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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
1950 125th Street NW
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 363-1323
Church Website:

November is a month with many things to think about and be
thankful for. One is the privilege to vote on various issues. The
church is under fire in todays culture. But we have the God-given
responsibility to stand up for our Biblical morals. I want to share
with you parts of an article by Dave Meyer that is very
enlightening. The Key To Preserving America.
More than 235 years ago, the United States of America
declared its freedom and established a government of the
people, by the people, and for the people. Our Founding
Fathers laid the groundwork for a system of law that was
revolutionary in its own right.
Americans continue to celebrate this remarkable
achievement today. However, somewhere over the years,
misconceptions have surfaced. After all these years, this
question commonly arises: Is the United States of America
a Republic or a Democracy?
Today, the terms democracy and republic are both
commonly used, and many American seem to be unable to
define the difference between the two. But there is a
difference a big difference. The answer is simple, but the
effect is huge. The difference rests in the source of
authority. A democracy is ruled by majority feeling, while a
republic is ruled by law.
Although most people including many government

officials- believe we are a democracy, the United States of

America is in fact a republic.
This means we are self-governed, but self-governed under
the law. In other words, we elect representatives to
represent us according to our law the Constitution. They
dont represent us the way they want to, and the people
dont change the laws. In a republic, the laws remain the
same, and they are upheld by our elected officials.
A democracy is completely different. This form of
government allows the people to change the laws anytime
they want. Therefore, as the people change, the laws
In an absolute democracy, the entire population votes on
every issue and the outcome is decided by the majority.
Thus, whatever prevailing opinion sweeps through the
majority of the people will become the law of the land. Our
Founding Fathers understandably called this a mobocracy.
Other nations have attempted to adopt our form of
government. However, few have enjoyed success because
they overlooked. The very foundation of our Constitution
Our government was founded on the authority of the Bible
and Christian principles. The Founders knew that the
peoples knowledge of these values was critical. If these
principles were ever lost, then our foundation would be
This is the reason they set up a republican form of
government instead of a democracy: They did it to establish
the source of governments authority. A republic ensures
that these laws, based on godly principles, will not be
changed by the prevailing opinion of the day.
The freedoms we enjoy do not rest on the whims of an ever-

changing majority opinion, but on the God-inspired

documents we call the Constitution and the Declaration of
Our Founding Fathers gave us a tremendous gift. They
established the laws of our land based on the solid
foundation of Gods Wordthen chose a form of
government to safeguard these laws in the future.
God bless you,
Pastor Bob

Board of Lay Ministry Minutes, Pending Approval

Board of Lay Ministry and
Executive Ministry Team Joint
Meeting minutes October 8, 2015
BOLM members present: Brent
Betker, Deb Erdmann, Curt Kvamme,
Keith Hackett, Keith Peterson, Sarah Anderson, Tim Neutz,
Wayne Johnson, Pastor Bob. EMT members present: Maria
Traut, Brenda Hackett. Absent: Michelle Motchke, Tom Ollman
Meeting was called to order by President Brent Betker at
6:30 pm. Pastor Bob opened the meeting with prayer. Mission
statement was read by Keith Peterson. Acts Chapter 14 was
read and discussed.
The Treasurers report was reviewed. There was
discussion on whether or not the Sunday School Mission funds
had been sent to the orphanage at the end of last school year.
Curt will check this out. Motion made to accept the report by
Keith Hackett, seconded by Keith Peterson. Motion carried.
Properties Report: Tom Ollman has stepped down as
Properties Leader, his job has been demanding of his time
which makes it difficult for him to fulfill this volunteer position.
Blue prints are in process of being finalized and the bidding
process should be complete next week for the proposed
changes to the church kitchen. The plan is to present a
proposal to the congregation at the annual meeting. The lights
on the steeple were discussed, as well as replacement of an
LED light in the sanctuary.
Secretarys report was read. Motion made to accept the
report by Wayne Johnson, seconded by Keith Peterson.

