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System Integration Trends Blog

System Integration Trends

The blog is to articulate the System Integration practice trends, in accordance System
Integration is observed to be technical solution for building extended Enterprise Ecosystems,
relevant to the inspirations of Business Strategies, venturing into unchartered territories. It
further implies that, there is negligible gap or no gap between the business and technology
strategies anymore. Technically at underlying level, System Integration is now, widely used to
build and manage services that provide tangible benefits and outcomes in areas such as mobile
applications, APIfication, Analytics & cloud. The skill for usage of new generation tools and
products provided by Integration platform vendors for realizing the digital industrial economy is
to be pursued aggressively. This shift is relieved to be present trend in Enterprise System
Integration services competency.

New Challenges of System Integration solutions in year -2015

The Integration solutions market in year -2015 pushes System Integrators with new challenges.
It is call now for realizing digital industrial economy through Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud
(SMAC) expansions within Enterprise Ecosystems. This is better sustainable, having API
infrastructure, over Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Further for large scale Enterprises,
combination of cloud infrastructure is widely suggested by experts. With the cloud infrastructure
integrations driven into Enterprise Ecosystems, the enterprises will gain high availability,
scalability of high order easily with most of risk transferred to cloud companies. This will
become de-facto standard architecturally in future and the best model that enterprises can
have, while realizing complex expandable enterprise ecosystems. The sketch, of the System
Integration landscape given below -

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System Integration Trends Blog

Additional System Integration challenges

The additional System Integration challenges to be addressed will include:
1. Integrations applying the APIfication Paradigms.
2. Integrating Business Process Management (BPM), Complex Event Processing (CEP),
Rule Engines, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Business Analytics Monitor (BAM),
Identity Services, Messaging products and other sub-systems/tools required for
System Integration Platform.
3. Integration in general for realizing Subscription model and pricing of services.
4. Integrations specialization using specific connectors should be established
(Ex: SAP, Sales

Force, Mainframes, Share Point)

5. Integrations to realize the management & monitoring features in totality for

6. Integrations to facilitate deployments on a multi-tenant cloud & elastic cloud
Value Proposition of System Integration @ SPAN

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System Integration Trends Blog

SPAN proposition for the challenges is through Integration Center of Excellence, has dedicated
scarce resources to practice in combining integration skills, resources and processes under
Architecture Center of Excellence (ACE Group). The following are its current objectives:

Service enabling each tool/products key abilities which are narrowly focused on solving
particular problem of enterprise and use them to build a pre-configured system
integration platform.

Reduce project delivery times and development costs through business accelerators built
as System Integration Solutions.

Decreasing duplication of integration related effort across the enterprise.

Lower total technology cost of ownership by leveraging technology investments across

multiple projects

The R&D on SOA software and WSo2 had been the major focus and progress had been
incredible, much of capabilities of open source tools being integrated to form a platform. Effort
had been made to speak to customers and technology partners to build more capabilities
quicker. Simultaneously, thrust is emphasized on building business accelerators to show case
demos of System Integration technologies to the prospects. The major advantage is clients can
now roll in/roll out expansion of enterprise eco-systems.

Extending System Integration services built with pre-integrated platform, will give the needful
advantage for Modern System Integrators. The existing knowledge in creating service endpoints
using various Webservice technologies and the experience of modernizing legacy systems will
provide best advantage among other competitive System Integrators, when deployments of
demonstrators/ business accelerators are showcased.

Reference Books
Open Source SOA Jeff Davis
Architecting Mobile Solutions for the Enterprise Dino Esposito
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System Integration Trends Blog

Web sites

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