions and feelings.
Freud supposed that sub-consciousness, acting as a special
assistant of consciousness, is a memorys state ready for
behaviors and the storage center used when the need to
retrieve information arises.

Sigmund Freud

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4. Jean Piaget
Until the end of the 20th century, there was no psychologist who
had ever studied childrens intellectual and cognitive
development as sophisticatedly and systematically as Jean
For a good seven decades of scientific research, he had
contributed significantly to the establishment of new scientific

fields: Developmental psychology and cognitive theory.

Jean Piaget

5. Abraham Maslow
Were pretty sure that you have heard of Maslows Hierarchy of
The most basic level is Physiological needs which are physical
requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not
met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately
fail. Those needs include breathing, food, water, sleep, etc.
With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the individual's safety
needs take precedence and dominate behavior. Safety needs
include: Personal security; financial security; Health and well-

The third level of human needs is interpersonal and involves a sense of
belonging such as friendship, family bonds, intimacy, etc.
Going on to the next level, all humans have a need to feel respected; this
includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect.
And lastly, "What a man can be, he must be." This level of need refers to
what a person's full potential is and the realization of that potential.
Abraham Maslow

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6. John. B. Watson
The leading figure in Behaviorism is John B. Watson.. He put
the emphasis on external behavior of people and their
reactions on given situations, rather than the internal, mental
state of those people.
He pushed for psychology to no longer be considered the
science of the "mind". Instead, he stated that psychology

should focus on the "behavior" of the individual, not their

Through his behaviorist approach, Watson conducted research
on animal behavior, child rearing, and advertising.
John. B. Watson

7. Ivan Pavlov
In the 1980s, Ivan Pavlov studied dogs and eventually
formulated the Classical Conditioning after conducting a
wide range of experiments.
First, when presenting food to the dog, it will respond by
salivating. If we only ring the bell without any food though,
the dog will show no response at all.
However, when presented with food while hearing the bell,
the dog will salivate. So eventually, even if we just ring the

bell without food, the dog will still respond by salivating.

To summarize, classical conditioning involves learning to
associate an unconditioned stimulus (food) that already
brings about a particular response (salivation) with a
conditioned stimulus (bell), so that the new stimulus brings
about the same response.
Ivan Pavlov

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In This Chapter
1. Central Nervous
Nervous System

Somatic NS

Autonomic NS

Neuron and Glial cell

What is Nervous System?

ervous system is a network of cells that orchestrates human actions, both voluntary and involuntary,
through sending signals to and from all parts of the body. The cells made up nervous system are divided
into two types: neurons and glial cells.

As the messengers of the body that receive and send messages within the system, neurons have a special
structure. Its dendrites are tasked to receive messages from other cells and transmit them to cell body, which in
turn sends the messages to axon. To transmit those messages to the other cells, the axon of one cell and the
receivers of others form a structure called synapse.
Based on the functions, nervous system is broken down into two systems: the Central nervous system (CNS)
and Peripheral nervous system (PNS).

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The Nervous System

1. Central Nervous System

The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain

and the spinal cord.

Brain is the center of the nervous system. Similar to
computers CPU, brain takes information from all of the senses,
storing it, processing it, making decisions from it and sending
commands out to the body.
Anatomically, brain is made up of forebrain, mid brain, and

In short, brain is the big boss of the

body. However, it would be a

Forebrain is responsible for cognitive activities such as

useless boss without spinal cord.

perceiving, thinking, producing and understanding

language, plus different critical activities related to emotion

Spinal cord carries messages

and motion function.

between the body and the brain.

Midbrain is the part involved in auditory and visual, as well

Its also responsible for very fast,

as motor function.

and lifesaving reflexes, pulling back

Hindbrain helps maintain balance, and coordinate

the finger when touching a hot


kettle for example.

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2. Peripheral Nervous System

The PNS is made up of all the nerves and neurons outside the brain and the spinal cord, carries
information to and from the CNS.

Somatic NS allows the brain and the spinal cord to communicate with sensory system and allows the
brain and the spinal cord to control the muscles and glands of the body.

Autonomic NS is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic

nervous system activates organism to make the body ready in response to threat. Parasympathetic
nervous system calms down the body to normal functioning after arousal and serves basic life
functions such as heart beating.

To study brain and its working, many approaches

are used. One way is to study animals or people
with damage to brain so as to see what happens
to their abilities. Another way is to record electrical
abilities of the neurons with an electroencephalograph (EEG). Nowadays, several new approaches
are developed to look further inside human brains,
such as CT scan, MRI, PET, fMRI, etc.

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What is Sensation?

ensation is the process by which we passively receive information

from the external environment through our five senses, which can
then be sent to and interpreted by the brain. As you probably have

known, our five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
A large amount of information could be sensed at any one time such as
the colors or shapes of objects, the sound of the radio, the smell from the

The great art of

life is sensation, to
feel that we exist,

kitchen, the taste of garlic or the silky fur of your cat...

even in pain.
- Lord Byron -

In This Chapter

Definition of


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Absolute threshold

Difference threshold

Sensory adaptation

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Absolute threshold
Refers to the weakest possible stimulus that is noticeable to our
senses. Anything below this threshold could not be detected.
For example: In the dark, you could not see the headlight of the car
from far away or you could not smell the flowers in the ground garden
while you were on the 5th floor,...

Difference threshold
Refers to a minimum amount that something needs to change in
order for a person to notice the difference 50% of the time. In other
words, the difference threshold needs to be met before any change in
the stimulus can be detected.
For example: You were carrying a pile of 100 books and someone
gave you one more, you would probably not notice the difference.
However, if someone gave you 20 more, the difference would be
quite obvious.

Sensory adaptation
Refers to the loss or reduction of responsiveness or sensitivity in our
senses after the stimulation has remained unchanged for an
extended period of time.
For example: You went swimming. The water in the swimming pool
was first quite cold, but after swimming for a while, you would get
used to it and be able to adapt to the coldness.

At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you
get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space.

Natalie Wood

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Difference threshold


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What is Perception?

ast chapter, we learned about sensation - the process of receiving

In This Chapter

stimulus information from the environment. This chapter, we

examine the closely-related process of perception. Together


sensation and perception help us make sense of the world.

Perception is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory

are actually two chickens? Or may be just a chicken in an egg?

Apparently the picture is incomplete, but somehow you still figure out what
was drawn. Well, it is your perception that helps you understand and
make sense of this picture, even when its not really obvious.

Perception helps us understand and make sense of events

Thinking Unboxed


information to give it meanings.

Look at the picture below, what do you see? A light bulb? Or maybe there

Definition of


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Perception processing
Perception is the combination of bottom-up and top-down processing.
Bottom-up processing is synonymous to Sensation where information is sent to the brain.
In top-down processing we begin with some expectations of what is happening and apply that
framework to incoming information from the world.
Do you notice that when you suddenly hear the tune of your favorite song playing, you can
confidently sing along without lagging behind the singer? This is because you can anticipate the
next verse of the lyrics or in other words, you have already engaged in a perceptual experience
produced by top-down processing.

Top-down processing

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Perceptual process
Helps us attempt to detect what we want to focus and ignore or minimize all other information.
For example: You may find it hard to focus on the lecture while your friends were chatting and
gossiping out loud all around you. You need to determine what sounds you want to hear and filter
out those you dont want to hear.

Attention experiment
In 1999, Simons & Chabris conducted an attention experiment. They asked the audience to watch
a video clip of basketball players in black and white jerseys making passes. Participants had to
count how many times the players in white passed the ball.
Almost everyone answered 15 passes but most people did not notice that there was a black gorilla
walking among the players in the middle of the video.

This explains the way our perceptual process sets our expectations and filters out unnecessary
information. While we focus on counting the players in white, we ignore other distractions (players
in black and the gorilla).

Attention experiment

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In This Chapter


Non-REM sleep

REM sleep

Sleep in animal


What is Sleep?

leep - We spend one third of our lives doing


We have to sleep because it is essential to

maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills such as
speech, memory, innovative and flexible thinking.
A lack of sleep has serious effects on our brain's
ability to function. If you've ever pulled an all-nighter,
you'll be familiar with the following after-effects:
grumpiness, grogginess, irritability and

Thinking Unboxed

A well-spent day
brings happy sleep.
Leonardo da Vinci

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Non-REM Sleep

1. Non-REM sleep
a) Stage one: Light Sleep
During the first stage of sleep, we're half awake and half asleep. Our
muscle activity slows down and slight twitching may occur. This is a period
of light sleep, meaning we can be awaken easily at this stage.
b) Stage two: True Sleep

Stage 1

Within ten minutes of light sleep, we enter stage two, which lasts around
20 minutes. The breathing pattern and heart rate start to slow down. This
period accounts for the largest part of human sleep.
c) Stages three and four: Deep Sleep
During stage three, the brain begins to produce delta waves, a type of

Stage 2

wave that is large (high amplitude) and slow (low frequency). Breathing
and heart rate are at their lowest levels. Stage four is characterized by

rhythmic breathing and limited muscle activity.

