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Journal April - June 2010

Freeway - Power to Parents Reports on Performance Help Schools Improve
The Revolution of Low Cost Private Schools Pre-school and Nursery Education
Community Schools: Hope for Poor Urban Quotations of the month
Children Young People Need Choice in Education
Chains of Low Cost Private Schools Next Step on Charters
Education Vouchers Membership

ZIPPA Board: Muyunda Mwanalushi (Chair), Jonathan Chileshe (V/Chair), Murray Sanderson (Exec.
Sec.), Wilphred Katoto (Hon. Treas.), Moses Banda, Ernest Beele, Mary Kakumbi, Charles Lungu,
Chearyp Mkandawire-Sokoni, Sara Ngulube

Freeway preference to apparently superior government

Power to Parents
Then comes an article about community schools in
Ndola. It describes their problems and achievements,
Zambians aged over 40 can well recall the Kaunda and goes on to suggest that, after first receiving
era, when customers had to queue for hours outside much more government help, they should remain
state shops to obtain 'essential commodities'. Since independent as privately run schools for the poor.
privatization shopping is now straightforward. Goods Another lengthy article on the same subject, for
are available and, by and large, the customer is king, which space was lacking, talks of Lusaka having 300
or queen. There is a wide choice of products of community schools with a total of perhaps 150,000
varying standards and prices. students, and concludes that they should be taken
over by the government.
But education is different. In this area of immense
national importance the customers - meaning A second article by Prof. Tooley describes how 'chain'
parents - have little choice. Standards are generally schools can work together to raise standards and use
low, with rare exceptions. Even so, it is hard to find funds more effectively. It adds that this is an area
vacancies. Those in control are education providers, where international help is available.
not parents. There may be exceptions, but that is the How about funding? A description follows of the
general picture. school voucher system proposed by Milton Friedman
The articles that follow present ideas and examples and implemented in several countries around the
which show how this situation could be changed for world, including Chile and Sweden. It explains how
the better so as to offer parents, both rich and poor, government-financed school vouchers can give
more information, higher standards, better service, parents the power to select the schools of their choice,
and even the power to pay. and thereby to promote healthy competition. This
system is loved by parents but feared by teachers.
First, we take a look at the present situation. In an
article about low cost private schools for the poor in Another stimulating idea is the report card system
'developing' countries Prof. James Tooley, who has operated in Canada, which publishes details of school
made a world-wide study of the subject, describes performance. This gives parents information on
how and why even very poorly equipped and staffed which to base their choice of schools, and so acts as a
private schools are often chosen by poor parents in valuable influence on schools of all kinds to improve