Motion carried.
EMT Team Leaders reports:
Worship no report.
Small Groups Brenda Hackett reported that Sunday
school is going terrific. The Youth Group has between 15 and
25 kids participating and is studying the Generation Change
materials provided by Ramsey Solutions. Four Financial Peace
University classes have started and are going well. Triad small
group Bible studies will start up again on October 19 th at
5:30pm. Confirmation has 26 kids participating and 10 parent
guides. The group is planning a craft activity for the Sunday of
the annual meeting.
Service Maria Traut announced the upcoming Ice Cream
Social on Sunday Night at the church. The BOLM discussed
next steps for developing the idea of a part time DCO including
a possible newsletter article and discussion on Sunday
mornings before the annual meeting.
The BOLM and EMT reviewed the EMT & Properties
Call Committee: Tim reported that the group met with
Pastor Finnern and has sent Mark Peskes name to President
Fondow for consideration. The meeting helped the committee
look over possible interview questions and feel more prepared
for the upcoming tasks. The committee should have names
back from President Fondow for consideration by October 22 nd
or 29th. Next meeting will depend on when names are
Worship Team Leader: One member has shown interest in

the position. The BOLM & EMT will prayerfully consider this
individual and discernment for the position.
Budget: Heather Statz asked that the BOLM & EMT
reconsider funds in the budget for a new keyboard that has
recording capabilities as the current one has lost that
Alternative solutions and expense were
Jubilee Team: Four Financial Peace University classes
started on or after September 13th. There is Sunday morning
Bible Study relating to financial peace along with Pastors
sermon series. Celebration Sunday (the culmination of
classes) will be on November 15th.
The joint meeting was closed in prayer and the EMT was
Old Business:
Reclaiming Our Nations Biblical Heritage: Pastor
announced to the group that an event will be held at the church
on November 30th from 6:45pm to 8:45pm. Bible believing
churches in the surrounding areas will be invited.
Copier: Karen had a new quote for the group to consider.
Deb Erdmann will contact Karen regarding details.
New Business:
Worship Shepherd Schedule was reviewed through
November 22nd.
Next BOLM meeting will be November 19th at 6:30 pm.
BOLM nominations: The BOLM reviewed the names

We have been praying for our

church family each week as we go
through our church directory
from A to Z. As you go about
your daily tasks lift a prayer for
the family of the week as the Lord brings them to
In November we will be praying for:
November 1 Mike & April Burton
Children: Shelby & Carmen
November 8 Dan & Ellie Cairns
Children: Isabelle & Ian
November 15 Claude & Mary Campion
Children: Ben, Melissa & Emily
November 22 Mark & Julie Clasen
Children: Melissa, Kayla & Tanner

submitted for nomination and will contact those who are

eligible to ensure they are interested. The nomination box will
remain out until October 15th.
Salem Christian Fellowship: Pastor Hesham Shebab is
available to come and speak on November 8 th in the evening
since he will be in MN for another engagement. The BOLM
discussed possible plans to promote an event on Sunday night
and the possible attendance. It was decided to ask him about
dates available in early 2016.
Proposed Budget: The BOLM reviewed the remainder of
the proposed budget including salaries and missions.
Annual Meeting preparations: The BOLM reviewed the
agenda for the annual meeting and decided on a meeting time
of 9:30am with second service following at 11:00 am.
SOTP Saints: The group plans to volunteer at Kids Against
Hunger and would like to bring a donation from the church.
Deb Erdmann motioned to give $400 to Kids Against Hunger
from the other ministry budget. Wayne Johnson seconded and
motion carried.
LCMS Seminary Support Letter: This topic was tabled until
our next meeting.
Motion was made by Curt Kvamme to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 10:45 pm. Closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Anderson, BOLM Secretary

offering on Sunday, November

15th, for the
Rice Area Food Shelf.
Thank you for
your support and
your generous
November distribution is
Thursday, November 5th,
at the Old Village Hall

November 29 Craig & Kelly Collins

Children: Caden & Michael

We will be taking up our noisy

You are invited to

quilting at the
church on Thursday,
November 12th, from
2:00pm until 6:00pm. Everyone is

welcome to stop in
and join us!