If we are awakened during deep sleep we do not adjust immediately and
often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes after waking up.
Some children experience bed-wetting, night terrors, or sleepwalking
during this stage.
Stage 3 & 4

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2. REM sleep
The first rapid eye movement (REM) period usually begins about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep.
We have around three to five REM episodes a night.
Although we are not conscious, the brain is very active - often more so than when we are awake. This
is the period when most dreams occur. Our eyes dart around (hence the name), our breathing rate and
blood pressure rise. However, our bodies are effectively paralysed, which is said to be nature's way of
preventing us from acting out our dreams.
Results from the sleep profiler indicate that people like to sleep anywhere between 5 and 11 hours,

with the average being 7.75 hours.

Jim Horne from Loughborough University's Sleep Research Centre has a simple answer
though: "The amount of sleep we require is what we need not to be sleepy in the daytime."

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3. Sleep in animal
Familiar as it is, sleep is still rather mysterious. No one doubts it is important for good health, and
amongst its functions is probably the processing of memories. Sleep is best studied in humans and
other mammals, where it is characterized by a number of behavioral traits. These include quiescence,
reduced body movement and muscle tonus, a characteristic posture, a high arousal threshold and
compensatory sleep after sleep deprivation.

Sleep hours per day in animal

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What is Memory?

emory is a major research topic in Psychology. In

this chapter, we will talk briefly about this interesting
(and powerful) ability of human beings.

Memory is the retention of information or experience over time.

It consists of three processes: encoding, storage and retrieval.

Memory processes

Thinking Unboxed

In This Chapter

Definition of Memory

Memory process model



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Now, imagine you are going to the grocery store to

grab a dozen eggs, some tomatoes, herbs and
some noodle to make pasta for dinner.
First, you must encode what to buy by making a
mental note about these things. In order to
remember, you pay careful attention to what
ingredients there are on the recipe.
Also, to make it even easier, you imagine the eggs,

the tomatoes and herbs are skipping pasta ropes, to

reach a deeper level of processing (using imagery)
rather than just remember the names of the


Atkinson and Shiffrin's Model

On the way to the store, you keep going through the list in your head so that you will not forget. This is
the act of rehearsal. Rehearsal helps you retain information in your short-term memory before it is stored

in the more stable long-term memory.

Here you can see the memory process proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968:

Memory process

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According to this model, memory storage involves three systems: sensory memory, short-term memory,
and long-term memory.
Sensory memory can only hold sensory input for less than 1 second. If the input gets your
attention, itll move into short-term memory. Unless it is rehearsed, such input will only remain there
for 30 seconds. Once moved into long-term memory, the input can be stored over a lifetime.
At the store, you pull out the to-buy items from your long-term memory so that you can go straight to the
shelves containing those items without wasting time. This is the retrieval process.

Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
You already grabbed the eggs, the tomatoes and the herbs with you. But somehow you couldnt
remember the last thing you need. You ended up wandering around the supermarket and kept snapping
your finger: what is that last thing?
You knew it was there in your head but you just couldnt bring it up now. Until you walked past all the
macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna section BADOOM! Its pasta that you need! Psychologists call this
the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, a type of effortful retrieval that occurs when we are confident that we

know something but cannot quite pull it out of memory.

Memories, even your most precious ones, fade

surprisingly quickly. But I dont go along with that.
The memories I value most, I dont ever see them
Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go

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What is Thinking?

Your time is limited, so

hen your computer is processing a program, you can hear the

sound of the CPU fan whirring from inside.

don't waste it living

someone else's life. Don't

Unlike the computer, your brain does not make noise to let you know it is

be trapped by dogma -

working. Rather, the brain works in the silent mental process called

which is living with the

results of other people's


thinking. Don't let the noise

of others' opinions drown

Thinking processes

out your own inner voice.

Thinking processes involve manipulating information by forming concepts,

And most important, have

solving problems, making decisions, and reflecting critically or creatively.

the courage to follow your

heart and intuition.
Steve Jobs




In This Chapter

Silent mental process - Thinking

Thinking Unboxed

Definition of Thinking

The thinking processes

Concept formation

Problem solving

Critical reflection

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Concept formation
First, lets talk about concept formation.
Concepts are mental categories that are
used to group objects, events, and
Concepts help us generalize things,
which is why whether you look at a
Chihuahua or a Husky, you instantly

recognize them as dogs.

Concepts also aid your memory. Imagine
Problem solving

Problem solving

having to think about how to pet a

dog the right way (so that it will not bite
you! ) every time you see one.

Why do we think? Of course, to solve problems!

Solving a complex problem means finding an appropriate way to
attain a goal when the goal is not readily available. This means
you have to set a goal for yourself, the very first step to problem

Once you know your destination, you can focus on finding the
solution in a particular way, or framing a problem.
Now you must develop a good strategy to solve it. Three
effective problem solving strategies are:
1. Setting sub-goals, intermediate goals that, when achieved,
put you in a better position to reach the final solution.
2. Using algorithms, which involves a set of formulas,

instructions, and the testing of all possible solutions for

example, using a recipe while cooking or looking at the
manual while assembling that new LEGO set.
3. Using heuristics, which are mental shortcuts that suggest a
solution to a problem but do not guarantee an answer. For
example, you know U usually goes after Q, so when you
play Scrabble, you immediately put these two letters

Thinking Unboxed

Aid memory

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Thinking is the
silent mental process
when the brain

Thinking processes
involve manipulating
information by

Forming concepts
Solving problems,
making decisions.
Reflecting critically or

Strive for better solutions

Critical evaluation
How do you know if your strategy works?
You need to set criteria to evaluate how effective your solution to the
problem is. Criteria may include how fast you solve a math problem or
how high you get on your term assignment.
The evaluation process helps the good problem solvers strive for better

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In This Chapter

Definition of Intelligence

General intelligence

Charles Spearman (1904)

Howard Gardners
Multiple intelligence

Robert Sternbergs
Triarchic theory

What is intelligence?

What is Intelligence?

ets start this chapter with a story.

A famous professor named Know-it-all often rode a bike to work. One day, the chain fell off his bike and the professor

decided to fix it. He noticed that the chain fell off at regular intervals, after a certain number of spokes in the front wheel. He
observed that this number was the product of the number of spokes in the front wheel, the number of links in the chain and
the number of cogs in the pedal.
He deduced that the chain came loose whenever a particular link in the chain came into contact with a particular bent spoke
on the wheel. He then knew where the problem lay and fixed it.
How impressive, right? Wait a minute your local bike mechanic can solve this problem without using any math at all. So
who is the intelligent man here, the professor or the mechanic?

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General intelligence
In 1904, Charles Spearman proposed the idea of general
intelligence. He said that to perform well on any test of mental ability,

The difference

people need a general ability, called G.

G is the area of overlapping abilities, namely mechanical,
logical, arithmetical, and spatial. Later researchers confirmed that
scores on all cognitive tests correlate positively with one another.

For example, a student who does well in math generally does well in
English. One of the explanations for g is that all the tasks measure a

stupidity and
genius is that
genius has its

single underlying ability such as memory. Good memory helps with


both math and English.

Multiple intelligence

Albert Einstein

Can the concept of general intelligence explain the question about

the professor and the mechanic? Probably, but first, lets look at
intelligence from another point of view: the Multiple Intelligences
First, we have Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences:
His theory describes nine distinct intelligences based on skills and
abilities that are valued within different cultures. The nine
intelligences Gardner described are:

Visual-spatial Intelligence (Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects )

Verbal-linguistic Intelligence (poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers )
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence (Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople)
Logical-mathematical Intelligence (mathematicians, scientists, and detectives)
Interpersonal Intelligence (Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians)
Intrapersonal Intelligence (psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers)
Musical Intelligence (composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners)
Naturalistic Intelligence (hunters, gatherers, and farmers, botanist or chef)
Existential Intelligence (philosophers, theologians, life coaches)

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Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences










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Triarchic intelligence
Next is Robert Sternbergs Triarchic theory. This theory identifies 3 aspects of intelligence:
Analytical intelligence: This component refers to problem-solving abilities.
Creative intelligence: This aspect of intelligence involves the ability to deal with new situations
using past experiences and current skills.
Practical intelligence: This element refers to the ability to adapt to a changing environment.




