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ORIN PEMF Machine Treats Osteoporosis With Big Success

Let's face it. When it comes to conditions such as Osteoporosis besides hundreds of other unwanted
health conditions, the medical inductry is only interested in on going treatment such as prescription
medication like addicting pain killers.
The medical industry is not in the business of actually healing most unwanted health conditions. They
make more money with on gping treatment. Whereas a holistic health machine like the ORIN PEMF
Machines can not only treat Osteoporosis, and hundreds of other health conditions it cam actually heal
the problems.
Osteoporosis can now be treated and possibly cured just by using a new holistic health machine.
New Lenox, Il, 12/22/2015 Osteoporosis is worse than people think. Worldwide, osteoporosis causes
more than 8.9 million fractures annually, resulting in an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds. In the
United States alone, 10 million people have osteoporosis, and 18 million more are at risk of developing
the disease.

That being said, there is some good news. There is a holistic health machine on the market that can
prevent, treat, and in many cases cure Osteoporosis. The machine is sold by a company called Miracle
Alternatives, LLC. The holistic health machine I called the ORIN PEMF Machine. 4 different (PEMF)
models are made by ORIN. All in which is capable of treating Osteoporosis.
The ORIN PEMF Machines are classified as "pulsed electro magnetic field" machines.
(PRMF) Machines are designed and used to treat hundreds of unwanted and even life-threatening
health conditions in addition to Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis Explained:

Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass, structure and function that leads to painful mechanic instability
of the skeleton with the risk of fractures. The most important forms of osteoporosis are the afterclimacteric and senile osteoporosis.
In general, the cause of osteoporosis is the imbalance between the buildup and loss of bone tissue. The
main symptom is strong pain in bones. It can be accompanied by complications like fractures, which
can lead to permanent changes in the skeleton, e.g. a decrease in body height. It is only partially
possible to diagnose osteoporosis in the early stage. The advanced stage can be well distinguished on
the X-ray. Treatment of osteoporosis is usually performed with medication for bone metabolism. If left
untreated, the disease progresses and can lead to physical disability and other conditions requiring care.
Thus, prevention is of big importance, including nutrition rich in calcium and regular physical activity
and hormonal therapy for women in menopause. Yet hormonal therapy has been sharply criticized after
the latest clinical trials in the USA.
As long as the bone mass is only reduced, osteoporosis causes few problems. But if the disease
progresses to fractures and bone deformations, strong pain occurs, which makes further movement
impossible. If the long tubular bones are affected e.g. by femur neck fracture, it becomes clear that the
leg cannot be moved and it will be nigh impossible to run. Spine fractures are connected with strong
pain as well, but they are often mistaken for lumbago or sciatica. Spine fractures are followed by a
height loss of up to 20 cm, occurrence of a rounded back and more conspicuous curvature of the
lumbar spine forwards. These changes can go so far that the ribs get into direct contact with the ridge of
the pelvic bone. With after-climacteric osteoporosis, the first fractures occur 6-12 years after
menopause, i.e. after last menstrual bleeding.
To ease their complications, many patients restrict their movement and try to stick to one posture,
whereby the muscle stiffness is very painful. One third of patients are dependent on everyday help after
several years of disease progress. This loss of life quality cannot be left out from the list of problems.
All models of ORIN PEMF Machines are so technologically advanced, versatile, and powerful that it
can treat, prevent and eradicate hundreds of other unwanted health conditions.
Here is a partial list of unwanted health conditions that the ORIN PEMF Machines can treat;
Pain Relief Alzheimers Disease Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis Arthritis Asthma Atherosclerosis
Bone Healing Bronchitis Burns Cervical Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis Chronic Venous
Insufficiency Dental Problems Depression Diabetes Elbow Pain Endometriosis/Endometritis
Epilepsy Eye Disorders Facial Nerve Neuropathy/Paralysis Fibromyalgia Glaucoma
Gynecology Headache Hearing Loss Heart Disease Herpetic Stomatitis Hypertension
Insomnia Kidney Failure/Inflammation/Stones Knee Pain Laryngeal Inflammation Leprosy
Limb Lengthening Liver/ Hepatitis Lupus Erythematosus Lymphadenitis Mandibular
Osteomyelitis Maxillofacial Disorders Migraine Enhances Meditation Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Rehabilitation Muscular Dystrophy Neck Pain Nerve Regeneration Neuropathy Optic
Nerve Atrophy Osteochondrosis Osteoporosis Pain Pancreatitis Parkinsons Disease
Paroxysmal Dyskinesia Pelvic Pain Peptic - Duodenal Ulcer Periodontitis Peripheral Neuropathy
Pneumonia Poisoning Detoxification Post-Mastectomy Post-Polio Syndrome Post-Herpetic
Pain Prostatitis Pseudoarthrosis Psoriasis preventative Health Care Rheumatoid Arthritis
Schizophrenia Seasonal Affective Disorder Shoulder Pain Sinusitis Sleep Insomnia Spinal
Cord Injury Stomach Ulcers Stroke Tendonitis Tinnitus Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Trophic Ulcer Tubal Pregnancy Tuberculosis Urinary Incontinence Urinary Inflammation

Trauma Uterine Myoma Vasomotor Rhinitis Vestibular Dysfunction Whiplash Wound Healing
osteoporosis Wrinkles Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Erectile Dysfunction Disorder Chakra
Energy Balancing Osteoporosis Helps Reduce Chemotherapy Side Effects Such As Nausea Bone And
Muscle Strengthening
For additional information please contact: James Matthew at Miracle Alternatives, LLC by phone
Fax (1.815.854.4601) or email (
You will also find further information on our web site at
To learn more about ORIN PEMF Machines visit product web site to view all ORIN models, read
descriptions, read customer testimonials, and watch product video demonstrations and video
About Miracle Alternatives, LLC: Miracle Alternatives, LLC has been in business since 2013.
Legal disclaimer: Miracle Alternatives, LLC.
The success stories are representative outcomes. However, there are no guarantees, promises,
representations and/or assurances concerning the level of future results. Furthermore Miracle
Alternatives, LLC does not claim and or guarantee the products they sell will prevent or cure any type
of sickness, illness, pain, virus and diseases.
James Matthew
Miracle Alternatives, LLC

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