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John Rogers (1807 — 1894 ) His Known Ancestry and Descendants documentation put together about 1966 by unknown. Handed down to me by my maternal grandfather, Marcellus C Edison. Gene Bond wunn nUucis (1807~1894), His Known ancestry and descendants of Tits Mos Por Te eerie, Aboer (7CC. John Rogers, sho vas born in Sidsey, Deleware County, Nom York tw 1avr, war ce ot the ehlYdren of a Uohoalah Hogere, Tile Nehontah ingots see treet na eo orto shout 1785-70 and was of uiuow parontager Sovoral.gescciorion treeless tery Fath the hopo of locating ho parentage, and eithough scvarel enter hee eect found in "Janes Rogers of Yan London, Coane, ty duis Rogers", area dacs een seee and nothing wat aontioned concerning Delamre County, Nfs fn soaker ce soot ten by the mane of iehealah appear in the 1760 census ef Coungotiout, sat ct se teats Posetble that ous of thes any be our lanesiah tegec's * EBFEREICES: ) See Astor referomoes for tcheniah end John Rogorse b) "Janes Kogers of New London, Conas, and his doscentante, by danes Srift Rogers, 1802", ©) 1780 census of Connecticute le wemutad’Rocens 7 the earliest proven ancestor of our Rogers line, was born in Gomnos tout about 1765-70) perhaps married in Connectiect teteoen a7 eeea0 So a wife whose given and maiden nanes are not Known, tut nho nan torn fe tone, ecticut. “The Lnforsation relative to the places of bireh of lekeatah acd wis dfo were obtained fron tho 1800 census of Diaville, Minne at enter thee John Rogare stated that his father and mother wore both maiiver of thes ntates The date and plice of doath of both Nohosiah and his wife rocain unknown, al- fhough one grandson, Robert Henry Rogers, told his son that lohemlab lived ta either Beaver Dan er Sheboygan, Wise. Tile information ray be truer as just Focently vas found sone interesting data in tho lst Territerial Cossue of Wisconsin Territory, taken in July 1835, a2 follovas --- For Lows Courtoy John Rogers, (4) in'tunily. (If this is our dohn ogera, son of Benoni vty Bile Pipers’ is exactly correct) Lise, ia'the thas eeeredy ene ea torte ance, Uilnaukeo County, Neheniak Rogers (S) in familys Also for Kimute, County, dkoob Hogers (i7J; dase Es Rogers (7), and Joel Rogers (3) Jf this 45 our Noheniah Rogers, he was alivo and residing perhaps as his grande Son stated above end is perhaps buried there. Hhowing that our John Rogers mas tern in Sidney, Delaware Comty, WsYe, in 1607, we searched the 1810 cencus of that town and found the folowing. The census revealed that Neheriah Rogers was living in Sidney during that ‘fine and vas between the ages of 26 and 45+ Included in hie househeld were fo fomiles betwoen the ages of 26 and 45. (one probably his wife), two mele obildren under the age of ten years (one was our John Rogers), one fenale oh ld under the age of ten and two fecales between the azes of 10 aad 1ée {i is spenrent that fron the ages of his children, as given in the 1610 census, that Hehemiah Rogers had been married for quite sone tine defore the birey of his son John in 1807+ The tao fensles Hated as tetwoen the sees 10 end 48 Andicate that he was protably married by 1795 and likely earlier, Hig fon Jokn in the 1860 census of Denville, Minn., had tdentified his father's Qud mother's birthplace aa Connecticut, and a search cf the 1790 census of Connecticut has revealed two Neheniah Rogora! as residents and heads of hcuse= holds in tht etate. Zz They weres~-- 2) Kchontah Hogers -- living at Bristol, Hartford Comty. Hie household included two freo white ules of 16 or older and ono free white fe male of 16 or older. 2) Nehemiah Hogers ~- living in few London County household included one free white male of 16 or older and one free mhite female of 16 oF elder. ther one of these two mon is the Nehemiah Rogers later of Deleware County, ‘then he was probably recently married and was a young nan living with his Thie very nicely fits the description of 72 Neheniah Rogers of Hew london County. Trenty yeers later, our lehentah Rogers wae Listed as betwoon tho ages Of 26 and 45, and if he was ono of the above two men, mas vas probably close to being 45 yearo old in 1210 and by 1036 would have been stout 70, not old for a Rogeras Tt is a good possibility that if our Nehemiah vas one of the above two men, given as heads of households in the 1790 census of Connecticut, that the census of 1610 does not include a1 his children. le possibly had older ehiléren who might have ‘boon married by 1610 or perhaps died in infamy, Tho only aeaber of the Nohomiah Hogers' household not accounted for in the 1610 cousus fe the other fenale, given as betneon age 26 and 45. tho was she? she could not have been bis daughter, if he was one of the Neheniah's