So back to the question about who is the intelligent man.

According to Sternberg, the Professor should have high Analytical intelligence while the mechanic should
have high Practical intelligence.
Meanwhile, how would you apply Gardners theory to this situation? I will leave this question to you.

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Learning means classroom

What is Learning?

hat is learning? To you, learning may conjure up classrooms, teachers, students and books. To
psychologists, learning is a long-term change in behavior resulting from experience.

There are three main theories of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning.

In this chapter

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Classical conditioning

Operant conditioning

Observational conditioning

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Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning came from Pavlovs experiment on dogs digestive process by
accident. (Do refer to Chapter 3 on Ivan Pavlov)
After ringing a bell, the physiologist put meat powder on the dogs tongues, causing them to
salivate. After several times, the dogs started to salivate to the sound of the bell. As a neutral
stimulus (NS), the bell alone could not elicit the same response from dogs but it did, after
becoming a conditioned stimulus (CS). After conditioning, a conditioned stimulus leads
directly to a conditioned reflex.

Operant conditioning
In operant conditioning, a term coined by B.F. Skinner, what matters most is the reinforcer
that decides the frequency of a response, either strengthening or weakening it. Unlike
classical conditioning which leaves learners passive in involuntary behaviors, operant
conditioning engages them in voluntary behaviors through typical types of reinforcement:
positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative
1. Positive reinforcement is any motivating stimulus that makes a behavior more likely to

happen. If many people say you look great in some outfit, you will wear it more often.
2. Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior by removing an unpleasant
reinforcer, say, you take aspirin to get rid of a headache; the next time you have a
headache, you will go straight for aspirin.
On the contrary, punishment lessens the likelihood of a behaviors occurrence. Positive
punishment presents an unpleasant stimulus: getting fined for speeding or burning your hand
after touching a hot kettle. Negative punishment is removing a pleasant stimulus when a
behavior occurs: teenagers getting grounded for misbehavior.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi

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Observational learning
According to Albert Bandura, observational learning or modeling is learning through watching
and imitating the actions of another, no reinforcement required.
His Bobo doll experiment proved that children were able to learn to be aggressive through
the observation of adult behavior.
Such learning occurs in four stages:
1. Attention
2. Retention/Memory
3. Imitation/Motor
4. Motivation
The learner must pay attention to, remember, and reproduce the modeled behavior and
motivation is what coaches encourage observers to keep duplicating it.
Observational learning is omnipresent: a child learns to talk and walk, an apprentice mimics
how seasoned artisans make handcrafts and students take Physical Exercise lessons.

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What is Language?

anguage is the vehicle for daily communication: it helps us

express our thoughts and enables us to learn from the experience
of people who live thousands of miles away or centuries ago

through books.

Fun fact
The word Infant
comes from the

Human develops language very early in life.

However, at 4 months, a baby can differentiate between different lips
movements with distinctive sounds. After this language reception period,
the baby starts babbling familiar sounds such as ma in mama (mother).

Latin word Infans

which means not

From 1 to 3 years, the vocabulary and clarity in pronunciation are

gradually developed. At 4 years old, the language capability of a child is
almost on par with that of a mature human .

In This Chapter
Definition of
Nature versus
Brains areas

Silent mental process - Thinking

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Nature versus Nurture

The nature versus nurture debate in human language acquisition is a
controversial topic. There are two classic theories about how
language is acquired.
1. Principles of conditioning
First is the theory supporting the influence of environment factors by
behaviorist B. F. Skinner. He believed that language is acquired

by children through principles of conditioning, which includes chains

of responses acquired through reinforcement.
For example, a baby babbles ma-ma and the mother rewards her
with hugs and kisses, thus the baby says mama more and more.
Besides, children learn through imitating others and absorbing
corrections from adults.
2. Language acquisition device

B.F. Skinner

The second theory is by the well-known linguist Noam Chomsky.

Chomsky argues that the human brain has a language acquisition

device (LAD), an innate mechanism or process that allows children to

develop language skills.
According to this view, all children are born with a universal grammar,
which makes them receptive to the common features of all
languages. Because of this hard-wired background in grammar,
children easily pick up a language when they are exposed to its
particular grammar.
One evidence is that deaf children who have not been exposed to a
language may make up their own language, and these new

languages resemble one another in sentence structure, even when

they are created in different cultures.

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Noam Chomsky


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Brains areas
The two most important areas of the human brain that affect language capability are Brocas
area and Wernickes area.
In fact, if a person is injured at these areas, he or she will get a neurological disorder called
Aphasia that disturbs the abilities to produce or understand speech, depending on which of
the two areas is damaged.

Brains areas responsible for language

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In This Chapter





Motivation to search for water

What is Motivation?

ushing and pulling humans into a behavior, motivation is the dynamics of behavior-the ways in which our
actions are initiated, sustained, directed, and terminated.

Imagine you are in a desert; all you need now is water. Your water searching behavior is initiated by a bodily
need and directed by the action of seeking out possible sources of water until you find an oasis. Your finding
water enables you to slake your thirst and end the act of searching.

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There are three types of motives: biological motives, stimulus motives, and learned motives.
1. Biological motives are innate and based on biological needs that must be satisfied for survival such
as food, water, air, sleep, excretion, and regulation of body temperature. If you skip any of these
needs, your health will suffer.
2. Appearing to be innate but not strictly necessary for survival, stimulus motives show our needs for
stimulation and information: activity, curiosity, exploration, manipulation, and physical contact.
3. Learned motives are needs, drives and goals that are learned such as: power, affiliation, approval,
status, security, and achievement. Motives are often affected by emotions.

Different motives

Emotion is a complex, conscious, subjective state characterized by psychological and physical
changes such as heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration, facial expressions, gestures and postures.
Eight primary emotions are Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, Anticipation, Joy, and Trust, each
of which varies in intensity.

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Eight primary emotions








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Moods are low intensity emotional states affecting day-to-day behavior. They can be either positive
or negative and can last for hours or even days.
Psychologists define emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage
emotions, and therefore, people who are high in emotional intelligence tend to be more flexible,
adaptable and emotionally mature than those with lower emotional intelligence.
As Aristotles saying goes Be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the

right purpose, and in the right way. Emotional intelligence requires much self-control.

Be angry with the right person,

to the right degree, at the right
time, for the right purpose, and
in the right way.


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EZ Psychology ("Easy" Psychology | Tm ly hoc gian n) l mt d an video series hoat hoa (Whiteboard
Animation) song ng trc tuyn (bng ting Anh v ting Vit) do cac ban sinh vin Vit Nam ang theo
hoc hay n thun l yu thch tm ly hoc, hin ang hoc tp v cng tac tai Singapore v Vit Nam thc
D an nhm mc ch mang Tm ly hoc gn gi hn n vi khng chi sinh vin trong ngnh m ca nhng
ai yu thch v mun tm hiu b mn theo mt cach mi m v th v.
Chng ti tin rng Tm ly hoc gip chng ta tp cach suy ngh, phn tch, nhn xt ly l t gc quan
im ca ngi khac; hiu ro thm v hnh vi v trang thai tm ly trong cac tnh hung thng nht. Hn
th na, hiu bit c ban v Tm ly hoc con c th gip chng ta cai thin cac mi quan h xa hi, "bit
mnh bit ta" v thnh cng hn trong cuc sng.

La sinh vin du hoc, theo nganh Tm ly, ti

gp nhiu kho khn khi mun tim hiu v s
phat trin cung nh ng dung Tm ly hoc
Vit Nam. Phn nhiu la do s him hoi cua
cac tai liu va trn ht la do khng quen thuc
vi cac thut ng chuyn nganh bng Ting
Sau mt hi ngm nghi, ti nay ra y tng Ez

Psychology, Tm ly hoc song ng. Sau khi gii

thiu y tng vi mt vai ngi ban thn, ho
u ung h va to ra hng thu.
Va EzPsychology bt u t o.
- Gao Nguyen | Founder -

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Dan y

nh ngha Tm Ly Hoc

Hnh vi

Trang thai tm ly

Nhim v ca Tm Ly Hoc

Tm Ly Hoc l g?

hi nhc ti Tm Ly Hoc, chc ban s ngh ngay

n vic gip bnh nhn tm thn, cac bnh
thn kinh hay l n gian l ngi oc y ngh.

