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Revision: 11

;By Acanto
Menu_File_SavePokemon=Salva Pokmon (scheda corrente)
Menu_File_Save=Salva [salvataggio]
Menu_File_SaveAs=Salva con nome [salvataggio]
Menu_Options_TargetGame=Gioco di riferimento
Menu_Options_AutoUpdateCheck=Controlla aggiornamenti all'avvio
Menu_Options_AutoUpdatePokedex=Aggiorna il Pokdex quando Applichi
Menu_Options_BackupOnSave=Backup del salvataggio
Menu_Options_DisableCharmap=Disattiva mappa caratteri
Menu_Options_DisableHelp=Disattiva l'aiuto
Menu_Tools_ResetControls=Reset delle schede
Menu_Tools_CodeGenerator=Code Generator
Menu_Tools_PIDFinder=PID Finder
Menu_Tools_CGear=C-Gear Background
Menu_Tools_ExtractFromCode=Estrai un Pokmon da codice
Menu_Help_UpdatesAndFeedback=Aggiornamenti e feedback
Menu_Help_Versions=Novit in questa versione
Tab_Main_ShinyLeaf=Foglie lucenti
Tab_Met_MatchingTrainerInfo=Sincronia con dati Allenatore
Tab_Met_FatefulEncounter=Occasione speciale
Tab_Met_AsEgg=da Uovo
Tab_Met_HatchConditions=Condizioni di schiusura

Tab_Stats_ManualStats=Stats manuali
Tab_Stats_EVTotal=EV totali
Tab_Stats_RandomizeIVs=Randomizza IV
Tab_Stats_RandomizeEVs=Randomizza EV
Tab_Stats_ContestStats=Stats Gare
Tab_Misc_TrainerInformation=Dati Allenatore
Tab_Misc_GenerateShinyID=Genera ID Shiny
Tab_Misc_FromSave=Load from save file
Tab_Misc_ExtraBytes=Bytes extra
SavePrompt_Title=Save file
SavePrompt_Text=Unable to determine the save file game. Select from the list be
low to force it to be treated as being from a particular game.
IconMenu_ViewData=Vedi dati
IconMenu_SendTo=Invia a...
IconMenu_SelectAll=Seleziona tutto
IconMenu_DeselectAll=Deseleziona tutto
IconMenu_DeleteAll=Elimina tutto
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------CodeGenerator_ActivationButtons=Pulsanti di attivazione
CodeGenerator_Type1=Tipo 1
CodeGenerator_Type2=Tipo 2
CodeGenerator_GenerateCodesFor=Genera codici per
CodeGenerator_PartyCount=Partito conta
CodeGenerator_SelectedPokemon=Pokmon selezionato

CodeGenerator_XML_AlwaysOn=Always on
CodeGenerator_PartialCard=Partial card
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------PIDFinder_Title=PID Finder
PIDFinder_Progress_NotActive=Non attivo
PIDFinder_ChainedShiny=Shiny in catena
Pokedex_FormViewer=Visualiz. forme
Pokedex_HabitatViewer=Habitat viewer
Pokedex_SortByNumber=Ordina per numero
Pokedex_NotSeen=Non visti
Pokedex_SeenNone=Nessun Pokmon visto
Pokedex_SeenAll=Visti tutti
Pokedex_CaughtAllOwned=Presi tutti i Pokmon in possesso
Pokedex_CaughtNone=Preso nessun Pokmon
Pokedex_CaughtAll=Presi tutti
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------MysteryGift=Mystery Gift
MysteryGift_DialogTitle=Mystery Gifts
MysteryGift_WonderCard=Wonder Card

MysteryGift_ToTabs=To tabs
MysteryGift_EggLocation=Egg location
MysteryGift_PartialCardData=Partial card data
MysteryGift_OTGift=OT = gift
MysteryGift_OTPlayer=OT = player
MysteryGift_ShareCount=Share count
MysteryGift_GamesLimitedTo=Games limited to
MysteryGift_ManaphyEgg=Manaphy Egg
MysteryGift_PoketchApplication=Poktch Application
MysteryGift_PokewalkerArea=Pokwalker Area
MysteryGift_UsedWonderCardIDs=Used Wonder Card IDs
MysteryGift_ClearAll=Clear all
MysteryGift_CardUsed=Card has been used.
Items_SetCount=Set count
Items_CheckAll=Check all bags
Items_UncheckAll=Uncheck all bags
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------CodeInput_Title=Inserisci codice
CodeInput_Invalid=Codice non valido
About_CreatedBy=Creato da
About_Thanks=Grazie a:\n* Chi mi ha fatto una donazione, per avermi mantenuto mo
tivato e avermi supportato\n* X-Act\n* mingot\n* Sabresite\n* SCV\n* Guested\n*
Bond697\n* xfr\n* http//\n* http//\n
*\n* Gli utenti dei forum di per feedback e