given in the 1780 census, since she vs not listed there. She was born no later than 1764 ard as early a5°1765, ard was perhaps a sister of either Neheaiah or his wifes lote that in the 1336 census, his family consisted of three, ho, perhaps his wife and another unknown persone In addition te Neheaiah Rogers, threo other men by tho mane of Rogers were given in the 1810 census of Sidney, Ys They wore Samuel, Hugh and Rufus Fogers; and were porhaps relatives of Nehenishe There is no doubt that Nehemiah was the axe of the father of our John Rogers The fenily ible of Uelissa Jenctte (Rogere) (Hichers) lash, daughter of John, states that John Hogers was born in Sidney, leYs, civing his ect birthdate and maming his father as Teheaich. The cane of Ugbeatah has so far boon found trice in the descendants of Johns Only known children of Nehemiah 2ogers, if those children listed in the 1610 cen- sus of Sidney, NeYs, are all his childrens = Rogers - female; born between 1794 and 1800; living in 1810+ Rogers ~ fensle; tora betreen 1794 and 1800; living in 1810. Hogers ~ fenale; torn betveen 1600 and 1010; living in 1810+ Fogers - male; born betueen 1600 and 2610; living in 1610+ Ye John Fogers - born 23 Feb 1607. sothoute ERE NC 1790 census of Co: b) 1810 census of Sidney, Delanare Co-, NeYe Disville, Flue Earth Cos, sane 4) 1258 Territorial Census of Waconsin Territory: ally bible of 5) (Echos) Tashe 2) Correspouteme with Goorge agers. ‘ "a eae Seen ce ee ay County, Now Yorks died 12 dan 1694 roar oat Chehalen, Tashill Comty, Oregon, ia Me &fie your; buried 14 Jan 1804. Zo married, probably aboct 1669 4a lew York, SALLI JEXBTTE MCHOLS, who was born in Connosticut 15 low 1812, died 15 AF 1005 near West Chohalen, Ores, in her Eird year. The perentage of Sally Jonette 4s at present unknown, howevers hor parents vere Loth fora in Comecticut, according to informition given ty ber in the 1880 census of Denviiie, liane Soth John Rogers and his wife were buried in what was originally called the West Chehalem Conetory, about three miles west of Newberg, Ores This cono— tery io now known as the Noble Cenetory. Their gravestouse are apparently Jost or the markers long since worn aay or destroyed, as nothing now ri uains to mark their final resting places A let af those persons buried in the conetery does not include the Hogers', however; it has definitely beon proven that they were buried there. The local nemspapsr, "The Kenterg aphic", in their printed obituaries of John and his wife, mentioned that the services were held in the Nest Chohalon Cenctory. Several grandchi lire: reneaber thoir paronts talking of the funeral and that the burials were in thit constory. Hoss Wohuaiah Rogers, a grantson, had two small stonoa mado about 1960 and placed in the cenetarys Little is kmown of John's carly lifes His marriage probsbly took place about 1620, when he was about £2 years olds His wife wac then about 17 years oldy Tho marriage probably occured in New York, as their ret child is said to have been born thores Ho was residing in Pennsylvania from at least early 1052 until about 1855, where his second, third, and protably iourth child wae born. Since his fourth child did'not survive childhood (born 1835), the exact dete of his Feapval to Tissonsin is not known, but according the the 1836 Territorial Census of Wisconsin Territory, takon in July 1836, he was apparently thore by that date. His fifth child vas bora in Wisconsin in 1638. Se 4s on record as purchasing « forty acre tract of land in ths town of Westford, Dedge County, Wisconsin, under date of 22 Jan 1647, This land nas gold him by Bera be Yash, who was & younger brother of Goorgs Be Nash, the Jatter being the father of Thomas Wesley and Janse Henry tach. Theae tro boys wore Inter to marry two of John Kogers' daughters. John cold this prom perty for the sane price he bad originslly paid, 950.00, to Richard SL. Chapman, 4 Apr 16436 He resided in Zeaver Dam, Dodge County, Msconsin, and was enunerated there in the 1850 census of the siate of Misconsin. Fo azparently regained there until about 1657, when he moved to Danville, Blue Earth County, Wnnesota. He and his wife ude tieir hone ia Danville until about 1890, when they caze rest to Oregon, settling in the hewberg-Chehalen Valley area. They li son, Hotert Eenry Regers, until their deaths in the middle 1290" John was of suall stature, evidemed by a picture taken of him about five years before his death; and further!by the physieal descriptions of several of hs Sons, who in their applications for penticns for service in the Civil Tas gave their heights aa five fost seven inches. He was probably « farser ail his life, and was Misted as such in several consusas+ Children of John and Sully Jonette (ichols) Zogers; the first child probably born in Now York, the next three in Pennsylvania, atd the resaining in Weccsine “fe 44 Sarah Ann? Rogors - born 7 Jan 1850+ Be tte Low Rogers = bora 8 war 1652. S+ $14. Josiah Rogers - bora 24 Dec 1833. 