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CIS 266 – Developing Applications with Visual Basic .

Homework Assignments: Student Registration

You are developing an application to help students register for classes at SPSCC. The
following tasks need to be performed in the application:
• Display course and section information
• Entry, updating and deleting student information
• Enrolling students in a section and canceling enrollment
• Display a specific student with a list of all sections that student is/has enrolled in

Over the quarter, you will be building different parts of this application for homework
assignments. Each homework assignment has a specific product (described below). All
assignments should include the following:
 Planning documents: Use flow charts, data descriptions, pseudocode or other techniques
to describe how you will accomplish the homework. Planning documents should identify
classes (including parent and child forms) and the purpose of each; the principle
procedures for each class; and data associated with each form. Planning documents are
worth 10 points.
 Project files: Copy your project folder (project, solution, form, class and/or component
files) to the R: drive. The project portion of each assignment is worth 15 points.
 Database: Use a SQL Server or Access database to store data, and include the file in
your project folder. Include at least five sample records in each table.
 Code: Code should be fully commented, with student name, summaries of procedure
purpose and logic, and summary of each class/component. Include a print out of your
code for the current assignment.
 Application interface: Include a MDI (multiple-document interface) main form to manage
the application. Access to the data forms for the assignments should be provided by
menu. Provide access to the data forms using a menu or toolbar. The MDI form should
include a status bar which is updated with application information each time an action

Choice of form layout, interface design and controls is up to you. Keep in mind that how I
work may be different from you; make sure that choices and steps are easily understood.
Don’t worry about security.

Database Design

Use the following database design for your homework. Build the database file in SQL Server
or Access. Use naming conventions that work for you; at a minimum include the data type
for a field as part of the field name.

Tables hold the following data:

• Courses table: information about course content;
• Sections table: data about the particular times and locations a course is offered;
• Students table: information about individual students; and
• Enrollments table: data about which students are enrolled in each section.

The database diagram below uses the following naming conventions. Each table name is
preceded by "tbl" to identify the object as a table. For example, "tblCourses" identifies the
object as a table with the subject (or purpose) of the table course information. Each field
name has three parts. The first three characters identify the table the field belongs to. After
the underscore, the next three characters identify the field data type (see table at end). The

last part describes the field data. So "crs_bytCredits" is a field in the courses table (crs),
byte data type (byt), and holds credit values. You may choose to use this convention or not
in your database.

Homework #4

Create a form to display, delete and update the information for a course. Allow a user to
navigate through all courses, or to select a course using a combo box. Use bound controls.
• Make sure your project automatically updates the database file location OR allows
the user to specify the location by using the File menu on the mdi-form.
• Include a status bar for the mdi-form to inform the user about finding, not finding, or
saving courses.
Homework #5

Create a form that displays and edits both course and section (schedule) information. You
may display a single course or multiple courses. For the current course (the course currently
displayed or the row highlighted in a grid), display schedule information for that course in a
grid. Data for the courses and schedule tables must be contained in a dataset. Establish a
datarelation between these tables.

Add a menu or toolbar to the mdi-form that allows the user to select either of the forms
from homework #4 or #5 for display. Include a Window menu choice in the mdi-form that
allows the user to select, tile, cascade, and close and child windows.

Homework #6

Create a form for browsing and editing student information, one student at a time. Provide
the ability to:
• Navigate through records (forwards/backwards/first/last record);
• Change existing student information;
• Enter data for a new student; and
• Delete a student.

Data should be managed through a dataset separate from your interface. Create and
manage the dataset in code, rather than using the designers, and provide access to the
dataset through the mdi-form.

Data Type Notation

Text txt Long integer lng Memo mem
Autonumber aut Byte byt Decimal dec
Date/Time dtm Integer int Single sng
Yes/No ysn Double dbl Currency cur

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