bug reports\n\nPokmon 1995-2011 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokmon e

tutti i relativi marchi sono di propriet di Nintendo.
UpdateAvailable=A newer version of PokeGen is now available. To upgrade to this
version from the one you're currently using requires a manual update.\n\nThe do
wnload thread can be found on the forums. Use the "Updates a
nd feedback" entry in the "Help" menu to go there.
Update_Fail=Aggiornamento fallito. Chiudi tutte le finestre di PokeGen e riprova
Update_Restart=PokGen deve essere riavviato per completare l'aggiornamento.
Update_DownloadProgress=Progresso del download
Update_Downloading=In Download
Update_LanguageFile=supporto linguistico
Stats_SAttack=Attacco Sp.
Stats_SDefense=Difesa Sp.
Game_FireRed=Rosso Fuoco
Game_LeafGreen=Verde Foglia

Misc_GameSwitchWithSave=Changing the target game will close the save file. Cont
Error_IntegerNumber=Puoi inserire solo numeri interi positivi qui.
Error_PIDFinder_HiddenPower=La potenza dell'Introforza non pu essere di oltre 70.
Error_IVs=Le IV non possono essere superiori a 31.
Error_EVs=Le IV non possono essere superiori a 255.
Error_Stats=Le stats non possono essere superiori a 65535.
Error_ContestStats=Le stats delle Gare non possono essere superiori a 255.
Error_NoSaveFile=Devi aprire un salvataggio prima di poter salvare.
Error_Experience=I Punti Esperienza non possono essere superiori a 1,640,000.
Error_Happiness=La Felicit non pu essere superiore a 255.
Error_Level_Low=Il livello non pu essere minore di 1.
Error_Level_High=Il livello non pu essere superiore a 100.
Error_Met_Level=Il livello non pu essere superiore a 127.
Error_PP=I PP non possono essere superiori a 255.
Error_ID=Il numero di ID non pu essere superiore a 65535.
Error_PID=Il PID non pu essere superiore a 4294967295.
Error_Bytes=I bytes non possono avere valore superiore a 255.
Error_InvalidChar=Carattere non valido.
Error_NameLength=Raggiunta la lunghezza limite.
Error_EscapeSequence=Sequenza di escape non valida.
Error_UnableToOpen=Impossibile aprire
Error_FileSize=La dimensione del file non di nessun tipo di file supportato.
Error_UnableToOpenSaveFile=Impossibile aprire il salvataggio
Error_InvalidSaveFile=Salvataggio non valido
Error_DUCFile=Il file ora aperto non un salvataggio DUC. Puoi salvarlo con l'est
ensione ".duc", ma rimarr comunque nel formato di salvataggio regolare, non DUC.
Error_ForWriting=per scrivere
Error_UnableToCreateOrWriteBackup=Impossibile creare/scrivere sul file di backup
Error_FailedToWrite=Errore nella scrittura su
Error_UnableToWrite=Impossibile scrivere su
Error_LanguageFileNotFound=File di linguaggio non trovato.
Error_IncompleteLanguageFile=Il file di linguaggio incompleto. Alcune stringhe n

on sono state caricate.