10+ ive Georg Brastus Rogero - born 10 Mar 1685, probably in Pornaylvania; died young (before 1842), since he was not nentioned in the 1850 census of Beavor Yam, Wisc. “Furthercore, his father named another son George in 1642+ eile ys Mary Jane kogers - born 2 Jun 1838. wi2s vie Emily Anolia Rogers - born 17 Jul 1840, 13. vie George tashi igtom Rogers ~ born 22 Apr 1642. Tits Yelissa Jenstte Rogers ~ born 21 Mar 1046. 35. ine John Edwin Zogers bors 2 4pr 16490 16. xe Mobert Senry Rogers ~ born 21 Mar 1651. We she ethan Edgar Rogers ~ bor either 16 Apr 1654, 12 Apr 1855, oF 16 Apr 1657; died at ago three neckss Referemsos to the different dates are fron two Uists of the children of John and Selly Rogers as given in the family bible of his daughter Melissa and another date supplied ty « descendant. SEFERENOES: a) 1610 census of Sidney, MsYe 2) 1850 census of Seaver Dan, Ths 1680 census of Danville, Wane 4) 1896 Territorial Census of Mgeousin Territory. 2) Family bible of Welissa Jonette (Rogers) (iichens) Sache £) Obituaries in "rhe liewberg Graphic". g) land records in the "Dodge County attract and Title Company's 4B) Fauntly pictures, personal contact, and correspondence with cescAN dear? 7, SARAH ARN? ROGERS (John?, Nehemiah!) - bora 7 January 1830, perhaps in New York, however: her obituary states she was born in Connecticut; died 4 March 1903 ia Hapleton, Blue Earch Co., Minn., in her 74th year; married in 1849, probably in che vi- cinity of Beaver Dan, Wise., JOHN BENJANIN KALER, vho was born about 1822, per- ps in Pennsylvania, died 22 January 1897 in Mapleton, Minn.. age 75. The very short obituary of John 3. Kaler states that he died in Mapleton after a long illness, that his funeral was held Sunday at the Baptist church, Mr. F.P, Tilton officiating. He was said to be an old settler of that locality, ‘The obituary of Sarah Ann (Rogers) Kaler states the following: irs. Serah 4, Kaler passed avay on Wednesday at age 73. The deceased was one of the early settlers of Danville Tup., locating there in 1860. For the past eight wonths, she had been 2 terrible sufferer from cancer of the face and this caused her death. Sone 14 years ago she received a kick in the face from a horse ané the c: tributed to this injury. Her maiden nane vas Sarah A. Rogers and she was bern in Connecticut in 1830, She renoved to Wis- consin later in Iife and uas married in 1849. She leaves six children, Mre. Matilda Roeder of Tomah, Wise., Mr. John Kaler, Mrs, Frank Fish, Mrs. charles Bartholoriew, Me: Somers and Mr. Ed Kaler of Mapleton. Funeral held Baptist church Friday morning (6 March) at 10:30, Rev. F.E. Day officiating. 18. This family’ removed to Minnesota in 1859, coming overland by ox team and after a few months, settled on the honestead in Danville Twp. In the obituary of their son, John A. Kaler, is stated that eleven children were born of the: marriage. Known children of John Benjamin and Sarah Ann (Rogers) Kaler, exact order of birth unknown, John Augustus Kaler - born 27 December 1849 near Columbus, Columbia Co., Wise., died 18 April 1934 in Danville, Minn., in his 85th year; married in 1894, probably in Denville, MABEL ETHEL MORGAN, who died there 23 February 1896, age 14-10-13, a daughter of Henty and Mary (-----) Morgen. The funeral was held 25 February 1896 in the Baptist church, Rev. D.D. Day officiating. She was buried in Union Cenetery. Their son Chester, born in January 1896, survived. His obituary states:-- "John Kalor, the vell knoum Danville farmer, passed away about five Wednesday afternoon as the result of injuries received Monday afternoon when he fell from a tractor inthe path of a quack digger and was cruelly hurt. He was able to walk from the field to his home some 100 rods away following the accident, and it was hoped he might be able to overcome his injuries. But a fractured rib had torn the lung and a turn for the worse Wednesday morning brought fatal results. “Me. Kalor, who had been a very active man in spite of his advanced age, had been out in the field operating his tractor which was pulling a quack digger. He failed to make the proper shift of gears which made the tractor leap forvard unexpectedly and he was thrown from the seat. He attempted to regain his position on the machine but was caught by the digger and pulled under the big shovel, He was carried along for several feet before he rolled to one side. "He managed to walk to his home and Dr. J.C, Vegina was summoned. He found that Me. Kalor had been badly injured, His nose was