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Law No.

26 of 2005 promulgating the Tenders and Bids Regulatory

Law 26 / 2005
Number of Articles: 78
Stars icon indicate that some articles are amended

Table of Content
Issuance Articles (1-5)
Part 1 (1-23)
General Provisions (1-23)
Chapter One (1-11)
Contracting Provisions and Methods (1-11)
Chapter Two (12-18)
The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) (12-18)
Chapter Three (19-23)
Classification of Contractors (19-23)
Part 2 (24-59)
Public Tenders (24-59)
Chapter One (24-35)
Tendering Procedures and Proposal Submissions (24-35)
Chapter Two (36-38)
Tender Bond (Provisional Insurance) (36-38)
Chapter Three (39-43)
Opening of Envelopes and Technical Assessment (39-43)
Chapter Four (44-59)
Tender Disposition, Contract Finalization and Implementation (44-59)
Part 3 (60-62)
Local Tenders, Competitive Negotiation and Direct Agreement (60-62)
Chapter One (60-61)
Local Tender (60-61)
Chapter Two (62-62)
Competitive Negotiation and Direct Agreement (62-62)
Part 4 (63-73)
Bids (63-73)

We, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar,

Having perused the Amended Provisional Constitution, in particular Articles 23, 34 and 51 thereof;
Law No. 2 of 1962 on regulating the Qatari general financial policy, as amended by Decree-Law No. 19 of 1996;
Law No. 8 of 1976 on regulating tenders and bids (auctions), and the amending laws thereof;
Decree-Law No. 14 of 1991, as amended by Law No. 11 of 2002, regulating the Ministry of Justice and assigning
its responsibilities;
Law No. 4 of 1995 on the Audit Bureau and the amending laws thereof;

The Civil Services Law issued pursuant to Law No. 1 of 2001;

Law No. 11 of 2005 regulating the Ministry of Finance and assigning its jurisdictions;
Committee of Claims and Compensations, and the amending decisions thereof;
Recommendation from the Minister of Finance;
The draft law submitted by the Council of Ministers;and
After consulting the opinion of the Shura Council,
Have decided to pass the following Law:
Issuance Articles

Article 1 - Introduction

The provisions of the annexed Law regulating tenders and auctions shall come to force and shall apply to all ministries, other prospective
governmental bodies, and all public institutions and authorities, provided that these provisions do not conflict with the laws and decisions
establishing thereof. The following shall be excluded from the scope of the application thereof:
1. The Armed Forces and the Police, in respect of procurement of materials and contracts deemed to be of a confidential nature, for their
identification and regulations of conditions of tenders and contracts thereof a decision from the Emir.
2. Qatar Petroleum.

Article 2 - Introduction

Committee (CTC) or the Local Tendering Committee, as appropriate.

Article 3

- Introduction (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Council of Ministers, upon receipt of a proposal from the Minister of Economy and Finance, shall issue the Executive Regulations of this Law
within one year from the date of its promulgation. Pending this, all current decisions shall remain in force in such a way that does not conflict with
the provisions hereof.

Article 4 - Introduction

Law No. 8 of 1976 refered to shall be repealed and any provision that conflict with the provisions of this Law.

Article 5 - Introduction

All entities, each within its respective jurisdiction, shall implement this law , which shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Part 1
General Provisions
Chapter One
Contracting Provisions and Methods

Article 1

Contracts relating to the procurement of goods, commercial contracts, services or technical works shall be concluded through tenders. Exceptions may
apply through either of the following:
1. Enduring practice; or
2. Mutual agreement.

contracts shall be concluded according to the regulations, terms and procedures in the present Law and Executive Regulations thereto.

Article 2

Tenders may either be General, Restricted or Local. General and Local Tenders shall be publicly announced, and are subject to the publicity principles of
procedures, equity and free competition.

Article 3

A General Tender is the total of announced procedures inc compliance with the terms and conditions prescribed in this Law for the purpose of awarding a
tender to the best bidder. Tenders shall either be internal, where it is locally announced, or external, where it is announced locally and outside.