Dont forget to
set your clocks
1 hour before
Sunday, November 1st
Hello Everyone,
Sunday School is going great!
We have now started the Dave
Ramsey lessons on biblical financial lessons. There
will be NO Sunday School on November 15th, as we
will be celebrating the end of our Jubilee journey
that day. On November 22nd is the annual meeting.
I will be ordering crafts to keep the kids busy that
day. That brings us to Thanksgiving weekend
already and we will NOT be having Sunday School
on the 29th. On November 1st I will be presenting
the 3rd graders with their bibles during both
services. If you have a 3rd grader please plan on
attending service that weekend.
Jennifer Betker

The annual congregation

meeting of SOTP will be held
between services on Sunday,
November 22, 2014 at 9:30am
in the church sanctuary. The
service times for Sunday November
22nd will be 8:00 am and 11:00 am.
Thank you for attending and
lending your voice. Feel free to
contact any current board member
with any questions you may have.
Join us on Wednesday,
November 25, at 6:30pm for
our Thanksgiving Eve Service
at Shepherd of the Pines. In
Ephesians 5:19 and 20, the Apostle
Paul encourages us to, speak to
one another with psalms, hymns
and spiritual songs. Sing and make
music in your heart to the Lord,
always giving thanks to God the
Father for everything in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ask the
Lord to give you something special
to bring to encourage others: come
with a song, a Bible passage, a
story, or a testimony to share as
we praise and give thanks to our

Sunday, November 15
we will have a special
Jubilee Celebration service.

There will be only ONE

this Sunday at 9:00 am
with fellowship following.
We will have testimonies of
what God is doing in
individual family lives as
people are applying Biblical
principles to their personal
finances. COME

The Service Team

is excited to share
we feel the Lord
has provided for
SOTP. Over the course of the past year, weve been
developing a relationship with Peter Keyes, who is
currently the Director of Christian Outreach for
Zion Lutheran in Little Falls. Peter brings a wealth
of resources to help empower not only Service
Teams mission but Worship Team and Small Bible
Groups team as well as coming alongside SOTP as
an entire church family to birth a new chapter of

community outreach through equipping each of us

to utilize our giftings and callings to a fuller
capacity. He brings a wealth of experience, training,
knowledge and divine wisdom to us to help release
greater waves of empowerment to the churchs
mission of outreach. We had the privilege of
introducing Peter Keyes to the congregation in late
August and we plan to have another opportunity to
invite Peter to SOTPs Sunday services in early
November. If you are interested in hearing what the
Lord is doing through Peter Keyes ministry as a
DCO and how this might be an incredible
opportunity for growth & development of our own
church through contracting Peters services on a
short-term basis, please join us on November 8 th to
get to know Peter and his mission, to hear what the
Lord might stir in your own heart and to join us in
praying about this open door Peter Keyes has
presented. The service team firmly believes Peter
comes to us as a divine appointment from the Lord
and wed love for everyone to meet him before our
annual congregational meeting Sunday Nov. 22nd
where we will be making the decision to contract or
not contract with Peter. Feel free to ask Service
Team members for more information about Peter
Keyes if you have any questions.

Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri Synod Lutherans stand against sale of baby
It would be easier to forget what we have seen, to erase from our memories and our
minds what we have heard. But the statements and actions of Planned Parenthood
medical directors and technicians, captured on film and released by the Center for
Medical Progress, are the kind we will not forget, the kind that cannot be unseen and