Error_PartyCount_High=Non possono esserci pi di 6 Pokmon in squadra.
Error_PartyCount_Low=Deve esserci almeno un Pokmon in squadra.
Error_G4CardToG5=Generation 4 cards cannot be inserted into generation 5 games.
Error_G5CardToG4=Generation 5 cards cannot be inserted into generation 4 games.
Error_GameSwitchWithSave=Changing the target game will close the save file. Con
Error_SaveStateLoad=Unable to load save state.
Error_SaveStateGame=Unable to determine save state game.
Error_CGearFileSize=C-Gear background image files must be 9728 bytes.
Error_SaveStateMismatch=This save state doesn't match the game/language chosen.
LoadSave_Supported=File Supportati
LoadSave_AllFiles=All files
LoadSave_MysteryGiftFiles=Mystery Gift files
LoadSave_MysteryGift_PartialCard=Partial Wonder Card (G4)
LoadSave_MysteryGift_WonderCard_G4=Wonder Card (G4)
LoadSave_MysteryGift_WonderCard_G5=Wonder Card (G5)
LoadSave_CGearBackgrounds=C-Gear background images
LoadSave_CGearBackground=C-Gear background image
Encounter_1=Uovo/Parco Amici/Evento/Miele/Shaymin
Encounter_2=Rock Smash
Encounter_3=Erba alta/Darkrai
Encounter_5=Grotta/Spazio Origine/Giratina
Encounter_6=Catturato in acqua
Encounter_7=Catturato in un edificio
Encounter_8=Grande Palude/Zona Safari
Encounter_10=Mondo Distorto
Encounter_11=Starter/Eevee di Bebe/Fossile (Solo su Platino?)
Ribbon_Champion=Fiocco Campione
Ribbon_Cool=Fiocco Classe
Ribbon_CoolSuper=Fiocco Classe Mega
Ribbon_CoolHyper=Fiocco Classe Ultra
Ribbon_CoolMaster=Fiocco Classe Master
Ribbon_Beauty=Fiocco Bellezza
Ribbon_BeautySuper=Fiocco Bellezza Mega
Ribbon_BeautyHyper=Fiocco Bellezza Ultra
Ribbon_BeautyMaster=Fiocco Bellezza Master
Ribbon_Cute=Fiocco Grazia
Ribbon_CuteSuper=Fiocco Grazia Mega
Ribbon_CuteHyper=Fiocco Grazia Ultra
Ribbon_CuteMaster=Fiocco Grazia Master
Ribbon_Smart=Fiocco Acume
Ribbon_SmartSuper=Fiocco Acume Mega
Ribbon_SmartHyper=Fiocco Acume Ultra
Ribbon_SmartMaster=Fiocco Acume Master
Ribbon_Tough=Fiocco Grinta

Ribbon_ToughSuper=Fiocco Grinta Mega

Ribbon_ToughHyper=Fiocco Grinta Ultra
Ribbon_ThoughMaster=Fiocco Grinta Master
Ribbon_Winning=Fiocco Vittoria
Ribbon_Victory=Fiocco Trionfo
Ribbon_Artist=Fiocco Artista
Ribbon_Effort=Fiocco Merito
Ribbon_Marine=Fiocco Mare
Ribbon_Land=Fiocco Terra
Ribbon_Sky=Fiocco Cielo
Ribbon_Country=Fiocco Paese
Ribbon_National=Fiocco Nazionale
Ribbon_Earth=Fiocco Geo
Ribbon_World=Fiocco Mondiale
Ribbon_SinnohChamp=Fiocco Campione di Sinnoh
Ribbon_Cool_Super=Fiocco Classe (Super)
Ribbon_CoolGreat_Super=Fiocco Classe: Livello Mega (Super)
Ribbon_CoolUltra_Super=Fiocco Classe: Livello Ultra (Super)
Ribbon_CoolMaster_Super=Fiocco Classe: Livello Master (Super)
Ribbon_Beauty_Super=Fiocco Bellezza (Super)
Ribbon_BeautyGreat_Super=Fiocco Bellezza: Livello Mega (Super)
Ribbon_BeautyUltra_Super=Fiocco Bellezza: Livello Ultra (Super)
Ribbon_BeautyMaster_Super=Fiocco Bellezza: Livello Master (Super)
Ribbon_Cute_Super=Fiocco Grazia (Super)
Ribbon_CuteGreat_Super=Fiocco Grazia: Livello Mega (Super)
Ribbon_CuteUltra_Super=Fiocco Grazia: Livello Ultra (Super)
Ribbon_CuteMaster_Super=Fiocco Grazia: Livello Master (Super)
Ribbon_Smart_Super=Fiocco Acume (Super)
Ribbon_SmartGreat_Super=Fiocco Acume: Livello Mega (Super)
Ribbon_SmartUltra_Super=Fiocco Acume: Livello Ultra (Super)
Ribbon_SmartMaster_Super=Fiocco Acume: Livello Master (Super)
Ribbon_Tough_Super=Fiocco Grinta (Super)
Ribbon_ToughGreat_Super=Fiocco Grinta: Livello Mega (Super)
Ribbon_ToughUltra_Super=Fiocco Grinta: Livello Ultra (Super)
Ribbon_ToughMaster_Super=Fiocco Grinta: Livello Master (Super)
Ribbon_Ability=Fiocco Abilit
Ribbon_GreatAbility=Fiocco Abilit Mega
Ribbon_DoubleAbility=Fiocco Abilit Doppia
Ribbon_MultiAbility=Fiocco Abilit Multipla
Ribbon_PairAbility=Fiocco Abilit Insieme
Ribbon_WorldAbility=Fiocco Abilit Mondiale
Ribbon_Alert=Fiocco Allarme
Ribbon_Shock=Fiocco Stupore
Ribbon_Downcast=Fiocco Sconforto
Ribbon_Careless=Fiocco Indolenza
Ribbon_Relax=Fiocco Relax
Ribbon_Snooze=Fiocco Pisolino
Ribbon_Smile=Fiocco Sorriso
Ribbon_Gorgeous=Fiocco Meraviglia
Ribbon_Royal=Fiocco Reale
Ribbon_GorgeousRoyal=Fiocco Meraviglia Reale
Ribbon_Footprint=Fiocco Impronta
Ribbon_Record=Fiocco Record
Ribbon_History=Fiocco Storia
Ribbon_Legend=Fiocco Leggenda
Ribbon_Red=Fiocco Rosso
Ribbon_Green=Fiocco Verde
Ribbon_Blue=Fiocco Blu
Ribbon_Festival=Fiocco Festival
Ribbon_Carnival=Fiocco Carnevale