their performance. are about $4 per month - around 8% of the expected
This series of articles ends with a thought-provoking monthly earnings of a fisherman in the shanty town -
article on pre-school education, and also on earlier but 25 children come for free: 'If a child is orphaned,
child development. This suggests that parents what can I do? I won't send her away,' he tells me.
themselves have a vital part to play before formal Parents at KPS are all poor - the men usually
education begins. fishermen, the mothers fishmongers. They know
As regards education in general, will Zambians why they choose private school: One father told me:
continue to accept whatever is on offer, or will they “We pass the public school many days and see the
demand a better deal for their children and children outside, doing nothing. But in the private
grandchildren? schools, we see them everyday working hard. In the
public school, children are abandoned.'
The Revolution of Low Cost It's not just in Makoko: My research teams have
Private schools combed slums and shanty towns of urban areas
elsewhere in Lagos State, Nigeria, and in Ghana,
By James Tooley Kenya and India, looking for all schools, public and
An education revolution is sweeping the developing private - not depending on official data, as many of
world. In the slums and shanty towns of Asia and the private schools will be unregistered, off the
Africa, poor people are abandoning public schools en official radar. What we found is remarkable. In the
masse. They're appalled by its low standards. poor urban areas surveyed, the vast majority of
Instead, they're sending their children to low cost school children were found to be in 'budget' private
private schools that are burgeoning in some of the schools. For instance, in the poor urban areas of
poorest places on this planet. Lagos State, Nigeria, 75 percent of schoolchildren
were in private schools. In terms of quality, teacher
For the last decade I've been on an extraordinary
absenteeism was lower and teacher commitment -
journey across sub-Saharan Africa, India and China.
the proportion of teachers actually teaching when my
I've been cataloguing and, more recently, assisting in
researchers called unannounced - higher, in the
the development of low cost private schools. For
private schools for the poor than in government
anyone interested in how the poor are learning to
schools. And private schools outperform the
help themselves, it is a wonderfully uplifting story.
government schools too in the key curriculum
Recently, I was in the shanty town of Makoko, Nigeria, subjects. In Lagos State, for instance, the mean
home to 100,000 people who live in wooden huts on math score advantage over government schools was
stilts over the black waters of the Lagos lagoon. At about 14 and 19 percentage points respectively in
the entrance to the slum, there are three public private registered and unregistered schools, while in
schools, all on the same site. Visiting them is English it was 22 and 29 percentage points.
dispiriting. In one classroom, the young teacher is
Many parents have tried public education but don't
fast asleep at his desk, not aroused even when the
feel it's good enough for their children, so have
children rise to chant noisy greetings to their visitor.
moved their children back to low cost private schools.
In another, 95 children sit and do nothing while the
Nowhere is this truer than in countries which have
teacher reads a newspaper. Other teachers are
recently brought in free public education - Kenya, for
absent - they've been allocated to teach these slum
instance, where it was introduced in 2003. One
children, have to travel two or three hours to get
father I spoke to lived in Kibera, one of the largest
there from their homes in the plusher suburbs, and
slums in Africa, where half a million people are
don't really think it worth their time and effort.
crammed into corrugated iron and cardboard huts in
It's all in stark contrast to what is happening inside an area the size of Manhattan's central park. He had
the slum proper. In the 32 low cost private schools moved his daughter to the public school on the
my researchers found, teachers are energetically periphery of the slum when it had been made free,
teaching - they have to be, for if they fall asleep in only to become disillusioned by huge class sizes and
front of their charges, they'll be fired; the teachers who no longer bothered. He had an
entrepreneurs know that they are accountable to understanding of economics that would have
parents. Typical of the schools is 'KPS' - Ken Ade warmed the heart of Milton Friedman: he told me 'if
Private School. Its owner had set up the school in you go to the market and are offered free fruit and
1990, starting with only five children in the church vegetables, they'll be rotten. If you want fresh
hall, with parents paying fees on a daily basis when produce, you have to pay for it.’
they could afford to do so. Now he has about 200
I like talking to these parents. Hearing the critics of
children, from Nursery to Primary grade 7. His fees
low cost private education, one is struck by the

assumption that ordinary, poor parents cannot districts. In Ndola they educate 33,964 children,
possibly be equipped to make proper decisions about which is 29% of primary school enrollees. Though
their children's education. Talking to poor parents most of these community schools have registered
gives the lie to that every single time. One family I with the District Education Office, resources and
know well sends their daughter, now 14, to a private support are still not provided. The two most pressing
school in a fishing village along Ghana's coconut- needs are teacher training and equitable funding. If
lined coast. They've thought long and hard about only the Ministry of Education will attend to these, the
their choice of private school. The father, Joshua, a quality of education provided by community schools
fine looking fisherman who takes his boat out at 3 am can be greatly improved
every morning into the Atlantic surf, understood the First, teacher training. The main reason for the
virtues of a private school very well indeed: success of community school teachers, despite
‘My father didn't allow me to go to school. I want to difficult situations, is their impressive commitment to
strive hard, so that my daughter can go to school. We the education of the children in their community.
enrolled her in the government school, but we felt Because of this, the Ministry of Education does not
that her learning was declining. The government need to bring in trained teachers from outside the
school doesn't have anyone monitoring the teaching community, but instead to provide training for the
or telling them when it's time for class or time to existing teachers. Such training could be a short but
teach. Classes are not on a fixed schedule... The intensive course covering basic pedagogy. A four
reason why the private schools are better than the month course, combined with continuous
government school is because there is a private assessment, would impart the basic skills needed to
owner. If you don't teach as expected, you'll be fired provide a quality education. Hitherto there have
and replaced'. His wife, Margaret, who smokes the been few courses of this nature. But presently the
fish caught by her husband to sell in the market, put it Jubilee Centre, a Christian NGO in Ndola, is running a
a different way: 'In the private school, they love and pilot training course for twelve teachers in three
care so much for the kids, and are very serious with community schools in the community of Mapalo.
the teaching and learning. That's why we decided to These schools serve 632 children with an average
put our child there.' class size of 40 students. Before the course, their
Author: James Tooley is the author of 'The teachers were largely untrained. During this course,
Beautiful Tree: how the world'spoorest people all teachers have demonstrated improvement in the
are educatingthemselves', (Penguin, 2009) skills taught, i.e., setting goals, thinking critically,
planning purposefully, investing in children,
Community Schools: Hope for increasing effectiveness, and employing best

