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Give Ye Them to Eat

See page 4

Nationals . . .
See page 16

Source of Light Ministries International
Source of Light Ministries International is an independent, faith mission
that exists to bring people of every nation, language, and ethnicity into a mature
relationship with Jesus Christ and into fellowship with a local church.
SLM is a world-wide, disciple making, church planting mobilization that uses
the medium of Bible lessons for all ages in both printed and electronic format
to achieve its goals. The International Headquarters in Madison, Georgia, and its
Discipleship Training Branches (DTBs), and Associate Discipleship Schools (ADSs),
distribute lessons throughout the world.
Representatives, Missionaries, and Appointees of SLM are available to
present the ministry to churches, missionary conferences, and other groups.
Contact the SLM PR office for scheduling.
For information on any of the ministries of SLM, see or call 800. 776.1207.

the Reaper
Winter 2009
The Reaper is published by Source of Light Ministries International, Inc. and is sent free of charge to
anyone requesting it. Write or call to be placed on the mailing list.

SLM International Administrative Council

1011 Mission Road Dr. B. Shade, General Director
Madison, Georgia 30650 R.R. Walker, Chief Financial Officer
• Phone: 706.342.0397 P. Winder, Director of Operations
• Fax: 706.342.9072 G. Miller, Interim Director of Field Ministries
• E-mail:
R.R. Walker, Director of Printing Operations
• Web Site:
B. Hearing, Director of MDS
Board of Directors
D. Lowry, Chairman
The Reaper
L. Valentine, Vice Chairman
Editor: Billie Will
Daniel De Jong, Secretary
Graphic Design: Marianne Rosenberger
E.B. Shoff, Treasurer
Director of Publications: Ray Walker
J.C. Carter • C. Mayfield
Prepress: SLM Publications
Dr. G.S. Palmer • Dr. R.J. Sans
Production: SLM Printing
Dr. B.H. Struthers • Dr. Earl Parvin
Barry Blenis • Dr. Anita Cooper

the Reaper
Source of Light Ministries International

ABOUT THE COVER W inter 2009

new sound
Ugandan children in need of . . . new staff
food ~ spiritual & physical
see page 16

4 News & Views 19

5 Observations Why did
8 SLM — Kansas this
12 SLM Materials
15 Building Update
18 New Board Member
20 Prayer & Praise 16
21 Milestones nationals
22 In Loving Memory
that make a
23 Maximize Yourself!
23 Foreign Branch Needs

Man Plans
~ God
6 SLM ~ in Mexico

Give ye them to eat. How simple the words . . . how impossible the task!
The sheer numbers were overwhelming. Five thousand men plus an unknown
number of women and children (that possibly equaled or even exceeded the
men). Was it really ten thousand? . . . twenty thousand? Who can tell — nor does
it matter. Whatever the numbers the resources were ridiculously inadequate.
But a child-faith does not ponder the numbers. It only offers what it has —
and wonder of wonders the multitude is fed.
Neither you nor I have what is needed to feed the multitudes which seems
to grow increasingly greater and ever more hungry each day. A container of
Bible lessons is sent to Africa to strengthen the growing church and bring
the light of Truth to benighted souls in the darkness of superstition or the
hopelessness of Islam. Funds are provided for the printing of 240,000 lessons
for a closed access country. But what are they among so many? Funds are
requested for a new translation into Muslim Bengali so that scores of new
converts can be trained to reach their own people. There is, as Amos lamented,
. . . not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord
(Amos 8:11). We here at SLM are daily asked to do more, and in our faltering
faith we hear ringing in our ears His words, Give ye them to eat.
How can so small a provision (five small cakes of bread and two fish), ever
make a difference when faced with so great a need? — but it did! Multiplied
in the Master’s hands it proved to be enough and more than enough. How
can our efforts or your small mite, however much or little it might be, effect
the vast need of an ever-increasing multitude who are crying out for God’s
Word to be given and explained in their own language? I can’t answer that,
but I know that it will. If you and I give what we have, we will see the miracle
performed and the multitudes fed.
The disciples had another solution. It was reasonable, and it was the only
apparent option, send them away. It was not that they were heartless, only
that they were helpless. Like us, they asked, what are these among so many?
You and I may be tempted to ask the same question. How could the little I can
do possibly make a difference? But faith knows that somehow, someway it
will and we only have two options: Give ye them to eat, or send them away.
Which one will you choose?
The Bible frequently refers to light beginning with Genesis 1:3.
God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Then God identifies
himself with light in 1 John 1:54, God is light. Jesus also says, I am the
light of the world (John 8:12a). We are admonished to walk in the light
and to take the light into the world (John 1:7; Acts 13:47). Source of
Light has been involved in taking the light of the Gospel to the ends of
the earth in many venues and languages. “Light” is in our name.