broken, a deep gesh was cut in his forehead, several ribs were fractured and one of his arms was broken, in fact almost severed. Everything possible was done for his relief and his sister, Mrs. T. Somers of the village, fnmediately went to his assistance to give hin care. "The tragic death of Mr. Kalor takes from the community one of its earlier settlers. Coming to Minnesota as a boy of 10, he has spent nearly 74 years in this section of the country. He passed away on the homestead which had ‘deen his father's before him. " John Augustus Kalor was born near Colurbus, Wise., 27 December 1849. He was the som of Mr. and re. Jonathan Kelor vho came with their family to Minnesota in 1859. They came overland by ox team and after a few months in this section, settled on the honestead in Danville Twp. " He was married 40 years ago (1894) to Mabel Ethel Morgan, who passed avay two years later, leaving one son, Chester, who survives his father. One sister survives, Mrs. T. Sommers of Mapleton and a brother, Ed, who lived with John on the farm. They are the sole survivors of eleven children born to this pioneer fanily. " Mr. Kalor was an excellant farmer and also a good mechanic and carpenter. For 22 years he lived in the village, -but in 191? moved back to the far, He delighted in machinery and was one of the first to have an automobile and even at his advanced age, drove well 2 high-powered car. 20. 25. 26. it, vids. Melicea Kaler - born 4 March 1859 (in WLeconsin according eo her death cert- ificate); died 20 May 1917 tn Clear River Twp., Roseau Co., Wises; warried Feaneis M. Fish, who was born 10 Septerber 1856 in New York, died'9 Novenber 1938 in Clear River Tup., a son of Luke Miner and Elizabeth’ (Tooley) Fish, who were born in New York and Canada, respectively, Cynthia Anne o= Cynthia Isetta Kaler - born 1 June 1861 in Danville, Mint., died 30 January 1926, in Mapleton, Minn., in her 65th year; married 45 Hay 1880, Charles Oscar Bartholomew, who was barn & July 1855 in Ohio; died 25 October 1925 in Mapleton, a Gon of John Wagner Bartholomew. Her obituary states:-- "Last Saturday night Mre. Charles Bartholomew vas re~ leased from her earthly sufferings. She had been confined to her hone and much of the time in bed. Her husband died three months ago. She was born in Danville in June 1861, one of the daughters of Mr. & Mrs. J. Kalor, Fesidents of Blue Earth County for many years, She attended the country school in Danville, “On May 15, 1880, she married Charles Oscar Bartholonew, a san from Blue Earth City, and came to Mapleton, renting a fara in this vicinity. For a number of years, Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew lived either on farms in this locality or in the village. Many of their changes being due to the poor health of Mr. Bartholonew. About 17 years ago they cane to the village as permanent resi- Gents and boutht the hone in the west part of the village where they both died. Urs. Bartholomew was the mother of seven children, six of whom survive, Mrs. Mary Bogart of Duluth, John of Good Thunder, Mrs. Laura E. Gardner of Guatonna, Mrs. Daisy Catherine Waite of Faribault, George, Norbert and Chatles of Mapleton, the latter two making their home with their mother. The funeral ‘was held on Monday afternoon at tho Baptist church (1 February), Rev. Gustaf Melby, pastor of the Federated church, preached the funeral sermon ané inter- nent uae at Union Cemetery. Charles 0, Bartholomew cane to Blue Earth City in 1862, with his parents and brothers and sisters. His father and seven brothers were in the Civil War; some said north and south. He was the father of eight children, one deceased, Myrtle, in infancy. The funeral was at the Baptist church 27 Cetober, Rev. Gustaf Melby officiating, Interment was at Union Cemetery, Matilda Kaler - born Danville, Minn., died Tomah, Wise., married Willian Roeder, who died in Tomah, Wise, William Kaler ~ born Danville, Minn., died young in Tonah, Wise. Chester Ksler ~ born Danville, Minn., died young in Tonah, Wise. Sarah Alming Kaler - born 24 April 1868 in Danville, Minn., died 27 April 1953 in Danville; buried Mapleton; married 18 Septeaber 1695, Theodore Sommers, who was born 22 October 1868 in Marksand, Green Lake Co., Wisc., Sied 24 November 1910 in Mapleton, a son of W.M. and Auguste (Graf) Somers, both of Geman birth. He was the eldest son of hts parents, who were longtime residents of the Mapleton area. He was a blacksmith by trade, but followed the evocation only at tines, preferring agricultural pursuits. He apparently died of a heart attack, vhen he vas procuring a lead of wood with his boy Charles, age 14. He left ewo sons at his death. in Nehemiah Kaler - born 25 February 1870 in Denville, Minn. died un- married 4 July 1961 in Mankato, Mina, £1872; died in 1874, Mary Kaler - born Danville, Mian., abou! REFERENCES: a) Family bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. b) obituary of Sarah Ann (Rogers) Kaler. ©) Death notice of John Benjamin Kaler. 