Ribbon_Classic=Fiocco Classico
Ribbon_Premier=Fiocco Principale
Ribbon_BattleChampion=Fiocco Campione Torneo
Ribbon_RegionalChampion=Fiocco Campione Regionale
Ribbon_NationalChampion=Fiocco Campione Nazionale
Ribbon_Event=Fiocco Evento
Ribbon_WorldChampion=Fiocco Campione del Mondo
Ribbon_Birthday=Fiocco Compleanno
Ribbon_Special=Fiocco Speciale
Ribbon_Souvenir=Fiocco Souvenir
Ribbon_Wishing=Fiocco Desiderio
Tooltip_Main_PID=PID\dA hidden value that every Pokmon has. It determines multip
le characteristics of a Pokmon, such as gender, nature, and shininess.\n\nIf you
leave this editbox empty, a random PID will be produced for you that matches all
of the criteria you specify. Note that this PID isn't generated by any means t
hat any of the games use.
Tooltip_Main_PIDFinder=Find PID\dThis button opens a dialog that allows you to s
earch for PIDs based on a set of IVs, nature, gender, and shininess. In order t
o get a "legal" Pokmon, you must use a valid PID. This tool will help you to obt
ain one.
Tooltip_Main_Species=Species\dThe Pokmon to generate.
Tooltip_Main_Nickname=Nickname\dThe Pokmon's nickname. When editing this, a char
acter map will pop up that allows you to see what the known characters in-game l
ook like. You can double click on any of these to insert the escape sequence (\
\xxxx) needed to produce that character.\nCharacters with a blue box in the char
acter map have no visible pixels in-game. The blue box represents how wide the
character is.\n\nWhen loading Pokmon data, escape sequences portraying all 11 cha
racters aren't always displayed. If 0xFFFF followed by any number of 0x0000 cha
racters is found, the characters from 0xFFFF and on aren't displayed.\nWhen savi
ng Pokmon data, if 11 characters aren't provided, 0xFFFF is appended with 0x0000
after until 11 characters have been written.
Tooltip_Main_Nicknamed=Nicknamed\dA flag in the Pokmon data that indicates whethe
r or not the Pokmon's nickname was manually set.
Tooltip_Main_Experience=Experience\dA Pokmon's level is determined by the amount
of experience points it has. The level editbox to the right will update with th
e level the Pokmon will be based on the experience value you've entered.
Tooltip_Main_Level=Level\dEditing this will change the experience points on the
left needed to be exactly at this level.
Tooltip_Main_Nature=Nature\dThe nature of a Pokmon can affect its stats. Below i
s a list of how each nature affects stats:\nA=Attack, D=Defense, S=Speed, SA=Spe
cial Attack, SD=Special Defense\nLonely: +A -D\nBrave: +A -S\nAdamant: +A -SA\nN
aughty: +A -SD\nBold: +D -A\nRelaxed: +D -S\nImpish: +D -SA\nLax: +D -SD\nTimid:
+S -A\nHasty: +S -D\nJolly: +S -SA\nNaive: +S -SD\nModest: +SA -A\nMild: +SA -D
\nQuiet: +SA -S\nRash: +SA -SD\nCalm: +SD -A\nGentle: +SD -D\nSassy: +SD -S\nCar
eful: +SD -SA\nBashful: No change\nDocile: No change\nHardy: No change\nQuirky:
No change\nSerious: No change
Tooltip_Main_HeldItem=Held item\dAn item the Pokmon will be carrying with it. Yo
u can take this item off of it in-game.
Tooltip_Main_Happiness=Happiness/steps to hatch an egg\dValid values: 0-255\n\nI
f the Pokmon is being generated as an egg, this value represents the number of st
eps it'll take to hatch the egg. It's not the exact number of steps. The happi
ness value is multiplied by 256 to get the number of steps required.
Tooltip_Main_Ability=Ability\dThis can be set to any ability in the game, regard
less of the Pokmon. It doesn't need to match the PID's ability number either. O
bviously using an ability that a Pokmon normally can't have will make it "illegal
Tooltip_Main_AbilityValue=Ability value\dWhen a PID is automatically generated f