Article 4

Restricted Tenders shall be in the cases that, due to their nature, be confined to designated suppliers contractors, consultants or technicians specified
personally in lists prepared by the competent government body for this purpose and endorsed by the Central Tenders Committee provided that they are,
technically and financially competent and of well-reputation. The Executive Regulations of this law shall be determined under the qualification regulation on
which the aforementioned lists are prepared. The competent tenders Committee shall invite for the participation in the specified tender. The invitation shall
be by the means the Committee sees appropriate. The enclosed information shall include announcing the general bid. Notwithstanding, all other provisions
regulating the general bid shall be applicable to the specified bid whether internal or external.

Article 5 (Amended By Law 14/2010)

(Amended by Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010)

Contracts for the procurement of goods, construction workor the rendering of services where the value of such procurement of goods, business contracts
or services not exceeding QR 5,000,000 (five million Qatari Riyals)shall be concluded through Local Tenders. Such tenders are restricted to the
participation of commercially registered suppliers and contractors and local services providers registered in the commercial register. Notwithstanding, all
other provisions regulating public or general bid shall be apply to the local bid.

Article 6 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

Article 6
(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)
Contract shall be by practise negotiation in conditions whereby putting out to tender is deemed inapplicable, to select from at least of three suppliers or
contractors or service providers registered in the commercial register who have the required goods, or capability to undertake the job or conducting the
required services.

Article 7

Contracting shall be conducted through direct agreement with a certain supplier, contractor or service provider to procure goods, implement works or
rendering specific services due to the nature and specify of the goods, works or services.

Article 8

It is not permissible, to turn the bid into direct practice (competitive negotiation) or agreement after the announcement of the bid and submitting the bids.

Article 9

Contracting shall be within the actual necessary requirements for the prescribed activities. Periodical supplies and services contracts shall be concluded
for a duration exceeding the fiscal year provided that this does not entail additional financial commitments in one of the following fiscal year(s) than what
was prescribed in the contracting year.

Article 10 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

In the event of a dispute in the contract, the two contracting parties, upon approval from the Minister of Economy and Finance, shall resort to arbitration for
a resolution, provided that each party continue implementing his contractual obligations.

Article 11

The contractor may not waiver, all or part, of the due amounts to third parties without the approval of the competent Governmental Body. In case of waiver
of the contract, the contractor shall be jointly responsible with the assignee. The acceptance to waiver due amounts shall not prejudice the rights of the
Competent Governmental Body.

Chapter Two
The Central Tenders Committee (CTC)

Article 12 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

A committee called the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall be established and shall be affiliated to the Minister of Economy and Finance. The Central
Tenders Committee shall enjoy legal personality and shall be allocated a budget attached to the State's general budget.

The Committee shall comprise a president, vice president and members whose number shall be not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) and
among whom shall be representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Such representatives shall be mandated by the
relevant Ministers.

The appointment of the Committee president, vice president and members, shall be by an Emiri decree following the proposal of the Minister of Economy
and Finance,

The duration of Committee membership shall be three years, subject to renewal for similar term(s). Representatives of the competent Governmental Body,
as well as a representative from the Audit Bureau, shall attend the Committee meetings.

Article 13 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008):

The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall be assigned a trustee to be assisted by a number of employees whose appointment, competence and
remuneration shall be determined by a decision from the Minister of Economy and Finance.

Article 14 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall have an Executive Committee that shall be comprised of the necessary administrative units for the execution
of its competence. Identification, competence of the administrative units shall be determined pursuant to a decision by the Council of Ministers, upon the
proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance. Provisions of the Civil Service Law shall apply to officials of the Executive Committee.

Article 15 (Amended By Law 14/2010) (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010):

The Central Tenders Committee shall be responsible, upon request from the competent Governmental Body, and in accordance with the provisions of the
present Law, for submitting bids of value exceeding QR 5,000,000 (five million Qatari Riyals). It shall also be responsible for providing, logistics, storage
and distributing thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable relevant laws and decisions..

