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Research Design

by John Creswell

Worldviews (aka methodologies)

Postpositivist (6-7)
Social Constructivist (8-9)
Advocacy/Participatory (9-10)
Pragmatic (10-11)

Strategies of Inquiry
(aka methodologies)
Qualitative (e.g. ethnography)
Mixed Method

ways to gather data

Literature Review
Secondary/library research conducted to
situate current study
Important questions:
Can it be researched?
Should it be researched?
Is there any interest in this?

Independent & Dependent Variables

situation + independent variable = dependent
adults over 25 + drink green tea = better
performance on memory test

Intervening Variables
situation + independent variable + intervening
variable = dependent variable
adults over 25 + drink green tea + steeped tea
for 15 minutes = better performance on
memory test

Moderating Variables
situation + independent variable + intervening
variable = dependent variable
[+moderating variables]
adults over 25 + drink green tea + steeped tea
for 15 minutes = better performance on
memory test
[age x ounces consumed daily]

Control Variables
situation + independent variable = dependent
adults over 25 + drink green tea = better
performance on memory test
situation + control variable = dependent
adults over 25 + drink no green tea = no
change in performance on memory test

Confounding Variable
situation + independent variable [+
confounding variable] = dependent variable

adults over 25 + drink green tea [+ daily

crossword] = better performance on memory

Purpose Statement
coveys overall intent of study (111);
include methodology, method, site,
participants, definitions (112-113)

Research Questions
central question of project
what or how are generally qualitative
Quintessential ethnography question:
What is happening here?
nondirectional (no cause, impact, influence,

null, directional, nondirectional (134-135)

Sampling Terms
cross-sectional (146)
longitudinal (146)
population (148)
single-stage or cluster sampling (148)
random sample
convenience sample (148)
stratification (148)
random table list & sample size formula (149)

Validity (Experimental)
Does the instrument measure what you want
it to measure? [Think SATs: are they apt
indicators of a student's potential for
threats to validity (162-165)

Reliability (Experimental)
Consistency of scores internally (on the same
instrument), over time, and in the
administration and scoring
Key for Writing Studies: interrater reliability:
will different readers score a piece of writing
the same over time?

True experiment (uses random sampling) vs.
Quasi experiment (does not use random
sampling) (155)
pre-experiment (no control group) (158)

Backyard Research
Studying the researcher's own organization,
friends, work, family, etc. (177)
In Writing Studies, this is a researcher studying
his/her own classroom (teacher research) or
own institution (happens a lot in dissertations
and theses)

Methods for qualitative research

audio/visual artifacts

breaking data into pieces and assigning each
piece at least one label (code)

Qualitative Reliability Strategies

check transcripts for accuracy
check for code drift
intercoder agreement (190-91)

Qualitative Validity Strategies

member checking
rich, thick description
disclosure of bias
include discrepant information
stay in field long enough
peer debriefing
external auditor (191-92)

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