There are some who live in darkness physically and spiritually. Two
of our men, Ben Watson and Stewart Overbey, are physically blind. It
has been my privilege to travel with both men and to think how to be
helpful to them. I was with Ben in Africa for three weeks. The effort
to think and communicate to Ben the things I was seeing made me
conscious of the blessing of light and sight. When I came into our room
it was dark, so it made me conscious of Ben’s darkness. I had a period
of time in my own life with both eyes covered, following a chain saw
accident, and the thrill of seeing light was great when the bandages
were removed.

It has been a blessing to me to minister the Word in forty-four

countries as I have shared truths from the Word of God, even through
two interpreters at a time. I could clearly see when the “light” from the
Word would come on in faces. One of the greatest thrills is to lead a
person to Christ and then to witness in them the light and joy, illustrating
God’s truth, If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.

As God uses our Source of Light courses, our people and others
who use our lessons, testify how God’s light has shined into many
people’s hearts. Let’s all be involved in “letting our light shine.”
SLM – Mexico
by Ruth Lopez

Manuel and I are involved in several ministries — pastoring our church,

leading Bible studies, teaching the deaf, counseling the needy, feeding the
hungry, and reaching the lost. These give us the opportunity to reach many
people personally. We are thankful for the opportunity to minster to thousands
more through the Source of Light correspondence courses. We could write
pages about each ministry, and share many needs in every area where we
work. Instead, we’re going to share two letters we’ve received from others that
use our lessons. We hope their letters will encourage you to pray for the far
reaching ministry of Source of Light Mexico.

Cristina faithfully grades the lessons that

hundreds of students send directly to the
office located in our home in Puebla. About
40 Discipleship Centers (that do their own
grading) also receive lessons from us and
distribute them to their own students. In this
way, we reach thousands more. Following
is an excerpt from an E-mail we received
from one of our Discipleship Centers.

136 people in our church are taking the

Fuente De Luz (Source of Light) courses.
23 will receive certificates Sunday for
completing the first series: “A Country
Called Heaven.” We have many more coming up right behind them. We plan
to give out certificates at the end of each month to those that complete a series.
Our members are real excited about all that they are learning, and so are we.
Even our own 14-year-old sat down on Monday (without being told to do
it) and read the whole lesson and answered the questions (all in one sitting,
which is amazing for him).  Then he came to tell us about what he had learned
and asked if he could give lessons to two of his soccer friends that he has been
witnessing to. 
There is a 15-year-old named Ruth who recently came to church with a
friend and got saved. When we explained the Fuente de Luz courses to the
teenagers she took the first book for herself.  She showed it to her unsaved
mom who thought it sounded interesting and asked if she could read it too.  So
Ruth gave hers to her mom and got another one for herself this week.

God also allows our office to oversee a satellite in an area we call the “Island.”

The lady that runs our satellite singlehandedly has no
phone and no Internet service. Her son has access to
both of these services but lives in a city several hours
away. When he visits his mother, he collects reports
and information for us, and after getting home he sends
them to us by E-mail. All the lessons are printed there
since it is impossible to ship lessons. At this time, our Lopez Family
satellite is running very short on funds and on printed
lessons. Pray we’ll soon be able to send money to them. VBS is part of our
Following is an E-mail our friend on the Island recently church outreach . . .
sent through her son.

