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Chart Interpretation Reference


Richard A. Fidler
copyright reserved by Richard Fidler

Astrology is a vast subject! Not only is there an almost infinite amount of information on the topic
out there, but there are subtleties to this art that only years, decades, or even lifetimes of practical
experience will unveil and prepare you for. The more you learn, the more painfully obvious it
becomes that you are an absolute beginner, and always will be!
So what if you have learnt what all the different combinations mean?!- as if that's possible! How are
you using this information? A relatively minor elevation of consciousness or values may cause
yesterdays take to seem not only superficial, but maybe even dangerously misleading. Good
astrology requires more than mere book reading and technical expertise; good astrology is
something more than astrology alone- it is intelligent, artful and creative service which has simply
been amplified by astrological knowledge. Many people do a very good job of this artful and
creative service, intuitively, without astrology, and then there are people who do more harm than
good with their astrology, even when they're very learned and capable of impressively accurate
deductions. Birth-charts are not the alpha and omega of all wisdom and insight, and every
astrologer has to supplement his or her astrological studies from other sources of illumination, in
order to breathe wholesome life into their astrology. I strive to use astrology with ever greater
discernment, discretion and compassion, and this aspiration has been fostered by the recognition,
through my own mistakes, of how easy it is to misuse this (potentially) sacred science, even if only
through naive carelessness!
Having said all this solemn stuff, I must confess that the guidelines on interpretation that constitute
the bulk of this book do not go much further than presenting the generally accepted ideas on what
the various individual symbols and their many combinations might mean, to the extent that this has
been confirmed by my own experience as a student and practicing astrologer. There is little in this
book that is truly new or revolutionary; it's purpose and intention is not very grand or particularly
ambitious, as astrology books go, and there won't be much more philosophizing and moralizing in
it's pages. I am simply relaying a little of what I've learnt and observed- only the basics really- and I
leave it to you, dear reader, to use it if you can, according to your ability and conscience. This is a
book for the guidance and encouragement of students in the early formative stages of their
astrological journey. A humble and incomplete offering from a fellow beginner.

There are many different schools of thought in the world of modern astrology, and much of the
complexity in the modern situation has arisen from a renaissance of interest in ancient methods and
the astrological systems of diverse cultures, not to speak of completely new discoveries and
innovations. There can be no doubt that the popularization of Vedic astrology in the west, and the
widespread interest in the ancient western forms of astrology (specifically Hellenistic and Medieval
astrology), have greatly invigorated the entire field, and in many instances (though certainly not
invariably) improved the quality of the astrology being practiced. However, as one Vedic astrologer
noted, there is something of a "Tower of Babel" crisis unfolding, perhaps a perfectly appropriate
and inevitable crisis under the circumstances, as we try to assimilate all this new exposure to
ancient and culturally alien ways. It is probably unavoidable that we will eventually find all kinds of
hybrid systems being developed by groups and individuals. While some of these hybrid astrologies
may offer effective new methods and insights, it will take much discernment to successfully wade
through all the streams without wasting lots of time and ending up too confused to continue with
confidence and clarity. Ultimately the value and validity of a particular approach to astrology, or a
set of specific techniques, is established by it's reliability and accuracy "in the field", and this can
only be properly tested or demonstrated through extensive application by discerning practitioners.
I have found it practically impossible not to develop a rather eclectic hybrid system of my own,
which is a blend of western and Vedic astrology, and this will inevitably influence the presentation
that follows. I have purposefully tried to minimize "culture shock" by presenting the basic
information in a relatively conventional western style. Most of what follows is regular western
astrology unless I specifically state otherwise. However, my study and application of Vedic
astrology has led me to consider certain concepts and principles, that are perhaps more explicitly
part of the Vedic system, as definitely enough implicit in western astrology to be presented as part
of the western system. In fact, I consider it quite reasonable to view western and Vedic astrology as
variants of the same system, and there is no disputing the fact that they have periodically cross
pollinated along the trade and conquest routes of the ancient world. Many of the basic concepts of
western and Vedic astrology are so nearly identical that in the presentation of the basics that follows
there is hardly a single thought that wouldn't be more or less equally valid in both systems. This is
one reason why a "hybridization" of western and Vedic astrology is so natural and viable. Some of
the most learned and insightful modern astrologers of both western and Vedic persuasions have
mentioned it as at least a possibility, and a few have actually made definite contributions in that
direction. One significant example that comes to mind is from Light on Relationships, by Hart de
Fouw and Robert Svoboda, in which the authors acknowledge that some of the principles for
assessing relationship compatibility presented in their book have been developed from both western
and Vedic astrological concepts. I think it is important to add here that these same authors do warn
elsewhere against a careless and hap-hazard mixing of systems, and I agree that you need to study

each system on it's own terms before you can prudently and fruitfully hybridize.
It is furthermore worth mentioning in this introduction that modern astrologers have lately been
challenged to clarify their understanding of astrology's essential nature and it's underlying
philosophy and rationale as astrology and astrologers seek a restoration to respectability in the
modern institutions of learning and culture. One of the current debates in the world of astrology
centers around the question of whether or not astrology should even attempt to prove itself as
scientifically acceptable. Some insightful proponents assert that astrology is essentially a form of
magic and divination, or a mystical art that cannot ever be properly assessed by the materialistic
measuring rods of modern science. And yet there have been significant validations of astrological
theories through rigorous statistical research (such as the Gauquelin findings, which initially sought
to discredit astrology), and there is a vast amount of scientific data relating to the periodicity of
almost every conceivable natural process; and periodicity is one of astrology's basic preoccupations
since it's an essential feature of the solar system, and, I suppose, the universe.
One important realization that should emerge from all of this is that astrology is a complex subject
that can be legitimately viewed in a number of different ways, and developed in various possible
directions. If it has features that are amenable to scientific scrutiny and validation, that would not
invalidate it's inscrutable and more mystical dimensions and functions, and vice versa . Any
simplistic classification of what it is, what it's for, and how and why it works, is usually based on a
flawed and incomplete knowledge of the subject.

The Astrological Alphabet

Astrological interpretation is all about reading and interpreting combinations of symbols. The
Planets, Aspects, Signs and Houses constitute the basic alphabet with which one ultimately
constructs the words and sentences that unveil the message of the stars. There are certainly other
factors, such as the effects of specific Fixed Stars, Lunar Mansions (which are lunar based zodiacs
of 27 or 28 signs, which are typically encountered in traditional Arabic and Vedic astrology), and
various peculiar mathematical formulas, such as the so called Arabic Parts, that could enter into
your astrological equations- but Planets, Aspects, Signs and Houses are the most essential
components of the system, and the appropriate place to begin.
What follows is a basic description of these elementary symbols and their astrological significance.
Although most of what will be presented here is conventional western astrology, I have here and
there infused the content with bits of Vedic astrology where it seemed appropriate. There are many
principles in Vedic astrology that complement and are essentially totally consistent with otherwise
western ideas and principles.

The Planets
The planets are the vital organs of chart interpretation. Each planet represents certain faculties and
functions of body, mind and soul. The position or condition of a planet in the birth chart will reveal
how fully, in which way, and in which arenas of life, we express and make use of the corresponding
faculties or functions. In an ideal world we are all perfectly in touch with every planet, and
therefore able to use and express the corresponding faculties and functions in a balanced and
healthy way. It is interesting in this regard to note that certain ancient horoscopes, said to belong to
avatars and perfected beings, place every planet in the sign of it's exaltation (which is a planet's
strongest sign position, and these special positions are listed later on). It is very likely that these
charts are more symbolically than historically accurate, and seem rather to represent this idea that
the perfect person has each planet honed to it's ideal "pitch", and therefore can express all possible
attributes and faculties in their ideal fullness, and for the proper purposes. Perhaps in this astrology
provides us with a symbolic pathway or map to the perfection we should strive (or are all working)
Perhaps the most basic traditional classification of the planets is their designation as either
"benefics" or "malefics". The idea here is pretty simple and clear; benefics are pleasant or
beneficial, whereas malefics are "bad", troublesome and difficult. Venus and Jupiter are the most
clearly definable as benefics, and Mars and Saturn are the classic malefics. Venus is sometimes
described as the "lesser benefic", and Jupiter as the "greater benefic"; whereas Mars is known as the
"lesser malefic", and Saturn is the "greater malefic". Mercury is normally considered mildly
benefic, though it is repeatedly stated in the astrological literature that Mercury takes on the

energies of the planets it is most intimately associated with, and so can become malefic through
association with malefics. Although the Sun and Moon are more or less neutral as far as this
classification goes, Vedic astrology will normally consider the Sun a mild malefic, being very hot
and dry, and thus potentially scorching (even though in certain contexts the Sun can represent pure
and positive qualities), and the Moon benefic (though, according to Vedic astrology, the Moon
should ideally be waxing and otherwise well placed for this benefic status to be assured). Vedic
astrology considers both the Moon's Nodes as malefic (under most circumstances), though in
western astrology the North Node is perhaps, if anything, benefic, and the South Node malefic.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto don't fall into any traditional classification as either benefic or malefic,
but all three of these planets are capable of producing crisis and problematic circumstances in
peoples lives. Certainly none of them are nearly as clearly and consistently beneficial as Jupiter.
However, it is well known that trials in life can bear sweet fruit, and under ideal conditions the
benefits and blessings people gain through Uranus, Neptune and Pluto seem greater, or at least more
profound and spiritually meaningful, than the benefits people typically manage to derive from the
more traditional malefics (Mars and Saturn).
Modern western astrologers tend to be critical of this traditional classification of planets as either
benefics or malefics, and not without reason, since there are ways in which we can benefit from and
grow through the so called malefics (as alluded to above), and be harmed by benefics. Even Vedic
astrology, which may on the surface seem more comfortable with this crude classification, contains
rules and principles whereby malefics can bring beneficial results, and vice versa. Few traditional
astrological rules lack some amount of truth and value, and this classification of planets as benefics
and malefics is no exception. The malefic planets represent attitudes and energies that are under
normal circumstances likely to result in discomfort, and in the context of human nature they are
associated with various vices, such as excessive selfishness, anger and malice, which cannot
produce true and lasting happiness or pleasure. Likewise the benefics represent the generous, gentle,
kind and refined potentials in human nature that produce or attract comfort, happiness, interpersonal
cooperation and support.
In the planetary family the Sun and Moon are the father and mother figures respectively, Mercury is
a lively and curious child, Venus and Mars are young adults in the prime of life, brimming with
vitality and libido, while Jupiter and Saturn would represent the elders, ripe with the material and
moral fruits of age and experience.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, represent entities that are somewhat alien to, and, in
a sense, function outside of the conventional "family structure". In this analogy the outer planets are
agents for larger social (and cosmic?) processes that are normally beyond the grasp of self-absorbed
individuals concerned with common things. Uranus is personified as the innovator, transforming
society and the world with new knowledge and technology, but Uranus can also be a rebel without a
cause that becomes an agent for anarchy. Neptune is the illusive mystic who's role, function and

work in the world may have little to do with, and little evidence in, physical reality; and yet
Neptune can also represent the desperate and vulnerable elements of society, the drug addicts and
other victims that often drain the resources and erode the collective health of society. Pluto can
manifest through the social underworld as the shadowy and brutal criminal groups, as well as the
sometimes equally shadowy, criminal and secretive C.I.A. type agents of social justice; however,
Pluto can also represent forces of social regeneration in the form of healers and truly altruistic
politicians or committed messiahs who access primal power for the purpose of rebuilding and
necessary transformation.
Although the Sun and Moon are in themselves a pair (arguably the primary archetypal pair of
complementary opposites), as a unit ("The Luminaries") they are the polar opposites of Saturn,
whom we may here style a dark cold shadow". Note that the Luminaries both rule signs opposite
Saturn ruled signs; Moon ruled Cancer is opposite Saturn ruled Capricorn, and Sun ruled Leo is
opposite Saturn ruled Aquarius.
The Sun and Mars are clearly definable as masculine and can and will represent men and masculine
energies in a chart. The Sun is normally going to be more of a fatherly and authoritative man,
whereas Mars is likely to represent a more forceful, youthful and competitive face of masculinity.
Regardless of your own sex, the Sun and Mars will represent essentially masculine facets of the
psyche that get projected onto external males or masculine persons. The Sun and Mars are related to
"ego" or one's sense of identity, the drive to assert oneself and to project one's will outwardly into
the world. Planets like Saturn and Neptune can inhibit, frustrate, diffuse and deplete this drive,
whereas expansive Jupiter or energetic Uranus would be more likely to encourage and fuel it.
Conversely, the Moon and Venus represent women and the feminine facets of one's psyche. The
Moon and Venus are both nurturing planets and associated with one's emotional life. The maternal
type of nurturing function is usually more specifically associated with the Moon. Venus is more
specifically associated with romantic love, beauty (fashion, art, decoration) and sexuality. It is
interesting to note here that, according to Vedic astrology, both the Moon and Venus are
significators for the 4th House, which is associated with the mother, amongst other things (Venus is
not typically viewed as a significator for the mother in western astrology). The Moon is certainly
likely to represent a more maternal type of women who is more mature and domesticated than the
beautiful, sensuous and "sexy" type associated with Venus.
Although Venus is said to represent a person's approach to love and romance in both sexes, the Sun
and Mars may be of special importance in defining a women's image of the "animus" she seeks in,
or projects onto, the males in her life. Likewise the Moon and Venus in a male's chart will reflect
his inner image of the feminine "anima" he seeks in women in order to complete himself.
Venus and Mars are, in a sense, another octave of the basic Sun-Moon polarity. Venus and Mars

combined seem to have a special bearing on sexuality, and in this context represent opposite but
complementary facets of sexual expression. Venus relates to the "togetherness" and would be
concerned about emotional bonding and accommodating the needs and wants of the other. Mars
represents a more assertive and selfish drive to gratify personal desire, and yet also provides a
necessary element of vigor and motivation to complement the essentially passive Venusian
approach to sexuality. Any Venus/Mars combination tends to have a bearing on sexual drive and
desire, and perhaps more primarily our ability to effectively assert ourselves and achieve personal
gratification in all our relationships with others. When the combination is "balanced" it manifests as
the ability to achieve personal gratification while contributing positively to the gratification of the
other persons needs, and thus the health of the relationship. The danger lies in a poor balance
between "love and lust", or between self-will or personal desire on the one hand, and the needs of
the other person and the relationship on the other. Note that Venus and Mars always rules signs
located opposite each other on the zodiac wheel; Mars ruled Aries is opposite Venus ruled Libra,
Venus ruled Taurus is opposite Mars ruled Scorpio.
Mercury is a bi-sexual or asexual androgyne, and represents a completely balanced merging or
integration of Solar and Lunar energies. Mercury is in this regard quite unique and not as obviously
part of a pair; especially not a pair that can be associated with gender. However, although Jupiter is
rightly seen as being the polar opposite of Saturn in many respects, Mercury and Jupiter share
certain attributes, such as an association with knowledge and education (in Vedic astrology Mercury
and Jupiter are both significators of the 2 House, which is associated with both wealth and
education). Mercury represents basic literacy, analytical knowledge and the ability to intelligently
engage with bits of information, whereas Jupiter represents the faculty of intuitive synthesis of
fragmented facts into a meaningful and comprehensive whole. One might add that Mercury rules
short journeys and little ideas, whereas Jupiter represents long distance voyages and "big ideas" or
broad general concepts. The fact that Mercury and Jupiter rule signs opposite each other on the
zodiac wheel affirms the notion that they represent a pair of complementary opposites; Mercury
rules Gemini which is opposite Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, and Mercury also rules Virgo, which is
located opposite Jupiter ruled Pisces.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are sometimes collectively referred to as "personal
planets"; they relate to our personal psychology, personal drives, and our personal needs and
idiosyncrasies. Jupiter and Saturn occupy a type of midway position between the personal planets
and the outer planet trio; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Jupiter and Saturn are associated with our integration into the larger social order. Jupiter relates to
the culture and education that contribute towards our social respectability, and our capacity to
function within, or harmonize with, the moral and religious value systems of society. Saturn is
associated with the more material aspects of our social reality; our professional responsibilities and
social duties that enable us to maintain our security in the struggle for survival. It is true that Jupiter

and Saturn can and do represent more personal components of your psyches: for instance, Jupiter
relates to a basic capacity for faith and optimism in an individual, whereas Saturn is associated with
personal fears or insecurities, and these states can manifest in circumstances that have little to do
with our social roles and status. The (20 year) Jupiter-Saturn cycle is of key significance in the
astrological assessments of longer term social/political trends.
Jupiter and Saturn are not easily definable as belonging to this or that gender, though Jupiter is
probably more likely to be masculine, in that it tends to be a more expansive energy, as opposed to
a distinctly withdrawn and introverted tendency of Saturn. However, Jupiter is definitely more
nurturing than Saturn, and Saturn is traditionally a "father figure" planet. The gender roles or
correspondences are blurred and mixed here, but then these planets belong to a phase of life and an
orientation towards the world that is quite a lot less personal and emotional than the Sun, Moon,
Venus or Mars.
The so called "outer planets", Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, represent the most impersonal energies or
principles represented by planets, and yet even here they can have purely personal significance.
Uranus, for example, is typically experienced at a personal level as a desire for freedom and new
experiences, but this is not necessarily the only, or the essential, attribute of Uranus. It has been
observed (and touched on earlier) that all three outer planets have the potential to bring relatively
drastic upheaval into our lives, though one can certainly not say that they are essentially "malefic".
It is perhaps worth noting, though, that when the positive potentials of these planets are manifested
it takes the form of, for want of a better word here, "spiritual" experiences, and profound or
extraordinary personal growth and transformation. When these planets bring about crisis it is
possible due to a resistance to their essentially "spiritual", transpersonal qualities or purposes. It is
possible that people will only be able to handle and usefully express the energies of the outer
planets when they have achieved a fairly advanced stage of evolution.
According to one scheme Uranus is considered the higher octave of Mercury, Neptune the higher
octave of Venus, and Pluto the higher octave of Mars. This is all very neat and tidy, though not
without some apparent validity. Uranus can be somewhat "nervous" and "clever" like Mercury.
Neptune can be "loving" and devoted in a possibly more extreme or ultimate way than Venus; and
both Neptune and Venus seem to have artistic inclinations, but Neptune is more imaginative and
emotionally indiscriminate than Venus. Pluto can be "aggressive" like Mars, and even more brutal,
but is certainly somewhat more impersonal and is often focused through collective group intentions
and agendas rather than the individual ego drives, as is the case with Mars.
There is a concept or principle implied here and there in what has been stated above on the various
classifications or groupings within the planetary family, which is made more explicit in Vedic
astrology; and that is the idea that there is sympathy and antipathy between the individual planets
which will affect they way they function when combined. Vedic astrology has an elaborate scheme

of friendship, neutrality and enmity between the planets which will not be explored here in further
detail, and is only mentioned because it is an example of this idea, one which is non-the-less
relevant to and implied in a more purely western approach. According to a western take on this
principle planets that are inherently similar (such as the Moon and Venus, or the Sun and Mars) will
tend to combine easily and will powerfully strengthen a particular type of energy or inclination,
whereas, on the contrary, a tension can result from a combination of fundamentally different
energies (such as the Moon and Saturn, for example) that will to a greater or lesser extent obstruct
the expression of both or either of the planets. However, in principle at least, every conceivable
planetary combination has some other legitimate and useful way of expressing and manifesting
itself, just as somewhat unpleasant or harsh processes in nature (such as death and decay) have an
ultimately benign, and certainly legitimate, function.


The Sun is quite obviously the vital core of the Solar System- the very fact that it is called a Solar
System underlines this point. Your astrological inner Sun may similarly be seen as the vital core of
your being, maybe we could even call it your Soul. In Vedic astrology it is literally referred to as
the significator of the self or soul (Atma Karaka). In a very general sense the Sun might represent
your identity, and it is often seen as a barometer of one's vitality, confidence and capacity for
positions of authority and leadership. The Sun may be associated with the government and
government officials, as well as all regal and dignified persons.
The Sun, as a symbol of dignity and regal power, rules the majestic sign Leo. As with the sign Leo,
the Sun is associated with the heart. Sometimes an afflicted or weak Sun will literally manifest as
physical heart problems, along with poor self esteem.
The Sun fulfills a masculine kingly and fatherly role in the planetary family, complemented by the
Moon in a feminine, maternal or queenly role. The Sun and Moon represent the basic polarity of
masculine and feminine energies within ourselves, at biological, psychological, social and spiritual
A well placed Sun improves and strengthens self esteem and enables us to assert ourselves in the
world. It will assist us in establishing positive and helpful relationships with authority figures, and
we will be capable of exercising authority over others. In fact, when the Sun is very prominent and
powerful in the chart as a whole, it can manifest as a bossy and domineering tendency that is not
inevitably a virtue, or happily endured by others. A strong and prominent Sun that is not well
integrated could take the form of arrogance and egocentricity, and even a hint of cruelty.
When the Sun is weak in a chart, through occupying Libra or the Saturn ruled signs (Capricorn or
Aquarius) there could be a sense of being dominated or obstructed by others, particularly authority

figures, and yet the person with a debilitated Sun may assert themselves fitfully and abruptly in a
defensive, cowardly and insecure fashion. There is typically a need to develop a more steady, open
and consistent approach to self assertion. A weak Sun may manifest as a remote or fragile father
figure, and/or there may be some problematic episodes with the father, the government, or other
authority figures.
The Sun completes one round through all twelve signs of the zodiac in one year; spending roughly a
month in each sign. It is very likely that the 360 degree circle is a convenient approximation of the
number of days in a year. For this reason it so happens that the Sun moves almost exactly one
degree along the zodiac (or ecliptic) per day.


The Moon is the archetypal Mother, and represents women in general. The Moon is ruler of the
mothering water sign Cancer, and is associated with feelings, instincts, emotional sensitivity,
nurturing, nourishing, the home, and family life. The Moon represents familiar environments, our
past (often as memories and emotional attachments), and the most basic and instinctive levels of our
awareness. The habits and automatic responses that largely shape our personalities are essentially
The changing appearance of the Moon has led to the theme of fluctuation being associated with
the Moon, so an area of life directly influenced by the Moon may be inclined to undergo regular
changes; it becomes fluid. We are also likely to deal with any area of life influenced by the Moon
in our charts in a very instinctual, subjective, and emotional manner. At best this could give us an
ability to deal with that area in a comfortably familiar way, though at worst our strong emotional
identification or associations with that area can cloud our perception of it, making compulsive
reactions more likely, and objectivity more difficult.
The Moon is watery and juicy and might represent water in the body, or in the world. The Moon
would also rule over the breasts and stomach as organs relating to nurturing and nourishing
A strong and prominent Moon indicates that we are able to nurture others as well as ourselves, both
physically and emotionally. We will have an ability to respond to others and they will easily feel at
home with and accepted by us. We are likely to have positive relationships with women, our
mothers, and our family life should be rich and rewarding. From a Vedic astrology perspective a
strong Moon will improve the clarity and lucidity of the mind- "the mind" here meaning the basic
faculty of awareness and perception.
A dysfunctional Moon (more likely with Moon in Scorpio, or in the 6th, 8th or 12th House, and/or

when aspected my malefic planets) may cause us to be edgy, irritable, aloof and generally moody
and emotionally unhappy or unsettled, and these qualities could result in alienation from family and
loved ones and difficulty establishing intimate bonds and a stable sense of belonging. Even when
there is sharp intelligence as a result of these tense placements (which is often the case with Moon
in the 6 , 8 or the sign Scorpio), the mind may be stormy and restless, and thinking may be erratic
and scattered, or just plain negative. Moods and feelings are prone to be inharmonious, and there is
some liability to physiological problems affecting the stomach, digestive system. Some people will
struggle with infertility, and women may have menstrual problems.
The Moon moves through the zodiac faster than any of the other heavenly bodies (another reason
for it's association with rapid fluctuation), taking about 28 days to travel through all twelve signs of
the zodiac; that's about two-and-a-half days per sign. The Moon passes through one degree of the
zodiac in about two hours.


Mercury is a clever little youth, known mythologically as the winged messenger of the gods. He
bears the Caduceus, a winged serpent-entwined staff. Immediately after his birth, according to the
mythology, he was expressing wit and dexterity; stealing cattle (Mercury is the patron god of
thieves), and inventing musical instruments.
The planet Mercury is associated with intelligence, learning, communication, the mind and mobility
(short journeys). Mercury is eloquent and articulate and associated with all little, detailed things.
Letters, paperwork, news and information, as well as negotiations, are all associated with Mercury.
There is often a "mercantile" orientation to Mercury's smooth talking that makes this planet useful
in the world of business and sales. However, Mercury can be superficial and flighty and is not by
nature very serious, steady or reliable, unless associated with other planets that contribute these
Mercury can represent a young or youthful person, a student, or a meticulous, highly-strung,
nervous, fine-featured person. A teacher, author or speaker, a secretary or assistant. Anything
tiny,diminutive, speckled, variegated and rapid.
Mercury rules the signs Gemini and Virgo. These are both intellectual and analytical signs, though
Airy Gemini is the more communicative and socially orientated sign, whereas Earthy Virgo is
relatively more practically minded.
The nervous system, hands and fingers (and more generally the limbs and extremities) are under
Mercurys dominion. Of all the fingers on the hand the little finger is most specifically Mercurial.
Some consider the lungs as being under Mercury, especially since Mercury has such distinctly airy

attributes and is ruler of the sign Gemini, which is often associated with the lungs.
A strong, prominent and well handled Mercury will tend to manifest as ease and charm in
communicating with others. Comedians will invariably have interesting Mercury placements; a
Mercurial person is never at a loss for words and will typically be a very entertaining speaker. A
strong Mercury will stimulate intellectual curiosity and enable one to study practically any subject.
Eloquence is an almost indispensable attribute for a leader...
A weak and debilitated Mercury will tend to show as a lack of clarity in thinking and
communication, and in extreme cases even a lack of honesty or integrity in the use of intelligence
and communication faculties. There may be problems and obstacles in education, and/or the person
may be thoughtless and tactless in their speech; they may gossip or slander others and generally
occupy their minds and tongues with inharmonious, illegitimate or useless thoughts and words.
Since Mercury is so close to the Sun, it's zodiacal position is never more than about 28 degrees from
the Sun. So, Mercury can at any given time only occupy either the same sign as that occupied by the
Sun, or one of the signs on either side of the Sun sign. Mercury's proximity to the Sun means that it
also completes a round through all twelve signs of the zodiac in about a year. However, Mercury
often turns retrograde, speeding up and slowing down in the process, and will at times, at it's most
rapid rate of movement through the zodiac, move nearly two degrees per day.


Venus is well known mythologically as the goddess of love and beauty, and this is also largely the
astrological connotation. Venus is by nature sweet, gentle, comfortable, harmonious and peaceful.
She is associated with romance, as well as more platonic affection and friendship between people.
Venus is attractive, friendly, sociable and charming and likes fashion, art and decoration.
Physiologically Venus is associated primarily with the sexual organs (the word venereal is
literally derived from Venus), as well as the bladder and kidneys.
Venus rules the sensuous and materialistic Earth sign Taurus, as well as the relationship orientated
Air sign Libra.
When Venus is strong and prominent in a chart the person will tend to be physically beautiful, and
will tend to have a very pleasant, easy-going and likable personality. The person will dress
tastefully and will find it difficult to bear ugly and untidy surroundings. A strong and prominent
Venus should make it relatively easy to find a mate, since the person is bound to be attractive and

popular with the opposite sex. The person has many opportunities to enjoy sensuous pleasures and
material comforts. In fact, a strong and prominent, but otherwise undisciplined and imbalanced
Venus, may make one somewhat too preoccupied with pleasure, romance, sexuality and superficial
physical beauty.
When Venus is very weak and poorly integrated in a chart the person might lack beauty and
physical attractiveness and may find it difficult to give and receive affection. Marriage may be
denied, delayed, or frustrating, and the person may seek pleasure in unwholesome and extreme
ways. There may be a negative attitude towards love, romance and relationships, and this may show
as a tendency to get involved in relationships and friendships in which there is discord and a lack of
mutual respect.
The usual focus on Venus as a planet associated with love, romance and beauty tends to obscure the
fact that this planet has a deeper and more profound potential significance. A Venusian state of
consciousness can enable one to perceive harmony and connectedness between things in a way that
is not at all frivolous, and can, in fact, lead to profound philosophical or even scientific realizations.
In this regard it is interesting to note that in Vedic astro-mythology Venus (or Sukracharya, as
depicted in the Mahabarata epic) was, like Jupiter, a guru possessed of deep wisdom and insight.
Therefor in Vedic astrology's caste classification Venus and Jupiter are both brahminical (priestly)
Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth, and is never found more than about 48 degrees from the
Sun's position along the zodiac, therefore Venus is never more than two signs removed from the
Sun. When Venus is located behind the Sun in the zodiac she will be seen as the morning star in
the east before sunrise. When Venus is ahead of the Sun in the usual sequence of the zodiac signs,
she will be the evening star, visible in the west around the time of sunset. You will never see
Venus or Mercury at midnight due to the fact that they are so close to the Sun. Like Mercury,
Venus' proximity to the Sun means that she takes a similar amount of time as the Sun to complete
one round through all twelve signs of the zodiac.


Mars is the mythological god of war, and the physical planet itself has a reddish hue to it. This
quite aptly expresses the aggressiveness and vigor of the planet Mars, which inflames passion and
urges one to act and pursue objectives through daring and self-assertion. The energy of Mars is hot,
sharp and piercing. Ideally Mars, the archetypal warrior, is a dynamic energizer; at worst he causes
violence and reckless actions, and therefore accidents and disruption are associated with Mars.
Mars is the traditional ruler of the signs Aries and Scorpio. These are therefore both rather


aggressive and energetic signs. However, the aggressive and dynamic attributes of Mars are
expressed more overtly through the extroverted masculine Fire sign Aries, whereas Scorpio
represents a more subtle, covert and secretive expression of Mars energy.
Mars and the Sun are both masculine planets that can represent (experiences with) men, in contrast
to the Moon and Venus, which represent women. Although both the Sun and Mars are associated
with will and self-assertion, these attributes are far more vigorously and fiercely expressed by Mars.
Physiologically Mars is associated with the muscular system as the organs of action. Sometimes a
weak Mars will manifest as blood related disorders, such as iron deficiency. Heat, inflammation,
injury and surgery (cuts and piercing) are associated with Mars.
A strong and prominent Mars imbues one's personality with courage and forcefulness, and this will
enable one to win many battles in the fight for survival. However, this can cause one to become
feared as somewhat dangerous and formidable. Independence and dynamism are the chief virtues of
a strong Mars, and with a worthy goal, a legitimate task, and noble aspirations, these qualities can
be very constructively employed. Mars is the courage and sharply focused intention of a spiritual
A weak or poorly integrated Mars might cause one to be timid and/or aggressive in a petty and
cowardly (compensatory) way. The person may lack initiative and vitality, will give up easily, and
tends to avoid any challenge that would require drive and clarity of intention. These qualities may
ultimately lead to a lack of achievement and weakened self-esteem.
Mars takes about 2 years to complete one round through all twelve signs of the zodiac.


Jupiter is a big and beneficent personage in the planetary family; wise, wealthy and jovial.
Mythologically Jupiter (Zeus) was the king of the gods who had overthrown his father, Saturn
(Kronos). If any planet competes with the Sun for grandeur and dignity, then it's Jupiter, the largest
planet proper in the solar system.
Jupiter brings good fortune, expansion, growth and faith wherever he is located or influences.
Jupiter is associated with long-distance journeys and faraway people and places. Jupiter presides
over religious beliefs, and moral or ethical values, as well as those social institutions that provide
care and protection, or preserve and disseminate knowledge- particularly philosophical knowledge
or high-level education. Jupiter is associated with optimistic, opulent and/or wise people. In Vedic
astrology Jupiter is literally called Guru, pointing clearly to Jupiter's association with knowledge,
learning and teaching.

Physiologically Jupiter is consistently associated with the liver, as well as body fat. A typical
Jupiter type has a large and strong body! Generally Jupiter would promote good health and even
healing and restoration, though doing things to excess is one weakness to which Jupiter is prone, so
that Jupiter induced health problems (from hangovers to weight gain) may be directly related to
jovial overindulgence.
Jupiter traditionally rules the signs Sagittarius and Pisces. We could say that the open, extroverted,
masculine Fire sign Sagittarius represents exoteric religion, whereas Pisces represents a more
feminine, mystical and esoteric manifestation of the search for Truth.
Although Mercury also relates to learning and education, Mercury's approach has a very narrow
range and focuses on fine detail. Jupiter represents the big picture and one's overall comprehension
of a subject or issue.
A strong and prominent Jupiter will manifest as dignity, morality and integrity. The person may be
wealthy and well traveled, and therefore easily takes a broad, optimistic and tolerant view of things.
The person has a buoyant and idealistic personality, and yet this idealism and optimism is normally
quite balanced, practical and realistic. Expecting the best tends to promote success, and yet the ideal
Jupiter type is unlikely to be exceedingly enamored by material things, and will on the contrary
have a strong intuitive sense of spiritual truth and will consciously cultivate spiritual, or at least
socially acceptable, moral values. The person is generous and may well have the capacity and
inclination to bring about improvements (material, moral or educational) in the lives of others, and
society at large.
A weak or poorly integrated Jupiter will typically manifest as pessimism and a lack of faith and joy.
The person may be cynical about religion and may experience conflict with religious people,
teachers or institutions. In some cases a poorly placed Jupiter could manifest as poverty, a poor
sense of social belonging or community, and/or a thin and undernourished body. At worst the
person will lack wisdom and moral integrity, and might have a weak or distorted sense of justice
and honor.
Jupiter takes about 12 years to pass through all 12 signs of the zodiac, therefore about one year per


Saturn is the old grandfather, the stern geriatric of the planetary family, out there alone in the
distant reaches of the solar system, hobbling along in the cold darkness. In traditional astrology
(before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), Saturn was the most distant visible planet, and

also the slowest moving. Saturn's slow movement is one reason why it's influence is associated with
The influence of Saturn is considered inimical to prosperity, and Saturn tends to point to areas of
insecurity and debility that demand work and careful attention. We experience delays and
deprivations, limitations and grave responsibilities through this planet. The symbol for Saturn is
sometimes described as a sickle that cuts back and prunes our lives.
In all fairness and honesty it should be said that despite his bad reputation, Saturn has a more than
legitimate purpose and function, and when you fulfill the Saturnine demand for discipline and
structure, you will experience the tangible value of his carefulness and seriousness.
Saturn is often associated with the role of father, or more generally, the idea of an elder or authority
figure. Saturn furthermore has a bearing on our own social status and standing, our work and our
professional goals, our worldly duties, and generally the structure of our lives. We especially tend to
look to the parent of the same sex as ourselves to help us define our social roles and responsibilities.
Saturn is literally associated with hard things like rocks, as well as high places, like mountains,
roof-tops or, more figuratively, elevated social positions. When people fall, literally or figuratively,
it tends to be under the auspices of old Saturn.
Mythologically Saturn (Kronos, the god of time) ate his own children to evade a prophecy that he
would be overthrown by one of them. This reflects the hard, cold and unsympathetic temperament
of Saturn who is anything but nurturing.
Physiologically Saturn is associated with the skin, bones and teeth; organs that define and structure
us, our hardened parts. It's dry cold and windy on mountain peaks; conditions that can wither and
dry a body out. Saturn is also sometimes associated with the legs, as the organs that keep us upright
and standing, and without which we fall.
Dark old Saturn traditionally rules the signs Capricorn and Aquarius, and we might note that these
two signs are opposite the two signs ruled by the Luminaries (the Sun and Moon), Cancer and Leo.
A strong and positively integrated Saturn will show as steadiness, endurance, patience and
practicality. There will be an ability to accept responsibility and to use limitations and duties as a
means to achieve personal fulfillment, stability and material/social security. A good wholesome
Saturn helps one to be realistic and to work effectively with one's personal or circumstantial
limitations. Sometimes a strong Saturn will take the form of impressive worldly success, but this
might be achieved at the expense of important human values, such as kindness, sympathy and


A weak or poorly integrated Saturn may take the form of fearfulness, anxiety and insecurity, and
these tendencies may lead the person to become devious or cunning. At worst there is a complete
lack of practicality and discipline which ultimately leads to material/financial problems. The
person's sense of reality is weak and they will be easily overwhelmed and disheartened by obstacles
and delays in the practical things of life.
Saturn takes about 29 years to complete his journey through all twelve signs of the zodiac; that's
about two-and-a-half years per sign.

The Outer Planets

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are often referred to as the outer planets. Their orbits lie
beyond that of the traditional boundary defined by Saturn, and they are generally seen as having
rather metaphysical and transpersonal attributes. All of the outer planets spend several years in each
sign of the zodiac, so someone born within the same year as yourself would have the outer planets
in their birth-chart located not very far from yours (probably within the same sign). The outer
planets need to be connected with more personal factors in a chart to have a personally meaningful
influence. Where outer planets are powerfully aligned with the Sun, Moon or Ascendant (ideally by
Conjunction or Opposition aspect) an individual may be a personal embodiment of these


Uranus has been called an awakener", and sometimes also a rebel, and the effect of Uranus
tends to be sudden, startling and dazzling. Uranus is brilliant and innovative, and it is a peculiar
astronomical fact that the axial tilt of Uranus is extremely irregular, compared to the other planets.
Uranus electrifies, inducing an accelerated tempo of events and experiences, and tends to create a
restless craving for excitement and change in people. A Uranian type person may be a scientist,
astrologer, technological wizard, or someone who lives a free, radical or very experimental life. At
best Uranus is progressive and triggers liberating realizations At worst the influence of Uranus
causes chaotic, wayward unpredictability and volatility.
Many modern astrologers take Uranus to be the ruler of the sign Aquarius, though all are not in
agreement that outer planets should necessarily rule over signs. I do not take this as a particularly
important connection.
It is not clear what the physiological correspondence of Uranus would be, though there is a
tendency to associate Uranus with the nervous system and electricity in the body. Uranus does

certainly seem to manifest as excitement and can be somewhat like Mars in it's potential for
explosiveness; perhaps the effects of Uranus (and Mars) somehow relate to adrenaline in the body,
but this is mere speculation on my part. Robert Hand has suggested that Uranus has Fiery qualities,
which I consider a viable description of Uranus' energy.
When Uranus is prominent in a chart, and positively expressed in a person's life, there is a
progressive and free thinking inclination. The person will be open to trying out new ideas,
experiences and lifestyles, regardless of whether or not these are sanctioned by popular opinion. In
this sense a Uranian type person can be a dazzling pioneer or "free spirit".
When Uranus is prominent but not well integrated there will be instability and shocking events.
There may be a tendency to be very extreme and radical, but not very practical or constructive in
the implementation of ideas that are considered progressive by the person. A strong but negative
manifestation of Uranus is perversely defiant and disruptive. In some cases the person may bottle up
their frustrations and true desires until there is an eruption of this energy in the form of a sudden
drastic action or some or other cataclysmic external event.
A decidedly weak and unintegrated Uranus could perhaps take the form of dullness and inertia
inasmuch as there will be little inclination or ability to explore new possibilities or make liberating
changes in life. However, it is possible that someone who fails to express or get adequately in touch
with the energy of Uranus in their charts will be periodically overwhelmed with sudden changes
being forced upon them. It is doubtful whether we can ever indefinitely avoid dealing with the
lessons that a planet has to teach.
It has been suggested that when a planet's energy is resisted or blocked, it simply becomes more
insistent and apparently fated in it's manifestation in our lives, when the appropriate cycles activate
it. This principle is often quite dramatically demonstrated with Uranus, perhaps because the
potentially wild" impulses of Uranus are so unorthodox or antisocial that we will tend to suppress
them more often and more determinedly than other energies.
Uranus takes about 84 years to complete a round through the zodiac; that's roughly 7 years per sign.


Neptune is associated with the illusive world of imagination, fantasy, dreams, drugs, hallucination,
psychic experiences, and mystical or otherworldly phenomena. Spirituality, compassion and
empathy are also regularly associated with this planet. People with a strong urge to help the
suffering and downtrodden tend to be under the influence of Neptune; yet it is also apparently


Neptune that leads to degrading situations, moral weakness, addiction, disillusionment, deception
and confusion to begin with. Neptune is as apt to be the victim as the savior.
The mythological Neptune was the god of the ocean, and the watery association with emotional
impressionability seems appropriate and consistent with it's effects. Sometimes Neptune seems to
literally draw people to the ocean, or other bodies of water, apparently to somehow get in touch
with their inner feelings or "soul". Artists and inspired, devotional-type mystics are frequently
strongly influenced by Neptune; but the world of Neptune can be beguiling and disappointing.
Glamorous illusions can be convincingly real under Neptunes spell, but reality can't be evaded
indefinitely, and Neptunian delusions and denial will eventually be forced into a confrontation with
hard reality. Neptunian euphoria is fragile.
Neptune produces sensitivity and vulnerability on various levels, and physiologically this can
manifest as allergies, or hypersensitive reactions to foods and medicines. Neptune in vague,
unfocused and indiscriminate, and this can cause energy to leak or be dissipated in a careless
manner, eventually leading to a sense of loss, fatigue, exhaustion, disorientation and victimization.
Modern western astrologers consider Neptune to be the ruler of the sign Pisces (with Jupiter, the
traditional ruler), and there are certainly some similarities between Neptune, the sign Pisces and the
12 House.
A strong and positively expressed Neptune will contribute to sensitivity and compassion for others,
making some Neptunian types caregivers, like nurses. The person will have a rich and vivid
imagination and may be an artist or photographer. There may be psychic experiences, or prophetic
dreams, and the person will have easy access to mystical perceptions and spiritual dimensions of
reality. Having such a full and direct experience of spiritual worlds tends to make a person less
worldly and materialistic, less self-assertive, and more willing to make sacrifices for others.
When Neptune is prominent but poorly handled there may be weakness in the body and/or
character. The person may be vague about their objectives and true feelings and intentions, and may
either unintentionally confuse others, or in extreme cases will be deliberately and intentionally
deceptive and cunning. This deceptive streak is often due to a sense of impotence that makes the
person feel incapable of asserting themselves in a direct and open manner. Addictions, distorted
perceptions, and overwhelming emotional sensitivity are common negative manifestations of a
strong but misdirected Neptune influence. There may also be an indiscriminate, if well intentioned,
tendency to try to save others in a way that leads to a mere squandering of energy and resources,
and/or a tendency to rely on others too dependently. Rational discernment is not (by any stretch of
the imagination) a Neptunian attribute.
Neptune takes about 150 years to pass through all twelve signs of the zodiac.




Pluto (Hades) was the mythological god of the underworld, who abducted Persephone, the goddess
of Spring. This story of abduction aptly reflects the brutal power and coercion that can be expressed
through this planet.
The astrological Pluto is associated with "transformation", or what could be described as a deathrebirth processes. Pluto energy is deep, powerful, volcanic, and it often seems to produce a purging
effect. In society Pluto can represent people who wield power, whether constructively and
legitimately or not. The criminal underworld is Plutonian in character, as well as those
organizations that bring healing, upliftment and regeneration to society. Pluto can powerfully build,
strengthen and restore things, or ruthlessly destroy and eliminate them. Pluto types are purposeful
and focused, and in extreme cases this can be expressed as a fanatical, obsessive zeal.
Pluto is considered the ruler of the sign Scorpio by many modern astrologers, and there are certainly
some similarities between the two symbols (but note that Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio).
When Pluto is strong and prominently placed in a chart, and where this prominent and emphasized
Pluto influence is well managed and constructively directed, it will tend to give a person a strong
commitment to some or other personal mission of significance to the larger social order. The person
may align themselves with ideological groups that seek to bring about progressive change and
regeneration in the world. On a more personal level the Plutonian individual will have a definite
sense of undergoing periodic catharsis and self-renewal, and this process will probably be relatively
traumatic at times, leading, however, to a profound sense of resurrection, personal power and
personal purpose.
When Pluto is prominent and strong but not well handled there may be a ruthless type of powermania in the person's personality, which may express itself as possessiveness or manipulative
patterns in the person's personal or professional relationships. The person may be a dictator or
control-freak who always has to be in charge, though this control might in some cases be
exercised in a rather subtle or covert fashion. When Pluto is very weak and poorly integrated in a
chart the person may well be somewhat apathetic about larger social issues (though of course the
rest of the chart has to be considered), and may lack the strength and focus that comes from having
a definite sense of purpose. However, it is doubtful whether nature will allow one to long remain
disconnected from any archetypal energy. Sooner or later (the timing can be ascertained through
Transits and Progressions) it will be the right time to encounter a strong dose of Pluto, and this may
be more difficult for a timid and superficial character that hasn't integrated Pluto's attributes or
energies before. When we are failing to integrate Pluto's energies effectively we may find ourselves
the victim of other people's Plutonian power trips, which could take the form of an unpleasant

encounter with the criminal underworld. In such a case it may well be significant that we are
encountering and personally becoming a victim of an essentially impersonal social problem. Pluto
seems to be largely concerned with the masses, and impersonal social issues and processes.
Pluto's position in the natal chart, as well as Pluto's cyclic effect in our lives, can reveal how we are
personally relating to these larger transpersonal social processes.
A strong Pluto will always add depth and forcefulness to a person's character, as well as a measure
of the type of charisma that hard-core characters (like mafia bosses, tough cops or superheroes)
Pluto takes about 250 years to complete one round through all twelve signs of the zodiac.

North Node

South Node

There are two points where the orbital path of the Moon intersects or crosses the ecliptic, and these
are known as the Nodes of the Moon. That point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic heading in a
northerly direction is known as the North Node of the Moon, and that point where the Moon's path
crosses the ecliptic heading south is known as the South Node of the Moon. These two points are
invariably directly opposite each other in the zodiac.
Eclipses occur when New Moons or Full Moons occur close to these intersection points, and for this
reason ancient astrology referred to the North Node as the Dragon's Head, and the South Node as
the Dragon's Tail; this dragon being said to devour the Sun or Moon at the time of an eclipse.
There are various schools of thought regarding the degree of importance and the actual significance
of the Nodes, making this a rather shadowy zone of astrological lore.
In Vedic astrology the Nodes are considered more important than they usually are in western forms
of astrology. In fact, in Vedic astrology they have status more or less equivalent to the planets
proper, even though they are insubstantial sensitive points. Vedic astrology considers their influence
to be malefic and rather stormy. In that system the North Node (known as Rahu) is seen as
insatiably driven and materialistic, whereas the South Node (known as Ketu in Vedic astrology) is
volatile, but quite spiritual and mystical. Vedic astrology states that Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu
like Mars, though, it may be more useful to liken Ketu to a mixture of Mars and Neptune qualities.
Many modern western astrology books describe the North Node as somewhat more positive than
the South Node, and it is typically suggested that one should endeavor to move towards and
integrate the qualities of the North Node, while moving away from the South Node, which in this
context is described as a type of anti-evolutionary comfort zone in which one has lingered too long.

If there is truth in this it never managed to impress me greatly in practice, and I have been more
convinced by other formulations of the meanings of the Moon's Nodes.
Another stream of western thought on the subject views the Nodes as representing connections with
other people, in a way that is quite similar to the lunar sense of belonging and community. From
this perspective the Moon's Nodes are sociable points, and I have seem some convincing
manifestations of this idea.

The Zodiac
The signs of the zodiac are among traditional astrology's most essential components. At the most
basic and practical level the zodiac serves as a means of defining the positions (along the ecliptic)
of the Sun, Moon and planets, as well as the Ascendant, Midheaven and House Cusps.
Even though there are challenging technical questions regarding the criteria for locating or
positioning the zodiac signs along the ecliptic, and therefore exactly how to apply the zodiac in
practice, as a mandala through which one might gain insight into psychological types and
evolutionary processes, the rich symbolism of the zodiac is indispensable to a full appreciation of
astrology's deep fount of wisdom.

The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs

The signs of the zodiac people are referring to in the western world when they identify themselves
as Capricorn, Pisces, or what have you, are not the same thing as the Constellations of the Zodiac
visible in the night sky; those groups of stars which, with some imagination, trace out the forms of
lions, centaurs and scorpions. This occasionally causes confusion and misunderstandings. Some
people with an incomplete understanding of both astronomy and astrology have even claimed that
this discrepancy invalidates astrology and proves that astrologers are mistaken about the location
of the zodiac. The fact is that there are two distinct and widely used ways of defining the location of
the twelve signs of the zodiac, and actually neither of these are absolutely identical to the Zodiacal
Gaining a clear picture of the differences between these zodiacs, and their relationship to each
other, will require that we imbibe a stiff little dose of astronomical technicalities. I am going to
keep it relatively simple (actually, I wouldn't be able to provide a much more erudite sounding
version if I tried); but brace yourself non-the-less!
Firstly, we need to understand what the Ecliptic is, since all the different zodiacs are so many
different methods of dividing the ecliptic for certain purposes. The ecliptic is often described simply
as the path of the Sun. While this is perfectly true, if you understand what is meant, the ecliptic

could perhaps be more completely described as the apparent path of the Sun that results from the
revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Due to the fact that the planets in the Solar System revolve
around the Sun on a single plane, more or less, all the planets tend to stay on the path of the
ecliptic. The ecliptic is therefor one of the key ways in which the location of planets are described.
That arc along which the Sun travels as it journeys from the eastern to the western horizon is the
ecliptic, and all the other planets rise, culminate and set along that same track.
Now, there are many constellations in the heavens apart from the twelve zodiacal constellations,
and many of these are not located on, or even near, the ecliptic. The twelve Zodiacal Constellations
do straddle the ecliptic, but they are not of uniform size; whereas both the Tropical and Sidereal
zodiacs, used by astrologers, divide the ecliptic circle into twelve even-sized sections of 30 degrees
each. The essential difference between the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs is their starting points, or
rather, the beacons they use to determine the location of their twelve even divisions of the ecliptic
circle. These (Tropical and Sidereal) Zodiacs simply use the same symbolism (Ram, Bull, Twins
etc.) as the twelve Zodiacal Constellations.
The Tropical Zodiac (which is the zodiac used by nearly all western astrologers) takes the Sun's
position at the precise moment of the Northern Hemisphere's Spring Equinox as the marker or
beacon that defines the first degree of Aries, which is considered the beginning point of the entire
zodiac. This Equinox occurs around the 21 of March every year (hence the Sun is said to enter
Aries on that date every year), and at this time the Sun is crossing over, or is directly above the
Earth's equator, and heading northwards.

By about the 21 of June (the Northern Hemisphere's Midsummer Solstice), every year, the Sun has
arrived at it's most northerly declination, and it's position at that time marks the position of that line
of latitude known as the Tropic of Cancer (23 degrees 26 minutes North). This date marks the Sun's
entry into the sign Cancer, in terms of the Tropical Zodiac.


After the 21 of June the Sun's declination starts to move southwards again, until around the 23 of
September it is again directly above the equator, which defines the time of the Northern
Hemisphere's Autumn Equinox, and this is the date when the Sun is said to enter the sign Libra,
again in terms of the Tropical Zodiac.

Around the 21 of December every year the Sun has arrived at it's southernmost declination
(directly above the Tropic of Capricorn, 23 degrees 26 minutes South), and this marks the Northern
Hemisphere's Midwinter Solstice, and the Sun's entry into the sign Capricorn.
By the way, the word tropic comes from the Greek word tropos, which means turn, alluding
here to the fact that the Sun seems to turn back at the Solstices, when directly above the tropics.


So, apart from our own Sun, the position of the Tropical Zodiac has nothing to do with stars or
constellations, it's position being defined solely by the Sun's position at the Equinox's and Solstices.
In this sense the Tropical Zodiac is invisible, or imaginary, and very much Solar. One writer
(David Frawley), while discussing the potential for the integration of western and Vedic astrology,
has referred to the Tropical Zodiac as Solar Houses, which is quite an apt term.
The Sidereal Zodiac, which is employed by practically all Indian or Vedic astrologers, as well as a
significant minority of western astrologers who use it with otherwise western techniques, is based
on the position of actual stars visible in the night sky. The Sidereal Zodiac is more closely aligned
and related to the twelve Zodiacal Constellations. The only difference between the Sidereal Zodiac
and the Zodiacal Constellations is fact that the latter are not of equal size, and, in fact, the various
individual Zodiacal Constellations don't have easily definable borders (which, incidentally, is one
reason why it's so difficult to state exactly when the Age of Aquarius will begin).
Certain specific Fixed Stars are used as beacons or markers to define the location of the Sidereal
Zodiac, and the star Spica seems to be especially important in this regard; it is said to mark the last
degree of Virgo in the Sidereal Zodiac.
Due to the phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes the Sidereal and Tropical
Zodiacs do not maintain the same relative positions, but complete one revolution in relation to each
other approximately every 25 800 years. The Precession of the Equinoxes is a result of a
wobbling of the Earth's axis, often likened to the wobbling of a spinning top. This causes the
Earth's poles and equator to very gradually change their orientation in relation to the stars and
constellations in a cycle of nearly 26 000 years.
Around 21 March every year, when the Sun enters Tropical Aries, the Sun is actually located in the
Sidereal sign of Pisces. Every 72 years the equinox falls one degree further backwards along the
Zodiacal Constellations, or Sidereal Zodiac, and at the moment the Equinox is edging closer and
closer to the cusp of Sidereal Pisces and Aquarius. This position of the Sun, at the the time of the
Northern Hemisphere's Spring Equinox, in relation to the Constellations, is the basis of the
astrological ages. It is said that we are entering the Age of Aquarius because the Northern
Spring Equinox (or Tropical 0 degrees Aries) is lately located close to the cusp of the Constellations
of Pisces and Aquarius, moving towards, or into, Aquarius.
The difference or distance between the first degree of Aries of the Tropical Zodiac and the first
degree of Aries of the Sidereal Zodiac is known as the Ayanamsha (a Sanskrit word which can be
translated roughly as solstice portion). One difficulty with the Sidereal Zodiac is the fact that
different authorities have slightly (and occasionally not so slightly) different Ayanamsha figures, as
a result of differing astronomical measurements. The most popular Ayanamshas would give a
difference of 23 or 24 degrees between the first degree of two zodiacs for most of the 20 century.


In practice this means that to convert the positions in a birth chart, for someone born in the 20
century, from the Tropical Zodiac (which is always employed for a typical western astrological
chart) to the Sidereal Zodiac, one would subtract about 23 or 24 degrees from the Tropical
positions. Since each sign occupies 30 degrees, this results more often than not in planets moving
back one sign. The precise amount that one subtracts would depend the Ayanamsha one is using, as
well as the specific date of birth; since the Ayanamsha (no matter which one) is gradually
increasing all the time, at the rate of about 1 degree every 72 years.
Only astrological beginners are unaware of the existence of the two different zodiacs. The matter is
taken quite seriously by the more advanced and experienced astrologers, and the proponents of
Sidereal astrology in the west have been anything but nave, as astrologers go. The question of
which zodiac is the more accurate, appropriate and effective is hotly debated in certain astrological
circles, with strong and emphatic views being voiced by respectable and learned authorities in both
camps. Many experienced astrologers who have investigated the matter seem to feel that both
zodiacs are valid, and that they may relate to and describe different levels of energy or existence;
but here there are more theories and statements than clear demonstrations.
Like practically every other astrology student in the west, I started out using the Tropical Zodiac,
having no knowledge that there might be another way of doing it, and I felt I was getting good
results. It was my interest in Vedic astrology that forced me to confront this zodiac question, and
the result was a few years of disorientation in which I had become suspicious of the familiar
Tropical Zodiac, while still unsure and insecure about the the new Sidereal approach. At times I
lamented having ever complicated my once clear-cut paradigm, but more and more often, as I
slowly started trusting and opening up to the Sidereal Zodiac, I would observe striking cases in
which the Sidereal placements yielded very accurate information.
Although I have usually employed the Sidereal Zodiac in the context of Jyotish, or Vedic astrology,
I repeat for emphasis that there have been ardent Siderealists in the world of western astrology,
using exclusively western principles of interpretation. Although western astrology's use of the
Tropical Zodiac, and Vedic astrology's use of a Sidereal Zodiac, constitutes one of the most basic
differences between these two closely related systems of astrology, this zodiac question is not about
the relative merits of, or the differences and similarities between, these two systems. If there is a
question, it's whether both zodiacs work, and if so, how they differ, if they differ, in the the levels of
reality they describe and relate to. Maybe we don't yet possess the needed depth and subtlety of
perception to discern- never mind articulate- these illusive distinctions. In any case, these questions
are not going to be answered here, because the present writer doesn't possess the answers, having
only lately glimpsed the question...