Like millions of Americans, including those in the Roman Catholic Church and The
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, we have been shaken to the core by what we have
witnessed: intact babies, at times still alive, having their body parts harvested as a
commodity. We are shocked at the image of tiny hands and feet seen in a glass pie plate.
We are horrified at what we have seen and heard. Such actions and attitudes have no
place in our society.
While offensive, the degradation of the bodies of these infant human beings is
unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Those fetal tissues and organs are only available
for sale because they are being killed through abortion. Over 57 million unborn children
have been lost to abortion in our nation since 1973.
The toll of these lives lost is enormous. We are missing sons and daughters, siblings,
spouses, coaches, scholars, mentors and friends. The loss is symptomatic of a loss of
respect for human life in our society today. In so many ways, our culture seeks to deny
the humanity of the unborn, of the elderly or of someone with a disability.
Together, we stand firm and repeat that every human life is worthy of dignity and
respect. We affirm our continued commitment to offer resources to help parents of any
faith background who are in need of medical, financial or social service assistance both
during pregnancy and after. We stand ready to assist any parent who wishes to make an
adoption plan for their child. Our commitment is to all life in all its stages from
conception to natural death. For those men and women who participated in an abortion,
we extend to you the words of Jesus: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden
(Matthew 11:28), and we invite you to experience hop and healing from your experience.
The Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson,
Archbishop of St. Louis

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison,

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Friends, we have an avenue to change these atrocities, please vote for

prolife candidates every opportunity you get.

Cardinal Rigali Center

20 Archbishop May Drive
St. Louis, MO 63119

1333 S. Kirkwood Road

St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
888-THELCMS (843-5267)

Advent is coming!
November 29th is the
first Sunday in
Advent. Can you
believe it? This year
we will focus on
some of the
Christmans hymns
that we have been gifted to sing. Each

service we will
focus on the
Biblical message
God has for us, His
people, as we look
at one of the
Christmas carols.
When we sing
them, what are we
really singing


29th What Child Is This?

6th O Little Town of Bethlehem
13th While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By
20th Silent Night
24th 3pm & 5pm Christmas Eve Services - In A
24th 9pm Christmas Eve Service - O Holy Night
27th Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

As we remember
America's veterans on
November 11th, we
would do well to read
again the third stanza of
Katherine Lee Bates' America the
"O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,
who more than self their country loved, and
mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
till all success be nobleness, and every gain
Thank you to all of our veterans for your



you to
a gathering Monday,
November 30, 2015 at
SOTP 6:45pm-8:45pm.
At this gathering we will
open with prayer, watch a
DVD by Christian historian,
David Barton titled, Biblical
Principles and the Political
Process, and discuss how we
can work together in getting
our nation back to Godly
government and to reclaim
our Biblical heritage. If you
have any questions, feel free
to contact Pastor Bob.

Reclaiming Our Nations Biblical

The Power of a Simple Gift
During a distribution in a restricted country in 2014, an
Imams (Muslim leader) son got a box with a Bible in it.
Upon his return home, the dad took the Bible and threw it in

the trash. The boy cried but the dad insisted that the Bible would not enter the house.
That night, the Imam had a dream: Jesus came to him in the dream and told him to read
the Bible.
After getting the Bible out and reading in it, he went to a local church and
asked one of the elders to explain what he was reading. In a matter of a few weeks, he
came to faith in Christ. After six months of his new faith-filled life, he resigned from his
position of Imam of the town, bought himself a taxi and now works as a taxi driver. The
town was astonished that he gave up his prominent position. Now he meets with the
Christians in secret and continues to grow in his faith in Christ.
RALPHS STORY: Nine-year-old Ralph lives with his parents and six siblings by a city
dump in the Philippines: Most days I help my parents pick through the garbage looking
for things we can sell. But today is a special day. There are gifts waiting for us at the
school. I cant wait to see if I will get some school supplies. Not only did I receive a gift,
but I prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord. Knowing God will always love me means
Check out the shelf by the big red tote for new brochures and information. Currently,
items we may be short on are tooth paste, tooth brushes and wash clothes. A recent
update I got said to include something to love, as these boxes are going to war-torn
areas. There are boxes and information for you to take if you wish to pack your own box.
But most of all, pray that these boxes deliver the message that
Jesus is their Savior.