9) Obituary of John Augustus Kaler. ©) Death notice of Mabel Ethel (organ) Kaler. £) Death certificate of Melissa (Kaler) Fish. g) Death certificate of Francis M. Fish. h) Obituary of Cynthia Anne (Kaler) Bartholomew. 1) Obituary of Charles Oscar Bartholomew. 5), Obituary of Theodore Somers. ¥)) Correspondence with Charles 3. Somers. 8. “LOUISA? ROGERS (John”, Nehemiah") - born 8 March 1832 in Pennsylvania; died before 15 5. JOSTAR April 1895; married WILLIAM BURROWS, said to have been a brother of Clarissa Burrows who married Josiah Rogers, younger brother of Louisa. Hex date and place of death have not yet been discovered, however; since her mother died 15 April 1895 and was said to have had eight surviving children whose dates of death are all known, Louisa apparently died before her mother. Aceording to one descendant, she died young leaving a large fanily. Another descendant, George Henry Rogers, still living and over $0 years old, states that one of her sons, Frank, was best man at his wedding. He also says that she had three sons, and the two older ones vere killed in the Civil Mar. ‘This would be physically impossible, since the mother was born in 1832 and was Known to be unnarried in 1850. Known children of Willian and Louisa (Rogers) Burrows. 5 Burrows - Burrows ~ iii. Frank(1in) 0. Burrows - Said by George Henzy Rogers, his cousin, to have lived in his home for a great part of his young life, was best man at the wedding of G.H. Rogers. F.0. Burrows vas evidently in business together with George H. Rogers, called The Fashion Livery Stable. SRENCES: a) Fantly bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash b) Obituary of Sally Jenette (Nichols) Rogers. c) 1850 census of Seaver Dam, Wise. 6) Personal contact with descendants. ©) Personal contact with George Henry Rogers. RocERS (John?, rehentah!y - born 24 December 1833 in Pennsylvania; died 18 Narch 1923 in Parkplace, Clackamas Co., Ore., in his 90th year, buried in Multnomah Genetery, Portland, Ore.; married 29 Septenber 1857 in Wisconsin, by Elder Fisher, CLARISSA BURROWS, who was born about 1837, died 4 May 1915 at age 78, buried Multnomsh Cemetery. She was said co have been 2 sister of Willian Burrows, who married Louisa Rogers, older eister of Josiah Rogers. He is enumerated in the 1850 census of Beaver Dan, Wise., ag living vith hts Parents, occupation a farmer, 7 20. a. 32. 333. a. 38. #36. He served during the Civil Wer for a conbined cotal of over twenty months; enlisting firet as a Private in Company 8, First Regiment of Minnesota Mounted Rangers, 11 October 1862 in St. Peter, Minn.; together with his younger brother George Washington Rogers, Josiah was honorably discharged 9 Noverber 1863 av Fort Snelling, inn, He enrolled secondly, 13 February 1865, in St. Peter, Mim, as a Private in Company X, First Regiment of Heavy Artillary, Minnesota Volunteers and was honorably discharged 29 Septerber 1865 in Nashville, Tenn. Prior to his service in the Civil War he is said to have taken part in sone of the Indien uprisings in Minnesota in 1860, He is said to have been a cook during his milttery services, and was a very active and healthy men until the time of his death at nearly 50 years of age. He stated on his declaration for pension, dated 3 February 1914, that he docs Bot know what county or ton in Pennsylvania he vas born, and that he has re- Sided in Minnesota from 1865 to 1905, then moved to Oregon. He made the following stistement on his declaration for pension as the reason for his disability. " T contracted while in the service the Southérn complaint, chronic Diarrhea and resulting piles and dyspepsia, which has given me stomach trouble. This disease was contracted in line of duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., in the month of May and sumer of 1865, and am unable to werk or earn a living for the reasons herein stated. " He personally deseribes himself at the tine of his enlistment (at age 28) as being five feet seven inches in heighth, dark couplexion, blue cyes, brown hair, and that his occupation was that of a farmer. Children of Josiah and Clarissa (Burrows) Rogers, all probably born Minnesota. i. Ellen* Rogers - born 8 October 1858; married a Jake Myers and son Sidney still lives in Mapleton, Minn. ii. Henry Edward Rogers - born 18 October 1859. 