The Relationship between Planets and Signs

Each sign is said to be ruled by a planet. Before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto there
were seven planets; the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and rulership of the
twelve zodiac signs was distributes among the seven planets in the following manner. The Sun and
Moon each rule one sign (Leo and Cancer respectively), whereas each of the other traditional
planets rule over two signs, one of which will be masculine and the other feminine. So, Mercury
rules over masculine Gemini and feminine Virgo, Venus rules over feminine Taurus and masculine
Libra, Mars rules over masculine Aries and Feminine Scorpio, Jupiter rules feminine Pisces and
masculine Sagittarius, and finally, Saturn rules masculine Aquarius and feminine Capricorn. In
modern western astrology Uranus is associated with Aquarius, Neptune with Pisces and Pluto with
Scorpio. The modern associations have been placed on the outside of the zodiac circle in the
diagram above in order to preserve the symmetry of the traditional scheme. Note that the planets
follow the same sequence on either side of the Sun and Moon: Mercury, then Venus, then Mars,
then Jupiter, and finally Saturn. This is the order in which they are found in the solar system.

Tradition declares that the energies and attributes of a given planet would be modified by the sign in
which it is located. When there is compatibility between a planet and the sign in which it is located
it enables that planet to function more naturally, freely and effectively. The reverse is naturally also

true; planets will be stifled and debilitated in certain signs with which they are inherently
incompatible. Planets function very well, or at least powerfully, in the signs they naturally rule, and
are weakened when in the signs opposite their own. So, for example, Venus would prosper in
Taurus or Libra, but will be weak in Aries or Scorpio.
Apart from being happily placed in it's own sign/s, each planet has a single sign in which it is said
to be "Exalted", and in which it functions with exceptional grace and effectiveness. A planet is said
to "Fall" in the sign opposite it's exaltation sign.
The Sun is Exalted in Aries, and Falls in Libra
The Moon is Exalted in Taurus, and Falls in Scorpio
Mercury is Exalted in Virgo, and Falls in Pisces
Venus is Exalted in Pisces, and Falls in Virgo
Mars is Exalted in Capricorn, and Falls in Cancer
Jupiter is Exalted in Cancer, and Falls in Capricorn
Saturn is Exalted in Libra, and Falls in Aries
The Exaltation and Fall positions of the modern outer planets are less established and agreed upon,
though there seems to be a general consensus that Uranus is Exalted in Scorpio (and therefore
obviously Falls in Taurus).

The Structure of the Zodiac

The zodiac is an intricate tapestry of multi-layered and multi-faceted symbolism. Each sign is
related to every other in a very specific way, and, in fact, every sign derives it's meanings and
qualities largely from the nature of it's relationships to the other signs. No sign stands alone.
Each sign of the zodiac occupies 30 degrees of the ecliptic circle (30 x 12 = 360), and each degree
(of the 360 in the ecliptic circle) is composed of 60 minutes (measurements of arc, not time). Each
of these minutes is further subdivided into 60 seconds. The zodiac position of a planet is
expressed as so many degrees (out of the 30) into the given sign. So, for example, a planet at 10
degrees of Libra is one-third of the way through that sign, bearing in mind that most astrological
diagrams represent the sequence of the signs of the zodiac proceeding in an anti-clockwise

Four Triangles
The so called Elements, or Triplicities (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) are perhaps the most well known
of the zodiac's groupings. Three signs belong to each one of the four Elements, forming four
equilateral triangles in the zodiac wheel.


The Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are vibrant, energetic, spontaneous, expressive, volatile and
"warm". They may be impulsive, excitable, willful and courageous, but definitely not secretive or

The Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are practical, methodical, careful, stable, and are
associated with concrete, tangible, material or substantial things.

The Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are communicative, socially orientated, rational,
intellectual, emotionally detached, "breezy", and concerned with ideas more than feelings or things.

The Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are sensitive, receptive, and inclined to live in a world
of feelings and emotional impressions. Water is imaginative, shy, and may be secretive or reserved.


Two Hexagons

The Masculine/Day Signs are the Fire and Air Signs; these are generally extroverted and outgoing,
and more open, energetic and active than the feminine signs.

The Feminine/Night Signs are the Earth and Water Signs; they are introverted, passive and

Three Crosses
The three Crosses or Quadruplicities are known as the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable divisions of the
zodiac. Note that there is an intricate relationship between the Elements and Crosses in that each of
the three signs belonging to a given Element belongs to one of the three Crosses (for example, Aries
is Cardinal-Fire, Leo is Fixed-Fire, and Sagittarius is Mutable-Fire), and each one of the four signs
belonging to a given Cross belongs a different Element (Aries is Cardinal-Fire, Cancer is CardinalWater, Libra is Cardinal-Air, and Capricorn is Cardinal-Earth). So, each sign is a unique
combination of Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Aries is the only Cardinal-Fire sign, Taurus the only
possible Fixed-Earth sign, Gemini the only possible Mutable-Air sign, Cancer the only CardinalWater sign, and so on.
Physiologically the Cardinal Signs might be seen as corresponding to the head of the physical body.
the Fixed Signs would represent the abdomen and torso; the Mutable Signs the limbs and


The Cardinal Signs (Aries- Libra, Cancer-Capricorn) are dynamic and action-orientated. Cardinal
signs begin or initiate things, though they aren't inclined to maintain and sustain them, which is the
task of the Fixed Signs.

The Fixed Signs (Taurus-Scorpio, Leo-Aquarius) tend to be unchanging; maintaining and staying
with something, as the word fixed implies. They hold onto the momentum of the Cardinal

impulse and represent relative stability.

The Mutable Signs (Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces) are changeable, fluctuating, adaptable, dual
or multiple. They represent the unraveling, dispersal or final execution of the intention or impulse
initiated by the Cardinal signs, and sustained by the Fixed Signs.


Attributes of Individual Signs


Aries, the Ram

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing the pure impulse to be, to begin, to be born, and to
do. Aries is the "big bang", the vigorous first impulse that gets all things started. This sign is
associated with qualities of impatience and assertiveness. Aries represents identity and ones sense
of Self, and how one expresses that to, and impresses that upon, the environment.
Aries is dynamic and pioneering, impulsive and impetuous. In a sense Aries is the infant of the
zodiac, bursting in upon the world in direct, open and unambiguous self-affirmation; but having
eleven further stages of relationship and self-unfolding yet to be assimilated and integrated.
Physiologically Aries rules the head, and by extension may be associated with the brain. Rams are
known for butting heads with other Rams, and this aptly depicts the competitive spirit of the sign
Aries (and it's ruler, Mars). Rams (and typical Arians) rush headlong into things, without much
planning and forethought.
Libra, the sign opposite Aries, symbolizes the meeting or joining of individuals in marriage,
partnership, consultation, or a direct and open confrontation. In such a partnership, encounter or
confrontation the individuality of each participant is brought into sharp objective focus or contrast.
If Aries is action, then Libra is the inevitable balancing reaction.
Aries belongs to the dynamic Cardinal Cross and the feisty Fire Triplicity.

The sign Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 1 House, and shares a number of
themes and attributes with the 1st House; primarily the concept of self or identity.

Taurus, the Bull

A Bull is a solid and voluptuous bulk of creature; determined, slow, sure and steady in movement.
Bulls tend to mellowly go about the pleasurable tasks of fulfilling their basic needs, like selfnourishment and procreation. The Bull is a symbol of material abundance and earthy fertility.
Taurus is associated with property and financial matters, and tends to be possessive and
If Aries is the newborn infant, Taurus is a baby settling into the physical world, drawing in

nourishment from it's mother, stabilizing and anchoring itself in the material world, and growing in
strength and stability.
Taurus governs the neck, throat and ears (hearing), and, if we take a hint from Vedic astrology,
Taurus would also be associated with the face, mouth and oral activities, such as eating and
Taurus and Scorpio are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, and represent polar opposite but
complementary themes and principles. The comfortable stability of Taurus contrasts with the crisis
and catharsis associated with Scorpio. Taurus represents the accumulation of substance or

resources, but Scorpio represents it's creative release or ejaculation. If Taurus (or the 2 House)
represents my resources, then Scorpio (or the 8 House) represents our resources.
Taurus belongs to the Fixed Cross and Earth Triplicity, and is ruled by the beautiful, sensuous and
amorous planet Venus.
Taurus, as the second sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 2
themes and attributes of the 2



House, primarily the 2


House, and shares many of the

House association with money and

Gemini, the Twins

The image of the young Twins represents the youthful curiosity and communicativeness of the sign
Gemini. Gemini represents the process of learning to interact with the people and things in one's
immediate environment, thereby becoming a more skillful participant in the physical and social
worlds in which one lives.
Gemini is associated with the desire to learn, to mimic, and to pick up the lingo used in the
environment, like a young child. Gemini represents multiplicity and diversity, physical and mental
dexterity and mobility.
Gemini and Sagittarius are located opposite each other on the zodiac wheel and represent polar
opposite but complementary principles. Gemini represents the basic literacy, for example, that is
indispensable to the higher learning associated with Sagittarius, whether this higher learning takes
the form of a university education, or grand philosophical theories and speculations about the
ultimate meaning of it all. Gemini furthermore represents our ability to physically travel over
relatively short distances, or to grapple with the people and things we encounter in our immediate
environment, whereas, by contrast, Sagittarius represents long voyages covering relatively great
distances, as well as the philosophy, vision or ideal the guides and illumines our direction in life.


Gemini belongs to the Mutable Cross, and the Air Triplicity, and is ruled by the clever and versatile
planet Mercury.
Gemini rules the arms, hands and fingers, which are used for communication, as well as effective
manipulation of physical things, enabling us to fulfill our immediate needs and desires. In western
astrology Gemini is regularly associated with the lungs.

As the third sign of the zodiac Gemini corresponds to the 3 House, and shares many themes with
the 3 House; most specifically day-to-day communications, siblings, neighbors, as well as short
journeys, busy-ness and mobility.

Cancer, the Crab

A Crab is a ravenous but careful creature, retreating into its shell at the slightest sign of danger. This
sign is extremely sensitive and has a great need for safety, and yet the prominent claws might
represent acquisitiveness and tenacity. The crab is wary of intrusions from the outside, but is
protective and caring towards those that are familiar and part of it's private, intimate sphere.
Cancer is the Cardinal-Water sign of the zodiac, and is ruled by the archetypal mother of the
planetary family; the Moon.
This private and domestic inner life, associated with Cancer, needs to be healthy and secure for
public and professional potentials, associated with Capricorn, the opposite sign, to thrive. A
wholesome meal, the family's love, and a good night's rest at home (Cancer/4 House) enables us to
face the merciless and competitive public world of our daytime duties (associated with Capricorn
and the 10th House). Family units or households constitute the building blocks, and are in a sense
the foundation of the larger social order; a town, nation or civilization.
If Gemini represents a toddler or very young child in the formative stages of learning to engage
with the physical and social world, then Cancer would represent the following stage in which there
is a recognition of the family or household as a whole unit within a larger socioeconomic matrix,
with the parents as the indispensable pillars holding it all together. In a sense Cancer represents a
stage in which the foundation of the personality is established and there is the first glimpse of the
future roles and responsibilities that come with full adult participation in the larger socioeconomic
order, and here the actions and ceremonies of parent figures provide the blueprint that enable a
future assumption of these adult roles and responsibilities.
As the Cardinal-Water sign of the zodiac, Cancer is perhaps more dynamic and assertive than the
other water signs, but certainly the most reclusive and sensitive of the Cardinal signs.


The chest area in general is under the dominion of this sign; specifically the breasts (you can see
them in Cancer's glyph), consistent with the nourishing and mothering themes of this sign.

Leo, the Lion

The Lion is the "King of the Jungle", a symbol of authority, majesty and power, representing the
blossoming of the individual's creative vitality. If Cancer can be associated with the stage of a child
becoming aware of the family unit as a little whole, then Leo is the warm-hearted, fun loving
teenager who has awakened to a full sense of his/her individual creative potential, and in doing so is
emerging in embryonic autonomy from the protective shell of the Cancer stage.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the most radiant of the planets (it is fully understood that the Sun is not
technically a planet), and this again describes and represents the power, vitality and individual
grandeur associated with this sign. Ideally Leo expresses integrity, honor and a regal dignity;
whereas the less ideal manifestation takes the form of arrogance and self-righteousness. Even so,
Leo is perhaps the most truly generous sign, since it is the natural instinct of a king to patronize
his subjects. Leo needs to be acknowledged, and cannot bear to go unnoticed and unadmired.
Leo is physiologically associated with the chest area in general and with the heart in particular. The
heart acts as a central distributor of life-force through the various blood vessels, which are
associated with Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo. Leo is also regularly associated with the back.
As much as Leo is associated with Individuality, Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo, is related to
friendships and collective group values, which potentially complements Leo, and provides for Leo
it's natural field of expression. If Leo represents the creative intelligence of an individual, Aquarius
would represent the collective store of humanity's intelligent creativity in the form of sciences,
groups and associations, and various social/cultural activities and ceremonies through which
knowledge and group values are preserved and disseminated.
Leo belongs to the Fixed Cross and Fire Triplicity and could thus be considered the most stable and
steadily focused of the Fire signs, while perhaps being the most lively, energetic and volatile of the
Fixed signs.


As the 5 sign of the zodiac Leo corresponds to the 5 House, and shares a number of themes with
the 5 House, most notably the idea of individual authority, integrity, and creative intelligence.

Virgo, the Virgin

The symbol of a virgin represents the idea of pristine purity and perfection. Virgo is often depicted
as a woman holding ears of wheat, which hints at a knowledge of sowing, harvesting, food

processing and agriculture, and more generally, practical techniques and efficiency in all it's forms.
Practicality, efficiency, service, precision and the proper functioning of the body; these are among
the outstanding themes of the sign Virgo.
Virgo is ruled by the intellectual planet Mercury, giving this sign mental or intellectual attributes,
but as Virgo is the Mutable-Earth sign of the zodiac, the mind tends to focus on practical techniques
that accomplish concrete work, rather than vague and remote abstractions, or communication for it's
own sake (as one may encounter in Gemini, the other sign ruled by Mercury).
Virgo is located opposite the sign Pisces on the zodiac wheel, and therefore these two signs
represent and embody opposite but complimentary principles. The precision and practicality of
Virgo contrasts with the vagueness and essentially emotional orientation of Pisces. The efficiency
of Virgo can compliment the desire to save and sacrifice for others that Pisces represents;
conversely the empathy and intuition of Pisces can "balance" the Virgoan preoccupation with cold
and clinical facts, purely physical conditions and results.
Physiologically Virgo rules the intestines (which can be seen in it's glyph), and Virgos usual
preoccupation with health issues connects Virgo to diet, medical treatments, etc. The discriminating
selection of that which is useful, and it's separation from that which is useless, which the body
demonstrates in the digestion of food, reflects the meticulously discerning analytical attributes



As the 6 sign of the zodiac Virgo corresponds to the 6 House and shares with the 6 House an
association with health issues (possible illness), work, jobs, and possibly also servants and coworkers.

Libra, the Balance

Things are weighed and compared in the Scales of the Balance, and this weighing of things with or
against each other reflects the Libran themes of relationship, partnership or confrontation.
Libra is the middle-point of the zodiac (dividing it into two equal halves, like the even symmetry of
the balance), and is thus opposite the first sign, Aries, on the zodiac wheel. If the key phrase for
Aries is "I Am", then Libra's would be "We Are"; Libra is the union of two I Ams; a union of two
equal, opposite and (ideally or potentially) mutually complementary entities.
Libra (or marriage) is a type of initiation into the collective, socially-orientated half of the zodiac
that follows. The signs preceding Libra symbolize the development of the individual's identity and
(conspicuously in Virgo- the apprentice) prepare him/her for fruitful participation in the larger
social arena depicted in the second half of the zodiac wheel.


Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, and this suggests qualities of grace and gentleness, a love of
beauty and harmony, and therefore potentially artistic inclinations. Despite the friendly, courteous
and amicable attributes associated with this sign, it does belong to the dynamic Cardinal Cross, and
the Masculine Airy Triplicity; Libra is the match for Aries in terms of enthusiastic and direct

Libra (and by extension the 7 House) represents the idea that one's sense of Self or Identity
(Aries/1 House) is largely defined by and evoked through face-to-face encounters; whether they
be consultations, competitive confrontations, or partnerships.

Scorpio, the Scorpion

A Scorpion, it can't be denied, is a rather ominous symbol, with its pincers and fearsome sting.
Scorpions have a reputation for being dangerous, and are also rather elusive creatures; hiding under
rocks or in other dark crevices. Some of the deeper, darker, mysterious and secret facets of life
(such as death, sex and the occult) are associated with the 8 sign of the zodiac.
Scorpio belongs to the Fixed Cross and the Feminine Water Triplicity, and is traditionally ruled by
Mars, though modern western astrologers tend to consider Pluto to be the ruler of Scorpio.
Physiologically Scorpio is associated with the sexual organs and excretory system, and also
sometimes the nose.
This sign is sometimes associated with the symbol of an eagle, which is regarded as representing
the higher, nobler expression of Scorpio in which the person has risen above the more basic carnal
desires and instincts which can be so powerfully evoked in this sign, and has thereby achieved
power and dominion.
Scorpio represents emotional intensity, which might be expressed as great concentration and focus.
Obviously these attributes can be useful, and Scorpio can achieve great things through this capacity
for intense commitment and determination. This same quality, however, can make for a type of
obsessive or fanatical preoccupation with an idea or feeling, so that it warps and distorts reality
(especially where fear or paranoia are driving this obsessive focus).

This sign (like the 8 House) is associated with shared resources, as opposed to the idea of
personal resources embodied in the opposite sign Taurus (and the 2 House). As the sign
following Libra (relationship), Scorpio represents the tangible fruits and results of a union or
partnership, which can range from jealousy and psychological vulnerability (in the form of fear of
betrayal), to the increased wealth and security that comes with the support of a successful


Sagittarius, the Centaur

The Sagittarian Centaur is usually depicted as aiming his arrow high at a distant goal. The sign
Sagittarius is indeed associated with idealism and aspiration; a lifting of one's gaze towards higher
things and a wider horizon.
Sagittarius is associated with mental and physical exploration, and this can manifest as the quest for
philosophical truth, or, on a more physical level, journeys to foreign lands. Sometimes sport is
associated with Sagittarius, and in this context sport would represent the aspiration to achieve ever
greater skill, grace and perfection in physical action.
Scorpio represents a phase of development in which there is fascination with mysteries and secrets,
and this awareness of the fact that there are many unknowns gives birth to the Sagittarian seeker. A
more esoteric interpretation associates the sign Scorpio with a type of developmental crisis in
which the beastly and divine attributes in man are forced into a confrontation from which, ideally,
Sagittarius emerges as the one-pointed disciple.
Sagittarius is ruled by the expansive planet Jupiter, the largest and luckiest planet in the solar
system. This sign frequently demonstrates an intuitive and even visionary streak, often expressing
itself through art, science or other culturally vital knowledge.
Sagittarius belongs to the Mutable Cross, and the Fiery Triplicity. Similarly to the other Fire signs,
Sagittarius is optimistic, enthusiastic and forthright, but is probably the most mobile, and certainly
the most moral, of them all.
Physiologically Sagittarius rules the thighs, and its planetary ruler, Jupiter, is frequently associated
with the liver.

The 9 House, which corresponds to Sagittarius, is associated with many Sagittarian themes, such
as beliefs, morals, philosophy, higher education and travel to distant places.

Capricorn, the Goat

The Goat is an adept mountain climber, toughened and hardy, and able to withstand the cold winds
and rocky terrain of worldly ambition. Calculated steps get you to the top, and relentless
determination combined with careful initiative ensures eventual success. Capricorn is associated
with career goals, social status, financial security, and dynamic practicality in general. The
practicality of Capricorn (following on from and guided by the ethics and ideals of Sagittarius) is
far more visionary than the technical efficiency of the sign Virgo.


Capricorn represents a relatively mature stage of development in which responsibility can be

shouldered for projects that will affect large numbers of people, such as in the realms of politics and
big business. This requires worldly experience and a combination of both discipline and dynamism.
Capricorn is depicted as a goat having a fishs tail, giving this sign an amphibious quality; a feature
it holds in common with it's opposite sign, Cancer, the Crab.
Capricorn is the Cardinal sign of the Earthy Triplicity, and as such capable of greater initiative and
confidence than the other Earth signs.
Stern old Saturn is the planetary ruler of the sign Capricorn. This sign is indeed associated with
father or authority figures whom we look up to and respect for their achievements and proven
Physiologically, Capricorn is said to rule the knees, and one might consider that Saturn, the
planetary ruler of Capricorn, is associated with the skin, bones and teeth.


Capricorn, as the 10 sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 10 House, which is associated with
one's career, public persona and social status.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer

The sign Aquarius is depicted as the Water Bearer; a man pouring forth water from a jar or urn.
This sign represents a socially idealistic phase that follows develops from the socially conscious
ambitious practicality of Capricorn, the preceding sign. Aquarius represents a more ideological and
communication orientated phase of social awareness and social structure than we find in the
preceding sign Capricorn. It is significant, though, that Saturn, the planet of structure, rules both
Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn is the earthy (materialistic) and Aquarius the airy
(communicative) expression of Saturn's energy.
Modern western astrologers associate the planet Uranus with Aquarius, and it has been found in
practice that the planet Uranus is very eccentric, and even quite volatile. This has led to a tendency
to associate the sign Aquarius with these Uranian attributes of unpredictability and unorthodoxy.
Even if there is some truth in this idea it seems to have become a little exaggerated. People with
prominent Aquarian influences in their charts are often notably Saturnine in their cool and aloof
emotional detachment, and many of them are fairly restrained and controlled in the self-expression,
and not nearly as wildly eccentric as some of the modern depictions of Aquarius would have us
believe. In fact, Aquarius in many respects represents conformism to a set of group ideas or
dogmas, though Leo, the sign opposite Aquarius represents the complementary balancing principle
of Individuality, which is thus an issue for Aquarians.
Aquarius is very much associated with knowledge and those arts and sciences that express social

ideals and humanity's collective pool of knowledge and culture, as well as those social
communication channels, such as radio stations, or the Internet, for example, that keep people
informed and connected.
Physiologically Aquarius is associated with the shins and ankles, as well as the veins, arteries and
circulatory system in general. The association of Aquarius with the blood vessels is complimentary
to the association of Leo (the sign opposite Aquarius) with the heart.
Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign of the zodiac, and fixed-air combines the ideas of holding (fixed)
with communication (air); hence the association with collective social values and communication
systems and channels that maintain the collective unity of a group.
Aquarius is associated with friendship and groups of individuals that share some or other interest,

ideology or value system. The 11 House, which corresponds to the sign Aquarius is similarly
associated with group activities and friends.

Pisces, the Fishes

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, representing the closure and ending of the process begun in
Aries; it represents a return and surrendering to the "cosmic ocean" or primordial soup. In
Aquarius humanity's collective unity is realized, but here in Pisces there is a realization of unity that
encompasses all that is.
The dissolution of concrete boundaries, distinctions and categories that occurs here can make for
empathy, or simply confusion. Sensitivity, vulnerability, aloneness and self-sacrifice are common
Pisces themes, yet this is also a sign of mystical realization and ones inner, spiritual life, which can
lead to the most universal and ultimate type of connectedness and communion.
Fishes are slippery creatures, and its not easy to pin Pisces down. There's nothing very specific
about the sign Pisces, other than it's association with the vague all-embracing unity underlying all
things. Pisces is therefore associated with a distinctly indiscriminate tendency, though this nebulous
and indiscriminate way of being makes for an ability to deal with abstract and paradoxical ideas and
gives the potential to feel the relatedness of all things and beings on a level that transcends thought
and concepts as we normally experience them.
Jupiter is the traditional planetary ruler of Pisces, though Neptune has become associated with it in
modern times. This sign belongs to the Mutable Cross and Water Triplicity. Physiologically Pisces
rules the feet.

The 12 House, which corresponds to the sign Pisces, is associated with Pisces themes such as selfsacrifice and spirituality.

The Houses
As the Earth spins on it's axis it would appear to us, wherever we happen to be on the Earth, that the
sky and any heavenly bodies in our field of vision are rising in the east, culminating overhead, and
then setting in the west. From our vantage point it seems as if we are stationary and that the stars
and planets are moving from east to west, but in fact it is our diurnal or daily motion, our 24 hourly
revolution on our own axis, that creates this illusory appearance. The Houses divide this space
around the Earth, along which the Sun, Moon and planets repeat their daily journey, into twelve
sections, each associated with specific areas of life.
The eastern horizon, or Ascendant, normally marks the cusp of the 1st House (corresponding to
Aries), and the sequence is started from there. The 1st House normally occupies the first 30 degrees
or so below the eastern horizon, followed by the 2nd House, and so on. The diagram below should
convey the idea clearly.



The western horizon is the cusp of the 7 House, corresponding to Libra; the cusp of the 10 House
(corresponding to Capricorn) is usually defined by the Midheaven, or medium coeli (usually

abbreviated as "M.C."), which is directly overhead- the place in the sky where the Sun would be at
noon, where planets reach their highest elevation above the horizon.
The top half of the circle in the above diagram represents what is above the horizon and therefore
visible, whereas the lower half of the circle is below the horizon, and therefore anything located
there is not visible. Opposite the Midheaven you find the Nadir, or immium coeli (I.C.); where the

Sun would be at midnight, directly underfoot, marking the 4 House Cusp.

I think it a worthy digression to discuss the question of why South is located at the top of the circle,
since North is usually granted that position in maps? In the northern hemisphere one needs to look
south, toward the Equator, to see the arc of the ecliptic along which the Sun and planets travel. If
you face north in the northern hemisphere the ecliptic will be behind you. So, the above format is
perfectly valid in the northern hemisphere, but it would be correct to draw the map differently for
the southern hemisphere, where you would have to look north to see the ecliptic (and therefore the
Sun, Moon and planets), as shown in the diagram below.


I have never encountered such a "southern hemisphere chart" in books or software, and the reason
the format is not adapted for southern hemisphere charts, as perhaps it should be, is because the
planets do end up in the same houses (and signs) regardless of where you put north, south, east and
west. If, however, you hold a chart in your hands in the southern hemisphere with the Ascendant on
the left as it usually is, and if you align the Ascendant with the east and the Descendant with the
west, you will be facing south, and the ecliptic (and therefore the Sun, Moon and planets) will be
behind you, and this will invariably be the case if you are further south than the Tropic of
Capricorn. If you are south of the Equator but north of the Tropic of Capricorn the Sun's path (or
ecliptic) will sometimes (mostly) be to the north, and sometimes to the south.
There are various different House Systems endorsed by different astrologers, all employing
somewhat different technical criteria for determining the location of the house cusps. The simplest
method is the Equal House system in which each house spans 30 degrees exactly, starting at the

Ascendant. Here the 2 House would begin exactly 30 degrees ahead of the Ascending degree of

the zodiac, the 3 House another 30 degrees further ahead, and so on. With this method the M.C. is

often inserted as a sensitive point but does not mark the 10 House cusp as it does in most other
western methods of House Division.
The fact that there is no final agreement among astrologers as to the best or correct method to
determine the House Cusps makes this a potentially awkward and ambiguous facet of astrology; but
non-the-less, the houses constitute an important and indispensable component of astrological
analysis, and each student has to grapple with this problem as best they can. I personally (at least for
now) use mainly the Vedic astrology chart to analyze Houses.
The twelve houses of an astrological birth chart are in a sense another way of using the symbolic
concepts you encounter in the zodiac, except that the physical or astronomical factors under
consideration are very different. The Houses are more "mundane" in that they divide the immediate
physical or earthly environment into different zones of influence. It is also probably correct to say
that the houses represent a more material manifestation of the archetypal energies represented by
the zodiac signs, as if the houses are the same thing as the signs on a more concrete and mundane
octave of manifestation.

Aries and the 1 House, for example, are essentially the same idea, so much so, in fact, that some
astrology books give exactly the same interpretation for, say, Moon in Aries and Moon in the 1



House, or Mars in Gemini and Mars in the 3 House. Although there are certainly parallels between
a planet's expression in a given sign and it's expression in the corresponding house, I don't
personally take the effects as quite so identical.
Like the signs of the zodiac, the houses can be divided into a number of special groups that share

certain common themes or attributes. Some of the more important groupings are listed below:

The Angular Houses

The Angles of the horoscope, the Ascendant, Descendant, M.C. and I.C. are often emphasized in
astrological diagrams; they are powerful points in the chart where the energies of planets are
potently and very concretely expressed. By extension this increased prominence and potency of
expression is also somewhat true for planets occupying any part of Houses corresponding to the
Cardinal Signs. These Angular Houses (the 1 , 4 , 7 & 10 ) are sometimes described as the
foreground of the chart (and your life).

The Four Triplicities

Vedic astrology's approach to dividing the Houses into special groups helps to make explicit some
valuable ideas that are certainly valid in western astrology, even if they're not explicitly expressed
in the average western astrology textbook. In this regard it is especially fruitful to compare the
western and Vedic approaches to what could be termed the division of the Houses into the four
elements or Triplicities (fire, earth, air and water).



The fire houses, the 1 , 5 and 9 Houses, are sometimes called "life houses" in western
astrology, presumably since the fire element is "lively" and energetic, and the 1 House in particular
can relate to the most basic type of physical vitality and life-force.



The earth houses, the 2 , 6 and 10 Houses, are described by western astrologers as practical
or substance Houses; which is perfectly consistent with their correspondence to the Earth signs of
the zodiac.



The air houses, the 3 , 7 and 11 Houses, are referred to as social or communication Houses
by some western sources, which is easy to understand, and valid, since these Houses do relate to
these themes.



The water houses, the 4 , 8 and 12 Houses are described by Robert Hand (in his book
Horoscope Symbols) as unconscious houses, which is an interesting take on this group, since
these Houses do represent energies that are often rather hidden, subliminal and unconscious in us.
Many western astrologers would see these water houses as related to feeling and emotional
None of these western ideas are misleading in my view. I simply find that they are complimented by
the Vedic approach in which these four groups are said to relate to the four aims of human life;
Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.



The Dharma Houses are the 1 , 5 and 9 . Dharma is a word that is defined in various subtly

different ways, but in all it's shades of meaning it illumines different facets of the fire houses,
many of which are only hinted at in western astrology. Dharma is often associated with what might
be roughly translated as "righteousness", though in some respects it is closer to the notion of the
natural way of things, which I find consistent with the spontaneity, integrity and honesty of the 1 ,



5 and 9 Houses. The 9 House is perhaps the most closely aligned with the notion of Dharma as


righteousness or religion, but the 1 and 5 Houses represent Dharma as the truth of one's being,
as expressed in and through one's essential identity and creativity respectively. Sometimes the
Dharma Houses are said to represent your mission or purpose in life, which may or not be
something you express or find in and through your career. The Dharma Houses are considered
lucky in Vedic astrology, since flowing with the truth of one's being implies flowing with grace and

fortune. The 5 House in particular is associated with "good karma".




The Artha Houses are the 2 , 6 and 10 Houses. Artha is more or less wealth and very similar
to the western designation of the earth houses as Houses of Substance. Through the Artha Houses
we gain the material resources we need to sustain ourselves in the physical world.



The Kama Houses are the 3 , 7 and 11 . Kama translates as desire, and here we have a

relatively different take on the air houses. The 3 House relates to our immediate or short term
desires, and the skill with which we can fulfill them. These are the types of desires which our arms
and hands can often helps us to grab hold of. Flexibility, mobility and communication skills are

obviously also useful in this regard. The 7 House relates to the kama we have for the spouse.

The 11 House is associated with longer time desires, or major life goals; our hopes and wishes.



The Moksha Houses are the 4 , 8 and 12 Houses. Moksha is often translated as final
liberation and relates to the ultimate destination of the soul after death (which may more often than
not be a phase of preparation for reincarnation). Western astrologers would agree that these water
houses are in a sense the gateways into and out of incarnation, and as such they relate to, and
connect us with, dimensions of reality and existence that we are normally rather unconscious and
are even afraid of.

Difficult Houses
Both western and Vedic astrology would agree that certain houses represent areas of life that we
usually (though perhaps not invariably) experience as difficult and undesirable. These grief




producing houses (as they are described in Vedic astrology) are the 6 , 8 and 12 , with the 3
House included as a moderately problematic house. Although modern western astrologers would



agree that the 6 (illness), 8 (death) and 12 (loss) can indeed represent grievous circumstances,


the 3 House is not likely to be seen as difficult by them. It seems, however, that the 3 House was

also viewed as moderately difficult in ancient forms of western astrology. All of these grief
producing houses have certain positive connotations, and in actual practice it will be found that
where these houses are emphasized in a chart people will often experience both the difficulties and
the benefits that come with having these zones of the chart enlivened. Of course, depending on the
specific factors involved, particular individuals may be more or less able to tune into the positive


aspects and minimize the negative effects of these houses. The 8 and the 12 Houses in particular
may well bring various worldly and psychological calamities that ultimately lead directly to the
development of extraordinary insight, sensitivity and spiritual depth.


1 House

The 1 House corresponds to Aries and is more or less synonymous with the Ascendant; it is
associated with your self, your identity, and your outstanding personal characteristics. It is often

associated with the physical appearance and body (health) in general. Any planet in the 1 House is
greatly enhanced in strength and importance in the chart as a whole, it represents qualities and
attributes we embody or radiate to the world. This may prove exceptionally true of a planet close to

the Ascendant. The 1 House is the pinnacle of the chart, the ultimate synthesis of the whole being


and all the other houses; therefore a strong 1 House (and 1 House ruler) improves the entire chart,
and of course the reverse also holds true.


2 House

The 2 House corresponds to Taurus; it is associated with money, property and material assets.

Western astrology doesn't usually offer much more than this on the 2 House, but Vedic astrology

further associates the 2 House with speech (Taurus rules the throat and neck and ears), and by
extension, orally transmitted knowledge (early education), what you eat, as well as the luster of the


3 House

The 3 House corresponds to Gemini, and is associated with siblings, relatives and neighbors, short
journeys, routine day to day encounters and communications, the mind and basic education; our
dexterity and ability to interact effectively with people and our environment in general.



4 House

The 4 House corresponds to the sign Cancer, and shares with Cancer an association with the home

and family life. Generally this house is related to the mother (the opposite 10 House is usually

associated with the father), but some say that the 4 House represents the parent of the opposite sex,



and the 10 House the parent of the same sex. So, both the 4 and 10 Houses can represent the
parents, as well as representing, in a sense, our internal and external life respectively. The 4 House

is our inner foundation, our psychological, emotional basis. The Sun is in the region of the 4
House around midnight; it is (ideally) a place of rest, peace and recuperation.


5 House

The 5 House corresponds to Leo, and shares with that sign qualities like self-confidence and a
gregarious type of self expression. This house is associated with children, creativity, playful games,
fun and recreation, romance, devotion, spontaneous enjoyment, and things we do with/for heartfelt
pleasure. Self realization rhymes with 5 House...


6 House

The 6 House corresponds to Virgo and is associated with service, efficiency, effort, employment

and health issues. Planets and signs that occupy the 6 House may represent areas of the body liable

to experience problems. The 6 House can indicate our approach to work, as well as the types of coth


workers we may be drawn to, and our experiences with/through them. However, the 10 House, 1
House, and the condition of the planet Saturn, as well as other factors dependent on the individual's
unique planetary positions, may come to bear on our "work and career" issues. Employees and

servants, as well as household pets, are represented by the 6 House.


7 House

The 7 House corresponds to Libra. Usually the Western Horizon (or Descendant) marks the cusp

of the 7 House. This area of the chart is primarily associated with relationships, marriage and
partnerships; all face-to-face encounters, including consultations or confrontations with others.
Planets and signs in the 7 House describe our approach to, and experience of relationships, as well

as indicating the type of person to whom we are attracted in partnership, consultation or

competition. These significant others will tend to literally have the planets/sign in your 7
prominent in their charts. However, there are various other factors that contribute to the astrological
view of relationships; most notably the role of Venus (specifically in the context of romantic


8 House

The 8 House corresponds to Scorpio, and shares with that sign an association with certain deep and

dark facets of life; such as death, sex, crime and the occult. Planets in the 8 House are relatively
obscure and hidden in the chart, and generally an 8 House planet may undergo some trouble or



difficulty. Since the 8 House is the 2 House from the 7 House, it is associated with the money
and income of the partner, and generally shared or inherited resources. At best the 8 House can

give us penetrating insight into mysteries, or, at worst, the 8 House awakens fears, phobias, dark
suspicions, and creates crises and tragedies.


9 House

The 9 House corresponds to Sagittarius, and shares with Sagittarius qualities like noble aspiration,

and an interest in religion and philosophy. The 9 House describes our moral, ethical and religious

beliefs, as well as higher education in general. The 9 House is concerned with exploration, mental
or physical, and so is also associated with long journeys and experiences in foreign lands. Since the



9 House is the 3 House from the 7 , it relates to the relatives and siblings of the partner, and is
therefore generally designated as a house of "in-laws".


10 House

The 10 House corresponds to Capricorn; it represents our social status, reputation and career.
Planets are powerfully and prominently positioned here, and tend to mold our ambitions and

describe the type of profession we are suited for or likely to pursue. The 10 House is commonly
associated with the father, and authority figures and bosses are seen in the 10 House. Only the 1
House makes a planet's influence more prominent and imposing in the chart as a whole. Planets in
the 1 House are often associated with one's career, probably inasmuch as we are to a great extent

identified by our social standing, and in a sense planets in the 10 also have a more general
tendency to define or identity; more specifically what we could term our "public persona".



11 House

The 11 House corresponds to Aquarius, and shows our friendships and group activities. Planets

and signs in the 11 House will describe our friends, and our typical patterns in group activities,
including the types of groups or clubs we might belong to. Your friends will often literally have the


signs and/or planets located in your 11 House. The 11 House is often referred to as the house of

hopes and wishes, and in this regard may describe major or long-term life goals. The 11 House
can represent gains, and in Vedic astrology in particular it has an important bearing in the ability
to earn wealth, and is used (along with the 2 House) to assess financial prospects.


12 House

The 12 House corresponds to Pisces, and shares with Pisces an association with spirituality,
seclusion and sacrifice. As the last of the twelve houses it represents endings, renunciation,

surrender, withdrawal and rest. The 12 House is often regarded as a place of misfortune, difficulty,
secret enemies, losses, confinement and obscurity. Prisons, hospitals and charitable institutions are

associated with this house. The 12 House carries an important spiritual connotation, and relates to

one's inner life and also that which is hidden and unconscious. The 12 House can greatly enhance
sensitivity and empathy, but also sometimes indicates confusion and a sense of futility and

hopelessness. Secret, subtle and subliminal things are ruled by the 12 House.


God geometrises

Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology

Aspects are special geometric angles formed by the planets (or other vital points, such as the
Ascendant and Midheaven) according to their relative positions in the zodiac. In most astrological
birth-charts aspects are indicated by lines connecting the planets, and these lines are often of
different colors, to indicate the different types of aspects.
When in aspect, planets interact and combine their energies, and the results of the planetary
relationship that is established depends on the qualities of the planets involved, as well as the
inherent attributes of the specific type of aspect which connects them.
The most important and commonly used aspects are all multiples of 30 degrees (one zodiac sign),
and, in fact, every 30 degree multiple angle is a significant aspect, and this is a very important and
useful fact to remember. For this reason two planets located at (or very near) the same numbered
degree of any two signs will always be in aspect. For example, if a planet is located at, say, 6
degrees Gemini, it will be forming some or other aspect to any other planet or vital point located at
6 degrees of any other sign (or the same sign, which would constitute a Conjunction). If one is
thoroughly familiar with the different groupings of the zodiac signs (Elements, Crosses,
Masculine/Feminine Signs, etc.) it will be much easier to identify and relate to the most important
and commonly used aspects.


A Conjunction is formed by planets located close together. Planets occupying the same degree of

the same sign will be in exact Conjunction. The Conjunction could be termed a 1 House aspect

since planets in Conjunction are in the 1 House from each other, so to speak. It represents
beginnings, and generally planets in Conjunction are powerfully united, and their energies merge.


A Semi-Sextile aspect is formed by planets 30 degrees (or one full sign) apart. It is the weakest and
subtlest of the 30 degree multiple aspects. The Semi-Sextile aspect could be termed a 2/12
relationship. If, for example, the Sun is located at 5 degrees Cancer and the Moon is located at 5

degrees Leo, then we could say that the Sun is in the 12 House from the Moon and the Moon is the


2 House from the Sun. Apart from the general fact that the Semi-Sextile is relatively weak and



subtle in it's effects, it may well manifest in 2 House and 12 Houses ways. The 12 House
association gives it a subliminal or hidden quality, whereas the 2 House connotation hints at
financial, property or ownership related themes.


A Sextile aspect is formed by planets located 60 degrees (of two full signs) apart. Fire and Air signs
nearest each other, and Earth and Water signs nearest each other are in Sextile relationship. The
Sextile aspect could be termed a 3/11 type relationship. For example, if Mercury were located at
15 degrees Taurus and Mars were located at 15 degrees Cancer they would be in Sextile aspect, and


we could further say that Mars is here in the 3 House from Mercury, and that Mercury is in the 11


House from Mars. The Sextile aspect may well manifest with, in or through such 3 and 11 House
themes as friendship, group activity, day-to-day communications and neighborly relationships.


The Square aspect is formed by planets located 90 degrees apart. Signs that belong to the same
Cross (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) will be in a Square relationship (except, of course, signs
opposite each other, which also belong to the same Cross). The Square could be termed a 4/10


relationship; planets in Square aspect are either in the 4 or 10 Houses from each other. If, for
example, Venus is located at 12 degrees Leo and Saturn at 12 degrees Scorpio they are in an exact
Square aspect, and we could say that Venus is in the 10th House from Saturn and Saturn in the 4th


House from Venus. Square aspects will tend to manifest in and through 4 and 10 House arenas,
such as a person's domestic or professional life (which are perhaps the most basic or foundational
aspects of a person's psychological and worldly security).


The Trine aspect is formed by planets located 120 degrees apart, normally in signs belonging to the
same Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water). The Trine aspect could be described as a 5/9 relationship,


since planets in Trine aspect are either 5 or 9 Houses apart. The 5 and 9 Houses represent
creativity, spontaneity, aspiration and realization, and these attributes or themes also characterize
the qualities of the Trine aspect. It is apparently this fact that makes the Trine so benefic and




The Quincunx aspect (also known as an Inconjunct) is formed by planets located 150 degrees
apart. For example, Gemini is Opposite Sagittarius, and will be in Quincunx type relation to
Scorpio and Capricorn, the signs on either side of Sagittarius. The Quincunx is a 6/8 aspect, and


often manifests with/through 6 and 8 House themes such as work, service, health issues,
obligations and liabilities to others (or theirs to you), shared resources, debts etc.



The Opposition aspect is formed by planets located 180 degrees apart, directly opposite each other
in the zodiac. The Opposition aspect could be described as a 7/7 type relationship, since two


planets in Opposition to each other or both in the 7 House from each other. This 7 House
connotation results in Opposition aspects manifesting in and through partnerships, confrontations
and meaningful one-to-one encounters with others. The Opposition also generally brings things into
full objective manifestation and awareness.
The Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine and Opposition are known as the "Major Aspects", and
many astrology books only provide interpretations for these aspects. Traditionally the Sextile and
Trine are considered harmonious and beneficial, whereas the Square and Opposition aspects were
described as adverse and discordant. The Conjunction, in this context, is viewed as variable, the
result depending largely on the nature of the planets involved. There is certainly some merit in this
classification, but it is often taken too literally, even by modern western astrologers who pride
themselves in being non-fatalistic. It seems that the Conjunction, Square and Opposition are so
potent or vigorous in the way they combine energies that an imbalanced or excessive expression of
the energies they combine is more probable than with the Sextile or Trine. Conversely, the Trine
and Sextile seem to be simply too gentle to make for dramatically negative consequences, though
there are instances where even these benefic aspects can create tensions and uncomfortable
experiences (and I'll add that I think I've seen this more often with the Sextile than the Trine).
It would furthermore be appropriate to emphasize that the Conjunction and Opposition aspects are
the most important and powerful of all the aspects. In Vedic astrology, which employs aspects quite
differently to western astrology, planets in the same or opposite signs are automatically in aspect.
Whenever two planets are in Conjunction or Opposition from our perspective you actually have a
straight line between three heavenly bodies in the Solar System; the two planets involved, and the
When two planets combine in aspect, the primary factor is the range of possible results or
consequences of those two planets connecting, regardless of the specific type of aspect. While the

different aspects certainly connect planets in varying degrees of intensity (Oppositions are stronger
than Sextiles, etc.), and although each aspect has certain themes and qualities of it's own, there is a
misguided tendency to assume that, say, a Mercury/Mars Square is very different from a
Mercury/Mars Trine. The more fundamental truth here is that both are Mercury/Mars aspects, both
are combinations of Mercurial intellect and Martian self-assertion. The lesser factor is the fact that a
Square is more abrupt in it's manifestation than the inherent graciousness of the Trine aspect. ALL
Mercury/Mars aspects, for example, relate to intellectual dynamism, and/or verbal selfassertiveness, etc. etc.

Aspect Orbs
The specific geometric angles that constitute the various aspects have been given above, but one
might ask how much error or deviation from the precise angle (30, 60, 90, etc.) is tolerable? This
range of allowable deviation is known as the "orb" of an aspect. This word is used to refer to both
the maximum error allowable, as well as to the actual amount of error in any given instance. For
example, we may say that we will allow for a 5 degree orb for Sextile aspects, but in a given
instance a Sextile aspect may be within an orb of 3 degrees.
The allowable orbs vary in different contexts, and among different practitioners. It is, however,
generally agreed that the smaller the error the stronger or more focused the aspect will be. To begin
with we need to distinguish between "Natal to Natal" orbs, and orbs in other contexts. By "Natal to
Natal" we mean aspects between one planet (or other sensitive point) in a birth chart and another
planet in the same birth chart. As soon as we start comparing planets in one birth chart to planets in
another birth chart, or Transiting (the currently moving) planets' positions to the planets in a given
birth chart, we need to adapt the orbs.
The following orbs are suggested for "Natal to Natal" aspects; aspects between planets within the
same birth chart. The stronger types of aspects are naturally effective within wider orbs.Conjunction and Opposition: 8 9 degrees
Square and Trine: 7 degrees
Sextile: 5 degrees
Quincunx: 3 degrees
Semi-Sextile 1.5 or 2 degrees
There are one or two further considerations that could influence the amount of orb allowed and/or
the amount of priority or emphasis given to a particular aspect in a specific case. Firstly, the Sun
and Moon are generally more important or powerful in their effects than the other planets, so
aspects involving them might justify a slight stretching of orbs. Even when they are well within the
orbs used, aspects involving the Sun and Moon should be given greater priority. Under certain
circumstances other planets may gain special status, by being the Ascendant Ruler, for example,

and some may view this as justification for stretching orbs for aspects involving that planet.
Then there's the consideration of whether an aspect is attaching or separating. When the fast
moving Moon, for instance, is located at 7 degrees Aquarius, and slow moving Saturn is placed at
11 degrees Libra, then apart from the fact that there is Trine aspect between them within an orb of
about 4 degrees, we should note that the aspect is attaching or applying, since the faster moving
Moon is moving ever closer to the exact Trine to slower moving Saturn. If, however, the Moon
were located at 11 degrees Aquarius and Saturn at 7 degrees Libra the Trine aspect between them
would be separating, and therefore waning or weakening. Generally attaching aspects are stronger
than separating aspects, and sometimes one might stretch the orbs just a little for an attaching aspect
that is just out of orb.

Interpreting the Birth Chart

Although there some general rules and principles that govern chart interpretation, there is no set
sequence in which the different factors are analyzed. There may be some individuals and groups
who have very set and specific ideas in this regard, but none that are universally accepted in all
There is general agreement regarding the fact that the Sun, Moon and Ascendant constitute a type of
primary trinity of basic forces, and that these points are always very powerful in a chart. It is
furthermore generally agreed that, although people in the west typically identify with their Sun sign,
and although the Sun's position (not only by sign, but also by house and aspect) is among the the
more potent influences, the Moon and Ascendant are at least as important and influential, if not
more so.
The Sun spends a month in one sign, the Moon about two-and-a-half days, whereas it takes only
about two hours for one sign to rise in the east at a specific location. So, the Ascendant is in a sense
the most particular factor, the most local and thus in a sense the most personal. Many astrologers
will agree that the Ascendant, at least in principle, is the single most powerful factor in the chart.
The planet that rules the Ascending Sign is sometimes described as the chart ruler or ruling
planet of the whole chart. Inasmuch as the Ascendant is the self, the location of the Ascendant
ruler will reveal where the self directs is energy and attention.
From here onwards astrologers will differ in their approaches, and there and a number of valid ways
of going about the job. Perhaps most importantly it should be noted that as a student of astrology
gains experience they will start to notice certain configurations immediately and will be almost
unable to avoid having their attention drawn to certain configurations, whether or not they are
officially of primary importance. This is as it should be, since it is a result of the astrology

students' personally evolving methodology. Where this is based on the established rules and backed
up by observation it will tend result in a quick identification of the most powerful configurations.
Also, if there is a very specific issue under consideration it is natural to look at the planets, signs
and houses that relate to that particular theme.
Among the factors that should stand out for a student at a glance are (these are not listed in order of

the nature of the Signs and Houses in which the Sun, Moon and Ascendant (or Ascendant Ruler)
are located
planets Conjunct the Angles of the chart (near the Ascendant, Descendant, M.C. or I.C.)
planets in the Angular Houses (1 , 4 , 7 , 10 )
Aspects involving the Sun or Moon (especially when the orb is tight)
the Aspects between any planets that are close to exact in orb
Conjunctions and Oppositions as particularly powerful Aspects
Planets occupying their strongest or weakest positions by sign
complex Aspect configurations involving a number of planets in mutual aspect

Now for a thorny dilemma! When it comes to the zodiac signs there is the question of whether we're
talking about the Tropical or the Sidereal Zodiac? And when we talk about Houses there is the
question of which of the many Houses Systems we're using?
The choice of Zodiac and House System will have a very significant effect on the results. Regarding
the use of Aspects I have far more faith and confidence and there is little to question, and for this
reason, at least in the context of western astrology, I lean most heavily on aspects, simply because I
feel I can more confidently trust them.
The reason this is a dilemma is because I am not here suggesting the Signs and Houses are
dispensable, but using them is not as simple and straight forward as many introductory astrology
books would suggest. While I don't want to perplex the beginner, I cannot with a clear conscience
pretend I am not concerned by these questions.
Western astrologers would tend to agree that there is a minor problem when it comes to House
Systems, but sometimes the different House Systems yield only slightly different results; once in a
while a planet might end up in a different House when you change House System, but more often
than not the house cusps, comparing the most popular methods, will differ only by a few degrees.
The difference between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs is a far more dramatic one. Planets will
usually end up in the previous sign when converting a chart from the Tropical to the Sidereal
Zodiac and will in a many specific instances yield very different interpretations.


Aries Rising makes a person quick, responsive, eager and energetic. There is a daring and feisty
streak, but with little real determination or endurance. Energy is released in short sharp bursts, and
though there may be a pioneering spirit and a good ability to take initiative, a desire for instant
results and gratification may lead to poor longer term planning and strategizing. The person with
Aries Rising will seek to prove themselves to be dynamic winners and can be quite preoccupied
with their personal achievements. Although competitive and sometimes impatient with others, the
Aries Ascendant is normally very frank and open, which is a quality others will tend to appreciate.
The location of Mars, as ruler of Aries, becomes important in the chart as a whole.

Taurus Rising is typically patient and determined and achieves it's goals through steady and
persistent effort. There is a sensual streak here that can manifest as a love of food and other simple
pleasures. A preoccupation with personal pleasures and personal property, combined with a natural
reserve bordering in introversion, can make the Taurean somewhat self-absorbed and focused on
narrow personal objectives (though of course there's an entire chart to consider). The Taurus
Ascendant is reliable and can provide strength and support for others. The Taurean resourcefulness
can support and nurture others. The location of Venus, as ruler of Taurus, becomes important in the
chart as a whole.

Gemini Rising describes a lively, busy and curious personality. The person restless and never sits
still and seems to need constant stimulation. The mind is always engaged and is full of facts and
information, whether trivial or profound, and there is a love of communication and light social
interaction. This Ascendant loves intellectual stimulation and will tend to learn quickly. Gemini is
youthful and can be a vivacious, witty and entertaining companion, though this is not the most
consistent Ascendant of the the twelve. Anything that requires patience and thoroughness is
unlikely to appeal to the Gemini Ascendant, though it will excel where versatility and dexterity are
required. The intelligent and eloquent planet Mercury rules Gemini, and so becomes more
important than it would be otherwise in the chart as a whole.

Cancer Rising is caring and nurturing and very emotionally sensitive. Cancerians thrive in a
domestic setting and are natural homemakers. There may be a shy streak in the personality that is
awkward in unfamiliar surroundings and among unfamiliar people. The Cancer person can develop
deep attachment to those it has allowed into it's private world and will hold on to them as long as
possible. Sentimentality and an attachment to the past is not always constructive since it can prevent
the Cancer Ascendant from taking a positive and enthusiastic view of the future and the potential
benefits of new things. The Cancer Ascendant's early life and parental relationships will be

particularly important to their later emotional and psychological security. The mothering Moon is
the ruler of the sign Cancer and becomes exceptionally important when Cancer is on the Ascendant.

Leo Rising is an indication of a proud and regal personality. Being acknowledged and respected
by others is important to Leos, and they can't bear to feel ignored and unimportant. Although they
can be truly generous, they may not be great listeners and empathizers, since they prefer to be
heard than to listen. Despite the egocentricity of the Leo Ascendant, this sign has a strong sense of
integrity and can lead and inspire others with this virtue. When Leo Rising finds a sense of purpose
greater than self-aggrandizement their commitment, loyalty and sincerity make them worthy of the
leadership they instinctively feel they deserve. The radiant Sun rules Leo and it's position and
condition in the chart becomes especially important when Leo is the Rising Sign.

Virgo Rising indicates efficiency and a sharp and discriminating intelligence. These qualities can
be very practical and useful in the world and will make the Virgo Ascendant a very capable worker
in almost any field, but perfectionism can make a person somewhat tense, nervous and highly
strung, so that, in extreme cases, this imperfect world can become a rather frustrating place to
inhabit. There's a place and time to loosen up and let a few flaws be, but for a habitually meticulous
person this is easier said than done. Some Virgo's will be very health conscious, which is a good
thing if it promotes sound dietary and hygiene habits, but it's also here worth noting that too much
anxious analysis of things (such as one's physical condition) can actually promote illness. As the
Mutable-Earth sign of the zodiac Virgo is all about techniques for skillfully transforming substance,
so Virgos love methods. Mercury rules Virgo, so it's position in the chart has special status for the
Virgo Ascendant.