Nhim v cao ca ca Tm Ly Hoc l dnh cho chn

oan v vic cha tr cac bnh thn kinh, nhng chi
l b mt ca tang bng ni m thi.
Tm Ly Hoc l ngnh khoa hoc ng dng v
nghin cu v cac hnh vi v trang thai tm ly ca con
Hnh vi mun ni n y l nhng hoat ng c
th quan sat c nh vic n, ung, hoc..
Trang thai tm ly l nhng hoat ng khng th trc
tip quan sat c, l nhng hoat ng tinh thn v t
tng nh suy ngh, nm m hay giai quyt vn .

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Nhim v ca Tm Ly Hoc
Nhim v ca Tm Ly Hoc bao gm bn yu t sau:
1. Nghin cu ban cht cac hin tng tm ly
2. Giai thch nguyn nhn dn den cac hnh vi
3. D oan xem trong cac tnh hung nht nh, hnh vi v trang thai tm ly ca con ngi s nh th

4. Kim soat cac hnh vi v trang thai y.

Giai thich

Kim soat

D oan

Tom tt

Tm Ly Hoc l ngnh khoa hoc ng dung v nghin cu v cac hnh vi v trang thai tm ly ca

con ngi.

Nhim v ca Tm Ly Hoc bao gm Nghin cu, Giai thch, D oan v Kim soat

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Sinh ly

phat sinh
nhn thc

phn tm

hnh vi

nhn vn

Psychological approaches

What are Psychological approaches?

rong nghin cu tm ly hin ai, c 5 phng phap tip cn nhm hiu ro hn hnh vi con ngi, c th

1. Thuyt sinh ly hoc

2. Thuyt phat sinh nhn thc
3. Thuyt hnh vi
4. Thuyt phn tm
5. Thuyt nhn vn

Thinking Unboxed

ng so sanh minh vi bt c ai
trong th gii nay. Nu ban lam nh
vy co nghia ban ang s nhuc chnh
ban thn minh.
Bill Gates

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Thuyt hnh vi
Tm ly hoc hnh vi ra i l mt cuc cach mang,
lm thay i c ban h thng quan nim v tm ly
hoc ng thi. Theo , i tng ca tm ly hoc
l hnh vi ch khng phai y thc. Phng phap
nghin cu ca thuyt ny l quan sat v thc
nghim khach quan ch khng phai l ni quan.
V d, tn sinh vin c k nng hoc tp km c
chia thnh 2 nhm . Mt nhm c o tao thm
Thuyt Sinh ly hoc

k nng mm, nhm con lai th khng.

Thuyt Sinh ly hoc

Kt qua cho thy chi c 7 % nhng ngi KHNG

Tp trung vo vic lm th no gen , hormone v h

trong khi c n 53 % nhng ngi tham gia khoa

thn kinh tng tac vi mi trng anh hng n

hoc a thi u.

tham gia kha hoc thi u bi kim tra cui k,

hoc tp , tr nh v cam xc.

Thuyt phat sinh nhn thc

Tm hiu vic x ly, lu tr v s dng thng tin v
lm th no thng tin ny anh hng n nhn thc
con ngi
V d , s lo lng phat sinh trong k thi l do thnh
phn nhn thc s hai thi trt gy ra

Thuyt Hanh vi

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Thuyt phn tm
Nhn manh s anh hng ca ni s hai v thc, long mong mun v ng lc ln nhng suy ngh , hnh vi
v s phat trin ca tnh cach v cac vn tm ly ca con ngi.

Thuyt nhn vn
Mi ngi chng ta u c mt tim nng ln cho s phat trin ca nhn, t nh hng tng lai, gia tr ni
tai v khao khat hoan thin ban thn.

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1. Wilhelm Wundt - Ngi sang lp

ngnh tm ly hoc
Nm 1879 v hoc gia ny lp ra phong th nghim tm ly hoc
u tin Leipzig, c. ng chnh l ngi a tach Tm ly
hoc ra khi cac ngnh khoa hoc khac, v t y tm ly hoc tr
thnh mt ngnh khoa hoc c lp.
ng l ngi sang lp ra ch ngha cu trc (Structuralism),
quan tm n nhng g tao thnh y thc v phn chia nao b
ra thnh nhng phn nh khac nhau nghin cu ring bit.

Wilhelm Wundt

Lun lun l chnh mnh, th hin chnh mnh, tin vo chnh

mnh, ng hng ngoi v ch nhn vo thnh cng ca
ngi khc lm theo.
Ly Tiu Long

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2. B.F.Skinner - Cha ca phng phap tip cn hnh vi

Ton b hoc thuyt ca ng da trn nguyn ly phan ng c iu kin (Operant Conditioning). ng phat
minh ra cai goi l hp Skinner tm hiu phan ng ca sinh vt v tng tac ca n vi mi trng.
Trong Hp ny c nt nhn v mt khay thc n. Mt con chut i khi r phai v nhn nt s b sc in,
nhng s tm c thc n khi nhn nt bn trai. Qua nhiu ln nh vy th ch chut ny s hoc c cach
lun r trai nhn c thc n.

Skinner phat hin ra rng h qua ng mt vai tro quan trong trong cach c th phan ng vi cac tnh hung
nht nh. Nhng h qua ny c goi l cac tac nhn cng c - hoc ly thuyt Thng phat.

3. Sigmund Freud
ng l ngi a c cng lm cho Tm ly hoc phn tm tr nn
ni ting.
Trang thai y thc xay ra khi chng ta c nhn thc v nhng

din bin xung quanh qua tri giac, tr nh, t tng, nhng ao
tng v cam giac.
Freud cho rng tim thc l mt tr ta c lc ca y thc; ng
cho rng y l mt trang thai tr nh sn sng hoat ng, vn
l trung tm lu tr c y thc s dng truy cp d kin
khi cn thit.

Sigmund Freud

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4. Jean Piaget
Cho ti cui th k XX, cha c nh khoa hoc
no nghin cu s phat trin nhn thc v tr tu
tr em mt cach su sc v h thng bng
Sut bay thp k kin tr v sang tao khoa hoc,
ng a gp phn khng nh vo vic hnh thnh

v phat trin lnh vc khoa hoc mi: thuyt nhn

thc v tm ly hoc phat trin.

Jean Piaget

5. Abraham Maslow
Chc rng cac ban a mt ln nghe ni v "Thap nhu cu
Mc c ban nht l nhu cu sinh ly, yu cu v th cht cho
s sng con ca con ngi. Nu cac yu cu ny khng c
ap ng, con ngi khng th hoat ng v s cht. Nhng nhu
cu ny bao gm th, n, ung, ng, vv
Sau khi hi long vi nhu cu vt cht, nhu cu an ton ca ca
nhn s dn c u tin Nhu cu an ton bao gm: an ninh ca
nhn; An ninh ti chnh ; Y t v sc khe
Mc th ba l nhu cu ca nhn, s gn b nh tnh ban, gia
nh, s thn mt, vv
cp tip theo, tt ca moi ngi u c nhu cu cam thy
c tn trong ; iu ny bao gm long t tn v long t trong .
V cui cng l at n tim nng, s tim n ca mi ngi.
Abraham Maslow

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6. John. B. Watson
Nhn vt c tn tui hng u v Tm ly hoc hanh vi l
J.Watson. Cac lun im ca ng tao nen nn tang ly lun ca
h thng tm ly hoc ny.
ng t trong tm vo hnh vi bn ngoi ca con ngi v
phan ng ca ho vo nhng tnh hung nht nh, ch khng
phai l ni tm hay trang thai tinh thn ca ho.
ng chnh l ngi a thay i cai nhn ca moi ngi v tm

ly hoc, v cho rng Tm ly hoc khng n thun chi l khoa

hoc ca "tm". Thay vo , ng ni rng tm ly nn tp trung
vo "hnh vi " ca ca nhn , ch khng phai l y thc ca ho .
Thng qua Tm ly hoc hnh vi ca mnh, Watson a tin hnh
nghin cu v hnh vi ng vt, nui day con, v quang cao.