It’s been five years since we began working with the

Source of Light Bible Correspondence Courses here
on the Island. Here people do not have easy access to
Christian literature. The testimonies of personal growth
that we hear from people encourage us to continue
in spite of many difficulties we face. I prayerfully
Manual teaching
include a personal letter and a Biblical text with each
lesson. My husband’s loss of memory (probably due to
Alzheimer’s) makes it impossible for him to continue
helping me take the mail to the post office. But God is
good and His grace abounds every day.
I am saving many letters from students so that
some day others will also know what God is doing
through this ministry. Craft time
We urgently need to print more lessons. We’re out
of Explorers and would also like to print Overcomers.
It would be good if we could print Practical Christian
Living for adults.
The ministry is being blessed of the Lord as we
distribute lessons. God gives us strength and helps us
to be faithful. His grace is permanent. Even though
many miles separate us, we are joined by God’s love.
Grace and peace. Cooks preparing food
For many years God has provided for some of the
office expenses here in Mexico and all of the expenses
for the Island ministry (office and printing) through a
subsidy received from the SLM Global Outreach Fund.
That subsidy is no longer fully available. Pray with us,
please, that the Lord would provide the needed funds
so these ministries can continue. We’d love to share
more with you if you are interested. Please feel free to Paperwork on the 247
contact us at children who attended VBS
by Leon Scott
The Branch Office of Source of
Light Kansas is in the heartland of
our country. Leon and Susan Scott
Scott family head up the office that is comprised
of 25-30 volunteers, ages twenty-two
to ninety-four! Yes, you read
it correctly. The office staff are
Who can measure the impact
of a ministry that reaches many
people that are unknown to us
and that we will never see or
know this side of eternity? Who The volunteer office staff
can guess the transformation
taking place in the Spanish-speaking population that are being touched by
the three retired missionaries who disciple them on a one-on-one basis?
Who can fathom the impact of children who are learning of Christ and
His love for them and learning to become godly adult citizens? Who can
imagine how special the blessings and joy, volunteers receive, who have
a share in proclaiming God’s eternal truth to the unsaved and making
disciples of believers.
With all these questions, what is our
Heavenly Father accomplishing through the
ministry of Source of Light Kansas? I can
see the Father allowing us to learn the joy of
the Lord through serving one another and
the students. Most of the volunteers are in
their golden years with a few in their 20’s
and 30’s. As I stand back and observe the
volunteers, their love for the Lord Jesus
Christ becomes more evident with each
Volunteers grade the Bible
passing day. As they continue to grow
in their relationship with the Lord, their
relational interaction with each other also
grows as they pour themselves into the
students through the medium of the printed
The Kansas office receives approximately
thirteen to fourteen thousand lessons each
year. Many of these lessons are in Spanish!
God in wisdom guided three retired
Spanish-speaking missionaries to settle in
Volunteers open the mail and
the area. These three graders answer all the
stock the lessons
Spanish lessons.
Also, I see the Heavenly Father provide different forms of equipment
to enhance the work of spreading the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Recently, the Father provided a used Xerox 790 color laser printer with
minor problems. The image drum has been replaced and the printer
produces extremely clear and colorful pictures. We are thankful to the
Father and the Lord Jesus for this piece of equipment. We also have a young
lady, who recently graduated from a graphics program, assisting us by
placing graphics in our monographs
we produce as additional material
for the students.
In addition, we have needed to
replace the carpet is some of our
grading rooms for a long time. A
local church gave enough carpet to
replace all the carpet in the entire
building. These may seem small
Volunteers do data input incidentals. We just praise the Lord
for all He has given to this ministry,
so that we can invest more of our funds in the Bible lessons.
What I see is that our Heavenly Father is building His kingdom one person
at a time through the study of God’s word distributed by His servants and
children of various ages and backgrounds.
When director Leon Scott was asked the biggest need of Source of Light
Kansas, he said, “We need a full-time secretary.” Maybe this is a spot you
can fill! Think about it.
There is a new sound being heard here at SLM
Headquarters. It is the sound of six Braille embossers
running hour after hour. SLM lessons, devotionals,
hymnals, and other books are being made available
to the visually impaired. With these new sounds
comes John Hemphill and the Helping Hands Braille
Ministries, operated in Michigan for the past ten
John and Ben Watson met
three years ago and began
talking about the possibility of
John’s ministry becoming a part
of the SLM outreach. In June
2009, this became a reality. John
has a passion for getting printed
material embossed in Braille and
into the hands of the visually
John and others in Alternative
Media are reaching out to a group
of people often overlooked. The visually impaired
can have a valuable role in the life of the church if
we can give them the ability to read.
With John comes a host of new volunteers
— people who read Braille, transcribe print into
Braille, and proofread Braille documents. If you are
a transcriber and would like to serve the Lord, we
need you to help us. If you are interested, call SLM
and ask for Alternative Media.
Look at the Helping Hands link on the Source of
Light web site at

