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Charlotte S Lin
At the same precise moment on July 21, 1989, two babies were born. One his father named War and the
other her father named Love. They were both born into poor circumstances and for the rest of their
lives they would fight for a better life.
Both had similar families and similar friends, but on March 17, 2001, War and Love's fates were sealed.
Neither grew up popular or with many friends. Both had a very quiet side as children and an extremely
outgoing side. Outgoing in hopes to make a new friend, to have more of a family. For War and Love,
both their mother's died when they were young. War's mother died of cancer and Love's mother was a
victim of a hit and run. Their fathers and grandparents raised them. They had no aunts or uncles. And
they were very lonely. War and Love lived in the lowest income bracket and their fathers worked hard
to give them great educations. Their grandparents helped but could only do so much.
So on March 17, 2001, when War and Love were eating lunch they both overheard some talk. Neither
were favorable to them. Both were hurt, but took it very hard. They had been innocent until this point.
They were already in the outcast group- friends that came together because no other group accepted
them, but all they wanted was the missing piece their mother had left in tragedy. And no outcast group
could fill that need. But as War's heart hardened with sadness, Love's heart just felt sad. This
complicated matter was their fate.
December 11, 2015: Graduation day. War proudly held an MBA and Love just accepted her MFA. War
continued on the business route and Love struggled to find work with her art background. She didn't
want go through any more school. The Master's wasn't working, the Bachelor's didn't. She could only
work jobs, she excelled at, but had no passion for. She felt an emptiness she barely was aware of, but it
being there, she was never truly satisfied. War on the other hand, had emptied out his heart a long time
ago and was having the time of his life.
With all their strengths and qualities, War and Love were both people who could bring a great deal of
change into this world if this world let them. But War, aware of his qualities, used them to climb every
ladder, manipulate every situation to his will, and to never feel the way he once felt- human.
A few months later, Love, still the same lonely child, started a blog. Despite a great boyfriend who
loved her with all his heart, he couldn't nurse her and talk with her and watch TV with her like she
wished. Love was dying, but no doctor understood why. Still poor, but sustained by her family's and
boyfriend's finances, every type of way to heal was being practiced and she could walk, she could talk,
her brain still functioned the same, her hands moved the same, but she couldn't do anything for long
before she had to rest. She called her blog, My Many Days- wanting to share her days with others,
maybe make some connections with people, maybe even some people who will think, Hey, I really
like her writing and that she is meaningful. Always an artist.
She started writing about just what happens in her day to day life. How much medication, her exercises,
machines, acupuncture, aroma therapy, music, art, et al, et al. She even thought maybe she could be an
inspiration because your last days are still your days. But she never wrote that. Her thoughts, she only
shared with her closest loved ones. Still that scared child of what others' think and say. Still unsure if
she was actually smart or just well educated and cared for.
Meanwhile, War became more powerful and successful. He had more money than he knew what to

do with, but still it wasn't enough. Money didn't mean much to him. He wanted control. War became
involved in, well, war. He didn't care who died or what was ruined. What cultures could be eliminated.
He could buy people, power, anything. Or at least in his mind, if he kept smart and stayed sharp. He
was on the path to ruling the world and no one absolutely no one would be able to do anything to
him if he achieved that.
Yes, both Love and War dreamed large and idealisticly. Only Love, although she was selfish, she was
not so willingly.
A while after, Love's blog started to get attention. She had a lot of thoughts on a healthy life that were
effective for a lot of people. She was creating a name for herself as an expert on how to live a
physically healthy life. She didn't need to post as often either. There was lots of very organized content
on her blog she had already written. And she was generating some money through that. But she always
held back because she was very strict on how that money was received, for what product or service the
money given was for, and felt responsible for her readers.
One day, while daydreaming though, she realized she needed to stop accepting the money. Her heart
had grown stronger with the positive reinforcement from her readers that she was fun to read and clear
and thoughtful. She wasn't as scared to just be herself. She realized though, if all her thoughts did go on
that blog, she might come in danger. So as War had always done, Love strategized and clearly mapped
out exactly how her next posts would go and how to protect herself. She had a lot of time. She studied
everything she could about internet security and computers and the internet and more. She did
everything to protect herself. She truly became impenetrable.
By the time War had sprouted his first war, Love had written her first blog against weaponry. Love's
blog became holistic and a way for her to share her thoughts and connect with others on another level.
She wrote, POST 98: A WORLD THAT IS HEALTHY. I imagine a world where we have evolved our
thoughts and emotions beyond the use of weapons or selfishness. A world without money or structured
disadvantage. Where we work to move forward endlessly and continue to improve our being. I do not
approve of advancements that replace the use of our intelligence or encourage the laziness that we've
all succumbed to. Technological advancement should advance our mental, social, emotional, physical,
creative, and 'spiritual' health- whether qi, soul, aura, or other. Being human is a gift. We must cherish
it, not squander it. With what we are given, we should do our best. We are not alone. We must
collectively understand that the whole world is our family. While we are individuals, we should treat
each other with the love of family, but we all have our own, thoughts, feelings, live, etc and should
respect that. It is a hard task to reach Utopia. But it is not beyond our reach. With all my posts on
communication (all emphasizing it's importance to resolve conflicts and create harmony) and having
the will to always reach understanding- the best you can, I am now posting a post about respect.
Respect is not authoritative. It's not an easy matter. It's not as simple as doing onto others as they do
onto you. But you cannot have a healthy world without any of what I have preached. If you respect
yourself, you will do what's best for you and learn that it also means respecting others. So, respect
yourself and respect others and the world will have a chance at peace. Right now, though, we may be
on the path without disease, but we will not be healthy. Continue to achieve (NOT REPLACE) and we
will forever be healthy.
Love had achieved a much greater following by this time and some had started worshiping her. To War,
she was a threat. He kept watch very carefully and Love had outlived every time length every doctor
had given her. She thought of herself as ill now instead of dying. She felt powerful and knew that
people had given her a royal saintly status. War made sure every person who could be a threat would