John. B. Watson

7. Ivan Pavlov
Vo thp nin 1890, Pavlov nghin cu hoat ng chc
nng da dy ca loi ch bng cach quan sat s tit dch v
ca chng, sau ng tnh toan v phn tch dch v ca
ch v phan xa ca chng di cac iu kin khac nhau.
Tnh c, ng y rng ch thng tit dch v khi phat hin
ra cac tn hiu bao hiu s xut hin ca thc n. Nu chi
rung chung m khng c thc n, ch s khng c phan
Sau trc khi cho n, ng kt hp rung chung. Lm

vy, ch vn s phan ng lai bng vic tit dch v. Dn dn

nu chi rung chung, thi n vn s c phan ng tit dch v.
Sau ny Pavlov a xy dng ln nh lut c ban m ng
goi l "phan x co iu kin" da trn hng loat th nghim
m ng tin hnh trc .
Ivan Pavlov

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H thn kinh l g?

thn kinh l mt mang li cac t bo iu phi hoat ng ca

con ngi thng qua vic truyn tn hiu qua lai gia tt ca cac
c quan trn c th. Nhng hoat ng ny c th l c ch y,

song cng c th l v y. C hai loai t bo trong h thn kinh: n ron,

v t bo thn kinh m.
Gi vai tro l ngi a tin ca c th, vi nhim v nhn v gi
thng ip trong ton h thng, n ron c mt cu trc c bit.
Cac ui gai (si nhanh) ca neuron c nhim v nhn thng ip t
cac t bo khac, v truyn chng ti thn t bo. Ti lt mnh, thn
t bo lai gi thng ip ti si trc. tip tc truyn thng ip ti
t bo khac, si trc ca t bo ny v cac u tip nhn ca t bo
khac s hp thnh mt cu trc goi l khp tip hp thn kinh.
Ty theo chc nng, h thn kinh c chia nh hn thnh h thn
kinh trung ng v h thn kinh ngoai bin.
H thn kinh

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1. H thn kinh Trung ng

Bao gm b no v ty sng.
No l trung tm ca h thn kinh. Ging nh CPU ca mt chic may tnh, nao ly thng tin t tt
ca cac giac quan, lu gi, x ly thng tin, ra quyt nh da trn thng tin , ri phat lnh ra c th.
V mt giai phu hoc, nao c hp thnh t nao trc, nao gia v nao sau.

Nao trc ph trach cac hoat ng nhn thc nh tri giac, suy ngh, s dng ngn ng . Ngoi ra,
nao trc cng ph trach cac hoat ng ti quan trong khac c lin quan n cam xc v chc nng
vn ng.

Nao gia lin quan n chc nng nghe, nhn v vn ng.

Nao sau th gip duy tr s cn bng v iu phi vn ng.

Tm lai, b nao l ng sp ca c th. Tuy nhin, nu khng c ty sng, b nao chi l ng sp v dng m thi.
Ty sng truyn thng ip qua lai gia c th v b nao. Ngoi ra, n con kch hoat nhng phan xa cc nhanh,
gip con ngi thoat khi nhng tnh hung nguy him. V d nh chng ta hay rt tay lai khi cham phai m nc

Nghch ly thng nm ch, chung ta c thng phan xt

cuc sng cua ngi khac da trn quan im ca nhn, ri
lai loay hoay tim cach sng sao cho hp vi anh gia theo
quan im cua ngi khac.
{ Lng chng c n Nguyn Ngoc Thch }

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2. H thn kinh Ngoai bin

Bao gm tt ca nhng neuron v dy thn kinh nm ngoi b nao v ty sng, ph trach a thng tin ti
h thn kinh trung ng, v t h thn kinh trung ng ra ngoi.
H thn kinh ngoi bin c chia thnh: h thn kinh soma v h thn kinh t ch.

H thn kinh soma l h thng cho php b nao v ty sng giao tip vi h thng cam giac t mt,
mi, tai, da v ming, v cho php hai c quan ny iu khin c v cac tuyn trong c th.

H thn kinh t ch c chia thnh h thn kinh giao cam v h thn kinh i giao cam.
H thn kinh giao cam kch hoat cac c quan, chun b cho c th sn sng hnh ng khi gp
nguy him.
H thn kinh i giao cam th lai c nhim v a c th quay tr v trang thai hoat ng bnh
thng, v thc hin cac chc nng sng c ban nh tim p.

Ngi ta s dng nhiu phng phap khac nhau nghin cu nao b. Mt trong nhng cach s khai
nht l nghin cu nhng ng vt v ngi b tn thng nao xem kha nng hoat ng ca ho
thay i nh th no khi mt vng nao b tn thng.
Mt cach khac l ghi lai hoat ng xung in ca cac neuron bng in nao (electroencephalograph EEG). Hin nay, c thm nhiu phng phap mi a c phat trin, cho php chng ta c th quan sat
v nghin cu k hn b nao ngi. C th k ra y mt s cai tn nh CT Scan, MRI, PET, fMRI, v.v...

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Cam giac l g?

am giac l qua trnh chng ta th ng tip nhn nhng thng tin t mi trng bn
ngoi thng qua nm giac quan. Nhng thng tin ny sau s c gi n c phn
giai bi nao b.

Nh chng ta u bit, nm giac quan bao gm: th giac, thnh giac, khu giac, v giac v xc giac.
Nh nhng giac quan ny, m cng mt thi im chng ta c th tip nhn mt khi lng ln cac
thng tin khac nhau nh: mu sc hoc hnh khi ca vt th, m thanh ca radio, mi ti t phong
bp hay b lng mm mt ca ch mo nh ban...



Nm giac quan
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Ngng cam giac tuyt i

y l cng kch thch ti thiu m giac quan ca chng ta c th nhn bit c.
Nhng kch thch c cng nh hn ngng ny u khng nm trong vng ph sng
ca nm giac quan va k trn.
V d: Khi tri ti, ban s khng th nhn thy anh n pha trc ca chic xe t cach qua
xa v tr ban ang ng. Mt v d khac l nu nh ban ang nm trn tng nm ca mt toa
nh th kha nng ban c th ngi thy hng thm t nhng bi hoa trong khu vn di
t l hon ton khng th xay ra.

Ngng cam giac sai bit

Khai nim ny cp n s thay i ti thiu trong cng hay tnh cht ca hai kch
thch chng ta c th nhn ra v phn bit s khac nhau . Ni mt cach n gian,
chng ta chi c th cam nhn c s thay i ca mt kch thch t bn ngoi khi cng
tac ng ca n thay i vi mt lng t nht bng ngng cam giac sai bit.
Hay th tng tng ban ang m mt chng ca trm cun sach v ai t thm mt
cun ln chng sach . Rt c th, ban hon ton khng cam nhn c s khac bit.
Nhng, th tng tng thm mt tnh hung khac, ai va t ln trn chng sach ca
ban 20 cun na, s khac bit v nng chc chn a tr nn kha ro rng ri ng

Vao luc oi bung, du la n mi goi thi

cung co th khin ban cam thy thoa man.

Vao luc mt moi, ch mt cu n khng
thi cung co th khin ban tr nn yu ui
v cung.
Yusakumi Kudo
Difference threshold

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S thch ng ca cam giac

Xay ra khi cac giac quan ca chng ta mt i hoc giam bt nhay cam hoc kha nng
phan xa trc mt kch thch no . iu ny chi xay ra khi kch thch din ra trong thi
gian di vi mt cng manh.
V d nh th ny: Ban i chi. Ban u th nc b bi kha lanh, nhng sau mt hi bi
li, c th ban s thy rng nc khng lanh nh lc u na. Khng phai bi lanh ca
nc a thay i m bi xc giac ca ban a quen vi n m thi!

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Tri giac l g?

hng ta a bit ti khai nim Cam giac - qua trnh th ng tip

nhn nhng thng tin t mi trng bn ngoi thng qua nm giac
quan. Chng ny, chng ta lm quen vi mt qua trnh lin quan

ti Cam Giac, l Tri Giac. Hai qua trnh ny gip chng ta nhn bit
th gii xung quanh.
Tri giac l qua trnh tng hp v giai thch nhng thng tin thu nhn
t Cam Giac.
Hay th nhn vo bc tranh ny, ban thy g? C phai l... mt cai bng
n? 1 ch g? Hay tht ra th phai l 2 ch mi ng?
Ro rng l bc tranh khuyt i nhiu nt, nhng khng cn nhng nt
khuyt ban vn c th hiu c bc tranh v g phai khng?
Chnh Tri Giac trong ban a cho ban cu tra li.

Tri giac

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Qua trnh Tri Giac

L kt hp ca hai qua trnh x ly: t di ln trn v t trn xung di.
Qua trnh t di ln trn l s tip nhn thng tin hay chnh l qua trnh Cam Giac.
Qua trnh t trn xung di l khi chng ta a c sn trong u nhng phan oan v hin tng

ang xay ra v ap dng nhng phan oan vo thng tin nhn c t qua trnh t di ln
Hn l cac ban a tng nghe mt bi hat a thch v t tin hat theo m khng b chm hn
ca s? l v ban a bit trc ca s s hat g tip theo.Ni mt cach khac, ban ang trong qua
trnh t trn xung di m lc ny nao ban a sn c thng tin ban trao i vi th gii.
Vy, qua trnh Tri Giac s gip chng ta nhn thc th gii ra sao?
Thng qua Tri Giac, chng ta tip thu iu mnh mun v gat b i iu mnh khng mun. Hu ht
cac ban s cam thy kh khn khi nghe giang trong khi ban b xung quanh ni chuyn m phai

khng? Chnh trong lc ban c mt qu trnh sng loc nhng thng tin m ban mun nghe v
thng tin m ban khng mun nghe tp trung vo bi giang.