4d, Ena Rogers - born 7 August 1864; married a Mr. Guthier. she was residing in Minnespolis, Winn., in 1923 and is still living at the ace of over 102, although she has been blind for many years. iv. Fredrich Josiah Rogers - born 16 or 29 September 1866. v. Etta Rogers = born 10 November 1868; said to have died about age twenty. vi, Eliza Rogers - born 8 October 1870. vid. John Nathen Rogers - born 28 March 1873. 437, vif, Mildred Inez Rogers - born 8 April 1878. REFERENCES: a) Family bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nesh. b) 1850 census of Beaver Dam, Wisc. ¢) Obituary of Clarissa (Burrows) Rogers in "The Oregonian". 4) Gravestone inscriptions in Multnomah Conetery, Portland. e) Pension application for service in Civil War. £) Personal contact and correspondence with descendants. 11, MARY JANE? ROGERS (John”, Nehemiah!) - born 2 June 1838 in Wisconsin, perhaps in or near 2 EMILY AMELIA? Beaver Dan, Dodge Co.,; died 21 April 1921 in Portland, Ore.; buried Mult~ nonah Cenetery, Portiend; rarried AMOS WISE, uho was born about 1836, died 24 Apri] 1922 in Portland at age 86; buried Multnomah Cemetery. Little is known of this family or of their residence before uoving to Port- land; probably late in life. Only known children of Aos and Mary Jane (Rogers) Wise, probably born in Minnesota. George Wise - aid to have married and had at Least two children. He disappeared on the Mexican border during a skirmish, vas probably in the service of the U.S. Army at that time. Mary Elizabeth Wise - born 14 February 1872; died 2 Decesber 1947 in LaSierra, Calif.; buried in Riverview Cenetery, Los Angeles, Calif.; married her first cousin, John Nathan® Rogers (see number 36), who vas born 28 March 1873, probably in Danville, Minn., died 31 August 1951 in LaSierra, Calif., buried in Riverview Cenetery., 2 son of Josiah and Clarisea (Burrous) Rogers. REFERENCES: a) Family bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. }) 1850 census of Beaver Dan, Wise. c) Obivvaries in "The Oregonian" of Mary Jane (Rogers) Wise and Anos Wise. 2) Personal contact with descendants. ROGERS (Joha’, Nehemiah") - bora 17 July 1840, probebly in or near Beaver Dan, Wisc.; died 8 January 1935 in Newberg, Yamhill Co., Ore., in her 95th yeat, buried 11 January 1935 in Newberg. She married first, 5 August 1658, in Beaver Dan, Wise., JAMES HENRY NASH, ‘who was born about 8 January 1839 in Linton Twp., Coshocton Co., Ohio; died 30 June 1873 in Medo Twp., Blue Earth Co., Minn., in his 35th year, of pneumonia, a son of George B. and Ruth Rebecca (-+*--) Nash. She married second, 18 Novenber 1877, in Mapleton, Minn., SAMUEL H. MING, who vas born about 1847 in Dickinson, N.¥.; died 11 April 1897 in Vernéale, Wadena Co., Minn., a son of Elihu and Amanda (-----) Wing. For further details on this family, see Nash family Fag Children of Janes Henry and Enily Auelia (Rogers) Nash, all probably born in Medo Twp., Minn, She had no children by her second husband, 40. i, Amelia Betsy* Nash - born 12 May 1859. Josiah Harkness Nash - born 22 July 1862. Josephine Cel: Nash - born 17 Septenber 1864 (sti11 Living). 43, tv, Horace Edgar Nash - born 21 Septenber 1866. 4é. vs Robert Tabenderanth 2) Nash = born 17 Novenber 1868. 45. vis Ren Jerone Kash - born 24 March 1871, 46. vii. James Henry Nash - born 24 May 1873. REFERENCES: a) Family bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. b) 1850 census of Beaver Dam, Wise. “c) 1860 census of Medo Twp., Minn. 4) Pexsonal contact and correspondence with descendants. 13, GEORGE WASHINOTON? ROGERS (John”, Nehemiah!) - born 22 April 1842, probably in Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wise.; died 17 August 1895 in Ashland, Ore., in his 54th year, of Bright's disease and paralysis; married in Waseca Co., Minn., at the home of Elder Joel.Steiner, 5 June 1866, ROCKALETTE EDWARDS, who was born 19 July 1848 in Scipioville, N.Y.; died 30 June 1932 in Delake, Ore.; buried in Friends Cemetery, G.A.R. section, Newberg, Oregon. ecording to his obituary, printed in the “Ashland Tidings", 19 August 1895, ‘Geo. Rogers, who cane here a few weeks ago in search of health, accompanied by his wife and two daughters, died Saturday evening (17th) at their place of residence corner of Granite and Bam Streets, of Bright's disease and para- lysis. Mr. Rogers’ former hove was at Nevberg, Yanhill County, and a brother end son arrived from there yesterday to attend the funeral which takes place today at 3 P.M. services by Elder Stover of the Adventist Church. Mr. Rogers is an old soldier, having enlisted from Wisconsin (sic) and served in the war of the rebellion. lle had been almost an invalid for some time and last spring, while traveling through in search of a place for health, picked upon Ashland. He returned to Newberg and only reached here about three weeks ago h his family to make his home here. He was aged 52 years (sic) ". Ie would seem from this account, that the burial oceurred in Ashland, however; his grave or record of burial in Ashland cannot be located. After his death, his widow renarried 22 June 1899 by Elder R.D. Benen, in Newberg, Ore., Cleveland i. Eggers, who died 2 July 1908; buried in Friends Cenetery, G.A.R. section, Newberg.” He had previously mazried 27 January 1866 by Rev. Lewis Venable, in Johnson Co., Tena., Elizabeth Jane Eller, divorced in 1892 in Mountain City, Tenn, He was the father of six children by his first vife, none by his second wife. “7. 