Libra Rising may indeed make a person sociable and courteous, but Libra is not a completely
passive sign, by any means. As a Masculine Cardinal Sign Libra can be assertive and dynamic, and
as the counterweight to the Aries impulse it can represent confrontations and competition. Librans
like direct and powerful interaction with others, especially one-to-one interactions in which to
people balance and weight each other. Libra fulfills and finds individual purpose through these
meaningful confrontations. Marriage is associated with Libra and the 7 House, and in marriage and
intimate personal relationships and partnerships we get to work at becoming more rounded and
complete through the mirroring effect that occurs in such unions. Libra doesn't want a leader or
follower, but a partner or worthy and equal opponent. Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love,
and her location in the chart as a whole becomes a vital factor when Libra Rises.

Scorpio Rising is intense, private and enigmatic. Although reserved and even quite introverted
the Scorpio Ascendant is anything but weak and timid. Beneath a normally well controlled and
impenetrable exterior are potent concentrations of emotion, and a formidable courage to do
whatever it takes to live life deeply and forcefully. Danger, to the Scorpio Ascendant, is preferable

to superficiality. Scorpio is capable of great commitment and concentration once they've dedicated
themselves to a person, cause, purpose or task; they do nothing by halves and this is both their best
and worst trait. Sometimes there's a self-destructive streak that may be due to poorly handled
emotional challenges and unresolved traumas, though it is said that many healers have strong
Scorpio influences in their charts, since there is here a phoenix-like capacity for transformation and
renewal. Being aware of how deep and complex the hidden side of humans can be, Scorpio
Ascendants often delve into the occult or mysticism and are generally fascinated by what is hidden
or taboo. Mars is the traditional ruler of the sign Scorpio and becomes especially important in the
chart as a whole when the Ascendant is located in this sign.

Sagittarius Rising is the signature of the seeker or adventurer. As the Mutable-Fire signof the
zodiac Sagittarius is lively, enthusiastic and restless. At the crudest level this manifests as a
boisterous vitality and thrill seeking, but in more refined types there is a distinct tendency to pursue
learning and to ask philosophical questions about the meaning of life, and to seek spiritual growth
and enlightenment, perhaps through a religious path of some kind. Travel to distant places is often
important in the lives Sagittarians and may be one means through which they experience
enlightening realizations and a broadening of their outlook. Traveling has a way of forcing one to
embrace a more universal outlook. The highest type of Sagittarian is the visionary who inspires
others to liberate themselves from a narrow past and aim at a higher, fuller and nobler future. The
expansive planet Jupiter, as ruler of Sagittarius, becomes a more important factor in the chart as a

Capricorn Rising is practical, careful and ambitious. As the Cardinal-Earth sign of the zodiac
Capricorn is dynamically efficient, but in a way that is more goal orientated than Virgo (which is
also an efficient and practical earth sign). The impressive worldly achievements of Capricorn are a
result of the blend of patience and industrious initiative. The Capricornian concern with public and
worldly matters can contribute towards the person developing a rather impersonal and aloof
personality, which is more useful in public than private relationships. There is a strong sense of
discipline and some respect for traditional values and authority structures, and this can make for an
element of rigidity and conservatism in the person, detracting from spontaneity. The typical
Capricorn may be more awkward in their early years and will loosen up and become more
comfortable and confident later in life, after achieving something in the eyes of the world. Stern old
Saturn is ruler of Capricorn and here becomes more important in the chart as a whole.

Aquarius Rising is socially orientated, but in a relatively detached and impersonal way.
Aquarius is not particularly sentimental but rather takes an intellectual interest in human ideals,
ideas and knowledge as embodied in arts, sciences and cultural values. The unifying idea of
ethos of a group is an Aquarian theme, so people with Aquarius Rising are very conscious of this
principle, and will identify with groups or ideologies that represent values they share. Personal


friendships are the most basic and commonplace manifestation of this principle, so Aquarians
consider their friendships and group affiliations important and meaningful and an essential
reflection or extension of themselves. The Aquarius Ascendant is normally very rational and clearthinking, and most Aquarians would see themselves as progressive and liberated individuals,
unfettered by a slavish adherence to traditional values or personal emotional baggage. Of course
this is not invariably true, even if only because there is the rest of the chart to consider, much of
which might differ with the Aquarian inclinations. The planet Saturn is the traditional ruler of
Aquarius and becomes a focal planet for an Aquarian Ascendant.

Pisces Rising is emotionally sensitive, sympathetic and impressionable. The person may be prone
to absorbing the thoughts and feelings of others, and while this can enhance empathy and intuitive
insight into others, it can also muddle the Piscean's sense of individual purpose and intention. Being
naturally kind and self-sacrificing is certainly a virtue, but being too weak to say no and being taken
advantage of all the time can be an indication that work is needed on defining and maintaining
boundaries between self and others. Spiritual and artistic activities that involve emotion, devotion
and imagination will be fulfilling and beneficial to the Pisces Ascendant which generally requires a
healthy and constructive way to channel it's emotional sensitivity. If a person is too impractical and
easily overwhelmed their kindness and intuitiveness are less likely to benefit the world. The
inclusive planet Jupiter rules Pisces and becomes vitally important when Pisces Rises.

Planets in Aries
Sun in Aries is a very potent place for the Sun. The Sun is Exalted in Aries and expresses itself
with full force here. The will and individuality represeted by the Sun are strengthened, making it
possible for the person to be a charistmatic leader or pioneer. There is great vitality, confidence,
independence, courage, and a capacity for self-assertion.

Moon in Aries indicates that there is an element of emotional impatience, and even quite a quick
temper. On the positive side Moon in Aries can manifest as an energetic and enterprising
personality, and a very open and direct manner. Emotional responses are quick and instant and, at
least as far as this particular placement's concerned, there's no guile and subtle strategizing.

Mercury in Aries

describes a quick and alert mind and a direct and even aggressive style of
communication. Calculation and analysis are done instantly and intuitively with little patience for
tedious and methodical intellectual procedures.

Venus in Aries can manifest as "love at first sight". There is an impulsive approach to social and

romantic interaction, which can make a person very directly and openly friendly and affectionate.
On the other hand the aggressiveness, independence and individualism of Aries can here clash with
the conciliatory and sociable drives of Venus. Venus is here in a sign opposite one of her own.

Mars in Aries is naturally a strong positioning for Mars, since Aries is ruled by Mars; the haste
and impulsiveness of Mars are emphasized here, and generally a good ability to "hit the mark"
through a direct and pointed approach. Mars in Aries can promote confidence and belief in oneself,
which can make one very ready and willing to engage in competition or activity requiring a high
degree of independence.

Jupiter in Aries indicates self confidence, and even self-righteousness (or an image of the self
as noble, righteous and abundantly deserving). The focus on the Self and seperate individuality can,
perhaps, limit the inherent expansiveness and inclusiveness of Jupiter; the self-centredness may
limit the potential for getting the relatively impersonal "whole big picture" that Jupiter represents.
On the whole though, this arguably a good position for Jupiter, and there is the potential here for a
pure, direct, action orientated expression of Truth, idealism and virtue.

Saturn in Aries is furstrated and "hard-headed". Saturn Falls in Aries, and this is (to the best of
my knowlege) the worst place for Saturn. The inherent caution of Saturn cannot express itself
constructively through the impulsive and instantaneous action that is Aries. The natural Arian
courage and enthusiasm is inhibited and thwarted by Saturn's fearfulness and timidity, and the Arian
"self-image" is insecure, afraid and undeserving; a poor self image may be compensated for with a
tough, unfeeling and irritable persona. Self-assertion may be hidden, subpressed and withheld, only
to erupt as cold and icy anger.

Planets in Taurus
Sun in Taurus indicates that a person values material security and enjoys sensual pleasures, and
the person may exert themselves to acquire and maintain these with a steady determination. Sun in
Taurus can be inflexible and can become very set in a particular set of beliefs and values. This can
enable them to serve as a pillar of strength and stability for others, but can also narrow the range of
their interests and activities in their determined drive to mainten desired material conditions and
resources. These people may identify strongly with their wealth and property as an essential
extension of themselves. Perhaps in it's highest expression Sun in Taurus would manifest spiritual
values through and enlightened use of material resources and the ability to nurture and preserve
what really matters.

Moon in Taurus is a very strong position for the Moon. The Moon is Exalted in Taurus and
manifests here as the "fertile mother" who has all the strength, stability and substance needed to
support and nurture. Moon in Taurus can represent a rich emotional life and a strong and
wholesome attunement to basic physical and emotional needs and values; there is a natural

sensuality that can express itself as skillful domesticity and the capacity to really give and recieve
pleasure and comfort to and from others.

Mercury in Taurus indicates a careful thinker, capable of concentration and a steady and
methodiacal application of the mind. Communication may be similarly cautious and measured, but
therefor potentially more substantial and meaningful than would otherwise be the case. The mind
may be specifically inclined to direct it's attention and analytical faculties to practical and financial
matters, and in some cases this could make for business acumen.

Venus in Taurus is rich, voluptuous and beautiful. Venus naturally rules the sign Taurus and is
therefor strongly placed here in one of her own signs. Somewhat like Moon in Taurus there is a
natural and wholesome sensuaity here, combined with a stable nurturing quality, though Venus in
Taurus is less "mothering" than Moon in Taurus. There is here a greater emphasis on beauty in
physical form or the harmonious arranging and ordering of substance. Abundance and prosperity
can flow from a steady "loving care" of what one has and what one values; such attitudes can also
promote fulfillment and stability in love relationships.

Mars in Taurus is considered a somewhat debilitated placement in western astrology since Mars
is here located opposite one of his own signs. The volatile dynamism of Mars contrasts with the
solidity and inertia of Taurus. Mars is somewhat weak on responsiveness in Taurus, but can be
incredibly persistent in persueing personal goals. It is said that Mars is slow to anger in Taurus, but
becomes an unstoppable "raging bull" once roused. There may be a tendency to be assertive or
aggressive over money or property, which can take the form of possessiveness and jealousy.

Jupiter in Taurus can be fortunate financially, but material and financial issues are rather far
removed from Jupiter's primary motivations. Jupiter may be too materially orientated and concerned
with maintaining the status quo here to fulfill it's innate aspiration to grow into new realms of
knowledge and experience. On the other hand Jupiter in Taurus could manifest as a type of
"enlightened materialism", which may be expressed as nurturing and supportive generosity towards
people, or the support and preservation of institutions of culture, learning or social welfare.

Saturn in Taurus can manifest as great practicality and careful resourcefulness, though there
may also be a measure of fearfulness with regard to property and material security which may result
in a rather uncreative and unproductive inhibition in the use of resources.

Planets in Gemini
Sun in Gemini suggests that agility, mobility and cleverness are essential features of one's
individuality; the person may strongly identify with, and may even be rather proud of, their
intellectual abilities and accomplishments.

Moon in Gemini is a busy-body with a restless, curious and changeable mind. Although very

lively in emotional expression, there is not a great deal of emotional depth, intensity, or much real
empathy (of course there is the rest of the chart to consider); social contact is rather light and
breezy, and there may be impatience with the demands of very close emotional bonds.

Mercury in Gemini is a strong position since Gemini is one of Mercury's own signs.
Intellectual ability is indicated and there is a love of learning and social interaction. Mercury in
Gemini is lively, busy and curious about everything.

Venus in Gemini is cheerful, light and breezy and enjoys lighthearted social interaction. Venus
in Gemini is sometimes described as a little fickle in love and romance, though of course there is
the rest of the chart to consider.

Mars in Gemini implies nervous excitability and restlessness. There is the potential here for
forceful and dynamic communication, though there may be a lack of patience and tact in day-to-day
exchanges with others.

Jupiter in Gemini would be considered a frustrated placement for Jupiter by many western
astrologers, since here Jupiter occupies a sign opposite one of it's own (Sagittarius). There is
certainly a contrast between Gemini's love of detailed information and rational analysis on the one
hand, and Jupiter's religious faith and more intuitive approach to knowledge on the other. There is,
however, the potential here to gather vast amounts of information, to communicate successfully,
and to engage in fruitful and beneficial neighborly interactions.

Saturn in Gemini would represent a careful and methodical intellectuality, and serious
conversation. There may be a measure of reserve or inhibition in day-to-day neighborly
interactions, which may manifest as a lack of warmth, lightness and buoyancy in communication.
Vedic astrology would consider this a reasonably strong position for Saturn, since Mercury, ruler of
Gemini, is a friend of Saturn.

Planets in Cancer
Sun in Cancer implies that the person will be more confident and assertive in private domestic
life than in a more public arena. Although sometimes shy and sensitive, or simply reserved, there is
an inner strength that is more visible in private.

Moon in Cancer is a strong position since the Moon here occupies her own sign, and all the
nurturing instincts of the Moon will be emphasized. Imagination and what many people would call
intuitive perception is strengthened.

Mercury in Cancer may be to moody and dreamy to be strictly rational and precisely

articulate. Thinking may be dominated by family values and indoctrination.

Venus in Cancer suggests harmony and pleasure in the home, with strong attachment to family
and loved ones. The loving nature of Venus is exceptionally nurturing and maternal here.

Mars in Cancer is without a doubt the worst possible Cancer placement; Mars Falls in Cancer
(being Exalted in Capricorn). I have found the malefic effects of Mars in Cancer far more striking
when using the Sidereal Zodiac, and there is frequently violence of some kind associated with a
Sidereal Mars in Cancer, depending of course on the House placement, Aspects, and so on. Family
discord will be more likely.

Jupiter is Exalted in Cancer and therefor very well placed in this sign. Family and domestic
life are improved. There is a great capacity for nurturing and caring for others, and the emotions are
capable of elevated states of devotion and aspiration. Morality is strengthened. There is fertility on
many levels.

Saturn in Cancer would be considered a debilitated placement by western astrologers, since

Saturn is here placed opposite one of his own signs (Capricorn). This is an uncharacteristically
emotional and domesticated placement of Saturn, which might manifest as an inclination to be
emotionally rigid and cut off from nurturing impulses, and disconnected from family.

Planets in Leo
Sun in Leo is obviously a powerful position since the Sun here occupies it's own sign. The regal
dignity and authoritativeness of Leo is at it's most potent.

Moon in Leo is warmhearted and generous. There is a proud streak in the personality which may
even amount to a slight preoccupation with personal importance and status. The person may enjoy
showing off or being important and authoritative.

Mercury in Leo hints at an egotistical manner of communicating, and a tendency to consider

one's ideas and opinions somewhat more important than those of others. Mercury in Leo describes
intellectual ability and eloquence as a key means of self-expression and self-assertion. The desire to
make grand, bold and authoritative statements can lead to exaggeration through over-dramatization.

Venus in Leo could translate as a grand dramatization of one's love and affection for another,
though ultimately there would be a tendency to be somewhat self-seeking within love and romance,
inasmuch as there would be a fairly urgent need to be honored and individually acknowledged by
the beloved. Although Leo is a warm-hearted sign, which could be seen as supportive of the loving
impulses of Venus, some may see in this placement a clash between the individualistic streak of

Leo and the self-transcendence associated with Venus.

Mars in Leo would be a strong placement; both western and Vedic astrology are likely to
consider this planet and sign inherently compatible, despite certain particular differences. The
assertive drive of Mars is here expressed with great dignity (which might mean indignation under
certain circumstances). There is great vitality and the potential for a noble type of courage and
confidence here.

Jupiter in Leo would be a strong position for the Jupiter, since there is a natural affinity between
the Sun and Jupiter. Moral integrity is strengthened, and there is a tendency to identify strongly
with one's religious, moral or philosophical views. This can, of course, foster pride on the basis of a
presumed moral or intellectual superiority, but it can also strengthen an individual's commitment to
living righteously and setting a good example. Leadership and authority could be strengthened and
encouraged by Jupiter in Leo.

Saturn in Leo suggests inhibition in the expression of individual creativity, affection or

authority; there is little spontaneity. Insecurity may be masked by a brittle type of dignity, which
may show as aloof self-centeredness and a lack of real warmth.

Planets in Virgo
Sun in Virgo suggests that work, service and efficiency are key avenues of the person's selfexpression, and that there a capacity for precision and meticulousness. The intellect is sharp and
analytical, and this placement tends to coincide with a highly-strung, nervous, and even somewhat
delicate constitution.

Moon in Virgo may be intellectually acute, but is not the most emotionally nurturing and
spontaneous of Moons; there is probably going to be a tendency to approach emotional life in a
rather cold rational manner.

Mercury in Virgo is a very strong position for Mercury, since Mercury is here exalted and in
one of it's own signs. Intellectual faculties can here reach a peak of precision and efficiency. This
position of Mercury would be an asset wherever attention to fine detail is called for.

Venus in Virgo is not a particularly good position for Venus; Venus is here in the sign of her
debilitation (fall), and cannot express her warm, loving and affectionate nature through the rather
stiff, cold discrimination of the sign Virgo. This can eventually manifest as difficulties in love and
marriage, perhaps due to an overly critical tendency towards or from the partner. This placement
would naturally tend to be somewhat similar to Venus in the 6 House.

Mars in Virgo describes a very efficient and meticulous warrior; perhaps too nervous and busy
with nit-picking to charge valorously into battle, or, from another angle, there may be a tendency to
charge into battle at work, with co-workers, possibly as a reaction to perceived inefficiency.

Jupiter in Virgo is rather uncharacteristically measured and methodical for an exuberant

expander, but may well promote growth and good fortune through the cultivation of practical skills,
and in the context of work and service. Inasmuch as the state of Jupiter in a chart colors one's
approach to, or take on, religion, philosophy and morality, Jupiter in Virgo would incline towards a
very rational and practical angle, which can manifest as the type of intellectual nit-picking that fails
to see the bigger picture.

Saturn in Virgo, by all criteria, could safely be considered a fairly comfortable location for
Saturn (though there is nothing frivolous and fun about this combination); both Saturn and Virgo, in
perhaps different ways, are associated with work and duty. Saturn in Virgo can describe an
exceptionally careful and painstaking approach to work.

Planets in Libra
Sun in Libra is a weak position since the Sun is said to be in it's Fall in this sign. Libra
corresponds to the western horizon, where the Sun sets, or dies. The solar concept of identity is
somewhat obscured in the Libran preoccupation with relationships and partnership. Sun in Libra
can raise issues related to self-assertion within the context of partnership; the person may tend to
feel thwarted and bullied by others, but may also compensate for this frustration through
inappropriate and abrupt bursts of irritability and temper.

Moon in Libra normally makes for a gracious, courteous, but still somewhat definite and
resolute personality.

Mercury in Libra is, by all criteria, a strong place for Mercury. The airy attributes of Mercury
are enhanced, and there is a clear and rational manner of thinking and communicating. The person
with Mercury in Libra may even be rather charming, and will enjoy lively intellectual social

Venus in Libra is a very strong position for Venus since Venus here occupies one of her own
signs. This will normally promote the ability to establish and maintain romantic relationships or a
marriage. The person is normally more beautiful and attractive than average, which makes then
popular. In some cases artistic ability will be enhanced as a result of this placement, though there
would need to be further indications from other parts of the chart to reinforce make this potential, if

it is to be an outstanding characteristic.

Mars in Libra is not the most natural and ideal state for Mars. Western astrology would describe
Mars here as being in it's Detriment (since Libra is opposite Mars-ruled Aries). There is arguably a
conflict here between the drive to cooperate and the need to assert oneself in an independent and
forceful manner; this may lead to inconsistent behavior and much arguing in partnerships. Vedic
astrology would not be as emphatic about the debility of Mars in this sign, but would still not
consider it very well placed. Partnerships may be enthusiastically entered upon, but may disperse
shortly thereafter amid strife and disputes.

Jupiter in Libra would probably be viewed somewhat differently by western and Vedic
astrology. From the Vedic perspective it would be conspicuous that Venus (ruler of Libra) is the
enemy of Jupiter, and therefor this would be quite a poor placement for Jupiter. Though noble
Jupiter in nobody's enemy, and so Jupiter would still be inclined to bring benefits to the sign Libra.
The benefits Jupiter would bestow on Libra would be quite similar to Jupiter in the 7 House;
implying improved marriage and partnership prospects, and possibly a tendency to get involved in
relationships in which there is a shared interest in religion and philosophy. Conventional western
astrology would be unlikely to see any debilitation in Jupiter's occupation of Libra, and may even
see a degree of compatibility between Jupiter's morality and beneficence, and the social graces and
courtesy of the sign Libra.

Saturn is Exalted in Libra and is at it's maximum strength here. Some may see in Saturn's
Exaltation in the sign Libra the representation of an ideal stern but just quality. People with
Saturn in Libra often possess the type of grace and poise, and the calculated and cautious selfassertion that one needs to succeed in business or a political career (though of course a highly
successful political career would require more than this single factor to be present in the chart).

Planets in Scorpio
Sun in Scorpio is strong and capable of great determination and self-assertion if necessary. The
self-assertion of Sun in Scorpio is more subtle than that of Sun in Aries (the other Mars ruled sign).
People with Sun in Scorpio are intrigued by mystery, and the lowest expression of this is a paranoid
suspicion, whereas in it's highest expression it can take the form of mystical tendencies. Sun in
Scorpio is often very practical and efficient in worldly matters, largely due to a capacity to focus
and concentrate on a task or goal.

Moon in Scorpio is usually a problematic position since this is the sign of the Moon's
debilitation (Fall). There tends to be irritability, anger and much emotional turmoil. Inasmuch as the
Moon is a significator of the mother and family life, Moon in Scorpio could represent problems in

these areas; the person might lack patience with people close to them. The person may, however,
have a sharp and penetrating mind, which, unfortunately, might not always be gently or charitably

Mercury in Scorpio could indicate much intellectual forcefulness and concentration, but also
some liability to fierce or hurtful speech. There may be a suspicious and secretive streak that will
color the person's communication, which might be probing one the one hand, and evasive on the
other. Mercury in Scorpio might be an asset where there is a need for sharp and shrewd thinking
and powerful, emphatic communication.

Venus in Scorpio is typically viewed as lusty and very sexually intense. Suspicion and
possessiveness, or simply an lack of gentleness and softness, can mar love relationships. The person
may be overly intense and passionate, which can lead to overreaction constant demands on the
(eventually wearying) partner.

Mars in Scorpio is strong and virile since this is one of Mars' own signs. The aggressive energy
of Mars is particularly determined and resolute, but also emotionally intense, here. The person has
great tenacity and is not easily dissuaded from their purpose.

Jupiter in Scorpio may promote courage and determination in the personality, and could also

manifest as a fascination with mystical religious doctrines and practices. Like Jupiter in the 8
House, Jupiter in Scorpio might manifest as material benefits through others; either through
inheritance, insurance, or the partners income or wealth.

Saturn in Scorpio may be rather fearful and there may be a lack of trust in others, and a
reluctance to share. This may manifest as a calculated approach to the financial aspects of
partnership, and a grave, stern or resentful attitude regarding material obligations to others.

Planets in Sagittarius
Sun in Sagittarius would be a fairly strong placement for the Sun; the Sun and Sagittarius share
a fiery nature, and there is typically an enthusiasm for adventure and exploration. The person
identifies with their beliefs and personal code of ethics, even though there may be a love of freedom
which might at times appear rebellious or independent.

Moon in Sagittarius could describe an excitable emotional nature capable of passionate

enthusiasm about beliefs and moral principles. This is, however, not the most domesticated and
conventionally nurturing type of Moon. In some cases the person will live abroad and/or travel a
great deal, stemming from an innate restlessness and desire for new horizons.

Mercury in Sagittarius is likely to take an intellectual interest in religion, philosophy and

foreign cultures (which may come about or manifest through traveling abroad). In western astrology
Mercury would be in it's Detriment in the sign Sagittarius, since Sagittarius is located opposite
Mercury ruled Gemini on the zodiac wheel: the broad view associated with Sagittarius may not be
easily reconcilable with Mercury's essentially analytical nature. Non-the-less, there is bound to be a
desire for expanded knowledge, leading to an intellectual quest for enlightenment.

Venus in Sagittarius implies that there is an idealistic, but possibly independent and freedom
loving attitude in love relationships. The person may be drawn to a religious person as a partner, or
there may be love relationships and meaningful friendships with people from foreign countries and

Mars in Sagittarius, somewhat like Sun in Sagittarius, would be a strong placement for Mars.
Western astrologers might note the fiery energy that Mars and Sagittarius have in common, and
from a Jyotish perspective Mars is strongly placed in Sagittarius because Jupiter (ruler of
Sagittarius) is a friend of Mars. The daring and courage of Mars combined with the
adventurousness of Sagittarius would make for an almost impetuous will to explore, whether
physically or mentally. There is a lively and feisty energy here that could be pioneering or

Jupiter in Sagittarius is powerfully placed since Jupiter is the natural ruler of this sign. The
religious, moral and philosophical attributes of Jupiter are greatly strengthened. The person may
well be cultured, a seeker of truth, and will have respect and reverence for wisdom and learning.
Travel is encouraged and usually very beneficial with this placement of Jupiter. Even worldly
circumstances will tend to be improved; though Jupiter has to be relatively prominent in the chart
and other factor obviously need to concur for the full benefit if this configuration to be conspicuous
and consistent.

Saturn in Sagittarius may manifest as a tendency to approach religious and philosophical ideas
with a pragmatic caution that may border in cynicism. The person will be attracted to a practical
philosophy rather than vague, otherworldly, fantastical ideologies. Traveling may be restricted or
delayed by Saturn in Sagittarius, and/or be be undertaken as a matter of austere responsibility rather
than for mere recreation of adventurous exploration. The person may show signs of having a very
logical and scientific bent of mind.

Planets in Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn can point to identification with or self-affirmation through worldly or public

achievements. The Sun is not at it's best in this Saturn ruled sign; there may be a lack of warmth and
spontaneity in the personality, and this may manifest as a rigid sense of duty, aloofness or a
calculated and inhibited individuality.

Moon in Capricorn would be considered a debilitated position in western astrology, since the
Moon here occupies the sign opposite her own. There is here a sharp contrast between the nurturing
inclinations of the Moon and the more coldly practical attributes of the sign Capricorn. Emotional
self-expression may be stifled through a subordination of feeling to worldly, social and practical
duties. This combination may, however, be expressed as a very efficient domestic industriousness.

Mercury in Capricorn describes practical-mindedness; an ability to plan and think in a

structured and constructive manner. This may manifest as a tendency to be perpetually busy with
financial schemes and plans. Communication may be a little stiff and primarily focused on
relatively material or socially important matters, as opposed to mere frivolous talk. Intellectual
activity and communication are harnessed to a concrete purpose or a specific goal.

Venus in Capricorn could be described as ambitious in love, and may even be a little
calculated in using friendships, love or romantic relationships to climb the social or economic
ladder. Venus can't be at her most warm here, in this Saturn ruled sign, and there may in some cases
be an element of inhibition and rigid emotional self-control. A significant difference in age or social
status within love and friendship may be attributable to this placement. The person may have
traditional tastes in art and fashion (except, for example, if Uranus is conspicuous in the picture).

Mars in Capricorn is a powerful position, since Mars is said to be Exalted in Capricorn,

making this the strongest possible sign placement for Mars (except perhaps for Aries and Scorpio).
The impetuous dynamism of Mars is here harnessed to practical tasks and the fulfillment of
personal ambitions. The aggressive drive is well disciplined, without being inhibited or rendered
impotent. It is perhaps the Capricornian mix of conservatism and purposefulness that enables Mars
(when in this sign) to avoid squandering energy, while being very able non-the-less to take initiative
and to be assertive for the sake of personal achievement. This position of Mars produces skill in

Jupiter in Capricorn is a weak and debilitated placement. Jupiter Falls in Capricorn, and there
is clearly an incompatibility between the essentially idealistic moral concerns and generous
philanthropic inclinations of Jupiter, and the materialistic ambition and preoccupation with
practicality associated with Capricorn. It is perhaps possible for Capricorn to the spiritualized
through Jupiter's influence, which may make for an unusually idealistic approach to worldly
ambitions, though conversely there may be a tendency for morality and religious tendencies to be
tainted by materialistic motives.

Saturn in Capricorn is a very strong position, since Saturn here occupies one of it's own signs.
All the positive (and perhaps some of the not so positive) qualities of Saturn are enhanced. There
should be a strong ability to handle practical and worldly affairs, which can naturally lead to
material and social security. It is very possible that these benefits of Saturn being in Capricorn will
not manifest fully until the person is past their youth and approaching the latter half of their lives.
This placement of Saturn would, however, do nothing to promote sensitivity or generosity to others,
and if these virtues are present in the personality, they are certainly the result of other factors.

Planets in Aquarius
Sun in Aquarius, from a western astrology perspective, would be a debilitated placement, since
the Sun is here in the sign opposite it's own. There is a sharp contrast between the group focus of
Aquarius and individual identity, associated of the Sun. Vedic astrology would also note a mutual
antipathy between the Sun and Saturn (ruler of Aquarius), which would weaken the Sun in this sign
position. People with Sun in Aquarius may show an interest in science and can be firmly devoted to
humane ideals.

Moon in Aquarius is certainly not the most intimately and emotionally nurturing of Moons;
there is, however, a very impersonal friendliness in this placement that may lead to the formation of
many social contacts. Moon in Aquarius can, if fact, be exceptionally lucid and rational about the
basic emotional habits and instincts that rule others more completely. This does not, of course,
mean that Moon in Aquarius has not emotional life and basic needs and instincts, it just implies that
there is a greater than average ability to be objective and somewhat intellectually detached.

Mercury in Aquarius can indicate a scientific and yet also socially conscious intellectual bent.
There is a keen interest in ideas and ideologies that are current, modern, or historically important to
the progress of human culture. Mercury in Aquarius can translate as "group ideas". Compared to,
say, Mercury in water signs, this placement would contribute detached and rational thinking
processes to the overall personality, and would be particularly at home in an environment where
there is a fraternal sharing of information and intellectual viewpoints.

Venus in Aquarius would indicate that friendship is important in romantic relationships and/or
there may be a tendency to get romantically involved with friends. Venus in Aquarius would
probably enhance sociability in general and indicates that a person enjoys being part of a group of
kindred spirits. Venus in Aquarius may not, however, be the most emotionally nurturing and
domesticated lover (unless of course Venus connects strongly with the Moon, or perhaps Neptune),
but may well be an enduringly loyal companion.

Mars in Aquarius indicates a feisty and enthusiastic participation in group activity. There is the

potential to align one's personal will with a collective group objective, but there is, however, some
potential here for conflict between the individualistic nature of Mars and the group values of
Aquarius. This can result in occassional arguments with friends or anger at, or defiance of, the
group as a whole.

Jupiter in Aquarius can describe idealistic, religious or educational groups, and a strong
interest in humanitarian ideals and values. Jupiter in Aquarius represents a high ideal of friendship
and fraternity, and also enourages an interest (and could manifest as achievements) in science and
culture. The person's approach to religion would tend to be intellectual and philosophical rather than
emotional and devotional.

Saturn in Aquarius can indicate a cautious or circumspect attitude towards groups and even
personal friendships; even so, social and group involvements may be a key avenue or feature of the
person's career path. Saturn is very strong here, Aquarius being one of the signs ruled by Saturn.
This position can contribute to the type of rational clear-thinking that Saturnine detachment can
promote or enable.

Planets in Pisces
Sun in Pisces could indicate a soft side to a person's personality that could even blur the
definition of their individuality somewhat; there may be a tendency to escapism, self-sacrifice and
impressionability rather than the confidence and self-assertion that is more natural to the Sun. When
self-sacrifice and surrender is a result of weakness and indecision, it could be considered an
undesirable trait or tendency, but it is possible for sacrifice and surrender to here be a conscious and
enlightened expression of spiritual awareness and values.

Moon in Pisces is very sensitive and emotionally impressionable; moods are delicate, subtle and
prone to change and fluctuate. There is a capacity for empathy and a deep caring here, though the
tendency to be so acutely emotionally responsive could lead the person to be easily overwhelmed
by emotions, so that it blurs thinking and potentially results in inappropriate entanglement in the
problems of others. The water element is greatly strengthened because both the Moon and the sign
Pisces belong to it. There is thus no lack of imagination, but perhaps a need to discriminate between
the more and less useful manifestations of sympathy and adaptability.

Mercury in Pisces is certainly not the most meticulous and precise type of intellect. On the
contrary, thinking is here very abstract and influenced by emotion or intuition, and in the worst
cases will become muddled, sloppy and disordered. This position would be more useful to an artist
than a accountant. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, and is here located in a sign opposite one of it's


Venus in Pisces represents a capacity to surrender to and to be flooded with love and devotion.
Venus is Exalted in Pisces, so both the sign Pisces and the planet Venus can express their highest
virtues here. Love is given indiscriminately and unconditionally, and it is not uncommon for love to
be bestowed on someone in need of compassion, since love and sympathetic self-sacrifice are here
intimately connected. The person is a poetic and artistic soul and is easily moved and sentimental.
The kindness and empathy and devotion of this placement can be spiritually elevating and

Mars in Pisces might represent a very subtle manifestation of self-assertion, to the point of being
invisible, but perhaps non-the-less covertly effective. The self-will of Mars may here seek a type of
spiritual direction or sublimation, which may take the form of charitable work or involvement in
religious or mystical activities. Suppressed or hidden anger has a way of leaking out
uncontrollably, perhaps through sudden waves of stormy emotion and a sense of victimization.
Mars in Pisces can be a sneaky strategist, or a uncharacteristically thin-skinned warrior.

Jupiter in Pisces indicates a full capacity for spiritual attunement, devotion, and
compassionate generosity. The person is easily moved to sympathy for people and creatures as an
expression of their intuitive awareness of the unity of all life. This is really a very mystical type of
awareness, even though many who possess it may not be apparently religious or actively curious
about mysticism. In some cases the emotional impressionability and sympathy of this placement can
make people gullible and easily taken advantage of, but this is simply an unfortunate side-effect of
an essentially benign quality. Some people with Jupiter in Pisces will work though churches,
hospital or others welfare organizations through which they can express their desire to serve,
nurture and care for others.

Saturn in Pisces represent a sense of insecurity about one's ability to handle the demands of
living in the material world, so that it may become tempting to give up and hide away from life's
hard realities. This can be a type of persecution complex in that it can make one feel like a helpless
and passive victim of an unsympathetic world. Sometimes Saturn in Pisces will manifest as an
underlying fear of the unknown and otherworldly, and this may lead to a determined search for
clarity on spiritual issues. Parents or other authority figures may be idealized, but may be remote,
inaccessible or disappointing and/or may embody Piscean attributes of spirituality and self-sacrifice.



Planets in the 1 House

Sun in the 1st House normally implies that the person has a proud and regal bearing, and often a
strong and muscular body. The ability to project an authoritative persona makes people with Sun in
the 1 House capable of leadership. However, this capacity for leadership depends substantially on
the strength of the Sun, as indicated by the sign position and aspects to the Sun. A debilitated Sun is
more likely to describe petty irritabilty than regal nobility. Even if a person with Sun in the 1
House does not lead in a bold and impressive manner, there will be an aversion to submissive roles.
If the Sun is reasonably well placed by sign etc., then this placement should promote good health
and vitality. Inasmuch as the Sun is associated with the father, this prominent position of the Sun
may well indicate that the fathers role is particularly significant in the persons life.

Moon in the 1 House indicates that the person could become quite popular and well known
amoungst the general public. They are usually responsive and nurturing towards others, people feel
at home with them, even though there is a tendency amoung people with Moon in the 1 House to
be a little self-absorbed and narcistic. If the Moon is not too influenced by airy or fiery energies (by
sign or aspect), then the face and/or body may well be round, fleshy and water retentive. Moon in
the 1 House enhances sensitivity, imagination and makes a person more moody and emotional than
they would otherwise be. Despite having an innate capacity to engage with the general public,
Moon in the 1 House promotes domesticity. Such a prominent position of the Moon could manifest
as a prominent and perhaps dominant mother figure, and it generally strengthens receptive feminine

Mercury in the 1st House describes a busy and curious mind. The person may well be
talkative, and the quality of this talking may range from idle gossip and chatter, to learned
discourse. Mercury enjoys jokes, and Mercury in the 1 House can make one witty, charming and
dexterous with words. A need for constant stimulation could make these people restless and easily
bored. Someone with Mercury in the 1 House would e a natural student and teacher, and some
people with this placements on their charts will have an aptitude for teaching, lecturing or public
speaking, and their careers may be in some way dependant on their intellectual or commincation
skills. The ability to articulate ones views and opinions eloquently greatly enhances leadership
potential and general career prospects. It is often noted that Mercurys attributes are greatly
influenced by other planets that may aspect it; if Mercurys influence in the 1 House is not
overshadowed by other factors, it may well manifest as a youthful and/or fine-feature physical


Venus in the 1st House implies that the person has a kind and sociable personality, and may
well embody much of the beauty and grace associated with Venus. Some people with Venus in the
1 House will be prone to gaining weight, and this is at least partly due to a sensuous and
potentially self-indulgent nature. Artistic abilities may manifest here and the person may even
pursue a career in some sort of artistic field. This may, for example, take the form of work in the
fashion or home-decoration industries. The knack for courtesy, cheerfulness and social niceties
could enable Venus in the 1 House to function well in a public relations role. Venus is a feminine
planet, and therefor women with Venus in the 1 House embody many desirable archetypal
feminine virtues, such as beauty, affection for others, gentleness and elegance. Men with Venus in
the 1 House will have refined and civilised manners and may even be a little effeminate. It would
be unusual for someone with Venus in the 1 House to lack care and neatness in their manner of
dressing, and most people with Venus in the 1 House will be very fond of clothes and other beauty

Mars in the 1 House indicates a dynamic and possibly competitive personality. There will be
a pronounced streak of independence and self-assertiveness, and these attributes will tend to be
more useful in professional life than personal relationships. The person will tend to be impatient
with, and in more extreme cases somewhat intolerant of others. They like things to happen
instantly, and they can become angry when their goals and desires are thwarted. The bold and
daring impulses that Mars in the 1 House will engender could manifest as impressive feats of
successful bravado and courage, or as the less impressive consequences of recklessness. This would
be a natural placement for a soldier or athlete, though surgeons (with their sharp scalpels) and
lawyers (with their battles) may also be found with such a prominent Mars. A well placed Mars (in
Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn) will obviously be more likely to manifest in a desirable manner,
whereas Mars in Cancer may, for example, manifest as a cowardly type of domestic tyranny.
Mars in the 1 House may heat and even injure the body, and there may be a scar (the residue of a
piercing injury) somewhere on the head, face, and/or that part of the body ruled by the sign Mars

Jupiter in the 1st House, by itself, suggests that the person is righteous and moral. Of course
this does not ensure that the person will be absolutely impeccable, it simply enhances a persons
aspiration to grow in wisdom and virtue. It is not uncommon for people with Jupiter in the 1 House
to become learned, and quite a few become teachers, counsellors and even healers. There is the
potential for real altruism and generosity here. Jupiter is associated with religion and philosophy,
and when Jupiter is so prominent in a chart is brings these issues to the fore. However, it is not
inevitable that the person will have an orthodox take on religion, even though it is very likely that
they will have something of the seeker in them. Jupiter is also associated with travel and faraway
places, and having Jupiter in the 1 House will normally ensure that you will get to see quite a bit of
the world. On a more mundane level Jupiter in the 1 House can enable one to manifest a


comfortable, even opulent, environment and standard of living. Furthermore, inasmuch as the
1 House is associated with the physical body, Jupiter here will promote good health. Jupiter in the
1 House does, however, seem to manifest often as a larger body than most people would want. If
the energies or attributes of Jupiter in the 1 House are very poorly handled it would tend to
manifest as a careless waste of material resources, and a self-righteous and arrogant personality. On
the whole, however, Jupiter in the 1 House is a valuable and protective factor to have in a chart.

Saturn in the 1st House will almost invariably make for a more serious and introspective
personality than would otherwise have been the case. The person is rarely confident in the truest
sense of the term (unless perhaps Saturn is exalted, or otherwise in an exceptionally benign
condition), and there is typically a great deal of caution and shrewdness in the personality, attributes
that could be associated with fear and inhibition. In the most negative and extreme cases the person
may be anxious, insecure, duty-bound and physically malnourished. The physical body is often thin
and emaciated, though this is less likely if the Moon, Venus, Jupiter or the 12 House are prominent
in the chart. When Saturn is fairly strong by sign the person may (eventually) achieve a significant
amount of worldly power and material security, thanks to the innate ability to be disciplined, patient
and careful. Personal relationships may struggle to blossom in the presence of the cold, hard, aloof
and detached personality attributes of Saturn in the 1 House, and for this reason people with such
prominent Saturnine influences in their charts typically experience periods of loneliness. Some
people with Saturn in the 1 House will pursue worldly and material success as a means of selfvalidation (other configurations that greatly enhance the power of Saturn may also manifest in this
way), which is unfortunate, since it can result in an essentially superficial and brittle veneer of
confidence and power built on transient accomplishments. Advanced souls with Saturn in the 1
House will also present serious and deep personalities to the world, but they gain true confidence
and inner strength through their austere and disciplined lives, their renunciation of transient
pleasures, and their selfless performance of duty.

Uranus in the 1 House can mean that the person has an unusual and perhaps unpredictable
personality, and this unusualness may well extend to their actual physical appearance. They may
experiment with their look and thus periodically present a radically different face to the world.
Their actions will often surprise others who thought they had them pegged. People with Uranus in
the 1 House will aspire to be progressive, though the varrious individuals with this placement in
their charts may have very different ideas on what being progressive is all about. An interest in
science, technology and metaphysics is common amoung Uranians, and an interest in astrology is
not improbable. Freedom is important to these people, which can make marriage a little difficult for
them. They crave excitement and a vibrant fast pace in their careers, relationships and daily lives.

Neptune in the 1st House is often the signature of an artist, mystic or drug addict. Sometimes

the three are rolled into one. Somewhat like Moon in the 1 House, Neptune here enhances


imagination and emotional impressionability, though with this prominent Neptunian influence there
is a far greater danger of being led astray or contaminated through ones sponge-like receptivity
to external psychic influences. The person with Neptune in the 1 House typically has poorly
defined and very permeable boundaries, which can make it difficult for them to say no, or to
differentiate between their own thoughts and feelings and those of others. On a physiological level
this may manifest as fragile immunity, possibly manifesting as allergies and regular bodily
infections. When the physical and psychological constitution that Neptune in the 1 House gives is
well handled, it may manifest as genuine psychic abilities and true spiritual or artistic inspiration.
Such a strong Neptune will often enhance ones capacity for empathy, and while the desire to help
others, which can result from this empathy, is potentially a virtue, Neptunian types often lack the
practicality and firmness required to be of assistance to other victims. The tendency to eventually be
disappointed in those who have been helped (or saved) points to the possibility that the motive
was not quite unconditional love and kindness. Neptunian types should carefully scrutinise their
motives before engaging in saving others, or in relinquishing their own responsibility to an
external savior. Pragmatic down-to-earth practicality (of a somewhat Saturnine type- minus the
gravity) tends to be good medicine for those overdosing on Neptunes dreamworld. A balanced
involvement in artistic and spiritual activities is natural and wholesome for people with Neptune in
the 1 House; they need soulful activities in their lives to be fulfilled and whole. They simply
need to keep at least one foot on the ground.

Pluto in the 1st House suggests that there is depth and power in the personality, which may or
may not be obvious to the casual observer. It can invoke a profound quest of self-searching and selfprobing; a type of digging deep for profound identity. When this influence is potent and active,
and when this process of self-searching is fruitful, it will tend to give the person a strong sense of
personal purpose, and this sense of purpose, this personal mission, is probably going to be
somewhat transpersonal in its scope and ramifications. A self-obsessed despot gets little
satisfaction out of having power that isnt wielded over something; an idealistic crusader needs a
social problem to transform with their focused will and intention. Individual power needs a purpose
larger than itself to justify its existence. Pluto in the 1 House raises questions around the use (and
possible abuse) of power. Pluto can be ruthless and destructive, and yet Pluto can bring about
rebirth and renewal. With Pluto in the 1st House there is the potential for the individual to
personally embody and direct a measure of this potent force. Egotistical motives can be dangerous
here (both for the person with Pluto in the 1 House and those they may engage with), whereas
someone motivated by true altruism, and possessing true humility, can become an agent for healing
transformations in the lives of other individuals, and/or social regeneration on a larger scale.

Planets in the 2 House


Sun in the 2 House highlights the role and general importance of money and property in the
persons life. They may identify more than most with their possessions and financial status. Money

may be earned through government work, or other important and official undertakings for
authoritative persons or institutions. Self-assertion or independence may overshadow their nurturing
potential; they may be bossy with those closest to them. Sun in the 2 House could enable one to
speak with impressive and formidable authority and can manifest as a powerful drive to learn and

Moon in the 2nd House could indicate that the person will be quite attached to family life and
has a strong desire and ability to nurture others. They enjoy (soft juicy) food and other domestic
comforts, and frequently gain financial security through their supportive family connections, and/or
the person earns money through dealing with the nurturing needs of the general public, such as food
or child care. There is a natural ability to absorb and retain knowledge, so that Moon in the 2
House will make it easier to benefit from educational activities. The face may well be very round,
and the eyes large and bright.

Mercury in the 2

House is an indication of intelligent and versatile resource and asset

management. The person may earn money through their wits and learning, through their skillful
speech, through books or other information media, and/or through travel and constant mobility.
They value knowledge and have a great ability to learn and provide others with information.
Although they enjoy communicating with others, they are perhaps not exceptionally nurturing or
comfortable with purely emotional demands from people close to them (though of course other
parts of the chart may override this inclination).

Venus in the 2nd House would be an indication of the ability to be affectionately nurturing
towards those close to you, which naturally enhances family life and intimate relationships. Money
and material resources may come fairly easily, possibly through some sort of artistic pursuit or
entertainment related endeavor. Marriage and romantic relationships could significantly affect the
persons financial status. Unless Venus is severely afflicted, the general influence of this placement
should be positive, and will tend to manifest as some degree of material comfort and prosperity.
People with this placement in their charts can speak beautifully, which may in some manifest as
poetical or musical self expression. Venus in the 2 House may well give a well formed face and
beautiful sparkling eyes. Good food and other sensuous pleasures are greatly enjoyed by Venus in
the 2 House people.

Mars in the 2 House may enable one to be dynamicaly assertive and independant in earning
money and winning property and possessions, though this assertive dynamism may be less useful in
the context of family and nurturing relationships. There may be an impatient and excessively bossy
way of dealing with people in ones own household, and at worst this tendency may alienate others.
These somewhat destructive tendencies will naturally be far more likely manifest fully if Mars is
frustrated in its sign position and/or if Mars is afflicted by adverse aspects. Some people with Mars
in the 2 House will have a scar in their faces. There may be a tendency to speak in a fierce and

cutting way, which may be wounding or offensive to others; or, at best, there could be a capacity to
speak in a direct, emphatic and piercing manner that gets straight to the point, which can be a useful
trait in some arenas. In some extreme instances Mars in the 2 House could describe gaining money
or property through wars or weapons, or through other means that could be connected to fire, strife
and contention. Fighting with others over money is a more commonplace manifestation.

Jupiter in the 2nd House can manifest as wealth and material abundance, as well as happy and
nurturing family life. There is a natural ability and inclination to support, care for and counsel those
in ones own household, and to deal with them in a spirit of integrity. The person values knowledge,
wisdom and culture, and may receive a good education. The person may gain financially from
travel and/or cultural activities (such as education), and through the conducting their financial
affairs in a highly moral, honest and generous way. There is faith in the providence of the
Universe or God; whatever you choose to call it. The person eats wholesome, though possibly
expensive and rich foods.

Saturn in the 2 House is inclined to fear lack, and people with this placement in their charts
often feel poor or anxious about money and property, despite the fact that they may have more than
enough. Of course fear of lack may well invite real shortages, so it is not improbable to experience
periodic financial crisis here. Probably the most important issue here is not to be too anxious about
financial matters, since wealth and poverty are always relative perceptions, and real wealth is
ultimately the sensation (however deluded) of confidence and faith in providence, not a particular
amount of money. People with Saturn in the 2 House often experience extremes of wealth and
povert in their lives. Money may well be earned through Saturnine pursuits such as mining,
agriculture or construction. It is also possible that the person may eventually achieve financial
security through careful and thrifty resource management. Inasmuch as the 2 House may be
associated with family life, Saturn here could describe a lack of warmth and spontaneously
demonstrated affection within the household, and there may be a relatively disproportionate
emphasis on duties (of course one here needs to bear in mind that other facets of the chart may
modify this tendency- a Moon/Venus or Moon/Jupiter Conjunction, for example, could easily
obscure these indications and make the person vary caring and nurturing). The person will
sometimes have an aged, anxious or stern looking face, and they may speak with gravity, and in
extreme cases, cynically.

Uranus in the 2nd House could mean that the person has, or will acquire, unique and unusual
possessions, and from a slightly different perspective it could be said that they value excitement and
freedom. They may make money through pioneering and innovative ideas (technology,
metaphysics), though by itself this placement of Uranus is unlikely to make a person excessively
materialistic. If possessions promote or facilitate an experience of freedom and fresh, liberating a
realizations, then they will be valued, but there will be an aversion to having possessions and


property that entail rigid and tedious responsibilities. If we accept the Vedic astrology view that the
2 House relates to family life (or the household), Uranus in the 2 House would imply an
unorthodox and even somewhat experimental approach to family life, which may take the form of a
very free (or perhaps seemingly chaotic) household; others may be nurtured through encouraging
their freedom and uniqueness.

Neptune in the 2nd House could make one careless or impractically idealistic in money matters
and in the use and management of resources. Of course idealism in ones approach to property and
financial matters will not inevitably be impractical and foolish, though by itself Neptune here is
unlikely to enhance clear-headed and rational financial decisions. Where the person is otherwise
practical and level-headed, Neptune in the 2 House might make for an unusually intuitive knack
for making and managing money or property. There may be some spiritual, mystical or
otherworldly ideas influencing the persons attitude to material resources, which may or may not be
enlightened. In an ideal scenario this could manifest as charitable acts and an unselfish use of ones
property for the benefit of others. Wishful thinking or living denial about the realities of ones
financial situation are the chief dangers. Risky financial speculation will almost invariably spell
disaster and disappointment. People with Neptune in the 2 House could be a little gullible and
easily lured into investing in scams, or perhaps their own unrealistic projects will cost them dearly.
In relatively extreme cases Neptune in the 2 House could lead people to make money in deceptive
or morally questionable ways, such as drug dealing, for example. There may be a very mysterious,
spiritual and/or cloudy and confusing atmosphere in the household; and this may take the form of
secrets that undermine clarity and honesty of communication within the family. Careless,
impractical (or worse, intoxicating) dietary habits are obviously undesirable.

Pluto in the 2


House can be financially empowering, if the person has a strong sense of

purpose that directly or indirectly earns them money or property. Resourcefulness is enhanced by
Pluto in the 2 House, which may under certain circumstances lessen the persons dependence on
actual money. This placement can present the question of how willing or able one is to view ones
personal resources as part of a larger impersonal pool of collective resources. If there is a
sufficiently transpersonal focus in the persons attitudes to money and property, this placement can
powerfully attract abundance and control over vast amounts of money or property. In a worst case
scenario Pluto in the 2nd House may manifest as manipulation and coercion in an effort to gain
money or property, with oneself as either victim or perpetrator in this respect. Keeping the greater
good in mind in the context of ones personal financial affairs is good advice for all people, but is
especially relevant to making the most of Pluto in the 2 House. Material lack or financially related
social problems may be traceable to some type of resource abuse, which normally means personal
acquisitiveness at the expense of the group or society at large.



Planets in the 3 House

Sun in the 3rd House is an indication of courage and daring in day-to-day matters, and there
may be a restless craving for excitement and adventure. The person is likely to be something of a
busy-body, always energetically on the move and regularly changing their plans and projects.
Although they are very communicative, people with Sun in the 3 House arent always very patient
listeners; they prefer to be heard, and this may be perceived as insensitivity and self-absorption by
others. They may shine and distinguish themselves in artistic endeavors; theyre clever and
versatile. Some of their friends and associates will be regal and bossy, and there may at times be
ego-clashes with friends and neighours. The next born sibling is likely to embody some of the
pride and dignity that the Sun can represent.

Moon in the 3


House implies that the person has a lively mind and is an energetic and

imaginative communicator. Domestic and family life might not be perfectly serene and stable, and
there may be a tendency to move house often. This is at least partly due to an innate restlessness and
craving for change and excitement. There person may have some artistic ability and/or is capable of
dramatizing their feelings and ideas. There could be a strong bond with siblings (particularly the
next-born sibling), and a sibling could be relatively popular and well known. Having a younger
sister would be a natural manifestation of this position of the Moon.

Mercury in the 3rd House would describe an aptitude for communication, and a tendency to
engage in lots of it on a day-to-day basis. The person tends to meet and befriend clever or
intellectual people and is curious about everything going on around them. They are likely to scurry
around on little errands all the time and are very inclined to engage in conversation. There is an
enjoyment of learning, and the person may study a variety of subjects; not always with great
thoroughness and determination, but in a way that contributes to their general knowledge or gives
them specific skills. The person may have a fine featured, clever or intellectual sibling (more
specifically the next born sibling).

Venus in the 3 House promotes harmonious friendships and neighbourly relationships, and it
is quite probable that the person will befriend artistic, elegant and/or sensuous and sexy people.
The person may well have a (probably younger) sister, or, if the sibling is male, he will embody
many of the graceful feminine attributes of Venus. Artistic abilities may be found here; the person
can communicate and express him/herself in charming, attractive and beautiful ways. The Venusian
themes of ease and enjoyment might here be associated with short journeys and daily errands,
suggesting that the person derives great pleasure from travel, day-to-day excursions and
neighbourly interactions.

Mars in the 3rd House implies great dynamism, courage and vitality. The person is highly

energetic and motivated in their day-to-day activities and communications. They pursue their
immediate goals and objectives with zeal and assertiveness, which naturally enables them to fulfill
day-to-day goals, and potentially makes them effective in an emergency. However, there may also
be a tendency to be impatient with others and this may demonstrate as a somewhat abrupt manner in
communications that arent of direct and immediate interest to the person with Mars in the 3
House. This placement of Mars can manifest as episodes of contention with friends, neighbours and
day-to-day associates, and it is quite probable that the person will have some fiercely assertive and
independent friends and neighbours. These Martian attributes may also be discernible in a sibling,
most likely the next-born sibling, who is either male or an exceptionally forceful female.

Jupiter in the 3rd House would be described by many western astrologers as a placement in

which Jupiter is in accidental detriment, since Jupiter is very much at home in the opposite 9
House. Jupiter does indeed represent a more expansive and corpulent energy than the 3 House
itself, so that one might see Jupiter a little cramped here. In concrete terms this can manifest as a
tendency to be a little too mentally analytical about religion and philosophy, which can diminish the
more intuitive and devotional dimensions of Jupiters energy. Even so, Jupiter in the 3 House is
bound to encourage one to do a lot, to see a lot, to learn and express a lot; the person is likely to
travel more than most people, enjoying and deriving great benefit from day-to-day outings, as well
as longer journeys. The person optimistically enjoys their day-to-day activities and interactions with
others. Good education is implied here, and the person particularly enjoys engaging with people
who possess real wisdom and culture, or who have travelled and experienced much. The person
may have a sibling (most likely the next born sibling) who embodies the noble, moral and
philosophical qualities of Jupiter; and this sibling should be reasonably successful in the world and
may travel and become learned. Jupiter in the 3 House enhances friendships and the ability to
establish and maintain beneficial personal relationships.