Poor Urban Children practices in the classroom. The Ministry of Education

should now provide serious training to complement
By Lawrence Temfwe the remarkable commitment shown by community
In Zambia today many children in low-income school teachers.
communities have no access to conventional Second, equitable funding. The Ministry of Education
schooling. In some urban districts up to a third of the must put in place a clear and transparent grant
children in primary schools attend what are known as process for the distribution of community school
community schools. These schools are operated by funds. There have been countless stories about the
unpaid and untrained volunteers who teach in misallocation or disappearance of these resources.
community buildings which are of very inadequate There have even been stories of them being given to
standards. schools which do not exist. The Ministry must provide
In recent years, “the number of community schools guidelines to make sure that funds are distributed in
has grown exponentially from 883 in 2000 to 2,129 in an equitable manner. The guidelines must include a
2005.” More recent figures are not available, but the rating rubric that explains how the funds are
number has only continued to grow. In 2007 the distributed. Only when a clear and transparent grant
Ministry of Education issued The Operational system is operational, will it be practicable for the
Guidelines for Community Schools, which promised community schools as a whole to ask for additional
to provide, among other things, “equitable financial funding.
and material resources to all community schools.” Once these challenges have been effectively tackled,
But this undertaking has not been met, and, most it will be appropriate to turn to the question, 'Should
disappointingly, the Education Act remains silent on Zambia's community schools become either private
community schools. schools or government schools, or should they
Community schools play a vital role in most urban remain as an independent category?' We believe they
should be given a choice. If community schools meet
the requirements and want to become government Other economy of scale advantages
schools, let them be absorbed into the system. If A large scale chain of schools can also benefit when
they want to continue to operate as community purchasing goods and services. For instance,
schools with support from the government, they curriculum materials, desks and chairs, hygiene and
should have that option. However, in order for safety features, and technology can all be purchased
community schools to receive government support, more cheaply within a large scale chain than by
they should have to enroll a minimum of 70% of their stand-alone schools.
students from low-income families. This stipulation Three years ago, I began advocating that investors
will provide a clear distinction between private and entrepreneurs should set up chains of low cost
schools and community schools. private schools. Jay Kimmelman came to learn of my
There has to be an educational hope for the poor. ideas, visited me and my team in Newcastle, and
But it may not lie in government schools. It may just went on to Kenya to set up New Globe Schools, a low
lie with community schools, provided they receive cost chain of schools helped with finance from
sufficient support from the government to make this Deutsche Bank and Kellogg Foundation. While
hope possible. President of the Education Fund for Orient Global of
Author: Lawrence Temfwe is Executive Director, Singapore, I helped set up Rumi Schools of
Jubilee Centre, Ndola Excellence in Hyderabad, India. I've also been
involved in the creation of three embryonic chains of
Chains of Low Cost Private Schools schools elsewhere, Sunshine Fortune in China,
Empathy Learning Systems, India, and Omega
Schools Franchise Ltd, Ghana.
By James Tooley
Chains of low cost private schools have the potential Each of the companies I'm involved in is taking the
to transform the way education is delivered in problems of improving quality very seriously. We are
developing countries. Poor parents are currently conducting intensive teacher training and developing
faced with three options when deciding on education: teacher mentoring programmes. We are devising
They can send their children to a (free) government curriculum materials to help improve the quality of
school, a low cost private school, or not to school at what is learnt, and we are exploring ways of using
all. What chains of schools can do is to provide and funding school computer labs. It will be a very
parents with a fourth, better option- to send their long process, but already we are seeing positive
children to a higher-quality, low-cost private school. results in learning standards.
There are four main sets of reasons why a brand- And something rather interesting is happening: we
name chain of low cost private schools would help are teaching by example. Some of the innovations
with improvements to quality: we have tried out in the schools are being imitated in
The information problem other schools. Take a very simple innovation: a
How can parents judge if one school is better than major problem is the ability of parents to save the
another, so as to make the best choice for their amount required for their termly fees. Cash in the
children? A brand name will help parents make home can often be used for other immediate needs,
judgments in an informed way. rather than be kept for school fees. And that's only
half the problem: parents must also save for school
Teacher issues
uniform, books, etc. This all leads to some students
In low-cost private schools the recruitment and
dropping out of private schools. So in Omega Schools
retention of qualified teachers are big problems.
in Ghana, we instituted a daily fee, which included all
Within a brand-name chain of schools, loyalty to the
the funds required for tuition costs, as well as
brand and the possibility of new career paths through
uniform, books, exercise books, plus transport, food
the chain (e.g., as teacher, mentor, trainer, quality
and insurance. This is hugely popular with parents,
inspector) encourages teacher retention and makes
who no longer have to save, but can simply find the
extensive teacher training viable.
funds each day to send with their children.
Innovations and improvements
Parents, students and entrepreneurs, as well as This brings me to a major reason why I believe going
budget school critics, all agree that quality with the low cost private sector might be a better way
improvements are much needed, in terms of teacher forward than trying to improve the public sector, as
and management training, curriculum, technology many people argue should be the correct response.
and administration. The economies of scale inherent When agencies from outside try to improve
in a chain of schools can help fund these government provision, they may succeed while they
improvements. are directly involved. But schools and teachers tend
to revert to their preferred methods once the aid