Every good gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is
no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
We have some new students who have joined us and several returning students as well. The studies have
been enjoyed as well. Gods Word is always a joy and a privilege to study, please pray we can still say that in
5 or 10 years from now! With all the unbelievers moving into our area the mission field just grew! However
how many of us do not know how to reach out to these people and how to break the barrier of unbelief! That alone is the work of the
Holy Spirit. I have spoken to several on campus, but they do not returnKeep the Faith Remain strong believing in Jesus as our
Savior and Lord. We have had some fun events this month. On October 25th we attended A mazen Farmyard in Eden Valley and
had our Bible study out there. On October 30th we went to Les Rose~ Concordia Fairhaven for the annual hayride and a Halloween
themed party held at LSF following the hayride. Thank you DCO Craig Cooper from Trinity SR for providing the van for both these
events. I would like to thank my beloved husband Doug for adding to the ministry house Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to the
exterior of our house.
Thank you for your prayers, and continued support of the campus ministry, they continue to be felt in many ways.
In Christ,
Barbara Hertling, DCE

Worship Shepherds
November 1 Keith Peterson

November 8 Deb Erdmann

November 15

Keith Hackett

November 22 Wayne Johnson

November 29 Deb Erdmann

service to make coffee. The directions for making coffee

are posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen. When you
serve fellowship, please plan on serving coffee and treats
and cleaning up the kitchen after the first service. The
others serving with you would appreciate it!

November 1

8:00am Brian & Heather Statz

10:30am Jeremiah & Candance Dingmann

November 1 - A. Gerads, S. Monnier, M. Barringer,

J. Amundson, J. Herman

November 8

8:00am Tom & Jennifer Ollman

10:30am Wayne & Colleen Peterson

November 8 T. Omann, D. Skajewski, T. Manske,

B. Statz, G. Donabauer

November 15

8:00am Jay & Leah Saldana

10:30am John & Gloria Hendrickson

November 15 J. Nelson, L. Popp, J. Boatz,

C. Walberg, S. Pintok

November 22

8:00am Jordie Stay & Deb Erdmann

10:30am Keith & Kathy Craft

November 22 P. Tschida, B. Motschke, D. Diehl,

R. Kreifels, S. Ree

November 29

8:00am Keith & Brenda Hackett

10:30am Pam Fuchs & Christine Blommer

November 29 - VOLUNTEERS
November 1 - Deuteronomy 8:10-18
Luke 6:38

November 1

8:00am Linda Dirks

10:30am Melissa Hinderschied

November 8

8:00am Linda Omann

10:30am Cara Freese

November 15

8:00am Lois Perleberg

10:30am Sandie Resch

November 22

8:00am Paul Tschida

10:30am Pam Fuchs

November 29

8:00am Richael Weinand

10:30am Angela Frost

November 1 Troy & Deb Popp

November 8 Deb Erdmann
November 15 DJ Janski
November 22 Garry & Bonnie Loidolt
November 29 Howard & Nancy Forer
D. Erdmann, C. Kvamme, S. Resch
If it is your turn to serve fellowship, please bring some treats
to share and arrive early to help set up. If your name is first
on the list, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the 8:00am

November 8 - Exodus 36:1-7

Matthew 6:25-33
November 15 - Psalm 24:1-2
Luke 14:28-30
November 22 - Hebrews 7:23-28
Mark 10:46-52
November 29 Isaiah 9:6
Luke 2:8-11

Julie Clasen, Peg, Feia,
Charyl Walberg, Sandy Froelich

November 1

8:00am Donovan Elyea

10:30am Noah Ellefson

November 8

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Denise Leahy

November 15

8:00am Dennis Arntson

10:30am Matthew Neutz

November 22

8:00am Bill Paradeis

10:30am Noah Ellefson

November 29

8:00am Donovan Elyea

10:30am Matthew Neutz



Jesus Has Blessed...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor

Church Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Church Website:
Brent Betker, President 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, 393-4279, Keith Hackett, 393-4531, Keith Peterson, Vice-President 292-4007,
Curt Kvamme, Treas. 393-3353, Sarah Anderson, Secretary 267-2628, Tim Neutz, 393-3386, Wayne Johnson 253-9020
Keith Peterson, Church Properties 260-6548
Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, __________________ - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240,
or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great
Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach
with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.
Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping
people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us
baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued
zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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