Saturn in the 3


House could describe a tendency to withdraw from neighbourly

communication with others, and/or it may occur that an overly cold and critical attitude toward
friends, relatives or associates leads to a cooling and even severing of relations. Day-to-day errands
may be approached with a sense of tedium and a lethargic lack of enthusiasm; the courage and
dynamism Vedic astrology associates with the 3 House is inhibited and would have to be provided
or indicated by others factors in the chart (such as a strong Mars for example). There is here less
than usual probability of having many siblings (particularly not younger siblings), and if the person
does have (younger) siblings their relationship may not be very warm, and/or this younger sibling
will be a rather austere, (and in extreme cases) fearful and unhappy person.

Uranus in the 3rd House indicates great intellectual curiosity, especially about scientific,
technical or metaphysical subjects. The person enjoys adventures and impulsively undertaken
journeys. Day-to-day excursions, journeys and interactions with others often bring surprises (which


may or may not be pleasant and sought for), and there is a tendency to attract unique and exciting
people as friends or neighbours. The person may similarly have a sibling who embodies the
pioneering and individualistic attributes of Uranus.

Neptune in the 3rd House could result in misunderstandings with siblings, friends or
neighbours, at least partly due to a tendency to be vague in communication and to misinterpret
others. There may be a tendency to idealize (and/or become disappointed in) friends, neighbours or
siblings who may embody either the artistic, spiritual and compassionate, or vulnerable and
victimized attributes of Neptune. The person with Neptune in the 3 House may encounter
mysterious forces and people on their day-to-day journeys and excursions. They will be fascinated
by otherworldly and mystical ideas, and may have a mental aptitude for understanding these, but
there will be less ability or inclination to focus mentally on mundane and practical affairs that
require clear headed and logical thinking. This dreamy mind may not be useful in early education,
unless perhaps this education caters to the imagination and artistic potentials of the learner.

Pluto in the 3

House suggests regular day-to-day enounters and interactions with

"underworld" figures, such as cops and robbers, CIA agents and perhaps committed social activists
(like terrorists, to cite an extreme example); generally intense and powerful people. Day-to-day
communications can become "loaded" and even threatening sometimes, since the desire to control
and manipulate is so intimately entwined with routine interaction with others. Regular everyday
activities are approached with depth, focus, determination and concentration, which can make one
very skillful in getting desired results. However, people with Pluto in the 3 House should consider
that their style of communication can be experienced as intimidating by others, even when the Pluto
in the 3 House person doesn't mean any harm. Their manner of expressing their ideas may simply
be too forceful for more timid communicators to handle. Inasmuch as the 3 House may be
associated with education, Pluto here can make for deep absorption in a subject, all the more if the
subject is inherently associated with secrets and hidden things. Such subjects can range from
geology to psychology.

Planets in the 4 House

Sun in the 4th House may mean that the person has a rather introverted and sensitive father and
a relatively strong and domineering mother. It may not be obvious to others at first glance, but there
is inwardly a proud, dignified and authoritative streak. This may emerge more in the person's
domestic and family life than in their public life. There is a private streak that makes the person
view the privacy and protection of domestic life as especially valuable. People with Sun in the 4
House may well aspire to create a home they can be proud of, since they identify very much with
their private world and emotions, which the home, in a sense, symbolizes.


Moon in the 4th House is a very strong and natural place for the Moon to occupy since the

Moon and the 4 House share many fundamental associations, such as emotions, the home, family
and mother in particular. Even when other factors in the chart (such as key planets in the 10
House, for example) indicate a strong focus on professional life, Moon in the 4 House will make
for a person who has a strong connection to domesticity from which they draw vital support and
nourishment. There is depth and richness to the emotional life that not only makes Moon in the 4
House people capable of nurturing and caring for others, but they will also tend to possess strong
instincts and intuition. Of course the state of the Moon (whether or not strong by sign, and
depending on the influences of aspecting planets) will indicate whether this emotional sensitivity is
an asset or liability; whether it is going to manifest as excessive sensitivity, paranoia or fearfulness,
or the more ideal type of intuitiveness alluded to above. There is here a strong need to belong, to
feel safe and protected, and this can be a more or less dominant motivation in the personality, and a
major reason for the emphasis placed on the home, family, domesticity and roots.

Mercury in the 4 House indicates that there are strong intellectual influences in the family
and this is at least part of the reason the person with this placement is able to get a good education
(presuming Mercury is strong and there aren't other factors overshadowing this one). There is a
lively mind and active intellectual curiosity, a fact that may not be obvious at first glance since there
may well be a cautiousness or reticence in communication. Mercury in the 4 House could make for
a lively and stimulating home life with lots of conversation, study and mental activity in the
domestic sphere. In some cases this placement can contribute to a tendency to move regularly, or to
experience a lot of flux, variety and change in the home, which may or may not be appreciated.
Mercury in the 4 House may also take the form of an intellectual fascination with the past, one's
roots, personal or family history, or history in general. The person may be mentally absorbed in
trying to understand and describe and articulate their private, inner, emotional impressions.

Venus in the 4th House describes a beautiful, comfortable and nicely decorated home. Even if
it isn't obvious to everyone the person possesses a privately romantic, loving and affectionate streak
that will be very beneficial to domestic relationships, such as marriage and child . The mother (or
father) may be very attractive, good looking and/or bubbly and cheerful, and this position of Venus
will improve relationships with parents (unless there are strong indications to the contrary from
others factors). Venus in the 4 House is very hospitable and able to make the home a very
enjoyable place to be. People with Venus in the 4 House may well enjoy throwing dinner parties
and will enjoy a domesticated type of romantic life in which they spend lots of time at home with
their partners, cooking and cuddling and cooing like doves.

Mars in the 4 House can be an indication of turbulence and fighting in the home. One or both
of the parents may be perceived as aggressive, or perhaps simply dynamic and vigorously energetic.
The person with Mars in the 4 House may lack patience with and perhaps even (in more extreme

cases) alienation from family members, and may not be very domesticated, preferring to get
outdoors and perhaps tending to get edgy when cooped up at home too long. There is an inwardly
impetuous and irritable streak to the person that may not be obvious to the casual observer. This
quality is likely to be more useful in the professional realm than in more intimate personal
relationships. It is not improbable that someone with Mars in the 4 House will experience sudden,
explosive and dramatic incidents in their homes, such as fires and accidents, for example. Perhaps
these incidents could be viewed as a manifestation or reflection of the volatile emotions represented
by Mars in the 4 House.

Jupiter in the 4th House would typically describe a spacious and opulent home and rich and
rewarding family relationships. A supportive home and family is very useful in the context of one's
professional life since it can provide the type of foundation that makes public achievements more
possible. The mother (or perhaps father) will tend to be religious, philosophical, moral and
somewhat dignified. Although it may not be obvious to the casual observer the person with Jupiter
in the 4 House is inwardly and privately righteous, idealistic, generous, noble, educated and
cultured. People with Jupiter in the 4 House will tend to be fortunate with land and real estate.
They will have a strong intuitive sense of the abundant potentials of enlightened use of land and real
estate. Jupiter in the 4 House could describe a private emotional world in which there is great
piety, faith and integrity, which are emotions that are ultimately conducive to inner peace and

Saturn in the 4 House may manifest as a sense of loneliness and isolation. There may be
some sort of loss or alienation from parents or family that weakens the person's self-esteem and
inner emotional security, even though the person may appear strong and even emotionally detached
and aloof as a compensatory measure. It may not be obvious to the casual observer but the person is
inwardly serious and austere and may become overly responsible and emotionally inhibited. The
person's physical home may be cold, dark and lacking a warm personal touch; and/or there are
problems with the home in the form of structural damage, worrying payments, burdensome duties
to care for others, or other factors that result in anxiety and drudgery in the realm of the home and
family life. In relatively extreme cases Saturn in the 4 House can lead to a mistrust of emotional
intimacy and difficulty giving and receiving nurturing.

Uranus in the 4th House implies that the person is inwardly unusual or eccentric (perhaps in
the most enlightened, brilliant and progressive sense of the term), and this may be reflected in the
unusual, unsettled, erratic or eccentric qualities of either or both of the person's parents. The person
values freedom and will probably experience a sense of exhilarating liberation when breaking with
their past, their family, or their roots in some manner. This is nothing typically domesticated about
this placement of Uranus and their may be some rather sudden and abrupt changes in their domestic
lives! A person with Uranus in the 4 House may be quite inclined, or at least willing, to


experiment with what most people would consider off-beat domestic arrangements, and this reflects
the fact that these people have unorthodox instincts and inclinations; they can get more emotional
fulfillment from radical change and surprises than the relatively boring predictability that most
people cherish in their personal and domestic circumstances.

Neptune in the 4th House can indicate that a person is inwardly more spiritual, emotionally
sensitive, shy, sympathetic, imaginative and vulnerable than the casual observer would guess. There
may be a distinct tendency to see the home as a safe haven to which one can escape from the harsh
daily grind. While this can lead some people with Neptune in the 4 House to work hard to create
and maintain their vision of domestic utopia, this idealized domesticity can also result in acute
disappointment when domestic and family problems arise (as sometimes the must), perhaps even to
the extent that it can severely overwhelm and discourage the person. The person's inner emotional
and psychological foundation is rather fragile and easily crumbles under pressure. In extreme cases
this may contribute to depression and/or some form of self-medication and destructive escapism
which would simply tend to further erode and weaken their inner confidence. The person may well
have a parent that embodies the fragility and vulnerability of Neptune, and here too the person with
Neptune in the 4 House may alternately idealize and be disappointed in this parent who, in sense,
reflects their fragile and vulnerable inner idealism. Somewhat like Moon in the 4 House, Neptune
here can enhance a person's psychic ability and intuition.

Pluto in the 4 House can be quite territorial and power-conscious in terms of domestic and
family life. There may be a power struggle of some kind with a parent figure who will seem to
embody qualities of ruthlessness and domineering forcefulness (in many cases it won't be quite so
severe). Similar power struggles can occur with other family members also, such as with the
person's spouse, perhaps. This type of dynamic may at some point result in a cathartic purging on a
psychological and/or a more physical or circumstantial level; broken domestic relationships may be
the end result, but deep healing and psychological renewal are equally possible here. There is the
potential for a rather primal type of emotional intensity with Pluto in the 4 House, and this can be
either a profound source of inner strength and determination, or, at worst, it can result in obsessive
emotional reactions that can alienate others and lead to unnecessary and destructive power games;
particularly in the domestic sphere. Finding a way to positively connect with a home, or perhaps a
community, where one can be deeply involved and where one can get a full and deep sense of
belonging, will bring out the best potential of this position. This positive potential would be
expressed as a capacity to really connect with one's deepest and most primal emotions without fear,
and this type of deep and profound emotional experience can eventually become an inner sense of
purpose that lends power and conviction and focus to outer activities. The negative manifestations
of Pluto in the 4 House can be due to a fear of losing control and are essentially compulsive
defensive reactions. Plumbing problems seem to be a common occurrence when Pluto influences
significators of the home, and this seems to reflect the primal emotional stuff that Pluto can
evoke, which can be a little smelly, but bursting with primal fertility. Other types of structural

transformation of a physical home would also reflect the inner renovations that Pluto in the 4
House will tend to require of us.



Planets in the 5 House

Sun in the 5th House is apparently a strong place for the Sun to be located since the Sun and the

5 House share a number of basic associations, such as what we could roughly describe as ego
and creative vitality. These are thus strong and prominent themes in the life of someone with Sun
in the 5 House of their natal chart; they're individualistic, confident and proud, and also often
creative, intelligent, spontaneous and playful. They believe in themselves, and naturally this makes
them that much more likely to try things and succeed impressively. Many Sun in the 5 House
individuals will be entrepreneurs since they're enthusiastic and optimistic about their own projects.
Inasmuch as the 5 House relates to children, Sun in the 5 House may indicate a bold, proud and
authoritative child (assuming the Sun is not severely debilitated by sign or aspect), and even if the
person with Sun in the 5 House is not exceptionally nurturing, they may attach considerable
importance to their child/ren as reflections of themselves.

Moon in the 5 House indicates emotional vivaciousness and a caring and affectionate nature.

It is quite unusual for people with Moon in the 5 House not to have any children, and more often
than not (though not invariably) they will tend to have daughters. Their children may be bright and
popular or special in some way, and may possess Lunar attributes such as imagination and a desire
to protect and nurture. People with Moon in the 5 House typically enjoy children and become
strongly attached to their offspring. This position of the Moon confers intelligence and often
creative gifts. There is a sincere and warm-hearted romantic streak here that will be beneficial to
marriage and romantic relationships.

Mercury in the 5th House implies above average intelligence, and very possibly even
intellectual giftedness. The person enjoys jokes, repartee and mental games, possesses a ready wit
and perhaps even literary talent. Although this placement of Mercury gives such abundant
intellectual ability, by itself it wouldn't indicate the type of rigorous discipline required for
painstaking mental work; there is a natural preference for more creative and spontaneous use of
intellect (though a Mercury/Saturn aspect may provide such discipline, for example).
Communication is generally very sincere, and even charming. The person with Mercury in the 5
House may have twins and/or children who are fine featured, clever, nimble and communicative.

Venus in the 5 House describes a playful romantic streak and an enjoyment of parties and
other light and pleasant social events. This position by itself may not be enough to guarantee great
artistic achievements, but it will certainly support any other indications of artistic ability elsewhere
in the chart. Creativity comes easily and naturally to these people, as does romance and courtship.
Venus in the 5 House is very likely to promote happy and loving experiences with children and

would very possibly manifest as having children that are very beautiful and buoyant, and a little
more likely to be girls than boys (though it may happen that boys born to a Venus in the 5 House
person will be Venusian in some way; gentle, artistic and refined).

Mars in the 5th House is an indication that the person is very passionate, and this is especially
likely to show in their approach to love and romance. They are likely to be somewhat impulsive in
this area and may over-hastily enter into new love affairs, and, it is furthermore probably that such
love-affairs will be stormy. This feisty and impetuous self-expression that comes with this position
of Mars would be useful to people involved in sports, athletics, the military, or any other field of
activity where assertiveness, dynamism and competitiveness are required. Creative people with
Mars in the 5 House will work with impressive vigor and enthusiasm, though they may, perhaps,
lack patience in the creative activity (unless there's a strong and constructive Saturn in the picture).
Inasmuch as the 5 House relates to children, the masculinity of Mars would tend to describe boys
rather than girls, though where the (first) child is a girl she may well have a prominent Mars and/or
embody Mars attributes. Mars in the 5 House may manifest as fighting with children and/or
difficult and problematic children. A strong and harmonious Mars in the 5 House may indicate
that the person as a child that embodies Martian virtues (courage, independence) and/or pursues a
Martian career (soldier, athlete, etc.). The 5 House is often associated with the heart and more
generally the upper abdomen, and Mars in this House may manifest as an accident or some sort of
acute condition affecting this part of the body.

Jupiter in the 5 House would make for a fun loving, and, potentially, a very creative person.
There is a capacity for full and fulfilling self-expression since the person is not inclined to hide their
light under the bushel. Teaching and counseling would come naturally, since these people enjoy
cultivating and sharing knowledge and wisdom. The 5 House is sometimes associated with
speculation, and in this context Jupiter in the 5 House can indicate abundant success in speculative
business enterprises, unless the expansiveness of Jupiter leads to foolish over-optimism.
Relationships and interaction with children will be very positive and beneficial, and the person will
probably have a fortunate, noble, philosophical and morally conscious child of whom they'll be

Saturn in the 5th House implies some amount of insecurity or inhibition in a person's selfexpression and creativity. The person is very mentally serious, and while this may contribute to
logical thinking, there is perhaps a lack of fun and spontaneity. This can result in an overly careful
manner of engaging in creative activity, and, inasmuch as the 5 House relates to love and romance,
there is probably going to be a degree of inhibition in this area also. Either the person struggles to
give their whole heart, or they are rejected and treated coldly by their lover (or both). There may be
a self-esteem problem at the root of these tendencies to hold-back on self-expression, creativity and
love. This carefulness can take the form of a very general aversion to taking risks, which may keep


one safe in life, but also blocks the grand spontaneous breakthroughs that favor the bold. Inasmuch
as the 5 House describes our children, Saturn in the 5 House tends to either deny children, or
indicates that the person will have relatively few children, and/or children may come later in life,
and/or there may be separation from children, and/or a child may embody Saturnine attributes, such
as seriousness and austerity. The Saturnine virtues of earthy practicality, patience and detachment
may come very naturally to the Saturn in the 5 House person.

Uranus in the 5th House could represent truly unique and experimental forms of creative selfexpression, as well as relatively free and liberal attitudes towards (and ways of engaging in) love
and romance. Although Uranus in the 5 House may break conventional rules in love, romance and
courtship, they are not necessarily immoral, since they may sincerely adhere to a code of ethics that
is simply less superficial and formal than that followed my most people. It is even arguably true that
this potentially shocking unorthodoxy in love is more authentic an honest than what is expressed
by people with less volatile and lively hearts. These people will tend to have brilliant and
progressive ideas, though they may or may not have the patience and practicality required to give
form to these. Inasmuch as the 5 House represents recreation and amusements those with Uranus
here may well have very unusual tastes and will enjoy trying out new and thrilling activities;
Uranus is often associated with technology, so hi-tech amusements of some kind could be a
manifestation of Uranus in the 5 House. The person may have a child who is in some manner
unusual, though this unusualness can take many possible forms; from physical peculiarities to
waywardness in temperament. There is the possibility that someone with Uranus in the 5 House
will have a brilliant child, a little genius of some sort, and/or the child will be rebellious, eccentric
and very independent.

Neptune in the 5 House could take the form of heartfelt religious and spiritual devotion,
and/or a very idealistic approach to romantic love. The person may find it fun to work for others
in a self-sacrificing way; there is here a natural and spontaneous ability to transcend oneself, to
yield and surrender to a greater power, and doing so can, somewhat paradoxically, be experienced
as a type of fulfillment of one's individuality and creative potential. The romantic idealism referred
to above may in some cases make for a rather indiscriminate entry into romantic liaisons, perhaps
moved and motivated by compassion or spiritual love. There is some danger of disillusionment is
such Neptunian romances since the dreamy way they're approached is rarely very realistic and
tends to struggle with the facts as they are. It is very conceivable that Neptune in the 5 House
could manifest as rich artistic imagination and/or very ethereal and otherworldly forms of creativity,
and this may well be one of the best ways to engage the energies of this placement. Inasmuch as the
5 House relates to children Neptune in the 5 House may represent a child that is weak and
vulnerable in some way, so that compassion may be a key factor in the relationship with such a
child, but it may be that a child may simply be very spiritual and imaginative and may have a type
of illusive and subtle mystery about their personality.


Pluto in the 5th House may imply very intense and even obsessive emotions in romantic
relationships in which possessiveness manipulation and coercion may somehow feature. The person
may not find much fun in light-hearted and frivolous activities, but would, rather, enjoy activities
that are deeply purposeful and that require great concentration and intense involvement. The person
may take their creative self-expression very seriously, and in some cases may even view it as a
means of bringing about social transformation of some kind. There is here a potent sense of
individual power which may well seek a meaningful transpersonal social purpose through which to
fulfill and express itself. Inasmuch as the 5 House relates to children Pluto in the 5 House can
indicate that a child (particularly the first child) will embody Plutonian characteristics, which
implies that the child may also have a very strong sense of personal power and destiny. In some
cases the person with Pluto in the 5 House may even get locked into a type of power-struggle with
a child, and will certainly find that their experiences through children are profound and anything but
casual and superficial.

Planets in the 6 House


Sun in the 6 House serves to generally highlight the importance of 6th House themes such as
work, service and health issues. This placement by itself just brings these areas into focus but does
not in itself indicate whether the person's experiences in these areas will be pleasant and successful
or not. The person may find that they get a strong sense of personal power and fulfillment through
being efficient at what they do, consequently their work is very important to them. Sometimes
getting along with co-workers may be a bit of an issue since people with Sun in the 6 House will
tend to be quite assertive in the workplace, and it is not unlikely that this will be reflected in them
attracting co-workers who are proud and regal and not willingly dominated. Sun in the 6 House
does not by itself weaken health, in fact it can indicate good health through mindfulness of diet and
hygiene, but inasmuch as the Sun is often associated with the heart there may be some delicacy in
that organ. Also, inasmuch as the father is associated with the Sun there may be a perception of the
father as efficient, hard-working and/or liable to sensitive health.

Moon in the 6th House makes people very precise and efficient, but not perfectly easy going on

an emotional level. In fact people with Moon in the 6 House tend to be highly strung and therefor
tense and irritable at times. Being highly efficient and analytical tends to make people easily upset
when things are out of place, though being efficient is in itself quite a gift and blessing and can
enable people with Moon in the 6 House to be of service to others. Although Moon in the 6
House does not by itself make a person liable to suffer much ill health, the person's constitution
may well be sensitive, and this could lead to a greater interest in and knowledge about health
matters than would otherwise have been the case. Many healers and therapists have Moon in the 6
House. Inasmuch as the 6 House is associated with jobs and employment, Moon in the 6 House
often manifests as work that involves intimate interaction with the public, catering to basic needs,
and caring for and nurturing others in some way. Work in restaurants is one classic example, though


this principle can take other forms too. The 6 House is associated with illness, and in this context
Moon in the 6 House may indicate problems affecting the stomach, digestion, breasts, the womb or
other organs of motherhood in women. Women may also have difficulties with menstruation. There
may also be a particularly strong emotional link to physical problems.

Mercury in the 6th House will certainly tend to sharpen a person's analytical faculties, but the
person may in turn become somewhat too critical and nit-picking, especially in the context of their
work. Work or employment involving lots of communication, intellectual activity and attention to
detail would fit the bill here. There is some possibility of the nervous system taking strain, and it is
not uncommon for people with Mercury in the 6 House to injure their hands and fingers.

Venus in the 6 House may well take the form of easy and pleasant jobs and may describe a
general capacity to enjoy one's work and get along well with co-workers (in fact many people with
Venus in the 6 House have romantic relationships with co-workers). The person may work in a
leisure related field in which light-hearted sociability and/or aesthetic or artistic tastes are
significant somehow. Although Venus in the 6 House would generally make for good health, there
will be a liability to suffer from illness that can be related to excesses of pleasurable activities, such
as too much eating or drinking. Problems with kidneys, bladder or sexual organs may occur.

Mars in the 6th House describes a person who works with great vigor and dynamism and may
thus be capable of getting a lot done quickly. Work involving cutting (sculpting or surgery for
example) and intense physical effort would be appropriate, though less physical types of work
requiring self-assertion and forcefulness of character would also fit. There may be disputes with
servants or co-workers and there is generally a lack of patience with others in the workplace. This
position of Mars is arguably better suited for self-employment than subservient roles or situations
where one has to adapt to the possibly radically different working pace and methods of others. The
person may suffer accidents through being too hasty and impulsive, or perhaps as a precipitation of
pent up anger.

Jupiter in the 6 House generally indicates very good health and the ability to access good
treatment when ill health does strike. Health problems are often a consequence of overindulgence
and rich living; the liver may be sensitive. People with Jupiter in the 6 House are typically lucky
when it comes to work and employment. They tend to get well paid jobs in easy going and affluent
settings, and they often enjoy very positive relationships with co-workers and servants. They have a
very noble work ethic and this positive attitude towards work and service makes them sought
after as employees or employers. Work that is in some way related to teaching, healing, religion,
counseling or advising, or legal matters would fit the symbolism of Jupiter in the 6 House.


Saturn in the 6th House is an indication of tedious work that is somewhat reluctantly
undertaken. The person may accept undesirable employment due to a perception of work as a scarce
commodity that is to be taken seriously. The person may feel burdened by their daily duties and as a
result may do their work poorly or resentfully. There is, however, the capacity for very careful and
painstaking effort here; the strength of Saturn by sign and aspect may indicate whether the person is
more likely to manifest the potential for apathetic negligence, or strict and disciplined carefulness in
their work. Although Saturn in the 6 House does not in itself necessarily mean that a person will
suffer much ill health, Saturnine complaints tend to be chronic, and may very specifically affect the
skin, bones, legs, teeth etc.; though there may also be a general susceptibility to worry and anxiety,
and naturally such states have a generally devitalizing effect. Relationships with co-workers are
rarely excellent, and tend to be somewhat formal and respectful at best (though of course there is
the rest of the chart to consider, starting with other factors affecting the 6 House directly).

Uranus in the 6 House would resist conventional working arrangements. Any type of work or
employment that is a little unorthodox, experimental, unpredictable, hectically busy and even erratic
in terms of methods or working hours would be far more appropriate than a traditional office job in
which there is little excitement and stimulation, and little or no scope for innovation. When in an
inappropriate type of job the person with Uranus in the 6 House may become disruptive and
rebellious, and may be quite abruptly expelled, or else they may abruptly leave. Abruptness will
tend to feature prominently in their working lives. Work in technological or other ultra-modern and
progressive fields would be suitable. Uranus in the 6 House can translate as innovative
efficiency, and in this regard this placement can be very constructive; it's just that innovation
requires the freedom to experiment with some apparently crazy approaches. Co-workers may
embody the brilliant and surprising attributes of Uranus, and this may be either shocking or
pleasantly and refreshingly unusual to the person with Uranus in their 6 House. In terms of health
issues this placement may manifest as strange ailments that develop (and perhaps disappear) with
startling suddenness. Nerves may be delicate, and excitability may contribute to ill health. These
people may employ and benefit from radical and unorthodox or alternative methods of health

Neptune in the 6th House is a rather peculiar and almost incongruent combination of symbols

since Neptune is so distinctly hazy and the 6 House so concerned with precision. The person may
be liable to episodes of extreme emotionalism and a sense of victimization in their working life;
they may feel taken advantage of and depleted of energy, although it is as likely that they will at
times experience a sense of euphoria about there work and may similarly idealize their co-workers,
only to be periodically disappointed. In short, they are very emotionally impressionable in all
matters pertaining to work and employment; either going into complete denial about real problems
or exaggerating the enormity and complexity of the issues affecting their work and working
relationships. Likewise health issues may be dealt with in impractical and unrealistic ways; there


may be denial of real problems and much imagining of unreal ones, or perhaps a disproportionate
concern over some relatively minor health issue. Spiritual healing may be attractive to people with
Neptune here, and while this may be a very appropriate path of work and service, or personal
therapy, it must be balanced with practical common sense in health matters. Dietary habits may be
somewhat inconsistent; perhaps extremely particular in certain respects, and then almost
dangerously indiscriminate in others. Allergies and hypersensitive reactions to foods and medicines
are a common manifestations of Neptune in the context of health problems, and chronic drug or
alcohol abuse may be directly linked to illness and inefficiency.

Pluto in the 6th House might take the form of an intense and focused approach to work and
service, though there is perhaps some liability to go to extremes, which may take the form of an
inflexible and fanatical way of working which can make projects requiring teamwork difficult. On
the positive side this intensity can make for someone who works with tremendous commitment and
dedication, which can potentially yield extraordinary results. The person may work in a field that
relates to Pluto, which may be an underworld job of some kind, perhaps something secret or
something probing, like research, psychology or geology. In terms of health as a key 6 House
theme, Pluto here may at times manifest as fairly serious health changes. The body may undergo
extreme transformation and purging processes which may result in improved health in the long run,
though it is important with this placement not to go to extremes in following a particular health
regime, especially if it is potentially taxing and strenuous on the body (which is probably the type
of regime a Pluto in the 6 House person will prefer!). Extremism or fanaticism in health matters
can have the opposite of the desired effect. On the other hand, Pluto in the 6 House may require of
some individuals to adapt or die; to engage in radical lifestyle changes for the sake of health,
which of course many people will resist, or suffer drastically.


Planets in the 7 House


Sun in the 7

House describes a person who forms intimate personal relationships with

powerful, dignified and authoritative people; however, these qualities of authoritativeness and
dignity may also be very evident in the personality of the person in whose chart the Sun occupies
the 7 House. There may in fact be a tendency here to end up in what we could call ego battles
with one's partners or close friends, in which both parties are trying to be the boss. There is
generally a strong focus on partnership due to a strong awareness of the rich potential for selffulfillment through the right type of collaboration. The person takes his/her relationships seriously,
though these may not be especially nurturing partnerships.

Moon in the 7th House makes for a real romantic, someone who easily falls in love and can
become very emotionally attached to and even dependent on their partners. Unless there are other


severely problematic factors affecting the realm of love and marriage Moon in the 7 House will
enable a person to be fairly happy in their relationships, and their relationships tend to be very
emotionally rich, nurturing and sentimental. It is not improbable that the person with Moon in the
7 House will be drawn to famous or brilliant people as partners or close friends; and it is also true
that the Moon in the 7 House person may themselves be quite popular and well known (at least
within their immediate sphere of activity). Some authors hint that Moon in the 7 House can mean
many relationships and much fluctuation and change in that area. Although there may be some truth
in that idea, this house position of the Moon is generally a good one for a stable, successful and
emotionally fulfilling marriage.

Mercury in the 7th House is an indication of a clever and communicative personality; someone
who likes to joke around with others, and probably likes to be heard. This could be a useful position
for salespeople, consultants, counselors or public speakers. There may well be a tendency to attract
intellectual partners, or there is at least a significant amount of communication and mental
stimulation within intimate relationships. The light and breezy attributes of Mercury may manifest
as a lack of depth and commitment, which may result in a multiplicity of casual relationships rather
than a single steady partnership. The partner may embody any number of Mercurial attributes,
ranging from the most refined and sophisticated types of intellectuality to the trickery, thievery and
cunning that characterize the lower Mercury types.

Venus in the 7 House is an indication of a strong romantic streak; Venus is quite at home
here. Venus as a harmonious and benefic planet Venus promotes happiness in love and marriage
when in the 7 House, though by itself this position of Venus is not enough to guarantee marital
bliss. If there are complicating aspects from malefic planets, or other factors inimical to happiness
in relationships in the chart, this placement's beneficence will naturally be diluted. Inasmuch as the
7 House describes the type of partner we are attracted to, Venus here describes an attractive,
sexy and relatively even-tempered mate (another factor that may easily by overshadowed by the
involvement of other more volatile planets). The person with Venus in the 7 House will
themselves tend to be quite sociable, likable and attractive to others.

Mars in the 7th House can indicate stormy and tempestuous relationships, and as a result often
broken unions. The person may impulsively and bravely engage in romantic adventures, probably
led by the excitement of physical desires rather than love. There is a tendency to be impatient
and easily irritated by others, especially romantic partners, and it is also quite probable that the
person with Mars in the 7 House will at some stage attract assertive and independent partners who
treat them with a lack of sensitivity. Some people with this placement will enjoy these passionate
and fiery relationships that, give or take the occasional tiff, contribute a lively and stimulating
energy to their lives. There is a tendency to attract partners that are athletic, courageous and
forceful, and these qualities are also likely to be present in the personality of the person in whose



chart Mars occupies the 7 House.

Jupiter in the 7th House may not by itself be especially romantic (though a romantic streak
may of course be conspicuous elsewhere in the chart), but in a general way it promotes mutual
understanding and mutual goodwill within partnerships and friendships. People with Jupiter in the
7 House will be liked by others and will tend to attract many helpful friends and allies in life. Their
most intimate friendships and partnerships may well be with people who embody either the material
opulence or the moral uprightness, learning and wisdom associated with the planet Jupiter. These
virtues will also tend to be evident in the person in whose chart Jupiter occupies the 7 House.
Although Jupiter in the 7 House promotes happiness and fulfillment in marriage and romantic
relationships, and although it generally makes for tolerance and generosity towards others, there is
potentially a love of freedom here that will make the person with Jupiter in the 7 House easily
cramped in an overly possessive type of relationship. In such situations there may be a tendency to
move away from such relationships. Even so, there is normally sufficient social skill to do so
without too much fanfare and hurt feelings.

Saturn in the 7 House suggests that there is a very serious and responsible side to the person's
personality, and this will be reflected in the way the person handles their intimate relationships; they
will tend to take their relationships very seriously, but may not be the most vivacious of mates
(unless these qualities are very prominent elsewhere- but even then this serious streak will show).
Of course being so serious and responsible is fairly useful in terms of material or worldly affairs,
and people will tend to value these qualities in the professional arena, which may ultimately
contribute to the worldly success of the person with Saturn in their 7 House. The person may feel
lonely and neglected in their personal relationships, but may, due to a lack of self-esteem, accept the
situation in miserable resignation. The person with Saturn in the 7 House may come across as
aloof and uninterested in love and romance, and yet they may be capable of engaging in love play
without being too emotionally attached. They may be too preoccupied with practical considerations
in relationships, which can result in being a little disconnected from more purely personal and
emotional values in this area, and in some cases their apparent commitment is more practical (or
even fear based) than a result of heartfelt loyalty. A significant age and/or social status difference is
common when Saturn influences the significators of relationship.

Uranus in the 7th House implies that the person will have progressive and liberal views, and
these will tend to be reflected in the types of partners they choose, and the way the conduct their
relationships. People with Uranus in the 7 House (consciously or unconsciously) want to be
awakened, liberated and (if need be) even shocked by the intimate relationships and partnerships, so
they choose brilliant, eccentric, wayward and unpredictable people as partners. They will often defy
conventional notions of propriety and morality in terms of relationships, though sometimes this is
an expression of a type of sincerity and authenticity that is essentially quite laudable, even if it's



upsetting to more traditionally-minded people. When the person with Uranus in the 7 House is
unconscious of their own desire for freedom within relationships they may experience their partners
as unreliable. It may be that in some cases the very unorthodoxy of their true impulses causes them
to suppress their true feelings and inclinations, resulting in them encountering these in projected
form. The person with Uranus in the 7 House is potentially capable of relating to others without
the usual superficial prejudices surrounding race, culture, gender, or social/financial status, and for
this reason others may find it hard to understand the basis of some of or reasons for their personal
relationships and friendships.

Neptune in the 7th House can describe a psychic and imaginative person who is sensitive to

others and can be very self-sacrificing. People with Neptune in the 7 House will sometimes enter
into relationships in which compassion for the other person's weakness and vulnerability is a
significant issue. The motive for this may range from true empathy and selflessness to a desire to
play the savior and get to be the strong one in the relationship who is then needed and depended on
by the other. Of course such dependency patterns in relationships aren't very healthy; the strong
one may not really want their pet victim to become stronger, and may thus consciously or
unconsciously discourage essentially healthy independence, or the weak one may be using their
victimhood and helplessness manipulatively to avoid taking greater responsibility for themselves.
The person with Neptune in the 7 House may be playing either of these roles in a given
relationship and will probably get to reverse roles periodically within the the same or in different
relationships. Being honest with others about who you really are, and seeing others and accepting
them as they really are is a basic challenge that comes with this placement of Neptune. We can only
be honest about who we are if we really know ourselves, otherwise we will at best be honestly and
sincerely sharing only the illusory persona we have created, and we are also arguably more prone to
misinterpreting the personalities and characters of others when our own sense of self or identity is
distorted by poor self-esteem and/or unrealistic ideas about our role in the world (which may be a
symptom of trying to compensate for a sense of personal inadequacy). There is a need here to foster
more down-to-earth attitudes towards oneself and ones relationships since one would need at least
one foot on terra firma to keep a clear head and interpret accurately the illusive and beguiling
energies others (partners) will confront one with.

Pluto in the 7 House will attract powerful people as partners and/or opponents. Consciously

or unconsciously the person with Pluto in the 7 House wants intimate relationships that can
completely transform their lives, and yet they may resent and resist the excessive control that these
powerful partners may attempt to wield over their direction. It is also true that the person with Pluto
in the 7 House of their natal chart may be rather controlling, assertive or manipulative towards
those close to them. Power-struggles are naturally very possible when people seek to engage with
others in such a primal manner. Under ideal circumstances Pluto in the 7 House might manifest as
relationships that are a profound catalyst for the discovery and/or fulfillment of one's personal
purpose. The depth and intensity of these Plutonian relationships can make them seem fated and can

thus imbue them with an almost magical significance which is more of a subjective sensation than
an objective fact (though it must be said that this is not the only chart placement that could give rise
to this subjective sensation).

Planets in the 8 House

Sun in the 8th House typically makes people a little inclined to be secretive and suspicious, and
thus they may be natural born researchers, detectives and investigators. They enjoy probing to get to
the bottom of a mystery. This fascination with mystery and intrigue makes many Sun in the 8
House people staunch votaries of conspiracy theories and/or students of the occult. Privacy is very
important to these people. Unless the Sun is strong by sign, and/or bolstered by aspects from
benefic planets, Sun in the 8 House can weaken confidence and make one prone to paranoia and a
type of persecution complex. This can be an obstacle to worldly achievements since there may be a
habit of avoiding situations that require an open expression of personal power and authority. The
father is often absent or remote, or is in some way involved in 8 House activities (which can range
from insurance sales to spying to psychology). People with Sun in the 8 House often have
problems with the government or government representatives, and in some cases simply have a
rather negative and critical attitude towards the government or other embodiments of formal

Moon in the 8 House is an indication of potentially serious emotional/psychological traumas

and this naturally affects the way a person views the world. The mother may have undergone
episodes of crisis which would in a sense be symbolic of (and may in some cases even be an
apparently direct cause of) the emotional complexity and psychological vulnerability of the person
with Moon in the 8 House. There can be a wound involving family, nurture, motherhood and the
sense of belonging and acceptance by others. Having issues often leads people to embark on a
journey of deep and probing self-examination and self-analysis (perhaps using conventional
psychotherapy or more mystical methods), and such processes of personal retrieval can empower
one to assist others through similar crisis. So, people with Moon in the 8 House (and this may also
be true of other powerful 8 House placements) can become counselors and healers (if and when
they are thorough and committed enough in their personal healing journey).

Mercury in the 8th House can describe a very insightful mind and a capacity for delving into
deep and mysterious subjects. The person may undertake occult studies and/or will be fascinated by
psychology. There is, however, also the potential to be somewhat nervous and highly strung in
communication with others (in more extreme cases there may be nervous damage), and by being so
mindful of mystery and deeper layers of meaning in conversation one can distort simple messages
into something more ominous, loaded or threatening. The 8 House has strong financial
connotations and Mercury here can make for keen business sense and financial acumen, which can
obviously contribute to gaining, growing and maintaining personal wealth. There may also me

much discussion and paperwork relating to shared resources and assets.

Venus in the 8th House might describe fated, mysterious or hidden relationships. Romance is
shrouded in secrecy, obscurity, and is sometimes stalked by tragedy. The person with Venus in the
8 House may well possess great sexual magnetism and vitality, and they may thus fascinate others
(though they may also in turn themselves be prone to an almost obsessive fascination with others).
Jealousy and suspicion can mar love relationships, and there is some liability to damage
relationships through sheer intensity. On a financial level Venus in the 8 House can bring easy
unearned money (maybe inheritance), through the partner, or family perhaps. Some sources would
see a peaceful death in this position of Venus.

Mars in the 8 House may represent a highly charged but hidden or suppressed anger that can
erupt suddenly. Anger may easily be aroused in connection with financial and property related
matters; the person is impatient and self-assertive with regard to these issues. There may be some
difficulty establishing a stable sense of common purpose and common values with one's partner/s
and this may manifest as regular arguments over how money should be spent or property be used.
Mars in the 8 House may manifest as exposure to violent incidents and sudden deaths (which may
well be experienced as an event occurring to other people); the energies here are explosive and
primal and can describe raw vitality and libido as well as a rather reckless type of fearlessness in
dangerous situations. The person with Mars in the 8 House should be careful of impulsive actions,
especially when irritated or angry. Although there may be the potential here to succeed financially
through dynamism and personal assertiveness, being a little more cautious will ensure that
recklessness does not result in loss of money or property.

Jupiter in the 8th House may not be very good for certain things associated with Jupiter; there
may be problems with religious figures or teachers and/or a critical attitude towards conventional
religion. On the other hand though Jupiter in the 8 House will bring benefit through and success in
mystical and occult pursuits and there will be a great ability to acquire secret knowledge. The
person can be intense and passionate about their beliefs and will seek profound depth from a system
of beliefs, and will therefor be repelled by superficial religious dogma. Areas of life that other
people often find scary (such as the mystery of death) are for the person with Jupiter in the 8
House potentially a source of inspiration, insight and enlightenment; in some cases this may be due
to a greater-than-average ability to extract value even from relatively traumatic and difficult life
changes. Jupiter here will promote material prosperity, often through the assistance of, or due to
association with others. The person will be protected from tragedies and spared from bankruptcy,
unless Jupiter is severely debilitated by sign and the aspects of malefic planets.

Saturn in the 8 House can represent a degree of fear and inhibition when it comes to pooling
resources with others, and there may be some difficulty establishing a sense of common purpose

and common values with a partner or other family members. This can make a person relatively
guarded or easily dissatisfied in their intimate relationships, which, of course, doesn't promote a
wholesome circulation of resources through willing sharing. There may also be a fear of major life
changes (such as death), and such fears can result in a significant amount of psychological tension
as fears are suppressed or excessively brooded over. The person may need assistance in learning to
let go, to flow with change, and adapt to others more gracefully and flexibly.

Uranus in the 8th House implies that there will at times be rather sudden and radical changes in
the person's life. Death and mortality may become realities through unexpected events that force an
abrupt recognition of the transience of worldly circumstances and life itself. Such abrupt events and
realizations are not necessarily to be feared since they can contribute very meaningfully to a persons
insight into life; sometimes sudden, shocking change can even be enlivening by forcing one to
wake up and remember you're alive. On a more mundane level Uranus in the 8 House can take
the form of unorthodox and possibly experimental resource sharing arrangements, and where this
innovative experimentation is skillfully and insightfully applied it can result in extraordinary
manifestations of abundance creation between people; or, in a less ideal scenario, sharing
arrangements may go suddenly wrong and willfulness and eccentricities can disrupt the potential for
finding the common purpose and common values that make effective sharing possible. Financial
matters (especially relating to joint property and insurance and others manifestations of financial
partnership) can be volatile, but not necessarily negative. Volatility can here take the form of
sudden realizations of innovative and creative ways of sharing and material collaboration.

Neptune in the 8


House is a rather subtle and illusive influence that will easily be

overshadowed by other factors in a chart, and the effects of this position of Neptune will only be
recognized clearly and fully if one knows how to perceive the manifestation of occult forces. This
is because both Neptune and the 8 House are in many respects hidden and subliminal energies and
operate in invisible realms. If there are inner planets in strong aspect to Neptune the person may
be quite psychic and may perceive things they cannot readily understand. Sometimes these
experiences and perceptions may even be frightening and disturbing and only relatively advanced
mystics would be able to interpret these impressions clearly. The person may have bizarre dreams,
for example, that reveal exposure to unusual astral forces or entities. For many people these
occasional mystical dreams or psychic experiences will remain more or less separate from their dayto-day waking life. Sharing arrangements and financial affairs may cause much confusion and there
may be costly carelessness and poor planning and communication in these areas. People with
Neptune in the 8 House should ensure that the terms of all loans and sharing arrangements are
made explicitly clear and should be careful of avoiding sensitive discussions and negotiations in
these areas in the name of spiritual non-assertiveness.

Pluto in the 8th House would be viewed by some as a strong and natural placement for Pluto


since the 8 House corresponds to Scorpio, which many consider to be ruled by Pluto. Certainly
Pluto and the 8 House share a quality of deep dark intensity, and some astrologers would say
that both this planet and house are associated with death and transformation. There's probably
something in that idea. This Pluto position will be far more important if the Sun and/or Moon (or
other personal planets) form strong aspects to it, otherwise it may remain in many respects rather
subterranean, and in that sense would relate to deep and primal psychological compulsions that
may only be easily recognizable under specific circumstances. On a more mundane level Pluto in
the 8 House will bring up issues of power wielding in the context of sharing arrangements, loans
and debts, and financial issues generally. The power that comes (or goes) with money and property
may be an important theme here. In an ideal situation the right type of sharing arrangement can be
mutually empowering to all parties involved, but that is only possible where there is mutual respect
and transparency. Loans, sharing and indebtedness can under certain circumstances be a tool for
manipulation and power trips. Finding a sense of common purpose and common values can be very
empowering for a relationships and for the individual's involved, but people don't always happen to
have the same priorities, and in such cases allowing and respecting difference is the basis from
which viable compromise can be reached.

Planets in the 9 House

Sun in the 9th House highlights the importance of a person's beliefs and moral values. The
person may be quite proud of and strongly identified with their educational attainments, religious
affiliations and moral position on various issues. This placement of the Sun would generally
enhance a person's self-esteem and it can generally promote a sense of dignity and selfth
righteousness. People with Sun in the 9 House have high ideals and moral standards and will
aspire to conduct themselves in a noble and upright manner (if the Sun is severely afflicted or if
others facets of the chart are sharply opposed to this ideal they may not succeed very well). They
may attract regal and authoritative teachers and mentors, and they would generally respect formal
and official presentations of truth. Travel to distant lands is not unlikely at some stage, and there
may be something formal, official or important about foreign journeys. Sun in the 9 House might
bring beneficial dealings with educational or legal institutions and/or the government and it's
representatives. Inasmuch as the Sun represents the father Sun in the 9 House would generally be
an indication of a virtuous and/or successful father figure.

Moon in the 9 House describes a person who has absorbed high moral standards from their
early upbringing and education. The person's mother figure/s may be fortunate, religious and/or
very virtuous. The person tends to attract feminine teachers and mentors and successfully seeks
higher learning. Their hearts and minds are very receptive to lofty spiritual and moral teachings.
There is typically a strongly emotional and intuitive (rather than strictly rational) approach to
religion and philosophy. Strong 9 House placements like this bolster faith in the Divine and enable
a person to find solutions to problems that are more intractable to others, and in this sense such 9


House positions serve to protect one from the more severe forms of harm (of course Moon in the 9
House cannot counteract an unlimited number of afflictions in others parts of the chart). People
with Moon in the 9 House will enjoy traveling and may even end up living far from their

Mercury in the 9th House is very good for a person's education and generally indicates
intellectual and communication ability of a high order. There may be a particular knack for
languages and very analytical types of knowledge. This would be a good position for teaching,
writing and publishing. Although people with Mercury in the 9 House may take an (intellectual)
interest in religion and philosophy, they will tend (as far as this position by itself is concerned) to be
more comfortable with mental concepts than the more devotional approaches to the Divine.
Mercury is by nature a clever little nit-picker, whereas the 9 House relates to a very broad and
comprehensive mode of understanding that requires more than rational analysis to fully encompass,
so Mercury in the 9 House may at times not see the forest for the trees and should recognize that
vast universal truths can't always be reduced to simple logical categories. People with Mercury in
the 9 House may perceive more abstract and devotional approaches to religion and philosophy as
nonsensical, but these may at times be more capable of encompassing vast truths intuitively than is
possible with mere rational analysis. Therefor Mercury in the 9 House should be careful of overhasty judgment in matters of spirituality, religion, morality and philosophy. People with Mercury in
the 9 House will enjoy traveling and will tend to learn a lot by doing so.

Venus in the 9 House can represent a loving and devotional approach to Truth and religion;
those with Venus here can understand truth intuitively and may give form to their intuitions through
some sort of artistic self expression. People with Venus in the 9 House may marry or have
romantic relationships with teacher figures or people who are distinctly spiritual or religious, and
their own religious and moral views may be significantly influenced by these relationships. Travel
is very pleasurable with Venus in the 9 House and sometimes the person will meet their mates
while traveling or will form important personal relationships with people from foreign countries or
cultures. People with Venus in the 9 House have a high standard of ethics and morality in personal
and romantic relationships and this noble type of attitude naturally improves the success potential of
their relationships.

Mars in the 9th House indicates a passionate and fiery approach to truth and justice, and in
extreme cases this may even manifest as a militant zeal for a cause or ideology. Zealous conviction
need not be a bad thing in itself, but it can result in arguments and dissension over differences in
outlook between people. Lively debate on religious issues rarely ends well unless there is great
patience and respectful tolerance of the divergent views of others. Mars in the 9 House can make
one an enthusiastic crusader for a righteous cause in the best possible sense, but too much passion
can blur reason and can be an impediment to real understanding. Apart from being a potential



liability in a person's search for truth and wisdom Mars in the 9 House will promote success in
wholesome physical and competitive activities such as sports and athletics. Physical dynamism and
courage can reach a peak of perfection here. Travel may be undertaken in a spirit of conquest and
adventure, and may be pleasantly exhilarating, though if there is an excess of impulsiveness and
aggressiveness traveling can become fraught with conflict and mishaps.

Jupiter in the 9th House is a strong and natural position for Jupiter since Jupiter is the ruler of


the sign Sagittarius, which corresponds to the 9 House. All themes associated with the 9 House
and Jupiter flourish here; there is an increased capacity for higher education and a strong sense of
morality which may or may not be a result of specific religious beliefs and affiliations. There is the
capacity here to understand religious and philosophical truths intuitively, as well as a capacity for
faith and spiritual devotion. The person attracts good mentors, loves knowledge and wisdom and
eagerly cultivates it. There is also generally a tolerant attitude towards the views of others, which
minimizes the likelihood of disputes over beliefs. Travel is pleasant and fruitful and also eagerly
undertaken; there is a strong desire to see the wide world and a deep interest in faraway places and

Saturn in the 9 House may make a person a stern pragmatist in matters of faith and religion.

Sometimes people with Saturn in the 9 House will be very skeptical and critical of abstract
metaphysical speculations and vague fluffy theories about God and the Universe that serve no
apparent useful purpose. A practical or materialistic streak may demand tangible proof before
something is believed, though the 9 House deals with much that is abstract, and realities that are
too vast and multidimensional to be bottled for materialistic measuring and examination.
Obviously such narrow materialistic attitudes to the beyond will limit the depth and breadth of a
person's understanding. Excessively rigid traditional views can similarly stifle the capacity to
perceive a broader horizon and expand awareness. Some people with Saturn in the 9 House exhibit
a grave enthusiasm (to borrow a description from Alan Leo) for religion, philosophy and higher
learning and may eventually attain wisdom through patient and determined effort. Scientific
knowledge (that tends to be focused on and limited to the tangible and readily quantifiable) can
reach a peak of expression here; the person likes practical knowledge and will tend to formulate a
practical philosophy. There may be a reluctance to be taught by others and a possible tendency to
fall out with teachers and mentors, hence at least one Vedic Astrology source describes the person
with Saturn in the 9 House as self-educated, if much educated at all, that is.

Uranus in the 9th House implies unconventional or crazy wisdom, and radical ideas on
religion, philosophy and morality. At worst this is merely a type of rebellious reaction against
religious dogmatism and conservatism, but at best it can represent truly brilliant and liberating
insights and realizations. If it's possible to be truly pioneering in the realm of religion and
philosophy, then Uranus in the 9 House will be the one doing it. There is in a sense a type of



compatibility between Uranus and the 9 House in that they are both associated with new
realizations and freedom, albeit in somewhat different ways or for different reasons. Sometimes a
shock or surprise can help to open one up to a fresh new perception of Reality, and sometimes new
horizons can only be reached by new methods; so, the experimental impulses of Uranus can be
useful in the search for Truth associated with the 9 House. Controversial methods of inquiry will
be attractive to the person with Uranus in the 9 House, and they will thus also be drawn to unique
or controversial teachers. Technical metaphysical subjects like astrology that can significantly
contribute to one's overall understanding of universal law will be appealing. Uranus in the 9 House
can manifest as exciting journeys that bring many (pleasant or unpleasant) surprises. Whether
physically or mentally the person loves to explore the world in a completely free and unfettered

Neptune in the 9th House suggests a very vague, emotional, intuitive formulation of
philosophical and religious truth. There may be great faith here, and also a capacity for a profound
divine communion, and yet there is also potentially a measure of gullibility that can lead people
with Neptune in the 9 House to be too easily entranced by the charms and trickery of false
prophets. There is often a need to develop greater discernment and discrimination in religious
matters, but at the same time this position of Neptune might bestow an inspired imagination and
artistic gifts through which spiritual truth and knowledge may be imparted to others in abstract
forms. People with Neptune in the 9 House would also be supremely capable of understanding and
extracting wisdom and insight from artistic and abstract presentations of truth, and they may thus be
drawn to spiritual paths that make extensive use of art and ritual to evoke emotion and subtle
subliminal responses. There may be mystical and otherworldly experiences while traveling, which
may be inspiring or spiritually enriching, but there could also be an element of dangerous
carelessness and inattentiveness than can make traveling a little problematic.

Pluto in the 9 House represents the potential to be very intense, and in some cases even
fanatical, about one's beliefs and ideals. The person takes their own views on morality, ethics and
social justice very seriously, and it is not improbable that they will feel a need (or perhaps one
should say a compulsion) to convert others to their point of view. Of course other people will
normally be repelled by any fanatical overtones in the person's preaching, and in extreme cases this
can result in arguments about moral, ethical or religious issues (which is what many legal battles
are). The depth and intensity of the person's desire to understand can lead them to search for truth
with great commitment and concentration, and this can certainly result in profound insight into
many of the basic problems and questions of existence. If the desire to mold and change the views
of others is controlled or transcended, and if the person can avoid dictatorially imposing their
moralistic views and values on others, they may make compelling teachers or effective counselors.
A person with Pluto in the 9 House can travel with a strong sense of purpose and may find the
experience empowering and profound.



Planets in the 10 House

Sun in the 10th House indicates that the person will be proud, dignified and ambitious and may

well become a boss with authority over others. Often the person with Sun in the 10 House has a
similarly ambitious father figure that may well be a powerful influence in their life. Worldly
achievement and career success are a major driving force in the person's life, and in extreme cases
an obsession with formalities and proper official decorum can dull a person's sensitivity to others on
more personal levels (of course it will help if the Moon and/or Venus are prominent and Saturn is
not too strong). This position of the Sun is useful for leaders and those in the public eye since
people with Sun in the 10 House have no intention of hiding their light under the bushel; yet by
itself it will do little to promote domesticity, though other factors modify this tendency.

Moon in the 10 House is very often an indication that the person's mother is/was quite a
public and well known person, even if only among the other mums in the neighborhood. In a
remarkable number of cases the person's mother was literally a school teacher, for reasons that are
not readily apparent from the symbolism, other than perhaps that it makes the mother well known in
the local community. People with Moon in the 10 House may experience much change and
fluctuation in their careers, and it is quite common for them to try their hand at a few different
directions in their lifetimes. Catering to the basic needs of the public, often literally through feeding
or nursing them, is common with this prominent position of the nurturing Moon. The person with
Moon in the 10 House can literally become a household name and may become famous, to some
degree or other. One major difference between the Moon in the 10 House and Sun in the 10
House is the relatively more intimate and personally accessible quality of Moon in the 10 House.

Mercury in the 10th House may mean that the person will teach or speak before the public and
may be a professional communicator of some kind. Intellectual abilities and activities are
important in the person's professional life, and they may distinguish themselves through and be
respected for their cleverness and eloquence (many of these attributes will apply to Mercury in the
1 House, and to some extent Mercury in the other angular houses also). Mercury in the 10 House
could describe a clever, witty or dexterous parent of other authority figure.

Venus in the 10 House is often an indication of an artistic career, or a career in some other
field where aesthetic sensibilities are involved, such as in decoration, or the fashion industry. The
person's personal grace, courtesy, charm and beauty win them public acclaim and popularity, and
these attributes will naturally be useful, if not indispensable, in a public relations field, for example.
Presumably fashion models and beauty queens will often have Venus in the 10 , or one of the other
angular houses, but diplomats and mediators who need to charm rather than provoke to accomplish
important public tasks may also be assisted by such an elevated Venus. Venus in the 10 House
might manifest as a gracious and elegant parent, boss or role model.