Qua trnh Tri Giac

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Th nghim v s tp trung
Vo nm 1999, Simons va Chabris a thc hin mt th nghim nh v s tp trung.
Ho cho nhng ngi tham gia th nghim xem mt oan video ngn, nhim v ca ngi xem
trong gia nhng ngi mc ao trng v ao en, c bao nhiu c chuyn gia nhng ngi mc
ao trng. Hu ht cu tra li s dao ng trong tm khoang 15 c chuyn, tuy nhin cac ng vin
u khng nhn ra con gorila xut hin gia clip.
l mt con gorila mu en i ra gia mn hnh, vung tay ri i vo. Hu nh moi ngi khng
nhn ra u l do chng ta tp trung ch yu vo mu trng v m s ln truyn bng, trong khi
nhng th mu en v ca con gorila u l thng tin khng cn thit nn chng ta sm khng nhn
Th nghim ny a gip chng ta hiu su hn v qua trnh Tri Giac.

Thi nghim s tp trung

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Gic ng

Gic ng l g?

Hai mi nm sau luc nay,

hng ta dnh 1/3 cuc sng NG.
Chng ta ng bi n l iu cn thit duy

tr s bnh thng cho nhn thc (cognitive skills)

nh b nh, t duy sang tao, s linh hoat.
Thiu ng (sleep-deprivation) c anh hng nghim
trong n hoat ng ca nao b.
Nu ban a tng thc trng m, ban s c nhng
biu hin sau: cc cn, than van, kh chu v hay

Thinking Unboxed

ban s thy tht vong vi nhng

iu minh khng lam hn vi
nhng iu minh a lam. Vy
nn hay thao nut dy. Hay cho
thuyn ri khoi bn cang an
toan. Hay cng bum on gio.
Tim ti. c m. Kham pha.
Mark Twain


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Non-REM Sleep

1. Non-REM sleep
a) Giai oan 1: Ng chp chn (Light-sleep)
Trong giai oan u tin ca gic ng, chng ta chi ng chp chn. Hoat
ng c chm lai v co git nh c th xay ra v chng ta c th d dng
c anh thc giai oan ny.
Ng chp chn

b) Giai oan 2: Ng tht (True sleep)

Trong 10 pht ng chp chn, ta s bt u ng tht khoang 20 pht.
Nhp th v nhp tim bt u chm lai. Giai oan ny chim phn ln nht
ca gic ng ca con ngi.
c) Giai oan 3 v 4: Ng su (Deep sleep)
Trong giai oan ba, b nao tao ra sng delta, mt loai sng ln (bin

Ng tht

cao) v chm (tn s thp). Nhp th v nhp tim ang mc thp nht.

Giai oan bn c trng l hi th nhp nhng v hoat ng c gii han.

Nu b anh thc trong gic ng su, ta khng th iu chinh ngay lp tc
v thng cam thy chnh choang v mt phng hng trong vi pht
sau khi thc dy.
Mt s tr em d b t dm, m ac mng, hoc mng du trong giai oan
Te dm

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2. REM sleep
Cac chuyn ng mt nhanh u tin thng khoang 70 n 90 pht sau khi chng ti ri vo gic
ng. Chng ta s c 3 n 5 chu k REM mt m.
Mc d trang thai v thc nhng b nao vn rt tch cc - thng l nhiu hn so vi khi chng ta
thc dy. y l thi k khi hu ht cac gic m xay ra. Mt ao xung quanh, nhp th v huyt ap
tng. Tuy nhin, c th chng ta b t lit phong ta hnh ng theo nhng g xay ra trong m.
Chng ta ng bt c ni no, t 5 n 11 gi, vi mc trung bnh l 7,75 gi.
Jim Horne t Trung tm Nghin cu gic ng ca ai hoc Loughborough, c mt cu tra li
n gian l: "Thi gian ng ta cn l khng cam thy bun ng vo ban ngy.
ng vt cng oi hi mt gic ng y .

Tt c chng ta u c cuc
i ring theo ui, gic
m ring dt nn, v tt
c chng ta u c sc
mnh bin m c tr
thnh hin thc, min l
chng ta gi vng nim tin.
Louisa May Alcott
Gic m

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Tr nh l g?

ri nh l mt ch nghin cu ln trong Tm ly

Tr nh l s lu gi thng tin hoc kinh nghim theo thi gian;

trong bao gm ba qua trnh: ma ha, lu tr v truy xut.

Qua trinh tri nh

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By gi, th tng tng ban ang nh n hiu tap ha

mua mt ta trng, vi qua c chua, rau thm v m lm
pasta cho ba ti.
u tin, ban phai ma ha nhng g cn mua. nh c
nhng th , ban cn thn ch y n cac thnh phn trn
cng thc nu n.
cho vic ma ha cng thm d dng, ban th tng tng
ra nhng qua trng, c chua v rau thm ang chi nhay dy

lm t m si; t nao b s x ly nhng thnh phn ny

mc su hn (s dng hnh anh) l khi ban chi nh tn goi
ca cac thnh phn.
Trn ng i n ca tim, ban dt i dt lai danh sach cn


mua trong u khng b qun. Hnh vi ny c goi l din

tp. Vic din tp gip ban gi thng tin trong b nh ngn han,
trc khi nhng thng tin ny c lu tr trong b nh di han
n nh hn.

Quy trnh tr nh - Atkinson v Shiffrin (1968)

Theo nh m hnh ny, b nh bao gm ba h thng: b nh cam giac, b nh ngn han, v b nh di
han. B nh cam giac chi gi c cac thng tin nhn c t qua trnh cam giac trong khoanh
khc cha n 1 giy.

H thng b nh

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Nu nhng tn hiu cam giac ny c ban ch y n, chng s c a vo b nh ngn hn.

Thng tin c th lu lai y trong khoang 30 giy ri cng bin mt, tr phi c din tp v a vo
b nh dai hn, ni m thng tin c th c lu n sut i.
Quay lai chuyn mua hng, ban ko tt ca nhng th cn mua ra khi b nh di han ri i thng ti gia
nhng th v tit kim c khi thi gian. y chnh l qua trinh truy xut.

Hin tng u li
Hay kt thc chng ny bng mt tnh hung th v: ban a tm ra trng, c chua v rau thm ca
hng. Nhng t nhin ban khng th nh c con st th g. Vy l ban bt u i loanh quanh siu
th v tm kim cu tra li: con thiu cai g nhi?
Mc d ban bit chc chn th c trong u, ban vn khng th goi tn n. Cho n khi ban i qua
day hng ban cac loai m BM! M l th ban cn!
Cac nh Tm ly hoc goi y l hin tng u li v khi y ban c cam giac nh th cn ni sp bt
c ra khi ming nhng v mt ly do no khng th nh ra c.

Sao chp li nhng g ta thy cng tt, nhng cn tt hn

nhiu khi v li nhng g gi ta ch cn thy trong k c.
l s bin chuyn m tr tng tng kt hp vi tr nh.
Edgar Degas

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Dan y

nh ngha T duy

Qua trnh T duy

T duy l g?

hi may vi tnh x ly mt chng trnh, ban thng nghe ting quat

CPU tng tc t trong may.

Nao b khng ging nh vy, khng c ting n no phat ra cho ta bit

Hnh thnh khai

nao ang hoat ng. Nao lm vic trong mt qua trnh tinh thn lng l


c goi l t duy.

Giai quyt vn

Phan t

Qua trnh T duy

y l qua trnh thao tac thng tin thng qua vic hnh thnh khai nim,

giai quyt vn , ra quyt nh, v phan t hoc suy ngh sang tao.

Hnh thnh
khi nim

Gii quyt

Phn t

Customer quotes,

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T duy

Thinking Unboxed

- Kim Abercrombie

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Hnh thnh khai nim

Hay bt u vi vic hinh thanh khai nim.
Khai nim l nhng pham tr tinh thn c dng nhm cac
s vt, s kin v c im.
Khai nim gip chng ta khai quat ha moi th, giai thch tai sao
khi ban nhn thy mt ch Chihuahua hoc Husky, ban lp tc
nhn ra chng u l ch.
Khai nim cng h tr tr nh. Th tng tng m xem, tht
bt tin nu lc no cng phai ngh xem phai cng nng mt
ch ch nh th no khng b n cn!

