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The Human Energy System

The human body is a miniature of the cosmos because it contains the

energies of the universe and the earth within itself. It is designed to receive
energy from the universe and sustenance from the earth. It maintains its
life by receiving energy from the sun, the moon, earth, water and wind. The
human energy system consists of a network of energy channels that not
only connect one organ with another, but also with the energies of the
universe and the earth. All the energy channels from the waist up receive
the yang energy from the universe, and all the energy channels from the
waist down receive the yin energy from the earth, and they meet at a point
two inches below the navel. This is the point of conception where the yin
and yang energies meet.

Throughout the body there are 12 meridians of energy, 360 energy

channels, 84,000 energy pores, and 3 main energy centres: between the
eyebrows, the middle of the chest and below the navel connecting our
spirit, mind and body. Energy circulates through these channels to keep all
the organs functioning properly, to stimulate cell growth and regeneration,
to keep the mind in harmony and the spirit bright.

In the order of Nature, the light of the spirit should make the mind empty,
clear and bright. Energy can then circulate freely in the body creating good

The human body is perfectly designed with its own natural healing power.
The abundant and free flow of Ki Energy is immunity and life.

Symptoms We Treat
Ki Treatment is effective in relieving many minor and chronic health
disorders. It is a natural method of healing for physical, mental and
emotional problems. It can also be used as a way to maintain wellbeing.

Ki Treatment calms the mind and energises the body.

Ki Health understands that a human being is a whole being with a body,

mind and spirit, connected to their environment and the universe. We look
at each person as a whole, using vital energy to stimulate the body’s own
natural healing power.

There is no problem that cannot be helped with our method, but the results
are dependent on the mind of the receiver and how well they digest energy.
The best way to receive Ki Treatment is with a grateful and trusting mind.

Ki Chanting

Cosmic Sounds Chanting has the power to open our hearts, free our minds
and lift our spirits. Contemporary medical research confirms that chanting
lowers blood pressure, reduces stress related hormones, releases
endorphins and oxygenates the cells. Each Chanting session concludes with
a period of self-reflective meditation to release our minds from everyday
thoughts, judgments, and desires and gain deep insights into our true Self.

What is health?

We have many hopes and dreams we wish to accomplish in our lives, chief
among them is having and maintaining our health, for without it the rest is

Health comes from the abundant and balanced flow if Ki Energy in the
body, which is maintained by the purity of the mind and the brightness of
the spirit.

In the physical body energy is circulated through a network of channels that

we call the energy system. The energy system supports our physical
structure. It allows energy to circulate, removing toxins, negative energy
and stimulating cell growth, and connects one organ to another,
maintaining their effective function. Energy pores on our skin connect us to

As part of nature, we respond to the flow of energy in our environment. The

sun, the moon, air, water and food all provide us with energy to sustain a
healthy life. When nature gets sick, so do we.

Ki Energy comes from the source of the universe. When we recharge with Ki
Energy we are healthy and radiate beauty. Ki Energy vitalises our organs,
cells, muscles and skeletal system during our life. When we expend all of
our Ki it is the end of our physical life.

What is disease?

In modern life people are often spending more energy than they are able to
receive. They are running an energy deficit that is affecting them
physically, emotionally and spiritually. When the body starts to run low on
energy it is unable to sustain its vital functions, the mind becomes very
vulnerable to negative emotions...
and the spirit cannot receive the light it needs to maintain its original
brightness and starts to become dark. This is disease.

When we are born our energy channels are fully open, but as we grow older
they become progressively blocked up, impairing the body’s energy
circulation. This not only results in energy shortage and blockages but also
disrupts the balance of the yin and yang energies. Energy blockages are
predominantly caused by negative thinking, feelings and emotions. When
we are stressed, angry, worried, fearful or depressed, the energy flow in our
bodies is disrupted, causing a shortage of energy, which is transmitted to
every cell and organ. If our body is deprived of energy for too long, we
eventually become ill. The energy circulation in our bodies is totally
dependant on the state of our minds. When there is discord in the mind or
environment the energy circulation is disrupted causing ill-health and

The Ki Method enables you to receive energy and use it to reflect on and
correct the imbalances in your mind and remove negative thinking. Ki
Masters are trained to open your energy blockages, remove toxins from
your body and to recharge you with vital Ki Energy. This has the effect of
healing your energy system, which activates your own natural healing

Can anyone do Ki Training?

Ki Training can be done by anyone of any age or physical condition. The

movements are very slow and gentle, but require concentration and focus.
It is not how well one does the movements that matter, but how much one
is able to bring energy into the body. The movements are simply the means
to carry energy into the body, but the mind is the vehicle that receives
energy. When we direct the mind to a certain part of the body, all the
energy gathers in that area.

How often should I do Ki Training?

You can do training as often as you like. The more often you join the
classes, the faster you can make progress. Ki Energy has a cumulative
effect, i.e., as it builds up in the body and reaches an optimum level, it
strengthens and repairs the energy system.
Should I do Ki Training even though I am not sick?

Ki Training is beneficial not only for physical illnesses, but also stress,
depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and pain. It is also preventative and
aids spiritual growth. Due to the degradation of our natural environment,
people are now more prone to environmental illnesses and weakened
immunity. Scientific studies have showed the positive effect of Ki Training
on the immune, respiratory, hormonal and cardiovascular systems.

Are there any side effects from Ki Training?