Article 16

The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall be responsible for receiving tenders opening envelopes, Scrutiny, and recommending the bid for the best

Article 17

The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall meet at its headquarters. A CTC meeting shall be regarded as quorate if it includes a majority of its members
including either the president or the Deputy. Recommendations of the Committee shall require the support of two-thirds majority of attending members.
Minutes shall be kept for each Committee meeting, to record discussions and recommendations. Minutes shall be signed by the president, attending
members and the trustee.
Any member of the Committee may not be allowed to attend meetings, participate in discussions and give views in any bid he/she has an interest therein.

Article 18 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

Upon a decision from the Council of Ministers, Tender and Bidding Committees may be established in some bodies/authority where this Law is applicable.
These Committees shall assume all or some of the competence of both Central and Local Tender Committees, in accordance with terms and regulations
determined by the law, for the Tender and Bids of bodies thereof.

Chapter Three
Classification of Contractors

Article 19

A committee called the Contractors' Classification Committee shall be established as a sub-committee of the Central Tenders Committee (CTC). This
sub-committee shall be responsible for the classification and re-classification of contractors into different categories and fields of specialty in accordance
with their financial, technical capabilities, expertise, competence and profile of previously implemented projects. This shall be done in accordance with the
provisions and procedures of the Executive Regulation of the present law.

Article 20 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Contractors' Classification Committee shall be headed by a member of the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) with members from the following

The Emiri Diwan;

Ministry of Defence;
Ministry of Energy and Industry;
Ministry of Business and Trade;
Ministry of Economy and Finance;
Public Works Authority;

Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

A vice president shall be appointed for the Contractors' Classification Committee from one of its members. Each authority shall select its representative in
the Committee. The president, vice president and members shall be appointed by a decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance. The Committee shall
have a trustee and other assisting staff, their appointment, competence and remuneration shall be specified by a decision of the Minister of Economy and
Finance. The Committee may, in the competence/functions of its work, seek the assistance of experts and technicians thereof.

Article 21

The Contractor's Classification Committee shall hold its meetings in the headquarters of the Central Tenders Committee (CTC). A meeting of the
Committee shall be regarded as being quorate if a majority of its members, including either the president or Deputy president, is in attendance.

Article 22 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Contractor's Classification Committee shall be responsible for studying the contractors classification application within thirty (30) days of the date of
submission. The Committee shall pass its recommendations with a majority of voting members. In instances where there are equal votes on, the president
shall have casting vote. The Committee shall submit its recommendations to the Central Tenders Committee for endorsement.

The Committee shall notify the contractor of their classification within a period of not more than seven (7) days from the date of the decision. Contractors
may appeal the decision within seven days of the date of notification, to the Minister of Economy and Finance. The Minister shall take a decision within a
period of fifteen (15) days of the date of submitting the grievance complaint. The Minister decision shall be considered final.

Article 23

The contractor may request a reconsideration of the classification decision after at least one year has elapsed from the date of issuing the decision. The
request may be submitted annually. The provisions of the previous Article shall apply to the request of reconsideration.

Part 2
Public Tenders
Chapter One
Tendering Procedures and Proposal Submissions

Article 24

The competentGovernmental Authority shall prepare purchase orders, business contracts or services to be required to be delivered within a sufficient time
prior to the actual need. This shall be subject to the estimated price of the allocated tender, the availability of sufficient funds, and the fulfillment of essential
aspects required to submit and implement tenders, including necessary instructions to suppliers and contractors, complete detailed patterns, accurate,
detailed quantity tables explaining items, and due procedures required to implement the contract, penalties for contractual breaches or delay, in addition to
the tender forms and general terms and conditions of the contract. The competent Government Body shall send purchase orders, projects contracts and
services to the Audit Bureau, and the Fatwa and Contacts Department at the Ministry of Justice for consideration prior to referring them to the respective
Tender Committee.

Article 25 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall announce public tenders by advertising in at least two local daily newspapers, with an interval of at least
seven (7) days and not more than fourteen (14) days. Furthermore, the advertisements shall be posted on the notice boards of the Central Tenders
Committee (CTC) and the competent Governmental Authority concerned. Announcement abroad shall be through the embassies of the State. In addition,
to the above, modern information and communication technologies may be utilized as a means of advertising public tenders.