missions have moved on. The reason: there are no enable millions of parents to leave the government
incentives to continue with the intervention. But in system and take advantage of the wide choice of
the competitive markets of private education the private schools available. This in turn would
incentives lacking in traditional aid interventions are encourage more private schools to open, perhaps
everywhere, and paramount. School proprietors are specializing in subjects not offered by the
hungry for innovation. Why? First because, whatever government institutions, or perhaps of smaller size,
their critics may claim, many of them genuinely care more convenient location or different educational
about children's education. On its own, this might be philosophy.
enough for some to invest in new innovations. But, It would be a government function to ensure that the
it's coupled with another major incentive: proprietors private schools maintain minimum educational
know that they are in an increasingly competitive standards, and perhaps that a core of certain
market. To succeed in it they need to show parents subjects were taught. Apart from that, parental
that their school is special. If a method of learning choice would encourage the better schools and would
seems to have demonstrably better outcomes, they'll tend to drive out the less successful ones. Parental
want it for their schools. If a new method of payment choice would be restored in education: it is likely that
leads to an easier life for parents, as in the above the most successful schools would give parents a
example in Ghana, they'll want it in their schools. large measure of control over the selection and
Such incentives are completely lacking in any retention of teachers and other important aspects of
government system. the operation of the schools.
School operators and investors interested in For higher education, there is still a case for
establishing low cost private school chains in Zambia government subsidy because of the general benefits
may wish to identify and contact existing chains with which spill over to the whole community from
an interest in expansion. Over 100 such school chains advanced teaching and research, but Friedman
are profiled on the international School Chain suggests that there too a voucher system would
Showcase at ensure funds went to the institutions that were
Author: James Tooley is Professor of Education
genuinely deserving of such support. For vocational
Policy, Newcastle University, UK
training, where the benefit is almost entirely
concentrated on the student rather than the
Education Vouchers community, Friedman finds no case for subsidy.
However, if we wish to make it easier for people to
By Eamonn Butler
take up vocational training and other higher
Friedman recognizes that it is important to ensure
education, this might be achieved through a loan
that children are properly educated regardless of
system: investing institutions could perhaps offer
their parents' circumstances, and that it is necessary
loans to students and take repayments as a set
for all individuals to have at least a basic standard of
percentage of the student's final earnings. Once
education in a society based on voluntary co-
again, by putting the purchasing power into the
operation. The problem, he believes, requires a
hands of the students or parents themselves instead
mixture of public and private elements in its solution,
The proposal he makes is for a voucher to be given to of relying on government officials to direct the
each parent representing a certain value(perhaps the provision of education from central funds, this
usual cost of providing a basic education to the system would ensure that the best institutions
standards that were thought a desirable minimum). prospered while less successful ones, unable to
Parents would then be able to 'spend' these vouchers attract students, were driven out. There would also
at any recognized school, adding to them with their be a constant pressure to strive for excellence and
own money if they desired their children to attend a efficiency which is not present today because of the
school that was more expensive. This voucher could, domination of education by the government.
Author: Eamonn Butler, 'Milton Friedman - A
and should, be available for use at any school within
guide to his economic thought’
the government system as well as private ones.
Friedman believes that this proposal would
revolutionize education. The costs of running a
Reports on Performance Help
private school would probably be much less than Schools Improve
those involved in present government institutions,
By Peter Cowley
since private schools have an incentive to keep a
Canada's Fraser Institute introduced its first report
sharp eye on waste and inefficiency; their
card on school performance in the province of British
educational record would also make them attractive
Columbia in 1998. The purpose - to give parents and
to parents. It is quite possible that the voucher would