Khai quat ha

Giai quyt vn
By gi l lc phat trin mt chin lc
Vy tai sao chng ta t duy?

qiai quyt hiu qua.

ng nhin l giai quyt cac vn ri!

Ba chin lc thng c dng l

Giai quyt mt vn phc tap ng ngha vi vic tm ra mt

1. ra cac mc tiu ph, hay con goi

cach thc ph hp at c mc tiu khi m mc tiu

l cac mc tiu trung gian gip ban

cha c sn.

tin gn hn n giai phap cui

iu ny khin ban phai t ra mt mc tiu ring, y cng

l bc u tin trong qua trnh giai quyt vn . Mt khi ban
a bit ch n, ban c th tp trung i tm mt hng giai nht

2. S dng cac thut toan, bao gm
vic dng cac cng thc, hng dn
v th nghim tt ca cac giai phap
tim nng, v d nh nu n theo
cng thc hoc va nhn hng dn
va lp LEGO. Cui cng,

3. S dng cac quy tc chn oan, hay

cac ng tt, nhanh chng
xut mt giai phap nhng khng nht
thit a ra ap an. Gia s, ban bit
ch U thng i sau ch Q, nn
khi chi Xp Ch, ban lp tc t
hai ch cai ny canh nhau.
Chin lc qiai quyt hiu qua

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Qua trnh anh gia

Lm sao bit chin lc ban dng c hu dng hay khng?
Ban cn t ra cac tiu ch anh gia hiu qua ca giai phap tm ra t
chin lc .
Cac tiu ch c th l: ban giai mt bi toan mt bao lu, hoc bi tp
v nh ca ban c bao nhiu im. Qua trnh anh gia gip ta
khng ngng tm ra nhng giai phap tt hn.

Tom tt

Nao lm vic trong mt qua trnh tinh thn lng l c goi l t duy.

Qua trnh T duy l qua trnh thao tac thng tin thng qua

Hnh thnh khai nim

Giai quyt vn , ra quyt nh

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Tr thng minh l g?

ay bt u chng ny vi mt cu chuyn.

Giao s Bit tut thng ap xe ap i day. Mt ngy, xe tut xch v giao

s quyt nh t sa n. ng nhn ra rng xe thng b tut xch sau mt
thi gian nht nh, tc l sau s vong quay nht nh ca cac nan hoa
banh trc.
ng quan sat thy con s ny l tch ca s nan hoa banh trc nhn vi
s mt xch v s rng bn ap. ng suy lun xch b lng ra khi mt mt
xch tip xc vi mt chic nan hoa b cong trn banh xe.

T ng hiu ra vn nm u v sa c chic xe. Tht n tng,

ng khng?
Nhng i cht mt ngi th sa xe cng c th giai quyt c vn
ny m khng cn s dng bt k mt con toan no. Vy ai l ngi thng
minh y? V giao s kia hay anh th sa xe?
Theo ban, th no l thng minh?

Giao s va Anh th sa xe

Thinking Unboxed

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Kha nng chung - G

Vo nm 1904, Charles Spearman xut quan im v tr thng minh ni chung.
ng cho rng c th lm tt bt k bi kim tra no v kha nng tr tu, con ngi cn phai c
mt kha nng chung, goi l G. G l kha nng bao trm tt ca cac kha nng khac nh c hoc, logic,
ai s, khng gian, vv.
Cac nh nghin cu sau cng khng nh rng im s ca tt ca cac bi kim tra nhn thc
u c tng quan dng vi nhau.
V d nh, mt hoc sinh hoc gii toan thng cng s hoc tt ting anh.
Mt cach giai thch khac cho kha nng G, l moi bi tp u o lng mt kha nng c ban, v
d kha nng ghi nh. Mt tr nh tt s gip ban hoc gii ca toan v ting anh.

Kha nng ghi nh

Thinking Unboxed


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a tr thng minh
Liu khai nim v tr thng minh chung ny c th giai ap c cu hi v giao s v bac th sa xe? C th
lm, nhng chng ta hay n vi cach tip cn v tr thng minh t mt quan im khac nh. l a tr thng
y l quan im ca Howard Gardner v a tr thng minh. Ly thuyt ca ng m ta 9 loai tr thng minh khac
nhau da trn cac k nng v kha nng c coi trong trong cac nn vn ha khac nhau.
1. Tr thng minh th giac - khng gian, thng nhng ngi lm thy th, phi cng, kin trc s
2. Tr thng minh ngn ng: nh th, ngi vit tiu thuyt, nh bao
3. Tr thng minh c th - vn ng: vn ng vin, v cng, th th cng
4. Tr thng minh logic - toan hoc: nh toan hoc, khoa hoc, tham t
5. Tr thng minh lin ca nhn: giao vin, nh hoat ng xa hi, din vin, chnh tr gia
6. Tr thng minh ni tm: tm l hoc, nh lanh ao tinh thn, trit gia
7. Tr thng minh m nhac: nh soan nhac, ngi chi huy dn nhac, ca s
8. Tr thng minh t nhin: th sn, nng dn, ngi lm vn
9. Tr thng minh hin sinh: nh l thuyt, trit gia

ng bao gi ngh rng bn bit tt c mi iu. V d ngi ta c nh gi bn

cao n u i na, bn vn phi lun c dng cm t nh: ta l mt k dt nt.
ng lng kiu ngo xm chim ly bn. V n bn c th bng bnh ch cn
phi tn thnh, v n, bn s t chi li khuyn c ch v s gip thn i, v n bn
s mt mc khch quan.
Khuyt danh

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L thuyt 3 yu t
Tip theo l l thuyt 3 yu t ca Robert Sternberg. Ly thuyt ny nh ngha 3 kha canh ca tr
thng minh:
1. Tr thng minh phn tch: b phn ny lin quan n kha nng giai quyt vn
2. Tr thng minh sang tao: kha canh ny lin quan n kha nng x l tnh hung mi bng
nhng kinh nghim c v k nng hin tai
3. Tr thng minh thc t: yu t ny lin quan n kha nng thch nghi vi mi trng thay i.

Phn tich

Sang to

Thc t

Quay tr lai vi cu hi ai thng minh hn ai, theo Sternberg, v giao s c th c tr thng minh phn tch
cao trong khi bac th lai c tr thng minh thc t.
Vy vi l thuyt ca Gadner th sao? Ban t nhn thy mnh c loai tr thng minh no trong s ? Ti s
lai nhng cu hi ny dnh cho ban nh.

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Lp hoc

Hoc tp l g?

oc tp l g? Nhc n hoc tp, chng ta c th ngh n hnh anh cac lp hoc, giao vin, hoc sinh v sach
v. Tuy nhin, i vi cac nh tm ly hoc, hoc tp l mt s thay i lu di trong hnh vi do kinh nghim
mang lai. C 3 ly thuyt hoc tp chnh l iu kin ha c in, iu kin ha thao tac v hoc tp qua quan


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Nguyn ly iu kin ha c in
Nguyn ly iu kin ha c in c Pavlov tnh c phat hin khi lm th nghim trn ch.
Sau khi rung chung, nh sinh ly hoc a bt tht trc ming con ch, khin n tit nc
bot. Sau nhiu ln lp i lp lai, chi cn nghe thy ting chung l ch cng t ng tit
nc bot. L kch thch trung tnh (NS), ring ting chung khng th kch thch ch tit
nc bot. Nhng chng ta nhn thy phan ng trn ch v lc ny ting chung a tr
thnh kch thch c iu kin (CS).

Theo thuyt ny, mt kch thch c iu kin s trc tip dn n mt phan xa c iu kin.

