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My untouchable logic when I was a 15 year old evangelical Christian (
submitted 13 hours ago by justanotherfister
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[]Agnostic AtheistIrishB_Cubed 45 points 13 hours ago
"Don't believe? You will after my Hulk powers kick in!"
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[]Anti-TheistStraddllw 15 points 9 hours ago
Puny god.
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[]DrBannerPhd 1 point 13 hours ago
Who's powers?
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[]AJEstes 25 points 12 hours ago
Ugh. I remember when I was 15 and thought I knew everything. Good on your for getting out, it's a
hard thing to eat that humble pie when the time comes.
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[]aries1138 18 points 12 hours ago

Do you believe in radiation poisoning? Because the Church of Fallout would like to talk to you
about the The Great War and how it changed everything.
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[]De-Facto AtheistCenki 12 points 11 hours ago
Church of the Atom?
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[]aries1138 4 points 11 hours ago
I was going to go into a rant about how the Church of Fallout and the Church of the Atom had a
falling out with each other over who really started the Great War, Humanity or Communist Scum,
but yeah, you nailed it.
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[]goodtimesKC 31 points 12 hours ago
You were brainwashed and in a cult. Just be glad you made it out.
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[]justanotherfister [S] 24 points 12 hours ago
I know, and I am
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[]NihilistSotiCoto 8 points 11 hours ago
Out? Is there any "out"? ... Or is it just brainwashed cults all the way down?
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[]Foxphyre 3 points 9 hours ago
I was confused until I saw your flair then it all came into focus. Well played
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[]UpSideofDown 20 minutes ago
I was there too as a misdirected youth. Might be a little scary, but feels really good waking up and
seeing the world w/o the filters, doesn't it?
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[]jonathino001 5 points 10 hours ago
Well we clearly exist, so I guess god isn't so all-knowing after all.
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[]cenamark 7 points 9 hours ago
I love how they always try to make those shirts look extreme and edgy.
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[]nootrino 29 minutes ago
"Rad, dude!"
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[]Ex-Theistanalogkid01 5 points 8 hours ago
My favorite shirt from my holy rollin' days ('88-'92) read "I've got THE CURE for your DEPRESSED
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[]justanotherfister [S] 11 points 8 hours ago
I had another that said "Global warming is nothing next to eternal burning "
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[]swarlay 4 points 7 hours ago
Hey, at least it acknowledges global warming.
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[]Strong AtheistXinotine 1 point 4 hours ago
Why do some of religious people try to question global warming anyway? How does that contradict
their bible?
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[]Pantheisttimidforrestcreature 8 points 4 hours ago
It doesn't, republican politicians are just corporate whores paid to allow said corporations to remain
polluting our air and water rather than pay to be clean, they use religion to manipulate their idiot
base but don't actually believe it.

The rhetoric is along the lines of "I'm personally not so arrogant as to believe human beings have
the power to destroy gods creation" along with straight up contradicting scientific consensus global
warming is real and man made.
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[]Strong AtheistXinotine 2 points 4 hours ago
Ah, well, when haven't leaders and politicians used faith of the masses to manipulate masses.
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[]Secular Humanistdumnezero 2 points 4 hours ago
it goes against conservative "Freedom" politics, because the it's not something that can be
countered with free market capitalism; it needs organized and international governmental activity
it's also evidence of indiscriminate suffering and misery, which goes against their notions of just
gods and free will; among humans, the first and main victims of this climate change are poor and
vulnerable people in countries that lack the social safety nets and infrastructure to reduce the
damage and to adapt
it bothers creationists, because .. well, the whole thing is based on science regarding really old
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[]Anti-TheistMike8789 1 point 4 hours ago
It implies god isn't in control of the earth and if it really was an issue god would do something about
it. That's the best explanation I can think of.
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[]acydetchx 1 point 2 hours ago
Seems to come down to disbelief that humans could affect something God created on such a large
scale. I mean, they believe that God made the Earth and made humans and so therefore is
responsible for how the environment is suitable to our life. The idea that our puny actions could
alter that environment so terribly is laughable to them. They also say it's incredibly arrogant of us to
think our actions can affect nature so much.
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[]tuzki 2 points 2 hours ago
I wonder how they rationalize nukes and reactors.
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[]acydetchx 1 point 2 hours ago
I dunno. We've also caused entire animal species to go extinct and altered other species on
purpose and by accident to a crazy degree. Hell, we've changed the very face of the planet simply
by irrigating, let alone giant dams, pavement everywhere, etc. They don't rationalize too much,
really, is the lesson.
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[]Strong AtheistXinotine 1 point 1 hour ago
Strange how different way people can think... I think it is irresponsible to not regocnize the impact
of our (referring to human as species) actions on environment.
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[]Je_suis_les_escargot 6 points 11 hours ago
But you know what god does believe in supporting Slavery, killing innocent people, drowning
animals, sacrificing children, giving out a variety of diseases, stoning gays, and sending people to
burn in an eternal hell fire and have the worst pain imaginable because they didn't believe in him.
But you know what they say "god works in mysterious ways"
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[]ghallway 3 points 9 hours ago
I bet you got more tail than Sinatra with that shirt.
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[]justanotherfister [S] 5 points 9 hours ago
Oh yeah. It was either that or the haircut
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[]justanotherfister [S] 41 minutes ago
Obligatory "this is what I look like now" pic. I'm a much happier person these days. http://