8. dag. 50. jevelané H. Eggers served during the Civil War for a period of almost two sie ing 24 September 1863 in Tennessee, as 2 Private in Conpany D, of Tennessee Cavalry. He was honorably discharged 5 Septenber onl years, 15th Reginen: 16865. George Washington Rogers served during the Civil War for a combined totel of thirty months, He enlisted first, together vith hie older brother Josiah, 11 October 1862 in St. Peter, Minn., as a Private in Company B, Firet Reginent Minnesota Mounted Rangers, and was reported on muster rolls to’ 31 Octobes 1863. a5 present. He was mustered out with the company at Fort Snelling, Minn., 9 Novenber 1863. The records of the War Department Office, Adjutant General, have no evidence of disability. He enlisted secondly, 26 February 1864 in Mankato, Minn., for a period of three Years, and was enrolled as a Private in Company H, Fourth Minnesota Infantry Volunteers. Rolls to 31 December 1864 show him present. Rolls from January and February 1865, absent on detached service at Brig. Headquarters; rolls to 30 June 1865, present. He was mustered out with the company, 19 July 1865, in Louisville, Kentucky. The Adjutant General's office showed no record of disability. Im his declaration of original in valid pension, dated 16 February 1887, he states that he contracted chronic dysentery in the service at Louisville, ty., on or about July 1865, that he also contracted catarryh fron exposure, else affecting his lungs, acd was treated by the Regimental Surgeion. Me personally describes himself at the time of his enlistment (at age 20) as five feet seven inches in heighth, Light complexion, light hair and blue eyes, According to some of the Rogers descendants, "Uncle Wash" was captured during the Civil Wer, but nade his escape by leaping into some nearby bushes and running auay. Known children of George Wasiiington and Rockalette (Edwards) Rogers, all probably born in Minnesota, : i. Fred R.4 Rogers - born about 1868. 41, Lawrence Edward Rogers ~ born 22 July 1870. 444. Bertha Viola Rogers ~ bora 8 March 1877. iv, Annie Viola Rogers - born 3 April 1887; died about 1952 in San Francisco, Calif.; married after 1932 to an unknowm husband, who was said to have been a sailor. No children. a) Family bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Richens) Nash. b) 1850 census of Beaver Dam, Wise. ©) Pension application for service in Civil War. @) Widow's pension application, Rockalette (Edvards) (Rogers) Eagers. e) Final papers on death of Rockalette (Edverds) (Rogers) Eggers. £) Obituary of George W. Rogers in “Ashland Tidii 8) Gravestone inscriptions in Friends Cenetery, Newberg, Ore. h) Personal contact and correspondence with descendants. +h. section, Muenbers Oraphio” = 18 Yar 1889 ~ it~ Hogers has purchased tho ten acree of the Pom yisPltee, om whieh the house ant buildings are located. Es noved cote tne place this nek. “Newberg Graphic" ~ 3 aug leo - Block 8, tonm of Neweorge Te Rogore fron Os5, Eanorth, part of lot 2, TAP RAE Graphic" — 3 tug 1699 - cot, Rogers from CBs Haworth, Ue of Block 99 in Biwards Adettion, “Yewberg Graphic" = 3 Aug 1689 - Gs Rogers from Je Edwards and wife, Lot 9 of Block 28 in Bawards addition. “Henberg Grazhic" = 27 Jan 1893 - Gt Rog sigence property on Viest First street, Nenber; has purchased Joseph Everest's ro- "BTETE, Gaphlo” ~ 14 apr 1695 - Got. Rogers started Yonday with a load of howse= E14 Scode for his new hone at Tllancoks Wo do not envy hin his trins considering the pr mut condition of the roads Graphic" - 11 Apr 1907 = Hiss anna Rogers cane fron Portland and spent Sunday with her nother, Urs. Celle Eggerse Mignoerg Grushlo” — 28 fan 1908 = urs. Lottie Eggers 42 aisiting with hor daugater at soniavilla and vill recain there while her ancghter, lite fame Segeee, tee Salea during the session of the lo gisletures “fewberg Graphs" ~ 20 Yay 1909 - Aaohol Xe Griftin ses born 16 Jul 1828 in tow York aud marrdod to Wiles Br Bomerda 11 day loses hoe Ged Sotteoe os tae Tn, They renovod to Uiehigan, thea ianosotas ‘Ivelve years age Seperaber cans Yo Or: one Hs died 1 Oct 1906 and sho has since Lived mith her deughter, Aess Seager, There age to sons and ono deughtor in dimesota, one daughter in flinoie sues, Seine of Portland, Wola Edrards of Salen and rss Eggers of lenborge Teseral cortee from GE. church by Hove Youngs GAR Coaotorye "Newberg Graphic" = Since selling her residence on First Street, Mrs. Sggore te selling off her person} effects and will go to Portliod to resin «ithrelativer for the presente "Howterg Graphic" - Roskalott Eggers to J+D. Gordon, 2 tracts in lewbezg, i500» "Mewberg Garhio" - Miss Anna Rogers 1s 2 public atezographer in Fortiands MELISSA JENETTE? ROGERS (John?, Nehemiah} ~ bora Ll March 1846 in Beaver Dan, Dodge Co., backed 2 eiyct January 1935 in her 9th year, in Neuberg, Yamhill cor” Ore.