educators objective information about the of formats.
effectiveness of individual public and private schools. The report cards are very popular with parents and
Currently, the Institute publishes ten annual report are also widely consulted by teachers and school
cards rating over 7,500 schools located in four administrators.
Canadian provinces and one American state. The
report cards are all based on objective, comparable, The evidence suggests that annual, independent
annual-generated school performance data provided reports on school performance such as the Fraser
by provincial or state education authorities. Institute's report cards encourage system-wide
improvement in schools.
From these data we build annual, by-school
indicators of academic performance such as average Is it time for report cards on Zambia's schools?
exam marks, failure rates, grade-to-grade transition Author: Peter Cowley is Director, School
rates, and graduation rates. Wherever possible, we Performance Studies, The Fraser Institute,
provide five years of results. Using statistically valid Vancouver, Canada
procedures, we combine these indicators into an
annual overall rating out of 10 for each school. The Pre-School and Nursery Education
schools are ranked on overall rating. Significant
change over time in any of the indicators or the By Barbara Collinson
overall rating is also indicated in each school's The Jesuits say “Give us a child until he is 7 yrs old
detailed table of results. and he is ours for life”. They understand how
fundamental is the period from birth to 7 years old in
For parents, the report cards offer objective,
any child's formation. The mind is then at its most
comparable measurements on which to make a more
malleable, its most curious, its most receptive, its
informed decision when they choose a school for their
most open to learning.
children. Perhaps more importantly, the report cards
offer parents an annual report on the school's Which is why enlightened parents provide physical
academic performance. Parents often use the report and “educational” stimuli as soon as the child is
card as the basis for discussion with the principal brought home from the hospital. It is talked to; it is
about how the school might do a better job. played with; its senses are stimulated constantly.
For teachers and school administrators, the report By 2 years old the child is being registered in a crèche
cards offer valuable comparisons of school where it meets more social and physical stimuli.
performance. They can compare their school's Then, if funds permit, follows Pre-school/Nursery
current results with those of previous years; and they class. This is the first time that there is a degree,
can compare its performance with that of nearby however light, of discipline and time management.
schools and with the provincial average results. The emphasis on “teaching” at this age is replaced by
It is this power to compare that makes the report a total awareness on the part of the teaching staff
cards so useful. Planning for school improvement that the priority is “learning” by the child, as opposed
begins with the definition of relevant, measurable, to “teaching” by a teacher. The teacher is really an
and achievable objectives. School comparisons can empathetic facilitator who can manipulate the
help define those objectives. classroom environment so that the child is:
To be effective, the report cards must be widely - learning by doing, learning by discovery,
available and easily understood. To ensure that - learning by manipulating objects - experiencing
everyone is aware of them, the Fraser Institute has tactile learning,
partnered with major daily newspapers to provide - learning through the five senses. Experiencing and
multi-page presentations of the report card's results. understanding concepts - of time, space, numbers
In addition, the Institute continually encourages wide and the world we live in.
media interest in the report cards. In the four The child is introduced to and encouraged to develop:
Canadian provinces, in 2009 alone, the report cards Hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, word and
generated 1,500 stories in newspapers and on radio, object recognition, a sense of colour, appreciation of
television, and the web. rhyme.
On the Institute's new interactive website All the child's senses are engaged and developed by
(, visitors can an imaginative facilitator.
locate schools, view individual school results, and Few parents realize that their own attitudes and
compare schools using a variety of criteria. The constraints are being communicated in the home -
results are presented as easy-to-read charts that can without words or explanation - to their child at this
either be printed directly or be exported in a number early age. This can inhibit the development of the