by Bev Mullens

While living in California the last couple of years, I was constantly

reminded that earthquakes were imminent. But upheaval in my life came
after I left there.
I had come from 33 years in church planting in Ireland, knowing I couldn’t
return. I was looking forward to a future ministry in Canada. In the interim,
my mission board (Biblical Ministries Worldwide) asked me to serve with
the deaf blind in California; I thought it would be just a small detour.
As I started toward Canada, by visiting churches and supporters, my earth
began to tremble and quake and when
the upheaval was over, I was not
only not going to Canada but I was
moving to Georgia where I joined
the Alternative Media Department
at Source of Light Ministries.
I met Ben Watson in 2006, when
I was invited to participate in a
conference call exploring how to put
lessons online. Ben asked me then
to come to Source of Light and work
Bev Mullens and John Hemphill with Alternative Media, but I had
already committed to the deaf blind
work in California. I rarely thought of it again. I was headed to Canada.
While in California, part of my job was to create a newsletter every week
and put it into Braille, and a desire to learn Braille grew in my heart. When
I left, I wondered how I would ever continue with Braille. All these pieces
are now fitting together. I started a Braille transcriber course this Fall. In
November, I began learning software that allows us to put our lessons
online. I am excited to see how the Lord is using all the areas of former
ministry in what I am doing now.
When the Lord moves us, at times it means great upheaval. He has
overturned all my plans and put me on another path and it is an adventure
that I would not have missed. Man plans but God directs.
BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS is a course on great Bible themes. This study
is more advanced than many of our popular level courses and
may be used for older teens and adults. Mature believers will find
it helpful, as will newer Christians. These studies are doctrinal in
nature with great foundational truths, leading to more serious Bible
Book 1 REPENTANCE • Called Unto Repentance
Book 2 FAITH • The Evidence of Things Not Seen
Book 3 REGENERATION • Created in His Image
Book 4 JUSTIFICATION • Accepted in the Beloved
Book 5 ADOPTION • Sons Not Servants
Book 6 PRAYER • Master Secrets of Prayer
Book 7 SANCTIFICATION • Called Unto Holiness
Book 8 GLORIFICATION • Called Unto His Eternal Glory
Book 9 HOLY SPIRIT • The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

KNOW & GROW is a basic course for

new believers. It is ideal for new convert
& Grow classes and for all believers who have not
Book 1
had extensive Bible study. The detailed
exercises help the students as they learn
to pray and study God’s Word. There are
three booklets in this course.

If you are a teacher, you can’t afford to
miss this opportunity to have the entire Old
Testament Tabernacle study at you fingertips.
The entire Christian Experience from Salvation
to Sanctification to Glorification is set forth in
picture form in the Tabernacle.
The C-D includes five one-hour PowerPoint studies, Leader’s Scripts
that accompany each slide, and Student’s Notes for each session. You
can now have this tremendous tool for your students at a cost of just
$15.00. That’s five complete sessions with every major spiritual truth
clearly explained.