Mars in the 10th House describes a dynamic and perhaps vigorously competitive manner in
one's professional and public life. The eagerness and drive of Mars can make for striking
professional successes, but an over-eager pursuit of personal goals may blunt a person's sensitivity
to others, so that one is quite unaware of the affronted feelings of others who happened to get some
of your dust kicked into their faces as you hastily brushed past them. Having said that, it is probably
by far better to have Mars in the 10 , rather than the 4 House, in which these abrupt and aggressive
qualities would harm the more sensitive and vulnerable personal relationships associated with the
4 House. With Mars in the 10 House it would naturally be appropriate to follow a profession in
which a fighting spirit and competitiveness are necessary qualities, such as in sports, the military or,
perhaps, as a lawyer. Mars in the 10 House might indicate disputes and friction with bosses,
parents or other authority figures and suggests that the person will attract relatively aggressive
people in these roles.

Jupiter in the 10 House will bring many professional opportunities and achievements, and it
often signifies that a person wants to educate others and raise the consciousness or standard of
living of the general public in some way. The person may be proud and dignified in their
professional life, and will typically be very moral and ethical and will gain the respect and esteem
of others. Jupiter in the 10 House is particularly suitable for careers involving teaching, healing,
law, religion and where a high level of culture and etiquette are required. Work for the government
or other large institutions is not improbable. The person may have a very righteous parent and will
tend to attract noble and helpful bosses and authority figures.

Saturn in the 10th House can lead to high achievement in one's career, though not without

considerable sacrifice and hard work. Saturn in the 10 House is often an indication of ambition and
a inner desire for a powerful and influential career, though some people may be too afraid to pursue
the heights they long to reach due to self-doubt. In some cases Saturn in the 10 House will describe
social and professional failures which may be due either to the timidity and fear just alluded to, or
to unethical or ruthless ways of climbing to the top. Careful and patient efforts are the only reliable
method of achieving solid gains. There may at some point be a sense of being oppressed by stern
and unforgiving parent or authority figures, and this can lead to an almost obsessive and rigid sense
of responsibility. Others may perceive parent or other authority figures as anxious and fearful,
reflecting the issues around public confidence already hinted at.

Uranus in the 10 House is an indication of an exciting and rather unpredictable professional

life. The person may follow an experimental and unorthodox career path, or will be drawn to a fastpaced career that provides lots of stimulation and requires constant adaptation and innovation. The
could be some rebellion against authority or parent figures here, though there is also every
likelihood of attracting parent figures, bosses or role models who are highly independent, brilliant
and individualistic. This position of Uranus is only unfortunate and upsetting in it's unpredictability

if and when the individual is unaware or afraid of expressing their innovative and unorthodox
inclinations and impulses in their professional lives; playing it safe isn't necessarily safer here, and
being bold enough to be a pioneer can be very rewarding. Someone with Uranus in the 10 may be
considered a little unusual and eccentric by others, and may not easily fit in among conservative
people, so their social status is not very stable. That doesn't mean such a person is inevitably
unpopular (it may be quite the reverse), but their reputation and social standing will be liable to
occasional abrupt changes, which may be an unavoidable consequence of being authentic (and thus,
perhaps, a little shocking) in pursuing one's true goals.

Neptune in the 10th House can cause a person to experience doubts and confusion over their
career path. Although they may at times feel very inspired to pursue a specific direction, they are
prone to becoming quickly discouraged when their idealized image of what a given career is all
about turns out to be somewhat inaccurate. Neptune in the 10 House tends to lack the type of
determination, focus and concentration that leads people to eventually succeed and excel in their
chosen fields. Artists, mystics, poets, actors, filmmakers, photographers and sympathetic idealists of
various kinds will often have such an elevated Neptune, and may be very fulfilled and well suited to
these worldly roles; but Neptune in the 10 House also potentially describes lost and rudderless
people who either drift aimlessly avoiding any real calling and sometimes end up becoming
sacrificial victims of a tedious and soul destroying job due to their lack of direction and
determination. Neptune is inherently impractical, and is here located in a worldly zone of the
chart, so Neptunian idealism either becomes concretely and purposefully expressed and manifested
here for the larger good, or the Neptunian susceptibility to confusion and illusion results in a vague
and forever illusive sense of social identity. It is probably better with Neptune in the 10 House to
apparently fail in the pursuit of impractical idealistic career goals than to get completely absorbed in
a purely materialistic career. Neptune in the 10 House can manifest as a parent or other authority
figure that embodies the Neptunian qualities of idealism, spirituality, weakness and escapism.

Pluto in the 10 House will almost invariably represent a deep need to wield power and
influence in and through professional and public activities. There is a profound need for a sense of
purpose, an important mission, a destined task of some kind, and this makes the person take their
work and role in the world very seriously. Pluto in the 10 House often signifies a desire to
transform conditions in society or the world at large. On a small scale this may simply take the form
of acting as an agent for transformation for other individuals, as a healer, for example, but working
through large and powerful organizations for social reform and regeneration is also very possible. In
extreme cases the prominent power drive represented by this elevated position of Pluto will
express itself through ruthless power wielding, such as certain cops and robbers are infamous for.
Acting as a law unto oneself can attract fierce resistance from others, and particularly from
authorities. Pluto in the 10 House can be experienced as domineering, manipulative and
overpowering parent or authority figures.



Planets in the 11 House

Sun in the 11th House implies that there is a strong identification with friends and group
activities. Being part of a group can be an essential means of self-expression and contributes
meaningfully to the person's sense of identity. There may be some conflict between the
individualism of the Sun and the group focus of the 11 House, which could result in occasional
power struggles with friends, since there will be a need to shine and assert oneself within a group
setting, but also a tendency to attract friends who are assertive, proud, bold and perhaps somewhat
bossy themselves. The person with Sun in the 11 House has active hopes and wishes and places
a strong focus on their personal goals and the longer term objectives, and in this regard there is an
idealistic and future-orientated streak here. Ideally Sun in the 11 House will manifest as a strong
sense of individual identity and personal authority that is harmoniously aligned to a group goal or

Moon in the 11 House, at a very simple level, can indicate that the person will have many
friends, and that among them there will be some brilliant, special or famous friends. There is a
strong emotional connection to friends and groups, and the sense of belonging and being accepted
unconditionally by a group will be important to the person. There may be a tendency to look to
friends for nurturing and something like a sense of family, and this may manifest in some cases as
an inclination to live with friends in an intimate domestic setting, and/or to make one's home a
center of group activity. It is also possible here that the person's mother is a very sociable and group
orientated person. This position of the Moon is useful for people who need to regularly adapt to
new social settings and interact with many people in their working or public life since it generally
promotes a spirit of camaraderie and sensitivity to the prevailing group values, and these qualities
would tend to improve communication skills at a fundamental level.

Mercury in the 11th House suggests that the person respects and values intelligence, wit and
eloquence in their friends. They may even be inclined to join discussion groups where knowledge,
information, views and ideas are shared, or where, on a more superficial level, jokes and gossip can
be exchanged. Becoming learned and articulate may be a major life goal which may prompt the
person to study enthusiastically. The person may find it lucrative to engage in writing or lecturing,
or some other form of information mongering.


Venus in the 11 House is an indication of a light and merry set of friends, and among them

there may well be some exceptionally attractive or artistic individuals. Venus in the 11 House is an
indication of much real pleasure from, and harmony among friends. There may be a special affinity
for female or feminine friends, and/or friends that embody the charm, refinement and affectionate
qualities of Venus. Developing artistic abilities may be a major life goal and may be a lucrative
direction to pursue. The person with Venus in the 11 House will also aspire to achieve happiness

in love and marriage and may well succeed in this, especially later in life.

Mars in the 11th House represents vigorous and dynamic involvement with friends and groups,
and while this highly energetic participation can be invigorating, there is some potential here for
conflict and competitiveness with friends or other group members. Somewhat like Sun in the 11
House there is the potential here to be a strong and dynamic individual among similarly feisty
fellows, and if there is an alignment between individual and group values and goals, then being part
of a group effort can in fact enhance one's ability to shine as a dynamic individual. Being a member
of sports team is a good example of where such an alignment can be found. However, the balance
between individual and group intentions may be easily upset here, since it is almost impossible to
be as individualistic and self-assertive as Mars naturally is without finding one's personal will in
conflict with the need to adapt to others. The person with Mars in the 11 House may actually
aspire to become more and more capable of self-assertion and independent dynamism, and may
become more and more so as they grow older.

Jupiter in the 11 House will attract many good, moral, noble and generous friends. These
virtuous pals will probably offer opportunities for enriching new experiences and a broadening of
horizons, and this helpfulness and goodwill is bound to be mutually reciprocated. It's not
improbable that someone with Jupiter in the 11 House will be drawn to religious or philosophical
groups since there is a desire for friendship and group activity to lead to growth and expanded
awareness. The cultivation of knowledge and moral virtue may be major life goals, and this would
naturally lead to the steady increase of these qualities in the person's life and character, so that later
in life the person may be very actively involved in educating themselves and others and/or working
to promote awareness and wellness in their community. Jupiter in the 11 House can promote
faith and a hopeful view of the future, and may in some cases enhance the capacity to create or
attract wealth and abundance.

Saturn in the 11th House is potentially habitually anxious and pessimistic about the future and
may have little faith in hopes and wishes for a better tomorrow. It may be that the person with
Saturn in the 11 House aspires to become practical and materially secure and values conservatism
and frugality. Friendship may be viewed with skepticism and misgivings and the person may be
reluctant to participate in group activities; in fact, the person with Saturn in the 11 House may be
inclined to end or withdraw from friendships or group involvements over relatively minor
disappointments and grievances. The person may be too critical of his or her friends, and this may
actually stem a feeling of being criticized and rejected by the group, and from doubt about the the
sincerity of the affection and loyalty of others. It would usually do someone with Saturn in the 11
House good to cultivate greater faith in their friends and a lighter, more playful and optimistic


Uranus in the 11th House will bring one unique and interesting friends who provide sudden
surprises and exciting new experiences and perceptions. Such volatile, brilliant and free spirited
friends are not always predictable and may arrive in and leave one's life without warning; but then,
predictability is not what the person with Uranus in the 11 House is looking for from the
friendships and group involvements. They would find regular people who lack some element of
eccentricity, individualism and daring authenticity too boring to truly call friend. The person with
Uranus in the 11 House has unusual life goals and may greatly value freedom and innovation and
will aspire to become more liberated and inventive. They may even literally aspire to be shockingly
unconventional and may more or less succeed! Some inventors become rich from a bold and
improbable idea that arrived in a split second; people with Uranus in the 11 House have the
potential to make their unique ideas and abilities lucrative.

Neptune in the 11 House attracts poets, artists, mystics and sensitive, vulnerable people as

friends. People with Neptune in the 11 House are very idealistic about friendship and will make
sacrifices for their friends, and these friends may well tend to need of assistance from time to time.
The tendency to idealize friends can set one up for acute disappointment, since people are
invariably fallible, imperfect and inconsistent, and accepting people as they really are is perhaps a
key lesson and challenge here. Spirituality and artistic achievements may be major life goals, and
the person will aspire to be compassionate and selfless, which may or may not be a good thing,
since it can, at worst, lead to a careless and indiscriminate way of choosing friends and a
willingness to do anything for anyone who asks or seems to be in need. Gullibility is not a
particularly sterling virtue. At best Neptune in the 11 House can signify a sensitivity and
responsiveness to even the unspoken needs of others and an ability to work with others for spiritual
purposes. Neptune in the 11 House can hope for an impossible utopia and may not realize that
ideal circumstances require skill and patience to create and maintain, and won't just fall from
heaven fully formed and ready to perpetually support escapism.

Pluto in the 11th House indicates friends who have a strong sense of personal purpose and

strong and indomitable wills. These may be qualities that the person with Pluto in the 11 House
would like to cultivate in themselves; they aspire to have a meaningful role in and through which to
wield power, and this would be reflected in the types of friends and groups with whom they would
associate. Some people with Pluto in the 11 House will work within a group for constructive social
change, transformation and regeneration, which is perhaps close to the ideal manifestation of this
Pluto placement. In a less ideal scenario Pluto in the 11 House can lead to friendships and
association with underworld types who would embody abuse of power and who may be agents of
social degeneration. On a simpler and more personal level Pluto in the 11 House can simply
manifest as friends who are somewhat too forceful within the friendship and who the person with
Pluto in their 11 House may have to struggle with to maintain their autonomy. Generally friends
and friendship will be the source of intense and perhaps profound experiences, and whether or not



these are always pleasant, it is likely that the person with Pluto in their 11 House is looking for this
depth and intensity in their friends.

Planets in the 12 House

Sun in the 12th House is an indication that there is a private, hidden and sensitive side to a
person's personality. In some cases it will be quite clear that the person is shy and nervous when in
the limelight. The person may experience some loss or wound in early life that damages their
confidence and self-esteem. Often the person's father was absent or remote and inaccessible and
provided a poor model of masculine strength. This inaccessible father figure in a sense symbolizes
their remote or alienated relationship with other more personal aspects of the Solar principle, such
as individual authority, confidence and personal power. So, the person may hide their light under
the bushel, so to speak, out of fear or humility or a mixture of both, and may struggle to assert
themselves and claim their place in the Sun. The introspective streak of Sun in the 12 House can
make for deep spirituality, insight and compassion. Some leaders with Sun in the 12 House draw
on this spiritual depth to find the strength and purpose to serve in a relatively public manner.
Periods of loneliness and seclusion are voluntarily sought or involuntarily forced upon the person,
perhaps through hospitalization or imprisonment, and this alienation from others and society can
contribute to a turning inward. While people with Sun in the 12 House may engage in worldly
activities- and some will do so successfully- they are hardly ever materialistic in the true sense of
the word, since they tend to have a deep awareness of the spiritual foundation of all that is
outwardly manifested, and the ephemeral and superficial nature of material things and worldly

Moon in the 12 House is extremely sensitive and emotionally quite vulnerable. There is often
a pronounced emotional insecurity which can, of course, distort the person's interpretation of others
and the emotional cues from the environment. If they aren't hiding away from others, then people
with Moon in the 12 House will tend to latch on too urgently and dependently to anything that
seems to offer nurture, comfort and protection; there is typically a need to cultivate a stronger sense
of emotional confidence and safety so that interaction with the outside world and other people is
more gracious and rewarding. Privately these people can be very caring and responsive to the needs
of others, and they will easily empathize with others who have suffered due to their own
experiences of loss and alienation. If they work through their own martyrdom they could be of real
service to others since they will then have deep intuitive insight into others and could make good
counselors or healers. Often the person's mother was a victim or weak and remote in some way,
either due to some real physical or emotional disability or breakdown, or perhaps the mother simply
felt depressed and helplessly trapped in an ungratifying role of involuntary nurturer and house-wife.


Mercury in the 12th House can represent a subtle intellect and an ability to think abstractly,

but Mercury in the 12 House is also likely to blur the innate meticulousness and clarity of
Mercury's thinking processes and may swamp the person's mind with irrelevant ideas and emotions.
The person may be secretive or otherwise reluctant or unable to communicate their thoughts, and
the reason for this may range from cunning deviousness, to a speech impediment of some sort, or
perhaps a mere lack of skillfulness or insecurity about expressing thoughts and feelings in words.
Poets or other artists who communicate the most illusive perceptions and fantastic otherworldly
ideas may well have Mercury in the 12 House, though conventional routine communication and
calculation is more likely to be hampered or misunderstood.

Venus in the 12 House implies shyness and subtlety in the expression of affection and loving
feelings. In some cases this will be due to a fear of rejection and feelings of insecurity about
attractiveness and desirability. Privately the person may be quite romantic and sensual and capable
of selfless devotion, and there is the capacity to really surrender to pleasure; but this is unlikely to
be obvious to the casual observer. Venus in the 12 House is often associated with secret
relationships, as well as love relationships with people who are in some way disadvantaged or
wounded, since there is a compassionate streak that will want to express itself in and through
romantic relationships. Loneliness is a possible consequence of being too careful and insecure about
opening up and revealing one's desire to get closer to others.

Mars in the 12th House will tend to hide or suppress aggression which may then leak out at
unexpected moments in an uncontrolled way. There is in a sense little conscious control of
aggressive instincts, but aggression and anger may seethe in the unconscious and may erupt in
dreams or through inexplicable irritability and volatile emotions. There may be some event in the
person's early life that makes them feel powerless and incapable of asserting themselves effectively.
They may feel that their self-assertion and self-will is shameful and must therefor be hidden or
sublimated through acts of selflessness or atoned for with self-punishment. This complex can
have the effect of attracting bullying or abuse from others, so that one becomes a victim of the
aggression of others. Mars in the 12 House can be a subtle strategist that will be dynamic in
illusive, obscure or hidden ways.

Jupiter in the 12 House represents a rich inner life and a capacity to find fulfillment in one's
private pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment. The strong spiritual tendencies of this
placement are normally inconspicuous to the casual observer, but is often therefore all the more
genuine. There may be some alienation from conventional and orthodox religion, but a natural
affinity for a more mystical path of inner development. Jupiter in the 12 House is typically kind
and sympathetic towards others and inclined to help those who need it. Just as they may at times be
anonymously charitable towards others, they will tend to be helped and protected, sometimes
without knowing it. The 12 House is traditionally associated with secret enemies, and with

Jupiter here it is unlikely that a person will have many of those, unless perhaps they be Jovial types,
and these are normally quite benign.

Saturn in the 12th House can mean that there is an inner loneliness, insecurity and austerity in
the person, though this may not be a very obvious fact about them. Privately and inwardly they may
be anxious and fearful and may be apprehensive about their worldly and material security. They
may fear the invisible and unknown, and sometimes this leads to a morbid fascination with the
occult or mysticism. Although periods of seclusion can lead one to insights and deepened spiritual
understanding, with Saturn in the 12 House it can be unhealthy to be too withdrawn from the
world and to spend too much time in isolation, since this can fuel a sense of alienation and the
proneness to unrealistic fears.

Uranus in the 12 House can describe a private desire to be freer and more unorthodox than is
perhaps overtly apparent, though these eccentricities may well surface through sudden and
surprising uncharacteristic behavior that others may find difficult to understand. This is a
potentially useful placement for research into metaphysical subjects and mysticism, since it can
enable one to bring hidden things to light in exhilarating and enlightening ways, and the person may
find the exploration of hidden worlds and the unconscious an exciting (albeit potentially hazardous)
adventure. There is a capacity here to be covertly pioneering, so the person's private and inner life
may be very vibrant and perhaps a lot more unique, radical and interesting than their surface

Neptune in the 12th House is normally very subtle in it's effects and very otherworldly in it's
significance. Generally it would tend to enhance a person's empathy, sensitivity and imagination. It
is, in fact, difficult to say much about Neptune in the 12 House since it has so little to do with
anything tangible. It's about dreams and mystical experiences, and some of these remain completely
unconscious, in the way that many dreams are completely forgotten, and for many people psychic
experiences are difficult to interpret meaningfully, or simply don't occur. So, for many people
Neptune in the 12 House will represent states of consciousness that will remain more or less latent
their entire lives. A complete blissful (or terrifying) surrender to the Divine in which all sense of
individual identity to dissolved might be close to a description of the full and ideal manifestation
of Neptune in the 12 House. For mystics this can be the ultimate fruit of their quest; for others
such experiences would be insanity and extreme confusion, if they were to be fully awakened from

Pluto in the 12 House can represent powerful unconscious compulsions which may be a
result of suppressing primal drives (such as the drive to control or overpower others) that have been
deemed evil or inappropriate. The awareness that there are powerful forces lurking in their
unconscious minds may lead people with Pluto in the 12 House to take an interest in psychology or

the occult as a means of plumbing it's depths. The person may privately crave power and control
over others and may thus be interested in methods of exerting power and influence through magical
means, or they may simply engage in more mundane manipulation of circumstances behind the
scenes. People with Pluto in the 12 House may likewise be victims of the covert obstructions of
secret enemies.

Sun/Moon Aspects
The Sun and Moon are the most fundamental pair of planetary symbols, and so aspects between
them are particularly important, and yet rather general in their implications. The most harmonious
aspects between the Sun and Moon are said to lay a foundation for a happy and fulfilling life,
whereas the more awkward Sun/Moon aspects indicate a basic tension in the personality which will
perhaps make a person more dynamic and energetic than they would otherwise have been, but may
also lead to abrupt actions and disruptive events and life-patterns.
Since, on one level, the Sun and Moon represent the male-female polarity as initially perceived by
us in our father and mother figures, Sun/Moon aspects can provide insights into how we see our
parent figures and their relationhip to each other. It is a well established psychological truism that
we will tend to recreate or mimic the relationship dramas enacted by our parents (from our
subjective perspective) when we were young, since it is there that we are presented with our first
examples of male-female interaction.
Although Sun/Moon aspects can contribute meaningfully to our picture of these relationship issues
in an individuals life, there are various other factors that need to be considered before we can hope
to form a full and reliable picture of a person's approach to relationships and their experience of the
relationship between their partents. So, don't presume that a Sun/Moon Square is a sure sign of
divorced parents and traumatic/broken relationhips throughout life, or that a Sun/Moon Trine
assures that nothing but pure harmony can eventuate in the persons' relationships, or between their
The Sun and Moon are sometimes described as the conscious and unconscious dimensions of our
consciousness, and from this perspective the more harmonious aspects between the Sun and Moon
show a better coordination or integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of our being,
which would naturally promote success and happiness. When our conscious intentions and
unconscious assumptions, habit patterns or responses are in conflict, or poorly coordinated, we
thwart ourselves in ways we may not see objectively. We may in fact tend to blame other people or

"unlucky" circumstances for our failures and unhappiness, even while others can see clearly that we
are continually setting the stage for conflict and failure through our inappropriate behaviour and
The Sun and Moon are important factors in terms of bodily health, and compared to the other
planets the Luminaries would be the most likely to represent the idea of "prana" or "life force" in it's
most basic form. The Sun and Moon are respectively the positive and negative poles of our bodily
and pschological batteries, and our health or energy levels are largely dependant on the proper
functioning of these basic components of our being.
The Sun and Moon are associated with the eyes (the "lights"), and if the Sun and Moon are
afflicted, either through being in adverse aspect to each other, and/or due to recieving adverse
aspects from malefic planets, and/or though occupying the more problematic Houses, there may be
eye troubles. Certain Fixed Stars are said to produce eye trouble; Max Heindel, in his book The
Message of the Stars highlights the Pleides and Antares in this regard, and I know of at least one
serious case of cataracts where the Sun and Moon are closely Conjunct Antares and the Pleides
When there is a close orbed major aspect between the Sun and Moon, most Transiting (and
Progressed) aspects will be experienced with heightened intensity since they will more or less
simultaneously aspect the Sun and Moon. For example, for someone born close to the hour of New
Moon, Transiting Saturn will be Conjunct Natal Sun and Moon in short succession and will thus
spell "double trouble"; whereas Transiting Jupiter or Venus crossing the same place may be "twice
as nice". This is of course a rather crude illustration, but it demonstrates one reason why a close
orbed Sun/Moon aspect, particularly one of the major aspects, can be so important.

Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon) implies a subjectivity or "inwardness" that might make it
difficult to experience a full sense of communion with others or the external world. I have found
that the effect of this aspect in a birth chart varies dependin on how close together the Sun and
Moon are and whether the Moon was just behind or a little ahead of the Sun.(whether birth occured
shortly before or shorlty after the actual hour of New Moon). During the last hours of the Waning
phase of the Moon, with the Moon slightly behind the Sun in the zodiac, one tends to encounter a
more typically withdrawn and introverted personality (often in a stout water-retentive body), not
unlike Moon in the 12th House. With the Moon just ahead of the Sun, when birth occured during
the first day or so after the exact Sun/Moon Conjunction, the person tends to be relatively more
confident, energetic and outgoing; quite like Moon in the 1st House.

Sun Semi-Sextile Moon is naturally rather less dramatic in its manifestation than the more
powerful major aspects between the Sun and Moon. Here again I would tend to distinguish between
the Moon one full sign behind as opposed to ahead of the Sun. With the Moon one full sign behind

the Sun one might expect a more introverted and shy personality, or a sense of loss and isolation. In
either case there may be a noticable acquisitivce streak due to the 2 House connotation one may
attach to the Semi-Sextile aspect, though this is perhaps going to be more distinct with the Moon
one sign ahead of the Sun rather than one sign behind the Sun. Sun Semi-Sextile Moon may
represent a measure of difficulty gaining clarity and objectivity about one's feelings, which can
make relating effectively to others and the external world more challenging. On the other hand this
aspect might make for a capacity to attune to relatively subtle and illusive levels of awareness and
may thus be part of the making of a "spiritual" or intuitive person.

Sun Sextile Moon implies good communication, friendship, cooperation with others and
harmonious neighbourly relations. There may be a particularly good ability to function within
groups, and the person may demonstrate qualities associated with Sun or Moon in Gemini
(mobility, flexibility) or Aquarius (social idealism). Sun Sextile Moon generally indicates that there
good overall harmony between the will and the feelings, so that there is a greater capacity for
congruent behaviour. Such internal harmony also helps one attune to one's authentic position on
issues and one's true and authentic goals (authentic in that such goals are not based on delusions
about who one is, who others are, and what one needs). In this respect Sun Sextile Moon is
probably similar to Sun Trine Moon.

Sun Square Moon (First or Third Quarter- "half moon") is an indication of "dynamic
tension" in the personality. The person may prone to regular outbursts of willfullness and may
create periodic upheavals in their domestic and professional lives. 4th House and 10th House
themes are likely to be very prominent in their lives. There is typically a pronounced desire to have
a significant role in and impact on society and the world at large, and this could probably be
described as an ambitious streak.

Sun Trine Moon, when the orb of the aspect is quite tight, is an indication of personal grace and
charm, and may manifest as pronounced 5th and 9th House attributes.

Sun Quincunx Moon is one of the least comfortable Sun/Moon aspects, and it is not very
unlikley that it will manifest as physical and/or psychological strains (parent figures may embody
these tendencies). The 6th and 8th House themes, often associated with the Quincunx aspect, may
be clearly evident and prominent in the persons life, especially with a close orbed aspect.

Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon) is, in my opinion and experience, an almost enviable
feature to have in a birth chart. It seems to make people "bright", popular and capable. The 7th
House themes that may be associated with an Opposition aspect manifest here as a need for
partnership, intimate relationships, cooperative association with others, and/or competitive
encounters or clashes.

Sun/Mercury Aspects
Due to the fact that Mercury is so close to the Sun, the Sun and Mercury are never more than about
28 degrees apart, as viewed from Earth. The only major aspect they can form is a Conjunction, and
there seems to be some rather extreme variance of opinion regarding the effect of such a
Conjunction. A "combust" Mercury, according to some, results in an impediment of the rational,
analytical and communicative function functions (associated with Mercury), but this thoery is not
endorsed to by all astrologers, and I have not found it exceptionally accurate and reliable.
Many writers state that Mercury should ideally be placed in a sign other than the Sun sign, and that
such a placment of Mercury gives greater objectivity to the mind. Of course one's choice of zodiac
(Tropical or Sidereal?) can make the picture look better or worse, according to this particular
criteria. Max Heindel states that Mercury is better placed earlier in the zodiac than the Sun so that it
will rise before the Sun and act as a herald for the Sun. Whatever virtue this idea might have, a
Mercury placed later in the zodiac than the Sun doesn't seem to be a drastic impediment to
intellectual ability. I have encountered some people with conspicuously exact Sun/Mercury
Conjunctions who appeared to be intellectually gifted and skilled communicators, despite or
because of that configuration.
Even though the Sun and Mercury cannot form any major aspect other than a Conjunction in a
natal chart, it is possible to encounter other Sun/Mercury aspects in Transits and Progressions of the
Sun and Mercury, for example, and for this reason it might be useful to present some interpretive
guidlelines for use in this context.

Sun Semi-Sextile Mercury is probably not going to be a very potent and obvious influence,
and may well manifest in a very subtle and subliminal way. Generally one may expect effects
similar to Mercury in the 2nd or Mercury in the 12th House. If Transiting or Progressed Mercury is
one full sign behind Natal Sun I would take it as something like a 12th House Mercury; thinking
may be foggy, communcation may be hidden, withheld or illusive somehow- maybe there is some
sort of loss or confusion regarding documentation. If (Transitting or Progressed) Mercury is one full
sign ahead of Natal Sun, I'd take it as a type of 2nd House Mercury, and this implies documention,
discussion, or messages relating to finances or property, as well as education in general.

Sun Sextile Mercury implies intellectually stimulating friendship, and/or day-to-day

association with students, youthful, articulate and clever people. Ideas are easily shared with others,
and this combination of symbols would fit the idea of group study and discussion (as in a book club,
for example). Mobility and short journeys are highlighted.

Sun Square Mercury suggests a rather forceful or abrupt communication of one's opinion or
position, or it may occur that one is confronted by someone else's bold and authoritative statements.

Formal documents and paperwork relevant to one's domestic or professional life may demand
attention, and/or there may be a need or opportunity to communcate with parent/authority figures.
Formal public speaking of some sort would fit this symbolism.

Sun Trine Mercury suggests a graceful, creative or inspired use of intellectual and
communication abilities. One should be more than usually able to express thoughts spontaneously,
sincerely and intelligently. Morals and ideals may the subject of reading, research or discussion.
The 5 House connotation of the Trine aspect, and the association of Mercury with young people,
make children a possible theme or manifestation of Sun Trine Mercury. Exposure to foreign
languages, or the study of language, would fit here.

Sun Quincunx Mercury could indicate that the analytical mind is preoccupied with a difficult
or worrisome task. There may be intellectual work to, or work requiring careful and painstaking
attention to detail, and/or the processing of paperwork and analysis of many bits of information.
Sun Quincunx Mercury can manifest as discussion or negotiation regarding joint finances or
obligations people have towards each other. It may take the form of insurance related
communications, or paperwork regarding medical or death related issues, such as the creation or
reading of a will.

Sun Opposition Mercury could be described as an intellectual encounter or relationship, or it

may represent meaningfully meeting with a youthful, articulate, witty and clever person. It may also
indicate a time of powerful or impressive public communication of some kind. Debates or
intellectual challenges from others are not unlikely manifestations, and it is quite possible to be
successful in these activities if one is clear on one's position; otherwise it may become clear to
everybody that one is not well informed. The Sun and Mercury in Opposition may represent
objectification of ideas and information.

Sun/Venus Aspects
In a birth chart the Sun and Venus cannot be found more than about 48 degrees apart, so they may
form either a Conjunction, Semi-Sextile or Semi-Square aspect. Of course other aspects are possible
in the context of Tranists and Progressions.
In general a Sun/Venus aspect would indicate "friendly intentions" and so would manifest through
amicable or even amorous or flirtatious self-expression. With a close Conjunction or Semi-Square
in the birth chart there is often a conspicuously attractive physical appearance and personality, and
so the person may well prove to be quite popular with the opposite sex. Artistic abilities of some
kind are also a common trait, amoung those with close orbed Sun/Venus aspects in their charts,
though other factors in the chart may need to corroborate this for it to be an outstanding feature of
the whole personality.

Sun Conjunct Venus is the strongest aspect the Sun and Venus can form in a birthchart. When
the orb is tight it can signficantly enhance the overall "Venusianess" in the personality; this implies
attractiveness and charm. The person may be rather fashion conscious and always neat and well

Sun Semi-Sextile Venus could represent a gift or material generosity in some form (Venus in
2nd house themes), and/or there may be a subtle, surrendered or hidden romantic interest (Venus in
the 12th house themes).

Sun Sextile Venus would tend to describe harmonious friendships and neighbourly interactions,
as well as possibly pleasant recreational journeys, all as a result of a relatively easy going and
relaxed attitude.

Sun Square Venus is unlikely to be extremely upsetting, and, on the contrary, may well be a
time of pleasant social engagements. Some discretion is advised since there may be an element of
romantic or sensuous impulsiveness or self-indulgence that may result in relatively minor problems.
These themes manifest as a result of a pronounced desire for love, beauty and pleasure. Since the
Square aspect carries 4th & 10th house connotations, Sun Square Venus may manifest as
beautification of one's home, pleasant experiences with/through parent figures, and/or Venusian
amorousness or harmony in proffessional life.

Sun Trine Venus may be a time of creativity and kind generosity towards (and from) others. Fun
and the spontaneous expression of love and affection are likely manifestations. Pleasant or romantic
journeys could be seen here, as well as love and friendship influenced by (shared) philosophical

Sun Quincunx Venus could result in an awkward shift in love relationships, and/or there is the
possibility of a "loving service" of some kind bein rendered. It is not entirely improbable for this
combination of symbols to manifest as illness due to overindulgence, or there may be dis-ease of
bladder or sexual organs.

Sun Opposition Venus indicates encounters with sweet attractive Venusian types. There is a
desire to be with others in a relatively light and pleasant social context.This would be an
unassertive, and possibly very pleasant time.


Sun/Mars Aspects
In general Sun/Mars aspects relate to the power of the will, the "ego" and assertiveness. Both the
Sun and Mars are masculine "yang" symbols, so in any combination of these two planets, masculine
energy is amplified. Sun/Mars aspects are often good for health and vitality, though with the more
dynamic aspects (Conjunction, Sqaure and Opposition, and to some extent other aspects also) there
may be a tendency to anger easily, combined with a liabilty to accidents, fevers and/or
inflammation or surgery to those parts of the body associated with the sign and house placements of
Mars. Under adverse circumstances virulent Sun/Mars combinations can overheat or exhaust the
body. When accidents occur it is usually the result of impatience, impulsiveness, or rash actions
performed in a state of anger.
The "harmonious aspects", specifically Trines and Sextiles may indicate leadership abilities
since the character is forceful and courageous, yet there is less liabilty to inappropriate bursts of
temper. Even though there is "less liabilty" to getting angry, even the "easier aspects" between Sun
and Mars can make one a tad intolerant under certain circumstances. A well adjusted or well
handled Sun/Mars combination can make for athletic prowess and a strong muscular body.

Sun Conjunct Mars will make a person assertive, competitive and courageous. They will have
much physical vitality and will enjoy vigorous physical activity.

Sun Semi-Sextile Mars is rarely the most dangerously volatile of the different possible
combinations of these two planets, yet it should not be underestimated; sometimes suppressed or
subliminal anger can spill over quite out of control. Angry words and/or a vigorous defence of one's
property or territory may be manifested. Finances may be handled with enthusiastic impatience due
to the 2nd House connotation of the Semi-Sextile aspect.

Sun Sextile Mars may describe arguments with friends, siblings or neighbors, and hints at an
aggressive manner of persuing one's goals, which can result in conflict with others in one's
immediate environment. At best a Sun/Mars Sextile suggests dynamic group activity, and the
tendency to attract energetic and dynamic friends (neighbours or siblings) who may help to "stoke
your fire" and infuse you with courage and confidence.

Sun Trine Mars indicates an ability to release or express creative energy in dynamic bursts.
There is lots of enthusiasm and drive in the pursuit of ideals, and a tendency to be truly passionate
about one's beliefs and principles. It is perhaps possible that these aspects can represent conflict and
clashes with children, mentors or father figures.

Sun Square Mars is most likely to manifest as periodic explosions of anger and frustrated
assertiveness in domestic and proffessional life, possibly involving parent or authority figures. Even

so, there is the potential for impressive dynamism in these same areas also. One may excel
professionally through zeal and forcefulness and make one's domestic environment an avenue for
energetic work and activity. There may be a need to mindfully cultivate self control if the best
possibilties are to be materialised, and the worst avoided.
Since the Quincunx (Inconjunct) aspect tends to manifest through health adjustments, Sun/Mars
Quincunx's may well result in any of the more physiological manifestations already mentioned;
such as fevers, exhaustion, surgery and accidents. Furthermore, the 6th/8th House connotations of
the Quincunx aspect make it likley that Sun/Mars Quincunx's can result in vigourous and energetic
work which may involve a lot of physical, muscular activity. It is possible that dicord with coworkers can result from these aspects, and/or one tends to work with aggressive or exceptionally
dynamic people. Shared resources, issues related to other people's money and property (including
insurance agreements etc) may be the cause of anger or assertiveness. There may be impatience or
irrtability regarding one's obligations to others, or their obligations to you.

Sun Opposition Mars can be a very potent configuration which can make for great
accomplishments through a zealous and ambitious persuit of goals. It can also indicate heated
confontations, and, at best, very lively, stimulating and energetic partnerships. Relationships can
end in a battle of wills or ego's if there isn't sufficient room for the respective parties to maintain a
measure of independance. There will be a tendency to attract people who are percieved as impatient
and aggressive, and/or there is a tendency to look for fights and contests with others, with the
possibilty of finding one's match eventually.

Sun/Jupiter Aspects
Generally, a Sun/Jupiter aspect, if it is prominent in a birth chart, will improve the general prospects
of the person, since it will tend to promote the type of self esteem that enables people to improve
their circumstances and find a meaningful role in the world. Of course much will depend on the rest
of the chart, as well as the specific type of aspect involved, the orb of the aspect, etc. etc.
When Sun/Jupiter aspects are problematic it tends to be due to a lack of modesty and moderation.
The more dynamic Sun/Jupiter aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition) can bring out the best
and worst potential of the Sun/Jupiter combinations; it can make for great proffessional and social
success, yet these aspects are most likely to manifest as arrogance, self-indulgence and wasteful
squandering of physical and financial resources. Jupiter relates to religion, philosophy and belief
systems, and a highlighted Jupiter often stimulates interest in this direction in a very desirable or
morally ennobling mannner, yet sometimes there is a downright irreverant self-righteous streak with
the harder Sun/Jupiter aspects. Sun/Jupiter people can feel that they are true embodiments of social
truth and justice, and may well want to lead, guide and teach lesser mortals. This is either due to a
true recognition of their own highest purpose and individual gifts, which it would be their duty to

share, or it is motivated by a conceited desire for self aggrandisement. The Sun and Jupiter are both
regal planets that are naturally generous, and naturally smug. A healthy Sun/Jupiter manifestation is
bouyant optimism and faith, and such attitudes promote good health. Jupiter is a big planet, and this
seems to reflect the expansive Jovial urge to cover lots of ground (through travel and/or study), and
to have a wealth of experience. A strong Sun/Jupiter aspect in a birth chart will ensure that you live
a full and probably satisfying life.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter is the most egocentric or "identity expanding" Sun/Jupiter combination.
The person has great faith in themselves and will not hesitate to take on grand projects (whether
they can handle them is perhaps another matter).

Sun Semi-Sextile Jupiter is likely to be beneficial financially, directly or indirectly; either it

increases income or it protects against losses and impoverishing expenses. It may also describe a
charitable giving, or the recieving of material assistance.

Sun Sextile Jupiter should improve one's day-to-day communcations and interactions with
others; specifically with friends, neighbours and siblings. It indicates that one is a team player and
well able to keep the greater good of the group in mind. This social magnanimity naturally attracts
its reciprocation, and so friends, neighbours and/or siblings offer opportunities for new experiences,
travel or education. It may be that one tends to befriend people from faraway places, and/or people
who are wealthy, noble and wise. One's own siblings and relatives may well be successful, religious
and/or travelled: much as one would expect for Jupiter in the 3rd House.

Sun Square Jupiter (like Sun Opposition Jupiter) is either excellent or something of a liability,
depending largely in how well one knows one's limits. It can give one a powerful urge to make a
big impression on the world (or community), though quite often others perceive an element of
intemperance in the expression of this desire. Discipline, humility and self restraint can turn this
into an social-opportunity attracting factor; but it is important that one have a sincere interest in the
service and welfare of others, and not simply a desire to be acknowleged as a remarkable and
"larger than life" personality. Domestic life can be improved by these aspects.

Sun Trine Jupiter is probably the best of the possible Sun/Jupiter aspects. The faith and the
moral and philosophical tendencies of Jupiter are best able to flourish here, and there is abundant
potential creativity, enterprise and intelligence. The person is honest and usually respected, and may
be a teacher of some kind, and easily attracts suitable teachers to illumine their own path. Travel
can be very beneficial, and generally there is a tendency to be what is known as "lucky"; some
people call it "good karma".

Sun Quincunx Jupiter might imply a liver complaint, or some or other physical awkwardness

as a result of "rich living", such as overindugence in food and drink. Although health may be
sensitive, there is great liklihood that one will recieve good medical care if required. The benefical
and harmonious attributes of Jupiter may here come to bear on work and employment, so there may
be an improving of working conditions, as well as good experiences through co-workers. There
should be little difficulty sharing with others, and there may even be some sort of "luck" or benefit
through insurance, lotteries or generally other people's (social) money or resources. Growth may
literally come through your obligations to serve and share with others.

Sun Opposition Jupiter will specifically affect one-to-one partnerships. There is a tendency to
attract people from faraway places, and/or people with broader views than oneself, and this helps to
broaden one's own horizons. Although Sun Opposition Jupiter may well encourage the formation of
(possibly romantic) relationships and (possibly business) partnerships, it would also describe a need
to freedom and plenty of space in these relationships, and this can be quite a decisive, and may
sometimes lead to separation from stifling people.

Sun/Saturn Aspects
The fact that the Sun rules the sign Leo, and Saturn rules the sign opposite Leo, which is Aquarius,
is one useful key that illustrates the contrary natures and attributes of the Sun and Saturn. The Sun
is proud and regal, as well as open and honest; whereas Saturn is humble or insecure, and far more
prone to calculated or even deceptive ways. If the Sun is a bright warm light, Saturn is a cold dark
shadow. If the Sun is vitality, Saturn is decrepitude. If the Sun represents the soul, Saturn would be
the densest matter. These are a few of the most obvious examples of the polarized themes
associated with these two symbols. One point of similarity is the fact that both these symbols may
be associated with a type of father or authority figure (sometimes a mother may be represented by
these symbols, particularly in the chart of a female).
In actual practise, in a birth chart, a prominent Sun/Saturn aspect will often indicate that the person
had quite a stern parent figure in their early years; especially with the harder Sun/Saturn aspects
(Conjunction, Square and Opposition). This early exposure to a strict parent figure tends to instill a
deep rooted sense of responsibility, and can simultaneously inhibit spontaneous self expression, and
in relatively extreme cases this can make the person overly fearful of stepping out of line, and they
may be similarly restrictive towards others. Doing one's duty can become something of a
preoccupation, and having fun can be difficult, but probably sorely needed at times. This type of
self-suppression rarely makes one very popular and easy to relate to, so Sun/Saturn aspects can
make for a loner. Sometimes the hardness and sense of isolation that Sun/Saturn aspects can
describe can show as a lack of sympathy, tolerance and affection for others. The worst of these
tendencies are far more common with very close-orbed hard aspects between the Sun and Saturn,
and of course the rest of the chart may sustantially modify the extremity of these issues.


The planet Saturn is very concrete and practical, and so any Sun/Saturn aspect will tend to enhance
"the will to be practical" in the personality as a whole. This, and the strong sense of responsibility
that most Sun/Saturn people possess, can make them people who get things done and manifest more
solid results than other, less steady and "grounded" people.
In terms of life cycles (Transits and Progressions), the harder Sun/Saturn aspects are regularly
turning points in one's professonal life, and it is often then that our position is tested, and we either
stand firm and establish our place, or our weaknesses are brought to light and we fall and fail. One's
health and vitality is often compromised under the influence of the more strenuous Sun/Saturn
aspects, whereas Trines and Sextiles may enable one to improve one's lifestyle in ways that will
benefit both health and practical worldly effectiveness. Under the best Sun/Saturn influences
authority figures recognize and acknowledge our merits and accomplishments, and may promote us
in some way.

Sun Conjunct Saturn is possibly the most isolating of all the Sun/Saturn aspects. It is also
likely to dampen one's self-esteem and lessen ones courage, yet it might even make one rather
detached and content with isolation, and inclined to remain aloof from others while persuing one'
own ambitions.

Sun Semi-Sextile Saturn may specifically indicate financial problems, or perhaps simply a fear
of lack or loss.

Sun Sextile Saturn suggests friendships and neighbourly relations with older (or possibly
significantly younger) people. This is at least partly due to one's own inherent seriousness and
disinclination to get into frivolous chatter with frivolous people. It may even result in relatively
little communication and group involvement, and an ability to be relatively content with one's own
company. Day-to-day tasks and journeys may be approached with gravity and lethargy.

Sun Square Saturn can make one ambitious and determined (which is also true for other strong
Sun/Saturn aspects), and not usually very personally warm and friendly, especially in a proffessonal
setting where there is a greater need for cold, calculated planning and scheming. Although these
Sun/Saturn aspects can diminish true self-confidence, there may well be the abilty to project a
steady and self-contained persona. Where the person has overcome selfishness, this, as well as other
strong Sun/Saturn aspects, can make for a hard working and self-sacrificing person who will
shoulder responsibility that may be of benefit to many. The 4th/10th House connotation of the
Square aspect can result in a (percieved) lack of emotional support from parents and family (which
can be a cause of the confidence problems mentioned above), or it may manifest as an experience of
tyranny at the hands of a hard and merciless boss figure. If one shows a lack of consideration for
others in one's persuit of one's own goals, one naturally becomes unpopular and isolated.

Sun Trine Saturn would be the most harmonious and gracious of the Sun/Saturn aspects, and
this would most likely manifest as a type of ease in accepting responsibility and an almost effortless
ability to manifest practical results. One might call it "earthy creativity" or "practical intelligence",
much like Saturn in the 5th House. The mind is serious and prefers realistic idea and ideals to
overly abstract and intangible concepts.

Sun Quincunx Saturn is likely to indicate chronic health problems possibly involving legs,
teeth, or those parts of the body associated with the signs and houses involved. There may be a
sense of tediousness in work and inharmonious relations with co-workers. There may be a tendency
to begrudge obligations to others, and/or difficulty with sharing resources with others.

Sun Opposition Saturn suggests that one will attract and encounter Saturnine types in one-toone relationships, and that one's relationships will be a key arena in which Saturnine energies
manifest themselves. This will easily result in distance and aversion between the parties involved,
and it may happen that the relationhip is too duty-bound to be easily valued and enjoyed. Some
relationships and partnerships are very naturally and appropriately centred around work and duty,
and these may flourish under the auspices of a Sun Opposition Saturn. Relationships in which there
is a significant difference in age or social status may occur here. It may seem as if one is forever
confronted by responsabilities, and this may lead to an overemphasis of work in one's life, even
though being very dutiful may lead to attainments in one's proffessional life.

Sun/Uranus Aspects
Inasmuch as the Sun relates to one's identity and "ego", and since Uranus is inclined to seek
liberation and independence; Sun/Uranus aspects serve to enhance the uniquness of one's
individuality, and make for a freedom loving person who would tend to rebel against excessive
restrictions. Sun/Uranus aspects could be described as "the will to innovate", and Sun/Uranus
people often strike out new paths and are often pioneers. Many Sun/Uranus people are
exceptionally creative and progressive, and perhaps the key reason for their "genius" is the fact that
they are less fearful and self-depreciating than most other people. They will dare to experiment and
try out things: they like to discover new things and they don't presume too quickly that something is
impossible. This pioneering streak leads many Sun/Uranus people into technological fields or
scientific exploration, as well as the fronteirs of metaphysical knowledge and techniques.
On a rather basic level a very potent but poorly handled Sun/Uranus combination may manifest as
"the rebel without a cause" who acts as a destructively willful or anarchistic force (Saddam
Hussein?). In some of these cases individuals may actively seek ways and opportunities to shock
others. Sometimes this instinct is relatively harmless, and merely serves to make for a "colourfully
eccentric", and possibly unstable, personality (Madam Blavatsky).


Sun Conjunct Uranus is probably the strongest indication of "self-will" and independance. It
implies an unusual or unorthodox self-image which gets expressed to the world through an
exraordinary career, lifestyle or interests.

Sun Semi-Sextile Uranus can imply sudden financial gains or losses.

Sun Sextile Uranus is an indication of unorthodox and exciting friendships. Day-to-day social
interaction brings one into touch with progressive and pioneering individuals.

Sun Square Uranus would be one of the more dynamic connections between these to planets
and would thus be quite capable of producing some of the more radical results described above
under the general heading of Sun/Uranus aspects. Domestic and proffessional life in particular
would be prone to periods to instability; yet it is also possible that Sun Square Uranus could
manifest as an excitingly unusual career or a liberation from tedious and narrow domestic
contraints. A strong element of rebelliousness is quite possible, especially if circumstances are

Sun Trine Uranus could describe a creative or philosophical genius. This aspect would also
suggest a very free and liberated condition. Brilliant ideas and exciting, progressive ideals.

Sun Quincunx Uranus can result in sudden changes in ones health, as well as the possibilty of
instability in one's work or employment situation. It may describe unusual (possibly technological
or metaphysical) techniques in one's work. Innovative ways of sharing resources is one way to
translate Sun Quincunx Uranus; so is the idea that sharing resources manifests in unpredictable,
innovativce and/or startling ways.

Sun Opposition Uranus suggests that one will meet many "eccentrics" or "free spirits", or other
Uranian types in one's lifetime, because one actually prefers to partner with these off-beat yet
possibly volatile people, rather than more everyday folks. One-to-one relationships and partnerships
will be a key arena in and through which the exciting but sometimes rather unstable energies of
Uranus will manifest, and this implies some suddenly formed and shortlived unions. Relationships
that are overly stifling and monotonous will be less able to survive under the influence of Sun
Opposing Uranus, yet the more unorthodox and "experimantal" the relationship, the more
appropriate. It will sometimes happen that someone with Sun Opposing Uranus (either Natally, or
in terms of Transits or Progressions) will be unconscious of their need for freedom in relationships,
and may consciously believe that they want a stable, hum-drum relationship. If in such cases it
occurs that the partner rebels against the commitment in the relationhip or is in some other way
removed, it suggests that the state of "denial" has resulted in external circumstances taking over to
fulfill the unconsciou desire.

Sun/Neptune Aspects
The Sun and Neptune are not at all similar. We could describe the Sun as "Fiery" and Neptune as
"Watery", and water tends to kill and stifle fire; so Sun/Neptune people don't have the typically
robust strength that one would encounter in a pure Solar type. Sun/Neptune combinations call for a
surrender or sublimation of the "ego", and often this happens through identification with an
idealistic or spiritual cause, or possibly through artistic "self-transcendance". One will often be able
to discern an illusive, ethereal or "dreamy" aura in the Sun/Neptune type; they may be somewhat
inaccessible and not totally present.
Sometimes the idealism and empathy that accompany a potent Sun/Neptune influence can inspire
one to make great sacrifices for others who are percieved as victims in need of a saviour. This is
very often a precarious game to get involved in, and more-often-than-not the "savoiour" is using the
situation to try to resolve some of their own victimised self-perceptions, and is drawn to a situation
where they can be strong amoungst weaklings. Conversely, the Sun/Neptune person may be
unwilling to accept responsibility for their own wellbeing and security, and will all too readily lean
on whoever is willing to support them.
In a worst case scenario the sense of identity and will-power is so weak and nebulous that a state of
general vulnerability, confusion and possibly addiction (escapism) can manifest. A poorly handled
Sun/Neptune combination may also manifest as a chameleon like deceptiveness (Richard Nixon).
At best the Sun/Neptune type will be a "spiritual person" with great sensitivity (and possibly very
psychic), without the common problems associated with blurred boundaries; like a weak will, poor
discernment and unrealistic (escapist) attitudes. Of course the results are rarely all good or all bad,
and many a Sun/Neptune person would eventually recognize the need to stay grounded, realistic
and discerning, only after a number of imbalanced or unwholesome episodes in which they set
themselves up to be a victim of their own misperceptions and (self) deceptions.

Sun Conjunct Neptune indicates a vague sense of self or identity, and thus a tendency to be
easily influenced and led. It may also make the body sensitive in strange ways, like allergies and
hypersensitive reactions to medications etc. The person may lack clarity about their own intentions
and can be easily discouraged.

Sun Semi-Sextile Neptune can point to a state of spiritual surrender which may not, however,
be a fully conscious experience (much like Neptune in the 12th House). There may be a tendency to
lose things, like possessions, but also one's direction and clarity about one's true intentions. There
may be something veiled or incoherent about money matters; poor and sloppy financial or asset
management, and/or a sneaky or dishonest means of earning income.

Sun Sextile Neptune implies that one meets, befriends and associates with artistic, spiritual,
vulnerable and/or generally sensitive people. Idealistic friendships can occur here where there is a
strong note of empathy and selflessness. Sun Sextile Neptune might indicate participation in

spiritual or religious group activities.

Sun Square Neptune can describe a lack of clarity or confidence in the realm of one's
proffessional goals and identity, and/or there is a subtle and possibly discouraging situation in one's
domestic environment that undermines one's peace of mind. Maybe a parent figure reflects or
embodies these attributes of sensitivity or weakness. There may a powerful urge to materialize one's
ideals, yet there may not be sufficient lucidity, practicality and determination to manifest solid and
reliable results. Of course it is possible that other facets of the chart can compensate to some degree
for the lack of earthy or worldly attributes, as described above, yet there will still be a measure of
impressionability and occassional irresolution as a result of this combination.

Sun Trine Neptune would tend to manifest as strong spiritual beliefs that serve to soften the
personality, making the person kind and sympathetic. The imagination that would accompany this
aspect would find an ideal outlet through artistic self-expression, or spiritual and altruistic activities,
and there is a great capacity for a devotional type of spiritual communion. It is not unlikley that this
aspect would manifest as a tendency to idealize one's children or mentors.

Sun Quincunx Neptune is an indication that there may be difficult-to-diagnose physical

ailments. There may be leaking of vital energies that eventually manifest as chronic fatigue, and it is
also very possible to experience allergies and hypersensitive reaction to foods and medications. Sun
Quincunx Neptune can also describe a state of confusion or discouragement in one's work, or with
one's co-workers; one may find it very diffiult to remain focussed and effective in tasks requiring
great attention to detail. Sharing resources with others can be approached very idealistically, but
possibly quite impractically, resulting in dissappoinments and misunderstanding. All financial
agreements should be approached with care, and one should make an deliberate effort to ensure that
everything is clear and that there are no assumptions that could later lead to regrets.

Sun Opposition Neptune is a powerful configuration that highlights the importance of

Neptune's influence in the chart as a whole. However, it is likely that Neptune's energies and issues
will be encountered or confronted through relationships with others, particularly partners, be it
spouse or business partners. One will tend to attract "Neptune types", that is "spiritual people", or
possibly people with disabilties and worldly problems whom one may be tempted to "save". With
Sun Opposition Neptune it can be difficult to be clear and objective about the people one attracts as
partners. There is a tendency to idealize, or, conversely, to underestimate and pity them.
Any lack of honesty will easily undermine the trust in the relationship- for example, one person
with Sun Opposing Neptune hid his drug habit from his partner and when the truth surfaced, he had
to accept that his relationship had been irreperably damaged.


Sun/Pluto Aspects
One thing that the Sun and Pluto have in common is an association with power, albeit in different
ways. Pluto doesn't represent the open, dignified, regal authority we would properly associate with
the Sun; Pluto's power is deeper and more "submerged", dark and potentially brutal. A pronounced
Sun/Pluto aspect is an indication that there is an inclination and/or capacity to wield power, usually
in a way that will have a relatively significant social impact. A number of other factors, including
other facets of the chart, as well as the person's social status, will determine the extent and
magnitude of control and influence a Sun/Pluto person may come to possess. It may range from
being the family bully, to the domineering partner in a marriage, to attempted "world domination".
It is worth bearing in mind here that one tends to experience periodic role reversals in the social
dramas described by astrological aspects; the bully eventually meets his match; people with a strong
Sun/Pluto aspect in their charts may have had a domineering father figure, and/or may regularly
attract other overpowering individuals who they have to struggle against to maintain their
Of course the more dynamic aspects (the Conjunction, Square and Opposition in particular) will be
more likely to represent a more extreme expression or manifestation of this "will to wield power".
At it's best, where the "ego" is not too intoxicated with power, this profound drive to have an impact
on one's world can be a great source of healing and regeneration. Many individuals who are
profoundly commited to truly constructive social uplifment and reform, and who have the power
and influence to make a difference, will draw on the potency of a Sun/Pluto aspect in either the
Natal Chart, or in their life-cycles (Transits and Progressions). On a more modest and personal level
a Sun/Pluto aspect can enable an individual to successfully undergo processes of self-refinement or
transformation. These "transformation processes" may or may not be experienced as easy, and
usually with the more dynamic aspects there will be a struggle, or some degree of trauma involved.