child's potential intelligence and abilities. feedback, leading to a sense of achievement which in
The classroom is therefore the better learning turn develops confidence and encourages a desire for
ground, especially with a wealth of educational more learning success. IT skills are the way of the
materials, toys, story books and imaginative play. future. Without them a child will be unable to succeed
in tomorrow's world.
Rote learning is considered outdated. And at this age
it is. However, with hindsight, many educationalists We know that money is hard to come by, and there
have regretted the loss of learning by rote in primary are many parents who will say that they cannot
classes. Boring but very useful information like afford to send children to Pre-school education.
arithmetic tables can be chanted, even sung, to But the Jesuits were right in their vision of education.
make it “fun” and help it stick in the mind - with To be most effective it must start with the youngest
considerable benefit to basic numeracy. minds. Learning, guided by professional teachers,
There has been much research on the need to needs to begin in Pre-school, if not earlier. To omit
experience early, cognitive learning in one's native this vital stage is to risk failure to enable a child to
tongue. Unfortunately that may mean learning in an attain its full potential. Pre-school is a vital
indigenous language not spoken in the child's home, investment in your child, your family, your
because there are so many languages being spoken community and our nation
Author: Barbar Collinson is a retired teacher
in the society. Zambians, like most Africans and
children of all multi-lingual societies, are born
linguists. They have an innate facility to learn Quotations of the month
languages. At Pre-school level it's as if they absorb
them in a linguistic bath. English is just another Education is that which remains when one has
component of that bath. Because it is the official forgotten everything learned at school.
language and its use is in every poster, every Albert Einstein
newspaper, every sign the child encounters, it is not A man cannot leave a better legacy to the world than
to be feared. It should be used as material for a well-educated family.
Thomas Scott
learning in this “bath”.

Young People Need Choice

Parents who deliberately choose to speak to their
children in English as well as their native tongue do
so knowing that their child has the opportunity to be in Education
bilingual/multilingual from a very young age, and
that is valuable. Children mimic first, absorb second, By Eustace Davie
understand third - with experience. It's a dynamic While young people wrestle with their matriculation
learning environment which will pay dividends in the examinations, adults remember their own
competitive world around us. experiences. Grandparents, and even great
grandparents, have had that same experience
So long as learning is enjoyable and there are despite the years that separate them. The subject
understandable and achievable benchmarks of content might be different but the fundamental
success - however small and at any age - education methods are virtually the same. How is that when the
will be successful. world around us has changed so dramatically over
the last 100 years?
At Pre-school, children learn to co-operate, to share,
On 1 October 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Model
to collaborate on simple projects like building with
T Ford, selling at $825, to the American market.
blocks making models, drawing, painting, making
Using improved technology and mass production
simple collages. Arts and crafts provide an
techniques he steadily reduced the price. By 1916
environment for self- expression and for creativity. the basic touring car cost $360. He sold 472,000 cars
They are absolutely vital in the curriculum. So too that year. How did he achieve this objective of
are “visits” outside the classroom to experience and making motoring accessible to ordinary people? By
collect real plants, flowers, leaves, stones, etc. to refusing to add costly extras. One of his slogans was,
compare with the pictures or models in the classroom, “You can have any colour you like as long as it's
helping children to adjust smoothly to the real world black.” Only when the increased variety of features
as they grow older. and colours offered by his competitors started
seriously to erode the sales of Ford cars did Henry
IT skills can be introduced and learned quickly in pre-
Ford give in to making changes.
school if funds are available for the hardware and
educational software, which is generally fun, visual, Schooling worldwide is stuck in the Henry Ford Model
experimental and experiential. It can give immediate T mass production mode. Critics use the term
“sausage-machine” to describe schooling. The