Article 26

Public tender announcements shall include the following information:

1. The reference number and the tender topic;
2. A brief description of the products, works or services to be procured;
3. The entity which provide tender documents;
4. Price of tender documents;
5. Statement of category and specialization;
6. Procedures of submiting of tenders;
7. The authority to which tenders should be submitted as well as the deadline of submission;
8. The date on which envelopes shall be opened;
9. The amount required as a Performance Bond and validity period;
10. The duration of the tender, which shall be ninety (90) days from opening the envelopes;
11. The final performance bond) amount required from the successful bidder, as well as its validity period; and
12. Statement of the rights of the competent Governmental Authority during the period of the contract, upon the approval of the Central Tenders
Committee (CTC), to increase or decrease the quantities of goods, works or services required at a rate not exceeding twenty (20) percent of the
value of the contract in compliance with the same conditions, and prices, provided that increase shall be of the same kind of goods, works or
services of the contract.

Article 27

Tender documentation, including terms and conditions, list of material, works, or services required, and technical specifications and patterns, shall be
ready prior to tender announcements being made, and shall be made available upon request by interested parties after payment to the entity specified in
the advertisement.

Article 28 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The bidder is not permitted to be a member of the competent/respective tender committee or staff in the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) or competent
Governmental Authority. Partners, agents, employer or board member in the biding institution or corporation or any other individuals who have any stake in
the bid shall be subject to the above prohibition.

Article 29

Tenders, with signature of the respective tenderer on the stamped/sealed tender form and tables attached therewith by the competent Governmental
Authority, shall be submitted at the pre-announced due dates.

Shall be submitted in closed and sealed envelopes with the name of the bid name, reference number and deadline of submission.

The representative to submit the tender shall drop the envelope in the tender box designated for the purpose. The respective official shall sign on each
envelop writing date of submission and time. Bidders outside the country may submit their proposals via registered mail, providing that the tenders reach
the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) before the submission deadline. Executive regulation of this Law shall determine the specification of the boxes in
which tenders are placed as well as proper procedures for opening and closing.

Article 30

The respective tender committee may announce the bid by the 'double envelope' system where the tender is submitted in two separate sealed envelopes:
one is technical and other is financial. The technical envelopes be opened and evaluated before financial envelopes. Financial envelopes shall be opened
only for those tenders that meet the technical requirements of a tender.

Article 31

Tenderers shall abide by the regulations indicated in the bids documents, and shall complete the tender on the tender forms according to terms and
conditions therein. Tenderers shall not alter the tender documents by any way. Tenders not including total fixed prices. Any tender not abiding by these
provisions shall be and void. Tenderers may add certain stipulations or modifications to the tender forms by enclosing separate detailed appendices
(addendum) which shall be referenced in the body of the proposal.

Article 32

Unless otherwise indicated in the tender, tenders shall be priced in the local currency. Tenders using other currencies may be accepted on condition that
these will be equated with the local currency in accordance with the prices announced by the Qatari Central Bank at the time of opening of envelopes. The
total price indicated in the tender form shall be adopted. Other figure or mistakes by the bidder during calculating the total price of the tender shall not be

Tenderers will not be allowed to alter any prices after the submission of tenders. If upon evaluation of the tender and calculating the price items, a
discrepancy is found between the total sum indicated in the tender form and the total real price, the total lower price shall be adopted. Should any
arithmetic error exceed five (5) percent of the total price in the tender form, the tender shall be disqualified unless, for reasons of public interest, the
respective tender committee, considered unanimously to accept the tender. Should the total amount indicated in letters in the tender be different from the
total amount indicated in digits, the amount indicated in letters shall prevail.

Article 33 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008):

With regard to contracts awarded for the purchase of commodities, should the tenderer fail to supply the price of one of the commodities indicated in the
list submitted by him, it will be considered that he is not willing to participate in the bid for this item. In works contracts, if the tenderer did not specify a price
for one of the items in the contract work presented by him, the respective central tender committee shall reserve the right either to exclude the tender or to
apply the highest price to that item indicated in other technically acceptable tenders for the purpose of comparison. The executive Regulation of this law
shall determine due regulations and rules.