or you (that is, the PID editbox is left blank), this combobox will specify whic
h ability the PID represents.
Tooltip_Main_Form=Form\dSome Pokmon have alternate forms. If the species you sel
ect has more than one form, it'll become selectable here.
Tooltip_Main_Country=Country\dIndicates where the Pokmon originated. If you spec
ify a region that's different from the game you're playing, the Pokmon gains incr
eased experience.
Tooltip_Main_Origin=Origin\dThe game in which the Pokmon is caught.\n\nThe only t
hings I know of that this affects are the display of the Pokball in the summary a
nd the displayed met location when the Pokmon is set as met in Pal Park. For the
Pokball, if the origin is Heart Gold or Soul Silver, it'll allow the Pokball to b
e displayed as one of the apricorn balls.
Tooltip_Main_ShinyLeaf=Shiny leaf\dA special indicator on the Pokmon's summary.
Tooltip_Main_Gender=Gender\dIndicates the Pokmon's gender.
Tooltip_Main_Egg=Egg\dChecking this will result in the Pokmon being in an egg. T
he amount of time it takes to hatch is dependent on the happiness value.\n\nHavi
ng this set will result in the "As egg" checkbox forcibly being set in the "Met"
tab. You also can't set hatch conditions while this is checked.
Tooltip_Main_Pokerus=Pokrus\dThe Pokrus causes the Pokmon to gain EVs at an increas
ed rate. It can also spread to other Pokmon while the virus has remaining days.\
n\nThis value has two parts. The first is a random value picked by the game tha
t literally has no meaning aside from "has virus" (1-15) or "doesn't have virus"
(0). All "has virus" values are treated exactly the same by the games. The se
cond value represents the number of days the Pokmon can retain the "active" virus
Tooltip_Main_Shiny=Shiny\dAll Pokmon have an alternate color scheme that can be u
sed. It's very rare to normally find a Pokmon that's shiny.\n\nIf you specify a
PID, the original trainer IDs must match properly in order for the Pokmon to be s
hiny. You can use the "Generate shiny IDs" button to create IDs that match. Th
is checkbox will be checked/unchecked automatically to indicate whether or not t
he IDs match.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Met_MatchingTrainerInfo=Matching trainer information\d(This is only appl
icable to eggs.) Checking this will tell PokeGen to treat location data as if th
e trainer data of the Pokemon matches the trainer data in the save file. If the
y don't match, egg location data is interpreted differently by the game.
Tooltip_Met_Game=Game\dThe game in which this Pokmon was met.\n\nLocations and ba
ll types will be limited to only those available in the game you select.\n\nDue
to limitations in the way location data is stored, this won't always accurately
represent which game the Pokmon was met in when loading Pokmon data. Saving is al
ways correct, however.
Tooltip_Met_Location=Location\dThe location where the Pokmon was obtained. Note
that there are locations that don't exist in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. You can se
t it to one of these locations, but it'll show up in those games as "Mystery Zon
e" or "Faraway Place".
Tooltip_Met_Ball=Ball\dThe ball that appears in the Pokmon's summary.
Tooltip_Met_Level=Level\dValid values: 0-127\n\nThe level the Pokmon was obtained
Tooltip_Met_Date=Date\dThe date that the Pokmon was obtained.
Tooltip_Met_Encounter=Encounter\dAs far as I know, this doesn't affect anything
in-game, but is needed for legality purposes.
Tooltip_Met_FatefulEncounter=Fateful encounter\dAdds a line to the summary indic
ating that it was a "fateful encounter". This is apparently needed by some (if
not all) Pokmon in order to trigger special in-game events.
Tooltip_Met_AsEgg=As egg\dCheck this to make the Pokmon appear as if it was obtai
ned as an egg. If "Egg" is checked on the main tab, you won't be able to set ha
tch conditions or uncheck this control.