Sun Conjunct Pluto indicates a powerful subjective intention to find a role in which one's
personal power can be expressed. Others may percieve such an individual as intimidating and
potentially subversive, yet also possibly very magnetic and charismatic.

Sun Semi-Sextile Pluto might describe a hidden or unconscious intention to manipulate or

control circumstances, or it could indicate a subliminal anxiety regarding a loss of control, or it
could describe the possibility of being dominated by hidden (unconscious) forces. Perhaps a
powerful drive to make money and acquire possessions, including the need to determinedly protect
one's property or source of income from potential threats. It may also describe the power and
influence that money can buy(?).

Sun Sextile Pluto could enable one to befriend people in positions of power and influence, and
these may well "open doors" for the furtherence of one's own personal aims and objectives. Group

work and group activities can be profoundly effective and meaningful and may be the means
through which one may be enabled to effect positive social changes and make a valuable social
contribution. There may be day-to-day interaction with people who embody strength and
determination, as well as a strong sense of purpose, and these will be powerful allies.

Sun Square Pluto is quite capable of manifesting as conflicts and power struggles with others
since it makes one likely to radiate a strength or determined ambition that others may find
threatening. It is very possible that a parent figure in early life embodied an overpowering or
overwhelming strength or will, and/or there may have been an early experience of power abuse in
the domestic sphere that provided the example that would later be copied.

Sun Trine Pluto indicates a profound creativity and philosophical realizations that are truly
empowering. It also suggests that there is an ability to undergo deep personal changes with
relatively little trauma, and to access deep wells of healing energies for the benefit and regenration
of oneself, or the larger community. One may give birth, literally or figuratively, to potent and
powerful creations.

Sun Quincunx Pluto can indicate a purging process that affects your health in some way, or
there may be a deep seated physiological condition that results in dis-ease. On another level Sun
Quincunx Pluto can mean that you are deeply immersed in your work, yet cooperating with others
in this area (coworkers) may sometimes be complicated. Some sort of power play can creep into
one's working environment. In sharing material resources, or where there are financial obligations
between people (like debts or insurance), there can be underlying control games or manipulations.

Sun Opposition Pluto is a powerful configuration that indicates very intense "transformative"
one-to-one encounters and personal relationships (especially if the orb is reasonably tight). A
marriage, business partnership, or even a consultation, can turn into a power struggle (or a catalyst
for deep metamorphosis) if either party is under the influence of a Sun/Pluto Opposition. There will
be a tendency to attract Plutonian types who might turn out to be the "tall dark stranger" your
mother warned you about, against whom you may eventually have to struggle to avoid being
overpowered. On the other hand these "Pluto types" you attract could give a new sense of purpose
to your life through their example of depth of character and their determined commitment to noble
goals or causes. Sun Opposition Pluto highlights questions around how and why we influence,
control or dominate others (for their own good?). If we are rendering a service as the agent for
another's transformation we should ensure that we are truly qualified facilitators and not, perchance,
simply bent on controlling and dominating others. If we are oppressed by another person's coersion,
we should realize that the situation may be trying to provoke us into a greater degree of selfassertiveness and independance; one doesn't attract domination by complete accident.


Moon/Mercury Aspects
In Vedic astrology the Moon is associated with "the mind", which is not exactly synonymous with
intellect, which is associated with Mercury. (It is true that a number of different planets could be
seen as representing a particular facet or dimension of "the mind", and it is possible to draw various
fine distictions between the various levels of cognition or perception represented by the many
possible planetary significators of "mind".)
From this perspective Moon/Mercury aspects describe a union or integration of two different levels
or components of mental functioning. The Moon is sometimes described as the"emotional mind"
which is the basic level of awareness and perception in which impressions are recieved more or less
indiscriminately, and at this level perception is easily coloured and distorted by unconscious
psychological complexes rooted in the past. Mercury is, by comparison, relatively detached from
emotional bias in its perception and cognition, and is less prone to blurring facts through fantasy
and sentimentality; Mercury is discrimination, analysis and logic, and generally far more lucid and
pratical than the Moon. It is often said that Mercury takes on the qualities of the planets with which
it is associated, and from this angle we get the impression that the logic and clarity of Mercury
could become clouded through contact with the watery Moon, thinking becomes too emotional to
be truly rational, which may or may not be a problem, depending on the requirements of a particular
situation. Where there is a need to communicate with or about feelings, an emotionally infused
Mercury can help us to speak from our emotional truth, so to speak, it can enable us to
communicate or sympathy and caring for others. At worst, however, an "emotionally infused
Mercury" can manifest as a lack of clarity in communication due to excessive emotionalism, and
this often leads to poorly considered words which are inappropriate in, or irrelevant to the given
situation, yet possibly all too revealing of one's subjective issues. With the more dynamic aspects
between Moon and Mercury there is often a tendency to be far too eager to talk about one's personal
and private affairs, or those of others.
In a more ideal scenario a well balanced Moon/Mercury aspect can contribute towards an ability to
analyze and communicate with and about emotions in a clear and lucid manner, and may contribute
positively to the intellectual capabilties of the person.
Inasmuch as the Moon is a symbol of the mother figure and women in general, Moon/Mercury
aspects can indicate a talkative, learned or otherwise Mercurial women or mother figure.

Moon Conjunct Mercury suggests a strong inclination to think and communicate from a very
subjective vantage point, which need not be an impediment to logic and communcation abilties,
unless perhaps the person is under the sway of powerful and upset feelings. Emotional impressions
and imagination can very powerfully influence thinking and comunication here, and this may be
useful in certain circumstances and professions ; for writers, journalists and salespeople, for

Moon Semi-Sextile Mercury suggests "sales-talk", financial calculations, or some form of


communication directed at day-to-day commercial activities. Alternatively, there may be some

difficulty in communicating one's precise feelings and impressions, one's thoughts and feelings may
be vague, unconscious and inaccessible; maybe there is even a deliberate effort to hide one's true
thoughts for some reason.

Moon Sextile Mercury paints the picture of easy going communication amoung familiar
friends, family or neighbours. There may be regular journeys in one's neighbourhood and lots of
social interaction. Generally there is little difficulty conveying to others precisely what one's
sujective feelings are, and there is a good balance between logic and the less rational, instinctive
side of thought processes.

Moon Square Mercury would tend to manifest as a pronounced urge or impulse to express
one's ideas and feelings to others, sometimes in a rather indiscriminate way. It lead to "gossip" or
"public communications" regarding one's own or the private affairs of others.

Moon Trine Mercury can manifest as a creative (even playful) way of articulating one's feelings
and thoughts. Communication in general is sincere and spontaneous, as well as intuitively sensitive
and responsive to the needs and emotions of others. The mind is clear and ideas are expressed

Moon Quincunx Mercury can mean that there is skill in mental work, though it can also
indicate a highly strung and tense state of nerves and emotions that would be less than perfectly
conducive to easy and harmonious communication. Some measure of awkwardness may be
experienced in expressing one's thoughts and feelings, and there may be a specific need to discuss
issues relating to service (work) and/or shared resources (somewhat like Mercury in the 6th or 8th

Moon Opposition Mercury indicates a powerful urge to interact with others, to share ideas in
an intimate and sympathetic way. This aspect could help one to communicate to the public in a
friendly and charming manner (also potentially true of some other Moon/Mercury aspects), and if
there is not much emotional tension to cloud the mind, it should be rather easy to get one's point
across to others. Talking and thinking about one's relationships can be a pronounced tendency with
this aspect, and there is a great likelihood of a great variety of light and superficial social contacts
being made.

Moon/Venus Aspects
Both the Moon and Venus are feminine symbols, and both are related to our emotions and our need
for physical and emotional nurturing. A pronounced Moon/Venus aspect enhances our craving to
give and recieve a tender maternal type of love and affection. Moon/Venus combinations can make

for intimacy in relationships, yet in relatively extreme doses this can become a smothering type of
mothering love. A Moon/Venus aspect can enbale us to enjoy nourishing food and drink, but
sometimes this instinct to nourish can lead to overindulgence, to the detriment of one's physical
health and wellbeing. Laziness is quite possible under the sway of these energies which encourage
us to relax and enjoy sensuous pleasures in the comfort of our homes or other safe, pleasant and
familiar environments.

Moon Conjunct Venus makes a person loving, cheerful and attractive. It will go a long towards
softening an otherwise abrasive or tough personality. Moon Conjunct Venus may even promote
artistic abilities, since there is a highly developed sense of aesthetics, but it will not encourage
disciplined efforts. A mother figure may embody the gracious, beautiful or amorous attributes of

Moon Semi-Sextile Venus may manifest as a subtle or secret romantic attachment; a craving
for love that is not easily or openly satisfiable. Spending (or earning) money on (or through) gifts,
food or decorations for the home would be easy to see here.

Moon Sextile Venus indicates "a family of friends" amoung whom goodwill and caring
flourishes. Generally one's neighbourly relationships and group activities (with women in
particular) are harmonious and loving, and one is able to express one's affection for others easily.
This aspect will enhance social popularity and will encourage one be hospitable to others, and
naturally others will feel inclined to reciprocate.

Moon Square Venus can bring sensual enjoyments and will evoke strong desires for love and
intimate, nurturing romantic relationships, and while all this is pleasurable, there is some tendency
to go to excess. It may be difficult to find a comfortable and easy level of depth and intensity in
love relationships, and it will be easy to become too attached and possibly smothering, or to
struggle with this in others. Despite some of the hiccups that may accompany this aspect it is far
from the most difficult combination, and well handled it may even make for social popularity and a
comfortable and luxurious domestic life.

Moon Trine Venus in an indication of warm feelings of love and affection for others, and these
will be expressed graciously and spontaneously, with little fear and inhibition. This particular
Moon/Venus aspect is also quite capable of manifesting through artistic gifts of some kind.

Moon Quincunx Venus can result in a sense of awkwardness or obligation in love

relationships. There may be debts or duties that somehow influence the mood of an intimate
relationship, possibly making it less smooth and natural. Physiologically the digestion and
reproductive systems may be sensitive and susceptible to dis-ease. There may be a belief that love

and nurturing is given and recieved through the rendering of service to the beloved. Maybe this
combination will manifest as a job or service very specifically relating to or catering for feminine

Moon Opposition Venus suggests a powerful inclination to seek emotional intimacy through
romantic relationships, and this urge may well find gratification, and this can result in a rich and
fulfilling emotional life, and pleasant, comfortable domesticity. Encounters and partnerships with
women can be very meaningful, regardless of one's own sex. Some of the tendencies to sensuous
excesses described above under Moon Square Venus, as well as a tinge of vanity (as one might find
with Moon Conjunct Venus) may similarly manifest here.

Moon/Mars Aspects
The Moon and Mars are essentially dissimilar, and this can result in some discordant manifestions,
especially with the harder aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition). The Moon is cool and
moist, whereas Mars is hot and dry. Moon/Mars aspects will tend to fire up emotions, possibly to
the point where we become prone to fits of emotional anger, or infantile temper tantrums.
Admittedly these are the more extreme manifestations, but they do occur quite often under potent
Moon/Mars combinations. In a more moderate dose one will find Moon/Mars aspects serve to
enhance confidence and promote directness and straightforward, energetic expressions of feeling.
Robert Hand, in his book Planets in Transit, mentions that a hard aspect between Transiting Mars
and Natal Moon can result in injuries to the eyes. Presumably a prominent Moon/Mars aspect in the
Natal chart would enhance the inherent liability to that type of accident or injury. The impaired
thinking and hasty reactions of an emotionally upset and angry person would, of course, increase
the general liablilty to have accidents or provoke dangerous and unnessassary interpersonal
conflicts. All the more potent Moon/Mars aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition) call for
extra care and cultivated awareness in the release and expression of passionate or stormy emotions.
The common angry reactions one encounters with these aspects are sometimes very inappropriate in
terms of the given situation, and there is the potential to hurt (Mars) those closest to you (Moon).
Inasmuch as the Moon relates to the mother and women in general, a Moon/Mars aspect can
describe a bold, courageous and forthright women or mother figure; a type of feminine warrior, or
it can indicate fighting and discordant interactions with women.

Moon Conjunct Mars can make for a tendency to respond with rash impulsiveness and
independence to emotionally sensitive situations, and there may well be a tendency to be
excessively defensive. It is also very possible that Moon Conjunct Mars can make a person more
dynamic than they would otherwise be, and according to Vedic astrology, a person with Moon and
Mars in the same sign will be skilled in business and will be worldy wise.

Moon Semi-Sextile Mars implies a subtle assertiveness that may even be quite unconscious.

There is also the possiblity of a pushy approach to earning or defending ones money or property.
Generally one might look out for themes associated with Mars in the 12th or 2nd Houses.

Moon Sextile Mars suggests one is energetic and sporty and enjoys engaging in contests with
friends, neighbours and relatives. Although this aspect will to some extent enhance confidence and
assertiveness, it is unlikely to be the primary cause of emotional outbursts and misplaced emotional

Moon Square Mars can describe abrupt and relatively sudden burts of angry emotion, quite
likely to be directed at family or other people one is emotionally close to. It may be that someone
with a Moon/Mars Square in their birth-chart will be exposed to some form of domestic violence or
abuse duringtheir formative years. This may or may not be physical violence, but this early image
of fighting in the family serves as a model for future interactions with those closest to one. It is
possible that a Moon/Mars Square could describe an emotional outburst that mars ones public
image and reputation; anger and resentment may be foccussed on a boss figure who is percieved
as tyrannical. Moon Square Mars can increase ones ambitions and drive to succeed, and may make
for an energetic worker, but there is a liability to be rough and impatient with others, and this can
make one unpopular.

Moon Trine Mars is likely to be the most harmonious possible Moon/Mars combination, and
this is likely to manifest as a dynamic and creative release of emotional impulses. This will most
probably express itself as the ability and inclination to readily defend family and kin, and to inspire
others to be freer in their emotional self expression through setting an example of how to be
forthright, yet caring.

Moon Quincunx Mars is an indication of irritability that will lead to periodic expressions of
anger and impatience with (from) others; particularly co-workers and those to whom we have
(financial) obligations. Disagreements and fighting over (shared) financial concerns is a possibility.
Physiological disorders are specifically indicated here, and this may manifest as accidents, surgery
and/or inflammation of the stomach, breasts, eyes, or posssibly other parts of the body associated
with the signs and houses involved. Generally there is a liability to acute conditions.

Moon Opposition Mars will, to some extent, act like Mars in the 7th House: it suggests the
tendency to get involved in explosive confrontations, or highly energetic and volatile relationships.
At its best this might describe dynamic partnerships and teamwork where there is a collaboration
between two (or possibly more) dynamic, active and relatively independent people, who non-theless manage to complement one another. Under less ideal circumstances a Moon/Mars Opposition
will manifest as a pattern of regular emotional battles that will harm personal and family
relationships and alienate potential collaborators. There will be a tendency to attract assertive and

even rather rudely inconsiderate people, and they may well test ones ability to be consciously and
constructively responsive.

Moon/Jupiter Aspects
Generally all Moon/Jupiter aspects are quite harmless, and actually beneficial on the whole: the
worst-case-scenarios are a lot less serious than one may encounter with various other planetary
aspects. Maybe one could see in Jupiters exaltation in the (Moon ruled) sign Cancer an inherent
affinity between the Moon and Jupiter; they are both nurturing and relatively benign energies
(although Jupiter could be described as more adventurous and less emotional).
The mother figure and early domestic environment, associated with the Moon, is often improved
and protected by a strong influence from Jupiter. This can translate as a comfortable, supportive and
even opulent home life (and/or mother figure). When one recieves caring and nurturing in early life
one is more able to feel deserving and generous in later life, which naturally helps one to create
health, success and happiness.
The worst case scenarios tend to take the form of self-righteousness, hypocrisy and gluttony, and
naturally these tendencies are more common with the harder aspects.
Maybe we should consider here that, according to Vedic astrology, the desirable Gaja Kesari
Yoga (the elephant-lion combination) is formed when Jupiter is in an angle (Conjunct, Square or
Opposing) from the Moon. According to an ancient Vedic astrology text (Brihat Parashara Hora)
Gaja Kesari Yoga makes for a person who is ...splenderous, wealthy, intelligent, endowed with
many laudable virtues... This may serve as another reminder not to presume that Squares and
Oppositions have to manifest as totally negative results, especially not when Jupiter is involved.
The emotions associated with the Moon will be rendered more bouyent and optimistic through
being connected to jovial Jupiter, and this may easily make a person popular with others. This
ideal state is naturally very typical of the Sextile and Trine aspects between Moon and Jupiter.
Inasmuch as Jupiter relates to religion, philosophy and ones beliefs, and the Moon relates to ones
past and family background, Moon/Jupiter aspects can be associated with the religious and moral
dimension of ones early upbringing. This can provide one with wisdom that helps one to navigate
ones way through the viccisitudes of adult life where one will have to make many decisions based
on moral and ethical considerations. However, one may not be very conscious and objective about
this early indoctrination which will not invariably to perfectly enlightened.
A prominent Moon/Jupiter aspect could easily enlarge the body since both planets can be watery.
Where this has resulted from gross overindulgence in food and drinks it may not be good for health
(and the liver, associated with Jupiter, may suffer).

Moon Conjunct Jupiter improves self-esteem considerably and helps to make one a socialite.
This aspect may well make for a big person; literally and figuratively. There is a strong instinct to
nurture and protect others, but the person may not be forever satisified with narrow and familiar
domestic experiences and may well feel the need to explore the world. The mother or other

influential female figures in the persons life may embody the wealth, generosity and wisdom of

Moon Semi Sextile Jupiter suggests the potential for material wealth and can enable one to
attract opportunities to earn good income.

Moon Sextile Jupiter implies an ability to get along well and communicate effectively with
others. It also helps one to attract helpful and well intentioned people as friends and neighbours. All
kinds of group activity would be favoured by this Moon/Jupiter aspect, but is is specifically
appropriate to be involved in religious, philosophical, educational or socially conscious groups.

Moon Square Jupiter can bring out the best and worst of the potential expressions of
Moon/Jupiter combinations. Some Moon/Jupiter Square people will gravitate to a very public
expression of their ethical principles or religious beliefs, and may aim to influence or educate public
opinion. There may be a tendency to be proud and haughty which others will not always appreciate.
The domestic environment is usually comfortable and even luxurious, but at worst these aspects can
result in overindulgence.

Moon Trine Jupiter represents an almost ideal state of harmonious, generous and aspiring
emotions. The moral and ethical principles associated with Jupiter can truly blossom here, and so
the person is tolerant, kind and intuitively wise. The instinct to nuture and care for others is strong,
and others are very likely to offer their help and support when needed.

Moon Quincunx Jupiter is an indication of material help and assistance from others. It should
also make for relatively easy and rewarding conditions of work or employment, and harmonious
relations with coworkers. One may benefit fininacially through others (inheritance) or through some
unearned means (insurance). It is not entirely unlikley that this aspect would manifest as
disagreements with, or antipathy for, religious figures or specific philosophies. To once again
borrow an insight from Vedic astrology, it may be worth noting here that in that system Moon in the
6th or 8th house from Jupiter forms Shakata Yoga. We read (in Light on Life) that the fortunes
of those with this yoga rise and fall again and again throughout life.... However, note also that
when the Moon is in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) Shakata Yoga is not formed. The
Quincunx aspect (correlating to the 6th and 8th houses) tends to be awkward and even destructve,
so here the good fortune associated with Jupiter may be somewhat impaired or unrelaible, and it
would seem that this is the logic behind Shakata Yoga of Vedic astrology.

Moon Opposition Jupiter will promote the formation of idealistic relationships, and will draw
one into personal contact with foreign, wealthy and/or learned people. This aspect might even
describe an active and conscious search for a counsellor, guru or mentor. All one-to-one

relationhips are generally improved by this aspect, but it would tend to call for a large measure of
freedom and room to move within the relationship; Jupiter cannot bear to be needlessly cramped or
restrained. Moon Opposition Jupiter suggests a warm urge to reach out to others and interact for
mutual benefit.

Moon/Saturn Aspects
The Moon rules the sign Cancer, which is located opposite Saturn ruled Capricorn on the zodiac
wheel. This reveals the inherent polarity and sharp contrast between Moon and Saturn symbolism.
The Moon relates to ones personal, private domestic life, whereas Saturn tends to be associated
with ones career and social duties. These areas are ideally complementary, but often struggle to be
comfortably integrated. The Moon and Saturn rarely combine very easily and graciously. At best,
they serve to make one conscientiously willing to fullfill domestic and social responsibilities; at
worst these aspects produce severe unworthiness complexes that can result in a sense of
alienation from others.
Inasmuch as the Moon relates to nurturing and the mother figure, the combination of Moon and
Saturn can indicate that one percieves the mother figure as hard, cold and aloof; especially, of
course, with the harder aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition). In relatively extreme cases
there has been emotional and/or physical neglect that could leave the person with various
imbalanced emotional tendencies. For example, it may happen that a lack of nurturing and
emotional support in early life leads to the person themselves developing selfish and unsympathetic
tendencies in later life. They may feel that the game of life is generally played with little regard for
human emotions, and although they may secretly feel vulnerable and alone, they mask this with a
tough thickskinned persona. Even though a hard Moon/Saturn aspect can make one feel criticised
and vulnerable, there is a tendency to be critical of others: we tend to dish out to others the same
treatment we feel we are receiving. Sometimes a person will be hardly aware of their own tendency
to cut others off emotionally, and may be quite convinced that they are harmless victims of the
insensitivity and distance of others. People with a healthy self-image are usually quite generous
towards and supportive of others. Of course one needs to bear in mind that hard aspects between the
Moon and Saturn do not function in a vacuum, and other components of the chart and life cycles
will modify the extremity of these tendencies.
Of course the more moderate and harmonious aspects (Sextile and Trine) between Moon and Saturn
will not be likely to manifest as such extreme emotional disconnectedness, but even the best
Moon/Saturn combinations will inhibit the spontaneity of emotional expression. In ideal scenarious
these aspects serve to make people emotionally stable and able to be alone without maudlin
loneliness or bitterness. There is value in being able to stand alone without cuddles and
encouragement from others. This can promote intellectual clarity and practicality that can be of
concrete service to the world, and these virtues can, under ideal circumstances, be demonstrated

with even the harder Moon/Saturn aspects.

Saturn is cold and dry, whereas the Moon is cool and moist. Moon/Saturn combination can make
one exceptionally sensitive to cold and chills. Saturn can be like a cold wind that dries up the
Moons moisture, and physiologically this can show as a thin body.

Moon Conjunct Saturn can indicate that one perceives ones own emotional world as cold and
barren. In some cases this aspect can coincide with an absent mother figure, and in later life the
person may find it diffucult to reach out to others and ask for help and support. Poor self esteem
may be at the root of a pessimistic and defeatist outlook on life.

Moon Semi-Sextile Saturn may indicate poverty, or simply a fear thereof (which is a type of
poverty in itself). There may be an extremely cautious way of dealing with money, property and
expenses. Financial security is not impossible to attain, eventually, though it may be specifically
due to the above mentioned fear of lack. The person may (subliminally) feel that they are not secure
and supported.

Moon Sextile Saturn is a conservative socializer who might find frivolous company and
communication hard to bear. Also, while not being exactly fearful, this aspect would not promote
travel, adventurousness and risk taking. It may not be easy to engage this person in group activities,
but they could potentially demonstrate a solid reliabilty as a friend or group participant.

Moon Square Saturn can make one insecure about ones social position, it can lead to delays
and obstacles to career success, and/or it may manifest as domestic problems. Parent or authority
figures may be unsympathetic and obstinately difficult to please.

Moon Trine Saturn implies that there is the potential to bring creativity and even enjoyment to
rather dry practical tasks that others would regard as tedious and uninspiring. Business and wordly
activities are easily dealt with due to a strong inborn sense of duty, order and efficient pragmatism.
Vague and impractical abstractions, idealistic ravings or sentimental self-indulgence that evades
hard cold facts, would not be likely to meet with much approval here; the person espouses a
practical philosophy and pursues realistic and concrete ideals. It is possible to be frugal and yet
comfortable, and to be emotionally detached, yet considerate of the feelings of others. It is possible
to be self controlled and careful, yet not fearfully inhibited.

Moon Quincunx Saturn can result in poor health and difficulties in working with others.
Maybe there is an innate resistance to sharing and serving so that these lessons are learnt the hard


Moon Opposition Saturn hints at obstacles and delays in one-to-one partnerships, including
romantic relationships, much like Saturn in the 7th House. It may be exceptionally difficult to find
the right partner, and it is all too easy to get into an alienated and pessimistic mindset in
relationhips, even when there is little real reason for this. Even though a person with Moon
Opposing Saturn in his or her birth chart may feel that they are rejected or abandoned by others,
they are very likely to send back-off signals that others inevitably respond to. There may be a real
fear of allowing oneself to get close to others because being responsible for the emotional wellbeing
of others may be perceived as an unbearable burden, yet there is simultaneously a great fear of (or a
tendency to see oneself as) being abandoned. This aspect seems to bring a lesson of trusting oneself
and others to bring consideration and sensitivity to intimate relationships (also true of other hard
aspects between Moon and Saturn). This aspect may also challenge one to differentiate between, or
find an appropriate integration of, personal and proffessional relationships.

Moon/Uranus Aspects
Domesticated Moon can find herself uprooted when too intimately associated with volatile Uranus.
The most dramatic manifestations of Moon Uranus aspects (most commonly found with the
Conjunction, Square and Opposition) can take the form of emotional waywardness, eccentricity,
and scant regard for conventional notions regarding duty to home and family. The domestic
environment needs to be vibrant and upbeat; since it is likley that the person will easily get bored
and frustrated with a monotous and conservative home life. The mother figure and/or other women
one attracts may well reflect this busy, free and electric streak.
A disrupted early home-life may be part of the reason for the persons emotional instability, and this
disruptedness of the early domestic or family environment need not be very dramatic and obvious
an occurance. Sometimes the persons mothers felt restless and frustrated shortly after the persons
birth, and this may have been sensed by the infant.
It is certainly not unusual for the effects to be milder and more manageable than one may come to
expect from the above guidelines , but there is almost invariably an element of unorthodoxy, a
craving for excitement and high voltage stimulation. It is possible that the willfull independance
associated with these aspects will emerge quite suddenly and startle others; it is not always obvious
that the person is potentially unpredictable and rebellious. Suddenness and surprise are typical of
the manifestation of Uranus, whereas the Moon tends to relate to habits and things we take for
It is quite common for people with prominent Moon/Uranus aspects in their charts to show a
marked interest in science, as well as less orthodox metaphysical subjects, like astrology. There is
an interest in, and willingness to, explore methods for breaking out of habitual and unconscious
ways of dealing with day-to-day life situations. Moon/Uranus people are potentially less dominated

by early conditioning and indoctrination, so they can come across as very open minded, and are
generally willing to try new things (ideas).
The genius that is sometimes associated with Moon/Uranus aspects is as possible with the harder
aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition) as it is with the milder Sextiles and Trines, yet the
more moderate aspects allow for a less erratic flow of ideas, and gentler reactions to the
environment. An overly willfill and eccentric genius is less likely to serve the world, and is therefor
less admirable.

Moon Conjunct Uranus is an indication of a very excitable emotional nature and an emphatic
distaste for conventionality. The person is highly strung and potentially impulsive and rebellious,
specifically in the realm of domestic relationships. Of course it is possible that these attributes may
be experienced in projected form through significant relationships with women who embody these
Uranian qualities. The person may find it difficult to establish a stable home and domestic
environment and there may be frequent changes if residence.

Moon Semi-Sextile Uranus can manifest as a very subtle and even subliminal restlessness and
discontent that can ultimately undermine the stability of domestic life. The person may be hardly
aware of their own inner craving for freedom. There may even be a sense of guilt or shame about
ones disinclination to tow-the-line, and so the latent rebelliousness is supressed, and yet is likely
to occassionally erupt or leak out. Perhaps there was an experience of sudden loss and isolation in
early childhood that ultimately led to a distrust of situations where one emotionally relies on others
(something true of many other Moon/Uranus combinations). Financial circumstances or ones
manner of earning could be somehow unorthodox or subject to sudden and surprising changes. In
an ideal and progressive scenario Moon Semi-Sextile Uranus may manifest as brilliantly innovative
ways of using or generating (domestic) resources.

Moon Sextile Uranus implies exciting and liberating friendships; day-to-day communication
and routine neighbourly interactions are vibrant and probably sometimes a little surprising.
However, there is generally an ability to attract interesting and stimulating, rather than shocking and
upsetting neighbourly exchanges. Exciting group activities may even occur in ones home or
domestic environment, or one may manage to create a satisfyingly free and unusual domestic life.
The mother and/or other feminine figures support ones unique interests.

Moon Square Uranus is quite likely to show as an emotionally rebellious and, in extreme
cases, and explosively unpredictable streak. The person may almost compulsively try to break away
from their past by seeking out radical and unorthodox beliefs, lifestyles and relationships. They may
experience a conflict between their most basic emotional needs for nurturing from others, and their
extreme and often willfull independance. The incessant craving for stimulation and fast-paced or

novel activities can result in an erratic lifestyle that can exhaust the body, and disconnect the person
from healthy natural rhythms. Some of the persons eccentricities may be quaintly attractive and
interesting to others, and it is far from improbable that the person will possess real and possibly
exceptional talent and intelligence; however, eccentricity for its own sake is usually quite useless.
The person often needs to cultivate greater patience, and in many cases they would probably benefit
from slowing and calming down. An excitable person can easily misjudge a situation. Many of
these comments apply more or less equally to the Conjunction and Opposition aspects between
Moon and Uranus.

Moon Trine Uranus is probably the most creative and spontaneous Moon/Uranus aspect. This
aspect can describe brilliant ideas and intuitive realizations. There is little fear and difficulty in
letting go of ones past and opening to new ways of being. This aspect may be found in the chart of
someone who moves about and travels a great deal, and even where this isnt obviously the case,
the person is free thinking and appreciates new experiences. Some sources associate this aspect
(and to some extent other Moon/Uranus aspects) with an interest in astrology and related subjects,
but there are indeed many sceptics with Moon/Uranus Trines in their natal charts; yet even then,
they are usually exceptionally intelligent people with an interest in science, technology and/or
mathematics. Moon/Uranus aspects generally make the mind sharp and alert, and this gives a knack
for technical subjects; astrology isnt all technical, but it is the technical side of astrology that a
Moon/Uranus person will easily relate to. Moon Trine Uranus implies that the person follows their
own unique (and probably sincere) moral or religious beliefs, and will be disinclined to passively
and unquestioningly accept the suggestions of others in this regard.

Moon Quincunx Uranus could be an indication that the state of a persons physical health has
been impacted by an overly erratic and excitable state of emotions, mind or nerves. Maybe there is a
sudden and unexpected onset of illness, and/or it could describe unorthodox, technological medical
interventions. This aspect would also possibly relate to sudden (maybe upsetting) events regarding
financial obligations between people. There may be exciting, progressive and innovative
arrangements for sharing (domestic) property, but sharing (or loan) arrangements may also be liable
to abrupt change and unforeseen developments.

Moon Opposition Uranus, much like Uranus in the 7th House, is an indication of liberated,
free and/or unpredictable relationships and partnerships. One may tend to attract people who are
less than rooted and stable, and conscioulsy or unconsciously there may be a tendency to choose
partners that will not require (or accept) very much commitment and restriction . Even though it is
not unlikely that one may find these exciting others less dependable than one may want, they will
certainly bring new and stimulating ideas, beliefs and possibilities into ones life. Someone with
Moon Opposing Uranus doesnt really want regular monotonous relationships that are safe and
secure; they want to be challenged, liberated and even, if need be, shocked. Sometimes the person


with Moon Opposing Uranus prominent in their natal charts (or life cycles) will be the one who
finds themselves challenges, awakens, liberates, and maybe shocks someone else who feels more
clingy and domesticated; we tend to periodically reverse roles. It could happen that Moon
Opposing Uranus is experienced as a see-saw or tug-o-war between our desire for emotional
safety and domestic stability, and our craving for freedom, excitement and exploration.

Moon/Neptune Aspects
Both Moon and Neptune are watery and therefor relate to emotional sensitivity. Moon/Neptune
aspects generally serve to enhance receptivity, imagination, empathy and emotional
impressionability. In relatively extreme cases the emotionalism of Moon/Neptune aspects can lead
to confusion and a lack of emotional clarity; the person can be easily overwhelmed and
disorientated by his or her emotions. They may be unable to distinguish between their own ideas
and feelings and those of others in their environment. One could say that such a Moon/Neptune
person is psychic, but to be useful this receptivity has to be relatively well under their control, and
they may need to somehow learn how to interpret their impressions without distortions. The
intuitive sensing that comes with Moon/Neptune aspects can be very misleading if there are
subjective prejudices, hopes or fears that arent consciously and honestly recognised and
Moon/Neptune aspects will, as a result, make a person more capable of religious or spiritual
devotion, but it will not enhance logic; that will have to come from other components of the chart.
The imagination of a Moon/Neptune person can be an asset in artistic pursuits, but all too often thos
with these potentials within themselves lack the drive and confidence that would make them
excercise and develope their abilties.
The empathy associated with Moon/Neptune aspects can result in great self-sacrifice for others, and
while this is often laudable, they are also prone to less wholesome or constructive victim/saviour
relationships (in which they may be either the victim or the saviour). If the help you give is truly
selfless you don't get too dissappointed when your victim or charity case doesnt live up to your
expectations. Sometimes the Moon/Neptune person is creating a victimized situation for
themselves (sometimes manifesting as addictions or drug abuse), possibly to avoid responsibility on
some level, and will look for a saviour (or substance) to lean on. At worst, both victim and saviour
roles can be subtly manipulative; at best there may be a positive willingness to help those in need.
Too much passivity can make a person helpless and useless, and in a healthy scenario the person
remains grounded though being active and involved with the world and their own lives.
Sometimes the mother figure or other significant females embody the Neptunian imagination,
sensitvity or helplessness and victimhood.

Moon Conjunct Neptune is perhaps the most potent Moon/Neptune combination, and so is

most likely to manifest in relatively clear and dramatic ways. The person can be a very imaginative,
artistic and sensitive person, very compassionate and self-sacrificing at times, yet quite liable to
spells of morbidity or depression, and feelings of helplessness and futility. In relatively extreme
cases it can result in the person losing touch with reality to a rather disturbing degree where they
cannot function well in day-to-day life. In ideal cases the person is very spiritual, and may even
have highly developed psychic abilities. It is not uncommon to find cases where the ideal and lessthan-ideal possibilities coexist, and possibly alternate with changing cycles (Transits and

Moon Semi-Sextile Neptune could represent sloppy or careless management of resources so

that the leakage eventually amounts to serious losses, or, there could be a devious means of
acquiring money or property, or, it may imply a decidedly non-materialistic and self-sacrificing
attitude towards money and material possessions.

Moon Sextile Neptune could describe a very kind and sympathetic person who is easily moved
to make sacrifices for friends, family and neighbours. The person may be prone to idealizing their
friends and associates, which can lead to dissapointments and misunderstandings,but there should
be less liabilty to serious dissillusionment than one finds with the harder Moon/Neptune aspects.
Having such great empathy and sensitivity to others naturally promotes an intuitive perception of
their unique needs, and can manifest as an automatic responsiveness to their emotional states. This
can amount to a type of psychic perception in some people.

Moon Square Neptune can lead to relatively extreme emotional sensitivity, and while this can
deepen and enrich the emotional life of someone influenced by this type of configuration, it will be
quite possible for them to misinterpret their own impressions. The emotions encountered here are
far from rational, and although they can have a valid role and function in ones life (inasmuch as
they enhance our nurturing instincts and capacity for devotional surrender), they can lead us into ill
judged or misunderstood arrangements in our domestic and/or proffessional lives. It is possible that
a parent (or other authority figure) reflects to us the vulnerable or imaginative attributes of Neptune.
The person with Moon Square Neptune may try to avoid responsibility and/or attracts other
victims who reflect this theme. Dependency patterns can manifest in close relationships.

Moon Trine Neptune implies a spiritual and idealistic streak in the personality; this aspect
sensitizes the emotional life in such a way that the person is easily moved and inspired. Although
idealistic and compassionate, the moral and philosophical concepts and beliefs will be somewhat
vague, and approached more emotionally than rationally. There may well be considerable artistic
talent, though this sometimes remains latent and unrealized; Moon/Neptune aspects enhance
imagination, not discipline.


Moon Quincunx Neptune can indicate physical and psychological problems, with some form
of hypersensitivity as a significant factor or symptom. For example, there may be allergic reactions
to certain foods and medicines; or the person generally has poor resistence to external forces. The
person may not handle work-related stresses very well and may become discouraged in that area;
there could be problems (possibly deceptions) involving co-workers that have discouraging effects.
It may also occur that shared resources or joint finances (insurance is one example of this
dimension of life) are somehow the source of confusion, misunderstandings, or even
misrepresentation. It could be that details relating to debts and obligations between people are not
sufficiently clarified to avoid eventual dissappointment.

Moon Opposition Neptune can manifest as confusing (or dishonest) relationships in which one
is unlikely to be very realistic in ones perception of the other person. There is a tendency to
idealize others who may utimately struggle to live up to the high expectations that one has of them.
Sometimes this type of configuration leads to relationships (or significant encounters) with people
who are weak and complicated (and potentially dependant) for some reason; they may be physically
ill or disabled, they may have worldly problems, such as financial shortages, and/or they are
addicted to drugs or alchohol, to cite a few typical examples. Of course it is far from improbable
that the person with Moon Opposing Neptune may themselves show some of these weaknesses and
complexities, which may well have been encountered by them in their early lives through parent
figures. People with Moon Opposing Neptune may, however, manifest many of the positive
qualities associated with Moon/Neptune aspects; they may be very sensitive and kind to others
(sometimes to a fault), and may easily cultivate artistic abilities, since they are very imaginative.
They may attract and admire truly spiritual people who stimulate and inspire their own latent

Moon/Pluto Aspects
Moon/Pluto aspects are capable of manifesting as very deep, raw and powerful emotions. The
instinctive responses and habits associated with the Moon are rendered profoundly compelling
through the influence of primordial Pluto. Moon/Pluto aspects can dredge up memories and
complexes rooted in a forgotten past and cause these to dominate our reactions to situations in the
present. It is common for Moon/Pluto aspects to manifest as coersion in close familial relationships;
often people with the harder Moon/Pluto aspects in their natal charts would perceive the mother
figure/s in their lives as overpowering, controlling and domineering. This may form the model upon
which they later base their approach to close relationhips adult life.
In relatively ideal scenarios, more common with (but not exclusive to) the harmonious aspects
between the Moon and Pluto, there is the capacity to get deeply and thoroughly in touch with ones
emotions, and to recognise and resolve any compulsive patterns, possibly through psychotheraputic
techniques or processes.
Inasmuch as the Moon relates to the home and ones domestic life in general, one will find that the

effect of a potent Moon/Pluto influence will be reflected there. A relatively extreme and traumatic
emotional phase might manifest circumstantially as a disintegrating and disfunctional home;
whereas the healthier emotional regeneration manifestation that Moon/Pluto combinations can
describe may be reflected in the ability to find or use a home in a way that powerfully enhances the
quality of ones life.
Of course ones most personal and intimate relationships could be significantly strengthened or
hampered by powerful Moon/Pluto influence, depending one whether its energies are well handled
or not. In the worst case scenarios people destroy their own relationships due to their overly
demanding or opressive ways of relating. The less well adjusted Moon/Puto aspects have
contributed to the making of many a control freak. In ideal situations Moon/Pluto aspects
substantially contribute to the depth, comittment and richness in relationhips.

Moon Conjunct Pluto suggests that the person could be very absorbed in their own emotional
intensity and their own emotional needs and desires. While this can make for a person who is very
much in touch with their own feelings, it can contribute towards an overly subjective attitude.
Moon Conjunct Pluto can make for the best or worst manifestations of what has been described
above regarding Moon/Pluto aspects generally.

Moon Semi-Sextile Pluto can manifest as powerful emotions that are not easily brought into
fully conscious awareness where they could be analyzed and scrutinized; instead they may
periodically spill over as moments of obsessive emotional response to situations that threaten
ones sense of control. It may also manifest as a type of aggressive territorial or possessive streak.
Money can be a tool for emotional control and manipulation.

Moon Sextile Pluto suggests deep emotional connections with friends and groups and in ones
day-to-day neighbourly interactions. It could further indicate that one is likely to attract people who
are Plutonian; power-wielding, purposeful and dedicated individuals. One may succeed in
fullfilling ones own personal needs and goals through collaboration with others. Teamwork can
bring various benefits and support one on various levels; material, social and emotional.

Moon Square Pluto is suggestive of struggles with parents and authority figures. These parent
or authority figures may be perceived as domineering and even ruthless, though ones view of them
may be intensely subjective and even distorted. The powerful emotions that a Moon/Pluto Square
would describe may result in difficulty maintaining harmonious domestic relationships. There may
be extremes of attachment and repulsion; the person may be either overly possessive of others, or
fanatically determined to purge others from their lives. With Moon Square Pluto in the natal chart it
is not unlikley that the persons early domestic environment was somehow disrupted or influenced
by destructive forces or people.


Moon Trine Pluto is likley to manifest as the most harmonious and gracious expression of the
possibilities inherent in Moon/Pluto combinations. Emotional depth and intensity are harnessed in
creative ways or directed towards some type of creative self expression. This enables one to be
totally focussed and emotionally involved in ones activities and self-expression. Religious, moral
or philosophical beliefs are approached earnestly and imbued with true depth of conviction, albeit in
a rather instinctive and emotional way. This particular aspect would facilitate self healing as well as
potentiall the healing of others, since it enables one to get to the core of emotional and
psychological issues, and enhances ones psychological and physical resilience.

Moon Quincunx Pluto may cause some form of physical or psychological disintegration;
deep seated emotional problems (stemming possibly from early childhood) may be the underlying
cause of illness or emotional crisis. Domestic and family related difficiculties can complicate the
situation. From another perspective Moon Quincunx Pluto could describe emotional manipulation
somehow involving duties, obligations, material resources or debts. When this aspect is found in the
natal chart these themes may have been perceived in the early domestic environment, and later
brought into adult life as habitual ways of dealing with people.

Moon Opposing Pluto will in many respects resemble other Moon/Pluto aspects, especially the
Conjunction and Square aspects; however, the Opposition would tend to more specifically manifest
in and through partnerships, like marriage or romantic relationships. At worst one consistently
attracts people against who one eventually has to struggle and from who one has to break away,
since there is the tendency to attract powerful and controllong partners. It is also not very unlikely
that the person with Moon Opposing Pluto in their charts will be domineering, controlling or
manipulative, and their partners may eventually find their possessiveness or probing unbearable. At
best a Moon/Pluto Opposition indicates a desire to have an extremely intensive type of interaction,
and maybe they will find or create just that (though most people would probably find these
interactions overwhelming). From another perspective Moon Opposing Pluto could describe highly
(emotionally) charged and potent confrontations, and an example of where this type of encounter
can be constructive is a (psychotherapeutic) consultation.

Mercury/Venus Aspects
Both Mercury and Venus are relatively lighthearted symbols that, combined together, are unlikely
to manifest as anything too ponderous or grave. In fact, most Mercury/Venus combinations will
tend to amount to some form of sweet talk; from regular day-to-day greetings to love letters.
Sometimes Mercury/Venus aspects will induce lovers or friends to discuss their relationship, and in
the most adverse circumstances this may be a strained or discordant conversation, but this is
something of an exception to the general trend. It is, in fact, not improbable for an excess of
diplomatic and courteous sweetness to result in more compromise than is truly wholesome.


The gracious, charming and harmonious communication generally described by a Mercury/Venus

aspect would usually serve to bolster poplularity and invoke the cheerful cooperation of others.
Artistic abilities would potentially be enhanced since here Mercurial efficiency, intelligence and
eloquence is combined with Venusian aesthetic sensibilties.
Inasmuch as Mercury relates to short journeys, and since Venus is generally condusive to pleasure,
Mercury/Venus aspects could describe pleasant social outings; a drive in the country, visiting
friends in your neigbourhood or simply a pleasant and cheerful stroll.

Mercury Conjunct Venus suggests that a person will be kind and and courteous and will have
refined and civilised mannerisms. A dainty and fine featured person.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Venus might manifest as earnings through arts or literature, or it could
describe money (made or) spent on socializing. Perhaps there is an inhibited urge to communicicate
feelings of love, or some loss or dissappointment could occur with regard t to this theme; a love
letter that never arrives at its destination, for example.

Mercury Sextile Venus suggests easy communication and a spirit of lighthearted friendship and
sociability. Friends may be made amoung artists and eloquent people. Mercury Sextile Venus
could easily manifest as an entertaining recreational trip or outing, or the formation of casual and
easy-going aquaintenships.

Mercury Square Venus could hint at a rather impulsive and abrupt communication of love and
affection, or there could be discussions amoung friends or lovers which could lead to relatively mild
misunderstandings. This same combination of symbols can describe some form of courteous and
diplomatic communication that is very specifically relevant to domestic or proffessional life;
possibly manifesting as cheerful interaction with parent or authority figures.

Mercury Trine Venus might facilitate creative self expression through writing, possibly through
poetry, or through serenading the beloved with song. Beautiful words can flow from the heart,
and the mind is serenely receptive to inspiration. Communicating love and affection occurs
spontaneously and very sincerely.

Mercury Quincunx Venus could imply that something awkward (perhaps pertaining to a duty,
job, or a financial obligation) is being communicated in a relatively charming manner, or there is
the need to address and discuss some or other irksome issue pertaining to a friendship or love
relationship. Sweet-talk may be used as a manipulative device (also possible with some other
Mercury/Venus combinations). Playing with your pets(?)


Mercury Opposition Venus describes a lighthearted relationship, or an encounter between two

friendly and charming people; a witty intellectual and an amorous women would describe the types
brought together here. There is a pronounced desire to reach out to others in a cheerful ingratiating
manner, and although this promotes the formation of bouyant associations, they are not particularly
deep connections.

Mercury/Mars Aspects
Mercurys intellectuality becomes more dynamic in combination with the piercing vigour of Mars,
though the brutishness of the warrior planet Mars may coarsen the delicate and impressionable
finesse of Mercury. An ancient aphorism states that, Mars is seldom joined with Mercury for
good, for he makes people naughty and impudent, yet industrious in Art, whence it comes to pass
that the best Artists are too often the worst men. There seems to more than a little truth to this
quaint old observation. Mercury/Mars aspects will tend to enhance the alertness, the sharpness and
the penetration of the mind, which enables many Mercury/Mars people to excel at intellectual
persuits where these qualities are required, yet Mercury/Mars aspects can enliven certain less
endearing qualities; like excessive argumentativeness, sarcasm and even, according to some
sources, a tendency to lie. The less desirable attributes are most likely to manifest dramatically with
the harder Mercury/Mars aspects (Conjunction, Square and Opposition), yet these harder aspects
may also be very able to produce skilled debaters, researchers and even dare-devils, such as
racing car drivers. Inasmuch as Mercury is said to rule over the nervous system, Mercury/Mars
aspects seem to energise and invigorate the nerves into a state of excitement that can show as
physical or mental dexterity, but also irritability.

Mercury Conjunct Mars may manifest as provocative words and an enjoyment of repartee and
intellectual self-assertion. Although these tendencies would potentially apply to most other
Mercury/Mars aspects, they are epitomised in the Conjunction. The person identifies with his/her
intellectual prowess.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Mars might be subtly or subliminally irritable, or subtly/subliminally

verbally assertive. A forceful manner may manifest itself in the pursuit of material or financial gain
(sales for example), and/or nervous restlessness results in a squandering of energy.

Mercury Sextile Mars would tend to manifest as friendships in which vigorous (yet relatively
amicable) verbal interactions and even (relatively well intentioned) intellectual contests play a
significant role. There is an appreciation (or keen awareness) of intellectual challenges within a
social or group setting. The person is something of a "busy-body"; dynamic and communicative,
and may even be considered a little assertive socially. Mercury Sextile Mars may describe a clever
male (or masculine) friend.


Mercury Square Mars suggests a rather over-energised nervous system which might become
prone to irritable outbursts and sarcastic impulses. This can of course harm domestic and
proffessional relationships. It is also not unlikely that the person will attract similarly shorttempered and excitable people in their domestic and public lives (possibly as parents or other
authority figures), as a type of projection of this energy. There could be a less-than-constructive
tendency to make hasty and impulsive decisions that will have far reaching effects on family and
career. Apart from these problems that stem largely from abrupt nervous reactions to the
environment, Mercury Square Mars can demonstrate intellectual dynamism that could be an asset
(in study, research and debate) if trained and disciplined.

Mercury Trine Mars implies an ability to give creative expression to forceful intellectual
penetration. The mind may be quite bold and brilliant, and although the person is very able to argue
their point if required, they are unlikely the be needlessly crude in putting forward or defending
their opinions. On a physical level this configuration may take the form of sharp alertness, and a
nimble, "gracious decisiveness" in movement (and communication). It is possible that Mercury
Trine Mars will be capable of manifesting as an aggressive communication of religious,
philosophical or ethical principles. It is also possible for Mercury Trine Mars to translate as an
intellectually dynamic teacher or child.

Mercury Quincunx Mars would suggest very energetic mental work, requiring mental sharp
focus and quick responses. Irritability is a very likely "side-effect", and this aspect can indicate
arguments with others, specifically regarding duties (in the work-place), (financial) obligations, or
regarding health issues. An accident or injury to the hands/arms is not improbable, or there may be
some impediment affecting speech somehow.

Mercury Opposition Mars suggests a tendency to project a lot of energy and force into
communication with others; particularly in one-to-one interactions such as partnerships,
consultations and debates. The person probably enjoys an intellectual challenge and may in fact be
too quick on the uptake in this regard, so that they come across as argumentative and
confrontational. There is a useful mental alertness (as with most other Mercury/Mars connections),
though it is nesessary to be relatively calm and impersonal in communication to make the most of
this aspects' potential to express itself as a type of indomitable intelligence. There may be an
enthusiastic pursuit of knowledge, but not always enough tact, forethought and discretion in speech.

Mercury/Jupiter Aspects
It is probably worth noting that Mercury and Jupiter rule signs which are located opposite each
other on the zodiac wheel; Mercury ruled Gemini opposes Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Mercury
ruled Virgo opposes Jupiter ruled Pisces. This suggests that Mercury and Jupiter can be quite
opposite (and complementary) in their qualities and functions. Apart from the distant and

mysterious Pluto, Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, which fits the idea that
Mercury relates to "little things", details and bits of info. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar
system, and this corresponds neatly to it's key attribute of broadness and generality of
understanding. Both Mercury and Jupiter are concerned with knowledge and education, but
indifferent ways. Mercury is usually associated with basic literacy, the ability to read, write and
calculate, whereas Jupiter tends to be associated with beliefs and philosophies that encompass and
give meaning and context to a vast array of little facts and observations.Mercury without Jupiter
cannot see the forest for the trees, and cannot draw truly "holistic" conclusions or perceive the
broad unifying background to so many seperate bits of minutae. Jupiter without Mercury is
"inarticulate intuition", illiterate and irrational faith, or an overly vague generalization that is
unverified by specific information and calculation.
Mercury/Jupiter aspects tend to refer to the integration of the little bits into the broader whole;
Mercury/Jupiter aspects are about keeping proportion in analysis and thought. In ideal
circumstances Mercury/Jupiter aspects broaden and expand knowledge and comprehension of both
worldly and spiritual matters, specifically due to the ability to see the details in proper proportion to
the "bigger picture"; there is good judgement and an ability to learn and teach. In a typical worst
case scenario (more common, but not inevitable, with the harder aspects) there is a tendency to
somewhat over-confidently profess knowledge which may, in fact, be less than impeccable; the
person may not be modest enough about their ideas, and may mistake a sense of conviction for
infallible comprehension.
Both Mercury and Jupiter relate to travel; Mercury describes relatively short day-to-day journeys,
whereas Jupiter is associated with long distance travel. A prominent Mercury/Jupiter aspect in a
chart can indicate much travelling, and/or meetings and communications with persons from faraway

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter makes a person the embodiment of learning, culture and wisdom:
"the professor".

Mercury Semi-Sextile Jupiter could indicate a mind preoccupied with grand financial
schemes, and there is probably good ability to sell and speculate financially. However, an overly
self-assured assessment of potentials can lead to miscalculation and subsequent losses or
dissappointments. Philosophical ideas and abstract concepts may be very appealing, but these may
be approached or handled in an extremely vague or eggagerated way.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter suggests that one communicates well and sincerely, and it is further
likely that friends and acquaintances are learned, cultured and possibly religious. Much travelling
may occur with this aspect, which is one way in which one's view of the world is broadened and
enriched. Financial transactions are likely to be relatively successfull, and negotiation skills are


good. People recognize the integrity of one's communcation; specifically in day-to-day routine

Mercury Square Jupiter may manifest as big plans and grand ideas, and the tone of
communication would tend to be rather exuberant and confident. There may even be a tendency to
lavish exaggeration, or other expressions of poor judgement. Although there may be good reason
for mentioning these inclinations to immodest speech or mistaken, distorted perceptions, it should
not be assumed that Mercury Square Jupiter will inevitably manifest in these ways. ALL
Mercury/Jupiter aspects indicate an urge to expand ones knowledge and learning, and a well
handled Mercury/Jupiter Square would be quite capable of showing as breadth of learning and an
intelligent understanding of religious, moral, scientific and philosophical issues. Perhaps a parent
or other authority figure will emboy the intellectual, religious and philosophical attributes
associated with Mercury/Jupiter contacts.

Mercury Trine Jupiter suggests intelligence and the potential to be well educated. Travel will
be not only pleasant but also possibly lucrative. Judgement is improved and this can promote
success in material as well as more intellectual or spiritual pursuits. Mercury Trine Jupiter helps one
to find the information or teaching one may need or seek, and it ensures that this will be well
understood. Mercury Trine Jupiter indicates honourable and sincere communication.

Mercury Quincunx Jupiter could be an indication of medical studies and/or an intellectual

effort to improve efficiency in work. Good employment opportunities can be described by Mercury
Quincunx Jupiter, as well as possibly some difficulty understanding legal, contractual, religious or
philosophical information (though it is quite possible for this effort to ultimately succedd). Work
and service can involve intellectual or religious activities, such as teaching (also possible with other
Mercury/Jupiter aspects).

Mercury Opposition Jupiter indicates encounters, partnerships and relationhips (one-to-one

interactions) that are foccussed on philosophical, ethical and/or religious ideas. Where there is
mutual respect and thus a willingness to listen and learn, this aspect may manifest as highly
educational and mind-broadening exchanges. It is, however, possible to get involved in intellectual
arguments, which might relate to religious or ethical (possibly legal) matters. Differences in culture
and language can be an obstacle to communication between people, though it also possible for these
differences to be a point of mutual attraction that draws people together.