Article 34

If the conditions of a tender require the provision of samples of the requested material, the tenderer shall submit such samples to the entity specified in the
conditions of tender within the specified time frame. In such cases, tenders shall not be accepted unless accompanied by the relevant samples. The
respective tender committee may provide tenderers grace period to submit the samples. Samples shall be returned to unsuccessful or disqualified

Article 35

Tender submitted shall have be valid during the validity period specified in the bid and may not be withdrawn by tenderers during this period.

Chapter Two
Tender Bond (Provisional Insurance)

Article 36 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The temporary performance bond, as specified in the tender announcement, shall be deposited with each tender. The temporary performance bond shall
be in the form of an acceptable cheque or acceptable bank guaranteed from a local bank; and unconditioned. These banks guaranteed chequs shall be
valid for full payment for a period of no less than thirty (30) days from the end of the fixed validity period. The committee shall reserve the right to exclude
tender that do not include provisional bonds.

Article 37

Provisional bonds shall be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers immediately unconditioned, upon the end of the validity period of the tender, or prior to
that if the successful tenderer deposits the final performance bond. No application process shall be required for the return of provisional bonds.

Article 38

The value of the final performance bond shall be, determined by the terms and conditions of the announced bid, of no less than ten (10) percent of the
contract value, and shall be deposited with an acceptable, irrevocable payable in full bank guarantee from a local bank. The final performance bond shall be
retained in full until the completion of the contract including the warranty period in accordance with the conditions of the bid. The performance bond shall be
returned to its owner unconditioned within seven (7) days of the final implementation of the contract.

Chapter Three
Opening of Envelopes and Technical Assessment

Article 39

The competent tender committee shall open each bid consecutively in the determined time. Tenders shall be listed and entered into tables prepared for this
purpose where they shall be serially numbered. Each opened tender shall be marked with a common fraction where its numerator shall represent the
tenderer's number and its denominator shall represent the total number of submitted tenders. The committee shall finish all procedures relating to the
opening of tenders in a single session. In the case of double envelope tenders, technical envelopes shall be opened first, and financial envelopes shall be
opened upon receipt of a technical report issued by the competent Government authority.

Article 40

Tenderers or their representatives may attend the opening of the envelopes. Openening of envelops shall be conducted in the prescribed time. The
competent tender committee may form a committee(s) from its members for the purpose of opening envelopes. Each committee shall contain at least
three members, including either the president or the Deputy.

Article 41

Tenders that are accepted shall be referred to the competent Government authority for assessment by its technicians who shall submit their
recommendations to the tender committee concerned within a specified time frame. The competent Government authority shall fulfill the necessary
information to complete the technical assessment of the tender from the tenderers, provided that such gathering of information has no effect on the
conditions, specifications or prices of the tenders. The Competent Tender Committee may directly submit its recommendations in cases where technical
assessments are not needed.

Article 42

The Competent Tender Committee may form a special/AD hoc technical committee to assess accepted tenders, either on its own or jointly with the
competent Government authority. The competent Government authority may seek the assistance of experts or professionals or consultants if it deems this
to be necessary.

Article 43 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008):

The Competent Tender Committee shall not be bound to accept recommendations from the entities mentioned in the preceding two Articles. A decision to
the contrary of such recommendations shall be required to be passed with a quorum of two-thirds of its members. If such a quorum is not met or if the
committee fails to reach a decision within thirty (30) days of the date that the recommendations were submitted to the committee, the matter shall be
referred to the Minister of Economy and Finance whose decision in this respect shall be final without prejudice to the provisions of Article 51 of this Law.

Chapter Four
Tender Disposition, Contract Finalization and Implementation

Article 44

The Competent Tender Committee shall meet prior to the end of the validity period of the tenders by sufficient time to give its recommendations in respect
of the tenders. The committee shall, prior to submitting its recommendations concerning the awarded tenderer, ensure that the financial resources
necessary for the tender are available.

Article 45

45.1. The Competent Tender Committee shall recommend the least total tender prices if meeting terms and conditions and complying with the required
specifications, following technical and financial standardization between tenders.
45.2. If the price of the least tender price is unacceptably law, and rise suspicion on the purchase of goods or carry out works or services on the required
basis, the committee, on good reasons, may recommend to award tender for the next high price.