reason is the lack of choice; the same lack of choice what they are individually best suited to learn. Young
that Henry Ford gave the buyers of his cars. children voluntarily devote hours of their time to
Young people are the captives of technocrats. intensely acquiring knowledge and skills when not
Parents wield very little influence over what their compelled to do so. That young people prefer to do
children are taught or how the success or failure of nothing constructive if not driven is false. What is
the process is measured. The most they can do is true is that they rebel when they are driven to do
enrol their children in schools where they receive what they do not regard to be in their self-interest.
kind and impartial treatment and where teachers
By combining students who are learning information
attempt to teach students something of value.
or skills in which they are intensely interested, with
Children are not vehicles for the uniformity that teachers or instructors who are competing with
initially proved successful in the manufacture of cars. others for the business of the young, you have a
Each child is unique and not there to be turned into a recipe for success. On the other hand, by compelling
standard individual. A system should be in place that young people to study subjects in which they have no
allows each young person to develop their full interest, taught by teachers who act as captors from
potential. whom there is no escape, you have a recipe for
educational disaster.
Some youngsters cannot memorise information,
concentrate on words, do arithmetic, or endure Demand-driven education can be easily instituted.
examinations. However, they might be above That taxpayers pay for the schooling of children
average at sport, or music, carpentry, cooking, or whose parents are unable to pay school fees does not
anything mechanical, and a hundred and one other mean that government has to run schools. Taxpayers
things not in the matriculation syllabus. The skills can just as easily pay for tuition provided by
they are capable of most probably are in great competing private learning establishments.
demand out in the wider world, but not in the narrow
The first and most difficult task before us is to
confines of the classroom.
persuade politicians and educationists to release all
Students are forced to fit the school. Rather it is the captive children so that they can purchase, with the
school that should be forced to fit the students. assistance of taxpayers if necessary, and the advice
Between 1880 and 1920, the last bastions of of their parents, the skills and knowledge that best
demand-driven schooling, the UK and the US, fell suit their individual talents and capabilities. The
before the onslaught of government legislation. second task is to remove legislation that prevents
Legislation which introduced the new “model” of the competing entrepreneurs from creating the learning
manner in which children should be educated to environment and facilities that will satisfy the
ensure that all young people received a sound demand of eager young customers.
education. A hundred and more years later, this
The case for change is compelling. Inappropriate
“model” has been the subject of numerous
learning environments are blighting the lives of
commissions of inquiry, investigations and studies.
millions of young people worldwide. Compulsion, and
Every one bound to fail because their point of
all the vested interests it has spawned, has got to
departure remains fixed; no tampering with
make way for voluntary learning.
government domination of the process.
Author: Eustace Davie is a director of the Free
Everywhere, are educationists appointed to discover
Market foundation
the reasons for failure. What educationist in their
right mind would admit that the solution to failed
education is to set young minds free to choose for Next Step on Charters
themselves, with the guidance of their parents, what,
how and when to learn? What's new on customer service charters? Is there
Alternatives to the current schooling system do not any progress, or must we agree with those who say
exist because they have not been allowed to come we are crying for the moon?
into existence. Young people cannot walk out of a Well, things do look disappointing. In 2008 the ZRA,
school tomorrow and immediately find an alternative the Ministry of Lands and the immigration
to accommodate them. Once a demand is identified, Department all launched charters, and two years
learning establishments to cater for young people later there is little to show for it. So must we abandon
wishing to specialise in mathematics, soccer, science, the idea?
golf, music, cricket, computer technology, cooking,
investing, acting, engineering, medicine, design, Not so soon. The ZRA has made a real effort to
massage and myriad other skills would emerge to perform on time, with considerable success. But they
provide whatever training is required. need to blow their own trumpet and publicise the
results. And there is still plenty of room for
What about the syllabus? A compulsory syllabus is a improvement.
mechanism that prevents young people from
learning voluntarily what interests them most and As for Lands and Immigration, they look like failures.

But Cabinet Office remains very keen on the charter let's give it a go. We all have a lot to gain from
idea, and has just taken a new initiative. They have success
asked ZIPPA to recruit a consultant to find out how
The Cabinet Office and ZIPPA can play their parts.
other African countries have succeeded, and advise
But results will depend heavily on members of the
on how Zambia can follow their example. The 6
general public, who must protest if they receive poor
month consultancy will start soon, and it will involve
service. ZIPPA's help line is open. Try us on
understudies to take over the baton. There will also
be another workshop to chart the way forward. So

The views expressed in this journal are those of the authors. They are not necessarily shared by members or by
ZIPPA, which has no official view.

April brings the opportunity for members to renew subscriptions and for non-yet-members to join ZIPPA if you
would like to support our work of stimulating positive ideas and practices. Publishing this journal and promoting
customer service charters cost money, and we have no government or institutional funding. Subscriptions have
been static since ZIPPA started in 2004, so the present increases are unavoidable. Don't regard membership as
an obligation: welcome it as an opportunity to contribute to a better Zambia.


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