Beyond the Bible Lessons for all ages for which SLM is most well known,
there is a whole special Department of Bible Studies called
Advanced Studies. In the world of Advanced
Studies, you can take up to thirty-three
college level courses through the WW LIT
Department, or get a complete three-year
Bible Institute Education through the World-
Wide Bible Institute. Let me challenge you
to look into this tremendous opportunity for
Biblical and Theological education. Contact: or call: 706-342-0397
ext. 165.
You may also look us up on the web at The link for Advanced
Studies is:

T-22 Complete Confidence
($4.80 per package of 50 tracts;
$50 per thousand)
T-12 The Awful Reality of
Hell ($4.80 per package of 50 tracts;
$50 per thousand)
T-27 One Foot in Heaven
($3.50 per package of 50 tracts;
$50 per thousand)
For information on other tracts,
request the “Tract Samples” on the
form below.

Order/Information Request Form

o Basic Bible Truths $ 6.75 per course (9 booklets)
o Know and Grow $ 1.65 per course (3 booklets)
o The Tabernacle in Power Point $ 15.00 per CD
o Please send Tracts _________________ $ _____________
o Tract Samples $ 3.00
o Please send the Literature Information Packet
o Please send information about WWBI Advanced Studies
o WW LIT and The Ezra Institute

Preferred minimum order is $10. Please add 30% for Shipping & Handling.

Name _____________________________________ Phone _____________

Address ______________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ Zip ____________

Hallelujah! . . . the concrete
is poured and 12,600 additional
square feet on the second floor is
now available as God enables us
to construct the offices and finish
the work. In addition, we now have
6,400 feet of space on the first floor
to reconstruct.
The construction team did a fantastic job.
They began at 4 o’clock in the morning and
did not leave until 9 o’clock that evening.
They worked in 106 degree temperatures
(partially as a result of the chemical
reaction that occurs as concrete begins to
cure), pouring a total of 140 cubic yards of
beautiful smooth floor that will be a delight
to work with. They then poured, in addition,
all of the columns and the new steel and concrete stairs — To God be the glory!
The next step is the elevator. We have contacted the Otis people and we have a
very attractive and adequate unit on order. The elevator should be installed shortly. In
the meantime, the men will be cutting in the channels for the plumbing for the new
bathrooms and kitchen area.
Several temporary walls had to be
erected to close off the construction area
from the traffic flow. These walls will
now be removed. The main hall will be
widened by about five inches. That does
not seem like much, but it will make a
huge difference in the appearance of the
hallway area.
We expect to have ceramic tile donated
for the traffic areas, and by the time you are reading this, I hope that most of it will
be laid by volunteers. Please pray that God will provide the volunteer help needed
for this gargantuan task.
The biggest challenge now is to match the $50,000 that has been given as a
matching gift. Since we have had little opportunity up until now to let people know
of this need, the deadline for matching that has been extended to December 15.
Please join us in prayer that this need will be met. I hope to be able by next time to
project a date for the dedication of this new expanded area. Watch for information in
an upcoming REAPER.

by Bill Shade

Four years ago we introduced to our

REAPER family our Ugandan Director,
Rev. Aloni Mwisaka Wandeeka. Aloni has
been working in Uganda now for the past
ten years. Since that first article, he has
taken a wife (Ovia), and God has given
them two wonderful children (named
for Ruby and me), Favor Shade (age 6),
and Gifty Ruby (Age 5).
Aloni’s first outreach was to schools
and institutions of higher learning. He has had a tremendous
response. Over 70,000 students have now taken the Bible courses
and received certificates. In one rather exclusive girls school that
I visited, the headmaster expressed her deep appreciation for the
courses, especially the course Understanding True Love from a Biblical
perspective. She told us
that it has made a huge
impression on the girls
for chastity — a much-
needed and little known
concept in Africa.
Aloni next turned to
the plight of the prisoners.
Being in a Ugandan prison
can mean sleeping directly
on the concrete floor and
eating only one meal a
day. Aloni approached the department of Chaplains and offered to
allow them to use our lessons if he could first train the Chaplains
in our soul-winning course, Fishers of
Men. Today, Chaplains serving under
his direction, meet every month to pray
and plan strategy. They have given out
2,212 certificates to prisoners who have
finished their Bible courses. Several have
returned to their homes and are active