quickly never become one. Love preached self-education and love of learning. She was already a
threat, but this was her first direct attack and first time War had become aware of her. He swiftly
enlisted people to find who she was. But Love knew with every post she wrote she was getting closer
and closer to danger.
War's initial staff couldn't find her. And he knew, she was smarter than he thought and took no chance
and enlisted a team of his best to find and take hostage of her family as swiftly as possible. She had
much more potential on that blog than he imagined. If Love died, she'd become a martyr. But if she
disgraced herself to save her family, she would lose followers. If she continued, she'll continue to make
people think, make people ruin his life, everything he had built. Months passed without being able to
trace her.
Then Love, sat at her computer once again on a good day where she could lift her fingers and type and
wrote one last post: POST 102: THIS IS MY LAST. As you know, I started this blog after doctors told
me I was dying. I wanted to share my life and my health with others. The love you have all given me
gave me the strength to write beyond my thoughts of getting physically better. Your love gave me
bravery from a shy girl to a bold blogger. Do not think I do not want to show you who I am. I wish I
could meet all of you. But as I wrote and became bolder, I wanted to remain anonymous. I will not
write exactly why, but I have written my thoughts on thinking and with thought you will know.
Continue to think. I love all of you. I want the best for all of you. Continue for yourselves, to want the
best for yourself and everyone else. Greed and improvement are not the same. Know I am not a saint. I
am not always right, although I do write with conviction my strongest of beliefs. But I believe I think
well and express my thoughts well rather than have the necessary answers. Many have become better in
this way or that because of a decision of mine years ago to write a simple blog about my life. But, what
is truly 'better'? Does anyone really know. We have so much room to grow. I believe, what is not good,
we feel in our bones. So, trust yourself and let's move forward by communicating, understanding,
learning, and achieving, and our world in any place will be our Utopia.
I also want you to know, this is my last post not because I will no longer draw breath. But because I
have given enough. For the world, my world which is my family as you are my family, I used all the
strength I could to write, slowly lifting my fingers, taking the breaks I needed for each paragraph I
submitted. Like advice a sister gives I give to you. I want to remain anonymous. I want you to know
my story. I was lonely even with a loving family. I have gone through worse than the weakness of my
body. I could never hate those who others deemed responsible for the pain I have felt and still feel. I
believe I am not that unique. But without hatred, I felt like a freak. This blog made me love myself and
branch out to be the freak that I am. I am a freak. I don't hold grudges. I'm not petty. I can't understand
a lot of people no matter what I've been through. I'm always sympathetic. Great qualities. But always
slightly disconnected. With your love and mine, we have a percentage of changing the world. So by
being a freak now, we have a chance at everlasting health, peace, love, and harmony with freaks
everywhere- no war, no money, no hate, nothing but the best. Luxury for everyone. Education. Ultrapreservation.
Carry on my blog. Share your thoughts. Listen to others. Love each other. This is all I ask. And I will
rest my fingers happily knowing Utopia could be real.
And Love, rested her fingers as War's best man came in and moved her away from her computer. He
softly asked, I was sent to hurt you. But there are 8 other men I've killed to protect you. I work for a
man who does not think about anyone but himself. But I've read your blog for years. You are a miracle.
I don't have much time. What can I do to make today better?

She said, Press submit. He did as she asked.

Then he helped her into bed to rest. And she felt warm and uttered weakly but clearly as he listened
closely and patiently, Follow... that last post... please... if you... believe... my thoughts... to be true.
And even softer and closer. Don't... tell... anyone... who... I am. He read her last post, followed her,
cleared all traces of her blog to her. And killed himself in another city. As she slept, she drew her last
and peaceful breath.
Her funeral was small because her social grew smaller as she aged and even smaller when she grew too
weak. But her loved ones remembered her, gave her the funeral she had wanted, and lived in a way the
best they could.
War, on the other hand, lived a long life. But he never lived it out. Never really lonely, never really
happy. He replaced the men who died with men with equal skill. But, after his death, he became
nothing. But Love's thoughts keep slowly permeating.
With each millennium thus far, haven't we changed so much just in thought?
Love's thoughts became a way of thinking. Her thoughts became thought in schools. The holistic
approach, a millennium later, became a standard- nurturing each individual's mind, body, spirit,
emotional state, and creativity. From STEM to an educational system that only ends when you die and
is free to anyone who wants to learn. To more millenniums later, where money doesn't exist anymore,
people live outside of earth as well, no one is interested in artificial intelligence, and war is something
that people learn about, not hear about. All because Love wrote a blog.

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