Nguyn ly iu kin ha thao tac

Trong iu kin ha thao tac, mt thut ng do B.F.Skinner a ra, yu t quan trong nht l
tac nhn cng c quyt nh tn sut ca mt phan ng, hoc tng cng n hoc lm suy
yu n. Khng ngi hoc th ng thc hin hnh vi khng t nguyn nh iu kin ha
c in, iu kin ha thao tac lm cho ngi hoc thc hin hnh vi t nguyn thng cac
loai cng c in hnh nh: cng c tch cc, cng c tiu cc, phat tch cc, phat tiu cc.
1. Cng c tch cc l bt k kch thch c ng no khin hnh vi d xay ra. Nu c nhiu
ngi ni rng ban mc b ny rt p, ban s c xu hng mc b nhiu hn.
2. Cng c tiu cc lm tng kha nng thc hin mt hnh vi bng mt tac nhn cng c
khng ly g lm d chu. Chng han, ban ung aspirin au u, v ln sau khi b
au, ban s ung ngay 1 vin aspirin.
Ngc lai, phat l qua trnh han ch kha nng thc hin mt hnh vi. Phat tch cc l s
dng mt kch thch khng my d chu han ch hnh vi. Phat chay qua tc l mt v
d cho kiu phat ny. Phat tiu cc l bin phap han ch hnh vi bng cach loai b kch
thch d chu khi hnh vi xay ra, nh mt cu nhc b phat khng cho i chi khi c x khng
phai php chng han.

i ra mt bc ng ta thy ta khn
thm mt chut va t thy tr oc cua minh
tht b bong v cung.
Leo Tolstoy
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Hoc tp qua quan sat

Theo Albert Bandura, hoc tp qua quan sat hay bt chc l vic hoc mt hnh vi mi thng qua
quan sat v bt chc s thc hin hnh vi ngi khac, m khng cn tac nhn cng c.
Th nghim vi bp b trng BoBo ca ng a chng minh c rng tr c th tr nn hung
hng hn thng qua vic quan sat hnh vi ca ngi ln.
Vic hoc nh vy din ra qua bn giai oan: Ch y, Duy tr/Nh, Lm theo/Vn ng v ng
lc. Ngi hoc phai ch y, ghi nh v tai tao hnh vi, v ng lc l th c s dng

khuyn khch ngi quan sat tip tc lp lai hnh vi.

Hoc tp qua quan sat din ra khp ni, t vic hoc ni, hoc i tr, n vic mt anh th hoc
vic bt chc ngn ngh th cng t nhng ngh nhn lnh ngh.

Ngy no m bn khng b sung cho vn hiu bit ca bn d ch mt mu kin

thc nh nhng mi m i vi bn. . .th bn hy coi l mt ngy mt i v ch,

khng th ly li c na.
Khuyt danh

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Ngn ng l g?

gn ng l phng tin phc v giao tip hng ngy, chng

gip chng ta biu at suy ngh v cho php chng ta hoc hi kinh
nghim t nhng ngi cach chng ta ca ngn cy s hay ca

trm th k qua nhng cun sach.

Con ngi phat trin ngn ng t rt sm.
Th nhng, khi c 4 thang tui, tr a c th phn bit nhng c ng
khac nhau ca mi vi nhng m ring bit. Sau giai oan tip nhn ngn
ng ny, tr bt u bp b nhng m thanh quen thuc nh mmm
trong t m.
Vn t v s ro rng trong cach phat m ca tr phat trin u n trong
khoang thi gian t 1 n 3 tui. n nm 4 tui, nng lc ngn ng ca
tr a gn nh ngang nga vi nng lc ngn ng ngi trng thnh.

Phng tin giao tip

Thinking Unboxed

T tr s sinh
Infant c gc
t t infans
trong ting La
tinh, c ngha l

khng bit

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

T nhin hay nui dng

Cuc tranh cai s th c ngn ng ngi l do t nhin hay do
nui dng vn l ch gy tranh cai trong gii khoa hoc. C hai
hoc thuyt kinh in v phng thc th c ngn ng.
1. Nguyn ly iu kin hoa
Thuyt u tin do nh hnh vi hoc B. F. Skinner xut, nghing v
anh hng ca cac yu t mi trng. B.F.Skinner tin rng ngn

ng c tr th c thng qua cac nguyn ly iu kin ha, qua

trnh ny bao gm mt chui cac phan ng th c c nh cac tac
nhn cng c.
Chng han, khi tr bp b mmmm, ngi m thng cho b bng
nhng m p, nng nu, nh th tr s lp lai m ny nhiu hn
na, cho n khi phat m ro thnh ting m. Ngoi kiu th c trn,
tr con hoc ngn ng thng qua hnh thc bt chc v tip thu

B.F. Skinner

nhng chinh sa t ngi ln.

2. Cng cu c thu ngn ng

Thuyt th c ngn ng th hai c nh ngn ng hoc ni ting

Noam Chomsky a ra vo nhng nm 1950. Chomsky cho
rng nao ngi c cng c c th ngn ng (LAD), l mt c
ch bm sinh cho php tr phat trin k nng ngn ng. Theo quan
im ny, ngay t khi sinh ra, moi a tr u s hu mt vn ng
phap ph quat (Universal Grammar), gip chng d dng tip nhn
nhng c im chung c tt ca cac loai ngn ng.
V nh nn tang ng phap c sn ny, tr c th d dng hoc mt
ngn ng khi c tip cn vi ng phap ca ngn ng . Mt
bng chng cho quan im ny l nhng tr khim thnh, cha tng

c tip cn vi ngn ng no c th tao ra ngn ng ca ring

mnh, v nhng ngn ng ny c cu trc cu ging nhau mc d
c tao ra nhng nn vn ha khac nhau.

Thinking Unboxed

Noam Chomsky


The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

Vng Broca v Wernicke

Hai vng quan trong nht nao b c tac ng n nng lc ngn ng l vng Broca v vng
Wernicke. Nu mt ngi b chn thng tai nhng vng ny, ngi s mc phai mt hi
chng ri loan thn kinh goi l Hi chng bt lc ngn ng (Aphasia).
Ty vo vng nao b chn thng, ngi mc chng bt lc ngn ng s mt i kha nng
vn ngn (nu b tn thng vng Broca) hoc mt kha nng hiu ngn (nu b tn thng
vng Wernicke).

Vng Broca v Wernicke

Thinking Unboxed


The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO




ng lc

ng lc l g?

hc y v li ko con ngi thc hin hnh vi, ng lc l C ch ng hoc ca hnh vi, tc cach thc
m hnh ng ca chng ta c khi phat, duy tr, dn dt v kt thc.

Hay tng tng ban ang trn sa mac, tt ca nhng g ban cn lc ny l nc. Hnh vi tm kim nc
c khi phat bi nhu cu ca c th, v c duy tr v dn dt thng qua hnh ng i tm tt ca nhng
ngun nc kha d cho n khi tm thy mt c ao.
S nc tm c c th giai quyt cn khat ca ban, v kt thc hnh ng tm kim nc.

Thinking Unboxed

The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

3 loai ng lc
C 3 loai ng lc: ng lc sinh hoc, ng lc kch thch v ng lc hnh thnh qua hoc tp.
1. ng lc sinh hoc l bm sinh v da trn nhu cu sinh hoc nhm tha man cac nhu cu
sinh tn nh n, ung, ht th, ng, bi tit v iu chinh nhit c th. Nu ban b qua bt c
nhu cu no k trn, sc khe ca ban s b anh hng.
2. C v mang tnh bm sinh, nhng khng c y ngha cn thit cho sinh tn, ng lc kich thich cho
thy nhu cu ca chng ta i vi kch thch v thng tin: hoat ng, s to mo, kham pha, thao tac,

v tip xc th ly.
3. ng lc hinh thanh qua hoc tp l nhng nhu cu, ng lc v mc tiu nh hoc tp m c,
nh: quyn lc, s kt ni, thng duyt, a v, s bao am, v thnh tch. ng lc thng chu s
tac ng ca cam xc.

3 loai ng lc

Cam xc
Cam xc l mt trang thai phc hp, c y thc, mang tnh ch quan v c c trng bi nhng
thay i tm ly v th ly nh nhp tim, huyt ap, s tit m hi, nt mt, c chi v t th.
Tam cam xc chnh l S Hai, Ngac Nhin, Bun Ba, Gh Tm, Gin Gi, Mong i, Vui V v Tin
Tng, trong mi cam xc lai c cng khac nhau.

Thinking Unboxed


The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

Kh sc
Kh sc l nhng trang thai cam xc c cng thp. Kh sc c th tch cc hoc tiu cc, v c th
ko di nhiu gi hoc thm ch nhiu ngy.
Cac nh tm ly hoc nh ngha tr tu cam xc l kha nng nhn thc, s dng, hiu v iu tit cam
xc. Do vy, nhng ngi c tr tu cam xc cao c xu hng linh hoat, d thch nghi v trng thnh
v cam xc hn nhng ngi c tr tu cam xc thp hn.
Ni nh Aristotle "Hay gin ng ngi, ng mc , ng thi im, ng mc ch v ng cach."

c tr tu cam xc, chng ta phai c kha nng t kim soat ang k.

"Hy gin ng ngi, ng

mc , ng thi im, ng
mc ch v ng cch."


Thinking Unboxed


The Psychology Book | EzSTUDIO

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Thinking Unboxed


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