Tooltip_Met_HatchGame=Hatch game\dThe game this Pokmon hatched in.\n\nLocations w

ill be limited to only those available in the game you select.\n\nDue to limitat
ions in the way location data is stored, this won't always accurately represent
which game the Pokmon was met in when loading Pokmon data. Saving is always corre
ct, however.
Tooltip_Met_HatchLocation=Hatch location\dThe location where the Pokmon hatched.
Tooltip_Met_HatchDate=Hatch date\dThe date that the Pokmon hatched.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Stats_NameText=Stats\dHover over the IV or EV editboxes for explanations
of what these values are.
Tooltip_Stats_IVs=IVs\dValid values: 0-31\n\nThese are values which determine th
e highest possible value each stat can achieve.\n\nIf you're trying to generate
a "legal" Pokmon, the IVs need to match the PID properly. You can use the PID fi
nder to accomplish this.
Tooltip_Stats_EVs=EVs\dValid values: 0-255\n\nAfter each Pokmon you defeat, the p
articipants are awarded EV points based on the species of the opponent. These p
oints, similar to IVs, determine how high the stat is. The difference here is t
hat EVs can legitimately only go up to 510 total. The game allows you to set th
em all to 255 if you want, however.
Tooltip_Stats_Actual=Stat\dThe stat that results from the given IV/EVs for the P
okmon. This is the stat that will appear in-game on the summary.\n\nYou can set
these to custom values by checking "Manual stats". Read its tooltip for more in
formation.\n\nValid values: 0-65535
Tooltip_Stats_ManualStats=Manual stats\dChecking this will allow you to set the
stat values to whatever you choose. This is only applicable to party Pokemon.
The stats will be reset to what they're supposed to be when the Pokemon is place
d in the PC.
Tooltip_Stats_EVTotal=EV total\dThis is the sum of all 6 EVs. The games don't n
ormally allow the EV total to exceed 510, so if you're trying to go for a "legal
" Pokmon, make sure this number doesn't go beyond 510.
Tooltip_Stats_HiddenPower=Hidden Power\dHidden Power is an attack which has a di
fferent type and power based on the IVs of a Pokmon. The type and power are disp
layed here.
Tooltip_Stats_Characteristic=Characteristic\dThe Pokmon summary has a line of tex
t which changes based on the highest IV. If there are multiple IVs that're the
same value, and the highest of all the IVs, the PID is used to determine the tex
t. If no PID is given on the main tab, this text can't be determined beforehand
, as the PID is randomly generated upon creation of the Pokmon.
Tooltip_Stats_Contest=Contest stats\dValid values: 0-255
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Attacks_PP=PP\dValid values: 0-255\n\nThese normally can't go over 64, b
ut the game allows them to go up to 255.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Misc_OTGender=Original trainer gender\dIndicates the gender of the origi
nal trainer of the Pokmon.
Tooltip_Misc_OTID=Original trainer ID\dThe first editbox is the visible number o
f the original trainer's ID. The second is the hidden (secret) ID.\n\nBoth of t
hese must match your current trainer IDs (along with the trainer name matching y
ours) in order for the game to consider the Pokmon yours. If they don't match, t
he game will treat it as a traded Pokmon.
Tooltip_Misc_OTName=Original trainer name\dThe name of the Pokmon's original trai