} buried 2 February 1935 in Hopewell Conetery, Hopewell, Gres tareicy first, | Areas 8 CF U2 Zoat® and about 1860, probably in Danville, Hines Esuaes sire yatite Maz born 13 Novenber 1833 fn England; died of puwconie sey. ville, Minn., 25 January 1863. she married secondly, 5 Deceuber 1863 in Danvitle, by John Kellett, NOVAS WESLEY MASH, who was born 8 October 1843 in or near Lintes ty 2 Ruth Reber ict (tied 10 Septenber 1906 in Newberg, Ore., 2 son of George <) Nash; and younger brother of Janes Henry Nae ied Emily Anelia Rogers, Ueltesa's older sister, For further ¢e ils of this fanily, see Nash fenily. sl. oh sa. 39. 60. 61. 62, xi, Ruth Jenette Nash = born 21 Navenber 1881 chéldren of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash, first two by firat hus- Band, next tucive by last husband. i, Marietta Hichens - born 8 April 1861; married 30 March 1860 near Maple- ton, Minn., Thomas Young, who was born 17 July 18: the provinee of Quebec, Canada; @ son of Augustus and Mary (Rochford) Young. 41, Ema Anelia Hichens - born 6 August 1863, nearly seven months after the death of her fathers died 3 February 1941, buried Hopewell Cemetery; married William Bower, who vas born 1866, died 1915, buried Hopewell. Ail, Thonas Wesley Nash ~ born 24 January 1865, ee tc ee re ay ee x, Grant Wesley Nash - born 16 May 1878, ! Reon cles YS, tae Heltcse Nish ~ toon 18 desober 3079 Geent twin). ET 63, wifi. Grace Agnes Nash = born 6 Septenber 1884. 64. xiv. Ezra Nash - born 28 July 1687 (still living). 7” REFERENCES: 2) Fanily bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. 15. JOHN EDWIN? ROGERS (John?, 469. 466. b) 1850 census of Beaver Dam, Wise. c) 1860 census of Medo Twp., Minn. 6) Personal contact and correspondence with descendants. ichentah!) ~ born 2 April 1849 in Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wisc., died 2 July or 21 August 1908; buried Mopevell Conetery, Hopewell, Ore. married 29 Janary 1869, perhaps in Denville, Minn., SARAM DIANTHA COSTOCR, who was bern 8 August 1849 in Plattsburg, Clinton Co., N.Y., died 23 Hay 1892 or 1893 in Yapleton, Minn,, a daughter of Gurdin and Serah (Gwinup) Comstock. Childven of John Eévin and Sarah Diantha (Comstock) Rogers, all born Minnesota. i. Gurdin smith Rogers - bora 27 February 1870. John Edwin Rogers - born 17 Novesber 1871 Benes vachon Rogers - born 18 April 1873; died 9 Hay 1673. iv. Alice Mariah Rogers - born 27 September 1875. vs Edith May Rogers - born 23 April 1877. #70. vi. Halsey Josiah Rogers - born 24 Decenber 1979, 471, vii. Elmyra Salvina Rogers - born 26 March 1882. Fanily bible of Melissa Jenette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. 1850 census of Beaver Dam, Wisc. ¢) Gravestone inscriptions in Hopewell Cemetery, Hopewell, Ore. 4) “Descendants of Williem Comstock of New London, Conn., by Cyrus 3. Comstock", 1907. e) Personal contact and correspondence with descendants. 16. ROBERT HENRY? ROGERS (John, Nehemioh!) - born 21 March 1851 in Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wise.; died 24 October 1924 in Willamette, Clackamas Co., Ore., in his 74th year, buried Hopevell Cemetery, Hopewell; married 23 December 1871 in Maple- ton, Minn,, ELLA ELMIRA COMSTOCK, who was born 4 Nay 1852 in Plattsburg, Clinton Co., Ne¥., died 18 March 1943, buried Hopewell Cemetery, daughter of Gurdin and Sarah (Gwinup) Comstock, and younger sister of Sarah Diantha Comstock, who married John E. Rogers, Robert Henry's brother. Chiléren of Robert Henry and Ella Eliza (Comstock) Rogers, all born Danville, Minn. 472, i, George Henry Rogers - born 17 May 1876. 473, 1, Ross Nohentah Rogers - born 18 October 1680. 74, 444, Ella Mary Rogers - born 16 Septenber 1886; died uncarried in 1963 in Portland, Ore.; buried Hopewell Cenetery. REFERENCES: a) Fantly bible of Melissa Jonette (Rogers) (Hichens) Nash. b) Gravestone inscriptions in Hopewell Cemetery. ¢) "Descendants of William Constock of New London, Conn., by Cyrus B. Comstock", 1907. 4) Personal contact and correspondence with descendants. hot $1 ariey te uught the corner lot é ho ks figuring

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