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[]aeipownzu 18 minutes ago
God damn dude. Went from a geeky bowl cut kid to.... Wow.
No homo
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[]justanotherfister [S] 14 minutes ago
Aha thanks man
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[]kuhawk5 3 minutes ago
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[]Satanistsupahmonkey 3 points 2 hours ago
My rebuttal to 15 year old you: atheists exist, there's no need to believe in them.
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[]Anti-TheistHairyTales 3 points 1 hour ago
In your defense, you were still green back in the day.
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[]justanotherfister [S] 57 minutes ago
That was some weird filter on the pic sorry lol
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[]Nihilistthejoesighuh 6 points 10 hours ago
Well... it's not wrong; that which does not exist does not believe in anything.
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[]Sorrypuppy 2 points 8 hours ago
R/blunderyears would like a word with you :)
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[]Skewered_Planets 1 point 8 hours ago
Pussy slayer!
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[]alshaw 1 point 7 hours ago
It's sad when the message of Christ is reduced to a t-shirt or bumper sticker slogan, especially one
that demeans other human beings made in God's image.
My own journey has involved thinking through more critically some of the nonsense that dominates
sections of the church and focusing instead on the core message of Christ, which after decades I
still find overwhelmingly fascinating.
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[]Strong AtheistJim-Jones 1 point 7 hours ago
Does god believe in god?
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[]Anti-Theistu-bunt 2 points 5 hours ago
but who was phone?
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[]Anti-Theistu-bunt 1 point 5 hours ago
If only you got laid a lot, you wouldn't have had all this pent up anger. Too bad religion forbids that.
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[]Golgon3 1 point 3 hours ago
His face fucked that up before religion ever had a chance.
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[]Anti-Theistu-bunt 1 point 3 hours ago
No, it didn't. I'm someone who had bad acne, cleared it up by changing my diet and lifestyle, hit the
gym, went out a lot, banged 9 girls in a year, and met my GF.
Religion prevents you from changing your lifestyle and improving yourself because it puts
responsibility on some imaginary creature.
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[]Anti-TheistDefinitelyHated 2 points 2 hours ago
"Just pray about it."

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[]justanotherfister [S] 53 minutes ago
Nah man it took acutane to clear that shit up, I had the bad stuff
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[]Atheistspook327 1 point 1 hour ago
I love how these shirts try to use an edgy punk aesthetic to say "hey, be just like 75% of the
country, you'll be SO HIP."
Like graffiti that says "CONFORM" or "DON'T ROCK THE BOAT."
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[]ClosetCase626 1 point 1 hour ago
I had that shirt too! I got it back at Spirit Song at Kings Island. I remember going to school with it on
hoping to offend some atheists so I could lay down some biblical stuff on people
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[]justanotherfister[S] 56 minutes ago
Hahaha YES. Always hoped they would dare to mess with me.
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[]OkamiKurai 1 point 1 hour ago
I always got the opposite argument of "You may not believe in god but god believes in you"
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[]Strong AtheistDrDiarrhea 1 point 1 hour ago
Yeah, that's annoying. I think the most patronizing one is, when you tell someone you are an
atheist, and they say "Oh, that's ok. Nobody's perfect".
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[]tndavo 46 minutes ago
You were so green back then.
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[]Strong Atheisthomo_erraticus 1 point 10 hours ago*
Coincidence? I think not. (Sound familiar?) We have a photo of a T-shirt emblazoned with the
words 'God doesn't believe in atheists' posted on a sub dedicated to the discussion of atheism and
related topics. So, God does not believe in what clearly exists. Hey, it is written, so it must be true.
That proves God wrong, and since God can't be wrong, God obviously isn't God.
Who'd a thunk an irradiated 15 year old evangelical would have presented the proof for which
we've been searching?
Case /s
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[]CamelShakers 1 point 8 hours ago
You can see the ignorance was making you visibly ill
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[]justanotherfister[S] 1 point 8 hours ago
Well, also the horrific modular cystic acne
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[]Pantheisttimidforrestcreature -1 points 4 hours ago
Two questions, do you still vote republican, if so why? And secondly, what caused you to renounce
your faith?
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[]justanotherfister[S] 57 minutes ago
I actually do lean republican, yes.
And because I just came to not believe the bullshit anymore. It just got more and more ridiculous
the more I thought about it
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[]Pantheisttimidforrestcreature 8 minutes ago
How do you feel about virtually no republican presidential candidates thinking global warming is
real and man made while often citing biblical bullshit to do so?
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[]Agnostic AtheistTroppin -4 points 7 hours ago
How many times did you pray for God to take away your acne? (sorry :)

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[]justanotherfister[S] 59 minutes ago
Often. Guess what finally cleared it though? Acutane.
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[]Agnostic AtheistTroppin 54 minutes ago
Praise science.
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