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VRaySun and VRaySky examples

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VRaySun and VRaySky examples

Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
Example 5:
Example 6:
Example 7:
Example 8:


VRaySun and

Direction of the VRaySun light

The Size multiplier parameter
The Shadow subdivs parameter
The Turbidity parameter
The Intensity multiplier parameter
Color mapping types
Ozone value
Shadow bias

Search Keywords: sun, sky, VRaySun, VRaySky

Note: All the images are rendered with Color mapping: HSV exponential, Dark multiplier: 1.0, Bright
multiplier: 1.0 (exceptions are the images in Example 6)

Example 1: Direction of the VRaySun light

This example demonstrates the effect of the sun direction. Note how in addition to the scene brightness, the sun
position also changes the appearance of the sky and the sun light color.
Enabled: on, Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 1.0

Sun Z height: 500

Sun Z height: 1600

Sun Z height: 6000 (almost

Example 2: The Size multiplier parameter

This example demonstrates the effect of the Size multiplier parameter. Notice how changes in this parameter
affect both the visible sun size and the shadow softness (however overall illumination strength remains the
Enabled: on, Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Intensity multiplier: 0.01

Size multiplier is 4.0

Size multiplier is 10.0

Size multiplier is

Example 3: The Shadow subdivs parameter

This example demonstrates the effect of the Shadow subdivs parameter. Note how lower subdivs cause the
shadows to be more noisy.
Enabled: on, Height Z: 1200, Turbidity is 2.0, Intensity multiplier is 0.01, Size multiplier: 10.0

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VRaySun and VRaySky examples

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Shadow subdivs is 8

Shadow subdivs is 16

Shadow subdivs

Example 4: The Turbidity parameter

This example demonstrates the effect of the Turbidity parameter. Generally this controls the amount of dust
particles in the air. Notice how larger values cause the sun and the sky to become yellowish while smaller values
make the sky clear.
Enabled: on, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Shadow subdivision: 8, Size multiplier: 1.0

Turbidity is 2.0

Turbidity is 4.0

Turbidity is 8

Example 5: The Intensity multiplier parameter

Enabled: on, Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Size multiplier: 1.0

Height: Z = 0, Intensity mult: 0.01

Height: Z = 0, Intensity mult: 0.03

Height: Z = 0, Intensity

Height: Z = 500, Intensity mult: 0.01

Height: Z = 500, Intensity mult: 0.03

Height: Z = 500, Intensit

Example 6: Color mapping types

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VRaySun and VRaySky examples

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In addition to the parameters of the sun and sky, their appearance also depends on the selected color mapping
mode. This example demonstrates the looks achieved with several different color mapping modes. See also the
section on Color mapping for more details.
Enabled: on, Height Z: 800,Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size
multiplier: 1.0

Color mapping: Linear

Color mapping: Exponential

Color mapping: HSV exponential

Color mapping: Intensity exponential

Example 7: Ozone value

The Ozone parameter affects only the color of the light emitted by the sun. Higher values color mapping mode.
This example demonstrates the looks achieved with several different color mapping modes. See also the
section on Color mapping for more details.
Enabled: on, Turbidity: 2.0, Shadow subdivision: 36, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 10.0

Ozone: 0.0

Ozone: 0.5

Ozone: 1.0

Example 8: Shadow bias

Enabled: on, Turbidity: 2.0, Shadow subdivision: 36, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 10.0

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VRaySun and VRaySky examples

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Shadow bias: 0.0

Shadow bias: 7.0

Shadow bias: 1

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