ner. This, along with the IDs and trainer gender, must match exactly to your ch
aracter in-game in order for the game to recognize the Pokmon as yours and not on
e that was traded to you.\n\nWhen editing this, a character map will pop up that
allows you to see what the known characters in-game look like. You can double
click on any of these to insert the escape sequence (\\xxxx) needed to produce t
hat character.\nCharacters with a blue box in the character map have no visible
pixels in-game. The blue box represents how wide the character is.\n\nWhen load
ing Pokmon data, escape sequences portraying all 8 characters aren't always displ
ayed. If 0xFFFF followed by any number of 0x0000 characters is found, the chara
cters from 0xFFFF and on aren't displayed.\nWhen saving Pokmon data, if 8 charact
ers aren't provided, 0xFFFF is appended with 0x0000 after until 8 characters hav
e been written.
Tooltip_Misc_GenerateShinyID=Generate shiny ID\dClicking this will generate a SI
D that will result in a Pokmon that's shiny. Shininess is determined by a combin
ation of the PID and IDs, so if they don't match in the right way, the Pokmon won
't be shiny.
Tooltip_Misc_ExtraBytes=Extra bytes\dValid values: 0-255\n\nPokmon data has some
bytes that're either unknown or supposedly unused. You can manually set all of
these here.
Tooltip_Misc_Markers=Markers\dThese are the markers used in the PC. They're sol
ely for organizational purposes as far as I know.
Tooltip_Misc_Ribbons=Ribbons\dThese are obtained from contests in-game. Some ar
e also from special events outside of the game. The text that special ribbons d
isplay can be changed, but I don't know how it's done.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_PIDFinder_IVs=IVs\dThe search starts with these IVs. They'll be changed
(if needed) if the polarity isn't set to "=".
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Polarity=Polarity\dThese determine how the IV changes if neede
d during the search. Plus and minus increase and decrease the stat, while equal
s prevents it from changing. If an IV reaches 0 or 31, it's wrapped around to t
he opposite value.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Priority=Priority\dWhen a stat needs to be changed, it's done
one at a time. Stats with a higher priority value get changed first. (6 gets ch
anged before 1, for example.) If multiple stats have the same priority, they're
changed from the bottom up based on what you see in the PID finder dialog.\n\nS
tats with a polarity setting of "=" ignore priority.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Characteristic=Characteristic\dThe Pokmon summary has a line of
text which changes based on the highest IV. If there are multiple IVs that're
the same value, and the highest of all the IVs, the PID is used to determine the
text. If no PID is given on the main tab, this text can't be determined before
hand, as the PID is randomly generated upon creation of the Pokmon.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_HiddenPower=Hidden Power\dHidden Power is an attack which has
a different type and power based on the IVs of a Pokmon.\n\nChecking this will on
ly allow IVs to be selected which produce the specified Hidden Power type and po
Tooltip_PIDFinder_HiddenPower_Type=Hidden Power type\dThe type the Hidden Power
attack will have.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_HiddenPower_Range=Power range\dThis determines how the search
is performed on the power value. * means that it'll match any value.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_HiddenPower_Power=Power\dThe power of Hidden Power.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Method=Method\dThese simply represent various ways the game ge
nerates PIDs.\nMethod 1 is supposedly used for all generation 4 Pokmon.\nMethod 1
0 and 11 are used for event Pokmon.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Shiny=Shiny\dIn order for a Pokmon to be shiny, its PID must ma
tch its trainer IDs properly. The IDs used are from the main dialog.\n\nFinding
a PID with method CS will always result in a shiny Pokmon, regardless of this ch
eckbox.\n\nChecked - Only include shiny PID matches in the search. The PID is c

hecked against your IDs from the main dialog to determine if it'll produce a shi
ny Pokmon.\nShaded - Include shiny and non-shiny PIDs.\nUnchecked - Only include
non-shiny PIDs.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Species=Species\dThe species is only used here to determine ge
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Ability=Ability\dIf a the Pokmon is a species that existed in g
eneration 3, only had one ability in generation 3, has a second ability in gener
ation 4, and evolves, setting this to 2 will cause the Pokmon to have the second
ability upon evolving.\n\nAs far as I know, that's its only purpose.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Search=Search\dStarts the PID search process. The progress wi
ll be displayed to the right of this button. Once started, you can stop the sea
rch by closing the PID finder or clicking this button again.\n\nWhen the search
is stopped, the IVs it left off at will be inserted into the PID finder's IV edi
Tooltip_PIDFinder_Cancel=Cancel\dCloses the PID finder without selecting a PID.
Tooltip_PIDFinder_OK=OK\dCloses the PID finder and fills in the PID, species, an
d nature on the Main tab with the values you have selected. The IVs of the PID
are also inserted into the IVs section of the Stats tab.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Game=Game\dThe game to generate codes for.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Language=Language\dThe language of the game to generate co
des for.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_ActivationButtons=Activation buttons\dButtons that must be
pressed (simultaneously) to activate the codes.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_CodeType=Code type\dThis lets you change the format of the
codes. Type 1 is shorter, but may not work on emulators. Type 2 always works
on emulators. Both types work fine on hardware.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_PartyCount=Party count\dTo add more Pokmon to your party, c
heck this and change it to the appropriate value. Party Pokmon must be contiguou
s. That means there must be one in each slot up to the maximum number of party
Pokmon set here. If there's one missing, the game may freeze.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_SelectedPokemon=Selected Pokmon\dThis will generate codes f
or any selected Pokmon on the main dialog.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Pokedex=Pokdex\dCheck this to output codes for the Pokdex da
ta. The number of codes generated for this is fairly long, so keep that in mind
. Also, part of the codes for HG/SS will not work on versions of DeSmuME (an em
ulator) prior to revision 3731.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_CodeList=Code list\dThis is just a way to view the codes p
rior to copying them.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Export=Export codes\dClicking this will allow you to save
an XML file with all of the code data contained within it. This can be dragged
onto the Action Replay code manager to easily put the codes onto its list.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Generate=Generate\dGenerates the codes.
Tooltip_CodeGenerator_Copy=Copy\dCopies the codes to the clipboard, allowing you
to paste them elsewhere.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Pokedex_Features=Features\dSome options here aren't available on some ga
mes.\n\nObtained - Whether or not the Pokdex has been obtained.\nNational - Enabl
es toggling between national and regional Pokdex modes.\nMultilingual - Allows vi
ewing of Pokdex data in other languages.\nForm Viewer - Diamond/Pearl/Platinum re
quire this to be set in order to view alternate forms.
Tooltip_Pokedex_SortByNumber=Sort by number\dThis will sort the Pokmon list by na
tional number, rather than by name.
Tooltip_Pokedex_Pokemon=Pokmon\dThe species of the Pokmon to view/modify Pokdex dat