There are no side effects from Ki Training because it is a natural healing

method. However, as the training opens up long-term energy blockages,
sometimes people may experience some pain or discomfort as the energy
starts to move to areas previously blocked. Also, Ki Training can tap into
deeply held emotions, that once surfaced, may cause some discomfort, as
we may have to confront certain aspects of our personality that could have
contributed to ill health or disharmony in our lives. The Ki meditation helps
tremendously to overcome these emotional blockages.

Is there a conflict between Ki Training and other therapies?

There is usually no conflict between Ki Training and other therapies.

However, oftentimes people find that Ki Training can replace many of the
other therapies they have been doing. Ki Training works on the root of
physical and emotional problems, not simply alleviating their symptoms.

Is there a belief system behind Ki Training?

Ki Training follows the principles of Nature and is rooted in the ancient

martial arts. It comes closest to a Taoist practice focusing on becoming one
with the universe and finding balance and harmony within.

Scientific Studies of the Benefits of Ki Treatment

Mood stability improves

Ki Treatment induces psychological stabilization, increases melatonin levels
and enhances cellular function of neutrophils and NK cells.
Increased Immunity
Ki Treatment improves human cellular immunity, by increasing the activity
of natural killer cells– the body’s first line of defence against viruses and

Effects on the elderly

Ki Treatment is shown to reduce anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain and
blood pressure in elderly subjects.

Relaxation induced
Subjects reported improved emotions of satisfaction, relaxation, and
calmness during Ki Treatment as compared to levels reported during
placebo Ki Treatments.

PMS symptoms relieved

Ki Treatment has a significant effect on pain and water retention. In
addition, there are significant short-term effects on pain, mental depression
and anxiety.

Ki Energy Training and Chunsoo or Ki Energy Healing

It offers ways to realign our body and mind with the principles of harmony
and beauty that rule Nature. When mind and body can tune back to the
energetic frequency of Nature, our vital life force can regain its proper flow
and restore healing of the most profound and lasting kind.

Nature is unselfish, unbiased and harmonious. Nature gives unconditionally

and only asks for cooperation and wise measure. Harmonizing the
constantly chattering human mind with the mind of Nature, so that we can
receive its healing power, is a long process because Nature heals slowly.
But Nature heals best. It follows its own pattern, not ours. Ki Energy Training
offers one of the shortest and most direct ways to walk this profound
healing path.

Ki Energy Training consists of 100 classes divided into 12 steps, performed

in a small class setting in sessions lasting one hour. Each class consists of
chanting and breathing exercises to purify the mind and refine the energy
system; systematized ki movements to revitalize and strengthen the body’s
energy circulation; and silent meditation to develop mental clarity and to
enhance spiritual development. The training room is filled with the power of
invisible Ki, and students learn how to receive, circulate, and retain vital

Ki Energy Training is believed by many to be a natural and lasting solution

to such health problems as stress, migraines, back and neck pain, chronic
fatigue, food allergies, digestive disorders, anxiety, depression, and other
serious illnesses.

Although many health programs deal with the mind and body separately, Ki
Training restores emotional and physical balance by disciplining the body
and mind simultaneously. As trainees participate in classes and receive
healing treatments, they sometimes report that old energy blockages are
dissolved, toxins are released, signs of stress and aging are removed and
emotional balance is restored.

Ki Energy Healing Treatment The hands-on application of vital energy

known as Chunsoo, or “heavenly hands,” is an integral part of the Chun
Do Sun Bup (CDSB) healing program. During this treatment, the Ki Master
transmits cosmic energy into the body’s blocked energy meridians through
finger pressure and sound frequencies.

The sshhh breath sound deeply penetrates energy blockages by combining

sound with vibration. A Ki Energy Healing Treatment can take between 15 to
30 minutes depending on the state of one’s energy system. Through this
technique, energy blockages can be quickly located and opened, leading to
the removal of pain, tension and toxins that are often the precursors of
disease. After treatment, the physical body is detoxified, the mind is
stabilized resulting in clearer thinking and emotional balance, and the
natural flow of Ki is restored to the immune system.

Ki Ancestor and Family Healing A commonly acknowledged cause of energy

blockages is the accumulation of toxins and negative emotions such as
chronic anger, worry or grief. Another source of energy blockage is an
inherited energy blockage. As the name implies, our parents pass on this
type of weakness to us. All energy blockages affect us physically, mentally
and spiritually and inherited energy blockages can defy the best efforts of
traditional and alternative medicine. Interestingly, both Western and
Eastern medicine conclude that certain illnesses are familial such as heart
disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Western medicine would attribute
these illnesses to mutations of a gene, while Eastern thinking postulates the
influence of our Ancestors unresolved negative mind states and emotions.
Through Ancestor Training Ceremonies led by the Chun Do Sun Bup Masters
we’re allowed to heal such ancestral energy blockages and to restore new
levels of health and well-being to our families and ourselves.

A whole plant is contained in the seed. An entire person is contained in an

egg. Every living thing in the world comes from seed. And every living thing
in the world dies and falls to the earth. Bodies rot, only to feed the earth
and release the seed. That is true rebirth.

Tao is infinite. It is a seed of unlimited circumference, with its center any

point in boundless eternity. Tao is a tiny seed, containing unlimited
universes its dimensionless center. The seed is the whole of what we want
to know. The seed is the center. The seed is the source. And the source is
the whole of Tao.

--- “Everyday Tao” - Deng Ming-Dao

Please contact Suhn Ki Energy Center, 4 West 22nd Street, 3rd Fl. New York,
NY 10010, 212-604-9595.

New York Ki Energy Center

150 West 56th Street, #3803

New York, N.Y. 10019
(Between 6th and 7th Ave.)

Cell: 917 806 1801


For more details, please feel free to call me at 212-604-9595.

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