Christian witnesses — one has
become a pastor.
Just beyond Mbale, there
is an area known informally
as the Muslim Corridor, a “no
go” zone where the Gospel had
never penetrated. The team
began by giving the lessons to
a few interested people. Then
came small home study meetings, then prayer meetings, then came
the break they had prayed for. It was the very dramatic and public
conversion of one prominent Muslim woman who insisted on being
baptized by immersion in the river, which runs in through the heart
of that area. From that event and the circumstances that surrounded
it, twenty seven Muslim families turned to Christ, to become what
is known in Mission circles today as MBBs (Muslim Background
Today, Aloni and his team preach the Gospel openly in the heart
of the Muslim community (see picture) and 6,217 former Muslims
have been converted to Jesus Christ. Of course these advances did not
occur, nor do they continue,
without opposition. Recently,
the team was attacked and
beaten and all of their sound
equipment destroyed. But the
following day they returned
and preached for two more
days and over 150 came to
The challenge of this
ministry comes from a variety
of situations, growing out of their successes. Muslim believers are put
out of jobs and homes and need assistance. MBB parents lack the
funds to pay school fees (education is not free in Uganda) for their
children. Former prison inmates need help to re-start their lives. As
the work grows so do the opportunities for you and me to take the
words of the Savior seriously, For I was ahungered, and ye gave me meat:
I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison,
and ye came unto me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:35-36, 40b).
Barry Blenis is from Grapeville, New
York, a town just south of Albany.
He has been a member of Grapeville
Baptist Church for over 30 years
where he serves as chairman of the
Board of Trustees. Barry is the latest
member of the Board of Directors of
SLM International.

Barry came to know the Lord as a child and often went with his
mother to serve meals at the Capitol City Rescue Mission where he
got a burden for the Lord’s work and especially a vision for the rescue
mission ministry.

For many years, Barry served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer for a multi-state Bank that operated in New York,
Massachusetts, and Vermont. In 1999, the Bank was sold providing
Barry with the time and opportunity to manage the construction of the
new Capitol City Rescue Mission, where he has also served as a Board
member for over 25 years. In that role, he saw the Mission grow from
a small 3000 square foot facility to it current site, covering a city block
and having a budget of several million dollars a year. The Mission now
has a ministry focused on women and children, as well as the men who
come to its doors.

Barry has also acted as a consultant with a number of Christian

organizations. His finance and organizational skills have allowed
him to review each organization’s calling and how the organization
might be more effective going forward. Along with this project, he has
become involved with a number of international efforts for the cause
of Missions.

Currently, Barry also serves on the board of the national prayer

ministry known as Prayer Force One, which he helped found. This
organization networks prayer efforts challenging believers to seek
God for our country and its leaders.

We at SLM International are grateful to God for bringing Barry to us

and we look forward to a long and fruitful ministry together.
Did you ever have something happen in paid his expenses. Because of what happened,
your life and you had no idea why God had most policemen in Nepal and all the staff at
allowed it to happen? This was Sanjeeb Sahu’s the hospital now know Sanjeeb. The police
thought . . . “When I went here for the Lord’s came to know about the medical camp that
work and we committed everything into the was planned. They said, “You are concerned
Lord’s hands . . . WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?” for the citizens of our country.” News of this
Sanjeeb had gone to Nepal to make accident was in the Nepali newspaper. With FM
arrangements for a medical camp. He was radio almost everybody in Nepalganj heard of
carrying 6,000 Nepali Bible lessons. He was this incident. The best part was that the entire
driving at a very slow speed when suddenly situation was handled in a way which was very
a man on a bicycle swerved into him. The new to them. Sanjeeb was able to make many
collision of the car and the bicycle threw the contacts because of the incident. He was able
man under the front wheel of the car. Sanjeeb to make good arrangements for the medical
immediately took him to the hospital and camps. Now everybody there knows about the
admitted him. Sanjeeb was taken to the police medical camp that was held in August.
station and was kept there two days and two Before Sanjeeb left Nepal he went to
nights. visit and pray for the man in the hospital. He
In Nepal, the person involved in an accident gave him a Nepali Bible lesson. Pray for the
is detained until the victim’s family is satisfied salvation of this man and his family.
and signs an agreement with the police. Sanjeeb says, “I believe this incident is the
In Nepal, the people don’t usually take the beginning point for people who are in bondage,
injured to the hospital. They drive the vehicle who do not think twice before killing, who are
over the injured person again and again until in slavery to liquor and who are lost.”
they kill that person. Then the family of the Why did this happen? Simply this —
victim is given a lump sum of money and the God is in control and it is for us to watch in
other party is freed from prison. amazement as His will is done on earth as it
Sanjeeb took the victim to the hospital and is in Heaven.