Article 46

In goods procurements bids, if tow tenders have the same price, without prejudice to required goods or deadlines of delivery, the Competent Tender
Committee may fractionate the required items. In all cases, without prejudice to specification and connection/relation between items of the bid, the goods
procurements bids shall be divided between more than one bidders based on the lower prices.

Article 47 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

Should the Competent Tender Committee consider giving preference to a tenderer who submitted a higher bid than that of the lowest bid for reasons other
than those mentioned in Article 45.2 of this Law, the matter shall be referred to the Minister of Economy and Finance for a decision, without prejudice to the
provision of Article 51 of this Law.

Article 48 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 3 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Competent Tender Committee shall not discuss with the tenderers the possibility of amending their proposals after the opening of envelopes except in
one of the following cases:
1. The lapsing of the tenders' period of validity due to exceptional circumstances, and for the purpose of extending such a period.
2. Negotiating with the lowest price tenderer enclosed with reservations to waiving such reservations, or reducing the price to match the market.
Should the tenderer disagree to either waiver his reservations or reduce the price to market level, the committee may initiate negotiations with
the next tenderer price.
3. In any other circumstances where the committee deems it necessary to contact the tenderers after the opening of the envelopes. Such a
decision shall be required to be made by a majority of voting members.

Article 49

The tender committee concerned shall seek guidance from last local or international prices it dealt with, as well as from market prices. If the committee
issues recommendations canceling a tender due to high prices, details shall be written in its minutes procedures taken to find the market prices.

Article 50 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

After announcement and before recommending on the bid, based on a decision from the Minister of Economy and Finance based upon a proposal from the
Competent Tender Committee, the bid may be canceled if it is totally abandoned, or if the public interest so requires. The committee may issue a
recommendation to cancel the bid and resubmit it in one of the following cases:

1. If only one tender for some or all the commodities/goods, works or services is submitted. A tender shall be deemed to be the only one tender when
all other submitted tenders for the same bid fail to meet the required conditions. Should work need doesn't allow resubmission the bid, the committee
may recommend, through a detailed memorandum, accepting the only tender with a detailed memorandum.

1. If the technically best tender value largely exceeding market prices

2. If there are reservations on all or most of the tenders.

Article 51 (Amended By Law 14/2010) (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010)

Subject to the validity period of the tender, recommendations of the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) shall be endorsed by the Minister of Economy and
Finance or his mandated representative. If the Minister not endorsed nor reject within at most thirty (30) days of submitting to him, the recommendations of
the committee shall be considered a decision to award the bid.

If the value of the tender exceed fifty million Qatari Riyals (QR 50,000,000), the tender shall be approved by the Prime Minister upon a proposal from the
Minister of Economy and Finance. Subject the validity period of the tender, under all circumstances, the successful tenderer shall be notified via registered
mail within a maximum one week of the date of awarding the bid.

Article 52

The competent Government authority shall request the successful tenderer to submit the final performance bond within ten (10) days from the day
following his notification, and to sign the contract within a specified time. Failure to come in time shall be considered withdrawal.

Article 53 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

Should, for any reason, the tenderer withdrew from tender during the tender validity period without a viable excuse accepted by the competent tender
committee, or if the tenderer fail to submit, upon being awarded the tender, the performance bond within the required time frame, in compliance with the
preceding Article, or if the tenderer fail to sign the contract within the time frame, there shall be, upon a decision from the Minister of Economy and Finance,
and following a hearing for the tenderer in front of the competent tender committee one or more of the following actions:

Confiscation of the provisional bond;
Confiscation of the final performance bond;
Derogation of his Classification; or
Temporary or permanent deletion from the Tender Registry.

Within seven (7) days of being notified of the decided-upon action, the tenderer may appeal against the decision to the Minister. The minister decision on
the appeal is final. Any of the above punishments shall not prejudice the rights of the Competent Government Authority to claim its legitimate from the

Article 54

if the successful tenderer withdrew or fail to sign a contract, for reasons accepted by the Competent Tender Committee, the Competent Tender
Committee may, based on the recommendation of the Competent Government Authority, cancel the tender, to award it to the next tenderer in price or to
resubmit it in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Article 55 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

It shall be permissible, upon ratification from the Minister of Economy and Finance, to disburse advance payments to suppliers or contractors should they
provide an endorsed bank guarantee in accordance with the conditions, percentages and situations indicated in the Executive Regulation of the Law.