a for.
Tooltip_Pokedex_Seen=Seen\dDetermines whether or not the Pokmon has been seen. T
his must be checked in order for it to be marked as caught.
Tooltip_Pokedex_Caught=Caught\dCheck to mark the Pokmon as having been caught.
Tooltip_Pokedex_Languages=Languages\dThese determine the languages of games you'
ve seen Pokmon from. With the multilanguage feature enabled in the Pokdex, you'll
be able to view descriptions in other languages. (Only 14 for Diamond/Pearl.)
Tooltip_Pokedex_Normal=Normal\dGenders and forms below will represent the non-sh
iny versions.
Tooltip_Pokedex_Shiny=Shiny\dGenders and forms below will represent the shiny ve
Tooltip_Pokedex_Genders=Genders\dAvailable genders for the species will be liste
d here. For generation 4 games, the order they appear in the seen list determin
es the order they were seen.\n\nRight clicking a gender in the seen list (for Bl
ack/White) will mark that gender as the last selected one. (Parentheses denote
the selected gender.)
Tooltip_Pokedex_Forms=Forms\dOnly certain Pokmon have alternate forms. Like gend
ers, the order they appear in for generation 4 games determines the order they w
ere seen. The top form is the one that's displayed in the Pokdex list.\n\nRight
clicking a form in the seen list (for Black/White) will mark that form as the la
st selected one. The last selected form is the one that shows up in the Pokdex l
ist. (Parentheses denote the selected form.)
Tooltip_Pokedex_SeenNone=Seen none\dMarks all Pokmon as unseen.
Tooltip_Pokedex_SeenAll=Seen all\dMarks all Pokmon as seen, including all forms a
nd all languages.
Tooltip_Pokedex_CaughtAllOwned=Caught all owned\dThis will mark all Pokmon curren
tly loaded into the party and box slots in the main dialog as having been seen a
nd caught.
Tooltip_Pokedex_CaughtNone=Caught none\dMarks all Pokmon as not having been caugh
Tooltip_Pokedex_CaughtAll=Caught all\dMarks all Pokmon as having been caught. Si
nce it's required for having been caught, this also marks all Pokmon as seen, inc
luding all languages and forms.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_MysteryGifts_IDs=IDs\dEvery Wonder Card has a unique ID. When you obtai
n a card, the ID is recorded in your save file, indicating that you've gotten it
Tooltip_MysteryGifts_Slot=Slot\dThese slots represent Wonder Cards in your save
Tooltip_MysteryGifts_Export=Export\dSave the Wonder Card data to a file.
Tooltip_MysteryGifts_ToTabs=To tabs\dGeneration 4 only. This lets you view the
Pokmon data associated with a Wonder Card. The data is only a PREVIEW, it's not
intended to allow you to "extract" a Pokmon from the card.
Tooltip_MysteryGifts_ToSave=To save\dCopy the loaded Wonder Card to the currentl
y selected save file slot.
Tooltip_MysteryGifts_WCFile=Wonder Card file\dThis area lets you view the data o
f a Wonder Card file without actually inserting it into a save file slot.
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooltip_Items_Checkbox=Code selection\dThese checkboxes indicate which item slot
s codes will be generated for.

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