for protection of our workers in the
current climate of religious violence.
k General Director Emeritus, Glenn
Dix, has to adjust his lifestyle to deal
with the 30 percent efficiency of his
heart now. The doctor does not want
k Praise the Lord that progress
to try further surgery at this time.
is being made in the renovations
k Our Pre-fielders are anxious and expansion of the headquarters
to begin serving with SLM and are building.
working hard to raise the support
k Praise the Lord for the $50,000
necessary to be on the field. If the
matching grant toward this project.
Lord is speaking to you, contact SLM
This amount needs to be matched by
for specific names and needs.
December 15.
k Due to the downturn of the
k Joy Webster, SLM Jamaica,
economy, SLM had to discontinue the
praises the Lord for the sale of the
subsidies given to the Discipleship
Clairdale property which was used
Training Branches. Some have very
for storage. The funds from this sale
little financial support. Pray that
enabled them to pay some debts.
God will supply the needs of these
Branches so that His Word will k Sanya and Bosun Dosunmu, SLM
continue to go out around the world. Nigeria, have obtained office space
If the Lord is speaking to you, contact and have also begun the foundation
SLM for specific needs. of the first church ever in their town.
k PhilSOL is in need of a new k Pastor Philip Thang, SLM
headquarters building. Dr. Lucy Myanmar, now has 24 Associate
Nacionales, PhilSOL Director, Discipleship Schools with about 500
along with missionaries, Faustino students.
and Virgie Espinas, presented their k The Million Card Campaign
ministry and needs in churches in the continues, resulting in many new
United States this summer. students taking the Bible lessons.
k There are a number of key staff Thrilling testimonies are received
positions at the SLM headquarters from the students, telling how Christ
that need to be filled. Pray for willing has changed their lives through the
hearts and support for those God study of the Bible courses.
would have fill these vacancies. k The SLM website has been
k SLM India needs further funding improved. Check it out at www.
to reprint the Bible courses in many Praise the Lord
Indian languages, as well as support for those who have spent hours
for the India Branches. Also pray improving this site.