Article 56 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

If the contractor delayed the implementation of the contract after the due deadlines, the Competent Government Authority may give him an additional time
extension to complete the implementation, provided that a fine for the delay period shall be imposed in accordance with the bases and percentages, and
the limits set out by the Executive Regulation of the law. The total fine may not exceed 10% of the value of the contract.
The fine shall be increased immediately after the delay without need for any warning or notification. A contractor may, upon a decision by the Minister of
Economy and Finance and based on a reasoned recommendation from the Committee of Claims and Damages at the Ministry of Economy and Finance,
be excused from the fine or part thereof if it was proved that the delay was for reasons beyond his control, and the delay did not result in any damage.
Imposition of the fine shall not prejudice the right of the Competent Government Authority to recourse against the contractor to receive the full
compensation for damages due to delay.

Article 57

The contract shall be terminated in the following cases:

1- If it is proved that the contractor used fraud and manipulation in the implementation of the contract.
2- If it is proved that the contractor attempted by himself, or through a third party directly or indirectly, to bribe a State employee or accomplice with him to
the detrimental of the contracted Governmental Authority.
3- If the contractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

Article 58 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The Competent Government Authority may terminate the contract or implement it on the account of the contractor if the latter breaches any of its
conditions. Termination or implementation on the account of the contractor shall be after notification of the Minister of Economy and Finance, and the
decision of either termination or implementation on the account of the contractor shall be with a registered letter to the address established in the contract.

Article 59

In all cases of contract termination or in the case of implementation on the account of the contractor, the final performance bond shall be confiscated by the
Competent Government Authority CGA. The CGA shall also deduct any amounts due of fines or any damage suffered of any amounts due thereto the
contractor thereof, without the need to take any other procedure.

Part 3
Local Tenders, Competitive Negotiation and Direct Agreement
Chapter One
Local Tender

Article 60 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

and examination of their tenders, and to give recommendations on award of the best tender. The Committee shall be formed with a decision of the Minister
of Economy and Finance as follows:

1- Deputy Chairperson of the Central Tenders Committee - Chairperson.

2- Deputy Chairperson and four members elected by the Chairperson of the Central Tenders Committee.
The meeting of the Committee shall be attended by a representative of the Competent Government Authority and a representative of the Accounting Diwan.
The Committee shall hold its meetings at the headquarters of the Central Tenders Committee, and the meetings shall be valid if only attended by the
majority of its members, provided that the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson is among them.
The Committee shall issue its decision by the majority of the votes of the members present, and in case of tied vote, the vote of the Chairperson shall be a
casting vote. The Committee shall submit its recommendations to the Minister of Economy and Finance or any person represented by him to approve the
The Committee shall have a trustee assisted by a number of employees, whose appointment, terms of reference and remuneration shall be decided by a
decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance.

Article 61 (Amended By Law 14/2010)

(Amended as per Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010)

If it appears to the Local Tendering Committee after opening the envelopes, that prices are over five million Qatar Riyals (QR 5,000,000), the Local
Tendering Committee shall submit the tender documents in an envelope signed by the Chairperson to the Central Tenders Committee to take the
proscribed legal procedure.

Chapter Two
Competitive Negotiation and Direct Agreement

Article 62 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(Amended as per Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 hereof, the Competent Government Authority may conclude a contract by way of practice or direct
agreement to purchase the goods, or business /works contracts or services with the value issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers, in accordance
with the presentation of the Minister of Economy and Finance.
Any one transaction may not be divided into transactions during one fiscal year, so as the value of each one of them shall be within the limits of the value
issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers.
The Minister or the Head of the Competent Government Authority shall determine who will perform the practice or the direct agreement in accordance with
the provisions hereof.
2. The Competent Government Authority shall, if it deems that the public interest requires contracting through practice or direct agreement, beyond the
financial limits, determined by the Council of Ministers, to submit the matter to the Central Tenders Committee for approval on the ad hoc that should be
followed in accordance with the rules, and controls defined by the Executive Regulation hereof.
3- As an exception to the provisions of the previous paragraphs, the Competent Government Authority may, after the approval of the Emir, to conclude a
contract by direct agreement on the performance of the consultative works and prepare studies of special nature.

