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Geography Extended Answer Revision

1. Describe Perth's Internal Morphology and Discuss how it conforms to an

urban model

Conforms to a multiple nuclei urban model

multiple nuclei model abandons idea of having only one focal point the CBD
It includes OBDs.
Perth mirrors this model as there are large shopping centres/OBDs situated away from the
CBD such as Midland
Commuter suburbs in RUF
CBD where most commercial functions are located because of high accessibility
Around CBD is IMZ greatest land use mix commercial, retail, residential, industrial
functions that require the good accessibility of the area
Also have OBD - Smaller commercial and retail functions to provide a closer alternative
business district to the CBD
RZ is established around IMZ and OBD's to that access to services is easy ERZ older
residential zones that have been established for some time NGZ areas of new residential
development near RUF services are limited here as are further away from CBD and OBD
IZ usually found on the outskirts of RZ and closer to the RUF so that noise and pollution
caused by industry does not disrupt residential areas.
RUF a zone in transition between being rural and urban evidence of both rural and urban

2. Compare and Contrast the land use characteristics of the CBD and IMZ
High accessibility CBD most accessible region of perth central node of all major
transport routes railways network extends joondalup, midland, Armadale, Fremantle,
Mandurra Ferry routes all major highways and freeways end in the CBD eg. Mitchell
Freeway, Albany Highway as a result IMZ is made highly accessible as all major transport
routes pass through zone to reach CBD IMZ also links residential zone to CBD

Aggregation of functions (horizontal aggregation) Similar functions are grouped in

CBD to benefit customers eg. Row of outdoor adventure equipment along Hay Street. IMZ
eg. Northbridge has created an aggregation of entertainment venues and restaurants.

High Land value all functions want to locate in CBD and IMZ because it is so highly
accessible. As there is limited room for expansion highest economic rent of all zones

Vertical aggregation more high rise buildings in CBD IMZ limited to horizontal

Land use mix CBD small amount of residential functions, mainly commercial activity
utilised by accounting firms, banks and lawyers. IMZ great land use mix has retail and
commercial functions as well as residential functions, light industrial functions and even
educational functions (eg central TAFE)

Invasion & succession/ Urban blight Highly evident in IMZ eg. West Perth which
used to be a residential are and has now been invaded by commercial functions eg. Real
estate, interior design. Urban blight also occurs where houses remain run down and
dilapidated awaiting an increase in land value before they are sold. - Does not occur as
evidently in the CBD as land is always in high demand

3. Discuss how the following processes influence the IMZ

Land use Competition
significant process influencing the IMZ with associated process of Invasion and
Many functions would ideally like to locate in the CBD but unable to compete with very
high priced land in the CBD and are forced to locate in the IMZ
These functions then compete with existing IMZ land uses for location
This land use competition often leads to new land uses invading and finally replacing
existing land uses (eg. Commercial functions replacing residential functions)
When this land use competition is successful on a wide scale succession has occurred.
This progress influences the location of the IMZ, causing it to grow outwards, especially
around Northbridge, South Perth and West Perth
Invasion and succession also causing inertia
Centrifugal Forces
Forces that push functions away from an area
Land use in IMZ greatly affected by centrifugal forces
Centrifugal forces of the CBD such as high land prices have caused much invasion and
succession of functions that were forced to locate in IMZ = high concentration of
commercial functions in IMZ
Centrifugal forces such as expensive land and and limited room for expansion in the IMZ
have pushed industry and other space extensive functions out of the CBD and into areas
where land is cheaper and more extensive Mixed industry was originally located in IMZ
but has been pushed out to industrial areas eg. Osbourne Park, Canning Vale, due to
centrifugal forces
Forces such as expensive land, pollution and high taxes have also caused a decline in
residential property in the IMZ over the years. Families are attracted to the cheap land,
pleasant environment and lesser traffic outside of the IMZ

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