Mercury/Saturn Aspects
Generally all Mercury/Saturn aspects relate to a state of intellectual gravity: the mind is focussed
on concrete, practical and realistic issues. This may inhibit what we call imagination, creativity
and flexibility of thought, but it potentially enhances the clarity and concrete applicability of

concepts. The communication faculty (associated with Mercury) is rendered more careful and even
shrewd (by the inhibited and materialistic Saturn), and this may range from a stunted or deliberately
withheld communication, to a prudent counting of ones words. At best Mercury/Saturn aspects
contribute well defined ideas and depth of thought and speech, at worst they manifest as fearful and
over-cautious thinking, and might, in relatively extreme cases, even manifest as a lack of complete
honesty. Sometimes avoiding or withholding communication can be less than strictly honest, even
though a false statement has not been uttered.
Mercury relates to young and youthful people who would tend to be lighthearted and even
frivolous, whereas as Saturn represents, by contrast, old and very serious people. Mercury/Saturn
aspects may therefor describe contacts between young and old, or it may relate to the (mental)
influence of authority figures on young minds. Saturns seriousness will tend to limit Mercurys
usual taste for jokes and superficial small-talk.
The harder Mercury/Saturn aspects can manifest as difficult or delayed schooling and education.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn can indicate that one becomes known for ones mental or
intellectual seriousness; the person identifies with their ability to make their concepts clear, concrete
and realistic. At best there is a methodical and scientific intellectual bent, at worst there is such a
high degree of cynicism that new ideas are determinedly resisted.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Saturn might describe a subtle worry. Financial constraints, or expected
losses and expenses may become a mental preoccupation that clouds the mind.

Mercury Sextile Saturn would quite easily manifest as relatively good communication between
old and young. The clear and practical expression of ideas wins the suppport and approval of
authority figures. Day-to-day neighbourly contacts and communications are serious and sober. A
group of old intellectuals.

Mercury Square Saturn could indicate that parent or authority figures help to instill a fearful
view of the world as a place where lack and bad luck reign supreme, and that one counters this grim
situation through very careful planning and scheming. Mercury Square Saturn will limit the breadth
of thinking and also tend to manifest as disspirited communication and skeptical, critical words. An
ideal outlet or mode of expression for such a hard Mercury/Saturn aspect would be painstaking
mental work where much attention is paid to detail and precision. Domestic and professional life
circumstances give cause for grave and serious thinking, and maybe prolonged brooding, worry and
anxiety. There is usually a need to cultivate a more optimistic mental attitude, and the person should
infuse a little more positivity into communication with others, otherwise this aspect can be both
isolating and depressing.

Mercury Trine Saturn would probably produce the most harmonious and gracious possible

manifestation of any Mercury/Saturn combination. The structered thinking associated with

Mercury/Saturn aspects will here be relatively creative in its expression; the seriousness and depth
of thought will be evident specifically in philosophical, moral and religious views. A careful,
practical, methodical and scientific mental attitude is encouraged by this aspect, yet it is less likely
(than with some other Mercury/Saturn aspects) to manifest as an extremely skeptical and
earthbound mind. Although perhaps not talkative, Mercury Trine Saturn would make one honest
and prudent in speech, and this virtue may be the reason for gaining the esteem of others,
particularly those in positions of authority.

Mercury Quincunx Saturn suggests worry and mental anxiety, possibly related to health or
work related issues. There may be some difficulty communicating effectively (especially with
coworkers and regarding shared finances). There may even be some chronic ailment affecting
arms, hands or nerves.

Mercury Opposition Saturn would be likely to significantly affect the quality of

communication (probably adversely) in close one-to-one relationships; there will be a tendency to
withdraw from communicating fully with important others, and this can lead to misunderstandings
and even failed and severed relationships. There may be a resistance to truly listening to others,
and/or others may demand greater clarity and practicality in ones ideas. Mercury Opposition Saturn
can describe a relationship or confrontation between young and old, or between a talkative
intellectual and a stern cynic- ideas versus material realities.

Mercury/Uranus Aspects
Some modern astrologers describe Uranus as the higher octave of Mercury, and to the (uncertain)
extent that this is an apt and inspired idea, Mercury/Uranus combinations would generally enhance
and emphasize intellectual abilities. There is certainly the potential for intellectual brilliance, but in
more extreme cases (more common with the harder aspects) Mercury/Uranus combinations can
manifest as a less-than-endearing eccentricity that actually prevents and obstructs true
communication and comprehension. Amoung the worst possible manifestations of Mercury/Uranus
combinations is a tendency to argue and disagree with others more than is necessary; there may be a
perverse determination to take the contrary and unconventional view, even if it is not inherently
more enlightened.
Uranus always tends to excite and quicken the tempo of whatever it influences, and here the nerves
(associated with Mercury) are electrified. This demonstrates as a highly strung personality and
rapidity of thought, and in some cases this becomes nervousness and even irritability. Unorthodox,
new and exciting intellectual subjects, which might be describable as metaphysics, as well as
technical, mathematical and scientific subjects, are attractive to the Mercury/Uranus type.

Inasmuch as Mercury relates to day-to-day communications, the influence of Uranus results in a

tendency to attract those persons and situations that can provide shocking and/or enlightening
conversations, and expose one to new and radical ideas. Inasmuch as Mercury is associated with
short journeys, Mercury/Uranus aspects may manifest through sudden, abrupt and unexpected
events while travelling.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus indicates vibrant and possibly volatile intellectual self expression.
Ideas may be communicated quite assertively, and there may be relatively little inclination to listen
patiently to others. The person is identified as clever, progressive and pioneering, or as someone
with irregular, controversial or irreverant ideas. The personality is excitable and hurried.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Uranus could earn money through original and inventive ideas and
methods, or possibly even through communications technology. A subtle restlessness can cause
scattered thinking and a difficulty holding onto thoughts that come and go suddenly.

Mercury Sextile Uranus should enable one to befriend intellectually gifted people who serve to
mentally stimulate one with new and exciting ideas. Day-to day journeys and communications are
filled with (usually pleasant) surprizes.

Mercury Square Uranus might manifest as a parent or authority figure who embodies the
quick thinking and sharp wits associated with Mercury/Uranus aspects. These attributes (of
intellectual dynamism) are expressed in and through career and public life; the person may be a
scientist or student of metaphysics and pursues unusual intellectual subjects. An over-charged
nervous system can result in erratic thinking and abrupt communication, and may even in some
cases manifest as insomnia.

Mercury Trine Uranus implies mental creativity of a high order. The mind is inspired by
technical, scientific and metaphysical concepts and easily solves difficult technical problems. This
aspect can indicate that one attracts brilliant teachers that liberate the mind through presenting
radical new angles and unsuspected possibilities.

Mercury Quincunx Uranus suggest an awkward state of nervousness and restlessness.

Although there may well be a gift for work involving technology or quick thinking and rapid
responses, there is some danger of miscommunications with coworkers, or mishaps in the work
place through scattered thinking and impatience.Discussions and negotiations regarding shared
resources and mutual (possibly financial) obligations are similarly liable to sudden derailment
through impatience or overly radical ideas. At best there may be genius in the realm of 6th and
8th House matters.

Mercury Opposition Uranus indicates highly stimulating intellectual encounters and high
voltage intellectual relationships or confrontations. Consciously or unconsciously there is a
tendency to seek out others who will offer challenges to ones opinions, and provide daring
alternative views. One-to-one relationships (including consultations) are liable to bring surprizes,
excitement, interesting journeys and even astonishing information. Communication in close
personal relationships is very fast and dazzling, though perhaps erratic and upsetting. This and other
Mercury/Uranus aspects can indicate a predilection for shocking others through pranks or startling

Mercury/Neptune Aspects
Mercury and Neptune are not at all alike, and this might suggest that their energies will not easily
combine constructively. Modern western astrology associates Neptune with the sign Pisces, which
is the sign in which Mercury Falls. Mercury relates to the rational and logical mind, whereas
Neptune is associated with imagination, dreams and fantasy. Mercurys usual attention to detail is
easily compromised by nebulous Neptune, but the ability to feel ideas emotionally is enhanced;
and this makes the Mercury/Neptune type a potential poet. Emotional sensitivity can easily distort
the crisp clarity of the anylitical faculties, though abstract concepts are more readily grasped.
Mercury is a skilled negotiator, but although Mercury is clever and eloquent, he (and/or she) is
not invariably honest. Mercury is traditionally the patron god of both merchants and thieves; there
is an efficient but naughty streak to Mercury! Neptune, for different reasons, is also considered very
capable of deception, usually due to its inherent fear of direct and open confrontation; Neptune
tends to be vague and evasive.
So, Mercury/Neptune combinations may well make for a less than forthright manner of
communicating. At best (more often with Sextiles and Trines) this manifests simply as subtlety and
delicate empathy in communication; at worst (usually with the harder aspects, the Conjunction,
Square and Opposition) it suggests fraud and sneaky misrepresentation.
In some cases mobility and clarity of thought and speech is directly impaired through the use of
drugs or alchohol.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune could indicate that vague speech and/or unclear thinking are
outstanding personal characteristics. It is difficult to be objective in ones assessments and analysis.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Neptune might imply that a lack of mental attention and clarity results
in material, financial losses. There may be difficulty (which may be overcome or surmounted)
giving form to subtle and illusive ideas. It is not very improbable that there could be material gains
through poetry, imaginative or spiritual writing etc.

Mercury Sextile Neptune is an indication of friends, groups, neighbours and/or siblings who

embody the dreamy intellectual attributes (which may manifest as artistic abilities) associated
with Mercury/Neptune combinations. Day-to-day incidental contacts and conversations may be
truly inspiring and stimulate latent idealism and spiritual aspirations. There is real sympathy in
communication that renders the details of what has been said less important than the mood in and
through which it was expressed. There is a receptivity to subtelties of communication, which tend to
be imperceptible to more worldly minds.

Mercury Square Neptune can blur and cloud thinking and communication, or it might indicate
an almost sneaky and stealthy subtlety, particularly regarding domestic and professional issues.
Sometimes this potentially cunning streak (which one need not inevitably succumb to) might seem
to be effective, but it can, of course, make one very liable to being swindled and deceived in like
manner. Vague agreements affecting domestic and professional life can lead to discouraging reality
checks and problematic misunderstandings; Mercury/Neptune needs reminding to read the fineprint

Mercury Trine Neptune can point to an inspired and creative expression of spiritual and
idealistic ideas, possibly through poetry, music or some other artistic medium. There may be an
exceptional ability to understand and communicate subtle philosophical ideas that require rare
sensitivity to perceive. The blend of intellect and imagination associated with all Mercury/Neptune
combinations may here be reflected or embodied in a child or teacher figure.

Mercury Quincunx Neptune could manifest as an illness adversely affecting the functionong
of the nervous system. Mental concentration may be impaired, which may or may not be due to a
physiological disorder. The inclination to be easily distracted and dreamy can detract from
efficiency in the work place. Unclear agreements can lead to misunderstandings regarding financial
obligations and the cooperative sharing of resources.

Mercury Opposition Neptune suggests a see-saw between rational thinking and relatively
illogical and subtle intuitive impressions. This delicate balancing act is likely to manifest in and
through one-to-one relationhips. Partnerships, competitive confrontations, as well as consultations
test the ability to communicate clearly. Misunderstandings may quite easily occur, possibly due to a
tendency to assume that certain vague (possibly) non-verbal suggestions have been fully
understood. With Mercury Opposing Neptune it is wise not to assume that everyone is on the same
page; even when a sincere effort has been made to avoid confusion. This (and other hard aspects
between these two planets) can create a powerfully covincing (but often unreliable) sensation of a
supernatural or otherworldly rapport with another. Mercury Opposing Neptune can describe a
realtionhip between a student or intellectual and a victim of some kind, or it could be seen as
relationship between a young curious person and a sensitive, spiritual person. When you are being
Mercurial, the other is being Neptunian, and vice-versa.

Mercury/Pluto Aspects
The analytical faculties associated with Mercury become more deep, intense, probing and focussed
through combining with Pluto. Studies and intellectual efforts are approached with almost fanatical
absorption. If an idea or subject is appealing, it is investigated with relentless, even obsessive,
fascination. At best this deep immersion in an idea or subject can lead to extraordinary insight; at
worst it can lead to suspicion, or forceful, threatening communication. Mercury/Pluto aspects would
be particularly drawn to subjects that relate to or reveal hidden mysteries; such as the occult,
psychology, crime or the political underworld, and even subjects such as geology (inasmuch as it
involves things that are deep and hidden). Whether or not someone under the influence of a
powerful Mercury/Pluto combination understands a matter clearly, the intensity and conviction with
which opinions are expressed would be very convincing (or perhaps intimidating). There may be a
compelling desire to influence and mould the opinions of others, quite possibly out of a sincere
conviction that one possesses a superior view that others will benefit from adopting, or one may
attract others who try to impose their ideas. This can be a test of ones convictions as well as ones
openmindedness, and there may be a need to learn to let others be. Even though there is the capacity
for profound and loaded communication, this combination of symbols might easily suggest
secrecy and subterfuge.

Mercury Conjunct Pluto suggests an intense subjective absorption in some or other idea that
one finds obsessively fascinating.

Mercury Semi-Sextile Pluto could imply a tendency to probingly analyze issues relating to
ones finanial situation. It could also suggest that one is subtley preoccupied with an idea that is not
easy to place or put ones finger on. Sly destructive gossip, or other types of secret information or
communication, might also fit this combination of symbols.

Mercury Sextile Pluto is an indication of strong powers of observation and analysis; there is an
ability to look beneath the surface of day-to-day contacts and communications and perceive the
underlying motives and intentions of others. It is likely that friends, neighbours and/or siblings will
embody the intellectual depth associated with Mercury/Pluto aspects in general. Friends and day-today associates will quite possibly provide profound intellectual stimulation and challenges, and one
may also be inclined to try to influence their ideas. Mercury Sextile Pluto might manifest as groups
that are formed to do research or investigate mysteries of some kind.

Mercury Square Pluto could mean that one is prone to becoming too intensely preoccupied
with certain ideas or opinions, and may be inwardly compelled to try to convince others to change
their views. It is also possible that one will attract parents or other authority figures reflect the
attributes of Mercury/Pluto combinations in that they hold extreme or fanatical views, or are
involved in deep research. With Mercury Square Pluto there may be a tendency to be suspicious of

others, and/or involvement with something like political propaganda: information and ideas that can
sway the masses.

Mercury Trine Pluto is a suggestion of profound intellectual insight, usually as a result of a

powerful determination to dig deep and get to the bottom of any mystery. This Mercury/Pluto
aspect is probably least likely to the distortion of inflrmation that can result from obsessive and
fanatical delving. In fact, Mercury Trine Pluto implies a creative, honourable or idealistic
motivation or approach to intellectual researches. Religious and philosophical subjects are quite
possibly favoured themes of the Mercury/Pluto instinct for intellectual probing, though any study or
intellectual pursuit will be all the more focussed through the influence of this aspect. The
combination of sincerity and thorough knowledge make for empowered and extremely persuasive

Mercury Quincunx Pluto could be an indication of frustrated thinking or threatening

communication, specifically regarding work or financial obligations. The mind may be immersed in
researches regarding health issues, or job related techniques, or it may be that the mind is
preoccupied with fearful or ruthless thoughts. In some cases the effects of this aspect may manifest
as ailments affecting the nervous system or limbs (particularly arms and hands).

Mercury Opposition Pluto suggests powerful intellectual encounters or confrontations as a

result of an innate desire for deep insight. Personal ideas, beliefs and opinions are taken very
seriously, and may sometimes be voraciously promoted or resolutley defended. The quality of
intellectual exchanges, and the ability (or inability) to harmonize or reconcile opinions (on even
trivial little things), can make or break the personal relationships and close friendships. There may
well be a distinct tendency to get involved in intellectual power-struggles, yet there is also
potentially (under rather ideal circumstances) a willingness (even an unconscious desire) to engage
with those that can teach (or wish to learn). An honest battle of ideas or opinions may lead either or
both parties to a new depth of insight and understanding, but stubborn and obsessive attachment to
personally precious ideas can be a major obstacle to useful communication and the pursuit of

Venus/Mars Aspects
Venus and Mars are naturally complimentary opposites. The glyphs for the two planets are
inversions or mirror images of each other; Venus is the circle over the cross whereas Mars is the
cross over the circle. Mars ruled Aries is opposite Venus ruled Libra on the zodiac wheel, and
Venus ruled Taurus is opposite Mars ruled Scorpio. Venus and Mars are both individually
associated with different facets or components of sexuality, and so any combination of these two
planets highlights the theme of sexuality very directly and clearly; its literally and figuratively a
case of boy meets girl. Venus/Mars aspects generally enhance libido or sex drive, and this often

shows (under relatively harmonious conditions) as a lively friendliness and enthusiasm that makes
the person more attractive and fun to be with. Under the worst of circumstances (more common
with the harder aspects) one may become the perpetrator or victim of insensitive sexual selfassertiveness. Venus/Mars combinations test the balance of give and take between people in a
relationhip, it can enable us to experience gratification or lead to anger and hurt feelings. Supressed
or frustrated sexuality can be the (unconscious) reason for fighting in love relationships. Venereal
inflammation is one possible physiological manifestation of sexually related anger or frustration.
Inasmuch as Venus is associated with artistic self expression and beautification, the combination of
Venus with feisty Mars lends vigor and raw dynamism to artistic creativity; Mars kicks into action
what might otherwise have remained a passive idea or longing.

Venus Conjunct Mars will tend to make a person sexy and zesty; the peron is socially
assertive, or at least quite outgoing and forthright in their expression of love and affection.
Consciously or unconsciously there is a need for lively, energetic and fiery love relationhips in
which a little fighting from time to time might even be enjoyed and serve to keep the interaction
vibrant. Although this can be true of most other Venus/Mars aspects, it is probably epitomised in
the Conjunction.

Venus Semi-Sextile Mars could describe sexual attractions that are somehow hidden, supressed
or subliminal (experienced in dreams for example?). Such hidden, subliminal or suppressed
sexuality may leak out as the proverbial Freudian slip, or through irrational irritations and
anipathies, or even through impulsive (or compulsive) eating or spending of money.

Venus Sextile Mars suggests that one will easily attract sporty, dynamic and sexy friends. This
aspect will promote social popularity and the ability to be a generally agreeable and energetic
partcipant in group activities which can make for creative team-work. Venus Sextile Mars would to
some extent promote both material and emotional generosity, and would also make the earning of
money relatively easy. In an ideal situation ones lover is also ones friend.

Venus Square Mars can lead to abrupt and turbulent episodes in love and romance, usually as a
result of intemperate sensual desires, and excessive forcefulness and impatience in the persuit of
their gratification. This may significantly (and probably adversely) influence ones public image or
social status. However, it is possible, under ideal circumstances, and when due discretion is
excercised in love matters, that this aspect would enhance popularity due to the energetic quality it
contributues to the personality. Parent (or other authority) figures may present one with an image of
gender battles, possibly reflecting an inner struggle between love and lust.

Venus Trine Mars is probably the most gracious, harmonious and creative combination of these
two planetary symbols. Love and sexuality may well be approached with a high degree of ethical

idealism, and naturally this sort of noble intention promotes popularity and positive social
opportunities. Love and affection, as well as other creative (artistic) impulses, are expressed with
sincere ardour and spontaneity. Although socially outgoing and uninhibited (and possibly
flirtatious), Venus Trine Mars suggests a fairly good sense of timing and propriety in the courtship

Venus Quincunx Mars can indicate some difficulty or awkwardness finding a flowing and
comfortable way of expressing or gratifying sexual desires. This particular Venus/Mars aspect may
be specifically more liable to manifestation as some type of venereal infalmmation or irritation.
Romantic attractions and/or stormy emotional eruptions related or directed to co-workers would fit
the symbolism of this aspect. This aspect also highlights the theme of financial and/or sexual
obligations (services) to others.

Venus Opposition Mars can be very (sexually or romantically) gratifying, but may also be
problematically prone to regular explosions of anger and self-will in love relationships. One-to-one
encounters and close personal relationhips will tend to raise the love vs. lust (or closeness vs.
independance) issue associated with Venus/Mars aspects in general. There will probably be a
periodic reversing of roles with one person embodying the gentle affection of Venus, while the
other expresses and embodies the virile passion of Mars. Relationships (particularly romantic
relationhips) would tend to be so energetic and libidinous that the interaction becomes rather

Venus/Jupiter Aspects
If an aspect between these two agents of pleasure, joy and comfort is going to be problematical, it
will be due to too much of a good thing turning bad, which is not at all impossible. Generally
Venus/Jupiter combinations are easy, pleasant and beneficial; Venus and Jupiter are the benefics
of traditional astrology, and therefor tend to benefit us. The friendly sociability of Venus
combines here with the bouyant joviality of Jupiter, and this will make for kindness, generosity and
popularity. Venus/Jupiter aspects will take us to parties and pleasant social gatherings, and will
encourage us to express our affection for others warmly, openly, and even lavishly. Inasmuch as
Venus relates to love and romance, Venus/Jupiter aspects can be an incitement to exploration and
adventure in the realm of relating; in other words, there might be an inclination to approach love
with an expansiveness and faith that is not always disciplined or careful. Jupiters association with
religion, philosophy, ethics and faraway places (travel) can manifest here as personal (possibly
romantic) relationhips with religious, philosophical and/or foreign people. It may also happen that
love relationhips test and stimulate ones religious, philosophical and ethical principles and beliefs.
There is potentially an element of sensual self-indulgence that can become excessive or wastefully
extravagant (particularly with the harder aspects), and this can lead to those illnesses that result

from overindulgence (such as hangovers or obesity), as well as wasted (financial) resources.

Despite the few relatively minor problems that can occur as a result of the combination of Venus
and Jupiter, there is generally little to fear from these aspects.
Venus is associated with women, and Jupiter with religious, wealthy and/or jovial persons; so
Venus/Jupiter combinations may easily indicate a bouyant, wealthy and philosophical woman.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter is an indication of attractiveness, popularity and social opportunities.

It suggests that one can radiate a warmth and cheerfullness that can be uplifting to others.

Venus Semi-Sextile Jupiter might describe wealth or delicious foods or kind, loving words.
Perhaps is slightly inhibited, hidden or subliminal inclination to be lavish, or ostentatiously

Venus Sextile Jupiter suggests harmonious friendships and group interactions, which naturally
implies an ability to relate well to others. Help is happily given to a friend in need. Friendships and
romantic love relationhips may be formed on the basis of shared religious or philosophical views.
Friends may be made amoung foreigners or while travelling abroad.

Venus Square Jupiter is a little prone to extravagance and lavish tastes and sometimes
manifests as a lack of discipline and discretion in love relationships, though of course this is not
inevitable. People with Venus/Jupiter Squares in their charts are often "lucky in love"; they manage
to attract desirable partners, well-to-do friends, and may easily attract wealth and luxuries, but these
benefits are quite frequently spoiled through a tendency to take their good fortune for granted in
some manner. Too much luxury can make one decadent or promiscuous. There may indeed be a
sincerely idealistic attitude towards love and romance, though this is simply a little prone
intemperance. With discipline and modesty (which would not be due to this particular combination)
this may be a positive influence, since it will promote kindness, generosity and mercy. Much of the
above will be applicable to the Conjunction and Opposition aspects between Venus and Jupiter.

Venus Trine Jupiter makes one generous, warm hearted and loving towards others. Although
there is no gaurantee that it will not manifest as excessive sensual self-indulgence, it is less prone to
that type of extreme manifestation than the harder Venus/Jupiter aspects would be. The righteous
and moral instincts of Jupiter will enlighten and ennoble the social and romantic impulses
associated with Venus. Love is expressed with warm and exuberant spontaneity. Social popularity
is greatly enhanced, and this combination can indicate pleasant travels and holidays, and generally a
healthy ability to enjoy oneself.


Venus Quincunx Jupiter could be an indication of some type of awkwardness in an otherwise

pleasant social setting. Health may be adversely affected through a lack of discipline and discretion
in the persuit of sensual pleasures; rich living may lead to indigestion or it may be difficult to find
the right place or moment to express love and affection.

Venus Opposition Jupiter will have much in common with the Conjunction and Opposition
aspects between these same planets; there is a tendency to overindulgence, but there is also a real
capacity for wholesome pleasure and enjoyment, both sensually and socially. There is an inclination
to attract and interact with wealthy, attractive, foreign or artistic people. There is a desire for grand
demonstrations of affection.

Venus/Saturn Aspects
All Venus/Saturn combinations result in some degree of emotional reserve, conservatism or
detachment which will tend to influence romantic relationships and amorous impulses in a
restraining way. In the most extreme cases Venus/Saturn aspects can indicate a complete lack or
denial of love, and extreme loneliness is possible. In more moderate doses it tends to be manifest as
satisfyingly stable and enduring love relationhips where there is relatively little passion and
exuberance of feeling (unless other contrasting factors are sufficiently strong). Inasmuch as Saturn
relates to elders and old age, Venus/Saturn aspects can indicate that there may be romantic
involvement with people of significantly different age of social status, and it is common for a type
of parental, paternal role to be present in friendships and romantic relationhips.
The cautiousness in love associated with a Venus/Saturn combination often stems from a type of
insecurity regarding one's own romantic desirability, so that romantic desires and interest may be
concealed beneath a veneer of aloof indifference. This may eventually harden into an inability to
spontaneously express love and affection. Poor self-esteem, in the more extreme cases (more likely
with hard aspects between these planets), can result in getting involved in degrading relationships
where love is hardly present and where there is emotional neglect, and even crass sexual
This emotional carefulness (and sometimes calculatedness) is often extended to financial affairs in
which Venus/Saturn types show an aptitude for saving and scheming, and inasmuch as Venus is
associated with fashion and self-beautification, Venus/Saturn combinations describe a modest and
conservative manner of dressing. The association of Venus with the feminine gender, and Saturns
association with old age, can translate and manifest as an old woman (feminine embodiments of
age and austerity may play a significant role in the person's life).

Venus Conjunct Saturn indicates an inhibition or careful control of emotional self expression.
The person may be rather cold, formal and business-like in their personal contacts, and may find it

difficult to allow their feelings of vulnerability to show (which may then eventually make such
feelings quite overwhelming). A habit of viewing oneself as alone and seperate or unworthy can
make it difficult to feel deserving of love, and to attract positive loving relationships.

Venus Semi-Sextile Saturn could specifically imply financial difficulties and/or frugality, as
well as a subtle inhibition or coldness of feeling. There may be a tenency to withdraw from others;
possibly due to a lack of trust in a love relationship or friendship.

Venus Sextile Saturn suggests a relatively wholesome and comfortable emotional self control;
one is unlikely to be carried away by wild passionate amorous impulses, and this conservatism may
well be reflected in ones choice of friends and aquaintances. Venus Sextile Saturn can indicate
older (or possibly significantly younger) friends and romantic partners, as well as relatively long
lasting and stable relationships. Venus Sextile Saturn suggests patience and faithfulness in love and

Venus Square Saturn is usually an indication of obstacles and delays in love relationships. This
may be a result of a poor choice of partner, due to poor self-esteem, or the person may struggle to
feel and/or express warmth and sympathy. There may be alternate experiences of experiencing
rejection at the hands of a cold and aloof partner, and the tendency to be the one who is hard and
less than sensitive and supportive of the other. In terms of life cycles, this (and other hard aspects
between Venus and Saturn) may mark the time of seperations from friends and loved ones, and the
ending of important love relationships.

Venus Trine Saturn can indicate a noble prudence in love and romance that stems from a
healthy modesty and carefulness in the persons emotional nature. There may even be some type of
creative expression of this combinations ability to be economical and measured in the managing of
resources. There is an ability to get along with people who differ from oneself in age or social
status, as well as a tendency to respect and even feel a warm fondness for elders.

Venus Quincunx Saturn can be an obstacle to the formation of happy and emotionally
nurturing love relationships; loving emotions are not easily or spontaneously expressed; the theme
of work, duty, service and obligations may stifle affection. Inasmuch as the Quincunx aspect is
likely to manifest through health problems, Venus Quincunx Saturn could indicate some type of
chronic venereal disorder, and/or health issues have an awkward impact on love relationships .

Venus Opposition Saturn will in many respects be comparable to the Conjunction and
Opposition of the same planets; it is usually anything but frivolous emotionally, and sometimes it is
the cause of seperations and bereavement. There may be a tendency to be drawn to cold and
distant people, or one may not be able to fully open up and give ones whole heart to another. There

may be a fear of intimacy, or there may be an overly needy approach to interaction by either party
in a love relationship. The beautiful and amorous encounters the old/young, decrepid or fearful.

Venus/Uranus Aspects
All Venus/Uranus aspects combine the social and romantic inclinations of Venus with the
unconventionality, excitability and impulsiveness of Uranus. This results in vibrant and
intantaneously appealing social contacts, usually with colourful and interesting people. I sometimes
describe Venus/Uranus aspects as the electric-love-complex; a volatile, experimental or liberated
approach to romantic love. Art and fashion are similarly unusual or experimental when associated
with Venus/Uranus combinations; clothing is more glitsy or shockingly sexy, art is ultra-modern
and striking (not subtle or gentle). Freedom in relationships would be important to a typical
Venus/Uranus type, and although there may be unconventional arrangements and a certain degree
of restlessness or impulsiveness, it is not entirely impossible for lasting relationships to occur when
a prominent Venus/Uranus aspect is present at birth, or in terms of life-cycles. It is, however, very
typical for relationships to be quickly begun and rather suddenly terminated; stability and
predictability in love does not originate with a Venus/Uranus aspect, and will have to be sought
Combinations of Venus and Uranus might describe an independant and individualistic woman.

Venus Conjunct Uranus is particularly likely to manifest as an intense aversion to old

fashioned approaches to love or fashion or art. The self-image is describable as unique dazzling

Venus Semi-Sextile Uranus might mean that there is a subtle, hidden, suppressed or
subliminal amorous impulsiveness. Money may be earned through or spent on unusual art or

Venus Sextile Uranus is a description of exciting friends and a generally vibrant and upbeat
social circle. Friendships, siblings, romantic relationships, as well as day-to-day neighbourly
interactions reflect Venus/Uranus attributes, like social and artistic freedom and unconventional
tastes in fashion and art. Venus Sextile Uranus enables one to attract colourful aquaintances, and
there is an ability to look beyond superficial differences like race, religion or social background,
which often prevent potential friendships amoung less liberal people.

Venus Square Uranus, in relatively extreme cases, is an indication of restlessness, willfulness

and rebellious independance in love and romance. This naturally makes for unstable and disrupted
relationships. Venus/Uranus attributes may be reflected in independant, dynamic and individualistic
feminine authority or parent figures. An exciting artistic career is another possible manifestation of
Venus Square Uranus.

Venus Trine Uranus implies a unique and unorthodox set of moral values regarding love an
romance; while freedom and independance may well be valued in romantic relationhips, there is
probably a knack for avoiding awkward emotional dependency that has to be abruptly severed or
released. Exciting friendships and love relationships may be formed while travelling abroad, and/or
shared philosophical beliefs or interests may form the basis of relatively unusual and unlikely
relationships between people of vastly different social backgrounds. Exceptional and dazzling
artistic gifts may be latent and await just a little effort and experimentation to be discovered.

Venus Quincunx Uranus might mean that unusual relationships are impulsively formed with
co-workers, or one might work with exciting and individualistic women. There may be some
difficulty establishing a clear consensus regarding obligations and services in relationships. There
might be sudden or abrupt venereal disorders, possibly requiring unusual (possibly very
technological) treatment(?).

Venus Opposition Uranus would in many respects be similar and comparable to the
Conjunction and Square; relationships are exciting, possibly unorthodox somehow, and rarely very
stable and predictable. There is a tendency to attract brilliant or volatile romantic partners that
reflect ones attitudes to love relationships. Social life is full of surprises and unexpected

Venus/Neptune Aspects
It may not be unreasonable to note that Neptune is said to rule the sign Pisces, in which Venus is
Exalted. The indiscriminate sympathy often associated with Venus in Pisces is certainly common
here, though this is not without its dangers. Misplaced romantic idealilsm is all to regularly the
result of Venus/Neptune aspects; unrealistic hopes and expectations can lead to dissappointments.
In some (rather rare) cases Venus/Neptune aspects manifest as blissful, spiritual, selfless unions
between soul mates; more often than not the enchantment evaporates before long, and sometimes
the bubble bursts quite badly.
Artistic imagination is one of the benefits of Venus/Neptune aspects, and artistic pursuits are an
ideal outlet or direction for the often confusing energies of potent Venus/Neptune combinations. Art
allows us to indulge in fantasy and escapism in a relatively harmless way. Often there is no
consciously realized and materially manifested and proven artistic ability, yet even then it is often
latently present and simply requires a little effort, focus and determination (qualities actually
weakened by these aspects) to bring it to the surface. Spiritual devotion is another positive
manifestation of the selfless love theme that Venus/Neptune combinations ideally represent.
In some relatively extreme cases there is a tendency to get involved socially or romantically with
victims who may be struggling with alchohol or drug addiction, and relationships begun or

maintained in a hazy intoxicated state will be vulnerable and quite possibly dissappointing. There
are various possible ways in which the truth about a lover or cherished relationship may be evaded,
and Venus/Neptune aspects are often expressed as idealization of another.
Sometimes a subtly selfish motive may prompt one to form or maintain a relationship with a much
weaker, dependant person, and sometimes it isnt at all straight forward telling the (needy) victim
from the (sacrificing) saviour.
With Venus/Neptune contacts emotions are sensitive and impressionable, and there is a real
capacity for empathy with others, but this needs to be handled with a healthy dose of realism and
down-to-earth practicality to be truly useful and beneficial.
Venus combined with Neptune can be personified as a woman who is either very spiritual and
imaginative, or a very weak and confused; maybe even something of a mixture of both extremes.

Venus Conjunct Neptune might add an element of illusive and attractive mystery to the
personality and appearance, and in some cases there will be a distinctly dreamy and languid aura.
The person is usually kind and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, though not always
disciplined and motivated in more practical directions.

Venus Semi-Sextile Neptune may subtly sensitize the emotional life and imagination , leading
to greater than usual impressionability, which may even result in a lack of critical discernment.
Resources may be lost and disspated due to a lack of attention, discipline, or misplaced trust and
sympathies. Erotic dreams and fantasies (also possible with other Venus/Neptune aspects).

Venus Sextile Neptune points to the likelihood that friends, siblings and day-to-day
neighbourly contacts will reflect the delicate sympathy, artistic imagination, and/or altruism of
Venus/Neptune contacts. There is a devotion towards, and even an idealizing of friends and
associates, and it is possible that this aspect can make for idealistic self-sacrifice , and a sense of
spiritual brotherhood in group activities. Friendships may be established with people who are
somehow sensitive, weak or wounded, since compassion is a strong motivating factor in relating
to others.

Venus Square Neptune can potently stimulate artistic imagination, and can contribute to the
intensity of romantic fascination; yet it is also liable to weaken ones resistance to temptations of
the flesh and might lead to careless, devious or dissapointing romantic liasons. Much of this may
be true of the Conjunction and Opposition also. With the Square specifically these themes and
attributes may impact and manifest in domestic and professional life, and may be embodied or
reflected in authority/parent figures.

Venus Trine Neptune, of all the Venus/Neptune aspects, is probably least likely to be the cause
of thoughtless and confused actions in love relationships; yet this does not preclude the possibility
of a certain amount of idealistically motivated distortion of reality, especially when romantic hopes
and feelings are involved. Spiritual love and devotion, to a cause or idealized person, is very
possible here, and this is usually ennobling and uplifting to the soul, so to speak. This particular
Venus/Neptune aspect would also be conducive to any form of artistic self-expression.

Venus Quincunx Neptune may adversely affect health, possibly through careless dietary
habits, or even through the abuse of drugs or alchohol. This theme may be encountered externally in
a sick or vulnerable woman or lover, or possibly through a co-worker, or within ones field of dayto-day work and service. Loving service and sacrifice, or a very unstructured and maybe
probelmatically nebulous approach to sharing (financial) resources may be described.

Venus Opposition Neptune will have much in common with other Venus/Neptune aspects,
particularly the Conjunction and Square; the inherent strength of these harder aspects make both
the best and worst possibilities more probable. The Opposition indicates a tendency to powerfully
attract sensitive, illusive and mysterious people into ones life, and the challenge is to appreciate
and value their extraordinary qualities without too much distortion and blurring of their true natures.
When there is a confusing misunderstanding of another, or when an idealized person (often a lover)
turns out to be dissappointingly frail and fallible, it indicates that there has been a distortion of
reality, and an inability to distinguish the ideal from the real. The ideal may have been projected
onto a normal imperfect person whos warts would sooner or later have to emerge. Probably all
Venus/Neptune aspects confront one with the challenge of dealing with the real person that takes
shape after the initial romantic spell wears off, and if the real person can be recognised and still
loved and accepted, with (or despite) all their ordinary homeliness, a more genuine relationship
begins. Equality, independance, and mutual respect (not worship) are healthy qualities to cultivate
in love and friendship.

Venus/Pluto Aspects
Any prominent Venus/Pluto combination will deepen love relationships and intensify romantic
attractions. Venus/Puto aspects would suggest raw primordial force and power that would be
manifested in and through artistic self expression, as well as social and romantic interactions. At
best this intensity takes the form of profoundly meaningful connections with others that have the
power to completely transform ones life and outlook; at worst it can indicate obsessive romantic
relationships that may deteriorate into destructive power struggles. Jealousy and manipulation are
common features in the more extreme Venus/Pluto relationships, and this is usually symptomatic of
overwhelming unconscious compulsions that a triggered or activated in the context of romantic
intimacy. Sometimes there is a tendency to suspiciously dig and probe a lovers motives, or control

their thinking, feeling and activity, and naturally this can undermine the foundation of trust and
goodwill required for a healthy relationship. In a more ideal scenario there may be an ultimately
wholesome house-cleaning process (in love relationships) that may at some stage involve rather
awkward (but necessary) confronations with underlying issues that had hitherto been an obstacle
to true, conscious and honest relating. Some relationships will, and some wont, survive such an
encounter with the shadows that may lurk beneath the surface of a relationship; but sometimes only
such a confrontation or purging process will enable the regeneration and revitalization of a
relationship that is ailing.
Venus combined with Pluto may be personified as a strong or even ruthless women, or possibly a
shadowy underworld lover, perhaps a stalker, for example.

Venus Conjunct Pluto will probably enhance the magnetism of the personality, and the general
Venus/Pluto themes described above are likely to manifest clearly and powerfully.

Venus Semi-Sextile Pluto might describe subtle, hidden or supressed amorous compulsions;
this may manifest through dreams or fantasies and might leak into conscious awareness through
some form of the proverbial Freudian slip. Financial resources (and possibly debts) may be a
significant factor in control or manipulation in love relationhips, or it may take the form of
empowering material support in a love relationship.

Venus Sextile Pluto suggests friendships, group activities and day-to-day neighbourly
interactions that reflect the emotional and creative depth of Venus/Pluto combinations.
Communication is not entirely dependent on words and logic, and is certainly not superficial, and
even though there is emotional depth here, the more extreme Venus/Pluto themes, like coersion and
manipulation, are less likely.

Venus Square Pluto often makes for some sort of power struggle in love relationships, yet some
people enjoy nothing more than the type of brutally intense interactions and attractions that
Venus/Pluto Squares can engender. Consciously or unconsciously the person seeks raw intensity in
love, but may not always enjoy the whole package when they find it. A parent or authority figure
may reflect Venus/Pluto qualities; possibly taking the shape of a domineering women, or perhaps a
seductive person of either sex.
Feminine (Venus) public/domestic (Square) empowerment (Pluto) (?).

Venus Trine Pluto should be capable of manifesting as spontaneous intense romantic emotions
and attractions that are relatively free of the destructive posessiveness, suspicion and manipluation
that tends to spoil many other Venus/Pluto aspects. Love and romance may in fact be the catalyst to
profound philosophical realizations and powerful creative/artistic inspiration. This would

potentially be the most likely Venus/Pluto combination to manifest as some type of creative self
expression. Children may to some be a significant symbol of creativity, and so this aspect may
ivolve meaningful interactions with children.

Venus Quincunx Pluto could describe a love relationship undergoing an awkward adjustment
processes. This may involve a clarification of (or dispute over) obligations and (possibly financial)
liabilities that influence, or result from the relationship. Romantic fascination with coworkers,
and/or feminine coworkers who embody Plutonian attributes (perceived a tough, domineering or
controlling) are other possible manifestations. Deep emotional or sexual frustration can erupt as
physical disorders.

Venus Opposition Pluto is a powerful combination that will have much in common with other
Venus/Pluto aspects, especially with the Conjunction and Square. There is likely to be (romantic)
attraction to people that turn out to be domineering or overpowering; though it should be said that
either or both parties could embody and express the Plutonian urge to control, dominate or mould
others. Intense and passionate relationships can be satisfying, even if theyre a little tiring and
demanding. Powerful people and powerful emotional interactions can enable to to access ones own
(emotional or creative) depth and power; but it is possible to overdose on romantic emotional
intensity, and then final or temporary seperation may be the only effective medicine.

Mars/Jupiter Aspects
The vigour and dynamism of Mars is expanded here by associating with Jupiter; all Mars/Jupiter
aspects enhance enthusiasm, drive and courage, and this exuberant vitality can spur one on to great
achievments. These aspects are generally excellent for people that are usually timid, but can be
more risky for those who are inherently too aggressive, daring or reckless. Too much of this good
thing can cause you to bite off more than you can chew, but in the perfect dose it shows you just
how much more you are capable of than you usually realize.
The assertiveness of Mars combined with the moral concerns of Jupiter can result in a zealous
promotion of causes and ideologies, and in more extreme cases this can take the shape of righteous
indignation, and aggressive reactions to perceived personal or social injustices. Of course, over
eager self-righteous evangelism is more likely to alienate than inspire others, but it is also true that
champions of righteous causes need to be passionate and fearless, and are sometimes effective
precisely because they are somewhat defiant, and even belligerent.
Sometimes Mars/Jupiter combinations produce an essentially self interested pursuit of wealth or
personal power and influence.
Although Mars/Jupiter aspects are usually experienced as an increase in energy, it is not uncommon

for this surge of vitality to prompt an exhausting, and in some cases damaging, expenditure of
energy. When executing dazzling feats of prowess, it is important to know your limitations.
Mars/Jupiter combinations can be personified as a religious, wealthy or travelled man, or an activist
of some kind.
In his precious book, Planets in Transit, Robert Hand mentions that women often give birth under
Jupiter/Mars Transits, since this grand creative act requires enormous amounts of physical energy.
This would have the interesting result of creating a permanent Mars/Jupiter aspect between the chart
of mother and child, and this would presumably imply that the mother will foster confidence,
exploration and vitality in the child, and probably also vice versa.

Mars Conjunct Jupiter implies that the person will radiate great strength and energy and will
be almost invincible in a confrontation. At the least it can be said that there is unlikely to be much
self-effacing reserve to the personality.

Mars Semi-Sextile Jupiter could mean that there is an enthusiastic, even overbearing approach
to financial matters; there may be a go-get-it acquisitiveness, and/or an impulsive (possibly
wasteful) extravagance. It is also possible that the righteous indignation associated with
Mars/Jupiter aspects in general may here be hidden, supressed, or very sutle in its expression.

Mars Sextile Jupiter may take the form of friendships, groups or neighbourly interactions that
embody the fiery moralistic attributes of Mars/Jupiter combination. There may be an almost
boisterous spirit of comeraderie. With this particular aspect enthusiasm and warm, open
expressiveness, can be an asset to communication, and there should be a good ability to succesfully
and dynamically persue plans and goals. There may be financial benefits as a result of an
impressive ability to seixe opportunity. Adventurousness and strong beliefs may be shared with
friends and associated.

Mars Square Jupiter suggests that there is a very high level of independance, enthusiasm and
ardour, and this gusto will need careful handling to avoid manifesting as disputes (possibly with
authority figures), or, on a more physical level, as accidents and extravagance. Where this influence
is coupled with self-discpline and a measure of prudence and modesty, it could make for leadership
and professional success, maybe as a result of a pioneering dynamism and force of character. It is
possible that the feisty Mars/Jupiter qualities will be reflected and embodied in a parent of authority

Mars Trine Jupiter signifies great courage and self-confidence, and a very idealistic enthusiasm.
There should be a good intuitive sense of the potentials for successful endeavor under any given set
of circumstances, and a good sense of timing that enables one to make the most out of the

opportunities present in the environment. This may result in events that appear to be lucky, but
are more truly a result of this ability to direct the Mars/Jupiter vitality in the right direction, at the
right time. The moral, ethical (and maybe religious) dimension of Mars/Jupiter combinations is here
at its peak, and can lead to a fervent following or promotion of some or other cause, belief or
ideological principle; yet the potentially offensive (and less-than-impeccable) self-righteousness
that might easily manifest with other Mars/Jupiter aspects is less likely (though maybe not
impossible) here. Mars Trine Jupiter suggests abundant creative energy.

Mars Quincunx Jupiter could manifest as a very motivated approach to work and service,
which can result in getting a great deal done in a relatively short span of time. It does indicate that
such work would require scope for relatively independant individual initiative, and where there is
undue restriction the result may be some form of rebellion. There may, in fact, be an expression of
indignation related to working conditions or directed at coworkers. Shared finances may evoke
some type of opportunism, or reckless enthusiasm; or, at best, can provide needed assitance for
grand acts of conquest.

Mars Opposition Jupiter will have much in common with the other Mars/Jupiter aspects,
especially with the Conjunction and Square. The Opposition in particular suggests dynamic
cooperation and/or high-spirited confrontations. There will be a tendency to get embroiled in moral
(maybe legal) battles, but it is also very possible to experience exhilerating relationships and highly
energising partnerships. A warrior encounters a teacher, or anger versus justice.

Mars/Saturn Aspects
Mars and Saturn are a significant pair in that they are both traditionally branded as malefics. Mars
causes sharp, hot and acute conditions, and is known as the lesser malefic; Saturn is the greater
malefic, causing chronic and cold, dry conditions, as well as gradual and persistent disintegration.
We cant honesty say anything frivolous about these aspects, which, at best, signify hard work and
disciplined actions. Of course hard work and discipline are, in the right doses, very needed and
valuable. Mars/Saturn combinations can lead to positive and constructive results, especially when
we embrace tough situations and onerous tasks with a firm and focussed resolve. In fact, hard
manual labour is a great way to give a positive direction to Mars/Saturn energies, and may make
less beneficial manifestations less probable.
One way in which these combinations can become difficult is when the impatient forcefulness of
Mars encounters the inertia of Saturn (sometimes embododied in a parent or other authority figure),
leading to the proverbial banging of ones head against the wall, or railing against obstacles and
restrictions that are simply not within ones power to change or remove. Frustration can harm
important reltionships, as well as body, mind and soul, and frustration is a common result of the
harder Mars/Saturn aspects. When volatile Martian anger (which normally, by itself, comes and

goes relatively quickly) combines with the cold and enduring gloom and cynacism of Saturn, you
can get a very nasty brand of resentment and loathing; though this is a rather extreme scenario.
Angry people are more prone to accidents, and the harder Mars/Saturn aspects quite regularly
manifest as broken bones. Mars combined with Saturn may be personified as a fierce, old, dour
man, or an angry boss or parent figure.

Mars Conjunct Saturn may cause the face to scowl in an unfriendly manner; anger or assertive
impulses may be supressed, but seething beneath the surface. The personality may show a hard,
selfish and unsympathetic streak, yet the person may be a slow but steady worker.

Mars Semi-Sextile Saturn could describe a sense of struggle in the effort to make money,
and/or property may be used and managed in a frustrated or fearful manner. There may be a loss or
waning of energy that leads to incomplete work or projects. Anger could be hidden, supressed,
subtle, or even quite unconscious, possibly leading to subliminal fears. Bad dreams(?) Hidden

Mars Sextile Saturn is unlikely to be severely problematical, as some other Mars/Saturn aspects
may well be, but that doesnt make it light or cheerful. There is still a toughness and hardness that
may come accross as a little unfriendly, and this no-nonsense quality would not evoke warm
affection in others. However, the steady discipline, strength and self-control typical of this
particular Mars/Saturn aspect, could command the respect of associates and coworkers.Friends,
group activities and day-to-day associates may embody or reflect the hard-working practical
dynamism that is a relatively ideal manifestation of Mars in combination with Saturn.

Mars Square Saturn indicates intense efforts and very hard work (possibly in the pursuit of
career goals); though there can be an element of cold and ruthless determination in this approach
that is better suited to a cut-throat wordly, business or political arena, than, for example, domestic
relationships. Domestic and family relationships may quite specifically be harmed, frustrated or
inhibited due to this particular aspect of Mars and Saturn. Parent or authority figures may be
perceived as strict and harsh disciplinarians, and there may be some sort of power struggle with
authority or parent figures. There may be anger over domestic or proffessional responsibilities.

Mars Trine Saturn is probably the least hazardous of all Mars/Saturn aspects; there is the
potential for creative practicality and possibly the ability to make hard work seem relatively
effortless, and even gracious. There may be a very idealistic philosophical attitude, or a ideological
belief system relating to hard work and physical effort. This may take the form or steady and
sustained efforts towards an essentially ideological goal or vision.


Mars Quincunx Saturn can be an indication of obstacles and frustration in ones work or with
coworkers, or it may indicate physically taxing efforts. It may be difficult to create or maintain an
harmonious and cooperative working environment, and the same can be said for arrangements for
sharing of money and material resources. Services and obligations between people may be difficult,
and could cause resentment and anger.

Mars Opposition Saturn will be somewhat prone to the same difficulties and issues described
under the Mars/Saturn Conjunction and Square. The Opposition is particularly prone to tension in
one-to-one relationships, like peronal or business partnerships, and possibly consultations. There
may be a competitive or suspicious attitude towards others that makes cooperation and
collaboration difficult, yet in an ideal scenario Mars Opposing Saturn might take the form of a
dynamically practical partnership. Interpersonal relationships call for a gentler touch and a softer,
patient approach. On a purely practical level this aspect can contribute toughness, resilience and
determination. A warrior meets a stern old man, or assertion and dynamism versus discipline and

Mars/Uranus Aspects
Although modern astrology associates Uranus with the air sign Aquarius, at least one prominent
astrologer (Robert Hand, in his book, Horoscope Symbols) describes this exciting planet as fiery,
and therefor not very unlike Mars; this similarity makes Mars/Uranus combinations volatile and
often unruly. The self-assertion and aggression associated with Mars manifests with suddeness due
to combining with unpredictable Uranus. Both these planets are impulsive and independant, so
abrupt, defiant and unpremeditated actions are typical expressions of Mars/Uranus energy.
A prominent Mars/Uranus aspect can make for an adrenalin junkie; there is a craving for fast and
even dangerous action, or, on a more intellectual level, there could be a passion for new and radical
fields of mental exploration. Although these aspects may enable one to respond instantly, and with
dazzling speed and directness, to an emergency situation or sudden event, it will tend to detract
from that patience that is required to make good use of sharp wits. Of course really extreme
impatience will be a relatively extreme scenario (more likely with harder aspects), and it is not
impossible that other, steadying components in a chart may modify this tendency to become
impractical, due to being too busy and erratic.
Mars combined with Uranus may be personified as a radical, unpredictable, brilliant or
unconventional man, or it may conceivably take the form of a Robocop type cyber-warrior, or a
fighter pilot...etc.

Mars Conjunct Uranus describes a striking appearance and an independant and daring
personality, unwilling to be tied down, restricted or bossed around by others. The person may be

prone to sudden eruptions of self-will.

Mars Semi-Sextile Uranus could signal an ability to make money through daring and
unconventional means, or it could manifest as sudden loss through impulsive actions or thoughtless,
reckless words. The defiant and radical impulses associated with Mar/Uranus aspects in general will
perhaps be supressed, hidden or subliminal (possibly manifesting in dreams of sudden aggression or
other exciting actions[?]).

Mars Sextile Uranus suggests that friends, neighbours, siblings or day-to-day associates reflect
or embody the vibrant dynamism of Mars combined with Uranus; they may be rebels or pioneers of
some kind. Exciting and energetic group activities can bring much pleasure, yet friends and
associates may not always be patient with each other. Communication is vigorous and rapid, and
there probably is good coordination and agility.

Mars Square Uranus would tend to indicate a rebellious or highly independant streak that will
affect domestic and proffessional life most directly. At best this suggests valuable pioneering and
innovative abilities that could make a person a leader in their field, at worst there may be a
destructively short fuse and a perverse self-will that can alienate others. A parent or authority
figure could reflect or embody Mars/Uranus attribites.

Mars Trine Uranus might be an indication of fervent, but radical and unorthodox, beliefs and
ideologies. Dynamic and pioneering (technological) creativity can manifest here, and there is
generally a strong will to explore new places and ideas. This is probably the least reckless and
destructively volatile of the Mars/Uranus aspects, and can in fact manifest as brilliant realizations
and impressively timed and executed physical actions.

Mars Quincunx Uranus could describe an energetic and vigorous application of progressive,
innovative techniques. It may also manifest as sudden and explosive situations with coworkers.
Physical health may be affected by accidents or exhaustion due to too much rushed and erratic
activity; and some sources associate Mars/Uranus combinations with surgery. Sharing of money or
property (in close relationships) may be approached too hastily or fitfully, and there may be sudden
expressions of independance and self-will that interfere with a clear understanding and contientious
fullfillment of obligations in this regard.

Mars Opposition Uranus will tend to be abruptly confrontational, and will tend to result in
attraction to individuals that embody the reckless or pioneering qualities of Mars/Uranus.
Partnership and collaboration can be exhilerating and electric, and there is the potential to feel
liberated through the fearlessness and adventurousness that is shared with, or encountered in, theother. Such an intensely burning fire can rarely last for long. Here the warrior" meets the "rocket


Mars/Neptune Aspects
Mars is considered a "fiery planet by nature, whereas Neptune is watery. These are very
different and generally incompatible elements. Water puts out fire, and in this particular context this
would describe the tendency to fatigue, discouragement and dimininshed vitality that regularly
accompanies the more potent Mars/Neptune aspects. Mars/Neptune may also produce "hot water",
or a very emotional reaction to anger.
Mars represents self assertion, whereas Neptune is associated with surrender. Mars/Neptune aspects
may manifest as a sublimination of self-will and self assertion, possibly expressed as selfless
service to others, or a surrender of oneself to an idealistic spiritual cause. In relatively ideal cases
Mars/Neptune aspects contribute toward artistic talent, and a delicate, subtle grace of physical
In a less ideal scenario (more common with the harder aspects) Mars/Neptune combinations can
result in an inability to assert oneself which leads to a sense of defeat and victimhood, or it may
result in sneaky actions which represent a devious type of self-assertion. It is also possible that one
may see oneself as a dynamic saviour of the oppressed, and yet be quite liable to caving in under
pressure, or being vulnerable to crippling bouts of self doubt. A sense of personl inadequacy may
alternate with delusions of grandeur, or a self-effacing streak may suddenly be replaced by cruelty
to weaker creatures. In some cases there is intoxication, addiction and bodily infection.
Masculine Mars combining with nebulous Neptune could be personified as a sensitive, spiritual,
weak or drunken man. Or, we might describe this combination as the "dreamy warrior".

Mars Conjunct Neptune will easily arouse feelings of either "passionate compassion" or
"indignant victimization". It may contribute to a subtle air of mystery about the person, or can
indicate an artistic streak to the personality. Self assertion is possibly very subtle, and may even be
difficult to express or release openly and directly, so that it "implodes" as a sudden sense of
weakness or tearfulness.

Mars Semi-Sextile Neptune could describe a sneaky way of acquiring or using money or other
material resources. Poor dietary habits may cause problems, such as low physical energy(?). Speech
may be subtly, even deviously aggressive. Self-sacrifice. Macarbe dreams.

Mars Sextile Neptune suggests that there is an unselfish attitude towards others, especially
towards friends, day-to-day associates, and neighbours. Also, these friends, neighbours and
associates may reflect and embody the sensitive, dreamy, artistic, spiritual or idealistic attributes of

Mars/Neptune. There is a disinclination to get involved in rowdy and stormy episodes, and there
may even be a tendency to back down from relatively necessary confrontations with others. This
aspect would find an ideal outlet through working with others, in a group setting, towards a spiritual
or altruistic goal, or through service to the needy.