Part 4

Article 63 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

The sale of goods and lease of property and movables, and others, shall be with the approval of the Minister of Economy and Finance, and through a public
auction, or sealed closed envelopes.

Article 64

There shall be sale shall of the following items:

1- Items unfit for use
2- Items that may be damaged
3- Obsolete items
4- Items surplus to requirements

Article 65 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Articles 1 and 2 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

to determine the rent of properties and movables to be sold or leased before putting them for sale or lease.
The Committee shall be composed, by a decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance, upon the proposal of the Chairperson of the Central Tenders
Committee, of a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and three members who shall include a member of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The meetings
of the Committee shall be attended by a representative of the concerned Governmental Entity and a representative of the Court of Auditing. The said
Committee may use the assistance of any experts and technicians in the area of their specialties.
The Committee shall have a secretary assisted by a number of employees, whose appointment, terms of reference and remuneration shall be decided by
a decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance.

Article 66

The Inspection and Valuation Committee shall be guided in the estimation or valuation of the items or the determination of the rent of properties and
movables to be sold or rented by the market price, or previous sale or lease price, and any other influential factors. This estimation shall be considered a
basic price and shall be kept confidential.
The Committee shall submit the basic price in a sealed and classified envelope to the chairperson of the concerned Tendering Committee before the time
fixed for performing the bidding process.

Article 67

Lease shall be made by way of bidding in accordance with the rules stipulated herein. The term of the lease may not exceed three years at a time.

Article 68 (Amended By Law 14/2010)

(Replaced as per Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010)

Sale or lease with a value exceeding the sum of five hundred thousand Qatar Riyals (QR 500,000) shall be made by the CTC, and any sale or lease with a
lesser value shall be made by the Local Tendering Committee in accordance with the provisions hereof.

Article 69

Bids shall be advertised by the same method used in public tenders, and the advertisement shall define the goods to be sold or the properties or movables
to be leased, in addition to determining the date and place of performing the bid process.

Article 70

Each bidder shall pay a bid bond to be determined by the concerned Tendering Committee, and the bond shall be submitted by a payable bank check or by
an acceptable bank letter of guarantee issued by a local bank which shall not be attached to any restriction or condition in accordance with Article 36

Article 71 (Amended By Law 14/2010)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 14 of 2010)

The successful tenderer shall pay the value of the items in full within seven days, and to pay the rent on periodic installments every six months in advance,
starting from the date of the day next to the notification of award with a successful letter. If the said tenderer defaults payment without acceptable excuse,
the concerned Tendering Committee may cancel the award and confiscate the bid bond, without prejudice to the right of the concerned Governmental
Entity to claim from him any other compensations. In this case the Committee may award the bid to the next tenderer in price or rent, or announce retendering in accordance with the provisions hereof.

Article 72 (Amended By Law 22/2008)

(As amended by Article 1 of Law No. 22 of 2008)

If the result of the bid did not reach the basic price determined by the Inspection and Valuation Committee or did not receive any bids, and the goods put for
sale do not become damaged by time, the bidding shall be postponed to another session to be announced later, and the basic price may be reduced by no
more than 20%.
If the bidding result did not reach the decreased price in the following session, and no one submitted any offers, the concerned Tendering Committee shall
refer the matter to the Minister of Economy and Finance attached with its proposals to take such action it deems appropriate.

Article 73

The successful tenderer shall receive the sold items within fifteen days of the day following the payment of the price. If such receipt is delayed for any
unacceptable reason, he shall pay storage fees of 1% of the value of the items he defaulted receiving for every day of delay, which may not be more than
fifteen days. Thereafter, the items shall be sold by bidding on his account, and in this case he shall bear the decrease in price, storage expenses, and
administrative fees of 10% of the new sale price value, and he shall not be reimbursed for any increase which may be occur to the sale price.

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