Joshua Chapter four gives the account of
GOD’s delivering Israel through the middle
of the Jordan River. Stones were taken by
the priest from the river bed and placed
on the other side for all to see and remind them of how GOD had led
them. So, in each life God gives us Milestones of His Faithfulness.
Dave and Eula Keener met in Bible college, now Calvary Bible College,
after Dave had graduated from the Kings College and served in the U.S. Army.
Eula began nurses training after one year of Bible college, and upon Dave’s
graduation, they were married. Their first experience of living “by faith” was
when Dave became full-time Youth for Christ Director in Springfield, Illinois.
Dave pastored three churches, located in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma,
before making the decision to accept the position of Director of Youth Ministries
at Woodland Acres Bible Camp, a ministry of the small church-planting mission
in Arkansas, Mid-America Mission. With much hesitation, fear, and trembling,
they set out on their second venture of faith, along with their five children.
There was no time for deputation before taking on the camp responsibilities for
the summer. A love offering paid for the move and a family promised them $20
a month! But where God leads, He provides, and the Keener family saw His
hand providing not just needs, but wants.
The Keeners loved the years there at camp and that is where they were
introduced to Source of Light. The campers were followed up with the Bible
lessons. At the annual Workers’ Conference, Glenn and Joyce Dix came to
speak a couple of times. Dave was asked to be a representative for Mid-
America Mission in Fremont, Nebraska, and he also became a church planter
for about four years.
When the Lord was indicating
another change for them, they
contacted Source of Light. Arriving
in August 1986, the time of ministry
here has been a real joy. Dave has
served in various capacities – Public
Relations Director, Director of
Human Resources, and Chaplain.
Eula has served as Secretary to
the General Director, Glenn Dix,
ANAM Lifetime Commitment Award continued next page
Gifts received in memory of:
Donald Adcox by Neil K’s Hairstyling, Inc.
Mr. & Ms. Edward B. Shoff
Jerry Adcox by Mr. & Ms. Edward B. Shoff
Bonnie Marine by Mr. & Mrs. Gale Ingalsbe
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Ingalsbe
Mr. & Mrs. John Reynolds
John McCoy by Mrs. Judy McCoy
Louise Sheehan by Mr. & Mrs. William T. Carrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Foster
Miss Martha M. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gwinner
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Holleman
Atty B.G. Hudson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Newsome
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Partin
Gayle Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Shoff
Ms. Margaret A. Stringer
Jim Stiles by Mrs. Sue M. Stiles
Charles Taylor by Mrs. Lillian P. Taylor

Milestones continued from page 21

Advanced Biblical Studies Assistant, and other things, such as switchboard
operator. Now Dave has had to step aside because of a stroke, Eula continues
to serve from home as time allows.
In April 2009, at the annual Association of North American Missions
(ANAM) Executive Forum, Dave and Eula were presented the Lifetime
Commitment Award in recognition of a lifetime of service to our Lord Jesus
What do you want to accomplish with your life? Most committed believers long
to be effective! They dream of winning souls, discipling believers, and making an
impact on a needy world.
Let  me  tell  you  about  an  opportunity  to  maximize  yourself  no 
matter  what  your  skills  may  be.
Missionaries with SLM are actively discipling nearly 20,000 students of all ages
by correspondence from our headquarters in Madison, Georgia.  They answer
questions, counsel with them, and build relationships through the medium of
correspondence. You could do that!
Missionaries with SLM are producing 6 - 8 million Bible lessons every year
and over one million other pieces of Gospel literature, and we receive responses
to this effort every day from all over the world.  You could be a part of that
production team!
Missionaries with SLM are producing on-line Bible studies, videos, and audio
courses that will blanket the world.  You could speed their efforts by using
your skills!
All of that and more is being accomplished by SLM Missionaries serving from
our Headquarters in Madison, Georgia. Do you really want to make an impact
on this generation? Do you really want to maximize yourself? Then consider
becoming a member of the SLM Missionary team.  A preliminary application
is available from and click on Preliminary
Questionnaire. Why not fill it out and see what God may do?

Here are some needs at our Foreign Branches

that you can supply through your giving.

CHILE Projector that was stolen $ 1,226

PERU Personal support needed $ 2,636
ROMANIA Pavel: Urgent need to finish building the DTC $ 17,500
LIBERIA Christmas program for street and disabled people $ 715
GHANA Office Building in Muslim area $ 19,500
INDIA Dodla Wilson: Visual Aid materials $ 3,248
Christudas Earla: Jeep $ 8,375
PHILIPPINES Headquarters building project in Manila $ 36,300
(Praise the Lord for $23,700 received)

Please send a separate note with your gift indicating how you want
your gift to be used. Thank you for your prayers and participation.
Source of Light Ministries International
reaches the people of the world
through Christ-centered and time-tested materials
which result in evangelism, discipleship,
and church planting.


Permit No. 33


the Reaper
Winter 2009

Providing the Tools to Finish the Task

SLM International
1011 Mission Road
Madison, Georgia 30650
Phone: 706.342.0397
Fax: 706.342.9072
Web Site:

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