Mars Square Neptune is prone to extremes of excited elation and acutely felt discouragement.
There may be a need to consciously cultivate a more steady, determined and consistent approach to
domestic and proffessional goals and tasks. There is a tendency to give up quite easily and
suddenly, and this may result in a reputation for unreliability. Some people under the influence of
these aspects are susceptible to a potentially problematic paranoia; innocent and well-meaning
people may be perceived as hostile. Drugs and alchohol, or any substance that can become habit
forming should be handled with great care; substance abuse can be a major cause of lost, leaked and
misdirected energy. There is a need to be carefully realistic about how much one can manage;
unrealistic expectations set you up for disconcerting failures.

Mars Trine Neptune would be capable of manifesting as a subtle attunement to delicate and
intangible realms or energies, and gives the ability to act on inspiration. It has great potential for an
artistic expression, and implies a coordination of "body and soul", so to speak. Spiritual goals and
ideals are approached with a wholesome enthusiasm, and self-interest is well balanced with

Mars Quincunx Neptune can weaken the vigour and health of the body, and may manifest as a
susceptibility to fatigue or infections. Work may be approached with apathy or discouragement.
This aspect could suggest an idealistic urge to share with, and be of selfless service to others, yet
there may also be veiled and subtle animosity directed to, or perceived as emanating from
coworkers. It may be difficult to discern clearly what one's duties and obligations are (and aren't) to
others, and there may be similar confusion regarding their debts or duties to you, and perceived
injustices and victimization can cause resentful moods that harm close relationships.

Mars Opposition Neptune would have much in common with the Square and Opposition
aspects between the same two planets. Here there is specifically a tendency to attract rather
confusing encounters and confrontations. It may be unclear whether or not one has been attacked,
provoked or insulted, and it may be very difficult to respond appropriately to the veiled or uncertain
intentions of the other. One's own assertive or angry impulses may be expressed in a veiled or
somehow sneaky way that is disorientating to another. This aspect represents a challenge to bring
openess and honesty to one-to-one interactions. "Victim-Saviour" relationships can lead to
complicated misunderstandings and dissappointments; and if such situations present themselves and
are perceived as appealling, one should look closely at the underlying motives of all parties. Only
rigorous self-honesty can spare one from misjudging the situation. We are somehow responsible if

we attract people who deceive or dissappoint us; we often set ourselves up for this experience
through misplaced and impractical idealism and/or our own unconscious self-interest in situations
where we seem to be the "noble giver". "A warrior meets a mystic" or "the angry meets the
surrendered" or "assaulting an hallucinated opponent".

Mars/Pluto Aspects
Some modern astrologers describe Pluto as the "higher octave" of Mars. It is also worth noting that
Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio (and Aries), and Pluto is associated with Scorpio in modern
western astrology. Both these planets are aggressive or forceful in ways, though the aggression of
Mars is relatively open and, in comparison to Pluto, almost superficial. The idea of "depth" is
regularly associated Pluto; it is not at all impulsive and fitful like Mars. Pluto adds a primal
intensity and deep, raw power to the dynamic vitality of Mars. A prominent Mars/Pluto
combination is potentially explosive and devastating, yet it may also be truly empowering. Pluto
can make action orientated Mars more purposeful and focused, and may possibly direct Mars
energies towards a larger social agenda, but it is not unlikely that a Mars/Pluto aspect will enhance
self-will, and the determination to surmount all obstacles to personal fullfillment. In the most
extreme and discordant scenarios ruthlessness and power struggles manifest.
Mars/Pluto aspects provide tremendous energy which will need enlightened direction to bring
desirable results.
Mars combined with Pluto may be personified as a powerful man, a terrorist, or a dedicated and
dynamic person.

Mars Conjunct Pluto suggests an exceptionally strong and determined will. An aura of
indomitable and focussed intent may be threatening (or perhaps awe inspiring) to others. There is a
capacity for tireless effort and incredible feats of physical strength and endurance. Terrible anger is
a possible extreme manifestation.

Mars Semi-Sextile Pluto could indicate subtle, suppressed or subliminal coersion. Ruthlessness
plans or agendas may be hidden and executed secretly. Financial matters may somehow involve or
be tinged with great zeal and determination, or result in anger and rage, or powerful dynamism lead
to material (financial) results.

Mars Sextile Pluto would make for participation in dynamic and focussed group activities.
These might have some political or ideological foundation, or may involve a certain amount of
aggressive pressure being exterted on or within a social structure. Mars Sextile Pluto could enble
one to be an effective and acknowledged individual within a group; working and collaborating with
others may provide valuable opportunities to shine as an individual. Friends, neighbours, day-to-day

associates, and even siblings may reflect and embody the forcefullness and raw vitality of Mars in
combination with Pluto.

Mars Square Pluto can be a little dangerous since it indicates a high degree of self-will, as well
as personal drive and ambition, and these qualities can bring out the worst in other (similar) people.
At best the ruthless determination it describes can help one to push ahead and succeed, at worst it
suggests a tendency to provoke opposition from others due to overly overly forceful and
inconsiderately independant ways. Parent or authority figures may embody Mars/Pluto attributes.

Mars Trine Pluto is an indication of tremendous physical strength and vitality that could be
creatively expressed or directed into the achievement of idealistic objectives. Focussing and
working hard to achieve goals comes easily and naturally.

Mars Quincunx Pluto hints at an awkwardness in asserting oneself, and it could indicate power
struggles with coworkers. Supressed anger or frustration may manifest as accidents, injury or some
or other acute ailment, and it is quite likley that such an event or condition relates somehow to "selfassertion-issues". Service, mutual (financial) obligations and/or the sharing of material resources
may somehow result in anger, or, in an ideal situation, will be approached with focussed and
purposeful dynamism.

Mars Opposition Pluto will have much in common with the other Mars/Pluto aspects,
especially with the Conjunction and Square. The possibility of power struggles, as well as the
potential for "potent partnership" exist abundantly here; the raw intensity of Mars/Pluto aspects is
here manifested through highly charged encounters and confrontations. A spirit of compromise and
patience with others would not be inherent in this particular configuration, and would have to be
sought elsewhere; yet there is here an opportunity for empowering (maybe socially disasterous)
collaboration. "A warrior meets a power-obsessed fanatic" or "dynamism/anger encounters depth/

Jupiter/Saturn Aspects
Aspects between Jupiter and Saturn are very important, and although these planets are practically
opposites, they form a type of mutually complimentary pair and share a common concern with
larger social issues and the larger social order. These are the two biggest planets in the solar system,
and they are, so to speak, "heavy-weights" in the planetary family. Even their glyphs are inversions
of each other: Jupiter is the crescent over the cross and Saturn is the cross over the crescent.
Jupiter is the priest and philosopher, the benign moralistic benefactor; Saturn is the hardened
materialist and the "grim reaper". Jupiter promotes optimism and breadth of vision, Jupiter
encourages expansion and expenditure. Saturn, on the contrary, inhibits, limits, conserves and often

fears. Socioeconomic success and stability depend on a healthy integration of both these polarized
principles; over-eager, over-optiomistic and careless extravagance results in bankruptcy, but
excessive caution and conservatism isolates and impoverishes. Expanding, with vision (Jupiter),
and due modesty (Saturn), based on a realistic (Saturn) estimation of the strength of one's
foundation (Saturn), leads to steady and reliable (Saturn) growth and progress (Jupiter). Every
succesful businessman has mastered this balancing act, and so have the most valuable and eduringly
provident social idealistists. Altruism (Jupiter) needs practicality (Saturn) to be of tangible help;
unaltruistic and materialistic opportunism has a limited life span, and leads to ostracism (and
probably also inconvenient karmic liabilities?).
In terms of life cycles (Transits and Progressions) Jupiter/Saturn aspects tend to mark milestones in
one's career and socioeconomic progress (or regress). People begin/end cycles of employment, they
buy/sell property etc. at such times.
A prominent Jupiter/Saturn aspect in a birth-chart promotes ambition and a desire to play a
meaningful role in the larger social system, whether through energetic and possibly self-serving
business activities, or through professions that minister to the physical, intellectual or spiritual
needs of society at large.
Saturn can provide the structure (concrete form) through which Jupiter's noble social conscience
can do it's work of healing, teaching and nourishing. This tends to take the form of, or manifests
through, those social intitutions that maintain social order and welfare, such as law courts, hospitals,
universities and churches.
Jupiter and Saturn return to the same relative positions every 20 years, and this is a globally
important socioeconomic cycle that relates to major social changes.

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn can result in a peculiar mix of effects; optimism and exhuberance are
tempered, though there is also a resistance to excessive discipline and conservatism. In an
individual birth chart a Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction indicates some amount of social ambition, and
there is typically an ideal of noble and abundant social participation. These people are often pillars
of society and become respected members of their communities.
There is a tradition which states that prophets are born under Jupiter/Saturn Conjunctions, and
although every person with Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in their birth chart won't be a prophet, this
principle reflects the idea that these aspects relate to a type of rejuvenation of vital social
institutions that keep civilization functional and healthy.

Jupiter Semi-Sextile Saturn might imply either a subtle inhibition of material/social progress,
or a latent and illusive material/social ambition. There may be insecurity or an unconscious fear of
socioeconomic loss and failure. An unclear or unrecognized social role.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn indicates a cooperative and group conscious approach to business and
socioeconomic goals. Friends, neighbours and day-to-day associates may reflect and embody the
material/social ambition associated with Jupiter/Saturn aspects in general. Like the Jupiter/Saturn
Trine, this particur aspect implies that there is a good balance between prudence and opportunism,
leading to steady growth and possibly eventual material success. There is an ability to coordinate
and communicate effectively within the context of large social projects.

Jupiter Square Saturn suggests an almost urgent and impatient social/material ambition, and
this desire for relatively quick success entices people to take relatively big risks. At best this
enthusiasm for business and dynamic socioeconomic participation leads to financial success and
social recognition, at worst financial losses result from ill judged and grandoise projects which are
beyond one's means. Social discord can take the form of legal disputes, a tarnished reputation, or
some other sort of "fall from grace" in the eyes of the larger socioeconmic order. In terms of
Transits it seems that Transiting Jupiter Square Natal Saturn is more likely to bring opportunities
than is Transiting Saturn Square Natal Jupiter; the latter is typically a time of financial worry and

Jupiter Trine Saturn would normally be an indication of socioeconimc success. This tends to
be due to an intuitive ability to make the right decisions when it comes to buying and selling
property (for example), or choosing a career path that is personally fullfilling, socially meaningful
and materially rewarding. There is a healthy balance between idealism and practicality, and
between expansiveness and carefulness. This balanced and moderate temperament encourages
enduring social esteem and stability in financial affairs. There is an unusually creative approach to
material/social goals, and creativity may be a core reason for material/social success.

Jupiter Quincunx Saturn may mean that there is some awkwardness in the process of trying to
find a viable and sustainable social role or economic niche. Finding this role or niche may require
(apparently) uncompensated service or sacrifice towards (transpersonal) social projects, or material
rewards may be rather intangible and fleeting. The restless adventurousness of Jupiter may be
poorly coordinated with the Saturnine demand for patience and persistence, and this may lead to
incompleted tasks and projects, which, of course, militates against socioeconomic security. It is
furthermore possible that Jupiter Quincunx Saturn could be associated with a chronic ailment,
possibly affecting the liver, and/or health concerns lead to dietary and lifestyle restrictions.

Jupiter Opposition Saturn (in a birth chart) is an indication of ambition and an enthusiastic
pursuit of socioeconiomic success, much like the Conjunction and Square between these same two
planets. Jupiter Opposing Saturn describes a balancing act between expansion and consolidation,
and excess in either direction will be counterproductive. At best, when these inherently opposite
principles, represented by Jupiter and Saturn, are well balanced and integrated, this particular aspect

may well make for social/material sucess. One-to-one relationships may reflect and embody a
meeting of "ethics" and "practicality"; there may be an almost simultaneous enthusiasm for and
aversion to important relationships and partnerships.
For example, Transiting Saturn Opposing Natal (birth) Jupiter is typically a time of endings in
terms of personal or (more commonly) business relationships, whereas Transiting Jupiter Opposing
Natal Saturn may indicate new potentials that are realized through the formation of partnerships and
alliances- it can go either way depending on where the emphasis or imbalance lies at the time.
Jupiter in Opposition to Saturn may be described as "a philosopher meets a businessman" or "a
generous optimist meets and miserly pessimist".

Jupiter/Uranus Aspects
Jupiter and Uranus are both "liberal" planets that encourage exploration and even adventure; Uranus
is simply more radical, unorthodox and impulsive about it than Jupiter. By itself Jupiter can be
somewhat conventional in its pursuit of truth and knowledge, but in association with Uranus there is
a distinct tendency to be attracted to the less commonplace expressions of religion and philosophy,
and in the more extreme cases it can describe almost wildly heterodox views or a tendency to be
interested only in exotic or radical philosophical views or ideas. In a more moderate dose and
manifestation it implies a liberated openmindedness that makes unique and exciting realizations
possible. On a mundane or material level Jupiter/Uranus aspects can manifest as sudden luck, and
somtimes this "luck" will take the from of realized possibilities (inventions or inspired ideas for
example), rather than unexpected windfalls. The ability to approach old problems or issues from
new angles can lead to brilliant new solutions and discoveries. So, in ideal cases, Jupiter/Uranus
combinations make for pioneering and progressive attitudes, ideas and philosophies.
Since Jupiter relates to long-distance travel, or those journeys that take us far from our day-to-day
environment, and since Uranus manifests suddenly and surprisingly, Jupiter/Uranus aspects may
take the for of unplanned travel that would tend to be very exciting and unpredictable.
Jupiter combining with Uranus could be personified as a "cyber-priest", a religious radical or a very
free and unencumbered person.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus might take the shape of an explorer, or may manifest as an
awakening to the richness of personal potentials. Jupiter Conjunct Uranus can represent liberating
and exhilerating circumstances and an exuberant will to break free of external control, especially in
terms of beliefs, morals and ideals.

Jupiter Semi-Sextile Uranus is potentially a sudden change in financial status, which may or

may not be an improvement. Impulsive and excited expenditure may result in regrettable loss or
wastage, yet it is also possible that new, exciting sources of income may be accessed, or there may
be gains through innovative ideas and projects.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus could be translated as innovative communications skills, or exciting and
unorthodox friendships. Friends and day-to-day associates may reflect and embody the vibrant
uniqueness and willingness to explore that Jupiter/Uranus combinations represent.

Jupiter Square Uranus suggests an attraction to radical social groups and unorthodox
domestic/professional arrangements, and through daring experimentation it could enable one to
establish a unique and very free domestic/proffessional life-structure. It is possible that a parent or
other authority figure will embody the liberal and philosophically progressive themes associated
with Jupiter/Uranus combinations. An inability to accept the restrictions and stifling discipline
required by conventional roles and environments could result in a sudden and even shocking
rebellion and self-emancipation.

Jupiter Trine Uranus in an indication of freedom and unencumbered spontaneity. An absence

of petty intellectual prejudice makes grand and unprecendented realizations and discoveries
possible. Creative self-expression leads to unexpected possibilites and opportunites. Religious and
philosophical beliefs are liberated and progressive, and averse to blind acceptance of traditionbound doctrine and dogma. Travel can be exhilerating and full of unforeseen but pleasant surprises.

Jupiter Quincunx Uranus could take the form of an exciting job and relatively unstructured or
innovative working methods. If working conditions are not sufficiently stimulating and free there
may be a restlessness and rebelliosness that could hamper efficiency and curtail productivity.
Radical or experimental (technological) healing techniques are possible to see here, and it is also
possible to associate this particular aspect with a sudden change (quite possibly an improvement) in
an existing health condition. New and progressive approaches to sharing or pooling of material
resources can lead to greater wealth and freedom for everyone.

Jupiter Opposition Uranus will have much in common with the other Jupiter/Uranus aspects,
especially with the Conjunction and Square. There is a deep loathing of tedious routines and
unnecessary discipline, and a love of exploration and new places and people. With this particular
aspect the liberating energies of Jupiter combined with Uranus manifest in and through one-to-one
relationships and partnerships, as well as other meaningful interpersonal encounters, like
consultations- such Jupiter/Uranus relationships are invariably rather free. There is a tendency to
attract people who represent or demonstrate surprising yet exciting, progressive possibilities, and
they may expose us to unorthodox philosophical or religious ideas. They may create potentially
valuable disruptions of the routine that enable a new angle on things to become discernable;

Jupiter/Uranus encounters tend to dispel our apathy and complacent acceptance of the mediocre,
habitual and commonplace in our lives. We could translate Jupiter Opposing Uranus as "the priest
meets the rebel" or "morality meets freedom".

Jupiter/Neptune Aspects
Both these planets have a bearing on spirituality, and both can enable us to expand and broaden our
frame of reference; Jupiter is inclusive and Neptune empathizes. Neither of these planets are even
remotely describable as meticulous, however. Jupiter and Neptune are often referred to as co-rulers
of the sign Pisces, and even if Neptune is not accepted as the/a ruler of Pisces, it certainly has some
Piscean characteristics, such as emotional sensitivity and a dreamy type of impressionability.
Jupiter/Neptune aspects will encourage kindly and sympathetic impulses, and they can be quite
indisciminate, even gullibly trusting and giving, in this regard. A lack of practicality and
discernment are the greatest potential shortcomings of these aspects; but spiritual devotion, faith
and idealism are their chief virtues. In extreme cases there is an unrealistic optimism that is so far
removed from reality that some sort of rude awakening is eventually inevitable. In these cases
dissappoinment is the direct result of wishful thinking and a disinterest in the "facts on the ground".
Starry-eyed idealists don't see the warning signs because they don't want to accept or acknowledge
anything that clashes with or contradicts their utopian dreamworld.
Jupiters association with abundance, and Neptunes out-of-touch-with-reality themes can
combine to manifest as wealth, or rather opulence, that removes one from contact with, or
recognition of, more frugal, modest and ordinary realities.
Despite the liability to the above-mentioned problems, Jupiter/Neptune aspects are often quite
benign, and even emotionally elevating in an essentially positive way. When not complemented by
dynamism and efficiency from other sources, Jupiter/Neptune energies remain quite ethereal and far
removed from the daily grind of earthly realities. There is certainly a place, purpose and value to the
imagination and escape from day-to-day concerns that Jupiter/Neptune aspects make possible.
Those most clearly and personally embody these energies are artists or mystics; people in touch
with "soulful realities".

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune is an indication of a vivid and idealistic imagination. It makes for an
accomodating and generous personality. At its highest such powerful Jupiter/Neptune aspects
could manifest as religious or spiritual devotion of a high order, but it can also imply a very vague
and nebulous (and so potentially impressionable) religious/philosophical belief system.

Jupiter Semi-Sextile Neptune may well manifest as either financial gains or losses that result
from either faith or carelessness. Money that is given or received in charity could fit the symbolism
of this particular aspect.

Jupiter Sextile Neptune is an indication of participation in religious or mystical groups, and

generally implies a generous and sympathetic attitude towards others, especially towards friends,
neighbours and people regulalry encounteres in the course of day-to-day acitivities. This aspect can
describe friendship with people who give or receive charitable help which is an expression of an
expanded capacity for sympathy and devotion.

Jupiter Square Neptune tends to be an indication that someone is prone to living in an

idealistic dreamworld, yet it can (and usually does) enhance charitability and kind, generous
impulses towards others. Of course charitable goodwill that isnt sutainably practical is of limited
and questionable value. The imagination and devotion that may well accompany this aspect can be
valuable to the artist or religious mystic, and in some instances this aspect seems to attract material
good fortune despite (or because of) a careless or disinterested attitude towards practical realities.
However, it is possible that material wealth and good fortune are the reasons for a lack of
practicality and frugal values; wealth, ease and comfort may cause a person to be out of touch with
reality- but sooner or later a lack of realism has to result in a reality check.

Jupiter Trine Neptune might manifest as abundant creativity, as well as altruism, spiritual
devotion and generosity towards others. With the Trine aspect between these two planets there is
less likelihood of unrealistic expectations and attitudes than with the harder Jupiter/Neptune aspects
(Conjunction, Square and Opposition). Travelling might be an unusually spiritual experience, and
this might take the form of a religious pilgrimage that uplifts the soul; even day-to-day reality can
be perceived from a heightened spiritual perspective.

Jupiter Quincunx Neptune might describe employment involving travel by water or spiritual
journeys. Alternatively it could indicate some form of spiritual healing or altruistic, charitable
service. Sensual self indulgence, possibly involving drink or drugs, could adversely affect health.
Coworkers may embody the dreamy idealism of Jupiter/Neptune combinations.

Jupiter Opposition Neptune will have much in common with the other hard aspects between
these two planets; implying a potentially excessive and impractical idealism etc.
With the Opposition in particular there is a tendency to idealize others, quite typically spiritual
teacher figures, who will be prone to falling off their pedestals. Relationships with exotic people
who may be fabulously wealthy, wise or pious, or embody some other romantic ideal, may serve as
a (precarious) escape from the real world. The capacity for devotion to another is enhanced by this
aspect, but so is gullibility and carelessness. For example, people with these aspects may easily fall
prey to those who sell hot air disguised as a real opportunity. The liability to fall for this type of
thing stems from the inherent desire to get the goods with little real effort. People with these aspects
in their charts or who are temporarilly under this type of influence may well find that they attracted

others who embody these attributes.

Jupiter/Pluto Aspects
Generally Jupiter/Pluto aspects deepen and intensify the search for truth and wisdom. There is a
desire to dig deep and get to the bottom of religious, philosophical, ethical and sometimes legal
questions. In the more extreme cases this might manifest as fanaticism and a determined selfrighteous evangelism. In the best case scenario there is profound faith and an unwavering
commitment to high ideals of morality and social justice, which often contributes to an ability to
work effectively within groups towards the actualization of some sort of social ideal. In some cases
leadership ability in outstanding individuals is at least partly attributable to this aspect. .
On a more mundane and material level there is typically a powerful striving for worldly benefits
such as wealth and personal power. Of course within certain bounds this can be a perfectly
legitimate persuit. However, amoung the less ideal manifestations of Jupiter/Pluto aspects one may
find a rather ruthless and immodest drive for worldy benefits that tempts people to bend the rules;
even if this manifests only as a tendency to be inconsiderate of others in the course of achieving
personal success. Jupiters inherent potential to be smug and arrogant can be made more forceful
and intimidating through a powerful and dynamic combination with Pluto. The harder aspets
between Jupiter and Pluto commonly manifest as legal battles or other types of conflict with
embodiments or representatives of the law, whether secular or ecclesiastical.
When the material dimension of a Jupiter/Pluto aspect is expressed more moderately and
harmoniously it may well express itself as a marked ability to magnetically attract abundance
through a mixture of faith and clarity and nobility of purpose. The best Jupiter/Pluto expression
usually tends to manifest as a strong social conscience and a distinct inclination to be orientated
towards involvement in socially uplifting projects.
Amoung the most typical personifications of the qualities of a strong Jupiter/Pluto aspect would be
the rabid evangelist, the manipulative tycoon or the greedy and ruthlessly ambitious multi-national
corporation, or a judge, or, potentially, the passionately dedicated social reformer.
Learning to wield power properly, or effectively gaining and assimilating knowledge and insight
may enevitably be a process in which one makes (and hopefully) learns from mistakes. Humility is
often the missing ingredient when these energies or lessons are poorly handled.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto is likley to take the form of a focussed or committed personal
identification with some or other belief system, or it might describe the idea of being an agent for,
or embodiment of a social, political cause or religious/ethical belief system. Personal or individual
power is here a central theme, and although there may well be a strong urge to change or reform

society at large, with much resourcefulness and creative potential with which to do so, there may
also be a very (maybe excessively) individualistic or self-centred sense of purpose, which can make
for an autocratic excercise of power. There is the ability to begin or initiate a new (socially
meaningful) project. Fanaticism is potential pitfall, dedication to truly noble ideals is a real potential

Jupiter Semi-Sextile Pluto might specifically point to financial gains or losses, though it would
probably more often indicate gains. From another perspective a subtle, hidden or sibliminal tinge of
fanatcism may colour religious, social or political views of an individual or organization.

Jupiter Sextile Pluto can specifically indicate that there will be friends, neighbours or relatives
that embody typical Jupiter/Pluto attributes, such as powerful and even obsessive preoccupation
with religious beliefs, morals or ideologies. From another perspective Jupiter Sextile Pluto could
profoundly enhance ones ability to achieve ones goals and desires, be they material or spiritual.
This enhanced ability is at least partly due to the determined and dedicated focus that Pluto can

Jupiter Square Pluto is potentially one of the more extreme and enegetic Jupiter/Pluto
combinations that might be expressed as power struggles and a tendency to come accross as
haughty and aggressively self-serving in the persuit of business and professional advantage. Of
course not everyone with this aspect in their birth chart or in their life cycles will consistently
express these negative characteristics. With modesty and self-control, and where the tendency
towards an overbearing fanatcism is absent or curbed, there can be a powerful determination to
promote noble social/religious/moral ideals, in a beneficial manner. Jupiter/Pluto themes and
characteristics may manifest in the domestic environment, which could take a number of possible
forms, but will generally tend to involve wielding power and asserting moral/religious principles.

Jupiter Trine Pluto is perhaps the most creative, idealistic and innately religious of all the
possible Jupiter/Pluto aspects; the Trine aspect shares many of these associations with the planet
Jupiter, and Pluto generally deepens the search (for truth etc.) and empowers the seeker. This
aspect impels one to dig deeply and earnestly for truth, and/or inspires with a vision of (realizable)
social transformation that can lead to a fuller manifestation of justice and integrity in the
community. Although most Jupiter/Pluto aspects could easily manifest in and through groups and
organizations, Jupiter Trine Pluto is specifically likely to be the most capable of bringing intuitive
wisdom, organizational skills, and a (relatively) balanced type of dedication to a social cause.
Deeply felt faith, complete conviction or commitment to an idea, ideal or belief system generates a
magnetic power of sorts that others will find attractive, convincing and possibly inspiring in an
individual. The truth works!


Jupiter Quincunx Pluto might indicate much that has already been presented above regarding
other Jupiter/Pluto aspects, but with the Quincunx (Inconjunct) in particular one might expect the
potent ideology theme, that is typically central to Jupiter/Pluto combinations, to manifest
somehow in the realm of work, service or health related issues.
There may be a powerful and creative drive to improve and develop practical skills and efficiency,
as well as a strong sense of workplace ethics- a labour union may be an example or manifestation
of this concept. It can also imply that the drive to succeed (possibly at all costs), which is also a
general Jupiter/Pluto theme, could here be manifested through those debts, duties and obligations
that come with partnership. It is conceivable that an element of opportunism may manifest in the
course of managing or accessing the resources of others.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto is certainly one of the most potent ways in which these two planets
can combine, especially if the orb of the aspect is fairly tight. There is a pronounced inclination to
project power, ambition and authority, and there is typically an intense drive to succeed, socially,
financially, and quite possibly also in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and insight. The
Opposition aspect tends to manifest in and through interpersonal relationships, and here that would
imply that the abovementioned goals, drives or ambitions will require or involve partnership,
confronations, consultations, and generally a need to engage energetically with others. This could
manifest as moral, ethical or legal power struggles, a clash of beliefs or values, or, conversely, it
might enable one to find others that complement, empower and promote ones material and spiritual
objectives through committed partnership and/or intense, transforming and probably liberating
This aspect may make one either the victim or the perpetrator of excessive or insensitive use of
personal power, which may be through social rank or influence, or through material means.
Although the delicate issue of the morality of wielding power is generally a Jupiter/Pluto theme,
it is particularly critical with, or objectified through, the Opposition aspect. It is worth
remembering that there is a powerful tendency for this issue to here manifest in projected form,
though encounters and relations with others, so the other will often embody Jupiter, Pluto or
Jupiter/Pluto attributes.

Saturn/Uranus Aspects
There are some very sharp contrasts between the attributes or energies represented by these two
planets. Uranus (revolution, innovation) is in many repects the anithesis of Saturn (tradition,
structure), and although these two can combine awkwardly at times, there are interesting and
progressive possibilities in their combination. Although being nearly opposite in nature, these two
sometimes need each other, or can potentially complement each other. The latent genius
associated with Uranus, which is inherently quite volatile and erratic, can be lost or disipated
without the type of discipline and practicality that Saturn represents and promotes. Too much

Saturnine conservatism, however, is the ultimate cramp or wet blanket for the defiantly
unorthodox Uranus.
It is also true that without the change and vibrant stimulation of Uranus, Saturn can become literally
stuck in a rut, fearful of new ways, and therefor unaware of the true range of possibilities. Too
much Uranus (change and innovation) too soon, however, and the structure and order represented
by Saturn is chaotically toppled and unproductively deranged.
In terms of human experience the relationship of Saturn and Uranus often expresses itself in and
through the (level of excitement, stimulation and discovery we do or dont manage to experience in
the) work we do, and the (need for flexibility in the) structures which give our lives a sense of
stability and security. As much as we need and naturally value security and order in our lives, we
are also very capable of becoming seriously frustrated (whether or not we consciouly realize it) with
a lack of surprises or unexpected breaks in the routine, that serve to add interest and colour to our
worlds. When people have been bottling up their tension for too long they become liable to extreme
impulses that could destabilise their lives, or The Universe takes over and arranges to have
them suddenly fired from their precious jobs, or other shocks threaten their grip on their overvalued crutches. In a more ideal and enlightened situation a timeous recognition of the need for
changes and modifications leads to creative restructuring, averting the need for balance to be
resotored by distaster.
On the other hand, some people live very unstructured and haphazard lives (which may or may not
be consciously intended), and this can result in an inability to bring anything to fruition, and can
lead to a scattered, unpurposeful and ungrounded state that is neither healthy for body, mind or
soul. These are the extremes, we of course need to balance these contrasts creatively or as
harmoniously as possible, especially with a prominent Saturn/Uranus aspect in our birth-charts or
life cycles. Although some of the less harmonious scenarios described above are quite common
(with the harder aspects in particular), it is not unusual for people to give these energies
constructive form through exciting projects of some kind in which the innovation of Uranus and
methodical discipline of Saturn are (with greater or lesser success) integrated. The final form of
some great inventions emerged from the smoke and debris from a series of exploded prototypes;
tension and struggle is not always futile. The more patient and methodical the mad scientist is, the
more likely it is that his invention will work as envisaged, first time.
Saturn combining with Uranus can be described as a liberating discipline or a structured and
methodical revolution.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus implies an urge to begin or initiate new projects, a new and exciting
line of work, or a new lifestyle or life-structure that affords greater freedom. It could also manifest
as obstacles to freedom, probably in the shape of onerous duties and obligations that leave little

time for exploration and sponteneity. Ones self-image or personality may be a curious mix of
conservatism and progressive liberality, contradictory as those qualities may seem. Sudden changes
or unexpected, uncharacteristic behaviour can be a sign of long repressed tensions being vented.

Saturn Semi-Sextile Uranus could describe a subtle or subliminal state of tension and
suppressed impatience. This canned heat may sporadically leak out, or erupt rather, through
sudden actions or decisions that affect the concrete and fundamental structures that give life is form
and stability. There may be a more or less unconscious sense of radical and immanent changes that
may not yet be overtly recognisable. From another perspective it is possible that Saturn SemiSextile Uranus could take the form of sudden financial or property related changes, which would
possibly be experienced as a loss or new awareness of practical limitations. However, it is also quite
conceivable that this aspect could be a spur to the type of innovative practicality that could result in
material improvements, ultimately capable of manifesting as financial gains. In life, problems often
precede and evoke dynamic new strategies that result in eventual progress.

Saturn Sextile Uranus would enable one to make changes without too much shock and trauma.
However, under certain circumstances, when other factors are added to this component, there may
be some amount of abruptness in the manifestation of even the more benefic aspects between
these two rather contrary planets. In the most ideal scenario we could here envisage uniquely
dynamic and practical group activities, since the Sextile aspect often manifests through neighbourly
interactions. In a less ideal situation it is precisely these neighbourly or group relationships that that
may become suddenly upset, jolted or tense (as a result of trying to integrate the caution of Saturn
with the experimental impulses of Uranus). Friends and neighbours may embody the progressive
practicality that Saturn/Uranus combinations can represent.

Saturn Square Uranus indicates a high degree of dynamic tension which can make one
volatile and explosive as a result of pent up tensions, and/or brilliantly innovative in the most
concrete and practical ways. There may be a tendency to alternate between a resistance to change
and extremely impulsive and revolutionary reactions, particularly in response to crucial
developments and challenges in domestic and professional life. Sudden and abrupt events can
challenge ones sense of security, more often when there has been a long standing fear of change, or
circumstances beyond ones control may serve to temper what would otherwise be an almost
dangerously undisciplined and lawless manner. The exciting projects theme associated with
Saturn/Uranus combinations can describe the type of energy that one could beneficially incorporate
into domestic life; if the home can be turned into an inventors workshop it is less likely that there
will be upsetting disruptions in that important area of life. In some cases Saturn Square Uranus may
render domestic life practically non-existent.

Saturn Trine Uranus is tempting to translate as innovative (Uranus) practical (Saturn)


creativity (Trine). The methodical inventiveness that is perhaps the ideal expression of Saturn in
combination with Uranus, is here most likley to be materialized almost effortlessly and
spontaneously. There may be an intuitive philosophical understanding of the ideal balancing duty
and freedom, or tradition and experimentation, and for this reason this aspect may be associated
with truly workable, durable reforms and truly enlightened structural revolutions that ultimately
serve to refine that to which they are applied. Religious beliefs or moral and philosophical views
may reflect this harmonious blend of the new and the old, or the liberated and the conservative.

Saturn Quincunx Uranus could indicate work or employment that enables one to integrate the
freedom to innovate with the discipline required to get concrete results. However, it is also possible
that work may be approached somewhat fitfully and erratically, which may ultimately militate
against productivity. Sometimes there will be a definite resistance to discipline and structure in
work, while at the same time it must be added that there will be phases of an almost abrupt return
toorder and structure. It is also possible that chronic health problems occasionally become suddenly
acute, with little consistent predictability. The cause of ill health may be directly traceable to
frustration and inhibition of impulses to live and work more freely and flexibly. There may also be
sudden problems or pent up tensions relating to shared finances and material obligations due to or
from others, but it is also conceivable that unique, practical and progressive sharing arrangements
may be formulated.

Saturn Opposition Uranus can be a very strenuous, but also, potentially, a dynamically
constructive configuration to grapple with. The freedom vs. discpline theme that is so central to
practically all Saturn/Uranus combinations is here made starkly objective, often through important
encounters, confrontations, consultations or partnerships with others. In different relationships one
will tend to alternately embody the rebel who is meeting the old grandfather, or the
traditionalist who confronts (or is confronted by) the avant garde. These interpersonal
encounters serve as a key means through which these contrasting energies or principles are forced
to integrate, or clash. It may be a challenge to find the right balance between preservation and the
type of radical reform that can destabilise a career or relationship, but if that balance can be found
and implemented, the results can be impressive, efficiently progressive, and even truly pioneering.

Saturn/Neptune Aspects
Saturn and Neptune are in a sense opposites, in a rather different way to the sharp contrast between
Saturn and Uranus. The volatile suddeness and radical unorthodoxy of Uranus is in sharp contrast to
the slow, steady, tradition-bound attributes of Saturn, but with Neptune it is a mystical, spiritual
otherwordly quality that is practically opposite in nature to the potentially materialistic, realistic,
practical, and even cynically pragmatic qualities of Saturn. Neptune is associated with oceanic and
watery themes, both literally and figuratively, and in this Neptune is not unlike the Moon, and
shares with the Moon themes qualities like emotion and imagination. Neptune is very

impressionable, and in combination with stern Saturn, can easily become depressed and sombre.
Saturn/Neptune combinations can result in a discouraging wet blanket effect, particularly with the
harder aspects. Fearfulness and and gnawing sense of guilt are also typical of the inharmonious
face of these connections, and this can contribute to low physical energy and a vulnerable
psychological state. People often get (chronically) ill under a powerful Saturn/Neptune influence,
and it is also quite possible that an illness associated with this influence will be difficult to diagnose
accurately. Drugs, alchohol, and even prescribed medications can have adverse side-effects; care
should be taken to consume only pure foods and liquids. Sometimes a (subtly) compromised
physical system substantially contributes to psychological fragility, which may take the form of a
world-weary attitude that serves to undermine day-to-day effectiveness.
Inasmuch as Saturn relates to work, duty and the structures that hold our lives together, which
typically takes the form of ones career and also domestic responsabilities, the influence of Neptune
often weakens the will to achieve through sustained efforts, and often tends to encourage one to
give up trying, or to gloomily mope about the pressure of maintaining material security and social
respectability. I sometimes describe the harder Saturn/Neptune aspects as the hobo complex,
though, of course, this aspects does not inevitably result in that degree of disintegration.
Amoung the most ideal expressions of Saturn/Neptune aspects would be a type of spiritually
orientated detachment from the world, what one author has described as a type of monastic
consciousness. Somebody retreating from the world to meditate and contemplate is, in a sense,
simply a more exalted and civilised expression of the hobo complex. The key question is whether
the withdrawal is motivated by weakness, escapism and failure, or a renunciation of worldy
involvements despite the ability to function effectively in the world. In the most ideal manifestation
(which we may reasonably expect with the Trine, but is possible with other aspects also) there will
be a rare balance between worldly and spiritual values, and one astrologer (I cannot remember who)
calls this balanced Saturn/Neptune type as the practical idealist, which is certainly a viable
description. The ability to be content and even happiest in solitude and to value simplicity and
frugality are other typical expressions of the more harmonious possibilites inherent in
Saturn/Neptune combinations in general.
Saturn is often associated with the archetype of the father-figure, boss or elder. When combined
with nebulous Neptune, these Saturnine figures can appear remote, mysterious, weak, sensitive,
imaginitive or spiritual. Someone with a potent Saturn/Neptune aspect in their birth-chart may well
have a less-than-robust parent, and/or other authority figures embody any number of the various
attributes associated with Neptune.
Saturn/Neptune could be personified as a drunken old man (the hobo), or a spiritual recluse.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune suggests that ones self-image is somewhat frail and there may be

an inhibition and pessimism that prevents the commencement of new and potentially successful
projects or works, or results in poor endurance and the tendency to cave in quickly under pressure.
There may be a tendency to identify with the martyre, which can encourage a type of depressive
and morbid narcissism. Where these negative temptations are not succumbed to or dominant, there
may well be a nobly self-sacrificing streak that can translate sympathy into practical and tangible
assistance to those in need, or it could promote artistic work and austere and disciplined spiritual
endeavor. .

Saturn Semi-Sextile Neptune implies that there may be a loss or surrender of material
resources, possibly under mysterious and confusing circumstances. From another perspective
material gains may manifest under similarly mysterious and even otherworldly circumstances,
and/or there could be something veiled, secret or even deceptive related to material, wordly affairs.
There may be a subliminal sense of forboding, fear or anxiety, and difficulty feeling clear and
confident about pratical plans and arrangements.

Saturn Sextile Neptune could mean that one attracts friends and acquaintances who embody
the aloof and inaccessible attributes of Saturn combined with Neptune. Alternatively it could
describe participation in spiritual or secretive group activities, and/or may manifest as a tendency to
both idealize and be easily discouraged regarding ones social contacts and friendships.
Communication is rendered minimal, subtle, lost, vague or disillusioned. Spirituality and solitude
could be considered ideals to be worked towards.

Saturn Square Neptune is an indication of disenchanted and pessimistic emotions that affect
ones effectiveness in dealing with the demands of domestic and proffessional life. Goals may be
unclear or seemingly unattainable, so that there is little drive and a lack of edurance in work.
Physical and/or psychological health may be adversely affected, and there is a tendency to be
generally vulnerable. A state of extreme introversion can make effective communication more
difficult, and a lack of faith and optimism reduces the capacity for creative, solution-orientated
thought and action. Sometimes a loss of material comforts and security can lead to an ultimately
fruitful process of soul searching. In terms of life cycles a Saturn/Neptune Square is certainly not
the ideal time to make important decisions, especially regarding business, professional and material
issues, since is is very possible to misunderstand, miscommunicate, or fail to perceive clearly the
truth of the situation. Either worldly pursuits yield dissappointing results, or they fail to feed the
soul, and thus leave a sense of hollowness and incompleteness.
The Square aspect between Saturn and Neptune is perhaps the most likely of all Saturn/Neptune
combinations to manifest as a parent and/or authority figure who embodies the lethargy, escapism,
aloofness or typical pitiful dejection of these planets. Perhaps the above sounds excessively grave
and heavy, but there is little frivolous and light about Saturn Square Neptune.


Saturn Trine Neptune implies a gracious handling of the energies of this ponderous planetary
pair. Emotional self-discipline, self sacrifice or ascetiscism may come quite naturally, and may be a
relatively easy path to spiritual progress. Even if there is a need to be involved in worldly activities,
this aspect suggests that there is a type of spiritually orientated detachment that makes this
participation in wordly or material activities less entangling. Saturn Trine Neptune indicates a
harmonious balance between material and spiritual values, even though it is possible that the person
(or entity) influenced by this type of configuration will not recognise their aloof detachment as an
inherently spiritual attribute. In some cases it may simple manifest as an inclination to withdraw
from loud, aggressive and overly busy environments, which typically weaken the ability to stay in
touch with those delicate and subtle impressions which are only clear discernable in quietness
solitude. Love, affection and devotion may not be expressed in a very loud and ostentatious manner,
but may be deeply felt and abiding. Saturn Trine Neptune can bring spiritual truths and realities into
the real world; the illusive and intangible can be made concrete and given a suitable form.

Saturn Quincunx Neptune may have much in common with the other Saturn/Neptube aspects,
most of which have been considered above, but with this aspect in particular there is perhaps a
greater liability to some type of (probably chronic) illness, which may however be subtle and not
easy to treat effetively or diagnose accurately. In some cases gradual poisoning of the body may be
part of a complex combination of problems, and for this reason care should be taken in terms of diet
and lifestyle habits to avoid unnecessary toxicity. From another perspective Saturn Quincunx
Neptune might take the form of idealism (possibly leading to) confusion or even deception
regarding shared finances, debts or obligations to others. There may be a tendency to avoid hard
work and/or the honouring of material obligations to others. Worldly, financial or material security
is somewhat threatened by this particular type of aspect, which may be due to obvious carelessness,
apathy or discouraging circumstances,such as illness or an unhealthy working environment.

Saturn Opposition Neptune would be likely to have much in common with theConjunction
and Square aspects between the same two planets, but with the Opposition in particular there is a
tendency for partnerships, and other important face-to-face relationships (such as consultations,
and confrontational interactions) to be directly affected. In this regard there is the possibility of
disappointments, misunderstandings, and even a lack of complete honesty which can have a
powerfully demoralizing effect on the relationship, weakening trust and confidence in the
association. It is also possible to see a commiserating and sharing of losses and sorrows in this type
of combination.
With the Opposition aspect there is a particularly strong tendency for the energies involved to be
projected onto others, so that the issue is dramatised in inter-personal encounters. We could
describe the meeting of Saturn and Neptune as a confrontation between stern sober discipline and


drunken sloth, or as the materialist versus the mystic. The person with Saturn and Neptune in
Opposition (whether in the birth chart or terms or life cycles) will be tend to be unconscious of
either their Saturnine or Neptunian attributes, intentions or motives, and will tend to project these
into some other suitable screen (person). As with all such Opposition dynamics, there is a tendency
to periodically reverse roles. When Im Saturn youre Neptune, and when Im Neptune youre

Saturn/Pluto Aspects
Saturn and Pluto are both in a sense death symbols, although in rather different ways. This makes
Saturn/Pluto combinations potentially ominous. Saturn is the gradual atrophy of old age, whereas
Pluto is a more aggressive and dynamic energy associated with transformation. However, Pluto is
as much about rebirth or regeneration as it is concerned with destruction, and while Plutos
processes arent volatile, abrupt and sudden in the way that Uranian energies are, they arent
normally as gradual and eventually inert as Saturns. However, when combined with Saturn, the
Plutonian energies/processes become incredibly persistent, determined and coldly impersonal or
insensitive, and would therefor be capable of manifesting as cruelty or ruthlessness, although these
are relatively extreme manifestations. The carnality and selfish materialism, which are probably the
worst faces of Saturn, can become intensified and empowered through association with Pluto. On a
broad social scale Saturn in combination with Pluto could be described as the political
underworld, or on a more localized level may be associated with criminal elements within society.
Much that we perceive as dark and evil could be found here.
There are some rather less grim potentials amoung the various possible manifestations of the
various possible Saturn/Pluto aspects, but there is nothing frivolous about any type of Saturn/Pluto
combination. At its most benign its about steady efforts and tough resilience that result in an
eventual, and rather hard-won success. The material hardships that are part and parcel of
Saturn/Pluto combinations can be a spur to resourcefulness and endurance, and although these are
not cheerful and carefree characteristics, they are certainly beneficial and sometimes necessary
virtues. Unfortunately tough times (and possibly problematic relationships with parents and/or other
authority figures) dont always bring out the best in everyone, and in some cases the wordly
frustrations that may come with the harder Saturn/Pluto aspects can breed a rather nasty and
inconsiderate tenacity in some persons. It is of course important to bear in mind that no single
aspect combination will act in complete isolation, and mitigating factors will often soften the
picture. Firmness can provide strength, but pitiless rigidity leads to a state of vulnerable and brittle

Saturn Conjunct Pluto can indicate a formidably strong and determined will, and would
contribute an element of toughness, inflexibility and severity to the personality. There may be a gift
for working hard and initiating demanding worldly projects. An overly self-absorbed and

totalitarian despot will tend to become paralysed by isolation, even when surrounded by fearfully
obedient subjects.

Saturn Semi-Sextile Pluto could describe a struggle against loss or poverty, or a very
determined effort to acquire or protect property. It could be that the sense of struggle (and possibly
an element of resentment) is somewhat subliminal and unconscious, and may be liable to leak out
involuntarally as compulsive stubborness or miserly actions.

Saturn Sextile Pluto can be an indication of great endurance, determination and fortitude which
will enable long-term projects to be undertaken successfully (something which is potentially true of
most other Saturn/Pluto combinations also). There may here be a shrewd and cautious, but also firm
and determined approach to neighbourly exchanges and communications. The lack of warmth and
spontenaeity in social interactions will not promote polularity, but the possible dedication to group
activities and objectives may command respect and eventual acknowledgement. Friends and
acquaintances may embody the ruthless determination and/or worldly power that may be
associated with Saturn in combination with Pluto.

Saturn Square Pluto hints at a general sense of struggle, and may take the form of a seemingly
endless series of obstacles to professional success and domestic fullfillment. This sense of
hindrance and oppression may somehow be reflected in the lives of parents or other authority
figures, or in ones relationships with them. It can suggest that one attracts tyranical people and,
possibly as a result of many frustrations, this aspect can evoke bitter, cynical and hardened qualities.
The most ideal expression of this aspect would be success as the eventual result of a dogged
persistence and tenacity. Such Herculean labours, however, tend to foster a deep gravity and
seriousness in the personality.

Saturn Trine Pluto will, like the Sextile between these two planets, enable one to work steadily
and thoroughly, and would therefor be conducive to sucess in longer-term endeavors where these
qualities are needed. This particular aspect hints at an ability to graciously accept responsibility, and
to work quite creatively within a relatively restrictive structure or environment. It would seem that
one essential difference between the Trine aspect and the harder and more energetic aspects
between Saturn and Pluto lies in the fact that there is here less inclination to frantically resist against
constraints, with the result that the limitations are more effectively overcome, power struggles are
more often avoided, and the calmer type of exertion causes less strain on body, mind and soul. In
fact, in relatively ideal scenarios, Saturn Trine Pluto can be the perfect embodiment of the power of
careful and systematic efforts towards a long-term goal. Very little can get in the way of steady,
focussed and methodical action.

Saturn Quincunx Pluto is likely to indicate hard work, and very possibly a sense of

tediousness and frustration in the process of getting the work done. However, there is the potential
here to work with great care and thoroughness, which can produce very desirable results. Tension
and resentments can have a decidedly negative impact on health, and this particular aspect could
point to a process of chronic degeneration. Relationships with co-workers may be somewhat
strained, and there may be some or other debt or financial obligation, or some issue affected joint
finances that causes concern. Flexibility and tolerance in dealing with others may require some
conscious cultivation, particularly where work, service and financial obligations are concerned, and
this cultivation of tolerance is highly recommended.

Saturn Opposition Pluto will have much in common with other Saturn/Pluto aspects
(especially with the Conjunction and Square), but here there is a distinct tendency to experience a
sense of hindrance and frustration in intimate one-to-one relationships and all kinds of partnerships.
There may be a mutual lack of willingness to compromise, and a tendency to rather hard, cold,
formal and assertive with the other person; and/or we may experience ourselves as the victims of
these energies at the hands of others. It may be difficult to harmonise the ambitions and wordly
objectives of the various parties involved, and this can weaken the will to cooperate and collaborate.
There may be a tendency to project an insensitivity or domineering attitude towards others, to which
they (possibly unconsciously) respond with a determined resistance. It is interesting to observe that
the Twin Towers incident in New York, on 11 September 2001, occured not very long after
Saturn and Pluto arrived in exact Opposition. That would certainly seem to be a grand symbol of
the type of power struggle that individuals may create on a more modest scale in their personal lives
with the help of a Saturn/Pluto Opposition.

Aspects between the Outer Planets

Aspects between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are here treated as a distinct group that will be
approached a little differently from the rest for a number of reasons. One reason being the fact that,
as far as the context of the natal chart is concerned, these configurttions are present for an entire
group or generation of people, and would seem to have relatively little or only indirect personal
significance for individuals. Of course it is possible for these outer planet aspects to be highlighted
and personalised for specific individuals through close contact with the luminaries, personal
planets or the angles of the horoscope.
Another reason for isolating these aspects as a seperate group is the fact that they tend to deal with
what might be referred to as mass karma and relatively impersonal processes that relate to the
cycles that govern the birth, development and decay of civilizations as a whole, or social
movements with a global range of influence and significance. Of course these types of generational
aspect can be very interesting in terms of how people born in different centuries might differ from
each other, and how these differences have contributed to the shaping of history and the
development of civilization. They affect us personally to the extent that we might be able to catch a

glimpse of how our rather small selves slot into and contribute to these transpersonal issues. We are
not normally impersonal enough to see this type of thing objectively, or to contribute to and
participate consciously in these processes. It would, however, be misleading to suggest that these
aspects are completely irrelevant to the ordinary person. While it is true that these outer planet
aspects are less personal and less related to everyday concerns, they can and do regularly contribute
towards what people might call a spiritual or mystical experience (which is how we often describe
unfamiliar experiences and realizations, for lack of a more accurate frame of reference), which can
be of great personal value and importance, even when the event is not very clearly understood by
the experiencer. It is also probably reasonable to add that many people who are unable to turn an
"outer planet process" into a meaningful (or mystical experience) of some sort will experience these
energies a various types of chaos and catastrophe when they enter their personal lives. Somtimes
disruptions of one's personal life will be a necessary prelude to more meaningful (perhaps
"spiritual") experiences that may follow.
Even if it isn't easy to fully understand our role and responsibility in terms of mass karma, this
doesn't mean that we are not (albeit perhaps unconsciously) participating and responsible. Although
this mass karma theme is not exclusively an outer-planet-aspect issue, it does seem a reasonably
appropriate place to broach the subject, inasmuch as the outer planets tend to connect us to the
vaster wholes and cycles we are part of.

Uranus/Neptune Aspects
Of all the outer planet aspect combinations, Uranus/Neptune aspects are the most likely to take the
form of sudden and revolutionary changes of consciousness. These can range from a sudden
mystical realization, to a potent drug-induced delirium, and in some cases a complete loss of
consciousness (with the more dynamic aspects). It is possible that the effects of these aspects will
manifest in dreams and other non-waking states, or, in a milder and more general form, these
aspects could simply stimulate an interest in mystical and occult subjects and serve to make highly
unusual or uncommon perceptions very tangible and real. In more extreme cases radical beliefs or
techniques may serve as an attractive but relatively useless and even harmful escape from everyday
life. In some people these combinations will encourage experimentation with drugs or meditation
techniques, while in others cases a seemingly well adjusted person may be (quite abruptly)
overwhelmed with confusing thoughts and emotions.

Uranus/Pluto Aspects
Aspects between Uranus and Pluto can point to an explosive desire for greater freedom. This may
manifest as the will to eliminate obstacles that might stand in the way of an exciting and socially
meaningful experience of life. Sometimes a person is simply aware that they are feeling restless and
perhaps a little angry or rebellious, and relatively unaware of the underlying reasons for these
feelings. There may be an attraction to alternative lifestyles (or technologies) that embody the

freedom and social/political activism through which Uranus/Pluto combinations may easily be
expressed. On an inner personal level Uranus/Pluto aspects may relate to a process or method of
liberating personal development involving a recognition and release of those self-imposed
limitations that inhibit true self expression or "self realization". In this regard these aspects can
bring profound and useful insights into the many undreamed of possibilities open to us when we
free ourselves of compulsive habits and attitudes.
On a more extreme level, typically as a result of the harder aspects, there may be a rather drastic
and even fanatical type of revolution, which may cause upheaval in personal circumstances or
social order and stability, depending on the context.

Neptune/Pluto Aspects
This combination of planets would describe things that are invisible but profound; subtle yet deeply
Practically everybody born within the second half of the 20th century have Neptune and Pluto in a
Sextile aspect in their charts. Even so, it is true that the orb of this long enduring Sextile between
Neptune and Pluto was not always equally tight, and certain groups born within the second half of
the 20th century would perhaps be purer embodiments of the aspect than others.

Transits and Progressions

This is courage ... to hear unflinchingly what heaven sends.

- Euripides
Transits and Progressions are the primary methods used for calculating life cycles in basic modern
western astrology, and in this context aspects play a very prominent role. Aspect orbs are here
normally kept down to 1 or 2 degrees.
The moving positions of the planets, or their actual positions at any given time, are known as the
Transiting positions. Calculating astrological Transits involves comparing the positions of the
planets for any given time under consideration to the (Natal) positions at birth. Aspects between the
Transiting and Natal (birth) positions are noted, as well as the Houses of the birth chart in which a
Transiting planet would be passing through. If, as a simple example, Leo occupies the 2nd House of
your birth chart, a Transiting planet will occupy and influence (according to it's nature) your 2


House (and therefor financial affairs) while it is traveling through the sign Leo. If, for example, it is
the Moon, this influence will last just over two days, whereas if it is Saturn it will last over two
There are various types of Progressions. The most traditional approach is known as Secondary
Progressions, or the day-to-a-year method. The axiom states: a day corresponds to a year. So, for
example, the positions of the planets 30 days after your birth will represent developments in your
life 30 years after your birth. In other words, the Transits 30 days after your birth correspond the
Progressions 30 years after your birth. Here aspects between the Progressed and Natal positions are
the main consideration, though attention is given to the Houses of the Natal chart the Progressed
Moon is passing through (all other planets will take decades to move through one House).
There is a variation of the above method of calculating Progressions known as Solar Arc
Progressions. As the name implies, it involves progressing all the planets ahead the same number of
degrees as the Progressed Sun would travel according to the day-to-a-year method by the age under
consideration. Since the Sun moves about 1 degree a day a rough-and-ready way of calculating
Solar Arc Progressions would be to add 1 degree to every natal planet for every year lived, and then
calculate the aspects from the Progressed to the Natal (birth) positions.
There are other types of Progressions and life cycles, but the above are the most common and
should suffice for most purposes.


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